Dynamic Strategic Arbitrage∗ Vincent Fardeauy Frankfurt School of Finance and Managment This version: June 11, 2014 Abstract Asset prices do not adjust instantaneously following uninformative demand or supply shocks. This paper offers a theory based on arbitrageurs' price impact to explain these slow-moving cap- ital dynamics. Arbitrageurs recognizing their price impact break up trades, leading to gradual price adjustments. When shocks are anticipated, prices exhibit a V-shaped pattern, with a peak at the realization of the shocks. The dynamics of market depth and price adjustments depend on the degree of competition between arbitrageurs. When shocks are uncertain, price dynamics depend on the interaction between arbitrageurs' competition and the total risk-bearing capacity of the market. JEL codes: G12, G20, L12; Keywords: Strategic arbitrage, liquidity, price impact, limits of arbitrage. ∗I benefited from comments from Miguel Ant´on,Bruno Biais, Maria-Cecilia Bustamante, Amil Dasgupta, Michael Gordy, Martin Oehmke (discussant), Matt Pritsker, Jean-Charles Rochet, Yuki Sato, Kostas Zachariadis, Jean-Pierre Zigrand and seminar and conference participants at LSE, INSEAD, FRB, the University of Zurich and the 2013 AFA meetings in San Diego. I am grateful to Dimitri Vayanos and Denis Gromb for supervision and insights. Jay Im provided excellent research assistance. This paper is the first part of a paper previously circulated as \Strategic Arbitrage with Entry". All remaining errors are my own. yDepartment of Finance, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Sonnemannstrasse 9-11, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Email:
[email protected]. 1 1 Introduction Empirical evidence shows that prices recover slowly from demand or supply shocks that are unre- lated to future earnings and that these patterns are due to imperfections in the supply of capital.