T Applications for British Columbia, Canada, %FDFNCFS +FOO.#VSU]1IJMMJQ"LJOT]&SJO-BUIBN .BSUJOB#FDL]"OOF,4BMPNPO]/BUBMJF$#BO MARINE PROTECTED AREA NETWORK DESIGN FEATURES THAT SUPPORT RESILIENT HUMAN-OCEAN SYSTEMS - APPLICATIONS FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA - Authors Jenn M. Burt1,3*, Phillip Akins2, Erin Latham2, Martina Beck2, Anne K. Salomon1,3, Natalie C. Ban2 1 - School of Resource & Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada 2 - School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada 3 - Hakai Institute, Tula Foundation, Quadra Island, B.C., Canada * Corresponding author -
[email protected] Report section lead authors: (1) JMB, (2) JMB, (3) PA, (4) JMB, (5) EL, (6) JMB Citation Burt, J.M., Akins, P., Lathem, E. Beck, M., Salomon, A.K., Ban, N.C. 2014. Marine protected area network design features that support resilient human-ocean systems - Applications for British Columbia, Canada. Simon Fraser University. British Columbia, Canada. 159 pp. Web location http://www.sfu.ca/coastal/research-series/listing/marine-protected-area-network-design-features-that-support--resi.html Disclaimer This frst version of this document was prepared for the Kitasoo/XaiXais First Nation and the Great Bear Initiative Society in July 2013. The contents are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily refect the views of the Kitasoo/XaiXais First Nation or the Great Bear Initiative Society. Funding Funding for this report was provided by the Kitasoo/XaiXais First Nation and Coastal First Nations-Great Bear Initiative Society. Additional support for J.M. Burt’s time was provided by NSERC and through the Hakai Institute as a Hakai Scholar.