Murday, Kenney Triumph
. .Posse — page 5 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary’s WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1981 Gamer 63.6 percent Murday, Kenney triumph By MIKE O’BRIEN The new SBP, who calls Avon, New Jersey his home, Staff Reporter is a junior business major currently serving as president of Carroll Hall. Kenney, who is the president of Lyons Notre Dame students yesterday elected Don Murday Hall, is a junior from Adrian, Michigan. and his running mate Tara Kenney to the offices of stu Padgett, the new senator from District 1 (St. Ed’s, dent body president and vice-president. Lewis, Holy Cross, Carroll, Sorin, Walsh, and Alumni) is Also elected were four new representatives to the a sophomore from Lewis. She received 61.4 percent of student senate, Clare Padgett in District 1, Brian Callag the vote to defeat St. Ed's junior Richard Navarro, who han in District 2, Tom Weithman in District 4, and Matt had 38.6 percent. Huffman from off campus In District 2 (Stanford, Keenan, Zahm, Cavanaugh, District 3 saw the only really close race of the day as BP, and Farley), Keenan freshman Brian Callaghan beat Carl Carney and Patricia Hiler survived the challenge of Zahm junior Edward Bylina 62.8 percent to 37.2 per three other candidates to advance to a runoff election cent. • tomorrow. The vote total in District 3 ( Dillon, Badin, Howard, Murday and Kenney polled 63.3 percent o f the SBP Morrissey, Lyons, Pangborn, Fisher) was Carl Carney vote to overwhelm the opposition ticket of Pat Bor26.7 percent, Patrica Hiler 23.2 percent, Tom Cushing chers and Rosemary Canino, which garnered 19.2 per 21.8 percent, Bob Zimmerman 17.4 percent, and David cent o f the ballots.
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