State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College Digital Commons at Buffalo State The aM deline Davis Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, The iF fth rF eedom Transgender Archives of Western New York

7-1-1976 Fifth rF eedom, 1976-07-01 The aM ttachine Society of the Niagara Frontier

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Recommended Citation The aM ttachine Society of the Niagara Frontier, "Fifth rF eedom, 1976-07-01" (1976). The Fifth Freedom. 42.

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>*■ v OPEN NIGHTLY 'TIL 4AM c mmy FOR YOUR DRINKING AND ffi\ MB 3 DANCING ENJOYMENT! JflJ* SAT. & S U N. -OPEN FROM IPM /-T 1 J "Your Favorite Nightspot!" L—£ ' 274 Delaware Aye. - Buffalo, N.Y. P*

L^y^ I ' ( ~$ ~t ] V iVattvuzt ~fitipf



gj| • OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 OUT PRIVLEGES MM t •IN AND (WEEK-ENDS) Hr AtA drugstores S <*BCA4AN I SAUNA I p|r| i Isle} rji Irlalp ill'—i I IIi iii The people listed below are prisoners who need correspon- dence from other gays in or- der to offset the loneliness ANGEL WITH A TAIL 5 and despondence that results from being imprisoned. And quite often they are isolated HISTORY OF GAY LIBERATION... 6 from other inmates because they are gay. You'd help a lot by taking a few minutes HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA... 12 to drop them a line. EDITORIAL MAILBAG 4 Charles Buckaloo #91231 PO Box 97 McAlester, Oka REVIEW 8

Charles Buckaloo #91231 ENTERTAINMENT 10 PO Box 97 McAlester, Okla. 74501 SHORT SHOTS 16 CLASSIFIED 19 Peter H. Dunham A-49040 PO Box 686 (F-212) Soledad, Ca. 93960 STH FREEDOM: Circulation 2000. STAFF: Benji, Greg Bodekor, Joyce C., Joe Dietrich, Jim Helman, Dennis Henly, Brian MacArthur, Martha Magill, Don Michaels, Kirn Santos, John Yanson, Andy Zach. William W. Foster MAILING ADDRESS: Box 975, Ellicott Sta., Buffalo,N.Y. 14205 Box 900 STH FREEDOM is published 11 times a year,at 1350 Main St., Buffalo Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 N.Y. 14209, Phone (716) 881-5335, and printed by Octobergraphics, 1207 Hertel Aye., Buffalo, N.Y. 14216. Permission is required for reproduction of material. DEADLINE: 15th of each month. Michael R. Jolley #84519 ADVERTISING RATES ON REQUEST. VOL. 6, #6 PO Box 97 COVER ART by Joyce C. McAlester, Okla. 74501

Tom Seiser #22039 Green Haven Correctional Ctr. Drawer B Stormville. N.Y. 12582

Scott Lawerence Drawer A Atascadero, Ca. 93422

Donald B. Fitchett #79798 "— Virginia Penitentiary PO Box 27261 Richmond, Va. 23261

Richard Reed #132252 PO Box 6 9 London, Ohio 43146 custom tailoring in suede and leather clothing - bags - sandals - accessory items Frank Minister #74002 PO Box 97 McAlester, Okla. 74501 Httemotott leather* Allen • Jeff Hart #15493 77 Street Buffalo, New York 14202 Box 366 882-5633 MCI Bridgewater Bridgewater, Ma. 02324 featuring: huaraches clogs Complete Clog Servicing Rickie J. Noble > including- 846891 ve-styling block ve-building.' PO Box 2000 P-151 and Vacaville, Ca. 95688 EDITORIAL

This month marks the peak sexual history, and there shoulS- unashamedly identified as (we hope) of America's bicen- bfe, if there aren't already, such, and the list continues tennial celebration. At the gay scholars hard at work try- to cjrow. These institutions rate this country seems to be ing to unearth our past 200 will mark our history well. touting its 200th, one would years. Buffalo must certainly be think that this is it! That In the meantime, we're rich in its gay history, and after 1976, no more history. - making history as we've never what a research project it Everything is being celebrated; made it before. Loud and would be to uncover it! But, every conceivable consumer clear. In the past two decades the history that isn't diffi- product has appeared Ln various (jay America lias surfaced and cult to tell is that dating bicentennial forms; and all when the present is written from late 1969, when the of America's splendid history into the history books no was born in has been worked and reworde amount of deviousness by his- the aftermath of the Tiki Club of America's splendid history torians can cover up the impact police raids. Tn the 6h years has been worked and reworked we're making. since, Mattachine has contri- by its mass media. Or so it The difference between then buted much to the gay commun- seems. and now is our increasing un- ity in the Buffalo area, and America has history galore willingness to deny our iden- has an intriguing history of that is rarely unearthed, sim- tity. In the past, homosexual its own. (One which we hope ply because much of it is history was woven into the to chronicle in a future Lssue considered unflattering I It's fiber of the heterosexual oT the STH FREEDOM.) obviously safe to say that mainstream, necessitating a With the dozen or so gay this country's homosexual readiny-between-the-lines groups that have come, and history is considered unflat- effort to find it. But today, mostly gone, since 1969, ering. Our feature article as never before, we're creating Mattachine has shaped gay his- this month uncovers some of our own institutions: gay tory in Buffalo. Three years that history, in spite of the publications, gay counseling a(jo when Mattachine opened woefully scarce reference centers, medical facilities, its Cay Community Services sources. We suspect that social clubs, political organ- Center, the doomsayers said it this country is rich in home- izations, gay bars that are CONT. PG. 15 FROM OURMAILBAG

Dear Friends, ging my sexuality or for being with George Boyle and Paul active in local (jay liberation Travis from Albany, who were Your column "Short Shots" poli t Lcs- really concerned about the Les- in the April-May issue summa- .". inee rely , bians they knew, and who cared rizes an earlier article from about what these Lesbians the Advocate on the dismissal Crai(j Howell thought of them. Earl Colvin of a Seattle gay activist from Washington, D.C. of Syracuse!, who started the his federal job on charges of Legal Defense Fund for the "flaunting his homosexuality." present Lesbian Mother Case This story is inaccurate Dear Fifth Freedom; c/oing on in Syracuse. Michael because the court decision up- Robertson from Rochester, who holding the dismissal explicit- I enjoy reading Buffalo's at meetings trips mc and other ly ignored the impact of the gay magazine each month. I have Lesbians up when we say July 1975 guidelines published also been able to take advan- something sexist about our own by the U.S.Civil Service Com- tage of Buffalo's speakers sex without realizing our own mission, which abandoned the booked in the last two years to bad conditioning! Also, Tim policy of discharging any and begin Gay Pride Week. Last Mains irom Rochester's Empty all known homosexual federal year Elaine Noble, and this Closet win).".c feminist con- year employees. Therefore, there Rita Mac Brown were really sciousness would be hard to is no reason why any gay fed- great to sec. beat. And onto Arthur Goodman eral worker covered by the new The purpose of my letter from NYC's GAA who is much too regulations should now have to though, is in defense of some sophisticated to say or do fear loss of his or her job if things that these two women anything sexist or oppressive he or she wants to come out seemed to put down. One thing lo women. Although I have either in the office or to the being that there are no real only met him once, Bruce general public. male feminists around. Now, l Voeller seems to be dealing 1 have been open I y m said, holding out the boy's to us than time eventful. the pages of her book. "Very essay along with the fraternity Time unmarked by events, well," she said wearily. file original. says the theory, due to "If it's too much trouble... Mr. lleyl colored; his skin its very evenness, is offered John, piqued by her was pliably tender, translu- collapsible; in our minds indifference. Mary Kathleen scent almost, and the slight it shrinks down to a however shook her and flush heightened his charm. single moment.l In Arm- began to read. John watched him, sharp-eyed, house, however, it is the "This is the third time," as he went down the page, pre- theory which collapses; she said, thrusting the paper tending to read. My God, is collapses like a diseased back at John, "The third time he beautiful, thought John, lung.^ in two years. You'd think aching to pass a hand across Why? Because time they'd wise up, wouldn't you?" that shock of chestnut hair. uneventful simply does John looked at her uncom- "Mr. Heyl," he said es- not exist. Time unevent- prehendingly. pecially grimly, "Do you ful is as imaginary as "Everytime this essay pops realize that you could be immobility. The electron up I'm asked to read it as a expelled for this?" Nonsense revolves about its nucleus sample of magnificent writing." of course; Armhouse had no still, and the planets "You mean...?" He couldn't official penalties for pla- about the sun, and where bring himself to finish the giarism, nor for absenteeism the suns rush to, curving sentence; his mind was in a nor even for stupidity and inward or flying out, no whirl. They couldn't have sloth. The dreaded F came one as yet can say. But done that to him, not to him. near to being a myth and immobility? Likewise with He had a theory of mutual subject to change without time. The events within trust according to which if notice by a public-relations it may indeed be minute. he was fair to his students, minded official. Burnt toast for breakfast. they... Mr. lleyl had had time to A broken pencil point in "I know how you feel," said recover. "Funny," he said, English class. A D on the Mary Kathleen, suddenly sym- "I'd read that essay. It mathematics quiz. A curt pathetic. "We all have to go must have stayed in my mind, hello from the previous through the first time. The and then, unconsciously... night's date. Burn apple- next time won't come as such like you said about reading sauce at dinner. Yet all a shock." Hemingway the night before...?" these little daily traumas The next time? thought He gave a bright, boy-next- are events which resist John, suddenly hating all his CONT. PG. 18 5 HISTORY OF GAY LIBERATION IN by the ramifications of gay AMERICA Tim feminist perspectives on Denesha society. Visiting the openly lesbian menage of influential By consent, the common earned the displeasure of, editor Anderson, American Gay Liberation move- Margaret among others, Ralph Waldo Goldman saw they "had broken was born the Stonewall ment at Emerson. the shackles of their middle Riots of June and birth 1969, The lesbian aspect of the class homes to find release is as much a completion as it early women's movement has from family bondage and bour- is a beginning. arduous, likewise been An ignored or geois tradition." invisible developmental pro- suppressed. Married feminists Their male counterparts, cess usually obscures the (Elizabeth Cady Stanton, such as the mystical genius of import of the hidden phase, a Lucretia Mott, Lucy Stone) as botany, George Washington phase in fact more vital (Francis to well as unmarried Carver (1856-1915), were the ultimate success or fail- Wright, the Grimke sisters, more closeted; ure notably that of the new life than the Susan B. Anthony) were con- anti-gay legislation usually tangible birth-event demned as more unnatural and man- males for itself. The ensuing history specified punishment haters; those actually pursuing may explain this. As U.S. of our liberation will often relationships with other women President (1877-1881), Ruther- be vague and sketchy, but the (as did Margaret Sanger) were ford B. Hayes could hardly energy which has fired its undoubtedly more reviled. Its have felt free to confirm the spectacular burgeoning since close association with the 1969 was rumors about him, nor could generated during pre-Civil War Abolition Move- his Vice-President, William these secret years of growing ment drew so many male suppor- Almon Wheeler, who, as senator consciousness. that the ters women's movement from New had had the The of York, tenuousness our was slandered as a mass of because of history before lies in nickname, "Aunt," 1950 "long-haired men and short- his the necessarily clandestine supposedly unmanly manner- isms. Similar reservations of gay activities: nature most have inhibited Walt keep records was foolhardy, may to Whitman's (1819-1893) express- and such records as were kept ions of his were often subsequently des- sexuality. troyed by survivors of the Whitman's poems "sing the record-keepers, or misinter- body electric," boldly cele- preted (deliberately or ignor- brating his physicality: antly) by propriety-minded "curling hair of the breast... Ribs,, historians. Gay life often man- masqueraded "accept- root...". He extolled "the as more love able" doings, and these manly of comrades, and recounted his disguises have been only tenderly feelings superficially studied, thereby as a wound-dresser in the Civil War: the of promulgating myth sit homosexual as isolated aberrant. "I by the restless all the dark The Mardi Gras tradition, night, some from its inception in Mobile, are so young, Some suffer Alabama, 1702, spread to New so much, I recall the and Orleans and other Southern experience sweet sad, primarily as a public (Many a soldier's loving cities about event, but what arms this neck have high drag cross'd historian understands it as and rested, a such? Eighteenth century Many soldier's kiss dwells these accounts of young, nattily- on bearded dressed, male New Yorkers and lips." Whitman refused Philadelphians by the score GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER: he initially the on weekend after- knew the double oppresion of to discuss homosexual con- promenading his noons in obvious flirtation being "girlish" and black... tent of work, preferring to have it "answer for with one another are similarly itself," which, while evasive, is also decried as evidence of gays haired men such women"; as valid for any artist. The in pre-Revolutionary America. black leader Frederick Douglass strongly sexual (and However, public appearances of derided probably were as "Ladies," also homosexual) of New Jersey Governor "Aunt content York/New Nancy men," and "herma- his work resulted in his dis- Cornbury (1702-09) in female phrodites . clothing are not so readily " missal in 1873 from his Certain prominent feminists clerking job in Washington, misread. That the highly of the as period, such black and poverty compelled his popular female impersonation Railroad leader Underground separation from his lover of acts of the 1850's were also Harriet Tubman and homosexual ten years. Shortly be- gay camouflage is proven by rights some lecturer Edith Ellis, fore his death he to the fanaticism with which provided responded courageous models of an inquiry from English they were censured as gay degen- gay visibility. Anarchist activist Edward with erate. The lesbian segment Carpenter Emma Goldman's (1869-1940) a denial of his gayness, of Charles Brockden prob- Brown's writings and lectures (the ably fearing further persecu- novel, Ormond (1799), might latter always well attended, tion, according to be overlooked, but Margaret Carpenter. as "talks on this topic gener- Writing from an Fuller's 1840's writings ad- England soon ally are," reported a San to relish the disgraceful vocating homosexual love later Francisco newspaper) examined trials and imprisonment of 6 The term "gay" was intro- was maintained, discussion duced to the U.S. via French groups held, and entertainment pornography after WWI, and provided, such as the "Kiss became prevalent as a self- of Peace" , a game which rarely descriptive phrase during the progressed according to its twenties, not becoming known rules for very long. in non-gay circles for another After WWII, the Quaker twenty years. Emergency Committee assisted Gay groups began organizing New York gays in legal battles at this time, but such was over harassment in tearooms their ephemerality and conceal- and other cruising areas. One ment that most are forgotten, of the earliest non-recreational if ever known. Viz., the gay groups, its forty members were forced to disband out of (Chicago 1925) dissolved the fear of exposure, but later year it formed: its four re-formed as the George W. members were imprisoned when Henry Foundation, with similar the wife of one, discovering goals. Also there in 1945, her husband's affiliation, the Veterans Benevolent Assoc- successfully charged them with iation began providing gay contributing to the delinquency recreational opportunities, of a minor—her own son! and its nine-year existence Five years later, the prepared many of its seventy- Knights Templar, a medieval five members for participation chivalrous union founded to in later organizations poverty compelled with WALT WHITMAN: protect the Holy Land which more outward-directed his separation his lover goals. from eventually became exclusively Similarly, 's ten of years .... gay and incurred the wrath of nameless, unstructured "friend- the Inquisition, inspired the ship circle" of lesbian Oscar Wilde in 1895, Carpenter formation of the Ordo Templi friends in Los Angeles, mimeo- commiserated, "Things are Orientes. These New Yorkers graphed only nine issues of its pretty bad in this country, disbanded, however, when they Vice Versa newspaper before but in the States (in such lost interest in the occult dissolving, but several of its matters) they are ten times powers their sexuality was members became essential to worse." supposed to promote, and con- One, Inc., and the Daughters The Intersexes: A History centrated instead simply on of Bilitis. of Similisexualism, published their sexuality! Of more in 1908 under a pseudonym by lasting significance that year CONT. PG. 13 Edward I. Stevenson, recounted was the nation-wide speaking the "enormous diffusion" of tour of Magnus Hirschfield, homosexuality across North founder of the first gay lib- America, particularly New York, eration organization in history, Boston, Washington, Chicago, the Scientific Humanitarian St. Louis, San Francisco, Mil- Committee (Germany, 1897) ; waukee, New Orleans and two years later, the Nazis Philadelphia. Gay literature, forced dissolution of the he complained, circulated only Committee, a pre-figurement "hazardously and sparsely," of oppression to come. even standard psychiatric A concerned American mother reference texts, such as Krafft- wrote Sigmund Freud in 1935 Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis, about her son, and was told, being available only with a "Homosexuality is no degra- physician's certificate — dation, no vice, nothing to little wonder a group identity be ashamed of." Three years was so slow in coalescing later, Freud formalized his among "Uranians" (this Victor- ideas on gay sexuality in ian term was derived from Three Contributions to the Plato's Symposium, which called Theory of claiming that homosexuality "the beautiful all are psychically bisexual, love, the Heavenly and that homosexuality was longing to the...Muse Urania")J rooted in an impulse to ex- permanizers Gay marriages were not unknown plore both maleness and female- Jl. j at this time, New York City ness. While Freud's work does q? blow styling g\ mayor Jimmy Walker was atten- contain oppressive aspects, ding functions of the Sunset it created a more favorable jL HAIR COLORING Club (gay) in drag, the drag climate for the reception of JK Savoy balls at Harlem's Ball- the Kinsey Report ten years HAIRSTYLES room were becoming the most later. \ "WHERE JL daring highlight of New York's An example of the many pri- social season, and midwestern vate groups which formed for cities since the 1880's had reasons of socializing and their "counter-jumpers," mutual support, but left no Sjßp 393 Connecticut st. 2&& clerks in large stores would memory beyond the encourage- leap their counters should a ment they offered their members, "good prospect" enter their is the nameless club hosted shop—in short, there was no by an anonymous man in his shortage of gays, only an New York home during the absent sense of gay unity. early forties. A gay library 7 REVIEW

gay ninties. Havelock Ellis HOMOSEXUALITY: LESBIAN AND GAY MEN IN is collaborating with John Addington Symonds. They are SOCIETY, HISTORY AND LITERATURE studying sex. Their work will become a standard for future Reviewed EARLbyA.HERSHBERGER by A. EARL HERSHBERGER researchers and in itself serves as the opening for the legiti- exhaltation (Homosexuality: Lesbian and grandiose of gay mate discussion and study of and Gay Men in Society, History _, lifestyles gay love. It is sexual habits that do not fall also not diatribe and Literature , edited by a such as our into the range of activities greatest like Jonathan Kate. New York,NY; detractors, usually described as "normal." Sexual Inversion is usu- Arno Press 1975. $908.00) "Scoop" Jackson, Irving Bieber 3 and our local bishop, would ally found with only the name In the beginning was the prefer. The only way this of Havelock Ellis as the word and whether that word was type of collection can be des- author, sometimes with the printed on papyrus, parchment cribed is as an honest attempt addition of "Mr. X" as co- or vellum the word for gays to show as much as possible author. In a moment I will was hate. For three thousand about the past thoughts about return to this but first the years the general trend of the gays by gays and non-gays. book itself. Although many written word as it pertained Individually, there are sev- of the ideas discussed have to those who chose the love of eral selections that I would fallen into disrepute the someone of the same sex has like to discuss. When one re- methodology and the cases been to deny us our human worth flects on the gay movement in themselves are of great inter- and to destroy us by whatever America it would be extremely est. The social attitudes of means possible. difficult to ignore Donald the times are reflected in We have been accused of being Webster Cory's famous tome The the appendices. It can be possesed by evil spirits, of Homosexual in America. How easily seen why this work is being the consorts of the devil, many of us in the over thirty still in use today. Again, of being hereditary monstro- set remember reading this re- it is a worthwhile addition sities and finally of being markable (for its time) book to any library that deals just plain sick. And all of and thinking that all was not with sex and its social ram- the time we have been illegal. lost? Here it is again. ifications . Our history has always been There is only one jarring note John Addington Symonds' controlled by others. Seldom in the reproduction and that is family hated him and all he have we been depicted as we the new forward by D.W.C. (a stood for. They must have really are, loving, living pseudonym). It would appear for they demanded that, after and just coping with the general that Mr. Cory has developed an his death, all future issues fuckup called society and the extreme case of homophobia--both of Sexual Inversion should me-s that the power hungry and against the actual procedures not be printed with his name omnipotent non-gays have gotten that two people of the same sex or any reference to him. This us into. use for love making and the gay was done with the consent of And now, in an edited version, movement. The man who did so his publisher/literary exe- naturally, our history has much for raising the issue of cutor. also been made available to "gay" in this country has But Symonds was not just a the general public in a set of turned on us and calls us sick! collector of sexual data. His books by Arno Press. Fifty- Fortunately, the book itself was the life of a poet. He four books have been gathered still exists in spite of the was a critic, essayist, bio- together under the title Homo- tone of suppression the author grapher, world traveler and sexuality: Lesbians and Gay puts forward. For its day, literary raconteur. His life Men in Society, History and 1951, it was an outstanding was full of loves, passions Literature. And we are expen- work. and the types of happenings sive—s9oB.oo worth. Return with mc now to the, you that most of us just dream To try to review such a should pardon the expression, about. In John Addington collection is difficult. There sdfsdf are works in French and in Ger- man, neither of which I am familiar, much less on speaking terms with. Also there are areas which do not need reviewing such as the collections of poetry and art works that have been seen in other collections (though not identified as being by gays in those "other" collec- tions) . I will, therefore, reserve most of my remarks to the areas that I am familiar with or have seen in several other places. Basically, the collection is one of reprints. It is not a 8 Symonds: A Biography (1964) cedures for getting the degree cheaply obtainable. It should Phyllis Grosskurth captures are comical. You can work your be performed by every gay this life and makes it breathe butt off and have three old group across the country. Not for us. Symonds was in impor- men who have no idea what you only would its performance tant figure in his day and are talking about agree that raise funds but, it is to be is so even now for what he you are brilliant and worthy hoped, consciousness as well. gave to the world of letters or tear you to shreds and A Homosexual Emancipation and what the gays have found destroy you and your work. All Miscellany, C. 1835-1952 IS in him as an early friend of this for the name of education. a miscellany. As a series of our present day movement. And, in our society, a better enjoyable light readings it is Another biography, The Life product. a must. As a serious set of of Radclyffe Hall by Una, Three dissertations are writings it is to be taken Lady Troubridge is a fasci- offered by the collection. with the proverbial salt nating study of the woman who Roxanna Sweet did hers for a grain. The poem "Don Leon" penned The Well of Lonliness. doctorate in Criminology. Her by Lord Byron is of great It is also a beautiful photo- point is that the gay organ- interest for scholars dealing graphic study of the trans- izations of the time (1968) with either this period of formation of the subject from should continue their work. literature or with the man youth to age. There is no Political and Social Action in himself. denying that John, as she Organizations draws This collection was ob- prefered to be called, was a a parallel with the early Labor viously NOT designed for the strikingly handsome person. movement. If the parallel is casual reader or for the usually The book is in the very read- valid we should have seen impoverished gay organization, able form of a letter addressed changes by this time in the its nine hundred dollar price to the reader. social and/or legal areas. I being too prohibitive. The If it were not for the in- think that all will agree collection was designed for tent of the writers the three with my conclusion that change libraries. This is a shame pieces that make up Government has occurred and that Ms. because few libraries are versus Homosexuals the book Sweet's proposition is valid. willing to spend this much would be quite hilarious. An Analysis of the Treatment money on, much less stock Two pieces are by the U.S. of the Homosexual Character in their shelves with, this type Senate and the third by the Dramas Produced in the New of collection. The books are, Florida Legislative Investi- York Theatre from 1950 to 1968 however, available separately. gation Committee. The third is almost as long a work as The lowest price is $9.00. is illustrated (sic). its title. Donald L. Loeffler But can we really measure The first piece, "Alleged lists seventy-one plays in his the worth of the collection by Immoral Conditions at Newport bibliography and deals with all its price? I think not. The Naval Training Station" (1921) of them in his text. If you CONT. PG. 18 describes entrapment, beatings will forgive an old tired and illegal confinements used stereotype I will only say that by the chief investigator and this work should appeal to all his four youthful assistants. those interested in the theat- The second piece, by the 81st rical arts. The wide variety Congress not only describes of character types show that us as depraved and unnatural the playrights, at least, are but sets the tone of the aware that we do come from McCarthy era. Some of the every possible background one "new ideas in men's fashions" "finer" examples of manhood can imagine. that served on the committee The dissertation of Edward include John McClellan, James Sagarin, Structure and Ideo- Eastland, Margret Chase Smith logy in an Association of and the infamous senator from Deviants (1966) compares Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy. Mattachine (New York) with Hubert "The Politics of Joy" Alcoholics Annonymous. To him Humphrey also served on the homosexuality can only be committee. The third piece equated with pathology. has the Florida Legislature According to him Mattachine or discovering that homosexuals any similar group is doomed to really do exist, and in failure. He has since written Florida, yet. The book is two books dealing with per- worth reading just for the fumes and cosmetics. proof of codification that Returning for a moment to surrounds the dubious mythology the realm of the theatre I perpetrated by our detractors. would like to say a few very If you ever wondered what positive words about Coming Outl Marion Zimmer Bradley was This is a documentary/play doing before she wrote the written by Jonathan Katz, who Darkover novels A Gay Biblio- is, coincedentally, the general graphy will give you a clue. editor of the collection. This And where did William Parker is the first time the play has get, or start, his famous been published. It deals with bibliography? The answers to the two aspects of the move- all of these and many more ment--coming out as a personal or exciting questions await phenomenon and the growth, ■ your perusal in this book. coming out, of the movement 10:20-6:00 Scholastically excellent. and the prominent people in Monday-Saturday Doctoral dissertations are it. Hopefully, the rights for 43 Allen St., 886-0520 strange beasties. The pro- this play are easily and Buffalo 9 VOLLEYBALL GAME JULY 17 W\, > Aij/ VOLLEYBALL GAME IN DELAWARE PARK, 2PM, NEAR THE !y>w^>>g ! '" \ ROSEHARDEN. BRING A PICNIC. RAIN DATE: JULY 18. |T i»\\ BUFFALO PICNIC AUGUST 29 7*~ THE SECOND BUFFALO PICNIC WILL BE HELD AT *^r~A^/ RUSTIC PARK, 5687 GENESEE ST.. NOON TIL 9PM. $3.00 IN ADVANCE AND $4.00 AT THE GROVE. PRICE INCLUDES: BEER, POP, MUSIC, GRILL SET UP, 15 0 ACRES OF LAND, GAMES AND SHELTERS. A FAGS VS. DYKES SOFTBALL GAME WILL BE HELD.

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DONATIONS OF SALES ITEMS ARE NEEDED. CONTACT THE <£>££> CENTER FOR PICKUP OF ITEMS FOR SALE. for "bi's " and trendies, while up- stairs from Ste. Charles is Maygay, a club for men only. The Quest at TRAVEL 655 Yonge offers a bar, disco and restaurant. There are many womens restaurant. There are many women's Perhaps one of the most dynamic bars and clubs, but they change names Toronto and fastest growing cities in North and move frequently. At our latest America is Toronto, Ontario, Canada. information is The Club at 336 Pope, ninety miles Only away from Buffalo, a popular bar offering beer, liquor Toronto is a fine alternative for and dancing. At Spadina is the a weekend vacation. The name Pussycat Club, a disco and juice bar. "Toronto" is of Huron Indian origin, There is also the Bluejay, known for either meaning "a place of meeting", its dress code (no jeans), the Grads, or and their is for "plenty", plenty the Cameo Club, and The Three of Cups, the gay person do and see in con- to a coffeehouse. (Addresses not Avail.) temporary Toronto. The Community Homophile Assoc, of The core of "gay Toronto" is Toronto operates a centre on 199 Street south from Bloor Yonge Church offering dances with bounded the and Street by Spadina on west beer on Thursday (women only),Friday Sherbourne on the east. Cruising is and Saturday nights. Yonge especially heavy on Street When it comes to dining out, Tor- between and Bloor and College on onto's international quality shines Walk, the walkway Philosophers through, from Chinatown to the many behind the from Bloor Museum, to little French restaurants. Both of Hopkins (near Park). High Queens the gay bars, Parkside Tavern and Bloor, and Park on Park, on Queens the run restaurants as does University popular parks for Quest, are the Carriage House Hotel. Fran's, "the stroll". David Balfour evening a chain of restaurants equaling Park near Yonge and St. Clair offers Buffalo's "Your Hosts" are a and wooded rather cruising along stream gay in setting. the evening hours. Among those on Yonge, the Fran's The only hotel in Toronto that is at College seems to be the most popular. directed towards the gay clientele A unique restaurant in Toronto is the is The Carriage House Hotel at 306 Spice of Life at 830 Yonge. Run Jarvis Street. The hotel offers two by a collective, it offers Mexican and downstairs beverage and an up- rooms dishes. is stairs lounge with dancing and even- vegetarian There also the vegetarian restaurant on Yonge ing meals. On weekends, the YMCA at above Charles, live 40 College becomes predominantly gay. St. offering music in the evenings. (Prices start at $10.25 for a single.) Since Toronto lies on Lake front of There is good cruising in Ontario, an afternoon at the beach the V, but guests are not permited is readily available. The two most upstairs after 10:30 P.M. noted gay beaches are Hanlan's If you've been to Toronto before, Point on the Island and Woodbine of the rather you're probably aware Beach. To reach Hanlan's Point, oppresive liquor laws on the books. take the HP ferry to the island from One must remain seated if drinking the sidewalk, keeping "a Walk along to alcohol, thus socializing pied" the right, and you'll find the beach with drinks in hand is illegal. on the west lakeside. Woodbine Because of this, many clubs have Beach is found at the foot of Wood- only juice bars (serving soda, coffee bine Aye. Walk past the swimming etc.) coffee, tea, juice, for a pool, then along the boardwalk to the most freer atmosphere. Among the Woodbine change houses. these clubs is the popular of When it's time for your "bath", Ste. This gay Manatee at 11 Joseph. the number of Toronto baths can't disco three levels male operates on be beat. A rather new and progress- and stays open until 6:00 A.M. A ive bath is the Richmond St. Health is fun place. David's at 16 Phipps Emporium at 260 Richmond St. East. the another popular disco, though Located on three carpeted floors is from week week. A crowd changes to a snack bar, disco, movie theatre, bar that alcohol is Charlie serves indoor pool, along with the basic O's Tavern at 572 Bay, frequented by facilities. . . private rooms, the leather and denim crowd. The lockers, showers, saunas, lounges, Parkside Tavern at 530 Yonge and Ste. etc. (Highly Recommended) Charles Tavern at 488 Yonge both serve alcohol also. Upstairs from the Parkside is the Milkbar, a club co/srr. P&. is HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA, FROM YOUR GAY SON jj || by A. Earl Hershberger 11 jj What does it mean to be an American? It means II II Waiting in line for a job that I can't have because I'm gay II 11 Being hated by former friends ]] bars II Loud, over-crowded, mob-controlled II II Walt Whitman and tears II

ll Having to discover all of the positive images by yourself because "they" were afraid II II to tell you jj ]] Searching the cold lonely streets for warmth II ll Trying to pass II ll Gay rights organizations begging for pennies while "Morality in Media" gets postage 11 jj for hate mail 11 ll "Sick No More" thanks to a majority vote by the shrinks II II Stereotyping jj

ll Being gay and proud--and saying so II ll Oppression jj jj A cold empty bed 11 ll Help and support from places you really didn't expect 11 II One night stands jj jj Being sucked into the dollar grubbing sweepstake even when you KNOW there is something II ll better 11 ll Following the trends because there is nothing better to do at the moment

II Fixing breakfast for one 11 il Hate through evangelism jj with someone at home ll Very private nights 11 ll A marriage of convenience, children by adoption 11 ll The joy of finding out that other gays really DO exist jj n Having your sex life investigated by the cops after you've been robbed 11 il Buying what gay newspapers there are at the porn shops II n Breaking the mold--joyfully jj ll Hoping, and just maybe believing in all of the dreams, including your own H ll Growing up afraid jj n Talking to your plants, because there is no one else ll ll Laughing at the misconceptions 11 I! Listening for the rare kind word jj invited friends homes while the children are still up ll Not being to 11 ll Knowing that the lies are lies and trying to tell the truth 11 H Understanding different lifestyles jj

ll Smiling quietly to yourself when someone yells "faggot" because the word now has a 11 ll political meaning to you jj jj Watered drinks in the bars that "let your kind" in 11 ll Too loud music at the bars so you can't really talk to people 11 n The Advocate and Goodstein jj n "By the way, what did you say your name was?" H II Late welfare checks II jj Being hassled by the food stamp people Jj

II Loving someone because he loves you II 11 Being denounced from the pulpit of your church because that's American Brands Christianity Jj n The nuclear family as the only acceptable way of life ll ll Many things--some of them good 11 jj The Supreme Court ruling just when you thought that you were through with Nixon, II Watergate and all the rest II II Making friends and losing them when they find out you're gay 11 jj So much joy that at times your heart could burst IJ II Hoping that the guy you just picked up will become a love and not turn out to be a 11 II robber or worse II jj Acting straight sometimes in deference to self-preservation 11 ll Still believing in the promise of 200 years ago jj ll Fighting harder for your rights and making each minor concession into a major victory 11 ll Knowing that there really will be a better future because you're going to work for it II jj Still wishing you a Happy Birthday, in spite of all the things you've done to mc J J ii and my gay brothers and sisters 11 12 HISTORY cont. destroy the stereotypic gay meekness in the face of oppres- A gay black established the sion, which gay writer Don in Los Webster Cory described in The Angeles after the war, pro- Homosexual in America (1951) : viding gay social services "They never fight back ... the and involving gays and straights worst effect of discrimination of both sexes and Come all races in has been to make homosexuals concerns of interracial peace. doubt themselves and share in As many as 200 attended each the general contempt." of its meetings during its Mattachines were medieval five year lifespan, striving court jesters who spoke the for "residential communities" truth to kings from behind down. free of sexual/racial dis- masks, and masks were indis- We'l I showyou a good time crimination . pensible survival equipment and do it in style—7o beau- Alfred Kinsey's Sexual during this first term of tiful rooms tochoose from, Behavior in the Human Male McCarthy's senatorship; gay a heated pool, res- (1948) was a most powerful im- taurant,fourbars and leftist, Mattachine was (including world fa petus to growing gay awareness, doubly subversive. Anti- - accelerating it away from the mous Stonewainbo),;- communist hysteria eventually and rates everyone discouraging pattern of trans- infected the Foundation it- can afford (a week- and toward an iency secrecy self, necessitating massive endfor two costs identity which would be firmly reorganization along less only $69.69). asserting itself within a radical lines in spring 1953 decade. With homosexuality as the Mattachine Society. 8000 CLUB RESORT declared but one continum in Branches of the new Society the broad spectrum of sexual immediately affiliated in MIAMI FLORIDA behaviors and the sole sexual Berkeley and San Francisco. (305) 751-0831 (24:hoursewio§:::: behavior of one male in ten, Because of this discontin- FREE BAR GUIDE FOR this was the first "official" uity in Mattachine's identity, recognition of the validity of ALL OFSOUTH FLORIDA the laurels for oldest contin- 8000 CLUB/RESORT gay sexuality: it was our first uing American homophile organ- 8000 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Ha. 33133 solid hope for improvement. ization □ Yes, send mcfree guide a- s perhaps belongs to Iam of legal age. ■■ -5/ Sociologists claim that One, Inc. A Los Angeles off- Name ; ~,gg;;^^y ;.y; :|;;:;;;;; , ■ L „... stigmatized minorities delay shoot of Mattachine, Dorr : : : organizing because society Legg formed it in October, Address ;' ;;Wf-::' ?■■ ■■:; ■;:'[ : C ■■.:,:, -~ so. rewards them for not doing 1952 educate and City „■„ . :.-.;. to gays Phone „_. „, j Further, in the depths of ' straights via a lecture pro- State „ -■'[':,■.-'■Mpr : ■;? '—, their oppression, there is no gram, library (now among the hope to energize a protest. largest gay libraries in the ' But let their condition be world), and the encouragement slightly ameliorated, and the of social-scientific research; sudden prospect for improvement recreational concerns were will frustrate those impatient minimal, and a "rescue mission" for change they once thought VILLA and counseling clinic were impossible, and spur them to available. Legg and Harold act. The Kinsey Report created Call, founder of Mattachine, this frustration and the energy San Francisco, are considered CAPRI to organize and protest. by some "the real leaders of Henry Wallace was the Pro- the Movement," for both left gressive Party candidate for successful careers to devote President the year the Report themselves to it. 937 Main St. was published, and among his One Magazine commenced supporters were the Bachelors- publication in 1953, a quarterly corner ofAllen for-Wallace, leftist gays journal and occasional small (labelled "queer pinkos" by books to follow later; among Buffalo, N.Y. their enemies) who disbanded its early editors were veterans after Wallace's defeat. But of Vice Versa. The Post Office they were the prototype for a Department filed suit the more enduring and influential following year to block mail- Home of force in gay liberation: the ing of the magazine as obscene Mattachine Foundation. because it dealt with homosex- Five gay men met in a Los uality outside a strict clin- Angeles apartment in early ical context; in a significant summer 1950 to discuss "some victory for us, the Supreme kind of homosexual organization; Court ruled that homosexuality they might have been arrested could not be regarded as ob- had the police known. Deriving ' scene per se. its prospectus from that of The Mattachine Review appear- the Bachelors, the Foundation ed in 1955, and followed One was radical-leftist, committed Magazine in modelling the gay to cooperation with other liberation movement after minorities. Within two years, that of black civil rights. eighteen Los Angeles chapters In rhetoric ("freedom," "e- were meeting weekly, as many as -quality of opportunity," etc.), mon.-fri. noon-4am 200 at each meeting: member- in the concept of an oppressed sat. sun. ship must have been in the minority developing an iden- * Ipm-4am thousands. Their goal was to tity as force for change, and 13 in strategies (legal defense, totype of the new style. rights education, search for Unaffiliated with other tolerance, involvement of Mattachine societies, it de- RUMMAGE non-minority liberals, and feated a bill brought against SALE inward focus for solutions), it in 1963 which required, gay liberation was indebted to in effect, proof of moral AT THE CENTER the black civil rights paradigm. rectitude (as defined by the The government, of course) before Preview Friday, July23 (San Francisco, 1955), first a permit to raise funds could 6"10pm- 25C donation of the enduring lesbian organ- be issued to any group. This izations, had political goals was a major victory not only and orientation similar to for gays, but for any organ- Final Day Saturday One, Inc. and Mattachine; ization which does not share July24, -11am 6 pm women represented a large the established value system. - part of the working body of Media silence ended when Household items, Clothes both these latter groups, and Randolphe Wicker, a successful the Daughters formed in response businessperson, spoke with Jewelry, Furniture, Gifts to the needs of gay women as seven others on a ninety-min- distinct from those of gays ute radio show (New York, 1962 in general. Bilitis was the the first to deal with gay lover of the sixth century issues as seen by gays. Two Greek poet, Sappho. years later he made the first nmmwmmmmmmmmmammmatmmmmM Although these three es- television appearance by a w leslivres jj tablished themselves in homosexual on behalf of homo- Chicago, Detroit, New York, sexuals on Les Crane's talk and other cities during the show. remainder of the decade, gay As he spoke, the Homosexual pride was by no means a fore- League of New York appeared, gone conclusion. A twenty- the first that dared to speak six month McCarthy-style witch- its name. Its example was hunt was undertaken in Boise, followed by the Council on Idaho in October, 1955; this Religion and the Homosexual scandalous scapegoating of (San 1965), Francisco, the 156 elmwood aye. gays by corporate-political Homosexual Law Reform Society of interests for purposes (Philadelphia, 1967), and Monday-Saturday I personal rivalry, political several others. The less backbiting, and economic com- restrictive attitudes charac- 1 lam-6pm petition received wide pub- teristic of the hippie move- licity but provoked no demon- ment of the middle 60's, es- strations of gay solidarity. pousing freedom in hair length A 1957 issue of One Magazine male clothing (especially), prophetically emblazoned I'M drug use, etc., fostered GLAD I'M HOMOSEXUAL across this increasing frankness. its cover, and many subscrip- The gay silence during the tions were immediately can- Boise outrage would never be celled. repeated: the Mattachine before its Months birth, Society of Washington picketed an unborn child stirs strongly the White House, Pentagon, within the womb, and- as many State Department, and Civil as eight years before gay Rights Commission throughout liberation's "birth" in 1969, the mid 60's, opposing prejud- the first thrashings of the icial legislation and practice militancy to come were evi- Castro's intended crackdown dent. As impatience with the on Cuban gays spawned similar milder techniques of the demonstrations at the White NAACP was drawing the black House and Hammarskjold Plaza, civil rights movement toward April 1965. the Black Panthers, the gay Official acknowledgments perspective also shifted. A of gay concerns were gradually maturing sense of pride and being drawn forth: Columbia group consciousness, a re- chartered the first university jection of cooperation with homosexual organization in oppressors, and a scrutiny of America (Student Homophile 883-7400 forces outside the gay world League, April, 1967), while for the ultimate roots of the New York Human Rights shop" oppression added urgency to Commission, in response to "/Hie oriental the work for freedom. The the Mattachine Society's re- removal of consensual sodomy searched complaint, ordered J 114 elmwood avenue from criminal status in the city in January, 1967 to \ // | buffalo,n.y. Illinois (1961), the first remove sexual preference from state to do so, raised ex- conditions of employment. AT RON-ON pectations for the new decade. While the Society for In- VnOW !! Explicitly activist and dividual Rights (San Francisco confrontation-minded, concern- 1965) condemned the sluggish- j«THE PLANT CONCERN" ed chiefly with education and ness of the gay movement, the // / with DIANE challenges to officialdom, Circle of Loving Companions the Mattachine Society of in Los Angeles a year later Washington (1961) was a pro- adopted a more radical style 14 and outlook than previously disorders the year before, was ignored for my stance on seen, meeting with Berkeley most states (including our own) feminism, I would be discour- radicals, prominent in street still declare our love criminal aged. actions, constantly urging and only three months ago that I have gone on for too greater militancy. The follow- august, revered oracle of time- long but as I think about this ing year, their style charac- less wisdom, the U.S. Supreme I have left out a long list of terized the Black Cat protests Court, upheld as constitutional other gay, male feminists I of brutal police raids on a state's right to prohibit have met throughout the state. gay Sunset Strip bars; Advocate private sexual acts between Perhaps you know who they are? columnist Jim Kepner's angry consenting adults. If you see them give them an address ("God next help the The world was appalled to smile of encouragement. and extra one of us who lays down read the diary of Anne Frank; They sure do make working for it!") heightened takes the to think that human beings our gay liberation a lot easier movement's of frustra- sense should have to hide their In Gay Pride, tion and rage. existence from the world be- Time Magazine published cause of the way they worship! Marylou Wells its summary of the "new" gay The degree of secrecy required NYSCGO Upstate Spokes- liberation movement in January by our lives is not so all- person; Co-President of 1969, five months before its encompassing as it was for Anne the Gay Alliance; Member birth at Stonewall. In May, Frank, but for some, the pen- Rochester Gay Task Force the Committee for Homosexual alties have been and are as Freedom had had such success serious: to think that human in rectifying discriminatory beings should have to hide / hiring practices in Califor- their nature from the world fORON,Iu,ceMTv nia by street action that the because of the way they love! The Club Bath at 231 Mutual June Advocate (weeks before This is the bicentennial, and St. also has three floors of- Stonewall) editorialized, the dream of American freedom, fering a whirlpool, snack bar, "Here and there are signs of inalienable rights, and all outdoor pool and orgy room. a new movement--dedicated to the rest is still a lie: let If you're arriving by bus, achieving a place in the sun us build truth, within our- you'll find the Terminus Baths for all homosexuals." Kepner, selves, outside ourselves. 600 Bay. Further in the same issue, sensed up at 740 Bay is the larger "a new kind of homosexual EDITORIAL, cont. Roman Sauna Baths. movement shaping up." If you're into leather, the The birth event, Stonewall wouldn't work. But today it Barracks at 56 Widmer St. is itself (Greenwich Village, stands as one of the largest the bath for you! The Barracks June 28-30, 1969), with its gay centers in the country--and maintains a store offering campy swish antics, was, perhaps the world. So, as you "Adult Toys" for the device- according to a gay witness, can see, gay history is being oriented. Two other baths are more a carnival than a riot made, right here in good old theLibrary Health Club at 5 in comparison with other gay/ 'provincial' Buffalo, N.Y. Wellesley St. West and the In- police confrontations; as such, As the sounds of celebration ternational at 458 Spadina. it may seem anti-climactic ring all around our ears, let's When in Toronto don't miss after the serious struggles of hear it as the celebration of the Glad Day Bookstore at 4 the 60's, and the long years a birth. The birth of a his- Collier near Yonge and Bloor. of clandestine effort before tory that is unmistakably ours. Open evenings and Saturdays that. A history that will be im- this bookstore sells most gay Gay Liberation was so pre- possible for others to co-opt. periodicals and hard to find eminently an idea whose time And you're a witness to it. books. had come, that its birth requir- Toronto has become Canada's ed no spectacular, triumphant showplace...a city with in- outburst; the import of the MAILBAG,cont. ternational flavor compli- Christopher Street riots is this Don Michaels of Buf- menting its modern and spa the is, not in actions themselves, falo. I have admired him for cious design. With its clean but their in timing: the hour years because he is not only subway system, striking had come. In organic chemistry, handsome and intelligent to architecture, theatre, night a solution may become so super- speak with, but he is the moti- clubs and shopping. One cannot saturated with a particular vating force in the gay-male- help but be impressed with mineral that something as in- as-feminist in his community. Toronto. Among the many at- nocuous as a rap on the test Both Elaine Noble and tractions is the Ontario tube is sufficient to trans- Rita Mac Brown made mc feel Science Center at 770 Don Mills form instantly the entire uneasy when they, in what seem- Road and the Royal Ontario liquid into one solid mass of ed to mc to be sneering terms, Museum at Queens Park. crystal. Stonewall was just referred to and included in an For assistance, information such a "final straw," crystal- our list of enemies the so- and referrals contact CHAT at lizing years, even centuries called "faggot" in our midsts. 199 Church St: 862-1544 or of desperation into a powerful, Last year I was sitting with the Metropolitan Community self-assured force for social one of the men mentioned in Church at 29 Granby: 364-9799. change. Gay Liberation was the above paragraph, and this born. year Don Michaels was in the But gay rights are still audience listening. If I were in their infancy, and our needs in their positions I would cer- are adult. Although Califor- have a MEMBER nia did legalize consensual tainly felt little less like sodomy last year, and the taking up the Lesbian/ banner. American Psychiatric Feminist If I had to COMMITTEEmmmrnOF SMALL MAGAZINE Associa- hear the women's leaders sneer EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS tion removed homosexuality BOX SAN A often ;03 FRANCISCO C 941 ni from its category of mental at mc, or as happens I 15 Anywhere In Between SHORT SHOTS The nation's most famed anthropologist, Dr. Margaret Mead had something to say about "extremes" while speaking before the Washington No No's Press Club, recently. Dr. Mead, who has spent decades studying primitive cultures around the world, said, homosexuality in- Though public opinion is changing on the appears to be creasing because "we decided don't so issue of "Lesbians-unfit mother", it's still we want many children." She added that overwhelmingly in the patriarch's favor. Eight homosexuality is a "perfectly good choice" for some, cases where the issue was battled leave a score- saying, "I think heterosexuality board of: 4 losses (3 of which are being extreme is a perversion." (Advocate) appealed), 1 undecided, and 3 wins with heavy restrictions such as: -never having overnight guests; -never seeing a lover (day or evening) in the presence of the children; -the split-up of an already established and loving home (over We're Not Impressed 3 years); -not being allowed to hire a baby- sitter in order to a lover. Child see custody The Democratic National Convention laws are used as a punishment for stepping out completed its party platform in mid-June and in the pro- of the socially approved pattern. If you sin- cess voted down a civil and political rights cerely want to fight this method of social con- amendment supported by the National Gay Task trol, send your needed contribution to: Force of New York City, which would have added DYKES 'N TYKES BOX 6 21, OLD CHELSEA STATION - - the phrase "sexual preference" to the section NEW YORK, N.Y. 10011 insuring (Lesbian Feminist) that all citizens are treated equally regardless of color, sex, religion, age, lan- guage or national origin." The Carter delega- Lone Star tion claims their new party platform has made State Shines a "magnificent impression on the country."

The city council in Austin, Texas has pas- sed an ordinance which bans discrimination in public accomodations because of race, color, Holy Family religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or physical handicaps. The ordinance New Jersey Senator Clifford Case was recommended by the city's Human Relations P. sent a letter of reply to Ms. Julie Lee, staff mem- Commission which has an open lesbian member. ber of the Puce a lesbian newsletter The city already has an ordinance which bars Mongoose, discrimination in employment. printed in Garwood, N.J. Senator Case respon- (News West) ded to Ms. Lee's inquiry concerning his alleged anti-homosexual leanings. Case said, "...I think a society can impose some standards, and in so doing perhaps deny rights, in situations in which the structure of society is threat- ened." The Senator added, "I would not be in Wasted Efforts favor of allowing persons who are homosexuals to teach young and impressionable children... The latest word from Saskatoon, Saskatch- since it seems to mc homosexuality can be a ewan is, that the Doug Wilson anti-discrimina- challenge to family life." tion case has been abandoned. The Committee to (The Puce Mongoose) Defend Doug Wilson (who was barred by the Uni- versity of Saskatchewan from a job supervising student teachers because of his gay activism) has decided that further pursuance of the case U.S. Air Farce under existing laws would produce high legal expenses without any worthwhile result. The official word is that the United States (Gay News) Air Force has refused to reinstate former Sgt. Leonard Matlovich, who was discharged last fall after admitting to being homosexual. The defend- ing argument of the Air Force? - what else! - Media Alert "The presence of known homosexuals in a military unit would seriously impair discipline, good Representatives of the National Gay Task order and morale." Matlovich's attorneys will Force, the Gay Media Coalition, and the Gay no doubt fight the constitutionality of the Teachers Association presented a statement at policy. the annual shareholders meeting of Viacom Inter- (News West) national, Inc., a broadcast syndication house that distributes the made-for-TV film, "Born Innocent." The statement protested the distri- bution of an unedited version of the film, Rights Victory which stereotypically portrays lesbians as child molesters and contains a graphic depic- Boston Mayor Kevin White has issued an Ex- tion of a brutal rape. Anyone interested in ecutive order banning discrimination against assisting this effort should write: N.G.T.F. gay people in city hiring. White's order was Attn: Ginny Vida - 80 Fifth Aye. - New York, the result of a campaign promise that he made N.Y. 10011. a year ago during his re-election effort, when it won him the endorsement of gay rights propo- nents, state representatives Barney Frank and Job Security Sterilization Elaine Noble. Boston's amended city employment = code now states that, "...all employees will be General Motors refuses afforded equal to allow fertile opportunity in terms and condi- women to work in its battery tions of employment plants. A company without regard to sexual spokesperson from G.M. of Ontario, Canada said preference or personal lifestyle." it is company policy that no one capable of (Advocate) child-bearing work in the battery area because lead-oxide emissions could harm unborn children (based on findings at John Hopkins University). Sewing Patriotic Oats So, Norma James, 34, was one of six women told they must prove they Luckenback, Texas, of all places, hosted a cannot bear children, or transfer to another department. Four other "non-buy-centennial awards day." Mayor Crouch women have filed a complaint with the Ontario and awards judge Jack Harmon "honored" several companies for their Human Rights Commission, charging the company's "tasteless exploitations of action is the nation's 20 oth birthday." discriminatory. Two products (Off Our Backs) tied for the runner-up award: Falstaff Brewing Company's bicentennial beer cans and the Jackson Casket Company's red, white and blue flag-lined coffins. Hands-down winner, however, was the Midwest Breeders Cooperative, of Shawano, Wise, for its "bicentennial semen sale." Com- Remedy plete with a picture of George Washington, their advertisement featured a special offer of seven The quarts of bull semen for the price of six! National Gay Task Force sponsored ex- (Philadelphia Gay News) hibit at the American Psychiatrist Association convention in Miami drew overhwelmingly posi- tive reactions from psychiatrists and mental health workers from across the country. The Washington Feedback exhibit booth, "Homophobia: Time for Cure," gave APA members a chance to confront their In his May report to the of New people fears of homosexuality. The display York, Congressman Edward I. Koch voiced his featured photographs, new items, cartoons and comic disapproval with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling strips. The entire exhibit prohibiting consensual Koch was divided into sodomy. urged four sections everyone to "be concerned with the failure of labeled, "mild", "moderate", and the protect the "severe", "Rx for cure." Many psychia- court to privacy of citizens." trists He further stated that he has requested literature and other materials co-sponsored for use H.R. 166, a bill which .in educating nurses and medical stu- would, according to dents Koch, bar discrimination against homosexuals . (NGTF News) in employment, housing, public accomodations and federal programs. The bill is pending in the subcommittee on civil and constitutional rights.

TT} ft sth freedom I1 i^TT?T"Rfei LLf J U mVLJ J IX. TT TOTOI It| >T P0 BOX 975 ELLICOTT STA. I1 | ￿W UMJIJIT *€# SSJF #4A Ulllllllir ■■iJI >4 BUFFALO, NEW YORK 14205 I I NAME___ I 1 ADDRESS I I CITY STATE I J D MEMBERS DNON MEMBERS D Ist CLASS { the janitor. In the Vermeer suffused with a soft luster. REVIEW cont. half-light, on an unmade bed The memory of beauty, more an extensive need for library of a dorm room, its door wide beautiful than beauty materials itself, of gay has always open, a boy was lying naked. made luminescence of the the been felt by academics, Unwisely, John gave a second flesh, and holiness of carnal- the legal professions and the look; the boy was masturbating ity. general membership of the He met John's eyes with a 1 Thomas Mann, The Magic movement. And while this defiant stare, gave his head Mountain collection is far from com- a slight come-hither shake, Ibid. plete it is thorough in its and continued. 2 3 Carl coverage of areas pertaining John had fled distraught, Sandburg, "Fog." T.S. "The to us. Hopefully, it will tripped over his own feet, 4 Eliot, Hippopot- amus. inspire other companies and and nearly fell. A malicious " editor-types to produce more laugh followed him down the of this type of material for hall. Now, looking into the S UPPORT the movement and all those grey pools of Mr. Heyl's eyes, concerned with helping us to John wondered whether the OUR maintain and build our image little angel had a tail. and to change the ideas of "I'm going to ask you to those in power in a hostile turn in another essay." he ADVERTISE RS society. said curtly. Mr. Heyl nodded. ANGEL cont. "Only don't let it happen door grin and shrugged. again. .You're cheating no "You must have pretty total one but yourself." Hollow recall," said John. You've words, he thought, veiling his reproduced the essay ver- own amoral impulses. batim. " Mr. Heyl, rising, flashed Mr. Heyl just smiled. He John a brilliant smile; behind had magnificent teeth. Did it, John sensed a flicker of he know the effect his beauty amusement. He does know, he had on people? John wondered. thought, exactly what effect He found it difficult to he has on people. He watched believe that corruption could the athlete's legs in their lurk behind that lovely ex- doeskin sheathing stride terior. And yet...He recalled briskly, unrepentantly out the time when, his sink having of the office, then leaned clogged, he had climbed the back in his chair. The Greengage stairs in quest of dinky, mud-colored cell became State Photo join us... MATTACHINE PICTURE, ...make it possible

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ANYONE interested in joining EUROPE'S FAVORITE GAY NEWS- a social group/rap group/UUA PAPER, has something for you! Gay Caucus chapter/something Handsome Studs, Tender Chicken, /kun for bi/gay/sexual people which and lots of MALE NUDES! Plus will be meeting at the Uni- 100's of "Outrageously Personal" oreaous tarian Church, please leave Classified Ads from GAY GUYS your name at the Center, around the world! Turn on gems & (881-5335). with the Amsterdam Gayzette ' (International GAY Newspaper). Send $1 for BIG current edition. metals AMSTERDAM GAYZETTE, Dept-FNY, 704 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa NATIONAL GAY personal ad list- Monica, CA, 90401, USA. ings. Publication for all lonely boys and girls any age. Many nude photos. Latest issue and ad form $1.00 from: JERRY or anyone Broad Street Journal, Box SIMINSKI 337, Milliken,Co 80543 knowing his whereabouts--please contact Heddie Swanson and FROM OUR SELECTION: Martha Magill, c/o Gay Commun- Pendant with 14K yellow gold lambda ity Services Center, 1350 inlaid into sterling silver oval disc Main St., Buffalo, NY 14209. MAIL ORDERS WELCOMED VISITING PHILADELPHIA? Two landmarks: Drury Lane, fine French food, great drinks, sophisticated crowd, 1302 Tuesday-Saturday 9:30-6:00 Drury; Allegro, 1412 Spruce, STH FREEDOM classified rates 716 886-1300 three floors, disco, drinks, are .10/word, $1.00 minimum. 1050 Elmwood Avenue • Buffalo. New York game room! -

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