An Artificial Vagina Kunstliche Vagina Vagin Artificiel

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An Artificial Vagina Kunstliche Vagina Vagin Artificiel ~™ mi mi ii inn nun linn iii (19) J European Patent Office Office europeen des brevets (1 1 ) EP 0 616 516 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publicationation and mention (51 ) |nt. CI.6: A61 H 1 9/00 of the grant of the patent: 23.07.1997 Bulletin 1997/30 (86) International application number: PCT/GB93/02118 (21) Application number: 93922992.8 (87) International publication number: (22) Date of filing : 1 3.1 0.1 993 WO 94/08547 (28.04.1994 Gazette 1994/10) (54) AN ARTIFICIAL VAGINA KUNSTLICHE VAGINA VAGIN ARTIFICIEL (84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventor: GAUNTLETT, Arthur Edward AT BE CH DE DK ES FR GB GR IE IT LI LU MC NL London WC1B 5 AA(GB) PTSE (74) Representative: Cooke, William Douglas et al (30) Priority: 13.10.1992 GB 9221504 Hughes Clark & Co. P.O. Box 22 (43) Date of publication of application: 114/118 Southampton Row 28.09.1994 Bulletin 1994/39 London WC1B 5 AA(GB) (73) Proprietor: GAUNTLETT, Arthur Edward (56) References cited: Hamilton HM CX (BM) GB-A- 767 389 GB-A- 1 140 505 CO CO LO CO Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, give CO any person may notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in ^ a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. Q. 99(1) European Patent Convention). Printed by Rank Xerox (UK) Business Services 2.14.11/3.4 1 EP 0 616 516 B1 2 Description screw-thread moulded in the sheath opening 2. Project- ing from the inner end of the stopper is an eye loop 4 This invention relates to an artificial vagina and which is connected to a hook 5 which swivels on a wire more particularly to a male sexual gratification device. connection 6 secured to a tab 7 formed integral with the Due to the current worldwide risks of life threaten- s sheath 1 . ing infections such as AIDS (Acquired Immunity Defi- The tapered end of the sheath 1 is moulded with a ciency Syndrome) care must be exercised in sexual soft flexible portion formed with an undulating wall 8. relationships by using protection such as condoms to Intermediate the ends of the sheath the wall has a bul- prevent the spread of the infection. The alternatives to bous portion 9 from which extends an annular mem- this are total abstinence from sexual intercourse, or self- 10 brane 10 the outer peripheral edge of which has a gratification for prudent sexually unfulfilled mature reinforced elastic rib 1 1 extending around the outside of males unable to attain otherwise satisfying monoga- the sheath 1 . mous relationships with consenting female partners. To assemble the device the tapered end of the Reference is made to GB-A-0767389 which sheath is pushed into the wider end and the hook 5 is describes an apparatus for collecting semen for artificial is connected to the loop 4 carried by the stopper 3 to form insemination comprising a tapered sheath of flexible an annular fluid chamber 12. The wire connection 6 waterproof material which includes an internally heat- allows the hook 5 to swivel while hooked to the eye loop insulated wall. 4 when the stopper 3 is tightened to seal the sheath Although devices of this type are available, they opening 2. The chamber 12 is filled with warm water 13 have the disadvantage that they are not 100% reliable 20 or another suitable fluid through the opening 2 which is from the point of view of hygiene. sealed by screwing in the stopper 3. An aim of the present invention is to overcome the By inverting the tapered end of the sleeve a flexible above disadvantage and to provide a device which ful- chamber 14 is formed for receiving a male penis. To fills its purpose and is hygienically maintained. simulate the shape of a female vagina the bulbous por- According to the present invention there is provided 25 tion 9 projects into the extrance of the chamber 12 to an artificial vagina comprising a tapered sheath of flexi- form a clitoris (see Fig. 3) and has an aperture 15 to ble waterproof material, characterised in that the larger allow the warm water from the chamber 1 2 to fill the bul- end has a closure member, a wall and an opening bous portion 9. resealable by the removable closure member, the clo- The assembled sheath, when filled with warm sure member having releasable means to connect with 30 water, becomes a warm soft envelope closely resem- the other end of the sheath to pull this into the sheath so bling a female vagina, clitoris, hymen and uterus and is that a fluid chamber is formed between the inwardly thus capable of receiving a suitably lubricated male folded end and the wall of the other end of the sheath. organ to stimulate the organ to an orgasm independent Preferably, the closure member is a screw-threaded of the presence of a second party. stopper, and the releasable means is a loop and swivel 35 It will be obvious that various options are available hook connection. for temporarily securing the artificial vagina to facilitate Conveniently, the outer wall of the sheath has an its effective use in whatever environment the device is annular membrane, the inner circumference of which chosen to be used. For example, it may be placed has a ring shaped reinforced elastic rib. between the legs of a female partner who is unable to In a preferred construction the sheath is formed 40 accommodate her partner during menstruation so that a with a bulbous portion adjacent the annular membrane vitally important physical and emotional loving relation- where it joins the sheath wall. ship can be fully enjoyed. An embodiment of the artificial vagina will now be The design of the device facilitates critically and described by way of example only, with reference to the necessary cleansing for reuse by simply unscrewing the accompanying drawings, in which: 45 stopper 3, releasing the hook 5 from the eye loop 4 and pouring the water from the sheath. The sheath is then Fig. 1 is a diagrammatic longitudinal section of the inverted allowing careful cleansing of all the parts of the artificial vagina according to the invention; sheath. Fig. 2 is a longitudinal section of the artificial vagina The artificial vagina can be readily collapsed and in its assembled position for use; and so laid flat for storage when not in use. Fig. 3 is an end elevation of the artificial vagina Various modifications may be made to the sheath. shown in Fig. 2. For example, it can be coloured, shaped or textured and may be decoratively embellished and of a size selected The artificial vagina illustrated comprises a sheath to most beneficially heighten the level of arousal of the 1 made from a flexible waterproof material such as rub- 55 male penis. ber or an elastomeric plastics material. The sheath The artificial vagina has other medical uses. For tapers from one end to the other, the wider end having example, it can be used to collect semen from the male a re-sealable opening 2 closed by a screw-threaded in a course of artificial insemination. stopper 3 which screws into and forms a seal with a 2 3 EP 0 616 516 B1 4 Claims Hulle (1) fur das Hineinziehen desselben in die Hulle (1), urn zwischen dem engen, nach innen 1 . An artificial vagina comprising a tapered sheath (1) gefalteten Ende und der Wand des anderen, weite- of flexible waterproof material, characterised in that ren Endes der Hulle (1) eine Flussigkeitskammer the larger end has a closure member (3), a wall and 5 (12) zu bilden. an opening (2) resealable by the removable closure member (3), the closure member (3) having releas- 2. Kiinstliche Vagina nach Anspruch 1, dadurch able means (5, 6) to connect with the other end (7) gekennzeichnet, dass das Verschlusselement (3) of the sheath (1) to pull this into the sheath (1) so eine mit einem Schraubengewinde versehene Ver- that a fluid chamber (12) is formed between the nar- io schlusskappe ist und dass die losbaren Mittel eine row inwardly folded end and the wall of the other Oesen/Drehhaken-Verbindung (4, 5) aufweisen. larger end of the sheath (1). 3. Kiinstliche Vagina nach Anspruch 2, dadurch 2. An artificial vagina as claimed in Claim 1 , character- gekennzeichnet, dass die aussere Wand der Hulle, ised in that the closure member (3) is a screw- 15 die nach innen gefaltet wird, eine ringformige Mem- threaded stopper, and the releasable means is a bran (10) tragt, deren innerer Umfang eine ringfor- loop (4) and swivel hook connection (5). mige, verstarkte elastische Rippe (1 1) aufweist. 3. An artificial vagina as claimed in Claim 2, character- 4. Kiinstliche Vagina nach Anspruch 3, dadurch ised in that the outer wall of the sheath, which is 20 gekennzeichnet, dass in der Hiillenwand benach- folded inwards, has an annular membrane (10) the bart zu der ringformigen Membran (10) ein zwiebel- inner circumference of which has a ring-shaped formiger Abschnitt (9) ausgebildet ist. reinforced elastic rib (1 1). 5. Kiinstliche Vagina nach Anspruch 4, dadurch 4. An artificial vagina as claimed in Claim 3, character- 25 gekennzeichnet, dass der zwiebelformige Abschnitt ised in that a bulbous portion (9) is formed in the (9) eine Oeffnung (15) aufweist, welche eine vom sheath wall adjacent the annular membrane (10).
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