During 2017-2018 Huskies All Time Top 10

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During 2017-2018 Huskies All Time Top 10 U of S Huskies Track & Field All-Time Top 10 Athletes(Indoors Since 1st CWUAA Championships 1968) Last Updated: 11 March 2018 Performances marked with a * achieved on an oversized track 60 Metres Women High Jump Women 60 Metres Men High Jump Men 1 7.57 Michelle Young US 2014 1 1.82m Lauren Taylor US 2015 1 6.69 Kendrick Hanna US 2014 1 2.15m John Neufeld US 1987 2 7.58 Shelley Miller US 1987 2 1.81m Bobbi Thoen US 1991 2 6.78 Graeme Rinholm US 2010 2 2.12m Blake Cumming US 2000 2 7.58 Karlyn Serby US 2005 3 1.80m Diane Jones US 1975 3 6.84 Cyprian Enweani US 1984 3 2.11m Kelly Alcorn US 1983 2 7.58 Nicole Buchholz US 2005 4 1.78m Vanessa Monar US 1990 4 6.86Winston (Lenny) Williams US 2017 4 2.10m Stefan Kohlgruber US 1982 5 7.61 Astrid Nyame US 2016 5 1.74m Angela Collinge US 2002 5 6.88 Ben Daku US 1983 5 2.08m Bob Polischuk US 1974 6 7.62 Deanne Mengel US 1999 5 1.74m Linda McLaren US 1984 5 6.88 Mike Taylor US 2001 6 2.05m Michael Segu US 1987 7 7.64 Joanne McTaggart US 1977 7 1.73m Shelley Reimer US 1984 7 6.89 Art Magnaye US 1988 6 2.05m Tim Ogryzlo US 1993 8 7.64 Vanessa Monar US 1993 7 1.73m Mandy Glessing US 1998 7 6.89 Preston Wilkins US 2002 6 2.05m Jeremiah Peter US 2003 9 7.69 Kareen Warren US 1998 7 1.73m Janet Scott US 1984 9 6.90 Greg Luterbach US 1989 9 2.04m Kris Blacklaws US 2005 10 7.73 Mackenzi Kleiter US 2018 10 1.72m Tara Gemer US 1998 10 6.91 Ryan Graf US 2013 9 2.04m Lincoln Crooks US 2012 300 Metres Women Pole Vault Women 300 Metres Men Pole Vault Men 1 38.44 Joanne McTaggart US 1975 1 4.38m Kelsie Hendry US 2005 1 33.50 Cyprian Enweani US 1985 1 5.31m Taylor Petrucha US 2010 2 38.56 Gwen Wall US 1984 2 4.11m Adrianne Vangool US 2007 2 34.02 Garry Drake US 2000 2 5.20m Ryan Hvidston US 1999 3 38.58 Karlyn Serby US 2004 3 4.03m Leah Vause US 2009 3 34.14 Graham Black US 2016 3 5.15m Lane Britnell US 2011 4 38.62 Sharai Siemens US 2012 4 3.88m Courtney Erickson US 2016 4 34.26 Emery Tuplin US 2002 4 5.05m Rob Hanson US 2005 5 38.73 Morgan Sawatsky US 2012 5 3.85m Leadan Chartier US 2018 5 34.32 Karson Lehner US 2017 5 5.02m Rob Lindsay US 1989 6 38.79 Lisa Kroll US 1984 5 3.85m Mignon le Roux US 2018 6 34.68 Josh Simair US 2007 6 4.95m Dillon Petrucha US 2010 7 38.86 Kim Moffatt US 1999 7 3.82m Kirsten Hagel US 2000 7 34.71 Alex Fedyk US 2013 7 4.85m Emery Tuplin US 2000 8 39.29 Frances Bennett US 1999 8 3.80m Meghan Richey US 2011 8 34.78 Darryl Isbister US 1987 8 4.75m Brendan Morgan US 1990 9 39.63 Katrin Ritchie US 2014 9 3.76m Teresa Hill US 2012 8 34.78 Graeme Rinholm US 2010 8 4.75m Scott McCubbing US 2010 10 39.68 Lindsay Boyd US 1999 10 3.70m Karolina Nieznalska US 2004 10 34.83 Mike Taylor US 2005 10 4.73m David Murza US 1998 600 Metres Women Long Jump Women 600 Metres Men Long Jump Men 1 1:28.76 Gwen Wall US 1984 1 6.27m Vanessa Monar US 1990 1 1:17.06 Brian Thompson US 1985 1 7.46m John Konihowski US 1973 2 1:28.80 Julianne Labach US 2018 2 6.22m Diane Jones US 1975 2 1:18.02 Rick Brant US 1988 2 7.33m Chris Crossley US 2010 3 1:29.58 Amanda Banks US 2014 3 6.05m Seema Kamal US 1993 3 1:19.17 Garrett Peters US 2016 2 7.32m Bob Polischuk US 1974 4 1:30.69 Amber Mosewich US 2005 4 5.93m Mandi Tasche US 2004 4 1:19.56 Iain McCormick US 2009 4 7.18m Dave Ostertag US 1987 5 1:31.66 Sharai Siemens US 2012 5 5.91m Astrid Nyame US 2016 5 1:19.84 Davis Guenther US 2014 5 7.14m Gerod Wiens US 2003 6 1:31.73 Katrin Ritchie US 2014 6 5.90m Joanne Jones US 1978 6 1:19.93 Kevin Wiseman US 1985 6 7.11m Mike Loewen US 1987 7 1:31.77 Kailey Smith US 2009 7 5.81m Katelyn Lehner US 2018 7 1:20.08 Max Muzzolini US 1990 7 7.10m David Berlinic US 2007 8 1:32.47* Julene Friesen US 2010 8 5.77m Roma Oleksyn US 1998 8 1:20.62 Jesse Shakotko US 1997 8 7.09m Jamie Landry US 2002 9 1:32.74 Teresa Hlady US 1984 9 5.75m Tanya Lypka US 1995 9 1:20.70 Bryce Barrie US 1983 9 7.07m Blake Cumming US 2000 10 1:32.75 Clara Wall US 1984 10 5.70m Kristin Hagel US 2000 10 1:21.00 Ryan Kowalchuk US 2017 10 7.06m Art Magnaye US 1987 1:33.29 Lisa Kroll US 1986 1:32.90 Julene Friesen US 2013 legal track 1000 Metres Men Triple Jump Men 1 2:25.74* Davis Guenther US 2013 1 15.12m Milan Zoranovic US 1997 1000 Metres Women Triple Jump Women 2 2:25.92 Kevin Wiseman US 1985 2 14.46m Bryan Davis US 1992 1 2:43.73 Julianne Labach US 2018 1 12.11m Naomi Manske US 2018 3 2:25.93 Brian Thompson US 1985 3 14.45m Barry Nishaisk US 1973 2 2:46.61 Courtney Hufsmith US 2018 2 12.08m Mandi Tasche US 2003 4 2:26.26 Iain McCormick US 2009 4 14.44m Cossy Nachilobe US 2012 3 2:47.60 Edyta Sieminska US 2004 3 11.92m Kristin Hagel US 2000 5 2:26.85 Max Muzzolini US 1991 5 14.35m Bob Polischuk US 1977 4 2:48.52 Amanda Banks US 2014 4 11.86m Carla Gillies US 1993 6 2:26.86 Chris Simar US 2009 6 14.18m Daniel Yetman US 2017 5 2:49.44 Janice Beland US 1992 5 11.79m Lori Budd US 1998 7 2:27.15 Matt Scobie US 2004 7 14.12m Darin White US 1999 6 2:49.73* Kailey Smith US 2010 6 11.75m Mandy Glessing US 1998 8 2:27.84* Daniel Block US 2013 8 14.11m Blake Cumming US 2002 7 2:50.60 Jenn Souter US 2008 7 11.72m Laurie Harder US 2012 9 2:28.34 Louis Christ US 1980 9 13.97m Gerod Wiens US 2003 8 2:51.90 Jackie Pearce US 2001 8 11.55m Danielle Kabatoff US 2012 9 2:28.34 Eldon Bassett US 1989 10 13.96m Scott Seidle US 2018 9 2:53.68 Leila Preston US 1983 9 11.24 Tatjhannah Josuttes US 2016 2:27.30 Davis Guenther US 2013 legal track 10 2:54.64 Marcia Richards US 2011 10 11.17m Noelle Chorney US 1992 2:33.11 Daniel Block US 2013 legal track 2:55.05 Kailey Smith US 2008 legal track 1500 Metres Men Shot Put Men 1500 Metres Women Shot Put Women 1 3:49.76 Myke Byers US 1987 1 18.71m Andrew Smith US 2011 1 4:23.17 Julie Labach US 2018 1 16.38m Taryn Suttie US 2014 2 3:50.24 Louis Christ US 1982 2 16.75m Nolan Michiskinic US 2014 2 4:23.65 Courtney Hufsmith US 2018 2 15.56m Diane Jones US 1975 3 3:50.35 Jamie Epp US 2001 3 16.56m Justin Grief US 2007 3 4:25.30 Janice Beland US 1992 3 15.53m Shannon Kekula US 1989 4 3:55.15 Harvey Weber US 1987 4 16.08m Dean Andrews US 1992 4 4:26.73 Edyta Sieminska US 2004 4 14.76m Joanne Jones US 1977 5 3:55.23 Matt Scobie US 2004 5 16.01m Dean Bertoia US 1995 5 4:31.99 Yolande Boyer US 1988 5 14.51m Joanne Rothery US 1989 6 3:55.44 Ivan Hnatuik US 1978 6 15.88m Murray Wenhardt US 1981 6 4:32.14 Lynn Kanuka US 1979 6 14.29m Kim Zdunich US 1987 7 3:56.11 Kevin Wiseman US 1985 7 15.74m Vince Salamon US 1992 7 4:32.28 Caroline Crabtree US 1985 7 13.99m Megan Reid US 2005 8 3:56.24 Adam Sarty US 1985 8 15.36m Randy Cleveland US 1977 8 4:33.81 Jenn Souter US 2008 8 13.84m Karla Johnson US 1999 8 3:56.24 Jason Warick US 1994 9 15.07m Rob Zerr US 1985 9 4:33.88 Tracy Kelly US 1982 9 13.64m Chantel Spies US 2008 10 3:56.49 Rob McKechney US 1994 10 15.00m Jay Bradshaw US 2006 10 4:34.56 Jodi Souter US 2010 10 13.61m Lee Reimer US 1981 3000 Metres Men Weight Throw Men 3000 Metres Women Weight Throw Women 1 8:14.96 Jamie Epp US 2002 1 18.05m Mark Kindrachuk US 2005 1 9:17.02 Courtney Hufsmith 2018 1 19.55m Taryn Suttie US 2011 2 8:16.03 John Holliday US 1985 2 17.77m Mark Lowe US 1994 2 9:33.53 Tracy Kelly US 1982 2 19.11m Megan Reid US 2005 3 8:22.75 Steve MacIntyre US 2003 3 17.51m Nolan Michiskinic US 2014 3 9:33.59 Caroline Crabtree US 1985 3 18.85m Olena Olenick US 2016 4 8:23.34 Erik Widing US 2016 4 17.45m Jeff Piercy US 2004 4 9:38.54 Yolande Boyer US 1988 4 18.09m Elizabeth Dubourt US 2009 5 8:29.04 Robert Kochan US 1972 5 17.16m Justin Grief US 2007 5 9:39.31 Jodi Souter US 2012 5 17.26m Karla Johnson US 2001 6 8:29.20 Louis Christ US 1979 6 16.63m Andrew Smith US 2010 6 9:40.89 Jane Bolstad US 1984 6 17.03m Kristen Mackie US 2012 7 8:31.17 Myke Byers US 1987 7 16.10m Cole Fry US 2018 7 9:45.14 Lynn Kanuka US 1979 7 16.83m Jennifer Brown US 2005 8 8:32.14 Mickey Graham US 1974 8 15.89m Chris Pickering US 2008 8 9:51.04 Janice Gottselig US 1987 8 16.43m Heather Schidlowsky US 2004 9 8:32.63 Geoff Peat US 1988 9 15.72m Kelly Wells US 2003 9 9:53.28 Tania Jones US 1995 9 16.39m Heidi Epp US 2005 10 8:34.85 Mark Cutts US 1982 10 15.61m Cory Bertoia US 2002 10 9:55.97 Joan Harelkin US 1985 10 15.73m Heather Howe US 2007 60 Metre Hurdles (42'') Pentathalon Men (1968-2015) 60 Metre Hurdles (33'') Pentathalon Women 1 8.04 Lindsay Tallon US 2001 1 4126 Chris Crossley US 2010 1 8.29 Michelle Young Us 2014 1 3951 Janet Scott US 1984 2 8.09 Jared Olson US 2016 2 3846 Kegan Sharp US 2012 2 8.30 Astrid Nyame US 2017 2 3839 Tara Gemer US 1998 3 8.16 Emery Tuplin US 2002 3 3678 Kayden Johnson Us 2015 3 8.31 Katelyn Lehner US 2018 3 3835 Lauren Taylor US 2015 4 8.19 Kieran Johnston US 2018 4 3671 Corey Armstrong US 2001 4 8.39 Tanya Lypka US 1995 4 3824 Astrid Nyame US 2016 5 8.21 Drew Walker US 1997 5 3659 Emery Tuplin US 2000 5 8.45 Andrea Vinet US 2005 5 3773 Lori Budd US 1999 6 8.30 Peter Schwanke US 1997 6 3595 Cole Digel US 2014 6 8.46 Seema Kamal US 1993 6 3729 Joanne Jones-Anderson US 1979 7 8.35 Chris Crossley US 2010 7 3570 Marc Baron US 2008 7 8.55 Connie Graham US 1990 7 3661 Sarah Junkin US 2004 8 8.35 Elliott Klassen US 2018 8 3554 Evan Neufeldt US 2010 8 8.63 Lisa Soron US 1998 8 3620 Lesia Pillipow US 1982 9 8.37 Milton Derry US 1979 9 3535 Nick Clarke US 2007 8 8.63 Jenni Hucul US 2007 9 3577 Veronica (Nika) Smits US 2012 10 8.38 Stefan Kohlgruber US 1982 10 3519 Cole Webster US 2005 10 8.64 Janet Scott US 1984 10 3568 Mandi Tasche US 2001 Heptathlon Men (after 2016 1 5259 Kieran Johnston US 2018 2 4716 Cole Digel US 2016 3 4672 Landon Gill US 2018 4 4632 Nicholas Keenan 2018 5 4173 Brendan Ritchie US 2018 6 3530 Tyrell Altrogge US 2016 7 8 9 10.
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