121°45’ 121°30’ 121°15’ 121°

Williamson River Sycan Marsh Williamson River


Medicine Whitehorse Rock Springs Teddy Powers Meadows Cave Lalo Blue Creek Springs Braymill 25 20 20 11501000 30 15 Meryl Creek Chiloquin 10 35 Sycan canyon 15 40 0 Kamkaun 10 5 Spring McCready Blue Creek #2 Ferguson North Fork Springs 45 Sprague River Mountain Fivemile Creek FORMER SITE OF 5 Sprague River CHILOQUIN DAM Copperfield Creek SnakeGodowa Creek 5 42°30’ 50 Brown Spring Saddle 55 Drews Rd bridge Springs 10 11499100 0 Rd bridge Mountain Elder North Fork Ditch Trout Creek 75 80 Ditch 0 85 95 Deming Creek Sprague River 60 7065 Brown South Fork Council Whisky Creek Creek Sprague River Butte 11497500 90 Beatty Ivory Pine 100 Rock Creek Spring Creek Rd bridge UPPER Medicine Bly 105 KLAMATH Mountain Bly Mountain Sprague River LAKE Picnic Area Fishhole Creek

Yainax Butte


Base map modified from U.S. Geological Survey digital data, 10-meter resolution. 0 5 10 20 KILOMETERS Projection: UTM, Zone 10N, Datum: North American Datum of 1983

Map detail 0 5 10 20 MILES

EXPLANATION Valley segment Chiloquin Canyon Beatty Gap Braymill Upper Valley Sprague Kamkaun Spring South Fork River Basin S’Ocholis Canyon North Fork Basin Buttes of the Gods Coyote Butte Klamath River Basin Council Butte Lower Sycan Beatty-Sycan

Flood-plain kilometer X Dam # Streamflow-gaging City/town station Channel centerline, 2000 Photograph site Click to view

Figure 1. Map showing valley segments within the study area, selected locations, and streamflow gages in the Sprague River basin, south-central Oregon.