Gold Foil Texts Found at Etruscan Pyrgi Temple Translated in Alphabetic Akkadian Mention Yahu (600 BCE)

By David D. Olmsted (November 28, 2020; Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 4.0 License)


Three texts inscribed on gold foil were found in a holy relic repository located in a side room to a Pagan temple near Pygi, . Their language is Alphabetic Akkadian yet their text styles are Phoenician and Etruscan. They are a philosophical debate about the cause and cure for a recent drought. The Phoenician text argues that emotion magic should be used to increase the flow of divine fertility fluids through the life-growth network which brought divine powers to earth. In contrast, the two Etruscan texts state that emotion magic should not be used for that purpose but only to open the invisible “platonic” life-form images. These images could then be manifested on earth by Yahu. The word “Yahweh” means “power of Yahu” in Akkadian. This is that deity’s first mention outside of the Levant apart from epithets. These texts make clear the three letter lineages of the Mediterranean which all derive from Minoan Phaistos Disk and Linear A: 1) Minoan -> Phoenician -> Greek 2) Minoan -> Sea Peoples -> Etruscan -> Latin 3) Minoan -> Israelite -> Hebrew. These letter lineages formed around differing religious views about the proper relationship between the two divine powers classes of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm.


1.0 Methodology and Ancient Pagan Paradigm ……………………………………………………………… 2 2.0 Mediterranean Iron Age Letter Styles (Chart 2a) …………….………..……………………………… 4 3.0 Droughts and Dating ………….……………….………………………….………………………….…………….. 5 4.0 Pyrgi Gold Foil Translations (600 BCE) …………………………….……………………………………….. 7 5.0 Justification of Pyrgi Phoenician Text Translation ……………………………………………………… 15 6.0 Justification of Pyrgi Long Etruscan Text Translation ………………………………………………… 32 7.0 Justification of Pyrgi Short Etruscan Text Translation ……………………………………………….. 60 8.0 References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 71


1.0 Methodology and Ancient Pagan Paradigm

These translations are done according to the scholar’s standard using the Alphabetic Akkadian Lexicon (Olmsted May 2020). The scholar’s standard is:

1. The goal of translation is to transmit the intent of the writer, not to spin the text for any other purpose. 2. Letter assignments must be consistent and cannot be deliberately mis-assigned to make a word. 3. No consonant letters or word starting vowels can be added, subtracted, or shifted in the text to make a word. 4. Each ancient word is assigned one and only one English word or phrase for its translation. The only exception may be the word’s grammatical context. Semantic context (sentence meaning) is no reason to change word definition. If the ancients used one word then so should we. Allowing multiple word definitions just leads to translation bias. 5. Proper names are the last resort because they can represent any letter pattern and are a wild card. Names do not represent a translation. 6. The lexicon providing word meanings must be based upon numerous independent texts with many being long texts.

The letters are assigned using the letter assignment chart shown below in section 2.0. The words are assigned using the Alphabetic Akkadian Lexicon (Olmsted 2020)

Making sense of any ancient text requires the reader to enter into the worldview of the times. The pre- classical worldview is significantly different from that of the classical era due to the cultural processes of lordification and dualism which arose due to empire building.

Lordification is the process which caused deities to be perceived as capricious ruling lords, that is, as more male and more human (“living gods”) instead of being labels for divine power clusters which could be optionally personified (perceptheism). Lord gods came to be feared because of their human-like capriciousness so they now had to be appeased with flattery, praise, bribes, sacrifices, and so on. Child sacrifice was a consequence of lordification.

Dualism is the mental habit of perceiving the world in binary terms of good versus evil (us versus them) instead of in triplet terms of a balance point between two extremes. Dualism originated with Zoroastrianism and spread worldwide because empires loved it. Their rulers could claim to be the good guys fighting evil (the neighboring people). Dualism is what caused the material world to be considered evil compared to the good divine realm. This produced the idealization of celibacy and led to the unsolvable conundrum of how a good god could create an evil world.

The pre-classical worldview is summarized in the chart of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm below. Notice that the deities are evenly balanced between male and female because genders were assigned to different yet complimentary roles in a causal network. The masculine represented the causal flow like water or electricity while the feminine represented the guidance of that flow analogous to a river bank or an electrical wire.


Ancient Pagan Paradigm In ancient times, all change on earth was thought to originate in the divine realm surrounding earth. The upper sphere (day-time sky) was masculine while the lower sphere (night-time sky) was feminine. The dark lower sphere was home to dead animal and human spirits. Only later with lordification did the whole divine realm become masculine (Greek Uranus) while the earth itself became feminine (Greek Gaia). The change powers were divided into the two classes as listed below: Life-Growth Powers Motion Powers • Powers which form and grow animal and plant • Powers which cause motion including the flow life of divine network’s fertility-fluids • Divine causal fluid for opening its objects: • Divine causal fluid for opening its objects: fertility fluid (correspondences: red blood, milk) spiritual fluid (correspondences: breath, wind) • By Greek times these feminine powers have • Sub-classes: emotional, astrological. By Greek been mixed in with the motion powers. times these were the magical powers. Fertility-Fluid Creation Home Creation (female) Wind-Spirit Creation Home Creation (female, (male) (male, astrological emotional powers) powers) Source Layer – Du: Life-growth powers Source Layer – A’u: Motion powers Sumerian: Anu (day time Sumerian: Erishkigal Mesopotamian: Su - full Sumerian: Ningirsu (lady upper sky dome) (Ningal = lady of the moon, definer of time, of purification) Medit: Alu (Alohim, chalice corresponding to shepherd of the stars, Medit: Mesu (the pure ‘elohim = “powers of Alu,” night sky lower sphere) astrological powers (Sin, night-time enabling place, Allah = “power of Alu”) Medit: Selu (sheol) Suen = powers of Su) home of ancestral spirits) Greek: Theo Greek: Selene (“powers of Medit: Su Egyptian: Nu Selu” Egyptian: Tem, Atum? Egyptian: Nut Connecting Flow (male) Flow Guidance (female) Connecting Flow (male) Flow Guidance (female) Mesopotamian: Atu Mesopotamian: Inanna, Sumerian: Mu’ulil (one Sumerian: Sud (SUD3 - (Combined sun and bull) Ishtar (crescent moon) who sprouts wind), Enlil speaker), Ninlil (lady of Medit: Atu – light: Hu, Medit: Ayu – dark: “Reed (lord of breath) wind) Shamash (sun); chaotic, Boat” (crescent moon), Medit: Thesu (wind) Medit: ? dark: Aḫḫāzu, Ba’al (storm Thanu (“grinder”) Greek: Hermes Greek: Hermes as bull) Greek: Athena (“powers Egyptian: Wepi, Thoth? hermaphrodite Greek: Apollo (“life- of Ayu”), Artemis (communication) Egyptian: Wepwawet empowered Atu”) - Helios (“Controller’s enabling (sun “life-empowered magic”) Hu”) and Zeus (storm bull) Egyptian: Hathor, Egyptian: Horus (Montu), Amaunet, Nephthys Amun; Re (sun), Seth (storm bull) Object Revealing (male) Flow Gating (female) Motion Revealing Emotion Gating Sumerian: Nudimmud, Sumerian: Nunu, Ninki Sumerian: Pabilsag (one Mesopotamian: Enki (lord of earth), Ea (lady of earth) who sprouts what’s inside) Medit: ? Medit: Ea, E’u, I’u, Yahu Medit: Utu Medit: Ziqu (breath) Egyptian: Tefnut, Wadjet (Yahweh = power of Yahu) Egyptian: Isis, Pet Egyptian: Shu Egyptian: Osiris, Pe By David Olmsted (August 2020) with a Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 4.0 License.


2.0 Mediterranean Iron Age Letter Styles (Chart 2)

Etruscan Name: Bronze Age Philistine Israelite Phoenician Name: Bronze Age Philistine (Pyrgi) Etruscan Israelite Phoenician Semitic (Serabit el- (Izbet (mostly (mostly Semitic (Serabit el- (Izbet late (Pyrgi) (Gezer) (Sidon) Khadim) Sartah) Gezer) Sidon) Greek Khadim) Sartah) Greek Philistine A M Aleph Mem

Alpha Mu

B N Bet Nun

Beta Nu

G S Gimel Samek Gamma Xi

D I or Y Dalet Yod Delta Iota E or H ‘ He Ayin Epsilon Omicron


Het Sade Eta San

Z P Zayin Pe

Zeta Pi

Ṭ Q Teth Qop Theta Qoppa

U or W R* Vav Resh Upsilon Ro

K Ṣ Kap Shin

Kappa Sigma L T Lamed Taw

Lamda Tau Ordered according to letter list on the Izbet Ostracon. *The letter “R” does not exist in the Izbet Ostracon letter list. These letters derive from the Minoan writing tradition starting with the Phaistos disk and going through Linear A David Olmsted – Nov. 2020, Creative Commons Share-Alike License


Alphabetic Akkadian started out as a way to facilitate commercial level trading in the Bronze Age. Alphabetic Akkadian became the world’s first empire language because Akkadian speaking Assyrian traders were the first to go looking for the ingredients needed for bronze to serve the needs of their early empire. This is evidenced by their extensive trading colonies found in Anatolia dating to between 2000 and 1800 BCE (Bryce 1998). By 1700 most trade had been taken over by the Minoans with their own type of Akkadian phonetic script (Olmsted June 2020, July 2020). The needs of trade kept gradually simplifying the writing so that by 1400 BCE alphabetic scripts appear in which the letters were phonetic wild cards representing consonants able to be followed by any vowel sound. Pagan temples quickly adopted this trade writing for their own internal use and it was they who preserved alphabetic writing through the Bronze Age collapse. Later Alphabetic Akkadian became known as Aramaic to distinguish its texts from the newly rising empire language of Greek.

Because the purpose of empire languages is cross-cultural communication, they are not ethnic markers. One only needs to look at ancient Latin and modern English for more recent examples of that. Yet they may be cultural markers because during the early Iron Age three separate alphabetic letter lineages developed around their own religious variations on the Ancient Pagan Paradigm.

1. Phoenicians focused on the motion power class using emotion magic but later developed the idea that emotion magic could also affect the life-growth powers via one of the divine birds (eagle vultures). 2. Israelites focused on the life-growth powers using sympathetic (imitative) magic and incantation magic. Probably because of this simplistic magic approach the tribe of Judah after the 850 BCE Elijah drought became the first region to adopt a fully lordified religion in which the deities were perceived as lordly people on high instead of mainly as powers able to be optionally perceived as people. 3. Sea Peoples (Philistines and Etruscans) were in between those by claiming that the different divine power classes should not be mixed except at the lowest layer of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm to open up the invisible “platonic” life-form images.

Phoenician/Greek Letter Lineage 1. Minoan Phaistos Disk 2. Minoan Linear A 3. Phoenician 4. Greek

Israelite Letter Lineage 1. Minoan Phaistos Disk 2. Minoan Linear A 3. Serabit el Khadim 4. Israelite (has a bit of Sea Peoples) 5. Hebrew

Sea Peoples/Latin Letter Lineage 1. Minoan Phaistos Disk 2. Minoan Linear A 3. Serabit el Khadim 4. Philistine 5. Etruscan 6. Latin


3.0 Droughts and Dating

Many iron age alphabetic texts were written by local priests or priestesses trying to explain the cause of some drought. Droughts occurred repeatedly throughout history as shown by all the valleys in figure 1 below. For a marginally productive agricultural age their effect upon history was large. The Mediterranean bronze age only began after a great 2000 BCE drought. The iron age only began after a great drought collapsed their trading economy starting in 1200 BCE. The first few years of any drought are always the most traumatic because the old habits of life no longer work. This often leads to internal and external conflict due to masses of desperate hungry people. Yet the local effects of such droughts could be quite random with some areas getting rain one year and others not. According to figure 1 three intense but short droughts occurred during the iron age:

1. 980 BCE 2. 840 BCE 3. 735 BCE.

Figure 1. Lake Bottom Pollen Core Data from the Sea of Galilee Showing the Droughts. Each sharp decline in the curve indicates a drought. The relative change is more important than the absolute levels in terms of generating social stresses. Calibration with archaeology requires subtracting 50 years from the date axis. The yellow gives the tree pollen level while the green gives the non-tree pollen level. (Langut and Finkelsein 2013)

These also turn out to be the divisions between the archaeological ages as shown in table 1 below if the chart data is shifted 50 years. The Philistine text from Izbet Sartah (Olmsted August 2020) talks about the 980 BCE 6 drought and that event led to conflict throughout northern Israel as evidenced by archaeology. This Gezer text mentions the 840 Elijah drought which shortly after it was written led to the overthrow of the old Israelite Pagan order by the Yahwist rebels in a religious socio-economic civil war.

Like most regions of the earth, the Levant has seen its share of debates involving the correlation of archaeology with carbon 14 dating. The best correlation with linguistics is the chronology proposed by Amihai Mazar in 2014 as an archaeological consensus summary. This chronology is reproduced below in table 1:

Arch. Strata Mazar’s Date Simplified Comment Iron 1A 1200–1140/1130 1200-1140 Great Drought Iron 1B 1150/40–ca. 980 1140-980 Prosperity then 980 BCE drought Iron 2A 980–ca. 840/830 980-840 Prosperity then Elijah drought Iron 2B 840/830–732/701 840-730 Prosperity to drought & Assyrian Invasion Iron 3A 732/701 BCE–605/586 730-586 Assyrian Invasion to Babylonian Invasion Iron 3B 605/586–520 586-520 Babylonian Rule Table 1. This table shows the latest archaeological dating consensus for the Levant. It correlates well with the pollen core sampling from the Sea of Galilee. 4.0 Pyrgi Gold Foil Translations (600 BCE)

4.1 Pyrgi Temple Archaeology

During the early 1960’s, archaeological excavations uncovered two temples along a major road between and its coastal port town of Pyrgi. The earliest finds along this road date the road to the about 700 BCE. Also discovered along the road were a stone temple and its workshop annex. The annex (building A) was built first and dates to 530 BCE while its temple (building B) was finished 20 years later and dates to 510 BCE. Both of them were eventually destroyed by fire. Presumably they replaced an earlier wooden temple.

A paper by Agostini and Zavaroni (2000) describes the find:

In 1964, the archaeological excavations directed by Massirno Pallottino reserved an exceptional surprise. During the exploration of the site, they brought to light a small Figure 2. Pyrgi Map. Pyrgi is located on the Italian coast just rectangular "pool" in the area between temple north of Rome. It was the port town for Caere (). Archaeology has found extensive trade links between the A and B. The archaeologists found inside it Levant and Eturia beginning in 900 BCE. Enabling that trade three golden plates, together with a fourth required a common language and that language was bronze plate (CIE 6312) and several Akkadian. This map shows the significant sites where items architectonic terra-cottas. When the golden from the Levant were found (from Nijboar 2008) plates came to the light, they were rolled up so 7

as to form a sort of "scrolI." After careful unfolding, they were found to be in an excellent state. Two of the golden plates (plate A and B) are written in Etruscan while the third one (plate C) is written in Phoenician.

The tablets likely date to about 600 BCE and originally were nailed to a wall of some earlier wooden temple either in or in the Levant. A date earlier than the stone temples is suggested because the texts were found preserved and rolled up in a special repository instead of melted down as would normally be the case. Because the text is a debate about the proper ritual response to a drought the texts likely date to the first major drought prior to the building of the stone temple. That pushes the date back to the Babylonian invasion drought of 600 BCE. Figure 3. Photo of area C. Top of picture shows the rectangular enclosure where the rolled-up foils were found. The depository extended above the floor suggesting it was a sacred relic depository similar to what is found in medieval churches. (from Aubet 2016)

Figure 4. Pyrgi Temple Complex with Temple on Right and Annex on Left. The annex was built first dating to 510 BCE and it was used for work spaces and store rooms. The temple was finished about 25 years later. Attached to the temple was room C which contained the repository holding the rolled up golden foils. (from Aubet 2016)


Figure 5 The Gold Foils found at the Pyrgi Temple. The foil on the left (Med text 1) was written in the Phoenician letter style while the other two are in the Etruscan letter style. They are read from right to left and are a religious/philosophical debate on the best response to a drought. One can readily see the similarity of the Etruscan letters to Latin letters, especially if their reading direction is reversed. (Photo from Wikimedia commons)

4.2 Pyrgi Text (Phoenician) Translation in Alphabetic Akkadian (Med Text 1)

This text is a defense of human emotion magic for countering a drought blamed on astrological fate powers. This theme is the same as that found in Sidon Text 1 written on a black sarcophagus (Olmsted Sept 2020). This similarity suggests that the Phoenicians centered their Pagan religion on emotion magic. This is in contrast to the Israelites who focused on the other power class of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm, that is, the life-growth powers. The middle ground is represented by the texts in the Sea People’s letter style lineage (Philistine, Etruscan) which supports both classes of powers but not their mixing in the life-growth network.

This Phoenician text claims that emotion magic can promote the flow of the fertility fluids through the divine life-growth-network. These fertility fluids trigger the opening of the invisible “platonic” life-form images to be filled with nourishment and thus be revealed by Yahu. The text is claiming that without such aid the fertility fluid flow will be minimal leaving Yahu without the trigger needed to manifest those life form images. The translation is as follows:

1. Astrological-powers are nourishing the life-growth-threads so Yahu (I’) is becoming involved with fate. Those life-growth threads are diminishing the life-growth-power’s in-pouring. 2. Involvement of the emotion-owls can redirect the powers. Emotion-owls reveal the fertility-fluids’ threads. 3. Life-growth-threads can be made visible by motion-empowered magic. The planetary-eyes are not binding the Divine-birds. 4. Magical openings are involved with the eagle-vultures. The magic of life-growth priests is turning away Hu by eliminating the nourishing for Hu. 9

5. On account of chastising the nourishing of the fertility-fluids, their jealousy is gating the life-growth threads and the nourishments for the revelations. 6. The life-growth-threads and the divine-birds are getting involved with the fate. The thread’s Controllers are becoming involved in divinations. 7. Can not the fertility-fluids be greased with magic? On account of their involvement with the revelations of the life-growth-threads how much is due to the magical roast-meat offering? 8. To anoint the effort, authorize the magic to manifest the nourishing of the eagle-vultures. 9. Ayu shuttles the fertility-fluids. She is not pouring-away those fertility-fluids on account of those emotional-powers. 10. Gating the threads (channels) disciplines the pouring-away. The clamor Is drying-up the Opener’s nourishment cutting-off 11. Ayu.

Line by Line Comment

1. Astrological fate is affecting (nourishing) the fertility fluid flow through the network which distributes the life-growth powers from the divine realm to the mortal realm. Such fluids are needed to trigger the opening of invisible platonic image forms so they can be filled with matter (nourishment). The form filling (manifestation) power is represented by the god Yahu (Yahweh means “power of Yahu”). This line states that the fertility fluid flow is being reduced by the astrological powers. 2. Emotion owls are the agents of emotion magic which affect the motion of the fertility fluids through the network. The motion of things on earth was thought to have two causes: animal emotions and couplings to the motion of the heavens. This line is stating that because emotion owls can stop the flow of fertility fluids, they can actually redirect fertility fluid flow to the correct platonic images. Manifested images reveal the thread activity behind that manifestation. The connecting of links was traditionally the domain of the life-growth powers, specifically that of Ayu (Inanna, Ishtar, Artemis, Athena, Hathor) and her eagle-vultures. This line is showing how the two classes of divine powers actually overlap. 3. Manifested objects reveal the thread activity behind their manifestation. The astrological motion powers are represented by the planets. This line is stating that astrological powers do not affect emotion generated movments even though they both cause movement. 4. The invisible platonic image life-forms first have to be opened by the goddess Utu before they can be filled with matter by Yahu. The life-growth class of powers edits the network by trimming its links with eagle-vultures which became the griffons of later mythology. Priests dealt with the life-growth powers while magic-crafters dealt with the motion powers (they are different words in Akkadian). The magic of the priests was based on incantation and imitative magic instead of emotion magic. This line is stating that because the priests are antagonistic towards the methods of the magic-crafters that they are not strengthening the network which is represented by the sun god Hu who is the healing orderly form of Atu (as opposed to his chaotic storm form represented by a bull). 5. Because the life-growth priests are antagonistic towards the magic crafters the fertility fluids are being blocked due to a lack of motion. 6. This jealousy of the priests is stupid because everyone can see the astrological powers of fate are causing the drought and astrological powers are motion powers. Therefore, only emotion magic can correct that. The two classes of powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm are indeed mixing. The word “Controllers” is an epithet for all powers which affect the network so it includes Ayu and the divine birds.


7. Because emotion magic causes the fertility fluids to flow (“greases the fertility- fluids”) how much does the roast meat ritual of the Priests really affect things? This roast meat ritual was sympathetic magic because it was similar to what was desired (more animals and more meat). As lordification proceed and deities were perceived as lordly humans instead of clusters of powers, the roast meat offering came to be seen as a bribe because its aroma was thought to be something pleasing to the deity. 8. To enable (anoint) the magic of the priests which connects the links of the network make sure the fertility fluid in the links has movement activity. 9. Now the text gets into the network editing powers of the goddess Ayu (Inanna, Ishtar, Hathor, Athena, Artemis). She controls the eagle-vultures which redirect the fertility fluids by cutting and attaching the network links. She only redirects the fertility fluids by shuttling them from one place to another. She does not eliminate them. 10. In contrast emotion magic can stop the fertility-fluids from being blocked and wasted (poured away). The hateful controversy (clamor) is helping to prevent the flow of fertility-fluids. This makes Ayu’s editing irrelevant.

4.3 Pyrgi Long Etruscan Foil Translation (Med Text 7)

This middle text represents the middle philosophical position between the other two. It states emotional magic should not be used to move the fertility fluids through the network. Instead emotional magic should only be used to open up the gates to the invisible platonic life forms in order that those forms may be filled with nouishment (manifested) by the god Yahu. This opening power is represented by the goddess Utu who is known as the “Supervisor” in this text while her masculine counterpart is Yahu who is known as the “Revealer.” The idea about using emotional magic to move a door or gate instead of increasing the flow of the fertility fluids seems to be something new. The causal fluid of the motion powers is called “abundances” and they corresponded to wind and breath while the fertility fluids themselves are represented by the god Atu/Hu. After lordification these became “spirits.” The translation is as follows:

1. Magical abundances motion-empower Atu. Atu is being life-empowered by that activity so shouldn’t we be nourishing Hu? No! 2. Life-growth powers expel that activity from the fertility-fluids. Reassignments are making abundant Atu. No one is doing the same for the miserable Opener (Utu). 3. Alu’s involvement is acknow[ledging] the oven-dome’s Supervisor (Utu). Is his activity 4. eliminating the Reed Boat (Ayu)? No! Beer (fermentation)? No! Motion-powers? No! The Nourisher of 5. the eternal-forms (Yahu)? No! The Opener (Utu)? No! Yet, considerations are involved in the elimination of Alu 6. which inhibits the changing of the clouds. That eliminated activity makes vis[ible] magic and life- growth-powers. 7. So nourish the Supervisor (Utu) and the Revealer (Yahu). Their elimination by magic-crafters is baking the involved clouds 8. Their magic makes them aware of fertility-fluids. Nothing is eliminating their nourishing. 9. Magic or else awareness is involved in reassigning the nourishing emotion-owls. That removal activity 10. is being influenced by the crafters. The openings are being noticed by few magic crafters. By the Reed- boat? No! Magic! 11. By Alu? No! Are we going without opening emotion-owls? No! Are Alu’s activities getting involved? No! 12. [Replace]ments for those activities are nourishing Atu. Those life-growth powers are revealing a lack of impatience. They are going without the life-growth-priests.


13. Is Alu eliminating the High-Ones? No! Life-empowered magic would notice that activity. The revelations are being expelled by the Opener. 14. None of the life-growth powers are eliminated. The magic-crafters are revealed. The fertility-fluids of Hu must be made aware of the Reed-boat (crescent moon Ayu) 15. Open-up Yahu’s (EA) openings. Do not have reassignments. That nourishing activity is because of anger. 16. Similar storm-powers are being opened-up by that activity.

Line by Line Comment

1. The word “abundance” is an epithet for both types of divine causal fluids which bring divine powers to earth. It can mean either the fertility fluids of the life-growth powers which are manifested as rain and sun light/heat, or the magic fluids (wind/breath/spirits) of the motion powers. In this case, the “magical” adjective indicates that the motion powers are meant. So, this line is admitting that motion powers empower the god Atu by causing his fertility fluids to flow. Atu represents the life-growth power’s connective layer of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. Atu has two forms: Hu being his sun form while the bull was his chaotic rainstorm form. The author then goes on to states that despite this, humans should not interfere with fertility fluid flows using emotion magic. Only the astrological motion powers of fate can really affect this fluid flow. 2. The reason is that the life-growth powers represented by its source god Alu don’t like interference. Here we see the growing influence of lordification in which deities are taking on more human-like characteristics such as jealousy. Consequently, Alu is rejecting any interference from human generated motion powers (emotion magic). In any case such interference is unnecessary because the fertility fluid flow is plenty within the network because their channels (network links) can be reconnected to overcome any low flow areas. This function is accomplished by the goddess Ayu (Hathor, Athena, Artemis, Inanna, Ishtar) who edits the network links. The author then goes on to observe that no one is concerned about promoting (nourishing) the end result of the fertility fluid flows which is the opening of the invisible platonic life form images by the Opener (goddess Utu). 3. The expulsion of the emotion magic influences supports the life growth powers at the lower level of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. This level is composed of the goddess Utu and the god Yahu (Yahweh means “power of Yahu”). Utu opens up the invisible platonic life forms when triggered by the fertility fluids. Yahu then manifests that object by then filling it with earth dust (also called nourishments). Utu is called the “Opener” and “Supervisor” because she controls access of the fertility fluids to the earthly realm. The oven-dome is the sky shell which was imagined to be similar in shape to the dome shaped baking ovens of the time. 4. While Alu ejects emotion magic effects he does not affect any other powers. What is new in this list compared to other texts is the addition of the power of beer making, that is the power of fermentation. 5. With Alu in the clear the only source affecting the other powers are human generated emotion magical practices. Considerations are focused emotion-driven thoughts which open up the associated conscious emotional channels. They are the core practice of emotion magic and are different from the magic of the life-growth priests based upon incantations and sympathetic magic. 6. Those magical considerations are what is preventing the clouds from becoming rain clouds. When things do not go right in nature that disfunction reveals the effects of the divine powers. 7. So promote (nourish) the powers of the lower level of the life-growth powers with their priests.


8. The priests are still aware of the fertility fluids although the fact that this must be stated suggests they are more focused on appeasing and manipulating their lord gods instead of viewing them more as collections of powers. 9. Awareness is differentiated from magic here. Awareness allows the priests to work indirectly with the divine power via manipulating their gods to do them a favor. In contrast the magic crafters worked with the divine powers directly. Emotion owls are the mechanism of emotion magic which affects the fertility fluid flows. 10. The magic crafters are being blamed by stubbornly trying to affect the network flows. Only a small number are working with the life-form openings. These openings should be controlled by the crescent moon goddess Ayu (Reed-Boat) anyway. 11. As a consequence, the network is not going without the magical emotion owls but is going without the life growth powers of Alu. 12. Yet Atu is doing fine despite this due to redirected network links and the continuing drought. The author claims this is because Atu’s powers are not being or cannot be pushed by the priests. 13. The source of the life-growth powers, Alu, did not eliminate the other high life-growth deities. The revelations of the invisible platonic image forms are being inhibited by the Opener (Utu) due to her expulsion of fertility-fluids. 14. The drought has revealed the nefarious activities of the magic crafters. The fertility fluids of the middle layer of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm needs to be controlled completely within the life-growth class, that is, with the network editing of Ayu. 15. This is a final command to open up the openings for Yahu with emotional magic so he can manifest the invisible platonic life-form images but do so without changing the network link connection of the middle layer. Those reassignments happen because of the anger. 16. Anger is also causing other negative effects in the world.

4.4 Pyrgi Short Etruscan Foil Translation (Med Text 8)

This second and shorter Etruscan text summarizes the rather long argument of the Etruscan text above. It states that the two classes of divine powers should not be mixed because they use different causal fluids. That attempted mixing is just making the drought worse. The translation is as follows:

1. Misery notices the goose nest. Nothing is opening-up the high-ones. 2. Is the redirection for the Revealer (Yahu) baking the Reed-Boat and the nourishments? No! 3. To nourish without this drying activity Let no one craft magic considering Alu. 4. Fertility-fluids are becoming involved in magical considerations, That is, from magic-crafters 5. and revealers. Involving activation dries-up the High-Ones for the life-growth priests. 6. Emotion-owls are cursed by Alu, that is, by the life-force-originator 7. of the openings. Because of not having similar abundances those fertility-fluids and nourishments 8. are being neglected. Because of not having similar storm-powers 9. their openings are being eliminated by abandonment, that is, by their threading activities.

Line by Line Comment

1. The life-growth network is all messed up with its links tangled like a goose nest. Because of this the fertility fluids are not getting through. That is what is causing the drought.


2. This tangling of the network is not being caused by the emotional magic used to open of the life-form images for Yahu. 3. The drought is due to using emotional magic directly on the fertility fluids originating with Alu. 4. Yet involving emotional magic with fertility-fluids hoping to activate (increase the flow) of the fertility fluids invalidates the work of the priests who work with the life-growth powers 5. Involving motion magic with the fertility fluids actually dries them up. 6. Owls are the mechanism of emotional magic. They are cursed by Alu who is the source of the fertility fluids. 7. The reason is that the two divine powers types cannot mix is that the life-growth powers have different causal fluids than the motion powers. The causal fluid of the life-growth powers are the fertility fluids while the causal fluid of the motion powers are winds or breaths (to become spirits after lordification). 8. Because the two causal fluids are different their inhibition requires different “storm powers” as well. 9. Thus applying the editing attempts of one for the other just messes things up.

4.5 Previous Translation Attempts of the Pyrgi foils

Several Hebrew inspired translations of the Pyrgi foils are floating around but all are flawed. Some even claim to be based on a Phoenician dictionary yet no such dictionary exists that is valid for more than one tablet.

These Pyrgi translations, like all Hebrew inspired translations of ancient archaeological texts, are made using the improper connect-the-dot-method instead of the proper word by word translation method. With the connect-the-dot method the translator picks out Hebrew like words scattered throughout the text (the dots) then connects them with imaginary phrases ignoring most of the letters in between the dots. Typically, letters are deliberately misidentified to form these Hebrew words even though they are properly identified elsewhere in the text.


5.0 Justification of Pyrgi Phoenician Text Translation (Med Text 1) Words from Alphabetic Akkadian Lexicon (Olmsted May 2020)

Figure 6. Letter Assignments for Lines 1 and 2. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 1 (Med Text 1.1) Clause 1

1. Yod (I or Y) Resh (R) 2. Bet (B) 3. Qop (Q)

1. IR [Akkadian īru] astrological-powers (noun) - a division of the motion class of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm, compare to UM - bull’s storm powers of the life-growth class, NM - sun’s healing powers of the life-growth class, D - all powers of the life-growth class, IM - emotional magic powers of the motion class, EM - human powers of lordly authority 2. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power, Utu, under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” Together Utu and Yahu are the “Nourishers.” 3. Q [Akkadian qû] threads, life-growth threads (noun), threading (adjective), threading (participle), to thread, to weave (verb) - channels for the fertility fluids 15

(ongoing form) Astrological-powers are nourishing the life-growth-threads

Clause 2

1. Yod (I or Y) Ayin (‘) 2. Kap (K) 3. Qop (Q) Resh (R)

1. I’ or Y’ [Akkadian i’u, ya’u, ia’u] the god I’u (Yahu) - The masculine manifestation power of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. This power reveals both objects using the life-growth-power and movement using the motion power. Letter ayin (‘) is dual use with /a/ after 850 BCE. Yahu has these linguistic equivalents: Ia, Ia’u, I’u, Ea, E’u, Ea’u, Ya’u, Yahu due to /i/ and /e/ sounds often being mixed up, Y and I being dual use as the letter yod, and the glottal stop sound of ayin being slurred as /h/ as happens in many Akkadian words. Due to the direct replacement of “Ea” for “Enki” in Assyrian cuneiform copies of Sumerian myths we know Enki is also Ea (Yahu). Yahu later becomes Yahweh, the national god of Judah, by adding the noun possessed ending /e/ or /i/ to Yahu to form the meaning “power of Yahu.” That derivation goes like this: Yahu + e = Yahue = Yahwe because inner vowels not allowed in Akkadian and U/W are duals for the letter vav. This then becomes “Yahwh” or “Yahweh” because Hebrew typically does not have ending vowels for nouns and E/H are duals for the letter he. Utu (UT) is this power’s feminine complement. 2. K [Akkadian ku, ki] by, on account of, due to, involved with (preposition), are from, are involved with, is due to (verb) – a more general concept than in English referring to something that is from or for someone else. 3. QR [Akkadian qerȗ] fate (noun), fate-calling (participle), to call fate (verb) – As in a form of judgement. The word is literally “thread for eagle-vultures” as Q.R. Eagle-vultures are the divine birds which cut the threads of the divine network. Compare to ŠM which is the motion generating fate-force provided by the astrological night sky

(ongoing form) Yahu is becoming involved with fate

Clause 3

1. Qop (Q) 2. Aleph (A) 3. Kap (K) Resh (R) 4. Dalet (D) 5. Resh (R) Kap (K)

1. Q [Akkadian qû] threads, life-growth threads (noun), threading (adjective), threading (participle), to thread, to weave (verb) - channels for the fertility fluids


2. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. 3. KR [Akkadian karû] – diminishing (participle), to diminish (verb) – also an epithet for selling in commercial transactions 4. D [Akkadian dû] life-growth realm, life-growth-items, life-growth powers (du + i) (noun), life- empowered (adj), to life-empower (verb) - One of the two main classes of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. This word represents the Life-growth powers in both their masculine and feminine forms. This power is responsible for the creation and growth of plants and animals. With lordification this word became the “Divine-One” or “God.” Life-growth priests were called AB from abu. (compare to AL meaning Alu as the masculine life-growth source power. UM - bull’s anarchic storm powers of the life-growth class, EM - powers of human authority for commanding divine birds, and A’ representing all the powers of the motion class. 5. RK [Akkadian râku] in-pouring, filling (participle), to pour-in (verb) - as in the fill-up the target. (Compare to NQ – “to pour out” as in to reduce the source)

(ongoing form) Those life-growth threads are diminishing the life-growth-power’s in-pouring

Line 2 (Med Text 1.2) Clause 1

1. Aleph (A) Zayin (Z) 2. Aleph (A) Kap (K) 3. Lamed (L) Ayin (‘) 4. Yod (I or Y) Vav (U or W)

1. AZ [Akkadian azû] involvement (noun), involved (adj), to involve, to be involved-in (verb) 2. AK [Akkadian akû, akkû] emotion-owls, Aku-owl (noun) – These owls add motion and movement to the fertility fluids flowing through the life-growth network threads (links, channels) during the day. They are under emotional control from humans. In contrast, the astrological motion powers use Hu’u (Ḫ’) owls for the same function and they are under the control of the heavenly bodies. These powers complement those of the goddess Ayu (crescent moon) which add and cut the links of the network via eagle-vultures (R). She represents the normal divine order of things and only become capricious during the cultural lordification process. Aku-owls are one of the divine-birds (IṢR) along with Hu’u owls and eagle-vultures. The divine network is then fixed or set at dusk (hence setting sun). The owls along with Ayu are called “Thread-Openers” (PQ). 3. L’ [Akkadian le’ȗ] powers (noun), powerful (adj), to empower (verb) 4. IW [not identified in cuneiform Akkadian] redirection (noun), redirecting (participle), redirected (adj), to redirect (verb)

(statement form) Involvement of the emotion-owls can redirect the powers

Clause 2


1. Aleph (A) Kap (K) 2. Mem (M) 3. Qop (Q) 4. Nun (N)

1. AK [Akkadian akû, akkû] emotion-owls, Aku-owl (noun) – These owls add motion and movement to the fertility fluids flowing through the life-growth network threads (links, channels) during the day. They are under emotional control from humans. In contrast, the astrological motion powers use Hu’u (Ḫ’) owls for the same function and they are under the control of the heavenly bodies. These powers complement those of the goddess Ayu (crescent moon) which add and cut the links of the network via eagle-vultures (R). She represents the normal divine order of things and only become capricious during the cultural lordification process. Aku-owls are one of the divine-birds (IṢR) along with Hu’u owls and eagle-vultures. The divine network is then fixed or set at dusk (hence setting sun). The owls along with Ayu are called “Thread-Openers” (PQ). 2. M [Akkadian mû] fertility-fluid, fertility-fluid-effects (noun), fertility-fluid (adj) - the fluid of the life- growth class of divine powers which flows through the life-growth network to eventually open object images on earth. 3. Q [Akkadian qû] threads, life-growth threads (noun), threading (adjective), threading (participle), to thread, to weave (verb) - channels for the fertility fluids 4. N [Akkadian nu] revelation, revealer (noun), revealing (adj), to reveal (if inanimate source), to say (animate source - direct speech), to ask (animate source - direct speech), revealing (adj) – A “revealer” is an epithet for Yahu who reveals or manifests the invisible object images.

(statement form with verb on end) Emotion-owls reveal the fertility-fluids’ threads

Figure 7. Letter Assignments for Lines 3 and 4. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted)


Line 3 (Med Text 1.3)

Clause 1

1. Qop (Q) 2. Bet (B) Resh (R) 3. Taw (T) 4. Aleph (A) Vav (U or W)

1. Q [Akkadian qû] threads, life-growth threads (noun), threading (adjective), threading (participle), to thread, to weave (verb) - channels for the fertility fluids 2. BR [Akkadian barû] sight, visibility (noun), seeing (participle), to see, to be visible (verb) 3. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 4. A’ or ‘W or AW or ‘ [Akkadian a’û] motion space, motion-powers (a’u + i) (noun), motion empowered (adj) – One of the two classes of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. Motion powers cause all movement on earth and in the divine network’s fertility fluids. Its source deity is the masculine full moon Su. Its sub-powers are: IM - emotional magic powers and IR - astrological powers. Their respective priests are: NŠ - "emotional energy-raiser" and AMR - "seer" or "astrologer." The other class is the life-growth powers (D from du). Compare to EM – human powers of lordly authority which can command the divine birds. Also, the ayin letter sign by itself as the moon or as the moon traveling along the night sky symbolically represents the motion powers allowing the sign to be used in isolation.

(ongoing form) Life-growth-threads are being made visible by motion-empowered magic

Clause 2

1. Yod (I or Y) Nun (N) 2. Kap (K) Mem (M) 3. Yod (I or Y) 4. Pe (P) Ayin (‘) Yod (I or Y)

1. IN [Akkadian īnu] planetary eyes (noun), planet-eyed (adj) – planets were the eyes of the astrological motion powers of fate so they often were thought to do evil things. In later popular culture these came to be known as “evil-eyes.” (compare to IG - eye) 2. KM [Akkadian kamû] bindings (participle), binding, bound (adverb, adjective), to bind (verb)


3. Y [Akkadian ya] not, no (negation after verb or accusative case noun), shouldn’t we (question start before verb), shouldn't (question start before noun actor), are not, is not, does not (verb, question start before noun or participle) 4. P’, P’Y, PY [Akkadian pa’ȗ, paya] divine-birds (noun), divine-bird (adjective) – the owls and eagle- vultures which edit the divine network (see AK - Aku owls, H’ - Hu’u owls, and R - eagle-vultures)

(ongoing form) Planetary-eyes are not binding the Divine-birds

Line 4 (Med Text 1.4)

Clause 1

1. Pe (P) 2. Taw (T) 3. Kap (K) 4. Resh (R)

1. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu. 2. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 3. K [Akkadian ku, ki] by, on account of, due to, involved with (preposition), are from, are involved with, is due to (verb) – a more general concept than in English referring to something that is from or for someone else. 4. R [Akkadian rȗ] eagle-vulture, eagle-vulture-items (noun) – Divine thread trimmer and fertility fluid blocker which is active during the day. This divine bird is used by both classes of divine powers to edit the divine network which is fixed (set) at dusk. It is used by the feminine connective life-growth power of Ayu (Ishtar, Hathor, Inanna, Athena-Artemis) whose function is the guide the fertility fluids through the divine network. It is also used by the astrological and emotional divisions of the motion class. It likely corresponds to the large griffon vulture, Gyps Fulvus

(ongoing form) Magical openings are involved with the eagle-vultures

Clause 2


1. Taw (T) 2. Aleph (A) Bet (B) 3. Taw (T) Resh (R) 4. Het (Ḫ)

1. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 2. AB [Akkadian abu] life-growth--priest (noun) - not a magic worker but an agent of the life-growth class of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm who seek to enable those powers instead changing the divine network directly. The life-growth powers direct the fertility fluids through the divine network to open object images to be filled with earthly nourishment or dust. These images would later be called “Platonic” images. With the growth of dualism life-growth-priests became the good priests who were also labeled as “fathers.” Compare to A’ (“motion-priest”) 3. TR [Akkadian târu] - turning-away (participle), to turn away (verb) – compare to EW meaning “turn” 4. Ḫ [Akkadian Ḫu] god Hu – the masculine deity which represents Atu's healing sun form powers (light, heat) as opposed to his chaotic storm form powers (rain). Dagon (DGN) meaning “constant divine power” is an epithet for Hu as is Helu (HL) meaning “bright-one.”

(ongoing form) The magic of the life-growth-priests is turning away Hu

Clause 3

1. Zayin (Z) 2. Bet (B) 3. Het (Ḫ)

1. Z [Akkadian zû] elimination, eliminator (noun), eliminating (participle), eliminated (adj), to eliminate (verb) 2. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” 3. Ḫ [Akkadian Ḫu] god Hu – the masculine deity which represents Atu's healing sun form powers (light, heat) as opposed to his chaotic storm form powers (rain). Dagon (DGN) meaning “constant divine power” is an epithet for Hu as is Helu (HL) meaning “bright-one.”

(ongoing form) 21

By eliminating the nourishing for Hu

Figure 8. Letter Assignments for Lines 5 and 6. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 5 (Med Text 1.5)

Clause 1

1. Kap (K) 2. Mem (M) Kap (K) 3. Bet (B) 4. Mem (M)

1. K [Akkadian ku, ki] by, on account of, due to, involved with (preposition), are from, are involved with, is due to (verb) – a more general concept than in English referring to something that is from or for someone else. 2. MK [Akkadian mekû] chastising (participle), to chastise (verb) 3. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” 4. M [Akkadian mû] fertility-fluid, fertility-fluid-effects (noun), fertility-fluid (adj) - the fluid of the life- growth class of divine powers which flows through the life-growth network to eventually open object images on earth.

(ongoing form) On account of chastising the nourishing of the fertility-fluids 22

Clause 2

1. Qop (Q) Nun (N) 2. Aleph (A) 3. Bet (B) Bet (B) 4. Qop (Q) 5. Vav (U or W) 6. Bet (B) 7. Nun (N)

1. QN [Akkadian qenû, qinû] jealousy (noun), jealous (adjective), to be jealous (verb) 2. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. 3. BB [Akkadian babu, bibu] gate (noun), gating (participle), to gate (verb) – a term for how the motion powers and Ayu control the flow of the fertility fluids through the divine network. They gate the fertility fluids as a way to control the flow. 4. Q [Akkadian qû] threads, life-growth threads (noun), threading (adjective), threading (participle), to thread, to weave (verb) - channels for the fertility fluids 5. U [Akkadian u, ū] and (conjunction), because (causal) – this is a generic clause and phrase connector. It is always “and” when connecting phrases. Compare to UL meaning “or else.” 6. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” 7. N [Akkadian nu] revelation, revealer (noun), revealing (adj), to reveal (if inanimate source), to say (animate source - direct speech), to ask (animate source - direct speech), revealing (adj) – A “revealer” is an epithet for Yahu who reveals or manifests the invisible object images.

(ongoing form) Their jealousy is gating the life-growth threads and nourishments for the revelations

Line 6 (Med Text 1.6)

Clause 1

1. Qop (Q) 2. Vav (U or W) 3. Pe (P) Ayin (‘) 4. Kap (K) 5. Qop (Q) Resh (R)


1. Q [Akkadian qû] threads, life-growth threads (noun), threading (adjective), threading (participle), to thread, to weave (verb) - channels for the fertility fluids 2. U [Akkadian u, ū] and (conjunction), because (causal) – this is a generic clause and phrase connector. It is always “and” when connecting phrases. Compare to UL meaning “or else.” 3. P’, P’Y, PY [Akkadian pa’ȗ, paya] divine-birds (noun), divine-bird (adjective) – the owls and eagle- vultures which edit the divine network (see AK - Aku owls, H’ - Hu’u owls, and R - eagle-vultures) 4. K [Akkadian ku, ki] by, on account of, due to, involved with (preposition), are from, are involved with, is due to (verb) – a more general concept than in English referring to something that is from or for someone else. 5. QR [Akkadian qerȗ] fate (noun), fate-calling (participle), to call fate (verb) – As in a form of judgement. The word is literally “thread for eagle-vultures” as Q.R. Eagle-vultures are the divine birds which cut the threads of the divine network. Compare to ŠM which is the motion generating fate-force provided by the astrological night sky

(ongoing form) The life-growth-threads and the divine-birds are becoming involved with fate

Clause 2

1. Qop (Q) 2. Aleph (A) Resh (R) 3. Kap (K) 4. Bet (B) Resh (R) Taw (T)

1. Q [Akkadian qû] threads, life-growth threads (noun), threading (adjective), threading (participle), to thread, to weave (verb) - channels for the fertility fluids 2. AR [Akkadian arû] Controllers (noun), to control (verb) – The word “Controllers” is an epithet for the goddess Ayu along with the divine-fluid birds which edit the divine network 3. K [Akkadian ku, ki] by, on account of, due to, involved with (preposition), are from, are involved with, is due to (verb) – a more general concept than in English referring to something that is from or for someone else. 4. BRT [Akkadian bārûtu] divination - the work or lore of a diviner or seer, the result of magic or seeing

(ongoing form) The thread’s Controllers are becoming involved in divinations


Figure 9. Letter Assignments for Lines 7 and 8. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 7 (Med Text 1.7) Clause 1

1. Yod (I or Y) 2. Mem (M) 3. Yod (I or Y) Pe (P) 4. Taw (T)

1. Y [Akkadian ya] not, no (negation after verb or accusative case noun), shouldn’t we (question start before verb), shouldn't (question start before noun actor), are not, is not, does not (verb, question start before noun or participle) 2. M [Akkadian mû] fertility-fluid, fertility-fluid-effects (noun), fertility-fluid (adj) - the fluid of the life- growth class of divine powers which flows through the life-growth network to eventually open object images on earth. 3. IP [Akkadian ipu] – grease, coating (noun), to grease (verb) - as in to enable movement. Also an epithet for the film which coats the underside of the sky-shell which allows the sun, moon, and planets to slide across 4. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 25

(ongoing form) Are not the fertility-fluids being greased with magic?

Clause 2

1. Kap (K) 2. Nun (N) 3. Qop (Q)

1. K [Akkadian ku, ki] by, on account of, due to, involved with (preposition), are from, are involved with, is due to (verb) – a more general concept than in English referring to something that is from or for someone else. 2. N [Akkadian nu] revelation, revealer (noun), revealing (adj), to reveal (if inanimate source), to say (animate source - direct speech), to ask (animate source - direct speech), revealing (adj) – A “revealer” is an epithet for Yahu who reveals or manifests the invisible object images. 3. Q [Akkadian qû] threads, life-growth threads (noun), threading (adjective), threading (participle), to thread, to weave (verb) - channels for the fertility fluids

(ongoing form with above clause) On account of them revealing the life-growth-threads

Clause 3

1. Kap (K) Yod (I or Y) 2. Kap (K) 3. Sade (Š) Bet (B) 4. Taw (T)

1. KY [Akkadian kiyā] - how much, cost, price (noun) 2. K [Akkadian ku, ki] by, on account of, due to, involved with (preposition), are from, are involved with, is due to (verb) – a more general concept than in English referring to something that is from or for someone else. 3. ŠB [Akkadian šubû] roast-meat-offering (noun) 4. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.”

(ongoing form) How much is really due to the magical roast-meat offering?


Line 8 (Med Text 1.8) Clause 1

1. Resh (R) Het (Ḫ) 2. Pe (P) Resh (R)

1. RḪ [Akkadian rāḫû, reḥû, ruḫû] anointed-one (noun), anointed (adjective), to anoint (verb) 2. PR [Akkadian parȗ] effort (noun) - literally "sweat,"

(imperative form) To anoint the effort

Clause 2

1. Resh (R) Bet (B) 2. Taw (T)

1. RB [Akkadian rabu, ribu, rubu] authorities, authority-items, authority-person (noun), to authorize (verb) – The authority of a planet is revealed when it rises or sets. The “authorities” are often an epithet for the planets, specifically, the planetary astrological powers of fate. Compare to IM - emotional magic powers of the motion class, UM - bull’s storm powers of the life-growth class, NM - sun’s healing powers of the life-growth class, D - all powers of the life-growth class, IR - astrological powers of the motion class) 2. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.”

(imperative form) authorize the magic

Clause 3

1. Mem (M) Dalet (D) 2. Bet (B) 3. Resh (R)

1. MD [Akkadian medû, madû] manifestation (noun), manifested (adj), to manifest (verb) – compare to WP meaning “appearance.” 2. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter


although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” 3. R [Akkadian rȗ] eagle-vulture, eagle-vulture-items (noun) – Divine thread trimmer and fertility fluid blocker which is active during the day. This divine bird is used by both classes of divine powers to edit the divine network which is fixed (set) at dusk. It is used by the feminine connective life-growth power of Ayu (Ishtar, Hathor, Inanna, Athena-Artemis) whose function is the guide the fertility fluids through the divine network. It is also used by the astrological and emotional divisions of the motion class. It likely corresponds to the large griffon vulture, Gyps Fulvus

(imperative form) To manifest the nourishing of the eagle-vultures

Figure 10. Letter Assignments for Lines 9, 10, and 11. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 9 (Med Text 1.9) Clause 1

1. Aleph (A) Yod (I or Y) 2. Mem (M) 3. Vav (U or W) Kap (K)


1. AY, ‘Y [Akkadian ayyu, ayu] Ayu (noun) - feminine life-growth connective power and compliment power to masculine Atu. Ayu is and assembles the life-growth network through which flows the fertility fluids. She corresponds to the sky-shell. Her dark forms are “reed boat” (the dark spot of the crescent moon) and Thanu (meaning “grinder”). Ayu edits the divine network with divine birds, owls and eagle- vultures, a trait she share with magic-crafters. She is the Mesopotamian Ishtar, Sumerian Inanna, Egyptian Hathor, Greek Athena-Artemis. Athena seems to mean “powers of Ayu” as AY-N with /n/ being the plural power ending on a deity. Artemis derives from Ar-Tu-Mas from Aru-Tu-Maṣȗ to which means "The Controller's-enabling-magic" where “controller” is an epithet for Ayu. The “setter” is another epithet because Ayu is responsible for setting or fixing the connections of the divine network at dusk. 2. M [Akkadian mû] fertility-fluid, fertility-fluid-effects (noun), fertility-fluid (adj) - the fluid of the life- growth class of divine powers which flows through the life-growth network to eventually open object images on earth. 3. UK [Akkadian ukû] a shuttle (noun), to shuttle (verb) – representing two-way motion.

(statement form) Ayu shuttles the fertility-fluids

Clause 2

1. Nun (N) Qop (Q) 2. Yod (I or Y) 3. Mem (M) 4. Aleph (A)

1. NQ [Akkadian niqu] pouring-away (participle), to pour away (verb) - as in to miss the target (compare to RK - to pour into as in to fill-up the target) 2. Y [Akkadian ya] not, no (negation after verb or accusative case noun), shouldn’t we (question start before verb), shouldn't (question start before noun actor), are not, is not, does not (verb, question start before noun or participle) 3. M [Akkadian mû] fertility-fluid, fertility-fluid-effects (noun), fertility-fluid (adj) - the fluid of the life- growth class of divine powers which flows through the life-growth network to eventually open object images on earth 4. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced.

(ongoing form) She is not pouring-away those fertility-fluids

Clause 3

1. Kap (K) 2. Aleph (A) 3. Yod (I or Y) Mem (M)


1. K [Akkadian ku, ki] by, on account of, due to, involved with (preposition), are from, are involved with, is due to (verb) – a more general concept than in English referring to something that is from or for someone else. 2. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. 3. IM [Akkadian imu] emotional-powers (noun), to emotionally empower (verb), emotionally- empowered (adj) (emotional magic of the motion class but after lordification the “power” component is lost becoming just emotions, compare to RM - emotional release, UM - storm powers of the life- growth class, NM - sun’s healing powers of the life-growth class, D - all powers of the life-growth class, IR - astrological powers of the motion class, EM - powers of human authority

(imperative form) On account of those emotional-powers

Line 10 (Med Text 1.10) Clause 1

1. Bet (B) Bet (B) 2. Qop (Q) 3. Taw (T) Kap (K) 4. Nun (N) Qop (Q)

1. BB [Akkadian babu, bibu] gate (noun), gating (participle), to gate (verb) – a term for how the motion powers and Ayu control the flow of the fertility fluids through the divine network. They gate the fertility fluids as a way to control the flow. 2. Q [Akkadian qû] threads, life-growth threads (noun), threading (adjective), threading (participle), to thread, to weave (verb) - channels for the fertility fluids 3. TK [Akkadian tukku] discipline (noun), to discipline (verb) 4. NQ [Akkadian niqu] pouring-away (participle), to pour away (verb) - as in to miss the target (compare to RK - to pour into as in to fill-up the target)

(imperative form) Gating the threads (channels) disciplines the pouring-away

Clause 2

1. Pe (P) Mem (M) 2. He (E or H) Pe (P) 3. Pe (P)

1. PM [Akkadian pāmu] - clamor of a chaotic swarm of insects or flock of birds. 2. EP [Akkadian epû] drying-up (participle), to dry up (verb), (compare to Z’ - to bake in an oven) 3. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible


object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu. 4. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.”

The clamor Is drying-up the Opener’s nourishment

Clause 3

1. Bet (B) Mem (M)

2. BM [Akkadian bāmâ] – bisection (noun), bisected (adj), to bisect, to cut-off (verb) – to halve as in the main division of something, analogous to Latin word “cardo.”

(imperative form with next line) Cutting-off

Line 11 (Med Text 1.11) Clause 1

1. Aleph (A) Yod (I or Y)

1. AY, ‘Y [Akkadian ayyu, ayu] Ayu (noun) - feminine life-growth connective power and compliment power to masculine Atu. Ayu is and assembles the life-growth network through which flows the fertility fluids. She corresponds to the sky-shell. Her dark forms are “reed boat” (the dark spot of the crescent moon) and Thanu (meaning “grinder”). Ayu edits the divine network with divine birds, owls and eagle- vultures, a trait she share with magic-crafters. She is the Mesopotamian Ishtar, Sumerian Inanna, Egyptian Hathor, Greek Athena-Artemis. Athena seems to mean “powers of Ayu” as AY-N with /n/ being the plural power ending on a deity. Artemis derives from Ar-Tu-Mas from Aru-Tu-Maṣȗ to which means "The Controller's-enabling-magic" where “controller” is an epithet for Ayu. The “setter” is another epithet because Ayu is responsible for setting or fixing the connections of the divine network at dusk.

(word attached to previous line) Ayu


6.0 Justification of the Pyrgi Long Etruscan Text Translation (Med Text 7) Words from Alphabetic Akkadian Lexicon (Olmsted May 2020)

Figure 11. Letter Assignments for Lines 1, and 2 of the Long Etruscan Text. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 1 (Med Text 7.1) Clause 1

1. Gimel (G) – these first 2 lines can only be letters G or T. Final identification as G then T is determined by their line angles 2. Taw(T) 3. Aleph (A) Taw (T) 4. Aleph (A) Vav (U or W) 5. Line

1. G [Akkadian gu] – abundance (noun), abundant (adj), to make abundant (verb) – “Abundances” is the Akkadian word for the divine causal fluids of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. These fluids are the fertility- fluids of the life-growth class of powers and the spiritual fluids of the motion class of powers. Abundances come from above in contrast to the “nourishment” (B) which comes from the earth and fills up opened object images. 2. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 3. AT [Akkadian atu] Atu (noun) - life-growth connective god of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm representing the fertility fluid flow through the divine network. It literally means “that which is magical” from A.T as that.magical. When the flow is orderly and constant, he is in his healing sun form called Hu and


Shamash from Ṣ-M-Ṣ (active - fertility-fluid – activity. When the flow is chaotic or anarchic, he is in his storm form represented by the Bull called Ba’al meaning “Great-One.” Aḫḫāzu is also the storm form meaning “that which eliminates Hu” from A-Ḫ-Z. Atu’s storm form is also the Greek Zeus from Z.Ṣ or Zû.Ṣu meaning elimination.activity. Atu’s healing sun form is Greek Apollo coming from Atu.alu to Ato.alo meaning "life-empowered Atu." Both rain and sunlight are needed for plant growth. Its sub- powers are: UM - bull’s storm powers and NM - the sun’s healing powers. 4. A’ or ‘W or AW or ‘ [Akkadian a’û] motion space, motion-powers (a’u + i) (noun), to motion-empower (verb) – One of the two classes of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. Motion powers cause all movement on earth and in the divine network’s fertility fluids. Its source deity is the masculine full moon Su. Its sub-powers are: IM - emotional magic powers and IR - astrological powers. Their respective priests are: NŠ - "emotional energy-raiser" and AMR - "seer" or "astrologer." The other class is the life-growth powers (D from du). Compare to EM – human powers of lordly authority which can command the divine birds. Also, the ayin letter sign by itself as the moon or as the moon traveling along the night sky symbolically represents the motion powers allowing the sign to be used in isolation. 5. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,”

(statement form) Magical abundances motion-empower Atu

Clause 2

1. Aleph (A) Taw (T) 2. Dalet (D) 3. Aleph (A)

1. AT [Akkadian atu] Atu (noun) - life-growth connective god of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm representing the fertility fluid flow through the divine network. It literally means “that which is magical” from A.T as that.magical. When the flow is orderly and constant, he is in his healing sun form called Hu and Shamash from Ṣ-M-Ṣ (active - fertility-fluid – activity. When the flow is chaotic or anarchic, he is in his storm form represented by the Bull called Ba’al meaning “Great-One.” Aḫḫāzu is also the storm form meaning “that which eliminates Hu” from A-Ḫ-Z. Atu’s storm form is also the Greek Zeus from Z.Ṣ or Zû.Ṣu meaning elimination.activity. Atu’s healing sun form is Greek Apollo coming from Atu.alu to Ato.alo meaning "life-empowered Atu." Both rain and sunlight are needed for plant growth. Its sub- powers are: UM - bull’s storm powers and NM - the sun’s healing powers. 2. D [Akkadian dû] life-growth realm, life-growth-items, life-growth powers (du + i) (noun), life- empowered (adj), to life-empower (verb) - One of the two main classes of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. This word represents the Life-growth powers in both their masculine and feminine forms. This power is responsible for the creation and growth of plants and animals. With lordification this word became the “Divine-One” or “God.” Life-growth priests were called AB from abu. (compare to AL meaning Alu as the masculine life-growth source power. UM - bull’s anarchic storm powers of the life-growth class, EM - powers of human authority for commanding divine birds, and A’ representing all the powers of the motion class. 3. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to


indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.”

(ongoing form) Atu is being life-empowered by that activity

Clause 3 1. Bet (B) 2. Het (Ḫ) 3. He (E or H)

4. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” 5. Ḫ [Akkadian Ḫu] god Hu – the masculine deity which represents Atu's healing sun form powers (light, heat) as opposed to his chaotic storm form powers (rain). Dagon (DGN) meaning “constant divine power” is an epithet for Hu as is Helu (HL) meaning “bright-one.” 6. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet)

(imperative form) Shouldn’t we be nourishing Hu? No!

Line 2 (Med Text 7.2) Clause 1

1. Dalet (D) 2. Aleph {A) 3. Mem (M) 4. Aleph {A) Shin (Ṣ)

1. D [Akkadian dû] life-growth realm, life-growth-items, life-growth powers (du + i) (noun), life- empowered (adj), to life-empower (verb) - One of the two main classes of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. This word represents the Life-growth powers in both their masculine and feminine forms. This power is responsible for the creation and growth of plants and animals. With lordification this word became the “Divine-One” or “God.” Life-growth priests were called AB from abu. (compare to AL meaning Alu as the masculine life-growth source power. UM - bull’s anarchic storm powers of the life-growth class, EM - powers of human authority for commanding divine birds, and A’ representing all the powers of the motion class. 2. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to


indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 3. M [Akkadian mû] fertility-fluid, fertility-fluid-effects (noun), fertility-fluid (adj) - the fluid of the life- growth class of divine powers which flows through the life-growth network to eventually open object images on earth. 4. AṢ [Akkadian aṣu] expulsion (noun), expelled (adj), to expel (verb)

(statement form) Life-growth powers expel that from the fertility-fluids

Clause 2

1. He (E or H) Nun (N) – nun is partly destroyed but its two lower legs are still visible 2. Gimel (G) 3. Aleph (A) Taw (T) 4. Line (|)

1. EN [Akkadian enû] reassignment (noun), reassigning (participle) to reassign (verb) – as in to change places with something 2. G [Akkadian gu] – abundance (noun), abundant (adj), to make abundant (verb) – “Abundances” is the Akkadian word for the divine causal fluids of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. These fluids are the fertility- fluids of the life-growth class of powers and the spiritual fluids of the motion class of powers. Abundances come from above in contrast to the “nourishment” (B) which comes from the earth and fills up opened object images. 3. AT [Akkadian atu] Atu (noun) - life-growth connective god of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm representing the fertility fluid flow through the divine network. It literally means “that which is magical” from A.T as that.magical. When the flow is orderly and constant, he is in his healing sun form called Hu and Shamash from Ṣ-M-Ṣ (active - fertility-fluid – activity. When the flow is chaotic or anarchic, he is in his storm form represented by the Bull called Ba’al meaning “Great-One.” Aḫḫāzu is also the storm form meaning “that which eliminates Hu” from A-Ḫ-Z. Atu’s storm form is also the Greek Zeus from Z.Ṣ or Zû.Ṣu meaning elimination.activity. Atu’s healing sun form is Greek Apollo coming from Atu.alu to Ato.alo meaning "life-empowered Atu." Both rain and sunlight are needed for plant growth. Its sub- powers are: UM - bull’s storm powers and NM - the sun’s healing powers.

Reassignments are making abundant Atu

Clause 3

1. He (E or H) 2. Sade (Š) 3. Pe (P)

1. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet) 2. Š [Akkadian šū] corresponding-thing, same-thing, similar-thing, usual-way, same, it, she, her, he, him, they, them (noun), its, his, her, their, similar, same (adjective), to do the same, have similar (verb) – a more generic pronoun than is found in English. Pronouns have the form “same as [name].” English has 35

special pronouns for people. In Akkadian the “same” construction is often indicated by the helper word “that.” 3. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu.

(ongoing form) No one is doing the same thing for the Opener

Figure 12. Letter Assignments for Lines 3 and 4 of the Long Etruscan Text. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 3 (Med Text 7.3) Clause 1

1. Vav (U or W) Aleph (A) 2. Line (|)

1. U’, UY, Wa [Akkadian ū’a, ūya, wa] misery (noun), miserable (adj), to cause misery (verb) – this noun is sometimes translated as “woe.” 2. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(word for previous line) miserable

Clause 2

1. Aleph (A) Lamed (L) 2. Aleph (A) Zayin (Z)


3. Taw (T) [missing letter] 4. Zayin (Z) Ayin (‘) 5. He (E or H) Mem (M) 6. Line (|)

1. AL, ‘L [Akkadian alû, ‘elu] Alu (noun), life-growth powered (adj) - masculine life-growth source deity of Ancient Pagan Paradigm in the Levant. Literally means “That which is without” from A.L as a power without its own source. After lordification this word becomes “God. Allah means “power of Alu. ‘elohim means “powers of Alu” and is translated as “God” in the Hebrew Scriptures. Compare to D representing the life-growth powers in both masculine and feminine form. Compare to Su (S) as the motion source deity. 2. AZ [Akkadian azû] involvement (noun), involved (adj), to involve, to be involved-in (verb) 3. T[D] [Akkadian tuddû] acknowledgement (noun), to acknowledge (verb) 4. Z’, ZḪ: [Akkadian zā’u, zāḥu] oven, oven-dome, oven-worker (noun), to bake (verb) – oven-dome is often an epithet for the dome of the night sky holding the stars. Thus it references the astrological powers and baking can reference the fixing of fate. Compare to EP meaning “to dry-up.” 5. EM [Akkadian emu] supervisor (noun), to supervise (verb) – one who controls people or animals by right of position. Often an epithet for those powers which control the divine birds (owls and eagle- vultures). Compare to PL meaning “ruler” as one who controls land like a noble, and RB meaning “authority” as one who advises people. 6. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(ongoing form) Alu’s involvement is acknow[ledging] the oven-dome’s supervisor.

Clause 3

1. Aleph (A)

2. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced.

(phrase with next line) Is that activity

Line 4 (Med Text 7.4) Clause 1

1. Zayin (Z) 2. Aleph (A) Mem (M) 3. He (E or H)

1. Z [Akkadian zû] elimination, eliminator (noun), eliminating (participle), eliminated (adj), to eliminate (verb)


2. AM [Akkadian amu] Reed-Boat (noun) – in the Bronze Age this word was an epithet for the dark part of the crescent moon because it represented the powers which cut the life-growth threads in the network. This dark part was represented by the goddess Thanu. The dark part was the cargo of the crescent moon which was shaped like a boat of the era. Later in the Iron Age it became to be an epithet for both the light (Ayu) and dark forms (Thanu) of the feminine connective life-growth powers: Ayu, Ishtar, Inanna, Athena-Artemis, Hathor. As the dark power Thanu corresponded to the dark chaotic bull of her masculine complement. 3. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet)

(ongoing form) eliminating the Reed Boat? No!

Clause 2

1. Sade (Š) Ayin (‘) 2. Vav (U or W) 3. He (E or H)

1. Š’ [Akkadian še’ȗ] beer, barley (noun), beering, tasting (participle), beered, drunk (adj), to beer, to taste (verb) – Barley is the grain which produces beer and beer was the first human beverage. Hence “to beer” something in Akkadian was to try its taste. But since “beer” is not a verb in English “taste is used” 2. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet)

Beer? No!

Clause 3

1. Aleph (A) Ayin (‘) 2. He (E or H)

1. A’ or ‘W or AW or ‘ [Akkadian a’û] motion space, motion-powers (a’u + i) (noun), motion empowered (adj), to motion-empower – One of the two classes of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. Motion powers cause all movement on earth and in the divine network’s fertility fluids. Its source deity is the masculine full moon Su. Its sub-powers are: IM - emotional magic powers and IR - astrological powers. Their respective magic crafters are: NŠ - "emotional energy-raiser" and AMR - "seer" or "astrologer." The other class is the life-growth powers (D from du). Compare to EM – human powers of lordly authority which can command the divine birds. Also, the ayin letter sign by itself as the moon or as the moon traveling along the night sky symbolically represents the motion powers allowing the sign to be used in isolation. 2. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet)

(ongoing form) motion-powers? No! 38

1. Bet (B) 2. Aleph (A)

1. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items, nourisher (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power, Utu, under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” Together Utu and Yahu are the “Nourishers.” 2. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.”

(phrase with next line) The nourishers of

Figure 13. Letter Assignments for Lines 5 and 6 of the Long Etruscan Text. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted)

Line 5 (Med Text 7.5) Clause 1

1. Dalet (D) 2. Resh (R) 3. He (E or H) 4. Line (|)


1. DR [Akkadian dāru, dūru] eternal-forms (noun) – these are the invisible “platonic” life form images which are manifested on the earth plane by being filled with nourishment after being opened by the fertility fluids. 2. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet) 3. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(attached to previous line) eternal-forms? No!

Clause 2

1. Pe (P) 2. He (E or H) 3. Line (|)

1. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu. 2. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet) 3. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(attached to previous line) The Opener? No!

Clause 3

1. Aleph (A) Nun (N) 2. Aleph (A) Zayin (Z) 3. Zayin (Z) 4. Aleph (A) Lamed (L)

1. AN [Akkadian annu] consideration (noun), considerable (adjective), to consider (verb), in consideration of (preposition when starting a clause) – Considerations are focused thoughts and feelings which produce emotional magic. 2. AZ [Akkadian azû] involvement (noun), involved (adj), to involve, to be involved-in (verb) 3. Z [Akkadian zû] elimination, eliminator (noun), eliminating (participle), eliminated (adj), to eliminate (verb) 4. AL, ‘L [Akkadian alû, ‘elu] Alu (noun), life-growth powered (adj) - masculine life-growth source deity of Ancient Pagan Paradigm in the Levant. Literally means “That which is without” from A.L as a power without its own source. After lordification this word becomes “God. Allah means “power of Alu. 40

‘elohim means “powers of Alu” and is translated as “God” in the Hebrew Scriptures. Compare to D representing the life-growth powers in both masculine and feminine form. Compare to Su (S) as the motion source deity.

(ongoing form) Considerations involve the elimination of Alu

Line 6 (Med Text 7.6) Clause 1

1. Bet (B) Lamed (L) 2. Vav (U or W) Pe (P) 3. He (E or H) Nun (N) 4. Line (|)

1. BL [Akkadian bēlu, balû] - to inhibit (verb) 2. UP [Akkadian upû] clouds (noun) 3. EN [Akkadian enû] change (noun), changing (adjective, participle), to change (verb) 4. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

Which inhibits the cloud’s changing.

Clause 2

1. Aleph (A) 2. Zayin (Z) 3. Taw (T) 4. Vav (U or W) 5. Dalet (D) 6. Vav (U or W) [missing letter]

1. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 2. Z [Akkadian zû] elimination, eliminator (noun), eliminating (participle), eliminated (adj), to eliminate (verb) 3. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various


event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 4. U [Akkadian u, ū] and (conjunction), because (causal) – this is a generic clause and phrase connector. It is always “and” when connecting phrases. Compare to UL meaning “or else.” 5. D [Akkadian dû] life-growth realm, life-growth-items, life-growth powers (du + i) (noun), life- empowered (adj), to life-empower (verb) - One of the two main classes of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. This word represents the Life-growth powers in both their masculine and feminine forms. This power is responsible for the creation and growth of plants and animals. With lordification this word became the “Divine-One” or “God.” Life-growth priests were called AB from abu. (compare to AL meaning Alu as the masculine life-growth source power. UM - bull’s anarchic storm powers of the life-growth class, EM - powers of human authority for commanding divine birds, and A’ representing all the powers of the motion class. 6. W[P] [Akkadian wapû] appearance (noun), to appear, to make visible, (verb) – rain is the manifestation of fertility fluids and it is also the visible form of the fertility-fluids. Compare to MD meaning “manifestation.”

(statement form with verb at end) That eliminated activity makes visible the magic and life-growth-powers

Figure 14. Letter Assignments for Lines 7 and 8 of the Long Etruscan Text. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 7 (Med Text 7.7) Clause 1

1. Bet (B) 2. He (E or H) Mem (M) 3. Vav (U or W) 4. Nun (N) 5. Line (|)


1. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” 2. EM [Akkadian emu] supervisor (noun), to supervise (verb) – one who controls people or animals by right of position. Often an epithet for those powers which control the divine birds (owls and eagle- vultures). Compare to PL meaning “ruler” as one who controls land like a noble, and RB meaning “authority” as one who advises people. 3. U [Akkadian u, ū] and (conjunction), because (causal) – this is a generic clause and phrase connector. It is always “and” when connecting phrases. Compare to UL meaning “or else.” 4. N [Akkadian nu] revelation, revealer (noun), revealing (adj), to reveal (if inanimate source), to say (animate source - direct speech), to ask (animate source - direct speech), revealing (adj) – A “revealer” is an epithet for Yahu who reveals or manifests the invisible object images. 5. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(imperative form) Nourish the Supervisor and the Revealer.

Clause 2

1. Zayin (Z) 2. Taw (T) 3. Aleph (A) 4. Zayn (Z) Ayin (‘) 5. Vav (U or W) Pe (P) 6. Aleph (A) Zayin (Z)

1. Z [Akkadian zû] elimination, eliminator (noun), eliminating (participle), eliminated (adj), to eliminate (verb) 2. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 3. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 43

4. Z’, ZḪ: [Akkadian zā’u, zāḥu] oven, oven-dome, oven-worker (noun), to bake (verb) – oven-dome is often an epithet for the dome of the night sky holding the stars. Thus it references the astrological powers and baking can reference the fixing of fate. Compare to EP meaning “to dry-up.” 5. UP [Akkadian upû] clouds (noun) – compare to AP which also means cloud but as a correspondence for a motion class deity 6. AZ [Akkadian azû] involvement (noun), involved (adj), to involve, to be involved-in (verb)

(ongoing form) Elimination by magic-crafters is baking the involved clouds

Line 8 (Med Text 7.8) Clause 1

1. Taw (T) 2. Aleph (A) 3. Mem (M) 4. He (E or H) Dalet (D)

1. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 2. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 3. M [Akkadian mû] fertility-fluid, fertility-fluid-effects (noun), fertility-fluid (adj) - the fluid of the life- growth class of divine powers which flows through the life-growth network to eventually open object images on earth. 4. ED [Akkadian edû] awareness (noun) are aware, to make aware, to be aware (verb)

(statement form) Their magic makes them aware of the fertility-fluids

Clause 2

1. He (E or H) 2. Zayin (Z) 3. Bet (B) 4. Aleph (A) 5. Line (|)


1. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (abbreviated verb ending a question) 2. Z [Akkadian zû] elimination, eliminator (noun), eliminating (participle), eliminated (adj), to eliminate (verb) 3. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” 4. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 5. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(ongoing form) Nothing is eliminating their nourishing.

Clause 3

1. Gimel (G) 2. Aleph (A) 3. Bet (B) 4. Pe (P) 5. He (E or H)

1. G [Akkadian gu] – abundance (noun), abundant (adj), to make abundant (verb) – “Abundances” is the Akkadian word for the divine causal fluids of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. These fluids are the fertility- fluids of the life-growth class of powers and the spiritual fluids of the motion class of powers. Abundances come from above in contrast to the “nourishment” (B) which comes from the earth and fills up opened object images. 2. AB [Akkadian abu] life-growth--priest (noun) - not a magic worker but an agent of the life-growth class of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm who seek to enable those powers instead changing the divine network directly. The life-growth powers direct the fertility fluids through the divine network to open object images to be filled with earthly nourishment or dust. These images would later be called “Platonic” images. With the growth of dualism life-growth-priests became the good priests who were also labeled as “fathers.” Compare to A’ (“motion-priest”) 3. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu. 45

4. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet)

(statement form) Are abundances opened by life-growth priests? No!

Figure 15. Letter Assignments for Lines 9 and 10 of the Long Etruscan Text. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 9 (Med Text 7.9) Clause 1

1. Taw (T) 2. Vav (U or W) Lamed (L) 3. He (E or H) Dalet (D) 4. Aleph (A) Zayin (Z) 5. He (E or H) Nun (N) 6. Aleph (A) Kap (K) 7. Bet (B) 8. Line

1. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 2. UL [Akkadian ūla] or else, or (disjunction) – a clause separator literally meaning “and.without” from U.L. Compare with U meaning “and” and “because.” 3. ED [Akkadian edû] awareness (noun) are aware, to make aware, to be aware (verb) 4. AZ [Akkadian azû] involvement (noun), involved (adj), to involve, to be involved-in (verb) 46

5. EN [Akkadian enû] reassignment (noun), reassigning (participle) to reassign (verb) – as in to change places with something 6. AK [Akkadian akû, akkû] emotion-owls, Aku-owl (noun) – These owls add motion and movement to the fertility fluids flowing through the life-growth network threads (links, channels) during the day. They are under emotional control from humans. In contrast, the astrological motion powers use Hu’u (Ḫ’) owls for the same function and they are under the control of the heavenly bodies. These powers complement those of the goddess Ayu (crescent moon) which add and cut the links of the network via eagle-vultures (R). She represents the normal divine order of things and only become capricious during the cultural lordification process. Aku-owls are one of the divine-birds (IṢR) along with Hu’u owls and eagle-vultures. The divine network is then fixed or set at dusk (hence setting sun). The owls along with Ayu are called “Thread-Openers” (PQ). 7. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” 8. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(statement form) Magic or else awareness is involved in reassigning the nourishing emotion-owls.

Clause 2

1. Aleph (A) Pe (P) 2. Gimel (G)

1. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 2. PG [Akkadian pegu, pigu, pūgu] removal (noun), removal (adj), to remove (verb)

(phrase with next line) That removal activity

Line 10 (Med Text 7.10) Clause 1

1. Lamed (L) Sade (Š) 2. Vav (U or W) Dalet (D)

1. LŠ [Akkadian lâšu] influence (noun), influenced, influencing (adjective), to influence (verb)


2. UD [Akkadian udû] crafter (noun), crafting (participle), to craft (verb) - often an epithet for magic use is being influenced by the crafters

Clause 2

1. Pe (P) 2. Aleph (A) Dalet (D) 3. Taw (T) 4. He (E or H) Shin (Ṣ) 5. | (Vertical Line)

1. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu. 2. AD [Akkadian âdu, adu] - to notice (verb), while noticing (prep) 3. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 4. EṢ [Akkadian ēṣu, iṣu] few (adj), are few (verb) 5. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(statement form) The openings are being noticed by the few magic crafters

Clause 3

1. Aleph (A) Mem (M) 2. He (E or H) 3. Line (|)

1. AM [Akkadian amu] Reed-Boat (noun) – in the Bronze Age an epithet for the dark chaotic part of the crescent moon representing the goddess Thanu. Later in the Iron Age it came to be an epithet for both the light and dark forms of the feminine connective life-growth powers: Ayu, Ishtar, Inanna, Athena- Artemis, Hathor. As the dark power Thanu corresponded to the dark chaotic bull of her masculine complement. 2. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet)


3. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

By the Reed-boat? No!

Clause 4

1. Taw (T)

1. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.”


Figure 16. Letter Assignments for Lines 11 and 12 of the Long Etruscan Text. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 11 (Med Text 7.11) Clause 1

1. Aleph (A) Lamed (L) 2. He (E or H) 3. Line (|)


1. AL, ‘L [Akkadian alû, ‘elu] god Alu (noun), life-growth powered (adj) - masculine life-growth source deity of Ancient Pagan Paradigm in the Levant. Literally means “That which is without” from A.L as a power without its own source. After lordification this word becomes “God. Allah means “power of Alu. ‘elohim means “powers of Alu” and is translated as “God” in the Hebrew Scriptures. Compare to D representing the life-growth powers in both masculine and feminine form. Compare to Su (S) as the motion source deity. 2. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet) 3. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

Alu? No!

Clause 2

1. Lamed (L) 2. Aleph (A) Kap (K) 3. Pe (P) 4. He (E or H)

1. L [Akkadian la, lu] by not, without (preposition), to not have, are without (verb) 2. AK [Akkadian akû, akkû] emotion-owls, Aku-owl (noun) – These owls add motion and movement to the fertility fluids flowing through the life-growth network threads (links, channels) during the day. They are under emotional control from humans. In contrast, the astrological motion powers use Hu’u (Ḫ’) owls for the same function and they are under the control of the heavenly bodies. These powers complement those of the goddess Ayu (crescent moon) which add and cut the links of the network via eagle-vultures (R). She represents the normal divine order of things and only become capricious during the cultural lordification process. Aku-owls are one of the divine-birds (IṢR) along with Hu’u owls and eagle-vultures. The divine network is then fixed or set at dusk (hence setting sun). The owls along with Ayu are called “Thread-Openers” (PQ). 3. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open, opening, (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu. 4. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet)

(ongoing form) Are we going without opening emotion-owls? No!

Clause 3

1. Aleph (A) Lamed (L) 2. Shin (Ṣ) 3. Aleph (A) Zayin (Z) 4. He (E or H) 50

1. AL, ‘L [Akkadian alû, ‘elu] god Alu (noun), life-growth powered (adj) - masculine life-growth source deity of Ancient Pagan Paradigm in the Levant. Literally means “That which is without” from A.L as a power without its own source. After lordification this word becomes “God. Allah means “power of Alu. ‘elohim means “powers of Alu” and is translated as “God” in the Hebrew Scriptures. Compare to D representing the life-growth powers in both masculine and feminine form. Compare to Su (S) as the motion source deity. 2. Ṣ [Akkadian ṣu] activity (noun), active (adjective), activating-potential, to activate (verb) – often an epithet for the motion or motion potential of fertility fluids which must be activated by the motion class of powers. 3. AZ [Akkadian azû] involvement (noun), involved (adj), to involve, to be involved-in (verb) 4. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet)

(ongoing form) Are Alu’s activities getting involved? No!

Line 12 (Med Text 7.12) Clause 1

1. [ ] Nun (N) 2. Aleph (A) 3. Bet (B) 4. Aleph (A) Taw (T)

1. [T]N [Akkadian tēnȗ] replacement (noun), replacement (adjective), to replace (verb) 2. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 3. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” 4. AT [Akkadian atu] god Atu (noun) - life-growth connective god of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm representing the fertility fluid flow through the divine network. It literally means “that which is magical” from A.T as that.magical. When the flow is orderly and constant, he is in his healing sun form called Hu and Shamash from Ṣ-M-Ṣ (active - fertility-fluid – activity. When the flow is chaotic or anarchic, he is in his storm form represented by the Bull called Ba’al meaning “Great-One.” Aḫḫāzu is also the storm form meaning “that which eliminates Hu” from A-Ḫ-Z. Atu’s storm form is also the Greek Zeus from Z.Ṣ or Zû.Ṣu meaning elimination.activity. Atu’s healing sun form is Greek Apollo


coming from Atu.alu to Ato.alo meaning "life-empowered Atu." Both rain and sunlight are needed for plant growth. Its sub-powers are: UM - bull’s storm powers and NM - the sun’s healing powers.

(ongoing form) [Replace]ments for those activities are nourishing Atu.

Clause 2

1. Dalet (D) 2. Aleph (A) 3. Nun (N) 4. He (E or H) Zayin (Z) 5. Lamed (L) 6. Line (|)

1. D [Akkadian dû] life-growth realm, life-growth-items, life-growth powers (du + i) (noun), life- empowered (adj), to life-empower (verb) - One of the two main classes of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. This word represents the Life-growth powers in both their masculine and feminine forms. This power is responsible for the creation and growth of plants and animals. With lordification this word became the “Divine-One” or “God.” Life-growth priests were called AB from abu. (compare to AL meaning Alu as the masculine life-growth source power. UM - bull’s anarchic storm powers of the life-growth class, EM - powers of human authority for commanding divine birds, and A’ representing all the powers of the motion class. 2. N [Akkadian nu] revelation, revealer (noun), revealing (adj), to reveal (if inanimate source), to say (animate source - direct speech), to ask (animate source - direct speech), revealing (adj) – A “revealer” is an epithet for Yahu who reveals or manifests the invisible object images.. 3. EZ [Akkadian ezzu] impatience (noun), to become impatient (verb) 4. L [Akkadian la, lu] by not, without (preposition), not having, a lack (adj), to not have, are without (verb) 5. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(ongoing form) Those life-growth powers are revealing a lack of impatience.

Clause 3

1. Lamed (L) 2. Aleph (A) Bet (B)

1. L [Akkadian la, lu] by not, without (preposition), to not have, are without (verb) 2. AB [Akkadian abu] life-growth--priest (noun) - not a magic worker but an agent of the life-growth class of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm who seek to enable those powers instead changing the divine network directly. The life-growth powers direct the fertility fluids through the divine network to open object images to be filled with earthly nourishment or dust. These images would later be called “Platonic” images. With the growth of dualism life-growth-priests became the good priests who were also labeled as “fathers.” Compare to A’ (“motion-priest”) 52

(ongoing form) They are going without the life-growth-priests

Figure 17. Letter Assignments for Lines 13 and 14 of the Long Etruscan Text. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 13 (Med Text 7.13) Clause 1

1. Aleph (A) Lamed (L) 2. Zayin (Z) 3. He (E or H) Lamed (L) 4. He (E or H) 5. Line (|)

1. AL, ‘L [Akkadian alû, ‘elu] god Alu (noun), life-growth powered (adj) - masculine life-growth source deity of Ancient Pagan Paradigm in the Levant. Literally means “That which is without” from A.L as a power without its own source. After lordification this word becomes “God. Allah means “power of Alu. ‘elohim means “powers of Alu” and is translated as “God” in the Hebrew Scriptures. Compare to D representing the life-growth powers in both masculine and feminine form. Compare to Su (S) as the motion source deity. 2. Z [Akkadian zû] elimination, eliminator (noun), eliminating (participle), eliminated (adj), to eliminate (verb) 3. EL [Akkadian elȗ] elevated-ones, high ones (noun), to elevate (verb), elevated (adjective) – often an epithet for the life-growth powers thought to exist at or above the sky-shell. Compare to IL meaning “high-ones” which references the motion powers 4. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet) 53

5. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(ongoing form) Is Alu eliminating the high-ones? No!

Clause 2

1. Taw (T) 2. Aleph (A) Lamed (L) 3. Aleph (A) 4. Aleph (A) Dalet (D)

1. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 2. AL, ‘L [Akkadian alû, ‘elu] Alu (noun), life-growth powered (adj) - masculine life-growth source deity of Ancient Pagan Paradigm in the Levant. Literally means “That which is without” from A.L as a power without its own source. After lordification this word becomes “God. Allah means “power of Alu. ‘elohim means “powers of Alu” and is translated as “God” in the Hebrew Scriptures. Compare to D representing the life-growth powers in both masculine and feminine form. Compare to Su (S) as the motion source deity. 3. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 4. AD [Akkadian âdu, adu] - to notice (verb), while noticing (prep)

(statement form) Life-empowered magic would notice that activity

Clause 3

1. Nun (N) 2. Aleph (A) Shin () 3. Pe (P)

1. N [Akkadian nu] revelation, revealer (noun), revealing (adj), to reveal (if inanimate source), to say (animate source - direct speech), to ask (animate source - direct speech), revealing (adj) – A “revealer” is an epithet for Yahu who reveals or manifests the invisible object images. 54

2. AṢ [Akkadian aṣu] expulsion (noun), expelled (adj), to expel (verb) 3. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu.

(ongoing form) The revelations are being expelled by the Opener

Line 14 (Med Text 7.14) Clause 1

1. He (E or H) 2. Dalet (D) 3. Zayin (Z) 4. Line (|)

1. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet) 2. D [Akkadian dû] life-growth realm, life-growth-items, life-growth powers (du + i) (noun), life- empowered (adj), to life-empower (verb) - One of the two main classes of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. This word represents the Life-growth powers in both their masculine and feminine forms. This power is responsible for the creation and growth of plants and animals. With lordification this word became the “Divine-One” or “God.” Life-growth priests were called AB from abu. (compare to AL meaning Alu as the masculine life-growth source power. UM - bull’s anarchic storm powers of the life-growth class, EM - powers of human authority for commanding divine birds, and A’ representing all the powers of the motion class. 3. Z [Akkadian zû] elimination, eliminator (noun), eliminating (participle), eliminated (adj), to eliminate (verb) 4. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(statement form) None of the life-growth powers are eliminated.

Clause 2

1. Taw (T) 2. Aleph (A) 3. Nun (N) 4. Line (|)

1. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous


matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 2. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 3. N [Akkadian nu] revelation, revealer (noun), revealing (adj), to reveal (if inanimate source), to say (animate source - direct speech), to ask (animate source - direct speech), revealing (adj) – A “revealer” is an epithet for Yahu who reveals or manifests the invisible object images. 4. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

Imperative form) The magic-crafters are revealed.

Clause 3

1. Mem (M) 2. Het (Ḫ) 3. He (E or H) Dalet (D) 4. Aleph (A) Mem (M)

1. M [Akkadian mû] fertility-fluid, fertility-fluid-effects (noun), fertility-fluid (adj) - the fluid of the life- growth class of divine powers which flows through the life-growth network to eventually open object images on earth. 2. Ḫ [Akkadian Ḫu] god Hu – the masculine deity which represents Atu's healing sun form powers (light, heat) as opposed to his chaotic storm form powers (rain). Dagon (DGN) meaning “constant divine power” is an epithet for Hu as is Helu (HL) meaning “bright-one.” 3. ED [Akkadian edû] awareness (noun) are aware, to make aware, to be aware (verb) 4. AM [Akkadian amu] Reed-Boat (noun) – in the Bronze Age an epithet for the dark chaotic part of the crescent moon representing the goddess Thanu. Later in the Iron Age it came to be an epithet for both the light and dark forms of the feminine connective life-growth powers: Ayu, Ishtar, Inanna, Athena- Artemis, Hathor. As the dark power Thanu corresponded to the dark chaotic bull of her masculine complement.

(ongoing form) The fertility-fluids of Hu must be made aware of the Reed-boat


Figure 18. Letter Assignments for Lines 15 and 16 of the Long Etruscan Text. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 15 (Med Text 7.15) Clause 1

1. Pe (P) 2. He (E or H) Aleph (A) 3. Pe (P) 4. Line (|)

1. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu. 2. EA, E’ [Akkadian e’u] the god Ea and E’u (Yahu) – The masculine manifestation power of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. This power reveals both objects using the life-growth-power and movement using the motion power. Letter ayin (‘) is dual use with /a/ after 850 BCE. Yahu has these linguistic equivalents: Ia, Ia’u, I’u, Ea, E’u, Ea’u, Ya’u, Yahu due to /i/ and /e/ sounds often being mixed up, Y and I being dual use as the letter yod, and the glottal stop sound of ayin being slurred as /h/ as happens in many Akkadian words. Due to the direct replacement of “Ea” for “Enki” in Assyrian cuneiform copies of Sumerian myths we know Enki is also Ea (Yahu). Yahu later becomes Yahweh, the national god of Judah, by adding the noun possessed ending /e/ or /i/ to Yahu to form the meaning “power of Yahu.” That derivation goes like this: Yahu + e = Yahue = Yahwe because inner vowels not allowed in Akkadian and U/W are duals for the letter vav. This then becomes “Yahwh” or “Yahweh” because Hebrew typically does not have ending vowels for nouns and E/H are duals for the letter he. Utu (UT) is this power’s feminine complement. 3. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with 57

amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu. 4. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(imperative form) Open-up Yahu’s (EA) Opener

Clause 2

1. Lamed (L) 2. He (E or H) Nun (N) 3. Line (|)

1. L [Akkadian la, lu] by not, without (preposition), to not have, are without (verb) 2. EN [Akkadian enû] reassignment (noun), reassigning (participle) to reassign (verb) – as in to change places with something 3. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(imperative form) Do not have reassignments

Clause 3

1. Aleph (A) 2. Bet (B) 3. Aleph (A) Gimel (G) 4. Vav (U or W) 5. Line (|)

1. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 2. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” 3. AG [Akkadian agȗ] anger (noun), to make angry (verb) – Compare to ZB meaning “to be offended” 4. U [Akkadian u, ū] and (conjunction), because (verb) – this is a generic clause and phrase connector. It is always “and” when connecting phrases. Compare to UL meaning “or else.”


5. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(statement form) That nourishing activity is because of anger.

Line 16 (Med Text 7.16) Clause 1

1. Vav (U or W) Mem (M) 2. Sade (Š) 3. Pe (P) 4. Aleph (A)

1. UM [Akkadian ūmu] storm-powers (noun), to make stormy (verb), stormy (adjective) (storm powers cause conflict and chaos in the life-growth powers, compare to TB - to make a physical storm, IM - emotional magic powers of the motion class, NM - sun’s healing powers of the life-growth class, D - all powers of the life-growth class, IR - astrological powers of the motion class, EM - powers from lordly authority) 2. Š [Akkadian šū] corresponding-thing, same-thing, similar-thing, usual-way, same, it, she, her, he, him, they, them (noun), its, his, her, their, similar, same (adjective), to do the same, have similar (verb) – a more generic pronoun than is found in English. Pronouns have the form “same as [name].” English has special pronouns for people. In Akkadian the “same” construction is often indicated by the helper word “that.” 3. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu. 4. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.”

(ongoing form) Similar storm-powers are being opened-up by that activity


7.0 Justification of Pyrgi Short Etruscan Text Translation (Med Text 8) Words from Alphabetic Akkadian Lexicon (Olmsted May 2020)

Figure 19. Letter Assignments for Lines 1 and 2 of the Short Etruscan Text from Pyrgi. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted)

Line 1 (Med Text 8.1) Clause 1

1. Vav (U or W) Aleph (A) 2. Bet (B) Ayin (‘) 3. Vav (U or W) Samak (S) 4. Aleph (A) Dalet (D) 5. Line (|)

1. U’, UY, Wa [Akkadian ū’a, ūya, wa] misery (noun), miserable (adj), to cause misery (verb) – this noun is sometimes translated as “woe.” 2. B’ [Akkadian bā’u, be’u] nest (noun), nesting (participle), nested (adjective), to nest (verb) - as in to nest and rest as the opposite of producing motion. A house (BT) is a human nest. Any perched bird is a nesting bird in this context. 3. US [Akkadian ūsu] goose (noun), goose (adjective) – a goose nest is a tangled jumble of grass stems so it is an epithet for a tangled life-growth network. 4. AD [Akkadian âdu, adu] - to notice (verb) 5. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(statement form with verb at end) Misery notices the goose nest.


Clause 2

1. He (E or H) 2. Pe (P) 3. He (E or H) Lamed (L)

1. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet) 2. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu. 3. EL [Akkadian elȗ] elevated-ones, high ones (noun), to elevate (verb), elevated (adjective) – often an epithet for the life-growth powers thought to exist at or above the sky-shell. Compare to IL meaning “high-ones” which references the motion powers

(ongoing form) Nothing is opening-up the high-ones

Line 2 (Med Text 8.2) Clause 1

1. Yod (I or Y) Vav (U or W) 2. Nun (N) 3. Aleph (A) 4. Zayin (Z) Ayin (‘) 5. Aleph (A) Mem (M) 6. Vav (U or W) 7. Bet (B) 8. He (E or H)

1. IW [not identified in cuneiform Akkadian] redirection (noun), redirecting (participle), redirected (adj), to redirect (verb) 2. N [Akkadian nu] revelation, revealer (noun), revealing (adj), to reveal (if inanimate source), to say (animate source - direct speech), to ask (animate source - direct speech), revealing (adj) – A “revealer” is an epithet for Yahu who reveals or manifests the invisible object images. 3. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 4. Z’, ZḪ: [Akkadian zā’u, zāḥu] oven, oven-dome, oven-worker (noun), to bake (verb) – oven-dome is often an epithet for the dome of the night sky holding the stars. Thus it references the astrological powers and baking can reference the fixing of fate. Compare to EP meaning “to dry-up.”


5. AM [Akkadian amu] Reed-Boat (noun) – in the Bronze Age an epithet for the dark chaotic part of the crescent moon representing the goddess Thanu. Later in the Iron Age it came to be an epithet for both the light and dark forms of the feminine connective life-growth powers: Ayu, Ishtar, Inanna, Athena- Artemis, Hathor. As the dark power Thanu corresponded to the dark chaotic bull of her masculine complement. 6. U [Akkadian u, ū] and (conjunction), because (causal) – this is a generic clause and phrase connector. It is always “and” when connecting phrases. Compare to UL meaning “or else.” 7. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power, Utu, under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” Together Utu and Yahu are the “Nourishers.” 8. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, nothing, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (when at the end of a sentence it indicates an interrogative verb couplet)

(ongoing form) Is redirecting the Revealer baking the Reed-Boat and the nourishments? No

Figure 20. Letter Assignments for Lines 3 and 4 of the Short Etruscan Text from Pyrgi. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 3 (Med Text 8.3) Clause 1

1. Bet (B) 2. Lamed (L) 3. He (E or H) Pe (P) 4. Aleph (A)


1. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items, nourisher (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power, Utu, under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” Together Utu and Yahu are the “Nourishers.” 2. L [Akkadian la, lu] by not, without (preposition), not having, a lack (adj), to not have, are without (verb) 3. EP [Akkadian epû] dryer (noun), drying, drying-up (participle), to dry up (verb), (compare to Z’ - to bake in an oven) 4. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.”

(ongoing form) To nourish without this drying activity

Clause 2

1. He (E or H) 2. Taw (T) 3. Aleph (A) Nun (N) 4. Aleph (A) Lamed (L)

1. E [Akkadian ē] no one, not one, none, let no one, let not one (noun), not, none of (adj), no (abbreviated verb ending a question) 2. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 3. AN [Akkadian annu] consideration (noun), considerable (adjective), to consider (verb), in consideration of (preposition when starting a clause) – Considerations are focused thoughts and feelings which produce emotional magic. 4. AL, ‘L [Akkadian alû, ‘elu] Alu (noun), life-growth powered (adj) - masculine life-growth source deity of Ancient Pagan Paradigm in the Levant. Literally means “That which is without” from A.L as a power without its own source. After lordification this word becomes “God. Allah means “power of Alu. ‘elohim means “powers of Alu” and is translated as “God” in the Hebrew Scriptures. Compare to D


representing the life-growth powers in both masculine and feminine form. Compare to Su (S) as the motion source deity.

(ongoing form) Let no one craft magic considering Alu

Line 4 (Med Text 8.4) Clause 1

1. Mem (M) 2. Aleph (A) Zayin (Z) 3. Aleph (A) Nun (N) 4. Taw (T) 5. Line (|)

1. M [Akkadian mû] fertility-fluid, fertility-fluid-effects (noun), fertility-fluid (adj) - the fluid of the life- growth class of divine powers which flows through the life-growth network to eventually open object images on earth. 2. AZ [Akkadian azû] involvement (noun), involved (adj), to involve, to be involved-in (verb) 3. AN [Akkadian annu] consideration (noun), considerable (adjective), to consider (verb), in consideration of (preposition when starting a clause) – Considerations are focused thoughts and feelings which produce emotional magic. 4. T [Akkadian tû] magic, magic-crafter (noun), magical, magically-affected (adjective), to craft magic (verb) – Magic in ancient times was all about generating the underlying forces causing motion. The magic of the life-growth class of powers involved the opening of ideal images to be filled by amorphous matter (nourishment). The magic of the motion class had two divisions: emotional and astrological. Emotions underlie human activities and via extrapolation other activities as well. The motions of the heavenly bodies were seen as responsible for seasonal changes and via extrapolation to other various event related to that like the cycles of life (fate), flooding, drought, and pestilence. Compare to MG meaning “magi.” 5. Line (|) – end of clause or sentence

(ongoing form) Fertility-fluids are becoming involved in magical considerations.

Clause 2

1. Vav (U or W) Dalet (D)

1. UD [Akkadian udû] crafter, magic-crafter (noun), crafting (participle), to craft (verb) - often an epithet for magic use

That is, by the magic-crafters


Figure 21. Letter Assignments for Lines 5 and 6 of the Short Etruscan Text from Pyrgi. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 5 (Med Text 8.5) Clause 1

1. Vav (U or W) 2. Nun (N) 3. Line (|)

1. U [Akkadian u, ū] and (conjunction), because (causal) – this is a generic clause and phrase connector. It is always “and” when connecting phrases. Compare to UL meaning “or else.” 2. N [Akkadian nu] revelation, revealer (noun), revealing (adj), to reveal (if inanimate source), to say (animate source - direct speech), to ask (animate source - direct speech), revealing (adj) – A “revealer” is an epithet for Yahu who reveals or manifests the invisible object images. 3. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(phrase with previous line) And revealers.

Clause 2

1. Aleph (A) Zayin (Z) 2. Shin (Ṣ) 3. He (E or H) Lamed (L) 4. Aleph (A) Bet (B) 5. He (E or H) Pe (P)

1. AZ [Akkadian azû] involvement (noun), involving (participle), involved (adj), to involve, to be involved- in (verb) 65

2. Ṣ [Akkadian ṣu] activity, activation (noun), active (adjective), activating-potential, to activate (verb) – often an epithet for the motion or motion potential of fertility fluids which must be activated by the motion class of powers. 3. EL [Akkadian elȗ] elevated-ones, high ones (noun), to elevate (verb), elevated (adjective) – often an epithet for the life-growth powers thought to exist at or above the sky-shell. Compare to IL meaning “high-ones” which references the motion powers 4. AB [Akkadian abu] life-growth--priest (noun) - not a magic worker but an agent of the life-growth class of divine powers of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm who seek to enable those powers instead changing the divine network directly. The life-growth powers direct the fertility fluids through the divine network to open object images to be filled with earthly nourishment or dust. These images would later be called “Platonic” images. With the growth of dualism life-growth-priests became the good priests who were also labeled as “fathers.” Compare to A’ (“motion-priest”) 5. EP [Akkadian epû] drying-up (participle), to dry up (verb), (compare to Z’ - to bake in an oven)

(statement form) Involving activation dries-up the High-Ones for the life-growth priests

Line 6 (Med Text 8.6) Clause 1

1. Aleph (A) Kap (K) 2. Aleph (A) Lamed (L) 3. Taw (T) Mem (M) 4. Line (|)

1. AK [Akkadian akû, akkû] emotion-owls, Aku-owl (noun) – These owls add motion and movement to the fertility fluids flowing through the life-growth network threads (links, channels) during the day. They are under emotional control from humans. In contrast, the astrological motion powers use Hu’u (Ḫ’) owls for the same function and they are under the control of the heavenly bodies. These powers complement those of the goddess Ayu (crescent moon) which add and cut the links of the network via eagle-vultures (R). She represents the normal divine order of things and only become capricious during the cultural lordification process. Aku-owls are one of the divine-birds (IṢR) along with Hu’u owls and eagle-vultures. The divine network is then fixed or set at dusk (hence setting sun). The owls along with Ayu are called “Thread-Openers” (PQ). 2. AL, ‘L [Akkadian alû, ‘elu] Alu (noun), life-growth powered (adj) - masculine life-growth source deity of Ancient Pagan Paradigm in the Levant. Literally means “That which is without” from A.L as a power without its own source. After lordification this word becomes “God. Allah means “power of Alu. ‘elohim means “powers of Alu” and is translated as “God” in the Hebrew Scriptures. Compare to D representing the life-growth powers in both masculine and feminine form. Compare to Su (S) as the motion source deity. 3. TM [Akkadian tamû, temû] curse (noun), to be cursed, to curse (verb) - compare to UG 4. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(statement form) Emotion-owls are cursed by Alu, that is,


Clause 2

1. Aleph (A) Lamed (L) 2. Aleph (A)

1. AL, ‘L [Akkadian alû, ‘elu] Alu, Life-Force-Originator (noun), life-growth powered (adj) - masculine life- growth source (originator) deity of Ancient Pagan Paradigm in the Levant. Literally means “That which is without” from A.L as a power without its own source. After lordification this word becomes “God. Allah means “power of Alu. ‘elohim means “powers of Alu” and is translated as “God” in the Hebrew Scriptures. Compare to D representing the life-growth powers in both masculine and feminine form. Compare to Su (S) as the motion source deity. 2. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.”

(phrase) the life-force-originator

Figure 22. Letter Assignments for Lines 7 and 8 of the Short Etruscan Text from Pyrgi. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted) Line 7 (Med Text 8.7) Clause 1

1. Pe (P) 2. Line (|)

1. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible


object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu. 2. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(phrase) For the openings

Clause 2

1. Lamed (L) 2. Sade (Š) 3. Gimmel (G) 4. Aleph (A) Lamed (L)

1. L [Akkadian la, lu] by not, without (preposition), to not have, are without (verb) 2. Š [Akkadian šū] corresponding-thing, same-thing, similar-thing, usual-way, same, it, she, her, he, him, they, them (noun), its, his, her, their, similar, same (adjective), to do the same, have similar (verb) – a more generic pronoun than is found in English. Pronouns have the form “same as [name].” English has special pronouns for people. In Akkadian the “same” construction is often indicated by the helper word “that.” 3. G [Akkadian gu] – abundance (noun), abundant (adj), to make abundant (verb) – “Abundances” is the Akkadian word for the divine causal fluids of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. These fluids are the fertility- fluids of the life-growth class of powers and the spiritual fluids of the motion class of powers. Abundances come from above in contrast to the “nourishment” (B) which comes from the earth and fills up opened object images.

(ongoing form) Because of not having similar abundances

Clause 3

1. Aleph (A) 2. Mem (M) 3. Vav (U or W) 4. Bet (B)

1. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 2. M [Akkadian mû] fertility-fluid, fertility-fluid-effects (noun), fertility-fluid (adj) - the fluid of the life- growth class of divine powers which flows through the life-growth network to eventually open object images on earth. 68

3. U [Akkadian u, ū] and (conjunction), because (causal) – this is a generic clause and phrase connector. It is always “and” when connecting phrases. Compare to UL meaning “or else.” 4. B [Akkadian bu] nourishment, nourishment-items (noun), nourishing (participle), nourishing (adj), to nourish (verb) - To be manifested the invisible “platonic” object forms of living things must be filled with nourishment. At the most fundamental level this nourishment is the amorphous dust of matter although this dust may be transported as formed food objects. The image form is opened by the feminine manifesting power, Utu, under the influence of divine powers higher up in the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. The image form is then filled by the masculine power which is labeled Yahu in the Mediterranean. The word “Yahweh” literally means “power of Yahu.” Together Utu and Yahu are the “Nourishers.”

(phrase with next clause) Their fertility-fluid activities and nourishments

Line 8 (Med Text 8.8) Clause 1

1. He (E or H) Gimel (G) 2. Line (|)

1. EG [Akkadian egû] neglected-one (noun), to neglect (verb) – compare to ŠL meaning “disregard.” 2. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(ongoing form) Are being neglected.

Clause 2

1. Lamed (L) 2. Vav (U or W) Mem (M) 3. Sade (Š) 4. Pe (P)

1. L [Akkadian la, lu] by not, without (preposition), to not have, are without (verb) 2. UM [Akkadian ūmu] storm-powers (noun), to make stormy (verb), stormy (adjective) (storm powers cause conflict and chaos in the life-growth powers, compare to TB - to make a physical storm, IM - emotional magic powers of the motion class, NM - sun’s healing powers of the life-growth class, D - all powers of the life-growth class, IR - astrological powers of the motion class, EM - powers from lordly authority) 3. Š [Akkadian šū] corresponding-thing, same-thing, similar-thing, usual-way, same, it, she, her, he, him, they, them (noun), its, his, her, their, similar, same (adjective), to do the same, have similar (verb) – a more generic pronoun than is found in English. Pronouns have the form “same as [name].” English has special pronouns for people. In Akkadian the “same” construction is often indicated by the helper word “that.”


4. P [Akkadian pû] Opener (noun), to open-up to, to open-up, to make openings (verb), open (adjective), opening, opening-up (participle) - often an epithet for the goddess Utu who opens up the invisible object platonic forms as by directed by the fertility fluids. Once open these forms are filled with amorphous matter (nourishment or dust) using the “power of Yahu” (Yahweh). Fertility fluids are directed by Ayu, opened by Utu, and filled (manifested) by Yahu.

(ongoing form) Because of not having similar storm-powers .. openings

Figure 23. Letter Assignments for Line 9 of the Short Etruscan Text from Pyrgi. (Picture cut from Wikimedia Commons Picture. Red letter assignments by Olmsted)

Line 9 (Med Text 8.9) Clause 1

1. Aleph (A) 2. Zayin (Z) 3. Nun (N) Vav (U or W) 4. Line (|)

1. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 2. Z [Akkadian zû] elimination, eliminator (noun), eliminating (participle), eliminated (adj), to eliminate (verb) 3. NW [Akkadian nawû] abandonment (noun), abandoned (adjective), to abandon (verb) 4. | [Vertical Line] Indicates either a clause ending (comma) or sentence ending (period). If a clause ending then it may also mean “,that is,” as a connective

(ongoing form) Their (openings) are being eliminated by the abandonment.


Clause 2

1. Aleph (A) 2. Qop (Q)

1. A [Akkadian ā] that thing or activity, this thing or activity, those things or activities, these things or activities, their things or activities (noun), that, this, those, these, their (adjective) – the “thing” is a wild card for whatever thing is being referenced. This term is also used as a grammatical indicator to indicate when a noun persona is meant instead of the power such as “Opener” or “Magic-crafter” instead of “opening” or “magic.” 2. Q [Akkadian qû] threads, life-growth threads (noun), threading (adjective), threading (participle), to thread, to weave (verb) - channels for the fertility fluids

(phrase) That is, their threading activities

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