International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, vol 9 no 3 & 4, year 2017, 82 Implementation of OpenEHR in Combination with Clinical Terminologies: Experiences from Norway Rune Pedersen Conceição Granja, Luis Marco Ruiz Norwegian Centre for eHealth Research Norwegian Centre for eHealth Research University Hospital of North Norway University Hospital of North Norway Telemedicine- and eHealth Tromsø, Norway University of Tromsø {conceicao.granja, luis.marco.ruiz}
[email protected] Abstract—Norway is currently involved in several initiatives to operation needs not only efficient technologies but also the adopt clinical information standards and terminologies. This ability of these technologies to exchange information without paper aims to identify and discuss challenges and experiences any ambiguity or loss of meaning, i.e., interoperate at a se- for large-scale national implementation projects when working mantic level [10]. towards structured Electronic Health Records systems, process Enabling semantic interoperability (SIOp) across and decision support, and secondary use of clinical data. This healthcare technological platforms is needed in order to guar- paper reports from the national strategy for OpenEHR adop- antee that different stakeholders will derive the same conclu- tion in Northern Norway Regional Health Authority encour- sions from the same data set [10]. If SIOp is not granted across aged by the development of a national repository for OpenEHR organizational boundaries, the lack of precision in specifying archetypes and a national initiative to integrate clinical termi- the meaning of the information shared may lead to misinter- nologies. The paper contributes to a qualitative longitudinal in- terpretive study with an effort to increase the possibility to ob- pretations of healthcare data jeopardizing the quality of care tain semantic interoperability (towards integrated care) and dis- and hampering research outcomes.