DASH: Database Shadowing for Mobile DBMS Youjip Won1 Sundoo Kim2 Juseong Yun2 Dam Quang Tuan2 Jiwon Seo2 1KAIST, Daejeon, Korea 2Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION In this work, we propose Database Shadowing, or DASH, Crash recovery is a vital part of DBMS design. Algorithms which is a new crash recovery technique for SQLite DBMS. for crash recovery range from naive full-file shadowing [15] DASH is a hybrid mixture of classical shadow paging and to the sophisticated ARIES protocol [38]. Most enterprise logging. DASH addresses four major issues in the current DBMS's, e.g., IBM DB2, Informix, Micrsoft SQL and Oracle SQLite journal modes: the performance and write amplifi- 8, use ARIES or its variants for efficient concurrency control. cation issues of the rollback mode and the storage space re- SQLite is one of the most widely used DBMS's. It is quirement and tail latency issues of the WAL mode. DASH deployed on nearly all computing platform such as smart- exploits two unique characteristics of SQLite: the database phones (e.g, Android, Tizen, Firefox, and iPhone [52]), dis- files are small and the transactions are entirely serialized. tributed filesystems (e.g., Ceph [58] and Gluster filesys- DASH consists of three key ingredients Aggregate Update, tem [1]), wearable devices (e.g., smart watch [4, 21]), and Atomic Exchange and Version Reset. Aggregate Update elim- automobiles [19, 55]. As a library-based embedded DBMS, inates the redundant write overhead and the requirement to SQLite deliberately adopts a basic transaction management maintain multiple snapshots both of which are inherent in and crash recovery scheme.