Fontenot et al. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013, 7:30

RESEARCH Open Access Luminescent properties of lanthanide dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium compounds Ross S Fontenot1*, William A Hollerman2, Kamala N Bhat1, Stephen W Allison3 and Mohan D Aggarwal1

Abstract Triboluminescence (TL) is defined as the emission of cold based on mechanical action. In 1999, Sage and Geddes used this property to design a sensor capable of discerning the location of impacts. By coating a structure with various triboluminescent materials, impacts to structures could be monitored with simple light detectors. However, the intensity of most materials is very low. Of the thousands of known triboluminescent materials, only a few can emit enough light to be seen in daylight. One of these materials is europium dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium (EuD4TEA). This material shows 206% of the TL yield compared to the more commonly known manganese-doped zinc sulfide. Due to the high TL yield of EuD4TEA, exploration of the lanthanide series compounds was attempted for different emission wavelengths. This will help to monitor the locations of impacts on structures. This paper will investigate the TL yields, TL decay times, and the spectra of various lanthanide dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium compounds. Keywords: Triboluminescence, Rare earth , Lanthanide luminescence, Mechanoluminescence, Europium tetrakis, EuD4TEA, Lanthanide tetrakis, Emission, Excitation PACS: 78.60.Mq, 78.55.Bq, 71.20.Eh

Background fully understood, but it is believed that TL is associated The generalized process of ‘cold light’ emission is called lu- with asymmetric structure. Crystal bonds are minescence, and it refers to the absorption of energy by a broken along planes with opposing charge, and when material with the subsequent emission of photons [1]. It is they re-connect, light is emitted as the charges pass a phenomenon distinct from blackbody radiation, incandes- through the separations created from the fracture. A cence, or other such effects that cause materials to glow at classic example of TL light is found in the used high temperatures [1-4]. There are various forms of lumi- for real wintergreen-flavored Lifesavers® [6,7]. The nescence, usually denoted by the method from which the green/blue sparks seen when chewing the candy is TL electrons were excited. For example, electroluminescence light being emitted from the crystal breakage in the happens when an electrostatic field excites the electrons. sucrose [6,7]. TL can also be produced by the peeling of Photoluminescence is the excitation of electrons due tape in a vacuum [8] and as a result of plate stresses to electromagnetic radiation. Likewise, triboluminescence during and just prior to an earthquake [4,9,10]. (TL) is light produced by the fracture of crystals [4,5]. When a TL crystal is fractured, electrons are torn away The word triboluminescence comes from the Greek from their parent atoms, resulting in a static discharge tribein, meaning ‘to rub,’ and the Latin prefix lumen, across the gap of the fracture [11,12]. The light is emitted meaning ‘light.’ TL is a specific form of mechano- by several distinct, material-dependent mechanisms. The luminescence, which is the production of non-thermal emission spectrum for sugar indicates that the light comes light from any type of mechanical action or application from the atmospheric nitrogen that fills the gap during of stress [4,5]. The mechanisms of TL light are still not fracture. This is the same source of light as that from lightning or touching a doorknob on a winter day. Spectra * Correspondence: [email protected] for other samples show emission characteristic of the 1Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, Alabama A&M material as well as nitrogen lines. Such spectra suggest a University, P.O. Box 1268, Normal, AL 35762, USA secondary energy process [11,12]. Other substances Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2013 Fontenot et al.; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Fontenot et al. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013, 7:30 Page 2 of 10

exhibit a spectrum characteristic of the material alone. Lanthanide (Ln) compounds have distinctive optical While abrupt charge separation is the same in all cases, properties, which include long luminescence lifetimes emission mechanisms depend on the material [11,12]. that range from microseconds to milliseconds and sharp In 1999, Sage and Geddes used the property of TL to emission bands with a full width half maximum that patent a design for a sensor capable of discerning the lo- rarely exceeds 10 nm. These properties make lan- cations of impact [13-15]. Their design involved coating thanides useful for organic light-emitting diodes, laser a material with a triboluminescent crystal or creating a materials, and sensors [25]. In order to increase lumines- composite triboluminescent object [13-15]. A sensor cence excitation, the Ln ion is usually coordinated to the would then be embedded within the structure or ligands of β-diketone and aromatic amine derivatives. mounted on its surface [14]. Impacts to the structure This typically increases the quantum efficiency through would produce light which would be recorded and ana- ‘synergistic effects’ and prevents the coordination of lyzed to determine the location [14]. In addition, Sage solvent that quench the emissions [25]. et al. proposed that several different triboluminescent Besides their outstanding photoluminescent proper- materials could be used and arranged at various loca- ties, lanthanide β-diketone compounds containing chiral tions [13-15]. The advantage is that when an impact groups have additional properties that include second takes place, its location could be determined by the harmonic generation, ferroelectricity, TL, chirality sens- wavelength emitted [14]. For example, by placing two ing, circularly polarized luminescence, symmetric cata- different triboluminescent materials at known distances lysis, and enantiomer selective synthesis [25]. In this from the detector, it is possible to determine the ap- paper, we investigate the luminescent properties of proximate location of the impact by measuring the emit- dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium compounds syn- ted wavelength. thesized using a selection of Ln nitrates. However, the triboluminescent emission yield for most materials is small, and the resulting light can be Methods difficult to detect. For the last few years, Fontenot Synthesizing lanthanide-based dibenzoylmethide and Hollerman et al. have been working with euro- triethylammonium compounds pium tetrakis dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium The synthesis of each lanthanide dibenzoylmethide (EuD4TEA) [16-18]. This material was found to have triethylammonium compound was based on the proce- 206% of the triboluminescent emission yield compared dures and methods used for EuD4TEA as shown in [17]. to ZnS:Mn when subjected to low-energy impacts The synthesis began by dissolving 4 mmol of the lan- [17,19]. Both EuD4TEA and ZnS:Mn emit strong TL when thanide nitrate in a hot solution of 35 mL anhydrous their crystals are crushed, scratched, or struck [20]. denatured ethyl alcohol. Then, 13 mmol of 1,3-diphenyl- The first practical EuD4TEA material was synthesized 1,3-propanedione also known as dibenzoylmethane by Hurt et al. [18]. In 1987, Sweeting et al. studied the (DBM) and 14 mmol of triethylamine (TEA) was added crystal form for EuD4TEA [21] using the synthesis de- to the hot solution. The solution was then kept aside to scribed by Hurt et al. Purification by recrystallization cool at ambient temperature. Each Ln compound that was accomplished by room temperature evaporation of formed was filtered and air-dried at room temperature. methanol and dichloromethane [21]. After testing both After formation, the synthesized compounds were materials for triboluminescence by grinding each of the shown to be very stable with no degradation due to hu- crystals with a glass rod or steel spatula, it was disco- midity. Table 1 shows the color of the resulting solution vered that the methanol-based material exhibited TL or product at each step of the synthesis process. Table 1 while the dichloromethane lacked TL [21]. In order to also shows the color of the photoluminescent emission understand the structure of EuD4TEA, the final products when the synthesized crystallites were exposed to ultra- were analyzed using X-ray diffraction. From these re- violet light. The Ho, Ce, and La compounds do not emit sults, Sweeting et al. determined that the material made when excited with irradiation. with methanol showed no evidence of solvent incorpo- All lanthanide elements form trivalent cations whose ration, was monoclinic, and had a centric symmetry be- chemistry is largely determined by the ionic radius, longing to the I2/a space group [21]. However, in 2001, which decreases steadily from lanthanum to lutetium. Cotton et al. showed that EuD4TEA does not belong to For this reason, the notation LnD4TEA can be used to the I2/a space group, but instead to the non-centric (and represent a generic lanthanide dibenzoylmethide triethy- polar) space group Ia [22]. In 2011 and 2012, the syn- lammonium compound. For individual compounds, Ln thesis process was modified to optimize the TL of will be replaced with the symbol used for the specific EuD4TEA [16,17,23,24]. In order to create a sensor as lanthanide element. For example, TbD4TEA is shorthand described by Sage and Geddes, another material that for the terbium-based dibenzoylmethide triethylammo- emits intense TL of a different color is required. nium compound. Fontenot et al. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013, 7:30 Page 3 of 10

Table 1 Color of resulting solution and products of the Ln dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium compounds Ln Color of the solution after the material below is added Color and condition of the Photoluminescence dibenzoylmethide finished product color Ln nitrate DBM TEA triethylammonium compound Eu Clear Dark yellow Dark yellow Light yellow sparkly crystalline Bright red Ho Pink Light orange Dark orange Orange or yellow flakes None Dy Clear Clear yellow Dark yellow Crystalline sparkly yellow green Green Er Light pink Peach Dark orange Flaky peach color Red Sm Clear Clear yellow Dark yellow Orange flaky crystalline Red Nd Clear purple Light clear yellow Dark orange brown Pinkish red flaky clumped crystals Green Gd Clear Clear yellow Dark yellow Yellow-orange crystalline Red Tb Clear Clear yellow Dark yellow Yellow crystalline Green Pr Light green Yellow green Dark green yellow Small green flakes None Yb Clear Light yellow Dark yellow Yellow hair-like clumped particles Green La Clear Clear pale yellow Dark yellow Pale yellow crystalline None Ce Clear Dark yellow Dark blood red Black crystalline None

Notice from Table 1 that EuD4TEA remained clear The cerium dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium com- when the europium nitrate is added, then turns dark pound also showed some interesting properties. The cer- yellow with the addition of DBM and TEA. This syn- ium nitrate and ethanol solution is completely clear. The thesis creates a light yellow crystalline structure that addition of DMB turns this solution dark yellow; sub- sparkles. However, this is not true for all Ln com- sequently, when TEA is added to complete the reaction, pounds. The holmium nitrate compound turned the the solution becomes blood red as shown in Figure 2a. ethanol solution pink. When DBM is added to this so- Figure 2b shows that small black crystallites are pro- lution, it turns light orange. When TEA is added, this duced during synthesis. Due to the limitations of the solution turns dark orange. Figure 1 shows that the PTI spectrometer (Photon Technology International, holmium compound is flaky and exhibits a color that Birmingham, NJ, USA) in measuring the 60-ns decay of depends on the nature of ambient light. When viewed cerium compounds, no observed luminescence was ob- under indoor fluorescent light, the holmium compound served when excited. As a result, we are unable to say flakes are light orange in color as shown in Figure 1b. conclusively that CeD4TEA emits no photoluminescence However, when the fluorescent are turned off and when excited. the sample is exposed to standard daylight, the holmium compound crystallites are light yellow as observed in Measuring triboluminescence Figure 1a. The holmium compound crystallites emit no The relative triboluminescent emission yield from each luminescence when excited. LnD4TEA compound was measured using a custom-

Figure 1 Pictures of the flaky holmium dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium compound when illuminated. (a) By daylight. (b)By fluorescent light. Fontenot et al. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013, 7:30 Page 4 of 10

Figure 2 Pictures taken during the cerium dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium compound synthesis process showing the resultant. (a) Blood red solution after TEA is added. (b) Black crystalline structure. built drop tower as shown in Figure 3 and described in Griot large dynamic range linear amplifier (Melles Griot, [19]. The visible emission spectrum for a candidate Ln Rochester, NY, USA) set to a gain of 200 μA increases compound can be made using a fiber optic spectrometer the signal amplitude. A Tektronix 2024B oscilloscope connected in place of the photodiode. The test begins by (Tektronix, Beaverton, OR, USA) records the signal in placing a small 0.1-g pile of each sample material on a single sequence mode with a 500-μs measurement time. plexiglass plate. The material is arranged so that it is po- Once the signal is acquired, it is analyzed using custom sitioned around the center of the tube with a minimum LabVIEW software that integrates the area under the height. A 130-g steel ball is positioned on a pull pin at a curve and calculates the decay time for the particular distance of 1.06 m (42 in.) above the pile. The pin is emission [19,23]. In addition, five drops were made on pulled and the ball falls, producing TL at impact with each Ln compound sample so an average TL emission the sample material. After each drop, the tube is yield could be calculated. removed, the ball is cleaned, and the sample powder is redistributed near the center of the target area [19,23]. Measuring photoluminescent spectra To determine the triboluminescent yield for a given For most lanthanide compounds, their ligand absorbs sample, a United Detector photodiode (United Detector energy, undergoes intersystem crossing into a triplet Technology, Hawthorne, CA, USA) is positioned under state, and then transfers its energy to the Ln3+ ion [26]. the plexiglass plate 2.25 cm below the sample. A Melles The excitation and emission phosphorescence from each compound was measured using a PTI QuantaMaster™ 14 spectrofluorometer located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, TN, USA. The QuantaMaster™ was equipped with a Xe pulsed light source that allowed

Figure 3 Schematic diagrams of the specially designed drop Figure 4 Comparison of the average normalized tower used to measure integrated triboluminescent light yield triboluminescent light yield for the synthesized Ln compounds.

[19]. All the collected results were normalized to the EuD4TEA light yield. Fontenot et al. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013, 7:30 Page 5 of 10

Table 2 Decay time (1/e) results for the Ln Table 3 The electronic transitions for EuD4TEA with the dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium compounds associated wavelengths and energies Ln dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium Average decay time Excitation Wavelength Energy Emission Wavelength Energy compound (μs) transition (nm) (eV) transition (nm) (eV) 7F →5F 7D →7F Sm 63.8 ± 4.9 1 2 312.0 3.97 0 1 591.0 2.10 7F →5H 7D →7F Gd 56.8 ± 3.3 0 3 326.0 3.80 0 2 611.5 2.03 Nd 36.3 ± 4.0 614.0 2.02 7F →5D 7D →7F Pr 432.0 ± 25.9 0 4 362.4 3.42 0 3 651.8 1.90 7F →5D 7D →7F Tb 494.4 ± 7.9 3 4 378.4 3.28 0 4 702.1 1.77 7F →5D Yb 49.5 ± 0.5 4 4 405.1 3.06 7F →5D Eu 519.2 ± 9.2 0 3 410.4 3.02 7F →5G 4 3 420.7 2.95 for a continuously tunable repetition rate of up to 300 Hz. 424.9 2.92 Each spectra measurement was completed using a step 7F →5D 433.8 2.86 size of 0.25 nm, five samples per average, five shots per 6 4 7F →5G 441.5 2.81 wavelength, and a frequency of 100 Hz. In addition, the 3 3 7F →5G 447.6 2.77 integration time and delay were varied depending on the 5 2 7F →5G 460.4 2.69 decay time of each material. EuD4TEA for example had a 6 3 μ 7F →5D delay of 40 s with respect to the flashlamp firing and an 0 2 465.8 2.66 integration time of 500 μs. 7F →5D 1 2 484.6 2.56 7F →5D 488.0 2.54 Results and discussion 2 2 7F →5D 526.4 2.36 Triboluminescent light yield results 0 1 7F →5D 536.6 2.31 Results of the TL drop tower measurements for the syn- 1 1 thesized lanthanides are shown in Figure 4. Since this is a relative measurement, the resulting emission light yield for each compound was normalized to the previously measured EuD4TEA value. In other words, the relative EuD4TEA. More research is needed to fully understand light yield for EuD4TEA is equal to one. The error in these results. emission yield was estimated to be 7% which is the total Once the average light yields were determined, the uncertainty for the experiment. It is from combination triboluminescent decay times for each compound were of the uncertainties from material synthesis and drop determined as shown in Table 2. This was accomplished tower operation [27]. As shown in Figure 4, it is evident using the decay time software as described in [19]. It is that no tested Ln compound produces as much TL as evident that the triboluminescent decay time is unique EuD4TEA. The next largest TL yield was emitted by the for each Ln compound. EuD4TEA has the longest decay Sm compound, which is 1.8% of that measured for time, while the Yb compound has the shortest decay time. Interestingly, it appears as though the decay time and triboluminescent emission yield are not correlated. While EuD4TEA has the longest decay time and is the brightest material, the Tb compound has the second lon- gest decay time and has one of the smallest TL emission yields. Likewise, the Sm compound has the second highest TL yield, but it has one of the fastest decay times.

Photoluminescent spectra Europium dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium The measured photoluminescent emission and absorp- tion spectra for EuD4TEA are shown in Figure 5. The excitation spectrum was measured using the 612-nm (2.03-eV) emission peak, while the emission spectrum was Figure 5 Plot of the excitation and emission spectra for measured using the 412-nm (3.01-eV) excitation wave- EuD TEA with its associated electronic transitions. 4 length. The spectrum indicates that the luminescence from Fontenot et al. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013, 7:30 Page 6 of 10

Table 4 The electronic transitions for TbD4TEA with the associated wavelengths and energies Excitation Wavelength Energy Emission Wavelength Energy transition (nm) (eV) transition (nm) (eV) 7F →9D 5D →7F 3 2 213.8 5.80 4 6 499.2 2.48 7F →5G 5D →7F 6 6 248.2 5.00 4 5 540.2 2.30 7F →5G 5D →7F 5 6 260.7 4.76 4 4 591.7 2.10 7F →5F 6 3 272.8 4.54 7F →5F 6 5 286.8 4.32 7F →5F 4 2 297.3 4.17 7F →5G 5 3 371.7 3.34

7 5 5 electronic transitions are from the FJ→ DJ and GJ levels. The most probable excitation transition is the 7 5 3.97-eV F4→ G3 transition, while the most favorable 5 5 emission transition is the 2.03-eV D0→ F2 transition. This indicates that the europium compound can only be excited by ultraviolet to blue light, which yields a red lu- minescence. The energy level diagrams corresponding to

Figure 6 Excitation and emission energy level diagrams for the

EuD4TEA ions. the europium compound is due to its Eu3+ ion that pro- duces the excited-state Eu3+-centered transitions from the 5 7 D0 levels to the lower F0-4 levels [28,29]. Due to over- whelming numbers, the wavelengths corresponding to each measured transition are shown in Table 3. Notice that in Figure 5, the excitation energy is always 7 from the ground FJ levels to the higher excited states. In order to save space and make the graph more read- able, each energy transition was color coded. Thus, the 3.01-eV (312-nm) energy transition would be the blue 7 5 F1→ F2. Also, notice that the majority of the excitation

Figure 7 Plot of the excitation and emission spectra for TbD4TEA Figure 8 Excitation and emission energy level diagrams for the with its associated electronic transitions. TbD4TEA ions. Fontenot et al. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013, 7:30 Page 7 of 10

indicates that TbD4TEA can only be excited by middle ultraviolet (MUV) irradiation and will yield a green lu- minescence. The energy level diagrams corresponding to the Figure 7 transitions that are listed in Table 4 are shown in Figure 8. The energy levels were determined from the measured values in Figure 7 and from the data shown in [29,30].

Samarium dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium

The measured photoluminescent spectrum for SmD4TEA is shown in Figure 9. The excitation spectrum was mea- sured using the 650-nm (1.91-eV) emission peak, while the emission spectrum was measured using the 485-nm Figure 9 Plot of the excitation and emission spectra for SmD4TEA (2.56-eV) excitation wavelength. The spectrum indicates with its associated electronic transitions. that the luminescence from samarium compounds is due to their Sm3+ ion that produces the excited-state Sm3+- 4G the Figure 5 transitions that are listed in Table 3 are centered transitions from the 5/2 levels to the lower 6H 4I 6H shown in Figure 6. The energy levels were determined 5/2–11/2 and 9/2 to 13/2 levels [29,31]. Due to the from the measured values in Figure 5 and from the data shown in [28].

Terbium dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium The measured photoluminescent emission and absorp- tion spectra for TbD4TEA are shown in Figure 7. The excitation spectrum was measured using the 540-nm (2.30-eV) emission peak, while the emission spectrum was measured using the 297-nm (4.17-eV) excitation wavelength. The spectrum indicates that the lumines- cence from the terbium compound is due to its Tb3+ ion that produces the excited-state Tb3+-centered transitions 5 7 from the D4 levels to the lower F6-4 levels [29,30]. Due to the large number of measured transitions, the corre- sponding wavelengths are shown in Table 4. Notice in Figure 8 that the excitation energy is always 7 from the ground FJ levels to the excited states. Similar to Figure 5, the transitions were color coded in order to make Figure 7 more readable. Notice that a majority of 7 the excitation transitions are from the F6 ground level. The most probable excitation transition for Tb3+ is the 7 5 4.76-eV F6→ G6 transition, while the most favorable 5 7 emission transition is the 2.30-eV D4→ F5. This

Table 5 The electronic transitions for SmD4TEA with the associated wavelengths and energies Excitation Wavelength Energy Emission Wavelength Energy transition (nm) (eV) transition (nm) (eV) 6H →4G 361.0 3.43 4G →6H 563.8 2.20 9=2 7=2 5=2 5=2 6H →4G 405.1 3.06 4G →6H 609.1 2.04 5=2 11=2 5=2 7=2 6 4 4 6 H = → F = 422.9 2.93 G = → H = 639.2 1.93 7 2 7 2 5 2 9 2 6 4 4 6 H = → G = 446.8 2.77 I = → H = 649.6 1.91 5 2 9 2 9 2 13 2 6 4 4 6 H = → G = 460.0 2.70 G = → H = 708.4 1.75 7 2 9 2 5 2 11 2 Figure 10 Excitation and emission energy level diagrams for 6 4 H = → I = 485.4 2.55 the SmD4TEA ions. 5 2 9 2 Fontenot et al. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013, 7:30 Page 8 of 10

measured using the 469-nm (2.64-eV) emission peak, while the emission spectrum was measured using the 363-nm (3.42-eV) excitation wavelength. The spectrum indicates that the luminescence from the neodymium compound is due to its Nd3+ ion that produces the 3+ 4 excited-state Nd -centered transitions from the GJ 4 4 4 levels to the lower IJ and H11/2 to I9/2 levels [29,31]. Due to the large number of measured transitions, the corresponding wavelengths are shown in Table 6. Notice in Figure 11 that the majority of the excitation 4 energy is from the ground IJ levels to the excited states. However, unlike the Eu3+ and Sm3+ excitation transi- tions, Nd3+ has transitions from two different excited 4 2 2 states. These transitions include F3/2 to G7/2 and H9/2 Figure 11 Plot of the excitation and emission spectra for NdD4TEA 2 to G9/2. The most probable excitation transition for with its associated electronic transitions. 3+ 4 2 Nd is the 4.77-eV I9/2→ F5/2 transition, while the 4 4 most favorable emission transition is 1.91-eV G11/2→ I9/2. large number of measured transitions, the corresponding This indicates that the Nd compound has broad excitation wavelengths are shown in Table 5. energy in the MUV area with sharp bands in the 350- to Notice in Figure 9 that the excitation energy is always 450-nm range. In addition, when the neodymium com- 6 from the ground HJ levels to the excited states. Notice pound is excited, it produces a blue light. The energy level that a majority of the excitation transitions are from the diagrams corresponding to the Figure 11 transitions that 6 6 H5/2 and H7/2 ground level. The most probable excita- are listed in Table 6 are shown in Figure 12. The energy 3+ 6 4 tion transition for Sm is the 2.77-eV H5/2→ G9/2 and levels were determined from the measured values in 6 4 2.55-eV H5/2→ I9/2 transitions, while the most favorable Figure 11 and from the data shown in [29,31]. 4 6 emission transition is 1.91-eV I9/2→ H13/2. This indi- cates that the Sm compound has a broad excitation en- ergy ranging from UV to short wavelength green light. The energy level diagrams corresponding to the Figure 9 transitions that are listed in Table 5 are shown in Figure 10. The energy levels were determined from the measured values in Figure 9 and from the data shown in [29,31].

Neodymium dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium

The measured photoluminescent spectrum for NdD4TEA is shown in Figure 11. The excitation spectrum was

Table 6 The electronic transitions for NdD4TEA with the associated wavelengths and energies Excitation Wavelength Energy Emission Wavelength Energy transition (nm) (eV) transition (nm) (eV) 4I →2G 210.5 5.89 4G →4I 468.8 2.64 9=2 9=2 11=2 9=2 4I →2F 247.9 5.00 4G →4I 562.6 2.20 9=2 7=2 11=2 13=2 4I →2F 260.1 4.77 2H →4I 612.8 2.02 9=2 5=2 11=2 9=2 4F →2G 271.5 4.57 4G →4I 645.9 1.92 3=2 7=2 9=2 13=2 2H →2G 286.1 4.33 4G →4I 659.5 1.88 9=2 9=2 5=2 11=2 4I →2H 296.8 4.18 9=2 11=2 4 2 I = → I = 362.3 3.42 11 2 13 2 4 2 I = → I = 382.8 3.24 11 2 11 2 4 2 I = → I = 419.8 2.95 15 2 13 2 Figure 12 Excitation and emission energy level diagrams for 4 2 I = → I = 445.7 2.78 the NdD4TEA ions. 15 2 11 2 Fontenot et al. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013, 7:30 Page 9 of 10

level diagrams corresponding to the Figure 13 transi- tions that are listed in Table 7 are shown in Figure 14. The energy levels were determined from the measured values in Figure 13 and from the data shown in [29,31].

Conclusions Previous research has shown that EuD4TEA can easily be syn- thesized with 206% of the triboluminescent emission yield compared to ZnS:Mn. The research completed here shows that lanthanide-based dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium compounds other than EuD4TEA can also be successfully syn- thesized and characterized. However, none of the other syn- thesized lanthanide-based compounds has an emission yield near the values achieved by EuD TEA. In fact, SmD TEA had Figure 13 Plot of the excitation and emission spectra for DyD4TEA 4 4 with its associated electronic transitions. the next largest triboluminescent emission yield over all the tested lanthanide compounds. However, the SmD4TEA emis- sion yield was only 1.8% of what was measured for EuD TEA. Dysprosium dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium 4

The measured photoluminescent spectrum for DyD4TEA is shown in Figure 13. The excitation spectrum was mea- sured using the 519-nm (2.39-eV) emission peak, while the emission spectrum was measured using the 285-nm (3.35- eV) excitation wavelength. The spectrum indicates that the luminescence from the dysprosium compound is due to its Dy3+ ion that produces the excited-state Dy3+-centered 4 6 transitions from the F7/2,9/2 to H11/2,13/2 levels [29,31]. Due to the large number of measured transitions, the corresponding wavelengths are shown in Table 7. Notice in Figure 13 that the majority of excitation energy 4 is from the ground H15/2 levels to the excited states. Inter- 4 estingly, it seems that the F3/2 splits into two different levels as shown in [31]. This splitting causes two different excitation energies as shown in Table 7. The most probable 3+ 6 4 excitation transition for Dy is the 4.76-eV H15/2→ F3/2 transition, while the most favorable emission transition 4 6 is 2.39-eV F7/2→ H11/2. Figure 13 indicates that the Dy compound has broad excitation energy in the MUV re- gion with sharp bands in the 390- to 430-nm range. Using these excitation energies will cause the dyspro- sium compound to produce a green light. The energy

Table 7 The electronic transitions for DyD4TEA with the associated wavelengths and energies Excitation Wavelength Energy Emission Wavelength Energy transition (nm) (eV) transition (nm) (eV) 6H →2P 233.5 5.31 4F →6H 519 2.39 15=2 3=2 7=2 11=2 6H →4F 247.6 5.01 4F →6H 580 2.14 15=2 5=2 9=2 13=2 6H →4F 260.7 4.76 15=2 3=2 6H →4G 272.1 4.56 15=2 9=2 6 4 H = → G = 284.6 4.36 15 2 11 2 6 4 H = → F = 297.1 4.17 15 2 3 2 6 4 H = → G = 400.9 3.09 5 2 11 2 Figure 14 Excitation and emission energy level diagrams for the 6 4 H = → D = 422.6 2.93 DyD4TEA ions. 5 2 7 2 Fontenot et al. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013, 7:30 Page 10 of 10

Competing interests 15. Sage, IC, Badcock, R, Humberstone, L, Geddes, NJ, Kemp, M, Bourhill, G: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Triboluminescent damage sensors. Smart Mater. Struct. 8, 504 (1999). doi:10.1088/0964-1726/8/4/308 Authors’ contributions 16. Bhat, KN, Fontenot, RS, Hollerman, WA, Aggarwal, MD: Triboluminescent research review of europium dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium RSF, WAH, KNB, SWA, and MDA contributed equally to this work. All authors – read and approved the final manuscript. (EuD4TEA) and related materials. Int. J. Chem. 1, 100 118 (2012) 17. Fontenot, RS, Bhat, KN, Hollerman, WA, Aggarwal, MD: Triboluminescent materials for smart sensors. Mater Today 14, 292–293 (2001). doi:10.1016/ Authors’ information S1369-7021(11)70147-X RSF received his applied physics Ph.D. in May 2013 from Alabama A&M 18. Hurt, CR, Mcavoy, N, Bjorklund, S, Flipescu, N: High intensity triboluminescence University. WAH holds the position of Dr. and Mrs. Sammie W. 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