Select Bibliography on Sexual Revolutions

Adam BD, Duyvendak JW & Krouwel A (eds, 1999) The Global Emergence of Gay and Lesbian Politics. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Addison P (2010) No Turning Back: The Peacetime Revolutions of Post- War Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Allyn D (2000) Make Love, Not War. The Sexual Revolution: An Unfettered History. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. Arnberg K (2010) Motsättningarnas marknad. Den pornografiska pressens kommersi- ella genombrott och regleringen av pornografi i Sverige 1950– 1980. Lund: Sekel bokförlag. Bänziger PP and Stegmann J (2010) One- Dimensional Conflict? Recent Scholarship on 1968 and the Limitations of the Generation Concept, http://hsozkult. geschichte. hu- 2010-11- 001, accessed on 28 January 2014. Bard C & Mossuz- Lavau J (2006) Le Planning Familial, histoire et mémoire 1956– 2006. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes. Beauthier R, Piette V & Truffin B (eds, 2010) La Modernisation de la sexualité ( 19e-20e Siècles). Bruxelles: Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. Bech H (1997) When Men Meet: Homosexuality and Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press. Beckett A (2009) When the Lights Went Out: Britain in the Seventies. London: Faber. Black J (2004) Britain since the Seventies: Politics and Society in the Consumer Age. London: Reaktion. Bracke MA (2012) One- dimensional Conflict? Recent Scholarship on 1968 and the Limitations of the Generation Concept. Journal of Contemporary History 47:3, 638– 646. Brix M (2008) L’amour libre. Brève histoire d’une utopie. Paris: Molinari. Brown N (1959) Life against Death. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press. Chaperon S (2000) Les Années Beauvoir. Paris: Fayard. Chaperon S (2002) Kinsey en France: les sexualités masculine et féminine en débat. Le Mouvement Social 198, 91– 110. Chaperon S (2007) Les origines de la sexologie 1850– 1900. Paris: Louis Audibert (réed. Payot, 2012). Chaperon S (2007) La sexologie française contemporaine: un premier bilan his- toriographique. Revue d’histoire des science humaines 17, 7– 22. Cook H (2004) The Long Sexual Revolution: English Women, Sex, and Contraception, 1800– 1975. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Cook M (ed, 2007) A Gay History of Britain: Love and Sex between Men since the Middle Ages. Oxford: Greenwood World. Dabhoiwala F (2012) The Origins of Sex. A History of the First Sexual Revolution. London: Penguin. Damamme D, Gobille B, Matonti F & Bernard P (eds, 2008) Mai- juin 68. Paris: Les Éditions de l’Atelier. Davies C (1975) Permissive Britain: Social Change in the Sixties and Seventies. London: Pitman.

279 280 Select Bibliography on Sexual Revolutions

D’Emilio J (1983) Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities. The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940– 1970. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Dodillet S (2009) Är sex arbete? Svensk och tysk prostitutionspolitik sedan 1970- talet. Stockholm: Vertigo. Downing L & Gillett R (eds, 2011) Queer in Europe: Contemporary Case Studies. Farnham: Ashgate. Duggan L & Hunter ND (1995) Sex Wars. Sexual Dissent and Political Culture. New York: Routledge. Dupras A & Lévy J (eds, 1999) Dossier: W. Reich. Revue sexologique 7. Montréal: UQAM. Duvert T (1974) Le bon sexe illustré. Paris: Minuit. Edelberg P (2012) Storbyen Trækker: Homoseksualitet, prostitution og pornografi i Danmark 1945– 1976. Copenhagen: Djøf’s Forlag. Eder FX (2009) Kultur der Begierde. Eine Geschichte der Sexualität. München: CH Beck. Eitler P (2007) Die ‘sexuelle Revolution’ – Körperpolitik um 1968. In: Klimke M & Scharloth J (eds) Handbuch zur Kultur- und Mediengeschichte der Studentenbewegung Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler, 235– 246. Escoffier J (ed, 2003) Sexual Revolution. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press. Escoffier J (2009) Bigger than Life. The History of Gay Porn Cinema from Beefcake to Hardcore. Philadelphia: Running Press. Foucault M (1976) Histoire de la sexualité. Volume 1: La volonté de savoir. Paris: Gallimard. Fourier C (1975) Vers la liberté en amour, edited and prefaced by D. Guérin, Paris: Gallimard. Fowler D (2008) Youth Culture in Modern Britain, C. 1920– 1970: From Ivory Tower to Global Movement – A New History. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Frankl G (1974) The Failure of the Sexual Revolution. London: Kahn & Averill. Friedmann I (2006) Liberté, sexualités, féminisme: 50 Ans de combat du planning pour les droits des femmes. Paris: La Découverte. Gagnon J (2004) An Interpretation of Desire. Essays in the Study of Sexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Gagnon J & Simon W (1973) Sexual Conduct. Chicago: Aldine. Gauthier X (2002) Naissance d’une liberté. Contraception, avortement: le grand com- bat des femmes au XX siècle. Paris: Robert Laffont. Giami A (1999) Cent ans d’hétérosexualité. Actes de la Recherche en Sciences socia- les 128, 38– 45. Giami A (2002) Misère, répression et libération sexuelles. Mouvements 20, 23– 29. Girard J (1981) Le mouvement homosexuel en France. Paris: Syros. Grant L (1994) Sexing the Millennium. Women and the Sexual Revolution. New York: Grove Press. Guérin D (1955) Kinsey et la sexualité, Paris: Julliard. Hall L (2000) Sex, Gender and Social Change in Britain since 1880. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Hallgren H (2008) När lesbiska blev kvinnor: Lesbiskfeministiska kvinnors diskurs- produktion rörande kön, sexualitet, kropp och identitet under 1970- och 1980 talen i Sverige. Göteborg: Kabusa Böcker. Heath G (1978) The Illusory Freedom. The Intellectual Origins and Social Consequences of the Sexual ‘Revolution’. London: Heinemann. Select Bibliography on Sexual Revolutions 281

Heineman ED (2011) Before Porn was Legal. The Erotica Empire of Beate Uhse. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Hekma G, Stolk B van, Heerikhuizen B van & Kruithof B (eds, 1990) Het verlies van de onschuld. Seks in Nederland. Groningen: Wolters- Noordhoff. Hekma G, Oosterhuis H & Steakley JD (eds, 1995) Gay Men and the Sexual History of the Political Left, Journal of Homosexuality 29:2– 4, New York: The Haworth Press. Hekma G (ed, 2011) A Cultural History of Sexuality in the Modern Age. Volume 6 of Peakman, J (ed): A Cultural History of Sexuality. Oxford: Berg/Palgrave. Hennessy R (2000) Profit and Pleasure: Sexual Identities in Late Capitalism. London: Routledge. Herzog D (2005) Die Politisierung der Lust. Sexualität in der deutschen Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. München: Siedler. Herzog D (2011) Sexuality in Europe. A Twentieth- Century History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hoggart L (2003) Feminist Campaigns for Birth Control and Abortion Rights in Britain. Lewiston, NY and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press. Horn A (2009) Juke Box Britain: Americanisation and Youth Culture, 1945– 60. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Horn G (2005) The Belgian Contribution to Global 1968. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis – Revue Belge d’Histoire Contemporaine XXXV:4, 597– 635. Jackson J (2009) Arcadie. La vie homosexuelle en France de l’après- guerre à la dépé- nalisation. Paris: Autrement. Jeffreys S (1990) Anticlimax: A Feminist Perspective on the Sexual Revolution. London: Women’s Press. Joubert B (2001) Histoire de la censure. Anthologie érotique. Paris: La Musardine. Kätzel U (2002) Die 68erinnen. Porträt einer rebellischen Frauengeneration. Berlin: Helmer. Kral S (2004) Brennpunkt Familie: 1945 bis 1965: Sexualität, Abtreibungen und Vergewaltigungen zwischen Intimität und Öffentlichkeit. Marburg: Jonas Verlag. Kutschinsky B (1970) Studies on Pornography and Sex Crimes in Denmark. Copenhagen: New Social Science Monographs. Lennerhed L (1994) Frihet att njuta: Sexualdebatten i Sverige på 1960- talet. Stockholm: Norstedts. Lewis J (2001) The End of Marriage? Individualism and Intimate Relations. Cheltenham: Elgar. Lindner C & Hussey A (eds, 2013) Paris- Amsterdam Underground: Essays on Cultural Resistance, Subversion, and Diversion. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Lundis BH (2012) Axel Axgil: Kampen for kærligheden. Copenhagen: Forlaget Sidespejlet. Lützen K (1986) Hvad hjertet begærer: Kvinders kærlighed til kvinder 1825– 1985. Copenhagen: Tiderne Skifter. Marcuse H (1955) Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud. Boston: Beacon. Marks LV (2001) Sexual Chemistry. A History of the Contraceptive Pill. New Haven/ London: Yale University Press. Martin JL (1996) Structuring the Sexual Revolution. Theory and Society 25:1, 105– 151. Marwick A (1998) The Sixties: Cultural Revolution in Britain, France, Italy, and the United States, C.1958– 1974. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 282 Select Bibliography on Sexual Revolutions

Miersch A (2003) Schulmädchen-Report. Der deutsche Sexfilm der 70er Jahre. Berlin: Bertz. Moore P (2004) Beyond Shame. the Abandoned History of Radical Gay History. Boston: Beacon. Mort F (2010) Capital Affairs: London and the Making of the Permissive Society. New Haven: Yale University Press. Mossuz-Lavau J (1991) Les lois de l’amour. Les politiques de la sexualité en France ( 1950– 1990). Paris: Payot. Pauvert JJ (2004) La traversée du livre. Mémoires. Paris: Viviane Hamy. Perinelli M (2012) ‘Second Bite of the Apple’. The Sexual Freedom League and Revolutionary Sex in 1960s United States. Genesis XI: 1– 2, 41– 66. Pretzel A & Weiß V (eds, 2010) Ohnmacht und Aufbegehren. Homosexuelle Männer in der Frühen Bundesrepublik. Hamburg: Männerschwarm. Pretzel A & Weiß V (eds, 2012) Rosa Radikale: Die Schwulenbewegung der 1970er Jahre. Hamburg: Männerschwarm. Rebreyend AC (2009) Intimités amoureuses, France 1920– 1975. Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Mirail. Reich W (1945) The Sexual Revolution. New York: Orgone Institute Press. Revenin R (2012) A Preliminary Assessment of the First Four Decades of LGBTQ Studies in France: 1970– 2010. Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory 35:3, 164– 180. Robinson L (2007) Gay Men and the Left in Post- War Britain: How the Personal Got Political. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Robinson PA (1969) The Freudian Left. New York: Harper & Row. Robinson PA (1976) The Modernization of Sex. New York: Harper & Row. Rosen W von (1993) Månens Kulør: Studier i dansk bøssehistorie 1628– 1912. Copenhagen: Rhodos. Roseneil S (2000) Common Women, Uncommon Practices: The Queer of Greenham. London: Cassell. Rousseau R (1983) Les femmes rouges, chronique des années Vermeersch. Paris: Albin Michel. Rowbotham S (2000) Promise of a Dream: Remembering the Sixties. London: Allen Lane. Rydström J (2011) Odd Couples: A History of Gay Marriage in Scandinavia. Amsterdam: Aksant. Rydström J & Mustola K (eds, 2007) Criminally Queer: Homosexuality and Criminal Law in Scandinavia 1842– 1999. Amsterdam: Aksant. Schmidt G (2000) Kinder der sexuellen Revolution. Kontinuität und Wandel studentischer Sexualität 1966– 1996. Eine empirische Untersuchung. Gießen: Psychosozial- Verlag. Segal L (1987) Is the Future Female? Troubled Thoughts on Contemporary . London: Virago. Segal L (1999) Why Feminism? Gender, Psychology, Politics. Cambridge: Polity. Segal L (2007) Making Trouble: Life and Politics. London: Serpent’s Tail. Sevegrand M (1995) Les enfants du Bon Dieu: Les catholiques français et la procréa- tion au XXe Siècle. Paris: Albin Michel. Sides J (2009) Erotic City. Sexual Revolutions and the Making of Modern San Francisco. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Select Bibliography on Sexual Revolutions 283

Silies E (2010) Liebe, Lust und Last. Die Pille als weibliche Generationserfahrung in der Bundesrepublik (1960– 1980). Göttingen: Wallstein. Steinbacher S (2011) Wie der Sex nach Deutschland kam. Der Kampf um Sittlichkeit und Anstand in der frühen Bundesrepublik. München: Siedler. Summerfield P (1994) Women in Britain since 1945: Companionate Marriage and the Double Burden. In: James Obelkevich PC (ed) Understanding Post- War British Society. London: Routledge. Thane P (2010) Unequal Britain: Equalities in Britain since 1945. London: Continuum. Thissen R (1995) Sex verklärt. Der deutsche Aufklärungsfilm. München: Heyne. Ussel JMW van (1968) Geschiedenis van het seksuele probleem. Meppel: Boom. Vance CS (1984) Pleasure and Danger. Exploring Female Sexuality. New York/ London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Waites M (2005) The Age of Consent. Houndmills: Palgrave. Wasniowski A (2007) Den korrekta avvikelsen. Vetenskapsanvändning, normalitetssträ- van och exkluderande praktiker hos RFSL, 1950– 1970. Umeå: Publishing House Holzweg. Weeks J (1977) Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. London: Quartet Books. Weeks J (2007) The World We Have Won: The Remaking of Erotic and Intimate Life. London: Routledge. Westen M (2010) Rebelle. Art & Feminism 1969– 2009. Arnhem: Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem. Wilson E (1980) Only Halfway to Paradise: Women in Post- War Britain 1945– 1968. London: Tavistock. Index

Aalberse, H. 68 Bacon, F. 3, 126 abortion 1, 3, 7, 9, 12, 15, 25–7, Barczay, G. 256 29–31, 38, 40, 43, 49–50, 57, 61, Bardot, B. 101 65–6, 70, 74–5, 77, 102–4, 114, Barthes, R. 8, 271 121, 126, 142–3, 148, 237–8, 246, Basch, V. 142 249–61 Bataille, G. 8, 15, 147 Abramovic´, M. 11 Bates, G. 220 Ackerley, J.R. 178 Baudry, A. 189, 271 Adler, O. 149 BDSM see sadomasochism adoption 11, 61, 71, 127, 131, 134 Beat Generation 8 gay 131, 134 Beatles 12 adultery 4, 6, 15, 21, 102, 108 Beauvoir, S. de 8–9, 143, 146, 157, age of sexual consent 6, 13, 15, 49, 183, 252, 271 51, 64–5, 72, 76, 134, 269–71, Becket, S. 15 273, 276 Bekkers, W.H. 62 Ahlmark-Michanek, K. 26 Belgian Association for Sexual Aids 13, 17, 60, 67, 69, 76, 99, Education 83 132–4, 189, 198 Belgium 81–94, 250, 273 Aktionsanalytische Organisation Bell, D. 37 (AAO) 40, 162 see also Mühl Benjamin, H. 144, 148 Albrecht, B. 142 Bentham, J. 266 Alison, V. 220, 222, 225, 227, 232 Berge, A. 151 Allyn, D. 223 Bergman, I. 12, 35 Altman, D. 9 Bergom-Larsson, M. 39 American Psychiatric Association 13 Bernard, F. 271 Amsterdam 12, 64, 68–70, 73, 77, Berry, D. 175 79–80, 82, 88, 105 Bertolucci, B. 12 anarchism 5, 64 bestiality 6, 14, 68, 78, 142 André, C. 156 Bibliothèque internationale Aragon, L. 271 d’érotologie 147 Arcadie 144, 150–1, 174, 189, 192–3, birth control see contraception 198, 268 bisexuality 14, 20, 57, 71, 222, Armand, E. 5 227–9, 246 Armenia 245 Bitoux, J. le 146, 195 Armstrong, E. 182 Black Power 1 artificial insemination 58 Blanchard, C. 146 Asklund, L. 26 blasphemy 3, 15, 68 Association d’études Bloch, I. 183 sexologiques 142 Bloom, P. 67 Auden, W.H. 178 Blunt, A. 178 authority 7, 9, 25–6, 87, 92, 104, Boas, F. 183 112–14, 161, 175, 189, 246, 266 Bonaparte, M. 149 Aury, D. 147 Bourdieu, P. 47, 58–9

284 Index 285

Boussaguet, L. 273–4 Cohn-Bendit, D. 265 Bowie, D. 12 Cold War 111, 143–4 Brazil 169 Colin, L. 161, 165 Brennan, W. 209–10 colonialism 9 Breton, A. 147 Comfort, A. 121, 125–6, 210 Britain 57, 121–42, 144, 249, 252, Comité d’Action Pédérastique 254, 257, 259, 269, 270 see also Révolutionnaire (CAPR) 190–1 England Comité d’Urgence Anti-Répression Britten, B. 267 Homosexuelle (CUARH) 196–7 Brongersma, E. 270–1 communism 7, 40, 142–4, 150, brothels 32–4, 41, 47, 50 237, 246 Brown, J. 12 Comstock, A. 209 Brown, N. 22 conservatism 17, 259 Bryant, A. 270 consumerism 8, 17–18, 39, 77–8, Burgess, G. 178 106–7, 112, 115, 126, 134, 161, Burroughs, W. 15 236–7, 242, 260 contraception 7, 12, 15, 37, 49–50, California 161 57, 62, 64, 66, 71, 74, 77, capitalism 5, 8, 17, 128–9, 181–2, 83–7, 92, 100–4, 107, 112–15, 184, 236, 260–1 141–3, 148, 150–1, 159, 209, 238, Caprio, F.E. 148–9 250–2, 258–9 care of the self 19 Knaus-Ogino method 102 Carpenter, E. 129 Cook, H. 121, 127 castration 48, 62 Copenhagen 1, 106, 142 celibacy 242 Copenhagen Sex Fair 110 censorship 15, 34–6, 38, 67, 108, Copley, A. 189 141, 143–5, 208–12, 236, 242–3 counter-culture 10, 40, 73, 122, Charpentier, G. 190–1 129–30, 134, 223, 231 Chéreau, P. 271 Cremer, J. 68, 77 Chicago School of Sociology 183, 207 criminal codes 4, 33, 41, 46–59, Christiana 1 143–4, 196–7, 209, 211–12, 221, Christianity 5, 32, 63, 84, 249 251, 271 Churches 13 criminalisation 104–5, 115, 188, Catholic 3, 11, 61–3, 82–3, 86–92, 209, 250–1, 264 94, 96, 104, 111, 143–5, 150, legislation 15–16, 49, 76, 99, 122, 249–50, 254–7 131–6, 142, 145, 198, 231, 249, Protestant 11, 60–2, 68, 104, 111, 251, 253–4, 257, 265 249, 254–5 Cross, A. 142 Cixous, H. 9 class 8, 47, 50, 61, 68, 111, 113, Dallayrac, D. 150 123, 126–7, 133, 135, 158, Dalsace, J. 142, 151 176–80, 182, 184–5, 194, 205, Danella, R.D. 206 215, 220–1, 224, 232, 244, 253–4, Danet, J. 266 258, 268, 274 Dannecker, M. 105 Cleland, J. 106 Davis, K.B. 205 closet (homosexual) 11, 111 Delaney, S. 215 COC (Centre for Recreation and Deleuze, G. 8, 266, 271 Culture) 65–7, 268, 271 Denmark 1, 10, 16, 33, 35, 37–8, Cocteau, J. 147, 150 43–4, 46–58, 269–70 286 Index

Derrida, J. 271 film 12, 26, 34–6, 38, 99–102, 106, Descartes, R. 3 108–10, 212–15, 230–1, 237, Desch, K. 106 243–4, 246 discipline 48–50, 57 Firestone, S. 8 divorce 4–5, 15, 63, 66, 121–4, 141, Flynt, L. 211 237–8, 240 Forel, A. 5, 141, 258 Dolle Mina 75 Forst, W. 102 Dondeyne, A. 84 Foucault, M. 18–19, 47, 58, 173, Droit, R.P. 159 183, 204, 208, 239, 266–7, 270 drugs 12, 64, 66–7, 70, 73, 77, 121, Fourier, C. 4, 173, 180, 266 166, 225–6, 231, 257 France 3, 7–8, 15, 141–54, Durrell, L. 15 157–8, 160, 165, 169, 178, Duvert, T. 266 181, 183, 188–90, 192, 197, Duyn, R. van 64 249, 251–2, 257, 259, 265–6, Dworkin, A. 17 270, 272–3 Dylan, B. 12 free love 5, 28, 64, 110, 113, 121, 152, 163, 232 Eaubonne, F. d’ 271 French Revolution 142, 173 Edelberg, P. 270 Freud, S. 5, 6, 142, 148, 150, 152, Einsiedel, S. 225 156, 158, 161, 168, 191, 203 Elias, N. 47, 58–9 Frey, R. 144 Elisabeth, S. 220 Friedan, B. 8 Ellis, H.H. 5, 141, 144, 150, 183 frigidity 148 Emaer, F. 198 Front Homosexuel d’Action endocrinology 142, 148 Révolutionnaire (FHAR) 9, 11, Engels, F. 4, 47 173, 183, 191–2, 194–5, 268 England 1, 3, 10, 15, 87, 90, 121–36, 178, 273 Gagnon, J. 183, 207–8 Enlightenment 4, 42, 60 Gainsbourg, S. 12 Eribon, D. 58 Gallien, A. 159 Eriksson, J. 33–4 Galtier-Boissière, J. 146 Esposito, M. 220 Gamson. J. 273 Estin, N. 25, 34 Garçon, M. 147 eugenics 48, 141–2, 250, 254, 256–9 Gaulle, C. de 164 exhibitionism 11, 32, 74, 215 Gauthier, X. 9 Export, V. (ps. of Lehner, W.) 11 Gay Liberation Front 11, 128–30, 133–4 family ideal 123–4, 134, 190, 246 Gay Pride 111, 132, 182, 195 family planning 9, 62, 64–5, 74, gender in/equality 4, 28, 151–2, 265 104, 108, 148, 150–1, 237–9 gender play (drag, androgyny) 12, fascism 9, 169, 173, 251, 254 15, 71, 76, 111, 129, 135, 146 fashion 12, 121 gender relations 9, 144, 225, 232, Fassbinder, R.M. 12 239–40 Fellini, F. 12 Genet, J. 8, 69, 178–9, 181 feminism 8–12, 17, 28–31, 34, 40, Geneva 148 43, 61, 67, 70–76, 78, 113, 121, Germany 9–10, 12, 90, 99–120, 135, 143, 151, 183, 236, 249, 142, 178, 249, 252–3, 257–9, 253–4, 274 see also movement, 265, 270, 272 women’s Gide, A. 150, 178, 267–8 Index 287

Gielgud, J. 125 homosexuality 5, 6, 8, 14–15, Gill, B. 214 18, 20, 35, 38, 41–2, 47–50, 57, Ginsberg, A. 221 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 72–4, 78, Girard, D. 197 102–5, 109–12, 115, 121, 125, Giscard d’Estaing, V. 164, 251 127, 131, 142–3, 148–9, 152, Goldmann, E. 183 158–9, 160, 173, 176–7, 179–81, Goldstein, M. 109 183–5, 188, 190–4, 206–7, Golod, S. 239 215, 226, 228, 231, 236, 246, Gondonneau, J. 150 268, 271–2 see also movement, Goossens, P. 88 homosexual Gorbachev, M. 241, 246 Homosexuelle Aktion Westberlin Graille, F. 196 (HAW) 111 Greece 10 Humbert, E. 142 Greer, G. 9 Hunold, G. 109 Gross, O. 6 Husserl, E. 266 Groupe de Libération Homosexuelle (GLH) 192–6 identity 18, 111, 116, 182, 211, 223, Guattari, F. 8, 229, 232–3, 273 Guccione, B. 211 Iff, S. 150 Guerber, A. 149 ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay Guérin, D. 7, 144–5, 150, 173–85 Association) 271–2 Gunther, S. 189 incest 3, 14, 226, 274 Gurley Brown, H. 210 Institut français de recherche Guyon, R. 5, 144 et d’étude sur la sexualité (IFRES) 151 Hahn, P. 173–4 Institut für Demoskopie 103 Haire, N. 144 Institute for Familial and Sexological Hall, L. 124 Sciences (Leuven) 86 Harlan, V. 102 Institute for Sex Research (Indiana, Hefner, H. 211 USA) 147, 205 Hekma, G. 274 International Committee for Sexual Hendrix, J. 12 Equality (ICSE) 105, 150, 268 Hesnard, A. 142, 144, 148 Internet 15, 78 heteronormative 58, 81, 115, 215, Iragaray, L. 9 227–8 Ireland, 265 Hillairet, P. 150 Isherwood, C. 178 hippies 12, 66, 121, 220, 223, 226, Italy 8, 10, 12, 249, 251–3, 259 229, 231 Hirschfeld, M. 5, 141, 150 Jackson, J. 150, 189, 268 Hite, S. 8 Jacobs, A. 64 Hobbes, T. 3 Jagger, M. 112 Hockney, D. 126 Janov, A. 155 Hocquenghem, G. 9, 173, 191, Janssens, L. 84 196–7, 266–7, 270 Jersil, J. 51, 53–4, 56, 59 Hollywood 15 Johnson, V. 121, 149 Holy See 85, 87, 90, see also Joplin, J. 12 churches, Vatican Jouhandeau, M. 178 homosexual subculture 46, 51, 53–4, Joyce, J. 150 56, 69, 150, 183, 195, 197–8 Juviler, P. 239 288 Index

Kahn-Nathan, J. 150–1 MacCarthyism 9 Karchev, A.G. 237, 240–1 MacKinnon, C. 17 Kaskey, J. 220 Maclean, D. 178 Katz, J.N. 47–9, 59 Manchester 122 Képès, S. 150 Mandeville, B. 3 Keulen, J. van 68 Mann, T. 267 kinky sex see sadomasochism Marchi, L. de 251 Kinsey, A.C. 6, 9, 13, 32–3, 100–7, Marcuse, H. 7, 112–13, 150, 156, 125, 143–4, 146–50, 152, 173, 158, 168, 183, 260, 267 183–4, 203, 205–7, 239 Margueritte, V. 142 Klassen, A. 204, 206–7 Marotta, T. 182 Knef, H. 102 marriage 1, 9, 11–12, 16, 27, 47–8, Koch, L. 221 50, 60–3, 68, 71–3, 75–7, 83, 85, Kolbanovskii, V.N. 242 89, 100–1, 103, 107, 110–13, Kolle, O. 12, 107–8 122–7, 129–34, 141, 206, 215, Kollontai, A. 6 237–40, 242–3, 245–6, 251, 258 Kon, I. 237, 239–40, 243, 245 same-sex 16, 73, 76, 198 Korzibsky, A. 164 Martel, F. 173 Kouchner, B. 271 Martens, L. 88 Krafft-Ebing, R. von 5 Martin, J. 220 Kupferberg, T. 221 Marwick, A. 188 Marx, K. 6, 155 Laboratory of General Orgonomy Marxism 4, 92, 158, 161–2, 168, (LOG) 155–6, 160, 162–9 183, 190–1, 194, 237 Lagroua Weill-Halle, M.A. 148 masculine domination 18, LaMettrie, J.O. de 3 219–20, 251 Laurens, G. 156 9, 41, 77, 104, 163, 245 Lawrence, D.H. 125, 210 Maspéro, François 158 Leary, T. 164 Masters, W. 121, 149 leftists 17–18, 39, 63–4, 128–9, 132 masturbation 5, 7, 18, 35, 62, 65–6, Lemaitre, J.M. 161, 165 71, 78, 102–3, 110, 112, 114, lesbians 4, 14, 40–3, 66–70, 72–6, 148–9, 152, 207 111, 114, 146, 148, 184, 190, 197, Matzneff, G. 266, 270 215, 274 May 1968 1, 188–91 Lesbisk Front 40–1 Mead, J.D. 220 Levinas, E. 83 Mead, M. 8, 183 liberalism 17 media 11, 50, 61–3, 67, 69, 74, 78, libido 7, 32 101–6, 112, 115–16, 193, 236–7, Liffran, H. 197 240–1, 243, 245–6, 270 Lindvall, L. 220 Mieli, M. 9, 268 Livingstone, K. 133 Miller, H. 210 Lo Duca, J.M. 146–7 Millett, K. 8 London 12, 121–36, 142 Mitterand, F. 195, 197 Lorde, A. 9 monogamy 4, 64, 102, 134, 163, 206 love 20, 28, 49–50, 57, 64, 68, 71, More, T. 3 78, 144, 207, 223, 238, 241, 261 Morgan, R. 17 Lowen, A. 155 Mort, F. 124 Lullheisen, L. 175 Moscow 238–9 Lys rouge, le 144 motherhood 31 Index 289

Mounier, E. 83 obscenity 7, 67, 208–12, 244 Mouvement Français pour le Planning Oedipus complex 143 Familial (MFPF) 148, 150–1 Olympia Press 15 movement orgasm 7, 11, 41, 65, 67, 109, anti-authoritarian 112–13, 236 113–14, 147, 161, 213 birth control 142, 145 Orton, J. 69, 121, 127 civil rights 173 homosexual 1, 3, 9, 12, 26, 41–2, Pallesen, H. 25, 32–3 61, 105, 111–12, 122, 128, 130, Palme, J. 25 132, 142, 145, 149, 151–2, 158, Palmer, T. 220 173–4, 182, 185, 188–98, 220, Paris 1, 12, 122, 142, 155, 165, 176, 222–3, 264, 267, 269–74 190–3, 195–6, 198 women’s 1, 26, 31, 40–2, 61, 104, Pasolini, P.P. 12 111–15, 122, 128, 130, 132, 143, Paternotte, D. 272 152, 188, 192, 219–20, 222–3, Paulhan, J. 147 250 see also feminism Pauvert, J.J. 146–7 Mühl, O. 11, 162–3 pedophilia 11, 14, 16–17, 32, 53–6, Muldworf, B. 151 76, 111, 135, 178, 246, 264–75 Perls, F. 155 Nabokov, V. 15, 267 perverse dynamic 204, 213, 215 NAMBLA (North American Boy/Love perversions 5, 7–8, 13, 18, 31–3, 35, Association) 270–1 48, 74, 111, 183, 215–16, 267–8 natalism 143, 237 Peyrefitte, R. 267–8 Nathe, P. 220 Pfurtner, S. 255–6 National Board of Film Censors Philby, K. 178 34–5 pill (contraceptive) 10, 42, 71, 77, naturism 225–7 87, 92, 100, 103–5, 121, 126–7, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Seksuele 251, 258, 260 Hervorming (Dutch Society for Plauzole, S. de 142 Sexual Reform, NVSH) 11, 63–6, Poland 30–1, 38, 90 74–5, 77, 79, 271 Poland, J. 220–2, 224 Neo-Malthusiaanse Bond (NMB) 64 police 26, 30, 46, 48, 50–4, 56, 63–4, Nestius, H. 25, 30, 34 70, 73, 113, 115, 190–1, 196, 225, 1, 3, 10, 16, 60–77, 90, 269–70 114, 131, 250, 253, 270–2 polygamy 113, 134 Neubert, R. 242 Pompidou, G. 164 New York 1, 12, 191, 212–13, 215, Ponthieu, G. 160 220–1, 229 popular music 12, 67 Nexø, S. 57 pornography 1, 7, 11–12, 14–17, Nicolas, J. 194 34–6, 46, 49, 50, 54–5, 57, 66, Nilsson, C.H. 35 76, 189, 195, 203–4, 209, 211–16, Nin, A. 15 225, 231 Nolot, J. 214 erotic iconography 55, 58, 268 Nordmark, C. 35 erotic literature 146 Norris, D. 265 Porter, M. 124 Norway 37–8 Portugal 251 nuclear energy 1, 10, 122, 132 Prague 242 nuclear family 1, 4, 40, 64, 100, 123, Praunheim, R. von 110 128, 133–4 premarital pregnancy 204–5 290 Index

Premsela, B. 66 Rotkirch, A. 237, 243, 245 Presley, E. 12 Rousseau, J.J. 168 privacy 20, 78 Rubin, G. 183, 275 Pro Amor Committee 142 Rupp, L. 268 promiscuity 29, 64, 76 Russia 10, 156, 236–48 Proquerol, E. 146 Rutgers, J. 64 prostitution 4–7, 11, 13, 15, 33–4, 46–7, 49–53, 57–8, 62, 66, 68–9, Sade, D.A.F. de 3–4, 8, 15, 64, 69, 146 71–2, 76, 78, 101–2, 112, 114–15, sadomasochism 6, 8, 11, 15–16, 19, 141, 207 68–9, 74, 76, 78, 183, 215 Proust, M. 150 San Francisco 12, 112, 212–13, Provo 1, 4, 63–4, 70, 75, 79, 88 221, 226 psychoanalysis see Freud Sandfort, T. 268 public sex 4, 13, 15, 51, 60, 72, 78 Sanzio, A. 197 homosexual 11, 50, 56, 125 Sartre, J.P. 181, 271 Puritanism 2, 77, 176 Saslow, I. 220, 225, 230 Putin, V. 246 Schérer, R. 265–6, 270 Schwarzer, A. 113–14 Quant, M. 122 Schwarzwald, R. 179 queer 62, 64, 67, 70–3, 111, 122, Scize, P. 142 124, 131, 135, 221, 228, 246 Secouet, A. 195–6 secularisation 61, 63, 92, 143, 249 rape see sexual abuses Sedgwick, P. 174–5, 177, 179 Réage, P. (ps. of Declos, A.) 8 Segal, L. 133 Red Faggots 41, 67 Seidman, M. 188 Red Light District 69, 77 self-determination 2, 9–10, 17, Reed, L. 12 19, 76, 134, 238, 250, 261, Reich, W. 6–7, 19, 39–40, 112, 150, 265, 275 155–6, 161–4, 166, 168, 173–5, Sengers, W.J. 72 183, 203–4, 267 sex education 13, 25, 27–9, 36, Reiche, R. 39, 113, 158 38, 42, 64, 78, 150–1, 221, 232, repressive desublimation 8, 261 240–2, 244, 246, 269 resistance 19, 116 sex industry 69–70, 76–7 Restif de la Bretonne, N.E. 3, sex toys 14, 77, 141–2, 209, 215 Reuben, D. 121 Sex Wars 17 Reve, G. 68–9, 77 sexology 5, 141–12, 145, 151–2, 159, revisionists 18 173, 244 Reyenga, A. 220 Sexpol 106, 112, 160, 164–5, 169 RFSU (National Association for sexual abuses 4, 9, 14, 16–17, 29, Equality of Sexual Rights, 35–6, 40–2, 76, 256, 271–3 Sweden) 33, 37, 41 sexual apparatus 46–8, 50, 57–8 Rich, A. 9 sexual citizenship 13, 19 Ricouer, P. 83 sexual consent see age of sexual Rila, M. 220, 225, 227 consent Rogers, S.M. 206 sexual discipline 18–19 see also Rolling Stones 12 discipline Rome 90, 176 Sexual Freedom League 11, 219–33 Rosseels, M. 86 sexual in/equality 2, 6, 14–16, 34, Roth, S. 209 72–4, 78 Index 291 sexual liberalism 25–45, 144, 151 Société de sexologie 142 sexual liberation therapy 155, sodomy 3, 21, 46, 142, 246 161, 168 Sohn, A.M. 189 sexual misery 7, 36, 78, 126, 158–9, Solanas, V. 8 163, 165, 169 Sollers, P. 271 sexual modernisation 20 Soviet Union see Russia sexual radicalism 64, 77 Spain 10, 169, 251, 272 sexual repression 18, 41, 158–9, 161, Spender, S. 178 163, 169, 194, 196, 203–4, 267 Spinoza, B. de 3 sexual revolution 2, 7, 9, 12–14, squatting 1, 12, 64, 70, 75 17, 19, 24, 27, 29, 39–40, St Phalle, N. de 11 42–4, 46–59, 60, 62, 66–8, Stalinism 9, 236–41, 244–5 74–9, 81–2, 88, 92, 99–116, sterilisation 42, 48–9, 96 121–2, 128–33, 136, 141, 151, Stonewall Inn 1, 191–2, 195 156–9, 169, 173, 178, 184, Strauss, F.J. 111 188–9, 203–8, 211, 213, 219, Suenens, L. 86–7, 89–91 221, 227, 231–3, 236, 239–40, Surrealism 4 244–6, 249, 251, 259, 260–1, Susanne, J. 211 264–6, 275 Suvics, M. 220 sexual survey 6, 13–14, 42, 63, 103, Sviadosch, A.M. 244 125, 127, 131, 145, 159, 204–7, Sweden 1, 10, 12, 25–45, 57, 107 237–40, 251 ‘Swedish Sin’ 29 sexualisation 11–12, 16, 36, 99–100, Swedish Association for Sexuality 103, 105–6, 115–16, 189, 225 Education (RFSU) 27, 31, 37, 42 sexuality Switzerland 249, 252, 255–6 coital 65, 107, 204–5 extramarital 46, 60, 99, 101, 240 taboo 61–2, 65, 67, 69, 127, 129, heterosexual 70–1, 102, 105, 189–90, 215, 264 111–12, 151–2, 163, 204, 213–14, Tadzhikistan 245 219, 224, 228, 236 Tamagne, F. 178 men 13, 114, 206, 214, 228 Taylor, C. 83 women 14, 18, 22, 60, 114, 206, teenage pregnancy 29 222, 245, 249, 259–60 television 61, 121 youngsters 7, 11, 14, 63, 70–1, 76, Temkina, A. 245 116, 158, 161, 266–7, 270, 272–4 Terman, L. 205 see also age of sexual consent, Tingsten, H. 37 teenage pregnancy and virgin Tolsma, F.J. 62 Sheffield 122 Toulouse, E. 142 Shephard, S. 220 transgender 20, 246 Silbersky, L. 35 trans-sexuality 11 Simon, W. 183, 207–8 Trimbos, C. 62 Situationism 4, 8, 157, 160, 168 Tritten, J. 265 Sjoman, V. 35–6 Trotsky, L. 173 Sloan, S. 220–1 Turner, C.F. 206 Smit, J. 74 Smith, D.S. 204–5 Uhse, B. 100–1, 106–7, 109 Smith, T. 205 Ullerstam, L. 25, 31–4, 39 socialism 5, 7, 173, 176–7, 180–1, Union des Travailleurs Communistes 183–5, 194–5, 236, 238 Libertaires (UTCL) 181 292 Index

USA 17, 144, 161, 168–9, 191, Warhol, A. 8 195, 208, 220–1, 224, 250, Weeks, J. 125, 128, 189, 267 269–71, 273 Weerlee, D. van 64 Ussel, J. van 158–9 w elfare state 26, 30, 32, 37, 107, utopia 2, 155, 194, 243 123, 125 Whittier, N. 273 Vachet, P. 142 Wicker, R. 221 Valensin, G. 148, 151 Williams, T. 69 Van Vogt, A.E. 164 Wittig, M. 9 Vatican 11, 61–2, 87, 89, 91, 112 Wolfenden Commission 15, 125 Veil, S. 251–2 Wolverhampton 122 Velde, T. van de 108 Woodstock 1, 12 venereal diseases 5, 7, 142, 219 World League for Sexual Reform Verdoux, C. 151 (WLSR) 5, 141–2 Verdrager. P. 265 Vianson-Ponté, P. 156–7 Yeltsin, B. 246 Vienna 142, 162 Young, E. 8 Vietnam war 1, 10 virgin 10, 27, 70–1, 79, Zappa, F. 12 134, 240 Zeldenrust-Noordanus, M. 66, 74, Visconti, L. 12 78–9 voyeurism 215, 225–6, 230 Zwang, G. 148–9