Athena Athanasiou Professor, Department of Social Anthropology Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences 136, Syngrou Avenue Athens 176 71, Greece
[email protected] Education • NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH, The Graduate Faculty, New York. Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Ph.D. (09/95-05/2001). Title of dissertation: Nostalgic Futures, Contentious Technologies: Reckoning Time and Population in Contemporary Greece. Directed by Rayna Rapp (members of committee: Veena Das, Steven Caton). Defended successfully: May 11, 2001. • NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH, The Graduate Faculty. Master of Arts (M.A.) in Social and Cultural Anthropology (1996). • ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI, Greece. Master of Arts (M.A.) in Archaeology and Philosophy. Specialization: “The Theory and Methodology of Greek Prehistoric Archaeology (After, Beyond, and Against Positivism)” (1990). • UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, Faculty of Philosophy. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in History and Literature (1987). Post-Doctoral training BROWN UNIVERSITY, Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women: Nancy L. Buc Post-Doctoral Fellow. Research seminar: “Technologies and Representations”, coordinated by Prof. Mary Ann Doane (2001-2002). Fellowships and Awards • COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, Center for the Study of Social Difference. Program “Women Creating Change”, working group “Re-thinking Vulnerability: Feminism and Social Change,” directed by Judith Butler. Fellow. (2012-2015). • BROWN UNIVERSITY, Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women: Nancy L. Buc Post-Doctoral Fellow (2001-2002). • HARVARD UNIVERSITY, Department of Anthropology: Visiting Fellow, Dissertation Writing Fellowship (1999-2000). • NEW YORK UNIVERSITY: Outstanding Teaching Award in Recognition of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (1998). 1 • NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH, Department of Anthropology: Teaching Assistantship (Fall 1998).