MARCH Designed & Printed by $2 2018

Ref No: 2001/1685 Carnarvon Service Centre Community Resource Centre Inc 67 Knight Terrace DENHAM WA 6537


Dear Sir/Madam,

The Department of Human Services („Department‟) is pleased to invite Shark Bay Community Resource Centre Inc to be a provider of Agent Services at Denham(Shark Bay), for the period commencing 1 July 2013 and ending on 30 June 2014.

If your organisation wishes to offer to provide these services, please:

1 Read the Department of Human Services Agent and Access Point Program General Terms & Conditions ('T&Cs') and Schedule 1 Agent Services. The T&Cs and Schedule are available at; and 2 Complete and return the attached Offer to the Department at: ATTN: Lisa Lawer Remote Services Team GPO Box P1187 Perth WA 6844

The Department will notify you whether your Offer has been accepted.

More information about Agent Services is available at

As with last year‟s Contract, the Department and the Contractor have responsibilities for the health and safety of any workers delivering Agent Services. The Department will consult with the Contractor on workplace health and safety issues and the Contractor warrants to the Department that they have appropriate systems in place to ensure compliance with the Ref No: 2001/1685 Workplace Health and Safety Act. Carnarvon Service Centre

Shark Bay Community Resource Centre Inc Please note the main changes that have been made to thisThe year‟s Department contracts:67 Knight Terrace Human DENHAM WA 6537

Schedules Services will be visiting the Shark Bay CRCDEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES (Appendix 4 clause 1.4) Installation and ongoing costs for the Equipment will be borneAGENT AND ACCESS POINT PROGRAM by the Department upon receipt of original tax invoice if: th INVITATION (a) In the Department‟s reasonable opinion,Wednesday the costs were appropriate; 14 andMarch & th (b) The Department provided prior written agreementThursday to incurDear theSir/Madam, 15costs. March

The Department of Human Services („Department‟) is pleased to invite Shark Bay Community Resource Centre Inc to be a provider of Agent Services at Denham(Shark Bay), for the period commencing 1 July 2013 and ending on 30 June 2014.

If your organisation wishes to offer to provide these services, please:

1 Read the Department of Human Services Agent and Access Point Program General Terms & Conditions ('T&Cs') and Schedule 1 Agent Services. The T&Cs and Schedule are available at; and 2 Complete and return the attached Offer to the Department at: Daily BlessingsATTN: Lisa Lawer Remote Services Team GPO Box P1187 YogaPerth WA 6844 The practice of yoga has been refined over thousands of years. Reap the multitude of physical and mental health benefits of this ancient practice. The Department will notify you whether your Offer has been accepted. Class times for 2018 More information about Agent Services is available at Tuesday As with last year‟s Contract, the Department and the Contractor have responsibilities for the 5:15 pm healthHatha andFlow safety of any workers delivering Agent Services. The Department will consult with the Contractor on workplace health and safety issues and the Contractor warrants to the DepartmentThursday that they have appropriate systems in place to ensure compliance with the Workplace Health and Safety Act. 5:15 pm Yin/Acu Yoga Please note the main changes that have been made to this year‟s contracts: Friday

8:45 am GentleSchedules Hatha Students are encouraged to set up their space 5-10 minutes before the start of class. (Appendix 4 clause 1.4) Installation and ongoing costs for the Equipment will be borne Venue: Recreationby the Department Centre upon receipt of original tax invoice if: (Francis street, Denham - opposite the SB School) March 19th 5pm - Insight into Marketing and Tourism What to bring: Large towel and water bottle. Straps, blocks, mats and bolsters(a) are In available. the Department‟s reasonable opinion, the costs were appropriate; and Casual Class: $12 . Students (13+) & Seniors: $7 (b) The Department provided prior written agreement to incur the costs. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Esther Mills - Mobile: 0428 766 005 YTT 350hrs- MHY , “For those considering a personalised yoga program or private session for a Find me on Facebook for any specific issue, Daily Blessings now has venue changes or updates an HBF provider number. @yogawithesther Please don’t hesitate to contact Esther March 20th 10am - Working Smarter Online for an updated list of Health Insurance providers and whether you’re eligible Saturdayto claim for yoga sessions. 21st April March 20th 4pm - Digital Marketing Platforms & Trends 2018

$20 per workshop, payable @ Shark Bay Discovery and Information Centre. Workshops held at the Recreation Centre. Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 2 . March 2018 Executive Officer’s Report

Staff from the Department of Human Services, Local community groups are Centrelink division in Geraldton have advised our encouraged to contact members CRC they will be coming up to Shark Bay to see of the Fishing Club committee or customers during March. Customers aren’t required staff at the Shark Bay CRC if you would like to utilise to make bookings or appointments, however will be the space in the events marquee for any activities required to wait their turn to be seen by these trained (workshops, morning teas, information sessions etc) staff. and other fundraising opportunities (such as meals, Wednesday 14th March, 2pm-5pm raffles etc). Our committee is very welcoming, as we Thursday 15th March, 9am-1pm work hard to ensure this event occurs annually to provide a space for all local groups to fundraise, and Harmony Week individuals to socially engage. Harmony Week is an opportunity for all Western Australians to celebrate our vibrant multicultural We will be welcoming back Scott Coughlan the editor State. The week runs from 15th–21st March every of Western Angler magazine and his entourage year and encourages everyone to experience, later in the Fiesta week. Scott and his crew had explore and appreciate WA’s wealth of cultural, an amazing experience in the Bay during 2016 so religious, linguistic and ethnic diversity. The Shark they made sure they didn’t double book and could Bay CRC are planning to run our popular cooking come back this year. You might also notice a team of workshops to celebrate some popular cultural scientists and science students gathering valuable cuisines. Participants will be invited to make their information on species caught, fish stats, water own Naan Bread as well as Patricia’s famous french temperatures etc during the week. Bechamel sauce. Delicious! More information to be released shortly. To date programming for the week will include; - Perth based cover bands Vibe and Dynamite Fishing Fiesta - Bingo & Quiz nights With only 12 weeks to go until the 24th annual - Kids Recfishwest clinics Fishing Fiesta is here, the Fishing Club has been - High Tea busy finalising shirt designs, stubby holders, other - Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea merchandise as well as securing the programming - Auction for this years event and applying for all the right - Fireworks licences and permits. The event has moved away from the traditional Mother’s Day weekend in May All prizes are being sourced locally along with the and will now commence on Friday 18th May and majority of alcohol as we remain keen to support our will end on Friday 25th May. Perfect timing for our local businesses. event to fall in line with the Carnarfin fishing event that attracts over 300 fishers which will kick off on Cheers Jamie Burton Monday the 28th May. Editorial Policy & Advertising Editorial Policy responsibility of the editorial withhold or not print at all, any prior approval is granted by role of the Inscription Post material considered unsuitable the Editorial Management The Inscription Post is and is supported by the or offensive with no explanation Committee. The author’s produced monthly by the Shark Management Committee. All needed. name must be supplied for Bay Community Resource materials submitted by the any contribution. The articles Centre in good faith as a means We are more than happy to community are to be factual printed in the newsletter do not of providing information to the accept articles free of charge and non discriminatory. necessarily reflect the views community and to promote the (subject to the Editorial The Editorial Management Shark Bay area positively. Management Committee’s of the Editorial Management Committee has the right to approval), but limited space Committee, staff or volunteers An Editorial Management edit any items submitted for is available, so please keep or management committee Committee of the Inscription print, including abbreviating, submissions short – a at the Shark Bay Community Post has been delegated the spelling, grammar and also may maximum of one page unless Resource Centre. Resource Centre. The Inscription Post is 1/8 Page: $20.00 The Inscription Post costs $2 1/4 Page: $30.00 to purchase. This price covers available for purchase from: the cost of paper and printing The DEADLINE for - Denham IGA X-Press 1/2 Page: $50.00 expenses. submissions Full Page: $75.00 Postal Subscriptions: - Shark Bay News & Gifts $80.00 per annum into the Inscription - Shark Bay Supermarket Subsequent pages: $60.00 ------Please address all enquiries and Post is the - Surf n Dolphin Gift Shop A discount of 1 month cost applies correspondence to: 25th of each month - Useless Loop to advertisements The Editorial Management which are paid for the full 12 Committee - Inscription Post If you are interested in months in advance. Shark Bay Community Resource Please send your selling the newsletter in your We are happy to design your Centre. PO Box 58, Denham WA articles to: advert! 6537 Telephone: 08 9948 1787 - store, contact the Shark Bay Do not hesitate to contact us. Facsimile: 08 9948 1823 [email protected] Community Resource Centre. All cancellations of adverts must [email protected] Shark Baybe received Inscription in writing at the Post . Page 3 . March 2018 Community Notices

Water saving program coming to 10 towns across the Mid West

The towns of Yalgoo, Gascoyne Junction, Denham, Exmouth, Coral Bay, Moora, Bindoon, Chittering, Coomberdale and New Norcia will have the opportunity to save water this spring and summer, with Water Corporation set to launch a new waterwise program shortly.

Water Corporation Mid-West Regional Manager, Stephen Greeve, said around 2,700 households would be invited to take part in the new program. “We will begin touching base with households in these Come and towns in late September to ask them to get involved in our new water saving program,” Mr Greeve said. swap your old

“Households will be offered a number of activities such as shower head free waterwise products and tailored water saving advice at the CRC through a series of letters. (Monday to Friday 9-5pm) “We will also be contacting selected local businesses to invite them to take part in the program to join the community’s efforts to save water.

“I encourage these communities to take part in this great new program and save water to help the environment – while also GET YOUR seeing a reduction on their next water bill.” IN-HOME PLUMBING Mr Greeve said working with the community to reduce water use formed CHECKED FOR FREE part of the Water Corporation’s long-term If you live in Denham you could be eligible to get Water Forever plans to secure water your in-home plumbing checked by a licensed supplies in response to climate change. plumber. Based on their recommendation, you could then be eligible to receive free retrofits* of “This program follows on from a series appliances such as shower heads, sink and basin taps, and toilets. of successful water saving programs run Register now for your free in-home plumbing across the State earlier this year,” Mr check, search Free Retrofits. Greeve said.

“By taking part in the program, more than 27,682 households used an estimated 531 million litres less than the same time J_2 0692

the year before. That’s enough water to WATR

fill 236 Olympic-sized swimming pools WATR0692J_4-HP_148x210mm StayWaterwise mono.indd 1 13/12/17 2:08 pm and is a great achievement by those communities.” DO YOU HAVE AN Water Corporation will begin to contact households and eligible businesses in ODD-NUMBERED participating towns this month, to outline the water saving program, which will run until May 2018. For more information HOUSE? visit Water Corporation’s website Then you should only water on odd‑numbered days. Find yours, search Watering Days. Media Enquiries: Contact: Veronique Thomas-Smith Position: Water Corporation Mid West Region - Senior Advisor Customer & Stakeholder Phone: (08) 9923 4911 J_1 0692 WATR

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 4 . March 2018 Community Notices


REX – Regional Express Airline The WA Government announced on 28 February that Regional Express (REX) will operate the Perth – Shark Bay – Carnarvon air transport route for the next five years, starting from 2 July, 2018 with flights on sale from 1 March. Bookings can be made over the internet at or by phone on 131713.

REX operates a fleet of more than 50 Saab 340 aircraft within all states of Australia and also has the Perth – Albany – Esperance route in WA. REX will provide six flights per week (a 50% increase on those provided currently) to Shark Bay and 12 flights to Carnarvon. A Community Fare of $157 will be available on 25% of the seats each flight (check the conditions that apply) and also on seats unsold within one day of departure.

Waste and Recycling Project The refuse and recycling project is now underway, with the ‘tip shop’ (for purchase of recycled items) being erected at the refuse site. A recycling collection station will be in place at the Shire Depot around mid-March. These recycling services will contribute to a reduction in landfill and complement the War on Waste community initiative.

Little Lagoon – Nicholson Point A community survey was conducted recently regarding proposed track closures along a specific portion of the Little Lagoon channel. Although there was a limited number of respondents, those choosing the ‘do nothing’ option were in the majority. Council has therefore resolved to formulate a plan to progress the future rehabilitation of the Nicholson Point and Little Lagoon mouth area which will involve pedestrian walk trails, create or upgrade carparks and install interpretative signage.

Health Services Two representatives from Rural Health West were recently invited by the Shire to Shark Bay in order to discuss options for increased medical services to the area. This involved meetings with relevant parties, including; councillors, Silver Chain nurses and the pharmacist. A report from Rural Health West is expected shortly and in the meantime alternative options to fund and attract a medical practitioner (particularly during the busy season) are also being explored.

HMAS Sydney II and Kormoran Project – Fire on the Water This project forms part of the Sydney-Kormoran maritime trail between Geraldton-Shark Bay and Carnarvon. Amazing 3D imagery from the 2015 expedition to the wreck sites will be used in a short film about the battle itself which will also incorporate new visual evidence to reconstruct the event.

The 3D film will be exhibited in the Discovery Centre and will open in Denham on ANZAC Day. A theatrette with seating and audio-visual equipment is currently being constructed in the Centre and will seat up to 11 people at a time, with 3D glasses available. The exhibition will ultimately be available for community and general public viewing three times an hour.


Cheryl Cowell President

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 5 . March 2018 Community Notices

Shark Bay Discovery & Visitor Centre

Employment Opportunity Casual Customer Service Officer

We are seeking casual staff who are passionate about Shark Bay and our beautiful World Heritage environment

You will bring with you people skills, happy customer service, a sales background – and a willingness to learn. Experience in tourism promotion and retail will be highly regarded.

This role offers a high level of variety, autonomy and ability to use your creativity in promoting Shark Bay and all it has to offer.

Contact the Discovery Centre for a copy of the Job Description by phoning 9948 1257.

Submit a copy of your Resume and a covering letter outlining your experience and skills by close of business Friday 30 March 2018 to [email protected]

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 6 . March 2018 Community Notices



In Accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 Council wishes to advise that the Ordinary Council meetings for 2018 will be held as follows:

January 2018 – No ordinary meeting of Council to be held; February 2018 – Wednesday 28 Commencing at 3.00 pm in Council Chambers; March 2018 – Wednesday 28 Commencing at 3.00 pm in Council Chambers; April 2018 – Thursday 26 Commencing at 3.00 pm in Council Chambers; May 2018 – Wednesday 30 Commencing at 3.00 pm in Council Chambers; June 2018 – Wednesday 27 Commencing at 3.00 pm in Council Chambers; July 2018 – Wednesday 25 Commencing at 3.00 pm in Council Chambers; August 2018 – Wednesday 29 Commencing at 9.30 am at Monkey Mia; September 2018–Wednesday 26 Commencing at 3.00 pm in Council Chambers; October 2018 – Wednesday 31 Commencing at 3.00 pm in Council Chambers; November 2018 –Wednesday 28 Commencing at 3.00 pm in Council Chambers; and December 2018 – Wednesday 19 Commencing at 3.00 pm in Council Chambers.


The Department of Human Services (Centrelink) will The Department of Human Services (Centrelink) will Thebe visiting Department Denham of Humanat the Shark Services Bay (CentrelinkCommunity) will

Resourcebebe visiting visiting Centre Denham Denham on atthe the dates Shark at below:the Bay Shark Community Bay Community The Department of Human Services (Centrelink) will Resource Centre on the dates below: Resource CentreThe Department on the of dates Human below: Services (Centrelink ) will be visiting Denham at the Shark Bay Community beth visiting Denham at the Shark Bay Community Wednesday 14 March 2018 3.00pm-4.30pm

Resource CentreResourceth on Centre the dates on the datesbelow: below: WednesdayThursday 1514 March 2018 9.00am3.00pm- 4.312.0pm30pm th Thursday 15 March 2018 9.00am- 12.30pm th Wednesday 14 March 2018 3.00pm-4.30pm th Wednesdayth 14 March 2018 3.00pm-4.30pm Thursday 15th March 2018 9.00am- 12.30pm Wednesday 14 Marchth 2018 3.00pm-4.30pm Thanks Thursday 15 March 2018 9.00am- 12.30pm th Thanks Thursday 15 March 2018 9.00am- 12.30pm

Catherine and Vicki

Catherine and Vicki Department of HumanThanks Services

DepartmentThanks of Human Services Remote Servicing Team Remote Thanks Servicing Catherine Team and Vicki Catherine andDepartment Vicki of Human Services Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 7 . March 2018 Catherine andRemote Vicki Servicing Team Department of Human Services Department of Human Services Remote Servicing Team Remote Servicing Team Community Notices

Shark Bay School Parents and Citizens Association

Welcome back to a new year and a fresh P&C Committee. The P&C had their AGM on Wednesday 21st February 2018.

The new executive committee are:

Natalie Dul President 0439 938 125 [email protected]

Tiaza Sellenger Vice President 0407 129 487 [email protected] Secretary / Bec Moroney Treasurer 0409 331 728 [email protected]

Anne Feist Executive Committee 0411 106 661 [email protected]

Sam Chisholm Executive Committee

Meegan Gooch School Council Rep. [email protected]

A big thanks to our outgoing Executive member, Erin Walton. Erin has been both a Vice President and Secretary over 2016 and 2017. Also thank you to Jamie, Kylie, Kay (Ex Officio member) and Claire H for coming to the meeting, becoming financial members and getting involved in some of the fundraisers.

Shark Bay P&C Term 1 Uniform Orders are due back Friday 2nd March. Payment is due on collection of your order. Please note we have added the white/royal blue check school dress as an order item only. (Can only be ordered, we will not be carrying any stock in the Uniform Shop).

We have some very exciting fundraising events coming your way…

We will be having an Easter Raffle on Thursday 29th March 2018.

We will be holding a 5c Challenge in the week leading up to the Fun Day, Friday 13th April 2018 – so start saving your 5 cent pieces NOW! Please do not send any money in until the dates mentioned on the flyer sent out in emails and hard copy from the school.

The P&C will be hosting a BLIND FOOTY TIPPING COMPETITION. Forms and money are due in by 3pm Monday 19th March 2018. Thanks Claire for organising this fundraiser. The school will be sending hardcopies of this note home after the long weekend and have attached info in an email if you want to be super organised!

Lunch Orders are due back on 7th of March. Any queries contact Kylie 0428 951616.

The next P&C Meeting will be on Wednesday 28th March 2018 at 4.30pm in the school library. Please mark this date down in your calendar. Agenda and Previous Minutes will be sent home closer to the meeting date. All welcome.

If you have any queries or suggestions for the P&C, please do not hesitate to contact an executive member.

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 8 . March 2018 Community Notices

SHARK BAY BOWLING CLUB (INC) 14 Francis Rd, Denham, Phone (08)99481353 Email: [email protected]

Community Bowls

Continuing Thursday Nights from 7pm

Teams can still nominate or just come along – teams are always looking for fill ins due to members who do shift work No experience necessary.

Kitchen open from 6pm

Yummy burgers, chips and chicken nuggets & chips.

SCRO SCROUNGERS SATURDAYS – 2.30PM All Welcome Good fun – make new friends – friendly atmosphere. SHARK BAY BOWLING CLUB 14 Francis Road DENHAM

ANZAC DAY 25th April 2018

Shark Bay Bowling ANZAC day


Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 9 . March 2018 Community Notices

Other students involved are Leah Whitmore (Year 12) Shark Bay School who is connected to the education industry at Shark Bay School, Shaye McNamara (Year 12) is linked in with Rural Training Australia and is also an SBT, students and the Jesse Mills (Year 11) aims to access the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Tom business community Moroney (Year 11) completes an SBT at the Shark Bay Works Depot. Year 10 students Jackson continue to shine!!!! Balcombe hopes to try the Tourism industry, Barrett Eastough the Automotive field, Victor Court the Exciting times continue for students in Denham! Community Resource Centre and Tristian Mills an office/business environment. SIDE, which ranks as one of the biggest schools in the world, Shark Bay School and local business Comments from the students explain the positives organisations in Denham have been involved with “The SBT has made everything worthwhile in on-the-job training over the past 14 years. Programs completing my final years of schooling”. “ADWPL such as Structured Workplace Learning (SWL), gives me the ideal opportunity to set up my chosen Employability Skills, Authority Developed career path.” “It’s awesome! I’ve got a head start Workplace Learning (ADWPL), School-based with my chosen career and I love the work.” Apprenticeship’s (SBA) and School-based Traineeship’s (SBT) which local students have used to achieve their career goals.

School Based Apprenticeship / Traineeship programs allow students in Years 10, 11 and 12 to commence a VET qualification while still at school. Students enter into a legally binding contract between the employer, themselves and the family. The beauty of the programs is that it is linked to helping them achieve Secondary School Graduation (WACE), plus it enables students to get a reduction in their qualification time… so it’s a win, win situation all round.

ADWPL is a program where students can access the Molly McAuliffe is all smiles as she prepares to feed the fish world of work exploring different career paths and at Ocean Park developing core employability skills that make them very competitive in the employment / training market.

Shane Murray, Workplace Learning Coordinator at SIDE caught up with some present students on a recent monitoring visit to the Bay. Nine students are involved in this program in 2018, completing their on-the-job training in various businesses throughout the town.

Molly McAuliffe commenced a School-based Traineeship in Marine Studies in 2017 based at the Ocean Park Aquarium. Molly says… “This is a fantastic opportunity. I love the ocean, sea animals and people and feel privileged to work in paradise and share so many special happenings at Ocean Park”. A very supportive team exists at the Shark Bay School where The support of local youth by local employers is Leah Whitmore is finding out what a career as a teacher brilliant” says workplace learning coordinator Shane would be like Murray. Denham employers are at the leading edge in offering high school students an exciting and relevant training option and should be held up as role models for other regional towns to follow their lead.

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 10 . March 2018 Community Notices

Barrett Eastough is looking at an SBT in Automotive as a part of his ADWPL program Victor Court hopes to work at the CRC but also has Shark Bay Salt in Useless Loop as a possible option

Jackson Balcombe is looking at the Tourism industry Tristan Mills hopes to explore the business/office field which has a connection to the ocean and the Shire/Local Government maybe an option

Jesse Mills is excited about gaining a position with the Tom is working at the Shire Works Depot completing Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions Department an SBT in Automotive Technology Shane Murray believes the ADWPL / SBA / SBT programs at SIDE, are second to none in assisting students with their further training and career plans. Students see it as linking their present school studies with post school intentions. It has relevancy to their lives. Shane believes it has many hidden advantages to all stakeholders ... students, parents, the school and community. He along with the families would like to say thankyou to the Denham business community for their commitment to local youth. This leadership and support is to be highly commended! Shaye McNamara is really enjoying her SBT program with Rural Skills Australia

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 11 . March 2018 Community Notices Shark Bay School

Welcome Communication Survey

I would like to welcome everyone to the new school year, At Shark Bay School we believe close and open communication with Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies PATHS especially our new students and families. I hope this parents is the key to achieving positive outcomes for our students; year is successful and rewarding for you all. The staff for this reason the school encourages a close liaison between PATHS curriculum is an approach to social emotional learning (SEL) and has been created to help children and I look forward to working with you throughout 2018. parents and staff. The school is conducting a Communication Survey develop better thinking skills, learn more mature and responsible ways of behaving and gain emotional literacy. School Structure and Staff 2018 seeking the opinions of parents so we can make informed decisions and continue to support families to become more involved, active and At Shark Bay School all classes from K to 6 have PATHS lessons. PATHS is a comprehensive, Principal; Mrs Kay Mack engaged in the school and their child’s learning. Completed surveys developmentally based curriculum to promote Social Emotional Learning resulting in reduced Manager Corporate Services; Mrs Rebecca Moroney can be emailed, posted or handed to Reception by Friday 9th of behaviour and emotional problems. PATHS is a program giving students clear behavioural standards and social skills March. allowing them to feel safe, valued, confident and challenged. It teaches the skills we all need to handle ourselves, our Teachers; KP Miss Jody Barton and Ms Kerryn Dodd Hair Checks relationships and our work effectively and ethically. These skills include recognising and managing our emotions, Yr 1/2; Miss Nicole Crowley developing caring and concern for others, establishing positive relationships, making responsible decisions and Each week the school conducts regular hair checks. Parents of Yr 3/4; Miss Jessica Gow students who are found to have hair lice are contacted and asked to handling challenging situations constructively and ethically. These skills are necessary for success in both school Yr 5/6; Ms Jacqui Brennan treat their child. If the school is unable to contact a parent a note and life. PATHS teaches children to recognise feelings in themselves and others, develop self control, gain is sent home with the student outlining treatment expectations and confidence and feel good about themselves, solve problems and work cooperatively with others. If you want to know Secondary; Mr Steve Copeland and Mrs Susan Crossley the procedures the school will follow from section 27 of the School more about PATHS in your child’s class and how you can support the program see your child’s Indonesian Teacher; Ms Kerryn Dodd, STEM Teacher; Education Act. teacher. Miss Nicole Crowley, Performing Arts Ms Kerryn Dodd Attendance Art Teacher; Mrs Kay Mack Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and Regular attendance at school is fundamental to student learning. got back up again. Nelson Mandela Education Assistants; Ms Janine Standen, Mrs Wendy Anderson, Student achievement of academic and social outcomes depend on Mrs Danielle Francis, Mrs Esther Mills consistent attendance and participation. Parents of an enrolled child AIEOs; Ms Chrissy Wear and Mrs Debbie Bellottie are responsible under the School Education Act 1999 to ensure the attendance of their child at school everyday. The department has Year 6 Councillor Report Library Officer ; Mrs Wanda Copeland identified students with attendance under 90% as at risk. Parent Hello everyone and welcome back to school. Rane and I were very excited to be your councillors. We are both looking Parent Talks and Phone Calls support for ensuring regular school attendance is essential. All parents of children with attendance below 90% will be contacted. forward to speaking at the next assembly, Friday 2nd March and can’t wait for the Leadership Camp on the 7th to Wednesday 7th of February was the school’s 9th of March. At the camp we will learn all about leadership, team work and cooperation and meet other students Parent Information Evening; thank you to all On Entry Pre Primary Testing from Mid West schools in Geraldton. the parents who attended. Teachers will Pre Primaries will be participating in the Department of contact all parents to discuss their child’s Education’s state-wide On-entry Assessment Program. We really enjoy duty with the KPs each Thursday, Tessa enjoys helping Miss Bec with banking. We are both looking progress before the end of term one. The school acknowledges the The main purpose of the program is to provide teachers forward to helping teachers at the 13th of April Fun Day. We have lots of jobs to do such importance of communication and the positive relationship between with an opportunity, early in the year, to collect information on the the school and home. as raising and taking down the flags, helping with the sports shed, KP duty, helping Mrs essential literacy and numeracy skills and understandings of each Mack with the newsletter and being role models for our school values of Following Assembly child in their class. This will assist teachers to develop informed Instructions and Caring. and intentional teaching for play-based programs, designed to foster The next assembly is Friday 2nd of March; we will be showcasing each child’s learning, reflective of individual needs. students’ work about swimming lesson . Friday 16th of March is We would like to thank everyone who voted for us and we will do the best we can for you the Year 6 presentation abut their Leadership Camp. We look Early Closing and the school. Your Year 6 councillors, Tessa and Rane forward to seeing you at the assemblies. Parents need to be aware of Early Closing on the 19th March. All School Uniform classes will be dismissed at 2pm; Pre Primary students will need to School Councillors School uniform assists with a sense of pride be collected at 2pm. Welcome to our and belonging and students are expected to Voluntary Contributions 2018 Kindergarten Students wear the correct uniform each day. Board shorts are not part of the school uniform; Payment of contributions is important for the school and play a

students need to wear the appropriate significant role in enhancing our school’s capacity to add value to shorts. The P&C operates a Uniform Store through Reception. students’ learning experiences. Parents wishing to pay 2018 Parent support for students wearing uniforms is appreciated contributions can pay now at Reception. . Kay Mack Principal Our school leaders have an important role to play; they are expected to become actively involved in raising and maintaining standards across all areas of school life. They are also positive School Terms 2018 Behaviour and Attitude Trophy role models for our students and are expected to demonstrate School Business our school values of ‘Following Instructions’ and ‘Caring’. Term 1 31st January - 13th April Faction points are awarded in each class for students All school business is to be conducted in a polite and positive Term 2 1 May - 29th June who display positive behaviours and effort. At the end Secondary councillors are Barrett Eastough and Jesse Mills manner. Term 3 17th July - 21st September of the week the name of the winning team in each class is sent to Reception; the winning faction is acknowledged and receives a certificate. The Year 6 councillors for Term One are Persons using threatening, abusive or insulting language or Term 4 9th October - 13th December behaviour will be asked to leave the school grounds immediately. Dolphins were winners for week 1 and 2 this term. The faction being awarded the Rane Mansen and Tessa Williams Professional Learning Days are 30th April, 16th July, most faction points over the whole term for positive behaviour and attitude will be Refer Regulation 75 School Education Regulations 2000 8th October and 14th December 2018 acknowledged be receiving the winning cup which can be viewed at Reception.

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 12 . March 2018 Community Notices

“The Old Pub” is truely the community’s pub, come and cheers with the locals

Tuesday Wednesday Friday 8.30pm - Local band 5-7pm - Jag the Joker incl - Darts 7.30pm ‘Parallel 26’ playing complimentary nibblies and from 8.30pm & a free coach karaoke and ride home 9pm, open mic after 10pm, 11pm and midnight

LUNCH SPECIALS ‘BAY BURGER DEAL’ $20.00 FISH, CHICKEN, HAM OR STEAK BURGER & A MIDI OF YOUR CHOICE th March (EXCLUDING SPIRITS) until 25 AVAILABLE 12-2PM DAILY , steakburger additional $1 Great Nightly • Restaurant open 12-2pm, 6-9pm, • Daily meal specials available, SPECIALS! • Coffee & Cake @ $9.50 per person MONDAY PIE SPECIAL $20.00 available all day, • Icy cold beverages, TUESDAY SQUID, CHIPS & • Accommodation available double & twin SALAD $20.00 rooms, •Jukebox  / TAB, WEDNESDAY FISH & CHIPS $20.00 • Live entertainment every Wednesday night from 8.30pm with Parallel 26, karaoke & open THURSDAY CHICKEN PARMI, What’s New at the Oldie New What’s mic night, CHIPS & SALAD $20.00 • Friday – Jag the Joker 5-7pm, complimentary nibblies, FRIDAY RUMP, • Courtesy bus ride home every Friday 9pm, CHIPS & SALAD $25.00 10pm, 11pm & midnight, • We cater to everyone’s needs, SATURDAY RUMP, just ask – nothing is too hard, CHIPS & SALAD $25.00 • Available for catering and platters, SUNDAY ROAST OF THE DAY • Pop in and say Hi – we’re open every day. $25.00

Trading hours: 10am - late (Monday to Saturday) 10am -10pm (Sunday) Phone: 9948 1203 Restaurant: Lunch 12-2pm, Dinner 6-9pm, open every day [email protected]

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 13 . March 2018 Community Notices

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 14 . March 2018 Community Notices

Meningococcal disease

What is meningococcal bacteria to people who are at increased risk disease? of infection, including young children. Other Meningococcal disease is an uncommon, groups at increased risk of meningococcal but sometimes life-threatening illness. The disease include new military recruits and disease is a result of a bacterial infection university students living in residential of the blood and/or the membranes that colleges (particularly in their first year). line the spinal cord and brain. Although treatable with antibiotics, the How do you get meningococcal infection can progress very rapidly, so it is disease? important that anyone experiencing Meningococcal bacteria are spread by symptoms of meningococcal disease respiratory secretions (coughing, sneezing or seeks medical attention promptly. kissing), but not by saliva, so it cannot be At any one time, approximately 10 per cent picked up by drinking from the same cup or of healthy people carry meningococcal sharing food. The bacteria do not survive bacteria harmlessly in their nose or throat, more than a few seconds in the environment, and do not become ill. so cannot be picked up from surfaces or objects (for example, a table or pillow) that There are 13 different types of have been contaminated by the infected meningococcal bacteria (called person’s respiratory secretions. 'serogroups'), but worldwide most disease is caused by serogroups A, B, C, Y and W. The disease is most likely to be spread only Until recently, around 90 per cent of to very close contacts, such as people who serious meningococcal infections in WA live in the same household, sexual contacts were caused by serogroup B organisms. and children attending the same day care for However, there has been an increase in more than four continuous hours. infections caused by serogroup W organism (MenW) in WA and other Signs and symptoms Australian states since 2015. Unlike other meningococcal serogroups, The disease rarely causes serious invasive disease caused by MenW is more invasive infections. severe. People may also experience different symptoms. For example, some How common is it? people may get septic arthritis, severe upper respiratory tract infection such as On average there are between 10 and 20 pneumonia or gastrointestinal symptoms. All cases of meningococcal disease in WA meningococcal disease can be severe, but each year, mainly in winter and spring. most people make a full recovery. However, Nearly all cases of meningococcal disease about 10 per cent of cases suffer a long are unrelated to other cases. Some of the term disability (e.g. loss of a limb, neurologic highest rates of meningococcal carriage damage). and illness occur among 15-19 year olds. Once infected, they can transmit the

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 15 . March 2018 Community Notices

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 16 . March 2018 Community Notices

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 17 . March 2018

CommunitySchedules effective Notices 2 July 2018

28 FEBRUARY 2018



The Western Australian (WA) Government has announced Regional Express (Rex) as the successful tenderer to operate the Regular Public Transport (RPT) air services on the Perth – Carnarvon / Monkey Mia route. This confers on Rex the sole right to operate on the route for a five-year term commencing on 2 July 2018.

Rex will operate 24 weekly services between Perth and Carnarvon and 12 weekly services between Perth and Monkey Mia. This is a 20 per cent increase in flight frequency for Carnarvon and a 50% increase in flight frequency for Monkey Mia in comparison to the current flight frequency offered by the incumbent.

The extra flight frequency between Perth and Carnarvon will deliver a consistent Monday to Friday flight schedule with a.m. and p.m. return services, to the convenience of regular travellers. The 12 weekly services between Perth and Monkey Mia will operate daily from Sunday to Friday inclusive. The flight schedule is attached.

Rex’s General Manager Network Strategy & Sales Mr Warrick Lodge said, “Rex is pleased to be expanding its services in WA. The award of the Perth – Carnarvon / Monkey Mia route to Rex follows the award of the Albany and Esperance routes two years ago, demonstrating that Rex has fully lived up to expectations in its first foray into WA. Indeed in the recent WA inquiry, the public response to Rex’s services and approach on the Albany and Esperance routes was predominantly positive”.

“In the last two years Rex has forged strong partnership agreements with the City of Albany, the Shire of Esperance and Perth . Through this collaboration, Rex has implemented a very successful Community Fare scheme which saw over 24,000 Community Fares sold out of 106,000 total seats sold in the past 12 months, bringing around two million dollars of savings to regional air travellers annually”.

“Rex intends to replicate this same successful scheme to Monkey Mia and Carnarvon. Rex and RAC (Monkey Mia / Shark Bay airport) have agreed to enter into a five-year agreement which will result in the Community Fare Scheme being made available between Perth and Monkey Mia. The Community Fare will be priced at $157 and will be available on 25% of the inventory if booked 60 days prior to departure, with all remaining unsold seats being made available within 1 day prior to departure” said Mr Lodge.

Rex is currently in discussions with the Shire of Carnarvon to establish a partnership along similar lines.

Flights will be on sale from 1 March 2018. Book at, on 13 17 13 or via your local travel agent.

Regional Express (Rex) is Australia’s largestSchedules independent effective 2 regionalJuly 2018 airline operating a fleet of more than 50 Saab 340 aircraft on some 1,500 weekly flights to 60 destinations throughout all states in Australia. In addition to the regional airline Regional Express, the Rex Group comprises wholly owned subsidiaries Pel-Air Aviation (air freight and charter operator), Air Link (Dubbo-based regional airline) and the Australian Airline Pilot Academy.

Rex Media Contact: Corporate Communications: +61 402 438 361 [email protected]

Schedules effective 2 July 2018

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 18 . March 2018

Community Notices

Shark Bay Youth Group DENHAM WA 6537 [email protected] 0409 331 728 (Bec – Chairperson)

Shark Bay Youth Group Committee Chairperson - Bec Moroney Vice Chairperson - Esther Mills Secretary - Rick Moroney Treasurer - Kim Branch Committee Members Sam Chisholm, Steve Mills Financial Members Linda Butterly, Sam Rawlings, Donnelle Oakley, Natt Dul, Tara Fullston, Coreena Fullston, Tiek Fullston

Upcoming Events Term 1

Week 3 16/2/18 - Shark Bay Police Visit

Week 6 9/3/18 - Nerf Gun Wars (BYO Nerf Guns allowed)

Week 6 Sunday 11th March – Clean Up Australia Day DENHAM

Week 8 23/3/18 - Easter FUN

Week 10 6/4/18 - MINI OLYMPICS

We have 28 youth members from year 7 to year 12. The youth are really keen to do some community involvement activities throughout the year so stay tuned to see what they get up to!

We are planning a Team Building and Leadership Camp to Kalbarri from the 1st to the 4th June 2018. We will be fundraising for this adventure and we appreciate all the support we have already received from our community.

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 19 . March 2018 Community Notices

Daily Blessings TRAVEL From Yoga SAFETY The practice of yoga has been refined over thousands of years. MarchReap 2nd the multitude of physical and mental health benefits of this ancient practice. Class times for 2018 Tuesday ATTENTION ALL TRAVELLERS When you travel out of town 5:15 pm Hatha Flow within the Shark Bay Shire please Thursday tell someone where you are going, whether it be: 5:15 pm Yin/Acu Yoga Friends, Family, or your place of accommodation. Friday In case something goes wrong this simple 8:45 am Gentle Hatha action saves time & money and allows emergency services to get to you quicker. Students are encouraged to set up their space 5-10 minutes before the start of class. ocal nes from Venue: Recreation Centre (Francis street, Denham - opposite the SB School) What to bring: Large towel and water bottle. Straps, blocks, mats and bolsters are available. SHAR AY POICE STATION Casual Class: $12 . Students (13+) & Seniors: $7 rhr r, h 53 IMPORTANT NOTICE: Esther Mills - Mobile: 0428 766 005 YTT 350hrs- MHY , “For those considering a personalised yoga program or private session for a Find me on Facebook for any specific issue, Daily Blessings now has venue changes or updates an HBF provider number. @yogawithesther Please don’t hesitate to contact Esther for an updated list of Health Insurance Australia Post providers and whether you’re eligible to claim for yoga sessions. Recently Shark Bay Police seized a quantity of illicit drugs through Australia Post, bound for a Shark Bay resident. PoliceBoolbardie have charged a 41 year old Denham residentGolf for his part Club in the plan. STORAGE UNIT However Police tracked down the sender and executed a search warrant on his home addressWANTED: in SINAGRA WA, locating Golf more illicit Players drugs. for lease CRITERIA: Police have now charged a 43 year old male person from SINAGRA WA with High / Medium / Low handicaps and beginners supplying a prohibited drug and a number of other drugs charges. BENEFITS: 9m x 4m x 2.9m heigh Please don’tFun make company,the mistake of thinking good you views, can mail yourselfexercise, prohibited drugs withoutafter getting game caught. drinks and presentations, Secure Yard attend games as often as you like. Merry Christmas. TIME: 2pm Wednesdays and Saturdays $200 / month EQUIPMENT: Golf clubs and carts available for hire. WHERE: Monkey Mia Road – Call Geoffrey Boolbardie Golf Club CONTACT: Jill Deschamps – 9948 3224 0409 115 060 or turn up at the golf club 20mins prior to tee off.

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 20 . March 2018

yoicettionoiceou h 0 Community Notices

Type 1 Child Car Restraint Fitter Course

WALGA’s RoadWise Program is running this free and nationally accredited course. Participants will be provided with the knowledge and skills to competently check and fit child car restraints in vehicles, and will become part of a statewide network of qualified Type 1 Fitters. Gascoyne 15 May 2018

Course details

Cost: Free of charge Registration opens: Wednesday 14 March Registration closes: Wednesday 4 April (or when max. participant numbers are reached)

This course is delivered in two parts:

Part ONE is delivered via an external course booklet, and is theory based. Assessments for this component are completed prior to attending part two. Completion required by 1 May

Part TWO is delivered facetoface and has a large practical component. The majority of assessments for this part are completed at the course, with a small postcourse assessment completed after the course. Date: Tuesday 15 May 2018 Time: 9.00am — 4.30pm Location: TBA Refreshers: On registering, Type 1 Fitters are able to attend just Part TWO as a refresher Preference will be given to individuals intending to offer a fitting service to the community, and who have a limited number of Fitters in their current area. To allow as many organisations to attend as possible, ONLY ONE REGISTRATIONS PER ORGANISATION will be accepted. Additional registrations may be sent through and will be allocated to any remaining positions. When registering please ensure you provide the following documents: A completed and signed registration form (attached) A copy of your $10 million public liability/ certificate of currency Register by Wednesday 4 April (registration closes on this date, or when maximum participant numbers are reached). For further information contact : Tammie Deshon — Road Safety Project Officer (Child Car Restraints) [email protected] or 9213 2070 Engel Prendergast — Senior Road Safety Consultant [email protected] or 0437 413 225

E [email protected] W

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 21 . March 2018 Community Notices

Vacancies for children at Day Care Kindy Gym

Tuesdays 9:30am at the Rec Centre With the new school year starting, Day Care (Except during School Holidays) has spots available on all days of the week. Please bring a piece of fruit to share. If interested please contact Contact Natt at the CRC for further information Sarah: 0474 556 296 Erin: 0428 404877

Sarah: Monday – Tuesday – Friday Erin: Wednesday – Thursday 8.30am – 4.30pm

Child Care Benefit & Rebate can be claimed if eligible

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 22 . March 2018 Community Notices

March 1 Helen Morgan 1 Leon Deschamps 2 Toni Pierpoint 3 Hayley Phone “Thank You – Thank You” 5 Geoff Howse Judy Russell & family would like to 7 Tamala Sellenger thank every one of you in Shark Bay. 14 Biffy Sellenger Also a huge thank you to the Police, 15 Esther Mills Ambo’s & Shark Bay Hotel. 19 Tim Crawley Well Done - Julie Robins & Alison Beales 20 Isobel Lockyer You were all wonderful 21 Bobby Oakley “Thank You” 23 Des Matthews

25 Rebecca Moroney 26 Belle Sellenger 27 Byron Francis

30 Jackie Fitzpatrick 30 Debbie Standring 30 Ralf Jaehrling April 1 Errol Francis

3 Belinda Russell The community of Shark Bay wishes to thank the 3 Megan Cockerill CRC, the Bowling Club & the Entertainers for their combined efforts in such a successful quiz night, raising funds to help past Councilor: Congratulations “Margaret Prior” to you all

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 23 . March 2018 Community Notices

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 24 . March 2018 Community Notices

Denham Community Church 9.30 am Sunday Meeting Room Recreation Centre, Francis Street, Denham.

Phone: Mark. 0427 481 719 - [email protected]

The power of the cross Why is there a cross above Christian church buildings? are carrying around life’s baggage and you want to be free, you have to let it go. Why is the cross so important to the Christian faith? If you need to forgive someone then forgive them. Because Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. If you need forgiveness, ask Jesus now before it’s too And without Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross, late. there would be no Christian Church. Jesus cannot forgive you if you don’t ask, and He can’t During our life’s experiences we accumulate a lot of forgive you of your sins, if you do not first forgive those baggage. who have sinned against you. When you decide to come to Jesus for help, And I don’t mean suitcases. I am talking about the baggage we carry around in our hearts. We have all You meet Him at the foot of the cross, and that is been inflicted with scars of one type or another. where you leave your baggage. You start a new life with Christ; Perhaps we have been hurt by our loved ones, husbands, wives, partner, parents, and children. Have Your old life is crucified with Christ at the cross. you been hurt by the Church? Christians are not perfect; they have just been forgiven.

The Church is not perfect: only Jesus Christ is Perfect. Mark Sewell. Denham Community Church. 0427 481 Have you committed a sin and you believe you could 719. never be forgiven? If any of this applies to you, if you

Denham Crafters Crafters will be in recess for three months from January through to March and will resume again in April, after the Easter break. Thankyou for all your support. If you require more information please contact Irene Marquis 0429 203 746

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 25 . March 2018 Community Notices

Thursday 29 March Scrutiny and static display for all race vehicles

Friday 30 March Prologue on the outskirts of Carnarvon

Saturday 31 March Race from Carnarvon to Gascoyne Junction (220km approx.)

Sunday 1 April Return leg from Gascoyne Junction to Carnarvon (220km approx.) MEDIUM EASY

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 26 . March 2018 Community Notices

Saturday 21st April 2018 Racing from 2pm Food & Bar available

Recreation Centre Francis Street DENHAM WA 6537 Ph: 9948 3507 during Opening Hours as shown below

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9.30am - 11.00am (Kindy Gym) 2.00pm - 4.30pm 9am - 12 noon (Open Courts) 2.30pm - 4.30pm (Open Courts) CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED (Open Courts)

6.30pm - Adults 6.30pm - Adults Sports 6.30pm - Adults (Badminton) (Volleyball or Basketball) (Soccer)

NOTE: Night games start 6.30pm sharp. If there is no attendance by 6.45pm, the activity Contact the Shark Bay CRC for more information on: 08 9948 1787 will be cancelled for that night.

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 27 . March 2018 Community Notices

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 28 . March 2018

Sunday Service 9.00am Sunday Service 9.00am Bible Study Thursday 3.00pm Bible Study Thursday 3.00pm ALL WELCOME ALL WELCOME

Sunday Service 9.00am Sunday Service 9.00am Bible Study Thursday 3.00pm Bible Study Thursday 3.00pm ALL WELCOME ALL WELCOME

Community Notices

Shark Bay Anglican Church Shark Bay Anglican Church Sunday Service 9.00am Sunday Service 9.00am Rev Bill & Jocelyn Ross Rev Bill & Jocelyn Ross Shark Bay Anglican Church Bible Study TShhuarrskd Baay y3 A.0n0gplmic an Church Bible Study Thursday 3.00pm available 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month available 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month Rev Bandill all & week Jo cine betweenlyn R oss ALL WERandLeCv allO B MweekilEl & in Jbetweenocel yn Ross ALL WELCOME available 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month available 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month

and all week in between and all week in between St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 cnr Brockman & Hughes Sts Mobile 0417 969 110 cnr Brockman & Hughes Sts Mobile 0417 969 110 Residence at rear Email standrewssb Residence at rear Email standrewssb St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 cnr Brockman & Hughes Sts Mobile 0417 969 110 cnr Brockman & Hughes Sts Mobile 0417 969 110 Residence at rear Email standrewssb Residence at rear Email standrewssb Denham Seniors Shark Bay Anglican Church Shark Bay Anglican Church Join in forSun daay cuppa Service! 9.00am Sunday Service 9.00am Rev Bill & Jocelyn Ross Bible StudyR Tehvu Brsildl &ay J 3o.c0e0lypnm R oss Bible Study Thursday 3.00pm available 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month available 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month Shark Bay Anglican Church ALL WSEhaLrCkO BMaEy Anglican Church ALL WELCOME We meetand every all week in Wednesday between morning at 10amand all week in between Rev Bill & Jocelyn Ross Rev Bill & Jocelyn Ross at the SB Shire Hall (corner of Hughes & Durlacher Streets) available St Andrews 3rd, by 4ththe Sea(& 5th) SundaysPhone each 9948 month 1067 St Andrewsavailable by the 3rd, Sea 4th (& 5th) SundaysPhone 9948 each 1067 month only Pleasecnr Brockman comeand & Hughes all along week Sts in andbetweenMobile have 0417 a 969 cuppa 110 and enjoycnr Brockman a chat. & Hughes and Sts all week$3 inMobile between 0417 969 110 Residence at rear Email standrewssb Residence at rear Emailfor astandrewssb coffee We welcome anyone 55yrs and over to join our group. tea & Any visitors to Denham please feel welcome to join us, homemade St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 St Andrews by the Sea cake ! Phone 9948 1067 even if you are only passing through our town. cnr Brockman & Hughes Sts Mobile 0417 969 110 cnr Brockman & Hughes Sts Mobile 0417 969 110 Shark Bay Anglican Church Shark Bay Anglican Church Residence at rear Email standrewssb SundaResidencey Serv ati creare 9.00aEmailm standrewssb Sunday Service 9.00am Rev Bill & Jocelyn Ross Bible StudyR Tehvu Brsildl &ay J 3o.c0e0lypnm R oss Bible Study Thursday 3.00pm Government of Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety available 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month Consumer Protection available 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month and all week in between ALL WEandLC allO MweekE in between ALL WELCOME Shark Bay Anglican Church Shark Bay Anglican Church Rev Bill & Jocelyn Ross SCAM WARNINGRev Bill & Jocelyn Ross St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 availablecnr Brockman 3rd, & Hughes4th (& Sts 5th) SundaysMobile each 0417 month 969 110 cnr Brockmanavailable & Hughes 3rd, Sts4th (& 5th) SundaysMobile 0417 each969 110 month Residence at rear Email standrewssb iTunesResidence Gift Cards at rear Email standrewssb and all week in between Watch out for scammers and all week in between demanding payment via iTunes gift cards. No government $5 each agency or reputable St AndrewsSh abyr kthe B Seaay Anglican CPhonehur c9948h 1067 business StS Andrews willha EVERrk B bya ythe A Seang l ican ChurcPhoneh 9948 1067 cnr Brockman & Hughes Sts Mobile 0417 969 110 demandcnr paymentBrockman & Hughes Sts Mobile 0417 969 110 with iTunes or AvailaResidenceble at at R rearev Bill &Email Jo cstandrewssbelyn Ro @bigpond.comss otherResidence gift cards.Rev at B rearill & JocEmailelyn standrewssb Ross the CRCavailable 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month available 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month and all week in between everyand time all youweek are asked in between to send money S TOP or give out your personal details.

Shark Bay Anglican Church Sharthatk theyB aarey who A theyn saygl theyic Church St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 C StHECK Andrews by theCall Sea their business or visit theirPhone website. 9948 1067 cnr BrockmanRev &B Hughesill & Sts J ocelynMobile Ro 0417ss 969 110 cnr Brockman &R Hughesev B Stsil l & JocMobileely n0417 R 969os 110s Residence at rear Email standrewssb Residence at rear Email standrewssb available 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month A CTavailableby reporting 3rd, scams 4th to 1300 (& 5th) 304 Sundays 054 each month and all week in between and all week in between M ENTION it to your friends and family. Shark Bay Anglican Church Shark Bay Anglican Church Empowering the Western Australian community to St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 St Andrewsstay a stepby ahead the of Sea scammers. Phone 9948 1067 Rev Bill & Jocelyn Ross For regular updatesR on scamsev register Bil atl & Jocelyn Ross cnr Brockman & Hughes Sts Mobile 0417 969 110 cnror Brockmanvisit & Hughes Sts Mobile 0417 969 110 Residenceavailable at rear 3rd, 4th (&Email 5th) standrewssbSundays each month availableResidence 3rd, at rear4th (& 5th) SundaysEmail standrewssb each month and all week in between and all week in between Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 29 . March 2018

St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 cnrS Brockmanhark & B Hughesay AStsn glicanMobile Chu 0417rc 969h 110 cnr BrockmanSh & aHughesrk B Stsa y AnglMobileican 0417 C h969u 110rc h ResidenceRe atv rear B ill & JEmailoc standrewssbelyn R [email protected] Residence at rearR e v BilEmaill & standrewssb Jocely @bigpond.comn Ross available 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month available 3rd, 4th (& 5th) Sundays each month and all week in between and all week in between

St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 St Andrews by the Sea Phone 9948 1067 cnr Brockman & Hughes Sts Mobile 0417 969 110 cnr Brockman & Hughes Sts Mobile 0417 969 110 Residence at rear Email standrewssb Residence at rear Email standrewssb Community Notices

PLEASE REMEMBER OUR LOCAL BUSINESSES 15 tables, AND THANK THEM FOR THEIR GENEROUS over 90 quiz wiz.... PRIZES and CASH DONATIONS: raffles, auctions, Blue Lagoon Pearl Farm, prizes, lots of fun and many winners...! CDH Electrical, Shark Bay Community Resource Centre, Heritage Resort, IGA X-Press Monkey Mia Wildsights, Oceanside Village, MCs: John, Patricia & Derek RAC Monkey Mia, SB Fishing Fiesta, Some of the winners on SB Speedway Club, the night SB Bowling Sports and Recreation Club, “Low’s”: The Winning team Shark Bay Hotel Motel - Old Pub, Shark Bay Newsagent & Pharmacy, St John Ambulance, Surf n Dolphin, ...and a special thank you for the many very generous spontaneous War On Waste. donations: Many people just came to A special Thank you to Nat, Sherri, John & Johan: the Quiz Master’s table Some very precious volunteer helpers! (or to see us over the last few days) simply to donate loose cash & big notes! Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 30 . March 2018 Community Notices Table Quiz Answers Plate Code City/Town Whose LOGO is this? ANSWERS A Albany AK Armadale - Kelmscott AL Albany AS Ashburton AW West Arthur B Bridgetown BD Boulder BE Beverley BK Bruce Rock BM Broome BSN Busselton BY Bunbury C Carnarvon CD Cue CG Coolgardie CGG City of Greater Geraldton CO Collie CP Capel CR Corrigin CV Chapman Valley CW Coorow D Dowerin DA Dardanup DB Donnybrook - Balingup DE Denmark DL Dalwallinu SMITH’s Vegemite Holden Emu Bitter Billabong Qantas Quick Silver DN Dandaragan DS Dundas (Norseman)

Table Quiz - Logos.indd 2 26-Feb-18 E 12:13:33 PM Esperance Who did that? ANSWERS EX Exmouth GG Gingin GM Gascoyne-Minilya GNG Geraldton - Greenough GO Goomalling GU Gascoyne Upper H Harvey HC Hall’s Creek IR Irwin Koala Dingo Echidna JP Jerramungup KA Katanning KBC Kalgoorlie - Boulder KD Koorda KM Kalamunda KMC Kalgoorlie KR Karratha City KWN Kwinana Emu Fairy Penguin Frillneck lizard L Leonora MA Mt. Magnet MD Merredin MH Mandurah MI Mingenew MK Meekatharra MW Mullewa Kangaroo Wombat Tasmanian devil Rabbit NB Narembeen NGN Narrogin Table Quiz - Who Did That.indd 2 26-Feb-18 12:12:21 PM NGT Newdegate Who did that? ANSWERS NO Narrogin NP Nannup NR Northampton PH Port Hedland Q Quairading R Roebourne RA Ravensthorpe RO Rockingham S Sandstone Koala Dingo Echidna SB Shark Bay SW Swan T Toodyay TA Tambellup TN Tammin TS Three Springs VP Victoria Plains Emu Fairy Penguin Frillneck lizard W Wagin WL Williams WP West Pilbara WR Waroona WU Wiluna WY Wyndham Y York YA Yalgoo Kangaroo Wombat Tasmanian devil Rabbit

Table Quiz - Who Did That.indd 2 26-Feb-18 12:12:21 PM Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 31 . March 2018 Community Notices

Natural Disaster Resilient Community Organisations

How quickly could your organisation ‘bounce back’ after a major disaster?

How would you support your vulnerable clients if your own building was damaged, electricity and communications down and roads impassable?

Learn how to benchmark your organisation’s resilience and identify the actions you need to take to ensure your clients get the support they need, even after a ‘worst case scenario’.

This one-day workshop will take you through the Australian Council of Social Service online Resilient Community Organisations resources, including the Benchmarking Tool and the ‘6 Steps to Resilience’ Tool. The workshop will be delivered by Stuart Reid from the WA Council of Social Service. As well as being a lively and engaging workshop facilitator, Stuart is a veteran of Darwin’s Cyclone Tracy so he has some first-hand experience as well.

This is one of a series being run around WA as a result of a Natural Disaster Resilience Program Grant. Tea and coffee on arrival, morning tea and lunch provided.

Please note if you are a volunteer-run or a very small organisation, training can be provided at no cost. If you require free registration, please contact WACOSS directly at [email protected]

When: 9am - 3:30pm, Wednesday 7 March 2018 REGISTER Where: Shire of Carnarvon Chambers, 3 Francis St, Carnarvon WA 6701

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 32 . March 2018 Community Notices CARE Call Giving patients, families and carers a voice in health care

Patients, families and carers will have a voice in their Using the CARE Call options is a three-step process: health care, with the introduction of CARE Call. Step 1: Talk to the nurse, midwife or doctor looking WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Midwest has after you or the person you care for regarding your introduced this initiative in 15 health sites in the concerns Midwest region to support patients, families and carers to raise concerns if a patient’s health condition Step 2: If you’re still worried, talk to the nurse or is deteriorating or not improving. midwife in charge of the shift.

WACHS Midwest Regional Patient Safety and Quality Step 3: If you are still concerned and think it’s urgent Coordinator Jode Coxon said CARE Call would be and feel that you have not had an appropriate applied to all inpatients, emergency department response, call the 1800 316 726 CARE Call number. patients and residential aged care clients in WACHS This number will also be displayed on posters and services across the Midwest region. pamphlets available in each health service.

“CARE Call should only be used for concerns related Upon calling the 1800 number, you will be asked for to the patients’ health condition getting worse or not the name of the patient, the hospital, reason for the improving as expected,” Jode said. call and ward or room (if known). The 1800 number will be answered by a senior health service manager, “CARE Call is not for general complaints but rather who will ensure your concerns are responded to a mechanism that allows patients, families or carers tactfully and promptly. to call for help if they feel that health care providers have not listened to, understood or responded to For more information regarding CARE call contact concerns about a change in their health condition.” Jode Coxon on 9956 2217. If you have general feedback about your hospital stay, please use www.


FOR SALE PENALTIES APPLY FOR UNCOVERED LOADS at the CRC AND LITTERING all profits go to your Shark Bay SES unit The employees $340 The Shire of Shark Bay employees each work work very very hardhard toto keepkeep DenhamDenham tidytidy. Please help us to maintain the cleanliness of the town by transporting waste FEATURES Please help us to maintain the cleanliness PROVIDES SIX INDEPENDENT to the refuse disposal site responsibly. MEANS OF RESCUE : ✓ 406MHZ TRANSMISSION ofDo the the town right by thing transporting cover or wastesecure to your the load.refuse ✓ 121.5MHZ HOMING SIGNAL ✓ GPS LOCATION disposal site responsibly ✓ VISUAL STROBE ✓ SIGNAL MIRROR ✓ WHISTLE ON LANYARD

Do the right thing cover or secure your load We thank those people that have supported us through their purchases IF YOU DON’T YOU MAY BE SUBJECT and hope that they never have to use them but they can be assured that TO SUBSTANTIAL LITTERING FINES should they ever be in a position of having to, they do have a high quality IF YOU DON’T YOU MAY BE SUBECT unit to alert AMSA of their position. TO SUBSTANTIAL LITTERING FINES . . Shark Bay Inscription Post Page 33 March 2018 Community Notices

Fire on the Water Witnessing the Wrecks of Sydney (II) and Kormoran

At the Shark Bay World Heritage and Discovery Centre in Denham in April this year, a new short film and accompanying interpretation will tell the story of the battle between HMAS Sydney (II) and HSK Kormoran. 3D footage and still imag- es from the 2015 expedition to the wreck sites, undertaken by WA Museum, Curtin University and DOF Subsea, will be used to create a timeline of the battle and to offer insights into what happened when the ships met off Shark Bay 77 years ago. The project is funded by a Protecting National Historic Sites grant from the Aus- tralian Government’s Department of the Environment and Energy, with addi- tional funding and project management from the Shire of Shark Bay, as well as inkind support from WA Museum. The producer and curator is Robyn John- ston, who produced the “From Great Depths” exhibit and film on the Sydney/ Kormoran story which is currently on display at WA Museum’s Museum of Geraldton. The consultant historian for the Shark Bay battle story is Wes Olson, author of two books on the Sydney, “Bitter Victory” (2000) and “HMAS Sydney (II) in Peace and War” (2016). The project, with the title “Fire on the Water – witnessing the wrecks of Sydney (II) and Kormoran” will open in Denham on Anzac Day.

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 34 . March 2018 Shark Bay Anglican Church. Easter this year begins at the end of March and carries over into April. Unlike Christmas, Easter is not on a fixed date, because it is based on the lunar calendar. So Easter anywhere occurs anywhere between March 22 and April 25. At the time of Jesus' death the Bible records that a cloud of darkness covered the earth. We can relate to that with dark clouds threat hanging over much of the world. While many of us live with our material needs abundantly filled, we know that too many others struggle just to meet their daily needs. As Jesus gave up his spirit on the cross his dying words were: “It is finished.” It was true, his earthly life had ended. The Roman soldiers divided his possessions among themselves, his enemies rejoiced, the disciples despaired and Judas, overpowered by guilt and remorse, hung himself. Then Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Day and everything changed. His resurrection was proof that the crucifixion achieved a definitive victory over sin and death. For Christians, hope can never again be extinguished. Through the ages since, Easter has spoken to the condition of human despair. Christian faith shows us the way in which we can share in Jesus' victory over all that pushes us Community Notices to despair. Human failure remains with us, both Sharkinside andBay Anglican Church outside the church – failure of compassion, failureShark of Bay virtue, Anglican Church. Easter this year begins at the end of March and carries over into April. Unlike failure to live up to the truth that each of Christmas,usEaster has Easter thisthrough is notyear on a fixedbegins date, at because the it isend based of onMarch the lunar and carries over into our conscience. All of us need to aspire to thecalendar.April. best SoUnlike Easter that anywhere weChristmas, occurs anywhereEaster betweenis March not 22 andon April a fixed date, because it is 25.based on the lunar calendar. So Easter anywhere occurs anywhere know our human nature can be. Human failure,Atbetween the time or of Jesus’sin March death– as the 22 Bible and records April that a cloud25. of darkness covered it is called to in the Bible – arises from people’sthe earth. Wealienation can relate to that with dark clouds threat hanging over much of theAt world. the While time many of of usJesus' live with ourdeath material the needs Bibleabundantly records filled, we that a cloud of darkness from God. Jesus told his disciples that hisknow missionthat too many otherswas struggle just to meet their daily needs. As Jesus covered the earth.gave We up his can spirit onrelate the cross to his thatdying words with were:dark “It is finished.” clouds threat hanging over much of about reconciling humanity withIt was true,God his andearthly lifewith had ended.each The other. Roman soldiers divided his possessions among themselves, thehis enemies world rejoiced,. While the disciplesmany despaired of andus Judas, live overpowered with our by guilt material and remorse, needs hung himself. abundantly filled, we know His mission was intensely personalthatThen Jesustoo asrose many muchfrom the othersdead as on it Easter wasstruggle Day universal. and everything just tochanged. That meet Hisis resurrectionwhytheir Christiansdaily was proof needs. that As Jesus gave up his speak about having a personalspiritthe crucifixion relat on ionthe achievedship cross a definitivewith his dying Jesusvictory over wordsand sin and being death.were: For alive “ItChristians, is with finished.” hope hiscan never Spirit. again be extinguished. It is not just an off the cuff term, an odd religious theory, it is a real life experience, IThrought was the true ages since,, his Easter earthly has life had ended. ourThe conscience. Roman All of soldiersus need to divided his possessions as Christians have testified overspoken the to the centuries. condition of human aspire to the best that we know amongdespair. Christian themselves, faith shows us the his enemies rejoiced,our human naturethe candisciples be. Human despaired and Judas, The Saviour cares so much overpoweredwayfor in whichhis wepeople can share by inthatguilt Jesus’ heand enters remorse, and hung transforfailure,himself. orms sin – theiras it is called lives, to in victory over all that pushes us to the Bible – arises from people’s and numbers every hair on theirdespair. heads. Human failure remains alienation from God. Jesus told Thenwith us, bothJesus inside roseand outside from the dead on hisEaster disciples thatDay his missionand was everything changed. His Easter is a journey over threethe dayschurch – fromfailure of compassion,Good Friday to Easter Day.about Christian reconciling humanityworship with resurrectionfailure of virtue, failure was to live proofup to that the crucifixionGod andachieved with each other. a definitive victory over sin and on Good Friday confronts thedeath.the dark truth that Forreality each Christians, of us hasof throughJesus' hope suffering can never and againdeath, be Holy extinguished. Saturday reflects the time Jesus' body lay in the tomb. Both contrast with the joyous THishrough mission was the intensely ages personal since as much, Eas as it twaser universal. has sp Thato kis enwhy Christiansto the speak condition about having celebration of Easter Day, usuallya personal a relationship celebration with Jesus richand being with alive withmusic his Spirit. and It is not colour. just an off the cuff term, an odd ofreligious human theory, it isdespair. a real life experience, Christian as Christians faith have testifiedshows over theus centuries. the way in Even if you have never or seldomwhichThe Saviour we beencares can so muchtoshare afor hischurch, in people Jesus' that youhe victory enters are and transformsinvitedover all their tothat lives, join andpushes numbersin these usevery hair on their heads. celebrations. You will be most welcome at St Andrews. Our Service on both Good toEaster despair. is a journey Human over three days failure from Good remains Friday to Easter with Day. us, Christian both worship inside on Good and Friday Friday and Easter Day is atoutsideconfronts 9.00am. the the dark realitychurchDress of Jesus’ –is failuresuffering casual and of death, &compassion, comfortable, Holy Saturday reflects failure andthe time of thereJesus’virtue, body is lay in the tomb. Both contrast with the joyous celebration of Easter Day, usually a celebration rich with music always a cup of coffee or teafandailure afterwards. colour. to live upCome to thewith truthnothingthat moreeach thanof us anhasawareness through that Jesus in his life and deathourEven ifconscience.speaks you have never into or seldom Allthe of beencondition us to aneed church, toyouof are aspireour invited human toto join the in these strugglesbest celebrations. that Youweand will be most welcome at St Andrews. Our Service on both Good Friday and Easter Day is at 9.00am. Dress blesses us with his peace. knowis casual our& comfortable, human and therenature is always can a cup be. of coffee Human or tea afterwards. failure, Come or withsin nothing – as more than an awareness that Jesus in his life and death speaks into the condition of our human struggles and it is called to in the Bible – arises from people’s alienation Have a holy and blessed Easter.blesses us with his peace. fromHave an enjoyableGod. andJesus blessed toldEaster. his disciples that his mission was aboutBill Ross. reconciling humanity with God and with each other. Bill Ross. St Andrew’s by the Sea St Andrew’s by the Sea Hiscnr Brockman mission & Hughes was Streets intensely (PO Box 30 Denham personal 6537) as much as it was universal. That is why Christians speakPh. 99481067. about Mob. 0417969110having a personal relationship with Jesus and being alive with his Spirit. cnr Brockman & Hughes StreetEmails [email protected](PO Box 30 Denham 6537) Ph. 99481067. Mob. 0417969110It is not just an off the cuff term, an odd religious theory, it is a real life experience, Email [email protected] Christians have testified over the centuries. Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 35 . March 2018 The Saviour cares so much for his people that he enters and transforms their lives, and numbers every hair on their heads. Easter is a journey over three days from Good Friday to Easter Day. Christian worship on Good Friday confronts the dark reality of Jesus' suffering and death, Holy Saturday reflects the time Jesus' body lay in the tomb. Both contrast with the joyous celebration of Easter Day, usually a celebration rich with music and colour. Even if you have never or seldom been to a church, you are invited to join in these celebrations. You will be most welcome at St Andrews. Our Service on both Good Friday and Easter Day is at 9.00am. Dress is casual & comfortable, and there is always a cup of coffee or tea afterwards. Come with nothing more than an awareness that Jesus in his life and death speaks into the condition of our human struggles and blesses us with his peace. Have a holy and blessed Easter. Bill Ross. St Andrew’s by the Sea cnr Brockman & Hughes Streets (PO Box 30 Denham 6537) Ph. 99481067. Mob. 0417969110 Email [email protected] Community Notices Seth’s fishing report

Hi guys its Seth, I’ve got a few things to talk about this month. On the 25th of February, I went fishing out to the moorings with my friend Kade Francis on his new boat with absolutely no adults!!! His boat is called “Finally Fishing” and its a little Finn boat that’s red with a 8 horsepower motor. We took Nate Gooch out with us and he was our anchor man. His job was to drop and pull in the anchor. Almost every time the anchor dragged and it was annoying but it was acting like a sea anchor and slowing us down while we drifted at least. We started trawling and Nate started to feel sea sick so we had to turn around and take him back. We kept yelling out ‘sea sick crew member’ as we came into shore. Once we dropped him off, Kade and I went back out trawling to the moorings. I caught 6 snook, which were all good sizes but I let 2 go so we could fish for the future. I am starting to save my catches for bait during this years Fishing Fiesta (only 82 sleeps away now). Snook would be good to catch a sailfish, tuna, marlin, mackeral or anything pretty much in the pelagic species category. Lately there has been this big crayfish hanging out around the boat ramp. We have been trying to dive and catch him but we have had no success as he keeps on ducking back under the boat ramp. Lucky we have Finn Cooper with us as a spotter in case any boats come and also because you need a licence to catch crayfish and he has one. I have been trying to save up money for a crayfish licence and snare (mums paying me to write my articles) so it might be a little bit easier to catch him even though we haven’t got him out just yet. Also lately no boats have been going out fishing so we have more time to swim out around the boat ramp to have a little look at him. There has also been lots of squid around. My friend found a squid just near the ladder under the jetty, which we easily caught. Then I looked out and found another squid swimming along as you do nearby, which we also easily caught with a squid jig. As I was pulling him in on the jig, it was lucky we had the landing net close by as she was about to fall off so we grabbed the net so she would fall into that. They were both female squid because when we were cleaning them at the service jetty we found hundreds of eggs that we softly put back into the water. I hope they hatch.

Anyways, keep those lines tight. Seth Burton

PS. A little limerick about the ocean for you to enjoy . There once a very large snapper Who was well known as a yapper Fish would get a head ache Panadol’s what they would take Unless they paid a kidnapper.

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 36 . March 2018 Tide Times Community Notices

DENHAM – WESTERN AUSTRALIADENHAM – WESTERN AUSTRALIA LAT 25° 56’ LONG 113° 32’ 2017 LAT 25° 56’ S LONG 113° 32’ E 2018 Times and Heights of High and Low Waters Local Time Times and Heights of High and Low Waters Local Time JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m 0123 1.24 0223 1.24 0243 1.22 0332 1.02 0201 1.24 0247 1.05 0338 1.07 0347 0.95 0729 0.28 0753 0.29 0841 0.281 0945 00150.31 16 1.221013 0.39 07351 1005 0.38 0.51 16 09350712 0.56 0.46 1 0905 00540.56 16 1.170828 0.61 00451 0818 1.12 0.80 16 0817 0.79 1 1413 0.91 16 1446 0.89 1 1423 1.03 16 0827 0.36 1 1333 1.04 16 1342 1.04 1 0735 0.62 16 0644 0.70 SU 1537 1.02 MO 1611 1.10 WE 1618 1.23 TH 1635 1.22 WE 1507 1.28 TH 1517 1.26 SA 1528 1.54 SU 1519 1.34 MO 1545 0.91 TU 1645 0.87 TH 1809 0.90 1947FR 14370.89 1.012130 0.84TH 17262242 0.92 0.84 FR 23371805 0.69 0.90 2150SU 13440.76 1.282226 MO 0.61 1306 2330 1.31 0.54 2318 0.51 2307 1.47 2343 1.23 1833 0.87 2358 1.36 2036 0.66 2032 0.66 0200 1.23 0305 1.15 0329 1.15 0408 0.92 0248 1.19 0321 0.99 0429 1.00 0425 0.92 2 0815 0.23 17 0824 0.28 2 0056 1.412171012 00580.36 17 1.221029 0.462 08132 1010 0.40 0.591717 09360003 0.60 1.17 2 09102 01430.63 17 1.13084017 0.64 01322 0840 1.13 0.83 17 0832 0.83 1406 0.95 1451 0.92 0917 0.32 1613 08521.07 0.391649 1.13 13541651 1.11 1.29 17030740 1.23 0.49 1537 07321.36 0.661543 1.28 0702 1605 0.75 1.54 1544 1.34 1702 0.91 1742 0.86 1454 1.09MO 1451 TU 1.07 1836TH 0.85 FR 1348 1.10 TH 1412 FR 1.33 1332SU 1.40 MO TU WE FR 2043SA 0.90 2259 0.81FR 2349 0.79 SA 2247MO 0.70 2308 0.59TU 2356 0.52 0501 0.69 1130 1.19 1826 0.87 2310 1.12 0425 0.92 0832 0.83 1544 1.34 2356 0.52 0520 0.89 0825 0.87 1609 1.32 0533 0.73 1154 1.29 1921 0.74 Time m 0347 0.95 0817 0.79 1519 1.34 2318 0.51 0420 0.66 1126 1.11 1722 0.99 2143 1.12 0338 1.06 0739 0.89 1454 1.60 2315 0.46 0222 0.60 1814 1.20 0201 1.13 0643 0.84 1337 1.56 2145 0.47 0126 0.57 1714 1.26 0111 1.14 0621 0.81 1301 1.49 2058 0.53 0325 0.63 1951 1.15 0249 1.10 0709 0.87 1414 1.60 2230 0.45 0038 0.54 1636 1.30 1915 0.87 1929 0.850016 1.14 0559 0.77 1226 1.40 2010 0.63 1911 0.84 2122 0.59 2114 0.58 Tide Chart - Denham TU TU FR FR TH TH SA SA SU SU 0239 1.20 0345 1.04 0421 1.05 0030 SU 0.66 0335 1.11 0355 0.92 0022 0.54 0520 0.89 MO MO 0003 1.47 0026WE 1.22 0148 1.34 0137 1.21 WE 0054 1.31 0050 1.18 0227 1.07 0216 1.12 25 17 18 23 24 30 16 20 21 22 27 28 29 3 18 19 3 3181037 0.42 18 103326 0.523 3 1008 0.651818 0447 0.84 3 09113 0.69 18 085518 0.68 3 0532 0.94 18 0825 0.87

0858 0.21 0853 0.29 0945 0.38 0914 0.43 0843 0.45 0803 0.53 0742Last Quarter 0.68 0718 0.81 Local Time

2017 TU 1651 1.11 WE 1727 1.15 FR 1724 1.35 SA 0944 0.63 FR 1609 1.42 SA 1610 1.29 MO 0859 0.86 TU 1609 1.32 APRIL WE 1436 0.99 TH 1506 0.96 SA 1529 1.15 SU 1513 1.14 SA 1423 1.18 SU 1404 1.18 TU 1439 1.35 WE 1401 1.47 1801 0.90 1832 0.86 2039 0.84 2202 20390.90 0.83 1958 0.79 17352020 1.25 0.78 2342 22040.66 0.552351 0.58 2158 1645 0.53 1.52 0323 1.15 0006 0.77 0057 0.74 0128 0.63 0425 1.02 0434 0.86 0118 0.56 0038 0.54 Time m 0338 1.07 0818 0.80 1528 1.54 2330 0.54 0022 0.54 0532 0.94 0859 0.86 1645 1.52 0636 0.64 1253 1.20 1941 0.72 0442 0.60 1252 1.05 1531 1.03 2103 1.18 0429 1.00 0840 0.83 1605 1.54 0616 0.62 1231 1.15 1850 0.83 2343 1.09 0336 0.59 1926 1.27 0535 0.60 1214 1.10 1718 0.94 2233 1.12 0118 0.56 0718 0.90 0902 0.89 1729 1.46 0207 1.04 0709 0.70 1403 1.30 2131 0.53 0243 1.01 0731 0.72 1428 1.32 2206 0.51 0040 1.07 0637 0.66 1316 1.24 2020 0.64 0314 0.98 0755 0.76 1453 1.34 2242 0.51 0224 0.58 1820 1.37 0058 1.45 0106 1.22 0236 1.254 021619 1.18 0127 1.06 0650 0.68 01451339 1.28 42056 0.58 1.24 19 0134 1.17 4 030719 1.01 03014 1.09 19 4 0936 0.24 19 0921 0.31 4 1006 0.45 191054 09310.50 0.500423 0.934 09040519 0.51 0.9419 05360820 0.76 0.58 09204 07580.73 0.71090819 0.72 0734 0718 0.85 0.90 1636 1.30 2 3 6 7 8 9 1 4 5 FR TH TU TH FR TU SA SA SA SU SU MO MO WE WE 1730 1.16 TH 1021 0.57 WE SA 1008 0.70 SU 0943 0.66 SA 1643 1.46 SU 1639 1.29 TU 0902 0.89 WE 10 15 TH 1514 1.02 FR 1524 1.00 SU 1606 1.20 MO 1539 1.2011 SU12 1454 13 1.24 14 MO 1427 1.26 WE 1507 1.36 TH 1431 1.53 1900 0.89 1922 0.86 2219 0.80 2341 21580.88 0.801801 1.17 21201802 0.73 1.40 18092114 1.26 0.72 2244 0.53 2243 1729 0.50 1.46 0150 1.39 0142 1.21 0322 1.145 0413 02551.07 20 1.140116 0.73 02315 0217 1.16 0.68 20 02360217 0.60 1.15 5 0041 03460.63 20 0.950036 0.57 03485 0224 1.05 0.58 20 0126 0.57 5 1011 0.30 20 0945 0.35 5 1015 0.53 201059 09410.59 0.570506 0.835 09070631 0.56 0.8320 06570831 0.69 0.65 05235 08170.92 0.74052220 0.81 0755 1820 0.88 1.37 1714 1.26 FR 1554 1.07 SA 1547 1.05 MO 1644 1.24TH 1805TU 16061.21 FR 1.261018 0.60MO 1526SU 1007 1.28 0.73 TUMO 09131452 0.68 1.33 SU 0929TH 15340.76 MO 1.360904 0.75FR 1504WE 1.56 TH 0656 0.56 1300 1.15 1854 0.86 0434 0.86 0908 0.72 1639 1.29 0623 0.53 1255 1.07 1736 0.94 2319 1.21 0321 0.99 0840 0.64 1543 1.28 2308 0.59 0447 0.54 2039 1.20 0036 0.57 0522 0.81 0904 0.75 1709 1.29 Time m 0247 1.05 0828 0.61 1517 1.26 2226 0.61 0340 0.56 1920 1.23 0201 1.19 0750 0.72 1421 1.43 2152 0.61 0249 1.14 0801 0.76 1453 1.50 2241 0.56 0355 0.92 0855 0.68 1610 1.29 2351 0.58 0541 0.53 1347 1.01 1540 1.01 2207 1.20 0126 0.57 1742 1.28 0019 1.22 0721 0.60 1322 1.25 2005 0.77 0228 0.57 1822 1.25 0112 1.21 0739 0.66 1350 1.34 2100 0.68 2008 0.89 2017 0.87 2327 0.75 2258 0.761833 1.19 22171844 0.67 1.44 18482204 1.26 0.67 1722 23241.48Full Moon 0.521709 1.29 2328 0.49 FR FR TH TH TH FR TU TU SA SA SU SU MO MO WE WE 27 17 18 19 24 25 26 16 23 31 21 22 29 30 0240 1.31 0217 20 1.18 0406 1.026 0104 03390.83 21 1.070238 0.67 03146 0347 28 1.07 0.59 21 03500300 0.55 1.11 6 0150 04260.60 21 0.890126 0.57 04426 0336 1.00 0.59 21 0222 0.60 6 1040 0.38 21 1007 0.40 6 1006 0.59 210513 09400.96 0.640600 0.736 09020814 0.61 0.7621 19320836 1.25 0.71 06366 08350.83 0.77174221 1.28 0819 1926 0.91 1.27 1814 1.20

MARCH SA 1638 1.11 SU 1618 1.10 TU 1720 1.26FR 1057WE 16330.66 SA 1.321018 0.63TU 1557MO 0959 1.31 0.74 WETU 1517 1.40MO 0932FR 16020.78 TU 1.34 SA 1542TH 1.57 FR 2148 0.88 2126 0.87 1841 23551.27 0.721906 1.21 23081932 0.63 1.46 2252 0.62 1806 1.48 0248 1.19 0910 0.63 1537 1.36 2247 0.70 0335 1.11 0911 0.69 1609 1.42 2342 0.66 0150 0.60 0636 0.83 0932 0.78 1806 1.48 0535 0.49 2121 1.32 0628 0.46 1339 0.99 1613 0.96 2239 1.27 0425 1.02 0920 0.73 1643 1.46 0712 0.45 1320 1.05 1730 0.90 2345 1.23 0040 1.19 0813 0.50 1402 1.15 1957 0.76 0311 0.57 1857 1.44 0201 1.24 0905 0.56 1507 1.28 2150 0.76 0041 0.63 0523 0.92 0929 0.76 1722 1.48 0127 1.15 0824 0.54 1427 1.20 2056 0.69 0429 0.53 2000 1.38 0748 0.47 1338 1.10 1838 0.83 0209 1.10 0824 0.58 1452 1.23 2143 0.64 Time m 7 0329 1.19 22 0253 1.14 7 0031 0.717220240 04280.75 22 0.990358 0.607 03547 0504 0.97 0.512222 04590345 0.51 1.05 7 03117 00040.57 22 0.53022822 0.57 00157 0442 0.51 0.60 22 0325 0.63 4 2 3 7 8 9 5 6 1 TH FR TH FR TU TU SA SA SU 1101 0.47 1026 0.47 0449 0.90 0633 09390.85 0.700749 0.65 0905SU 2030 0.64 1.45 20250843 1.25 0.76 1857 05151.44 0.841822 1.25 0600 1252 0.97 1.05 1951 1.15 MO MO WE WE WE 11 10 15 13 14 12 ° 32’ SU 1724 1.15 MO 1650 1.15 WE 0954 0.62SA 1050TH 17020.71 SU 1.380943 0.64WE 1627TU 1.32 THWE 1545 1.45 TU SA 0844 WE 0.80 SU 0836FR 1531 0.95 1.03 SA 2334 0.85 2254 0.86 1755 1.27 1921 1.34 1944 1.23 2358 0.61 2342 0.59 1632 1.32 1624 2103 1.53 1.18

0416 1.06 0332 1.08 0141 0.66 0413 00550.64 0.670504 0.52 04360606 0.88 0.42 05560435 0.46 0.98 0429 00460.53First Quarter 0.540340 0.56 0106 0535 0.55 0.60 0420 0.66 8 1108 0.55 23 1035 0.55 8 0538 0.788230820 05270.77 23 0.902027 1.248 09138 2138 0.67 1.432323 21280854 1.25 0.80 8 20008 17031.38 23 1.29192023 1.23 17118 1214 1.46 1.10 23 1126 1.11 0236 0.60 0657 0.69 0913 0.68 1848 1.26 0025 1.27 0822 0.44 1413 1.12 1910 0.87 Time m 0332 1.02 0935 0.56 1635 1.22 2337 0.69 0408 0.92 0936 0.60 1703 1.23 0641 0.42 2234 1.25 0350 0.55 1932 1.25 0556 0.46 2128 1.25 0114 1.27 0847 0.49 1437 1.20 2036 0.82 0030 0.66 0447 0.84 0944 0.63 1735 1.25 0720 0.40 1408 0.98 1657 0.94 2332 1.26 0128 0.63 0536 0.76 0943 0.66 1809 1.26 0754 0.41 1359 1.04 1805 0.91 MO 1809 1.18 TU 1722 1.20 TH 0459 0.51 09562025 1.25 0.64SU 1044FR 09410.74 MO 0.74 TH 1656WE 1.31 FRTH 1616 1.49WE SU TH MO SA 1718 0.94 SU 1722 0.99 1827 1.28 2007 17361.40 1.43 2233 1.12 2143 1.12 TH FR FR TU TH TU SA SA SU SU MO MO WE 18 16 17 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 9 0056 0.79 24 0005 0.83 9 0259 0.61 240524 02080.51 0.630555 0.459 00500658 0.59 0.3624 06410036 0.42 0.57 05359 01330.49 0.55044724 0.54 0204 0616 0.60 0.62 0501 0.69 0504 0.93 0420 1.00 0650 0.699 2059 06441.44 24 0.812114 1.25 05239 2247 0.79 1.39 24 22340536 1.25 0.91 9 2121 17361.32 24 1.242039 1.20 18069 1231 1.35 1.15 24 1130 1.19 1051 0.61 1030 0.62 0949 0.66 0938 0.76 0921 0.70 0903 0.83 1850 0.83 1826 0.87 FEBRUARY TU WE FR MO SA TU FR TH SAFR TH MO FR TU SU MO 1850 1.21 1751 1.25 1902 1.27 1819 1.47 1727 1.30 1654 1.51 2343 1.09 2310 1.12 0347 0.59 0814 0.76 0959 0.74 1932 1.46 0329 1.15 1010 0.59 1651 1.29 2349 0.79 0421 1.05 1008 0.65 1724 1.35 0742 0.33 1356 0.97 1703 0.91 2348 1.35 0504 0.51 2030 1.45 0658 0.36 2247 1.39 Time m 0132 1.25 0919 0.41 1505 1.12 2023 0.80 0217 0.68 0631 0.83 1007 0.73 1844 1.44 0243 1.22 1005 0.51 1618 1.23 2242 0.84 0606 0.42 2138 1.43 0215 1.18 0933 0.46 1536 1.16 2146 0.76 0057 0.74 0519 0.94 1008 0.70 1802 1.40 0043 1.31 0854 0.36 1436 1.08 1909 0.83 0255 1.10 0938 0.52 1606 1.19 2244 0.72 0821 0.33 1410 1.03 1807 0.87 0230 0.72 0116 0.78 0414 0.54 0337 0.57 0147 0.57 0137 0.57 0230 0.57 0309 0.64 1 2 3 9 4 5 6 7 8

LAT 25 ° 56’ LONG 113 0622 0.40 0638 0.39 0742 0.33 0720 0.40 0628 0.46 0541 0.53 0636 0.64 0533 0.73 TH FR FR TU TH TU SA SA SU 10 25 10 25 10 SU 25 10 25 MO WE MO WE WE 10 25 10 25 10 New Moon 25 10 25 10 15 12 13 14 0559 0.80 0521 0.91 1944 1.27 2157 19111.45 1.48220611 1.25 06381356 0.73 0.97 14081740 0.98 1.49 1339 18190.99 1.181347 1.01 1922 1253 1.23 1.20 1154 1.29 WE 1034 0.64 TH 1024 0.68 SA TU SU WE SA 0900FR 1703 0.72 0.91 SUSA 1657 0.94 FR 1613TU 0.96 SA 1540 WE 1.01 MO 1941 0.72 TU 1921 0.74 Times and Heights of High Low Waters 1925 1.23 1823 1.32 18032348 1.28 1.35 2332 1.26 2239 1.27 2207 1.20

DENHAM – WESTERN AUSTRALIA 11 0359 0.63 26 0244 0.70 11 0520 0.48 260713 04570.31 0.500716 0.3511 02530821 0.56 0.3326 07540253 0.41 0.56 110712 03360.45 0.58062326 0.53 0408 0040 0.67 1.07 0016 1.14 0725 0.69 0643 0.81 2034 1.2511 2256 20151.45 26 1.462258 1.26 1118451410 1.26 1.03 26 13591835 1.04 1.4411 1320 19361.05 26 1.131255 1.07 110911 0637 1.14 0.66 26 0559 0.77 Time m 0223 1.24 1013 0.39 1611 1.10 2130 0.84 0504 0.52 2027 1.24 0006 0.77 0423 0.93 1021 0.57 1801 1.17 0753 0.32 1442 0.93 1658 0.91 2348 1.27 0117 1.28 0924 0.37 1516 1.10 1949 0.89 0305 1.15 1029 0.46 1649 1.13 2259 0.81 0555 0.45 2114 1.25 0716 0.35 2258 1.26 0200 1.26 0947 0.43 1545 1.16 2109 0.87 0345 1.04 1033 0.52 1727 1.15 0358 0.60 0749 0.65 0943 0.64 1944 1.23 0033 1.28 0856 0.33 1452 1.04 1851 0.90 0116 0.73 0506 0.83 1018 0.60 1833 1.19 0238 0.67 0600 0.73 1018 0.63 1906 1.21 0638 0.39 2206 1.25 0827 0.32 1441 0.98 1758 0.90 TH 1026 0.65 FR 1019 0.72 SU WE MO TH SU SA 1807 0.87 MOSU 1805 0.91 SA 1730WE 0.90 SU 1736 0.94TH 1625TU 1316 1.00 1.24 WE 1226 1.40 TH FR TU TU TH TU FR SA SA 2000 1.24 1902 1.38 SU SU 2114 1.14 MO MO MO WE WE 2345 1.23 2319 1.21 2020 0.64 2010 0.63 19 27 16 17 18 24 25 26 21 22 23 29 30 31 20 28 0508 0.53 0415 0.60 0611 0.42 0800 06000.26 0.440753 0.32 04030043 0.53 1.31 00250411 1.27 0.55 0748 04350.47 0.580656 0.56 0451 0127 0.70 1.06 0111 1.14 12 2036 1.24 27 0841 0.75 12 2133 1.231227 213327 1.43 12 121938 1.22 2727 1945 1.371212 132427 1.04 27 112912 1.21 27

JANUARY 1403 0.94 1442 0.93 0854 0.36 0822 0.44 1338 1.10 1300 1.15 0650 0.68 0621 0.81 FR SA 1006 0.74 MO 1658TU 0.90 1658 0.91MO 1436 1.08 TU 1413 1.12 1838TH 16540.83 1.021854 0.86FR 1804 1339 0.87 1.28 1301 1.49 1949 1.44 TH FR SU MO SU 2125 MO 1.09 2249WE 1.08 TH 0524 0.51 2059 1.44 0200 1.23 1012 0.36 1613 1.07 2043 0.90 0137 1.32 0949 0.32 1533 1.06 2000 0.85 0239 1.20 1037 0.42 1651 1.11 2202 0.90 0413 1.07 1059 0.59 1805 1.21 0622 0.40 2157 1.45 0800 0.26 1403 0.94 1658 0.90 2354 1.42 0841 0.25 1427 0.98 1759 0.88 0413 0.64 0820 0.77 1044 0.74 2007 1.40 0104 0.83 0513 0.96 1057 0.66 1841 1.27 0240 0.75 0633 0.85 1050 0.71 1921 1.34 0047 1.38 0918 0.27 1458 1.02 1856 0.86 0713 0.31 2256 1.45 Time m 0323 1.15 1054 0.50 1730 1.16 2341 0.88 0123 1.24 0945 0.31 1537 1.02 1947 0.89 2354 1.42 2348 1.27 1909 0.83 1910 0.87 2056 0.58 2058 0.53 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9  Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2015, Bureau Meteorology Datum of Predictions is Lowest Astronomical Tide Times are in local standard time (Time Zone UTC +08:00) Moon Phase Symbols TU TH TU TH FR FR SA SA SU SU 0600 0.44 0527 0.49 0651 0.38SU 0652 0.40 0507 0.50 0517 0.54 0522 0.60 0517 0.72 MO MO WE WE 0841 0.25 0827 0.32 0132 1.25 0114 1.27 0040 1.19 0019 1.22 0207 1.04 0201 1.13 15 10 11 13 14 13 28 13 28 1312 28 13 28 2119 1.24 2044 1.48 2232 1.2213 1427 14170.98 28 0.981441 0.98 1320480919 1.19 0.41 28 08472121 0.49 1.3013 0813 12330.50 28 1.080721 0.60 115813 0709 1.27 0.70 28 0643 0.84 1552 0.97 1812 0.93 1906 0.73 SA SU TU FR 1759WE 0.88 SA 1758 0.90TU MO 1505 1.12 WETU 1437 1.20 MO 1402FR 1.15 TU 1322 1.25SA TH 1403 1.30 FR 1337 1.56 2251 1.40 2023 0.80 2036 0.82 1957 22510.76 1.092005 0.77 2131 0.53 2145 0.47 0642 0.37 0626 0.39 0726 0.36 0558 0.48 0609 0.54 0556 0.62 0002 1.06 0047 1.38 0033 1.28 0215 1.18 0127 1.15 0112 1.21 0243 1.01 0249 1.10 14 2207 1.24 29 2148 1.49 14 1441 0.92 14 2205 1.17 29 1236 1.08 14 1230 1.14 29 0535 0.74 14 0918 0.27 29 0856 0.33 14 0933 0.46 14 0824 0.54 29 0739 0.66 14 0731 0.72 29 0709 0.87 SU MO WE 1631 0.91 WE TH 1651 0.96 SA 1904 0.84 SU 1227 1.32 2327 1.22SA 1458 1.02 SU 1452 1.04 TU 1536 1.16 2249 1.25 TU 1427 23541.20 WE 1.101350 1.34 1954FR 1428 0.62 1.32 SA 1414 1.60 1856 0.86 1851 0.90 2146 0.76 2056 0.69 2100 0.68 2206 0.51 2230 0.45 0719 0.32 0716 0.32 0758 0.35 0638 0.46 0651 0.55 0623 0.65 0059 1.05 15 2256 1.23 30 2256 1.48 15 1429 0.96 0137 1.32 0117 1.2815 13530255 0.99 1.1030 1249 1.15 150209 12431.10 1.23020130 1.19 0555 0314 0.75 0.98 0338 1.06 15 0949 0.32 30 0924 0.37 15 0938 0.52 15 0824 0.58 30 0750 0.72 15 0755 0.76 30 0739 0.89 MO TU TH 1739 0.89 TH 1658 0.95 FR 1815 0.86 SU 1948 0.74 MO 1255 1.36 SU 1533 1.06 MO 1516 1.10 2310WE 1606 1.17 1.19 2358 1.21WE 1452 1.23 TH 1421 1.43 2035SA 1453 0.53 1.34 SU 1454 1.60 2000 0.85 1949 0.89 2244 0.72 2143 0.64 2152 0.61 2242 0.51 2315 0.46 31 0801 0.28 31 0723 0.58 1406 0.97 31 0200 1.26 1315 1.22 31 0249 1.14 WE 1659 0.93 0947 0.43 SA 1939 0.75 0801 0.76 2358 1.46 TU 1545 1.16 FR 1453 1.50 2109 0.87 2241 0.56  Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2016, Bureau of Meteorology  Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2015, Bureau of Meteorology Datum of Predictions is Lowest Astronomical Tide Shark Bay InscriptionDatum of Predictions Post . Pageis Lowest 37Astronomical . March Tide 2018 Times are in local standard time (Time Zone UTC +08:00) Moon Phase Symbols New Moon Times are in localFirst standard Quarter time (Time Zone UTCFull +08:00) Moon Last Quarter Moon Phase Symbols New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter Community Notices



This year’s Far Western Championship will be held in Shark Bay on the 9th July 2016. We look forward to your company at this now famous event. To keep things running smoothly we would like you to take a moment to read the following:

▪ Shark Bay Speedway Club Inc. is run as a Speedway Australia insured track ▪ Shark Bay Speedway track is licensed under the Speedway West Inc and Speedway Australia Inc ▪ We run under the most recent Australian Speedway Racing Rules and Regulations book ▪ For Insurance reasons we can only run vehicles registered with Speedway Australia or a Speedway Australia affiliated body. ▪ This has nothing to do with personal insurance/license. ▪ NO CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS OF AGE ARE PERMITTED IN THE PITS regardless of any other Insurance they many hold (as per the ASRRR book) Unless they are aged 10/11 and are actively participating in the event (i.e. Driver, Pit Crew) Your assistance with this is much appreciated as our Insurance depends on this. ▪ DAY INSURANCE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE BEFORE 10AM ON THE DAY if any are available after pre-sale. If you require Day Insurance please contact Michael Reynolds on to organize PRIOR to the Event. ▪ Saturday morning may include random breath testing before the meeting starts If you require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact any of us on the above contacts

Look forward to seeing you at our April Club Day

Kind Regards

Shark Bay Speedway Club

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 38 . March 2018 Community Notices

President: Michael Reynolds 0419 961 819 Vice President: Des Matthews 0427 334 008 Secretary: Tiaza Sellenger 0407 129 487 [email protected] Treasurer: Roger Hewitt 0412 626 074


Saturday 21st April 2018

▪ No nomination fee plus no entry for drivers ▪ Spectators to pay entry fee: Adults: $10 School age children: $5 Family Pass: 2 Adults + 2 children $15 ▪ RACING STARTS 2PM SHARP ▪ OPEN to ALL CATEGORIES. ▪ Food & bar facilities available at the track from 12pm ▪ Meal & presentation after racing approx 6.30pm till late ▪ Transport available to and from track Saturday night only after racing is completed ▪ Email nominations to Tiaza Sellenger [email protected] or post to Secretary Shark Bay Speedway Club c/o Post Office Denham WA 6537 or Private Message our Facebook page Official Shark Bay Speedway Club ▪ NOMINATIONS available on the day we just ask if possible please nominate ▪ Day Insurance – this is in limited supply. Contact Michael Reynolds if required PRIOR to the Event. This will not be available before 10am Saturday at the track if there are any still available. * Camping is limited at the Track and Pitts area

SHARK BAY SPEEDWAY CLUB INC – NOMINATION FORM April Club Day – Saturday 21st April 2018 Please print clearly and legibly – Thank you

NAME…………………………………………………PH/FAX……………………………………………………… EMAIL…………………………………………………MOBILE……………………………………………………. ADDRESS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DIVISION……………………………………………..CAR No……………………………………………………… VEHICLE……………………………………………...CLUB……………………………………………………….. MAJOR SPONSORS …………………………………………………………………………………………………. …...……………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………… CAREER HIGHLIGHTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 39 . March 2018 Denham Community Groups Community groups Contact Name Telephone No. Email Day(s) Location Boolbardie Country Club Jill Deschamp 9948 3224 [email protected] Wednesday & Saturdays Golf Club, Monkey Mia Road

Community Gardening Group Keith Backhouse 9948 3848 [email protected] 1st Monday of the month Alternate houses

Crisis Centre Tim & Maggie Hargreaves 9948 1338 / 0429 481 338 24/7

Denham Community Church Mark Sewell 0427 481 719 [email protected] Sundays 9:30am Recreation Centre

Denham Community Gym Shire 9948 1218 [email protected]

Denham Crafters Irene Marquis 9948 3016 Tuesdays 1.30pm Denham Shire Hall Call 000 for Emergency Denham Fire and Emergency Rescue Dave Harrower 1st, 2nd, 3rd Tuesday every Month Dampier Road, Fire Station Info ONLY: 9948 1272 Denham Seniors Helen Laundry 0403 710 860 (Annette DIx) Wednesdays 10am Denham Shire Hall Erin Walton & 0428 404 877 [email protected] Family Day Care Monday to Friday 29 Hughes Street Sarah Robinson 0474 556 296 [email protected] Hatha Yoga Esther Mills 0428 766 005 / 9948 1554 [email protected] Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Recreation Centre

Karate (Shukokai) Janine Standen 9948 3595 [email protected] Tuesdays & Thursdays Denham Shire Hall Tuesday 9.30am Kindy Gym Natalie Dul 9948 1787 [email protected] Recreation Centre (except school holiday) Meeting 1st Monday of every month Shark Bay Arts Council Emily Ward 0439 265 431 [email protected] Arts Shed - 10 Denham Road at 5.30pm Shark Bay Bowling, Sport and Recreation (Currently) open from John Senteneller 0400 625 138 [email protected] Bowling Club, Francis Street Club Wednesday-Saturday. Coralie Hill 0497 001 533 Shark Bay Bridge Club [email protected] Monday & Friday 1pm Denham Shire Hall Jill Hill 0417 177 009 Foreshore about opposite the Shark Bay Christian Fellowship Tim & Maggie Hargreaves 9948 1338 / 0429 481 338 Sunday Interpretive Centre

Shark Bay Entertainers Derek Weston 0415 707 412 [email protected] Denham Shire Hall

Shark Bay Fishing Club - Fishing Fiesta Jamie Burton 9948 1787 / 0427 272 560 [email protected] Fishing Fiesta 18-25 May 2018 Shark Bay CRC courtyard People can contact the School for Shark Bay P & C Association Natt Dul 9948 1104 [email protected] School Library meeting dates. Bruce Wade (President) 9948 1448 [email protected] Shark Bay Pistol Club Sundays Pistol Club, Monkey Mia Road Cheryl Cowell (Secretary) 0417 180 307 [email protected] Shark Bay RSL Brad McVinish 0468 366 923

Shark Bay Soccer Club John Craig every Wednesday at 6:30 Recreation Centre

Shark Bay Speedway Michael Reynolds 0419 961 819 [email protected] Far Western Championship 7th July 2018

Call 000 for Emergency Emergency Services Building Shark Bay State Emergency Service (SES) Joe McLaughlin (Admin) [email protected] 1st, 2nd and 3rd Thursday 5pm Info ONLY: 9948 1360 Durlacher Street

Shark Bay Tourism Assoc. Isobel Lockyer [email protected] 1st Tuesday of every month Recreation Centre Shark Bay Volunteer Marine Rescue John Nelson 0417 467 877 [email protected] 4thTuesday of month VMR building, Knight Terrace VMR: Call 000 for Emergency Silver Chain Shark Bay Health Centre 9948 1400 Monday – Friday 9am - 4pm Silver Chain, 53 Hughes Street

St Andrew-by-the-sea Anglican Church Rev. Bill & Jocelyn Ross 9948 1067 / 0417 969 110 [email protected] Sunday 9am, Thursday 3pm Anglican Church

Karen Gidley (Chairperson) Call 000 for Emergency See Inscription Post Calendar for Emergency Services Precinct St John Ambulance - Shark Bay Sub Centre [email protected] Linda Sewell Info ONLY: 0428 930 407 office opening hours Durlacher St

Yadgalah Aboriginal Corp. Debbie Bellottie 9948 1318 [email protected] Monday-Friday Francis Street

Yadgalah Community Markets Debbie, Sherry & George 9948 1318 / 9948 3324 / 0400 169 983 [email protected] Sunday’s during school holidays Francis Street Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 40 . March 2018 as at March 2018 Community groups Contact Name Telephone No. Email Day(s) Location Boolbardie Country Club Jill Deschamp 9948 3224 [email protected] Wednesday & Saturdays Golf Club, Monkey Mia Road

Community Gardening Group Keith Backhouse 9948 3848 [email protected] 1st Monday of the month Alternate houses

Crisis Centre Tim & Maggie Hargreaves 9948 1338 / 0429 481 338 24/7

Denham Community Church Mark Sewell 0427 481 719 [email protected] Sundays 9:30am Recreation Centre

Denham Community Gym Shire 9948 1218 [email protected]

Denham Crafters Irene Marquis 9948 3016 Tuesdays 1.30pm Denham Shire Hall Call 000 for Emergency Denham Fire and Emergency Rescue Dave Harrower 1st, 2nd, 3rd Tuesday every Month Dampier Road, Fire Station Info ONLY: 9948 1272 Denham Seniors Helen Laundry 0403 710 860 (Annette DIx) Wednesdays 10am Denham Shire Hall Erin Walton & 0428 404 877 [email protected] Family Day Care Monday to Friday 29 Hughes Street Sarah Robinson 0474 556 296 [email protected] Hatha Yoga Esther Mills 0428 766 005 / 9948 1554 [email protected] Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Recreation Centre

Karate (Shukokai) Janine Standen 9948 3595 [email protected] Tuesdays & Thursdays Denham Shire Hall Tuesday 9.30am Kindy Gym Natalie Dul 9948 1787 [email protected] Recreation Centre (except school holiday) Meeting 1st Monday of every month Shark Bay Arts Council Emily Ward 0439 265 431 [email protected] Arts Shed - 10 Denham Road at 5.30pm Shark Bay Bowling, Sport and Recreation (Currently) open from John Senteneller 0400 625 138 [email protected] Bowling Club, Francis Street Club Wednesday-Saturday. Coralie Hill 0497 001 533 Shark Bay Bridge Club [email protected] Monday & Friday 1pm Denham Shire Hall Jill Hill 0417 177 009 Foreshore about opposite the Shark Bay Christian Fellowship Tim & Maggie Hargreaves 9948 1338 / 0429 481 338 Sunday Interpretive Centre

Shark Bay Entertainers Derek Weston 0415 707 412 [email protected] Denham Shire Hall

Shark Bay Fishing Club - Fishing Fiesta Jamie Burton 9948 1787 / 0427 272 560 [email protected] Fishing Fiesta 18-25 May 2018 Shark Bay CRC courtyard People can contact the School for Shark Bay P & C Association Natt Dul 9948 1104 [email protected] School Library meeting dates. Bruce Wade (President) 9948 1448 [email protected] Shark Bay Pistol Club Sundays Pistol Club, Monkey Mia Road Cheryl Cowell (Secretary) 0417 180 307 [email protected] Shark Bay RSL Brad McVinish 0468 366 923

Shark Bay Soccer Club John Craig every Wednesday at 6:30 Recreation Centre

Shark Bay Speedway Michael Reynolds 0419 961 819 [email protected] Far Western Championship 7th July 2018

Call 000 for Emergency Emergency Services Building Shark Bay State Emergency Service (SES) Joe McLaughlin (Admin) [email protected] 1st, 2nd and 3rd Thursday 5pm Info ONLY: 9948 1360 Durlacher Street

Shark Bay Tourism Assoc. Isobel Lockyer [email protected] 1st Tuesday of every month Recreation Centre Shark Bay Volunteer Marine Rescue John Nelson 0417 467 877 [email protected] 4thTuesday of month VMR building, Knight Terrace VMR: Call 000 for Emergency Silver Chain Shark Bay Health Centre 9948 1400 Monday – Friday 9am - 4pm Silver Chain, 53 Hughes Street

St Andrew-by-the-sea Anglican Church Rev. Bill & Jocelyn Ross 9948 1067 / 0417 969 110 [email protected] Sunday 9am, Thursday 3pm Anglican Church

Karen Gidley (Chairperson) Call 000 for Emergency See Inscription Post Calendar for Emergency Services Precinct St John Ambulance - Shark Bay Sub Centre [email protected] Linda Sewell Info ONLY: 0428 930 407 office opening hours Durlacher St

Yadgalah Aboriginal Corp. Debbie Bellottie 9948 1318 [email protected] Monday-Friday Francis Street

Yadgalah Community Markets Debbie, Sherry & George 9948 1318 / 9948 3324 / 0400 169 983 [email protected] Sunday’s during school holidays Francis Street Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 41 . March 2018 Tradies Corner

Shark Bay’s Plumbing Service

Plumovation Pty Ltd Licensed Plumber & Gas Fitter in the Bay. All aspects of commercial and domestic plumbing and gas.

• Blocked Drains. • HWU’S. Call Brian today • Backflow Prevention. 0414 468 807 • RPZD Devices. • Kitchen, bathroom, laundry renovations and refurbishments. • All aspects of roof plumbing. “Satisfaction • Building maintenance and repairs. Guaranteed with • No job too big or too small. a friendly PL: 8146 GL: 015805 professional , service”

[email protected]

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 42 . March 2018 BURTON Shaun Tiling Maintenance & Renovations

Please use white text logo as standard

Tradies Corner

This space Your advert HERE can be yours for $20 per month for $30 Please use Black text logo for “Spring Blue Shirt” See below for details

■ All Aspects of Floor & Wall Tiling ■ Kitchen & Bathroom Ideas / Design / Planning ■ Supply & Install Kitchen & Laundry Flat-packs ■ General Building Maintenance ■ New Homes & Renovations ■ Leaking Showers ■ Waterproofing ■ Servicing the Shark Bay & Gascoyne region

Shaun Burton, Qualified Tradesman ● Mobile: 0448 442 884 PO Box 99, Denham WA 6537 ● Email: [email protected]

Kevin Laundry [email protected] 0402 464 204 Additions Renovations Industrial Unit developments House plans DRAFTING & DESIGN Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 43 . March 2018 Tradies Corner

Mini Excavator Hire

All Mconicnrei tEe fixnicshainvga wtorrk sH incilrued ing

House & shed slabs, crossovers, pat ios, driveways, footpaths etc. etc. All concrete fMinini sEhxcianvgat owr Hoirek s including Normal, coloured & exposed concrete. All cMonicnrei tEe fixncisahivnag twoork Hs inicrleud ing House & shed slabs,C carlol osr semoavile Vrasu, gphant fiors a, qduroitvee towdaay s, footpaths etc. etc. House & Asheldl csloabnsc, rcerotseso fvienriss, hpaintigos w, dorirvekwsa iynsc, flouodtpinagth s etc. etc. N0o4r1m7 a30l,1 cN 3oo9rl7mo aul, cro elodur e&dv & be exxappvoisos8esd2 e@codgnmc rcaeitole.c.n ocmr et e. House & shed slabsC, carllo osr esmoavile Vrasu, gphant ifoosr a, dquroivte wtoadyays , footpaths etc. etc.

Call oNr0 4oe1rm7m 3a0li,1l c 3Vo9l7oa uurg edh a&nv be exfapoviosr8 sa2e@ dqg mcuaooiln.ctcoerme teo .d ay

0417 301C 3a9ll o7r ema il Vaughvabne faovr ias 8qu2o@teg tmodaaiyl. com 0417 301 397 [email protected]

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 44 . March 2018 Tradies Corner

3 Terry Deschamps Way, Denham WA 6537 Northern CDH Glass Electrical 0458 255 261 Commercial & Domestic electrical and data needs.

We supply and install all  Breakdowns your windows and we are also pleased  Installations to help you out with:  Maintenance • Shower screens • Replacement  Repairs of roller wheels  Satellite • Security doors services incl. and screens • Bug strips VAST & Foxtel and seals • Replace locks  Data & network • Aluminium angle cabling • Installation of pet doors • Perspex Dave Harrower • Flywire • Wide range 0429 998 944 replacement of spare parts 9948 3289 [email protected]

Johan Bakker EC10627 T: 0458 255 261 E: [email protected]

Electrical Contractors Alan Cox 0412 035 468 [email protected] Domestic and Industrial Installations and Service Satellite TV (Vast + Foxtel) Smoke Alarms Safety Switchs Extra Power Points Phone + Data Ceiling Fans Network Cabling Audio Visual Setups LED Lighting FREE QUOTATIONS Licence No EC 11404

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 45 . March 2018 Tradies Corner

Metal Fabrication - Welding Steel - Aluminium - Stainless Steel Sheet Metal Fabrication Guillotine & Bending Steel and Aluminium Sales

John Famlonga 0417 924 742 68 Vlamingh Crescent

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 46 . March 2018 Tradies Corner

Road Closures Community Meetings Mosquitoe Fogging Program Dates Community Events Rose Freycinet Gallery Displays Project Updates

Please fill in the information below and drop it off at the Shire Of Shark Bay Reception, or come in and register your details.

Name ______

Mobile Phone Number 1) ______2) ______

Email Address ______

Shark Bay News and Gifts

Newspapers Magazines Lotto OPEN Souvenirs Monday - Friday: 8am til 5pm Stationery Cards Saturday: Gifts 8am til 1pm Men’s & Women’s fashion Sunday: Clothing including 9am til 12pm Billabong & Betty Basics

S hark y Bay Phar mac

Shark Bay News & Gifts - Shark Bay Pharmacy 51 Knight Terrace Denham, Shark Bay, WA 6537 T: 9948 1220 - F: 9948 1017

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 47 . March 2018 Tradies Corner

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 48 . March 2018 Tradies Corner

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 49 . March 2018



Ashley Byrnes 0456489050 EC13059

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 50 . March 2018 After Hours Emergencies

If you call the Shark Bay Health Centre after hours you will be transferred through to Health Direct where a Silver Chain Shark Bay Registered Nurse will ask you a number Normal business hours of questions to determine whether you need further emergency assessment Monday to Friday by the Shark Bay nurse. If you require (excluding public holidays) further assessment, your call will be put through to the local nurse. 9.00am to 12.30pm & 1.30pm to 4.00pm Examples of an EMERGENCY include: • Breathing difficulties Telephone: 9948 1400 • Chest pain • Severe abdominal pain • Bleeding that can’t be controlled Silver Chain provides with first aid AFTER HOURS health services • Convulsions and fits for EMERGENCIES ONLY • Deep lacerations • Eye or ear injuries

• Uncontrolled high fever After Hours Emergencies After Hours Emergencies • Loss of consciousness • Pregnancy – bleeding or onset of labour • A very sick child


The Chain of Survival • Early Access: Recognise an emergency and call 000 immediately. • Early CPR: Begin Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) immediately • Early Defibrillation:Use the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) ASAP • Early Advanced Care: Transfer to professional care.

ocal nes from Find out what’s happening in town. SHAR AY POICE STATION urlacer Street enam What the word on the street is, happenings and events at; ocal nes from Autralia ot @SharkBayPol SHAR AY POICE STATION Recently Shark Bay Police seied a uantity of illicit drugs through Australia urlacer Street enam Post, bound for a Shark Bay resident.

Police have charged a 41 year old Denham resident for his part in the plan. Autralia ot However Police tracked down the sender and executed a search warrant on his Recently Shark Bay Police seied a uantity of illicit drugs through Australia home address in SIAGRA WA, locatingShark more illicit Bay drugs. Inscription Post . Page 51 . March 2018 Post, bound for a Shark Bay resident. Police have now charged a 43 year old male person from SIAGRA WA with Police have charged a 41 year old Denham resident for his part in the plan. supplying a prohibited drug and a number of other drugs charges. However Police tracked down the sender and executed a search warrant on his Please don’t make the mistake of thinking you can mail yourself prohibited home address in SIAGRA WA, locating more illicit drugs. drugs without getting caught. Police have now charged a 43 year old male person from SIAGRA WA with Merry Christmas. supplying a prohibited drug and a number of other drugs charges.

Please don’t make the mistake of thinking you can mail yourself prohibited drugs without getting caught.

Merry Christmas.


ShoieSttiooieo March 2018 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 • 10am-2pm: • 1pm Bridge Club • Golf - Mixed • 9am St Andrews Church SJAmbulance office open • 8.30pm School Assembly Competition Service • 3pm St Andrews Church • 2.30pm Scroungers • 9:30am Denham Community Bible Study 10.00am World Day of Prayer Service Church (at the Rec Centre) • 7pm Community Bowls at the Shire Hall • 10am SB Christian commencing with Fellowship, on the foreshore morning tea opposite the Shire Office. All Welcome Dogs/Pets on lead welcome • Pistol Club

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 • 1pm Bridge Club • 9:30 Kindy Gym • 10am-2pm: • 10am-2pm: • 1pm Bridge Club • Golf - Mixed • 9am St Andrews Church SJAmbulance office open SJAmbulance office open • 5pm Fishing Club • 5.30pm Firies Competition Service Meeting • 10am Denham Seniors • 3pm St Andrews Church • 2.30pm Scroungers • 9:30am Denham Community • 6.30pm Night Sports (Shire Hall) Bible Study • 6.30pm Night Sports Church (at the Rec Centre) • 2pm Golf - Ladies & Mens • 5pm SES Meeting • 10am SB Christian Public scroungers 2pm • 7pm Community Bowls Fellowship, on the foreshore Holiday • 6.30pm Indoor Soccer opposite the Shire Office. • 7.30pm SB Christian Dogs/Pets on lead welcome Fellowship - Bible Study • Pistol Club Clean Up Denham 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 • 1pm Bridge Club • 9:30 Kindy Gym • 10am-2pm: • 10am-2pm: • 1pm Bridge Club • Golf - Mixed • 9am St Andrews Church SJAmbulance office open SJAmbulance office open • 3.15pm School • 5.30pm Firies Competition Service Council Meeting • 2pm Golf - Ladies & Mens • 3pm St Andrews Church • 2.30pm Scroungers • 9:30am Denham Community • 6.30pm Night Sports scroungers 2pm Bible Study • 5:30pm Arts Council Church (at the Rec Centre) Meeting • 10am Denham Seniors • 5pm SES Training • 10am SB Christian (Shire Hall) • 6.30pm Night Sports • 7pm Community Bowls Fellowship, on the foreshore • 6.30pm Indoor Soccer opposite the Shire Office. • 7.30pm SB Christian Dogs/Pets on lead welcome Fellowship - Bible Study Centrelink • Pistol Club Visit Centrelink Visit 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 • 1pm Bridge Club • 9:30 Kindy Gym • 10am-2pm: • 10am-2pm: • 1pm Bridge Club • Golf - Mixed • 9am St Andrews Church SJAmbulance office open SJAmbulance office open • 6.30pm Night Sports • 6.30pm Night Sports Competition Service • 2pm Golf - Ladies & Mens • 3pm St Andrews Church • 2.30pm Scroungers • 9:30am Denham Community • 2pm School Early • 5.30pm Firies scroungers 2pm Bible Study CLOSE Church (at the Rec Centre) • 4.30pm P&C AGM at the • 5pm SES Meeting Inscription Post articles due • 10am SB Christian school library • 7pm Community Bowls Fellowship, on the foreshore • 7.30pm SB Christian opposite the Shire Office. Fellowship - Bible Study Dogs/Pets on lead welcome • 6.30pm Indoor Soccer • Pistol Club

26 27 28 29 30 31 1 April • 1pm Bridge Club • 9:30 Kindy Gym • 10am-2pm: • 10am-2pm: • 1pm Bridge Club • Golf - Mixed • 9am St Andrews Church SJAmbulance office open SJAmbulance office open • 6.30pm Night Sports • 6.30pm Night Sports • 9am St Andrews Church Competition Easter Day Service • Golf - Ladies & Mens • 3pm St Andrews Church • 5pm CRC Meeting Good Friday Service • 2.30pm Scroungers • 9:30am Denham Community scroungers Bible Study Church (at the Rec Centre) • 5.30pm Firies • 10am Denham Seniors • 7pm Community Bowls • 10am SB Christian • 5.30pm VMR (Shire Hall) School Assembly GOOD EASTER Fellowship, on the foreshore • 6.30pm Indoor Soccer Easter Hat Parade FRIDAY SATURDAY opposite the Shire Office. • 7.30pm SB Christian Dogs/Pets on lead welcome Fellowship - Bible Study • Pistol Club • Council Meeting • 4.30pm P&C Meeting

To include your event in this calendar, simply email us on [email protected] or call 9948 1787

Shark Bay Inscription Post . Page 52 . March 2018