No. 167


THE PRIME Minister, the Hon Dr Tomasi Puapua will be leading Government's delega tion to the Tbird Commonwealth Heade of Government Regional Meeting t o be held"in Suva, Fiji from_l4-18th October. The two other delegates are the Secretary Supernumerary in the Office of the Prime Minister, .Mr' Angu&t McOonald 4Q'd /:hi.:f,3Et . AasJ:e.~nt, • ~'· l Mr Kelese Kolone.

The wife of the Prime Minister, TUV ALU CAPTAIN FEARS LOST ·FROM Mrs 'Riana Puapua, will be accompany'ing SINKING OF TRAWLER her husband to Fiji. A Captain, Mr Angu·s Tine 45 , Sources from the Office of the is feared missing believed to have Prime Minister state that the meeting, been trapped in the cabin. ~cf t~ · will discuss issues of World and trawler he was skippering~ •F0rtuna1 Regional Polltical Trends; Intern~tional when it got sunk off the coast of Economic Issues; and Regional, "Economic New South Wales, Australia, 170 Ian and Functional Co-operation. east of Port MacQuarrie on Thursday l ast week. He is reported by Fiji The Broadcasting add Informa~ion Times to be trapped iogether with Officer, Mr Puein~lli Lafai, will also Mr; Sam Shini, 41, also on the trawler. be attending the same Conference ~s a member of the Commonwealth Secretari at Fiji Times reported that, the Press Team. vessel sank when o~ther route to Fiji from ~ort Stephens. The last CROGRM Meeting was held in 1980 .in New Del~i, India and was An Air Search was made on attended by the former Prime Minister, Thursday afternoon and three crewmen the Rt Hon Toaripi Lautt, PC., and the were rescued by the Japarieae Btilk Secretary to Government, Mr Ionatana carrier, Eden Maru, after a search Ionatana. The first of such meetings plane spotted them floating on a life was held in 1978 in hU Stralia and raft. Two are brothers from North Tuvalu did not attend. Sydney, Paul ~arries, 24, and Edmund Harries, 22, and another Tuvaluan, ·The party is expected to l eave Mr Kiio Moi. They were all reported for Fiji on October 11 and return on to be in good condition and were October 20. expected to have arrive at Eden, 300 ************************************ km south of Sydney on Thursday night. k coastal surveillance spokes­ ULU 0 :i'E MALO Ti:.KI KAUMAL.\GA ,KI TE CHOGRM man said three chartered _ ai~crafts were to search an area of 2000 square TE ULU o te Malo, tena Ma lu Dr Tomasi kilometres on Friday, and the Puapua ks takitaki neia a te kaumalaga survivors said that they did not see a t e Malo ki te Tolu o Ponotaga a Ulu the other two Gh'ewmen leave the o Malo Kau-Fakatasi tela ka f ai i Suva, stricken tra\ which sank very Fiti mai te po 14-18 Oketopa. Kote quickly. ************************************ {Fakaeoko kite ltulau 2) f'u-. P°'c.. . ~SCl«> .\ f?'8

( .. --. -"" - .- . .. - ~ ~ ~l_ ~~~~~....;;.;,,.;.;,..,~~~~----~---..;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--=-~ Page 2 lS September , 1982

KAPENI TUVALU FAI PELA ME KO GALO Lagplago ki te Malo 1 te Ofisa o te MAI TE PULUGl~ 0 TE VAKA FAIKA Olu o te Malo, kngus McDonald, mo tena fesoaaoani, Kelese Kolone. TE KAPENI Tuvalu, tela ko Angus Tine, 45, e faka t au pela me ko galo Te avaga a te .Ulu o te Malo, kae talitonu me kati e saitia i ~iana Puapua, ka olo ~1si atu mo loto 1 te potu o te vaka f aika tela tena avaga ki Fiti. ne ana kapenigina •Fortuna' i te taimi tela ne apulu i ei i · te mata Ne fakasi mai 1 tala mai te kl tai o New South Wales, Ausitalia, Qfisa o te Ulu o te Malo me ite 170 km ki S8S8e · O te taula g8 ko fonotaga tela ka f akatasi katoa kiei Port Stanley, i te Hsofa o te V8i­ a Ulu o Malo Kau-Fakataei 1 Asia aso ko teka. Ne lipoti mai nete mote Pasefika ka f aipati kiluga i nusipepa o Fi~i, Fiji Times, me 1 mataupu tau pulepulega a Malo i te a ia ne saitia fakatasi mote tagata lalolagi pela foki mo atufenua; ko Sam Shini, 43 , iluga f o ki 1 te mataupu e uiga mo kolos o t e lalo- vaka ·faika. 1ag1 mo mataupu kilugn i te fakatau f esoasoani o mea tau atufenua, Ne lipoti mai ~ ~ te Fiji Times koloa mo tiute o latou. me i te vaka ne apulu i tens auala mai Fiti ki Port Stephens. Te Ofisa Pule o te Matagaluega Fakasalalau mote Tusitala, Pusinelli E isi se salaga n e f a i ne Lafai, ka fakatasi atu foki ki te v akal~ le i te tutonu o te Asofa fonotaga tenei, pela mese tino kae tokotolu kauvaka ne fakasaogina tokotasi o te ~au tusitala o te Ulu nete vaka kako Tiapani, Eden Maru , Ofisa o Malo-Kaufakatasi. maitua o te mateaga nete vakalele 1 e tape~pea1 1 . lu ga ·t te ooti f ~kao 1~. Te kau,alaga e f akataute u pela E tokolua ne tau t Aina mai Sydney ke olo atu ki Fiti 1 te po 11 o ki Matuu, Paul Harries , 24, mo Oketopa kae f oki mai 1 te po 20. Edmund Harries, 22, mote sua tagata Tuvalu aka foki, Kilo Moi. Latou Te fonotaga taluai penei ne ne lipoti mai me malosi katoa kae fai 1 te 1980 1 N ~w Delhi, Initia f ak atautau pela me ko palele ne kae ne fakatasi atu kiei kote Ulu taunu atu ki Eden , 300 km ki saute o t~ Malo mua , tena Malu Toaripi o Sydney i te aaof a po. Lauti, PCo , mote Failautusi ki te Malo, Ionatana I o natana. Te fonotaga Ne fai mai a pAti a te tagata muamua loa o te vaega f onotaga tokotasi k ola e tiute i te fafatai tenei n e fai 1 te 1978 i Aus italia, e uiga mo fakalavelave tupu me e k ae seki f akatasi atu kiei a tolu a vakblele ne togi ke olo atu Tuvalu. o : sala i te koga tela e 2000 sikuea maila 1 te Asolima, k a e ko l atou ********************************** kola ne sao ne fai mai i olotou pati me e se matea ne latou te eua FIJI - A POSSIBLE Ma.RKZT FOR tokolua kauvaka n e liakina ne laua TUV ~LU te vaka tela ne fatia kae apulu fakavave. A MARKET research report h~a been compiled by the former Randic~aft *****************..... -- . -· *****- *************. . Officer, Mrs Molly Callon, and the Assi stant Accountant at the Tuvalu ULU 0 TE MALO TJ..KI K1.. UMAL1,GA Co- operative Warehouse, VSO KI TE CHOGRM Johnathan Gaunt. The report which l ooks into the possibilities of (Fakasoko mai Itulau 1) developing Tuvalu's handicraft· industries for export, and in sua tokolua o sui kote Failautusi Page 3 16 September , 1982

particular Fiji, i s present ly under E I SI se lipoti tel a n e fai ma ilu g~ o consideration by the Ministry of tJUk esukega mo ilo iloga ko palele ne Commerce and Natural Resources . f akatoka ne Ofiea o Meataulima mua, t e fafine avaga, Molly Callon, mote Information for this report was Teu .Tupe Fesoasoani 1 te Fale Kako o te put t og e ther from dis cussions with M~tua o Fusi, te t agata VSO. Jonathan makers and retailers at a Craft Fair Gftunt. Te lipoti tela ne sukesuke held in Suva, as we ll as interviews k tluga i te maf ai o atiake te koloa o with r etail outl ets in Suva where meataulima o Tuvalu kc f akatau atu ki handicrafts are · sold. tua, kae ma i se loa i Fiti, tenei ko faipati nei kiei te Minisituli o te Th e report notes that the range Maumea mo Pisinis1. o f Pacific Island handi crafts sold in Fiji is limited. Tuvalu could fill Ro tala mo te lipoti tenei ne tuku 8 gap in this product range especially fakatasi mailuga o f a ipatiga mo tino with i ts fans, and Coconut l eaf . f ai meataulima pela foki mo tino kola products. Canoes , small fishermed's e fakatau atu ne latou, 1 t e faka siga boxes and Women's ha te are also thought o meataulima tela ne f ai i Suva, pela t o be items that would readily be sold. foki mo sautalaga mo tino i sitoa togi meataulima i Suva. People commented on the high quality of Tuvalu Handicrafts though Ne fakasi mai i te lipoti me e se the report concludes that some uke a meataulima kesekese o fenua o te finishing d etails on a few products Pasefika e t ogi i Fiti. E maf a i ne may need some attention t o improve the Tuvalu o fakafonu atu se avanoaga o se quality. vaege o meataulima, kae m~ise loa ko ana ili, mo mea kola e faite mai Parttcular interest was shown launiu. Vl.lka, tuluma, mo pulou a in the us e of local dye s , eape ci a l~y fafine e mafauf augina foki pela me ko red. There are no roots that give a mea kola e manakogint1 o togi fakavave. red dye in Fiji. Ne fai mai foki a pati a tino The number of touTis ts coming t o e uiga mote ma luga o te t ulaga o Fiji with money t o spend on traditional, meataulima o Tuvalu, t e la (le fakasi aka quality handicrafts may well increase i te f akapalelesa o te lipoei me e a l ot over the next 10 years. If manakogina ne nai tema galue~a ke t oe Tuvalu can find the right type of fai ki nai meataulima, kote mea ke place to sell i ts handicrafts in Fiji, tai lei atu. it can get a share of this money spent. Hotels, Hotel Resorts and Museum Kote sua mea toua ne fakasi mal Shops are thought t o be the type of e uig~ mote f akaogaga o vali l oa f8ka­ places where Tuvalu handicrafts would t atou, kae maise loa te vali kula . sell well. E seai ne aka- lakau i Fiti e mafal o maua mai i ei te vali kula. Finally, attention to present pricing on a few products is still Te aof aki o tLno matamata ~ o l a needed if they are t o be sold abr oad. e aumai ki Fiti mo tupe o fakamaumau kiluga i te togi&a o meataulima f aka­ Additional research in Fiji will t ntou , ka fanoka loa kiluga o tokouke i be oone in No vemb er this year. te 10 tousaga maimua nei . E mafai ne Tuvalu o sala se koga lei mo togi ************************************** ana ro~ataulima i F i tf., e mafai ei o maua neia se vaega tupe o tupe FITI - E M/U'Jd 0 F1.I MO Ml.KET ! MO MEj-.TAULIMA 0 TUVALU f akamaumau konei. Fal etal imalo mo tino malolo mai o l otou galuega mo Page 4 16 September, 1982

Fale Tausi Mea Mua (Mueeum)) mo Sitoa, A te PA Management Consultants e f ai pela me ko koga lei kola e maf ai e taofigina nete Mioisituli o ei o togi a meataulime o Tuvalu. Pcletania e uiga mo Atiakega i Funua i Tua, ke f esoasoani kiluga 1 Te mea fakao ti loa, e tau o te ononoga o te feagaiga kiluga i te toe onono aka ki toBi o nisi meatau­ faigo o se ala vakalele i l oto loa lima , kol~ e t au 16a o f ai maf oi e o te Tuvalu. fai ke togi 1 tua a tu o Tuvalu. I pati a Bernard me i te Gr umman Nisi sukesukega 1 Fiti ka fai Goose tela e fakagaluegina nete ia Novema i te tausegc nei. Sea Bee Air o Niuaila, e iloa atu pela me ko oko loa i te l ei tena ************************************* galuega ki tino, i taf n o ana malaga togi ki , a koia foki ko · PA CONSULT,.NTS ON ROUTINE VISIT oko loa 1 te fiafia mene pasi tena peps tela e talia i ei o fakagalue, THE SENIOR Consultant, Mr Bernard aunoa mo ne galuega ne £ai kiei~ Ivory, and the Econom i s t, Mr Colin Ne·faopopo mai neia me i te iloiloga Pratt from the firm of P& Management tela ne foi nete Minisituli o Consultants Ltd, were Niusila e uiga mo Ololomal aga, ne here last week on a routine vis it. fai 1 se t a imi e VA Ve kae se faka­ maumau tupe foki. PA Management Consultants are retained by the British Ministry .of Te tokolua ofisa konei, ne foki Overseas Development, to assist with atu i te po 13 o Setema kae f aka­ the supervision of contrAct to provide moemoe pela kc toe foki mat ki an internal air serviee for Tuvalu. Tuvalu ia Novema i te tausaga nei o fakaoti tel• lipoti e uiga ki . ~e Mr Ivory said the Grumman Goose ala-vakalelt. operated by Sea Bee Air ~f New Zealand seemed to be providing a good service ************************************ to the public, in additon to making charter flights t o Tokelau and that .i~LTERNltTIVE PROGR.\MME FOR he was pleased it passed a certificate QUEE N'S VISIT of air-worthiness , without any repair work be ing required. He added that GOVERNMZNT HuS made an alternative the inspection , which was carried out programm e for the Queen's visit by the New Zealand Ministry of in late October, in the event of Transport, was done very quickly and inclement weather. economically. In this programme , the Royal The two officials returned on Party will land and leave directly Monday 13 September and hope to by barge at the deep sea wharf, , return t o Tuvalu som ~ time in November disregarding the programme of the this year, to complete their report c anoe fleet which is to meet the barge. on the service. There will also be no local sports and the visit by the bAnd from the ************************************** Royal Yac~t ~ will be cancelled. There will also be no ceremony for the T&GATti POTO Mt.I TE Ph I TE laying of the corner stone of the ASIG;\ MAShNI Parliament Building. The Royal tour on Wednesday wilt be by car every­ TE TAGATA Poto Maluga, Mr Bernard where but most other details remai n Ivory, mote Tagata Poto i Koloa, Colin as in the main programme. Pratt mai te Kamupane kote Pa Man agement Consultants Ltd; Niusila ne nof o ikonei i te vaiaso ko tek&o ************************************ Page 5 16 September, 1982.

TE SUA POLOK..'.LJ.ME MOTE AS I have claimed considerable improvement MAI 0 TE TUPU FhFINE and in eome caeee ~ t ota l recov e~y, · fran their ailments. KO PALELE ne fakatoka ne te Malo se polokalame tela ka aui kiei , te The group hopes to retun sometime polokalame mua e uiga mote Asiga a next year. te Tu pu Faf ine 1 te f akeotiga o Oketopa, mafai e masei a aso. ********************************'******

I t e polokalame tenei, te kau K'ELISIANO I SE FAIGi MEA 'IESU malaga a te Tupu ka avaka kae ka FAKJ\GAT A MASi~KI ' o lotonuifo foki l oa i te laniii i te ua fu tau vaka, kae ko seai •e polo­ E TOKOFA a tine mai te koga Kelisiano kalame kiluga 1 te fuavaka kola ka e tasi i Ausitalt a , tela kote Christian Outreach Centre ne asi mai ki o lo i fo o fakafetaui ki te lanisi. (c. o.c) Tuvalu -mai i t e po 30 o Aukuso ki te Ka seai foki ne t af aoga f aka- tatou kae ka se olo aka foki te kau faka­ po 6 o Setema ' ~ e~ lialag&~tel• • ~ ftJl~ieoa ne latou me ko te malaga FAKAGATti tagitagi mai te vaka o Tupu. Ka seai foki se fai gamea e uiga mote tukuga MASAKI A IESU. o te f atu tulimanu o te Fale o te , I pa ti . e : t-e r: t>Okaf. aH~onei me .1 ':1Se Palamene. Te asiga o te fokai nete Tupu i te Asot olu ka fai i luga i c.o.c. e pela l oa mo nis i fakapoto­ motoka, a ko nisi faigamea aka ka potoga Kelisiano kola e folafola a e tumau eloa pela mo te polokalame. latou te muna a t~ Atua mai te Tusi Tapu kae fesoasoani ki tino ke mala­ ************************************* malama kae iloa foki ne latou te Tamana Faka-te- lagi mai ia I esu CHRISTIAN ~ ON 'JESUS Keli so. HEALS CAMPhIGN I te taimi ne nof o i e i i Tuvalu, FOUR MEMBERS of the Chri stian Out­ a te kau konei ko la e aofi a i e i e r each Centre (c.o.c) of Australia t oko lua faifeau , Kevin Dales mo Jeff , visted Tuvalu from Aug 30 t o 3ept 6 Woodward , mote tokolua aka , Jeff Healy spending the week on t o mo Laf a i Ituaeo (se tino Tuvalu ~e nof>o what they called the JESUS BE!J.S i Aus ita lia) ne fai o l ot ou maopopoga CAMP'1IGN. mo l atou kola ne fiafia o fakatasi atu i afia£i e ono i Funafuti tel a ne Accprding t o the members the taumafai latou o fakalei a masaki o ~.o . c is like any other group of tino mai talosaga. Ch~i stians which spread the word of God from the Bible and help peop l e I lipo ti ne maua mai, ne iloa atu t o understand and know the Heavenly me iei ne tino ne fai pela. mene maua Father through Jesus Christ. ne l atou te feolo l o , kne ko nisi e fa.i pela me i a latou ne lei katoatoa , mai While in Tuvalu, the group o l otou masaki. which comprised two pastors, Messrs Kevin Dales and Jeff Woodward, and Te pot ukau konei e f akamoemoe two members Mr Jeff Healy and Mr Lafai pela ke foki mai i se taimi i te sua Ituaso (a Tuva luan living in Australia) tausaga. had meetings wit h interested people in s ix eveni ngs i n Funafut i in which ************************************** they did try t o heal the sick peopl e EEC DELEGATES DISCUS :ES LOME CONVENTIION by meens of ~ rayers. THE NEW Delegate of the European Reportedly a number of people Economic Community in the Pacific Page 6 16 Septe,mber , 1982 based in Suva, Mr Michael Laidler, with questions relating to developing tbi e week paid a short visit to countries and the EEC when he was in Tuvalu. the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London, · dealing with British accession Mr Laidler said he h ad dis­ to the EEC. cussions with the Prime Minister, and other Ministers and senior officials Mr Laidler said he hopes -~ o vi ~~t of t he Government about matters Tuvalu every 2/3 months f or further arisin~ ~ut of the LOME Co~ve~~~~ns . discussions with Government and officials, on EEC funded projects and In an interview, ne t old a ­ o ther questions relating to LOMK reporter t hat under LOM E I running Conventions. He also added that his from 19 75 to 1980 the ·amount made coileague, Mr Roger Hill, wou.ld take available to Tuvalu for projects was over responsibility for technical approximately A$750, 000; uode'r-LUP'.E•II aspects of the LOME programme in f r om 1980/1985 the. .figure would be Tuvalu. Mr Hill is resident in Tonga . between A~720,000 and A$900,000. *********•:C******~*************** **** LOH£ I includes A$496,000 for QUEEN'S VISIT l\.NTIC IPATS S GOOD the Funafuti Power Station, A$162, 440 COV ER1\G E BY OVERS E .s MED I t\ for copra sheds and A$91 , 760 for t he water tank p~ogramm e , while add itional A NUMBER of ove.rseas media representa­ funds of A$166,500 for the Power tives have submitted applications for Stati on and A$66,600 for the wat~r permiosion to cover the Queen ' s visit tank project came under LOME II to Tuvalu in l ate October. These programmes. applications were made to Her Majest y ' s Press Secretary. in Buckingnam Palace, Mr Laidler sai d financing by EEC and include r~presentat i verof the ~f the consultancy study for the l ow Press Association, the British Dai ly voltage el;ectric distribution system Tel es r~p h, Wom~n Magazine, Keyston e i n Funafuti had been approved and that the consultants were enpected ·t o Press , BBC TV News, British Dat l y .. Express , Nowoweek, . J S Internati onal, arrive shortly. The British Observer, and the Syan ey D.iily Mirror. · Mr Laidler, accompanied by hie colleague, Mr Roger Rill, also vi sited The Secretary to Gover nments•t4 , to look a t EEC funded projects there , and examined one area where a total of eighteen media representa­ tives had made a~~licati~ns and once coastal defences needed improving. approval was given, these newsmen would be expected t o arrive in Mr Laidler expressed sati sfaction Funafuti on October 24, two days before i~ being back h~re again. He last Her Maj esty the Queen would arrive visited Tuvalu in mid- 1980 as part of in Tuvalu. The newsmen would be • an EEC delegation to discuss details arriving from Tarawa in Kiribati on of LO~ra II projects. He said, now , a special char ~e r fl i ght. as then, he was especially impressed with the openness and readiness of people here t o discuss matters. ************************************ ASIGA TUPU F.\K~\MOEMOE KISE -TUSIGJ.. Before coming to Fiji, Mr Lai dler FAKJ.L~I 0 T/,L.-.. N: TINO TUSITkL:~ ~I TU;a was for ten years working in the Head­ qu arters -~t ·t"he EEC at Br ussels , E TAI t okouke loa a sui o nusipepa, dealing with developing countries. letio mo televisions ko palele ne tusi f akanolemole atu kise taliaga He said he first became acquainted mo l atou k~ aumai o tusi a tala o te Page 7 16 September , 1982

asiga a te Tupu Faf in~ ki Tuvalu i NPC also approached Government te faknotiga o Oketopa. Ko tusi r cg~r dlns the possibility of chartering fakamolemo le k on~ i , kola ne mau a Tuv3lu's only vassel, MV Nivaga to mai i sui o Nusipep~ kon~i; the bring them home. Press hssocintion, the Bri~ish Dt! i ly Telegraph, '4or.i-n .tagazine , To this end, Government has Key.;tone Press , 3BC ":V f'cws , agreed to make the vessel available for British Daily Cxpress , Newsweek, chert~r t o NPC on two voyascs . Thio .JlS International, The 3ritish Observer, is yet t o be approved by JPC who has mo The Sydnuy Doil7 ~ irr o r , k ae ne not indicated as t o how many voyaz~s avatu ki t~ Foil?.utusi Tusitala a te it requir.?s. Tupu F~fine, i 8uckinghman Palace. Mr Fa:iniu also added th it NPC Tc Failautuv i ki tc Aalo, nc anticipates to take on repl ~ cem ents fai moi anA pati m~ ko tinogafulu for these repatriat~d labourers but mote tokovalu A oui o nusipepa ko this io yet to bt conf irrntd• If this palelL n c AV~tu olotou tusi faka­ wns the case, then Hr Faaniu said molemo le, kac k~ f r. i ko maua te that he would be travelling aroUlld taliaga tenei , n tino tusitala k onei the isl ~nds to r cruit replacements e fak ~ t autau pclP k~ taunu mai ki and wo uld be making n fair sel~ction Funafuti te po o Ok.tops , e lua 1 24 of recruits from the islands , tnking ~so maimua o tc oko m~i o te Tupu inLo considcr~tion those famili~s Fnfine ki TuvAlu. Tino Tu3it~la who had no members of their f~ilies konei ka oum~i mai T~ra~a i Kiribati , in employm~nt with the Corp~r ~t ion . i se vokolc le toei •

***********~****Yr*""***" .,,,.. "'******tt*'I•* ********** **.,., ******** ****"'"*****."•***

N.PC F.ol

nei. Ne f a k o t agi mui f o ki t ~ NPC ki Eng i n e e rinr., Con s ultants , Fawcett and te Malo k e mc fai n e i e o t ogi e t e P a rtne r s into c oast a l ero sion in v a k a o Tuva lu , MV ~ ivaga , ke faka­ T u v ~ lu, a numb e r o f different methods foki mai n e i ~ a tino gr lu ~ k on a o we r e s u gges t e d in the ir repo rt which Go v e r nm~nt h :1s b egun r.o implement. Euiga mo t c f e i t u t ~ n e i , ko p a lelc n ~ t ~ li a netc Mnl o k e f a k a ­ In Funa futi, the ~ ublic Uorks a vano a atu a te v kn k ~ cogi n e tt Department i s nbo ut t o finish NPC i mal a~n e lua.o Te mea n e i constru cting t h~ new s ea wa ll adj ~c ent koi f ak a t a li n~i ki se t oe tr-liaga t o the Vn i aku L"gi Ho t e l. Here, the mai ne t e NPC tela e aeki f akans i ma i P~D co ns tructed a slo ping p itched rock n e i a me e f a i a taimi e manako a ia and conc r e t e r e taining wall t o pro tect k e t ogi neia te v ~ k a 9 the f ac~ o f the b nsk ~ t and t o be complete d with n l ow v ertica l wa ll Ne faopopo m,i foki n e Simoti a l o n g th ~ r ear e d ge. The Ho tel was me i te NPC e isi s ene f a kamoemoeg a selec t e d f or t his treatm ent es b e ing o ave tu ne sui mo tino &a lu ~ kan ei the buildi n~ mos t at risk a nd b e c a u s e k a f a ka f oki mai k ~~ ko t c f ~ itu tenei, a d eou n Le f oun da tio ns f o r the r ~~a ining koi fai nei se f a k ~t~ li tn nug a fakalei wa ll wc r u ava ila ble o n this leng th ki ei. Kaf ai l a c t o nu tela l e i pati o f b each. a Sima ti me i te i a k e,ti k a fnn ~ tu ki fenua katoA i tu ~ o fei te filiga This n e w work a t the Ho tel area o l a t ou kone i, a ko i a k n on ono f oki i s f unde d t hr o ugh the mino r works

k o te mea ke l e i ten". f ili0 a , tele a llocations undur the British Aid ka ono ono f o ki a i ~ ki k Ai p, a k o l a e Programme. seai ne o l o t ou tino e gal ue nei i te Karnupane. Mennwhilc, Gov e rnment is in the pro c ess o f maiing prepara tion f o r aid ******~'r****************"'*"'-;.'it 1o********* fund s t o e na ble the pro ject to co ntinu e in Funnfuti and the outer GOVERNMBNT UN DERT AKES NEW~ME T HODS OF CONJTRUCTING SEA WALLS i a l a nds. Nuku futau and Va itupu have (h) GOVi RNMENT ILS r e.:1 lizc d tha t the o ld appor c ntly b ~e n selected to receive me thods o f s e a wa ll c o ns truction, :::JI first a ttentio n following the appr ov a l sto ned fille d gabion bnsk e t, h av e of f \mds. n o t been very suiteblc t o pr ovide longOterm pro tection ag~ ins t h~avy * * ~~ · * *~ *** * ************************** weathe r. It has been found out that the lagoon wall in V~ i a ku, Funafuti TE ru1LO KO V.\LU .C N.:: I KILUG• • I TE as we ll a s some wa lls in the o uter F .. ITt.C.,. 0 Vr.EG,, PUIPUI Ta! FOU islands have sus t a ine d consi der a ble d amage in the p ast two y ears a nd the KO M n ~ te Hal o me i va e g a f a i tega gabio n baskets o n their own h a ve no t o puipui tai muamun, k o l a n e k e te b e en able t o withs t and he~ vy seas . uaea f nk ; f o nu k i f a tu , e s e n a l o ko lei, i t c f e itu kiluga i te se na Be c a u s e o f Tuv ~ lu' s very small l o k o lcvn tcna t nimi e puipui a tu l and a r ea ( np p r oxim~ t - l y 10 square i e i i t a imi o t a i mnsei. Ko p a l e l e mile s) it i s vitRl im por t ~nc e t o f o ki n~ ilos ak a me i t e puipui i Tuva lu t o co n serve beach h ead Vn i a ku, Funafuti pc l 3 f o ki mo n t si vege t a tion a s a n ~ tu ra l defence agains t k oea akn i fenu a i tua ko o ko l oa i c oastal e r o sio n a n d other measures t o t e uke o m ~a e masei i e i t a lu te lua minimise the d estruction of this t a u saga ko t~k a , ko l 3 a k e t e uaea v eg e t 11 tio n. i a l a t ou e l on n c seki mafai n e l a tou

Fo llowing e otudy by t he UK ( Fak asoko kite Itulau 17) Page 9 16 September, 1982

BUD AB ADVI .• ER RETURNS building , boat- building and furnitureo FROM OVERSE,.!J TRIP Since 1950 there hos been no exporta tion of copra as coconuts are THE AD VI ~ER of BuDAB , Mr David Kirt on , kept for dom ~s tic uae. Importation on h i s way back from UK leave, stopped of cooking oil is discouraged end off at Male , the Cspital of the coconut o il is hand- processed for Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean. local consumption. The physical conf i eu~a tion of the The Maldives became the Islands is very similnr to that of 47 Tuvalu and the purpo~e of Mr Kirton • s member of the Commonwe alth i n July. visit was to see the operatLon of smal l businesses there and their Mr Kirton also visite d Honiara poss i ble application in Tuvaluo in the Solomon Is l ands and saw the Permanent Secr1atary to th~ Ministry Wh i le thar e, he saw the Director of Trade , Industry & Labour , t h e of the National Plannin& Ag ency , the Chief Fisheries Of fleer end the Ge11cral Manager of the Development Direct~r of Tourism & Foreign I nvest­ ment and the Managing Dire ctor of the Bank. Maldive Fisheri es Corporation. He had the opportunity of The people are entirely Muslims s eeing a f i b r e glass manufacturing which means alcohol i s-forbi dder.. The company which could produce an 18 1 airport is on a small man -made is land fishino, boat costing between Solomon and transport from ther~ is by small Island $1000 to $1800; a 14' outrigger boats. The infrastructure of Male is canoe in fibre glass retai l at about much l ess developed than hure. There $250. The Company also manufectures are no income or corporation taxes and fibre glass petrol tanks for outboards the average labourer ' s ~age is onl y at $60. about A~S . 00 a weeko Juni or staff in hotel s do not receive a salary but The f i sheries Corporation there depend entirely on tips from guestso are h a ving similar problems as our­ s~lves because of the depressed pri ce The islands' economy ia b a sed o( tune. They have opted for long­ mai n l y on tourism, shipping and fishing. linc vesoel s because they are cheaper The tourist business started in 1972 t o run but they do have a couple of and mo s t of the small businesses pole and line vessels. In the near revolve round tourism. The Government fu tur c they expect to set the plans owns a f l eet of 4 2 ships ( a v ~ rage size for a purse seiner. is 5000 t ons) , which a r e man3ged by i ts Head Office i n Singapore. Even One outcom~ of this trip io th3t though t his year 1 Q world shipping i s Hr 3imeona Iosia , the BuDAB Trainee poor , the Ma l dive Oove rrun ent made a Secr~t a ry , wi ll be going to Honi ara profit of US$2me The annual on an exchanged trip for up to t hree catch i s approximately 30 , 000 tonnes , months , aomet imc early n ext year. 14, 000 of wh ich i a exported mainly There is a possibili ty •that wh i le to Sri Lanka as sal t f i sh. The use of Mr Ios ia is away , a Loans Officer purse seinero (fishing vessels using from Hon i ara may come to assi st b i g nets) is banned as the Maldives Mr Kirton at BuDAB. are worried about the ecological effect of this type of fishing. Another The 40th Anniversary of the reason for the bnn is tha t they wish Battle of Cuadcanal was commemorated to protect the small dom~stic fisher­ on Sunday 18 August and Mr Tupue men. Leupena, tha Chairman of the Tuvalu Public 3ervice Commissi on, laid a A sawm i ll produces coconut wreath at the War Memori al ~du -ing the timber wh i ch is widely u sed for house- ~e:rvice. *************************************

.. __ . - ...... - ·- · - - - Page 10 16 3eptember, 1982


AT THE meeting of the South Pacific migr ator y species f or its wider Forum held in Rotorua , New Zealand, relationship with Forum member and from 9/10 August, the following two observer countries; Gravely con­ resolutions, on the Law of the Sea cerned about th ~ response of the Convention and the Li nking of Aid United States to the actions t aken to Fisheries Access Agreements , were by a Forum membor country in adopted by the Forum. protedting th~ resources of its fisheries zone; Affirms the ' A' Law of the Sea Convention: comm itment of the Forum member and observer countries to deve lop the ir fisheries res ources f or the benefit The Thirteenth ~outh Pacific Forum : Expresses satisfaction at the adoption of their peoples; Expresses its of a convention on the Law of the 3ea r egret tha t the exclusive right of after years of negotiati ons; Reaffirms Forum mtmibe r and observer countri~s its concern over the United 3tates of to exp loit highly migratory species America position on the Conventi on and within their f i•heries zones i s not notes with regret th~ t the United yet recognised by the United States; States of America Adminiutration has and Urges the Un ited States to now decided not to s i gn or become revise its policy on highly party to the Convention on the Law of migratory species." the Sea; Expresses the hope tha t other developed states do not adopt a s i milar ' B' Linking of Aid to Fisheriec stance to that of the United 3tates of Access ,~greemente : America; Urges members to s ign the Treaty at th e Signing Conference; The The Thirteenth South Pacific Forum : Forum adopted the following resolutions Aware of the importance of living on US Poli cy on highly mi gratory marine re ~o urcee to the developing species and declared tha t The Thi rteenth Island N~tions of the Pacific; Con­ South Pacific Forum i e ; Aware of the sidering it essential that these vital i mportance o f fiohcr i es' ~ ' comprising rcoources produce the ~aximum benefit highly migratory species , to the for :their peoples ; Noting the importance of aid for the development I sland Nations of th~ Pacific; Con• sidering that there haa been virtually of their economies; Deplores the unanimous recognition of the sovereign increasing tendency of distant water rights of coastal states to exploit fishin6 nations to link the grant the r e sources of their fi s heries zones of aid with the receipt of f ishcries including highly migratory species ; access; and Declares that distant Mindful of the adopti on, on 30 April water fishing nations should not 1982, of the Intern tional Convention link that a id to fisheries access of the Law of t he ~ea ; Noting that agr eements" the United vtat e~ of :irnerica, within its fisheries zone asserts its rights The Forum agr eed to the over billfish, which ~r e highly application for m~mb e rship of the for ~ the migratory species ; ~earing i n mind Forum Fisheries Agency the close co-operation in f ishe ries Federated St ates of Micronesia. among the Forum member and observer The Forum noted the Report of the countries , and their developing Director of the Forum Fisheries relatio.nship in fisheries with distant Agency and expressed appr eciati on for water fishing n ations which do recognise the work of the Agency ' a Directo;' sovereign rights in reDpe ct of all and eta.ff. Tho Forum e ndorsed the highly migr atory specieso Concerned Suva Workshop Recommendations on the about the serious implications of the Harmonisation of Fisheries Regim~o Un ited ~tates policy on highly and Access ,t\greementa. ~************************************ Page 11 16 September , 1982

TREE CROP3 i .GRONOMidT Ri:;VIt:WS project for producing timber and COCONUT REPL:.NTrt.• PROGRESS charcoal. n r eport for this project should be completed in the n ext TRi; TREE Crops Agronomist, Mr Ken month or so. Trewen, who until December 1981 was r esident in Veitupu, hes been Mr Trcwen is a mambcr of the again in Tuvalu reviewing ~'!l e p rogress British Corps of Specialists , funded on coconut replanting and tree by ODA, and is now resident in health. He told our reporter that Kiribati where h~ spends 75% of hi s the work in Vaitupu and time. The rema1nin 251. is was most encouraging; other crops allocated to Tuvalu and to othe r growing with the coconuts, l!Speci ally atoll countries which need h is pawpaw) pineappl ~ , p assion fruit , servicus. guava and pUhlpkine, are a l so doing wello Mr Trewen hopes to return on the routine visit in November. The experiment of tre~ting trees with different· forms of iron ~**~ ******************************* injected into th~ trunk appears to !i.GR ICULTUR .. L OFFICER TO ••TTEND have successful res~lts - ~ore so than spraying chemicals over the OVERSE11S MEETINGS leaves or knockinf neils into the trunks. THE ACTING 10gricultural Offi cer, Mr Chales Borman has gone to attend Dried leaf ·semples are being threa overseas meetings , all sent for analysis to New Zealand; concerning agriculture, held fro:n preliminary tests Mr Trewen from 5-10 3eptember. expects dificiencies in iron a nd The three meetings ' Th~ probably potassium. latter is a 7 ma j or problem in Kiribati wh ere !lel d at the' a Alr :·.ie ·campus coconut husks , nhich contain most of in ,.. pia, Uestern . the po~assium, are burnt on cooking The ~cetin~s were, the review of fires instead of b a in& r~turned to the US Aid/South Pacific Regional the soil of the plantations. ~rti ­ Agricultural Development Project ficial replacement of this potassium is v e ry much more expennive than that will involve Heads of meeting the deficiency in iron. Ag riculture; tripartite review of the UNDP/FAO Regional Root Crop Replant!ng i s going on much Devclopm~nt Project; and th ~ Regional faster in Kiribati than in Tuvalu Research ddvisory Board meeting. because the landowners arc v ery keen and generally look after their trees ,\.1 1 the meetings w.:!re S;'Onsorcd very wello There are over one hundred by the Inatitute for Research , replanting projects in some Islands Extension and Training in .1griculture (!RETA) in :.pia, Wevtern Samoa. there. ************************************* Mr Trewen, however, believes that if we avoid usin6 hucks for fires OFIJ/1. TOKIL.:.K.,U /F11G,.IM.1NU and if we look aftar our p l aotot ione · FAK.• T J1.SI ,,TU FONOT< ..G;. I TU .~ t ..TU properly, Tuvalu should h~ve better results than Kiribatio TE SUI Pule o te Matagaluega Tokilakau/Fagaimanu, Charles Borm~n In conjuction with a Consultant ko pal~le ne fanatu ki fonotaga e from Fiji , funded by the tolu i tua atu o Tuvalu, e uiga Children Federation, h ~ i s also katoa mote Tokilak3u/Fogaimanu kola reporting on a coconut stem e awm ill ka f a i i te po 5- 10 Setemao

.- .. -- )

Page 12 16 September , 1982

A fon otaga konei e t o lu k a f ai for community groups . kato~ i t e Akoga o te ~koga Maluga o te Pn.sefika 1 Al afua i ii.pia, Samoa i Assistance may also be given to Slaifoo finance workshops a nd seminars ~n subjects such as health, hygiene and Ko fonotaga konei kotc:: ilo­ nutrition. :!.?.oge galuege etiake o te Tokilakau/ Fagaimanu i te Pasefikn ti Saute kola Voluntary orgnnisations may a lso e to3igina n~ tupe fesoasoeni mai obt a in grants f r om the fund. Any ~~~ l ~~a tele c eotia ketoa k i ei a applications for this fund have all :•1le o Tokilakm.. LFegaimanu; iloiloga to be routed through the Secretary for f3ka~asi a te atufenue, te Pol okalame F inance who will then pass the request •• tl eke n t e .1al0 Soko . mote Faka­ to the High Commissioner. ?Otopotoga o Mcaka:!. m~te Tokilakau/ ******** ~'r~'c *""-•*********~"****"'************ ~ agoimai:u mai te le pol oknl om e 1 ~nlueg a atiake no lakau fai aka kaina ; V AEGA TUPE F AKAMAUMd.U KO 1~te ion otagn ~ t:e Ko'Tiit i F akntonu­ T.'\ ··-: 1 0 F::·,"'GA ~o~p o Sukcs ukcgs i i te loto ...... --- ...... --~-- !>r.aef:!.kao TE OF ISA o te Kome s ina Ma lusa o Ausitalia i Suva , Fiti, ko i s ! 1 a ia n fonotas~ katoo ~a togigina se v ~ ega tupe f akamaumau tela e r.. o .:e \kc-ea o S·.:t~esu:-:ega, ~aka l as i ga pulegina tena te KomosL~a o te n;o ..!,oakoga i TC'!d lakau / Maluga t ela e fakamoemoe pele me ka ~ e::;aima."lu i Api=, Samoa i Sis1fo. maf ai ne Tuvalu o maua mai i ei se -!c-1 ~ ·'* •~"****">;* .. -::1.. **"l. ·'. !r::* ** :C .~ ********** fesoasoani lasi mafa1 e lei e fai atU6a o fakatagi kiei...... !H3C1·.zTJ.01i. __.. .. ___ .,._ RY FUNu- AT D!:JPOSAL Te aso ki tua o te masina ko te: ~ : '.l'1• ~ AUST.R-'.\.L I A'~ Hieh i ssion in Suva , te tokotolu f a ilautusi i te Ofi sa o te ~~ ji~ ~a~ at ~tc dioposal the High Komesina, PtW ela O' Crfldy, nc nofo i c ~~ . co ion cv 1 u niscretionary fund Funafuti o faipa ti ki t e vaega tupe f-om whic'I Tuvalu !1oi:Jea to get a lot t enei , kae faka.matelA foki auala e uf sssistance, rrovide~ p r oper maf ai i ei o maua mai ne v aega tupc mai C?Plica~ · ons i7c maJeo 1 e l.

Tow~rclc ti:.! Vlu of last month, A te v aey,a tupe fesoasoani t enei the third oe c1 eter~ in the High ne fai k e avatu neia ne fesoasoani, kae Cor...~ission) Y.iss Pamela O' Grady: was maise loa te togiga o tamaa-galuega :n ?~na futi to discuss t he fund and a tiake kola e se maua mai ki e i ne :1ow g:-an ts frcm the fund could be fesoasoani mai nisi al~ tup e io me e se 01.,, t air.~Co lava tupc fesoasoani e maua mai mo f ai.

The discrat i on ery fund is Ko tupe f esoasoani mai te vaesa designed to fTOVide asaiGtance tupe tene i, e mafai o f a i se faka­ ewpecially in f:nan~ing of small- scale molemole kiei mo galuega atiako, k ae drJ~Jo~cent i~itiGtives wher e other maise loa galu ega kola c f a i ne tino SUP?Ort e a~e not a vail ~ble to the t a ki-tokotasi kae aogaa i feitu t au te i:":? C ~ ".pi.en t"J o:- ·.there the support to maumea mote olaga lei o fakapotopotoga. t~.ich they have ~ccess , i s inadequate to m~~t essenti al needs . E mafai foki o tuku atu se tupe f e s oasoani mo togi a akoakoga io me Grant fro.n the fund may be ne f onotaga 1 mataupu pela mote ola r'!G"C'.lted f or sp~cific projects , lei , tu ma mote mateupu kiluga i mea espcc5al l y self-~elp proj•cts wh i ch tau meakai lei mo kai. ui 11 :,a; ,,. econo::lic and social benefits ~------

Page 13 16 September, 1982

Fakapotopoto g~ totino e mafa i Ni vaga voyAge., foki ne latou o maua no tupe fcsoa­ soani mai te vaega tupe tenei. Upon returning t o the capita l , the team will spend about t hree· weeks Sose tusi f~krunol~~o l e e ui ga before pr oce~din, to the next i sland mot e v aega tupe tenei kP ui a tu katoa on its programme , t iu tao. Mr Carl s tedt i t e Failautusi o te Tupc tela ka i a hopes that work there will be completed k a avatu n eia t~ f akrunol emo l o ki te in a shorter time as the island has no Kom caina Ma luga . isletso

************************************* The Cadastrel Survey project sets CAD1.&TR,..L.• SURVEY PROJ .:.CT up systems for the updating of LHGS .BEHIND boundary changes in the future so as to remove problem s associ~ted with THE CADJ.STRHL Survey project in Tuvalu boundary disputes and thue ~educe the work of the l ands courts. seems to be progressi ng slower than expected , due to problems invo lving ************************************** the work. These ere problems over boundAr 7 disputes and the probl em of KO T ~I s,U-EMULI TE G. •LU..:.G~ . KI trancport in islands with i s l ets. .TE FU.J'UuG_\ 0 M.\NHF A

The United Nations ' Team of TE 0~1uiGA ki l uga i t a fuafuaga o te Surveyors , now a t Nukulaelae, has man8fa i Tuvalu c matoa a tu pel3 me sp~nt over a y ear out of the two- year t a i safemuli malie, ilo t e mea t el a project , and survey ·h~s not been ne fakarnoemoegine , ona loR ko f ully completed on any one i s l end so fak ~ lavelave ko l a e feag ~ i mote f ar. galu ~geo Ko fak~lavel ave konei , ko fak~kinauga o tino faim~n afa i tuakoi o Following a meeting to review l a t ou mote f ak Alavela ve e i ki mea the progress of the proj ect, between ololo malnga i fenua kola fai "motu. the Tuvalu Go vernment and r epresenta­ tives from the UNDP Office i n Suva , Te potukau f u afua man~f a ma i te which took place in Funafuti, it was Malo Soko , kola o nofo nei L 1Nukulael ae, recommended that the project be ko tusa nei mote t ausann tupu t e extended up to 1984. Thia i s yet to olotou n ofog~ ikonei , mai t e lua be approved by the UN Cent r e £or t ausagR t e la k a fai i e i t o olotou Human Settlement. It io hoped that g~luega , a ko te fu ~f uog~ men~f a a by then, an additiona l expert wil l l atou, e seki ai l e le l oa se olotou be r ecruited t o make up e. four member fenu~ e t ~s i kai oti fakelei. team of United Nations Surveyors , includin& the,lcader , Mr La rs Carlstedt. Maitua o te fonotag~ t e l a ne fai kiluga i Le iloiloga o te gasologa ki The team is nt present at - mUR 0 te saluega i te VA 0 te Malo 0 Nukulaelae, having gone there in early Tuva lu mo gui mai te ofi sa o tc UNDP April with the hope of completing i ts i ~uva , tcla ne fai i Fun•futi nei, work there in four months. Because ne f akaasi aka pela ke t a i t o l o atu of some of the problems involving te l ev a o te g~ lu ega k c oko ki te 1984. tra nsport f or the l andowners to t he Te ikuga tenei koi f a i nei ke maua mai isle ts , the work has been slower than se tali~ga kiei ma i te fakapotopotoga expected and the t eam hns now been i n e t as i a te Malo Soko t e l a e fnkaigoa Nukulaelae for s ix. monthso Mr ki te Human Settlement. E f ak am oemoe Carlstedt said, work there was about pela me i te taimi tena, ka i s i foki t o be compl~ted .and the t e em will travel se t agat a faopopo ki t e kau fuafua back to Funafuti on the n~x~ a vail3ble manuf a konel t~la ka fai ke vau ke 'i• iJ• 14 16 September , 1982 fakck e t o a t e t o kofa o te kau konei , Mr O' Brien said that members o f fakntaei mo t e t aki taki o latou , Lars the Youth Coun c il were not able to be Carl s t e dt. brought in. for this meeting du~ to transport and financi a l prob l ems . and Te kau k onei e nofo n e i i he had t o take the opportunity of Nukulael ae, talu mei te taimi t e l a n e inviting Presidents of Island Councils o lo a tu c i ki k ona i a .-pelila ko who were here th~n, to discuss with teka mote fakamoemocgc ke fakapa l cle them and make any a11endments to the te olotou galuega ikona i l oto o te Constitution , where required. fa masina. Ona l a ko nei fakalavelave kiluga i mea olom nlaga mo tino fai During the mee ting, minor manofa ki motu , ne t a i tuni te galuega amendments were necessary and were pela mote f akamoe.moege , kae kote kau made accordingly. kone i ko tusa nei mote ono masina o l a tou i Nukulaclaeo I pati a Lars Mr O'Brien said that t he me i galuega ikon a ko pilipili o oti, r esolutions taken at the meeting will a k o te kau kono k n foki mni ki have to be conveyed to actunl members Funa futi i te mo l nga muamun l oa nei a of the Council ' on each island by te Nivaga ki konu o the ir Prc 1idents. . I te taimi c foki mai i e i , te Fa llo ..Jin a this, th.e Youth k au kone i k a nofo mua ikonei 1 se Council will proceed t o draw up a tolu masina koituui o olo atu kita final drAft of its Constitut i o n -and sua f e nua o tena polokaL:me t!!la ko the n submit i t to Cabinet for its Niulaoo A Lara c fakrunocmoe pela me approval , b efore final adoptiono k a t a i vave atu t e olotou galuega ********************11.***************** ikona aua me e seai n~ motu o te f enu a o F.~K .V ,E F.\K .T.. UTi.U 0 K.. . UT~ TUPUTUPU ILOILOGINA Te galuega t unci ki tc f a iga o mana fa , e f ai neia f a i fai ga mo E ISI s e FnkavAo f akAt autau mote f akanofoga e uigP mote f akamai logaga Fakapotopotoga a Kautama Tuputupu o fultfuliga o t uakoi i tBimi mai o TuvJlu n~ ilo ilog ina fakamuli nei mua , ke fakaseai i ei fakal a velave ne Pelesitene o Fonopul e mote mailuga i fakakinauge i tuakoi tala Minisituali ~ 1\koak oga, Fa k aimsaki mo ko t a i foliki e i foki te galu ega a Tu mo Aganu. A Pelesitene o Fonopule Fono Man afa .. n~ sui ne l atou n sui ki t e Kaunisela ************************************* o Kautarna Tuputupu ma i o l otou fenua a kote 1-linistu li o t1koa koga , Faka i ­ YOU TH DIC.FT CONSITITUTION mas'lk i mo Tu mo ..g,m u n e suigina nete REVIEWS F ~ i lautus i ki te Minisl t uli, Siliga Kofe, mote Ofisa o Kautama Tuputupu , ~ DRuFT constitution for the Tuva lu T ~ lnk~toa O'Brien. ~ Pelesitene n e National Associntion Youth was n ofo ikon e i i Funnfuti, fakapitoa r e viewe d recently by Island Cduncil l oa mote ak oakoga a t a tu ma t e l a ko Presidents '(h o were p epres·entins members pa le le. of the Yo uth Council from their individua l islands whi le the Ministry I p~ti a Tal akatoa me i s ui for Social Services was repr~sented o te Kauni sela o te F ~ kapotopotoga by the Secretary t o the Ministry, o Kautama Tuputupu.o Tuvalu, ne Mr Sili~a Kofe nnd the Youth and seki maf ai o puke mai ki Fu n~futi We lfare Office r, Mr T ~ lakatoa O' Bri en, ona l oa ko faka~avcl avc tau mea olo­ The Preaidents were h ~r e in Funa futi malaga mo fcitu t au tupc , tela n e specifically t o attend a health puke e i n e i a t e avan oaga t e ne i o kam i seminar which has ended. atu a Pe l csitene o Fonopule o Fenua , 0 Page 1-5·· 16 September,. 1982 kola ne nofo ikonei 1 te taimi tena ke SUA KAMUP.\NE FOKI MAN AKO I

Mr Young was in Funafuti for TUV :~ LU TO ATTEND three days during the first week of sr ~\MP EXHIBITION this month and following his discussion with Mr Toafa, he was informed TUVALU'S PHIL~TELIC Bureau will be that a decision by the TCS concerning represented at the Australi an National the selection of a company who could Philatelic Exhibition in Brisbane, supply Tuvalu with a reliabl~ service · Australia, from 11- 17 October, after would be made towards the end of the the . month. -. Rep+esenting the Bureau, will Mr Young was originally sc.hedu'ied be its Manager and Assistant Manager, to proceed to Tarawa, but because -of Mr Frank Hoy and Mr Karl Tili fuel problems which cancelled Air respectively, who are expected to Tungaru' s fli~ht , he travelle~ by a leave for Australia on 7 October. Fiji Air Charter flight to Suva where Mr Hoy said that this would be he planned to go to Tarawa by Air one of the biggest Stamp Exhibitions Nauru. to be · held in Aus trali a for at least • I . • t~n ; years , and it would include 32 ************•*****************'******** stands, including major stamp i ssuing Page 16 16 September , 1982 countries, such as Britain, Australi a a failoga e lua e togi nei i Tuvalu and most Pacific Countries. !~ _ w i l l i aso nei. also inc lu'.d~ -moj·o; st~p deal.era, such as St~n l ey ,G ibbon of Great Te Matagalucga Fai Failoga o te Britain. Tuvalu ko palele foki ne sui atu k i te fakaeiga failoga i Looitona i te Mr Hoy told newsmen that t hey 1980. Ka isi foki sena koga i te ~ould be taking with them the Fish toe f ak~siga lasi loa o failoga o Definiti ves and the Boys Scout Stamps ilusitalia, tela ko palele ne f akatoka for sale at the Exhibition. These ke fai i te 1984 tela e f akatautau are the two stamps which are currently pela me 1 fenua katoa i te lalolagi o n sale in Tuvalu. ka sui atu kiei.

Tuvalu ' s Philatelic Bureau had ************************************** also been represented at the London Stamp Exhibition in 1980. I t will SCIENCE LAU TO IMPROVE THE also have a stand of the biggest TEACHING OF SCiiNCE ~ustra lian Stamp Exhibiti on p l anned for 1984 and it is expected that WORK ON the building of the Motufoua Science Laboratory has started and every country in the world will be represented. is hoped to be completed in time for the next academic year in February. *•*********************************** The Secretary for Social Services, TUV. LU KE F ...Y ~ .r .-...s r ATU Mr Siliga Kofe said the teaching of Fiil

Te Foilautusi o .-koakoge, Fek:iimasaki mote faiga t enci, oug me kote t oe koga mo Tu mo Aganu , Sili~a Kofe , nc fai foki l oa e f akamataku e tu pili ki te tai, koe ona foki me e l eva l oa te mai me i t e ak oflko~~ o t ~ m3taupu papa t ela e m:i.f ai o fakRtu i ei te tenei , nc tai fakal~vel~v-sine e l oa o na kote seai o me= nkoga, k ne ka fAkavae o te puio f a i ko palelc te f~lc cenei, a mataupu ko11d, Physics , Ch:eroistry , mote Biology Kote galuega fou tenei i te Fale TAlimalo e togigina mai tupc o·truna ka akoako k l\ton. p ~ l '\ men'"' matnupu g"!luega foliki mailalo o te Polokalame kesokcso. Kote m~toupu fu~ t ene i ko te General Science tenci .c f akakoako tioke o Peletcnin. nei i te /~k oga i tl: voitaimi neio I t c vaitaimi tcn~i , ~ te Melo i te nei sc E tusa nei mote toko f ~ faiakoga ko tulnrn o fakatoka i te Science i rlotufcua fllkatasi mote f~k~tagi e uiga mo ne tupe fesoasoani Pule o te Akoga tole e fakekooko neiA ke maf~i o fakasoko t~ gatuega tenei i te Physics, a ko m~e ~kog~ ~ote fale Funafuti pela foki mo fenua i tua. akogA t enei ki t c;: f"iga ·o t e faleakoga tenei e t ogigina nc tupe mni te mo Veitupu k o palcle ne fili kc k i ei 1 Minisituli o P~l~t ~ ni o o uigR mo mua te galuego htiakcga o Fe nu a i Tuao fbnua i tua maituo o te taimi tclA ko maua ei nu tupco ******** ******* ~~ ~. 'J. *"'.*************** ***************************~*****~**** F:.ITI:G_. 0 PUIPUI Tu! FOU STREET LIGHTS FOR FUN ,.FUTI (Faknsoko mai te Itu l~u 8) ® THE ELECTRIC_J.. /~uthority has started o fflka - f esagai te tni galuo to erect street lights in Funafuti and work i s pro~ressinp, well , though some Ona loA kote foliki o te l nukele fittings and cable to complete the o Tuvalu (kaa t i ec 10 mails sikuea) progrrunme are s till awaited from F i ji0 ko se f a kat,au ma i fo~ i l oa i te t eua ki Tuvalu, te man"ko o tc.usi fakalei There will be on ly Dix street Le o la o lr.ka u i kog t a i pcln mesc lights to be crect~d in the meantime puipui kiluta i t c kai o tc laukele before th~ Qu een ' s visit but there are nete tai, mo nisi faiga eke ku t a i plans to have more e r cctLd in future. f a kafoliki i e i t c fekamaaeiga o lakau konei .. The first street light, situated between the Police St~tion and the Ma i tua o t~ suk esukagA n o National Bnnk o f Tuva lu was switched Ini tinia Poto ·ma:i t a Kamu pane, o n , on Thursdny night l as t week. Fawcett and Partn ~ rs , kilu g~ i te kai o te laukelc nctc t e i , c uk~ a *tlrllJ~*****~**********~****************** vaesa f aitoga 0 pu i ~u i t~i nc fakasi MOL I .•u 1i.- HO FUN...FUTI aka i te l i poti, kol~ ko ;~ l ~ l e ne kamata te Malo o gnlue kiei. TE MJJ .• t ..LUr:G.:.. o tc Iti ko palele ne I Func futi , a te Matagaluega o kamjt;i o fnk 1tu a moli i auala i Funafuti k~e kote g~lucg~ c f a nofano l ei GRluega, ko tai p-l~le nei tena faitega i te puipui tsi m~it~i o c l oe , e pefea loe te isi o nisi mea aka tc F l'\ l e 'ralimnlo, V1 iaku Lagi Hotel., mo uacn mo fai te galucga, kolR koi f Ikonei, te ·ma ta ~alucga ko palcle ne akatali nei ke aumai moi Fiti. faite neia se pa frtu tela e fakapiki ki sameni ke pui ncia 2 gutu o kete, Ka ono fua a moli au~la kn f akatu k~e fakao ti kise t~ma pui tutonu i tena i t a imi murunuA tcnei mai mua o te asiga feitu ki tun. l!e !ili te Falc Talimalo a te Tupu Fnfine, kae isi ne foka ­ moemoega k~ toe fakatu nisi moli ak a Pag €:i 18 16 Se ptembar , 1982

i t a imi ma i tua e tu. Tc t nm~ fa l e t en ei, ne f a ite ki l ak ~u f qk a t a t ou ma i tua , k ae ufi ki Te mo li mu amua l oa, i t e va o p e p n mnnifinif i k ~ n a k o l ~ n c pa l ~s i­ te Ofisa Puliaima ni mot e Ofisa tiki. Teutupe o Tuva l u n~ f nkaka i te po o te h ao f a i t c v ai aso ko tek a . Te Pul ~ o t e f Rkr.pot opo t oga Fakaol a Tam £1 liki, J a ck Lock e tt , ne **************** * **irlt*~ ********~ x *** f ai ana p a ti me i popo k o l ~ e f akamal o P EHCE CORP S VCLU.7T ..,LR BU ILDS 3 0LAR­ i t o f • i ga t ene i, e v ~v e atu l oa o COPRh DRYING JH~D rn~ l o ilo popo ko l n e tauaki ki t e l a . Kotc s u a f ~ it u t~ la e l e i i ei, e l ei A SOL •.R copra- dry i ng shtd has be en l oa ma tuku itua i t ni mi ko l a e build at Nukulacl ae by th ~ Peace mas ci e i o aso . Corps vo lunteer , Mr Scot Ere ckson ahd Sa ve the Childre n ' s I s l and Development Ko pal c l e f oki ne lipo ti mai , i Co- ordinntnr Mr Uluk o l o~ Ka itu. me mc a mo f a ite a tama f a le p ene i 1 ko pal e l c n c o t a , kae ka f a ite se f a l e i f ~nu a The shed wes m ~de o ut of a l o ca l e t asi pcnei t a kits a i . timber fro:m e and cu vcr cd with cl ~ar plastico I p Ati a J a ck m ~ i mea mo f a ite t ::unn f ~ l c f nknma l o penei , ko o a l e l e The Director of Save the n e i ne o t q, kae k~ f ait ~ sc f r l e e Children Fcdcr r tion, Mr J a ck Lo ckett t nsi i Cunua k ~ t o~ o s aid th 1t copra dr i e d t hi s wa y, t ook half th e time of drying in the s un. ·~ t e f ok amn log ~ o p op o i .:ruv ... lu, On e of its a dv ~ nt e~ ~ 3 i s t h ~ t , it e f a i s· l o l on kite l a , kae e tus a did not hnve t o bu removed dur ing t e l ev a mote ivA o ABO lao bad we a thero *"' **l'r*******1:*1. **********~'r'f!J'k**** * ***

It has nlao b een r e ported that INTZRNii.L !t.lR Sc.RVICE .RESUMES the qua lity nf copra dri ed this way , i s v ory much better , be cnu se it i s TUV . LU ' ~ IN' iRN .. ~L service oper a ted by fr ee from cont £1m i ri;;Lio n .. Sea Bu e: ..i r 1 s Grumman Goose plAne h as been resumed nft er beina i nterrupted Mr L ~ cke t t sai d t ha t mat eria ls f or mor e than e week , because o f f o r the co n ~ tru c ti un of such dryi ng avia tion fu e l short3ge in Funa futi. sheds were now ou ord m: arid that one dem o nstr ~ ti o n un i t would bf:! built Fr esh su pp li ~s o f fue l arrived on e a ch i sl~n d. on We dnesday l ast week on board a Fiji fr e i ght er , MV T,BU ~ORO . Tha t Copra- dryin i n Tuvn lu has been same a fternoon , th ~ service was carried out undLr t hc sun and this r esum t:d. would t ak e about ni n~ d ays. The short age o f aviation fue l a l so a f f ectcd the Air Tungar9 fli ght VOL EN I TI.. F .I -E M... u which was co nc c ll ~ d in t he f irs t week F .•K • ..M, 1.,L O POPO o f this month ~nd was r esumed l ast week. Fij i Hir , however, maintained E ISI s e t ema fale fak8ll\n l o popo, t e la i ts flieht s by cuttinE; do wn t h '­ c f ak aoga t e v e l ~ o le l ~ , ko p ale le num ber of i ts pAss engc rs on the Suva / ne f a itc i N uk ulecl~e net e Peace Fun ~f uti l eg thu ~ ena bling t he plnn e Corps Vo l c ni t i a , Jcott Ereckson , mo t e t o c nrry s pare f uel for its r eturn Taga t a Ga lue o t c F~k apo to p o t oga f lic.,h t. F akc'\o l a T "ltn.1 liki i l usa i t e f enua Uluko l oa l{atuu. ************~ **********"'************ Page 19 16 September, 1982

RADIO TIMES Mondays to Saturdays (morning) : Thursdays 60 25 em Tun.ins call/sign on trailers etc 5- 55 pm Tuning ca~l/aign . on etc 6.30 Morning devotions News preview 6.35 Good Morning Tuvalu (Tuva lu so~gs) 6.,00 Manakb 7.00 Wo rld News (R. A) 6. 30 Focus programme 1.10 Tuvalu News , 6 ~ 40 Music (Engli sh) (Tuvalu/English) 7.00 World. News (R. ) 7.15 Good Morninr Tuvalu con't 7.10 Tuvalu News etc (music Tuvalu) (mixed entertai nment) 7.30 Tela 6 Tuva lu etc 7. 30 ~ign off 7.45 Tala·mo Tamaliki 8.15 Pese/Songe Mondale 8.30 Sign off 5o55 pm Sing on trailers/news preview 6.00 'Manako Pridais 6.30 Mataupu o te as o 5.55 pm Tuning call/sign on etc . ~ 6. 40 Music (pop /western etc) 4 News preview 1.00 World News· (R. A) 6.00 Manako 7.10 Tuvalu News, announcments, 6.30 Focus programme ,. weather and shipping 6. 40 Musi~ (English) Peee Tuvalu 7.00 World News (R . A) 7.30 Tala o Tuva lu/Atupaipai 7.10 Tuvalu News, Announcements Fakapulaga, ala o Teka , t au o weather, Shipping etc/mueic Tuvalu te aso. 7. 45 Kete Tala a Tuvalu 7.30 Tala o Tuvalu etc 8.15 Peee/Songs 7.45 Lalol agi mo ana tala 8.30 Sign off 8.15 Mixed entert ainment & requests 9.00 Sign off Tuesdays Saturdays 5.55 pm Tuning call/sign on trailers News preview 5.55 pm Tuning call/sign on etc 6. 00 Manako News preview 6.30 Focus programme 6.00 Polokalame a Lotu 6.40 Music (English) 6.15 Manako 1.00 World News (R. A) Tuvalu News 6.30 Focus programme etc Music (Tuvalu) 6. 40 Music (English) 7.30 Tala o Tuvalu etc 1. 00 World News (R. a) Music Tuva lu 7.45 Tali mo Feeili 7.30 Tale o Tuvalu etc 8.15 Pese/Songs 7.45 Te Lagi a Tu va lu (fatele) 8.30 Sign off 8.15 Mixed entertainment & requests 9.00 Sign off We dnesdays Sundays 5.55 pm Tuning cell/sign on trailers News preview 5. 55 pm Tunin ~ call/sign on etc 6.oo Manako 6.oo Pese ~otu 6.30 Focus programme 6. 15 Lo tu o te Aso Sae 6.40 Music ( Eng lish) &.45 Sunday music (English) 1.00 World News (R. A) 7.00 World News (R. A) 7.10 Tuvalu News etc (mus i c Tuvalu) 7.10 Tuvalu News etc/Peee Lotu 7.30 Tala o Tuvalu etc (Tuvalu) 7. 45 Taku galuega 7. 30 Tala o Tuvalu etc 8.15 Pese/Songe 7.45 Polokalame a te Fakaimasaki/ 8.30 Sign of£ Te Li ma Ola a.oo Sign off

l.... Tuva~u New• Sheet 1• publi•hed and printed e very fortnight by the Government Broadcasting and Information Division Vataku, Funafuti , Tuvalu ·· ·

Page 20 16 September , 1982

TIDE T.. BLE BDD EDUCAT ION ADVISERS FdMILiiJlISES HIMSELF HIGH TIDE LOU TIDE THE EDUCAT ION Advsier with the British Thursday 16 Sept 0420 2.12 1038 0.17 Developme nt Di visi op, Suva, Fiji 1(46 1. 98 2245 o: 26 Mr Bill Radford , spend one week in Tuvalu from 9-16 August on a Friday 17 Sept 0500 2.17 1115 0.15 fam iliarisati on vis it. He i s the 1 723 2.03 2324 0.23 British Education Adviser to countries Saturd ay 18 Sept 0537 2.16 1150 O.l8 in the Pacific. 1757 2.03 The Secretary of Social Services , Sunday 19 Sept 0612 2. 08 0001 0. 26 Mr Siliga Kofe , eaid that Mr Bill 1830 1.99 1223 0. 27 Ra•ford had come specially to Monday 20 Sept 0645 1.96 0038 0~34 familiarise himself with educational 1902 1. 91 1254 0.39 development in Tuvalu.

Tuesday 21 Sept 0718 1.81 Qll4 0.45 'While in Tuvalu, Mr Radford had 1935 1.81 1324 0.53 discussions with Mr Kof e and education Wednesday 2f Sept 0753 1.64 0152 0. 59 officials on a wide r ange of educational 2010 1.70 1355 0.68 issues. Thursday 23 Sept 0835 1.48 0235 o. 72 1431 0.83 Last Monday he paid a vist to 2055 1.57 Vaitupu and· had discussions with the Friday 24 Sept 0941 1.35 0334 o.8s Principal of the Motufoua Secondary 2210 1.47 1525 0.97 Scuool, the Headmaster of the Primary School and also visited the Community Saturday 25 Sept 1135 1.28 0509 0.92 Training Centre there. 2355 1. 44 1716 1.06 Sunday 26 Sept 1332 1.34 0100 o.89 In Funafuti, h~ visi ted the 1912 1.02 Tuvalu Maritime Ochool at Amatuku ·· and the Funafuti Primary School. Monday 27 Sept 0122 1. 50 0809 0.79 1432 1.45 2016 o. 92 ************************************* Tuesday 28 Sept 0220 1. 60 0851 0. 68 hTTACHMENT COUR3£ FOR LANDS OFFICER 1507 1.56 2056 0.80 Wednesday 29 Sept 0301 1.70 0922 0,57 THE L L~DS Officer , Mr Sinala Auega, 1534 1.67 2128 0.68 is expected t o go for a month's attachment training later, this year Thursday 30 Sept 0334 1.81 0950 0. 48 in New Zealand. He will be attached 1600 1. 78 2157 0. 56 t o the New Zealand Department of Lands Friday l".Oct 0404 1. 90 1017 0. 39 and Survey from 8 November t o 14 Dec. 1627 1.88 2226 0.46 Mr Auega will be sponsored by .. Saturday 2, 0ct 0435 1.98 1045 0.32 the New Zealand's Ministry of Foreign 1655 1.96 2258 0.37 Affairs and the New Zealand Institute Sunday 3 Oct 0506 2.02 1115 0.28 of Surveyors from the Commonwealth 1725 2.03 ·2332 0.32 Foundati on Grant. Mon