SHS Girls golf receives TOOELE birth to State Tourney RANSCRIPT See B1 T S  T  C BULLETIN S  THURSDAY May 6, 2021 Vol. 127 No. 98 $1.00 Ground breaking for Twenty Wells School New elementary school in Grantsville part of bond deal

TIM GILLIE school. Their bid was $17.9 EDITOR million. The ground was broken in The project budget is for Grantsville Tuesday night for $20 million, but that figure the home of the green and includes furniture, fixtures, black tigers. equipment, utility fees, and Tooele County School architectural fees, which are District officials, contractors not included in the bid for con- and architects, along with struction, according to Michael other community members Garcia, TCSD construction took turns at turning over a coordinator. spade full of dirt at the inter- Twenty Wells is a historical section of Worthington and name for the area near where Nygreen streets in Grantsville. the elementary school is being That’s where the school built, according to school district will build Twenty Wells board member Bob Gowans. Elementary School. According to a history of Twenty Wells is one of three Twenty Wells, the name is schools to be built from the associated with an area on 2020 school bond approved by the south end of present day taxpayers last November. The Grantsville. Overland parties in school is expected to be com- the 1800’s found relief at the plete by August 2022. location. The Tooele County School The place got its name from Board selected Bud Mahas a series of holes in the ground Construction of Salt Lake COURTESY TOOELE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT City as the contractor for the SEE SCHOOL PAGE A8 ® Dirt flies in Grantsville as the Tooele County Chamber of Commerce helps turn over dirt for Twenty Wells Elementary School.

Church plans ‘Big Food Giveaway’

CEILLY SUTTON STAFF WRITER A local church, New Life Christian Fellowship, is plan- ning a Big Food Giveaway to help those in need. On May 12, from 1 to 3 p.m., Pastor Mark Runyon and members of the church will gather to give away hundreds of food boxes to those in need. Nonperishable food dona-

COURTESY U.S. ARMY NATIONAL GUARD BY SPC. ALEJANDRO LUCERO tions are welcome, according Brig. Gen. Charlene Dalto is pinned brigadier general by her daughters to Runyon. during a ceremony at Camp Williams, Utah, May 1, 2021. Afterwards, Dalto “We are looking for people assumed command of the Utah Army National Guard’s Land Component who need or would like some Command. food,” said Runyon. “They won’t have to prove any kind of financial need. We give out to everyone who comes in.” When those in need of food First Utah Army arrive, someone from the church will ask them their PHOTOS COURTESY OF NEW LIFE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP name and the number of those Cars (above) line up on in their household. National Guard Utah Avenue as vol- “This just helps us get food unteers from New Life in from the food bank,” said Christian Fellowship Runyon. load up trunks with During the food giveaway general officer food. A truck load cars can line up on the street (left) of produce for and a member of the church the food giveaway at brings boxes of food to the the New Life Christian cars and loads them into their Fellowship. has Tooele ties trunks. Brigadier General Charlene Dalto takes command SEE GIVEAWAY PAGE A8 ®

TIM GILLIE Guard Spc. Blake Dalto, ren- EDITOR dered his mother her first Utah Army National Guard’s salute as a general officer. first female general officer is a “Today is a historical day Tooele High School students host a Tooele High School graduate. as we promote Col. Dalto to Col. Charlene Dalto was pro- brigadier general in the Utah moted to brigadier general in Army National Guard; the first a ceremony held on May 1 on female to be promoted to this Make-A-Wish Foundation carnival Tarbet Field at Camp Williams. position,” said Gov. Spencer Following the promotion Cox. “There aren’t many firsts CEILLY SUTTON hole, and ring toss, among others. “This is the first time we have ever ceremony, Dalton became left in this world, and congrat- STAFF WRITER “There will be a lot of fun little done something with Make-A-Wish and the commander of the Land ulations Colonel on this one.” Tooele High School will host a carni- activities that the community can rally this is actually something that we plan Component Command. A registered nurse in her val on Saturday evening to make a kid’s around this family to help raise funds to do every year from here on out,” Dalto is the daughter of Bud civilian career, Dalto has a wish come true. for this family to be able to get the Valdez said. “They will pair us up with and Faye Connell of Tooele. 38-year military career. All proceeds will help the Make-A- camp trailer that is part of his wish,” a local family in need. The family that She graduated from Tooele She spent her first 20 years Wish Foundation fulfill a boy’s wish to said Cody Valdez, student government we are actually doing this for is from High School in 1981. in the Army as an enlisted have a camp trailer for his family. advisor at Tooele High. the Tooele area, so all of the money Dalto’s two daughters and soldier, earning her way up to Organized by student leaders at the The carnival will be sponsored by all stays local.” son helped pin on her star as master sergeant before accept- high school, 17 clubs from the school of the high school class officers. Prior to the carnival, Tooele High she transitioned from field- ing a direct commission as will be put on different carnival style Tooele High School has never done School students participated in a fun- grade officer to general officer. games and activities; including a cake anything like this before, according to Her son, Utah Army National SEE OFFICER PAGE A8 ® walk, dunk tank, musical chairs, corn Valdez. SEE CARNIVAL PAGE A8 ®

BULLETIN BOARD B5 CLASSIFIEDS B6 Matilda comes OBITUARIES A5 CORONAVIRUS TRACKER to Stansbury SPORTS B1 High School Data as of May 6 2021. Source: Utah Department of Health See A3 TOOELE COUNTY- Known Cases: 7,225 UTAH- Known Cases: 399,374 Hospitalizations: 221 • Deaths: 41 Hospitalizations: 16,303 • Deaths: 2,219 A2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY May 6, 2021 Tooele’s Jeppesen named valedictorian at SUU MARK WATSON holding us back from achieving Josie. Catham Beer taught and as a member of the high school my teaching assistant for sever- CORRESPONDENT all that we want is ourselves.” coached him in baseball and basketball and baseball teams,” al years now and I have never Focus, passion, hard work Jeppesen graduated with a he also took classes from Josie Catham said. been left wanting in any area and support from family and Bachelor of Science degree in Beer. He also completed an “I am not surprised, at all, of his service to me or SUU. school mentors propelled 2017 biology and a minor in chemis- internship with athletic trainer that he has been successful Bridger’s initiative, work ethic, Tooele High School graduate try. He will be attending medi- Rick Spenser. in college. He knew what he dedication, and his incredible Bridger Jeppesen to the top cal school this fall and plans to “As a high school student, wanted to do when he went critical thinking and problem- of his class at Southern Utah become a doctor. Bridger personified hard work off to college and, now, he is solving skills have impressed University. He delivered the He is the son of Erik and and accountability,” Catham reaping the rewards of his hard me. I have always found valedictorian address for the Danni Jeppesen, and ast sum- said. “I only wish I could have work and dedication. Because Bridger to be a self-motivated College of Sciences at SUU mer married Shelby Berryhill. had a classroom full of stu- of his work ethic, I know he undergraduate student who during graduation ceremonies The pair began dating as dents like Bridger. Both as a will continue to be successful. challenges himself to succeed. last week. juniors at THS. student and an athlete, Bridger I expect him to continue his Mr. Bridger Jeppesen has dem- “If I could leave you all with At SUU, Jeppesen was a 4.0 was doing everything to better success as he goes off to med onstrated the independence, one message today it would Dean’s List student, and scored himself – he never rested on school and onto his career. He intellect, wisdom, maturity, be encouragement to find in the 95th percentile on the his laurels. He wasn’t going to is a difference-maker.” stamina, integrity, and moral something you are passionate Medical College Admission allow anyone to ever outwork Professor Dr. Ty Redd character needed of health- about,” Jeppesen told fellow Test (MCAT). him.” became a strong mentor for care professionals. Bridger graduates. “Once you find it, He played basketball and Catham was impressed with Jeppesen while at SUU. In his Jeppesen is simply the best.” Bridger Jeppesen go for it. Give it 100%, apply baseball for the Buffaloes. Jeppesen’s humility. sophomore year, Jeppesen In January, Jeppesen had the lessons you’ve honed here “My coaches were influ- “He was willing to help became a teaching assistant a research paper on light har- Reserve University medical at SUU, hard work, dedication, ential in helping me build a and cheer on his classmates for Redd’s organic chemistry vesting proteins published with school in Cleveland and Texas resiliency, competitiveness, strong work ethic,” Jeppesen and teammates. As a father, course. fellow student Clay Stahel and Tech University in Lubbock, and passion to achieve it. I said. He mentioned strong sup- I was very appreciative of his “Bridger has the intellectual Dr. Jacob Dean, assistant pro- Texas. truly believe that regardless of port from THS athletic direc- willingness to help our son, creativity and independence of fessor of chemistry. [email protected] our background or personal tor and former baseball coach Tyler (who is a year younger a top researcher,” said Dr. Ty So far, Jeppesen has been challenges that the only thing Catham Beer and his wife than Bridger), feel welcomed Redd. “Bridger has served as accepted at Case Western First president of Tooele City Council wants TATC passes away a closer look at drinking Snelson known as pioneer and advocate for technical education in Tooele water system master plan

TIM GILLIE lowed by various high school EDITOR administrative experiences Plan takes city to 2060 with drinking water Scott Snelson, former before serving as a special- president of Tooele Applied ist at the Utah State Office of CEILLY SUTTON or what we are doing in the city,” Hansen Technology College, passed Education. He later served as Scott Snelson STAFF WRITER pointed out. away on April 29 at the age of the Vice President of Student The Tooele City Council tabled their pro- Regarding water distribution, Hansen said 61. Services at Mountainland is a critical component for eco- posed 2021 Tooele Drinking Water System there are a number of different water pres- He served as president of Applied Technology College in nomic development in Tooele Master Plan during their meeting Wednesday sure zones in the city. Tooele Applied Technology Lehi. County.” evening, because they wanted to look into it “There are a number of different pressure College when the college Prior to his appointment as Snelson’s leadership and further. zones,” he said. “We are fortunate in this was established by the state president of TATC, Snelson contribution to Tooele County The plan shows water changes and recom- community to have an elevation that helps Legislature in 2009. He retired was the acting president of was noted by Jim Evans, mendations for Tooele City through the year create pressure.” in 2017 after 30 years in edu- the Salt Lake/Tooele Applied who was the Utah College of 2060. The city was able to develop a plan from cation. Technology College. Applied Technology chairman During the meeting Paul Hansen, city engi- a free online source that provides them with During Snelson’s tenure at “President Snelson is and in 2017. neer presented the master plan. information related to fire flow, available TATC, now known as Tooele has been a vital force in the ini- “President Snelson’s leader- “This is probably the most comprehensive water pressure, required waterline upgrades, Technical College, the college tial planning, development and ship in bringing a state-of-the- utility plan Tooele City has ever undertaken,” and to be able to verify compliance with state experienced marked growth completion of TATC, which art technical education facility Hansen said. “It’s a plan that has taken quite regulation. in students, facilities and includes program development to Tooele, and then leading it a while to put together, because we wanted to Hansen showed a chart about energy opti- programs. TATC’s student and a state-of-the-art facility,” with focus and determination, make sure that the details were sufficient and mization. headcount grew from 394 in said Joyce Hogan, who was the is a wonderful capstone to an accurate, and provided a good tool to move “This is a new one,” Hansen said. “This has 2010 — the first full year after TATC Board of Directors chair- already outstanding career,” forward in.” been encouraging communities to make sure the school opened — to 745 woman at the time Snelson Evans said. “Technical educa- Hansen said that various city entities, such they are operating their systems as efficiently in 2016, according to Utah retired. “His leadership rep- tion in Utah is in a great place as the mayor, the public works department, as they can through a cost perspective as an College of Applied Technology resenting the college in the today due in large part to the finance department, community develop- additional benefit of our residents.” annual reports. community has been integral Scott Snelson’s commitment ment, legal, and others had to work together The chart showed energy efficiency, sys- Snelson’s career in educa- to the planning and progress of to excellence in education and to prepare the plan. tem performance, water quality, and opti- tion spanned 30 years. He the Tooele County Education students at-large.” Contained in the plan are six elements: mized system and how they interact. began his career as an instruc- and Training Corridor, which [email protected] system growth, water sources, water storage, Another chart related to energy optimiza- tor at Roy High School, fol- water distribution, energy optimization, and tion showed the city’s twelve wells and the capital facilities plan. energy cost in kilowatt hours per acre foot of “The energy optimization is one that has water. come about recently,” Hansen pointed out. It is best to pump the most affordable well Hansen showed members of the council a first, according to Hansen. TOOELE TRANSCRIPT chart about growth in Tooele City since 1980. The city’s most affordable well is well 13, BULLETIN In the mid 1990s the city had around called “Devil’s Kitchen.” This well only costs 13,000 people. The 2020 census showed that 530 kilowatts-per-acre-foot of water to oper- ADMINISTRATION there were 37,465 people. ate. Scott C. Dunn Publisher “We think water will certainly play a role The city’s most expensive well is called Clayton J. Dunn Associate Publisher in this,” said Hansen, speaking of the growth well 16 or “Kennecott B,” which costs 1,680 Joel J. Dunn Publisher Emeritus in population. kilowatts- per-acre -oot of water to operate. OFFICE Next, Hansen showed a chart with the The last thing Hansen talked about was the Bruce K. Dunn Controller variety and the dispersity of water meters. city’s capital facility plan. Chris Evans Office Manager The chart showed that there are 13,960 The plan showed the places where things Vicki Higgins Customer Service water meters located in the city. will need to be added in the next six or seven Patricia Cook Circulation Manager Hansen pulled up a chart that showed years, and further into the future to 2060. EDITORIAL the city, where current development is, and “Right now, we have identified some areas Tim Gillie Editor FILE PHOTO where future development could occur. that we need to clean up in the city,” Hansen Darren Vaughan Sports Editor Scott Snelson talks with then school superintendent Terry Linares in 2012 “This helps us to provide information look- said. “There are a few places where we need Ceilly Sutton Staff Writer during a meeting at the State Capitol. ing into the future to accurately make sure to improve fire flow.” Mark Watson Correspondent we have enough water resources for what’s By 2060, Hansen said that the city will ADVERTISING going on,” he said. have to pay $195 million dollars for improve- Clayton Dunn Advertising Manager Currently the peak day demand — which ments. Keith Bird Advertising Sales reflects the worst day in the middle of the In the next six years the city will need Dianna Bergen Advertising Sales & summer when individuals living in the city to pay $21,269,000 which will come from Classified Advertising Manager Goals met, Utah ends are using too much water and fire risk may be increased impact fees. LAYOUT & DESIGN up — was at 12,700 gallons per minute. ‘This is about 3.5 million dollars a year,” John Hamilton Creative Director This means that currently the maximum said Hansen. Liz Arellano Graphic Artist limits on gatherings amount of water that could be used in the This is consistent with the past few years. PRODUCTION city every minute is 12,700 gallons. Hansen told members of the council that Perry A. Dunn Pre-press Manager “When you go to the future it increased if they approved the plan, city officials would Mindy Wiseman Production and social distancing to 23,300 gallons a day,” said Hansen. “This submit it to the State Division of Drinking Dan Coats Pre-press Technician means that we need to come up with an Water for their records. SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Masks will still be required additional 7,500 gallons a minute capacity to Then, they would update it again in six SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $1.00 per copy; $40 per year delivered Utah on Tuesday ended man- in K-12 schools across the meet that peak day demand as we look into years. by carrier in Tooele, Grantsville, Erda, dated limits on gatherings and state, and businesses can it.” After which, they would begin preparation Stockton, Lake Point and Stansbury Park, social distancing related to choose to require them. Utah Next, a water storage chart was shown. of impact fees facilities and develop a finance Utah; $45 per year by mail in Tooele County, Utah; $77 per year by mail in the the coronavirus after the state Transit Authority has also “Today we have an existing storage capac- plan to help pay for all of the city’s water United States. reached several metrics laid said it will require masks and ity of 14.2 million gallons of water, which improvements. OFFICE HOURS: out in a so-called “COVID-19 social distancing on all buses based upon state standards, has us at a At the end of the meeting all of the mem- Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., endgame” bill passed earlier and trains until the end of surplus of 4.7 million gallons. That is good. bers of the council decided to table the closed Saturday and Sunday. this year. September. We like having additional surplus, because ordinance to pass the drinking water plan, CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINE: 4:45 p.m. day prior to publication. The legislation, which was In a letter to legislative if we happen to have one of our sources go because they hadn’t had a chance to read the passed in March, established leadership, health depart- down for some reason, it gives us a little bit whole thing. PUBLIC NOTICES DEADLINE: 4 p.m. day prior to publication. criteria based on case rates, ment Executive Director Rich of time and helps us to supply those peak day “There is a whole lot going on here,” said COMMUNITY NEWS ITEMS, ICU utilization and vaccine Saunders acknowledged that demands,” Hansen said. Ed Hansen, council member. “I would like a BULLETIN BOARD, ETC.: allocations. The state previ- the legislation has been contro- Hansen said that the city will be able to chance to study this further.” 3 p.m. day prior to publication. ously lifted its statewide mask versial but urged state leaders go until 2060 with only a 0.1 million gallons “I like that this is a living document so it OBITUARY DEADLINE: mandate on April 10. to remain hopeful. deficit. can be changed at any time,” said Melodi 10:30 a.m. day of publication. Utah cleared its third and “Today should give all of us “We will be increasing storage, because as Gochis speaking about the nature of the Publication No. (USPS 6179-60) issued final benchmark on Tuesday reason to celebrate,” Saunders we develop new wells and put them on line, document and the way it can be updated at twice a week at Tooele City, Utah. Periodicals postage paid at Tooele, Utah. Published by after the number of vaccine said. “No matter which side sometimes we have to construct storage to any time. the Transcript Bulletin Publishing Company, doses allocated to the state someone falls on, we can all be make them work at their best possible rate, so The drinking water plan will be presented Inc., 58 North Main Street, Tooele City, Utah. Address all correspondence to P.O. Box 390, reached 1.63 million, health proud of the outcomes we have even though we wouldn’t have to build any- before the council again. Tooele City, Utah 84074. officials said. achieved so far.” more, we would to improve the functionality [email protected] POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: PO Box 390 Tooele, Utah 84074-0390 435-882-0050 Fax 435-882-6123 email: [email protected] or visit our website extension at TOOELE Follow us on TRANSCRIPT Entire contents ©2021 Transcript Bulletin Publishing Company, Inc. All rights ULLETIN reserved. No part of this publication may B be reproduced in any form without the Facebook! written consent of the editor or publisher. @TooeleTB THURSDAY May 6, 2021 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN A3 Stansbury High School presents “Matilda The Musical” Stansbury High School’s effect on each other’s lives, as Stallion Drama will open Miss Honey begins not only to “Matilda the Musical” on recognize but also appreciate Friday at 7:30 p.m. Matilda’s extraordinary per- Performances will continue sonality. nightly, except Sundays and Matilda’s school life isn’t Wednesdays, at 7:30pm. completely smooth sailing — Saturday Matinees will be at the school’s mean headmis- 2:00pm on both May 8th and tress, Miss Trunchbull, hates May 15th. children and just loves thinking Inspired by the twisted up new punishments for those genius of Roald Dahl, the who don’t abide by her rules. Tony Award-winning Roald But Matilda has courage and Dahl’s “Matilda The Musical” cleverness in equal amounts, is the captivating masterpiece and could be the school pupils’ from the Royal Shakespeare saving grace! Company that revels in the Packed with high-energy anarchy of childhood, the dance numbers, catchy songs power of imagination and the and an unforgettable star turn inspiring story of a girl who for a young actress, Matilda is dreams of a better life. a joyous girl power romp. With book by Dennis Kelly Children and adults alike and original songs by Tim will be thrilled and delighted Minchin, Matilda won 47 inter- by the story of the special little national awards and continues girl with an extraordinary to thrill sold-out audiences of imagination. all ages around the world. Stansbury’s production Matilda is a little girl with is double cast and features astonishing wit, intelligence Liberty Bishop and Amelia and psychokinetic powers. Ruggles as our title character. She’s unloved by her cruel par- Calvin Hamilton is cast as Miss ents, but impresses her school- Trunchbull, Bailey Higgins as teacher, the highly lovable Mrs Wormwood with Connor TIM GILLIE/TTB PHOTOS Miss Honey. Welch as Mr. Wormwood. Over Kenzi Izatt (left) preforms as The Children’s Entertainer in Stansbury Over the course of her first 60 Stansbury High School, and High School’s production of Roald Dahl’s Tony Award-winning “Matilda term at school, Matilda and local middle and elementary The Musical.” Amelia Ruggles (above top) as Matilda. Headmistress Miss Trunchbull (above) confronts a group of students in the play which opens Miss Honey have a profound students round out the cast. Friday at the Tooele High School Auditorium.

This is a show perfect for the whole family, and you don’t want to miss it. Call for a Simple & FREE Review to Again, performances will begin on May 7 and will Find You the Lowest Rates Available! continue nightly at 7:30 SECURITY p.m., except Sundays and HOME MORTGAGE Wednesdays, until May 17. There will be a 2 p.m. matinee on May 8 and May 15. Seating is extremely limited for this show and all tickets must be purchased in advance at www. Jason White No tickets will be sold at the Mortgage Loan door, all tickets holders must Originator NMLS TIM GILLIE/TTB PHOTO wear masks the entire time #2011571 Connor Welch as Mr. Wormwood, Bailey Higgins as Mrs. Wormwood and and all social distancing rules • New Home Purchases Amelia Ruggles as Matilda Wormwood. will apply. • Refinance & Cash Out 102 W. 1180 N., #3 • Prequalification Letters Tooele, Utah 84074 • VA loans “Veterans Helping Veterans” 435-830-2200 Chubby’s Café Tooele • Construction Loans [email protected] #178787 hosts first cajun festival Louisiana owner brings alligator, crawfish and live music to Tooele

CEILLY SUTTON STAFF WRITER Looking for some Crawfish, alligator, and other south- ern dishes? Chubby’s Café in Tooele will host their first cajun festival on May 15. GARRARD’S The restaurant is planning on flying in 600 to 100 pounds Bargain Buggys of live crawfish for the festival, according to Joe Moak, owner and manager of Chubby’s Café. Moak said crawfish is full of flavor. “The way we cook our craw- fish, it’s super flavorful,” Moak COURTESY JOE MOAK said. “I would almost say that Hot steaming crawfish waiting to get eaten at the Cajun Festival at the it tastes like a gamey lobster. South Jordan Chubby’s. It’s basically the same type of meat as lobster, but it is a little bit more gamey and has a lot more flavor.” During the festival, the crawfish meal will come with a pound of crawfish, a side of corn, and potatoes. Besides crawfish, Moak and his employees will be serving boudin — a cajun sausage, H H beignets — a type of a scone, Tires Wheels gumbo jambalaya, and cooking an alligator on the grill. From noon to 2 p.m. there will be a live alligator and a H snapping turtle people will be Lift Kits able to take photos with, and a band. The band will return for din- COURTESY JOE MOAK ner from 5 to 6:30 or 7 p.m., Customers line up for crawfish and music at the South Jordan Chubby’s according to Moak. Cajun Festival. We do it all! There will also be a bounce house for children. so we decided to open it up to goes until 7:30 p.m. “It’s going to be fun for the the public.” Those interested in the kids, especially with how crap- Moak said that everyone crawfish meal will need to buy py last year was,” Moak said, should come out and try tickets but those interested in speaking about the pandemic. Chubby’s crawfish. the alligator, boudin, beignets, We Will Buy Your Cars Although this is the first “This is something that a and gumbo jambalaya don’t time that Chubby’s in Tooele lot of people haven’t expe- need to purchase tickets. has hosted their cajun festival, rienced before, you know? Tickets can be purchased in Top Dollar for Trade-Ins other Chubby’s locations host It’s something that we grew store for $10.95 or at chubby- one every year. up doing- gumbo, boudin, “We actually are from jambalaya. This was a regular The restaurant will still be Louisiana,” said Moak speak- meal for us, so we love sharing serving their usual menu and Check Out All Vehicles and ing about himself and his fam- the cajun culture with people be open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. ily. “We kind of grew up having who haven’t quite tried it yet. ‘It’s going to be a good time Get Pre-Approved Online! crawfish boils. This is just I think it is going to be some- together,” said Moak. “A good kind of a part of our family. A thing fun for people who have time for people to enjoy togeth- All Cars are bluestar couple years ago we wanted yet to experience it,” Moak er and for people to enjoy food certified by 3rd Party to have an event out in our said. and friends and music.” Inspection Stations Pleasant Location and we’ve The festival begins at noon [email protected] done it quite a bit as a family, at 1211 N. Main Street and 426 EAST CIMMARRON • ERDA Your Complete Local News Source Like us on Tooele Transcript Bulletin Subscribe 435-882-0050 435.882.7711 Facebook A4 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY May 6, 2021 FRONT-PAGE FLASHBACK In 1971, construction begins on first houses in Stansbury Park he Tooele Transcript The resolution went into effect over a year for this occasion. be permitted every other day Track men included Don TBulletin has published May 2, but officials had until Four model homes represent- with hours of watering to be Gillespie in the 220 and med- Tooele County news since November to establish exact ing the first residential build- self-imposed in ratio to area of ley relay, Don Sawyers in the 1894. Here is a flashback of costs. ings in the city are now being lawns to be watered. medley relay; Lynn Henwood local front-page news from 25, Mayor Howard Murray built.” It was also declared that in the ¼ mile relay; and Leoid 50, 75 and 100 years ago that Front-Page said construction develop- Later in the week, Tooele watering of gardens by use Nix in the relay. occurred during the first and ment had increased so rapidly City Police arrested three of culinary water sprinkling second weeks of May. Flashback in Grantsville that current adults and seven juveniles, without a nozzle and all-night May 6, 1921 resources could not provide bringing to a close their inves- sprinkling must cease as of At the regular school May 7-9, 1996 services for new houses and tigation into a series of bur- this date. board meeting last Saturday A head-on collision near treated and released from the businesses. glaries dating back as far as 1 This order should not be a delegation from Ophir met Adobe Rock during the first hospital. ½ years. construed to mean that a with the board and asked week of May left eight people The fact that there were May 4-7, 1971 Eleven separate incidents water shortage no longer that a junior high school be injured but miraculously no fatalities in the accident is Ground was broken Friday of burglary at private homes, existed, but is only a method established at Ophir. After resulted in no fatalities despite “amazing” given the fact that afternoon, April 30, as con- auto wrecking yards and ele- that will give a more equitable a thorough discussion, the the fact that almost no one only one person was wearing struction got underway on mentary schools in Tooele and distribution of our present matter was referred to Supt. involved was wearing a seat a seat belt, said Utah Highway the first homes to be built an auto yard in Grantsville supply. Reid, who planned to submit belt. Patrolman Thayne Carlisle, at Stansbury Park after 17 were involved in the case. Later in the week it was the question to the state attor- Eight people were injured who was the investigating months of site preparation. Most of the burglaries announced that three ten- ney and see if it was legal to when an unlicensed drive officer. Kem C. Gardner, gen- occurred within the last nis men and four track men appropriate money for the drifted into oncoming traffic Later in the week, eral manager of Utah’s first month, according to patrol- would participate in the State establishment of a junior high on state Route 36, north of Grantsville City officials planned community, told man Donald Peterson. Track and Tennis meet in Salt school. A report would be Tooele on Thursday after- passed an ordinance man- more than 100 property own- Lake City on Saturday. made later. noon. dating that impact fees be ers and officials attending a May 7-10, 1946 Tennis players included Bill As of Monday, all of the charged for all new construc- brief groundbreaking ceremo- Effective Wednesday, May Green, singles; Ray Garrard Correspondent Mark Watson injured people had been tion of houses or businesses. ny: “We’ve been waiting for 8, sprinkling of lawns would and Lynn Marsh, doubles. compiled this report OUT & ABOUT Follow us on Intern looks back on four months of Tooele fter four months of ics of public interest and give expressed such an excitement Facebook! Ainterning for The Tooele further details which might for the project and I’m optimis- @TooeleTB Transcript Bulletin, I have not be present in a typical tic that his idea will come to gained a great deal of insight Scott Froehlich Facebook post. fruition one day. into the inner workings of INTERN STAFF WRITER Some of my favorite stories The end of my internship TOOELE TRANSCRIPT the paper, as well as Tooele involved people and groups also coincides with the end of County. who had a vision to make the my college career. These past BULLETIN Attending meetings and county function better and four years have taught me so speaking to leaders and resi- dents helped me learn what help enrich the community. much about the value of a free makes this community “tick” I covered an ambitious set of and fair press, especially in and I’m hopeful my articles bills, sponsored by Sen. Daniel places such as Tooele. helped inform people of news Thatcher, aimed at reforming At the moment, there’s no that was relative to their lives. the emergency response to telling where my degree will Whether it was covering mental health crises. take me. projects for expanding the Another memorable piece I One thing is for certain, county’s infrastructure or wrote was regarding a propos- though, is that I’ll be taking the explaining plans regarding al for a mountain bike park to lessons learned and the experi- new zoning permits, it was my be built in Tooele. Neil Smart ence gained from my intern- mission to shine a light on top- championed the idea and ship with me. HARVARD HEALTH LETTERS

Harvard finding: Aspirin tied to reduced colorectal cancer risk Regular aspirin use is associ- ated with a reduced risk for developing colorectal cancer in older age -- but you won’t get the benefit if you start the therapy too late in life, accord- ing to a Harvard study pub- lished online Jan. 21, 2021, by JAMA Oncology. Researchers combined the results of two large studies involving a total of more than 94,000 people who answered health ques- trointestinal bleeding. If you pers. Compared with people tionnaires regularly and were happen to be taking aspirin who didn’t nap, the nappers followed for three decades. regularly for other reasons, this performed better on cognitive Compared with people who might be an added benefit. tests, scoring better on loca- didn’t take aspirin, people ages tion awareness, verbal fluency, 70 or older who took either Do post-lunch naps pump up and memory. The study was 325 milligrams (mg) or 81 mg memory and thinking skills? observational, so it can’t prove of aspirin at least twice per A little afternoon snooze that napping caused the better week had a 20% lower risk for can help you feel more rested cognitive test results. Previous developing colorectal cancer -- and it might do you good in studies have shown that after- -- but only if they had started other ways, too. A small study noon nap benefits decline as the therapy by age 65. Starting from China published online age and nap duration increase. aspirin therapy at or after age Jan. 25, 2021, by General Short, frequent naps (less than 70 was not associated with Psychiatry suggests that after- 30 minutes, four times per significant protection against noon naps (between five min- week) have been associated colorectal cancer. The study utes and two hours long) may with reduced risks for devel- was observational and does be good for your memory and oping Alzheimer’s disease. In not prove whether aspirin can thinking skills. Researchers put contrast, people who take long or cannot ward off colorectal more than 2,200 older adults naps (two hours or longer) cancer. But other observational through a series of health appear to have worse cogni- studies have also shown an screenings that included blood tive function, although it is association between aspirin tests and cognitive assess- unclear what is cause and what use and lower colorectal can- ments, and also asked partici- is effect. cer risk. Like any medicine, pants whether and how often aspirin isn’t risk-free: regular they napped. About 1,500 of © 2021 by Harvard University. use increases the risk for gas- the participants were nap- Explore the Colorful History of Tooele County ooele County features some of the most encampment in Settlement Canyon above Tdramatic and diverse landforms on Earth. today’s Tooele City. Soon, others followed, There are 11,000 foot-high peaks, an inland and a community emerged on the edge of sea, verdant valleys, and a mysterious desert the Great Basin frontier that was populated with a bizarre expanse of white salt. The only by individualistic and energetic settlers who people who knew about the place were the managed to thrive in an environment fraught Native Americans who lived there, and a few with hardship. Their story, and many others, are white explorers during the early 1800s. But found inside this History of Utah’s Tooele County. that all changed in September 1846. That year Learn about how the pioneers ingeniously built the Donner-Reed Party, while trying a shortcut their lives in the wilderness; the wild mining to California, passed through the county and days in Ophir, Mercur and Jacob City; the Pony nearly perished in the Great Salt Lake Desert. Express Trail; the glorious beaches and resorts Three years later, a handful of Mormon pioneer along the southern shore of the Great Salt Lake, families left Salt Lake Valley and built a meager and more. • Nearly 500 pages $3995 Get Your Copy Today at the • Large 8.5 x 11 size pages Tooele Transcript-Bulletin • Hardcover with dust jacket • More than 500 photos • More than 700 pioneer biographies TOOELETRANSCRIPT 58 N. Main • Tooele Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Sat. and Sun. BULLETIN THURSDAY May 6, 2021 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN A5 HEALTH UPDATE OBITUARIES

John William Kurtz

John William Kurtz, age 74, passed away May 1, 2021. John, or “Pete,” as he was known to his family, was born Jan. 10, 1947, in Claysburg, Pennsylvania. He was the fifth of six children born to Thomas and Mary Kurtz. John enlisted in the Marine Corps when he was 17 years old and bravely served in the Vietnam War from 1965 to 1966. Upon his return, he mar- ried the love of his life Suzanne Lingenfelter Kurtz. John and Suzanne were living in Pennsylvania when their two road lines. He retired when he ents. He is survived by his sons Scott William and Adam was 62 and moved to Utah to wife Suzanne; his son Scott Wade were born. In 1979 they be near his grandchildren. (Helen); his grandchildren moved to Montana where John John had many different Samuel and Gilian; and all of CBD is emerging as a promising pharmaceutical agent to treat pain, inflammation, seizures and anxiety without worked for the U.S. Forest hobbies throughout the years. his siblings Anne Wlodkowski, the psychoactive effects of THC. Service, worked as a hard-rock He was a talented carpenter Ellen Barnes, Rachel Glass, miner, and ran a business. and gardener. He enjoyed Lemon Kurtz, and Louis Kurtz. In 1989, John decided to watching football (Steelers) Funeral services will be go back to school and earned and was an avid fisherman. announced at a later time in a bachelor of science degree John relished other outdoor care of Dalton-Hoopes Funeral CBD for chronic pain: in occupational safety and activities too, such as hunting Home, 435-884-3031. Online health from Montana College and camping, especially when condolences and memories of Mineral Science and he had his beloved dogs with may be shared at dalton- Technology in Butte, Montana. him. The science doesn’t Subsequently, he worked on John was preceded in death several projects building rail- by his son Adam and his par- match the marketing DEATH Rayden Mitchel and Ayden, and their sister, SHAFIK BOYAJI, M.D. depression, cancer, chronic women. Billye, cherished the loving NOTICE HARVARD HEALTH BLOG pain and even your dog’s anxi- Stephenson kicks they received from the f you ask health care provid- ety! Many of the CBD products on two boys during these last few Rayden Mitchel Stephenson months. Rayden is survived by Rosemary Johnson Iers about the most challeng- So far, pharmaceutical CBD the market are unregulated ing condition to treat, chronic is only approved by the FDA as In fact, the FDA has issued came quietly into this world his twin brother Alexander; Rosemary Johnson passed pain is mentioned frequently. adjunct therapy for the treat- several warning letters to May 3, 2021, 20 minutes after his parents and siblings of away Thursday morning, May By its nature, chronic pain is a ment of a special and rare companies and individuals his twin brother, Alexander Tooele, Utah; grandparents 6, 2021. A full obituary will be complex and multidimensional form of epilepsy. Currently, that market unapproved new Mitchel Stephenson. The birth Wes and Donna Stephenson in the Tuesday edition of the experience. Pain perception is CBD alone is not approved drugs that allegedly contain of Rayden and Alexander of Denver, Colorado; Michael Transcript Bulletin. Funeral affected by our unique biology, for treatment of pain in the CBD. The FDA has tested the had been eagerly antici- and Dorothy Marquardt of Salt arrangements will be handled our mood, our social environ- United States. But a combina- chemical content of cannabi- pated by their parents, James Lake City, Utah; and many by Tate Mortuary. ment, and past experiences. If tion medication (that contains noid compounds in some of Mitchel Stephenson and Anne aunts, uncles, and cousins. you or a loved one is suffering both THC and CBD in a 1:1 the products, and many were Marquardt Stephenson. Their Rest in peace our little angel. from chronic pain, you already ratio) was approved by Health found to not contain the levels older brothers Liam, Logan, know the heavy burden. Canada for prescription for of CBD the manufacturers had certain types of pain, specifi- claimed they contain. People are looking for novel, cally central neuropathic pain nonaddictive ways to treat in multiple sclerosis, and the Beware of powerful testimo- PRECIOUS STONES pain treatment of cancer pain unre- nials Something On Given the ongoing challeng- sponsive to optimized opioid Finally, there is anecdotal MONUMENTS es of chronic pain management therapy. There is currently no wisdom, when experiences Your Mind? coupled with the consequences high-quality research study by patients and health profes- RESTORATION of the opioid epidemic, pain that supports the use of CBD sionals have positive results. Write a Letter Before management practitioners and alone for the treatment of pain. While the experience or to the Editor! • Cleaned • Protected their patients are searching medication could be beneficial, • Polished • Color Restoration After for effective and safer alterna- Why is CBD presented to the that doesn’t mean it is going Tooele Transcript Bulletin LICENSED/BONDED & INSURED tives to opioids to alleviate public this way, when it is to work for everyone. That’s P.O. Box 390 CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED pain. With the legalization of not without risks? because each and every person Tooele, UT 84074 marijuana in many states and Given the rapid change is unique, and what works Call Susan resulting cultural acceptance of in the legality of cannabis perfectly for one patient could [email protected] 435-830-8664 this drug for recreational and coupled with the increased have no effect on another medical use, there has been an appetite for something new, patient. This is especially true increased interest in using can- and driven by unprecedented for pain, where many other nabis for a myriad of medical profit margins, the advertising factors (our mood and stress problems, including pain. for cannabinoids in general level, our environment and NOTICE OF ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING Cannabis (most commonly and CBD in particular has gone other medical conditions, and obtained from the Cannabis wild. The FDA is very clear our previous experiences) can OF THE GRANTSVILLE IRRIGATION COMPANY indica and Cannabis sativa that it is illegal to market CBD affect the perception of pain. plants) has three major com- by adding it to a food or label- Please be careful, and keep ponents: cannabinoids, terpe- ing it as a dietary supplement. in mind that some of these TO: SHAREHOLDERS OF THE GRANTSVILLE IRRIGATION COMPANY noids, and flavonoids. While And it warns the public about incredible-sounding testimoni- there are over a hundred dif- its potential side effects, as it’s als are merely marketing mate- The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of Grantsville Irrigation Company will be held on ferent cannabinoids, the two often advertised in a way that rials meant to lure consumers major components are tetra- may lead people to mistakenly to buy more products, as the hydrocannabional (THC) and believe using CBD “can’t hurt.” CBD market is expected to hit WEDNESDAY • MAY 12, 2021 • 8:00 P.M. cannabidiol (CBD). Historically CBD can cause liver injury, and $20 billion by 2024. more attention has been paid can affect the male reproduc- GRANTSVILLE IRRIGATION COMPANY OFFICES to the psychoactive (euphoric tive system (as demonstrated The bottom line: Don’t make “getting high”) component of in laboratory animal studies). CBD your first or only choice 411 SO. WEST ST., GRANTSVILLE, UTAH the cannabis plant, THC; there Most importantly, CBD can for pain relief have been fewer scientific stud- interact with other important If you or someone close to 1. Elect three members to the Board of Directors ies on the medical use of CBD, medications like blood thin- you is considering trying CBD, 2. Presentation of financial report a non-psychoactive component ners, heart medications, and I would recommend Dr. Robert of the plant. immunosuppressants (medica- Shmerling’s advice about the 3. President’s remarks tions given after organ trans- dos and don’ts in choosing 4. Other Business What’s the thinking behind plantation), potentially chang- an appropriate product. Until using cannabis for chronic ing the levels of these impor- there is high-quality scientific Only shareholders of record as of the 1st day of January, 2021, shall be entitled to vote at the meeting. pain? tant medications in the blood evidence in humans, it is dif- CBD is emerging as a prom- and leading to catastrophic ficult to make a recommenda- If you are unable to attend the meeting, and would like ising pharmaceutical agent results, including death. Also, tion for the regular use of CBD to designate a proxy for your votes, you may pick up a Proxy Form to treat pain, inflammation, more information needs to be in chronic pain management. seizures and anxiety without gathered about its safety in at 411 S. West Street any time before the meeting. the psychoactive effects of special populations such as the Shafik Boyaji, M.D., is a THC. Our understanding of the elderly, children, those who contributor to Harvard Health EUGENE MARSHALL role of CBD in pain manage- are immunocompromised, and Publications. President ment continues to evolve, and pregnant and breastfeeding © 2021 Harvard University evidence from animal studies has shown that CBD exerts its pain-relieving effects through its various interactions and Scan the QR modulation of the endocan- code with your nabinoid, inflammatory and nociceptive (pain sensing) smartphone systems. The endocannabinoid START BUILDING to apply system consists of cannabinoid receptors that interact with our own naturally occurring canna- binoids. This system is involved in regulating many functions in YOUR FUTURE the body, including metabolism TODAY and appetite, mood and anxi- ety, and pain perception.

What’s the research that CBD works in humans? Apply now at Given its promising results in animal models, along with its relative safety, non- psychoactive properties, and low potential for abuse, CBD is an attractive candidate to relieve pain. Unfortunately, there is a lack of human stud- ies about the effectiveness of CBD. However, there is an Flexible hours Vacation pay abundance of commercial advertisements about the magical effects of CBD, and Start at it is frequently presented as a cure-it-all potion that will treat Tuition assistance Growth opportunities 10 - 13/hr everything including diabetes, A6 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY May 6, 2021 Sports Stallions squeak past Tigers in PKs Collins’ big save extends Stansbury’s season

DARREN VAUGHAN 2-2 in a penalty-kick shoot- the shootout, and seconds SPORTS EDITOR out after 100 scoreless min- later, Kaden Madden scored to It doesn’t get much more utes, and Stansbury’s Archer put Stansbury in front. While pressure-packed than the Loertscher had just had his shot Ogden (8-4) made its next situation Stansbury goal- saved on the Stallions’ fifth attempt to tie the game, Larry keeper Devun Collins faced in attempt. A goal for the ninth- Ramirez restored the Stallions’ Wednesday’s Class 4A second- seeded Tigers would end the advantage with a goal on their CLAYTON DUNN/TTB PHOTO round boys soccer state tourna- game, and the eighth-seeded seventh attempt. Stansbury goalkeeper Devun Collins smothers the ball during an April 16 match against Tooele in Region 10 ment game against Ogden at Stallions’ season. Collins, When Ogden’s final attempt play at Stansbury High School. Collins and the eighth-seeded Stallions beat No. 9 Ogden 4-3 in a penalty-kick Stansbury High School. however, had other ideas. He shootout in the second round of the Class 4A state boys soccer tournament on Wednesday, earning Stansbury a trip to Draper to face top-seeded Juan Diego in a state quarterfinal game next Wednesday. The teams were deadlocked made a diving save to extend SEE STALLIONS PAGE A7 ➤

SPORTS WRAP Stansbury softball vs. Cedar REGION CHAMPIONS Valley Kaycee Thornock was 4-for-4 Stansbury golfers clinch with two triples and five RBIs and Maylee Didericksen went 2-for-3 with three RBIs to lead the Stansbury softball team to a state tourney berth 12-2 win over Cedar Valley in six innings in a Region 10 softball game Tuesday at Stansbury Tooele’s Lewis caps High School. Tiara Jones was 2-for-4 with a triple and McKinzy Lawson added a triple for the season with sixth- Stallions (14-9-1, 8-4 Region 10), who also got RBIs from Payten Staley and Kyla Collins. Jones place finish allowed two runs on four hits with two strikeouts and two DARREN VAUGHAN walks in the pitcher’s circle. SPORTS EDITOR Notable HS baseball scores Tuesday’s Region 10 girls Tuesday golf finale at Oquirrh Hills Juan Diego 16, Tooele 10 Golf Course in Tooele brought Pine View 15, Canyon View 6 exciting news for the girls from Cedar City 17, Hurricane 0 Stansbury, as the Stallions Cedar Valley 10, Ben Lomond 7 clinched a berth in the upcom- Uintah 15, Ogden 0 ing Class 4A state tournament. Sky View 9, Logan 2 The Stallions posted a team Ridgeline 5, Green Canyon 0 score of 406 to finish third, Mountain Crest 11, Bear River 3 allowing them to maintain Dixie 4, Snow Canyon 0 Desert Hills 7, Crimson Cliffs 2 their hold on third place in COURTESY JOYCE HOGAN Grand 18, Monticello 2 the region team rankings. The The Tooele softball team clinched the Region 10 championship ALA 6, Morgan 2 top four teams in each region with a 17-0 win over Ben Lomond on Tuesday at Tooele City Manti 13, North Sanpete 4 advance to the state tourna- Park. Individual statistics were not available at press time. The Summit Academy 15, Duchesne 9 ment, scheduled for next Buffaloes (21-3, 11-0 Region 10) wrapped up their regular-season Gunnison 9, South Sevier 4 Wednesday and Thursday at schedule Thursday after press time on the road against Ogden. Juab 11, North Sevier 1 Meadowbrook Golf Course Delta 12, Millard 2 in Taylorsville. Uintah won Wednesday Tuesday’s match with a score Ridgeline 12, Green Canyon 1 of 373, followed by Juan Mountain Crest 1, Bear River 0 Diego’s 389. However, Juan Sky View 2, Logan 1 CLAYTON DUNN/TTB PHOTO Diego edged Uintah for the top Tooele senior Aysha Lewis prepares to hit a drive during Tuesday’s Region Notable HS softball scores 10 girls golf match at Oquirrh Hills Golf Club in Tooele. Lewis recorded a GHS softball Tuesday score of 94, helping the Buffaloes finish fifth out of seven teams. SEE GOLF PAGE A7 ➤ Tooele 17, Ben Lomond 0 Stansbury 12, Cedar Valley 2 Cedar City 13, Hurricane 3 Canyon View 16, Pine View 1 team to host Sky View 12, Green Canyon 2 Ridgeline 25, Logan 2 Uintah 20, Ogden 0 Bear River 15, Mountain Crest 3 Richfield upsets Grantsville Snow Canyon 15, Dixie 5 first-round pod Crimson Cliffs 10, Desert Hills 3 Delta 17, Panguitch 7 Baseball team travels to Price as No. 5 seed Gunnison 8, North Sanpete 2 in state soccer playoffs Richfield 12, Millard 11 DARREN VAUGHAN Providence Hall loser in an South Summit 9, Union 8 MARK WATSON before the game, and said they Richfield keeper came through SPORTS EDITOR elimination game at 3:30 p.m. CORRESPONDENT Notable HS boys soccer scores were just going to “have some with a spectacular save. The Ratings Percentage The winners of the first two Wednesday Richfield upset Grantsville fun.” Grantsville finished 10-5 Index rankings were kind to games will advance to a quar- Class 4A second round 2-1 Wednesday in the second Richfield could smell victory overall for the season. The one Grantsville team, and terfinal game to be played next Stansbury 0, Ogden 0, 2OT (SHS round of the Class 3A state after going up 2-0 early in the Cowboys will lose speedy not as kind to another, as Thursday at 12:15 p.m. at the wins 4-3 in PKs) boys soccer playoffs on the second half while the Cowboys senior striker Jj Backus who the brackets for the Class 3A Spanish Fork Sports Complex. Juan Diego 5, Logan 0 Cowboys’ home turf. had yet to muster a goal. scored 19 goals this season softball and baseball state Manti earned the No. 1 seed Snow Canyon 6, Ben Lomond 0 The 12th-seeded Wildcats After Tuckett’s goal, the along with senior defender tournaments were released and will host a pod with No. 8 Sky View 4, Cedar Valley 1 scored on a header six minutes Cowboys continued to put pres- Preston Remick, who scored Wednesday morning. Morgan, No. 9 Juab and No. 16 Dixie 5, Cedar City 1 into the contest and held fifth- sure on offensively. In the final three goals with six assists. Ridgeline 1, Crimson Cliffs 1, 2OT The Grantsville softball Summit Academy. No. 7 North (RHS wins 4-3 in PKs) seeded Grantsville scoreless in 10 minutes Cowan got past a Also graduating are defender team was thrilled to learn Sanpete, No. 10 Union and No. Green Canyon 8, Uintah 0 the first half. The visitors wid- defender and just missed on Dallin Judd and midfield- that it climbed two spots 15 Judge Memorial are headed Mountain Crest 5, Desert Hills 4 ened the gap with an own goal a shot on goal. Tuckett rifled ers Wyatt Harris and Brock from No. 5 to No. 3 in the to No. 2 South Summit, and 10 minutes into the second half a shot to the top left of the Merrill. Class 3A second round final week of the season, No. 4 Carbon welcomes No. 5 to lead 2-0. net late in the game, but the [email protected] Richfield 2, Grantsville 1 earning the Cowboys the Grand, No. 12 Delta and No. Summit Academy 1, Manti 0 Finally, Grantsville came to opportunity to host one of the 13 Richfield. Emery 1, Grand 0 life with 14:38 left in the game tournament’s four four-team The quarterfinals, semifinals Delta 8, Providence Hall 1 when sophomore Cole Cowan first-round “pods” on Saturday. and finals will take place May South Summit 4, North Sanpete 1 centered the ball to junior Meanwhile, the Cowboys’ base- 13-15 in Spanish Fork. Judge Memorial 3, Maeser Prep 1 Trevor Tuckett, who headed it ball squad did not move from Juab 1, Carbon 1, 2OT (JHS wins into the net to slice Richfield’s its No. 5 spot despite winning Baseball 5-4 in PKs) lead to 2-1. two of three games against sec- Grantsville (17-8, 12-3 Morgan 8, ALA 0 Grantsville had the upper ond-seeded Judge Memorial to Region 13) will face No. 12 Class 2A second round hand on offense and pressured wrap up Region 13 play, send- Manti (7-10, 3-6 Region 14) Wasatch Academy 6, Diamond Richfield’s defense in the final ing Grantsville on the road to in a first-round game at 12:30 Ranch 0 minutes of the game, but could Price for its first two games of p.m. Saturday at Carbon High RSL Academy 13, Merit Academy 0 not come up with a goal to tie the tournament. School in Price, immediately Waterford 7, Parowan 1 the game. Richfield’s keeper St. Joseph 8, American Heritage 0 after No. 4 Carbon and No. 13 Draper APA 2, APA West Valley 1 also made a pair of superb Softball South Sevier finish their game. Rowland Hall 8, Gunnison 1 saves in the final minutes. Grantsville (14-6, 10-0 The winners of the first two Layton Christian 9, Millard 1 “It was a shock and a disap- Region 13) helped its cause games meet in a quarterfinal Beaver 3, ICS 0 pointing end to an awesome with a 15-8 win over South game at 5 p.m., with the losers season,” said Grantsville coach Schedule Summit in Friday’s regular-sea- playing an elimination game at Friday’s games Travis Lowry. “We were press- son finale, clinching the region 2:30 p.m. Grantsville, Stansbury and ing the entire game today.” championship. In addition, Juab is the top seed, with Tooele track and field at BYU Grantsville finished third Grand fell out of the top four its pod made up of No. 8 Invitational in Region 13 and defeated with a pair of losses to Emery Morgan, No. 9 Emery and No. three teams this year it hadn’t Saturday’s games and Manti down the stretch, 16 South Summit. No. 2 Judge Grantsville, Stansbury and defeated in the past — Judge giving the Cowboys an opening Memorial’s pod includes No. 7 Tooele track and field at BYU Memorial, South Summit and to move up in the rankings. Providence Hall, No. 10 Delta Invitational Summit Academy. All three The Cowboys will begin and No. 15 North Sanpete, and Grantsville softball vs. San Juan, of those region teams are still their pursuit of a fourth-con- No. 3 Union will take on No. 11 a.m. alive in the state tournament secutive state championship on 14 Summit Academy, No. 6 Grantsville baseball vs. Manti, reaching the quarterfinals their home field Saturday at 11 Richfield and No. 11 American 12:30 p.m. at Carbon HS along with No.1 seed Morgan. a.m. against No. 14 San Juan Leadership Academy. Grantsville baseball vs. South Richfield gained confidence (4-14, 3-7 Region 12). That The remainder of the state Sevier or Carbon, 2:30 p.m. or by scoring early in the contest 5 p.m. at Carbon HS CLAYTON DUNN/TTB PHOTO contest will be followed by a tournament is May 13-15 at and then were able to hold Grantsville’s Trevor Tuckett controls the ball during a Region 13 match matchup between No. 6 Emery Salt Lake Community College’s Tuesday’s game on defensively. Lowry said against South Summit on April 20 in Grantsville. Tuckett scored the fifth- and No. 11 Providence Hall at Cate Field in West Jordan. Stansbury boys tennis vs. Green Richfield’s coaches down- seeded Cowboys’ lone goal in a 2-1 loss to No. 12 Richfield in the second 1:15, with the Grantsville/San [email protected] Canyon, 3:30 p.m. played their chances to win round of the Class 3A state boys soccer tournament on Wednesday. Juan loser meeting the Emery/ THURSDAY May 6, 2021 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN A7

son we were putting the ball in Stallions the back of the net in similar BUFFS FALL IN SLUGFEST continued from page A6 situations. There was definitely some rust that we were kicking off throughout the game. The sailed off-target, that punched first 15 minutes were really the Stallions’ ticket to next hard, but we kind of figured Wednesday’s quarterfinal game that it was going to be that way against top-seeded Juan Diego. because we did have that layoff “(Collins) was massive,” for so long.” Stansbury coach Jacob Jones The Stallions will meet said. “They had a couple break- Juan Diego for the third time aways (in regulation) where he this season next Wednesday came out really early and really in Draper. The Soaring Eagle cut down the angles and made (15-2), who beat Logan 5-0 it really hard for them, so they in their second-round game, missed those. On their fifth earned two narrow wins over (shootout) kick, if they would Stansbury during the Region have made that, it would have 10 season — a shootout win been over, and Dev saved that on March 15 on Juan Diego’s one. He touched four of the six home field after playing to a kicks he faced, and you can’t 3-3 draw through regulation ask for anything more than and two 10-minute overtimes, that.” as well as a 1-0 win on April 8 Sam Holdstock and Dante in Stansbury Park. Sylvestri scored on the first “We’re super excited,” Jones two PKs for Stansbury (11-4), said. “We beat them last year which hadn’t played a game 1-0 and we lost those two since a 3-0 win over Tooele on really close ones this year. April 13. The Stallions’ final We’ve always played them two Region 10 games were really tough on their field and declared no-contests because it’s always been a fun game. All of a COVID-19 outbreak, which the coaches and all the play- had Stansbury struggling in ers, once we saw that draw, we the early part of Wednesday’s knew we had a really, really CLAYTON DUNN/TTB PHOTOS game. good chance to move on. It’s Tooele’s Ethan Rollie (left) gets under a pitch during Tuesday’s Region 10 baseball game against Juan Diego at Dow James Park in Tooele. Juan Diego won the game 16-10. The Tooele baseball team (right) gathers around head coach Nolan Stouder (center, in purple) for a talk on “We didn’t look our best,” nothing but excitement with a the pitcher’s mound during a break in the action. The Buffaloes and Soaring Eagle wrapped up their home-and-home series, as well as the Jones said. “We had several familiar opponent at a familiar regular season, on Thursday after press time in Draper. miscues. We had bad touches, place.” where in the middle of the sea- [email protected]

scoring on Tuesday. Averi Golf Knudsen (27th, 117), Savana continued from page A6 White (tied for 34th, 121), Ava Padgett (tied for 36th, 122) and Tessa Luke (49th, 136) spot in the season standings. also competed for Stansbury. Ogden’s 427 allowed the Aysha Lewis led Tooele’s Tigers to pass cross-town effort with a 94 on her team’s rival Ben Lomond for fourth home course, good for a tie place in the season standings, for sixth place. Jetta Hunt was sending them to state. Tooele 18th with a 108, while Kayla (434) was fourth on Tuesday Johnson was 25th with a 114 and sixth for the season, while and Maycee Lawless was 28th Ben Lomond (437) was sixth with a 118. on Tuesday and fifth for the Tooele’s team also included season.Cedar Valley (494) fin- Cassidy Smart (tied for 38th, ished seventh on Tuesday and 125), Mallory Hinton (tied overall. for 43rd, 132), McKinley Stansbury freshman Randee Kerr (tied for 50th, 137) and Tormondsen capped an impres- Mattison McCoy (52nd, 138). sive season with a round of 89, Juan Diego’s Cabria Walters earning her a second-place fin- finished third with a score of ish on Tuesday behind Uintah’s 91 on Tuesday, followed by Maicee Smuin. Tormondsen, teammate Grayson Gagnon in in her first year of high-school a tie with Uintah’s Mac White golf, finished third in the at 92. Uintah’s Karyn Spier region’s individual standings. shot 94 and tied with Lewis Senior Shaelyn Riley shot 104 for sixth place, with Ogden’s and finished 12th on Tuesday, Caitlin Richardson (95), Ben with an overall eighth-place Lomond’s Raeganne Hester ranking for the season. (99) and Juan Diego’s Shayne Bailey Vorwaller (14th, 106) Farnsworth (101) rounding and Alexis Autry (tied for 15th, out the top-10. 107) rounded out the Stallions’ [email protected]

Follow us on Facebook! PHOTO COURTESY OF CAROLYN CLAWSON Stansbury senior Shaelyn Riley and freshman Randee Tormondsen each CLAYTON DUNN/TTB PHOTO TOOELETRANSCRIPT finished in the top-10 in the final Region 10 girls golf individual stand- Stansbury freshman Randee Tormondsen watches her ball roll toward the ings. Tormondsen finished third overall, and Riley was eighth. Stansbury hole during Tuesday’s Region 10 girls golf match at Oquirrh Hills Golf Club BULLETIN finished third in the final team rankings and will advance to the Class 4A in Tooele. Tormondsen shot an 18-hole score of 89 to finish second in the @TooeleTB state tournament. final region match of the season. Local News You Get Nowhere Else


TUESDAY September 26, 2017 September 26 TUESDAY October 10, 2017 A4 TOOELE TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN A10 B1 • Editorial TUESDAY February 27, 2018 J&J Jewelry • Weddings, Missionaries, Birthdays • Guest Opinions still going • Classifieds and Public Notices Unless otherwise requested, community news items such as • Letters to the Editor weddings, missionaries, birthdays, babies and The Bulletin Editor David Bern strong after Board must be submitted by 3 p.m. the day prior to the desired publication date. To place a community news item or for more [email protected] 27 years information contact the Community News Editor at 882-0050 or Open Forum Sports [email protected]. Items more than one month old 435-882-0050 See A10 will not be considered for publication. Hometown TOOELE SPORTS WRAP RANSCRIPT Stansbury volleyball vs. Ogden OUR VIEW SERVING T The Stansbury volleyball team Cowboys send a message TOOELE COUNTY defeated Ogden 25-15, 25-13, SINCE 1894 25-11 in a Region 11 home SHS tops match Thursday. The Stallions (10-10, 4-2 Region 11) began Underdog Traffic flow the second half of the region Tigers to Information meeting about I-80 congestion problem ULLETIN $1.00 season at home against Ben Vol. 124 No. 29 Lomond in a match that was Grantsville B No one else could have described the predicament more clearly: not complete at press time remain “This is a serious problem,” said Rep. Merrill Nelson, R-Grantsville. Tuesday. THURSDAY September 7, 2017 wins region “It’s important to all of the residents. The commuter problem affects our Tooele volleyball vs. livelihood, it affects the time with our families, it affects our activity time Bonneville unbeaten after work, and most importantly, it affects our safety as we travel back The Tooele volleyball team tennis crown and forth through that dangerous stretch of road.” upended Bonneville 25-21, What Nelson was referring to is the commuter traffic bottleneck 25-19, 23-25, 25-23 in a PEGGY BRADFIELD COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR of state Route 36 and Interstate 80 at Lake Point, and commuters’ hard-fought Region 11 home in region heavy reliance on I-80 and SR-201 to drive to and from the Wasatch match Thursday afternoon. The Grantsville girls ten- Front for work. His words were offered during opening remarks at an Fassio Egg The Buffaloes (7-9, 4-2 Region nis team disregarded the Stansbury overcomes informational meeting he organized between the Utah Department of 11) played host to Ogden Salt Lake City newspapers’ Transportation and local citizens at Stansbury High School on Feb. 1. predictions about who would in a region match that was another sluggish start Nelson’s words clearly defined the problem, but the purpose of the not complete at press time win Region 13 and outscored meeting was made even more clear before it even began: UDOT officials Tuesday. Judge Memorial by 2 points to spoil Ogden’s night who were scheduled to attend and make a presentation were delayed and Waterford by 5, taking first Grantsville volleyball vs. from Salt Lake for nearly 30 minutes because — you guessed it — an Farms starts place Friday. DARREN VAUGHAN Summit Academy SPORTS EDITOR accident forced evening commuter traffic to a crawl on I-80. The Grantsville volleyball team The Stansbury football UDOT officials at the meeting, including executive director Carlos Braceras, reviewed past and future projects intended to reduce commut- rolled to a 25-12, 25-14, 25- GHS TENNIS team came away from Friday’s 8 win over Summit Academy Region 11 road game against er congestion and increase safety. What’s to come is the $74.4 million in a Region 13 home match Ogden as the only undefeated phase one of the Midvalley Highway in 2019, and this year’s replace- to cleanup Thursday. The Cowboys (8-13, The newspapers had predict- ment and expansion of bridges at Lake Point’s Exit 99 and at Black Rock ed other squads would reign team left in region play, but 1-2 Region 13) traveled to two miles to the east on I-80. as region champs. Grantsville the Stallions were left ques- Judge Memorial for a region To help minimize anticipated congestion from those two projects, wasn’t “in the picture,” GHS tioning their focus after yet match that was not complete another slow start. UDOT plans to build both new bridges next to the existing bridges. And at press time Tuesday night. coach Stephen Thurgood said. both new bridges are reportedly designed to carry extra traffic capacity. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Thurgood said he figured, Which sounds fine and good. But if there was a takeaway from the after fire Region 11 golf at Park City “I’d rather not be on the front Feb. 1 meeting, it was this: UDOT’s current plans will only help reduce ly 600,000 remaining chickens The Tooele boys golf team fin- SHS FOOTBALL See, eat and hear page. If you’re not on the front traffic congestion and improve safety — but commuters shouldn’t expect STEVE HOWE are unable to get to refrigera- ished third and the Stansbury page, it goes much better.” So! Today’s headline in a publica- to view such aberrations. This narra- STAFF WRITER clear sailing after Midvalley Highway’s phase one and the bridges at tion quickly enough without boys were fifth at the final Stansbury (3-3, 2-0 Region tion proclaimed Gov. Herbert stating, tive includes video games including Of the region win after play- Lake Point and Black Rock have been replaced. Because Tooele Valley’s A day after a fire destroyed the conveyer system, Larsen Region 11 golf match of the 11) led just 21-20 at halftime, “The public wants the government to “Mortal Combat” and “Grand Theft LETTERS POLICY ing both Thursday and Friday, population is growing and is projected to continue, which means more two chicken coops and killed said. As a result, all of the eggs season Thursday in Park City. but poured it on in the second do something about school shootings.” Auto,” which are among the lesser of The Transcript-Bulletin welcomes letters to he added, “Yeah, we won, but it commuters and general traffic than today, everyone should continue to the editor from readers. Letters must be no as many as 300,000 chickens produced since the fire must The Buffaloes posted a team half en route to a 56-20 tri- What an understatement! Recognizing some of the droppings that our culture wasn’t easy.” plan on long delays on SR-36, I-80 and state Route 138. longer than 250 words, civil in tone, written at Fassio Egg Farms in Erda, be disposed of, he said. score of 331, and were paced umph that gave the Stallions a that our society is now oriented toward provides. We are talking responsibility exclusively for the Transcript-Bulletin, and For the Cowboys, Marissa And traffic congestion and delays may likely continue, even if the employees were beginning to The conveyer system is by Bridger Holmes’ 78. Jesse one-game lead over four other recreational and leisure time, much of here. Such movies are not allowed at accompanied by the writer’s name, address Linares and Maci Jackson state pushes forward with an auxiliary lane on I-80 between Lake Point clear debris. a priority for the farm and Sayers shot a 79, Tegan placed first at No. 2 and 3 teams in the region standings. which is structured around our graphi- our house. and phone number. Longer letters may be and Black Rock, and an SR-201 extension from Black Rock directly to published, based on merit and at the Editor’s “We’re cleaning up as best Larsen said they hope to have FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTBRobison PHOTOS shot 87 and Peyton It marked the second game in cally violent movie industry, does the Our grandchildren, when we singles and Paige Peterson and SR-36 in Lake Point. Neither of those projects are currently funded and discretion. All letters may be subject to editing. as we can,” said Corby Larsen, some version of the system in Thevenot shot 89. Stansbury’s Lexi Colson placed first in No. 1 a row where Stansbury over- government have the guts to take on have the pleasure of their company, Lexi Colson placed first in No. 1 the projected cost of the SR-201 extension is $200 million. Letters written to thank an individual or vice president of operations at place within the next couple of team score of 351 was led doubles, with sisters Brooklyn came a slow start to win, as the Hollywood? still view treasures such as “Bambi,” by Gabe Golden’s 84. Brady Yet, even though such projects may not fully alleviate congestion organization should be submitted for Fassio Egg Farms. days. The farm is also looking Ashlyn, KedRick and Melinda Hunsaker (left) listen while Adriana Padillo with The Brothers Restaurant explains about the eatery’s offerings at the and Brynlee Butler taking sec- Stallions erased a 28-7 half- Without public support, govern- “Dumbo” and “Aristocats.” A few years “Notes of Appreciation.” Kimberling (86), Hunter Luke woes, the state must continually work toward improving traffic flows The two chicken coops to replace the chickens killed Taste of Our County, Business and Career Showcase at the Benson Grist Mill on Wednesday. ond in No. 2 doubles. Grantsville junior Maci Jackson hits a return during last week’s Region 13 tennis tournament at Liberty Park in time deficit in its 35-28 win ment interaction will not happen. It ago I read a letter to the editor from (88) and Creighton Patterson Salt Lake City. Jackson won the region title at third singles and enters this week’s Class 3A stateCOURTESY tournament OF KAREN HOLT as between Tooele and Salt Lake valleys. That work will likely take on even Readers who are interested in writing a longer destroyed in the fire were con- in the fire within the next few Additionally, Kayla Johnson over Tooele a week earlier. The normally takes a Pearl Harbor to get a very astute citizen in the Transcript guest op-ed column on a topic of general (93) also contributed to the one of the favorites to win a state championship. more importance after the Utah State Prison is finished, and as busi- nected to the additional coops weeks. took fifth place at No. 1 singles. Stallions have outscored their us out of our doldrums and face the Bulletin that was entitled, “Spoons do interest should contact Editor David Bern. Stallions’ score. ness parks west of Salt Lake International Airport continue their march and processing plant by a Chickens in the adjacent past two opponents 63-0 in the reality of such issues. When you spend not make people fat.” The reverse side Email: [email protected] Chamber draws big crowd toTIM grist GILLIE mill She came back from a loss in toward the Great Salt Lake. conveyer system, which trans- second half. coops are being monitored STAFF WRITER Grantsville soccer at Kearns her first match against Judge time at the dump, you start smelling of which reflected “Guns do not kill Fax: (435) 882-6123 ported the eggs, Larsen said. “It’s like Jekyll and Hyde, Those facilities will employ thousands, many of whom may choose to people. People kill people.” With our Mail: Letters to the Editor for effects from the fire and It was by all counts aWhitney big Wangsgard had a hat Memorial and won her next set. She came back to beat like the dump. How many times have I The fire used the conveyer sys- who they are,” Stansbury live in Tooele Valley, further adding to commuter congestion. Unless the socialized attraction toward violence Tooele Transcript-Bulletin smoke, Larsen said. event with more than 50trick, dif- Ashley Wangsgard and two. Robinson 7-5 in that set and observed my peers involved in graphi- tem connection to spread from coach Clint Christiansen said. state acts purposefully on this problem with solid funding, relief may nowadays, if the government takes P.O. Box 390 While Larsen described ferent booths, hundredsAlyssa of Roberts each scored “If you really look at it, if then capped it off with a 6-1 cally violent movies on their laptops Tooele, UT 84074 the initial coop into the second “It just comes down to them never arrive. your guns away, perpetrators will be Tuesday’s fire as a frighten- people, and lots of food.twice and Savannah Thomas Kayla’s not there and every- trouncing. Her previous match- with rapturous fascination, literally building. not mentally getting them- forced to use crossbows, then ball bats, ing experience, he said he The Tooele County pickedChamber up the shutout in goal body moves up one, we don’t up with Robinson in region drooling at the lips in becoming both Work to clean up the pro- selves ready. They know it and and finally, fountain pens. We really doesn’t expect a major impact of Commerce’s annualas com- the Grantsville girls soccer win any points. So, she didn’t play was just like that champi- psychologically as well as intellectu- LETTER CONTEST cessing plant for operation was team rolled to an 8-0 win over win any points, but in a way onship match. we’re addressing that now. If GUEST OPINION ally involved in much of the hideous need to get behind the government in ➤ munity business expo, and win any points, but in a way Each month, the Transcript-Bulletin will select underway Wednesday but eggs SEE FASSIO PAGE A9 Kearns in a non-region road the team that shows up in the resolving this deteriorating phenom- Taste of Our County — for- she did,” Thurgood said, In the prior match, she also stunts that many of these films portray. the best letter of the month and reprint it in laid by the farm’s approximate- game Friday. Sarah Ellett also second half shows up for four enon that we have allowed to become merly known as Taste of Tooele Regarding Linares’ final came back from a 5-1 set to win Would you feed you children arsenic? the first Open Forum page of the following scored for the Cowboys (7-3, quarters, we have a chance to an almost monthly socialized event. month. The winning letter writer will receive a and Job Fair — was held region match, Thurgood said, 7-5, but with the second set, it We become what we see, eat and 1-3 Region 13), who resumed be a pretty good football team, free one-year subscription to the newspaper. Wednesday from 4 p.m. to 7 “She beat the Waterford girl was a bit closer at 6-3. hear. How about a stiff prison term Ralph E. Pierce region play with a home match but we’ve got to figure that The fault is with The subscription can be transferred or used to for the second time. This time At region she said, “I got for parents who allow their children p.m. at the Historic againstBenson Judge Memorial that Grantsville’s Paige part out.” Tooele renew a present subscription. Grist Mill. it was 6-4, 6-3. Marissa was down in the finals 2-5 and I just was not complete at press Peterson (left) and The rough start somewhat It even attracted the state’s ahead the whole time, she Lexi Colson kept telling myself ‘It’s not over time Tuesday afternoon. never got behind. It just went ‘til it’s over.’ And to ‘just keep overshadowed another stellar lieutenant governor. encourage each performance for Stansbury’s GUEST OPINION Cross country back and forth and back and other during a match playing my game and hit the us, not with bots “I’m here because the gov- at Bob Firman Invitational forth, right to the very end.” ball.’” rushing attack, which seems to ernor announced an initiative at the Region 13 f only Joe McCarthy had lived tennis tournament at be hitting its stride after strug- to create 25,000 jobsTooele in the County’s three high Of her final match When asked how much to see this moment, when it is against Waterford’s Tanisha Liberty Park in Salt pressure she was feeling in the gling early in the season. Silas state’s rural counties,”school said cross Lt. country teams suddenly in vogue to attribute Mueller 13 indictments expose US hypocrisy competed at the Bob Firman Martheswaran, Linares said, Lake City last week. region tournament, Linares Young rushed for 158 yards I Gov. Spencer Cox. large-scale events in American Invitational at Eagle Island “She’s really fun to play with. Peterson and Colson said, “I felt more pressure than and four touchdowns, Mitch ine months into his mandate Cox was there because if a won the region title politics to the hand of Russia and State Park in Boise, Idaho, on So, we had some really long normal, but, I knew it wasn’t a Lindsay ran for 77 yards and to investigate possible Russian combined Expo, Taste of Our at first doubles. to inveigh against domestic subver- home” (1,145,470 interactions). Saturday. Grantsville’s Porter points.” huge deal if I didn’t win.” two scores and Bridger Roberts interference in the 2016 County, and Job Fair wasn’t sion. N How lucky we are that Mueller and Whitworth had the fastest carried the ball six times for 65 U.S. presidential election, special enough, the chamber also Linares said she could tell Referring to her come- Robert Mueller released an time of any Tooele County COURTESY OF KAREN HOLT yards and a TD as the Stallions counsel Robert Mueller has finally Rachel Marsden the Justice Department are saving us teamed up with Gov. Gary Martheswaran was playing to back twice against Robinson, indictment of 13 Russians for runner, clocking in at 16 min- pounded the Tigers (2-4, 1-1) found some actual Russians to indict. GUEST COLUMNIST from any disinformation that those Herbert’s 25K Jobs Tour to her backhand, trying to attack Jackson said, “All I could think crimes related to their social-media utes, 10.80 seconds to finish her coach had been strategiz- for 425 yards on the ground. Unfortunately, by pointing the finger Russians might be spreading. bring in around 20 statewide what she might have thought will meet Martheswaran again was ‘Wow!’ because I did that campaign to meddle in our internal second in the boys’ Division was Linares’ weakness. ing about how to play,” Linares twice — I got down. The first Young staked the Stallions at these Russians, he has exposed The 13 Russians are accused of organizations that offered sup- at state this week. affairs in the run-up to and after- creating “hundreds of social media I Section 1 race. He was “I felt pretty confident going said. “ … there were some time it was 1-5, instead of 2-5, to a 14-0 first-quarter lead hypocrisy within the U.S. system. The U.S. Justice Department has In Jackson’s final round math of the 2016 election. ment, you might think the Russians accounts” under fake identities. followed by teammate➤ Seth into it, because I hadn’t lost in deuces that were a little close, and both times I came back and with a pair of touchdown Last year, Mueller’s investigation charged these 13 Russian nationals SEE CHAMBER PAGE A4 against Amy Robinson from Mueller obviously isn’t a were everywhere, not only adver- FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Beckett in fourth (16:16.58), but it was good.” runs from 5 and 6 yards out. produced indictments against four with conspiracy to defraud the United They then allegedly pretended to be region so far. I’m sure she and Judge Memorial, she found won 7-5. So, I was just amazed McCarthyite, and can’t be held tising on Facebook (“Trump is Stansbury’s Nathan Winters Linares said she suspects she However, the Tigers, playing former Trump campaign advisors who States. Supposedly, the accused tried U.S.-based activists on social media, herself down 5-1 in the first responsible for the hysteria — our only hope for a better future”; The still morning waters of Stansbury Lake reflect trees and homes that (48th, 17:00.34), Grantsville’s SEE had dealings with Russians during to pollute the sacred electronic insti- posting election-related opinions in TENNIS PAGE B8 ➤ and hopeful expectations of an “Ohio Wants Hillary 4 Prison”), but surround the lake. Jace Wilson (97th, 17:37.26) SEE STALLIONS PAGE B8 their international business careers tutions of truth that recently brought an effort to influence the outcome in ➤ impeachment-level event — that organizing rallies around the coun- and Stansbury’s Isaac before joining the campaign. Most of us fascinating (but false) political favor of Donald Trump and, during has built up around his work. His try. But it’s not clear these rallies Nelson (122nd, 17:53.08). what those indictments covered could information such as “President Trump the primary elections, Democratic indictment is, as far as anyone can even came off. Stansbury’s Dmitri Morse have fallen under the purview of the orders the execution of five turkeys candidate Bernie Sanders. won the Division I Section 2 tell, rigorously factual. That’s prob- The Russians didn’t do anything The indictment implies that Buffaloes shut down Scots to us that we weren’t doing to Internal Revenue Service and seemed pardoned by Obama” (a story that Stansbury Lake ably the point of it — to create a boys race in 16:58.04, with out of place in a multimillion-dollar provoked 914,429 social media inter- the operation was linked to the teammates Talmage Ricks record of an episode that we should ourselves, although we were doing | PHOTOS SUE BUTTERFIELD investigation into alleged electoral actions, according to a 2017 year-end Russian government, and that a St. (17:15.77), Ryan Brady Dominant ground game powers Tooele to big win over Ben Lomond STORY DIANE HATCH want to know as much about as it on a much larger, more potent subversion. analysis by Buzzfeed News). Petersburg-based company called (17:58.55) and Jaxton Maez possible and prevent from ever hap- scale. The Russians are just aping the Internet Research Agency failed But now, we actually have some Former FBI director Mueller’s long faces ‘invaders’ (17:59.04). Tooele’s Wyatt DARREN VAUGHAN pening again. the arguments we are already hav- to register as a foreign agent before arm of the law has reached into that SPORTS EDITOR ing with one other, and the sewer- indicted Russians — 13 individuals Olsen (80th, 18:50.00), Jared The Russia campaign was a pristine electronic river of democracy, purchasing paid advertisements on Downard (91st, 19:42.77), ish level of much of the discussion who supposedly had a hand in the After a disappointing loss shockingly cynical violation of which was also home to this viral social media. Silly Russians — you’re Jordan VanDerwerken (95th, on social media. 2016 electoral outcome. How so? in the Region 11 opener, the our sovereignty. President Donald Facebook post about his own former supposed to pay a lobbying firm in 20:10.28) and Jared Bird The New York Times ran a report Primarily by screwing around on of all varieties Tooele football team’s game Trump would do himself and the bureau: “FBI seizes over 3,000 penises Washington to do all that for you on social media. (96th, 20:12.06) also com- plan coming into Friday’s road country a favor by frankly denounc- the other day on Russian bots, in Flynn. during raid at morgue employee’s peted in that race. Josh game against Ben Lomond was ing it. But the scale of the opera- the immediate aftermath of the Editor’s note: This is the final In the winter, the lake level SEE MARSDEN PAGE A5 UV INDEX Wintch (41st, 16:12.77) simple: run, run and run some tion shouldn’t be exaggerated. In Parkland school shooting, posting ® installment of a three-part series is lowered to allow it to freeze led Stansbury in the boys more. the context of a hugely expensive, on Twitter about gun control. It’s on the history, ecology and closer to the bottom, Flynn GUEST OPINION elite race. Josh Oblad (46th, obsessively covered, impossibly hard to believe that this is going to future of Stansbury Lake. said. This is detrimental to the SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE 16:17.15), Scott Ruebush dramatic presidential election, rip apart the American body politic SUN AND MOON sago pondweed cluttering the Camille Vela shares her talent of belly dancing after healing from a tragic loss FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY (56th, 16:25.17), Blaise Miller THS FOOTBALL the Russian contribution on social when many perfectly respectable, The Sun Rise Set STEVE HOWE lake and helps prevent damage (75th, 16:37.77) and Dylan Friday 7:03 a.m. 7:50 p.m. STAFF WRITER amille Vela has been media was piddling and often red-blooded Americans themselves Has the real meaning of America been lost? Saturday 7:04 a.m. 7:48 p.m. through heaving F Sa Su ice M Tu along W Th the Bryant (89th, 16:44.62) also a bride, a widow advocate for gun control, and often With extensive weed FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO The Buffaloes executed that laughable. Sunday 7:05 a.m. 7:46 p.m. shoreline, heThe said. higher the UV Index™ scored points for the Stallions, Grantsville’s Coy Johnson (10) follows through on a handoff during a in the immediate aftermath of hen Donald Trump and his Monday 7:06 a.m. 7:45 p.m. growth, waterfowl and thou- number, the greater the need for eye and skin strategy to perfection, attempt- and a new mother, The Russians wanted to boost Flynn saidprotection. maintaining0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate;the 6-7 High; 8-10 who finished seventh of 27 game earlier this season. Johnson ran for a touchdown and threw for Tuesday 7:07 a.m. 7:43 p.m. Tyson Hunt (middle) takes a sample of a smoothie from ing 68 rushing plays and gain- in that order — and Trump, but as a Facebook executive shootings. followers refer to “America,” Wednesday 7:08 a.m. 7:41 p.m. sands of fish, it can be easy to Very High; 11+ Extreme another in the Cowboys’ 43-15 win over Union on Friday in Roosevelt. free.” level in the lake takes con- Tracy Shaw at the Taste of Our County, Business and teams in the race. James another in the Cowboys’ 43-15 win over Union on Friday in Roosevelt. she’s only 25. She’s In a better world, Trump would what do they mean? Thursday 7:09 a.m. 7:40 p.m. forget the dynamic ecosystem ing 426 yards on the ground en noted, most of their spending on W It inspired the poems of Walt stant attention. ThisALMANAC year, the Miles (169th, 17:36.20) was be less defensive about the Russian Some see a country of white, The Moon Rise Set in Stansbury Lake is meticu- Career Showcase at the Benson Grist Mill. The Grantsville route to an impressive 37-7 win Dance�to�healD also a belly dancer and has been Facebook ads came after the elec- Robert Reich Whitman and Langston Hughes, Friday 9:30 p.m. 9:28 a.m. lake was highStatistics by foran the inch week endingor Sept. 6. Tooele’s top finisher, and investigation, and his opposition English-speaking Christians. Show Choir (above right) performs the national anthem. over the Scots that evened their tion. The larger goal was to sow GUEST COLUMNIST Saturday 10:05 p.m. 10:35 a.m. lously maintained and moni- An afternoon was joined by Ryan Callister assessing local interest in the dance and the songs of Woody Guthrie. All Partly sunny with a two throughTemperatures May after a wet 92/59 would be less obsessively invested Others want a land inhabited by Sunday 10:43 p.m. 11:43 a.m. tored over the course of thethunderstorm possible Justin Berry (above) with USTAR talks about the role of region record at 1-1. form. discord, yet we had already primed turned their love for America into Mostly sunny and Mostly sunny shower in spots spring, but heHigh/Low said past that week quickly (192nd, 18:07.32), Ethan GHS demolishes in it (at least until such time that it self-seeking individuals free to accu- Monday 11:26 p.m. 12:51 p.m. Pleasant with partial “That was the game plan,” ourselves for plenty of that. none 1:58 p.m. Some sun, a t-storm pleasant year. Normal high/low past week 85/59 75.5 programs to support technology entrepreneurs and inno- Olcott (200th, 18:28.25), Eli In August, Vela began teaching demands that we live up to our ideals. Tuesday Partly sunny, a t-storm sunshine changed dueAverage to heat temp andpast week dry- produces a genuine bombshell). We mulate as much money and power as around in the p.m. The man-made61 lake doesn’t84 62 said Tooele senior Jeno Bins, a belly dancing class at Red Tree Does anyone believe, absent “This land is your land, this land is Wednesday 12:14 a.m. 3:02 p.m. in the afternoon 86 64 88 ness. Normal average temp past week 71.9 vators through training, funding, incubator and accelera- Messick (201st, 18:30.10) possible, who pay taxes only to protect creed. We are a conviction — that all Thursday 1:08 a.m. 4:01 p.m. 85 62 High Low who led Tooele (3-3, 1-1 Region C Russian trolls on Twitter and should seek to shut down Russian my land,” sang Guthrie. 62 83 61 have a natural source like a The waterDaily level Temperatures took a brief tor programs. Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox (right) speaks briefly and Spencer Moreno (203rd, Yoga, next to Macey’s in Tooele. But their assets from criminals and foreign people are created equal, that people 87 64 82 11) with 171 rushing yards and Facebook, that we were headed to a influence as much as possible, with- Last New First Full stream or river, which requires drop when it was discovered 18:38.41). Stansbury’s Zoe Cougars, 43-15 because few people showed up, she aggressors. should be judged by the content of “Let America be America again,” at the event about the county’s economy and jobs. He out losing perspective. We aren’t TOOELE COUNTY WEATHERthe water level to be adjusted had Hales was the fastest female two touchdowns on 26 carries. couldn’t maintain rent for the space. placid election season involving an their character rather than the color of pleaded Hughes. “The land that never the pump at the Mill Pond is joined by Derek B. Miller, who is president and CEO of Tooele’s D’warren Robinson (25) looks for running roomSUE BUTTERFIELD/TTB during a Sept. PHOTO 15 divided because of Russia; we’re Others think mainly about flags, throughout the year, accord- runner from Tooele County, “We wanted to come out and She said the dance form gets a bad incendiary, mediagenic former real- their skin, and that government should has been yet — /And yet must be — Shown is Friday’s weather. DARREN VAUGHAN game against Stansbury. Robinson and the Buffaloes beat Ben Lomond divided because we have genuine, national anthems, pledges of alle- Sep 13 Sep 19 Sep 27 Oct 5 ing to Stansbury Park Service ➤ World Trade Center Utah. Miller also spoke at the event. winning the Division I Section take it to them and have more rap, for which she has a little advice ity TV star bent on blowing up the the land where every man is free. Temperatures are Friday’s SEE LAKE PAGE A9 SPORTS EDITOR 37-7 on Friday in Ogden. deeply held differences. The fault, giance, military parades and secure be of the people, by the people and for ©2017; forecasts and graphics highs and Friday night’s Agency manager Randall 1 race in 18:33.06. She was GHS momentum going into the rest for people who hold preconceived political establishment and a long- / The land that’s mind — the poor provided by BULLETIN BOARD B6 One week after a disap- FOOTBALL borders. the people. lows. joined in the top 100 finishers of our season. We still have negative judgment. time pol who had stoked the enmity to the extent there is one, isn’t with man’s, Indian’s, Negro’s, ME —.” CLASSIFIEDS C6 pointing loss on its home- It was a refreshing bounce- the bots, but with ourselves. Trump encourages a combination Political scientist Carl Friedrich, Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed by Grantsville’s Sabrina Allen to pick up their first Class 3A more to go, but we’re on track mouth.” “Try it before you knock it” Vela of Republicans for 30 years and was comparing Americans to Gallic people, That idealism sought to preserve Download our app today coming night, it was the back effort for the Buffs, who of all three — tribalism, libertarianism Precipitation (in inches) (sixth,HOMETOWN 19:37.50), A10 Stansbury’s North win of the year behind for sure.” Tooele opened the game with said. under FBI investigation? noted that “to be an American is an and protect our democracy — not INSIDE Deep Creek Grantsville football team’s gave up 28 unanswered points Rich Lowry is editor of the and loyalty. UTAH WEATHER Lake Point ShelbyOBITUARIES Archer (14th, A8 running back Gage Schmidt’s The Buffs’ ground game was a 15-play, 71-yard drive that As an adolescent, Vela had to If you read the Mueller indict- ideal, while to be a Frenchman is a inundate it with big money, or allow 89/68 Run of hot, dry Mountains B7 turn to play the spoiler Friday so dominant that the Scots in the second half of their 35-28 National Review. But the core of our national identity Knolls Clive WEATHER 19:51.92),KID SCOOP McKenna Rogers 213-yard, three-touchdown took up 7:30 of game time. The quit gymnastics because of family one party or candidate to suppress Logan Wendover night in Roosevelt. loss to Stansbury a week earlier. has not been any of this. It has been fact.” 87/56 91/69 91/69 Stansbury Park weather continues punctuated with (34th, 20:21.87) and Elena B1 (0-6, 0-2) had the ball for less finances, so as a teenager she taught votes from rivals, or permit a foreign Grouse 90/65 90/68 SPORTS effort. drive, which included a 4-yard EDITORIAL BOARD found in the ideals we share — politi- That idealism led Abraham Lincoln Erda Allen (68th, 21:08.16) and The Cowboys put together than three minutes in the first “The kids responded to how Creek Pine Canyon Grantsville (2-4, 1-1 Class run by Bins on a fourth-and-1 herself to dance. Her mother wanted power to intrude on our elections. Subscribe: 435.882.0050 Grantsville 89/66 See A2 lofty peaks A6 their most dominant perfor- we practiced,” Tooele coach Jeff Joel J. Dunn cal equality, equal opportunity, free- to proclaim that America might yet be 83/59 72/58 Trace 0.25 0.00 0.22 14.06 13.48 Grantsville’s Lyndee Limburg half, and for barely over 15 Publisher Emeritus Scott C. Dunn Ogden 91/68 3A North) controlled the clock play, ended with a 4-yard scor- Vela to participate in pageants, so she President and Publisher David J. Bern the “last best hope” for humankind. It It spawned a patriotism that once 88/64 Bauer Last Normal Month Normal Year Normal mance of the season, demol- Lewis said. “I’m very pleased dom of speech and of the press, a dedi- Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D SEE WRAP PAGE B8 minutes for the entire game. entered and won two. With the exception of the “Our View” column, the opinions expressed onEditor this page, required all of us take on a fair share Vernal 88/65 ➤ ishing Union 43-15 in the with its punishing running with that, and that’s a tribute to ing run by Ben Wasson. cation to open inquiry and truth, and prompted Emma Lazarus, some two 86/50 87/64 Ben Lomond managed just 226 including the cartoon, are not necessarily endorsed by the Tooele Transcript Bulletin. Transcript Bulletin of the burdens of keeping America Salt Lake City Pollen Index Cougars’ homecoming game Ben Lomond went three-and- ➤ to democracy and the rule of law. decades later, to welcome to America Stockton yards of total offense compared our kids to come back the way SEE HEAL PAGE A11 P U B L I S H I N G Tooele 91/68 See High SEE COWBOYS PAGE B8 out on its first possession of the the world’s “tired, your poor, your going — paying taxes in full rather 87/64 Roosevelt complete 88/65 ➤ to Tooele’s 445. they did. The plan was to come Camille Vela (top) practices traditional belly dancing movements which she Proving the Power of Print Since 1894 We are not a race. We are not a Provo 86/56 Rush Valley Moderate became interested in while living in Mexico. Tooele. Camille Vela (above) huddled masses yearning to breathe 85/59 Ophir out and play a little smash- forecast 87/64 81/60 Low SEE BUFFALOES PAGE B8 SEE REICH PAGE A5 Price on A9 ➤ performs some dance moves with help from her nine-month-old son Jacob. ® 84/57 Absent Nephi 87/60 Th F Sa Su M Tu W Source: Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Delta Manti Dugway 89/66 87/62 84/56 Green River RIVERS AND LAKES 95/62 In feet as of 7 a.m. Wednesday Gold Hill Vernon 24-hour Richfield 82/61 Stage Change Moab 87/63 83/55 Vernon Creek Hanksville 93/63 0.98 none Beaver 93/63 Ibapah at Vernon 79/55 84/60 South Willow Creek at Grantsville 1.48 none Elevation Eureka Great Salt Lake Blanding 75/56 at Saltair Boat Harbor 4193.11 Cedar City 85/57 82/52 St. George Kanab 88/67 85/57 or TOOELETRANSCRIPT Get Over 100 Issues For Only $ BULLETIN One year subscription Home deliver within delivery area 40 A8 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY May 6, 2021

School continued from page A1

that were filled by water from underground springs, accord- ing to overland emigrant and early historian Jessy Quinn Thornton. Reportedly, there were 20 of these holes. They were around six to nine inches in diameter and they were up to 70 feet deep. They refilled themselves with fresh cold water, but did not overflow. Also included in the bond was $100 million for a new high school in the Overlake area by the Home Depot store to be known as Deseret Peak High School and $50 million for a new junior high school on Bates Canyon road south of Stansbury High School named Stansbury Junior High School.

The elementary school PHOTOS COURTESY OF TOOELE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT design did not take long Tooele County School Board members and school district staff (above) because the plans follow the kick off construction for Twenty Wells Elementary School with a ground same plan used for most of the breaking ceremony on Tuesday evening. Tooele County residents turn recent new elementary schools out to watch the ground breaking ceremony on Tuesday night for in the district, according to dis- Twenty Wells Elementary, the third elementary school in Grantsville. trict officials. [email protected]

be helping bring food to those to in the past,” Runyon con- the giveaway, according to Giveaway who don’t have a way to pick tinued. “We just really want Runyon. continued from page A1 up food themselves. people to know that they can Those interested in donat- On Wednesdays and come and get food if they ing food can visit the church Fridays, the church gives out need it.” office located at 411 E Those who are walking to food from noon to 3 p.m., but The church has food from Utah Avenue in Tooele City, the food giveaway can go in Runyon said that his goal is to the Utah Food Bank, govern- Wednesday through Friday through the side doors of the give out more food during the ment programs, Macey’s, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to church office and someone Big Food Giveaway than they other places to give away. donate food. will hand them a box of food, do during a regular week. They are also looking for Runyon said to please enter according to Runyon. “We are really wanting to nonperishable food donations. through the side glass doors. Missionaries from JuveNet see a goal with this big food “We are looking at just for Those who aren’t able to International, a Christian min- giveaway,” said Runyon. “We the sake of storage, nonperish- make it to the big food give- istry will be helping New Life have a huge backlog of food. able items. Honestly, some of away can call 435-843-7430 to with the food giveaway. Normally we can reach close the things that are some of the arrange for someone to drop “JuveNet usually goes to to 60 to 100 families a week most needed are canned meat, off food to them. Guatemala, Honduras, El who come through to get food and peanut butter,” Runyon Those interested in vol- Salvador, and all sorts of COURTESY NEW LIFE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP but we want to reach a lot said. “Those would be good unteering can call the same Central American mission The New Life Christian Fellowship at 411 E. Utah Avenue plans a “Big Food more with this. It’s important things, because even if we number. trips and this year with the Giveaway” for May 12. that we get people to come don’t give it away during the The church also offers a travel being restricted, they through.” big food giveaway, we could free clothing closet from noon have not been able to travel different places,” said Runyon. going to help with the distri- “We have more opportunity continue to give it away.” to 3 p.m. on Wednesdays and out of the country, so they are “They have a mission team bution here.” to give food away right now There is no need to sign Fridays. taking their mission teams to coming in here and they are The missionaries will also than what we’ve been able up to receive food during [email protected]

Desert Shield and Operation vaccination efforts. Dalto. The Land Component The commander of the Officer Desert Storm in 1990. Following the promotion “Thank you for what you Command is the headquar- Land Component Command continued from page A1 Dalto has commanded the ceremony, Maj. Gen. Michael have done. You and your fam- ters for deployable Utah is accountable to the adjutant Utah Army National Guard’s Turley, the adjutant general, ily have been so important Army National Guard units general to ensure these com- Medical Detachment since Utah National Guard, presid- to this organization,” said and is responsible for over- mands and their subordinate an officer in the U.S. Army 2018. In her most recent ed over the the passing of the Turley, as he addressed Dalto. seeing the training and units are prepared to respond Nurse Corps. position, she has been instru- organizational colors from “Your service to this nation, readiness of six major subor- to any domestic or foreign Dalto’s service includes mental in the Utah National the current Land Component this state, this command and dinate commands, compris- contingency. deployment to Saudi Arabia Guard’s response to COVID- Command, Commander, to the Utah National Guard ing approximately 4,400 [email protected] in support of Operation 19 and the state of Utah’s Brig. Gen. Thomas Fisher, to are without parallel.” Soldiers.

“We have agreed to raise a $5,000.” get there,” said Valdez. Your Complete Local Carnival minimum of $2,000 between The carnival will be on the Extra tickets will be 10 for continued from page A1 the school fundraiser and the THS practice field. Entry into $5. Each game will cost one carnival but our goal amount the carnival will be free and ticket. News Source is quite a bit more than that,” those who come will receive Saturday evening the car- draiser on Wednesday and said Valdez. “We haven’t really five free tickets. nival will begin at 6 p.m. and Contact us today 435.882.0050 TOOELETRANSCRIPT Thursday to begin to raise set a specific goal but I would “We are just encouraging end at 10 p.m. or [email protected] BULLETIN money for the boy. say that personally our goal is people to donate when they [email protected]



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COMPETITIVE RATES! 435.882.2857 THURSDAY May 6, 2021 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN B1 SUNDAY DRIVE 2021 Toyota Land Cruiser Heritage Edition fuses experience and capability

oday’s Toyota Land Cruiser take a capable driver to get Tis very different from its around with all the kids and humble beginnings back in their stuff. 1951, and if truth be known, The large SUV is, however, can trace its real origins back powered by a very capable to World War II. 5.7-liter V8 engine that gets Back in 1941 when the 381 horsepower and 401 lb.-ft. Japanese army occupied the of torque, and is rated to tow Philippines they came across Craig & Deanne Conover 8500 pounds — a fact we are and old Bantam MK II Jeep GUEST COLUMNISTS sure Toyota has confirmed. and sent it back to the main- After hearing how they spec land wanting Toyota to come out their trucks we would up with a similar light duty years, we find the Land Cruiser expect nothing less from the vehicle that could be used to has become the longest-run- top-of-the-line SUV. After our further the war effort. ning nameplate for Toyota and week with the Land Cruiser we Later that same year the has evolved into much more did find, as expected, it is not army asked Toyota to come than just one of the top off- going to win any mpg competi- up with a light-duty truck road vehicles in history. tions anytime soon. We aver- that could get to places larger Today’s Land Cruiser is at aged just 15.5 mpg. The good trucks could not, so they the top of the Toyota food news was the SUV did not developed a version of this chain, being not only one of demand the use of premium new Jeep-type vehicle but gave their largest vehicles, but also fuel. it more truck-like attributes. one of their most luxurious in Even though the Land Jumping ahead almost 10 the line. With a starting price Cruiser has become synony- years, the Korean War had of $85,815, we would totally mous with luxury, the large started and Japan was still expect it to be loaded with SUV still packs a punch when rebuilding from WWII, when comfort and style points to it comes to going off-road. the U.S. Army asked Toyota to attract the type of buyers able Toyota equipped it with every make 100 actual Jeeps from to commit to this level of 4x4. possible off-road option they the old Willy’s specs provided After a week with the have developed for their line them. Thus the original Land Toyota Land Cruiser we were of great 4x4s. The crawl con- Cruiser was born from humble definitely impressed and got trol will keep the 4x4 going and somewhat controversial very used to driving a full- very slow through automatic circumstances. sized SUV. To that point, get- throttle control, even in a It was still three years until ting in and out of tight spaces steep decent, so the driver can the name Land Cruiser was was a bit of a challenge in the concentrate on steering the actually assigned to the new Land Cruiser as it handled like vehicle. four-wheel-drive go-anywhere the large body-on-frame vehi- To help with that steering vehicle. This came after a pro- cle that it was. Although there there are now surround view totype of the new vehicle was was space aplenty in the back cameras that can be activated driven by a test driver to the of the large SUV, and available at low speed so the driver can 6th stage of a Mt. Fuji climb seating for up to eight that see directly in front and down — higher than any previous would make any mom happy both sides of the SUV, making vehicle. to have the entire neighbor- any obstacle easy to overcome. Moving ahead some 70 hood along for the ride, it will Also included is Toyota’s Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System that helps keep opti- mal traction no matter how uneven the terrain becomes. It will even disconnect the sway bars to allow for more wheel articulation to maintain even more traction. It’s a really cool four-wheel-drive system. Inside, the Land Cruiser was loaded with all kinds of extras. There was leather all around the cabin, on the seats, doors and steering wheel, with fine real wood and chrome accents. The front seats were both heated and cooled along

with a heated steering wheel up to temp very quickly. with the twist of a knob, not and even the second row came Standard on the Land having to navigate through a with adjustable heated seats. Cruiser is a 14-speaker JBL touchscreen. On the climate control side, Sythsis sound system that is The Toyota Land Cruiser is there is a four zone control in a class all its own. With the a great ride and will compete that allows not only the front cabin so quiet it was awesome with any luxury SUV — as passengers to choose their to have a great sound system well it should after so many cruising temperature, but to go along with it. wonderful years in the manu- both occupants of the rear The 9-inch touch screen facture’s lineup. It is a great seats can also pick the perfect located in the center console family vehicle that will keep temperature through the use of the dashboard made for mom, dad and all the kids very of 28 individual vents located easy access to all the controls happy all the time. We even throughout the cabin. For we could have ever needed. doubt the question “Are we really cold days the engineers Navigation is standard along there yet?” will ever come up! have included what they with satellite radio and Base price: $87,845 call a Positive Temperature Bluetooth connectivity. About Price as driven: $90,099 Coefficient heater that instant- the only fault we could find ly warms the air as it is passed was there was no included Craig and Deanne Conover over an electric heated ceramic fan speed control on the have been test-driving vehicles element, kind of like pushing dash board; it had to be done for nearly a decade. They receive the air through a blow dryer. through the climate control a new car each week for a week- No matter what it is called, it screen. Sometimes it is just long test drive and adventure. worked great getting the SUV easier to turn down the fan They live in Springville, Utah.

GARDEN SPOT Mix edible plants into garden for attractiveness and yields

DIANE SAGERS tive, edible landscape. A food must plant something where GUEST COLUMNIST garden doesn’t have to be the it doesn’t get quite that much This column was originally farmer’s straight-rowed field. light, use leafy crops like published May 3, 2012. It has The fern-like leaves of car- chard, lettuce and spinach that been updated by the author. rots and the rosettes of leaf do not have to produce a fruit. lettuce cabbage and kale are Keep the vegetables in mind ardens can take a lot of pretty in a garden. The flowers when you treat for insect Gspace or a little. They can of spring fruit blossoms and pests. Although pests may be serve a single purpose or mul- the color of ripening fruits also attack-ing your ornamentals, tiple purposes. Garden deci- add color and interest. you need to choose pesticides sions must often be adapted The reds of tomato fruits specifically labeled for food based on lot size and time can be as pretty as red flowers crops to apply on or around con-straints. Does this mean and the purples of eggplants or edible crops. Drift or acciden- making a choice between the multiple variations of pep- tal misdirection of sprays could ornamental gardens, orchards pers as they ripen make them contaminate those crops. and vegetables? No, it doesn’t. candidates for the beauty spot Leave stepping areas to get There is no reason that the in a landscape garden. There into the garden to harvest your three cannot be mixed. are some plants that don’t crops without trampling the We tend to look at veg- make good neighbors, how- rest of the gardenias. When etables with hungry eyes and ever. Dill, for example, grows you harvest food crops or overlook their aesthetic value. long and lanky and drops seeds remove spring flowers, you Planted in straight rows, veg- everywhere. It may have a leave blank spaces in your etables invite the hungry eyes. place in an ornamental garden, flower beds. Add other vegeta- But lose the straight rows and but only after careful consid- bles or flowers in to keep the soldier-like sameness, and you eration. planting attractive throughout will find that many vege-table To provide both looks and the season. Start with a few plants can be integrated into yields, make sure your food vegetable crops mixed into landscape beds where they will crops are planted where they the landscape design and get DIANE SAGERS be both productive and beauti- will get eight to 10 hours Sometimes people plant ornamentals among their vegetables to liven up the look of straight rows found in ful. You can grow an attrac- of sunlight each day. If you SEE GARDEN PAGE B8 ® vegetable beds. B2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY May 6, 2021 INTERPERSONAL EDGE Some trategies to launch kids to career success Q: My husband and I have Q: I think the pandemic has about is not in your neighbor- tive coach, trainer, therapist and You can contact Dr. Skube at worked remotely while our got me addicted to worrying. hood, focus on what is in front speaker, also appears as the FOX or kids have done remote school. Every time I read the news, of you and solve that. Worrying Channel’s “Workplace Guru” 1420 NW Gilman Blvd., #2845, I noticed my kids taking a Daneen Skube there seems to be some new about what may happen drains each Monday morning. She’s the Issaquah, WA 98027. Sorry, no big interest in our work. My GUEST COLUMNIST crisis brewing. Is there a way to your present of all creativity author of “Interpersonal Edge: personal replies. husband and I started talk- stop obsessing and get back to and joy! Breakthrough Tools for Talking © Interpersonal Edge. ing about how to help kids get enjoying my work and life? to Anyone, Anywhere, About Distributed by Tribune Content oriented to being successful. run programs teaching kids to A: If what you are reading Daneen Skube, Ph.D., execu- Anything” (Hay House, 2006). Agency, LLC. You’ve mentioned you have be effective entrepreneurs. The kids, so what are you doing sooner you start working with with your little people to help your children on how to turn ASK AMY them have productive careers? their interests and skills into A: What my spouse and I work, the better. have been doing since our kids You may also decide to stop were little is talking in detail paying all your kids bills by age Partner’s online gaming leads to more about money, bills and the kind 12 and instead provide them of work we do. My kids are cur- with room and board for free Dear Amy: My significant In the meantime, my son seasoned (you and your wife), rently 8, 8 (twins) and 7 years and a checking account for other (of 20 years) has had and his fiance are planning deciding to wait and see before old, but these conversations the rest of their expenses. By what I consider an emotional their wedding, and have stated making a snap judgment about are normal and frequent. My having them work with their Amy Dickinson affair with a girl he met online GUEST COLUMNIST quite adamantly that they will someone they’ve never met. children sit with me when I pay own money, they understand a couple months ago, playing not invite him to the wedding In the future, when it comes bills, I tell them how much din- the pitfalls and benefits of how an online spaceship game. — nor will they attend any to family gatherings, your ner out costs, and we talk about they choose to spend money. If He swears that it is nothing, family gathering at which he is son is going to have to make how to turn interests and skills they buy expensive pants one and I’m blowing things out of of being obvious, I wonder present. inquiries to see if this man will into jobs. month, they may have to wear proportion, and she’s “just a if playing online “spaceship” I’m not sure how to handle be present, and then make his In raising them, we don’t a worn pair of tennis shoes for friend.” games is the best use of your this. It will most certainly own choice. shelter them from the financial another month. I happened to use his phone (unemployed) guy’s time. affect our relationship with my He and his fiance have every realities of adulthood. We talk Childhood as a psychological as a flashlight one night I don’t think his online brother, and will probably put right to control the guest list about the financial tradeoffs concept is a modern invention. recently, and it was left open, friendship is necessarily a deal an end to our holiday dinners. for their wedding, however, their dad and I make. For exam- For centuries, children worked revealing a “chat” session breaker for your impressively On one hand, I believe that and you should not interfere. ple, we don’t buy expensive in family businesses, on farms between them. long relationship, but it might my wife and I could probably clothes, but we do spend money or at apprenticeships in a craft. He lied to her about buying be one more symptom of a at least tolerate him, but on Dear Amy: In the ques- on travel and educational expe- Children understood the real- things for me (although he is larger problem between you. the other hand I will not go tion from “Upset and riences. I even started doing ity of supporting themselves by currently unemployed) and If your guy is depressed and against my son’s wishes. Embarrassed,” the writer - a a lifestyle audit with them in contributing to their communi- told her he loved her. floundering, he is vulnerable Your advice would be most nurse — mentioned that her kindergarten and 1st grade by ties. Those words bother me and looking for other ports in appreciated. co-workers had bullied her as a going online and building a pre- We deprive our children of greatly, and he continues to his personal storm. - Terribly Troubled “lunch lady.” tend young adult lifestyle. They our wisdom if we divorce their say it is nothing. This is about being too Dear Troubled: Your son is Amy, thank you for taking were shocked how expensive young lives from work and He has broken plans with immature or self-involved to an adult. He is making adult- the opportunity to defend and living on their own would be. financial matters. If we wait me to play other (exclusive) recognize how his behavior sized decisions about the peo- offer respect to lunch ladies! We even discuss doing a until they turn 18, then the games with her, and if I join affects and hurts his partner’s ple he wants to have relation- We work in the school, interact Running Start program in high reality of adult responsibilities his group of friends to play, he feelings. ships with, and who he would with students when we can, school (the state will give you floods in and can overwhelm shares inside jokes with her You’ve staked out your posi- like to avoid. This is not only and - most importantly - we two years of college free if them. while I’m there and he ignores tions, but for your relationship his right, but his responsibility. feed children. teens transfer to community or It’s one of the reasons many me. to survive, you both should “I will not go against my - Lunch Lady vocational college their last two young people are - I am trying to decide if this regroup and discuss ways to son’s wishes” implies that he Dear Lunch Lady: My brief years of high school). We also ing back to living at home. should be a deal breaker, as he come together. might have a say in whatever tribute to “lunch ladies” was talk about saving money the Young adults raised with fun refuses to see my side, or that choices you and your wife well-earned, and completely last two years of college by liv- money allowances suddenly it hurts me to hear that “I love Dear Amy: My brother’s make. sincere. Thank you for what ing at home, doing online/local have the burden of buying you” is apparently a mean- daughter has decided to marry Your son’s choice will only you do. school and working part-time groceries, providing a roof ingless phrase to him, that I an ex-convict who has spent have a major bearing on your so they can graduate debt-free. over their heads and paying for thought was used for me and nearly half of his life in prison own life if you give him the You can email Amy Dickinson Most cities across the United internet, which isn’t much fun. his very longtime friends. for rape, assault, destruction of power to control your relation- at askamy@amydickinson. States have workshops, summer Understand that you and How can I approach this property, and other crimes. ships, as well as his own. com or send a letter to Ask camps and programs that can your spouse will be the most subject with him so he actually She is a grown woman in I can absolutely understand Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, expose children to career ideas. powerful career coach your hears my concerns, or should her 40s and has never been any person’s choice to avoid NY 13068. You can also follow There are wonderful opportu- children will ever experience, I just end things now and cut married. My brother and spending time with a felon her on Twitter @askingamy or nities like STEM magnet pro- so use that power wisely. my losses? sister-in-law haven’t said much convicted of violent crimes. Facebook. grams in many public schools - Confused and Hurt about it, and I’m not sure what I can also imagine people © 2021 Amy Dickinson or national organizations that The last word(s) Dear Confused: At the risk their feelings are. who are perhaps a little more • NOTICE OF TAX SALE • Notice is hereby given that on the 21st day of N 84 FT, E 240 FT TO PL OF BEG 1.06 AC SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS May, 2021, beginning at 10:00 A.M. at https:// UNIT 9, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND, I R020391 Parcel Number: 1002900073 A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- R005312 Parcel Number: 1303300019 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the DAVE M BASSETT $7,998.34 DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/19 highest bidder for cash, under provisions of Utah LOT 73, TOOELE HIGHLAND ADD, NO 1, ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO UNIT 19, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, Code Section 59-2-1351.1, the following described TCS ---SUBJ/TO & TOG/W EASEMENTS AND THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- R022034 Parcel Number: 1409200023 real property located in Tooele County and now R/W’S OF RECORD 0.17 AC AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W TOM J EVANS $13,138.77 delinquent and subject to tax sale. A bid for less AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO LOT 23, PASS CANYON 5 ACRE RANCH- than the total amount of taxes, interest, penalties, R003277 Parcel Number: 101400003 VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON ETTES, A SUBDIVISION OF TOOELE COUN- and administrative costs which are charged upon FRED DANGERFIELD $501.52 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD TY. OUT OF 3-6-1 FOR 2005 YEAR. 5.00 AC the real estate will not be accepted. LOTS 6 & 7, BLK 2, GOLD HILL TOWNSITE AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS 02/26/2004 02/26/2004 Alison H. McCoy, Tooele County Auditor 0.13 AC VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND R012511 Parcel Number: 1303300010 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 R020006 Parcel Number: 0901900130 This Tax Sale will be conducted R012125 Parcel Number: 0208600027 SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 TUYET NGUYEN-MORALES $599.01 entirely online. More sale information GOMES DOMINICK $5,929.47 UNIT 10, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN SEC 21, T2S, can be found at BEG AT A PT 513.48 FT S & 305 FT W FR THE A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- R004420 Parcel Number: 1303300020 R4W, SLB&M BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W storefront/TooeleMay21 NE COR OF LOT 4, BLK 4, PLAT B, TC, RUN- SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEG AT THE NW NING S 153.50 FT, W 75 FT, N 153.50 FT, E 75 ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO UNIT 20, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, COR OF LOT 79 LAKESIDE SUB #3, RECORD- This list is updated on a regular basis FT TO BEG 0.26 AC THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- ED AS ENTRY #290210, TC RECORDS; TH S AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W 11°35’40” E FOR 110.00 FT ALG W LI OF LOT and properties that are redeemed are R006284 Parcel Number: 1307400146 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO 79, TH S 78°24’20’ W FOR 40.02 FT TO THE E removed from the list and the sale. HARVEY REAL ESTATE LP $7,160.34 VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON R/W LI OF REGATTA LANE; TH N 11°35’40” W LOT 146, GLENEAGLES NO. 1 SUBDIVISION, MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD FOR 86.38 FT ALG SD R/W; TH WITH A CURVE R014925 Parcel Number: 0805500046 A SUBDIVISION OF TOOELE CITY. OUT OF AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 BERNICE C BRAY $3,468.57 2-2-17, 2-2-22, 2-2-23, 2-2-24 FOR 2001 YEAR. VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND FT, A C/A OF 90°00’00” AND FOR AN ARC LOT 46, GOLF COURSE ISLAND SUB #3, 0.16 ACRES 03/20/2001 R015336 Parcel Number: 1303300011 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 DISTANCE OF 39.27 FT TO THE S R/W LI OF STANSBURY PARK 0.25 AC SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 YACHTSMAN LANE; TH N 78°24’20’ E FOR R006119 Parcel Number: 1505900317 UNIT 11, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, 15.00 FT ALG SD R/W TO POB. (BALANCE R004872 Parcel Number: 0105800004 JAVIER PINELO JT $2,535.38 A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- R022920 Parcel Number: 1303300021 OF 9-19-127 AFTER PT TO 9-19-129 FOR 2003 CLARA E SMITH JT $3,435.72 LOT 317, GLENEAGLES NO 3A SUBDIVISION, DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 YEAR.) .10 AC 12/05/2002 12/05/2002 COM 14.76 CHS E & 1.54 CHS S OF SW COR A SUBDIVISION OF TOOELE CITY. OUT OF ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO UNIT 21, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, NW 1/4 OF SEC 32, T2S, R5W, SLM, N 162 1/2 2-2-31 FOR 2006 YEAR. Õ P THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- R004096 Parcel Number: 10019H0322 FT, W 85 FT, S 162 1/2 FT, E 85 FT TO BEG AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W VALERIE HUFFMAN $10,293.65 R007587 Parcel Number: 1002800086 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO ALL OF LOT 322, RANCHO TOOELE SUBDIVI- R021477 Parcel Number: 1005000007 LORRY ANTHONY HERRERA $1,528.59 VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON SION PHASE III, A SUBDIVISION OF TOOELE EDGAR F MOON JT $1,628.31 LOT 86, TOOELE HIGHLANDS SUB, TCS 0.17 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD CITY (OUT OF 2-10-5) 0.18 AC LOT, 7 WEST PLAIN SUB CONT .21 ACRES AC AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS 0.21 AC VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND R031909 Parcel Number: 0109400067 R009141 Parcel Number: 1505400003 R022043 Parcel Number: 1303300012 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 WESTLAND PROPERTIES LLC $2,667.68 R016551 Parcel Number: 1001400030 MANSON JANET TRUSTEE, THE JANET MA- SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER HEETH KELL JT $5,336.45 SON TRUST U/A $2,883.19 UNIT 12, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, OF THE ACADEMY GROUNDS IN GRANTS- LOT 30, PIONEER SUB ADD #3 TCS 0.20 AC LOT 3, VALLEY RANCHES AT SOUTH RIM A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- R025132 Parcel Number: 1303300022 VILLE CITY; AND RUNNING THENCE EAST AMENDMENT, A SUBDIVISION OF TOOELE DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 41.25 FEET, THENCE NORTH 132 FEET; R016822 Parcel Number: 203100009 COUNTY. OUT OF 15-30-3 FOR 2006 YEAR. ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO UNIT 22, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, THENCE WEST 41.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH JON GOSSETT JT $2,223.11 THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- 132 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COM 80 FT N OF SE COR LOT 1, BLK 6, PLAT R013925 Parcel Number: 1204900203 AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W BEING A PART OF LOT 5, BLOCK 8, GRANTS- A, TCS, N 25 FT, W 63 1/2 FT, S 25 FT, E 63 1/2 NARWHAL LLC $2,261.23 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO VILLE CITY SURVEY, GRANTSVILLE CITY. FT TO BEG. 0.04 AC LOT 203, WEST POINT MEADOWS SUBDIVI- VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON AS SURVEYED DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL SION PHASE 2, A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP- MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD OF LAND, SITUATE IN A PORTION OF LOT R006388 Parcel Number: 1004600086 MENT OF TOOELE CITY. OUT OF 2-2-10 FOR AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS 5, BLOCK 8, GRANTSVILLE CITY SURVEY. MARVIN TODACHINY JT $1,550.76 98 YEAR. 0.27 AC VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND SAID PARCEL ALSO LOCATED IN THE LOT 86, WESTLAND MOBIL EST # 2 0.27 AC R024686 Parcel Number: 1303300013 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, R014809 Parcel Number: 1303300050 SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 WEST, SALT R011094 Parcel Number: 0130700012 SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $485.55 UNIT 13, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, LAKE LAKE BASE AND MERIDIAN, MORE PEGGY ANN BASSETT JT $2,807.01 LIMITED COMMON AREA, GUEST PARKING, A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- R019559 Parcel Number: 1303300023 PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEG NE COR LOT 4, BLK 15, ST JOHN TOWN, COMMON AREA, PRIVATE ROADS, AND DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH S 9° E 272.5 FT, TH S 81° W 160 FT, TH S 9° E OPEN SPACE OF MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB- ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO UNIT 23, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, LINE OF MAIN STREET, AND THE SOUTH- 140 FT, S 81° W 87.50 FT, TH S 9° E 82.5 FT, DIVISION PHASE 1 AMENDED, A PLANNED THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- EAST CORNER OF THE ACADEMY GROUNDS TH S 81° W 16.5 FT, TH N 9° W 231 FT, TH N UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WENDOVER CITY, AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W IN GRANTSVILLE CITY, SAID POINT BEING 81° E 82.5 FT, TH N 9° W 165 FT, TH N 81° E 33 TOOELE COUNTY, UTAH. AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO SOUTH 88°37’50” EAST 247.53 FEET FROM FT, N 9° W 99 FT, TH N 81° E 148.5 FT TO BEG VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 8, MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 GRANTSVILLE CITY SURVEY, SAID SOUTH- BALANCE AFTER 1-307-23 1.39 AC R012955 Parcel Number: 1303300007 AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 WEST CORNER OF BLOCK 8, IS LOCATED SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS NORTH 89°52’51” WEST 930.00 FEET ALONG R007502 Parcel Number: 0804600004 UNIT 7, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND THE QUARTER SECTION LINE AND NORTH PITT’S AUTO BODY $12,162.06 A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- R009891 Parcel Number: 1303300016 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 64.03 FEET FROM THE EAST QUARTER LOT 4, FLINDERS INDUSTRIAL PARK, DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP TOOELE COUNTY, CONT 1.50 AC ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO UNIT 16, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 WEST, AND RUNNING: THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- R011411 Parcel Number: 1303300025 THENCE SOUTH 88°37’50” EAST 41.25 FEET R003444 Parcel Number: 10009G0303 AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID MAIN SHERRIE DELANEY $6,863.01 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO UNIT 25, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, STREET; THENCE NORTH 0°32’51” EAST ALL OF LOT 303, PARKSIDE SUBDIVISION VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- 134.38 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°14’35” WEST PHASE 3, (FORMER TAX ID 2-86-55) 0.26 AC MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W 41.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0°32’51” WEST AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND 133.94 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. R006537 Parcel Number: 1004000008 THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 OUT OF 1-94-42 FOR 2015 YEAR. STILINOVICH INVESTMENTS R009403 Parcel Number: 1303300008 AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 IV LLC $5,525.53 SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my LOT 8, VALLEY TERRACE SUB, TC 0.15 AC UNIT 8, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND hand and official seal this 27th day of April 2021 A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- R001768 Parcel Number: 1303300017 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $633.98 AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 R016866 Parcel Number: 1005000005 DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W UNIT 17, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, VELDEEN MURPHY T/C $4,180.33 ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- LOT 5, WEST PLAIN SUB CONT .18 ACRES THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON R014070 Parcel Number: 1303300034 DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W 0.18 AC AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD SUNNY CASTLE DEV LLC $1,345.88 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO UNIT 34, MOUNTAIN RIDGE SUB PH 1 AMD, THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF WEN- R023915 Parcel Number: 200900023 VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD DOVER CITY, TOOELE COUNTY. ---TOG/W BRYAN WILLIAMS JT $3,607.07 MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 AREAS AND PRIVATE ROADS (KNOWN AS ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INT IN AND TO ALISON H. MCCOY BEG S 47*07’, E 2289.5 FT FR NW COR SEC 29, AND 1-269-24 FOR 2000 YR 12/28/1999 VALLEY RIDGE BLVD, VALLEY WAY AND THE LIMITED COMMON AREAS, COMMON TOOELE COUNTY AUDITOR T3S, R4W, SLB&M, E 310 FT, S 84 FT, W 550 FT, MOUNTAIN VALLEY DR) OUT OF 1-269-4 R007245 Parcel Number: 1303300009 AREAS, GUEST PARKING, OPEN SPACE, PUD THURSDAY May 6, 2021 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN B3 Create abstract art with melted crayons efore you toss out the warming tray right on the foil and watch Bcrayon stubs your school- • Heavy-duty aluminum foil them melt, forming small age kids have hoarded in shoe- • Crayon stubs with paper puddles. boxes and drawers around the removed (fluorescent col- 2. To make the note cards, house this past winter, make ors work beautifully) fold a piece of heavy paper in these brilliant note cards and • Heavy construction paper half. While holding one half of postcards or a colorful abstract or blank stationery cards the paper in one hand, gently picture. Great rainy day fun! lay the outside surface of the In this activity, pointil- Here’s the fun: other half in several puddles of lism gives way to 20th-cen- 1. With adult supervision, wax for a second or two. Use tury abstract. Ask your kids: be a mess. How could they pos- cover the bottom of an electric a Popsicle stick to press the “Wanna just slab some melted sibly resist that? frying pan or warming tray paper into the wax if neces- crayons all over some paper?” with heavy-duty aluminum sary. Lift the paper out of the They’re bound to say yes. After Here’s the stuff you’ll need: foil. Set the pan on LOW heat. wax. The colors should be bril- all, it sounds like it’s going to • Electric frying pan or Drop the little bits of crayon liant and spread everywhere in a fascinating abstract design. If the melted crayon adheres in clumps, let it drip down the card a bit for a “lava lamp” effect. Lay aside to harden. 3. Stack several folded cards and tie them together with a ribbon and bow or bead for a lovely present to give someone special. Or, write a note or postcard to a friend and mail it. Quick tip: Why not add your own personal stamp to the back of your designer note cards? Take a stamp with the first letter of your name, add a little poster paint to an ink pad, and give the back of your cards a unique signature. • • • Find more family fun at Helen Mirren Write to Donna at Info@don- ere we go again! retain her pride and triumph © 2021 Donna Erickson HRemember when HBO to the end.” Distributed by King Features Synd. Max considered dropping Today’s “cancel culture” “Gone With the Wind” from is purporting to judge great its playlist because a film films made before our so- director of color objected called wokeness, films that to the depiction of slaves depict THEIR times, but with in that classic film? Now the morals and ways of our an article in The National times. To presume to white- Myasthenia gravis hits nerve/muscle juncture Review called TCM Movies wash these visions of life in “an enemy of film watchers those period pieces is absurd. DEAR DR. ROACH: What In addition to removal of the good control quickly before because they’ve succumbed “Gone With the Wind” told can you tell me about myasthe- thymus, there are three other surgery, especially in people to political fashion because of a story about the Civil War nia gravis? My dear friend was types of treatment for MG. The whose symptoms involve eat- films that were made before based on a novel, not a text- diagnosed with it and hospital- first is medicines that help the ing and facial functions. ‘wokeness.’ This process book. “My Fair Lady” was ized for eight days. She is able nerve-muscle receptor work You can read more at www. reexamines the vagaries of Shaw’s vision of his times, to walk and move about, but better, such as pyridostigmine. art with disapproval. They’re not a true story. “Grease” is now, six weeks later, she is still This starts working within • • • looking for flaws, errors and what it is ... a writer’s view of on a liquid diet and unable to minutes. The second is treat- DEAR DR. ROACH: I read offenses.” The internet has teenagers in 1959. We need move any of her facial muscles. ments to get rid of the anti- that people are not being paid given voice to people who to do something to stop this — I.M. bodies attacking the receptor. for donating blood anymore. Is have a right to opine but not “cancel culture” before all ANSWER: Myasthenia gra- Plasmapheresis, the physical this true? — R.F.T. to demand censorship. Such the great films and books vis, from the Latin and Greek removal of antibodies, takes ANSWER: Yes. Blood dona- as the those who suggested have been picked apart ... as for “serious muscle weakness,” a few days to start working; tion is not compensated. “Grease” be banned because in Ray Bradbury’s brilliant is an autoimmune disease intravenous immune globulin Plasma donation, on the other it was “sexist, homophobic “Fahrenheit 451,” which was that attacks the connection of limbs, neck or face, or of the takes a week or two to work. hand, often is compensated. and slut shaming.” about burning books because nerves to muscles. Specifically, breathing muscles. The diag- It’s not clear exactly how these Plasma, which contains the TCM hosts often appear the government wanted to the body attacks the acetylcho- nosis is usually confirmed by work in MG. The third type, proteins in the blood, can be before or after films with keep people illiterate! line receptor or its associated blood testing, but a few people anti-immune system drugs, highly purified so that there is comments about the mak- Would you rewrite your proteins, where nerves connect will need more sophisticated take much longer: a few weeks no risk of infection, as opposed ing of the film or its stars, own family history because to skeletal muscles. This causes testing, such as an electrical for prednisone but several to blood — every precaution is but they also can go too far. you don’t like how it unfold- weakness of the muscles and muscle stimulation test. months at least for others, such taken to reduce infection, but Many were shocked to hear ed, and edit out the parts you increased susceptibility to MG commonly affects as cyclosporine and mycophe- it can never be brought to zero. three of the hosts complain- don’t like? fatigue. women under 40 and men nolate. • • • ing about how “My Fair • • • The diagnosis of MG is sug- over 60, but it can occur in any Your friend is in a period Dr. Roach regrets that Lady” ended. One of the Speaking of classics, Oscar- gested by typical symptoms, age group. The thymus, an where many of the treatments he is unable to answer indi- female hosts suggested Eliza winning actress Helen Mirren the most common of which immune organ that is located have not had time to work yet, vidual questions, but will Doolittle wasn’t forceful (for “The Queen”), now 75, are eye symptoms like double in the upper chest behind the and I expect that she will get incorporate them in the enough with Henry Higgins, hits big screens June 25 in vision or droopy eyelid (pto- sternum (breastbone), is an better as the treatments take column whenever possible. and she seemed dissatisfied “F9,” followed by “”White sis). A smaller number of peo- important origination point for hold. Her doctors may be talk- Readers may email questions not knowing if they married Bird: A Wonder Story,” with ple will have symptoms that MG, and 10% to 15% of people ing to her about removing the to ToYourGoodHealth@med. and lived happily ever after. Gillian Anderson, before tak- involve eating and chewing — with MG have tumors of the thymus, but she needs to be “My Fair Lady” was released ing on Golda Meir in “Golda.” this sounds like your friend’s thymus. Surgical removal of well controlled before surgery. in 1965, won 10 Academy Nobody has played the for- primary problem — and a the thymus is often performed © 2021 North America Synd., Inc. Some experts use plasmapher- Awards, including best mer Israeli prime minister few will have weakness in the to improve symptoms. All Rights Reserved esis or immune globulin to get picture, actor and director. since Ingrid Bergman won an George Bernard Shaw, the Emmy for “A Woman Named author of “Pygmalion,” the Golda” (1982). Meir lived to play from which the mega- be 80, leaving “lots of wiggle who are allergic to regular • The first person to be bodies. hit Broadway show and film room” for Mirren. anesthetics. charged with driving too • The Elysia cf. marginata, were based, was adamant fast was Walter Arnold, of © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc. • Only two countries use the a type of sea slug, can not that “Eliza emancipate her- the English village Paddock color purple in their national only survive decapitation, self and not relapse, she must Wood in Kent. On Jan. 28, flags — Dominica and but grow an entire new body 1896, he clocked in at four Nicaragua. afterward. BY LUCIE WINBOURNE times the speed limit in his • Steven Spielberg’s adaptation Benz — or a whopping 8 • Pineapple works as a natural • Are you a fan of hot pep- of Peter Benchley’s “Jaws” mph. A constable chased him meat tenderizer. It’s packed pers? One you might want to made a lot of folks afraid to down on a bicycle and issued with the enzyme bromelain, avoid is the Dragon’s Breath go back in the water, but per- Arnold a ticket. which breaks down protein chili pepper, which could haps what they should have chains. been more concerned about • Just as earth has earth- kill you by causing a type of quakes, the moon has — you • • • anaphylactic shock, burn- is the fact that the sea is also guessed it — moonquakes. Thought for Today: ing and even closing your home to nearly 200,000 dif- While less common and less “Towering genius disdains a airway. But Mike Smith, its ferent kinds of viruses! intense than the shakes we beaten path. It seeks regions inventor, never intended it • It is illegal to enter the House know and dread, they’re hitherto unexplored.” — to be eaten: It was actually of Parliament while wearing believed to result from tidal Abraham Lincoln developed for use as a topi- a suit of armor. stresses connected to the cal numbing agent for people distance between the two © 2021 North America Synd., Inc. B4 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY May 6, 2021

Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson Adam@Home by Rob Harrell

Heart of the City by Steenz The Fusco Brothers by J.C. Duffy

Pooch Café by Paul Gilligan The Duplex by Glenn McCoy

LIO by Mark Tatulli Fred Basset by Alex Graham

Cornered by Baldwin In the Bleachers by Steve Moore

Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds & Jeff Millar

Baldo by Hector Cantu & Carlos Castellanos

Universal Crossword Horoscope by Eugenia Last Edited by David Steinberg May 3, 2021 ARIES (March 21-April 19): ACROSS 40 Alan of 5 Stick like 36 Blinds Be a good listener, and verify the 1 “Immedi- “Tower glue piece information you receive before ately,” in Heist” 6 The ___ 37 Not passing it along. An opportunity the OR 41 Office State working will have hidden ramifications 5 Ski resort flunky (Oklahoma) 38 Chocolaty that need adjusting. ★★★★ Thatababy by Paul Trapp named for 42 ... Music- 7 Sulk sundae TAURUS (April 20-May 20): a tree playing 8 Funny topping Take care of responsibilities with- 10 Pulitzer service? ... couple? 40 Luxury out complaining. Don’t exagger- Prize-win- 45 Argument 9 Surname automaker ning poet 49 Jazz phrase separator whose ate or make unrealistic prom- Dove 50 Less 10 It’s red in model ises. You’ll gain the most if you 14 Shoe store cordial Rouen names end are willing to do the work purchase 51 Meaningful 11 “Let me with X’s yourself. ★★ 15 Lorna of hand clarify ...” 41 Special GEMINI (May 21-June 20): English movements 12 Only basic talent Listen and observe. Keep your literature 55 ... Deer or sense that 43 Holiday plans to yourself until you know 16 Arabian elk, in hunt- ends with door what you are going to do next. sultanate ing season a vowel decoration 17 ___ mater (hint: this 13 Tossed 44 Supermar- An opportunity looks inviting 18 ... Visiting puzzle’s in a chip, ket sections but will require your undivided relative or theme say 45 2, for one attention. ★★★★★ friend ... answers 19 Stares in 46 “Why CANCER (June 21-July 22): 20 Doctor-in- form a cir- wonder should Take a unique approach to what- training cular word 21 It settles on ___?” ever you do. Taking matters into 22 Striped gem chain) ... furniture 47 “American your own hands will show your 23 Enticement 58 Parcel (out) 24 Uber Idol” ability to be a leader. Say less 24 Turned red, 59 Mineral in offering creator say? some 25 Smartphone Fuller and do more. ★★★ 26 ... Hotel supplements symbol 48 Rounded LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be amenity ... 60 Ticked off 26 Talladega parts of careful how you handle others. 30 Let in 61 Fancy Super- hammers Don’t reveal your intentions, or 31 Promises fundraiser speedway 51 Hurdle someone will try to take over and made at 62 Change for event for an take credit for your ideas. ★★★ altars a fifty 27 Unpleasant MBA VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 32 Black 63 Well-trav- smell hopeful You will pick up valuable informa- widow’s eled routes 28 Epps in 52 Crowd structure 64 Historic “Traffik” noise tion if you sign up for a course or 35 Gently chapters 29 Very 53 ___ Emhoff, connect with someone who can encourage popular, as Kamala help you grow personally, spiritu- 36 Ambulance DOWN an online Harris’ ally or emotionally. ★★★ part 1 Prepare for video stepdaughter LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): 38 Home a bout 32 Coffee 54 Bering and Look for a way to improve your with a 2 Colorful shop Baltic surroundings without going into honeycomb story amenity 56 Playful debt. Do the work yourself, and 39 Turn left 3 Purposes 33 Well- bite instead 4 Snack that matched 57 Nest egg what you accomplish will make of right, may contain 34 Ice option, you feel good. ★★★★★ perhaps M&M’s mass briefly SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Personal problems will mount if Connect the Dots by Mark McClain you are honest about the way you feel. Deal with demand- ing people without hesitation. It’s time to set the record straight. ★★ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You’ll have some good ideas regarding money, the way you want to live and how best to go about fulfilling your dreams. Refuse to let someone interfere with your plans. ★★★★ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Take charge and be respon- sible for your happiness. Make a lifestyle change that will help eliminate unnecessary debt and set your mind at ease. Love and romance are on the rise. ★★★ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Look at the facts, logistics and cost of whatever it is you want to do. Don’t get into an argument with a friend over something you cannot change. ★★★ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You are overdue for a change, but consider what you will be giving up. Time is on your side, and using reason will prevent you from making a mistake. ★★★

Answers on B5 THURSDAY May 6, 2021 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN B5 Bulletin Board

Grantsville Irrigation Company of your choice today! This is a free website VHS tapes or newspaper articles that you S. Main St., Tooele. For more information, 6:30 p.m. at 134 W. 1180 North, Ste. 4 in Tooele Residents have been allotted 50,000 that connects community needs with vol- would like to donate to our organization contact Gesele at 435-224-4015 or Jo-Ann Tooele (Bonneville Mental Health). Open unteers who can help meet those needs. to please call us. We are also looking for at 435-849-4180. to all those affected by someone else’s Senior Center gallons per residential share. Agricultural users have been issued one regular turn books, newspaper articles, photos, bro- addiction. As a 12-step program, we offer The senior center is for the enjoyment of for the season. If you notice any leaks or chures or any history that pertains to the Alcoholics Anonymous help by sharing our experience, strength all seniors 60 and older. Center hours are have other questions please contact the Moose Tooele County area. If you would like to Alcoholics Anonymous meets at 60 S. and hope. For more information, please Monday thru Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., office at 435-884-3451 or gicwater@gmail. donate them to our organization, or if you Main Street, daily at 12 p.m. and 8 p.m. contact Terri at 435-313-4851. Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. New and exciting Meals at Lodge com. The Annual Meeting of Shareholders would let us make a copy for the Tooele Park in back. activities include bridge, pinochle, bingo, Friday and Saturday night dinners will will be held May 12th at 8 p.m. at the County Historical Society, please call 435- Military Items Wanted crafts, pickleball, Mexican train, tangled be served from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous Grantsville Irrigation office. 882-1612. When you no longer want your mili- art, yoga, exercise program, line dancing, Friday night dinners change weekly, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are tary items, do not take them to Deseret wood carving, Wii games, watercolor class Grantsville Bike Hike Road or you can order from the menu items also held every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 Industries or a thrift store. Bring them movies and health classes. Meals-On- Saturday night. All meals are for a reason- Groups and Events p.m., at St. Barnabus Church, 1784 Aaron — hats, helmets, dress uniforms, boots, Closure Dr., Tooele. Wheels available for homebound. Lunch Grantsville Elementary, Willow able price. shoes, pants, jackets, backpacks, belts, served weekdays. For 60 and above, sug- Daily lunch specials are available at the Tooele County Gun Show and Elementary and Grantsville Police Dept. Young People in Recovery canteens, pouches, old photos, etc. — gested contribution is $3. For those under lodge from 11 a.m. would like to announce the following Safety Fair Young People in Recovery (YPR) hold to 775 S. Coleman Street. They will be 60, cost is $5. Transportation available to Take out orders can be called in during road closures: SR 112 from Sheep Lane to Vendors and Exhibitors wanted for the all recovery meetings on Thursdays at 6 displayed with honor and respect. Call the store or doctor visits for residents in our operating hours and picked up at the Durfee Street will be closed for GES & WES Tooele County Gun Show and Safety p.m. in the Grantsville City Library, and Matthew or Tina at 435-882-8688. Tooele and Grantsville areas. For trans- lodge at the time agreed on. schools 5th grade bike hike on Monday, Fair on June 12, 2021 and for The Trap also on the first and third Friday of the portation information call 435-843-4114. For members and their guests only. Children’s Choir Auditions May 24th and Tuesday, May 25th around Shooting Competition the following month at 5:30 p.m. in the Remington Park For more information about the Tooele Rising Voices Children’s Choir is an audi- 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and again around 1:30 Saturday, June 19, 2021. The Gun Show Apartments’ Clubhouse, 495 W. Utah Ave., center, call 435-843-4110. Meetings and Safety Fair will be held at the spa- tioned children’s choir for children 7-14 p.m. to 3 p.m. Meetings occur on the first and third Tooele. Questions contact Adam at 480- cious Deseret Peak Convention Center years of age. The talented Katelynd Blake, Sundays of every month, 9:30 a.m. for the 695-6611, Audrey 435-255-9518 or Heidi at Tooele Pioneer Museum from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Trap Shooting owner and director of Blake Music Studios, men, 10:30 a.m. for the women. 435-255-9905. 47 E Vine Street, Free Admission. Open Schools Competition will be held the following directs the choir. Blake has a degree in Memorial Day through Labor Day, Friday Saturday, June 19, 2021 at the Tooele Family support group vocal performance and has taught at the and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Open most St. Marguerite Catholic School Gun Club (hours TBD). If you’re interested Get your loved one sober. The USARA collegiate level. If your child loves to sing Tuesdays year round 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eagles Students of all faiths are welcome in supporting this event as a vendor or Craft family support group is held and you are looking for an exceptional Open other times by appointment. Call from preschool through 8th grade at Meetings exhibitor, please visit Mondays at 6 p.m. in the large reading musical experience for them, this is it. For 435-882-3168, 435-830-9784, 435-840- more information and to register for an Tooele County’s only faith-based school. The Tooele Eagles Auxiliary #164 wants FTJMojs4WJMLF3Km6. For more informa- room at the Tooele City Library. Group 5139. World class Indian arrowhead collec- audition, please visit blakemusicstudios. Featuring all-day kindergarten, all-day to start their meetings again on Monday, tion contact Kevin Neff at 435-277-2380 or books and materials provided. Craft is a tion., com or call 435-277-0755. preschool, junior high grades 6-8, small February 8th at 7 p.m. All officers are [email protected]. free program for family members who Mobile Vet Center class sizes, and an enhanced STEM cur- encouraged to be there and all sisters are have a loved one with a substance use riculum. Give us a call at 435-882-0081 or Tooele County Arts Guild Author’s Welcome To better serve veterans located in invited to attend. disorder. For more information, call Heidi The Writer’s Bloc, Tooele chapter of the visit All artists from Tooele County age 13 Tooele County, the Mobile Vet Center Aerie Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Warr at 435-255-9905. League of Utah Writers, invites you to join Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. and above are welcome to join the Tooele (MVC) will visit Tooele every Wednesday GES Community Council Meeting County Arts Guild for an evening, or for Alzheimer’s Caregiver Group us at our bi-monthly virtual meetings, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the eastern The next Grantsville Elementary Social Room the year as a member. Benefits of mem- where we discuss the craft and offer sup- side of the Walmart parking lot, 99 W. Change port for fledgling authors. For more infor- Community Council meeting will be held Please notice that the Social Room is bership include the opportunity to display 1280 North, Tooele. The MVC provides mation please contact the chapter presi- on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 4 p.m. in the open 7 days a week from 2 6 p.m. your artwork for show and sale in various We’ve changed the date and free, confidential counseling for theater dent at [email protected], or GES Community Room. All parents are There is no sitting or standing at the bar venues around Tooele County, as well as location of our meeting. Please veterans of all conflicts. For further find us on Facebook at Writers Bloc. encouraged to attend. The meeting will and tables are set six feet apart and are regular updates on events in our commu- information contact Dave Brown at 801- join us the 3rd Monday of every be held with appropriate distancing and sanitized regularly. For the next two nity. The best benefit is meeting other art- 255-1499, call our 24/7 national call center month online through Zoom. Rocky Mountain Hospice masks required. weeks masks are required to enter and ist friends you wouldn’t meet otherwise! 1-877-WARVETS or visit Want to have more meaning in your life. upon exiting the building. After entering Call 435-228-8217 for more information. The Tooele County Health Department’s Aging Services Do you want to do something that is sat- Donate to Library the building please print your name on isfying and of great service to your com- Education the forms provided in the event that con- Stansbury Days Triathlon program is the sponsor for this Please remember the “Friends of the Stansbury Days Triathlon is happening munity? Then become a Rocky Mountain Tooele City Library” while doing home Tooele Technical College tact tracing would be needed, this infor- free Alzheimer’s Association Hospice volunteer. No experience mation will only be used in the event of August 21, 2021! Mark your calendars! cleaning and donate your used books to Programs with space available Registration opens April 18. To register, go Caregiver Support Group. The required. All training, background check the bookstore in the library. Money from include the POST (Peace Officer contact tracing. We are OPEN and invite groups are designed to provide and TB tests provided by Rocky Mountain. you to come down and see what we’ve to this link! book sales is used to support programs Standards Training) program (Satellite roadrace/public/raceGroup/976695 emotional, educational, and The only requirement is your desire to within the library. The library is located at Police Academy), Commercial Driver’s done to help make it safe to go out. help someone in need. Please contact The social room is open 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Teens and adults, first timer or experi- social support for caregivers. 128 W. Vine St. For more information, call License (CDL) program and Software enced! 500m swim (that’s 10 laps) / 11.75 Crystal Erickson at Willow Springs Rocky 435-882-2182 or go online to tooelecity. Development. These programs and others daily, staffed with volunteer bartenders, Call 435-843-4119 to register to Mountain Care at 435-843-2094 or Sandy please tip accordingly. mile bike on a pretty flat course/ 5km org. Thank you for your support. are offered at Tooele Tech. Enroll today run (that’s 3.1 miles). You can even sign receive the meeting link. Parmegiani at Rocky Mountain Hospice at 801-397-4902. Books for the Whole Family and begin training for a promising career. up with a team. This event is a blast, train Food Addicts in Recovery Visit or call student servic- Elks with a friend, compete with your neigh- Donated children’s books and paper- es at 435-248-1800 for more information. Anonymous The Next Chapter backs are for sale for 25 cents, and bors, and get cheered on by your com- Are you having trouble controlling the The Next Chapter is a free social support hard-covers are being sold for $1 from Adult Education Bar munity. Prizes, t-shirts, raffle, and food. As way you eat? Food Addicts in Recovery and educational program to help widows 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays, 5 p.m. to 8 Get your high school diploma this year We are open and now serving food always, we need volunteers, so if you want Anonymous (FA) is a free, 12-step recov- and widowers adjust to the loss of their p.m. on Mondays and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Tooele Community Learning Center. Tuesday thru Saturday, 11 a.m. to close. to get involved without the sweat, sign up ery program for anyone suffering from spouse through monthly activities. You on Tuesdays at the Tooele City Library. All All classes required for a high school Our new contact phone number is 435- to help on race day! food addiction. Meetings are held every are invited to join others who are on the 249-0192. We look forward to seeing you. proceeds go back to the library for proj- diploma, adult basic education, GED prep- Ladies Community Club of Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Pioneer Museum, same page as you, to begin a new chapter ects and programs. aration and English as a second language Tooele 47 E. Vine Street in Tooele. Enter at the in your life story. Call Sarah with Tooele are available. Register now to graduate north back entrance. For more infor- County Aging Services at 435-277-2456 for Disabled Veterans To view upcoming events, learn more Community Book Sharing Box — just $50 per semester. Located at 211 mation, call Millicent at 435-882-7094 more details. about our organization, or to become a Our Community Book Sharing Box has Tooele Blvd. Call 435-833-8750. Adult edu- or Denise 435-840-2375 or visit www. moved to a new location. It has moved Chapter 20 member, please find us on Facebook or Sons of Utah Pioneers cation classes are for students 18 and over. The “Jordan M. Byrd” Tooele County Everyone is welcome to two doors to the south where the Cook you can email us at ladiescommunity- Anyone interested in the history of Chapter 20, for the Disabled American attend. Family will now be the steward’s of the [email protected]. Tooele City, Tooele County or Utah ESOL Veterans holds monthly general member- “Little Free Library” at 987 S 1050 W. ESOL conversational classes are held Tooele County Aging pioneers, we need you. The Son of Utah ship meetings at the Pioneer Museum, Ladies Golf League Anyone can take a book or bring a book Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Tooele Tooele County Aging is looking for Pioneers are currently curtailing our meet- 47 E. Vine Street (rear basement door Golf Season is finally here! We to donate and share with others. To learn Community Learning Center. ESOL stu- volunteers to help us meet the needs of ings due to the pandemic, but watch this entrance) in Tooele, every third Thursday would love for you to join our 2021 more and to find other locations near you, dents may also come anytime the center is seniors in the community. Many seniors bulletin and we will announce our next of the month at 7 p.m. We welcome and Ladies 18-hole league on Wednesdays at go to, under the open for individualized study. Registration require assistance and need rides to doc- meeting, which will be a virtual meet- invite all veterans to come join us in the the Tooele Oquirrh Hills course! Sign-ups MAP tab and enter your zip code. is $50 per semester. Located at 211 Tooele tors or other professionals. Rides help ing. Also watch for an announcement of comradery with other veterans at our (Meet & Greet) on April 21 at 6:00 p.m. The Blvd. Call 435-833-8750 for more informa- seniors live more independent lives. Call the opening of the James Bevan Pioneer monthly meetings. Chapter 20 now has 1st day out on the course will be April Tooele County Aging Services tion. 435-843-4114 for more information. The Museum when it is safe to admit the pub- trained Chapter Service Officer’s (CSO’s) 28. Please call 435-882-4220 if you have Dementia Dialogues will be offered Grantsville and Tooele Senior Centers lic. For more information about the Sons to answer questions concerning your VA questions. virtually by Tooele County Aging Services Early Head Start also are in need of volunteers. For more of Utah Pioneers, contact Howard Yerke, benefits. Nations Service Officers (NSO’s) on Tuesday evening, May 11 from 4 p.m. DDI VANTAGE Early Head Start offers information about volunteering at the Membership Chairman, 435-841-9718 or are available by appointment to help vet- TOPS Weight Loss Support to 6 p.m. This series is designed to edu- NO COST weekly home visits for families Grantsville Center call 435-884-3446. For [email protected] erans and their families submit claims for Group cate community members and caregivers who are eligible under the age of 3. Home volunteering at the Tooele Center call compensation, obtain health and educa- The TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) about Alzheimer’s disease and related visits include parent and child education, 435-843-4110. TC Squares Dance Club dementias. Please call 435-277-2457 to assessments, and family support services tional well-earned benefits. ALL DAV ser- Weight Loss Support Group meets every The TC Squares Dance Club has begun preregister. including nutrition education. We also vices are Free of Charge. For information, Tuesday in the Cornerstone Baptist Church Life’s Worth Living Foundation dancing again on Mondays at the Clarke offer comprehensive health services for please join our monthly meetings. Call located at 276 E. 500 North, Tooele. Suicide support group meetings are Johnson Jr. High Cafetorium, 2152 N. 400 expecting mothers including prenatal commander Penny Larson 801-359-8468 Weigh-in begins at 5:30 p.m. followed by held every fourth Thursday at 7 p.m. at West, Tooele, from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Please Grantsville parent education and support services. or Adjutant Curtis G. Beckstrom at 435- a meeting at 6 p.m. Men, women and chil- Mountain West Medical Center, 2055 N. bring finger food to share. For more infor- 840-0547 or Senior Vice Dustee Thomas dren are invited to attend. Come and let Share your Ancestry Apply online- or call 435- Main Street in Tooele, in the classroom by mation, contact Woody at 435-850-2441, 882-3439. at 435-830-8487. Please leave messages if us help you live a healthier lifestyle! For the cafeteria. If you struggle with suicidal Roberta at 801-349-5992 or visit the club’s The Family History Center in Grantsville no contact. more information visit or con- thoughts or have lost a loved one to sui- website at has been gathering histories, pictures and Free developmental evaluation tact Mary Lou Beck at 435-228-8202. cide, please plan on attending. Please go obituaries of residents of Grantsville. All COVID-19 Help for DAV DDI VANTAGE Early Intervention offers on Facebook and like our page to keep Tooele County Homemakers information will be shared upon request, The Disabled American Veterans Museum Volunteers Needed NO COST developmental evaluations for current with our latest news and events. We would like to invite all ladies to our but we are asking for your help in further- National Office has established a relief Tooele Valley Museum & Historical Park children ages birth to 3. We provide a full Contact us on that page. Visit lifesworth- Homemakers club. Meetings are held on ing this work. Thanks for all who have fund to provide financial aid to service- is seeking volunteers. Do you enjoy his- range of services for children with devel- or call 435-248-LIVE. the first Tuesday of every month with a assisted. Please contact Don and Patti opmental delays or disabilities. Our goal connected disabled veterans who have tory or science? Volunteers at the museum luncheon and raffle, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Johnson, by email: [email protected], by is to minimize the effects of the delay and lost employment or income due to the can gain new skills or practice old ones. Parkinson’s disease Support September through May. Located at 151 mail: P.O. Box 744 Grantsville, UT 84029, or reduce the need for long-term services COVID-19 Virus Pandemic. The issued We are looking for people to help with N Main, in the auditorium of the Health organization, exhibit development, gar- Group by phone: 435-884-5018, 435-224-5010. throughout their school years. For more grants are meant to help these disabled A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease can Department and USU Extension offices. dening and educational program devel- information call 435-833-0725 or visit us at service connected veterans, pay bills, be overwhelming for the newly diag- Come out and enjoy some fun. $5 due Senior Center opment. Volunteer positions are seasonal obtain food and provide for their families nosed. Tooele has a support group for per year. For more information, call Eileen The senior center is for the enjoyment and year round. Scheduling is flexible. during these difficult times. persons with Parkinson’s disease and their 435-882-5009 or 435-849-0854, Dianne of all seniors 60 and older. Center hours Volunteers must be at least 16 years old. The application for this relief can be caregivers. You can learn how others are 435-224-4814, or Thiel 435-238-8245. are Monday thru Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 To apply or request more information, Charity found at Veterans coping with PD and how to live well. We Thank you and we hope to see you all this p.m., Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. New and send email to: [email protected] will need to fully complete the application meet the third Friday of each month from September. exciting activities include pinochle, bingo, Tooele Children’s Justice Center and provide documentation verifying crafts, bunko, therapeutic coloring, flint Tooele Children’s Justice Center is in Tooele Gem and Mineral Society 1-2 p.m. at Tooele Technology College, 88 Tooele County Quilters their status as a service-connected dis- S. Tooele Blvd., Tooele. For information, knapping, yoga, fly tying and exercise need of DVD-Rs, soda, bottled water and The Tooele Gem and Mineral Society All meetings are held on the third abled veteran who has lost employment call Hal at 435-840-3683. program, wood carving and health snacks. We appreciate all donations. For as a result of the pandemic. Disabled meets the first Thursday of the month. Tuesday of each month in the Tooele classes. Meals-On-Wheels available for inquiries or drop-off, call 435-843-3440, 36 veterans who are small business owners Meetings are held from 7 to 9 p.m. in Tooele Naranon “Circle of Hope County Health Dept. auditorium. Dues homebound. Lunch served weekdays. S 100 E, Tooele. or who work independently and have the downstairs conference room of the are $20 per year to be paid at the first For 60 and above, suggested contribu- Pioneer Museum, 47 E. Vine St., Tooele. to Recovery” been negatively impacted financially as a Tooele Naranon meets Thursdays at meeting. tion is $3. For those under 60, cost is $5. United Methodist Dinner result of the virus may also be eligible for Come and learn about rocks, minerals, Tooele United Methodist Church offers a Transportation available to the store or this assistance. and ways to craft them, and enjoy field doctor visits for residents in Tooele and free dinner every Wednesday. Coffee and trips for rock collecting. Membership is Grantsville areas. For transportation social hour starts at 4 p.m. and dinner is $15 per year. For more information email Bulletin Board Policy information call 435-843-4114. For more served from 5-6 p.m. All are welcome. [email protected]. Historical Society If you would like to announce an upcoming event, contact the Transcript-Bulletin information about the Grantsville center, First Baptist Food Pantry Tooele Valley Free Masons at 882-0050, fax to 882-6123 or email to [email protected]. “The Bulletin call 435-884-3446. Monthly Meetings Board” is for special community events, charitable organizations, civic clubs, non- Community Food Pantry located at The Tooele County Historical Society Tooele Valley Free Masons meet the Daughters of Utah Pioneers 580 S Main St., Tooele. We are open second Friday of each month for din- profit organizations, etc. For-profit businesses should contact the advertising depart- meetings have been cancelled until ment. Please limit your notice to 60 words or less. The Tooele Transcript-Bulletin The DUP is seeking any family histories, on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. further notice because of the Cov-19 ner and socializing. If you are interested Everyone is welcome, no requirements. or have questions, please join us at the cannot guarantee your announcement will be printed. To guarantee your announce- photographs, books, stories or vintage Epidemic. Please stay safe and watch for ment please call the advertising department at 882-0050. Information must be deliv- Come as often as you need, we have Lodge, located at the corner of Settlement artifacts (before 1900) to display at the any updated information about our meet- ered no later than 3 p.m. the day prior to the desired publication date. DUP Grantsville Museum, located at 378 plenty of food. First Baptist Church 435- ing schedule in the Transcript Bulletin. Canyon Road and state Route 36, or call at W. Clark St. (in the basement of the J. 882-2048. 435-277-0087. Reuben Clark Farmhouse across from the Historical books Grantsville Cemetery). For more informa- Baby Blankets Needed Tooele County Historical Society’s books Tooele Valley Family History tion, call Ellen Yates at 435-884-0253 or Baby blankets are needed for the nurs- are available to purchase at meetings. The Center Comics Page Puzzle Answers ery at Mountain West Medical Center. Coralie Lougey at 435-884-3832. Visit History of Tooele County Volume II is $30, Research your ancestors free with from page B4 or Blankets should be new and in good The Mining, Smelting, and Railroading in trained Family Search volunteers at the condition. Homemade blankets are also Tooele is $20, and we also have eight note Tooele Valley Family History Center, 751 Hidato Sol. 5/3 accepted if new. Donations can be turned cards depicting four different pioneer N. 520 East, Tooele. Phone 435-882-1396. Grantsville City Library in to the volunteer desk at Mountain West buildings for $4. These make great gifts Hours of operation: Tuesday through Beginning December 1, 2020 Grantsville Medical Center, 2055 N. Main Street in for family and friends. Please call Alice Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and City Library is going fine free. We will no Tooele. Call Diane at 435-843-3691 with Dale at 435-882-1612 if you would like to Thursday evenings 7-9 p.m. Wednesday longer charge overdue fines for items any questions. purchase these books. evenings by appointment only. Special returned after their due date. Our new Just Serve classes offered regularly. Call the center hours are Tuesday through Friday from Seeking Historical Items for more information. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday from If you are interested in serving in your The Tooele County Historical Society 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We are offering community, or know of a service project would like members of the community Tooele Al-Anon Choices 4U limited contact hold pick-up, please call that would benefit your community, go to who have any family or personal histories, This group meets Sundays at 5 p.m. at 435-884-1670 for more information. and post your project or sign photographs, books, brochures, DVDs, the Mountain Faith Lutheran Church, 560 up to become a volunteer for the project Follow us on Facebook! TOOELETRANSCRIPT BULLETIN @TooeleTB BOARD OF EDUCA- TION MEETING Tuesday, May 11, 2021 92 Lodestone Way, Tooele, UT 84074 1. Business Meeting, 6pm (Start of Public Meeting) 1.1 Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Recognition and Good News 2.1 District Recogni- tion for May- Stans- bury Park Elementary 2.2 School Presenta- tion 3. Open Forum (Lim- ited to three minutes per individual and a to- tal of 30 minutes for all comments. To speak, sign up at the clerk's desk prior to the start of the open forum.) 3.1 Patron Comments 4. Consent Items (Routine items on the consent agenda not requiring public discus- sion by the Board may be adopted by one sin- gle motion. A Board Member may request to remove an item from the consent agenda for individual discussion and consid- eration.) 4.1 Minutes 4.2 Expenditure Re- port 4.3 Revenue Report 4.4 Disbursement Re- port 4.5 Personnel Deci- sions 4.6 Amended Trustland Plans THURSDAY4.7 150 MileMay Contests 6, 2021 B6 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN 4.8 Surplus 4.9 Request for Pro- posal 4.10 Vote on Consent Calendar To place your Classified ad To place your5. Information, Classified Discus- ad call 435-882-0050 call 435-882-0050sion, or Calendar Items 5.1 Superintendent's CLASSIFIED Report 5.2 Counselor and So- cial Services Update Rates for the Tooele Transcript Bulletin, 5.3 My Tech High/Blue CLASSIFIED LINE AD RATES published every Tuesday and Thursday Classified ad deadlines: Monday 4:45 p.m. for Tuesday edition • Wednesday 4:45 p.m. for ThursdayPeak Online edition All classified line ads running in the Tooele Transcript Bulletin on Tuesday or Thursday will automatically run in the Tooele Valley Extra, a separate publication that is delivered to all nonsubscribers5.4 of the 2021-2022 Tooele Transcript Bulletin.Weekly TWENTY WORDS OR LESS MONTHLY RATE School Schedule An ad running a minimum of 8 consecutive issues NOTICE Transcript Bulletin Publishing Co. does not endorse, promote, or encourage the purchase of any product All real estate advertised in the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which $ 50 After 20 words or service advertised in this newspaper. Advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Transcript makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination based5.5 on race, Tooele religion, sex Education or national 30¢ per word/issue $2.00 per word over 20 words Bulletin Publishing Co. hereby disclaims all liability for any damages suffered as the result of any advertisement in origin, or any intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.”Foundation The Tooele Transcript-Bulletin Bi Annual will 6 $ the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin. Transcript Bulletin Publishing Co. is not responsible for any claims or representations not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that Bold/boxed ads extra made in advertisements in the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin. The Tooele Transcript- Bulletin has the sole authority to edit all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis.Report Bold type 5¢ per word/issue 25 No credit for stopped ads. Includes and locate any classified advertisement as deemed appropriate. Transcript Bulletin Publishing Company reserves 5.6 Board of Education Boxed ads 50¢ per issue (20 words or less) the right to refuse any advertisement. 4 runs in the Tooele Valley Extra Committee Reports 6. Action Items 6.1 Trustland Plans SY Services Services Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Business Public Notices Public Notices 2021-2022Public Notices Opportunities Meetings Meetings 6.2 SexMeetings Education Ma- terials and Yearly Data A1 PAINTING. Inte- JOSE’S YARD MAIN- AT&T TV - The Best of DISH Network. $64.99 HughesNet Satellite INVENTORS - FREE Deadline for public PUBLIC NOTICE 6.3 New Policy, Stu- rior, exterior painting, TENANCE, LLC Live & On-Demand for 190 Channels! Internet - 25mbps INFORMATION notices is 4 p.m. the The agenda for the dent and Employee staining, deck oiling, Aeration, Power Rak- On All Your Favorite Blazing Fast Internet, starting at $49.99/mo! PACKAGE Have your day prior to publica- Tooele County Council Data Protection, 1st power washing, dry- ing, Mow, Trimming Screens. CHOICE $19.99/mo. (where Get More Data product idea devel- tion. Public notices Work Session to be Read wall phase, patching. trees & bushes yard Package, $64.99/mo available.) Switch & FREE Off-Peak Data. oped affordably by submitted past the held May 11, 2021 at 6.4 Retire Policy 4028, Professional work at cleanup, hauling gar- plus taxes for Get a FREE $100 FAST download the Research & De- deadline will not be 5:00 p.m., will be Technology Security reasonable rates. bage, residential and 12months. Premium Visa Gift Card. FREE speeds. WiFi built in! velopment pros and accepted. posted on the county 6.5 New Policy, Edu- (435)248-9113 commercial. Low Channels at No Voice Remote. FREE FREE Standard In- presented to manu- UPAXLP w e b s i t e a t cation and Family Pri- rates. Licensed/In- Charge for One Year! HD DVR. FREE stallation for lease facturers. Call (https://agenda.tooe- vacy, 1st Read AERATION (works sured. Senior dis- Anytime, anywhere. Streaming on ALL customers! Limited 1-877-649-5574 for a 6.6 New Policies for best when wet), till- counts. Some restrictions ap- Devices. Call today! T i m e , C a l l Free Idea Starter daonline,) click on 3000 Business Section ing, topsoil, small N O T I C E A N D (435)843-7614 ply. W/ 24-mo. agmt 1-866-360-6959 1-844-294-9882 Guide. Submit your “Tooele County Coun- of the Policy Manual dump truck, land- AGENDA TV price higher in idea for a free consul- cil Meetings” and on 6.7 Election for Dele- s c a p e r o c k , RAIN GUTTERS, Two great new offers NOTICE IS HEREBY 2nd year. Regional Earthlink High Speed tation. the public notice web- gates at Large sand/gravel, mulch, seamless, aluminum, from AT&T Wireless! GIVEN THAT THE Sports Fee up to Internet. As Low As site 7. Action Items--Re- manure, limerock, all colors, leaf protec- Ask how to get the TOOELE COUNTY $8.49/mo. is extra & $49.95/month (for the ( vised Policies Seasonal Service tion cleaning. Li- new iPhone 11 or BOARD OF HEALTH applies. Call IVS first 3 months.) Reli- Wanted mn/index.html) . Cop- 7.1 Revised Policy (435)850-2909 censed and insured, Next Generation WILL HOLD A REGU- 1-855-404-9323 able High Speed Fi- ies may also be ob- 5035, Homeless Stu- free estimates . Samsung Galaxy LAR MEETING ON HANDYMAN, any kind ber Optic Technol- tained at the County dents, 1st Read (435)841-4001 Become a published S10e ON US with I AM paying more for TUESDAY, May 13, of handyman work, ogy. Stream Videos, Clerk's Office and the 8. Executive Session, author! Publications Music and More! Call AT&T's Buy one, junk cars/trucks. I will 2021 at 7:00 P.M. AT yard work, leaf TOOELE TREE and Transcript Bulletin. (Closed to the Public) sold at all major secu- Earthlink Today Give One offer. While come to you and tow 352 E. Airport Way, cleanup. Residential STUMP,LLC Free Marilyn K. Gillette, 8.1 Purchase, Ex- lar & specialty Chris- 1-844-240-1769 supplies last! CALL it away. Call/Text Wendover, UT 84083 and business. Call quotes. Tree Trim- Tooele County Clerk change, or Lease of tian bookstores. 1-855-916-3098 (435)224-2064 AGENDA J i m m y a t (Published in the Real Property ming and removal. CALL Christian Faith Eliminate gutter clean- DL5970 1. Welcome Brent (435)228-8561 Tooele Transcript Bul- 8.2 Pending or Rea- Stump grinding. Li- Publishing for your ing forever! LeafFilter, Marshall, Chair Furniture & letin May 6, ,2021) sonably Imminent Liti- HANDYMAN, For fall censed and insured. FREE author submis- the most advanced Approve March 23, gation clean up, residential Text or call Kolleen s i o n k i t . debris-blocking gutter Appliances Autos 2021 Meeting Minutes snow removal and Logan 435-849-6768 protection. Schedule (Action Item) BOARD OF EDUCA- 8.3 Collective Bargain- 1-866-460-2052 NORTH VALLEY Ap- any other job, small Closed Sundays. a FREE LeafFilter es- 2. Board Member As- TION MEETING ing DIRECTV - Watch timate today. 15% off pliance. Washers/ DONATE YOUR CAR Tuesday, May 11, 8.4 Character, Profes- or large. Call Jimmy TREE WORK. Free signment Reports your favorite live Entire Purchase. 10% dryers refrigerators, OR TRUCK TO 2021 sional Competence, or at (435)228-8561 estimates! Local Brent Marshall, Chair sports, news and en- Senior & Military Dis- freezers, stoves. HERITAGE FOR 92 Lodestone Way, Physical or Mental company. Licensed (Information Item) HOME REPAIRS ex- tertainment any- counts. Call $149-$399 full war- THE BLIND. Free 3 Tooele, UT 84074 Health of an Individual & insured. Bucket UALBOH Symposium pert. Doors, knobs, where. More top pre- 1-844-909-2398 ranty. Complete re- Day Vacation, Tax 1. Business Meeting, 9. Adjourn (10pm Cur- truck, Crane serv- (Information Item) trim, baseboards, mium channels than pair service. Satis- Deductible, Free 6pm (Start of Public few) ice, Stump removal, HEARING AIDS!! Buy 3. Health Officer’s Re- mouldings, drywall re- DISH. Restrictions faction guaranteed. Towing, All Paper- Meeting) 9.1 Adjournment mulch. one/get one FREE! port Jeff Coombs, pairs, texturing, apply. Call IVS - Parts for all brands. work Taken Care Of. 1.1 Welcome and REVIEW SUPPORT 801-633-6685 Pre- Nearly invisible, fully Health Officer caulking, weather- 1-833-599-6474 (435)830-3225. CALL Pledge of Allegiance DOCUMENTATION rechargeable IN-EAR COVID-19 & Vaccina- proofing, framing, 1-855-408-2196 2. Recognition and TWO DAYS PRIOR DIRECTV NOW. No NANO hearing aids Portable Oxygen Con- tion Update home updating and Good News TO THE MEETING AT Satellite Needed. priced thousands less centrator May Be DONATE YOUR CAR Staffing Update renovations and 2.1 District Recogni- $40/month. 65 Chan- than competitors! Covered by Medi- TO UNITED BREAST (Information Items) much more. Small Miscellaneous tion for May- Stans- t/tooelesd/board.nsf/vp nels. Stream Break- 45-day trial! Call: care! Reclaim inde- CANCER FOUNDA- Update Board of jobs okay. Call bury Park Elementary ublic?open ing News, Live 1-833-991-0313 pendence and mobil- TION! Your donation Health Bylaws S h a n e ( 4 3 5 ) 2.2 School Presenta- In compliance with the SELL YOUR computer Events, Sports & On ity with the compact helps education, pre- (Action Item) 840-0344. tion Americans with Dis- in the classifieds. Call Demand Titles. No DEADLINES FOR design and long-last- vention & support 4. Financial Report 3. Open Forum (Lim- abilities Act, individu- HAVING A yard sale? 882-0050 or visit Annual Contract. No classifieds ads are ing battery of Inogen programs. FAST Brad Gillies, Finance ited to three minutes als needing special ac- Advertise in the Tran- www.tooeletranscript. Commitment. CALL M o n d a y a n d One. Free information FREE PICKUP - 24 Manager per individual and a to- commodations (includ- script com 1-844-435-3985 Wednesdays by 4:45 k i t ! C a l l HR RESPONSE - April 2021 Financial tal of 30 minutes for all ing auxiliary communi- p.m. 877-691-4639 TAX DEDUCTION Report (Action Item) comments. To speak, cative aide and serv- JOB OPPORTUNITY • STANSBURY PARK IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT • MAY 5, 2021 1-855-507-2691 ices) during this meet- Garage, Yard Transfer from Fund sign up at the clerk's DONATE your car, Balance to Capital Im- desk prior to the start ing should notify Sales truck or van. Help provement Fund of the open forum.) Jackie Gallegos (435) Field Water and Wastewater Operator 3.1 Patron Comments 833-1900 at least HAVING A GARAGE veterans find jobs or (Action Item) start a business. Call Capital Improvement 4. Consent Items three days prior to the SALE? Advertise it in (Routine items on the meeting. The Stansbury Park Improvement is seeking full time qualified candidates to fill a field the classifieds. Call Patriotic Hearts Foun- Fund Balance Transfer dation. Fast, FREE for Work at Senior consent agenda not (Published in the water and wastewater operator position. Must be detail-oriented, and be able to work 882-0050 Tooele Transcript Bul- independently and as part of a team. Must pick-up. Max tax-de- Centers requiring public discus- duction. Operators (Action Item) sion by the Board may letin May 6, 2021) Sporting be adopted by one sin- are standing by! Call 5. EH Update Bryan We will continue to gle motion. A Board NATURE OF THE WORK Goods 1-866-983-3647 Slade, Environmental broadcast the Planning Member may request To monitor, operate, maintain and troubleshoot the water and wastewater treatment Health Director Commission meetings SELLING YOUR SELL YOUR CAR or to remove an item facilities. Work involves responsibility for the technical aspects of plant operations and Household Hazardous electronically on mountain bike? Ad- boat in the classi- from the consent Waste Collection Day Zoom. If you choose to water and sewer systems in compliance with State and Federal operating regulations. vertise it in the classi- fieds. Call 882-0050 agenda for individual (Information Item) attend, please wear a Must perform work with considerable independence under the direction of the District fieds. Call 882-0050 or visit www.tooele- discussion and consid- 6. Aging Services Ja- face covering. www.tooele tran- transcript. com eration.) Manager, or others as designated. mie Zwerin, Aging PUBLIC NOTICE 4.1 Minutes Services Director Notice is hereby given 4.2 Expenditure Re- Reopening of Senior that the Grantsville ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Homes port Centers City Planning Commis- • Perform all aspects of inspection, sampling, monitoring, and testing required in Help Wanted 4.3 Revenue Report (Information Item) sion will hold a regular 4.4 Disbursement Re- compliance with Federal, State and Local regulations governing water, storm drain, and SELLING YOUR 7. Family School meeting on Thursday, port wastewater systems. This is an official re- HOME? Advertise it Health Update Amy May 13, 2021 in the 4.5 Personnel Deci- • Respond to and assist as assigned with all aspects relating to the installation, operation quest for Profes- in the classifieds. Call Royal, FSH Director Grantsville City Hall sions sional/consultants 882-0050 or visit School Nurses going Council Chambers at and maintenance of water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities. 4 . 6 A m e n d e d who will stand as our www.tooeletran to Tooele County 429 East Main Street • Other duties may include but are not limited to meter reading, delivering water shut off Trustland Plans regional representa- School District in Grantsville Utah. 4.7 150 Mile Contests notices, meter turn on and shut off’s, mapping, recording field as-builts, painting, tree tive to run logistics, (Information Item) The meeting shall be- 4.8 Surplus trimming, backhoe and dump truck operation, sewer jet-rod operation, blue staking, Book/record Keeper 8. Board Member gin promptly at 7:00 4.9 Request for Pro- for the company. We Water Shares Comments and/or p.m. concrete work, saw cutting, mowing and cleaning. posal are only looking for Concerns Board Mem- CALL TO ORDER • Participate in “on call” assignments to respond to emergencies and breakdowns. 4.10 Vote on Consent individuals or compa- bers AND PLEDGE OF AL- TWO SETTLEMENT Calendar • As assigned on a rotating basis, conducts the necessary weekend checks of the treatment nies from the USA. 9. Public Comments LEGIANCE Canyon water shares 5. Information, Discus- plants and lift stations. For more details con- and/or Concerns Pub- PUBLIC HEARINGS: $3000ea. Cal l sion, or Calendar • Perform all work in conformance with Occupational Safety and Health Act regulations. tact Maxwel Alinson lic a. Proposed Commer- 830-0024, 241-4127. Items atmaxali056232@gm 10. Meeting Adjourn cial Conditional Use • Maintain open communication with the District Manager regarding the treatment process 5.1 Superintendent's Next meeting to be Permit and Site Plan and pump stations operation and malfunctions, as well as make recommendations for Report Financial held July 27, 2021. for ATM Investments SELL YOUR CAR or 5.2 Counselor and So- repairs and improvements to these systems. Services If you desire special to own and operate an boat in the classi- cial Services Update accommodations un- American Burger fieds. Call 882-0050 5.3 My Tech High/Blue Wesley Financial der the Americans with Drive-thru Restaurant WORK REQUIREMENTS or visit www.tooele- Peak Online Group, LLC. Time- Disabilities Act, please located at approxi- • Be able to perform and document various tests as required by State and Federal agencies transcript. com or 5.4 2021-2022 Weekly share Cancellation contact Ericka Jordt, mately 307 E Main e-mail your ad to School Schedule for the operation of water and wastewater system. Experts. Ove r (435) 277-2460, within Street in the CD Zone. tbp@tooeletranscript. 5.5 Tooele Education • Have a basic understanding of State and Federal rules governing wastewater discharges $50,000,000 in time- three working days b. Proposed Home Oc- com Foundation Bi Annual and worker’s safety. SELLING YOUR share debt and fees prior to this meeting. cupation Conditional Report HOME? Advertise it cancelled in 2019. One or more Board Use Permit for Megan • Have a working knowledge of the operation, methods, and procedures of water and 5.6 Board of Education in the classifieds. Call Get free informational Members may partici- Crosland to own and wastewater treatment facilities. Committee Reports 882-0050 or visit package and learn pate in this meeting operate a Salon out of 6. Action Items • Have a working understanding of the machinery used for water and wastewater treatment www.tooeletran how to get rid of your telephonically. her home located at 6.1 Trustland Plans SY and pumping stations. timeshare! Free con- (Published in the 126 N Blue Grass Way 2021-2022 sultations. Over 450 Tooele Transcript Bul- in the R-1-21 zone. • Have a thorough understanding of mechanical equipment and the ability to diagnose and BECOME A SUB- 6.2 Sex Education Ma- positive reviews. Call letin May 6 & 11, c. Proposed Rezone of correct equipment malfunction. SCRIBER. 882-0050 terials and Yearly Data 888-912-9289 2021) 17.52 acres of land lo- 6.3 New Policy, Stu- • Have a working knowledge of basic machinery preventive maintenance and repair. cated on the east cor- dent and Employee • Be able to work where unpleasant odors and working conditions may be present. ner of Willow Street Data Protection, 1st and Durfee to go from Read an RR-5 zone to an CREDENTIALS, AND TRAINING REQUIRED 6.4 Retire Policy 4028, R-1-12 zone for Marlo • High school diploma FULL-TIMETechnology Security Meno and Kathlyn Fer- 6.5 New Policy, Edu- • A valid Utah driver’s license and within 1-year of employment obtain a CDL Class A driver ris. cation and Family Pri- license. d. Proposed Rezone of vacy, 1st Read 9.85 acres of land lo- • Within 1-year of employment, must be a State Certified level III Water Operator. 6.6 New Policies for POSITIONS cated on the west cor- • Within 1-year of employment, must be a State Certified Level I Wastewater Treatment 3000 Business Section ner of Pear Street and of the Policy Manual Operator and level II Collection Operator. Willow Street to go 6.7 Election for Dele- from an A-10 zone to gates at Large PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS Receptionist & Sales an R-1-21 zone for 7. Action Items--Re- Mary Chappell. • Ability to descend and climb a maximum of 30 rungs of a ladder to access system pump vised Policies e. Proposed Rezone of stations and manholes. 7.1 Revised Policy 9.87 acres of land lo- • Must be willing to work on a 24-hour standby or “on-call” rotation and be able to respond Circulation Manager5035, Homeless Stu- cated at 998 S Quirk dents, 1st Read to emergency situations within 30 minutes of notification when “on call.” Street to go from an Full-time positions are 40 hours per week. Pay is negotiable8. Executive and Session, RR-1 zone to an • Must have the ability to lift 75 pounds. (Closed to the Public) includes benefits. Responsibilities include front office reception, R-1-21 zone for Jenni- • Must have the ability to detect and differentiate colors 8.1 Purchase, Ex- fer and Robert Wil- scheduling and billing, operating digital copier, newspaperchange, carrier or Lease of liams. Real Property HOURS OF OPERATION AND SALARY and circulation supervision, subscription sales and data entry. f. Proposed Rezone of 8.2 Pending or Rea- Regular business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm with a half- 38.526 acres of land Applicant is required to have the following: sonably Imminent Liti- located at approxi- hour lunch break. Benefits include paid holidays, health and dental insurance benefits, and • People skills • Computer skills • Organizational skillsgation mately 834 N Old Lin- Utah State Retirement Plan. Pay range is $16.00-$20.00/hr depending on qualifications. 8.3 Collective Bargain- • Sales experience • Self motivation coln Hwy to go from an ing A-10 zone to an RR-1 8.4 Character, Profes- HOW TO APPLY: zone for Dustin Hall. sional Competence, or g. Proposed Rezone of • Interested candidates should submit a resume and complete an application for TOOELE Physical or Mental 10.06 acres of land lo- employment by emailing an inquiry to [email protected] Health of an Individual TRANSCRIPT cated at 4795 Hwy 112 9. Adjourn (10pm Cur- • The selected finalist will be required to successfully pass a pre-employment criminal to go from an A-10 few) background check, reference check, and post-offer medical physical with a drug screening. zone to an R-1-21 BULLETIN 9.1 Adjournment • The position is open until filled. Candidates requiring reasonable accommodations under zone for Matthew REVIEW SUPPORT Brown. the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the District Office: 435-882-7922. Send resume to [email protected] or apply h. Proposed Prelimi- TWO DAYS PRIOR THE STANSBURY PARK IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. in person at 58 N. Main St., Tooele, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. nary Plat for Andy TO THE MEETING AT Transcript Bulletin Publishing is a drug-free environment. Lewis, Greg DeHaan, and Scooter II, LLC. t/tooelesd/board.nsf/vp on the Harvest ublic?open Meadow Subdivision In compliance with the located approximately Americans with Dis- at 948 South Quirk abilities Act, individu- Street for the creation als needing special ac- of ninety-six (96) lots commodations (includ- in the R-1-21 zone. ing auxiliary communi- IMMEDIATELY FOL- cative aide and serv- LOWING PUBLIC ices) during this meet- HEARINGS, THE ing should notify MEETING WILL OFFI- Jackie Gallegos (435) CIALLY BE CALLED 833-1900 at least TO ORDER BY three days prior to the CHAIRMAN, BRIAN meeting. PATTEE. (Published in the 1. Consideration to ap- Tooele Transcript Bul- prove the Home Occu- letin May 6, 2021) pation Conditional Use Permit for Megan Cro- sland to own and oper- ate a Salon out of her home located at 126 N Blue Grass Way in the R-1-21 zone. 2. Consideration to ap- prove the Preliminary Plat for Deseret High- lands Investments, LLC and Guy Haskell on the Highlands Sub- division Phase 4 at ap- proximately 750 North Highway 138 consist- ing of twenty-five (25) lots in the RM-7 zone. 3. Consideration to recommend approval of the Commercial Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan for ATM Investments to own and operate an Ameri- can Burger Drive-thru Restaurant located at approximately 307 E Main Street in the CD Zone. 4. Consideration to recommend approval to Rezone of 73.22 acres for Marlo Meno, Mary Chappell and Kirk Matthews located at approximately 550 East Main Street to go from an RM-7, an R-1-12 and an A-10 zone to a Mixed Use zone. 5. Consideration to recommend approval to Rezone of 9.85 acres of land located on the west corner of Pear Street and Willow Street to go from an A-10 zone to an R-1-21 zone for Mary Chappell. 6. Consideration to recommend approval to Rezone of 17.52 acres of land located on the east corner of Willow Street and Dur- fee to go from an RR-5 zone to an R-1-12 zone for Marlo Meno and Kathlyn Ferris. 7. Consideration to recommend approval to Rezone of 9.87 acres of land located at 998 S Quirk Street to go from an RR-1 zone to an R-1-21 zone for Jennifer and Robert Williams. 8. Consideration to recommend approval to Rezone of 38.526 acres of land located at approximately 834 N Old Lincoln Hwy to go from an A-10 zone to an RR-1 zone for Dustin Hall. 9. Consideration to recommend approval to Rezone of 10.06 acres of land located at 4795 Hwy 112 to go from an A-10 zone to an R-1-21 zone for Matthew Brown. 10. Consideration to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat for Andy Lewis, Greg DeHaan, and Scooter II, LLC. on the Harvest Meadow Subdivision located approximately at 948 South Quirk Street for the creation of ninety-six (96) lots in the R-1-21 zone. 11. Consideration to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat for on the Harvest Meadow Subdivision located approximately at 948 South Quirk Street for the creation of ninety-six (96) lots in the R-1-21 zone. 12. Consideration to recommend approval of the Final Plat for Mountain Vista Devel- opment and Monte Kingston on the Wor- thington Ranch Subdi- vision located at ap- proximately 1050 North Old Lincoln Hwy for the creation of thirty (30) lots in the RR-2.5 zone. 13. Consideration to recommend approval of the Final Plat for TP Grantsville, LLC and Shawn Holste on the Parkinson Meadows Subdivision located approximately at 198 East Pear Street for the creation of thirty-six (36) lots in the R-1-21 zone. 14. Consideration to recommend approval of the Final Plat for Larry Jacobson and Paul Watson on the Hawthorne Estates Subdivision Phase 2 located at approxi- mately 850 West Main for the creation of twenty-five (25) lots in the R-1-8 zone. 15. Consideration to approve the meeting minutes for the previ- ous P&Z Meeting that was held April 8, 2021. 16. Report from City Council Liaison Darrin Rowberry. 17. Adjourn. DATED May 4, 2021. By the Order of Grantsville City Plan- ning Commission Chairman, Brian Pat- tee. Kristy Clark, Zoning Administrator The anchor location will be City Hall at the above address." All in- terested persons are invited to attend the Zoom meeting. All public comments for the public hearing sec- tion must be written comment and will need to be submitted to the Zoning Administrator in advance. The cur- rent zoning Code and proposed amendments may be reviewed on the Grantsville City website located at In accordance with the Americans with Dis- abilities Act, Grants- ville City will accom- modate reasonable re- quests to assist the disabled to participate in meetings. Request for assistance may be made by calling City Hall at 435-884-3411 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting that will be attended. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom. us/j/88930407652 Meeting ID: 889 3040 7652 One tap mobile +16699009128,,88930 407652# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,88930 407652# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chi- cago) Meeting ID: 889 3040 7652 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom. us/u/keiSD68eS5 (Published in the Tooele Transcript Bul- letin May 6, 2021) We will continue to broadcast the Planning Commission meetings electronically on Zoom. If you choose to attend, please wear a face covering. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Grantsville City Planning Commis- sion will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, May 13, 2021 in the Grantsville City Hall Council Chambers at 429 East Main Street in Grantsville Utah. The meeting shall be- gin promptly at 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF AL- LEGIANCE PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Proposed Commer- cial Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan for ATM Investments to own and operate an American Burger Drive-thru Restaurant located at approxi- mately 307 E Main Street in the CD Zone. b. Proposed Home Oc- cupation Conditional Use Permit for Megan Crosland to own and operate a Salon out of her home located at 126 N Blue Grass Way in the R-1-21 zone. c. Proposed Rezone of 17.52 acres of land lo- cated on the east cor- ner of Willow Street and Durfee to go from an RR-5 zone to an R-1-12 zone for Marlo Meno and Kathlyn Fer- ris. d. Proposed Rezone of 9.85 acres of land lo- cated on the west cor- ner of Pear Street and Willow Street to go from an A-10 zone to an R-1-21 zone for Mary Chappell. e. Proposed Rezone of 9.87 acres of land lo- cated at 998 S Quirk Street to go from an RR-1 zone to an R-1-21 zone for Jenni- fer and Robert Wil- liams. f. Proposed Rezone of 38.526 acres of land located at approxi- mately 834 N Old Lin- coln Hwy to go from an A-10 zone to an RR-1 zone for Dustin Hall. g. Proposed Rezone of 10.06 acres of land lo- cated at 4795 Hwy 112 to go from an A-10 zone to an R-1-21 zone for Matthew Brown. h. Proposed Prelimi- nary Plat for Andy Lewis, Greg DeHaan, and Scooter II, LLC. on the Harvest Meadow Subdivision located approximately at 948 South Quirk Street for the creation of ninety-six (96) lots in the R-1-21 zone. IMMEDIATELY FOL- We will continue to LOWING PUBLIC broadcast the Planning HEARINGS, THE Commission meetings MEETING WILL OFFI- electronically on CIALLY BE CALLED Zoom. If you choose to TO ORDER BY attend, please wear a CHAIRMAN, BRIAN face covering. PATTEE. PUBLIC NOTICE 1. Consideration to ap- Notice is hereby given prove the Home Occu- that the Grantsville pation Conditional Use City Planning Commis- Permit for Megan Cro- sion will hold a regular sland to own and oper- meeting on Thursday, ate a Salon out of her May 13, 2021 in the home located at 126 N Grantsville City Hall Blue Grass Way in the Council Chambers at R-1-21 zone. 429 East Main Street 2. Consideration to ap- in Grantsville Utah. prove the Preliminary The meeting shall be- Plat for Deseret High- gin promptly at 7:00 lands Investments, p.m. LLC and Guy Haskell CALL TO ORDER on the Highlands Sub- AND PLEDGE OF AL- division Phase 4 at ap- LEGIANCE proximately 750 North PUBLIC HEARINGS: Highway 138 consist- a. Proposed Commer- ing of twenty-five (25) cial Conditional Use lots in the RM-7 zone. Permit and Site Plan 3. Consideration to for ATM Investments recommend approval to own and operate an of the Commercial American Burger Conditional Use Permit Drive-thru Restaurant and Site Plan for ATM located at approxi- Investments to own mately 307 E Main and operate an Ameri- Street in the CD Zone. can Burger Drive-thru b. Proposed Home Oc- Restaurant located at cupation Conditional approximately 307 E Use Permit for Megan Main Street in the CD Crosland to own and Zone. operate a Salon out of 4. Consideration to her home located at recommend approval 126 N Blue Grass Way to Rezone of 73.22 in the R-1-21 zone. acres for Marlo Meno, c. Proposed Rezone of Mary Chappell and 17.52 acres of land lo- Kirk Matthews located cated on the east cor- at approximately 550 ner of Willow Street East Main Street to go and Durfee to go from from an RM-7, an an RR-5 zone to an R-1-12 and an A-10 R-1-12 zone for Marlo zone to a Mixed Use Meno and Kathlyn Fer- zone. ris. 5. Consideration to d. Proposed Rezone of recommend approval 9.85 acres of land lo- to Rezone of 9.85 cated on the west cor- acres of land located ner of Pear Street and on the west corner of Willow Street to go Pear Street and Willow from an A-10 zone to Street to go from an an R-1-21 zone for A-10 zone to an Mary Chappell. R-1-21 zone for Mary e. Proposed Rezone of Chappell. 9.87 acres of land lo- 6. Consideration to cated at 998 S Quirk recommend approval Street to go from an to Rezone of 17.52 RR-1 zone to an acres of land located R-1-21 zone for Jenni- on the east corner of fer and Robert Wil- Willow Street and Dur- liams. fee to go from an RR-5 f. Proposed Rezone of zone to an R-1-12 38.526 acres of land zone for Marlo Meno located at approxi- and Kathlyn Ferris. mately 834 N Old Lin- 7. Consideration to coln Hwy to go from an recommend approval A-10 zone to an RR-1 to Rezone of 9.87 zone for Dustin Hall. acres of land located g. Proposed Rezone of at 998 S Quirk Street 10.06 acres of land lo- to go from an RR-1 cated at 4795 Hwy 112 zone to an R-1-21 to go from an A-10 zone for Jennifer and zone to an R-1-21 Robert Williams. zone for Matthew 8. Consideration to Brown. recommend approval h. Proposed Prelimi- to Rezone of 38.526 nary Plat for Andy acres of land located Lewis, Greg DeHaan, at approximately 834 and Scooter II, LLC. N Old Lincoln Hwy to NOTICE TO WATER on the Harvest go from an A-10 zone USERS Meadow Subdivision to an RR-1 zone for The applications below located approximately Dustin Hall. were filed with the Di- at 948 South Quirk 9. Consideration to vision of Water Rights Street for the creation recommend approval in Tooele County. of ninety-six (96) lots to Rezone of 10.06 These are informal in the R-1-21 zone. acres of land located proceedings per Rule IMMEDIATELY FOL- at 4795 Hwy 112 to go 655-6-2. Protests con- We will continue to LOWING PUBLIC from an A-10 zone to cerning an application broadcast the Planning HEARINGS, THE an R-1-21 zone for must be legibly written Commission meetings MEETING WILL OFFI- Matthew Brown. or typed, contain the electronically on CIALLY BE CALLED 10. Consideration to name and mailing ad- Zoom. If you choose to TO ORDER BY recommend approval dress of the protesting attend, please wear a CHAIRMAN, BRIAN of the Preliminary Plat party, STATE THE AP- face covering. PATTEE. for Andy Lewis, Greg PLICATION NUMBER PUBLIC NOTICE 1. Consideration to ap- DeHaan, and Scooter PROTESTED, CITE Notice is hereby given prove the Home Occu- II, LLC. on the Harvest REASONS FOR THE that the Grantsville pation Conditional Use Meadow Subdivision PROTEST, and RE- City Planning Commis- Permit for Megan Cro- located approximately QUEST A HEARING, sion will hold a regular sland to own and oper- at 948 South Quirk if desired. Also, A $15 meeting on Thursday, ate a Salon out of her Street for the creation FEE MUST BE IN- May 13, 2021 in the home located at 126 N of ninety-six (96) lots CLUDED FOR EACH Grantsville City Hall Blue Grass Way in the in the R-1-21 zone. APPLICATION PRO- Council Chambers at R-1-21 zone. 11. Consideration to TESTED. Protests 429 East Main Street 2. Consideration to ap- recommend approval must be filed with the in Grantsville Utah. prove the Preliminary of the Preliminary Plat Division of Water The meeting shall be- Plat for Deseret High- for on the Harvest Rights on or before gin promptly at 7:00 lands Investments, Meadow Subdivision May 26, 2021 either p.m. LLC and Guy Haskell located approximately electronically using the CALL TO ORDER on the Highlands Sub- at 948 South Quirk Division`s on-line Pro- AND PLEDGE OF AL- division Phase 4 at ap- Street for the creation test of Application LEGIANCE proximately 750 North of ninety-six (96) lots form, by hand delivery PUBLIC HEARINGS: Highway 138 consist- in the R-1-21 zone. to a Division office, or a. Proposed Commer- ing of twenty-five (25) 12. Consideration to by mail at PO Box cial Conditional Use lots in the RM-7 zone. recommend approval 146300, Salt Lake Permit and Site Plan 3. Consideration to of the Final Plat for City, UT 84114-6300. for ATM Investments recommend approval Mountain Vista Devel- Please visit water- to own and operate an of the Commercial opment and Monte or call American Burger Conditional Use Permit Kingston on the Wor- (801)538-7240 for ad- Drive-thru Restaurant and Site Plan for ATM thington Ranch Subdi- ditional information. located at approxi- Investments to own vision located at ap- NEW mately 307 E Main and operate an Ameri- proximately 1050 APPLICATION(S) Street in the CD Zone. can Burger Drive-thru North Old Lincoln Hwy 15-5660 (A82571): b. Proposed Home Oc- Restaurant located at for the creation of thirty Barrett and Shelley cupation Conditional approximately 307 E (30) lots in the RR-2.5 Willson propose(s) us- Use Permit for Megan Main Street in the CD zone. ing 4.73 ac-ft. from Crosland to own and Zone. 13. Consideration to groundwater (South of operate a Salon out of 4. Consideration to recommend approval Stockton) for DOMES- her home located at recommend approval of the Final Plat for TP TIC; IRRIGATION; 126 N Blue Grass Way to Rezone of 73.22 Grantsville, LLC and STOCKWATERING. in the R-1-21 zone. acres for Marlo Meno, Shawn Holste on the CHANGE APPLICA- c. Proposed Rezone of Mary Chappell and Parkinson Meadows TION(S) 17.52 acres of land lo- Kirk Matthews located Subdivision located 15-4693 (a47047): cated on the east cor- at approximately 550 approximately at 198 Fassio Egg Farms Inc. SUMMONS FOR ner of Willow Street East Main Street to go East Pear Street for propose(s) using PUBLICATION and Durfee to go from from an RM-7, an the creation of 10.838 ac-ft. from IN THE THIRD DIS- an RR-5 zone to an R-1-12 and an A-10 thirty-six (36) lots in groundwater (Approx. TRICT JUVENILE R-1-12 zone for Marlo zone to a Mixed Use the R-1-21 zone. 3 miles West of Erda) COURT COUNTY OF Meno and Kathlyn Fer- zone. 14. Consideration to for COMMERCIAL: TOOELE, STATE OF ris. 5. Consideration to recommend approval Operations associated UTAH d. Proposed Rezone of recommend approval of the Final Plat for with Fassio Egg Farm. STATE OF UTAH, in 9.85 acres of land lo- to Rezone of 9.85 Larry Jacobson and 15-5659 (a47073): the interest of C. G. cated on the west cor- acres of land located Paul Watson on the Joshua Hinton Special 01/31/2019 Child/ren ner of Pear Street and on the west corner of Hawthorne Estates Needs Trust under 18 years of age Willow Street to go Pear Street and Willow Subdivision Phase 2 propose(s) using 2 Case No. 1169976 from an A-10 zone to Street to go from an located at approxi- ac-ft. from groundwa- JUDGE Tupakk G. an R-1-21 zone for A-10 zone to an mately 850 West Main ter (2 miles South of Renteria Mary Chappell. R-1-21 zone for Mary for the creation of Erda) for IRRIGA- To: MOTHER OF e. Proposed Rezone of Chappell. twenty-five (25) lots in TION; COMMERCIAL: C.G., CASSANDRA 9.87 acres of land lo- 6. Consideration to the R-1-8 zone. Dance Studio 0.5 ECHEVARRIETA cated at 998 S Quirk recommend approval 15. Consideration to acre-foot; STOCKWA- TOOELE COUNTY Street to go from an to Rezone of 17.52 approve the meeting TERING. A pre-trial/trial con- RR-1 zone to an acres of land located minutes for the previ- 15-2564 (a47105): cerning the R-1-21 zone for Jenni- on the east corner of ous P&Z Meeting that Roth Holdings, LLC, above-stated matter is fer and Robert Wil- Willow Street and Dur- was held April 8, 2021. Tooele City Water pending in court and liams. fee to go from an RR-5 16. Report from City Special Service District an adjudication will be f. Proposed Rezone of zone to an R-1-12 Council Liaison Darrin propose(s) using 0.246 INVITATION TO BID made of which may in- 38.526 acres of land zone for Marlo Meno Rowberry. cfs OR 8.392 ac-ft. Tooele City clude up to the perma- located at approxi- and Kathlyn Ferris. 17. Adjourn. from groundwater 90 North Main Tooele nent termination of mately 834 N Old Lin- 7. Consideration to DATED May 4, 2021. (Tooele City Water City, Utah 84074 your parental rights. If coln Hwy to go from an recommend approval By the Order of SSD serv.) for MU- Notice is hereby given you would like to have A-10 zone to an RR-1 to Rezone of 9.87 Grantsville City Plan- NICIPAL: In Tooele that TOOELE CITY an attorney appoint- zone for Dustin Hall. acres of land located ning Commission City Water Special CORPORATION ment to represent you, g. Proposed Rezone of at 998 S Quirk Street Chairman, Brian Pat- Service Dist. (OWNER) will accept please contact the 10.06 acres of land lo- to go from an RR-1 tee. 15-399 (a47145): Lazy bids for the Smelter court prior to the hear- cated at 4795 Hwy 112 zone to an R-1-21 Kristy Clark, Zoning Heart Livestock Corpo- Road Sidewalk Im- ing and request an at- to go from an A-10 zone for Jennifer and Administrator ration propose(s) using provement Project, de- torney to be appointed THURSDAYzone to an May R-1-21 6, 2021Robert Williams. The anchor location TOOELE 161.68TRANSCRIPT ac-ft. from BULLETINscribed in general as to you. B7 zone for Matthew 8. Consideration to will be City Hall at the groundwater (2 miles follows: You are hereby sum- Brown. recommend approval above address." All in- NW of Grantsville) for Removal of approxi- moned to appear be- h.Public Proposed Notices Prelimi- toPublic Rezone Notices of 38.526 terestedPublic persons Notices are Public Notices IRRIGATION;Public Notices STOCK- matelyPublic 1,400 Notices linear Public Notices Public Notices forePublic this court’s Notices loca- nary Meetings Plat for Andy acresMeetings of land located invitedMeetings to attend the Water User WATERING.Water User feetMiscellaneous of curb and gutter Miscellaneous Miscellaneous tion,Miscellaneous Tooele County Lewis, Greg DeHaan, at approximately 834 Zoom meeting. All EXTENSION(S) and 6,600 square feet Juvenile Courthouse, and Scooter II, LLC. N Old Lincoln Hwy to public comments for NOTICE TO WATER 16-837 (A73498): of existing sidewalk, NOTICE REQUEST FOR BIDS 74 South 100 East, on the Harvest go from an A-10 zone the public hearing sec- USERS West Desert Trust and the installation of An emergency hazard- The Tooele County Tooele, Utah 84074 for Meadow Subdivision to an RR-1 zone for tion must be written The applications below is/are filing an exten- approximately 1,550 ous waste permit (# School District is re- a pre-trial on the Veri- located approximately Dustin Hall. comment and will need were filed with the Di- sion for 52 ac-ft. linear feet of new curb UT-014-2021) has questing quotations for fied Petition for Termi- at 948 South Quirk 9. Consideration to to be submitted to the vision of Water Rights (Timpie/Teddy Bear`s and gutter and 9,400 been issued to the replacing a portion of nation of Parental Street for the creation recommend approval Zoning Administrator in Tooele County. Truck Stop) for IRRI- square feet of new Tooele Army Depot the roof at Wendover Rights in said county of ninety-six (96) lots to Rezone of 10.06 in advance. The cur- These are informal GATION; COMMER- sidewalk and related South Area (TEAD-S), High School 110 S on April 29, 2021 at in the R-1-21 zone. acres of land located rent zoning Code and proceedings per Rule CIAL: KOA, Motel, appurtenances. Tooele County, Utah. Wildcat Blvd, Wendo- 3:30 p.m. and a trial on IMMEDIATELY FOL- at 4795 Hwy 112 to go proposed amendments 655-6-2. Protests con- Store, Truck Stop, Re- Separate sealed bids The permit authorizes ver, UT and Stansbury May 27, 2021 at 2:00 LOWING PUBLIC from an A-10 zone to may be reviewed on cerning an application pair Shop, Domestic will be received by the the TEAD-S to deto- Park Elementary 485 p.m. HEARINGS, THE an R-1-21 zone for the Grantsville City must be legibly written use, Irrigation. OWNER in Room 227 nate compromised mu- Country Club Dr, Your failure to appear MEETING WILL OFFI- Matthew Brown. website located at or typed, contain the Teresa Wilhelmsen, of the Tooele City Mu- nitions while the Stansbury Park, UT may result in a default CIALLY BE CALLED 10. Consideration to name and mailing ad- P.E. nicipal Offices located weather conditions 84074. Plans and judgment and the ter- TO ORDER BY recommend approval In accordance with the dress of the protesting State Engineer at 90 North Main, were outside of permit specifications will be mination of your pa- CHAIRMAN, BRIAN of the Preliminary Plat Americans with Dis- party, STATE THE AP- (Published in Tooele Tooele, Utah 84074 requirements. available on May 5, rental rights. PATTEE. for Andy Lewis, Greg abilities Act, Grants- PLICATION NUMBER Transcript Bulletin until 11:00 AM on This permit was effec- 2021 for a $50.00 re- DATED this 20th day 1. Consideration to ap- DeHaan, and Scooter ville City will accom- PROTESTED, CITE April 29 & May 6, Tuesday May 11, tive April 28, 2021, and fundable deposit from of April, 2021. prove the Home Occu- II, LLC. on the Harvest modate reasonable re- REASONS FOR THE 2021) 2021, and then at said expired April 28, the Operations Build- SEAN D. REYES pation Conditional Use Meadow Subdivision quests to assist the PROTEST, and RE- office publicly opened 2021. For further in- ing, 76 South 1000 Attorney General Permit for Megan Cro- located approximately disabled to participate QUEST A HEARING, Public Notices and read aloud. formation, or to re- West, Tooele, UT. ALEXANDRIA KEITH sland to own and oper- at 948 South Quirk in meetings. Request if desired. Also, A $15 Project Specifications quest a copy of the Prospective bidders Assistant Attorney ate a Salon out of her Street for the creation for assistance may be FEE MUST BE IN- Miscellaneous will be issued in digital permit, please contact will be required to at- General home located at 126 N of ninety-six (96) lots made by calling City CLUDED FOR EACH Deadline for public format (PDF), and may Rick Page of the Divi- tend a mandatory (Published in the Blue Grass Way in the in the R-1-21 zone. Hall at 435-884-3411 APPLICATION PRO- notices is 4 p.m. the be obtained by con- sion of Waste Man- pre-bid meeting start- Tooele Transcript Bul- R-1-21 zone. 11. Consideration to at least 24 hours prior TESTED. Protests day prior to publica- tacting Tooele City agement and Radia- ing at Wendover High letin April 22, 29, May 2. Consideration to ap- recommend approval to the meeting that will must be filed with the tion. Public notices Public Works Depart- tion Control at (801) School 110 S Wildcat 7 & 13, 2021) prove the Preliminary of the Preliminary Plat be attended. Division of Water submitted past the ment, 90 North Main, 536-0230. In compli- Blvd, Wendover, UT SUMMONS FOR Plat for Deseret High- for on the Harvest Join Zoom Meeting Rights on or before deadline will not be Tooele, Utah 84074 ance with the Ameri- 84083 on May 11, PUBLICATION lands Investments, Meadow Subdivision https://us02web.zoom. May 26, 2021 either accepted. beginning on April 22, cans with Disabilities 2021 at 10:00 AM. IN THE THIRD DIS- LLC and Guy Haskell located approximately us/j/88930407652 electronically using the UPAXLP 2021 office hours from Act, individuals with Bids are due May 18, TRICT JUVENILE on the Highlands Sub- at 948 South Quirk Meeting ID: 889 3040 Division`s on-line Pro- 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. special needs (includ- 2021 at 11:00 AM at COURT COUNTY OF ANNOUNCEMENT division Phase 4 at ap- Street for the creation 7652 One tap mobile test of Application by calling (435) ing auxiliary communi- 76 South 1000 West, TOOELE, STATE OF OF APPOINTMENT proximately 750 North of ninety-six (96) lots +16699009128,,88930 form, by hand delivery 843-2130. All Bidders cative aids and serv- Tooele, UT and must UTAH AND NOTICE TO Highway 138 consist- in the R-1-21 zone. 407652# US (San to a Division office, or must register with the ices) should contact be in a sealed enve- STATE OF UTAH, in CREDITORS ing of twenty-five (25) 12. Consideration to Jose) by mail at PO Box City in order to be con- Larene Wyss, Office of lope addressed to the interest of E. A. Estate of Maria Pau- lots in the RM-7 zone. recommend approval +12532158782,,88930 146300, Salt Lake sidered for Award of Human Resources at Keysha Mecham 05/01/2020 Child/ren line Mondragon 3. Consideration to of the Final Plat for 407652# US (Tacoma) City, UT 84114-6300. Bid. (801) 536-4284, Tele- Tooele County School under 18 years of age Probate No. recommend approval Mountain Vista Devel- Dial by your location Please visit water- Bid security in the communications Relay District. Bids must be Case No. 1188080 213300027 of the Commercial opment and Monte +1 669 900 9128 US or call amount of 5% of the Service 711, or by accompanied by a Bid JUDGE Elizabeth Alexander John Mon- Conditional Use Permit Kingston on the Wor- (San Jose) +1 253 215 (801)538-7240 for ad- base bid will be re- e m a i l a t bond equivalent to 5 % Knight dragon, Jr., whose ad- and Site Plan for ATM thington Ranch Subdi- 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 ditional information. quired to accompany “[email protected]”. of the total amount To: MOTHER OF E.A., dress is 3581 South Investments to own vision located at ap- 346 248 7799 US NEW bids. (Published in the bid. The bid must EDDIE ARELLANO II, 5200 West, West Val- and operate an Ameri- proximately 1050 (Houston) +1 646 558 APPLICATION(S) Prospective BIDDERS Tooele Transcript Bul- clearly be marked on TOOELE COUNTY ley City, Utah, has can Burger Drive-thru North Old Lincoln Hwy 8656 US (New York) 15-5660 (A82571): are encouraged to at- letin May 6, 2021) the outside of the en- A pre-trial/trial con- been appointed Per- Restaurant located at for the creation of thirty +1 301 715 8592 US Barrett and Shelley tend a pre-bid confer- velope “Roofing Bids c e r n i n g t h e sonal Representative PUBLIC NOTICE approximately 307 E (30) lots in the RR-2.5 (Washington DC) +1 Willson propose(s) us- ence which will be held 2021". The District re- above-stated matter is of the above-entitled The Utah School and Main Street in the CD zone. 312 626 6799 US (Chi- ing 4.73 ac-ft. from in Room 224, of the serves the right to pending in court and estate. Creditors of the Institutional Trust Zone. 13. Consideration to cago) Meeting ID: 889 groundwater (South of Tooele City Municipal waive any formalities an adjudication will be estate are hereby noti- Lands Administration 4. Consideration to recommend approval 3040 7652 Find your Stockton) for DOMES- Offices at 11:00 AM on and accept or reject made of which may in- fied to: (1) deliver or (SITLA) has received recommend approval of the Final Plat for TP l ocal number: TIC; IRRIGATION; Tuesday May 4, 2021. any bid it deems in its clude up to the perma- mail their written an offer to lease prop- to Rezone of 73.22 Grantsville, LLC and https://us02web.zoom. STOCKWATERING. The object of the con- best interest. nent termination of claims to the Personal erty in Tooele County: acres for Marlo Meno, Shawn Holste on the us/u/keiSD68eS5 CHANGE APPLICA- ference is to acquaint (Published in the your parental rights. Representative's attor- Township 5 South Mary Chappell and Parkinson Meadows (Published in the TION(S) BIDDERs with the site Tooele Transcript Bul- You are hereby sum- ney of record, Ryan M. Range 4 West, Kirk Matthews located Subdivision located Tooele Transcript Bul- 15-4693 (a47047): conditions, specifica- letin May 4 & 6, 2021) moned to contact or at approximately 550 approximately at 198 letin May 6, 2021) Fassio Egg Farms Inc. James, at the following tions, and to answer SLB&M SUMMONS FOR appear before this East Main Street to go East Pear Street for propose(s) using address: 6900 South any questions which The South _ of Sec. 30 PUBLICATION court at 74 South 100 from an RM-7, an the creation of 10.838 ac-ft. from 900 East, Suite 240, BIDDERs may have & all of Sec. 31; con- Public Notices IN THE THIRD DIS- East, Tooele, Utah R-1-12 and an A-10 thirty-six (36) lots in groundwater (Approx. Midvale, Utah 84047; concerning the project. taining approximately TRICT JUVENILE 8 4 0 7 4 f o r a zone to a Mixed Use the R-1-21 zone. Trustees 3 miles West of Erda) or (2) file their written All communication 960 Acres. COURT COUNTY OF pre-trial/trial on the zone. 14. Consideration to for COMMERCIAL: claims with the Clerk relative to the Project Any individual wishing Deadline for public TOOELE, STATE OF Verified Petition for 5. Consideration to recommend approval Operations associated of the Third Judicial shall be directed to the to submit a competing notices is 4 p.m. the UTAH Termination of Paren- recommend approval of the Final Plat for with Fassio Egg Farm. District Court in Tooele City Engineer prior to proposal for the prop- day prior to publica- STATE OF UTAH, in tal Rights in said to Rezone of 9.85 Larry Jacobson and 15-5659 (a47073): County, 74 South 100 the opening of bids at: erty should submit an tion. Public notices the interest of C. G. county on the pre-trial acres of land located Paul Watson on the Joshua Hinton Special East, Suite 14, Tooele, TOOELE CITY COR- offer before May 28, submitted past the 01/31/2019 Child/ren on May 27, 2021 at on the west corner of Hawthorne Estates N e e d s T r u s t UT 84074, or other- PORATION 2021. deadline will not be under 18 years of age 9:30 a.m. and trial on Pear Street and Willow Subdivision Phase 2 propose(s) using 2 wise present their 90 North Main TRUST LANDS AD- accepted. Case No. 1169976 July 15, 2021 at 12:00 Street to go from an located at approxi- ac-ft. from groundwa- claims required by Tooele, Utah 84074 MINISTRATION UPAXLP JUDGE Tupakk G. p.m. Failure to appear A-10 zone to an mately 850 West Main ter (2 miles South of Utah law within three Paul Hansen, P.E., Attn. Troy Herold Renteria may result in a default R-1-21 zone for Mary for the creation of Erda) for IRRIGA- months after the date City Engineer 675 East 500 South To: MOTHER OF judgment and the ter- Chappell. twenty-five (25) lots in Public Notices TION; COMMERCIAL: of the first publication email: paulh@tooele- Suite #500 C.G., CASSANDRA mination of your pa- 6. Consideration to the R-1-8 zone. Water User Dance Studio 0.5 of this notice on April Salt lake City, UT ECHEVARRIETA rental rights. recommend approval 15. Consideration to acre-foot; STOCKWA- 22, 2021, or be forever The OWNER reserves 84102 TOOELE COUNTY If you would like to to Rezone of 17.52 approve the meeting Deadline for public TERING. barred. the right to reject any The Administration re- A pre-trial/trial con- have an attorney ap- acres of land located minutes for the previ- notices is 4 p.m. the 15-2564 (a47105): (Published in the or all bids; or to accept serves the right to re- c e r n i n g t h e pointment to represent on the east corner of ous P&Z Meeting that day prior to publica- Roth Holdings, LLC, Tooele Transcript Bul- or reject the whole or ject any offer. above-stated matter is you, please contact Willow Street and Dur- was held April 8, 2021. tion. Public notices Tooele City Water letin April 22, 29 & any part of any bid; to (Published in the pending in court and the court prior to the fee to go from an RR-5 16. Report from City submitted past the Special Service District May 6, 2021) award schedules Tooele Transcript Bul- an adjudication will be hearing. zone to an R-1-12 Council Liaison Darrin deadline will not be propose(s) using 0.246 separately or together letin May 6 & 13, INVITATION TO BID made of which may in- DATED this 3rd day of zone for Marlo Meno Rowberry. accepted. cfs OR 8.392 ac-ft. to contractors, or to 2021) Tooele City clude up to the perma- May 2021. and Kathlyn Ferris. 17. Adjourn. UPAXLP from groundwater waive any informality 90 North Main Tooele SELLING YOUR nent termination of SEAN D. REYES 7. Consideration to DATED May 4, 2021. (Tooele City Water or technicality in any SELL YOUR com- City, Utah 84074 mountain bike? your parental rights. If Attorney General recommend approval By the Order of SSD serv.) for MU- bid in the best interest puter in the classi- Notice is hereby given www.tooele tran- you would like to have ALEXANDRIA KEITH to Rezone of 9.87 Grantsville City Plan- NICIPAL: In Tooele of the City. Only bids fieds. Call 882-0050 that TOOELE CITY an attorney appoint- Assistant Attorney acres of land located ning Commission City Water Special giving a firm quotation SELL YOUR CAR or or visit www.tooele- CORPORATION ment to represent you, General at 998 S Quirk Street Chairman, Brian Pat- Service Dist. properly signed will be boat in the classi- transcript. com (OWNER) will accept please contact the (Published in the to go from an RR-1 tee. 15-399 (a47145): Lazy accepted. fieds. Call 882-0050 bids for the Smelter court prior to the hear- Tooele Transcript Bul- zone to an R-1-21 Kristy Clark, Zoning HAVE A good idea for Heart Livestock Corpo- (Published in the or visit www.tooele- Road Sidewalk Im- ing and request an at- letin May 6, 13, 20 & zone for Jennifer and Administrator a story? Call the ration propose(s) using Tooele Transcript Bul- transcript. com or provement Project, de- torney to be appointed 27, 2021) Robert Williams. The anchor location Transcript and let us 161.68 ac-ft. from letin April 22, 29 & e-mail your ad to scribed in general as to you. 8. Consideration to will be City Hall at the know 882-0050. groundwater (2 miles May 6, 2021) tbp@tooeletranscript. follows: You are hereby sum- recommend approval above address." All in- NW of Grantsville) for com TOOELETRANSCRIPT Removal of approxi- moned to appear be- to Rezone of 38.526 terested persons are WANT TO get the lat- IRRIGATION; STOCK- DEADLINES FOR BULLETIN mately 1,400 linear fore this court’s loca- acres of land located invited to attend the est local news? Sub- WATERING. SELL YOUR car in the classifieds ads are feet of curb and gutter tion, Tooele County at approximately 834 Zoom meeting. All scribe to the Tran- EXTENSION(S) Transcript Bulletin M o n d a y a n d and 6,600 square feet Juvenile Courthouse, 435.882.0050 N Old Lincoln Hwy to public comments for script Bulletin. 16-837 (A73498): Classified section. Wednesdays by 4:45 of existing sidewalk, 74 South 100 East, go from an A-10 zone the public hearing sec- West Desert Trust p.m. and the installation of Tooele, Utah 84074 for to an RR-1 zone for tion must be written is/are filing an exten- approximately 1,550 a pre-trial on the Veri- Dustin Hall. comment and will need sion for 52 ac-ft. linear feet of new curb fied Petition for Termi- 9. Consideration to to be submitted to the (Timpie/Teddy Bear`s and gutter and 9,400 nation of Parental recommendGreat approval avingsZoning Administrator on Books at the Truck Stop) for IRRI- Royalsquare Wedding feet of new NativeRights inUniverse said county to Rezone of 10.06 in advance. The cur- GATION; COMMER- Thesidewalk Souvenir and Album related Voiceson Aprilof Indian 29, 2021 America at acres of land located rent zoning Code and CIAL: KOA, Motel, appurtenances. 3:30 p.m. and a trial on at 4795Tooele Hwy 112 to go Transcriptproposed amendments Bulletin Store, Truck Stop, Re- Royal weddings Separate sealed bids May 27, 2021 at 2:00 from an A-10 zone to may be reviewed on pair Shop, Domestic are traditionally a will be received by the p.m. an R-1-21 zone for the Grantsville City use, Irrigation. time of celebration OWNER in Room 227 Your failure to appear Matthew Brown. website located at Teresa Wilhelmsen, of the Tooele City Mu- may result in a default 10. Consideration to P.E.for all — from nicipal Offices located judgment and the ter- recommend approval In accordance with the StatePrincess Engineer Elizabeth Gifts From Heaven at 90 North Main, mination of your pa- of the Preliminary Plat Americans with Dis- (Publishedand Prince Philip’s in Tooele True Stories of Miraculous Answers to Prayer Tooele, Utah 84074 rental rights. for Andy Lewis, Greg abilities Act, Grants- Transcriptbig day in 1947 Bulletin which until 11:00 AM on DATED this 20th day DeHaan, and Scooter ville City will accom- Aprilmomentarily 29 & lifted May 6, Many people pray, but some Tuesday May 11, of April, 2021. II, LLC. on the Harvest modate reasonable re- 2021)Britain’s post-war don’t really believe God is listening. 2021, and then at said SEAN D. REYES Meadow Subdivision quests to assist the Answers to prayer can be so small gloom, to Prince office publicly opened Attorney General located approximately disabled to participate Charles and Lady and read aloud. ALEXANDRIA KEITH at and 948 ordinary South they Quirk go meetings. But Request Di’s 1981 fairy tale Project Specifications Assistant Attorney Streetevery for so oftenthe creation we are powerfullyfor assistance may be “wedding of the will be issued in digital General of reminded ninety-six that (96) God lotsdoes indeedmade by calling City century” watched by format (PDF), and may (Published in the in thehear R-1-21 and answer zone. prayer. WhatHall at 435-884-3411 be obtained by con- Tooele Transcript Bul- 11.begins Consideration with simple faith to andat leasta basic 24 hours prior and estimated 750 tacting Tooele City letin April 22, 29, May recommendprayer ends with approval an astoundingto the giftmeeting that will million worldwide, Public Works Depart- 7 & 13, 2021) of the Preliminary Plat be attended. their son William’s from our loving heavenly Father. ment, 90 North Main, for on the Harvest Join Zoom Meeting traditional yet In this collection, ordinary people Tooele, Utah 84074 Meadow Subdivision https://us02web.zoom. modern ceremony recount miraculous answers to beginning on April 22, Only located approximately us/j/88930407652 to Kate Middleton in 2011, and recently prayer — things that could only 2021 office hours from at 948 South Quirk Meeting ID: 889 3040 $ 95 $ 95 happen supernatural intervention. Harry and Meghan’s wedding8:00 full a.m. of “fun to 5:00 p.m.24 10 Street for the creation 7652 One tap mobile and joy.” Relive these specialby days calling again with (435) of This ninety-six book will (96) inspire lots you+16699009128,,88930 to believe Royal Wedding: The Souvenir843-2130. Album. Gorgeously All Bidders illustrated throughout in theGod R-1-21 can answer zone. your prayers,407652# US (San with photos of the happy couples,must register their attendants, with the family and friends, 12.fulilling Consideration your deepest to needs.Jose) beautiful wedding gowns andCity jewelery, in order lowers to be con-and keepsakes, this album recommend approval +12532158782,,88930 Only sidered for Award of of the Final Plat for 407652# US (Tacoma) is the next best thing to having been there. Bid. Mountain Vista$ Devel-99 Dial$ 95 by your location Bid security in the opment and13 Monte +1 6 669 900 9128 US amount of 5% of the Kingston on the Wor- (San Jose) +1 253 215 base bid will be re- thington Ranch Subdi- 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 Royalquired to Babies accompany vision located at ap- 346 248 7799 US bids. proximately 1050 (Houston) +1 646 558 A Heir-Raising History Prospective BIDDERS North Old LincolnThe Hwy even8656 US (NewDeadly York) ins Featuring the works of many of our foremost indigenous writers, scholars, are encouraged to at- for the creation of thirty +1 301 715 8592 US The British royal and leaders along with a treasure trove of illustrations culled from the Stories on Human Weakness and Virtue tend a pre-bid confer- (30) lots in the RR-2.5 (Washington DC) +1 family is enjoying collection and archives of the National Museum of the American Indian, this ence which will be held zone. 312 626 6799 US (Chi- a renaissance with magniicent volume celebrates the Native people of North, Central and South In this entertaining collection in Room 224, of the 13. Consideration to cago) Meeting ID: 889 the births of the America: their beliefs, their history, and the we’ll see ourselves relected in our Tooele City Municipal recommend approval 3040 7652 Find your next generation of Only weakest moments. We’ll relate to Offices at 11:00 AM on lives they lead today. Explore every aspect of of the Final Plat for TP local number: $ 00 $ 95 characters who struggle with pride, royal children. Wile Tuesday May 4, 2021. the very rich and diverse indigenous cultures of Grantsville, LLC and https://us02web.zoom. 40 16 the birth of every The object of the con- our hemisphere. Shawnenvy, anger, Holste sloth, on covetousness, the us/u/keiSD68eS5 baby is undoubtedly ference is to acquaint Parkinsongluttony, and Meadows lust — the universal(Published in the magical, when that BIDDERs with the site Subdivisionvices that are known located as theTooele “deadly Transcript Bul- baby in the “heir,” or conditions, specifica- approximatelysins.” We’ll laugh at and 198 we’llletin hurt. May 6, 2021) tions, and to answer These and other titles available EastAnd Pearperhaps Street we’ll was for nostalgic for indeed the “spare,” any questions which thetimes creationgone by. of to the British BIDDERs may have thirty-six (36) lots in throne, it is a whole at the Tooele Transcript Bulletin Distinguished novelists all, the concerning the project. the R-1-21 zone. other realm of magic contributors are Andrew Greeley, All communication 14. Consideration to — and mystery H.R.F. Keating, Kate Saunders, relative to the Project recommend approval — altogether. William Douglas Home, Morris shall be directed to the of the Final Plat for TOOELE West, Rachel Billington, and Combining stunning City Engineer prior to Larry Jacobson and images and TRANSCRIPT the opening of bids at: PaulMichael Watson Carson. on Each the has crafted a fascinating facts, TOOELE CITY COR- Hawthornecontemporary Estates tale that will arouse, Only Royal Babies: A Heir-RaisingPORATION History, reveals the Subdivisionamuse, or affront Phase the 2reader. And $ 95 $ 95 BULLETIN real-life stories of hope and90 fear, North joy Mainand pain, locatedthat’s good… at approxi- perhaps in the price 24 10 Tooele, Utah 84074 matelyof evil 850 lies theWest seed Main of virtue. drama and conlict, and humor and hubris Only Paul Hansen, P.E., for the creation of involved in the business of begetting, bearing, birthing and bringing up 58 N. Main - Tooele City Engineer twenty-five (25) lots in $ 95 $ 95 babies of the royal blood. Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Sat-Sun: closed email: paulh@tooele- the R-1-8 zone. 7 5 15. Consideration to The OWNER reserves approve the meeting the right to reject any minutes for the previ- or all bids; or to accept ous P&Z Meeting that or reject the whole or was held April 8, 2021. any part of any bid; to 16. Report from City award schedules Council Liaison Darrin separately or together Rowberry. to contractors, or to 17. Adjourn. waive any informality DATED May 4, 2021. or technicality in any By the Order of bid in the best interest Grantsville City Plan- of the City. Only bids ning Commission giving a firm quotation Chairman, Brian Pat- properly signed will be tee. accepted. Kristy Clark, Zoning (Published in the Administrator Tooele Transcript Bul- The anchor location letin April 22, 29 & will be City Hall at the May 6, 2021) above address." All in- terested persons are invited to attend the Zoom meeting. All public comments for the public hearing sec- tion must be written comment and will need to be submitted to the Zoning Administrator in advance. The cur- rent zoning Code and proposed amendments may be reviewed on the Grantsville City website located at In accordance with the Americans with Dis- abilities Act, Grants- ville City will accom- modate reasonable re- quests to assist the disabled to participate in meetings. Request for assistance may be made by calling City Hall at 435-884-3411 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting that will be attended. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom. us/j/88930407652 Meeting ID: 889 3040 7652 One tap mobile +16699009128,,88930 407652# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,88930 407652# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chi- cago) Meeting ID: 889 3040 7652 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom. us/u/keiSD68eS5 (Published in the Tooele Transcript Bul- letin May 6, 2021) B8 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY May 6, 2021 A BETTER LIFE Community gardening programs have many benefits ommunity agriculture out a gardening household venue to link the concerns of increase biodiversity and spe- culture projects. On a larger Cinitiatives are often run member, leading to improved urban planners, farmers, food cies habitat. This model is also scale, local governments could by organizations such as USU diets and healthier lifestyles. banks, community develop- a great use of vacant property benefit from investing in com- Extension and Create Better Sarah Patino It has been found that com- ment corporations, social ser- to prevent harm to the area via munity agriculture because GUEST COLUMNIST Health Tooele County. They munity garden participation vice agencies, and environmen- crime or trash accumulation the costs of maintenance and rely primarily on volunteers to is positively associated with talists. In addition, community and reintroduce green spaces development are typically less grow produce as sustainably reducing body weight and gardens positively influence and nature to urban areas. than those of traditional city as possible and aim to improve hypertension, and increasing self- esteem, independence, Common challenges expe- parks. health and access to food in schedules so minimal water is physical activity and knowl- and personal control, particu- rienced during planning and I’m really looking forward their communities. This year wasted. edge. On a psychological level, larly for refugees. Other social development include loca- to this new adventure and approximately 14 local families • Using organic pest/weed gardens offer minorities a benefits include creating a safe tion (i.e., adequate sunlight), hope the community garden will embark on a community control where possible, and place to connect to their cul- community space and intro- access to water (i.e., no compe- families enjoy the new summer gardening and outdoor culi- always implementing integrat- tural heritage by providing an ducing new friendships that tition with neighboring proper- program. They will not only nary adventure, thanks to a ed pest management. area to express their ethnic render a collective investment ties for water resources), and be learning about gardening grant co-written by myself and • Composting. identity and grow specialty in the well-being of the neigh- finding qualified and educated but they’ll also receive nutri- others at the Extension. Community agriculture food items not available else- borhood. leadership that can handle tion education based on the To clarify “growing produce can increase access to healthy where. This can lead to an A key economic benefit unforeseen problems. foods currently growing in the sustainably,” includes the fol- foods like fruits and vegeta- enhanced sense of well-being. is the reduction in grocery These programs vary from garden itself. We will even be lowing agricultural practices: bles, especially in low-income Community agriculture expenses when receiving har- place to place and are difficult doing a little cooking on site at • Using crop diversification areas with limited access provides many social benefits, vest from community gardens; to replicate unless a model the garden. and companion planting. otherwise. It also provides including opportunities for a conservative estimate is that from a similar area exists. If you are interested in help- • Rotating crops. opportunities for public health community engagement, fos- a family can save approxi- Other factors involved are ing expand community garden- • Planting cover crops when programming to improve tering interactions between mately $475 a year just gar- climate change, local politics, ing in Tooele County please possible. nutritional knowledge and diverse communities, as well dening in the summer season. land availability, and funding. reach out to Sarah.patino@ • Focusing on plant variet- attitudes. Community agri- as health and environmen- Community agriculture can The majority of these factors ies that are not only suitable culture aims to increase civic tal stewardship education. also increase property values, will differ in each locale. for but thrive in our specific participation in personal food Building connections between local employment opportuni- Community agriculture Sarah Patino is the Certified climate. production, while improving growers and consumers can ties, and income. projects often train novice gar- Nutrition Educator for Food • Using native plant species both diets and food security. also play an important role Community agriculture can deners and lead to increased Sense at the USU Extension – where possible and especially Individuals and households in supporting economic secu- help foster environmental con- employment in food produc- Tooele County office, which is pollinator-friendly plants like who participate in such pro- rity. Because the community nectedness, political conscious- tion, manufacturing, and dis- located inside the Tooele County wildflowers to increase the grams are over three times gardens within community ness, and activism among tribution. USU studies estimate Health Department Building, presence of butterflies, bees, more likely to consume fruits agriculture models offer many youth and adults. Additionally, more than 35,000 farmers 151 N. Main, Tooele. She can be birds, etc. and vegetables at least five benefits and consider barriers it can decrease stormwater and gardeners have emerged reached at 435-277-2408 and • Watering on specific times a day than people with- to food access, they provide a runoff and air pollution, and from civic/community agri- at [email protected].

Garden continued from page B1

acquainted with how they look. As you get experience, the process will become easier and you can have it both ways. Fruit trees look just as good in the front yard as they do in presents the backyard, but be smart in where you place them. Apricot trees are notorious for suc- cumbing to late frost during many springs. When they do produce fruit you can con- sider it a bonus. Meanwhile, the spring flush of apricot DIANE SAGERS blossoms is spectacular. The When planting vegetables in ornamental settings, put them where they will rounded leaves are attractive get eight to 10 hours of sun. If you have an area that doesn’t get that much and the shape of the tree is sun, plant leafy vegetables, like chard, that do not have to produce fruit. graceful. They are typically sturdy trees that don’t break up decorative vines that are easy Most annual vegetables all over the yard. to trellis along fences or walls work well in landscapes. You Consider the maintenance and as the fruit matures, it can may want to include these requirements of fruit trees be attractive. perennials: when you place them. Rotting Your ornamental garden can Artichoke, Globe fruits dropping on sidewalks be very productive with food Asparagus is not a landscape asset. You crops incorporated, or your Egyptian Onion will also need to be able to get vegetable garden can be very Rhubarb PM into the trees to keep them in pretty with ornamentals mixed optimum produc-tion. Fruit in. It is all a matter of perspec- Small fruits MAY 7 - MAY 17 • 7:30 trees require regular pruning tive. Blackberry PM and pest control, and you need The following is a list of Chokeberry, Black Matinees: May 8 & May 15, 2:00 to get to them for the har-vest. edible plants that are known to Cornelian Cherry If you put them in a flower bed make a garden beautiful. Currant, Clove Black STANSBURY HIGH SCHOOL you will tread on the plants Currant, European Black as you access the trees, or you Tree fruits Currant, Red may just neglect the trees. Almond Elderberry ALL TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE!! Consider the mature height Apple Gooseberry of the tree. A dwarf tree will Apricot Grape, American Adults: $8.50 • Non-SHS Students/Seniors: $7.50 be smaller than a full size tree, Cherry, Nanking Grape, European SHS Students and Children Under 12: $5.50 but in the case of big trees, a Cherry, Sour Jostaberry dwarf could still be 30 feet tall. Cherry, Sweet Kiwi, Chinese Gooseberry Sometimes one good thing Medlar Lingonberry VERY LIMITED SEATING AVAILABLE!! calls for another. Some fruit Mulberry, Black Raspberry All members must wear masks. trees need more than one Peach Rose Hips variety for good pollination. Nectarine Saskatoon Social Distancing Rules will be enforced! Do you have the space to plant Pear, Asian Strawberry two? Pear, European Shrubs also look good in Plum, European Herbs ONLINE TICKETS AT WWW.STALLIONDRAMA.ORG a landscape. Blackberries, Plum, Japanese Burnet raspber-ries and currants are Quince Chives all shrubs. Grapes are a natu- Hyssop ral. They grow quickly into Vegetables Lemon Balm Lovage Mint Oregano Rosemary SageIn App Messaging Savory, Winter CURBSIDE DID Text pharmacists from your Sorrel COVID-19 YOU Tarragon,phone with French our messenger. LOOK FOR Thyme THIS ICON Mobile Refills COVID-19 KNOW Nuts Chestnut,Order and Chinese manage medication WE Filbert,refills Hazelnut using your phone. ANTIBODY Jujube RAPID HAVE Pecan Walnut,Reminders Black AN Set reminders to pick up or request refills. TESTING$ APP?In App Messaging Shallow nasal swab from the comfort 55 TESTINGDID Text pharmacists fromTEXT your $ FollowSEARCH RXLOCAL and safety of your vehicle. phone with our messenger. YOU30 RXLOCAL In App MessagingLOOK FOR TO 64890 us on S IN 15 MI THIS ICONIn App MessagingMobile Refills ULT NUT *Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text STOP to opt-out. Text HELP for help. Privacy Policy: Terms & Conditions: S ES KNOWDID Text pharmacists from your RE DID ! Text pharmacists from your phone with our messenger. Facebook! YOU phone with our messenger. Order and manage medication WE LOOK FOR THIS ICON refills using your phone. YOU KNOW Mobile Refills EASY ONLINE LOOK FOR TOOELE THIS ICON Order and manage medication TRANSCRIPT HAVEWE Mobile Refills KNOW refills using yourR phone.eminders BULLETIN APPOINTMENT REGISTRATION: HAVE AN Order and manageReminders medicationSet reminders to pick up or WE refills using your phone. AN Set reminders torequest pick up or refills. @TooeleTB HAVE APP?APP? request refills. TEXT SEARCH RXLOCAL You may also call forReminders TEXT *Message SEARCHand RXLOCAL RXLOCAL data rates may ANappointments or with questions.Set remindersTO 64890 to RXLOCALpick up or apply. Message frequency varies. *Message and data rates may apply. Message requestfrequency varies. Text STOP refills. to opt-out. Text HELP for help. Privacy Policy: Terms & Conditions: TO 64890 Text STOP to opt- APP? out. Text HELP In App Messaging 435.882.7775*Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text STOP to opt-out. Text HELP for help. Privacy Policy: help. Privacy Terms & Conditions: TEXT SEARCH RXLOCAL Policy: DID privacy. Terms Text pharmacists from your RXLOCAL & Conditions: phone with our messenger. TOOELE: 493 NORTH MAIN STREET TO 64890 YOU LOOK FOR *Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text STOP to opt-out. Text HELP for help. Privacy Policy: Terms & Conditions: THIS ICON Mobile Refills In App Messaging Order and manage medication DID WEText pharmacists from your refills using your phone. YOU phone with our messenger. LOOK FOR THIS ICON HAVE KNOW Mobile Refills Reminders WE Order and manage medication ANrefills using yourI nphone. App Messaging Set reminders to pick up or HAVE request refills. DID APP?Reminders Text pharmacists from your AN Set reminders tophone pick up or with our messenger. request refills. YOUAPP? TEXT SEARCH RXLOCAL LOOK FOR TEXT In App MessagingTHIS ICON SEARCH RXLOCAL RXLOCAL RXLOCAL Mobile Refills KNOW TO 64890 DID Text pharmacistsTO 64890 from your *Message and data rates may apply. Message phonefrequency varies. Text STOPwith*Message to opt-out. ourTextand HELP data formessenger. help.rates Privacy may Policy: apply. Message Order Terms frequency & Conditions: andvaries. Text manage STOP to opt-out. medication Text HELP for help. Privacy Policy: Terms & Conditions: YOU WE refills using your phone. LOOK FOR THIS ICONHAVE KNOW Mobile Refills Reminders AN Order and manage medicationSet reminders to pick up or WE refills using your phone. request refills. HAVE APP? Reminders TEXT SEARCH RXLOCAL AN Set reminders to RXLOCALpick up or APP? request refills. TO 64890 *Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text STOP to opt-out. Text HELP for help. Privacy Policy: Terms & Conditions:


*Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text STOP to opt-out. Text HELP for help. Privacy Policy: Terms & Conditions: