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NET PRESS RUN AV'ERAGE DAIUY CIRCULATIOX OF THE EVENING HEBALp for the month of September, 1987 5,040 MANCHESTER*, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1927. VOL. XUL, NO. 8. OlaMUled AdTerCMiig on Pace iP. SENATOR’S PRIZE DOG PRESENT AS IS KILLED BY AUTO The Marconis Visit Us Clinton, Mass., Oct. 10.— “ Flash,” a Boston bulldog, con stant companion of United States AS EXPLOSION MASONSOPEN Senator David I. Walsh, was mourned today, having been kill ed by an auto. T H E inE M P L E The dog was given the senator W REOK HOUSE by a grateful mother of a war vet. The senator had aided the mother when the soldier re ‘Tainted WiUi Corrnption” Dedication Saturday Brings turned-from overseas. Police Think Man Who Set French Aviators Start Off Bomb Was Himself Court Declares— Sweep Out Crowds— Master Ma On Hop To Argentina son Degree Conferred; TAX COLLECTORS filled— Seeking His Ac ing Victory' For Govern- complices. Paris, Oct. 10.— Dieudonn,e«>will fly the remalniag 1,870 kilo- ment After TEree Years’ Open House Yesterday. INSTATENOT Costee and Lieutenant Le Brix, the metres to Buenoe Aires. two French aviators who had in The _take-off was attended by sev Legal Battle— No Author New York, Oct. 10.— Belief that tended to fly to New York, took off eral distingulehed persons, includ Manchester Lodge of Maspns cel from Le Bourget field at 9:49 a. m., ing the Argentine ambassador Al- BONDMWUGH one of the perpetrators of the ebrated a gala week end when it today for St. Louis, Senetal, on tho verez De Toledo and many members ity In Law For A e Lease. bombing of a tenement house here of the Latin-American colony in dedicated its new Temple at the first leg of their flight to Buenos Saturday, 'when five' persons were Aires, Argentina. Paris. The two Brej^uet brothpr.s, Center Saturday afternoon, worked builders of the plane, were also killed, lost hta own life In the blast, The take-off of their plane, the Washington, Oct. 10.— The Su the Master Mason degree in the Commissioner Blodget Says "Nungesser-Coll,” was perfect. present. was expressed today by Investigat Before taking off, 'Costes tried preme- court today ordered can main lodge room for the first time ing detectives. The two aviators arrived on the Saturday night and held open house out his motor for three minutes. field at six o’clock and immediately celled tfii lease of Harry F. Sin They Are Under-Bonded ' One of the bodies, mangled be Then he sh,ot down the field and began superintending the loading yesterday afternoon. On every oc yond recognition. Is believed by the clair, millllonaire oil man, to the headed bouth towards Africa. of their plane; which was stocked Teapot Dome, ■<yyointog, naval oil casion large crowds were in attend authorities to be that of an Italian, with 2,800 litres of gasoline and By Nearly Three and One who,, with an accomplice who es The Distances. reserve. ance. Five hundred Masons at The hop to St. Louis is 4,300 240 litres of .oil. Tbe plane is aldo caped,- Is suspected of being the carrying; 1,200 pounds of mBrohaif- • The action was not a surprise as tended the dedicatory ceremonies manufacturer of the deadly bomb. kilometres. After remaining there at 4:30 Saturday afternoon, over Half Million Dollars. over night, the aviators expect to dlse including perfumes, lace, let the cdurt had already cancelled the A thorough investigation of the ters and Paris moraing papere. 500 sat down to the banquet tables ruins by a squad* of picked detee take-off across the South Atlantic lease of B. L. doheny, California and it is estimated that 600 were tq Pernambuco, Brazil, a distance Before starting dff, .(^ptsCifl’ ),e- oil magnate, to the Elk Hills re lives, has led to two theories. One maitre, a friend of Costes, made a present in the main lodge room at Hartford, Conn., Oct. 10.— "Con Is that the bombing was accidental, of 3,200 kilometres. A third hop serve. It said that Echeny’s Isase of 2,000 kilometres will bring them short flight and reported the weath g o'clock Saturday evening when necticut municipalities do not have the Infernal machine exploding was vt*inted with corrptlon. ’ the Master Mason degree was con to Rio De Janeiro, and then they er conditions. Complete Victory. adequate surety coverage for tax while in process of completion, kill ferred upon Ronald H. Ferguson of ing Its maker and four innocent The decision -was a-complete vic The Herald. collectors and treasurers,” In the resident of the house. Another is tory for t^e goVjprnment which for Dedication. opinion of William H. Blodgett, that the bomb was planted in re GIRL-REFUSES three years has been endeavoring through special counsel appointed The dedicatory e.xercises were state tax commissioner: in fact venge against Andrew Covlello, a OUR LEGIONNAIRES conducted in accordance with Ma TO HIDE KNEES by President Coolldge to break the these officials are under-bound to barber and dwner of the tenement, sonic ritual and were impressive. and that the device was so cleverly oil leases negotiated by ex-Secre- Worshipful Grand Master Theodore the tune of nearly three and one- wired that it was detonated when MEET KING, QUEEN Teacher Lets Db’wn Skirt But tary of Interior Albert B. Fall. Foster and his grand lodge officers half millions: to he exact, $3,418r Mrs. Theresa Covlello, wife of the The court, in a sweeping deci Pretty Hazel Knight Short sion, found that the. Whole leasing with the exception of one were 200, If all the town treasurers and owner, switched on the lights In her present. The grand lodge officers ens It Afterwards. - transaction ' between Sinclair’s tax collectors were properly bond parlor. Mammoth Oil Company and Fall took a prominent part in the dedi ed, says Mr. Blodgett, they would be There is evidence to bear out cation ceremonies. Americans Introduced to New Bedford, Mass., Oct. lO. was “ shot throuigk with fraud.” covered in the sum of $7,855,600. Guigllelmo Marconi. Inventor of wireless, and his titled wife, the either of these theories, but a more — "The Girl with the Dimpled The banquet was served at short former Countess Christina Bezzl Scala, are picture(J here arriving In The high court'also fouild that The Situation exhaustive investigation will be Knees,” 17-year-old Haz there was no authority lU law for ly after six o’clock in the spacious New York to attend the International Radio Conference. made in an effojt to determine def hall on the lower floor. Urbano J. In arriving at his figures regard Royalty In London— Dine el Knight, whose parents live tll6 lCfl86» ing bonding of officials Mr. Blodgett initely the cause. In Dayton, Ohio, and who came The court Ignored the govern Osano catered and the dinner was Meanwhile, a city-wide manhunt to New BSdford to live with ment’s contention that the lease served by a corps of Masons under finds that the 196 towns, cities and boroughs making up the State of was being pushed for the other sus With Lord Mayor. ' an aunt this yehr, today won a was obtained . through fraud and the direction of N. B. Richards. The pect. Police believe he may be Im skirmish with .school authori collusion between Fall and Sin menu consisted of soup, roast beef, Connecticut have each a treasurer Churchmen Of Chicopee plicated In the bombing of two sub ties who sought- to have her clair. mushroom sauce, potatoes, ice and a collector. Then forty-two way stations ddring the Sacco-Van- towns have forty-five special tax Londofi, Oct. 10.— ^Royal honbrs lengthen her skirt. No Reiinbarsanpiits. cream, cakes, cpffee and cigars. The zettl disorders last August. An Hazel, judged the most 'The court held that the Mam dinner was quickly and efficiently collectors. This total of 241 collec unexploded bomb, believed smllar were paid today to the delegation tors of taxes is bonded for $2,316,- Write New Commandments beautiful girl In New Bedford moth Oil Cojnp^y (Sinclair's) was served. The banquet hall was dec to that which wrecked the tene- of officers and former officers of 500. The group is responsible, Mr. high school, refused to untie not entitled to reimbursements for orated with evergreens. During menti was found In the ruins, and the American Legion who are pay her girdle arid let down her expenditures on tire reserve. Navy the dinner Bill Waddell’s orchestra Blodgett finds, for tax bills totaling comparisdn showed It was Identical ing a good will visit to great Bri dress wken. a teacher. Miss department officials say that the played popular selections and was $61,467,953.14. Chicopee, Mass., Oct. 10.— W o-^ 5. Thou shalt not boast of thy with an Infernal machine which company drilled eighty wells,^cost Mr. Bldogett wants this group to Marlon hprd claimed that Haz ■warmly encored several times. men of Jhe White Methodist church husband before men, remembering was found on the trucks of the In tain. el’s short skirt and dimpled ing $3,000,000 arid $4,000,000 The Speakers. be bonded up to $3,927,800 at the here today called a special meeting that he deslreth the good will of his terborough Rapid Transit subway, The Legionnaires and sixty tv'o- arid also erected storage tanks at very least.’ kneels were . "upsetting” the Following the serving of the ice to draw up a decalogue for hus brethren under the yoke.