Eative to Po E Tia Oi Sp· Is

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Eative to Po E Tia Oi Sp· Is Eva ua ion 0 Recen Data e ative to Po e tia Oi Sp· Is -n he Passa aquoddy Area Edited by D. J. Scarratt Department of Fisheries and Oceans Biological Station, St. Andrews, N. B., EOG 2XO December 1979 F-sher-es & arine Service Tec ica Report 0.90 FISheries and Environment POches et Envirolll8lll8ll 0lInada OnIda FisherIeS Serw:e des p6ches and nne Sefvice et de Ia mer ) Fisheries and arine Ser i Technical Reports The e report ontain cientific and technical information that repre ent an important contribution to e i ting kno ledge but hi h for orne reason rna not be appropriate for prirnar cientific (i.e. Journal publication. Technical Reports are directed primaril to ards a orld ide audience and ha e an international di tribution. 0 re triction i pia ed on ubject matter and the erie reflec the broad intere t and policie of the Fi herie and arine er ice namel fi herie management technolog and de elopment ocean ience and aquatic en iron­ ment rele ant to Canada. Technical Report rna be cited a full publication. The correct citation appear abo e the ab tract of each report. Each report ill be ab tra ted in Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts and ill be inde ed annuall in the er ice inde to cientifi and technical publication. umber 1-4 6 in thi erie ere i ued as Technical Report of the Fi heri Re earch Board of Canada. umber 4 7-714 ere i ued as Department of the En ironment Fi herie and arine er ice Re ear h and De elopment Dire tor­ ate Technical Report. The eri name as changed ith report number 71 . Detail on the a ailabilit of Technical Repor in hard cop rna be obtained from the i uing tabli hment indicated on the front co er. ervice de peche,-" et de la mer Rapports techniques C rapport contiennent de ren eignement ientifiqu et techniques qui con tituent une ontribution importante au connai ance actuell mai qui pour une rai on ou pour une autre ne emblent pas appropri' pour la publication dan un journal cientifique. II n a aucune re triction quant au ujet de fait la erie reflete la a te gamme de interet et de politique du Ser ice d pech et de la mer notamment g tion de peche techniques et de eloppernent cience oceanique et en ironnement aquatique au Canada. L Rapport technique peu ent etre con idere cornme de publication. omplete . Le titre e act paraltra au haut du r' ume de chaque rapport qui era publie dan la re ue Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts et qui figurera dan I inde annuel de publication cientifique et technique du Ser ice. Le numero 1-4 6 de cette erie ont ete publi' atitre de Rapport techniqu de I Office de recherch ur I pecherie du Canada. L numero 45 -700 atitre de Rapport technique de la Direction generale de la recherche et du de eloppement er ice d peche et de la mer mini tere de 1En ironnement. Le nom de la erie a ete modifie a partir du numero 701. La page cou erture porte Ie nom de I etabli ement auteur ou I on peut e procurer Ie rapport ous ou erture artonnee. - P. 9 , Co • 2, Para. 3, Sentence 2 should read: s of Sep e~ er 2 979, he Canadian Coas uard had received some 197 claims val ed at about $780,000 from ~va Scotia fishermen, and a further 12 claims fro~ ,ewfo ndland fishermen valued at $230,000. Fisheries and Marine Service Technical Report 901 December 1979 EVALUATION OF RECENT DATA RELATIVE TO POTENTIAL OIL S['ILLS IN THE PASSAf~AQUODnY AREA Edited by D. ,J. Scarratt Department of Fisheries and Oceans Biological Station St. Andrews, New Brunswick EOG 2XO This is the one hundred and twenty-first Technical Report from the [jiological Station, SL Andrews, N.R. ii © Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1979 Cat. No. Fs 97-6/901 1SSN 0701-7626 i.i.} CONTENTS Abstract •• v Introduction 1. Connnents on fl ushing time for Passamaquoddy Bay and wind-generated \~aves in the Quoddy region - R. W. Trites. • •• ••••••••••••••••••• 3 2. Diadromous fish landings in Charlotte Co., N.B. and the Bay of Fundy, 1970-78 - David A. B. Swetnam and H. G. Bernard ••• •• •••••••• 9 3. Freshwater and anadromous fisheries concerns related to proposed Eastport oil facil ities - R. E. Smith, R. L. Saunders, E. Henderson, D. J. Scarratt ••••••••••••••• 13 4. The vulnerability of Charlotte County, N.B. lakes to acid precipitation - R. H. Peterson 17 5. Invertebrates and marine plants commercial landings in the Passamaquoddy region and Ray of Fundy 1973-78 - Alan Campbell ••••••• 19 6. The ecology of the herri ng fi sheries of the Ray of Fundy - To D. Il es , . 27 7. Annual groundfi sh 1and i ngs I and val ues I data for Charlotte County and Ray of Fundy ports for 1968-78 - A. C. Kohler. •••••••••• ••••••• 53 8. f)rocess i ng pl ants in Charlotte County and el sewhere if] the Bay of Fundy - F. G. Peacock 57 9. Summary of unpubl ished surveys of vlaterfOl/l and seabirds in Passamaquoddy region, 1973-79 - Canadian vJildl ife Service ••••••••••••••••••••• •• 61 10. Observations on marine mammals, birds, and environmental conditions in the Head Harbour region of the Bay of Fundy - D. G. Gaskin and G. J. D. Smith •••••• ••••• 69 11. The effects of coastal zone industrial development on fisneries - D, J. Scarratt 87 12. Impact of oil spill s on 1iying natural resources and resource-based industry - J. H. Vandermeul en and D. J. Scarratt ••••• 91 13. Tourism and recreation - S. Jennings and D. J. Scarratt . , 97 14. West Isles natural area of Canadian significance - Duncan Hardie, Parks Canada 101 iv ABSTRACT Scarratt, D. J. (Ed.). 1979. Evaluation of recent data relative to potential oil spills in the Passamaquoddy area. Fish. Mar. Servo Tech. Rep. 901, iv + 107 p. Si nce 1974 when the physical, biological and socioeconomic factors reI evant to oil spi 11 s in Passamaquoddy area were last su~narized. a number of important changes have taken place in the fishing and reI ated industries of the Passamaquoddy area and the Bay of Fundy. These have been complemented by equally important gains in understanding of the dynamics of the area, and of its renewable natural resources, and of the threat that oil spills pose, not only to those resources, but al so to their potential for future deve1opment. Individual chapters of this report detail developments that have occurred in the demersal, pel agic, diadromous and invertebrate fisheries, ences gained in the effect of oil spills in East Coast Canadian I'laters, and describe current and potenti use of these resources for non-fisheries reI ated commercial goal s, such as tourism and recreation. Key \10rds: Pollution, oil spill, Passamaquoddy, refinery, Eastport RESUME Scarratt, D. J. (Ed.). 1979. Evaluation of recent data relative to potential oil spills in the Passamaquoddy area. Fish. Mar. Servo Tech. Rep. 901, iv + 107 p. Depuis 1974, quand les facteurs physiques, biologiques et socloeconomiques reI i~s aux probl~mes des d~versements d'huile dans la region Passamaquoddy furent resumes, il y a eu d'importants changements effectu~s aux pecheries et aux industries reI i~es a la region et a la Baie de Fundy. Ces facteurs sont augment~s par une croissance de comprehension des dynamiques du lieu, des ressources naturelles renouvelables, et de la menace possible des deversements d'huile sur les ressources et sur leur potentiel pour Ie developpement futuro Chaque chapitre du rapport demontre les developpements ayant trait aux pecheries, la connaissance acquise sur les effets des d~versements d'huile dans les eaux de la cote est du Canada, et 1'utilisation actuelle et potentielle de ces ressources sur les pecheries, et pour quelques autres buts commerciaux, tel que la r~creation et Ie tourisme. INTRODUCTION Eastport, Maine. These questions were further defined at an informal 2-d workshop held at St. Andrevls, N.B., in August 1979, attended by marine In the latter part of 1971, proposals were resource experts from both Canada and the U.S.A. announced for the construction of a marine oil As a result, various Canadian scientists agreed to terminal and refinery at , Maine, U.S,A. The write short papers updating the general understanding site selected, in the mouth Cobscook Bay, is of the marine resources of the area, the physical approximately 2 nautical mi from the International oceanographic processes which may affect their Boundary and about 7 mi from the of Fundy. vulnerability, and the existing or potential uses to The only access for vessel s 1 ocal fishing whi ch those resources may be put. craft is through the Canadian Head Harbour Passage. The \'ihich form this technical report are not i to be exhaustive. Rather, they are Canadian scientists became to augment and update the original Technical prospect of 1 crude and ng Report 428. Updates are not given on subject areas these waters the OT'-onC'O"T if no new work has been conducted or if they are collision or stranding with considered unnecessary; conversely, some subjects acute oil contamination which are now shown to be of greater importance than bility of chronic pollution routine spillages originally anticipated are dealt with in greater and refi nery discharges. The area has spri ng ti dal detai 1. The organisation of this report generally amplitudes exceeding 8 m and currents which may follows that of the earlier Technical Report and exceed 6 knots, as well as tide ri and \'ihirlpools.
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