The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library

Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions)



Eigh ty-sixth Legislature



From April 4, 1931, to March 31, 1933


Published by the Secretary of State in conjunction with the Revisor of Statutes in accordance with the Resolves of the Legislature approved June 28,1820, March 18,1840, March 16,1842, and an Act approved April 2, 1931.


Index to Acts and R~solves Passed at the Special Session of I932


PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS EXPENDI'l'URES OF GOVEltN:ilIENT appropriation for necessary expenses of legislature •...... x:x::x:vIn


Index to Acts and Resolves Passed at Sessions of the Eighty-Fifth and Eighty-Sixth Legislatures

PUBLIC LAWS A 1931 1933 Page Page ADSENT YOTING relating to ...... 234 term "absentee" defined ...... 267 ACADE:ilIIC RECORDS preservation ...... 332 ACADE:ilIIES . state ai d for ...... •...... 71 241 state aid for ...... 200 268 state aid for ...... : ...... 312 towns may raise money for ...... 94 ACADIA NATIONAL PARK road crossing ...... 159 ACCOUNTS adrnissihilit3T as e1ridence ...... 19.9 institutions, to be audited ...... 102 military, payment of clarified ..... : ...... 291 public utilities, need not be filed ...... 90 AD:ilIIIIIISTRATION OF STATE new code ...... ; ...... 206 AD:ilIIl\'IS'l'RATORS AND EXECUTORS actions by Or against ...... 247 AD:ilIISSION TO PRACTICE non-resident attorneys ...... 159 AERONAUTICAL PURPOSES uses of money from tax on gasoline fOr ...... 271 AGE . minimum,. for fishing licenses ...... 176 AGENTS appointment by non-resident nlortgagee ...... 160 COD1Jll.Creinl 311d otilcr ...... 278 of insurance conlI.anies, qualifications of ...... 125 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page AGREEiUENTS, CORRUPT by attorneys and others ...... 327 AGRICUL'l'URAL SOCIE'l'IES . state aid to ..., ...... 18 249 AGRICUL'l'URE, .COIlL1IISSIONER OF enforcement of provisions relating to clams ...... 141 salary ...... : ...... 257 to cooperate with U. S. Department of Agriculture . ~ ...... 79 ~ClL~'l' lIcenSIng ...... 445 Sunday operation ...... 308 AIRPOR'l'S, IIIUNICIPAL acquisition of land ...... ; ...... 203 air rights, easements and zoning ...... 203 appropriations, bond issues and taxation ...... 204 authorized ...... •...... 203 lands acquired for. shall be for public uses ...... 203 maintenance, operation and regulation ...... 204 AIR WORn:; ·C01UPRESSED rules and regulations governing ...... 137 ALDER STREAlIl fishing in ...... 321 _4.LEWH'ES regulation of industry ...... 132 tal~ing of ...... 200 ALFRED . certain waters in, open to fishing ...... 322 trial terms of y'orlc County at ...... 198 AIIIENDl\IENTS, CONSTITUTIONAL ballots conJaining ...... 69 ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY fishing in ...... '.... . 316 game preserve established in ...... 275 salary of county conlrnissioners of ...... 55 taking of smelts from certain waters in ...... 323 trial terms of superior court, changed ...... 74 ANDL\LS dead, disposition of carcass ...... 38 fUr l)caring, open season on ...... 330 trapping of ...... 68 neglected and aba.udoned, care of ...... 89 wild, damage done by ...... 156 for parI;: exhibition purposes ...... 197 payment of damages done by ...... 44 ANNARESSACOOIi: LAIi:E closed season on certain fish ...... 318 ANTITOXIN A;g~J~~l1u~si ...... 32 40 ~~i~~~\';~~ .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: 40 penalty for falsely claiming to be ...... 40 registration of ...... 40 relating to, and sale of poisons ...... 347 APPEALS in certain tax cases ... : ...... 30 APPLES pacl'i:ing allq grading ...... 152 APPLICANTS AS DEALERS IN SECURITIES fees ...... APPORTIONl\IENT excise tux, between municipal corporations ...... ". 59 represelltati'l"es to Congr(ass ," ... "...... 0." ...... 277 APPROPRIATION law, obsolete, repealed ...... 83 ·maintenance of state highway· police; ·for ...... 327 ARNOLD HIGHWAY designated ...... : ...... 310 ARNOLD TRAIL. designating certain road as .. : ...... 233 AROOSTOOIi: COUNTY fishing in ...... ;...... 314 trial lists in ...... •...... 230 ART COIlIiIlISSION created ...... 314 ASSAULT AND BATTERY jurisdiction of municipal courts ...... 63 penalty ...... 226 INDEX 867 1931 1933 Page Page ASSAYERS OF ORES A..."'VD lIIETALS see Code .. ~ ... ~ ~ ... ~ .... ' ~ ...... ~ ...... ASSESSORS may apportion excise taxes. between municipal corporations ..•... 59 to give notice of taxable property ..•.•...•....•.....•...... 323 to make annual. returns .•...... •..••..••....•• 254 ASSOCIATIONS transfer of trust funds of ..•...... •.•.•..•...... •••... 150 ATTACHlIIENTS when dissolved by appointment o! receiver ;: ...•••••...... •.•• 25 and exeeution, property exempt nom. . ..•.•...... •.••...... 245 ATTE_-LlV LAKE fishing in ...•••...... •.•.•.••....••.••...•.••••.••••..••...•..• 319 ATTENDANCE elementary schools' .;. ;.; ...• ; ...... ; ..•. , .. ; ...... ; ..•... ; ...... •• 10 ATTOIL'VEY GENERAL biennial report ..•• ; •.••...... •.•....•• : •••...... 245 expense of ...... ; ....•••....•. : ... :.:; •.•.... : ..•..••...... • 73 legal assistance to Health & Welfare Department .... :::: ....••.. ATTORNEYS admission to practice ....•...... •••...... •••••.•..•...... 160 corrupt agreements by •...... •..••.....••..•...... 327 resident outside the state ••..•...... •...•...••.....•••••.. _ ... 159 unworthy •..•..•.•...... •...... •....•.....•...... •.•... 13 AUBURN fishing in ...... 316 AUDIT department of created ...... •...... •...... 225 AUDITOR ...... resilIent, of University of :i\Iaine ••..••...•....••..••....••••...... 102 stute, salary ...... •..•...... •....•...... •...... 230 AUTOllIOBILES see Motor ",\Tehiclcs AUTOPSIES of unclaimed bodies •••...... •.•••...... •••...... ••..•• 208 AZISCOHOS LAKE entrance designated ...... ••...•...•...••....••..•...... •.•...... 47


road across ...... 0° ...... " ...... 459 ALLAGASH PL_-LlVTATION

organization repealed ...... 0" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 582 ALNA. LODGE' incorporated .•...... •...... •.••.•....•••...... ' •....••.•. ' ...... 365 AlII-nROSCOGGIN COUNTY maintenance of law' library ...... ••...... ::.:...... •..•... 340 salaries of officials .. : ...... •..• : •...... 589 ANDROSCOGGIN LAli:E DAJ1I building ...... •...•.....••••..... : ....•• : .... , ..' ..' ...... 528 maintenallce ...... 640 APPROPRIA'l'ION BILL accounts and control ...... •...•...... •••...... •..•..... 631 adjutant general .••...... ••...... •.••.•.•.•...... 455 630 agriculture ....•.••...... •.•...... 456 630 arbitration and conciliation ...... ••.•...... 460 631 assessors ...... •...... •...•...... •...... •... 456 attorney general •.•.•....••...... •...... •...... •...... 455 630 audit ....•...... •...... •..•...•...•. 632 auditor ...... •...•...... •...•...... 460 Augusta state hospital ...... •...... •.... 462 633 Bangor state hospital ...... • . . . • • . . . . . • ...... 462 633 banl~ ...... ••...... ••.••.•....•.•...... 455· 630 boys, state school ...... •...... ••...... 464 634 budget, bureau and committee .....•..••...•...... •...... 631 Central Maine Sanatorium ...... •.....•••...... •... 4'63 633 charitable institutions ••....••..•.•..••....•••.•....••••••...... 464 634 claims •...... •••.•...... •...... 634 county attorneys ...... •.•••.•...... 456 631 deaf, school ...... •...... ••...•.....•463 633 632 ~~~g~ff~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :-:::::::::: .!~~ 631 finance ...... ••...... • 631 fisheries and game ...•...... •.•••...... •...... 458 631 forest commissioner ...... ••...... 458 631 G. A. R., Department of Maine ••••..••.•..••••.••....•..•...... 630 868 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page APPROPRIATION BILL girls, state school ...... 464 634 health ...... 461 health and welfare ...... 632 highway •. '" ...... 461 industrial accident ...... 458 631 insurance ...... 458 631 labor and industry ...... 457 631 legislative ...... 458 631 library ...... 458 632 :iHaine development commission ...... 459 631 Maine state pier ...... 456 military and naval children's home ...... 464 633 miscellaneous ...... 459 635 Northern n'~ait~e sanatorium ...... •..•..... 463 633 parI\: commISSIon ...... 461 633 Passamaquoddy tribe of Indians ...... 459 Penobscot tribe of Indians ...... 459 Po.wnal state school ...... 463 633 prIson ...... 463 633 prison commissioners ...... 0"' ...... 456 public buildings, superintendent ...... 461 633 public utilities ...... 459 632 purchases ...... •...... •...... 631 public welfare ...... 461 reformatory for men ...... 464 633 reformatory for women ...... 464 634 sea and shore fisheries ...... 459 632 secretary of state ...... 460 632 supreme judicial and superior courts ...... 462 633 taxation ...... 630 treasurer ...... 462 633 trustees ....' ...... 462 uniform legislation ...... 630 ...... 462 633 war bond sinking fund ..•...... 462 Western Maine sanatorium ...... 463 633 APPROPRIATION BILl, (supplemental) agriculture ...... 525 Bangor state hospital ...... 527 bo~rs, school ...... 527 charitable institutions ...... 527 claims ...... 527 exeCll ti\Te ...... 528 geologist ...... ' ...... 527 girls, school ...... 527, health ...... 527 labor and industry ...... 525 library ...... •...... 526 miscellaneous ...... 526 Pownal state school ...... 527 public buildings, superintendent ...... 527 public utilities ...... •...... 526 public welfare ...... 526 527 ~~~or~dt~'iior~o~sh:iie~ . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 526 uniform legislation ...... 525 APPROPIUA.TIONS unexpended balances ...... 596 AROOSTOOK COUNTY certified copies of certain records ...... 341 county jail at Houlton ...... 499 salaries of officials ...... 590 AROOSTOOK RnCER William L. Milliken to erect and maintain piers etc...... 519 ATHENS road construction under three town act ...... 419 AUBURN certain members of fire department may be pensioned ...... 522 members of police and fire departments may be pensioned ...... 516 AUGUSTA. Board of Commissioners of Police ...... 611 construction of road in ...... 420 pensions for call-firemen in ...... 596 three town agreement with Sidney and Vassalboro ...... 419 AUGUSTA STA.TE HOSPITAL new wing appropriation ...... 536 ThT))EX 869

RESOLVES A 1931 1933 Page Page ADBOT, A. A. compensation 577 ABBOT (town) road to Monson from ..•••••...••..•••...... ••....••••..•.•..... 583 ACADEiUIES appropriation for 647 702 ACTON road from Acton Corner to Sanbornville .••••..•..•.••••••..••... 583 ADDISON road to Columbia Falls from ...... •..••.....••.••...... •• 583 ALBANY state aid highwa~~ .•.....•..••.••...... •...... ••.....•• 584 ALBION road to South Freedom from ...... •••...... •....••....•...... •.. 584 ALDRICH, HARRY C. reimbursement ...... ••••..• '" ...•..••...... ••..... , ...... 563 ALFRED road from Alfred Mills to Kennebunk •.••...••..•.•..••...••••... 584 ALNA road towards vViscasset line .•...... ••....•.••.•••...... • 584 ALTON road from Lagrange to Old Town ..••..••••..••...... •••.•..•••.. 584 .L1IENDlIIENT TO CONSTITU'rION to provide number of senators .•...... ••.....•.....•....•.•..... 634 ANASAGUNTICOOK LAKE screening outlet ...... ••.....•...... •..•...•.•...•..•.•• 616 A_lVDO"\,""ER . Lake road, so called •....•....••...... ••...... •..••.. 584 ANDRE"'S, BERNARD compensation ...•...... ••...... •••.•... 666 A,.~DROSCOGGIN COUNTY fishing in ...... •...... ••...... •.•...... •.. 677 representatives to legislature from ••...•..•...... •..•.•..•.•..•. 628 A1I1DROSCOGGIN L.AI\:E fishing in ...... ••...... ••..•.••...•..••...•.....•..•••.•••...•... 676 A,.~SON road from North Anson to Lal;:e Embden .•....••••..•.••.....••• 584 ANSON ACADElIIY aid from adjustment fund ..••••..••...•..•.....••...... •••... 647 APPLETON road from Burkett hill to Libert~' ••....••...••••...... •.....• 584 APPORTIONlIIENT of representative to legislature .•••..••...... •...•...... 628 of Senate ...... 635 of senatorial districts ..•.....•...••••..•.....•...... •.••..•••• 622 APPROPRIATIONS for claims and overdrafts not anticipated ...•.....•••...... , ... 543 for departmental deficiencies ••..••.....•...... •. 567 for emergency relief ...... •.•...••...... 701 AROOSTOOIi: COUNTY representative to legislature ...... •....••...•...... ••.....•.• 628 ARROWSIC repair and maintl'nance of bridge in •...••.....••...••.....•.... 633 ASHLAND improvement of road leading from., to Castle Hill ••....•...... 648 ATIUNSON AND SEBEC reconstruction of Union bridge between towns .•...•.....•••...• 576 ATTEAN, ELlIIER . attendance and mileage ....•...... •...•.....•...... •..••...••... 727 ATTEA_1Il" POND ice fishing ...... •...... •...... ••...... 678 AUGUSTA. improvement of aviation field at ••...... ••...•...... •• 624, 649 AUGUSTA. STATE HOSPI'rAL

ne"\v construction 4 ...... 624 AUSTIN, NEVA ETHEL property of, for game preserve •.•.•...... ••.•.•....••..••.. 667 AVIATION FIELD, STA'rE improvemcnt ...... •...... ••...... •..•.....•..••.• 624, 649 AZISCOHOS LAIi:E entrance designated ....••....••...•...... •....•.•...•...••.....• 675 S70 INDEX

PUBLIC LAWS B 1931 1933 Page Page BACH: BAY hunting in, regulated ...... •..••....•...•...... •...... •...•... 303 BADGE OF STATE POLICE wearing restricted .•...... •....••...... 2 BAIL tor cert:a~n fish and game violations .....••.•...•...... 66 In munICIpal. courts ..... ~ ! ... : ~ ••• ~ ...... 187 BAIT certain birds or animals prohibited as ..•..•...... 171 live, dealers in to be licensed ...•.. ~ . ~ ...... • 310 BAITING OF DEER prohibited .. : .•...... ••...... ••••••...... 172 B"Ui:ER STREA1U fishing in regula:ted ...... 312 BALLOTS counting and sealing ...... •...... •. 27 344 how delivered by secretary of state ..••...... •....••...•...... 70 number to be· provided at elections ...... •...... 69 for primary elections ...... ••.•...... 84 to be provided by city clerl;:s ...... ••...... 224 to facilitate recounting ...... •...... 365 BANK COiUlUISSIONER . may approve change of par value of shares of stock ...•...... •.. 16 to engage in no other business ...... •.•...... 232 list of stoclcholders of trust companies to be filed with ...... 17 BANIi: EXAl\ONER for blue slcy law ...... •..••.... 8 BANIUNG INSTITUTIONS ta.", upon shares of .....•..•...... : .....••••...... 286 BANKS authorizing Governor to proclaim banlcing emergency ...... 169 borrowing capacity of trust companies ...... 191 may become members of clearing" house associations ...... 171 penalty for false report concerning ...... •..•.... 34 193 requirements for registration as dealers in securities ...... 279 state and other governmental units may participate in reorgani- zation or continuation of .•...... •.••...... 305 stop payment of eheclcs ...... •...... •. 238 to furnish information to overseers of poor ...... •. 255 trust company branches ...... 18+ BA.J.VKS, INDUSTRL~ defining certain powers of 242 BANIi:S, SAYINGS investments of ...... 231 protection of, and depositors therein .•.....•...... •...... 425 BARIi:ER'S POND ice fishing in ...... 321 BASS • closed time on ...... 135 b)"ek, catch limited ...... •..•••...... 312 365 fishing for, for gain or hire ...... 190 closed season on, in certain lakes ...... 318 BATHING in China Lalce BEACONS mooring of boats to ...... 120 BEARS bounty ...•...... •...... 428 classified as gan1e animal ...... - ...... 99 hunting and trapping ....•.....•...... •...... •.•..... 422 BEAU'ry CULTURE A...VD HAIR DRESSING practice of ...... •...... 374 DEAYER open season on ...... 262 slrins must be marked ...... •...... 290 BEER relating to malt beverages ...... •...... • 451 BELGRADE LAl';:ES number of black bass to be caught limited ....•...... 312 speed of motor boats in certain waters of .•...... 260 transportation of fish caught in ...... 316 trout fishing in certain waters of ...... 365 INDEX 871 1931 1933 Page Page BELGRADE STREAJlI tributaries closed to fishing ," ...... 314 BERTILLON lUETHOD for identification of criminals ...... 278 BEVERAGES duties of manufacturers of .•...... •..•...... •. ',' 61 malt, relating to ...... 451 BIDDER may he requested to furnish questionnaire ...... 128 BIENNIAL RE'VISION fish and game laws ...... ',' ...... 81 BIG WOOD LAI\.'.E , fishing in, regulated ...... 319 BIRDS game, restrictions on hunting ...... '...... 179 proteeted by law, not to be used as bait ...... 171 wild, shooting of prohibited ...... 47 BIRTHS record ...... •...... 17,19 BLACK BASS catc11 limited ...... 312 closed season on, in certain waters ...... 318 BLACK LIS'!' maintaining 244 BLIND pensions for ...... 58 BLIND, EXAj)IINER appOintment and duties ...... 59 BLINDNESS prevention ...... 46 BLUE SKY LA,\V amending ...... '...... 393 bank examiner for ...... 8 8 ~~~~~~ftfeesI?;t d~~n·e·d":::::::::::::::::::: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::: 7 BOARD OF PRISON CO;)IJlIISSIONERS see Code ' BOARD OF STATE ASSESSORS see Code BOARD FOR SURVEYS OF LANDS see Code BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF lIIAINE SCHOOL FOR DEAF see COile BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF llEFORllIA'!'ORY FOR JlIEN see Code BOARD OF 'TRUSTEES FOR TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUJlIS see Code "BOARDING HOUSE FOR CHILDREN" defined ...... •...... 244 BOATS passing through Rangeley Lal;:es sanctuary ...... 57 BOBCAT bounty 113 275 BODIES dead, disposal ...... 87 BOGS under general fish and game laws ...... 220 BOILERS, STEAlI operation ...... 246 stamping registration on ...... •...... 258 use of ...... 126 BOND for receipt of dead human bodies ...... 88 of warden of state prison ...... 243 BONDS approval of, by public utilities commission ...... 92 issue for emergency relief ...... 442 BOUNTY on certain animals ...... 113 on porcupine ....•...... ; ...... 282 BO,\VDOIN certain waters closed to fishing ...... • 317 BOYS, STATE SCHOOL FOR maintenance and regulation ...... 95 BRADEEN STREA,U fishing in ...... 47 872 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page BRIDGES construction and maintenance on state highways ...... 72 268 appropriation for roads and ...... 274 BUCIiFIELD certain waters opened to ice fishing ...... •...... 324 BUDGET, COllL1I1TTEE ON see Code BUDGETING powers and duties relative to ...... 208 BUILDING .AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS distribution of profits and losses ...... 181 maturity of shares ...... ,. 182 penalty for circulating false reports about ...... 193 permitted to borrow money ...... 162 purchase of real estate by ...... 184 rate of interest ...... 183 BIDLDINGS inspectors of, ele~.tion ...... 86 BUNGA.J.YUT LAKE fishing in, regulated ...... 321 BUOYS to mark forbidden fishing area in Long Lal~e ...... 51 mooring of boats to ...... 120 BURIAL PERlIII'l'S relating to ...... 18 BURl'\I~NG 01<' GRASS LAND permit to be obtained ...... 9 BUSSES, PASSENGER speed ...... 201 registration of by non-residents ...... 382 BY-LA"\VS OF CORPORATIONS how made ...... 124 RYRON fishing in certain waters in, regulated ...... 319

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS B BALLOT elections in Portland, relating to ...... 353 BANGOR new charter granted ...... 377 u(lnIinistr.nti... "c ofJicers assessors of taxes ...... 389 board of mothers' aid ...... 389 city manag"er appointment, etc...... 387 powers and duties ...... 387 387 ci~~bsst~~~};e '':~ie's'':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 389 compensation ...... 386 council's po,ver ...... ~86 duties ...... : ...... 388 recreatIOn commIttee ...... 390 school committee ...... 388 term of service ...... 386 titles and appointment ...... 386 trustees of Herse)T li'und ...... 389 Sophia Kirstein Student Loan Fund ...... 389 water board ...... 389 business and financial pro·... isions accounts and records ...... 390 appropriation resolve ...... 391 audit ...... 390 bond issues ...... 392 bonds of officers ...... 393 'borrowing ...... 392 budget ...... 391 collection and custody of money ...... 394 loans, temporary ...... 39~ paymen ts ...... 393 purcllasing of supplies ...... 394 reports ...... 390 sinking fund ...... 393 transfers ...... 392 INDEX 873 1931 1933 Page Page city c.ouncil Cllalrman ...... " ...... " ... " ...... " ...... " .. .. 379 election, tenure of office ..•...... •...... 378 meetings and qualifications ...... ••...... •.... 379 powers and duties •...... •...... •...•...... •...... 378 procedure ...... •...... 380 quorum .....•...... •...... 380 special llleetings ...... " ...... " ...... 380 vacancies, forfeiture of office .... " ...... "" ...... ,, .... . 379 gr::lnt of Ilo,,~er8 to city ...... " ...... " .. .. 377 D1isccllnncous l,ro'visions contracts, how af(ected ...... •...... 395 councilmen, ineligible for certain offices ...... 394 effective date of act ...... •...... •...... 395 ordinances, how affected •.. -.•...... •..... 395 referendum on act ...... •• _" 394 terms of pl'esent officers ...•...... '" .....•....•...... 395 nominations an(I elections ballots contents and form of ...... ••...... 383 how prepared ...... •.....•..••.....•.. 383 specimen ...... •...... •...... 38fi dates and procedure ...... ••...... ••.... 381 elective laws ...... ••...... •••..••....•...... 385 filing of nomination papers •....•••...... •.•• 383 form- of nomination paper ...... 382 list of candidates to be published ...... ••...... •...... 383 nomination to be by petition ...... 382 warden and ward clerl~ ...••....•....•.....••...... •..•.•... 381 rcferen(luJu on nets of council .... " ...... "...... 380 political caucuses, repeal of special law relating to ...... •.•.... 351 special police officers to receive benefits •.••...... •.....•••• 409 BAJ."VGOR STATE HOSPITAL appropriation for nurses' home ....•....•.....••.....•.•...... 536 BAJ."VGOR THEOLOGICAL SE1UINARY rights increased ...... •...... •...... 343 BANI\:S, -WILLIA;U F. to receive benefits of Bangor police department ...•...... ••...... 409 BAR HARBOR better government ..••...... •...•.....•.....••...... " 344 BATH WATER DISTRICT sinldng fund ...... •...... •••...... ••..••...•...... 476 BAXTER, PERCIVAL P. deed of ~1t. Katahdin from ...... •..••...•..•....•...... •.•... 346 460 BELFAST charter amended ...... •...... •...... •...... 492 school district incorporated election of officers, tenure, compensation ..•.....•....•..•..... 404 issue of bonds ...... •.....••.•.....••.- ...... " 405 proper:ty of district to pass to town •...... •..... 407 referendum; ballots .•...... •...•...... •...•.•..... 407 school district corporation created ..•...... •..... 404 sinldng fund; its investment ...... •.....•.....•...... •.... 406 taxes, how assessed and collected ••..••..•...... •.•...... 406 trustees to manage affairs ...•.•...... •••..••... 404 BER\VICK CElIIETERY ASSOCll'l'ION incorporated ...•...... •..•.....••....••...... 472 BETHEL WATER COllIPA"!VY incorporation of, amended ..••..•....•....•.•...... •...... 490 BIDDEFORD charter ...... •...... •....•...•...... •..... 597 city committee, how elected •.....•...... •...... ••...... •... 538 common council abolished ...... •...... 511 elections in ...... •...... •....•...•..••.•...•••.•.... 616 judge of municipal court, salary increased •...•...... •.• 452 BIG BLACK RIVER DA31 COiUPAl';-Y charter amended ...... •...... ••...... 357 toll on pulpwood and logs over dam of •...... •.••• 357 BLUEBERRY FARlIi "'VATER COlllPAl\/-Y incorporation of, in Camden ..•...•...•...... •...... •.... 465 BLUEHILL smelts not to be tal

RESOLVES B 1931 1933· Page Page RADD, FLOIL-i. E. pension ...... 579 DACK RnrER DRIDGE repair and maintenance .... '...... 633 DAILEY, lIlELISSA 111. pension ...... 686 DAI{ER, A-,-"INIE D. Kingman reimbursed for assistance to ...... 559 DA.I{ER, FLOREnCE H.

pension ...... ,0 ...... 548 DAI{Ell POND fishing in ...... ••...... •...... •.• 695 DAI{ER STREA1U fishing in ...... •...... ••..•...• 670 DAI,D"lVIN Depot road, so called ...... •...... 584 reimbursed for support of pauper ...... •.. 572 DANGOR reimbursed for aid to World \~Tar veteran's dependent ...... •.. 699 DANGOR STATE HOSPITAL construction of nurses' home ...... 615 DARTJ,ETT, COIti J. pension ...... 580 DARTLETT LAI{E fishing in ...... 662 DASSETT. A. C. compensated for injuries •...... ••...... •...... •...... •.. 576 DATCHELOR, HA-""'NAH L. pension ...... :687 DA'rH reimbursed, account :Mrs. \villiam A. Griffin ...... 675 DA1TNEG DEG }<'ISH SCREEN ASSOCIATION reimbursed ...... •.•..•...... •..... 617 D_-L""\::TER PEAI{ name of :Monument Peak, changed to ...... 578 DAXTER STATE PARR land to be designated as ...... •...... •...... 677 DEALS Indian Point Road ..••...... •••...... 584 DEAYER DAlII DROOI{ fishing in ...... •...... •...... •... 651 DELFAST Perldns road ..•...... •...... ••..••...•...... •....••.. 584 DELFAST HOllIE FOR AGED \'\'OllIEN deficiency appropriation ...... •...... •. 710 DENTON East Benton road ...... •...... ••...... 585 DERRY, FRED D. pension ...... •...... •...... •.•••...... 580 DERRY, HENny G. . pension ...... 580 DERRY, OWEN town of Stetson reimbursed for medical expense for ...... 551 town of Stetson reimbursed for operation expense for ...... •.... 551 DERW'ICK Salmon Falls road ...... •...... 585 "DIDLIOGRAPHY OF 1I1AINE BlPRINTS" appropriation for purchase of copies .....•.....•...... 564 DICKFOHD, FHEElUAN pension " ...... " ...... " ...... " ...... 580 DIG JIlIl POND fishing in ...... •..•...... •...... •....•...... 668 DIG ;~Bl ~OND IlIo-r,ETS fishlDg In ...... 668 BIG KING LAI{E fishing in ...... o."."" ...... ".-." .. .- .... :." .. : .... ~...... ·.o ...... "...... " ...... 662 DINFORD, EYA E...... pension ...•...... •....•••...•••...... 696 876 INDEX 1931 1933 Page BIRD, ELLEN pension ...... ••...... •••••.•••...... •••••...... 580 687 BIRD, KATE 'pension ...... •...... •••••••••..•..•...... •...... •.. 580 688 "BLACK'S W,OODS ROAD" repair ...... 625 BLAINE reimbursed for support of Indians .•....••...•..••...... 572 road from Back road to E. Plantation .•...•...... •..••.••.••.... 585 BLAI\:SLEE LAKE fishing in ..•...•••...... ••...... •...... •...... 670 BLIND emergency appropriation for education of ...••...... •.•..•• 701 BLOCK HOUSE AT FORT I\:EJ."VT grading of grounds ...•••...... •.••...... ••••...... 557 BLUEHILL road from Bluehill village to East Bluehill ••.....•...•..•...... 585 BLUEHILL-GEORGE STE"l'""ENS ACADEIIlY aid from adjustment fund ....•...... ••.•••..•...... 647 BLUEHILL BAY taking smelts from certain waters of ...•.....•.....•...... ••.... 653 BODFISH, LYDL\. A. pension ...... 580 BOG llRIDGE reconstruction of, in town of Wellington ....•...•••.••..•..•.•••. 575 BOG BROOI\: fishing in ...... 661 BOOTHBAY road to Boothbay Harbor ....•...... •...... 585 llO'lVDOIN Borougll road ...... 585 BOWDOINHAlII Cushman road ..•...... •...... •...... •...... 585 BO'l"\,"LEY, HARRISON B.,' Jr. pension ...... 0.0 •••••••• 698 BOYD'S POND opened to fis!ling ...... 664 BOYNTON, C. A. compensated for injuries to son ...... ••...... 633 BOYNTON, HATTIE pension ...... 708 BOYNTON, HENRY 'lV. pension ...... 580 BRADlILL.V, JULIA A. ESTATE compensation for damage by flo""J'"age ...... "...... 6~~ BRA.lIiN. OLIVE E. . pension ...... ••...... 580 697 BRElIIEN road to Damariscotta from ....•...... ••••.•...... 585 BREWER Air-line road •...... •...... ••...... 585 BRIDGE Back River, in Arrow.sic, repair of •.....•...... •...... •.•..... 633 between Gardiner and Randolph, repair of ...... •..••...... 575 Bog. in town of Wellington, reconstruction of ...... 575 Buzzell, in town of Stetson, repair of ...... •.•...... 607 Cape, in town of Brool~ville, repair of ...... •. 586 Center, in town ·of Dixmont. repair of ...... •...... 574 Cummings, in town of Jonesport, reconstruction of ...... 634 Ferry, in town of Haynesville, aid in planking and painting ••.... 594 Floating, in 'town of Plymouth, repair of .....•...••...... •...... 579 Haynesville, to repaint ...... •...... •...... 594 New Sharon, reimbursed for maintenance of ...... • 566 over , in town of Washburn, repair of ...... 582 Polly Clark, in town of Wiscasset, construction ...... •.•..... 649 repair of, in town of Washburn ...... •..•...... •...... 582 sidewall~, adjacent to Ridlonville bridge, construction ...... 647 Tracy Brook, in town of Durham, repair of ...... ••..•.•• 578 Union, between towns of Sebec and Atkinson, reconstruction of .. 576 Wytopitlock, reconstruction ..•...... •...... ••••.••...... 575 BRIDGES appropriation for construction, maintenance and repair of ...•...• 728 construction, maintenance and repair of ...... •...••••...•••.. 582 BRIDGTON reimbursed for support of pauper .•...... ••••.•••••.•••••••...•••. 570 Sweden road .....•...••••...... ••...... •••...... •.•.• 586 INDEX 877 1931 1933 Page Page BRIDGTON ACADEjUY aid from adjustment fund ••.••.••••••...•...•...••••.••..•••..•• 647 BRIDGEWATER Bridgewater Corner Boundary Line road ..•.•.••••••.••..•.•••.•• 586 BRIERY, JENNIE pension ...... 690 BRISTOL Shore road •....•...••...•..••.••••..••••.•••.•.•••..••...•..•... 586 BROOli:LIN road to Bluehill line from ...... ••....••••••..••..•..•••..••••...• 586 BROOli:S " road to Hall hill ...... ••..••..•••.•••...•••.••..•.....•...... 586 BROOli:S HISTORY, SKETCHES OF purchase of ....••..••.•.•...••..•••••.••.••••••.•..••...•.....•. 701 BROOli:S open season on in town of york ..••...•...•..••.••.••..•...•...•• 660 BROOli:SVILLE Cape Bridge ...... 586 BROW~, CHARLES repealing pension 669 BROWN, ElIll\lA J. pension ...... ••....••...••..•...•..•••••.••.....••...... • 682 BROWN, ER..~EST C. compensation •...... •..••.....•..••....••...... •...••.. 669 BRO'VN, JA_MES 111. reimbursed for claims ...•...... •.....•...•..•••..•...... •... 559 BROWl';v-:ILLE road to ...... ••.••.••..••...•••..••..••.••.... 586 BRUNSW-:ICK reimbursed for support of paupers •..•••....•••••..•••••..••..•.. 571 BRUNSWICK HOSPITAL reimbursed for treatment of paupers ••...... •.•..••.•••.•••.••.. 571 BUCK, NELLIE pension ...... 669 BUCIi:NAlIl, GRACE E.

pension ...... 0>0 ...... 580 BUCKSPORT " road from north part of town ••...••...... •..••.•••.• ; ••...... 586 BUli:EH, NATHALIE, lIIRS. pension ...... ••...... •.••..••...... •.....•...... ••.•..... 580 BURLINGTON state aid road ...... •...... •.....•...•..•..•...••..•..•••••• 586 BURNHAM road from Ellweir bridge to Davis hill •..•••...... ••....•.••.•... 587 BURN OR, ELIZABETH pension ....•...... •..••...... •.••..••.•..••...••...... •.••••••• 579 BUX'l'ON road from Buxton to Saco ...... •...•..•...•..•..••..••••...••• 587

PUBLIC LAWS C CAlIIBOLASSE POND fishing in, regulated ....•...... ••••.....•.•.•...••..••.•...... 313 CAilIBOLASSE STREAlII fishing in, regulated ...... •...•....•..••...... •..••...... 313 CAilIPS recreational, to be licensed ...... ••..•...•...•.•.•..•..•..•... 151 CANADIAN L1:~X bounty on ...... ••...... •.••••••.••...... •...... ••• "•• 113 CAPITAL changes in public utilities ...... •.•..••....••..••.•••.•.•.....• 125 of COrlJOrations, cbanges in, increase of ...... 167 changes in, decrease of ...... •...... •..•.•....•..•.....•... 169 stock of ruilrond COrIJ01:ations, increase ...... 132 stock of trust cODlllanies, increase of ...... 15 minimum amount increased ...••...... •.•...••••.••••.•••.•...• 16 CARD'S lIllLL STREAlII certain fishing prohibited .•...... •••....••.••••..•••.••.••.•.•••.. 315 C_-\RRABASSET RrvER fishing in, regulated .••.•••...... •••..•.•..••.•••.••.••.••... 323 878 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page CASCO . smelt fishing in certain waters regulated ...... 323 CASCO ll_.\.·Y ...... ,...... ' shooting seals in ...... 158 CATHANCE LAItill ...... closed to ice fishing ...... 315 CATHA..~CE RIYER··· ...... catching of smelts in ...... 67 CERTIFICATES ...... ,...... granted to teachers ...... 32 CHAIN OF PO~"nS TOWNSiup ...... ,...... , fishing in regulated ...... 314 CHARITABLE OIlGANIZA'l'IONS·· ...... , exempted from excise tax ...... 80 CHARITIES ...... Health and Welfare Department to investigate and inspect ...... 47 solicitation of· 'funds for ...... :: .. :: ...... 47 CHASE'S POND pollution of ·prevented 82 CHAUFFEURS reduction in price of licenses ·of·. : ...... : ...... 287 CHECI\:S stop payment of ...... : .... : ... : ... : ...... 238 CHESUNCOOI\: PLANTATION game preserv·e ·established ...... : ...... 172 CHILDREN affected with in·fectious· diseases ...... : ...... 29,30 care and protection ...... 48 court jurisdiction of offenses committed by ...... 273 powers of municipal court in juvenile cases ...... 252 protection of ...... : ...... 193 of Women committed to reformatory for women ...... 26 CHILDREN'S HOllIES license for ...... 244 CHINA L"U\:E , .. .. . bathing in west basin ...... 54 CITIES A1\;']) TOWNS ... .. may raise money for dental hygienist ...... 53 may take advantage, of Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans ...... : ..... : ..... : ...... 396,409 CIYIL SERYICE EX.A.lIIINATIONS for employees of inlaI:id fisheries and game department ...... 267 commissioner, examination of ...... 269 commission provided for·· ...... 267 examination to be advertised ...... 269 permanent employees to come under act ...... 269 removal from service ...... 269 ru~~~ cb~d~;/gJl1ed' .:':.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~ to be promulgated ...... 268 wardens, examination of ...... 267 CLAJIS buyinl< and selling without license ...... 188 buying, selling and transporting regulated ...... 185 350 classification of licenses; bond ...... 186 commissioner of. agriculture to. receive certain information ...... 187 digging of, in I(ennebunk ...... " ...... "...... 91 flats may be closed to digging; penalty ...... 183 licenses; issuance, application and fee for, certificate of ...... 185 package to be labeled ...... 187 regulation of industry ...... 138 restoration ,of revol;:ed licenses ..... '.' .. '.' ...... 187 revocation of license ...... 186 search, right of ...... 188 sellers and buyers, to· be licensed ...... " ...... 185 shipping and transporting of ...... 334 taking and sale of in Scarboro ...... 182 tal;:ing of, in town of Sullivan ...... 65 transportation of, .l;>eypnd limits of state during closed time ...... 184 violation of regulations or laws; penalty ...... 188 CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATIONS· banks may become members ...... 171 CLEARWATER· PO~,]) fishing in regulated .. , ...... 315 CLERICAL ERRORS IN REVISION corrected ...... 241 CLERI\: HIRE in office of register of deeds of Cumberland County ...... 22 in Piscataquis registry of· probate ...... 164 in Portland municipal court ...... 22 INDEX 879 1931 1933 Page Page CLERIi:S of corporations, duties ...... 1 sending ballots· to ...... •...... •...... 70 CLERIi:S OF COURTS to malte returns of divorces ...... •...... •... 21 CLOSED TIllIE on deer ...... •.....•...... •..... 261 cOnnOSSEECONTEE LAli:E .. closed season on black bass in ...•....•...... 318 ~losed ,!easop on certain fish ...... •...... 318 Ice fishIng In ...... •....•...... ••...... 318 cOnnOSSEECONTEE RIVER limited weight of fish from ...... 317 cOnnOSSEECONTEE S'l'REAlII name changed ...... ~ ...... 317 COnURN GORE . brooks and streams in, closed to fishing ...... 311 COD protected in certain waters ...... 299 CODE, ADlIllNISTRA.TION OF STA.TE ndministrative depnrtments ...... "...... o •••••••••••••• 206 department of audit ...•...... •.•...•...... •.•...... • 225 detailed requircments ...... 226 limitation of duties ...... 227 226 ~~~:enl;a~~odn d;"ti~~':::::::: :.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 226 dCI.artnlcnt of education ...... 224 organization ...... " .. '...... 225 224 ~f~~~r~O;~~1 d~~~~l~ 'bo';'~d' : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 225 teachers retirement board ...... 225 vocational education board ...... :...... ~ .... . 225 depnrtnlcnt of fin:tnee ...... " ...... 208 accounting; powers and duties relating to ...... 212 advisory cOll11nittee on budget ...... , ... , ...... 212 213 ~~i;~ri~~~nsco~f;~cl~a~~l.e.~ . : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 218 219 208 ~~~l:J!~~~fq;;~~~~~i.~~~:~~:t:·~~·: ':: ::: : :': ::::'::: : : : : : : : : : '::: :: : : : : : : 208 deliveries ...... 218 departmental collections ...... 214 disbursements ...... 214 estimates for budg'et ...... 210 fiscal year ...... ·...... ·.·... ·.·...... 213 form of appropriation' bill ...... 210 form of. the budq-et !i0cument ...... 209 money In depOSItorIes ...... '...... 215 open market and other purchases ...... 216 organization of ..bure~u of taxation ...... '.' ...... 219 payment of receIpts Into treasury ...... 214 purchasing, powers and duties pertaining to ...... 215 requisitions required ...... ~ . '. '...... ' ...... 218 review and revision" of estimates· ~ ...... 210 rules and regulations ...... 217 scope of the budget ...... 209 scope of purchasing authority ...... : ...... 215 standard specificatlons ...... 216 standardization' committee ...... 216 state funds .. eliminated ...... 213 taxation; powers and duties relating to ...... 218 unlawful purchases ...... 218 work program and allotments ...... 211 deparnllcnt of health and ""\yelfare ...... "." .. . 219 advisory council of health and welfare ...... 223 boards of visitors ...... 223 distribution of departmental functions ...... 222 institutional heads ...... , ...... 222 organization ...... 219 parole board ...... 223 powers and duties ...... 220 removal of local health officers ...... 224 depnrtnlcnt of seu alu1 shore fisheries ...... 224 coopeI:ati,?n with department of inland fisheries and game ...... 224 organIzatIOn ...... 224 powers and duties .... ; ...... " ..•...... •..... 224 general pro""\~isions and rellculs ...... 227 agencies abolished ...... 228 assayers of ores and metals ...... 229 board of prison commissioners ...... 228 board of state assessors ...... ~~ ...... 228 board for surveys of lands ...... 229 board of trustees 'of ~Iaine school ·for ·deaf ...... 229 880 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page CODE, ADlIJINISTRATION OF S'I'ATE board of trustees of reformatory for men ...... •.••...... 228 board of trustees for tuberculosis sanatoriums ..•...... •....•• 229 budget, committee on .••..••.••.•.•..•...... ••••...... ••..•• 228 commissioner of health .•...... ••.....•....••••.....• 228 commissioners of wrecl~FOR~I amended ...... ••...... 295 CRHIINALS identification ...... 278 insane, disposal of ...... 107 CROP PEST CO~BIISSION see Code CROSS ISLAND closed time on deer ...... •...... •...... 50 882 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page CROSSINGS, GRADE abolishment or alteration of ••....•...... ••.....•...••.•...... •. 300 CUillBERLAND COUNTY clerk hire in office of register of deeds ...... •.••...•.• 22 commissioners may provide' temporary loan " ....•...... 164 CUPSUPTIC LAKE fishing in tributaries regulated ..•...... •....•...... 321 CUSK taking of 310

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS C CALAIS international bridge, reconstructIOn provided for ...... •.•....•• 537 CAilIDEN Blueberry Farm "Vater Company incorporated .•...... •...•.••.... 465 CASCADE BRIDGE state treasurer to pay state's share in reconstruction of ...... 474 LIGHT AND -WATER COillPANY charter amended ...... •...... •...., ...... 477 CASCO TITLE GUARANTY COilIPA.!.'\'Y charter amended ...... •...•...•..••...... 333 CAUCUSES IN B"\.NGOR repeal of special law relating to ...... •...... 351 CE;UETERIES "\.ND BURIALS ordinances to regulate in South Portland ...... ••..•..•...•..... 361 CEilIETERY ASSOCIATION incorporated in Ber"ricl;:: ...... 472 CEilIETERY CORPORATION, LUBEC incorporation ...... •...... 484 CENTRAL j1IAINE SANATORIUill appropriation for building ...... , ...... 536 appropriation for nurses hom" and schoolhouse •.....•...... •.... 537 CJL-\'::'iDLER BAY construction of ,'\~eir i'n, authorized ...... 375. 40! CHARTERS AND INCORPORATIONS antc~n(le(l ..' . . Alna Lodge ...... •...... '•.•...... 365 Bangor Theological Seminary .•.••...... •. 343 Bar Harbor ...... •...... •...... •.... 344 Bath Water'District ...• '. '... '.... '...... •.• '. : ...... 476 Bethel ,Vater Company ...... '.•...... •..... '.....•...... 490 Big Black River Dam Company ...... •• 357 Bucksport Water Company, . '...... •...... 368 Casco Title Guaranty Company ...... ••. 333 City of Belfast ...... •...... 492 City of Biddeford ...... , ...... •.. 511 City of Brewer High School District· ...... •...•... 372 Colby College ...... 342, 345 Congregational Conference and l\Iissionary Society of Maine .••. 331 Eastport Municipal Court ...... •...... 443 Fort Kent Village Corporation ...... 3!9 Fort Kent Water Company ...... 340 Frontier Water Company ...... '...... 335 Gray Water District ...... •...... •.... 495 Guilford and Sangerville "·",,,,ter, .District •...... •••..... 445 Kennebec Reservoir Company ...... •...... 409 Livermore Falls ~Iunicipal Court ..•...... •...... 361 lHount Hope Cemetery Corporation ... , ...... '••.. 376 North Knox Agricultural and Horticultural Society ...... 332 Norway lVlunicipal Court ...... •...... •• 483 Ogunquit Beach ,District, •..' ...... 444 Ogunquit Village Corporation ...... •..••...... 450, 518 Old Town ...... ••.•..•...... ••.•... 452 Oquossoc Light and Power' Co'mpany .•.•...... 500 Pistol Stream Dam Company ...... •...... 399 Portland ...... , ...•...... 353 Portland High School Athletic Field Commission ...... 351 Portland Water District ...... •..... 482 Richardson Wharf Company ...... ••...... 358 Saco ...... •...... 359 Seal Cove Water Company ...... 336 Skowhegan Water Company ...... •...... •.....•• 352 South Portland ...... •....•..•. 361 Warren Memorial Foundation ...... •....•.•. 342 INDEX 883 1931 1933 Page Page CHARTERS AND INCORPORATIONS extende(l. . . . Blue Hill Water Company ...... •...... • 334 Hinckley Development Company ...... ••...... ••..• 400 Kennebec Reservoir Company ...... •...... •.... 409 Madawas],a· Water Company· ...... ·...... •...... •... 371 Patten 'Varer and Power Company·...... 333 Quebec Extension Railway Company ...... •...... 336 Sabattus Water and Sewer DistriCt ...... •...• 371 Sandy River and Rangeley Lakes Railroad Companv ..•...... 335 Union Termina:I Company· "."'." ...... : •...•...... 341 grante(l Bangor ...... 377 Berwick Cemetery Association ...... •.... 472 Blueberry Farm ·Water Company·...... ·...•...... ·... ·.·.·.• ·.·•... ·. 465 City of Belfast School District •...... ••...... 40! City of Brewer .. ·...... 421 Federal Employees Credit Union .•...... •...... 337 Lubec Cemetery Corporation ...... 484 l\Iadawasl,a Village Corporation ...... •...... 467 Maine Heating Corporation ...... •...•.•...... 410 Sebasco Mosquito Abatement ·District ...... 415 Town of Lincoln School District ...... •. " ..... ,. 437 Turner Boom ·Company ...... 366 Vanceboro Water Company· ...... •...... 413 CHESUNCOOK PLANTATION organization repealed ....•...... •...... 517 CHIUSTL-L1\T CHURCHES property of extinct or disbanded ...... 473 CITY COllIlUI'rTEES elected at caucuses in Biddeford ...... •...... 538 CIVIL SERVICE Old Town police and fire departments ...... •..••...•..... 452 CL"U]I[S . granted ...... • ...... • . . .• 527 CLEAVES, HENRY D. property of gift to Cumberland Bar Association .•...... • 360 COLllY COLLEGE charter amended ...... •...... •.... 3·12,343,345 COlllllnSSIONERS, COUNTY . authorized to remodel county jail, Penobscot County ...... 474. money, authorized to ·borrow ·and issue notes ...•...... •..•... 474 COllIllIISSION O}<' PORTLA~J) HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD powers increased ...... •..•...... 351 COllllllISSION ON REVISION OF I]O;"HERITA.J.VCE AND ESTATE TAX LAlV appointment ...... •...... •..•.....•...... •....• 496 COllIllIISSION, SEA "\.ND SHORE FISHERIES meetings validated ...... 511 COllHUTTEE, CITY, OF llIDDEFORD elected at caucus .•.....•....•...... •...... 538 COllIlIION COUNCIL OF DIDDEFORD abolished ...... • ...... 511 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES property of extinct or dil'banded ...... •....•...... •...•..... 473 CONGREGA'l'IONAL CONFERENCE .AND 1IIISSIONARY SOCIETY OF 1IIAINE name changed and purposes enlarged ... '.' .•...•••....••..•.... " 331 CONSTITUTIONAL CO]O;"~N'l'ION to pass on proposed amendment to U. S. constitution ..•...... 640 CONS'l'RUCTION, S'rA'l'E surplus funds applied toward ...... " ..•...... 536 COUNCIL, COllIlIION OF DIDDEFORD abolished ...... •...... 511 COUNTY ATTOR..1\TEYS salaries reduced ...... •...... •...... 61ft COUNTY COllIllIISSIONERS Aroostook County, to fix compens.ation for copying certain records 341 Lincoln County, transfer of certaIn real estate ...... •..•...•... 350 Penobscot County, authorized to remodel jail ...... •..... 474 to borrow money and issue n'otes' ...... 474 COUNTY OFFICL\I.S salaries reduced ...... , .....•...... •...... '...... COUNTY TREASURER copying certain deeds in Aroostool, count,', to pay expenses of " 341 COURT, EASTPORT lIIDNICI}>AL . charter amended .•...•.•.... '.' '.' . . .. • .... • . .. . • ...... • ...... • 443 884 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page COURT HOUSE AT ELLS"\VOR'l'H erection authorized .....•..••••...... ••..••..••.•...... 417 COURTS, lIIUNICIPAL Biddeford, salary of judge increased ...••.....•...... •••..•••.•••• 452 De~:1:er, appointment of recorder .....•...... •..•.•...•..•..••..• 496 Eastport, charter amended ..•...... •.....•...... • 443 Farnlington, salary of judge increased ...... 365 Norway, salary of judge increased .•..•..•..•...... •.....•..... 483 Pittsfield, salary of judge increased .....•....•...... •...... 508 Roekland, salary of judge increased ....•...... ••...•...... 509 Western Hancoek, at Bucksport, terms of ...••...... ••..•..•... 442 COURTS OF LA'" copies' of certain certified records from Aroostool;: County to re- ceive ...... 341 CORNVILLE . road construction under three town act ..•.....•...... •.•..••... 419 CREDIT UNION 01" lIIA1NE, FEDERAL ElIIPLOYEES' incorporated •...... ••...... •...... •• 337 CUlIlBERLAND BAR ASSOCL1'l'ION certain doings of validated ....•...••....•...•..•..••.•••.•...... 360 CUlIIBERLAND COUNTY . probation officers for •...... •••...... •.••...•••...... ••.•...... 453 salaries of officials ...... •.•...... •.•.....•..••..••.....•... 590

RESOLVES C CALAIS Carson road ...... •....•.•...•...... • • ...... • 587 repair of fishways in St. Croix river •....•...•.••...••••..••.•.. 617 C.AL...4.IS ACADEilIY . aid from adjustment funli ...•...... •..•...... •...••... 647 CAilIllOLASSE POND fishing in ...... •...... •.....•..•...... 658 CAlIIllRIDGE road from Cambridge to Ham hill ..•..•...... •....•••..•. 587 CALYA.AL"V ! road from Skowbegan to Hartland ...... •...... •.•...... 587 CANTON reimbursed for burial of unknown ...... •.....•...... •.. 571 road from Canton village to Hartford ...•...... •...... •..•.....•. 587 CAPE llRIDGE repair of, in town of Brool;:sville ...•...... •...... 586 C.A.R.ATUNI\: PLAL"VTATION reimbursed for support of pauper ...... •.•...... •.. 573 road from Caratunl;: village to Pleasant Pond ...•••....••••....• 587 ·CARIllOU lIladawasl;:a road ...... 587 reimbursed for support of pauper ..•..•.....•..•..•.....•.•.. 570,573 CARlIIEL Fuller road ...... •...... •...••...•...... •.••.. 587 CARTER, ARTHUR, JOSEPH AL.... -n DORA "",-. compensated ...... •...•.....•...... •... 565 CARTER, HANNAH ]? compensated ...... •..•...... ••..••...... •..... 565 CARTHAGE pay for support of pauper ...... •...•...... 699 CASCO-RA~ilI01'i-n road ...... •...... •...... •...••..... 605 CAS'l'LE HILL improvement of road leading from to Asbland ..•..•...... •.. 648 CASWELL PLANTATION "Short Cut" to Grand Falls ...... ••.••.•.....•...•••.•...... 587 CENTER BRIDGE . repair of. in town of Dixmont ...•...... •...••...•.....•.... 574 CENTRAL lIlAINE FAIR ASSOCIATION state stipend ...... •...... ••.•..•...... 550 CENTRAL lILUNE SANATOruUlII additional building for .•....••...... '.' ...•...... •....••..••.... 568 appropriation for scbool house ...... •. 577 enlargement of nurses' home ...... 568 CHAPLAINS of House, appropriation for ..•....•...... •....•..••..•.... _ . 627 721 of Senate, appropriation for ...... •..••....•...... 614 721 INDEX ~85 1931 1933 Page Page CIL4.RI.ESTON road from West Charleston to Garland Center .....••.....••.... 587 CH.rnLO'l'TE Lake road ..•.••...... ; ••...... •••...... •.•..• 588 CHELSEA reimbursed for assistance to veteran ...... •..•..•...... •. 559 road from Ferry road to state road ...... •...... •••.•..... 588 road from Randolph bridge to Route 101 •••.••••••.•..••..•••...• 5g8 CHERRYFIELD road from Cherryfield village to Milbrid,ge ..••...... ••...... 588 CHERRYFIEI,D ACADEIUY aid from adjustment fund ...... •..••..•....••••...•...... 647 CHES'I'ERYILLE road from state aid road to covered bridge ....•..•.•...... •..•. 588 CHESUNCOOK PLANTATION "Tinter road ..•...... •...... •.•...•.••.•...... 588 CHINA road from Pond road to Dirigo corner .....•.•..••.••...... 588 CHINA LAKE screening ...... •....•...... •...... 617 CHOATE, F~~K A. pension repealed ...... 547 CHOATE, GEORGE A. :pension .•...... •••...... •..... 547 CL.UlUS pauper, payment of •..•.•.•••....•••...•...... •••..... 570 CLAIIUS, COIU311TTEE ON appropriation to pay World "Var Veterans Claims approved by '" 699 CLAPP, A.J.~NIE L. pension ...... 580 CLARIi:, FRANK F. pension ...... •...... •...... •...•....• 679 CLE.4.RWATER POND screening ...... •• " 617 CLEIUONS POND screening outlet ...... • • • ...... • • ...... 616 CLERIi:S OF LEGISLA'rIVE C03DIITTEES compensation ...... •..•...•••.•...... 618 724 CLINTON Canaan road ...... 588 conn, LORENZO T. pension ...... •.••.... 580 COGGS'WELL, 'WALTER 1lI. Chelsea reimbursed for assistance to .....•.•.•...... ••..... 559 COLD STREA3I POND fishing in ...... •.••...... 657 COLLINS, ~IARIAE. pension ...... •...... 546 CO~DIISSION ON lJ"NIFORIU LEGISLATION appropriation for ...... •.•...... •• 566 COlU~IITTEES, LEGISLATIYE appropriation for pay of clerl~s, stenographers and messengers .... 724 CONSTITUTION amendment for ell1ergency relief ...... 718 amendment to provide number of senators ...... 634 amendment authorizing use of voting machines ...... 671 COOLEY, RENA pension ...... ••.....•.•...... ••.••.•...... •... 546 COO~InS, ADDIE L. pension •...... •...... ••..•.•...... •... 707 COOPER North Union road ...•...•...... ••...•....•...... •...... 589 CORINNA UNION ACADEiUY aid from adjustment fund ...... •...•.....•....•.....•.•. 647 CORNISH road over Guptill's hill .•...... •...... 589 CORNVILLE road from Bates corner to :Madison ...... •....•••••....••• 589 COUNCILLOR DISTRICTS, EXECUTIYE dividing state into ...... •...•...... 637 COUNTY TAXES laying of for 1931 •••• • . • • • • • . • • . • . . • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • . .. 553 laying of for 1932 •..•••..••••••..••.•••••..••••..••••••.••••.•• 554 laying of for 1933 •..•..••.•••••.••••••••.••..•••••.•.••.••••••.• 709 laying of for 1934 ••••..•••••••••••.•••.••.••••••••••••••••••••.• 710 886 lNDEX 1931 1933 Page Page CRABTREE, COR..."'- B. teacher's pension ...... 543 CIL"'-NIlEHRY ISLES road from town pier to church ...... •...••... : •...... •..•• 588 CROPLEY, Al'i-NA pension ...•...... •...•..•••.•.....•••..••..•...... 580 CRYSTAL road froIll Crystal Stream bridge to Patten .....•...•...... 588 CRYSTAL LAli:E opened· to ice fishing ...... •.... ; ..••...... ••...•...... •• 665 CUlIIDERLAND road to Falmouth ....•.....••.•.....•..•...... 589 CUlIIDERLA.lVD COUNTY representatives to legislature from ...... ••••...... •...• 628 CUlIIl\IINGS DRIDGE reconstruction .•...... •...... •...... 634 CUNNINGHA.iU, EUNICE N. pension ...... 691 CUNNINGHAiU, FRA1'<.i: pension ...... 689 CURTIS, CYRUS H. Ii:. painting of, accepted ...... 562 CUSHING . road leading southerly from Pleasant Point ...... •...... 589 CUSHING, HISTORY OF THE TO"\VN OF purchase of ..••...... •. 563 CUSHlIIA.N, I,ILLIAN R. compensation ...... •...... 728 CYR PL."'-NTATION road from highway No.1 to Maddor settlement •...... 589

PUBLIC LAWS D DALLAS PLANTATION fishing in certain waters in. regulated ...... •...... 321 DAlIIAGE by dogs and wild animals ....•...... 156 to foxes by dogs ...... •...... •••...... 45 DAlIL"'-GES for tal,ing of land by state highway. commission ...... 292 payment of, done hy dogs or wild animals .•.••..••..•...... •.. 44 DAlILUUSCOTT.. ,- RIVER close time on .....•...... •.••. : ••...... •...•...... 75 taking of eels in, regulated ...... •...... 322 DANCE HALLS, PUnLIC towns authorized to license ...... 300 DEAD BODIES disposal of certain 87 DEAn Rn'ER fishing in, regulated ...... •...... •...... 321 DEAD STHEAlII open to certain fishing ...... 323 DEAF, lIL"'-INE SCHOOL FOR maintenance ...... 123 DE"'-LER'S REGISTRATION under motor vehicle law ...... •...... 54 DEALERS IN SECURITIES applicants for registration ...... 279 registration fees of .....•....•.... ',' •...... 9 DEATHS record ...... ••...... 17, 19 DEnT LIlIlIT, STA'rE to increase ...... 444 DEER . advance baiting of ...... •..••...... 172 close time on ...... 50 close time on, in various counties ...... 261 damage to orchard or growing crops by ...... 424 licenses for dealers in sldns and heads ...... •....•.....•... 204 prohibiting horning of ...... •...... •...... 217 transportation of, beyond state ...... •...... 113 transportation of,· ,Y:(tl1in ·state . '.' ...... '.' .•.•••.••. '.' .....••. 362 INDEX 887 1931 1933 Page Page DEER ISLE close time on deer 50 DENTAL HYGIENIST may· be hired ...... •.... : .....•...... •• 53 DEPARTlIIENT OF AUDIT created by Code ....•...... •...... •...... 225 DEPARTlIIENT OF EDUCATION created by Code ...... •...... ••.....••.•.••.••...•...• 224 DEPARTlIIENT OF FL~ANCE created by Code ...... •...... •. 208 DEPARTlIIENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE created by Code ..•...... •..•...... ••...... •••...... 219 DEPARTlIIENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE see Code DEPART.tUENT OF SEA Ai~D SHORE FISHERIES created by Code ...... ••...... ••..••..•...... •.. 22-1 DEPENDENTS interstate transfer of ...... •...... •...... 331 of Worhl "lVur "\-ete~uns, support of ...... 325 DESIGNATION of containers of engine fuel and oil 100 DffiECTOR OF SEA AND SHORE' FISHERIES see Code DIREC'l'ORS OF TRUS'l' COllIPANIES qualifications of ...... •...... 15 DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS appearance before magistrate ...... •...... •...•.... 181 relating to ...... •...... •..... 250 DISEASES, INFEC'l'IOUS adjournment of courts when danger of exposure to .....•...... •. 179 40 r~sf~~rltutfg~s .: : : : : : :: : : : :: : :: :: :: : :: : : : : : : :: :: :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 80 powers and duties of local boards of health in relation to ...... 28 regulation ...... •...... •..•...... ••... 242 9 separate accommodation of persons with ...... •....•.. 37 tuberculosis c()ntrol ...... 34 DISEASES, OCCUPA'.rIONAL reportable ....•.. _ .... ___ .•..... _ ...... 13

D~SE:4.SE.S, ~~NEREAL In InstItutIOns ..... ; ...... 79 DISINFECTION bedding and Clothing' . ~ : : ~ . : '...... : . '..... ~ ....•...... : ...... 30 conveyances ...... " ...... " ...... ~ ...... " ...... " .. .. 31 houses ...... ; .... ; ... ; ..... ;; ...... ; ...... •....•.. 31 tuberculosis ...... •...... •..•.....•...... 35 DISTRIBUTORS OF GASOLINE' defined ...... •...... •...... •...•.. • • ...... 89 to file report ..• ; ...... •. ; .•. ;; ..... ;; ..... ; ..•...... •..••...•• ; 176 DIVIDENDS wi th reference to ..... ~ ... : ...... 195 DIVORCES jury trials in proceedings .•...• _ . . • • . . . • . . . . . • • . . . . • . . • ...... 3 residence of libelee ...... •...•...••.....• 4 returns to registrar of vital statistics ...... •. 21 DOBSIS LAIi:E, UPPER opened to fishing. ..•...... ••...... •....•...... •..... 314 DOGS damage by to foxes ...... •...... •...••...... •...... 45 damage done by ...... •...... •••.•...... •.. 156 payment of damages done by ...... •.•... "...... 44 DROUGHT Governor may suspend open season iI:\ time of ..•.....••...... 164 DRUGGISTS relating to apothecaries and sale of poisons ...... 347 DRY POND closed to hunting ...... •...... •...... •..•..... 54 DUCK POND closed to ice fishing •...•...... •...... •...... •...... 48 DUCK SANCTUARIES established in Knox County ..•..•..••..•••...•....•••...... ••... 95 sss INDEX

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS D 1931 1933 Page Page DAIIl Dea(1 IU,~er, building of, across ...... 528 Pistol Stream, may be maintained on ...... ••..•....••...• 399 DAlIL4..RISCOTTA Alna Lodge at, powers of ...... •....•.•....•••..••...... 365 DAVIS, THEODORE liability for support of, released ...•...... •...... •...... 408 DE.4..D Rn~R dam across, building of ...... •...... ••..•.....•..• 528 DEEDS certified copies of, in Aroostook County ...... "...•...... • 341 DEPUTY SHERIFFS fees of .....•...•...... •....••.•.••...... •.••.•••...... 627 DEXTER recorder for municipal court, appointment of .•...... •...... • 496 DIXFI~~D-PERU BRIDGE provISIOns for ...... •.....•..•...... ••..••...... •.. 521 DRE'V organization surrendered ...... 524

RESOLVES D DAl\lFORTH compensated ...... •.....•...... •.•....•....•..•...... •. 550 Hot Brool~ road •...... •...... •....••...... •...... •...... •... 589 reimbursed for support of paupers ...... •...... •..•...... 573 DARK COVE, GlLllIi-.J LAKE forest commissioncr to lease island in ....•.....•...•.••...... ••.• 673 DA''"IS, FRANli: C. pension ...... ••...... •.•...... •.....•••.••...•••..•• 697 DAY 1llOUNTAlN POND fishing ...... •...... •..•.....•••..••...••...•.• 694 DE.4..D STREAlII West Branch open to fishing .••...... •...•....•....•...... ••.. 676 DEAF, SCHOOL FOR sale of property of ....•..••..•...... •.•.•....•....•....•...•.... 650 DEDHAlII road connecting with state aid road No.1 ...... •...... •.....• 589 DEFICIENCIES, DEPARTIIIENTAL mone:~r for ...... " ...... 567 710 DE.II£yER;s IIROOIi: fIshIng In .•...... •...... •...... ••...... •••.. 656 DENNISON, A. L. " compensation ...... •...... •...... •...... ••...... • 655 DEP.4..HTlIIENTS Al\-.J INSTl'l'UTIONS deficiency appropriation for ...... •.....•...... •...•...•. 710 providing money for carrying on activities of .• : ...•..•.••.••••.. 701 DETROIT River road ...... 589 DEXTER reimbursed for support of pauper •....•...... • 572 DILL, 'VILLIA;\I E. pension ...... •...... 690 DINSLOW, IIERTH.A A. pension ...... •...... •...... 579 DISTRICTS exeeuth'e eouneillor, dividing state into ••..•...... •...... 637 senatorial, state divided into ...... 622 DIXlIIONT repair of bridge in ...... •....•••...•....••... 574 road to Bast Dixmont to Jackson ..•...... 590 DIXON, L. S. compensation ...... •...... ••.•...... •...•••••...... 698 DOE, ALDEN pension ...... •.....•...... 579 INDEX 889 1931 1933 Page Page DOLE'S POND opened to fishing ...... 664 DOLLARD, HO"\VAI-lD F. compensated fOI" damage by deer ...... •...... 556 DOVER-FOXCROF'l' from Page's Corner to Rtarbirn ...... 590 road to Greeley's Mill ...... 590 road to Page's Corner ...... •...... 590 DO"\VNER, FIC-L",,"K G. pension ...... 686 DRESDEN Beedle road ...... 590 road from Costello's "orner to Hatch's corner ...... 590 roan from st~.te ain road to the Four Corners ...... 590 DREW'S LAIiE screening outlet ...... 616 DROST, GEORGE N. pension ...... 579 DUCK POND fishing in ...... 654 DURHAill repair of bridge in ...... 578 road from Lisbon Falls to Freeport ...... 590

PUBLIC LAWS E EAGLE LAI\:E closed season on certain fish ...... 318 EAST lIL-\.GUERROWOCK LAI\:E fishing in regulated ...... 312 EAST POND transportation of fish from ...... •... 316 EATING PLACES to be licensed...... 151 EllElIlEE POND, UPPER opened to ice fishing...... 324 EDUCATION decreasing subsidy by state ...... 199 industrial, -in normal schools ...... 195 medical, promotion of...... 87 EDUC_-\.TION. DEPARTlIlENT Ol~ created by Code ...... 224 EELS taking ...... •...... 200 taking in , regulated...... 322 ELECTION A ..c",,"D SALARIES subordinate officers of the House ...... 286 subordinate officers of the Senate ...... •...... •...... 288 ELECTIONS ballots for primary nominations ...... , ...... '" . 84 number of ballots to be provided at...... 69 number of votes necessary to nominate in primary...... 57 primary, full returns of expenditures in, required ...... 295 returns in plantations ...... 194 sending of ballots for ...... 70 time of closing polls ...... 180, 193 see also AllSENT VOTING: llALLOTS: PRIlIIARY ELECTIONS: VOTERS. ELECTRIC SERVICE, RURAL may be provided ...... •...... 258 ELElIlENTARY SCHOOl, ATTENDANCE ...... 10 ELLIS POND transportation of fish from ...... 316 ElIIllALlIIING regulation ...... 6 ElIlERGENCY RELIEF issue of bonds for ...... 442 ElIlINENT DOllI"UN notice to mortgagee on taking of land by ...... 266 relating to ...... 240 ElIIPL~"}:~E~ .OF NATIONAL SOLDIERS HOllIE specIal prIVIleges for ...... •...... 170 890 L'

1931 19~3 Page Page ElIIPLOYEES OF S'l'ATE retirement of ...... 307 ElIIPLOYiUENT OF FElIlALES regulation ...... 116 E;IIPLOYlIIENT OF lIIINORS regulated ...... •...•...... •...... •.•...•..... 148 ENGINE FUEL, INTERNAL COllIBUSTION relating to ...... ,...... 100 ENGINEERS OF CERTAIN BOATS issuing of licenses ...... •...... •...... •.. 119 ENGINES internal combustion. license for ...... 14 ENLISTlIIENT of members of state highway police ..•...... •..••.•••••..•••. 189 ENTOllIOLOGIST, STA'.l'E to study mosquitoes ...... •..•...... 12 EPIDElIIICS Health and Welfare Department may make regulations in case of 5 EQUITY jurisdiction of courts sitting in ....•.•...... •...... 439 ERRORS IN REVISION corrected ...... •... 241 ESCAPE OF INlIIATES from state schools ...... 172 ESTATE T"L~ relative to 283 ESTATES exempt from taxation ...... :.. 29 EVIDENCE admissibility of accounts as ...... 199 EXAlIIJNER for blue sky law •...... ••...... •..••...... 8 EXCISE TA.X charitable organizations exempt from ...... ••...... 80 on gasoline ...... •...... 266 on motor vehicles ...... •...... 205,239,241 311 EXECUTORS A.ND ADlIIINISTR,1.TORS actions by or against ...... 247 EXElIIPTIONS FROllI TAXATION of certain estates ...•...... •...... 29 EXPEl\;-xJITURES for initiative and referendum, report on ...... 191 in primary elections, full returns required ...... 295 EXTRADITION A.CT, UNIFORlII CRIlIIINAL amended ..•...... 295

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL E EAST BRANCH IlIIPROVElIlENT COllIPAl\'Y additional rights and powers to ...... •...... 495 EA.STPORT validating election of city assessor of ...... 466 validating existing form of government ...•...... 517 EASTPORT 1IIUl\7CIPAL COURT charter amended ...... • 443 ELECTIONS: CI'l'Y OF J,E"\VlS'l'ON petitions for party nominations ...... 504 ELIOT. ~~IDGE acqUIsItIOn of •...... • 509 ELLSWORTH charter ..•...... •...... •..••.•...... 480 court house; erection of authoIized ...... :...... 417 ElIIPLOYEES CREDIT UNION OF lIIAINE, FEDERAL incorporated; by-laws ...... 337 ENFIELD . unite with certain towns for continuous highway ...... •.....•... 367 EUROPEAN AND NORTH AlIIERICA_,V R..ULWAY rela ting to directors of ...... •..•...... •.•.. 463 EVERGREEN CElIIETERY to merge with Pine Grove cemetery in Portland •...... 352 EXPENDITURES OF GO"\'ERNlIIENT moneys appropriated for ....••....•..•••••....•••.....•••...••.. 455 629 INDEX 891

RESOLVES E 1931 1933 Page Page EAGLE LARE (town) state aid road ...... •.....•.....•...••...•...... •...... 590 K~GLE L.AI\:~ Ice fishIng In ...... •...••.•...... ••...... •...•...... •...... • 647 EAST CORINTH ACADElIIY aid from adjustment fund ••...•....•...••.•.•..•....•....••...... 647 EAST lIL4.CHIAS RI-VER smelt fishing in ...... ••..•...... •...... ••..•••...••••.. 652 EASTERN GRAND LAI\:E screening outlet ...... 663 EASTEILV lIIAINE INSTITUTE aid from adjustment fund ..•..•••...... •...... •...... ••....•. 647 EASTON Philbricl;: road ....•••...•...••...... •••.•...... •.•...••••.. 591 EASTPORT compensation for tuition of Indians ...... •...•...... 700 reimbursed for hospital care of patient ••.•••..•...... •...... 636 EBEElIIE TOVi'NSHIP Pond road ••.....•...... ••...... •...... •...... •• 591 EDDINGTON road from Holden to Eddiugton Bend ....•...... •...... 591 EDGECOllIB road from highway No. 128 to th" Cross ...... ••••...... 591 ED]IDNDS Belyea road ...... •...... •...•...... •... 591 EGGElIIOGGIN REACH taking smelts from certain waters of .....•...•...... •....•... 653 ELEC'l'ORAL COLLEGE appropriation for expense of ...... •...•••...... •..•.... 649 ELLSWORTH road from Ellsworth to highway ...... •.•..•..... ' ...... 591 ElIIBDEN road in Embden .....•...... ••...... 591 ElIIERGENCY RELIEF bond issue for ...... •...... 718 ENFIELD Bacl;: road ...... 591 ERSIilNE ACADE]IY aid from adjustment fund ...... 647 ETNA reimbursed for support of paupers ...... 570 EUSTIS reimbursed for support of paupers ...... 571 EUSTIS ROAD improvement ...... 618 EXECUTIVE COUNCJLLOH. DISTRICTS dividing state into ...... •...... 637 EXETER road from Exeter corner to Garland ...... 591 EXHIBITORS AT CENTRAL llI"UNE F_llR ASSOCIATION payment for certain amounts due ...... 550 EXPENDITURES OF GOYERN]IENT for balance of year, appropriation for ...... 543

PUBLIC LAWS F 1<'ARlIUNGTON fishing in certain waters, regulated ...... 315 FEDER_4.L FISH HATCHERY established ...... '...... • ...... 91 FEDERAL HOllIE I.OAN BANK OF CAmBRIDGE savings banl;:s may invest in stocks, bonds or debentures of ...... FEEDING STATIONS closed to fishing ...... • 46 land and materials for ...... 77 892 Il\TDEX 1931 1933 Page Page FEES . of dealers in securities payable to bank commissioner ...... 9 for filing return wi th register of deeds ...... 255 for organization of corporations ...... 271 for recording report of, and making copy of report, on location of streets ...... 24 registration ·for motor trucks ...... 162 registration of motor vehicles ...... 263 registration of trailers ...... 294 for serving bills in equity ...... " ...... , ... . 255 of state humane agents ...... 131 FE;]IALES employment of, regulated ...... 116 FENCES snow, may be erected ...... 259 FERTILIZER, COiUlIIERCIAL branding ...... 304 FIFTY-FOUR HOUR 1,_4.:\Y amended ...... 116 FILING OF RETURNS of certain public utilities, may be excused ...... 90 FINES and costs, collected by state highway police, disposal ...... 285 apportionment of ...... 174 FINGER-PRINTS may be required for identification of criminals ...... 278 FIRE 'YARDENS relating to ...... 258 FIRES }i:indling b)T non-residents ...... 212 pay for those drafted to fight ...... 264 FISCAL YEAR uniform ...... 213 FISH closed seasons on ...... •...... 308 culture ...... 197 licenses to ...... 369 wardens, appointment and duties ...... 127 see also Gill l\Tcts; Fish nn(1 G:llue L~"vsj Sen ulld Shore Fisheries and names of particular ldnds of fish as SALlIION FISH AND GAlIIE I,A'VS age, Dlininlunl, for fishing licenses ...... 176 Alder stream, fishing in, regulated ...... 321 AUreII, certain waters in. open to ice fishing for certain time ...... 322 ADdroseoggin county, fishing in certain waters prohibited ...... 316 ganle llrcserve establislled in ...... 275 taking of smelts from certain waters in ...... 323 aninulls, fur-bearing, trapping of ...... 68 Aunabessacook lake, closed season on blacle bass ...... 318 closed SeaSOn on certain fish ...... 318 Aroostook eounty, fishing regulated in certain waters ...... 314 _"-ttcan lnke, fishing in, regulated ...... 319 Auburn, fishing in certain ~vaters in, prohibited ...... 316 AziscollOS luke, entrance designated ...... 47 Buck Ray, hunting in, regulated ...... 303 bail for certain fish and ganle violations ...... _ ...... 66 bait, certain birds or anfmals prohibited as ...... 171 baiting of deer ...... 172 Duker stream, .fishing in, regulated ...... _ ...... _ ...... _ ...... _._ . 312 Rarker's pond, fishing in, regulated ...... 321 Rass, black, catch of, limited ...... 312 closed seaSOn on, in certain lakes .. _ ...... _ ...... 318 lleur, classified as game animal ...... 99 Dea,?Cr skillS, must be marl\:ed ...... 290 llelgr'l(Ic elwin of lal: Don II. opened to i"Po fishing for "ertain fish ...... 322 Cross isl::tnd, close time on deer ...... 50 CUllsuptie lake, fishing in tributaries to, regulated; exceptions .. 321 Dallns Jllantation, fishing' in certain -waters regulated ...... 321 'i1amage to foxes by dogs ...... 45 Danluriscotln riYer, taking of eels. regulated ...... 322 Dead ri,~er, fishing in. regulated ...... 321 Dead stre::uII, open to certain fishing ...... 323 lIeer, advance baiting of ...... 172 close time on ...... 50 cloRe time on, in variouR counties ...... 261 transportation of. beyond state ...... 113 Deer Isle. ('_lORe time on neer ...... 50 Dol,sis Inke, UDller, opened to fishing- ...... 314 (logs, damage by, to foxes ...... 45 drought, Governor may suspend open season in time of ...... 164 Dn- Itond, closed to hunting ...... 54 Dllek llond, closed to ice fishing ...... 48 duek snnctuaries, established in Knox county ...... •.... 95 Ra.e:le luke, cloReiJ season on certain fish ...... 318 Eust iUaguerrowoek lake, fishing regulated ...... 312 East llonll, transportation of fish from ...... 316 Ilond, Ullner, opened to ice fishing ...... 324 eels, taking of, in ])amariscotta river, regulated ...... 322 Rllis lIon II, transportation of fish from ...... 316 en1.1110yees of NntioIlul Soldiers' Honle, special privileges for ... . 170 Fnrnlington, to,,-n Oft fishing in certain '~taters, regulated ...... 315 feileral fish batebery, established ...... 91 feeiling stations, closed to fishing .....•.....•...... •...... 46 land and materials for ...... 77 fees, coIIected by wardens ...... 274 fisb, ~round., protecteiJ in certain "raters ...... 299 fish hutchery, federal, established ...... 91 fisb IUlteberies, land and materi-als for ...... 77 state, pools at, closed to fishing ...... •.. 46 fishinl>: Bradeen stream in ...... •...... •... 48 certain inland waters, in. regulated ...... 311 Chase's pond, in, prohibited ...... ; ...... •.....• 82 Governor may suspend open season for ...... 164 ice. for picJ\,p.rel, in certain water:;, regulated ...... 304 regulated in certain waters in York count~' ...... •... 84 Leeman, or Ladp, brook, in, regulated ...... 49 894 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page FIl'H _A Nn GA~1IR LA 1.Vl' (Continue']) Long lal~e, in, regulated ...... 51 lIIoose Horn lal~e, in, regulated ...... 52 pools at state fish hat"heries, forbidden, in ...... •...... 46 residents at National Soldiers' Home classified as residenns of state for privileges of ...... 170 Round Mountain lake, in, regulated ...... 48 . smelts. catching of, in fresh water streams ...... 231 Swan lake,' in, regulated ...... •... 50 Thomas pond, in, forbidden ...... 48 Wall~er brook, in, regulated ...... 48 (see also sub-topic Ice Fishing) fislling licenses date of expiration ...... 70 minimum age ...... ~ ...... 176 Flood lakes, opened to fishing .•...... •...... 315 foxes, damage to. by dogs ...... 45 Franklin county fishing in waters in Coburn Gore, prohibited ...... 311 fishing in Toothaker pond, regulated ...... 311 fresh wuters, catching of "melt>; in certain ...... •...... 231 fur-bearing nni.m.als, trapping of ...... 68 fur farnling, fee for license for ...... 64 game animal, bear classified as ...... 99 game birds and migratory game birds ...... 179 restrictions on hunting of ...... ;...... 179 ganle farn) , state, provided for ...... 158 gnnlc fnrnting, fee for license for ...... 64 gume prcser""es created or extended Drake's Island ...... 252 Dry pond ...... 252 Gero Island ...... •...... 172 Glencove ...... •...•...... 250 Grassy pond ...... 250 Gray ...... 256 Guilford ...... •...... 96 Hope ...... - ...... ••...... 292 Jefferson ...... •...... -...... 252 Kennebec county ...... 79, 99, 275 Knox county ...... 95, 251, 254 Lewiston ...... 253, 275 Monmouth- ...... •...... •.. 275 Natanis ...... • 79 Old Town ...... 252 Pittston :b'arm ...... 252 Rangeley ...... 252 R·angeley lal\:e ...... 57 Rocl~port ...... • .. 250 Thorncrag-Stanton ...... 253 Vassalboro ...... •...... •...... • • • • ...... 79 West Bath ...... •...... 251 Whitefield ...... •...... • 252 extermination of vermin therein ...... 67 hunting forbidden therein ...... 253 gUDl.e sanctuaries (See Game Prcser,'es) Gardiner, limited weight of fish to be tal~en from certain waters in 317 Gero Island, game preserve established .•...... ••...... 172 Gleneo,'e, game sanctua)'y established in ...... 95 Goose lIon"', ice fishing regu.Jated in ...... •..... 84 Grand lake, fishing in, regulated ...... ••...• 3~~ Grassy IJond, estabdshment of game sanctuary ...... 2"6 Gray ·ganIC llrcser,"c, territory of ...... u Great lJOnd, catch ot blacJ~ bass in, limited ...... ••..... ~11~6' transportation of fish from ...... •....•.... " Gribbel galuc I.reserve, created in to\\rn of Hope ...... ~H~ guides, registered, classification of ...... •...... 82 Guilford, game sanctuary in, described ...... •...._.. .•...... 96 Hancock county, Sulliv-an brool~ closed to fishing ...... 312 Hano"er, town of, fishing in certain waters, regulated ...... •.. ~14 Hartford, town of, certam waters in opened to ice fishing •••... 324 -llUtehery Clllilloyees, civil service examination for .....•...... 267 Heald lJOnd, tributaries to, closed to fishing .•...... •••• 312 Hill's pond, fishing in, regulated ...... •...... •... 320 Hirant, town of, tishing in certain waters, regulated ...... ••. 319 HOlle, "game sanctuary created in to"\\rn of ...... 292 Horse-"lloe I.ond, limited weight of fish to be taken from ...... 317 Howard l,ond, fishing in, regulated ...... •.••...... • 314 hunting Bacl~ Bay, in, -regulated ...... 303 deer, close time for ...... ;...... 50 Dry pond, on, forbidden ...... •...... 54 Gero Island, on, prohibited ...... ••...... •...... 172 Governor may suspend open season for ...... •.... 164 jacl;:-lights, with ...... •...... 36 Kennebec county game preserves ...... •...... •...... 79, 99 INDEX 895 1931 1933 Page Page FISH AND G,AlUE LA","S (Continued) Knox county game preserves ...... •...... 95, 251, 254 migratory game, birds. restrictions on ...... 179 muskrats in Wilson and Coos brooks, forbidden ...... 56 Oosoola stream, closed to, ....'. " " ...... , ...... 202 open season on black bear ...... 99 railways, from, unlawful ...... 104 wild birds on . regulated ...... 57 wild birds or waterfowl on Simpson's pond, forbidden ...... 47 without license, ,permitted in certain cases ...... 198 Ilunting licenses ?s~t;;in~f 01X~~I:~~i~~.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~ ice fisl.1ing for pickerel during certain months in ...... 304 Attean lal

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS F FA.RlIIINGTON 1I1UNICIPAL COURT salary of judge increased ...... 365 INDEX 899 1931 1933 Page Page FEDERAL E;\IPLOYEES' CRED!'!' UNION OF lllAiNE by-laws, how approved ...... •.....•. 338 corporators, name and purposes ...... 337 deposits, loans and investments ...... 338 first meeting, how called ...... '" ...... 339 franchise tax, how computed ...... '" ...... " ...... 339 location ...... 337 TIlinors TIlay deposit and receive shares ...... 338 officers, tenure and duty ...... 338 shareholders and capital stock ...... 337 supervision and control by bank cOTIlmissioner ...... 339 FERRY POINT BRIDGE reconstruction provided for ...... 537 FIRE DEPARTlllENTS Auburn, pension provided for members of ...... 516 permit to pension ...... 522 0111 Town, civil service for ...... 452 Snco, relating to ...... 359 FISH HATCHERY AND FUR FA.Rlll Standish, control of certain waters authorized ...... 413 FORT KENT "\,~LLAGE CORPORATION increase of powers ...... 349 FORT KENT WATER CO;\IPANY charter changed ...... '...... 340 FRANIi:LIN COUNTY health, to raise money for promotion of ...... 493 salaries of officials ...... 591 FRONTIER WATER CO;UPANY capital stocl;: may be increased ..... , ...... , '" ...... 335 FRYEBURG YILLAGE FIRE CORPORATION powers and rights extended ...... 585 FUNDS, SURPLUS state construction, applied toward ...... •...... 536

RESOLVES F F"URFIELD road from Fairfield to Skowhegan ...... 592 FAL3JOUTH road from state aid road No.1 to Cumberland town line ...... 591 FAIBIINGTON reimbursed for support of pauper ...... 573 FARRIS, GERllL·UNE pension ...... 580 FAYETTE road from Livermore Falls to Augusta ...... 592 FEEDING STATION building of, in Oxford County ...... , .. 560 FERRIES construction, maintenance and repair ...... 582 728 FERRY BRIDGE aid in planldng and painting in Haynesville ...... •...... 594 FISH RIYER fishing in ...... 678 FISHERIES AND GAllIE, INLAND, DEPARTllIEN'!' OF deficiency appropriation ...... •...... •..... 710 FISHWAY building of, in town of Hampden ...... •.. 636 repair of, in St. Croix river ...... •..... 617 FITCH, CARRIE E. pension ...... •...... •...... •.... 580 707 FLAG Greek, acceptance of ...... •...... 568 FLINT, EUGENE H. compensated 'for injuries ...... •...... •...... 577 "FLOATING BRIDGE" repair of, in town of Plymouth ...... •.....•...... 579 FOLEY, ANNA pension ...... 693 FOLLET, CHARLES S. . pension ...... •...... •...... 579 900 ThTDEX 1931 1933 Page Page FOREST COilElIISSIONER authorized to conve~' land •...... 542 673 to con,re~- certain. ~and ...... 557, 558 673 to sell hi.nds ...... 542 authorized to lease island ...... 673 FORT Ji:ENT grading of grounds of Block House at ...... 557 reimbursed for money expended on veteran ...... 555 FO"\VLER, CELIA I. compensation ...... 700 FRA.l"KFORT reimbursed from funds of department of educatiou ...... 553 road ill ...... 592 FRANIi:LIN COUNTY repair of Eustis road in ...... 618 representatives to legislature from ...... 629 FR."--'''Ii:LIN (town) road from l!'ranltlin to Eastbrook ...... •...... •...... 592 FREEDOlll road from to Unity ...... •...... •.... 592 FREEDOM ACADEilIY aid from adjustment fund ....•...... 647 FREEilIAl'O road from Bradbury's corner and the Freeman and Phillips' town line ...... 592 FREEPOR'I' road from to Lisbon Falls ...•... : ...... •.....• 592 FRENCH, llIARY J. pension ...... 684 FRENCH"\'JI,LE "Short cut" road ...... •...... 607 FROHOCIi:, CILUtLES A. pension ...... 650 FROl\-TIER "'VATER COlUPANY compensated ...... •...... •...... 581

PUBLIC LAWS G GAME search and seizure ...... •...... 209' GAME ."--'''ElIAL bear classified as ...... 99 GAillE RIRDS restrictions on hunting ...... 179 GA.llIE F ..tRilI state, provided for ...... 158 G.,DIE FARilIlNG fee for license for ...... 64 GAilIE .I'RESERVES see Fish nod GUDle 1J::I'\'"8, gaDlc l)reserYes GAilIE "\VARDEN falsely assuming to be ...... 203 GASOLINE administration of tax on internal combustion engine fuels ...... 173 distributors of defined ...... 89 to file reports ..... '.' ...... 176 excise tax on increased ...... 266 tax. deduction may be made on ...... 175 filing of applications for refund ...... 37 use of money from, for aeronautical purposes ...... 271 GENERAL HIGH"\VAY FUND established ...... •...... 283 GEOLOGIST, STATE performance of duties of ...... ~ .. . 282 payment of expenses suspended ...... 421 GEORGE'S InVER protection of lobsters and crabs in removed ...... •. 56 GEItO ISLAND game preserve established ...... •...... •....•...... 172 GILL NE'l'S use of ...... 278 INDEX 901 1931 ln3 Page Page GIRLS commitment of idle and V1ClOUS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 230 GIRLS, STATE SCHOOL FOR nlaintenance and regulation ...... 95, 99 GLANDERS suspected cases of ...... •...... 43 GLENCOYE game sanctuar:y established ...... 95 GONORRHEA treatment 11 GOOSE POND ice fishing, regulated ...... 84 GOULDSnORO tal~ing of smelts in ...... 73 GRADE CROSSINGS abolishment ...... 204 abolishment or alteration ...... 300 appropriation for abolishment su"pended ...... 421 cost to state, limited ...... •.. 302 protection at ...... 217 GRADING OF APPLES ...... •...... 152 GRA_ND LAI';:E fislling in, regulated ...... 313 GRASS LAND burning ...... 9 GRASSY POND game sanctuary, establishment •...... 95

GRAY GA~IE PRESERYE territory ...... •... 256 GREAT POND blacl~ bass, catch of, limited ...... 312 transportation of fish from ...... 316 GRIllllEL GAlIIE PRESERVE created in town of Hope ...... •...••.....•..... 292 GROUSE, RUFFED relative to ...... 256 use as bait ...... •...... ••...... •...... 215 GUARDIANSHIP OF CHILDREN ...... •• 193 GUIDES classification. registration and fees of ...... 333 employnlent by non-residents ...... ", ...... 212 registered, classification of ..••...... 82 GUILFORD game sanctuary in, described ...... ~...... 96

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS G GOULDSBORO support of pauper in ...... 408

GOYER,N~lENT moneys appropriated for expenditures of state ...... 455 supplemental appropriation for expenditures of state ...... 525 to,v"n council and manager forn1 of, for Presque Isle ...... 486 GOYERNOR AND COUNCIL enlPo,,:ered to lise state revenue regardless of appropriation for speclfic purpose ...... 628 given authority to transfer unexpended balances to general funds 596 GRAY "\VA'l'ER DIS'l'RICT charter, additional section to ...... 495 GREENE, .JOSEPH C. Pownal State School to benefit by certain portion of estate of .... 474 GREENLEAF, SHERIUAN S. authorized to pi'actice 522 GUILFORD construction of road ...... •...... •...... 364 GUILFORD AJ.~D SANGERVILLE "\VA'l'ER DISTRIC'r incorporation amended ...... 445 470 902 Il\TJJEX

RESOLVES G 1931 1~33 Page Page GAlIIE PRESERVE in Hancock County ...... 667 GARDINER AND RANDOLPH repair of bridge between 575 G_-\.RLAND road from ,Vest Charleston to Garland Center ...... 592 GENERAL CON'l'RACTING COllIPili-VY, INC. OF llATH refund to ...... •...... 676 GENERAl, HO"\VAHD completion of statue of ...... 650 GEORGE DURGIN POND fishing in ...... •...... 662 GEORGETOWN road to Indian Point from ...... 592 GILllERT, llEATRICE E.

pension ...... 0·0 ...... 579 GILSON, AGNES pension ...... 680 GINGRAS, A. J. reimbursed for treatment of Indians ...... 571 GLENllURN road from Orono to Pusha w road ...... 593 GOOD"\VIN, ANNIE L. pension ...... 579 GOODW-.JN, AUGUSTUS O. pension ...... 679 GORDON, ADA pension ...... 580 GORDON, llERTHA pensioll ...... 579 GOHHA1U Dow road ...... 593 GOULD, lIL~UHICE E. compensated for damage by bull moOSe ...... 556 GOVERNlIIENT expenditures of, appropriation for ...... 543 GOVERNOR empo\\Tered to convey land in l;,Tirginia ...... 665 GO"\VER, ROY . pension ...... 58P GRAND AIUIY OF REPUBLIC, lIIAIl\E appropriation for maintenance of organization ...... 651 GRANT. llENJAJUN pension ...... "...... 580 GRAVES of soldiers of Revolutionary War, marking of ...... 649 GRAY road to Raymond from ...... 593 GREAT POND fishing in ...... 694 GHEEK FLAG acceptance ...... 568 GHEELY INSTITUTE aid from adjustment fund ...... 647 GREEN, ANGUS A. town of Shirley compensated for support of family ...... 578 GREE"E lIfeadow hill road 593 GRERNFIELD road in ...... 593 GREENVILLE road to Kokadjo from ...... 593 road between Rocl{wood and ...... 615 707 GHEENWOOD road from Bethel to Albany ...... 593 GRIFFIN, GRACE pension ...... 683 GRIFFIN, lIIRS. "\VILLLoL1I A. city of Bath reimbursed for support and burial of ...... 675 GROTTON, EiUILY F. pension ...... 579 INDEX 903

PUBLIC LAWS H 1931 13:13 Page l-'age HAIR DRESSING AND BEAUTY CULTURE practice of ...... •..•.. 374 HANCOCIi: COUNTY la~~ lillrar)r, payments to ...... 78 Sullivan braol\: in, closed to fishing ...... 312 HANOVER fishing in certain waters regulated ...... 314 HARES, WILD closed time, bag limit and transportation ...... 368 HARTFORD certain waters opened to ice fishing ...... , ...... 324 HATCHERY EJ[PLOYEES OF INLAND FISHERIES AND GAilIE DEP"UtTJIENT civil service examination for ...... 267 HA",VES-COOPER BII,L advantage tal;:en of 231 HAWIi:ERS business of, regulated 278 HEALD POND tributaries to, closed to fishing ...... 312 HEALING ART practice of ...... •...... 276 HEALTH Director of ...... 1 HEAL'l'H, BOARDS OF (Iocal) appointment and duties ...... 25,42 HEALTH, STATE DEPARTJIEl\"'l' OF control over plumbing ...... 264 HEALTH AND "l\TELF ARE comnlissioner, appointnlent and duties ..... ; ...... 1,2 revision and codification of laws relating to ...... 1 HEALTH AND ~LF"UtE, DEPARTJIENT OF ...... 219 advisors- council ...... 2 charities, public ...... 47 children, protection ...... 51 general duties ...... 4 health officers, local ...... 25 health districts ...... 5 Indian tribes ...... 62 inspection for infectious diseases ...... 9 institutional supervision ...... 76 state prison ...... 82 reforrnator~r for ,,"omen ...... 89 reformatory for men ...... 92 juvenile institutions ...... 95 insane hospitals ...... 102 tuberculosis sanatoriums ...... 122 School f(lr Deaf ...... 123 lVIilitary and Naval Children's Home ...... 123 Pownal state school ...... 117 laboratory of hygiene ...... 6 mattress manufacture ...... 16 mill~ inspection ...... 14 mosquitoes ...... 12 mothers aid ...... 48 15 ~~~;~fza~foen Of. ::::: : :::::::::::::::: ::: : :: .. : : ::: ::: : :: :: :: : : : : : : .- 1 overseers of poor to report to ...... 177 pensions ...... 57, 58, 61 plumbing regulations ...... 44 roadside camps ...... 47 tuberculosis regulation ...... 34 \renereal diseases ...... 11 vital statistics registration ...... 16 "rater anal).rsis ...... 13 World War veterans dependents ...... 61 HEALTH DISTRICTS fornlation and supervision 5 HEALTH OFFICER, LOCAl, appointment and duties ...... 25 powers and duties ...... 40 HEARINGS licenses, on, for 1vharves and fish "\veirs ...... 110 public utilities commissioner may be held by ...... 112 904 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page HEARI,,"GS IN VACATION relating to ...... 166 "HEATING COJIPANIES public, classified as public utilities ...... 98 HEDGEHOGS suspension of bounty on ...... 380 HELPING TEACHERS may be appointed 173 HERRING regulation of industry ...... 132 HIGH"\VAY, ARNOLD designated ...... 310 HIGHW,\T C03DlISSION, STATE appropriation for administration of office ...... 173 rna)'" inlprOV"e roadsides ...... 407 tal,ing of land by ...... 292 266 to furnish town line signs ...... 394 HIGH"\VAY POLICE, STA'I'E appropriation for TIlaintenance of ...... 3.27 173 as complainant or ",vitness, fines or costs ...... 225 disposal of fines and costs collected by ...... 285 enlistment of memhers ...... 189 wearing unifornl or badge of restricted ...... 2 HIGHWAYS ,. allocation depending on gas tax : ...... 284 apportionment of the "General Highway Fund" ...... 283 balances, lapses, transfers ...... 284 general highway fund established ...... 283 172 maintenance 'of third class ...... 121 renl0,ral of snD"-:-- from ...... 259 special road and bridge appropriations ...... 274 to create and allocate a general highway fund ...... 172,317 state, pole and wire lines along ...... 194 state aid, and third class ...... 283 state aill, resurfacing ...... 305 tlIirll class, construction ...... : ...... 123 HILL'S POND fishing in, regulated 320 HIRA3J fishing in certain waters, regulat.ed ...... 319 HISTORIAN, STATE payment of expenses suspended ...... 421 HOLIDAYS legal, observanc'e of ...... 76 HOPE game sanctuary created in ...... 292 HORNPOUTS taking of ...... 200 HORSE SHOE POND limited weight of fish to be taken from ...... •...... 317 HOSPITAL TRUSTEES see Colle HOSPITALS distribution of public funds to ...... 322 for infectious diseases ...... 40 maternity ...... •...... 41 private and public, appropriations ...... 316 for the insane state ...... 102 pri\Tate ...... 114 HOSPITALS, STATE ...... 102 commitment of patients for observation ...... 159 duties of superintendents of ...... 205 penalty for aiding escape of persons from ...... 172 persons may be committed to, by municipal officers ...... 114 385 removal of patients from, and support of patients in ...... 28 support of persons committed to ...... 188 HOUSE OF REPRESEN1.'ATIYES subordinate officers of; duties; salary ...... 286 HO"\VARD POXD fishing in, regulated ...... 314 HU)IANE AGEl'i"'I'S, STATE fees of ...... 131 HUNTING at night ...... 214 definition of resident ...... 331 licenses, date of expiration ...... 70 issuing ...... 83 260 see also FISH AND GA)IE LA"\VS: hunting II\TDEX 905 1931 1933 Page Page HYDROPHOnIA~ safeguarding people from danger from ...... 304 HYGIENE, STATE LAllORATORY establishment and services ....•......

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS H HA3BIOND PLANTATION authorized to talre OYer certain way ...... 418 HA_lIiCOCK COUN'ry c~mmissioners enlpo"\vered to construct highway and raise money 459' rIght to borrow money granted ...... 417 salaries of officials ...... 591 taking of lobsters in certain "\vaters in ...... 464 taking of smelts forbidden in Salt Pond ...... 372 validating loans made by ...... 479· HANCOCK AND LA3!OIl\"E town line between, reestablished ...... 533 HANCOCIi: 3IUNICIPAL COURT, 'WESTERN ternlS of ...... 442 HANCOCK PUnLISHING C03IPANY organization validated ...... 376 HARPS"\VELL taking of shellfish in town of ..... : ...... , ...... 4H HEALTH Franklin County to raise money for promotion of ...... 493 H~nRON W:,\-TER C03IPANY lllcorporatlOn ...... •..... 461 HIGH"\VAY, STATE issuance of bonds for construction ...... 348 further issuance of bonds provided for ...... 521 528 HINCKLEY DEVELOP31ENT C03IPANY charter extended ...... 400 463 HOLLIS united under three town act ...... 398 HORSE POND STRE,\-JI control of waters of ...... 413 HOL'LTON COUNTY JAIL enlargement and repair, authorized ...... 499

RESOLVES H HADLEY, CHARLES compensation ...... 675 HAHN, LA"\\TftENCE , compensation ...... 655 HALEY POND fishing in ...... 651 HAJILIN, HANNInAJ, statue of ...... 625 HAJIPDEN building of fish way in ...... 636 HA31PDEN ACADEilIY aid from adjustment fund ...... 647 HANCOCK COUNTY repair of "Black's Woods road" ...... 625 representatives to legislature from ...... 629 road from North Hancock to Lamoine ...... 593 survey for proposed ganle preserve ...... 667 H,'-RDING, SUSIE JIAY pension ...... 684 H,'-R3IONY north road 593 HARPS"lVET,L road on Great Island ...... 594 HARRINGTON road between Harrington and lIIilbridge ...... •...... 594 906 INDEX 1931 19;]3 Page Page HARRIS, HATTIE A. pension ...... 686 HARTLAND road from Dayis Corner to Fuller's Corner ...... 594 HARTLAND ACADE31Y aid from adjustment fund 647 HAR"l'EY, GEORGE L. pension ...... 687 HARVEY, ROXIE C. pension ...... 579 HASKELL, lliARY L. pension ...... 649 HATCH, NELLIE E. pension ...... 696 HATHA'YAY, L. C. certain land r"leased to 558 HAYES, H. RAI.I'H expenses of funeral and last sickness ...... •...... 727 HAYNESYILLE Fern' bridge and Haynesville bridge ...... 594 HEALD PONDS fishing in ...... •..•...... • 662 HEALTH AND ,,7ELFARE. COllIllIISS[ONEU authorized to convey and acquire property ...... 650 HEnRON road to West :l.Iinot 594 HEBRON ACADEllIY trustees of, compensated for claim ...... ••...... •...... "..... 614 HERllION Annis road ...... •. 594 Patten road ...... •...... 594 HIGGINS, LEON A. compensated ...... •...... •...... 565 HIGGINS CLASSICAL TNSTI'l'UTE aid from adjustment fund ...... •...•...... 648 HIGHlVAY COJJllIIS!HON, S'l'ATE to con,re)T certain propertJ,T ...... 720 HIGH'YATS appropriation for constrnction, maintenance and repair ...... 728 HIT.l., HARRY"lV. reimbursed for labor and materials on state road construction .... 561 HII.L, NELLIE F. teacher's pension ...... 5"12 HIL'I'ON, FRED E. pension ...... 698 "HISTORY OF THE TO,,7N OF CUSHING" purchase of ...... 563 "HlSTORY OF YORK, llLUNE" purchase of ...... •...... 503 HODGKINS, CLARA E. release of land to ...... 673 HOLDEN South road 594 HOPE reimbursed for support of :Mullin family ...... 699 road from Hatchet mountain to Camden line ...... 594 HOSPITAl., AUGUSTA STATE new construction at ...... 624 HOSPITAL, BANGOR STATE construction of nurses' home. at .....••...... •...... 615 HOULTON Lowery road ...... 594 road from Hodgdon to Houlton ...... •...... 595 HOnSE OF REPRESEN'I'ATO'ES appropriation for chaplains •...... 627 721 payroll ...... 638 712 HOUSTON, EL"'YN compensated for damage to automobile by deer ...... 556 HO'VARD, GENERAL completion of statue of ...... 650 HO"l\7ARD, lliADIS()N pension ...... •...... •...... 580 HO"lYARD, SE"\CVARD G. pension ...... •...... •...... 580 INDEX 907 1931 ln33 Page Page HO,\VLAND reimbursed for support of Royal family ...... 699 HUDSON road from Corinth. to Hudson ...... •...... 595 HUFF compensated for damages by foxes ...... •.•... 581

PUBLIC LAWS I ICE CREAlII inspection and sale ...... I-! ICE FISHING see Fish :uul Galue La-\vs: i(!e fisllillg IDEN'l'IFICATION OF CRDIINALS ...... •...... 278 INCREASE IN CAPITAl. STOCK railroad corporations ...... 132 INDIAN OLD TO,\VN SCHOOLS super\rision ...... 105 INDIANS pauper status ...... 309 Penobscot tribe, tribal committee ...... 103 regulation and protection ...... 62 see also Pass:ullnrl1Jo(ldy Tribe of Illdialls: Penohscot Tribe of Indians INDUS'l'RIAL EDUCATION normal schools, in ...... 195 subsidy by state decreased ...... 199 INDUSTRY fishing in certain ,Yaters in, regulated ...... 315 INHERITANCE AND ES'l'ATE TAXES relative to ...... 283 INITIATIVE petitions for 166 INJUNCTIONS in labor disputes ...... 439 INLAND FISHEIlIES A.ND GAlIIE see Fisll :lIul G:UllC L:n;,'s INLAND WATERS pollution ...... 97 IN]IATES penalty for aiding escape of, from certain places ...... 172 Pownal state school, of, support of ...... 38 sterilization of, in institutions ...... 308 INSA.NE CO:1l;,'ICTS examination ...... 23 INSANE HOSPITA.LS commitment to by municipal officers ...... 385 maintenance and supervision state ...... 102 pri\rate ...... II-! patients, removal of, and support of ...... 28 superintendents of, duties ...... 205 INSA.NE PERSONS may be committed by municipal officers ...... 114 INSPECTION . steam boilers or unfired steam pressure vessels ...... 126 INSPECTORS building, of, election of ...... 86 J]\,-STITUT.I!lS . t01\'-ns nlay raIse money for ...... 94 INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE director ...... 2 INSTITUTIONS audit of boolrs and accounts of certain ...... 102 bid for supplies to ...... 258 sterilization of innlates of ...... 308 supervision and regulation ...... 76 to furnish informa.tion and itemized bills ...... 4 INSURANCE associations, domestic ...... 247 commissioner, certain statement to be filed with ...... 248 companies, licensing of agents of ...... 125 908 ThTDEX

1.~31 l~33 Page Page IN"SURA~NCE companies ta.xation of certain ... , ...... 159 life, policies of ...... 106 personal examination of agents and brol.ers in certain cases ...... 336 relating to licenses ...... 327 time limit for adjusting fire losses ...... 314 INSURANCE CO)IPA~N"[ES assessments by ...... •...... 324 filing and preservation of annual statements of ...... 313 penalty for circulating false reports about ...... 193 taxation of (repealing obsolete law) ...... 179 temporary support and regulation of ...... 441 to pay tax on premi urns ...... 313 INSUR.-\'NCE CO)IP","NIES, LIFE may pay pensions ...... 315 INTERXAL CO:ilIDUSTION ENGINE FUEL relating to ...... 100 INTERN","L CO)IDUSTION EN"GINES licenses to be granted for erection of ...... , .. 14 INTOXICATING J.IQUOR ·transportation ...... 374 INVESTIGATIONS may be held by public utilities commissioner ...... 112 INVEST)IEN"T municipal trust funds, of ...... 68 ISLE AU HAUT close time on deer 50

PRIV Al'E A.L~D SPECIAL LAWS I IlI,CORPORATED ASSOCL,"TIONS, ETC. see Cbnrters INHERITANCE ","ND ESTATE T","X LA"\V commission on revision of, appointment ...... •...... 496 IN"TERNATIONAL DRIDGE AT CALAIS reconstruction provided for ...... 537 ISLESDORO empowered to raise money for transportation facilities ...... 511 use of automobiles in ...... 478

RESOLVES I INDIAN"S Passamaquoddy tribe, appropriation for representative to legislature ...... 614 Peno bscot tribe, appropriation for representative to legislature .. 626 INDUSTRIAL ","CCIDENT CO)HIlSSION ad\litional appropriation for ...... 626 IN"DUSTRY Gridiron hill road 595 ING","LLS, LOUISE A. pension ...... 580 INGRAHAJI, COYT compensated for damage by moose ...... 569 INSTI'l'UTES appropriation for 647 702 ISLAND FALLS compensated 574

PUBLIC LAWS J JACli:-L!GH'rS hunting with ...... 36 JACIGUAN ice fishing regulated in certain "raters ...... 319 INDEX !JO!J 1t1H B33 Page Page JANITORS health certificates for ...... •.....•...... 236 JUDGJIENT DEIITon when corporation ...... •...... •...... •...... 388 JURISDICTION municipal courts, in liquor cases ...... •...... 33 JURORS fees for 197 JURY findings of, in divorce proceedings ....•...... 3 .JliSTICES, TRIAl. jurisdiction and duties ...... 253 JUSTICES OF THE PEA.CE q may administer oaths ...... •...... 9- i)i» J'UVENII.E DELIN

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS J JAIL IN PENOllSCOT remodelillg. etc...... 474 JAIL, COUNTY, AT HOULTON enlargement and repair authorized ...... 499 JONESPOR'l' .. construction of weir in ...... 375, 404 JUDGES OF )IUNICIPAL COURTS lliilileforil, sal~ry increased ...... 452 Farmington, salary increased ...... •...... 365 Norway, salary increased ...... 483 Pittsfield, salary increased ...... 508 Uoc)daDll, salary increased ...... •...... 509

RESOLVES J JACKJLW-UOCK\VOOD UOA.D construction ...... 627 JACI(SON, ALIDA pension ...... •...... 685 JACKSON, LEONAUn R. pension ...... 580 JACI(SON (town) Bog road ...... 595 JAillES, IDA S. pension ...... •...... 682 J_~QUITH. PO~D ICe fishmg m ...... 652 JEFFEUSON ridge road ...... 595 road to "V\T,asllington from ...... 595 JERUSALE~I PLANTATION road from New Portland to Dead Riyer ...... 595 JOHNSON, HEl\""UY 1'. compensated for damage to car by deer ...... 560 JOHNSOl\"" ~IO.uNTAll\"" 'l'O"\Vl\"" trout in waters of ...... _ ...... '" ...... 676 JOl\""ES. LO'l''l'IE J. pension ...... '_...... 690 JONES, VALDIMIU, n. pension ...... 708 910 INDEX ln1 ln33 Page Page JONESBORO Looles Point road ...... •...... 595 JONESPORT reconstruction of bridge in ...... 634 JORDAN POND fishing in ...... 654

PUBLIC LAWS K Ii:ENNEIJAGO STIlEAl1! fishing in, regulated ...... 320 use of lllotors on ...... 260 Ii:ENNEIJEC COUNTY catch of blacli: bas" in certain waters, limited ...... 312 game .pr~serves, establis!,ed ...... 79, 99, 275 commISSIoners may provIde for temporary loan ...... 164 Ii:ENNEBEC RIYER fly-fishing for shad and salmon ...... 117 H.ENNEBUNIi: digging of clams in ...... 91 Ii:NOX COUNTY game preserves established ...... 95, 29Z KOSSUTH certain w"aters inJ opened to fishing ...... 315

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS K Ii:.A.TAHDIN, l1IOUNT deed of ...... 346 460 Ii:ENNEBEC COUNTY salaries of officials ...... 591 Ii:ENNEBEC RESERYOIR COl1IPAl'o-Y charter extended ...... ' ...... 409 625 Ii:ENNEIJEC RIYER certain waters of, namerl ...... 377 Ii:NOX COUNTY to issue bonds ...... 515 salaries of officials ...... 592 Ii:Oli:ADJO RIYER AND LA.KES names cllanged ...... 408

RESOLVES K Ii:ELLY, HORACE reimbursed for damage by deer ...... 555 IillNNEBEC COUN'l'Y representative to legislature from ...... 629 Ii:ENNEREC JOURNAL COl1IPA.lVY compensated ...... 663 Ii:ENNEII~C. LA,\V LIIJRARY ASSOCIA'rION appropriatIOn ...... 541 Ii:ENNEIHINIi: ne")" road ...... 596 road to 'Vebber Hill ...... 596 Ii:ENNEllUNIi:PORT l\Ieser\re road ...... '.0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 596 Ii:ENSELL, RICHARD T. pension ...... 689 KIDDER, CHAHLES DO~L.VG pens,ion ...... o •• .o •••••••••••• 695 KINEOW'ATHA CAJIPS, INC. settlement of claim of ...... 706 KINGJIAN reimbursed for assistance to wife of disabled veteran ...... 559 reimbursed for support of paupers ...... 571 INDEX 911 1931 1933 Page Page li:l'rTERY Brave Boat Harbor road 596 li:NOX road from No. 137 to Brool;:s ...... 596 li:NOX, FORT beau.tifying ...... 692 repaIr ...... o ...... 666 ILVOX COUNTY representatives to legislature from ...... 629 Ii:NOX COUNTY FISH AND GA~IE ASSOCIATION reimbursed 617 PUBLIC LAWS L LAHOR ~Il!ploy~rs of .. : ...... 202 inJunctIOns In disputes ...... 439 LAIlOR IN CO~lrRESSED AIR c.aissons to be 1)r:lced ...... 147 COIllpresse(T nir lubor regulated ...... •...... 137 conlJ)rcssion IJlants l)roYidcd for ...... 140 control of (lecollll.ression lock ...... 139 dCCODl)Jression reguluted ...... 138 definition of certain "'orfls ...... 147 fire prcYcntion ...... 147 inSllcction (lail-,.- ...... 1·14 insl)ectioD of "'ork to be rCl)Orte«l ...... 137 nlcdic1l1 regul:ltions ...... 141 notice to be giyen to Jal.or (Icl'artlllent ...... 137 l.enaltics ...... 148 'f,~~~.ii~fo:ff~~b;~.. !:!:!; ~'1~'i~~~~ .::: : :: ::: : ::: :.:: :::: ::::::::::::::::: it~ record of elllp loyecs ...... 139 regulation of air supply ...... •...... 140 explosives ...... 144 pressure and shifts ...... 137. 138 shafts. etc ...... 141 signal codes ...... 146 temperature, Jig·hting and sanitation ...... 140 travel ...... 144· regulation nUlY be Dio«lifie«l, etc ...... 148 rCl.rescntath·e of cml.loyer to be l.rcsen"t ...... 137 use of recor«ling gauge ...... 139 LAUORATORY OF HYGIENE establishment and service ...... I.ADD llROOI,- opened to fishing ...... 49 LAli:E AXNA.llESSACOOIi: closed season on certain fish ...... 318 LAli:E COlmOSSEECOXTEE ~Iosed ~eas,?n on certain fish ...... 318 Ice fishing In ...••.•••••...... •••..•..•..•••..•••....•..••••..•• 318 LAli:E i11AHANACOOli: . closed season on certain fish ...... 318 LAli:E PENNESSEE\VASSEE portion closed to all fishing ...... 316 LA~IllERT LA~Ii:E opened to ice fishing ...... 315 LAND taking of, by stH.te hig-h,vay ~omlDission ...... 292 LANDSCAPE beautification 338 LARCENY jurisdiction of municipal courts ...... 63 penalty ...... 226 LA~'" practice of regulated ...... 161, 162 LA"', FOHEIGN proof and determination ...... 198 LA'" LUIRA.RIES county, payments to ...... o •••••• 20, 78 LAWS continuous revision of statutes and ...... 445 LEAD POISONING cases reportable ...... 14 912 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page LEAVE OF ABSENCE military and naval reservists, for ...... 291 LEEJIAN DROOli opened to fishing ...... •...... 49 LEGAL HOLIDAYS observance of ...... 76 LEJION STREA,U open to certain fishing ...... 323 LE"WISTON game preserve, established ...... 275 LIABILITY insurance policy holders, of ...... 249 LIBEL, DiVORCE hearing. on ...... 4 residence of libelee ...... 4 LIBRARIES state aid to ...... 420 LIBRARIES, COUNTY LA ~T payments to ...... •...... 78 LIBRARY Hancock County ...... 78 Penobscot County ...... 20 Somerset County ...... 78 LIBRARY, S'l'ATE to be deposit(lry for records of extinct educational institutions ... . 332 salary of librarian of ...... 303 LICENSE TAGS motor vehicles, of, time for display extended ...... 240 LICENSES chauffeurs, reduction in price ...... 287 c)lildreJl'S 110nles ...... 244 ChUllS, for digging, may be revolred ...... 183 cre,:tion o~ ~ertnill engines, to be granted ...... 14 fisJllng, llllnimum age ...... 176 fishing, hunting, etc., ,yhen to expire ...... 176 llllJlting, issuing of ...... 70 \vithout, in certain cases ...... 198 issuing of. after violation of lavts ...... 119 tr::l))l)ing, annual ...... 256 ,,-harvcs and fish weirs, for, time limit On notices ...... 110 LICENSING agents of .insurance companies ...... 125 certain places by state department of health ...... 151 dance halls ...... 300 LIEN ON ABANDONED "~LlIALS enforcement of ...... •...... 89 LIFE INSURANCE certain policies, of ...... 106 LHIITATION bringing actions for malpractice, for ...... 50 LINCOLN COUNTY certain fish protected in waters off coast ...... •...... 299 LINCOLN POND opened to ice fishing ...... 324 LIQUOR LAW prosecutions and violations of ...... 33 transDortation of intoxicating liquor ...... 374 see also :;1I;1lt Beyernges LISTS, TRIAL Aroostook County, in ...... 230 LITCHFIELD certain waters closed to fishing...... 317 LITTLE LANG PONDS fishing in. regulated ...... 312 LITTLE LYFORD POND fishing in, regulated ...... 322 LITTLE POND transportation of fish from ...... 316 LI'I'TLE SEBAGO LAliE open to ice fishing ...... 181 LITTLE TROl'T LAIiE opened to ice fishing ...... , ...... 315 LITTLEFIELD POKD closed to fishing ...... 313 LIVE STOCIi testing for tuberculosis ...... 219 I~TDEX 913 1931 1933 Page Page LOA,X AND BUILDIXG ASSOCIATIONS distribution of profits and losses ...... 181 maturity of shares ...... 182 penalty for circulating false reports about ...... , . . 34 193 permitted to borrow money ...... 162 purchase of real estate by ...... 184 rate of interest ...... 183 returns of ...... •...... 34 LOANS BY TRUST COMPANIES regulation ...... 108 LOBSTER FISHERJIEN returns made by ...... 163 LOBSTER FISHING near Criehaven ...... •...... ,...... 39 LOBSTERS measurement of ...... 406 protection removed from, in Georges river ...... '" ...... 56 regulation of industry ...... 14G relating to fishermen's licenses ...... 339 LOCATION OF STREETS report on, to be filed ...... 24 LOCOMOTIVES, RAILROAD whistles on ...... 21 LODGING PLACES to be licensed ...... •...... ' ...... , .... , .. 151 LONE POND fishing in, regulated ...... ' ...... " ...... '" 321 LONE PACli: POND fishing in, regulated ...... 312 LONG LAKE fishing in, regulated ...... •...... 51 LONG POND catch of black bass in, limited ...... 312 transportation of fish, frol11 , ...... 316 LOUPCERVIER bounty on ...... •...... 113 275 LOVE,JOY POXD fishing in, regulated ...... 313 LO"YER FLOOD L_-U\:ES opened to fishing ...... 315 LUJIBER CAlllPS not to serve salmon, trout and togue ...... 332 LYFORD POND, LITTI.E open to fly-fishing only ...... 322 LYNX, CANADA bounty on ...... 113 275

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS L LAUBERT, LEVI E. benefits of Bangor police department, to receive ...... 409 LA,JIOINE AND HA,XCOCK town line between reestablished ...... 533 LA~Y LIBRA,RY, A-,-"DROSCOGGIN COUNTY upkeep of ...... 3~0 LE'YISTON elections in ...... 504 high"ray comlnission elegibility , ...... 396 how appointed ...... 397 salary.' .. , ...... , ...... 396 loan negotiated by, validated ...... : .. 473, LIBRARY, I,A~V, ANDHOSCOGGIN COUN'ry upl{eep of ...... ' ...... 3~0 LIGHT AND PO.YER COJIPAXY, OQUOSSOC incorporation of, amended ...... 500 LIXCOLN COUNTY salaries of officials ...... 592 county conunissioners, transfer of certain real estate ...... 350 LINCOLN (town) road li:no,vn as Heald Streanl Pond" road ...... 367 914 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page LINCOLN SCHOOL DISTRICT board of trustees, election, terll1S, etc...... 437 how financed ...... 439 how managed ...... 437 incorporated ...... 437 620 referendum ...... 441 sinking fund ...... 440 termination of board of trustees ...... 441

LIVERiUORE FALLS ~IUNICIPAL COUR'r court established ...... 362 jurisdiction of court ...... 362 jurisdiction of trial justices ...... 364 terms; when court may be held ...... 363 LOBSTERS _ commission to investigate need of legislation relating to ...... 627 taking in certain ,vaters in Hancock County ...... 464 LONG LAIiE construction of "\vharf in 537

LUBEC CE~IETERY CORPORATION incorporation ...... 484 LUDLO,\V transfer of road from, to Hammond Plantation ...... 418


LAKES screening of certain ...... 615 LA~IBERT LAIi:E road to Vanceboro 596 LANGVILLE, THO)IAS Fort Kent reimbursed for money expended account of ...... 555 LAPOINTE, ED)IUND D. land con "\Te')l'"erl to ...... 542 LA"lVRENCE, HORA.TIO pension ...... 5S0 6S2 LEATHERS, ORELUS pension ...... 580 LEA.YITT INSTT'rUTE aid from adjustment fund ...... 64S LEBANON road from West Lebanon to New Hampshire ...... 596 LEBANON ACADEJIY aid from adjustment fund ...... 648 LEE reimbursed for support of paupers ...... 573 road from LeE' to Lincoln ...... 596 LEE ACADEUY aid from adjustment fund ...... 648 LEEDS road from North Leeds to North Turner ...... 596 LEGISLATION, UNIFOR:lI appropriation for commission on ...... 566 LEGISLATIYE CO)DIITTEES compensation of clerks, etc. of ...... 61S LEGISLATURE conlpensation of clerks, stenographers and messengers of commit- tees of ...... 618 LEIGHTON, ~IARY A. pension ...... 681 LENFEST, CHARLES H. pension ...... -...... 580 LEVANT Lake road ...... 596 LEWIS, JA~IES P. compensated for attendance at legislature ...... 626 LEXINGTON PLANTATION Bog road ...... 597 I~T})EX V15 1931 1933 Page Page LIDDY. CHRISTINE compensated for damage done by dogs 552 LIDDY, 111. ISADEL teacher's pension 542 LIDDY. RUFUS Y. pension ...... 683 LIDDY DROOli: fishing in ...... 674 LIDERTY road to Union from ...... 597 LIDRARY DUILDING, STATE construction provided for ...... ~ ...... 632 LHIERICIi: . road on Dole's hill ...... 597 LIlIIINGTON road from Ossipee Trail to East Limington ...... •. 597 LLUINGTON ACADE;UY aid from adjustment fund ...... 648 LINCOLN, H. lIl. certain lot of land conveyed to ...... 558 LINCOLN COUNTY representatives to legislature from ...... 629 LINCOLN (town) Enfield road ...... 597 LINCOLN ACADE]IY aid from adjustment fund ...... , ...... , .. . 648 LINCOLNVILLE road fron1 ",Villy's cornel' to l\ioody nlDuntain ...... 597 LINNEUS Drew's :Mill road ...... 597 LISDOl'- road in ...... 597 LITCHFIELD road from to Hallowell ...... 597 LIT'I'LE JUI POND fislling' in ...... 654 LITTLE lIIAGALLO'WAY RIYER fishing in ...... 675 ...... 655 LIT'I'LETOS reimbursed for support of pauper ...... 573 uShanl~s road" ...... '.' ...... o ...... 598 LIVERiUORE, HA'I'TIE A. pension ...... •...... 580 LIYERiUOHE (town) road from Chase's four corners to R. No. 107 ...... 598 LIYEIlllIOHE FALLS Twelve Corners road ...... 598 LONDON GUAHANTEE AND ACCIDENT COllIPAl\i," compensated ...... 562 LONE POND fishing in ...... 661 LONG POND . fislling ill ...... 669 LOYELL road f"om Fryeburg Harbor to ...... 598 LOVET'I'. PARKER ,\V. compensated ...... 564 LOWELL state aid road No. 1 R., 172 ...... 598 LO,\VER ,\VILSON POND screening outlet ...... 616 LUDLO'V road on line between Smyrna and. Ludlow ...... 598 LUND, GERALD C0111pensation 664 LUND, OSCAR pension ...... 685 LYlIIA.N road in ...... 598 D16 INDEX

PUBLIC LAWS M 1931 1933 Page Page llICGRA"W POND transportation of fish from ...... 316 llIACI':EREL branding ...... •. 131 llIAGALLO",VAY RIVER entrance to Aziscohos Lake designated ...... 47 llIAINE DEVELOPllIEN'l' COllliUISSION creation and duties ...... •...... 353 llL'\'INE UXIVERSI'l'Y . resident auditor of ...... •..•...... 102 llLUNTENANCE of third-class highways ...... 121 llIALPRACTICE of physicians. etc., actions for, when to be comnlenced ...... 50 llIALT BEVERAGES relating to, and to derive revenue from manufacture and sale thereof ...... 451 llIARANACOOK LAl':E closed season on certain fish ...... 318 closed season on black bass .. ; ...... •...... 318 llL.\.RI': ERS authorized, to designate ,vaters and mountains ...... 257 llL.\.RRIAGE certificate to those declaring intentions of ...... 165 of persons with syphilis ...... 12 penalties for non compliance with laws relating to ...... 177 record ...... • 17, 19 llL\.SSACHUSETTS GORE fishing in any brool;: or stream of, prohibited ...... 311 llL.\.STERS OF CER'l'AIN ROA'l'S issuing of licenses .....•...... •...... •. 119 llIATERNITY HOSPITALS Dlaintenallce ...... 41 to be licensed ...... •...... •...... •. 245 llL\.TTHESSES manufacture and "ale ...... 16 llIEDICAL EDUCA'l'ION promotion of ...... 87 lliEDICAL EXAlllINER to examine insane convicts in certain cases ...... 23 llIEETING HOUSE I'OJ\'D closed to ice fishing ...... 48 llIESSARESIC POND open to ice fishing for certain time ...... 322 1l1lGRATORY G"UIE RIRDS ...... • 179 llIILITARY ACCOUNTS payment of, clarified ...... 291 llIlI,IT_.\.RY A ..."'D NAVAL CHILDHEN'S HOllIE, STA'l'E super\rision and control ...... 123 1l1ILITAHY RESERVlS'rS leave of absence of ...... 291 llIILK containers ...... , .. 219 gatllering stations ...... 354 inspection and sale ...... 14 1l1ILL STHEAllI in Norridgewocl;:, closed to hunting and trapping ...... 202 see also Loyejoy POll(l 1l1IJ,LIKEN'S ll11LJ, POXD fislling in, regulated ...... 314 1l1INHIU1l1 ",VAGE for laborers on publir works ...... 387 ,UINNO",VS of ...... 310 ll11NOnS employment of, regulated ...... 116, 148 1l1IXEIt POND fly-fishing ...... 321 llIONIIIOUTH game preserve established ...... 275 INDEX 917 1931 1933 Page Page lUOODY POND fishing in, regulated ...... o ••••••••••••• 321 ilIOOSE HORN LAli:E fishing in. regulated ...... 52 lIIOOSE RIVER PLAN'I'ATION certain waters closed to fi'shing ...... 312 lIIOOSEHORN STREAlII close time on fishing ...... 314 lIIORTGAGES appointment of agent by non-resident mortgagee ...... 160 chattel, foreclosure of ...... 247 rc:tJ cst:lte, foreclosure of ...... 309 lIIOSQUITOES study and control ...... 12 lIIOTHERS with dependent children, aid for ...... 48 lIIOTOH IIOATS issuing of licenses to operators of ...... 119 lIIO'I'OR TRUCJi:S registration fees for ...... •...... 162 lIIOTOR VEHICLE LA"\V dealer's registration under ...... 54 lIIOT~R VEHICL~ ~EGISLATION uniform comnl1'SSlon on ...... 270 lIIOTOR VEHICLES applications for registration of ...... ' ...... 198 appropriation for registering and licensing operators ...... 173 carryin.g passengers for hire ...... 163 certain ones exempted from excise tax ...... 80 comnlercial, speed ...... 244 weight ...... • 324 court jurisdiction of violations of law relating to ...... 225 excise tax on ...... 205. 23n. 241 license tags, tinle for displuy, extended ...... 240 non-resident operators ...... 382 payment of excise tax by non-residents ...... 381 plates for. reservation of ...... 62 records. when ma~' be destroyed ...... 38 registration of. by dealers or manufacturers ...... 263 relating to dealer's registration fees for plates etc...... 383 reports to towns of excise tax payments on ...... 311 sirens on. forbidden; exceptions ...... 85 speed ...... 263 suspension of license to operate or certificate of registration if judgment unsatisfied ...... 246 taxation of ...... 59 321, 382 temporary number plates on ...... 101 transporting property for hire ...... 429 see also Dusses lIIOUNT DESERT close time on deer : ...... •...•.. 50 lIIOUSA",I LAIi.E ice fishing, regulated in ...... 84 lIIUD lL-\.SIN opened to fishing ...... 315 1I1UD RIVEIt opened to fishing ...... 314 1I1UXICIPAL AIRPORTS see -='-irIJorts lIIUNICIPAL COeRTS bail in ...... 187 jurisdiction ...... 273 168 jurisdiction of certain offenses given to ..-...... 63 jurisdiction of liquor cases ...... 33 ~Iunicipal Court chapter of Revised statutes revised ...... 250 uniform jurisdiction provided for ...... 132 lIIUNICIPAL OFFICEHS ma~' commit persons to hospitals. procedure ...... 114 385 remove patients from state hospitals in certain cases ...... 28 report of on location of streets. when to be filed ...... 28 MUNICIPAL 'I'RUST FeNDS investment of ...... 68 lIIUSIi:HAT open season on ...... 262 protected in ,'\Tilson lake ...... 56 trapping in Sourdabscool, Stream ...... 256 ;UUSSELS protection of ...... 311 918 Il~DEX

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS M 1931 1933 Page Page ~IADA'WASIL\' waterworl

RESOLVES M ~ICCOSLIN llROOK fishing in ...... 651 ilICD-,L.VIEL, HERIIER'l' . compensated ...... 668 INDEX 919 1931 1933 Page Page MCFARLAND, LOTTIE pension ...... 548 lllCFARLAND, llIERETTA pension ...... 680 MCGHA Y, HILLARD compensated for damage to car by deer ...... 560 llICGROTY, HENRY D. compensation ...... 671 llICId.UGHLIN, HA.l"YNAH C. pension ...... 580 688 llIC"\\'AIN POND fishing in ...... 692 llL4.DA"\VASK.-\. road in ...... 598 llL4.DA"\VASKA COllIPANY to pay claim of ...... 672 llL\.DISON road from La};:ewood to Solon ...... 598 llL4.HAR, DANIEL compensation ...... 727 llLUNE CENTRAL INSTITUTE aid from adjustment fund ...... •.. 648 llLUNE GRAND AItllIY OF ItEPUllI.IC appropriation for maintenance of organization ...... 651 "ilLUNE LEGISLATURE, 1820-11):n" purchase of ...... 562 llLUXE PROVINCE AND C017HT RECORDS, VOL. II purchase of ...... 576 lIL4.INE STA'I'E A.GRICUI.TUIL4.L SOCfE'I'Y payments to exhibitors at ...... 659 llL\.LCOLllI, GLADYS reimbursed for medical expense ...... 555 llL4.NCHESTER Pond Road ...... 598 llIASSACRE POND taking of muskrats in ...... 663 llL4.'I'TANA"\VCOOli: AC_4.DEllIY aid from adjustment fund ...... 648 llIATTHEWS POND fishing in ...... " ... . 658 JIA"\VHINNEY, GEORGE compensation ...... " ...... " ...... " ...... 666 l1IEDFORD Milo-Howland road 599 llIERCER roads in ...... " ...... " ...... "." ...... ". 599 lllERRILL, MARY L. pension ...... • 680 llIERRILL (town) reimbursed for support of paupers ...... 572 Stevens road ...... •...... 599 lUESSEXGERS OF CO)Il1IITTEES OF LEGISLATURE compensation ...... 618 724 llIEXICO aid to, in construction of sidewall;: bridge ...... 647 road from ,Ye!d road to Harlow hill road ...... 599 llllLllRIDGE road from l\Iilbridge to Harrington ...... 599 llIILFORD compensated for porcupine bounties ...... •..... 577 county road ...... •..... 599 llIlLITARY AND NAVA,L CHILDREN'S HO)IE, STATE construction of infirmary at ...... •...... 581 llIlLLIIi:EN'S "I1LL POND fishing in ...... 660 llllLO Lyford road ...... 599 llllNOT road from Indian Bucl;: bridge to ,Vest l\finot ...... 599 llIISERY TO"\VN trout in ...... 676 1lllSHIO, ARCHIE L. town of Veazie reimbursed for ...... •...... • 708 920 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page lUONlllOlJTH road f.rom East Monmouth to vYinthrop Center ...... 599 1llONllIOUTH ACADElllY aid from adjustment fund 648 1llONROE road from Brool.s to ...... 600 illONSON road to Elliottsville from ...... 600 lIIONSON ROD A ..l."D GUN CLUD reimbursement to ...... 652 illONTICELLO reimbursed for support of paupers ...... 572 road to Foster siding ...... 600 iliONUlliENT PEAI{ ON illT. IL\.TAHDIN name changed ...... 578 illOOR, HENRY compensation ...... 656 illOORE, PE'rER compensated for attendance at legislature ...... •.... 614 ilIOOSEHEAD LAI{E ice ftslling in ...... 678 illORRILL road in ...... 600 illORSE, ilLUlY J. pension ...... •...... 580 illORSE, SUSIE ,\V. pension ...... 549 ilIOSHER, C. lll. release of lands to ...... 673 illOSHER, FLORA E. pension ...... 580 illOULTON, !<'RANK compensated for damage to sheep ...... 551 ill'!. DLUIp PO,ND . Ice fishmg m ...... , ...... 648 illT. DESERT reimbursed for support of paupers ...... ••...... 571 reimbursed for support of Mudgett family ...... •...... 699 liT. I{ATAHDIN name of :ll-Ionument Peale on, changed ...... 578 illOUNT YERNOl'o- Narro\vs road ...... 600 illOUSAill RH'ER open season ...... 699 :UULLEN. ARCHIDALD pension ...... 693 lllURPHY, EilULY E. pension ...... 579 ilIUSEUlU. STATE care and nlaintenance ...... ' ...... 711 lllUSKRAT closed season on, on ,Vest Branch Sebasticoolc River ...... 694

PUBLIC LAWS N NAPLES smelt fishing in cer.tain waters, regulated ...... 323 NARRO,\VS POND, UPPER fislling regulations in ...... 323 NASH I,AI{E fislling in, regulated ...... 312 NASON DROOl;': taldng of smelts from, regulated ...... 323 NATANIS GAlllE PRESER,\'E established ...... 79 NA'l'IONAL SOLDIERS HOlliE special privileges for employees and soldiers of ...... 170 NAYAL RESERVISTS leave of absence of ...... 291 INDEX 921 1931 1933 Page Page NOIUIKATIOKS AT PRBLUIY number of votes necessary ...... 57 expenditures of candidates ...... , ...... 422 NORlIL\.L SCHOOLS admission to ...... 207 NOHRIDGE'VOCK certain ,vaters closed to fishing ...... 319 Oosoola stream in, closed to hunting and trapping ...... 202 NORTH POND transportation of fish from ...... 316 NOR'rH SEBAGO smelt fishing in certain waters, regulated ...... 324 NOR'VAY certain waters in, closed to all fishing ...... 316 NOTES approval of, by public utilities commission ...... 92 NOTICE of organization llleeting of corporation rna).)"" be ·waived ...... 3 NUISANCES removal of private ...... 30, 38 relati\Te to ...... 243 NU)IIIER PLATES of motor vehicles, reservation of ...... 62 temporary, issuance of ...... 101 time for display extended ...... 240

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS N NAPLES construction of wharf in Long Lake ...... 537 NORTH Ii.:..:.,,\,OX AGRICUVI'URAL AND HOR'l'ICUI,TURAL SOCIETY exhibits may be received ...... 333 filling of vacancies in membership ...... 332 limit of funds extended ...... , ...... , ...... , ...... , ... . 332 special meetings may be held ...... •...... 333 NORTHEAST HARIIOR '" A'l'ER CO)IPAlIo-Y additional powers ...... 471 NORTHPORT WESJ,EYAN GROYE CA)IP lUEETING ASSOCIATIOK charter amended ...... 527 NOIUVAY )IUNICIPAL COUHT salar)r of judge illCl'eased ...... 483

RESOLVES N N"\.DEAU, )IA)IIE sale and conveyance to 673 NASH'S LAKE screening outlet ...... 617 NASSON INSTI'l'UTI~ aid from adjustment fund •...... •...... •. 648 NAVAL CHILDREN'S HOIUE, STATE construction of infirmary at ...... •...... 581 NE'V GLOUCESTER Ball Hill road ...... 600 NE'V PORTLAND. road from ,Vest New Portland to Kingfield .....•...... 601 NEl" SH_-HlON reimbursed for maintenance of bridge ...... •...... 566 road from to Industry ...... •...... 601 NK\V YJKEYARD road between New Por,tland and Farmington ...... •...' ...... 601· NE\VCAS'l'LE Ridge road ...... •...... •... 595 NEWFIELD road to Ross Corner from .....•...•...... 600 NK\VPORT road to Stetson town line ...... •...... 601 922 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page NR\VTON, CARL pension ...... 548 NI? NAjJI~ PO~D Ice fishIng III ...... 675 NOIlLEnORO road to Jefferson ...... 601 NORTH .-L.~D EAST POND FISH AND GAjJIE ASSOCI.ATION reimbursed ...... 617 NORTH HERWICI': Bauneg Beg road ...... 601 NORTH HAVEN road in ...... 601 NORTH YARjJI01)'I'H Gray road ...... ' ...... 601 NORTHERN jJIAINE SANA'I'OIUUJI adequate water supply provided for ...... •...... 561 NOYES POND fishing in , ...... , ...... , ...... 657 NURSES' HOjJIE AT I1ANGOR STA'l'E HOSPITAL construction of 615 NUTTER, EI,LA J. pension ...... 580

PUBLIC LAWS o OATH to application for dealers' registration unnecessary ....•...... 54 OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES reportab Ie ...... 13 OFI<'ICERS, sunORDINATE House of Representatives, duties ...... 286 Senate; duties; salary ...... 288 OIL lubricating, containers of, to be designed ...... 100 OLD AGE PENSIONS to provide for ...... 446 OLD ORCHARD REACH fishing in certain waters, regulated ...... •..••....•...... 314 OLD TO",VN INDIANS see I.lI eno1)scot Tribe of Indians OLD TOWN SCHOOLS Indian, supervision of ...... 105 OOSOOLA S'I'REAjJI closed to hunting and trapping ...... •....•... 202 O~ER,-\'TORS f!l? CERT.UN I10ATS IssUlllg of licenses ...... , ...... ,...... 119 OPIATES treatment of persons suffering from use of ...... 15 ORG.~NIZA'rION .OF CORPORATIONS waIver or notIce ...... 3 ORG.-L.~IZA'I'ION 01<' TRUST COjJlPANIES ...... 17 ORGANIZATIONS, CHARl'l'AllLE exempted from excise tax ...... 80 ORLAND certain waters opened to ice fishing for certain fish ...... 322 ORPHANS, ",VAR educational opportunities for ...... '...... 335 OSSIPEE I,-,U':E fishing in regulated ...... 321 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICL-\.NS to practice in hospitals ...... •...... 322 OVERNIGHT CAiJIPS licensing ...... '...... 47 OVERSEERS OF I'OOR duties of ...... ,...... 254 177 false representations to ...... 255 to furnisb pauper list to employers of labor ...... 202 OXIIO",V POND limited weight of fish to be tal~en from ...... 317 Il\'DEX 923 1931 1933 Page Page OXFORD COUNTY certain ponds to be opened to ice fishing ...... 324 fishing in certain waters, regulated ...... 314 OYSTERS cultivation ...... 145

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS o OAI(LAND construction of road in ...... •...... 420 road through, under three town act ...... 419 ODD FELLOWS HOllIE OF lILUNE relating to ...... 468 OGUNQUIT BEACH DISTRICT charter amended ...... ,144 relating to ...... 496 OGUNQUIT YILLAGE COBPORA'l'ION bonds authorized to issue ...... '.' .... . 450 charter amended ...... 518 524 OLD ORCHARD BEACH Cascade Bridge in town of ...... 474 OLD TO"\VN civil service for police and fire department of ...... 452 OLD TOWN HERBERT GRAY SCHOOL DISTRICT to refund bonds ...... 475 OQUOSSOC LIGHT Al"VD PO"\VER COllIPAI''-Y certain powers of ...... •...... 500 OTISFIELD certain lands annexed to ....." ...... •...... 513 OXFORD COUNTY salaries of officials : ...... 592

RESOLVES o OAI( GROYE SElIUNARY aid from adjustment fund ...... 648 OAKLA.ND Pond road ...... 602 reimbursed for support of pauper ...... 571 OLD AGE PENSION RECESS COllIl\IITTEE created ...... 624 OLD TO"\VN Bacl. road ...... 602 reimbursed for support of paupers ...... 570 reimbursement for tuition of Indians ...... 720 ORNEVIl,LE road from !'

PUBLIC LAWS P PACIUNG OF APPLES 152 PAPER iUILLS employees to be vaccinated ...... 42 D24 Il'-IJJEX 1931 1933 Page Page PARI';:, PUllLIC talting of land for 159 PARI';: C01UlHISSIONEHS towns may appoint ...... •...... •..... 338 P_UlLIN STREAclI fishing in, regulated ...... •...... 312 PAROLE of prisoners ...... 298 PARTRIDGE 'relative to 256 use as bait 215 PASSA)L-\.Q.UODDY TRIflE OF INDIANS relating to ...... 72. 279 PAUPEHS definition ...... 4 interstate transfer of dependent persons ...... 331 overseers of poor to keep accurate records of ...... 177 settlements ...... 96 345, 380 support ...... 371 PAY1UENT '1'0 STATE of teachers' retirement fund ...... 6 PEDDLEHS business of, regulated ...... 278 PENl\-ESSEE'VASSEE I,_U';:E closed to all fishing ...... 316 fishing in ...... •... 167 PENOllSCOT HAY game sanotuary established in ...... 95 PENOIISCOT COUNTY certain waters in, opened to ice fishing ...... : ...... 314 payment to law library of ...... ; ...... 20 recognizances for April term continued ...... : ...... 13 PENOllSCOT HIVER salmon fishing, regulated ...... •...... 229 PENOIISCOT TRIIIE OF INDL-\.l\S relating to ...... 63, 279. tribal committee of ...... •...... 103 PENSIONS blind ...... 58 employees of state ...... 307 60 old age ...... 446 prison officers ...... 61, soldiers and sailors ...... 57 teachers', to be deducted from state school fund ...... 12 PERCH white, size and weight of catch ...... 365 ~Tello,\'-, tali:ing ...... 200 PERI';:INS PLA.i~'1'A'1'ION fishing in certain ·waters regulated ...... 320 PERI1I1TS for installation of plumbing ...... •...... 264 PERSOl\AL PROPERTY relatillg to ...... 329 PERU fishing in certain waters regulated ...... 319 PETER D_-\.N_-\.'S POIN'l' school at ...... : ...... 280 see also P.ass::uuaqllo(hly Tribe of Inlli:lllS PETITIONS for referendum, regul8Jted ...... 166 PHAR)IACY, CO;l!iUISSIONEHS OF term of office ...... 39 PHYSICAL EDUCATION subsidy by state decreased ...... 199 PHYSICIANS malpractice of; "\vl1ell actions nlust be brought ...... 50 PICI';:EREL fishing for. for gain or hire ...... 190 ice fishing for, during certain months, regulated ...... 304 PICTUHES, PRIZE FIGHT may be reproduced ...... 103 PILOTS OF CERT_-\'IN flOATS issuing of licenses ...... •...... 119 Il',TDEX 925 1931 1933 Page Page PISCATAQUIS COUNTY certain waters in, open to fly-fishing only ...... 322 game preserve established on Gero Island ...... 172 game preserve-Salmon Pond sanctuan' described ...... 96 game sanctuary in Somerset County and ...... 265 PISCA'l'AQUIS REGISTRY OF PROBA'l'E clerl~ hire ...... PLANT RAILROADS relating to ...... 189 PLANTA'l'ION NO. 14 fishing in certain ·w"aters, prohibited ...... 315 PLANTATIONS organization of unincorporated place as ...... 225 returns of elections by ...... 194 schools in ...... 235, PLATES temporary number, secretary of state to be notified of ...... •... 101 PLEASAN'r POIN'r RESERVATION . school at ...... 280 see also PaSSaul:UIllo(I(Iy TrilJe of IluIians PLE"'-SANT POND opened to ice fishing .... , ...... 319 PLEASA_l,\,T RIVEH closing river and tributaries to trapping ...... 405 ' PLU~nllNG control over, by state department of health ...... 264 inspection and regulation .. : ...... •...... 43 PODI"'-TRY regulation of practice of ...... 271 POISONS sale ...... 347 'POLE TRAPS use of ...... 183 POLE AND ",VIRE LINES upon and along certain highways ...... 194 POLICE, STATE HIGH'VAY appropria.tion for nlainienance increased ...... 327 disposal of fines and costs collected by ...... 285 enlistment of members of ...... 189 wearing the badge or uniform of, restricted ...... •...... 2 POLICIES OF LIFE INSURANCE reserv~ on ...... 106 POI,LS time of closing in primary elections ...... 180 in regular elections ...... 193 POLLUTION certain inland "raters ...... 97 Chase's pond, prevented ...... 82 POND-IN-'rHE-RIVER fishing in, regulated ...... 322 PORCUPINES limit of bounty ...... 282 suspension of bounty ...... 380 PORTAGE LAli:E closed season on certain fish ...... 318 PORTER flshing in certl


PARSONSFIELD I\:EZ.~R FAI.LS VILLAGE CORPORATION taking of land for park purposes by ...... 470 P_~RSONSFIELD SElIlINARY charter amended ...... 526 PATTEN WATER AND PO"\VER CO)lPANY charter extended ...... •....•....•. " 333 467 PAUPER supPort of certain, in Gouldsboro ...... •...... •...... 408 INDEX 927 1931 1933 Page Page PENOJISCOT COUNTY jail, remodeling of ...... 474 money, authorized to borro1\T and issue notes ...... 474 salaries of officials' ...... 593 PENOJISCOT COLTXTY LA",V LIIIRARY ASSOCIATION purchase of :l\laine Reports ...... 331 PENSIONS members of police and fire departments of Auburn ...... 516 fire department' chiefs of :..4.uburn ...... 522· PINE GROVE CEiUE'rERY to merge with Evergreen Cemetery in Portland ...... 352 PISCATAQUIS COUNTY names of certain 1.vaters in, changed ...... 408 salaries of officials ...... ' ...... , ...... 593 PISTOL LAl(E increase of tolls on logs over dam, at ...... , ...... 399 PIS'!'OL STRE_,UI DA.'-U COllIPANY incorporation of ...... , ...... 399 PITTSFIELD IIIUNICIPAL COUll'!' salary of judge increased ...... 508 POLICE DEPAR!rIlIENT Auburn, pension provided for members ...... 516 Hangor, special officers to receive benefits of ...... , ...... 409 Old To,vu, civil service for ...... 452 POI.ITICAL CAUCUSES Bangor, repeal of special law relating to ...... 351 POLLUTION OF W-ATER OF SEAL COVE "'VATER CO;UPANY penalty ...... , ...... 336 POND ROAD Oaldand, completion 420 PORTLAND charter amended ...... , ...... 353 an~uity to .be p.aid to Rosa B. Reidy ...... 344 pollee pensIOns In ...... , .. , ...... , ...... 475 PORTLAND HIGH SCHOOL "1.THLETIC FIELD COilBIISSION po"\vers, increase of ...... 351 PORTLAND SEAMEN'S FHIb"'ND SOCIE'l'Y incorporation ratified ...... , ...... 491 PORTLAND "'VATER DISTRICT certain properties, authorized to acquire ...... 477 charter amended ...... , ...... 482 PO",VNAL STATE SCHOOL appropriation for addition ...... 536 certain real estate bequeathed to ...... 474 PRESQUE ISLE, 'l'O",VN COUNCIL AND ilL-\.NAGER FORM OF GOVERN~IENT FOR bonds of officials ...... , ...... 489 compensation of councillors ...... 487 compensation of officers ...... ', ...... ,' ...... 489 date of town meetings ...... 486 duties as purchasing agent ...... 489 duties of councillors; school committee ., ...... 487 election of officers ., ...... ' ...... , ...... 486 ex-officio duties of councillors ...... 487 officers to be sworn ...... 489 organization nleeting ...... 487 pa~'ments from treasury limited ...... , ...... 489 powers and duties of town manager ...... , ...... 488 ratification ...... , ...... 490 salary ...... 489 special power of councillors ., .... , ...... 488 terms of town officers ...... , ...... 488 towns may discontinue act ...... , ... . 490 to\vn manager ...... 488 PROnATION OFFICERS, CUIIInERLAND COUNTY salar~T, etc...... 453 PROPERTY OF EXTINCT OR DISnANDED UNIVERSALIST CHURCHES may be sold 358

RESOLVES P PACKARD, CONY E. pension ...... 580 828 I1\TDEX 1931 1933 Page Page PACKARD, SARAH V. pension ...... 580 PAGE, GEOltGE L. reimbursement to ...... •...... 650 PAINTING OF CYRUS H. I\:, CUR'l'IS accepted ...... 562 PALERIIIO road from Longfellow's corner to ,Veeks :Mills ...... 602

PALlIIER, LELA_~D pension ...... 684 P"\.LlIIYRA road from Pittsfield to Pratt's corner ...... : ...... 602 PANTHER POND tali:ing of Slllelts in ...... 653 P_.\.JUS road from South Paris to Bucl

screening , ...... , ...... , ...... ~ ... " . '.... " ',' ....' . , . 648 PIKE in Great Pond ...... ' ...... 694 "PIONEERS ON lIIAINE RIYERS" purchase of ...... ' ...... 562 PISCATA.QUIS COUNTY- repair of Sourdnahunl, road in ...... 625 representatives to legislature frDli, ...... 630 PITTSFIELD road from Pushnor's cornel' to Canaan ...... 604 PITTSTON road from Gardiner to North Whitefield ...... , ...•....• '604 PLEASANT LAIi:E IN ISLAND FALLS fishing in ...... •...... •.• 648 PLEASANT POND (,rllrner) fishing in ...... 659 fishing in ...... 667 PLEASANT POND STREAlII fishing in ...... 678 PLUlIHJER, HENRY "lV. pension ...... 0.' ...... 579 PLUlIHIER, .TAlIIES O. pension ...... 580 PI,YjUOUTH repair of bridge ...... 579 POLAND White Oak Hill road ...... 604 POLLY CLA.RK BRIDGE construction ...... 649 PONDS screening of certain ~ ...... : 615 POPE, SUSAN .' teacller's pension ...... : .... ~ ...... 543 P~RTER .L.U~ . Ice fislllng In ••••••• ;.; ••..•••••• ;.; •.. ;.; ••• ; ••. ; ; . : ; •• : • : •••• : • ; 654 POTTER, SIDNEY pension ...... ;: ...... ; ...... : ...... 695 POTTLE, GEORGE H. pension ...... •...... •... 580 PO"lVNAL S'rATE SCHOOl, . . additions and improvements ...... •.....•..•. 573 721 ne~~r construction ..... ~ .... , .... ! ! !' ••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 712 PRAT'!', JOHN T. compensated fOl~ dalllage by ml?ose . ~ ~ . ~ .. ~ ...... ~ . ~ ...... ~ ...... 570. PRENTISS Danforth road ...... •...... 604 reimbursed for siIpport of PaU1)er ...... ' ...... 572 road from Webster to Kingman ...... ••... 604 PRESCOTT, RA.THERINE L. pension ...... ; .... ; ...... •...... 686 PRESQUE ISLE Parkhurst road ...... , ...... •...... '604 PRICE, WILLIAjU city of Eastport reimbursed for care of ...... 636 PRINCETON . road to Alexander ... :: ...... •...... 605 "PROVINCE A.ND CODR'!' RECORDS OF i1IAINE, IG38~lGG8" purchase of ~. ~ . : : . : ~ '. ~ .... ~ ... : ...... '. '...... : ...... : ...... 576

PUBLIC LAWS Q QUAHAUGS jJropagation and cultivation •...... •...... 394 protection ...... •...... ,:...... : ...... 311 930 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page QUALIFICATIONS practice of law, for ...... ' ...... , ...... 160 f~:~~i~, for state contracts ...... •.. 190 f 32 trust ec;~~ani/ ai;~~t~l:;,' ~f' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15 QU.. UlANTINE ". , . assistance of persons in ...... •....•...... •...... •.. 32 of indigent cases ...... •...... ] 85 of vessels ...... •.••..••..•...... •...... •...... ' ...• 3ft QUESTIONA.IRE may be requested' of proposed bidder ...... • : :: : .... 128 QUICK STREA;U open to certain fishing •...... '" ...... : ... '... . 323

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS Q QUEDEC EXTENSION RAII.WAY COil[PANY charter extended ...... • • • ...... 336 460

RESOLVES Q Qun[DY POND. fishing in ...... ••..•...... ••.•...... ••...... 651

PUBLIC LAWS R RADDITS closed time, bag limit' and transportation ...... 368 RADIES safeguarding people from danger from ...... 304 RA.CCOONS hunting ....•...... •...... 294. R ..ULROA.D CORPORATIONS control of public utilities commission ...... •...... 133 increase of capital stock ...... : ...... •...... 132 issue of stock to retire obligations ...... 132 may issue bonds, etc.· on approval of public utilities commission... . 92 sale of increase in stock ...... •...... 134 RA.ILROA.D LOCOillOTlVES whistles on, regulated ...•. ; ...•...... ••..... ;...... 21 RAILROADS, PLANT relating to ...... ;.; ..• ;.; ... ; ...... • ;...... 189 RA.IL ,\VA YS hunting from, unlawful ...... •...... ••...... 10·1 see also Grncle CroNHing's RANGELEY GAClIE l'RESERVE es tab \ish ed ...... 60 RA.NGELEY LA.IUll· GA.lllE· SANC'l'ITAIlY estabHsh,ed ...... • • ...... • ...... 57 fishing in, regulated ...... •...... ".. 322 READFIELD game preserve established ...... '...... • • 99 REAL ESTA.TE partition of ...... •.•.....•...... 218 see also 2Uortgnges: Secnritie!of.: Taxes· RECOGNIZANCES for April term in Penobsp.ot continued ...... • 13 personal, in flsh a.nd g-amp. violations ...... 66 RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATIOl\' loans for sewerage works .....•...... 409 loans for waterworks •.....••...... :...... 396 IlECORDEIl OF POIlTI.Al\'D ]l[UNICIPA.L COl.'RT amount p"',id clerk" in offip." of .. ;.;; .... ;; .... ;; ...... ;;...... 22 INDEX 931 1031 1033 Page Page 'HECOHDS of .st.;:J.tP.. p.p.l'tuin onp..,s to he dp..stl'oyp.n ...... 38 of stoclill0lders nleetings ...... 1 vital. of state; completion of. pt'ovideil fot' ...... 306 RECREA'l'IONAJ. CA:lIPS licensing ...... '...... • , ... . 47 HEF'ERENDU.111 expenditures for. regula ted ...... 1!11 petitions for veto hy ...... 166 RF.I"ORilIA'l'OHY FOR ilIF.N maintenance and control ...... 92 Board of Tt·u.ste".s see Coile REFORilIATORY FOR ,,\VOilIEN r.R.l'e of r!hilnren of ,,'omp.n commit.terl t.o ...... 26 comnlitments to ...... 11 commitment to and length of sentence at ...... 302 maintenance and control ....•..... , .... , ...... •...... 89 trustees ...... , ...... •...... •.•.....• see Co(le IlEFUND ON GAS 'l'AX increase in. period for filing ...... , ... , ... , ...... 37 REGISTER OF DEEDS OF CU:llllERLAND COUNTY clerk hire in office of ...... '.' , , ...... 22 REGISTERED GUIDE!! cla'ssification ...... •...... 82 HEGISTIiATION ' .. dealers in securities, of; fees ...... 9 dealer's, under. motor vehicle I a'" ...... '...... 5·! fees for motor' trucl

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS R RAILWAY COlUPANY, QUEIIEC EXTENSION . Tights, powers and privileges of. continued' ...... 33G REAL ESTATE county commissioners of Lincoln County to transfcr certain I;:inds of ...... •...... •...... 350 RECORDERS, ilIUNICIPAL COUR'rS Biddeford, certain duties of ...... •...... ,152 De,,--ter, appointment of ...... •...... ' .....•...... •..... 4n6 RECORDS IN COUNTY OF AROOSTOOK copies of ...... •...... •... ; ...... ; .. . 341 HEFERENDUilI in city of. Saco ' ...... '. '..... '...... •...... 359 on highway commission of Lewiston ...... 3n REIDY, ROSA B; OF PORTLAND •. annuity·...... •...... •...... •..... 3-14 RESERVOIR .COlIIPANT, KENNEIIEC charter amended· ...... •. ·...... •...... •...... ,JOn RICHARDSON ·WHARF COlUPAJ\'Y powers enlarg'ed, ...... •...... •..... 358 AND POND names of'waters changed to ...... ,108 ROADS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR Athens, uhder, three town act ...... Hn Augusta, under three town act ...... ••.... 420 Guilfor.l, construction ...... ••...... 364 Lincoln and Enfiel<,!, under three town act ..•...... •.•...... 367 lUariuville, construction and maintenance ...... 535 Oakland, under three town act ...... ; ...... 420 Sangcn;'lIe, under three town act ...... •...•...... ••.• 368 Sidney, under three town act ...... 41n Standish, under three town act ...... 398 transfer of from Ludl.ow to Hammond Plantation ...... •.....•.. 418 n.OCIU,AND new charter ...... ,In ROCIU,AND lIIUNICIPAL COUll'!' salary of juqge increased ...... •.•...... •. '...... son


llunting in' ,Tinttllltl'V'ell ••. 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• •••• •••• ••• 658 HAlIISAY, ORELLA F. pension ...... :. ~ .. : ~ . ! : 580 RAlIISDELL, lIL4RY E. 'pension ....•.....•...... •...... 580 RANDOLPH reimbursed for support of paupers ...... •...... •..... 573 repair of bridge between Gardiner and .....•.••..•...... 575 RANGELEY reimbursed for support· of· paupers' ...•.•...... •.•...... 571 HANKIN, NANCY teacher's pension' ~ ..... ~ . ~ ...... ; ...... 666 RANIUN, WlLLIAilI H. pension ..... ~ ~ ~ .. '.... ~ .. ;. .. ;. ... ;: •..... i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 674 RAYlIIOND-CASCO road ...•...... "...... 605 ThTDEX 933

1931 1933 Page Page RECF:SS COJDIITTEF:. OLD AGR PRNSTON created 624 RECORDS. E.4.RLY restoration of. in York County ...... 557 vital. of Westbrook. preservation of •...... 564 REDLON, lU.lltY DARTON pension ...... 685 REED. TDA G. pension ...... 683 RF:F:O. JOSTAH 'lV. Ai\;l) CARLF:TON DAY compensated for claims ...... •.•...... •...... 558 REED PLA.''iTATION appropriation for. for share of reconstruction cost of WytopHlocl;: bridge ...... 575 REFORJIA.TORY FOR llIEN, STATE purchase of property adjacent "to' ...... •.... 567 RF:GTSTER OF J;)T

compensation ...... 0 ••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "." ••••• 664 RICH~.IOND Cushman road ...... ' ...... 605 RICKER CLASSICAL TXSTITUTE aid from adjustment fund .... : ...... 648 RIPLEY road to Dexter from ...... 605 RITTAL, .AJlIELIA pension ...... 700 ROAD' , Greenl\"iJIe to Roek'1voo(l, construction ...... 615 JnekDlan-Roekwood, construction ...... 627 Phippsburg, in, construction ...... '...... 627 ROADS construction, maintenance and repair ...... •• 582 728 ROBERT W. TRATP ACADEiUY aid from adjustment fund ...... •...... 648 ROBINSON, RUEL W. pension ...... 580 ROCKLAND ' . , road from Warren to Camden ...... ••...... 605 ROCKPORT .. Oak street ...... 605 ROCKWOOD construction of road from Greenville to ...... 615 707 construction of road leading from .Yacl;:man to ...•...... 627 ROGERS, llL~Y E •. , ,. , compensation for loss of horse ...... 693 ROSS POND . . fishing in .... ,',' ...... 651 ROUND POND fishing in ...... •...... ••...... 651 screening outlet .. ~ ...... 616 ROW"E, ALFRED pension ...... 580 ROXBURY road from Roxbury Notch road to Byron ...... 605 ROXBURY POND screening outlet ...... 616 RUllI BROOK fishing in ...... •...... 658 RUllIFORD aid to. in construction of sidewalk bridge ...... •...... 647 building of feeding station or 'rearing pool near .•...... 560 reimbursed for support of pauper ...... •...... 573 road from Rumford to Paris ...... •...... 605 RUNDLET'l'E, EVA J. pension ...... :...... 680 RYDER, ELEA.NOR C. pension .....•...... ••...... •...... •...... 684 934 INDEX

PUBLIC LAWS S 1931 1933 Page Page fishing in ., ...... •..••..••••••...... •.•.... 262 SAGADAHOC COUNTY certain fish protected in >vaters off coast of ...... •.•...... 299 SAILORS A ...'VD SOLDIERS pensions ...... 57 support of World War dependents •••...... •...•••. 61 education of children of •...... •..••.•••.•...... •••. 335 ST. CROIX RIVER tributaries to, closed to all fishing ...... ••••..•...... •...... 319 ST. FROID LAIiE closed season on certain fish ...... ••...... •• 318 ST. JOHN RIVER tributaries to, fly-fishing in, regulated ..•••.•...••..•••.....••..• 323 SALARY commissioner of agriculture ....•.....•....•...... ••...... •••.. 257 commissioner of inland fisheries and game ...... •..•.... 305 county commissioners of Androscoggin county ...... ••...... 55 sheriff of Somerset county ...... •.....•...... •..••... 328 state auditor ..••..•.•.•...... •.•...... •...•...•... 230 state librarian ...... •...... •...... 303 superintendent of state school for boys ...... •.••...•••....•. 25 treasurer of Somerset county ..•...... •••.•.••.•...... 122 treasurer of Washington county ••.•.....•....••....•.••...... 56 SA.LARIES subordinate officers of the House ...... •••••••...... •...... 286 subordinate officers of the Senate .•....•...... •....•.•.•...... 288 SALlllON certain >vaters opened to ice fishing 'for ....•...•.....•...... 322 close time on ...... ••...... •..•...... 135 definition ...... •...... •••..••...... •...••.•.•...... 220 fishing for, for gain or hire ...... ••....••...... ••..•...... 190 fishing in Card's 1\1:ill stream, prohibited •...... ••.••.. 315 fishing regulated in Penobscot River ...... •...... • 229 fly-fishing for, in Kennebec river ...... •...•...... •.. 117 landlocked, closed season on, in certain waters ...... 318 size and weight of catch ...•..••...... •...... ••...•••.. 365 talring of ...... •••••..•••...... •.•...•....•.. 202 SALlllON POll/~ SA1VCTUARY... described ...... 96 SANATORIUlllS maintenance ...... 122 payment for treatment of patients at ..•...•••...•..••...... 367 SANCTUARIES see Fish and Game LU"l"fs: Ganle preserves SA.ND POND fishing in ...... •••...... •.••...... 167 SA...i~DY POND ice fishing in ..•...... •...••...... •• 216 SANDY RnTER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES fishing in, regulated ...... ••••..••...... •....•..•..••.•••.. 311 SANFORD certain waters closed to fishing •..•...... •.....• 313 SAVINGS B,~~I\:S branch offices ...... ••...... •....••....•••••.•...... 236 deposits on call ...... •...••...... •.•.••...••.. 235 insurance, etc., for officers and employees ...... ~ .. 236 investment of deposits .•...... •...••..•...... •.. 233 231 limitation of real estate holding ..••.•••...... ••..•..••. 235 >veekly trial balance ...•...... •..••...•...... 238 protection of, and depositors therein ...... •.....•.....••...... 425 SCALLOPS close time on ...... 146 SCARBORO taking and sale of clams in ...•...•••..•...... •...... •.. 182 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE regulated ...... •....••..•. 10 SCHOOL COllElllTTEES, SUPERINTENDING relating to ...... •...... •....•...... •..•••••...... 189 SCHOOL FUND, PERllIA.NENT· relating to ...... 232 INDEX 935 1931 1933 Page Page SCHOOL FUND, STATE creation ...... 233 SCHOOL UNIONS relating to ...... •...... •.•...... 366 subsidy of superintendents decreased ••..•...... •••••.... 199 SC~~OLHI?USES dIsInfectIOn ...... •••...•...•.•...... •.•...... 30 SCHOOLS aid by state to towns providing industrial education ..••...... 195 337 ~g;~.f;ad~e Igr~i~~ils··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 256 deduction from state school fund for industrial education •.....•. 196 exempting cities from unions .••.•...... •...... 361 expenditures for industrial education ..••...... •.....•.....•• 195 in plantations and unorganized territory ...... ••....•••.•..•• 235 Indian Old Town, supervision ...... •.•.....•..••.•...... • 105 per capita allowance for schools, dropped ...•..••....•••• 200 practice of vivisection ill ...•.•...... 164 secondary, tuition in ....••..•...... •...... •.•.•...... 35 superintendents of, election to be approved by committee ...... 177 supervisory unions of schools ...•..••..••••••••.....•••••••.... 350 SCHOOLS, RURAL to improve teaching in 232 SCHOOLS, SECO~~.A.RY tuition in ...... ••...... ••..•••••...... •.••.•...... 201 SCHOOLS, SUPERINTENDEN'l'S relating to ...... 325 SCIENCE, HEALING practice of ...... •••...... ••••...•.•.•..•...... ••.... 276 SCOTCH ISLAND close time on deer ...... •.•....•..••..•...... ••... 50 SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES ...... 247 revision of laws relating to .••...... ••..••.•..•...... •.. 125 department of ..•...... •....•.•...... ••...... ••...... 224 SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES COllHnSSION see COile SEALS shooting in Casco Bay ...... 158 SEBAGO LAKE. . taking of smelts from, unlawful ....••..•...... ••...... 323 S~~?t%~Ai~Y. ~.~~.~~~.S...... • • . . • ...... • • . • ...... • ...... 35 SECURITIES dealers in, applicants for registration as ...... 279 dealers in, fees paid by ...... •.•..•...... •.... 9 defined for blue slcy law •...... •..•...... • . . . . • • • . • • • . 7 term to include certain interests in real estate ...... ••••...... 393 SElIlIN ARIES towns may raise money for .....••••...... •..••....•.••.... 94 SENATE subordinate officers of; duties; salary ...... •....••••...... 288 SENTENCES imposition ...... •...... •..•...... •..•••.•. 381 SETTLE~IENTS pauper, defined ...... •...... 96 SEWERAGE WORKS Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans for construction of .•..• 409 SHAD close time ...... •.•.. 135 fly-fishing for, in Kennebec river ...... ••.•...... 117 SHAKER POND open to ice fishing, for certain time·...... 322 SHAW POND fishing in, regulated ...... •...... 52 SHEEP payment for, when killed by dogs or wild animals...... 44 SHEEPSCO'l' BAY . protection of certain fish in ...... ••...•...•...... •.•...... 299 SHELLFISH INDUSTRY regulation ...... •...... ••...... •...... ••...... 138 SHERIFF OF SOlllERSET COUNTY salary increased ...... •...... •...... 328 SIGNS certain roadside autborized ...... ••.....•.•...... ••...... 257 SHIPS ON'S POND shooting of game, on ...... •...•...... •...... •.....•..•..••• 47 936 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page SIRENS ON ~IOTOR YEHICLES forbidden; exceptions ...... , 85 SKINS, BEA''E"R sealing and stamping ...... 290 SH.:UNH.:S" " . hunting of ...... 294 S~IELT FISHING . "" . in waters of Androscoggin County, regulated ...... 323 S~IELTS Cathance river, catching of, in ...... 67 close time ...... 136 fresh water streams, catching of, in ...... 67 Gouldsboro. tal<:ing of, in ...... 73 taking of ...... 194, 310 tributaries of Three lUile Pond, taldng of in .... ,...... 44 SNOW removal of, from highways ...... 259 SNOW FENCES may he erected ... "...... 259 SOCIAL WELFARE director ...... 1 SOLDIERS " . " National Soldiers' Home, special privileges for ...... 170 educ~tional opportunities for children o.f ..... : ...... 335 penSions ...... 57 World ,Var, support of dependents of ...... 325 61 SO~IERSET COUNTY certain waters in closed to fishing •...... •.. 312 law librar:~r, pa]rlnents to ...... 78 salary of sheriff, increased ...... 328 salary of treasure~ increased ...... •...... 122 SO~IERSET A ..iVD PISCATAQUIS COUNTIES" game sanctuar~~ ...... 265 SOURDABSCOOIi: STRE"L1I- trapping muskrats in ...... •...... 256 SOUTH BRANCH OF DEAD RIVER fishing in, regulated ...... 321 SOUTH POND opened to ice fishing ...... 324 SPEAR STREAJI fishing in, . regulated 319 SPRAGUE'S POND closed to ice fishing ...... 48 SQUARE LAH.:E closed season on certain fish ...... •.. 318 "ice fishing, regulated ,...... 84 SQUIRRELS, GRA.Y closed time on ...... 294 STANDARD TBIE designated ...... 307 STANDISH GAME PRESER,'E relative to ...... 259 STANLEY PONDS fishing regulations for 319 191 STAPLES POND opened to fishing 315 STATE AID academies ...... 71 of over two hundred attendance ...... 200 agricultural societies ...... •...... 18 forfeited under certain conditions ...... 102 highways, resurfacing of ...... •...... 305 special provisions for ...... ••...... 242 STATE AND STA'rE AID HIGHWAYS construction and maintenance of ...... •...... 283 pole and wire lines along ...... 194 STATE AUDITOR. salary ...... 230 STATE BAR ASSOCIATION information filed hy, for removal of unworthy attorneys ...... 13 STATE BOARD OF CHILDItEN'S G"I.'ARDIANS may have custody of certain children ...... 26 see also COIle STATE BOARD OF ~IOTHERS' "UD see Code STATE BOARD OF VOCATIOXAL ED17CATION see Code INDEX 937 1931 1933 Page Page STATE CONTRACTS pre-bid qualifications of. 190 STATE DEPARTlllENT OF HEALTH see Coile' STATE ElUPLOYEES pensions ...... 307 60 STATE GAlIIE FA.H.lII provided for ...... •...... 158 STATE GEOLOGIST salary ...... 282

STATE HIG~VAY Bruns:vi~It thro~gh Jaclrman named "Arnold Highway7f ." ...... 310 COIIIDl.lSSIOn, tal\:lng of land b}" " ...... " ...... " ...... 292 I)olice, appropriation for maintenance " ...... " ...... 327 disposal of fines and costs collected by ...•...... 285 enlistment of members of 189 STATE HIGHWAYS construction and maintenance of bridges, on 72 STATE HOSPITALS commitment of patients to, for observation ...... 159 removal of patients, from ...... •...... 28 support of persons committed to ...... ' ...... 188 STATE LIBRARIAN salary ..... : : . : .. : : ... ' ... ' ...... '...... 303 STATE PENSION' AGENT' see COIle STATE POLICE' wearing the uniform or badge of ...... 2 STATE PRISON. bond of warden ...... 243 certain marl;:el's to be made at •...... 257 S'I'ATE PURCHASING. AGENT ...... 216 STATE RETIRED EilIPLOYEES 01<' pension ...... 307 STATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS salary of superintendent 25 STATE SCHOOL FUND deductions from ...... 12 STATIONARY 1lli~GINES licenses to be granted for·erection of .•..••...... •... 14 STATUTES continuous revision of, provided for ...•...... 199 445 STEA.lIIBOATS issuing of licenses to officials of ...... 119 STE.A.lII BOILERS AlIi-n UNFIRED STEAlll PRESSURE VESSELS use ...... 126 STEAllI ENGINES licenses to be granted for erection .....•...... •.•••••..•... 14 STERILIZATION of inmates of institutions ...... 308 relating to ...... " ...... 119,213 STIPEND, STATE to agricultural societies ...... 18 STOCKHOLDERS . . . lists of ...... 1 meetings, records of, filed ...... 1 STOCH':S approval of, by' public utilities commission ...... 92 issuance of, for organization of public utilities corporations ...... 17 of trust companies, increase in capital stocl;: ...... 15 par ,ralue of sllares ...... " ...... " ...... 16 sllares regulated " ...... " ...... 17 STONINGTON close time on deer ...... 50 STORE REGISTRATION apothecary ...... •...... 42 STORES. RETAiL licenses for ...... 436 STREETS vacation of location of, to. be. reported ...... 24 SUBORDINA'I'E OFFICERS House of Representatives. of; duties; salary ...... 286 Senate, of; duties; salary ...... ~ ...... 288 938 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page SUCCESSION TAXES

relative to ...... ~ ...... 283 SUCKERS taking of ...... ••...... •...... •...... 200, 310 SULLIVAN taking of clams in ...... •...... •...... •...... 65 SULLIVAN BROOI>:: closed to fishing ...... 312 SUlIli\lER C"~llIPS taxation 428 SUNDAY legalizing amateur sports and games under certain conditions on. 404 operation of airplanes on ; ...... ••.... 308 SUPERINTENDENT OF prBLIC PRINTING see Code SUPERINTENDEN'l' OF STATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS salary ...... •.....••...• 25 SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS election to be approved by committee ...... •...... •• 177 union, subsidy to be decreased ...... •...... 199 SUPERIOR COURT addi tional justices ...... 408 special terms ...... ' ...•...... 169 trial terms ...... •...•...... 386 Penobscot, continuance of certain recognizances ...... •.•..... 13 room, up!;;::eep of ...... 5 trial terms of ...... ••.•...... •••••••••.••••••••••• 74 SUPPORT children, parent liable ...... 193 inmates of Pownal state school ...... 38 patients in insane hospitals, how borne ...... •.•.• 28 person committed to state hospitals •••...... ••.••..•••• 188 wife and minor children ...... •....•....••...... •...• 186 SUPREllIE .JUDICIAL COURT additional justices of ...... , ...... 408 SWAlIo- ISLAND close time 'on deer ...... ••••...... ••....•••••.• 50 SWAN LAKE fishing in, regulated ...... •....•...... 50 SWAN POND opened to ice fishing ...... •••...... ••...... ••• 324 TRIBUTARIES

fishing in ...... 0,0 ...... 47 SYPHILIS treatment 11

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS S SABATTUS WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT charter extended ...... •...... •...••...... 371 468 SACO charter amended ...... •.•...... •...•••...... ••••• 359 SAGADAHOC COUNTY salaries of officials ....•••...... •...... •...••...•...... 593 ST. FR"~NCIS PLANT"~TION to compensate Adrienne :lIfichaud ...... •...... •••... 443 SALARIES OF JUDGES OF lIIUNICIPAL COURT Bidlleforll, increa:

RESOLVES S 1931 1933 Page Page SACO Buxton road .....•...... ••...... ••...... 605 Jenkins road ...... 605 SAGADA,HOC COUNTY representative to legislature from ...... •...... 631 ST. AGATHA "Short Cut" road 607 ST. ALBA,NS compensated for transportation of school children .....•...... 551 road from Lyford's corner to Newport ...... •••..•.•.••.. 607 ST. CROIX RIVER repair of fish ways in ...... •...... •...... 617 ST. FRANCIS PLANTATION forest commissioner authorized to sell lands ..•...•...•.••..••. 542 ST. FROID LAKES ice fisbing in ••..•....•....•....•..•...•...... •.•.••..••••• 647 SAINT JOSEPH'S ACADEillY aid from adjustment fund •....•...... •..•..••...... 648 SALilION taking of in Tee Pond ...... •..•...• 654 SANATORIUilI, CENTRAL lUAI1I<~ additional building for ...... ••..•.•...... 568 appropriation for schoolhouse ...... •...... 577 enlargement of nurses' llome ...... 568 SANATORIUill, NORTHERN ilL-UNE adequate water supply provided for •...•...... •..... 561 SANA,TORIUilI, WESTERN ilIAIlI<.~ construction of employees' building ...... 633 SANBORN, ARTHUR P. pension ...... •...... 690 SANDY STREAJI fishing in ...... •...... 659 SAlIOGER,\,.LLE reimbursed for support of pauper ...... - ...... 570 road from Kenney's corner to East Sangerville ...... •...... 606 road from Kenney's corner to Page's corner ...... o •••••••• 590 SARGENT, ARRIA S. pension ...... 681 SCARBORO main count}" road ...... •...... •...... 606 SCREENING certain lakes and ponds ...... ••....••..••...... ••....•...•. 615 SEARSillONT road from Bickford's corner to Lincolnville center ...... •... 606 SERASTICOOX;;: RIVER West Branch, closed season on muskrat on ...... 694 SEBEC AND ATKINSON reconstruction of Union bridge between towns ...... 576 SEDGWICK Ridge road 606 SEilIINARIES appropriation for 647 702 SENATE chaplains of, appropriation for .....••••...... •••...... 614 721 payroll ...... •...... •...... 644 722 SENATORIAL DISTRICTS state divided into ...... ••...... •...... 622 SENATORS amendment to constitution to provide number of .....•...... 634 United States, state rights in nomination and election of...... 623 SHALLOW POND fishing in ...... •...... 657 SHAPLEIGH road from Shapleigh's corner to Ross corner ...... 606 SHEA, illINlIoJE, ilIRS. compensated for injuries 559 SHEPARD, LEON P. accident compensation to 667 SHERBURNE, OLIVETTE pension ...... -...... • • . . . . . •. 579 INDEX 941 1931 1933 Page Page SHERilLLlIi road from B~nedict.a .to .SI~ermaI) corner ...... •...... 606 SHIRLEY compensated for support of family ...... •...... 578 SIDE\VALIi: construction in front of State House grounds ...... 582 SIDNEY Pond road 606 SIilIilIONS, SUSIE E. pension ...... 674 "SKETCHES OF BROOIi:S ·HISTORY" purchase of ...... •.•.... 701 SIi:O"U'HEGAN road to East Madison from ...... 606 SUELT BROOK taking of smelts in ...... •...... 706 SillELTS taldng of from certain waters ...... 653 taking of in East niachias River ...... 652 taldng of in Panther Pond ...... 653 tal,ing of in and Smelt Brewl;: ...... 706 SilIITH, WILLIAill S·.

pension ... . 0 ••••• 0° ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 693 SNOW 1IlOUNT"UN POND fishing in ...... : ...... 677 SOCIAL WELFARE, BUREAU OF deficiency appropriation ...... , ...... '" . " .. . 710 SOLDIERS ...... dependents of, pensions for ...... 579 pensions for ...... 649 Revolutionary War, marldng graves of ...... 649 SOillERSET ACADEillY aid from adjustment fund ...... 648 SOillERSET COUNTY representatives to legislature from ...... 631 SOnERSET FARnERS' CO-OPERATIVE TELEPHOl'w~ COillPANY reimbursenlent ,to ...... 656 SOilIERVII,LE Sand hill road· ...... 606 SOPER BROOK fishing in ...... •• 654 SOUCIE, WILLIAill sale and conveyance to ...... 557 673 SOURDABSCOOK STREAilI building of fishway at mouth of ...... 636 SOURDN"~UNK ROAD repair ...... - ...... 625 SOUTH BERWICK road from North· Berwicl,· ·to· ...... 607 SOUTH THOillASTON Buttermill, Lane road •...... 607 SOUTHWEST HARBOR road to Fernald's Point ...... 607 SPE,~, BERTHA pension ...... • ...... • ...... 579 SPENCER, CASSIE E. pension ...... •...... •...... 674 SPRINGFIELD reimbursed for support of paupers ...... 572-3 SPROUL, GEORGIA U. pension ...... 682 S~UARE .LA~ Ice fishmg m ...... 647 STAC"l:,'II,LE PLANTATION Kelly road ...... 607 reimbursed for support of paupers ...... •...... 570 STANDISH road from Sebago Lal,e village to North Windham ...... 607 STARKS . road from New Sharon to ...... 607 STATE A "\'IATION FIELD, AUGUSTA improvement ...... 624, 649 STATE DH'IDED INTO EXECUTIVE COUNCILLOR DISTRICTS .... 637 STATE HOSPITAL. AUGUST.\. ne\\' construction,' at ...... ~ ...... 624 942 INDE2I.. 1931 1933 Page Page STATE HOSPITAL, BANGOR new construction at ...... 624 nurses' home, construction ...... 615 STATE HOUSE GROUNDS construction of sidewalk in front of •...... ••••••.••...... •.... 582 STATE LIBRARY BUILDING construction provided for ...... •. 632 STATE lIlILITARY AND NAVAL CHILDREN'S HOlliE construction of infirmary at ...... ••••...... •..•..•. 581 STATE REFORlIlATORY FOR lIlEN property adjacent to be purchased •..•...... ••••••..•.•..• 567 STATE SCHOOL, POWNAL construction at ...... •.....••...... •..•••••...... 573 STATUE OF GENER~"-L HOWARD completion ...... •.•...... ••• 650 STATUE OF HANNIBAL HAlIILIN to be placed in National Statuary Hall ...... ••.•.•...... 625 STENOGRAPHERS OF LEGISLATIVE COlUlIlITTEES compensation of ...... •...•.•...... •...... 618 724 STETSON Buzzell bridge ...... •....•..•...... •.•••.•• 607 reimbursed ...... ••••...•...... •.•••.....• 551 STETSON POND screening ...... 617 STEUBEN road from Pinkham's Bay to Petit Manan Gate ...... •••..••. 607 STEVENS,FRED E. pension ...... ••.••••.•••••...... 688 STEVENS, GEORGE L. attendance and mileage 727 STOCKHOLlIl road from New Sweden to ...... ••..••...•.•..... 608 STOCIi:TON SPRINGS reimbursed from funds of department of education ...... ••••..•• 552 STOW road from Stow corner to Union htll ...... •...... •.•.... 608 STRONG road between Strong village and New Vineyard ....••••...... ••.. 608 STUDLEY, EVIE lIlORELEN teacher's pension ...... •...... ••...... 541 STURTEVANT POND fishing in tributaries of ...•...... •...... ••..•.••.. 665 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS deficiency appropriation ...... •...... 710 SURRY South Surry road 608 SWANVILLE road from Swanville lIiIills to North Searsport ...... •...... •.•.. 608 SWEDEN road from Lovell to Brighton ...... ••...... •••.•..•. 608 S~ET'S. PO~D ice fishmg in ...... •...... 654

PUBLIC LAWS T TALlIL"-DGE certain waters opened to fishing ...... •...... ••.•.• 315 TAX collector ...... •...... • ...... •. 246 on gasoline, refund in certain cases ...... 37 used for aeronautical purposes, disposition of money from ...... 271 on loan and building associations ...... •... 34 refund in certain cases ...... ••...... •.....•.••.••.•.•. 30 TAX, EXCISE charitable organizations exempted from ...... 80 on gasoline, deduction on provided for ...... 175 increased ...... •...... 266 on motor vehicles ...... 205, 239, 241 TAXATioN bureau of ...... •..•...... •...... 219 corporate franchises ...... •....•.•.. 274 INDEX 943 1931 1933 Page Page 'l'A.. '-~ATION exemption of certain property from ...... •...... 428 exemption of estates from •...... 29 inheritance and estate ...... • 283 motor vehicles ...... •.....•...... 59 non-par stoelt ...... 249 notice of taxable property to non-residents ...... •. 323 of non-resident estates ...... 281 shares of stock of trust and banking companies ...... 286 unauthorized insurance companies ~ ..... " ...... 159 T_·\.. '-~ES collection ..•...... ••...... 348 enforcement of tax liens on real estate .....•.....•...... •. 403 prepayment of .....••....•...... •...... ••...... 345 rate of interest ...... •...... 350 TAYLOR POND ice fishing in, prohibited ...... •...... •.•...... •...... 316 TEACHERS health certificates for •....•...... •...... 236 helping ..•...... •..•...... 173 232 pensions. deducted from state school fund ...... •...... 12 qualifications of ...... •...... •...... •...•. 32 retirement ...... 237 retirement act. deducted from state school fund ...... •...... 12 retirement fund collections ...... 6 TELEPHONE AND 'l'ELEGRAPH COllIPANlES apportionment of tax .•...... •...... •.. 371 TElIIPLE fishing in certain waters 315 TERlIlS of county commissioners court in Washington .....•...... •.. 5 of superior court in Androscoggin and Franklin changed ...... 74 trial. in York county, location of. changed ...... •• 198 TESTIlIIONY talting of ...... ••...... 407 THIRD CL.. ~SS HIGHWAYS con'strUCtlon ...... " ...... 123 construction and maintenance ...... •...... 283 maintenance ...... 121 THOlllAS POND tributaries of. closed to fishing ...... ••...... •....•.... 48 THORN CRAG-STANTON BIRD SANC'l'UARY established ...... 275 THOROUGHFARES under general fish and game laws ...... 220 THREE lIIILE PO~-n talting of smelts in tributaries of ...... 44 TillIE. STANDARD designated ...... 307 TOGUE fishing for, for gain or hire ...... 190 size and weight of catch ...... 365 TOOTHAIi:ER POND fishing in regulated ...... 311 TOPOGRAPHIC l\IAPPING appropriation suspended 421 TOWN CLERIi:S duties with respect to vital statistics and burial permits ...... 17.23 to give certificates of intentions of marriage ...... 165 TOWN 1I1EETINGS relating to ...... 339 TOWNS authorized to license public dance halls ...... 300 may raise money for acadell1ies ...... " ...... 94 providing for line signs ...... 394 TOWNS AND CITIES may operate. etc. airports ...... 203 may raise money for dental hygienist ...... 53 TRAFFIC interruption of. prohibited 118 TRAILERS fees for registration ...... 294 T~~SFER . certain trust funds ...... 150 TRANSPORTATION certain fish. regulated .. ; ...... : ...... 316 clams. beyond limits of state. during closed time ...... 184 !l44 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page TRANSPORTATION deer, beyond state ...... •...... 113 discharged prisoners ...... •...... 123 paroled prisoners ...... •...... 181 TRAPPING certain birds, prohibited as bait for ...... 171 fees for licenses' ...... ' ...... ••...... 221 fur-bearing animals ...... •.•...... ! •••• 68 licenses, annual ...... 256 Oosoola stream, closed to ...... 202 Rangele).r Galne Preser\Te on ...... 60 see also Fisll and Ganlc Lan's TRA.PS 183 ~rsit1~~esan'ci' ~~tt'i;"g'::::: : : ::: ::: ::: :::: :::: : ::: ::::::::::::::::: 203 TREASUREH of Somerset County, salary increased ...... •...... 122 of Washington County, salary increased ...... ' ...... 56 TREES to be marked WhEln public shade trees ...... 222 shade, forest or ornamental, improvement etc...... 360 TRIAL .TUSTICES jurisdiction and duties ...... 253 TRIAL LISTS in Aroostook County 230 TRL'\'L TERH!oi in York County ...... 198 THInUTARIES Cnrrab.asset rh~er, fishing in regulated ...... 323 CUIlsuptie Lak.... fishing in regulated ...... 321 De~l(l riYer, fishing in, regulated ...... 321 St. Croix riYer, closed to fishing for certain time ...... 319 St. John rh'er, fly fishing in regulated ...... 323 Sebago lake. taldng of smelts from, unlawful ...... •...... 323 Soutb br:1neh of Dead river, fishing in, regulated ...... 321 SIle"r Stream, fishing in regulated ...... •...... 319 TROUT certain ,vaters openf'd to ice fishing for ...... 322 fishing in Card's Mill str"am, prohibited ...... 315 fishing for. for gain or hire ...... 190 size and weight of catch ... '..... ' ...... 365 TROUT LAKE. LITTLE ) opened to fishing ...... ,...... •...... •...... 315 TRUCli:S / registration of two-and-a-1J.a.1i ton ...... 157 supervision and control of motor 'vehicles transporting property for hire ...... 429 TRUST COlUPANIES borrowing capacity ...... 191 establishment and closing of branches ...... ;; ...... ; ...... 184 increase of capital stocl;: ...... 15 minimum amount of capital .stocl;:, increased ...... 16 organization. of ...... 17 protection of ...... 227 qualifications of directors of ...... 15 regulation of loans' by ...... : .... : .... : ...... 108 state and other governmental units may participate in reorganiza" tion. manag"ement or continuation of ...... 305 taxation of shares of stock of ...... 286 TRUST FUND, S'l'A'l'E relating to ...... 191 TRUST. FUNDS may be transferred ...... ; ... ;; .... : ...... ; ...... 150 municipal, investment of ...... ,. 68 TRUSTEES transfer of trust funds of ...... •...... 150 TRUS'l'EES OF JUVENILE INS'l'ITUTIONS see Code TRUSTEES OF THE ~I.AINE STA.TE:r,IBRARY see COlle TRUSTEES OF REFOR~IATORY FqR WO~[EN see COIle TUBEHCULOSIS in domestic animals ...... 43 in institutions ...... 81 in li,Te stocli: .'O' .... 'O •••••••••• 'O.'o'.: •••• o'.; ~ •••••••• ; ,; ,; ••••••••••• 219 registration and control ...... •...... •... 34 sanatoriums for treatInent .of ...... •...... 122 payment for. treatment. at ...... 367 see also Code INDEX U45 1931 1933 Page Page TUITION in secondary schools ...•.....•...... 35 201 TURNER certain waters in, opened to ice fishing ...... , ...... •...... 319 TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS IN REVISION corrected ...... 241

PRIVATE,AND SPECIAL LAWS T TAX, STATE assessment for year 1931 ...... 523 for year 1932 ...... 532 for year 1933 ...... •...... •...... 635 for year 1934 ...... •...... 637 TAXATION COlllmission on ...... 614 money to be raised for promotion of health in Franklin County ...• 493 THEOLOGICAL SE~II::s-ARY IN BAJ.VGOR no limitation on amount of property ...... 343 THREE 'l'OWN AC'l' Atbens ...... 419 Brighton Plantation ...... 419 CornyiJle ...... 419 Standish 398 TOLL ON PULP,\VOOD AND LOGS over dam of Big Blacl;: River Dam Company increased ...... •... 357 TOLLS increase of, on logs over dam at Pistol lake ...... 399 TOW~ COUNCIL AJ.VD lUANAGER FOR)I OF GOVERN1UENT provided for Presque Isle ...... •..•...... 486 TOW~ OF LINCOLN SCHOOL DISTRIC'.r incorporated ...... 437 TO,\VN LINE BETW-EEN HANCOCK Al'!;-n LA3IOINE reestablished ...... •...... 533 TO,\VN lIIANAGER OF BAR HARBOR salary" increased ...... 344 TREASURE ISLA. .cVD name of Soward Island changed' to ...... 442 TREASURER OF PENOBSCOT COUN'l'Y to purchase ~Iaine Reports ...... 331 TREASURER O}<' STA'l'E authorized to receive certain property for Pownal State School ... . 474 state highway construction, to issue bonds for ...... 348 TRUSTEES OF B_-L~GOR 'rHEOLOGICAL SElIIINARY certain provisions relating to repealed ...... 343 TRUSTEES OF COLBY COLLEGE number increased ...... 345 TURNER BOOllI COllIPAl'!;--Y incorporated ...... 366

RESOLVES T TACOlllA LAli"ES ice fishing in ...... 660 TARRAD_UN, BERTHA pension ...... 580 T.L~ES county, laying of for 1931 ...... 553 for 1932 ...... •...•...... 554 for 1933 ...... •...... 709 for 1934 ...... 710 overpayment of, London Guarantee and Accident Company com- pensated for ...... 562 TA1:~OR, ,\VALLACE pension ...... '...... 691 TEE POND taldng of salmon in ...... •...... •...... 654 TElIIPLE road from to Farnlington ...... 608 946 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page THORNDIIi:E road to East Thorndike ...... ••..••..•.....•....•..•....•.. 608 THREE llIILE POND fishing in ..•...... •...... •...•...... 652 TOPSFIELD road from route No. 1 to Codyville ...... •...... 608 TOPSHAlII Middlesex road ...••...... : .....•....•...... •••...... 609 TOWNSHIPS I, R. 9; 2, R. 9; 2, R. 10; 3, R. 10 repair of road ...... •...... 625 TOWNSHIP 10, HANCOCK COUNTY repair of road ...... •...... 625 711 TRACY BROOK BRIDGE repair of, in town of Durham ...... •...... ••.... 578 TRAIP. ROBERT W. ACADE211Y ai'd from adjustment fund ...... 648 TRE2110NT road from West Tremont to Mt. D"sert •...... •...... 609 TI,l;ESC~TT _" Crow s Necl, road ...... 609 TROOP, HARRY E. pension ...... •...... • • ...... 580 697 TROUT catching in certain waters of Somerset County ...... 676 in Androscoggin County ...... 677 length of, in York County ...... 661 TROY road from Troy center to Unity ...... 609 TRUEWORTHY, HAROLD E. pension ...... •...... •...... •... 550 TRUSTEES OF HEBRON AC.-tiJ:E21IY compensation for claim ...... •...... 614 TUBERCULOSIS hospitalization of tuberculosis patients ...... •...... ••...... 701 TURlIlER. NELLm E. pension ...... 549 TURNER (town) road from North Turner bridge to North Turner' ...... 609 TURTLE POND BROOK fishing in ...... •...... •..•.....•••...... 651

PUBLIC LAWS U UNDERTAIi:ERS registration and regulation ••...... '..•..•...... ••. 6 UIIlIFORlll state highway police, wearing restricted ...... •...... 2 UNIFOR211 2l10TOR VEHICLE LEGISLA,TION commission on ...... 270 UIIHNCORPORATED BODIES transfer of trust funds of ...... •..••...... •....•• 150 UNION SUPERINTEllrDENTS subsidy decreased ...... ••...... •..•...... 199 UNIVERSITY OF lIlAINE compensation of treasurer ...... 190 resident auditor .•...... ••.••...... ••...... 102 UNWORTHY ATTORNEYS information against .....•....•.•...... •...... •...... 13 UPPER DAlII fishing in pool at, regulated ....•...••...... •. 322 UPPER DOBSIS LAKE opened to ice fishing ..... " ...... •... 314 UPPER EBElIlEE POND opened to ice fishing ...... 324 UPPER FLOOD LAKES opened to fishing ...... •...... ••...... •...... 315 UPPER NARROWS POND fishing regulations in ...... •...... 323 UPPER TAYLOR BROOK fishing in ...... •..••...... •...•...•...•...... 168 INDEX 947

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS U 1931 1933 Page Page Ul'flON BRIDGE, CALAIS state to acquire American portion ...... 595 UlIo-:ION TERlIIINAL COllIPANY charter extended ...... 341 UNIVERSALIST CHURCHES property of extinct or disbanded ...... 358

RESOLVES U UNElIlPLOYlIIENT INSURA__lIrCE Recess Committee ...... 692 UNIFORlII LEGISLA.TION appropriation for commission on ...... 566 UNION road in ...... 609 UNION BRIDGE reconstruction of, between towns of Sebec and Atkinson ...... 576 UlIo-:ION RIVER taking smelts from certain waters of ...... 653 UNITY road from Freedom to Ayer's corner ...... 609 road from Unity village to Troy ...... 609 UNITED STATES SENA'l'ORS state rights in nomination and election of ...... 623

PUBLIC LAWS V V_4..CATION hearings and judgments in ...... 166 VACCIN_4..TION regulation ...... 42 VALIDATED certain organizations of corporations ...... 3 V_4..SSALBORO Natanis game preserve established in ...... 79 VEHICLES by-laws of towns, cities and villages regulating ...... 363 commercial. speed ...... 244 weight limited ...... 324 see also lIIotor Veldcles VENEREAL DISEASES treatment and regulation ...... 11 VERlIIIN extermination 67 VESSELS quarantine ...... 39 unfired steam pressure, registration ...... 126 ,\'ETER_4..NS OF WORLD WAR support of dependents of ...... 325 VILLAGE CORPORA.TION may elect an inspector of buildings ...... 86 VIOLATIONS fish and game laws, issuing license after ...... 119 liquor law ...... 33 VISITING COllIlIIITTEES OF COUNCIL see COIle VITAL RECORDS OF ST_4..TE completion ...... 306 repeal of obsolete law relating to ...... 164 VITAL STATISTICS certified copies of ...... 255 registrar ...... 16 VIVISECTION practice of in schools ...... 164 948 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page VOTERS "absentee" defined ...... 267 registration ...... •...... 195 of ",varnen ...... 187 VOTING CO:JIPART1UENTS number of ...... 161

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS V VALIDATION OF Cumberland bar association acts ...... 360 incorporation of Portland Seamen's Friend Society ...... •...... •. 491 organization of Hancock Publishing Company ...•••••••...•....•. 376 Sea and Shore Fisheries Commission meetings ...... 511 VA.LIDITY The CongTegational Conference, and ~1issionary Society of ~Iaine,

previous transactiollS."o ..... 0"0 ...... 0'0 ...... : ...... 331 VA.l~ nUREN 'VATER DIS'l'RICT election of officers for ...... •...... 464 VA.J.~CEnORO WATER CO:JIP"LlIo-Y incorporated '" ...... •...... 413 charter extendcd ...... •...... 467 VASSALnORO three town agreement with Sidney and Augusta ...... 419 VIJ,LA.GE CORPORATION Madawaska incorporated ...... 467 Ogunquit, charter amended ...... •...... •..... 518

RESOLVES V VAN nUREN road to Long Lal;:e ...... 610 VANCEnORO road from Canadian line to Lambert Lake ...... •. 610 VASSALnORO ·Oak Grove road ...... • '.' ...... 610 VEAZIE reimbursed for support of .Mishio. family ...... ••...... ••••. 708 VIENNA road from Seavey's corner to Chestervnle ...... ••..•• 610 VINAJ.HAVEN rabbit hunting . '.' ...... 658 reimbursed for support of pauper ...... •...... •.. 572 road in ...... •...... •.. 610 VOTING JJIACHINES .. proposed constitutional amendment authorizing u~e· of .....•.... 671

PUBLIC LAWS W "'-AGES minimum for laborers On public works ...... •••...... 387 WALDO COUNTY fishing regulations in Mixer pond .....•.....•...... •••...••...... 321 WALIi:ER nROOI{:··· .. .. fishing in ...... •.....•...... •....••. .••...... 47 WAR nOND SINIUNG FUND relating to ...... 373 WARDENS, CHIEF GA:JIE .... : . . to mark beaver skins ...••...... 290 "7ASHI~G:rON !J0UNTY COmmiSSIOners court; terms ...... 5 fishing regulated in certain ,,"aters ...... 3~~ treasurer of. ~~lary, i~creased "...... ·... '0·.·.·." ...... 0'0 ...... WATER sale of ...... '.' ...... •...... 13 WATERFOWL .. . . shooting of, prohibited ...... •...... 47 use of live de.coysa,nd boats in hunting ...... •... 216 use of po,ver-boats in hunting ...... 212 WATERS pollution of certain inland ...•...... •••.... 97 INDEX 949 1931 1933 Page Page 'YATER"'ORKS Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans [or construction o[ 396 "'EIGHTS AND lIIEASURES relating to ...... 3,10 'VEIRS construction ...... 136 protection ...... •...... '. 135 'YELFARE, DEPAR'rilIENT 01<' HEAL'!'H AND ...... •...... 219 see also HenIth amI "'e\fure 'VES'!' BATH GA~IE PIlESERYE relating to ...... •.....•...... •...... 206 WEST GARDINER certain waters closed lo fishing ...... 317 'VHARYES license to build ...... •...... 110 'VHISTLES , railroad locomotives, on, regulated ...... •...... 21 'VHITEFISH taldng of ...... 310 'YILSON LAIi:E ' fishing in, regulated .....•...... •.•...••...... •.•..•.. 320 'YILTON fishing in certain waters, regulated ...... •. 320 muskrats protected in 'Vilson lake and Coos brook ...... 56 'VINTHROP , fishing regulations in certain waters .....•...... 323 game preserve, established '•....•...... •...... 99 'VIRE LINES along certain highways, permit for ...... •...... •..•• 19·1 W1TNESSES uniform act to secure attendance from without the state ill criminal cases ...... 296 'VOilIEN registration as voters ...... •...... 187 'VOllIEN, IlEORlIlATORY :FOR commitments to ...... 1-1 'YOIlIGUEN'S COllIl'ENSATION AC'l' "a,rerage "\\reeli:ly wages" ...... 129 certain employers exempted ...... 242 filing of petition ...... •...... 130 payment of death injuries ...... •..•...... 129 'VORLD ",VAR RELIEF COllIllIlSSION see Code 'VORLD WAR VETERANS support of dependents of ...... , ...... •.•..... 325 'VRECKS AND SHIP",VRECKED GOODS. COIUilllSSIONERS repeal of obsolete, law relating to ...... 166 'WRITS, ETC. Androscoggin and Franklin counties, in ...... •...... 75 WYllIAN BIlOOIi: fishing in, regulated •...... •..•...... •...... •.... 31<1

PRIV ATE AND SPECIAL LAWS W 'VALDO COUNTY salaries of officials ...... •...... 594 'VALDO-HANCOCK BRIDGE expense of ...... 507 '''AHREN IIIEIIIORIAL FOUNDA'rlON right to hold property ...... •. 3·12 W"A.SHBURN tovrn council and manager fOrIll of g'overnlnent ...... 585 'VA.SHINGTON COUNTY salaries of officials ...... , .. 594 'VATER COllIPAIII-Y Bethel, incorporation amended ...... 4nO Blueberry Farni, of Camden, incorporation ...... ; ...... ·165 WATER DISTRICT Bath, investment of sinking fund ...... 476 Gray, addition to charter ...... 495 Guilford and Sangen-ilIe, incorporation amended ... , ...... • " .. 445 Portland, authorized to acquire certain properties ...... 477 charter amended ...... ••...... •..•••...... •. 482 950 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page 'WATERDORO money may be raised for certain pUl'jloses ...... 477 ",VATERVILLE Board of Finance established ...... 520 ",VEIR construction in Chandler Bay ...... •...... 375, 40-1 'VESSERRUNSETT LAliLE water not to be taken from •...... 352 'VEST ATHENS ROAD special pro,'isions for ...... n~ "'VEST DANGOR AND HEHilIOX ilIU'l'UAL FlUE JNSUHANCE COillPANY charter amended ...... 526 "'ESTERN HANCOCK illUNICIPAL COUU'I' Bucksport, terms of ...... •...... 01012 "'ESTERN IIIAINE SANATOHIUill appropriation for employees' building' .•...... • 537 ",VHARF IN LONG LAKE construction of ...... •...... •...... 537 'VINDHAiU united under three town act ...... 3!)S "'VIS CAS SET, ",VATEltVILLE AlIiD FARilIING'l'ON R"UL'VAY COilIPANY incorporated ...... •...... •.. 465 ",VYIIIA.N LAli:E designated ...•...... •...... •••...... 377

RESOLVES W "r,UiLEFIELD, ADDIE L. IJension ...... 6n ",VALDO COUNTY representatives to legislature, frol11 ...... 631 'VALDO (town) road from Brool

pension ...... ,.,...... 0'0 6SS WOODSTOCI{ road to Rumford from ...... •...... •.•..• 613 WOOLWICH reimbursed for expense in elimin:tting grade C'rossing .....•...... 637

Ri\rer road .. 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••• 00 •••••• 613 "U'ORI.D WAR VETERAN CLAIJIS appropriating money to pay ...... •. finn "U'ORROnON'rOGUS FISH AND GAJrE ASSOCIATION

reilllbursed .... o ••••••••••• 0 ., • 0 ••••••••••••••• , •••••••• 0 ••••• 0" 616 WORTHLEY POND fishing in ...... •...... •...... 670 WRIGHT, LORENZO D. pension ...... •...... •.....• 549 WYLIE, E. "I. compensated for capturing escaped prisoners ...... 552 "U'YTOPITLOCI{ BRIDGE reconstruction ...... •...... •...... 575 WYTOPr'l'LOCI{ LAI{E screening outlet ...... 616 952 INDEX

PUBLIC LAWS Y 1931 1933 Page Page YORH: COUNTY ice fishing regulated in certain waters •...... •...... 84 fishing in certain waters regulated ...... 314, 321 location of trial terms, in ...... •...... 198 open season for fishing regulated ...... 320 pollution of Chase's pond, prevented ...... 82

PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS Y YORIi: COUNTY . salaries of officials 595 to procure and i's's'';'; 'b~~(l~' 't~' 'rei;';iliI' Co~;·t 'ii~us~':::::::: 581 YORH: HARBORVILL."-GE improvement York river· authori·zed ...... '. 4GG YORH: POND dam at outlet authorized ...... ••.. 480 YORH: RIVER improvement authoI'ized 4GG

RESOLVES Y YARlIlOUTH Gilman road ...... •...... 613 reimbursed for support of pauper ...... 572 YORH:, HESLYN l?ension •...... 549 YORH: COUNTY fishing in ...... •...... 672 !lshing for ~ickerel in ...... 672 lee fislllng In ...... 700 length of trout in lakes and ponds of ...... 6G1 representatives to legislature fro111 ...... 631 restoration of early records ...... 557 YORH: (town) open season on brooks in ...... " ...... 660 old Post road ...... •..• 613 YORH:, 1I1AINE, HISTORY. OF purchase of ....•...•...... •.•...... •...... 563 YORH: RIVER taking of sm'eIts in ...... •...• 70G YOUNG, COR."- n. pension ...... •...... 579