Senate, Index
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from electronic originals (may include minor formatting differences from printed original) RECORD INDEX – MAINE SENATE 123rd LEGISLATURE - A - ABANDONED PROPERTY Management Law Enforcement Agencies LD 1085 231, 632 ABORTION Providers Mandatory Reporters Of Sex Abuse LD 61 57, 526 Services Funds To Reimburse Eligible Women LD 1309 259, 689 Vital Statistics Published Annually LD 973 225, 604 ABUSE & NEGLECT Children Failure To Ensure School Attendance LD 454 118, 854, 871-872 (RM), 898, 981 Domestic Abuse/Sexual Assault Programs Funds LD 2289 1747-1756 (RM RC) (2), 1756 (RC) Domestic Violence Shelters Addresses Confidential LD 2271 1670, 1720, 1779 Training Criminal Justice Academy LD 1039 225, 938, 976, 1066 Victims Review Of Measures To Protect LD 1990 1323, 1730, 1763, 1861 (RM RC) Economic Recovery Loan Program LD 1796 370, 407, 415-420 (RM RC), 422-423 (RM RC) Mandated Reporters Animal Control Officers LD 584 137, 581, 610, 668 Family Violence Victim Advocates LD 2243 1518, 1776, 1810 Sexual Assault Counselor LD 2243 1518, 1776, 1810 Protection From Dating Partner Stalk/Assault Victim LD 988 226, 849, 898, 981 Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Prevention School & Community-Based LD 1224 234, 1031 Suspicious Child Deaths Investigations & Reporters LD 2000 1324, 1784, 1861 ACCESS TO INFORMATION Adoptees Medical & Family History LD
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