MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) ACTS AND RESOLVES AS PASSED BY THE Eigh ty-sixth Legislature OF THE STATE OF MAINE From April 4, 1931, to March 31, 1933 AND MISCELLANEOUS STATE PAPERS Published by the Secretary of State in conjunction with the Revisor of Statutes in accordance with the Resolves of the Legislature approved June 28,1820, March 18,1840, March 16,1842, and an Act approved April 2, 1931. KENNEBEC JOURNAL COMPANY AUGUSTA, MAINE I933 INDEX 865 Index to Acts and R~solves Passed at the Special Session of I932 PUBLIC LAWS FUEL, INTERNAL CO:ilIDUSTION ENGINE relating to gasoline ................................................. XXXII PRBIARY ELECTIONS relating to .......................................................... XXXI PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS EXPENDI'l'URES OF GOVEltN:ilIENT appropriation for necessary expenses of legislature •................... x:x::x:vIn RESOLVES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIYES payroll .............................................................. XXXIX SENATE payroll .............................................................. XXXIX Index to Acts and Resolves Passed at Sessions of the Eighty-Fifth and Eighty-Sixth Legislatures PUBLIC LAWS A 1931 1933 Page Page ADSENT YOTING relating to ..................................................... 234 term "absentee" defined .................................................................................. .. 267 ACADE:ilIIC RECORDS preservation ........................................................................................................ .. 332 ACADE:ilIIES . state ai d for .......................................•............ 71 241 state aid for ................................................... 200 268 state aid for ....................................... : ........... 312 towns may raise money for ..................................... 94 ACADIA NATIONAL PARK road crossing ................................................... 159 ACCOUNTS adrnissihilit3T as e1ridence .............................................................................. .. 19.9 institutions, to be audited ....................................... 102 military, payment of clarified ..... : ............................. 291 public utilities, need not be filed ............................... 90 AD:ilIIIIIISTRATION OF STATE new code ............................................. ; ......... 206 AD:ilIIl\'IS'l'RATORS AND EXECUTORS actions by Or against .......................................... 247 AD:ilIISSION TO PRACTICE non-resident attorneys .......................................... 159 AERONAUTICAL PURPOSES uses of money from tax on gasoline fOr ......................... 271 AGE . minimum,. for fishing licenses .................................................................... .. 176 AGENTS appointment by non-resident nlortgagee ................................................ .. 160 COD1Jll.Creinl 311d otilcr .................................................................................... .. 278 of insurance conlI.anies, qualifications of ......................... 125 INDEX 1931 1933 Page Page AGREEiUENTS, CORRUPT by attorneys and others ........................................ 327 AGRICUL'l'URAL SOCIE'l'IES . state aid to ..., .................................................. 18 249 AGRICUL'l'URE, .COIlL1IISSIONER OF enforcement of provisions relating to clams ..................... 141 salary .................................................. : ....... 257 to cooperate with U. S. Department of Agriculture . ~ ........... 79 ~ClL~'l' lIcenSIng ............................................................ 445 Sunday operation ...................................................... 308 AIRPOR'l'S, IIIUNICIPAL acquisition of land ............... ; ............................. 203 air rights, easements and zoning ............................... 203 appropriations, bond issues and taxation ....................... 204 authorized ...................................•................... 203 lands acquired for. shall be for public uses ....................... 203 maintenance, operation and regulation ......................... 204 AIR WORn:; ·C01UPRESSED rules and regulations governing ................................. 137 ALDER STREAlIl fishing in ....................................................... 321 _4.LEWH'ES regulation of industry ........................................... 132 tal~ing of ........................................................ 200 ALFRED . certain waters in, open to fishing ............................... 322 trial terms of y'orlc County at ................................. 198 AIIIENDl\IENTS, CONSTITUTIONAL ballots conJaining ............................................... 69 ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY fishing in ..................................................... '.... 316 game preserve established in ................................... 275 salary of county conlrnissioners of .................................................. .. 55 taking of smelts from certain waters in ......................... 323 trial terms of superior court, changed ........................... 74 ANDL\LS dead, disposition of carcass ..................................... 38 fUr l)caring, open season on ......................................................................... .. 330 trapping of .................................................. 68 neglected and aba.udoned, care of ......................................................... .. 89 wild, damage done by ........................................... 156 for parI;: exhibition purposes .................................. 197 payment of damages done by ................................. 44 ANNARESSACOOIi: LAIi:E closed season on certain fish ..................................... 318 ANTITOXIN A;g~J~~l1u~si ................................................. 32 40 ~~i~~~\';~~ .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: 40 penalty for falsely claiming to be ............................... 40 registration of ................................................. 40 relating to, and sale of poisons ................................. 347 APPEALS in certain tax cases ... : ........................................ 30 APPLES pacl'i:ing allq grading .................................................................................... .. 152 APPLICANTS AS DEALERS IN SECURITIES fees ............................................................ APPORTIONl\IENT excise tux, between municipal corporations ........................................ ". 59 represelltati'l"es to Congr(ass ," ... "....... 0." ................................................. .. 277 APPROPRIATION law, obsolete, repealed ........................................... 83 ·maintenance of state highway· police; ·for ....................... 327 ARNOLD HIGHWAY designated ........................ : ............................. 310 ARNOLD TRAIL. designating certain road as .. : .................................................................... .. 233 AROOSTOOIi: COUNTY fishing in ............ ;........................................... 314 trial lists in .......................•............................ 230 ART COIlIiIlISSION created ......................................................... 314 ASSAULT AND BATTERY jurisdiction of municipal courts ................................ 63 penalty ......................................................... 226 INDEX 867 1931 1933 Page Page ASSAYERS OF ORES A..."'VD lIIETALS see Code .. ~ ... ~ ~ ... ~ .... ' ~ ........ ~ .................................. ASSESSORS may apportion excise taxes. between municipal corporations ..•... 59 to give notice of taxable property ..•.•...•....•.....•........... 323 to make annual. returns .•.......................•..••..••....•• 254 ASSOCIATIONS transfer of trust funds of ..•.......•.•.•..•................•••... 150 ATTACHlIIENTS when dissolved by appointment o! receiver ;: ...•••••........•.•• 25 and exeeution, property exempt nom. ..•.•..........•.••.......... 245 ATTE_-LlV LAKE fishing in ...•••........•.•.•.••....••.••...•.••••.••••..••...•..• 319 ATTENDANCE elementary schools' .;. ;.; ...• ; ....... ; ..•. , .. ; ...... ; ..•... ; ......•• 10 ATTOIL'VEY GENERAL biennial report ..•• ; •.••..........•.•....•• : •••.................. 245 expense of ...... ; ....•••....•. : ... :.:; •.•.... : ..•..••...........• 73 legal assistance to Health & Welfare Department .... :::: ....••.. ATTORNEYS admission to practice ....•.......•••.............•••••.•..•....... 160 corrupt agreements by •.............•..••.....••..•........... 327 resident outside the state ••..•.........•...•...••.....•••••.. _ ... 159 unworthy •..•..•.•...................•......•....•.....•......•.•... 13 AUBURN fishing in .......................................................... 316 AUDIT department of created ..........•........................•........ 225 AUDITOR ...... resilIent, of University of :i\Iaine ••..••...•....••..••....••••...... 102 stute, salary ..................•..•......•....•..........•....... 230 AUTOllIOBILES see Motor ",\Tehiclcs AUTOPSIES of unclaimed bodies •••........•.•••........•••............••..•• 208 AZISCOHOS LAKE entrance designated .......••...•...•...••....••..•......•.•....... 47 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL
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