Tonight HJattrlyrBtrr ^urtttng M. H-. B. and Bnsted In t-wlHght game at ML Nebo at 4:45 o’clock. Also circus at Dougherty’s lot. T o fn o rrrrw Opening of Y. M. C. A. athletic field with M. H. S.-MldJletown track Hale’s Is Ready With Glamorous New meeL and baseball game. Saturday— thecal atudant* of th« Also S6th anniversary entertain­ Starts For East Coast •tadlaa of Vualc will travel to Mld- ment and dance of Scandla Lodge, F.D. DECLARES Reich to Ask Return WHEAT RAISERS tonight to play to the an- Order of Vasa, at Orange hall. Ends Our t xnial 8tu<»ent rodtal to be held at Next Week Fashions For Summer’s First Holiday/ HOUSE TURNS DOW the Flret Congregational Church May 27—Banquet of Young Re­ HE WOULD VETO VOTE TODAY ON Pariah Houae, 190 Court •‘*'^1. publican club At Masonic Temple. Of Former Colonies atndenta and their paren^ will May 27 and 28—Annual Klwanls May Sale laava the atudlo at 7 p. m. T^e re­ show at Hollister street school. SALES TAX MEASU cital atarta at 8 p. ni. and la open May 29--Dancs at Country club. Just Unpacked! New Summery S E C i m BILL London, May 25—(AP) — Qer-X Adolph Hitler's Reichstag speech REIGNJF AAA to the public. June 1—M. H. S. and Meriden in D r u g s a n d Brims are many has informed Great Britain { Tuesday. double-header at ML Nebo. that her right to bold colonies must Great Britain, It was understood, The quarterly meeting and dlMer plans to proceed as quickly aa poa-. af the ifancheeter Kod and Gun Coming Events Roosevelt Warns Congress be recognized in some tangible form Farmers of 37 States Are BY 146 TO 95 VOTE June 5—Annual meeting of Man­ sible with the necessary steps to club Saturday night will be at by the former Allies before she will satisfy Hitler. Oaano'a cottage, Bolton lake. In- chester Improvement Association. TOICETRIES important in Also mass meeting of all Manches­ He Would Kill Even His return to the League of Nations, Von Neurath, It was understood, Balloting on Continuation atead of at Columbia lake aa an­ well-informed British quarters said said Germany’s demand for 35 per nounced yesterday. ter veterans at State Armory. today. BARRYMORE PLAYS Two Per Cesl Phi Rejecltd June 9, 10, U — Observance of Silk F rocks Favorite Item If Bonos cent of the strengUi of the atrenth The German attitude toward col­ 6l8t anniversary of SL Mary’s of the British navy would not be of Federal Crop Control Leo Lahey of Woodbrldge street onial possessions and mandates was altered If she were granted her — State Budget Now was convicted of drunkenness In church, WHITE Rider Were Attached. clarified In an interview yesterday former colonies or mandates. He GAME OF HEARTS town court this morning and wa» June 12 — Graduation at local in Berlin by Sir Eric Phipps, British made clear she does not want actual After the Present Year. given a suspended Jail sentence or State ’Trade school. ambassador, with Konstantin von possession of the colonies or man­ About Four Mfllions Short 15 days and placed on probation for Jiine 21 —High school graduation Neurath, German foreign minister. three months. Lahey was arrested dates at the present time. exercise! at State theater. HATS Washington, May 25.—(AP)— It was officially discloncd here Plans for Anglo-German naval Washington, May 2 5 .- (AP) — by Officer Wlntleld Martin laat cve- June 24-20—Carnival at Dough­ ‘Administration leaders were fearful that sir Eric was ordered to contact talks, which probably will begin Handsome Actor Bound for and Other Revenue Rais* Btag- Lahey told the court that he erty’s lot, sponsored by local veter­ $5.98 m Wheat farmers in 37 states were de­ today that President Roosevelt had Von Neurath to ask him questions within ten days, also were believed had a Job to go to. ans’ orguiizatlonH. Kleenex ciding today whether the govern­ Invited trouble for his legislative regarding various points raised in to have been discussed. Havana On Yacht; Wife ing Methods Most Be Group 4 of the Manchester Me­ Cleansing: Tissues ment shall contiiiue Its efforts to •L inen program by saying he would veto control their production. morial HosplUl Auxiliary w-111 meet NUTMEG TRAIL EPWORTH $ 1 .9 8 any measure to which a cash bonus with Mrs. William Crawford, 2.1 •W ashable Silks! •S traw Farmers began c.^jiting their bal- Stays at Home. Adopted. Academy street next Monday af 14c pkg. "rider" la attached. I4ts at 9 a. m. local time In cross­ temoon. LEAGUE MEETS TONIGHT 200-sheet packages. White ►Triple Sheer •C repe With this flat declaration from LEAGUE ACTION AVERTS roads stores, school houses and vil­ I and pastels. the White House, the President’s ad­ lage churches In 1,763 counties com­ Los Angeles, May 25.— (AP) — Hartford, May 25.—(AP) —How A son, Alan Robertson, was bom Prints! visers were apprehensive that op­ prising the nation's breed basket. The next move In the puzzling game the state will balance its budget today to Mr. and Mrs. ’The Nutryieg Trail Epworth an d ponents of some of the administra­ The question they Were asked to Weaver of Washington, D. C. The League will hold ILs annual meeting For Summer’s first holiday, a BRIMS go to the head of smart Ameri­ tion bills would Join forces with the CRISIS IN EAST AFRICA answer “yea” or “no” was: “Are you of hearts played by John Barrymore, wa.a the question facing the General boy Is a grandson of Benjamin Cad- anil election of officers tonight at PATENT MEDICINES for every Summer occasion., cans this Summer! Big ones . . medium bonus bloc to attach a cash payment In’favor of a wheat production ad- the roving actor, appeared to rest Assembly today aa the Legialatora man of Woodbrldge street. Mrs. 7:30 o’clock at the Burnside Metho­ these frocks are right. Come ones . . small ones! Casual linens for rider. justment program to follow ■ the converged on the capltol for the Beef, Iron and W in e...... ,.S0c see our new assortments. Styles today with his wife, Dolores Costel- Weaver before her marriage was dist church. A silver cup will be sports. Dressy stitched crepes and straws President’s Threat. present one which expires with the la Barrymore. first Saturday session of the year. awarded to the league having the Citrate Magnesia...... 16c for miss and madam. The chief executive said he would 1935 crop year?" Mist Jeasle Robertson of this town. $1.00 and $1.50 Haley’s M-O___ for more formal occaalona. We’ve a lovely French and British Dipio-FAILING EYESIGHT Viewed in nautical terms some­ It ha.s been promised that today largest percentage of Its membera assortment for Decoration Day! $ 0 .9 8 veto even the most vital adminis­ what appropriate to the plot the ...... 67c, $1.00 WASHABLE SILKS in white, tv>unt Tonight will be "ScrapIesB Saturday"—re­ Mias Jessamine M. Smith and In attendance. 75c and $1.00 Haley's C. T. C... maize and flesh. One and tration bill if it was sent to him Local committees will close the log of the troubled Barrymore mari­ MIsa Anna C. French of the South The speaker will be Mrs. Mac- with a cash payment “rider.” Hl.s mats Induce Mnssolini to^ tal ship found: placing the "Flghtless Fridays" , ...... 50c, 5Bc two-piece models. Few have Millinery—Mala Floor, center. ' polls and count the ballots at 8 p. which were the rule until recently. Manchester Public Library are at­ Pherwm, who will tell of the work of 25c, 50c and $1.00 LIsterIne . . . . Jackets. comment came at a time when the CAUSE OF SUICIDE m. They will send the ballots and The handsome 52-year-old actor tending a meeting of the Connecti­ the juvenile court In Hartford. 2 bonus forces were already planning at sea. bound with a party of friends The Senate la to take up only non- ...... 19c, 36c, 5?c Agree to Arbitrate the their tabulations to county commit­ controvcrslal matters and the cut Public Library Association at Representatives of the Epw-orth 2Sc, 50c and $1.00 Lavoris . . . . TRIPLE SHEERS of pure dye a move of that kind. tees, which In turn will forward for Havana aboard his yacht. Pomfret Center today. Leagues of the South and North silk In Summery prints. Navy Apparently seeking to make hts House will convene but will transact ...... 18c, 35c, 6Bc them to state extension directors. The beautiful Dolores, who once no Methodist churches here will be and brown grounds. Shirt­ warning more emphatic, the Presi­ Ethiopian Dispute. Former Mrs. VanderbSt Was The official vote will be announced sailed the briny deep with her hus­ Members of Sunset Council, De­ present. Mill A g a r ...... SBc waist types! Jacketed mod­ dent asserted that he would veto Laura Ingalls, famous avlatrix, left (California this morning In an a t­ band, land-bound with her two chil­ The defeat of the two per cent gree of Pocahontas, will meet at 60c and $1.00 Mennen’s Baby Oil the Social Security Bill, which he In Washington, probably next Wed­ sales tax by a 146 to a 95 vote in els! Capclet styles! SILK UNDIEM nesday or Thursday. tempt to break Amelia Barhart's record. Her new long range Lockheed dren in her new home here. Main and Birch streets at 7:11\ to­ ...... 36c, 69c regarded as the most vital before plane is shown above. Attorneys for the two resuming the House late yesterday brought Geneva, May 25 —(AP)—DlpIO' Despondent, Say Servants Leaders of the Agriculturo Adjust­ the state budget question to the morrow night to decorate graves In stillI wioWer' shower 50c and $1.00 Ovaltlne. ,30c, 57c Congress, If It came to him with a clam-Ilke silence. Qlaatonbury. Thonsportatlon will Others you will want for cash payment amendment. matlc pressure in the League of Na­ ment Admiiristratlo'n declined to Legal Notice. fore. be furnished those who dial 8340. $3.98 to $10.95 Congressional leaders of the drive tions Ctouncll averted early today — Was Sumg for Divorce. make any prediction as to what the Added to this, a cryptic, barefaced The measure’s rejection brought a FOR MISS EMMA A. KEISH their beauty and for the Patman Inflationary bonus an impending crisis in East Africa, outcome would be. legal notice remained in print in a remark from Senator Kenneth There will be ample parking TOOTH PASTES, At HALE'S Frocks— bill were already eyeing the Securi­ won from Italy an agreement to If the wheat program wins ap­ court publication today. It was Cramer, chairman of the Appropria­ apace at the rear of the.Y.M.C.A., Main Floor, rear. ty measure as a likely vehicle for arbitrate her long-standing dispute proval, officials expected to.offer the LAURA INGALLS STARTS tions Committee that the stato Miss Emma A. Kelsh was pleas­ Las Vegas, N. M.. May 25.—(AP) brief but significant enough to lend during the field and track meet at POWDERS wearing- qualities the bill which they failed to get with Ethiopia and left the nations producers a pian to continue It In confirmation to previous indications budget 1s now about $4,000,000 short the north end playgrounds tomor­ antly 'surprised evening by her through as separate legislation. free to setUe their troubles under -^The full pattern of the blzaare 1936, 1937, 1938 and 1939. with elec­ of the estimates submitted by the 60c Calox Tooth Powder ...,3 5 c Fashion Gives These that the Barrymore’s wedded affairs row, David Hamilton announced to­ office associates and friends, who Summer’s Fashion Winner! They were not agreed, however, on their own treaty. life of Mrs. Emily Whitfield. New tions each year to decide whether were headed for the rocks. It read: board of finance and control, even if gathered at the home of Mrs. Fred 25c and 35c Colgate Tooth Paste A BIG HAND! ON CROSS COUNTRY HOP the other four proposed revenue day. plans and were still studying the The capitulation of Premier York Socialite, former wife of the jfarmers still want to cooperate. “Notice is hereby given that the Hallcher, to extend their best wishes ...... 18o 33c various strategic moves they might Mussolini, who previously had said All Eligible AUke raising measures are enacted Into to her for her 'uture happiness. The Printed Gowns William H. Vanderbilt, lettuce fan­ undersigned will not be responsible law. David Werbner, proprietor of the 60c Forhan’a Tooth Paste .. 34c WHITE make. he would not permit reference to cier, and moody mistress of a 15,000 No comment could be obtained aa for any debts or liabilities contract­ Brownbllt Shoe Store at 825 Main home was beautifully decorated In Fear a March. his 1928 treaty with Emperor Halle to what the AAA might do should Cramer reiterated a former state­ 50c Ipana Tooth Paste ...... 3.5c 2-pc. Mannish Dainty floral silk gowns in acre ranch, was unfolded, today by ed by any person other than self, on street, la receiving many compll- a color scheme of pink and green While the bonus forces in Con­ Selassie’s government, wa.s attribut- the wheat growers vote to return to Attempting to Establish New SENATORS FROWN or after this date. May 3, 1935. ment thqt the committee will bring jnents on the appearance of his dis­ with an attractive tabic center piece 50c Kolynos Tooth Paste ...34c the Regency fashion. Also gress were canvassing this situation et to the force of argument of her suicide. unregulated production. to a balanced budget but he said the Attendants’ assertions that the (Signed) John Barrymore.” play window now featuring white of pink roses. Each guest had as a 25c and 60c Lyon’a Tooth Pow­ Fabric semi-hand made silk models. today, heads of the veterans’ organ­ Capt. Anthony Eden, British Lord Any farmer who has been eligible Property Settlement. sales tax defeat means the curtail­ AMtwear for men, women and chil­ favor a rose attached to a colorful der ...... 10c, 36c izations were attempting to head Privy Seal, and Pierre Laval, French estranged wife of Raoul Whitfield, Record lor Women Hiers Qf] ^ p j ( ; j ^ ment of many requests and the poe- the author, feared her eyesight was to sign one of the farm administra­ The actor’s Los Angeles attorney, dren. The attrqctlvc shade of green swan basket. 25c Phillip's Tooth Paste ... 18c off threats of a new "bonus march" foreign minister. tion’s wheat control contracts could Ctol. William H. Neblett, showm the sible elimination of some. used as a background for these win­ Miss Kelsh was presented with an L I N E N S u i t s On the capital similar to the one In (While »the Council deliberated failing and that she was anxious to Other Methods Sought 60c Pebecco Tooth Paste ... 35c see the daughter of her marriage to vote In today’s referendum, whether — Able to Make 225 Miles ___ notice, admitted attempts were be­ dows accentuates the entire display. electric coffee perculator and a sil­ 1632 which ended in bloody riots. the Italo-Etbiopian dispute at Gene­ he actually signed a contract or not. The bill’s defeat means also that 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste, ,32c Gloves Hand-Made Pajamas va. the S. S. Gange cast off from Vandervllt filled In the outline ing made with Mrs. Barrymore’s ver tray. She ols<- received a choice Strict orders were dispatched to counsel to reach a property settle­ some other method must be found Miss Hazeltlne Straiighnn, daugh­ collection of kitchen utensils from 40c Squlbb’s Tooth Paste ... 33c With Pleated Backs . regional commanders to stamp out Naples with 2,200 Italian soldiers etched by witnesses at a coroner’s an Hour. ■ Western Liberals Threaten of aiding various muntdpaliUee in Inquest. The coroner’s Jury pro­ (Oootinoed on Page Two) ment agreement, but declared Bar­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Straiighan each of her friends. ' Exquisite pajamas in love­ bound for the Colony of Eritrea, ad­ rymore did not Intend to sue for a the state that are having tofflculty whs Main Floor, RIghL joining Ethiopia.) nounced her death suicide. of 315 East Center street, yes Card playing quickly po.ssed the ly hand made models. (Continued on Page Two) divorce. to meeting expenditures for relleT. terday graduated with a degree of evening, with Mlsa Cora Irons re- New troop contingents have sail­ Some friends disputed the state­ Los Angeles. May 25 — (AP) — Battle 21 1-2 Months Ex­ The four hour debate and vote cm R. N., at the graduating exercises ment that her sight was affected, "Of course,” (tolonel Neblett add­ ed frequently from South Italian Laura Ingalls, noted woman pilot, ed. "we have no way of telling what the sales tax yesterday saw a at the Hartford hospital. She was ports for Africa and it wras gener­ saying she always had worn glasses SCHWAB RECEIVES large Republican bloc break away one of the honor pupils, having a t­ ally believed that 200,000 more sol­ with thick lenses and that she occa- hopped away from Union air term­ tension Plan Appears. Mrs. Barrymore will do." $ 0 - 9 8 Hollywood film friends of the from party lines for the second tlnra tained an average of over 90 In her NUNS NOT ALLOWED diers win reach their destination be­ sionally did not care to recognize inal at Burbank early today on her in recent years to the G. O. P. oon- eourae of atiidlea and was placed on Satin Dasche Slips fore the time limit for the negotia­ persons who approached her. famous couple sought to learn today $250,000 SALARY second attempt to shatter Amelia “what Mrs. Barrymore will do,” but trolled House. Not a stogie Demo­ tbs A Honor Roll. The best-wearing satin tions is reached. The inquest testimony pictured Earhart's transcontinental speed Washington, May 25.—(AP)— crat or Socialist voted for the mTae~ Adopt Resolurions her aa a despondent woman In her Mrs. Barrymore remained In strict slips we know of at this TO NURSE QUINTS record. Racing against time to prevent seclusion. ure and 67 Republicans, mostly front Griswold A. Che.ppell, president of WHITE SHOES price! Tailored and . lace The League Council adopted two thirties pressing for a third divorce The tiny avlatrix was determined NRA from passing out of legal ex­ the rural areas, deserted their floor the Manchester Green baseball club resolutions designed to smooth the in as many society marriages. The May 3 date mentioned In others $5.98 and $9.98 trimmed styles. "Seam- to send her new $40,000 black "mys­ istence three weeKS hence, key men Barrymore’s "not responsible" no­ leader. Representative Daniel F .'B . and a delegation from the local club proof seams. road to peace In Africa, after Baron "I want my daughter,” she told a Head of Bethlehem Steel Re­ tery ship" over the 2,447 mile route Hickey, to side with the opposition. attended the annual sports night Pompeo AIolsl, Italy’s representa­ handyman and bodyguard, he re­ of the. administration forces In the tice recalled that It was just prior Wherever you go Decoration Day the • Mesh Rules of Order Forhid Sis­ from here to In leas than House put their heads together to­ to this that Mrs. Barrymore sudden­ Two yeirs ago the Republtcana dinner- of the Alpha Tota Phi Kra- For Memorial Day tive, had carried on long and numer­ lated, when he asked the cause of 17 hours, 7 minutes and 30 seconds spilt on the liquor Control bill. LINEN SUIT will bo outstanding—motoring, • Strin^r ous telephone conversations with her worry. ports to Federal Board — day planning an effort to Jam an ly moved bag Euid baggage to her tMHity held Wcd.'iesday night at the at the beach, at the club, at the race.s. You’ll —the time set by Amelia Earhart In exten.sion bill through the chamber present home, deserting the hilltop Debate on the sales tax issue was Lobster restaurant, Hartford. Big Bryn Mawr Slips ters from Working Out- Mussolini at Rome. Child Nine Years Old the summer of 1632. lengthened by argument on various White Linen like the casual cut of the Jackets with sporty • Fabric The resolutions provide for arbi­ The child, about nine years old next week. home John built for her after they Walsh, former major league Other Salaries Reported. She took off at 4:47 a. m., (7:47 e. Meanwhile President Roosevelt amendments and five roll-call vertes, pitcher was the guest of honor. pleated backs. The skirts have a pleated Good-wearing, good-fitting tration and, unless the border Inci­ now is with Vanderbilt In Cannes were married six years ago. fronL Heavy quality linen. France. 8. t.) waved goodbye to field attend­ went on record as sympathizing She remained silent about this each requiring about 20 mlnutea. PUMPS and These fabric gloves are simply slips of heavy silk crep6. . side of Their Hospital dents which caused the trouble and ants who had helped service her four rising votes and several vivn Irresistible . . . the styles are The outside world began unravel­ with the principles of the Wagner move, and Barrymore, then in Nev/ Edward J. Moriarty of 42 Spruce Finished with new COCK­ extensive Italian mobilization arc Washington. May 25 — (AP) — ship, putting 580 gallons of gaso­ Labor Relations bill—a measure vice votes were taken before the street has leased from Michael GRAND . . . the low price Is TAIL bottom. ironed out by Aug. 26, the recon­ ing the strange story yesterday York, likewise refused to clarify TIES TEMPTING!' Frivolous mesh and (Charles M. Schwab, chairman of the line Into Its tanks. She was dress­ which backers are pushing aa com­ the situation other than to deny re­ measure was finally disposed of. Coughlin the building on North Main Collander, OnL, May 25.—(AP) vening of the Council to deal anew board of Bethlehem Steel Corp., to­ ed in dark corduroy trousers, a plementary to NRA’s collective bar­ ■The Senate, also expected to hiava string models with novelty cuffs. The guardians of the Dionne quin­ with the problem. This date Is well (OonUnued on Page Two) ports he had ordered his wife to street former!-/ occupied aa a bat­ I.inen Blouses, day Joined the small group of execu­ Ught-flttlng blue wool Jacket and a gaining provisions. leave their home. a fight ofl its hands yesterday, duck­ tery station. changes were And for our conservative slaters tuplets encountered a hitch today in In advance of the close of the rainy ed action on the Milk (tontrol bill, In gay, sporty colors to we've the cla.. . B. M. Fairlesa and K. ginning to roll in from the coast and defects to the CulhaneDaly act come to the nursery-hospital outside "Whereas at a meeting of the from New York to stand trial for J. Mysor, Republic vice presidents, 25.— (AP)— With both players already pased, but It la understood of the Satunlay Evening Poet, Page League of Nations Council In Jan­ the- $129,000 Fall River mall rob­ her plane disappeared for a moment shooting even tours on the longer 117. Callander, transportation would be each got $64,662, and Myron A. In a fog bank. Reappearing from there are objectiona to this as well CHIFFONS In the sheer, 4-thread, 42- provided for them so that they uary, 1935. the Italian government bery of last January, found a bat­ WEALTHY MAN’S SON and more difficu't back nine, Wil­ snd that a third measure is to the Dorothy Dodd and W. B. Coon’s White Kid and the Ethiopian government tling crowd of curious spectators Wick, another vice president, $51,- the northwest, however, she gain­ gauge construction. SWIM SUITS could attend daily mass at Corbell, 744. ed altitude quickly, circled the field liam Lawson Little Jr., of San process of being written. and the priest there said he would agreed to settle the dispute which awaiUng them at Back Bay railroad Francisco, the defending champion, The bill reducing motor registM- Girls’ Friendly Society of has arisen between them aa a re­ station. E. R. (Crawford, Duquesne, Pa., as and headed east. A moment later T ies...... $6.50 and $7.00 arrange for the bolding of the president of the McKeesport Tin she disappeared from sight. THOUGHT KIDNAPED stood three up ->n Dr. William Twed- tibn fees and increasing the gaso­ SERVICE WEIGHTS In the medium Pair masses. sult of the Ualu_ Incident Dec. 5 A free-for-all fight ensued when dcll, champion In 1927 today a t the line tax was passed to the House St. Mary’s Church quality. 7-thrcad construction. by Forest Mills 1934, In conformity with ArUcIe 5 dozens punched and pushed their Plate Co., got $173,750, and G. V. 225 Miles An Hour Cannot Break Rules Parkins, Elizabeth, Pa., McKees­ Miss Ingalls' plane Is capable of halfway mark of thefr 36-hole final before the sales tax came up yester­ FOOD SA1*E Men’s White Nuhuck Plain Toe and Wing Tip The custom of long standing, of the Italo-Ethiopian Treaty of way to the edge of the station plat­ of the British amateur golf ebam- day. An amendment added to the ' 1928; form as John McGlone, Thomas Du­ port vice president, $124,166. 225 miles top speed, 205 cruising Saturday, 11:30 A. M. 59 which .keeps the nuns at their hos­ George Gordon Oawford, presi­ speed and sustained flight over a 4,- Fails to Come Home from pinnshlp. bill changes the date for making the pital, however,, was regarded as too "Whereas direct negotiations gan and Charles Harrigan. alleged Little in . . 434 444 544—36----- 73 Increase in the gas tax effective Hale's Basement Our popular budget priced stockings that we sell regularly m through diplomatic channels having New York mobsmen, were pulled dent of Jones and Laughlln Steel 000-mlle route with a capacity load at 69c a pair. Customers tell us that they get the utmost of deep seated to permit of exception. (Corporation last year, received of 650 gallons of gasoline. Tweddell In 444 345 543—36----- 76 from July 1, to October 1. OXFORDS Judge J. A. Valin, one a t the been exhausted, the two parUes from the New York train last night $250,000 at least. Including a mini­ School; Report Says Ran­ (Little three up). Revenue Measuree wear out of M.KM. hosiery. Shrewd shoppers will be out guardians under the special law by have nominated their arljltrators as by deputy U. 8. marshals. A new Tydc radio and automatic bright and early tomorrow for several pairs at 59c! Full $2.98 $g-98 provided x x x; Battle for View mum bonus of $160,000. He la no Little carded a 78—tcur over par Likewise two revenue-raistag which the babies are wards of the longer with the company. -^n the morning round against 76 measures passed by the Houae range of Summer shades. Sizes 81^ to lOH. King, Indicated today that negotiS' "Whereas since Dec, 5, 1934, oth­ A crowd of curious had somehow (Continued on Page Eight) som Note Was Sent. er Incidents having taken place on got wind of the planned arrival of for Dr. Twedde!!. The Briton showed where the tax on Connecticut divi­ $3-50 and $4-00 tlons were under way with nurses of no signs of cracking like. Jim Wal­ dends and on investment Income of UVE BAIT At HALE'S Hosiery—Main Floor, righL' another order which he declined to the Italo-Ethioplan frontier and the the prisoners. They gathered in a two governments are in agreement jam on the lower level platform of lace did at Prestwick a year ago domestic insurance companies and. FOR SALE name. Teu:oma, Wash., May 25—(AP) — when Little shot the first round to the revised tax law on untocorpor- ^ PERFECT fitting suits for active swim­ It is the desire of the parents that In entrusting settlement of these In- Back Bay station, elbowing news­ An intense search for 9-year-old ated businesses. cldenU to the same arbitrators papermen and photographers into 66 to stand 12 up. On the contrary, Fred Thaver ming and basking in the sun. The new the children be raised in the French Wife and Husband Rivals George Wayerbaeuser, scion of a Because of the length of the Girls’ Pastel language and the Qithollc faith, and X X x; the backgroimd. ■he gave every evidence of promising Bolton Koad We’re Proud Of Our New wealthy timber family was pressed to make a fight ot It right to the end. House session, action on the meas­ 1935 styles are youthful and colorful! the legal guardians are determined "Whereas the two governments As the prisoners and their guards here today while reports the lad’s Boys’ and Youths’ White Buck Oxfords agree to fix August 26, 1936, aa the descended the crowd surged forward Style Gets Results ures, placing a.two-cent tax on each ;a We’ve models and colors to suit all types. that this shall be done. In a Political Contest parents had received a ransom note package of 20 dgarettea and a levy r Anklets Birthday Tuesday • date on which the ^ ocedure of con­ Fists flew as those In the rear were neither confirmed nor denied. Although Tweddell uses a radical­ ciliation and arbitration shall be sought a more advantageous posi­ ly closed stance, playing all long on various miscellaneous buslnesa’’ Even If the change in nurses is conducted: tion. Disclosure that the grandson of corporations was deferred. $3-00 WHITE BAGS made, the present staff beaded by Glennvllle. W. Va., May 26. —: >rapher, who runs on the “Public Im­ the late John Philip Weyerhaeuser Irons for a book, this style produced The Senate will receive today WINDOW SHADE Nurse de Kirillne will remain tor “The Council requests the secre­ A dozen Federal agento formed a (AP)—A sizeable group of the provement” ticket, doesn’t have any­ Sr., national known timberman who results and frequently he got Inside tary general of the League of Na­ ring around the manacled prisoners 25c some time. women folk think Housewife thing to say about hU wife’s cam­ died May 16, had been missing since of Little’s ball with his seconds de­ (Continned on Page Two) Clearance Sale • Rodalac tions to communicate In the mean­ and their deputy marshal' guards paign. spite the fact be was forced to hit " Floe quality Holland shadre, Next Tuesday morning, which Is time to members of the CtouncII all Amanda Thompson could be a better noon yesterday was made late laat • Linene* the babies birthday, a solemn high and they were husUed to the upper Both of them are opposed by the night by Charles Ingram, assistant from 20 to 60 yards longer to make jMide to order and hung on Keds For The Whole Family. $ “Cannon” information which may reach him level Into machines, which whisked chief magistrate than her husband, up for his driving shortage. TREASURY BALANCE. jroar windows, 45 oents.. Du- • Basket-Weave Bathing moss of thanks^vlng and "bon present mayor, Alvin L. Ctottrell, manager of the Weyerhaeuser Tim­ $ 1 .5 9 anne”, a good year ahead, will be from the two parties In particular them to Ehtst Cambridge jail. Roy Thompson, so the signs went who Is seeking re-election June 4 as UtUe easily shut bis finest golf of flsx. Washable, 66 cents. 10 Robes regarding the development of the The alleged gangsters, two of ber Company, hours after a frantic Washington, May 36.—(A P)---!^ Caps sung at the Sacred Heart church of up all over Glennvllle today: an Independent. bunt already had been undertaken the tournament. It was the windiest position of the Treasury oa May '' eaats extra for new rollerii. arbitrators’ work." whom are purportedly members of "Mandy for Mayor.” day of a windy week and on .the Ahw a large let of Hailund’e We’ve done ourselves proud • New striped anklets with Corbell. It was there a t (torbell Seoond Resolution It’s Mrs. Thompson’s first experi­ by friends and relatives. was: Recelpto $30,007,867.98: " this year for we’ve the trickiest For the beach, for after the show­ 25c to 39c that Blzlre Legros and Oliva Dionne the Dutch Schultz gang, bid their Mrs. Thompson believes the same ence in politics. The son of John Philip Weyer­ gale-swept outward nine, which pre­ VaattaM aad Cambric at 25 ELASTIC TOPS! Resolution Two: facM and hung their heads low be­ as her backers for she opened the penditures $27,761,460.48: OMta a t the shop. Open rve- assortment of WHITE BAGS er, use as a negligee. Soft, absorbent who was to become her husband "The (touncil is leaving to the "I’ve always stayed home and haeuser, Jr., vice president of the viously bad given him much grief, $1,645,534,418.83; customa we’ve seen in ages! New Ideas • Solid color anklets with fancy Turkish towel robes in soft plaids! Every con­ were baptized and attended mass as hind the backs of their guards to campaign with this announcement: taken care of my children before Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, he fired a succession of long, low -aiagau tups. two parties full >rty to settle the avoid being photographed. "I think I could do a better Job of for the month $23,085,084.78. CLHOUSe^SON. In envelopes and pouches with ceivable kind children. dispute in question in accordance but now I think It’s time the women was last reported seen at noon by irons which .aao the gallery ex­ Receipts for the fiscal year • Both dureno and EngUah rib and color is "IVo ministers of the Ontario gov­ No Rescue Attempt cleaning the town up.' Things are took a hand in this towm's affairs", claiming "marveloue." There are few Capitol Window Interesting trimmings. with Article Five of the Italo-Ethl- No attempt was made to inter­ a schoolboy patrol at Low'ell school, July 1). $3,296,210,183.81; INC. •Sanfoplzed linen. styles. here! (Main ernment will come to Callander for oplan treaty on Aug. 2. 1928.' going to be different around here or she said. which he attended. iron bitters amuilg Great Britain’s turea $6,379,205,408.29 (M) Shade Co. Bathing Suita—Second Floor, Floor, righL) the birthday observance David Croll, fere with the transfer of the prison­ they’re going to Jail." The Reform Party also has an­ When he did not arrive at bis amateurs. Hand Bags- Front Entrance. Main Floor, right “It decides to meet If In default ers nor was theto any demonstra­ "Mandy” Is the candidate of the $3,188,767,607.71 of er----- ^ CSopea Street Hartford minister of welfare and chief of an agreement between the four other wife opposing her husband. home, one of Washington state's Straight D rive penditures); ex c^ a t guardian of the babies'— and Dun­ tion against the trio. The station "Reform ” party in this little hill Mrs. Joseph Creighton wants to be arbitrators for ; tllement of the was quiet and orderly again five residential show places, his parents All but one of .Jttte’s drives were $3.083,995,024.«2; can Marshall, minister of agricul­ town, home of one of West Vir­ a Councilman, as does her husband became alarmed. Police were noU- straight down the middle. Several 619,794.814.46, ture- ' , . , minutes after the prisoners and their ginia’s teachers colleges. (Oonttniied tm Fata Two) ouards bad lefL who is a running mate of Roy 493..10S.02 UU' Roy Thompson, the town photog- Thompson. iOonttaned

' W eekly Snnifaiy School Leeeoa < Mra. Oeorga Harris and Mrs. Ernest Hymn—Mother, Dear, O Pray For Koater. Me. NEW YORK STATE LAWS WHEAT RAISERS N ext Sunday will be observed as Hymn—Hail Queen o f the Heavens, INSTALL RAINBOW FINAL LI lCAL GROUP HONORS Children's Day. The entire morning The Ocean Star. Woman Injured And Msm Ar> m E LORD’S SUPPER worship at 10:48 a. m. will he devot­ Communion—Violin-Organ—On This ON TRUCKS CHANGED VOTE TODAY ON lested Wh»n Cries O f ed to a special program based on Day O Beautiful Mother. OFFICERS MONDAY in,?. Poatlude— Organ. MUSIC PRI D . C . Y . MOORE HERE “Fraud” Echo Through The Lord’s Prayer, in ahicb children ■. 1 Text: Matt. 28:17-20 of all departments will participate, 9:30 Moss, Chorus CThoir. Commlasloner Connor Calh A t­ Arena There. 10:30 High Mass. REIGNJF AAA TTie IntcvnatkiBal I'n lfonn Sun­ 'niere wUI also be baptism of chiU tention of Connecticat Driv­ Vidi Aquam. Rofferi CompiDy Employees Democrab See CoDierrathre To Protest to Beria; France day School Leeeen for May 26. dron-AII parents Intending to present ers to New Provisions. Boston, May 84.—(A P )—One Kyric. Mass In G ...... Risewig SemhPablic Ceremonies to Three Choirs of OoBtinneS from Page One) children for this sacrament should fro B Actire to Cod* woman was Injured and a man THE HOLY SUPPER Gloria. r By WM. B. OOJtOT. D. D. notify Mrs. Louis S. Burr or the OenunlHloner Mlohael A. Oonnor in Corporation Apparently Merger With G. 0. P. lodi- Reports German Planes In (?redo. Banoti of U gnen and nofl-Mgiiere arrested when orowda atormsd Editor of Advanen By GEORGE HENRY DOLE pastor. Be Held— Those to Take the box office Of tha Boston Sacctus. ot the State Department of Motor Chveh to Be HeaiA ^ n d d if Staff at M m orial wUl be tobulatof separatelF, how­ Agnus Del. Arana tonight for return of ad­ The Lord's Supper waa Instituted Vehicles has issued to truclring con­ to Carry on Manofactnre. ever. rated by Fletcher, Others. Her Territory. THE CENTER CHURCH mission teas after cries of InternatJoiial Sundsy School Lee- q>most holy, the Holy o f holies, be­ Offertory Solo— O S a lu toris...... the Chairs. cerns at Connecticut a warning con­ Bach ittglblo wheat produeer waa In the service In the upper room In (OoDgregat lonal) Tomorrow Night’s Serrict^ "fraud" broke up an aliaged tot- BOD Text, May 26, cause it Is an appointed time when ...... Wolgand cerning certain amendments to New ^ Hospital Local PhysiciaD allowed only one vote, no matter Jerusalem, on the eve o f the cruci­ "This do in remembraaor o f me.' R«-. Watson Woodruff Ury game (beano) participated the Lord Is personally present with James Breen. * York Vehicle and Traffic Law^ ef­ bow many farms or acrca be Waablngtoa, May 28.—( a P)— Berne. Bwltoeriand, May 28 — HU holy angels and for the very Rtcetslonal Hymn—Mary, How The pogMbnity that Frastdent In by more than l,(k)0 persona. fixion o f JesuS aa He partook of the — 1 col. 11:24. fective immediately. These changes operates. Leaders of the Republican party (A P ) —Swiao Customa autborities purpose of lifting the commtmicant 10:50—Morning Worship. Me­ Sweetly Falls That Word. Manchester Aesembly, No. 15, The three choir* of the BmaaiMl aid Sorgson Is Given cniarles Ray of the Rogers Paper The injured woman, Mias Passover with Hls dlsciptes. affect the operation of commercial were described today by Chairman complained today that squadrons of Would you like to dine With Wash­ for a moment Into the sacred, peace­ morial Sunday sermon by the minis­ Order o f Rainbow for Girle, will seat Lutheran church— eenlor, Jualer and ' Manufacturing Company will move Henry P. Fletcher of the National Elizabeth McCarthy, 20, of Bos­ The occasion is memorsole for vehicles on the highways of New German airplanes violated the fron­ ington, Lincoln, the President, the ful, eatUfylng life that U heaven. ter. Its new officers next Monday eve­ cblldren'a ehaUr—will sing a t tha * Tostinoiiial Dinner. the operations of rhat company from committee u believing thet the ton, waa taken to City hospital ths Intimate picture that we have of The music; . Yoik slate and apply to all motor tier by malcing flights over Swiss King of Great Britain? If you were O f course, for such close and mani­ ning at 8:18 o'clock at the Masonic “fundamentaT! appeal of the party for treatmant hut later waa al­ the disciples Id the last great act o f Prelude—In Perfect Peace .Schuler trucks regardless of where they may evening service of the church tomor­ Mancheeter to a plant be recently OPENING STOCKS Territory during UM past few days. Invited to meet such, would you be fest presence o f the Lord, prepara- Temple In a semi-public Installation. in 1936 ehould be to the conserva­ lowed to go homo. fellowship before their Lord's death, Indifferent? So unconcerned as not tlon needs to be made. Hence, from Authem—America, Beloved Land .. HEBRON be registered. The purpose o f the row at 7 o’clock. Tlita will bo tbo purchased la tha Town of Kllllagly, Aaomctolroportsaldai^clal roport said aigiit----- i Mrs. Alice Hart will be Installed aa tives. PoUce Sergeant Edward and for the element of tragedy, fore- even to mention the fact to anyone? the beginning of the . (Christian ...... Wilson amendment* Is obviously for the last evening service imtll fall aad it ^ A tMtlmonlal dinner In honor of davalopad today when a new concern New York, May 28.— (A P )— The planet flew over Schaffhoute May Worthy advisor and the other offi­ "Of course' eonservatlem is a O'Neill arrested Thumas Carey, 22 at a vary high aiUtuda, making shadowing( Calvary Itself, that en You have an Invitation with which (Jhurch, all are admonish^ to pre- Hymn Anthem—Tenting Tonight .. Miss Marion Tennant has been promotion of safe driving In New Is hoped that a capacity audlenca- Dr. D. C. Y. Moore > hU retire­ was Incorporatad by three employees Stock Market exhibited • fairly broad term," Fletcher said. "Many 46, alleged manager of ths par­ tered into the occasion as Jesus an- cers that win be seated arc: Betty ment from the active to the con- it Impotaibie to tec tha lieanao num- all these put together will not admit are a way for the Lord to come by ...... Kittredgc the guest o f friends in Ck>Icheater York state. The changes are as fol­ win be present. The choirs are aak-' of the Rogers Company for tbs pur­ steady undertone in today’s early o f ua feel it should be shaded s bit. ty. He was booked at Back nounced that ohe o f Hls own very Harvey, worthy associate advisor; lows: M ltlnc etair of the »<“ «h*et»r Me- trading. Small advances predom­ beta of the planes. of comparison. W e have a standing thorough repentance. The temple ot PosUude—Beautiful America ...... recently. ed to meet at the church at 5:15 pose of carrying or, a similar bust- I do myself. You can say, however, Bay police station on a charge circle would betray Him. Ernestine Montie, charity: Pearl m o iw hospital w t held laet nlRht Tha report also declared (our Ger­ request to sup with the Lord. It Is HU dwelling within us must be ...... Lorenz The engagement of Miss Harriet Chapter 425 effective April 23, o'clock tomorrow for a combined « - nsss snd empowered to purchase the inated in the active Opening, al­ that tha man with whom I confer Did Jesus intend to found a fo r Schcndel. hope; May Smith, faith. at the local Country Oub by the of being oonceniad In a lottery. man pianM flaw over Oottlicbtn at in this wise. cleansed for in the inflow of HU 9:30— The Church School. Hough, daughter of Mrs. Gertrude 1935, prohibiL* the operation o f a hcarsal. good will and plants of any concern though there were a few minus think that the party's fundamantol mal rite In the church, or was He Jane BantJy, past worthy advisor, tiuateea and etaff of the Inatltut^n The party prograased emooth- a very low ialUtude and that there Two rites were established by the Spirit. One can go Into our law 9:30— The Women’s dass. Mrs. Hough o f this place, to Clement tractor of any weight or an auto doing a like business. signs in evidence and many Issues appeal should be to the conservative emphasizing the sacred nature of will be the installing officer, assisted The program to be given foUowa; which Dr. Moore laa eerved for flf- were unchanged. ly while small cash prizes were was no question of tbtir identity. Lord, Baptism and the Holy Supper. courts only with clean hands. Like­ Leslie Hardy, leader. Wall of Etost Hampton, was an­ truck weighing 1800 pounds or more, There's a land that (s fairer than day teea o< the forty yeara that he haa 118,000 Capital e l'itittiV being distributed but the award­ It waa expected the Swiss govern­ all Christian fellowship and com- All ceremonies o f washings and wise of the Lord's closest presence. 9:30— The Men’s League. Presi­ nounced at a birthday party given by Harriet Knight as marshal, unladen, within a distance of 100 Improvement was shown by Smith OoAUtlon The Lord is my Shepherd I been a practlclnit ^phyalclan and The new firm, "Rayton Assoctatea, ing of tha $600 prise oaused ment would protest to Berlin. munlon? We can never know re­ purifleationa of the Israelltlsh The bread stands for that bread dent, Ernest F. Strong. Bible study. In Miss Hough's honor Wednesday. Ethel Moore as chaplain and Ada feet of another tractor or an auto American Can, Consolidated Gas, His remarks, given in an tnter- that, but the remembrance Children's Choir Inc.," was incorporated with a capi­ trouble. When a man claimed garding church were annulled by the substi­ which cometh dowm from hqaven 8:00—^The Cyp Club. President, Among guests at the party, besides Robinson as organist. The business truck weighing 1800 pounds or more aurgeon here. General Motors, National Distllleni v:cw came as word Issued from the of this upper room and the record of Hark Vesper Hymn Agitated r«r Hoapltal tal stock of 119,000 with 8000 shares the winning combination for Prance recenUy saalrned It fast tution of Baptism. All feasttngs and giveth life to the world, even Esther Pickles. The club will meet the Immediate family, were Miss meeting o f the Assembly will be unladen, except for the purpose of Dr. D. C. Y. .Moore and Standard Oil o f N. J. Among Democratic camp that reports Say­ what happened there so took hold of held at 7 o'clock. Junior CSiolr Aa far back aa 191«. Dr. Moore of common stock esch with full vot­ Sale of to appointment to West those a shade easier were Du Pont, the 6600 prise but refuaed to go pursuit planes to patrol duty on the were abrogated and gathered Into the Lord's love. The wine U HU at the church at 5:00. Outdoor meet­ Betty Waterman of Hartford, a overtaking and passing such other Now Thank we all our God began agiUtlon for a hoaplUl In ing Alfred B. Smith might enter tha to the stage to collect as other German frontier after reports Ger­ his life of the Church that very the Holy Supper. The Lord was in blood, HU vivifying, upbuilding, ing. Election of officers. former classmate of Miss Hough's; vehicle. ing power. Point tor 11000 Is ehsrged to U. S. Steel, Westlnghouse and Ana­ 193(1 r Irture ehould not be dismiaa- # Senior Cnoir hSneheater and waa highly winners had. cries of “ fraud" man planes had flown over French early the Lord's Supper, and the the presence of the crucifixion, cleansing truth. "Except ye eat my The Week Mrs. Joseph Walsh and Miss Mildred cniapter 466 effective April 24th, The Incorporators are Robert F. RepressnUllve John H. Hoeppel conda ed OS '•silly.’* Postmaster General partaking of bread and wine in com­ No Shadows Yonder mentel In making tht local Institu­ Hawley, assistant treasurer. R. A. (Dam., C sllf.). shore. In a epe- and “ fake" rent the air. fortified regions four times without which would follow on the morrow. flesh and drink my bIo<^, ye have no Monday, 6:16 — Professional Prindle, teachers at the Hebron amends subdlvislou 17 of Section 18 Stock Market observers found a ysriev declined to say anything mon, became the most sacred sym­ Green school. Miss Hough is a BEETHOVEN GLEE CLUB Combined Choira tion possible through his det^- F. D. DECLARES ,st. Laurent, sales manager and Miss clal District of Columbia grstad restraining influence on sentiment In the ensuing disturbance permission. He kept the passover feast with Hls life in you." True! One cannot have Women lost meeting of the season. to provide that trucks with an un­ publicly on reports that Smith was bol of C!hriatlan faith and fellow­ graduate of the Hartford High mlned and persistent efforU. Ha Rosa Pesclk, stenogrepher, at the Jury Indictment. Hoeppel’s son, In the shrinkage of bankers accrot- Misa McCarthy was hurt and 12 Ths plane of a Nasi flier who disciples; at Its close. He administer­ the life like that In the Lord unless Meet at church, go to Bolton Lake. laden weight o f over 4,000 pounds being boomed by Republicans and ship. school and of the Norwich Art was a member of the committee Rogers Paper Manufacturing Com­ who tailed In bis test, also was ancea in April. The drop of |in,- policemen were called to handle landed M ay 10 in Straebourg, ed the bread and the wine and plead­ HU love and truth are appropriated Monday, 7 :3 0 -Group D Social shall carry emergency lighting that InvestlgEted th« feasibility of a (.enservative Democrats as a coali­ Patil very definitely establishes ed; "Do this In remembrance ot meeting with Miss Grace Sauter, 70 School. Mr. Wall, who is the son Of ANNUAL ON MONDAY Indicted, tollowlng the investiga­ 089,730 in this Item waa ascribed to the jostling, pusning crowd. France, was confiscated by authori­ In the daily life. Do not say "1 am equipment. Formerly the law pro­ HE WOULD VETO pany, tion candidate, but he tacitly con­ this right of the Lord's Supper and me." Why does He want ua to re­ Knighton street. Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Wall of hospital here in 1919 and was prom­ not worthy o f the supper." N o one Mr. Ray thie morning was out of tion of ths appointment of James continued llqifldatlon o f acceptances Witnesses told ^ lic e the man ties. Tlie pitot said he lost hls way vided that emergency lighting equip­ ANDOVER inently Identified with its erection ceded the possibility has not been In the mist. recalling the example o f Jesus In member Him? Does It affect the is, or ever will be, for all is a free Monday, 7:30— Hlgh-Y. East Hampton, is a graduate of the town and could not be reached to W. Ives of Baltimore to the milt- based on goods stored In domestic taken altogether lightly among disappeared. Business Meeting to Be Follow­ ment should be carried by trucks In 1920 and lU progreaa since p a t Allegations of Nasi vtolatlona of which He gave the bread and wine sun whether or not we think of It? gift from the Lord. Little by little Tuesday, 7:00— Choir rehearsal. Middletown High school and of the The centennial celebration o l the discuss ths new eorpoi alien or hie tory academy. warehouses. Contraction of the New Ptal forces. ed by Rehearsal for Tercen­ having a manufacturer’s rated car­ time. For twenty years be has ^ en S E C U m BILL tcrrltorialty have aleo been made to the disciples as symbols of Hls Surely If xvc remember Him, He will one advances in the regeneration. Wednesday, 6:30—Class In aero­ Hartford chapter of the American Young Ladles Benevolent society entire total amounted to 182,487,248 rying capacity of over 4,000 pounds. connected with the local ^ r d of other plans relative to moving from Jouett Shouse, o f the American body and blood, he represents the remember us In a w ay .that he could Select some defect in you. Repent plane model design. Institute of Banking. He has held tenary Proffram in Bowl. will take place May 31, beginning and brought the volume outstanding by three countries In alleged kidnap­ Chapter 467 effective April 24th, Health, and next to Dr. Thomas Mancheeter, while Mr. Hawley and Liberty League, would not comment act of communion in the Lord’s Sup­ not otherwise. He yearns to re­ of it. Resolve never to do it a^ln. Wednesday, 7:00—Shining Light the position of cashier at the East at 2:30 p. m., in the Andover Town (Continued from Page One) DID MR. SKUNK as o f April SO to $418,872,771. WEALTHY MAN’S SON ing cases. Switzerland formally amends subdivision 15 o f Section 81 Weldon la the oldest doctor In prac- Mr. St. Laurent were unwilling to on the Idea that Smith, an officer per as one of remembrance, showing member ua by breathing the holi­ Bring the resolution to be consecra­ Circle, Kings Daughters. Hampton bank for some years. Mr. Hall. In 1835 the society eras Further caution waa generated ny protested the seizure of Berthold The annual meeting end election by prohibiting the operation of a comment. r.f the League, might be given the or making manifest, the Lord's ness of Hls Spirit into our hearts, ted In actual communion with the Wednesday, 7:00 — In-As-Much Wall is also a favorite tenor soloist. started and the following program tlee here any attempts to organics such a GO ON A TRIP? the wceklly review of Standard Bta- Jacob, anti-Nazi journalist, on Swiss of officers of the Beethoven Glee motor vehicle other than a com­ Those Present The certificate of corporation was 01 ganicatlon'e support In a cam­ death until He come. and this He cannot unless we open Lord. Keep It ever after. So there Circle, Kings Daughters. Marriage announcements have not will be given In commemoration: march. The vclcraha' chieftains ex­ Ustica Co., Inc., which said "recent THOUGHT KIDNAPED soil and Berlin agreed to submit the club will be held Monday evening at mercial vehicle witli more than three Twenty-live members of the hos­ pressed the view that such a dem­ approved yesterday by the secretary paign fight. case to arbitration. the door for Him to enter. The Holy will bo advance from strength to Saturday, 6:00—Junior C3>olr re­ been made public. business statistics have been unln- "B reak" For O. O. P. 7 o'clock at the Emanuel Lutheran adult persons over the age o f 16 Opening of the meeting, by Mrs. pital board and staff and **"''^'* onstration would hurl rather than of state and filed this rooming In Railway Express Agency Man-^ Much similar cases arose In Lith­ The disciples believed that in that Supper Is a particular occasion for strength. The Lord for your good hearsal. Louis Garbtch, son of Mr. and pirlng.” Fletcher declared that "the New (Continued from Page One) act, embodying the spirit of Jesus, church. Reports of the various offi- years in the front- seat. Helen Gatchell, presenting the chair­ guests Were present at the testi- help their cause, recalling vividly the office of the town clerk for re­ ager Scents A Visit But Does uania smd the Netherlands. a closer presence o f the Lord and beseeches you: "This do in remem­ Note* Mrs. Max Garbich, has secured em­ cers will be read and plans will be man, Mrs. Woodln: opening prayer m nial affair and all paid glowing "Looking beyond mid-summer, Deal It beginning to take form now they were experiencing Hls real the troucing the cash bonus bill got cording. NiJt Interfere With Animal. a deeper Incoming. The supper Is brance of me.” Sacrament o f the Lord's Supper, ployment at ticket agent with the made for the annual banquet of the by the Rev. Paul Ackerman, pastor tribute to the eplendld. record of however, there is reason for opti­ aad will continue to do so from fled, and with friends and acbool- presence, and It Is no wonder that A rt Lewis Show company. He spent when the bonus marchers were mill­ Beek To Keep Firm Here June 2. club. Every member is urged to at­ of the Andover (Congregational achievement of ^ mism," ths survey added. row on. matea of the youth, an extenslvo this conviction became so strong a few days at home recenUy and re­ GIRL SCOUT AWARDS ing about the capllol three years A fter tha purchase of the Kllling- There was no animal that Children's Sunday with hapUsms tend. church; reading of the constitution, speakers Included Charles W. Hol­ Considerable attention was given “The people are getting more and search waa started. that it developed into doctrines of o f Infants, June l6. ports that he likes hls work very ago. I ly plant by the Rogers company a came into Railway Express HOUSE TURNS DOWN Following the business meeting, a by Mra. Ruth Benton, secretary; a man, preaident of the hospital the speech In St. Louis of Gsorge N. more o f an opportunity to aee Jutt MeaMnger Arrives transubstantiatlon and conaubatan- Tickets for the big Tercentenary much. The company is traveling Oallfomia Kecrults. conference of 24 local business men Agency this morning, but a per­ Joint rehearsal o f the Beethovens PRESENTED AT RALLY hymn by singrers in dresses of "Ta board: C. Elmore Watkins, vice- Peek, foreign trade adviser to vdiat they are In for. That Is natu- tiation. The Christians of today program and supper on June 7, arc about the state at present. and town officials met with Mr. Ray son visiting in the vicinity might A group of George's schoolmates and G Clef club will be held In prepa­ Olden Tim es"; poem, by Miss A m y president; Judge William 8. Hyde; From the west coast came dle- President Roosevelt Peek declar­ la ’ly a break for ut. There are SALES TAX MEASURE are not likely to be involved In the now on sale. Do not miss this. Mrs. Randall C. Tennant and her In the offices of the (Chamber of have gotten the impression that and other friends, who were near ration for the Tercentenary concert Randall; historical paper, to ))e rMid Medical Examiner Dr. ^ V e m e patches saying that Royal Robert­ ed woj;ld currency slabiUaation at plenty of reaeona for Republican sharp and intense controversies that The Church School is trying to son, Malcomb visited the former’s Commerce to discuss the possibility in the early Incoming express the Weyerhaeuser home at the time to be given at the Yale Bowl In New Rally Held Last NiKht at Hol­ by Mrs. George Nelson; violin solo, Holmea; Arthur Landry. Hartford son, who led a California contingent this time might lead to new coni- confidence. tald they observed a special deliv­ the historic church has witnessed raise a "mile of pennies" for the grandmother, Mrs. Jomes White- of forentalllng the removal of the there was a skunk. “ Most of the persona 1 have talk­ BY 146 TO 95 VOTE Haven next Saturday. lister Street School — Mov­ Mrs. Hyatt accompanied by Mrs. M tbolo^at who opened that de?i of the 1932 "bonus army," had an­ pUcatlons. He urged a policy of ery motorcycle messenger call at concerning these matters. One may Thousand Dollar C3ub. house, in M L Hope Thursday after­ partment here; Stanley H. Osboije, nounced that nearly 100 veterani paper company, the oldest concern Ths manager of tha express selective imports and exports aa a ed to shout the Boston regional venture the beUef that the presence noon. (Clarice Yeomans; address, by the the residence at 6:16 p. m. The RepresentaUves of the following ies Are Presented. Rev. Rockwell Harmon Potter, D. ■tote commlaalo"or of health. Nu- had enrolled for a new march within of Its kind In Manchester, from the office went on to explain that moans of aiding the solutibn of mon­ ciinference think It was a success o f Jesus in the communion o f Cnirla- CHURCHES Quite a touch of frost was felt at messenger, they said, refused to Oontinaed from Page One) organizations will worship with us D., a hymn written by Miss Kerusba meroue mewiagea were also fecelv- an hour after recruiting opened In town. no skunk came by express, but etary trouble. And the meeting to be held at tians and in the Lord's Supper Is not Amston and vicinity Friday morn­ A Girl Scout Rally was held at the probably followed the railroad state the nature of his mission when MANCHESTER AND VERNON •"T h a t They May Be One.” The tomorrow: The Arm y and N avy Foote for the (Church (Centennial i& ed from persons unable to attend. Los Angelee. As a result of the conference a In the foreign exchange market Springfield, III., next month prom­ a.formal or mechanical matter. Club, The Veterans o f Foreign ing. None was reported In the HARTTORD TOWNSENDERS Hollister street school last evening. tracka from ths west. On ap­ he came out. list o f 36 minor court Judges and PARISH Emanuel (Jboir will sing. 1836; Doxology, congregation Join­ Including Dr. Walter Grey Camp of Gathering In a vacant let there, committee of seven was appointed the pound sterling opened down 1 isee to do a lot to stimulate the The Lord could hardly be present vicinity of the Green. This rally took the form of a (3ourt proaching the railroad atotlon it Ingram would neither confirm nor deputies who have been approved by (Methodist Episcopal) Song Service at 7:00. The Eman­ Wars, The American Legion, The ing the singing; benediction, pro­ New York, a classmate of Dr. a small group raised a banner en­ to eeo what could be done to assure 1-2 cents at $4.98 1-2. The French drive." among thoSe who were not met In Mrs. John Palmer ertertained the of Awards and a fair sized audience was spotted by a person In the deny the receipt by the family of a the Judiciary Committee. Most Of C. Homer Ginns, MlnUter uel, Junior and Children’s Choirs Spanish W ar Veterans, The Disabled GUESTS HERE LAST NIGHT nounced by Dr. Potter. Uooto at ichool; Superintendent of titled "California Bonus A r m y - the retention here of the company. franc was off .00 1-6 of a cent at the 38 are Incumbent* but in at the depth of sincerity and faith, and American Veterans, 'Ihe Sons of women's bridge club at their week­ witnessed the program vyhich was as school! F. A. Verplanck, Howell It was learned then that pending vicinity who feared there would ransom note. H e could hardly be absent, concern­ wdll unite in a festive song service, ly party Thursday afternoon. Three The committee In charge of tha Death March OivislQC." 6.88 S-8 cents. least one town, Stonington, two Sunday at Vernon; Union Veterans, The Veterans of follows; Forma! opening in which Cbeney. Horace Cheney. Mrs. A. L. suits brought by the town against be trouble. He started to chase The search quickly extended Into ing bis own promises, from the com­ which will mark the close of our tables were In play, Mrs. Charles Tercentenary program of the Ladles’ Later, however, the leadert aaid Democrats are replaced by Repub­ 9:25 a. m. — Service of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, The Amer­ N. E. Nystrom Is Speaker at the following girls were presented Crowell and Dr. George O'Hsnlon, the paper company and Cheney It away. INJECTS FIGHTING SPIRIT the wooden outskirts of the city, munion of those who In deep sim­ worship evening services until September. Miner being a guest for the after­ Benevolent society is aa follows! that the question whether the march licans, William A. Wilcox being pro­ for both young and old. ican Legion Auxiliary, The Spanish with First Class Badges, Betty and medical director of tVe Jersey City The skunk became angry, and had token on a atatewlde char­ plicity of faith and earnestness were Special Meditation by the Pastor. Meeting Held in Nathan Hale Miss Mary Hyde, Mrs. George Nel­ actually would start would be left Brothers to determine which con­ posed as judge ot the Btonlngton children's Sermon. War Veterans Auxiliary, The noon. Mrs. Frederick Weyman and Peggy Woodruff, Louise Burr, Troop Medical Center. with the result that It stopped NAVAL APPROPRIATION acter today. met in His name. The Sunday School teachers and School; Membership Grows. son and Mrs. Erskine Hyde. to Major General Smedlay D. Butler, cern would pay the town the as­ court In place of John L. Twom ey A t Manchester: Daughters of the American' Revolu­ Mrs. Mary E. Mitchell won highest 1; Betty Woodward and Nellie Burn­ Medical Menu for a few seconds, "RCent” out a INTO REPUBUCAN P A R H officers will meet on Tuesday eve­ scores of the members, but Mra. retired Marine Corps general. They sessment for sewage disposal from The Weyfiaeuser family came and Billings B. Pairbrother being 9:48 a. m.-^School of the church. tion. ham, Troop 6; Marion Durkee, Troop Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Hyde and A hunaorbui not® wa® ln3®ct®4 In- warning and from that time on Too often the rite of the Lord's ning at 7:30. We hope that all wiu Miner carried off the first honors. wired him, asking his opinion of the the Rogera plant, waa the major west from St. Paul In 1614 and haa named to succeed William S. Wai- Mark Holmes, superintendent. N. E. Nyetrom of Bristol, active 8. The Drum and Bugle Corps gave Miss Mary Hyde motored to Col- 10 the affair by presenting th« «ve- had a clear coast. That the TOTALS 460 MILUONS Supper in the Church hoe been a be present. factor In what Mr. Ray termed "un­ _ , „ ...... been active In development o f the brtdge aa deputy. 10:48 a. m.— Morning worship. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake in this state In the formation of an exhibition in their usual finished Ungswood, N ew Jersey last Thura* ■inr'e dinner menu In medical move. ■Hunk had been in the vicinity formal thing— a sjrmbol of the fact Holy Cjommunlon will be celebrat­ OHVROH o r THE NAZARENE and coffee were served. Mrs. Ger­ pleasant manufacturing conditions Daring Young Politician From , timber and lumber industry since Children's Sermon by the Pastor. Townsend clube, was a speaker at manner. Professor J. A. Manter of day to visit relatives. From thsrs torm®. Drawing® of woodchuck®, Would Recall Senator. of depot was etill evident late o f fellowship In the <3iurch rather ed on Pentecost Sunday, June 2. H. B. Aniliony, Minister in Manchester. Wheat Belt Cornea East for the start of the century. "Gideon’s Hot Hearts". Vested trude Hough will entertain the club the meeting of the Manchester Mr. and Mrs. Hyde continued on, the hunting of which la Dr Moore's 'At a veterans' administration hoa­ this morning. Washington, May 28.— (A P )—The than a symbol o f the union o f souls The young people people confirmed next Thursday afternoon. OnnecUcvit State College at Storrs The Certificate That Purpose. Another son of the late founder choir. Memorial Day Sermon by the last Sunday will then receive their Townsend club held last night at gave a nature U lk on ' The U fe of a travelling the Skyline Drive to Mon- hobby, were placed at each table pltal at Whipple, Aria., petitions largest peace-time naval appropria­ of the dynasty, Frederick K. Weyer­ INSANE FARMER KILLS with Jesus in sacrificial love and Sunday Winthrop C. Hildlng, son of Mr. the Nathan Hate school. There were llcello, Virginia. While on the trip and the gueet of honor also had were In circulation for the recall of “ Rayton Aseoclatae, Inc." acoord- service. Pastor on the subject "Wanted — first communion. 8:00 a. m.— Morning prayer. Caterpillar." He took this subject LAWS ON TRUCKING tion In America's hiatory, totalling haeuser lives In St. Paul. The Direction To God." The Mons- and Mrs. Albert W. Hildlng. who 85 in attendance. Reports of prog­ they also visited Mr. and Mrs. Her­ gud at hia plate. The drat rough Senator Carl Hayden on the ground, In/; to Its certificate of Incorporation The Week 9:30 a. m.— Church Bible school. completes his Freshman year at from the eggs to the butterfly. Pro­ $160,000,(KM aad Including funds to Topeka, Kas., Moy 28.— (A P )— A It (a a Ml^nui thing to . call to Ypres Post of British War Veterans ress being made In the club mem­ bert Thompson, Jr., of Cbancelkkr* sketch of the local hoapltal. drawn among other things, that he opposes approved yesterday by the secretary The entire cl'y was aroused by the Monday, 7:30— Beethoven. 10:45 a. m.— Morning worship and fessor Manter gave each troop a live Hartford, May 25—(A P )—Truck­ start construction on 24 new ships daring young politician of the COUPLE, HANGS SELF nfind' the djdng o f the Lord Jesus and their Auxiliary organization ot Connecticut State CoUege this bership In Manchester were given ville, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp­ by Dr Moore and Mr. Watkins, was Immediate payment of the bonus. or slate and filed today In the office and build 868 new airplanos, proba­ lad's dlsappcirance, and several Tuesday, 7:30— Teachers and O f­ sermon by the pastor. Subject: "The spring, was awarded a gold medal cocoon which he had kept through ing concerns of Connecticut today wheat country traveled Bast today and to symbolize a union with Him women will be our guests for this and showed that since the lost son were both formerly o f Andover. of the town clerk for recording taxicab drivers, off duty, searched ficers. Heavenly Dove.” for the highest standing in military the winter and which ho expected on display. were warned of certain amendments bly will be tent to the White House to take a job of "big time" politics so Intimate that He comes into our morning service. The center sec­ meeting o f the club 35 new mem­ Mr. and Mrs. Hyde reached home authorises tha new firm: the city's outskirts /n their cabs. Fargo, N. D„ May 25.—(AP)— Wednesday, 4:00 — Children's map reading, including mathema­ would come out within the next two to the Now York vehicle and traffic within the next few days. — that o f injecting some of hie own lives In such a way that He is our tion of the church will be reserved 2:30 p. m.— Junior Mission band, bers had been secured which brings Monday. To acquire and real and per­ It was approved In the Senate Mother Year Collapse The ilaymg of a farm couple at Chorus Party. tics and measuring distances on weeks. Charles Oliver then showed laws effective Immediately by audacious fighting spirit Into the sustaining power and our inspira­ for our guests. 6:00 p.'m.—Young People's pray­ the total membership of the Man­ Mrs. Christine Frink Johnson e f sonal property "for any purpose yesterday, 8 toS 18. The Senators their farm home i.ear Ashley, N. D., tion. Thursday, 7:30— O Clef. er meeting. maps. The award, which was given the following movies; Scandanavlon lEAGBE ACTIONAWRTS FAILING EYESIGHT Michael Connor, commissioner of the Republican party for the 1936 pres­ The fam ily was In seclusion The Week chester club to 450. Norwich, spent two days this sresk whatsoever;” voted to Include an Item for ship­ and the suicide of their slayer, de­ Friday, 6:18— Junior Choir. by the Reserve Officers' AssoclaUon people, Indian people, Felix the <3at, state department of motor vehicles idential race. throughout the uight. Mrs. Wayer- Much of our religious thought and A t Vernon: 6:30 p. m.— Young People’s hour. John May, a member of the Hart­ with relatives in town. To manufacture, buy, sell and building whicn had been trimmed scribed by autnn^ties as “mentally 7:30— Emanuel CJhoir. of the state, was presented at the and a camera study o f nature. The The changes affect the operation of Casting aside personal affairs haeuser was reported near collapse. action today is altogether too shal­ Tuesday. 2:30 p. m.— The Ladles 7:80 p. m.— Evangelistic service ford Townsend club, was also a The Misses Lola and Louise H«>. CRISIS IN EAST AFRICA dealy In "paper, press- previously by the House. This mad* ill" waa discovered late today. annual competitive drill at Storrs program closed with the goodnight CAUSE OF SUICIDE commercial vehicles on the high­ perhaps until after the ballots are George's father, already deeply low. Religion is not merely a mat­ Aid wdll meet and hold their annual with sermon by the pastor. Subject: speaker, being one of the 17 mem­ mer have returned home after visit­ board specialties, papsr stock, pulp, Max Wlshek, McIntosh county at­ ST. MARY’S CHURCH Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Hildlng ways of New York state and apply it necessary to send the measure counted a year from November, grieved by the recent death o f his ter of doing, even though with sad­ meeting and election o f officers. A ll "Stoning Jesus.” bers of the Hartford club that at­ circle. It was a very interesting pro­ ing a friend In N ew Britain. pulp wood, cardboard, Insulatbig torney, said Albert Haupt, 33, had Rev. James Stuart Neill, Rector and her daughter Lois, also Mrs. (k>ntlnued from Page One) to nil motor trucks regardless of to a committee of conferees repre­ John D. M. Hamilton, Kansas' 43- father, was reported by associates to ness one contemplates the lack of the ladles o f the church are urged The Week tended the meeting of the Manches­ gram and the girls and the audience The funeral services for AlUaon Oontimied from Page One) materials and other allied products, senting both branches of been shot to death, hia wife Martha, Edmund H. Horton and her daugh­ where they may be registered. • year-old National committeeman, be terribly stricken by hls son's dis­ vital Christian action on the part of to atend. Tuesday at 8:00 p. m.— Monthly ter club last night. seemed to enjoy it very much. L. Frink were held Thursday after­ and to engage in the manufacturing, before It could be forwarded for the 28, beaten to death, and the body Sunday ter Betty, were present. dispute and an understanding ehall left for Wasbingten laat night to those who make Christian profes A t Manchester: meeting o f the Y. P. S. at the home A committee was named by the noon at his home. The Rov. M n morning when Mrs. Whitfield, clad tiading, buying or selling of any appearance. of Edwin Dobier, 27, from whom Sion. Fifth Sunday after Easter. Miss Merle Jones, the eleven year not have been reached July 28 be- President’s signature. Little oppo­ take over duties of assistant to Wednesday, 7 to 9. The final meet­ of John Ellllson. Manchester club to arrange a place Ackerley officiated. Henry Hilliard In pajamas and a flowing robe, was kind, character or type of materials When he left school George was to old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude twesn these arbitrators aa to tho NEW BRITAIN FIRE sition to the changes made hy the Henry P. Fletcher. National chair­ they leaaed the farm, found hanged The Christian life 1s a matter of ing of the Junior Quest will be held 9:30 a. m.— (?hurcb school. Men’s Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.—Mid­ for holding out-of-door ■ meetings acted as organist and Mi*t Amy found dead upon her bed. In one or products whatsoever;" Senate was expected from the have called at the Annie Wright from a rafter In the barn. being. I t Is Hnked with the life of Bible class. W. Jones, appeared in three num­ during the month o f July and Au­ SOUTH COVENTRY selection of a fifth arbitrator (un­ man of the G. O. P. in the social room. It Is hoped that week prayer meeting. Randall was soloist. A great many hand she grasped a .39 calibre re­ To apply for, obtain, register, buy, seminary about five blocks away to bers at the dance recital given Fri­ less the four arbitrators agree to New Britain, May 28.— (AP) — conferees. Hamilton wlU have charge of a Wlshek aalo Doiilsr had been God, with the life and death of some kind of entertainment wlU be 10:46 a. m.— Morning prayer and Friday at 7:30 p. m.— Class meet­ gust. This committee ^11 report relaUves and friends attended and volver. lease or otherwise acquire or dispose go homo with a Bister, Anne, 13. He day evening at the CJapltol Theater, There were twenty-fbur tables In •n extension of this period). Fire broke out In the Kensington Senator Nj’e (R., N. D.), chairman party rejuvenation and reorganiza­ "mentally ill” for several months Jesus, and with the life of that great provided. A one hundred per cent sermon. Sermon topic: "Patriotism ". ing. at the next meeting of the club. there was a large number of beau­ o ' inventions. Improvements, pro­ never arrived at the seminary. play at the regular whist party held '•The Council also decides to meet The scene waa Deadhorse ranch, business center at 10:30 this morn­ ot the munitions committee, tailed .n tion program. After conferring and had recently threatened to Kill company in the church militant and attendance is necessary to make 3:00 p. m.— Highland Pork Sunday Willlmantic, by the dancing-—-clasa The entertainment la t night was tiful Doral pieces. *Buriai was in Wednesday evening In the basement to examine the sltuaUon If on Aug. 28 miles west . of here, the once cesses, patents and letters patent; ing and damages to the three a last-minute attempt to amend the with Fletcher and other party <»ad- His sister went home, after wait­ himself. in the church triumphant who have plans for the Junior Quest outing school. taught by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas In charge of Mrs. Fred Dart. The the Columbia cemetery. To buy or otherwise acquire bill to give the comptroller general Overholt. She did tap dancing alone. of St. Mary's church under the di­ as settlement by mea > of concilia­ happy home she and Whitfield ac­ buildings Involved may amount to ers In the East, the committeeman ing for him, and the fam ily did not The bodies were discovered by a loved, and sacrificed, and served in on June 8. 7:00 p. m.— Evening prayer and ST. JOHN’S POLISH NATIONAL “star" performer waa Misa Shirley The Rev. Paul Ackerman and stocks, bonds, notes or other obliga­ authority to view all papers In con­ Mr. • and Mrs. Arthur McDonald rection of Mrs. Benjamin Strack of tion and arbitration shall not have q u it^ nearly two .years ago. $18,000. The blaze started In a w*ll retrace hls steps to the Mid­ become alarmed 'anti! later. 14 year old boy who had come to do witnessing to the world the divine Friday 8 p. m. The Booster Club sermon. Sermon topic: "Rogation.” Cnemaon, a little 7-yecr-oId misa Mrs. Ackerman spent two days ♦»«!■ tions of tiny corporation organlxes nection with the lotting of con­ and daughter Elaine, and Mrs. Lena North Ctoventry. Prizes were token place.” This was the rambling, adobs es- small building behind the grocery nnv west—a region ha hopes to help some work for Haupt. The Haupt'a compassion and the fullness of the meeting. This wdll be a social meet­ The Week 23 Oolway St. who gave three recitations that week In New York. lale, complete with polo field and foi a similar or cognate purpose, tract for a naval vessel. It was Then the school was called and all Fuller and Samuel Clooper, all ol were well received. | awarded as follows; women’s first, store of Frank Fogllattl. It spread draw back Into the party folds next four-year old daughter, Imelda, w m gospel o f grace. ing. Come prepared for some siir-, Monday, 7:30 p. m.— Girls Friend­ Rev. F. B. Mlkloszewskl, Rector Marshall Frink of (Canterbury quarters for blooded cuttle, for ats(i the stocks, bonds, notes or explained that this amendment was teachers questioned. They in turn Hartford, were callers Thursday Mia* Elizabeth Flaherty; second, Italian government circles at to his store, the shoe store of Jo­ year. found playing In the house. prises and a mighty good time. Re­ ly society. Sunday— High mass and sermon called on cousins In town Friday. which Mrs. Whitfield vlrtuslly de­ ether obllgattone of any corporation designed to prevent shipyards from quizzed their pupils but no one ex­ evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rnda. Eaglevllle; third. Rome said they regarded the reso­ seph Perretta and a tenement occu­ member last month? This will be Tuesday, 7.00 p. m.— Boy Scouts. at 10:30. Misa Licwla, the welfare hursw serted Newport and Palm Beach. which Is found necessary or convent agreeing on the prices to be bid. cept one small boy on traffic duty, Mrs. Harold Gray. Mrs. Frank Luthl; men's first, James lutions as following the normal pied by Peter Arvlno. even better. 7:30 p. ra.— (?hoir rehearsal. Sunday at 3:30 at the Polish hall “NEW HAYEN" EXTENDS from Middletown, called on friends Suddenly out of the outwardly har­ ent for Rayton Associates to ac­ Pasted by the Senate the bill car­ recalled seeing the lad after he left The Hebron Cardinals wUI play Thompson. Eaglevllle; second, Dan­ course of events. Officials declined CARLO VON BARERCH Wednesday, 8:00 p. m.— Moving on North street patriotic exercises in town Friday. to comment otherwise, except to monious menage.. In which Whitfield quire; JA,HES BLAKE DIES ried $132,000,000 for new construe' ROOSEVELT IS TERMED the school. WAPPING the Slater Ponies of Jewett City on iel Sullivan; third, Edwin Kohler, As the alarm spread in the late THE SALVATION AR.MY picture: "K ing o f Kings" In the will be held to observe the signing siy that the setting of a time limit wrote a successful movie and his To acquire the good will, buslnesa, tlon, including $20,880,000 for start' o f the (Constitution May 3, 1791. the Klbbc baseball field Sunday at ROUND TRIP TIME UMIT North Coventry; Aee of Hearts, ing new ships whose ultimate cost afternoon and Hvening, schoolmates Oaptoin and Mr*. N. J. Curtis Parish House under the auspices of 2:30 p. m. for negotiations and recognition of wife developed n vegetable garden, rights, property and obligations of New York. May 26 — (AP) — WINS SECOND PRIZE The annual meeting of the South The Week Mrs. Arthur Coutu; door prize, Mrs. was estimated at $107,427,000. began massing In front o f the the Y. P. F. the treaty clauses outlawing re­ r»m e word In February that .she had any iDdivIdual, partnership or cor James W. Blake, who immortalized nNEST UVING HGURE Windsor Parent-Teachers’ Associa­ Monday— Mass at 8:30. All interested arc cordially invited Joseph O'Brien, WIlHraantlc. Re- Some of the money for new con­ Wayerhaeuser home. ' Sunday Thursday, 8:00 a. m.— (Ascension to atend the Congregational church Special Arrangementa for Me­ course to arms fit In with Italian filed suit for divorce. poratlou carrying on a business memories of a happy childhood In tion was held at the Wood Library Tuesday— Masa at 8:30. freshmentarof sandwiches, cake and GILEAD Fresh from a New York visit she one of the greatest song hits, la struction win go to complete vessels Tacoma police were uotifled o f the (Jarlo Von Barereh, the German 9:30 a. m.— Sunday school. D ay)— Holy (Communion. Presenta- service at 10:30 a. m., Sunday at the morial Day Week-End Are coffee were served. Uleas. similar to or cognate to the business recently. Reports were given and Tuesday— The girls sewing club went to Santa Fe Thursday to dls- dead—In poverty. started with PW A funds during 1933 But Seniors at New Jerfiey Col boy's disappearance about 3:10 p. Shepherd dog, American born and 11:00 a. m.— Holiness service. Uon o f United Thank Offering by the Green, when Mr. Wayne Womer ot Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cleveland of Mr. and Mrs. George MiUer far which Rayton Associates is or­ the following officers were elected will meet at 4:15. Announce!] Today. oe CUS.1 the sidt with her attorney. ganized and pay for them In cash or Death of cancer came to the 73 end 1934. lege for Women Are Against m.. and immediately searched the now owned and raised by Captain 2:00 p. m.— Band and soldiers will Woman's Auxiliary. The Junior Hartford will speak. Westfield, Mass., and grandson, Colchester called at the home president. Miss Marion Hills: vice choir will sing. Wednesday— Mass at 8:30 a. m. of SENATORS FROWN Whitfield was in Hollywood. storks, bonds, or other obligation of rear old author o f the lyric of ‘T he Democratic Party. woodlands and gullies in the district. Herman Schcndel of the Manchester president, Mrs. J, Watson Vlbert gather at the Citadel and march to People here re.spondcd quickly For the Memorial Day week-end James Robinson of Pittsfield, Mass., Mrs. K. E. J^oote recently. When Victor Chervet. her body­ the new concern. Sidewalks of New York.” last night. They were relnfoi^d by volunteer police department, this morning won East cemetery for service there at Friday, 3:30 p. m.—Girls Friendly Thursday—Mass at 8:00 a. m. when the alarm of lire was given were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Floyd Fogll and Earl Dowd secretory. Mrs. Marshall Bldwell After the service the parishioners the New Haven Railroad U extend­ guard and ranch manager, returned Former Governor Alfred E. Smith posses of schoolm.o.tes and citizens. second prize In the novice clasa treasurer, Mrs. DOniel Cavanaugh 2:30 p. m. society Candidates meeting. over the telephone Thursday and ing the time limits on its round-trip William L. Cleveland. were recent visitors in Hartford. ON NRA DICKER from purchaalng eggs Thursday to whoso political campaign the CURB OUOTATIONS New Brunswick, N. J., May IS.— In addition to George and Anne, against 18 doge at Mre. Hartley 7:00 p. m.—March and open air will go to Springfield, Mass., to take It was learned that Daniel Hodge’s Mrs. (Jarrle Manwaring of Nlan- Mrs. A. H. Post, Mrs. Louis Twin­ auditor, Mrs. Alfred Willson. The part in the consecration of the cor­ week-end tickets. These tickets will night he found, he said, that she piece was a theme song had come to (A P)—Seniors at the New Jersey there are two other children, Philip, Dodge's estate In Madison, N. J. service. SOUTH CHURCH large barn was on fire. All are great­ tic is vlsiUng Mr. and Mrs. William ing. Mrs. Charles Fish and son. outstanding accomplishment of the ner stone o f the new edifice. allow starting anytime from Wed­ had fired three shots from a window hia aid. College for Women consider Frank­ 10. and Elizabeth, 2. The dog was judged by Hefr past year, was the serving of hot 7:30 p. m.— Special service In Cita­ (Methodist Bpiacopol) ly relieved that the fire was checked nesday morning, May 29, at six H. Armstrong. vin, attended .the strawberry f Ikmtinued from Page One) Amer 4 months. ■Turn the radio on loud and give fleld" tnelr chol'cc film of the year. STATE erhood will meet. Belle Clark; door prize, Amos Rich­ evening./After the meeting the The annual business meeting mo f the church. Speaker— Ool. Anson T. SNUG AT HOME yOxi me another drink. 1 need relaxa­ *1 1 1 ! seniors voted against peace HP the United Workers will be Meld at Friday at 8:00 p. m.— ^The (Choir ardson. A fte r the play refresh­ >ung .])cople went to Good Win SECOND CONGREGATIONAL McCook. Subject-“Let Us Have Manchester /On Bathtubs for native Japanese In tion,” Chervet quoted her. through preparednsas and stated When The Best Motion Plcturo of the cottage o f Mrs. Peter Bossen, will meet for rehearsal. ments were .served. ' ' trai^e in Glastonbury to attend Freilerick C. Allen, Minister Peace!" Col. MeCkwk is a well Havana.— (AP)— After drifting Neidhbore’ Night. the hotels of Japan are covered. Was Despondent. From Birth to Graduation, Triplets Cling Together they favored the abolition of the June 7 and a picnic lunch will be The Mi-sses Clara and Emelia The Last Ten Years Is Selected known leader among the ex-service about the Caribbean Sea for nearly Mqpoaing only tbs head and shoul­ “ Last (Thursdiiy) night seemed marking system in college. In Its e e e‘*LE6 served at noon. The nominating SWEDISH CONGREGATIONAL Date Book Shafer and Miss Lucy Monson of M r. and Mrs. W. N. Hills and son, Morning worship at 10:48. Ser­ men o f the state and haa a reputa­ two years, a $6,500 bell buoy is back Homer, Mrs. A. H. Post, Mrs. Lioula ders of the occupants. to be tike any other night except place they would substitute a pats committee, composed of Mrs. Harold S. E. Green, Minister Woodbury and George Shafer of she seemed to be despondent and MISERABLEff'WIII Probably Rank FIRST mon by Rev. Wilson M. Hume, tion of being a forceful speaker. An in Cuba, none the worse for Its Chicago, III., arc week-end guests of Twining, Mrs. Charles Fish and and fall system, with recognition for M. Newberry, Mrs. Peter E. Bossen voyage. Today tense." recounted the employe Her Prisoners of Hope". The music; invitoUon has been extended to the Swedish Morning Worship, 10:30. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leroy Schweyier. Miss Edna Post attended the funer­ distinguished work. and Miss EAzabeth Noble will re­ Prelude—In C%apel Walls .. .HoccK The buoy, aa electrically con­ Opening of Y. M. C. A. athletic ranch hands said she had been ftnd- port, ex-service men of the community os English Morning Worship, 11:10. The annual recital o f the Over- al of Allison L. Frink in Andover Anthem—Gone to Their R est ...... trolled affair, was pulieC loose from field with M. H. S.MIddletown track lilg It difficult to rreagnlie persons well as all Interested In the problem Sunday School, 12:00. meet, and baseball game. holt dancing class was held Friday Thursday afternoon. ^ blARS BY AT( I AMATION A play entitled, “Meet the Vll- ...... Hosmer Its moorings off Santa Ouz del more than five or six feet away. o f the way to peace. The usual ques­ English Evening Service, 7:30. Tonight evening at the Ctopitol theater In The eighth grade pupils went to llan" will be presented by the Offertory— Ckimrades Swreetly Sleep­ Sur, In Cjameguey province, by a Mrs. Whitfield had often appeared tion and discussion period will fo l­ Wednesday evening Service, 7:30. 35th anniversary entertainment Willlmantic. The Misses Elolse Hebron Wednesday afternoon to at­ FIRST APPEARANCE West Hartford Youths Temperance ing ...... Wilson mid-summer hurricane In 1033. afraid of "something unknown tu Victor Hugo’s low the address. Friday Evening the Ladies Aid and dance of Scandia Lodge, Order Schweyer, Virginia Boudreau, Annie tend the rehearsal for graduation. IN MEMOKIAM Union, under the auspices of the PosUude—March ...... Anon I t waa picked up o ff the coast of Mr. and Mrs. Norton Warnar an- ' la loving momory of Harry WhltlU me," said Chervet. “SMILING” (IVIMOH (AL STORY Music at the morning worship: Society will meet in church at 7:46. of Vasa, at Orange ball. (Carpenter and Fern Frink o f Cov­ Wapplng Federated Workers, next Church School at 9:30 a. m. British Honduras recently and tertalned Mr. aad Mrs. J. Bonks : f h e due May ISth, IH I: Ho recalled she had asked often Prelude— "O, Rest In the Lord" Confirmation of this year’s class N ext Week entry took part. Friday evening. May 31, at 8:18. Christian Endeavor meeting at brought back to Cuba. A fte r minor Jones. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Barras- for a loaded pistol and had remark­ (E lijah) ...... Mendelssohn will be held Sunday morning, June May 27— Banquet of Young Re­ There were about seventy women Just I years sin » lbs AncMus (D. 8. T .). 6:30. repairs in Havana It will be re­ so. Mr. and Mrs. (Clifford Parry, ed that the revolver made too much Processional Hymn—No. 1 8 ...... 2nd. publican club at Masonic Temple. present at the regular meeting of ba rang. FRANKIE Mrs. Ralph M. Grant and M rr The Week turned to duty. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish at a din­ noise. the Coventry League of Women at will be a dally mamory aa tha Leslie M. Newberry were appointed Mohday at 7— Boy Scouts...... Greenland M ay 27 and 28 — Annual Klwanls yaara roll along.' And her but command for the ST. JAM ES’S B. C. CHURCH Voters which was held Thursday ner party at their home Monday-, delegates of the Wednesday After­ Tuesday at 7:30— Men's Bible and Anthem—"He Maketh Wars to show at Hollister street school. evening. I night was to turn the radio On loud Cease" ...... j . p. scott Rev. William P. Reidy. Pastor. M ay 29— Dance at Country club. afternoon in the American Legion aist*r Mr*. Wm. Thomp"in. CARLE noon club, to attend the 39th an­ Discussion CHass meeting at the Bureau of Air Commerce medical Twenty young people from Gllaod -It Ktill blared In the bedroom bi Rev. Patrick Killeen. rooms. The speaker waa Mre. Her­ "Danes Wizard of the Keys” nual meeting of the Connecticut parsonage. A ll men welcome. Hymn—No. 701 ...... Monoah examiners throughout the United June 1— M. H. S. and Meriden In gathered at the home of Mr. •94 the morning when another attend­ State Federation o f Women's Clubs, Anthem—"Memorial Day” ...... Rev. Thomas Stock. States are directed to Include in double-header at Mt. Nebo. bert Fisher of Hartford, who spoke ant. F,squiel .Segura, lighting open And RIa Wednesday at 7:30 — Married Mrs. Cbauncey Kinney in A) _ LATE TO CLASSIFY which was held at the Bond Hotel, Couples’ Club meeting at the home ...... H. L. Cfiementa their physical reports on candidates Coming Events in opposition to birth control. fin's, found the body. Mrs. Whit­ Masses at 7, 8:30, 0:30, 10:30. Thursday evrening end gave tlMlr May 22 and 23. of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright, wdth Recessional Hymn—No. 654 ...... for Dying licenses, complete Infor­ June 3— Annua] meeting o f Man­ Oscar Wood of Moosup ia visiting E QUANTITY of flower field had retired about 11 p. ni. and Children's Mass at 8:30. In Basement son, Leslie, a surprise party in him«- Mr. Anderson was taken to the social good time. Committee: Mr...... Tidings mation about marks of IdentlDcation chester Improvement Association. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wood. or o f his birthday. Leslie recalssd. itoMe plants ready now. Inventtgators theorized the abot. un­ Orchestra SliAKt't) Chapel in the afternoon at 3:30 the Hartford hospital Thursday after­ and Mrs. Ralph Rockwell and Mr. Poatlude—Trauer Marsch ...... such as scars, birthmarks, Uttoed Also mass meeting of all Man­ The closing bridgo o f the season many useful presents. Mra, K lm u y Vinca Vines. Petunias, heard by the rest of the household, NEXT F R F D R I C MARCH IrO N IU H l Children of Mary Sodollty will con­ noon where be underwent an opera­ and Mrs. Clarence Sadrozinski...... L. Beethoven designs, or teeth peculiarities. This chester veterans at State Armory. of tho Electa Bridge club of Man­ served a delicioua lunch o f nte. Also badding plants, was fired near midnight. n U D A k .1 . II «N V.M Jl AN P A U L duct the services of the Crowning of M UN I In tion Friday morning for appendicitis. Saturday at 7:30— Choir rehear- Alban W . Cooper, organist and information recently enablet* the bu­ June 9. 10, 11 — Observance of chester waa held Thursday at Mrs. wiches, cake and home z * ONanduto, Zlnlaa, Marigold, SANDY BEACH BANK CHARLI S LAUGHTON His wife, Mrs. Ruth Anderson Is a choirmaster. the Blessed Virgin Mary followed by reau to trace a robbery suspect 51st anniversary of St. Mary's Graham’s Tea Room. Luncheon cream. "BLACK sermon and Benediction of the it N K pepper*' lettuce and BALLROOM NIGHT ■) A I H r puar* teacher In the Wapplng schools. The Week known to be interested In Dying. church. was served at one o'clock followed Mrs. Charles Fish spent 9ruglaaut and rock gar- Blessed Sacrament. June 12— Graduation at local by an afternoon of bridge. A t an EIngUsh seaport, where the 280.00 PLUS Parents' Day will be held at the EMANUEL LUTHERAN The regular organizational and with her aunt, Mrs. AJ AU at low price. Al- CRYSTAL LAKE CEDRK MARDWIl KL Music at the 8:30 Maas: State Trade school. tide levels sometlmas change as Given "PrlnoMs Wapplng schools next Wednesday Knut E. Erickeon, Pastor choral groups will meet as usual Mr. and Mrs. J. A. (tontwell. Miss Frink, in Andover. Prelude— Spring Song ...... Harris Power enough to run a radio June 21— High school graduation evaninga and much aa SO feat, an Inventor obtoins Aw ay!

fatAHUas In tlia SS dtlaa, S tl warn its own wny and to compel Coagreas in toe Memorial Day parade next her annual Inspection. The trus­ Coconl was working in toe upper Pm rlrrftrr Possible Effect Of A Stock Market Boom Thureday, May 30. The post will as­ tees arc requested to report at the tha reaulU of seddants occurring to do tha will o f the White House. ANOTHER PUZZLING part o f toe house when the fire Congressmen Healthy Lot, semble at toe Arm y and Navy club armory at 7:30 to audit the books started, the constable learned. The SILVER LANE L I N I I within tbair own bordera. In the HEALTH- DIET ADVICE at 8 a. m. sharp wearing service with Mrs. Writler. fire was first discovered In the back €wntiig lUriU) previous year the number of such CXOCK LAW ’S APPEAL By UR. FRANK McCUY caps with medals or ribbons. A t part of the bam and was burning 8:30 a. m. toe post with other units BLAZE IN BOLTON ^ PUliUlMUKi) HI I'Ulfi deaths was 486. The Incresaa to this OBSsttoM IB rsgarfi to Health and Diet Says Capital Physician rapidly. Help was called for and peo­ PUTS ON N E # I > ta llA b O PRINTINO OOMPANT, INC. Passage by the General Asaembly will march to Center Park where U Street proportion la s little larger than in va U u n ? ’ w ill ha SBSwsrsd by Dr. MeCoy who eax ple from different farms responded. of tb|s state o f a resolution rsptaUng toe Memorial exercises will be car­ Recreation ('enter About 60 workers were at tbe MeBebeeter. Ctmu. bs addressed to eare of this paper. Ba- ried out. (Comrade Albert Lindsay, - 1 THOMAS PCROUSON tha total o f motor fatalities In the Wxshtogton, May 28.— (A P )—TheSlx not expected to return to "The farm in a short time .*nd two horses tbs ludicrous law forbidding ths ad­ eloas stoBiped, self-addrnssed eavaleps having been appointed as an aide to Oeoersl MeBaser cities, though there Is no marked House of Repreaentxtlves is setting HiU” much before the closing days Items of Interest Barn and Adjacent Sheds and an automobile were removed >» ” Pounded Oetnler 1, l l i l justment of publicly displayed clocks for reply- toe marshal, will report at 9:10 a Men Also at Work pBbllalied Beeir Beenlai Eaoept dlfftrtncs. X hexlth mxrk this year that most o f tbe session. from the building, but no farm Im­ to daylight saving time puts sn end any little town o f like population Rep. Peyser o f New Y'ork, also has m. to Chlef-of-Staff David McCol­ ■uSspa and Helldax> Entered, at iBe Tbs salient point is that the kill, AmeHsoa l/sgion. Saturday Destroyed on Coconi Place plements or household furniture M at Office at Maccheater. Conn, aa to aa excellent an example of poppy­ SUNBATHING. ^tols vslusbla remedy.- In the be- m l^ t well shoot at.. lum. A ful attendance would be been confined to bed for many The next meeting of the Post will pleasing. The men’s plunge period vrill be which had been stored in toe bam. Diesel Engine in Perrc|| Saoend Clsea Mall Matter.___ logs ndtber diminish nor stand attll. Whan you ara contomplattog aTginnlng it is well, if at the beach Although many of the membere weeks, oithougb he, like Bankhead, held from 7 to 8 o’clock. Members SUBSCRIPTION RATES cock legislation aa could be found on Comrades Fred Baker, Cecil Kit­ were saved. The fire was outside of Thera ara always mors, and more sunbath, alther to tha nude or at j to provide yourself with an um- are elderly, only six in the present keeps in touch with legislation and' be held at the State Arm ory on must get towels and plunge tickets One Tear. b» tnall ...... the statute books of any state. tle. Joe Boyce and James McCul­ in South Bolton. any protection area and the neigh­ Per Mont^ by m a ll...... I .*2 and still more. There are mom the beach. It is well to keep to mind ; brella or cover your akin with a roster of 432 are ill with anything has pairs arranged to show his posi­ Monday night. It is the wish of at the office. There will be no bors resorted to wetting blankets & Glenney Track. ' The adoption of that foolish law lough will meet at the Army and SlBsle Copy ...... "I the fact that an overdose of the rug or suit of pajamas part of ths more than a very slight indisposi­ tion on important roll coll votes. the post commander that as many whist party at the West Side Rec i^id holding them along side of the Oellvered one year ...... tti.OO actually, mors In proportion to pop­ sun’s rays is injurious. time. Navy Club Wednesday evening may have been an exemplification of tion. The thini member forced to the members be present as possible os on Cedar street. A fire that is considered by Con­ house to prevent it from burning. ulation, more in the country and _ I find that many people suffer there la a matter of much import­ M ay 29. at 6 o’clock. They will pro-’ MEMBER o r THE ASSOaATED the philosophy of tha old song which _I urge all of my readers aa well And in fivo months thia session, sick list was Rep. Shannon o f Mis­ Monday Others mounted to toe root ot the Perrett A Glenney, local truckmen PRESS from the mistaken belief that U a ance to the members up for discus­ ceed to toe East cemetery and to stable Chesterfield Piric to be of more In the towns and rltJes. their children to avail themselves there has been but one death—Rep. souri, who suffered a nervous col< The men's plunge period will be house and when sparks fell on the The Aeaocuted Preea la aaolnelvety said that "Baton finds soma mischief little sunshine Is good, a great deal I o f the help of the sun this summer. sion and one that he wonts all to the Grove Hill cemetery In Rock­ suspicious origin yesterday after­ and holders of the bus franchise entitled to the uae Cor republleailon Millions of speed addicts stand Anthony Griffin of New York, who lapse the middle of March. He re­ ville to decorate the graves of our held from 7 to 8 o'clock. The worn? roof they were soon extinguished. still for Idle hands to do." ' A t the is better. Extreme sunburn la often Plenty o f sunshine is x slmpls, aasy- have a voice In. cn's plunge period will be held from from Manchester to Hartford by, of alt newa dlepatohea credited tn It ready at any moment to reeent and was a veteran in both years and turned to his borne to Kansas City departed comrades. noon destroyed a barn, garage, milk- The fire yesterday waa only two or not otberwiea eredlted In thia very dangerous, aa the porea o f the to-txke prescription. If you will There arc to be reports from the 8 to 9 o’clock. Women members way of Silver Lane, have put in time of Its passage the Connecticut service. He died early in the session. early In April. Although he had ex­ Comrade Jim TTiompson has been house and a largo quantity of hay. houses away from th;; home of paper aod aleo the local newa pub- diny every suggestion that Increag. skin become swollen and injured by sun yourself grxduxUy I xro sure different chairmen on the coming may get towels from the lifeguard. tlaned herein. General Assembly was confronted Asked how this session’s serious pected to return to Washington by removed from the home at Noroton some household furniture and farm Giovanni Pesco, which waa destroy­ operation a new bus with a seating ing speeda have anything to do with the burn. you will note xn Improvement to iltoeeses compared with those of events which they have had their Membership cards must be shown. All rishta of repnbllcatlon of by so few and such relstivciy Instg- The ultra-violet rays coming from this time, doctors advised him not and is now in tbe hospital In New tools to the value of 34.000, the prop­ ed by fire last week, also under sus­ capacity of 39. apeeial dlepatohea herein are aleo re* tha growth of tha slaughter. Rut your resistance to colds and dls- other years. Dr. George W. Colver, to attempt It committees working, on. Tuesday the sunlight have x distinctly bene­ London where we pray he may have erty of Sylvester Coconi of South picious circumstances. Men now are at work IhstaJUng in aarred. nlflcsnt problsms thst the contro­ exsea and you will have better blood Capitol physician, said they were About tbe same time. Rep. Lam- The speaker that has been booked The women's swimming classes the fact remaina that nobody was ficial effect upon the body. When and quieter nervee. a speedy recovery. Jim will be miss­ street, Bolton. The house was sev­ Mr. Coconl places his loss at 34,- versy, ovsr ths sdoptlen of dsyttght fewer than the average. neck of Ohio, yielded to overwork up for the next meeting will be John will meet os follows; 7 to 7:45, be­ one of their largest trucks a new Poll aanrlee client cC N E A Sere, ever killed on the road by an auto* these rays are given to children the ed on our parades this comine eral times end-uigercd and the men 000 with but 31.000 insurance. Today tee. Inc. In percentage, the House sickness and heart strain. He is not expected Reinartz and his talk with pictures week. ginners; 7:46 to 8:30, intermediates.. Diesel engine which is operated by saving time loomed as a major ia- latter grow and have stronger bonse will be of interest to the members who gathered when the fire was dis­ Constable Pirie la conuucting an in­ mobile that waa standing still. Question: Mrs. Thomas K. in­ rate thus far fla r e s out less than back for another month. Don’t forget the Veteran.s carni­ Wednesday Publleher'a .tepreeantetleei The sue and tha press and the speech than when deprived of them. Ul­ that have not heard him. A public setback party.will be covered removed the furniture from vestigation into the fire although he oil and which, when toe changes are Jullua Uathewa Special A|en.ey-.Ne«> quires: ’’Would you be knd enough 1.4 per cent of prolonged illness, Rep. CkKbran of Missouri was val which will be held on the tra-violet rays are known to have o Tomorrow will be Memorial Sun­ held at the West Side Rec on Cedar the house to a place of safety. A l­ has as yet no tangible clue on which completed, they expect to uae on Tork, Chicago, Uelro I and Bneton. o f the people thundered In the vio­ to tell me something about Heart compared with approximately 1.6 taken to the hospital suffering a Dougherty lot the last week of June healthful effect on all bumana and street. Play will start at 7:46 and though the roof of the-house caught to work. RELIEF A8 PER DUCHESS lence of thst discussion; legislators block?” per cent for the Navy. day and the (Commander would like and bo sure and get your tickets for ditily trips to and from New York. MEMUEIt AUOn BUREAU OK for this reason we hear much about nervous breakdown about three all tbe members to attend divine prizes win be awarded to the win­ fire on five different occasions it was Answer; It is rather difficult to Topping the sick list Is Majority the drawing on the 6*»-foot Elec­ A t present the tnick .nakes one trip CIRCUUATIONR arrayed themselves in armor and the value o f the sunbath. Our re­ weeks ago. He likewise is not ex­ ners. The men’s life-saving class extinguished. We appear to have muffed one explain to oimple terms what lx Leader Bankhead of Alabama, who services at the Center chiircb with tric Refrigerator which will be giv­ One of the greatest handicaps to entered the fray In the do-or-die cent appreciation of the eun is only pected back for zeveral weeks. Rep. the other Veterans Posts. The will meet at 7 o’clock. I It is toe second fire on South to New York, lays over and returns The Herald Prfntins Company, lnc„ of Lady Koosevelt’s best— better meant by Heart block. In the hu­ became ill at the beginning of the en away the closing night of the the material expansion of private aaaumea no IlnencleT rteponalbllliy ro-learning, os the Greeks and Ro­ Carden (D., K y.) bos been absent members will wear Legion caps and Thursday ] street in ten days and because o f the the next day, or three round trips a spirit All over the ' tremenduiie man heart, there occura a certain session. He is now recuperating but carnival. flying ia the difficulty of getting to Cor typographical arrore eppearlng in even than her scheme for putting a mans knew the value o f sunlight nearly two weeks. meet at the town hall t 10:30 a. m. Both Recreation Centers will be manner in which the fire burned and advertltroenta In the Uaneheaiar sequence o f events by which tile and from airports. A new plane will week. swarm of women workers on tho question Of whether a cttlsen bad a long ago. It was Pliny, the elder, •V# daylight saving time. closed all day Memorial Day. the section where it started it has Erenlng Herald. Impulse to contract is poss^ along Mons-Ypres Auxiliary overcome this difficulty by ita abil­ With toe new engine Installed It job of getting up an "American right to call 6 o’clock 7 o’clock or who eald; "The sun is the greatest or transmitted from the right auri­ The poppy drive was started on Frlday led Constable Pirii. to feel that it ity to operate on the highways be­ will be possible to take a load to liATURDAV, MAY 25 to get up earlier In the morning in remedy.” N ot only is the health cle to the ventricles, causing a con­ Thursday and was a success. Much Every member of toe auxiliary is The women’s pliinge period will was set probably by a fire bug fore or after a flight. Ita rotor New York, unload It and pick up a Baedeker" or national guidebook. kindly requested to be present at tu ilt up through the use of sunlight traction of the ventricles. This credit should be given Its chairman, be held from 7 to 9 o'clock. The operating in that section of Bolton. wings can be folded back over the return load and make the round trip Having booted the ball, so to apeak, summer than In winter, if he wantc BBMSdMUlvaH MC or in the nude, then simply roll up heart with the electrocardiograph. who had purchased their tickets wear their uniforms and caps. aration. there's the trick practiced though able and well-liked, Is com- { Board, which then revolved around business, the Dept, guests favored inconsequential. Some of them aro your sleeves, leave o ff'y o u r hose The outlook for the patient depends through the Herald, a large audience DEaSIONONWAGE I f and when Mrs. Woodward B.V r.vri, HARRISON by Richard Htmber, orchestra lead­ monly regarded as half-brother to I Chairman Clay Williams. us with very interesting remarks. Miss Hannah Hughes was more ents the idea to Mr. Hopkins,. and get aa much of the min as pos­ upon several factors; the fact that turned out for each performance. than surprised when the members calculated to make the new taloons er. who besides being an Inveterate the clamp-jawed clam. It seemed N R A wheels hadn’t re­ Mrs. Finer announced that the N a­ Hopkins doesn’t jump down sible this way. a delay In the Impulse to contract Appreciative of the cleaness of the of the Sewing Circle called upon New York, Mny Z5.— Among the wag Is also one. ot the cleverest And newspapermen arc no mon-. volved for two or three days (that tional Pres., Mrs. A. C. Carlson, will a little leas objectionable, than the When beginning to get Into the occurs, is of no great significance. show, apparent In many respects, In her last Tuesday evening In honor er throat and put an end to auch more virulent pests that bloom in amateur magicians. Himber asks willing to give up their news was at a time when NRA wheels PARLEY IN 10 DAYS make her official visit June 17th, at old saloons: some of them aeem juaj sun, first expose the body only a The condition of the patient may re­ comparison with seyerEtl other small of her birthday. Believing it to bo I nonsense ha will miss a golden the spring are practical jokers. ,vou to pick a card, any card, from sources In those 60 agencies than still revolved) while the board jit­ which time Commander Belgrano, short time. Gradually Increase the main the same for years. I f ths circuses that have played in Man­ just the regular weekly sewing ses­ as well calculated to make opportunity. Klther from exuberance, restlea.s- a deck and put It Into your pocket most officials are willing to give up tered over the story and a testi­ National Com. of the Legion will time about five minutes a day until heart is healthy otberwrise, moder­ chester, the audience was responsive sion, you can imagine Miss Hughes’ Worse. It's all very well to say that tho ness or general cussodness, the without looking at It. Ho always the privilege of saying "don’t quote monial was prepared In which all visit Connecticut. cardinal purpose of the relief pro­ you have a tan and until you are ate activity may be continued; If and greeted each new spectacle with amazement. A program of enter­ One of the latter is the nriivision "Broadway boys ” turn to mischief knows which card you’ve selected. me on thi.'«, but— ’’ board members were expected to Reductions at Cheney Bros. The Department Convention will CHOICE able to stay in the sun without g et­ trouble develops elsewhere In the willing hands. gram Is to provide relief, but when in the silly sension. Then he tells you to telephone any There will be no end of heebie- tainment and games waa enjoyed declare their faith in Wllliaras. ting a headache. I f you notice your heart, the patient finds his power be held in Hartford, August 8, 8 and that what used to be callM a full- we begin to teach women of lei­ music publishing house In Manhat­ Everything waa present—hawkers by the members present which was "Anyllilng for ii gag!” ti on* jeebies, private investigations and The testimonial idea was dropped heart beating too rapidly while In of activity lessened. When the pa­ 10th. This announcement was veri­ license saloon as oppomia to a beer- sure how to conduct themselves tan. There arc dusens, but you selling prize packages of candy, Are Expected to Range followed by a buffet lunch. Mias of the articles of thoir code, and angry explosions aa news leaks out. 08 one or two members came to the sun It Is time to return to thcl tient develops Heart block It is ad­ fied at the County meeting, held toward their maids, butlers and select one at random. You call, tight rope walkers, clowns, acrobats, Hughes was the recipient of many license saloon, but ip ^ow to be eu- there are few lengths of time, KIchlH-rg Tenre Hair. realize that it was rather silly. visable to have a doctor check ths Thursday evening in the Aetna l.lfe useful gifts. footmen, it’s high time to call a trouble or expense to which a and ask for whomever HImber Donald RIchberg has been known AAA Has Ita Grief. shade. elephants, trained dogs, Japanese fftonloualy described as a "cafe” —a Protect yourself from too much of | condition from time to time. from 5 to 20 Per Cent. Ins. Co. office in Hartford. Further Don’t forget the Veterans outdoor halt. trickster won’t go. He may take tells you to ask for. Pretty soon to dictate three pages of Mnglc- Tho Interior Department stood on acrobats and all the other attrac­ plans will be announced later. The tions. carnival June 24 to 29 at Dough­ ^er-llcense sajpon Is now a ."tav- Ail right; we’re for the halt. B\it years. Hugh Troy took four yeare, you get a man on the wire who spaced anger to a correspondent on Ita car for days after the news Dept, books will close, July 8th, ior The Japanese acrobat featured erty's lot. Have you secured your sm"—Is pr^ifblted from serving why pick on the unfortunate Wood­ On tha morning after Herbert tells you ths number and suit of the basis of a mere paragraph or leaked that White House pressure sons were accused. Censorship efforts at A A A persist. the year, and delegate strength will Hoovei waa elocteil President, Troy the card you have In your pocket. There have been periodic commo­ All of which may suggest to you the show, balancing on his head A conference bevween Cheney tickets yet, on the drawing of the Buy sort pc food to Its customers. two which told of a relatively Incon­ had been directed against two fa­ depend on the number o f members 6tb-foot Grunow Electric Refriger­ ward person? Hu.m’t she troubles went out and tjought 300 copies of To accomplish all this, Himber sequential roi>ort made to him— vorite Ickes .subordinates, Ebert K. tions In the A A A , loo, as stories ap­ the falsity of stories that the huge while performing a multitude of This m ay^ sslh ly have a aubtle pur Brothers officials and a committee paid up at that time. Won’t those ator? Don’t fall to take a chance. f fcccfo w corps of New Deal press agents tricks. One consisted o f peeling and enough, with tha Grand Duchess of tho morning newspapers carrying has arranged an elaborate code which hadn’t been formally released Burley and Louis Oluvls. peared which Indicated large con­ of workers representing Local 2125, members who have overlooked their poae p t Lho fanatic drys behind it—- Hyde Park riding her with spur ami the largest headlines. Then be care­ and planted It with every one of for publication. Great efforts were made to find cessions by tho Chester Davis ad­ manage successfully to suppress the eating a banana and then washing dues, please make an effort to get U. T. W., was held Thursday on Ward Cbeney Camp, U. S. W, V. off the drinking population aa fully stored those papers and bided the music companies. There’s no And there waa plenty of fuss as the tip.ster and several Innocent per­ ministration to the food industries. news. I t merely tries. it down with a glassful of water them in within the next two weeks. curb bit and putting her over all his time. such man as the one he tells you while upside down, balancing him­ the question of the proposed wage and Auxlliarj'. on w a s h d a y (Idly as possible so that only drjm According to the District Chairman these fantastic jumps—and she, During th'* Kooiievelt-Hoover to ssk for, but the Initial letters self by his head on a narrow swing­ reduction of from 5 to 20 per cent The girls of the drill team con­ c f membership, Manchester must ducted a card party at the home of ^Wlll be loft to vote on a renewal of poor soul, with no chance of balking campaign. Tu>y went around among of the first and second names are ing bar. got busy. which the firm proposes to put into Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren on the probIbUtoD question; but It la his friends making predictions, and the key to the card you have In Perhaps possessed o f an Inverted effect. As a result of the meeting Mrs. Mary Brosnan. Department without losing her job? your pocket. Monday evening. May 20th. llrobably due to mere dumbness. In bets, that Hoover would win. He stomacb, he seemed to have no diffi­ It was agreed that the wage reduc­ Publicity chairman, and Mrs. Besides, why should the Wste'r- got some fancy odds, On election Members of the Camp and Aux­ either event for the law to Insist culty with his peristaltic movements tion was to be held in abeyance for Chartier attended the County biiry Republican be so vexed over night he arranged ii big party, in'reverse. iliary will meet at the Center Sun­ 10 days to give the local an oppor­ meeting to Hartford. Thursday day morning at 10:30 to attend that a peraon, If he is to drink at this particular bit of ghastly Roosc- which lasted well Into the morning. A diminutive girl in wisps ot red tunity to go further into the mat­ night. Due to the meeting place, all, must apply himself exclusively A t just the right moment, a gang services at the Center Congrega­ veltlan snobbery when It la so will­ BEHIND cloth. Introduced as the "Shirley ter. In this connection the local this meeting was the largest held so tional church. Members will also of hired newsboys burst into the union officials have called upon the to the consumption of alcoholic bev- ing to back up the same fam ily’s st- Temple of the circus.” imitated an far this year. A very impressive meet at the same place at 1:30 to go slavery hotel with Troy’s four-year-old older colleague’s antics on the high New York office to send Henry W. memorial service was held during Srages, is for the law to once more newspapers bearing screaming THE SCENES to the Quarryvllle and Bolton Center and here's the tltuds toward common soldiers and trapeze and received a double round Ross, a U. T. W. organizer, to make the meeting, each Unit having a de­ prove Itself what Mr. Bumble aald headlines, "Hoover elected.” They cemeteries for services at 3 p. m. common people’s greenbacks? The IN of applause when she slid to the a study of conditions prevailing in ceased member being represented in on Yvashday it was. scurried through the lobby and Into this locality. The annual services conduct^ by way to freedom same spirit Is at work there as In ground. the ceremony. the post and auxiliary at Gould's the grill, shouting, ’’Hoover elect­ Cheney Brothers have agreed to Apparently the Judiciary Commit The animal performers of the cir­ The next County meeting will be pond. South Main street at 4 p. m. the reneging on currency reform ed.” At that hour, moat of Troy’s ATASHINGTON give Mr. Rosa the privilege to studv tee has listened to practically every­ guests had a little tou much party, cus consisted o f two elephants and held in Plaln'illle, Sunday, June Z.lrd. Following these services the graves and In tha veto of the bonus. It’s J—s v r Cd n e v d u t c h e b — three dogs. Most o f the actors and the methods used In determining Reports from the standing com­ body with a private axe to grtud or so they didn't notice the dates on wage rates and work assignment. of former members' of the auxiliary not such a terribly long-shot bet tho newspapers. A t least, they Evening Herald Washington actresses appeared several times mittees, were very poorly reported will be decorated. a special Interest to serve, but to William Green. U. T. W. organ­ BARGAIN FINISH SERVICE that tha Ouchesa bad ae much of a didn’t notice until most of them had CorrMpondent. *Somebodyto see youV during the show, doubling as acro­ last Thursday. Possibly that was izer. and Toss both attended the nobody et ell who views the liquor bats, clowns, trapee workers and in due to the fact that the meeting finger in tboaa pies aa In this busi­ paid their bets and the joker had Wuhlngton, May 25.—Tho conference with the company offi­ .Anderson-Shea Post, V. F. W. traffic as a great social problem and vanished. other capacities. But the costumes was held Thursday evening. Instead Auxiliary ness of the parlor malda and the squsatniibnesa o f New Dealers as cials but made It clear that neither o f Sunday afternoon. Be sure and who realises that the stats’e respon. to unauthorized news ought not to and uniforms were clean and bright­ they nor the committee would make The regular meeting of the An- footmen. Hungry For Fun ly colored and all apparently did get your reports sent to the District derson-She Auxiliary will be held albtllty is a hundred times greater be overlooked by those correspond­ any promises as a result of the chairman, at once. 9 lbs. $ 1 .3 9 The telephone. Is one of the fa ­ ents who used to remark upon Mr. their beat to please the crowd. study. It was reported. The survey Tuesday and will be followed by a toward the people of Connecticut The Unit extends Its sympathy to ■Additional Pounds At vorite Instruments for playing Hoover’s petulance when things he IF EVE RYBO D Y with somethins: to interest you should began yesterday to the main office social. Mrs. Sarah Dillon, and Miss Mar­ Reduced Ratca. than it la toward any one or two or POLITICAL “STRIKE” jokes. Marc Laebmann likes to didn’t like appeared to the news­ of Cheney Brothers and it is hoped Our Buddy Poppy sale was a very call up people after midnight,. and garet Dillon, In the death of their half dosen groups of individuals papers. “EMPIRE D A r DIviNE by the union committee that the successful one, and we wish to taka So, if Congress should have the Invite them to mythlcn' parties. come and ring your bell, what a nuisance it would be! husband and father, who was a Gold this opportunity to thank all toe who want to make money or a liv There Is still great contrast with study will be completec by next Star Father. temerity to Junk the N UA or even "You mu.stn’t miss this,” he will In­ tho Coolldge admin Istration, In Tuesday night. members who volunteered their Already Acclaimed Ing out of tbs liquor business. sist. "Hop Into your clothes atid Think of the swarming, jostling crowd, the stamping of SERVICES ON SUNDAY The annual Poppy Drive bos time to help our Post in disposing if it should refuse to extend the which officials took their cue from It was pointed out by Clarence again come and gone, with very Tou could write a better liquor gmh a cab. But stop on your wny Luplen,. president of Local 2125. of toe popples. We also wish to act’s life for two full years, to de­ their president, who simply refused satisfactory results, despite the and buy half s dozen cherry piM; that the purpose of this study ia to thank the people of Manchester for law than this one with a garden to read unfavorable articles about feet on your porch and carpets! Mons-Ypres Command and weather. Several members of the fiance of the wishee of the President, everybody over hero Is Insisting on himself. determine for the unK how the toe generouE response they gave to apray-gun loaded with Ink. In the cherry pies.” Then he'll give the Group from Springfield Go­ Auxiliary, and Mr. Pitkin. Chairman us. Although we were Ured, we W ith Mr. Roosevelt’s A. F. of L. right Various types of censorship exist system at Cheney Brothers com­ Enthusiasm By Dozens Of nddre'ss of some acquaintance who from the Legion, were out bright dark o f the moon, with your hands In the many federal bureaus and ing to North Methodist pares with the industry at large in are pelased to take part ’ In tots hand man, Mr. Green, will lufilct has been selected as the chief butt and early Thursday morning, rain agencies. None of them works. relation to wages and work assign­ worthy cause. The money derived tied and yourself completely full of upon the country a general atrika! of the Joke. For hours thereafter Every day we know of many callers who come to see Church. not withstanding. We surely appre- And aometimss when they fail to ment. Speaking for the union. not only gives assistance to the dis­ this same alcoholic opadildoc. This la interesting. Aleo It may the enraged householder will be cUte the response of tbe people of abled veteran, but will enable our work In X conspicuous manner, a Mona-Ypres Command, British President Lupien says that he de­ busy turning away expectant mer­ you. They never jangle the bell—they don’t take up sires a complete picture of the situ­ the town of Manchester, to this verv Post to carry on its relief work, for Manchester Women be regarded as In lieu ot a veto, stray paragraph of "inside”' news W ar Veterans and Auxiliary will worthy cause. ry-makers bearing stacks of cherry ation before a final declsloi can be which there is always a great need. AUTO FATALITIES which, unhappily for the Roosevelt plea. can upset a high official and his observe "Empire Day”, Sunday by FREEDOM— the kin(i of freedom you’ll welcome vChole organization for days. reached betwreen both conference The memorial church services will Our Auxiliary will participate When Eddie Cantor lived In your whole day trying to get your attention. Instead, attendance at divine services In the be held thU year, at tbe Center Con- — that’s what we have for sale I Freedom from The thrilling flow of power, the plans, cannot be brought to bear For New Dealers realize even yet eommitteea. with toe other patriotic oigantza- Everything Complete­ Great Neck, L. I.. somebo«ly tele­ North Methodist church. Members gregnUonal church, and all members tlons In observing Memorial Day. the wash-tub— from all the work and strain of lightning traffic pickup, the super- on the N R A situation. All Ooo- that a secret shared by 16 or 20 sub­ of the veteran groups will meet at Pick Mc up and phoned the autonmblle agencies they do it in a way that is most considerate of your pri­ planning to attend, are asked to Tomorrow, toe members will meet ly Finished — l^irts a « k fup gresa bos to do about the N RA Is ordinates isn’t a secret at all. News washday— freedom from the clothes-line that’s safety bodies, the titanic brakes that Mr. Cunlor was planning to the Manchester Y. M. C. A. and will meet at the Masonic Temple, and at the Center Congregational KMtcrprlHP inoo nothing at all and It will expire by buy a new car. Just about nil the leaks lead to frequent, absurd, and march to the church In a body, led march over to a body to the church. putting age lines in your face! And it’s freedom Beautifully Ironed and wltliuttt ekanve that never fall, and all the real of futile bunts for culprits tn which FRANK CARLE AND BAND church at 10:30 to attend the Me­ ngenjes in and on vacy and^your convenience. They advertise in your b., the Manchester Pipe Band. A t All Iwving uniforms, are asked to .you ,^n afford every week. For our Bargain Finr the superlative-adjective Improve- legal limitation. Even Mr. Roose­ everybody accuses everc’hody else morial service which will be held at tying Island received this "confi- the close of the service the groups wear them. Anyone wishing to par­ ish Service actually figures less than the cost'rrf^^ Starched If Requested velt hasn’t been able to flg\ire out a and nobody appreciates that there 10:45. We urge as many members menta that the automobile makers dentlnl. tip ” It was hinted that newspaper! , will returr to the mint o ' assem- IN SANDY BEACH DEBUT ticipate in the parade. Memorial wore perhaps dozens of possible as possible to attend the service, to doing your washing at home! Think of it. advertise so extensively and so con­ way o f vetoing a Congressional In­ Mr. Cantor would be at home the jbly. —A ll Mending Done— channels of information. , day, will please be at the Army and pay homage to our dead. A fte r toe "Y activity. following afternoon. Mr. Cantor Rev. C. Homer Ginns, pastor o f N avy club shortly after 8:00, in or s:rv1ce the members will proceed to Think, too, how much happier you’d be-—how vincingly—bow do they figure In A Big Job of .Muzzling. the North Methodist church, wiu An unusual feature will be the at­ Buttons Replaced — was, ns a matter of fact, enter­ der to be in line by 8:30 the East cemetery for the decora­ much younger you’d look and feel— if you didn’t the mortality lists? Or do they So we have the cdltj-ing spectacle Currently, Mr. Roosevelt seeks to traction at Sandy Beach ballroom. taining friends that daS'l’ or try­ In this way you have only to listen to those you know deliver an address appropriate to tion of one of our departed mem­ route alt publicity on the - huge Crystal Lake next Sunday evening. ‘ he Auxiliary have to trudge down those basement steps every Collars Reversed figure at all? of Mr. Green shaking his fist at ing to. But the ' ronds to Great the occasion. The central section bers grave. Members will please work-relief program through Frank o f the church auditorium will be re­ May 26 when "Smiling” Frankie 3rd *** *'**'*’ * *°"* ^ y evening. June week, and spend those long hours washing and Congress and threatening that if it Neck were choked with shiny new wear their uniforms and blue tarns. When Necessary — Anyhow, the dance of death goes Walker at the National Emergency at a glance have something that interests you. They served for tbe guests. Carle and his orchestra will make autonioliiles. an d the Cantor es­ Thursday, Memorial Day, the rinsing the clothes, hanging them up, taking them on, faster and faster. The Division dares to uae its prerogative of let­ Council. This means an effort to It Is expected that a group of their first public ballroom appear­ Socks Darned. No tate was overrun with Insistent British War Veterans members will meet at toe Army down. It’s slavery— that’s what it is, And it's muzzle about 60 federal agencies British War Veterans and Auxiliary ance. o f Vital. Statistics of the Census Bu­ ting time and nature take their salesmen. make it short, too, so you can gather quickly just what and Navy 9:10 a. ra. to take charged with carrying out the pro­ members from Springfield. Mass., ’’Smiling” Frankie needs no intro­ “ Joint committee meeting of time you were breaking away from it all. Decide Extra Charge For reau sends out iU bulletin for the course with relation to the NRA he auxiliary, part In the Memorial parade and A Gem gram. will attend tbe service with the lo­ duction to the dance patrons In New now that from now on your washday will begin four weeks ending May 11, and the will paralyM the nation with his you want to know. You can receive and hear them all cal members. Mid at toe home of Comrade and services at toe Center Park. The Shirts In This Service. A vicious jest that hat been per­ The object is laudable. There England haying been pianist for ten Mrs. J. A. Pratt last Monday eve- line pf march will be snort and we and end in five minutes— the five minutes it takes bulletin shows that In 68 cities ot general atrike. will be so much bickering nad bu­ petrated several times goes like years with McEnelly’s Victor re(x>rd- tong, arrangements wrere completed urge as many membera as posoible you to bundle up the clothes and hand them to Nothing Left To Be reaucratic jealousy as tha money la without noise or confusion in a very few minutes. the United States there were 664 Of course neither he nor the this- The joker scans the loit-and- tog and broadcaattog oridiestra. For for our British War Veterans to take part In toe parade. We will our route-man. founil columns of the newspapers, dt.'hrd out that a bad effect will be DID YOU KNOW T H A T - the past twro years he toured the Done In the Home. ileeth i resulting from autoroobii.j President nor the two of them to­ be held in again wear our uniforms and blue ami telephones or writes to each ot crenteil if something Isn’t done to country with Mai Hollett and re­ toe North Methodist church tomor­ tarns. Please keep these two dates Bectdenta. In the seme period last gether, aided by all tha Farleya end ths persons that hts or her missing partially, stifle ita articulation. The production of beef cattle in cently as guest conductor with Mc- row morning at 10:40 o’clock. in mind. peer, la the eeme dUes, there were property may bo had by calling at r . D. wants no repetitions o f the In fairness to yourself look over all the advertise­ all the administration’s political the United States increased slightly Enelly’a. For the post several months Every member of toe Mons-Ypres The Department of Connecticut SEND a certain address— the address of a public cow between Secretary Ickes TO THE LAUNDRY • s a v i w o r k a SAVI TIMI • SAVI MONIY .fifif. The increase la about 8 per hooligans, could do anything o f the more than 10,000,000 bead between he has been scouting the country to post is kindly requested to be pres­ Ladles Auxiliary has announced chosen victim, who. of course, and Housing Administrator Moffett secure the best musical talent avail­ kind. The proportion of the na­ ments. The smallest and the largest—you never can January 1, 1828 and January 1,1834. ent wearing bis service cap with that toe V. F. W. Rose Garden will knows nothing about it. When lost over housing— and be faces the able and now announces his own medals or ribbons. be formally dedicated at toe Veter­ Tor the year ending May 11,1836, tion’s workers under the control or articles worth large amounts of prospect of a whole crop o f eucb Orchordists say fruit trees Injured be sure which one will tell something you really want to by cold 'weather should not be bond under bis personal direction The post wiu assemble at 8:45 a. ans Hospital, New^gton, on Sun­ automobile deaths la tha 68 clt- even under tha Influence of Qraan’s money are Involved, you can im­ outbursts. which will moke their debut next day, June 18. Funds were appro­ agine how much suspicion and un­ (Incidentally, the break betwreen pruned until tbe spring growrth ma­ S ’ “d from i loUlad fi4>S as against 8,688 for organisation la far too small for tures. Sunday at Sandy Beach Ballroom. . there will inarch to church in a priated for this garden at our last pleasantness result. Also, there usu­ Ickea and Hopklna has been stead­ know. body accompanied by toe auxiliary I 'peer previous, u increase ot 6 that; and It ia utterly Improbable The department of. agriculture is In the band, the dance patrons will Department Encampment. It Is New Method ally are uncomfortable encountera ily widening as It appeared that the Laundry find some of their favorite players and headed by toe Manchester Pipe planned that each year toe garden a t that any Important part of his own with detectives seeking lost jewels. Ickes position to the program would conducting a world-wide survey to find grasses well adapted to hold formerly with well known radio band. A delegation is expected to will be enlarged. 'The Department, GAREY W. WILLIAMS, Pres. all the deaths cited in these people would let themselves be ju g­ A fellow whose name I’d better be a dlettncUy subordinate one.) be present from the Springfield with toe assistance of one of the not mention enjoys badgering in­ doom soils and prevent dust storms. donca orchestras of tbe country. The Launderers Zoric Dry Cleaners from eeddeata The public doesn’t react well in post and If ao, refreshments will be Catholic Ladiee’ organlzatlona pur­ gled Into the tnaouity o f a general temperate friends with letters sign­ these cases—aa ths White House Tha chief cause ot the severe dust band not only furnishes excellent ; within the Indicated dUee; Etorms o f recent weeks to the west music but entortatos throughout the ■orved to toe Y. M. C. A. following chased articles needed for the ttrlke to eerva the political ende of ed by a flctitloua "Rev. Henry learned recently, after two cabinet toe service. If this delegeUon Is was the drought of last summer, say evening. They sing and play and chapel at toe hospital, also pur­ > iHtlaa are charged with any administration whatever. Smitheon. ‘ Etach letter eayi that members had made speeches ex­ ror Free Telephone Service D id Your Operator federal soil experts. offer a variety of rhythms that will not present, refreshments will be chased an altar, altar-cloth and Bi­ lyenWiig from rural ecd- the peraox's name baa been ob­ pressing sharply opposing vlsws In omitted. This being our first Brit­ However the threat U tllumlnat-' Antonio Stradivari, famous 'vio­ soon become the favorites o f the ble to be used for the Protestant tained from the Bellevue alcoboHe a certain western city—and the Re­ ish church service, we hope to make iRjured victims lin maker, died almost 200 years, dancing public. Plan to be at Sandy services which ara held at the hos- And Ask For Enterprise 1300 tog. It is indlcsUve of the kind ward as a possible subject for Dr publicans take advantage o f them. showing and again request ago. but tbe quality of the varnish ^ good pital in Newington. ettiea for care, o f portnerehlpa Into which the ad- Smithson’s temperanre lectures. All There'll Be Uxke. Beach next Sunday to hear and the attendance o f all members. used on his violins has never been Mra. Catherine Wrisler, Depart­ 61-99 Albany Avenue that a aubject has to do, it Is ex- But unless thu Secret Service is dance with a band you will long re­ Every member of the Mons-Ypres farlfc W, latoialrxtkm la willing to go to get equaled. member. ment cblef-of-staff, will visit toe platosd. (• Ht oa tbs jjM ffim tad cttortDQusljr « u v m b M or x tot «| post is again requsstod to take part Auxiliary next Tuesday night for : . .3g \ T i \-. ■ fy-- ^ ■ . • . ' \ y • ' ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. MAY 26.198S, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. MAY 25.1935. wnc DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Sir- H artforS, U m w . T he H igh S chool W orld SATURDAY, MAY 38 (Central and Eaetern Standard Tins) WHERE WHERE 80,SM W . ID4S R. C. «B L S M N tlti An proenune to kev and twilo ehslni er zroupa ttisrsof onlew ipeel- Travelere Breedesslhig SSrvtoe Aad' roeit te M et! (• t* el dMlsnetlon Ineluilta alfavalleMe etatlone. T o Buy It Compiled by Students of Manchester High School Mias Helen Estes, Faculty Adviser ^afram a aublaet te chaiifa M. (OavIipSt KeM ent heur later) To Have It Done VM.H., No. 65. Wednesday, May 22, 1935. Satniday, May tS, lS$d NBC-WBAF NtTWORK 6 «s t east. E. U S. T. •ASIC — laat! wmt wlw waal «rtt« wjar weak krw wklo wfbr wre • Ss'kasaaeora p. m. . mgf w5an wcm9 wum «awj waai: midt •i4»— 4:48—Ts Bt Annsunaed usiness e v ie w lACRJAL LAW CASES BRIGHT RED COVER l:(X)—News; Weather; Market Re­ kp(1 wmnn wrfl whn wow wAaf wkbf 4 :0 ^ e :d ^ S . W. Wlla'a Csmmsntt B R ITEACHERSHERE LITERARY port. NOATHWCOT A CANADIAN - wtvn) 4:18— 8:18—CenMM Mlnlaturaa Sree EDITORIAL wlhn wptp wab<* wday kfyr orot ofi*f 1:17— Rex Battle Ctoncert Ensemble. — w r m srptf wwth* wtnx 4 ija - •:{8—Sraaa-Nadia Nawa Ntrlsd 1:30—conn. State College Program. wfln«waun wloA witm wtn«* wak wap! ••■00— eras—Hlatarlaal ahateh — aaats gUNlORB VOTED “NO” i snioe BY PUPILS ETIQCETTE ON A TRAIN F0R’3SS0MANHIS a«,4,1ap wwevtV ^PlkM kOr<* . Clavaland Cenesrt Orshaatra—waat AT CONVENTION 1:40—-Charles Btenrosa' Orchestra. due—Nadia Neatnim—Dials wool kth# ktka wane wat# wtar *■(0— d:M — vietar Ardan'a aiiaw— Should Prepare Hair A Chiropodist During the hot days in the sum­ 3:00—A l Pearce's Gang. M v ! k «!r Vaht MOTORIST RUNS RISK A number of students have bsen . Mat; eunaal Zsranada—w a DIala DR. B. WICHMAN RUSSELL ST. GARDENS PACIFIC SM kFo kff k»w kovno khq mer, large fam iliei often go out into 3:30— Program from New York. ••JJ— fib?— “ ‘darn Mlnatralt f.'- '. beard expreaaing regrets because 3:00— Week-end Revue. VfBd k*!'^ kco kr^o k*n Vrr km there is to be no Junior Prom. H- •• • *"b Cenoari Podiatrist Edncalor and Minister D i^ Practical ApplicaHoos of Le­ the country when father bae hia day Garence Stone Designs 3:80— Music Guild. a'JS!!: !!JS“ S'****Ib'***f 1 •4ei4dy For Permanent Wave From the results of the voting off. Tbe usual excuse is that they 4:18— Carol Dels, soprano. ItMk—At Faa^a and HU Davii ii0^-86fie im« In Ttnn«M«« WITHOUT INSURANCE TREATS A U is fully qufiliSed to dlagn oiy which took place a week before the love the scenery, the cows, tbe bill­ • • Anoaunatd ! * S “ -f*i?^****®**** Cnilfomln SHOW 300 VARIETIES 4:80— Our Barn. of th* Waak.Snd •^2^10:00—Archli Stnytr OfehMtra date ect for the Prom, It would i boards, end the poison Ivy, and wish White Ship Engraying fo r your foot troubles. He Cass' Responsibilities to gal Theories Pointed Ont 8:00—Salute to the CCC. ^ _ CmIIh CaoeaH Honklnt Orchttt. Mrs. Aides Petitjeen, proprlatresa^un^ the pereon.ll direction o t Mrs. seem that lack of class spirit was they bad never left the farm, but attn—earn! 0 «Ib and H«p Mnaa 10r0^11t0(^0rvlllt Knipp OrchtKt.«M er, more and mors automobiles are 5:30— Blue Room Echoes — Joseph ptWi. a;WU.Vai|fiv Folks—WNif wft Jirrntt Orelia— Aldea PeUtJean who has the Fred­ FOUND IN examined by the S ta t^ what caused the Prom to be can­ o f the French Beauty Shoppe, at 709 in reality, they all want to ride on DaPn. KMdlm Wp m . now appearing on the highways, celled. Only 38 students out of 313 in Local Gasses. Class Year Book Issue. Blume, director; Charles Rex. A OrttiMte Too Great a Giance to Take eric’s Vlva-Tonic equipment The Liberal PlanUng of Peren-! who come from aU over (Connecticut Board and Licensed to prae^ Society of Schools. the traln.- baritone. ntOA— Frfdl# OueMVa Dpohaat 11:00—^1fdl0->Dane« Muale—watt only Main street, potnto out that before 4**on.iTaapov Woltoo firekaa. women receive a permanent wave permanent waving have tonic in land. New York end N ew Jersey. Mr. sist o f packing the lunch, dresaing H!Wu.Ppoaa< FodVo Natsfa Foplod to D rife On Highways others seeking pleasure. Most of neyed Ideee are current relative to but were not going to take a girl 6:30— Newrs; Baseball Scores. their hair should be properly cut and them which Is beneficial to the scalp nials Give Any Grounds Tanner stresses th* fact that he wel­ ■ M M , '11 The practical applloatiens of legal Jimlor, washing baby's face, and Somanhts this year will have a 6:40— Laurel Trio. 4 «a ^ RtSWAIoiH KltPkpll. CoMralto •'J*’ »*»'* winS them are insured against accident, By HEBBERt H. VtXET because of lack of the neceseary 4;4A.— AoHOfolfoWB DtiaHo* wfl ; Mid: wcRy wanr wla kwb kwcf shaped In a manner that w ill make and hair. Viva-Tonic haa several people's ailments. T o' many, every comes visitors, particularly flower Sopeiintendent Enterltua of theories have been pointed out In looking for father’s straw hat. bright red cover with a white ship 6:45— Songfellows. funds. th# Nawa koli wrati wmaq kao wkhr theft, firs sad other forma of dam­ her appearance the most attractive. types o f pads, suitable for gray hair vague pain in Bhoulder, knee, cheat lovers in Manchester. He would like Mrs. Van Smytbe and Mr. Van 7:00— N eal O'Hara on Sports. NOMT^HWitT A CAN.AOIAN - wtmj Withont Fall Coverage; Maximam of Beanty — J. Dr. Rorhooter, N. Y. The upper and lower Juniors were tbe reports given this week, in the engraved on It. Clarence Stone, age, but there are many who taka Hair must be treated carefully so and hair that is fine and hard to or wrist la considered "rheumatism,” to show bis rock gardens—he bu Smyths, who lived on Second avenue 7:15— Davs Burrow’a Islandsrs. 4*awThAp#ton FIah#f. Pporta wfhn k«tp arebc wdfs kfjnr erct cfcf A diacuuloD of tho odapUtlon of asked if they would'be willing to Commercial Law classes, on the 'S8A, designed the cover. 7*n^Tk# F#p»d# of HIta—to r iOUTH — amre wpif wwno wla wlas the big ebanee without any o f these that the permanent will Icwk better wave. and every bead discomfort, once re­ seven there, Including a straight- Barney Wichman, over the "Square Deal" Pawn Shop, 7:30—Lura and Abntr. ftltv F#rtv—o fn # wfiA-waun w!od warn wme wab «ati| tho ochool currteulum to the pay 10 cents each In order to cover eases heard in the Hartford Su­ loved these country outings also. Concentrated efforts on the part ft*# .. ••o o .A I .iAl6oo A Th# ChAtaao Pagan! and Gorman Offer forms of Insurance and may latei and etay in eo much longer. Tbe new A Frederic's peimsnent U natural, garded as ’’catarrh", has come to be H. Tanner Has Wide Ex­ wall rock garden which la fairly Chiropodist - Podiatrist 7:46—Thornton Flshar on Sports. wjd* wamh kroo wky wfap wbep kpr« regret it. the expense in part, but leas than However, they had an addition to of Charles Donahue, editor-in-chief. ••SfW atMi-.L#t*# Thp#a Hour* woe! ktbe ktha wane wava spring bonnet will look all the more defying sun rays, b eat breezes and characterised os "sinus trouble.” easy to construct Particularly at 86$ Main St Robinow Bldg. I chaagod oeada of society and an an* perior Court lost Wednesday by 8:00— The Hit Parade. FA#dii#tiAo hv a CpohaaifBo— MOUNTAIN-kon kdy! kgfr kthl half the class agreed their family, namely Wowser, gen­ Miss lone Fellows, faculty adviser, One successful business man of attractive upon a neatly eolffed head water. Hair requires special care in Likewise, many consider a pain in this time o f year or at Memorial Day TeL 8330 ■wor to tho queatton "Hao Educa* When the proposition of having a the group of students from the class 9:00— Radio City Party. #7Nd mMir##t! Mo*i«fa!n atarto 1U PACIFIC—kgo kfl kpw komo Kho kfad Good Service. this community, who had Just pur­ perience. uine wlre-balred epenlel. Wowser Russell Wright, business adviser and honr# T#t#p? #oa#» two hoop# la fft ktfir kpo kae kfa krr kya and it Is none too early to have the the summer and tlicse expert beau­ the back as pointing to "kidney trou­ season, tbe beauty of the garden, be­ Hours: 9-6; Evenings by A p ^ j Uon Polled In America?” by John sport dance was presented to the who visited the court. B:S0AI Jolson; Victor Young's Or­ fftoMwA «Hd) *Tt ftsM# chased a new car, told a friend tbe was tbe one difficulty on these In­ all the members of tbe staff o f So- chestra. Cant* Beat. hair trimmed and waved for sum­ ticians are well qualified to give ble.” And so It is with foot discom­ ing a "aea of Bowers” Is a sight that Mencbrater, C t class, It waa voted down. CSS-WABC NETWORK other day he would no sooner think Haynes Holmea, paator of the Com­ In the court where Hon. Carl spired days. The trouble was that manhia. Senior year x>ok, have ful­ 10:00—Let's Danes— Ken Murray’s, ^‘^^Mlnlatura Thaatre, Drama mer. satUfactory service. forts; every ache and pain clearly will delight A Junior Prom calls for Junloi filled tbe promise tba* Bomanhis will ■ AFfC—S#at! woh# wad# woko wrjin With the arrival of spring weath- of driving on uninsured automobile munity Church of , Foster waa acting Judge, tbe first Mr. Van Smythe always bad to Benny Goodman’s; Xavier Cugat’s 1 :0 ^ 2:0^8«turd«y Malodita. Orch. When having a permanent, it la a The French Beauty Shoppe main­ not a corn or an Ingrown nail is Tbs RusscU atreet Perennial (ter- Mr. Tanner, Jr., retails bird hous­ class fupport. be iosued on or before June 8. wnah wnao wft wkhw wkro whk oV!w 2:J^ChlcagaU Muaia Magic than he would permit his life or fire w e n beard by several membera of case. No. 48311, wae that of Charles argue with bis w ife one hour and Orchestra. wdro wo#7i wHo w#on wfM wand wj«v *•00— 3:Q^PIatt A Ntarman, pfanaa good Idea to have a ahampoo and tains a “budget department” which usually considered due to “ fallen den o f 88 Russell street, hss 800 es and has a large number of ell —M. 8. A. Keney Company, Inc., against It haa been customary to dis­ who#: Mldwast: whhm wthm kmh# insurance policy to lapse, removing trim at the French Beauty Shoppe. arches.” the Mancheater high acbool faculty eight minutes before he would give' 1:80 a. m— Silent. 2:13— S:lP—Ta Ba Annaunatd is maintained for shampooing and varieties of annuals, perennials and sizes, gaily-colored homes and feed Whelan Drug Company. The law­ In and allow Wowser to go with tribute the copies of the year book Vidat wowo wtm# kfoh 3:4S— 3:43—Chick Wabb A Orchaatra the protection upon which he and This concern has been in businesa Do at the meeting of the Hartford c a s t —wpF whn wh## wlhi wfaa w^fr 3:13— 4:1^Littla Jack Hallar. Tanar others count upon, in tbe event ot finger-waving at a lower cost, all Moat people with foot palna are boxsa. Mr. Tanner aays tbat robins yers for Keney were Aron and Ellis them. which contain tbe pictures o f the w»## Afrh rka# wth* wTnna for tbe past tan years and haa ex­ rock plants which will beautify any County Teachers' Aaaoclatlon In Sunday. May 36 3:10— 4:30—Te Ba Anneunead disaster o f one kind or another. the work being done by an operator. not relieved to a simple way, un. and sparrows have tried to move in­ and Birmingham and Kennedy. Tbe Therefore, they caught the 10 senior class and of the High ecbool n ix iR —west wsfa whro wqam wdod 4:00— 8:00—A Maaaaga of laraai. Mua. perienced operators who are sklUcd borne, whether to town, or country You Need Glasses? Hartford on Thiiraday. ;80— Peerless Trio. Vlro WToo wine wdsn wto# krtd wrr W eldon Pagan! and Gorman, located at Appointments for all kinds of fortunately. Strange as It may teem to the new boxee as soon aa they lawyers for Whelen Drug were Rob­ o'clock train. Just one hour later organizations, as well os a sum­ 4:30— 5:S^Prtaa*Padio Nawa Parlod and brinS Immeasurable pleasure No Better Proof Mr. Weet pointed out that, where­ URBANETTI RANKS :45-r-Alden F.dklns, baritons. Vtpti kt*7» w#ro komn wdho wht wdn# 4i30— t:3^M orln Olatara. Veaal Trie 923 Main street, carry a Una of au­ in all phases of beauty culture work. beenty work may be made by tele­ roost feet that ache are not feet hav­ were displayed. In fa c t a robin la inson, Robinson and Cale. This was than they had definitely decided on. mary of the work of the ecbool in wh*e wdhj wwm wmh« wiijs wmhr Is neeeeaary then the sdentlfle as 35 years ago the achool’a only di­ :00—Sabbath Reveries. 4:45— 6:45—Matter Builder Program Beauty tomobile, theft and fire insurance, All permanent waves are given phoning 8056. ing ’YtUen arches.” Thera ara pro- and delight to its owner in the sum­ hatching out two eggs in one o f the a case for libel and waa not com­ In five minutes all was settled. Pa general, on the last day o f schooL wata ktiil keko w#n« wdn# wnoe kwkh 5:00— 6:00—Trie ClaaaiquaU Recital and convincing method et "eye rect concern waa with the art of :80—Mexican Marimba orchestra. MIDWFAT — we! wmt wmhd wtan aa well as providing protection nated feet, weak feet, flexible flat mer time wrhen they burst into fra­ robin boxes put up tor sola pleted that day. bad a seat by himself with tbe The change is made In order to com­ wthw kfh wsTYiV wkbn w#ro w*bt kiwj 3:15— 6:15—Natlanal Parka Program grant bloom. exsmliMtloii.’* learning, today the school baa aa- HIGH UP IN TENNIS ;45—"Love Making, Inc.”—Act 1 wo# 6:45— 6:45—Qrace Hayta. Her lUnga against plate glass breakage. feet and rigid flat feet, rotated heel auined the responsibility for giving The next ease. No. 48,800, waa zn lunch, while Ma held Wowser and plete all business matters before tbe 6:00- r:60-Phll Ce“eok “ 'and - - Shew------•hog Salon Plants wtiich last for several years Delay te Bannfnl! :00—News; weather. . MAtiMTA!N—kror kla kob ka! . * Orehaatra Psgani and Gorman represent a and started the Hartford Road sta­ bones, heel spun:, Morton’s Neural­ training in every art of living — let the children amuse themselves as close o f school rush. CnAFT - VM ko!n Vfro kol kfp? kr1 6:30— 7:30—Stan Myara 41 Orehaatra are termed perennials. This term is Fish cannot close their eyes, end Money Cannot Boy Bade Indemnity auto accident, Alfred 18—"Love Making, Inc.”—Act n. 6:45- 7:45—Ranchich Boya. Veaal Trie Here you will number of Insurance companies tion which he still operates. Recent­ gia, and a whole array of constitu­ home-making, use of leisure time, Sarra, a 14-year old boy whose they could, but kept a watchful eye IrfhV km! kwp kom kdh kemb kih> 7 :0 ^ f:0O—To Ba Anneunead tional and circulatory disorders that most generally applied to hardy her­ therefore they are unable to sleep Poor Vision or Lost Sight 30—Major Bowes' Capitol Family Cant. Seat. ^ find comfort and here and offer their patrons prompt BEST OF SERVICE ly he took back the Middle Turn­ health, character development, vo­ lawyer waa W. F. Curtin, against on them. Mrs. Van Smytbe was a 7:90— tiSO—W L t Barn Oanc^tMUle baceous plants o f this character, in the ordlnarj' sense of that term ; 00—Hollywood Show World. !2:0O— 1HX>—Lauia Fan!eo*a Orehaatr* 6:30— 0:30—The Carafraa Carnival and efficient service In tbe matter pike ataUon. cauae feet to acha In many o t them cational adaptation. The three ma­ Manchester High Team Has modem mother and let the children thougfatful attention to Inditld- as applied to mankind. They have David Berkowita, ths driver of the 18— Federal Housing Administra­ !2:S0— liSO—To Ba Annaunoad 0:00—10:00—Jea RInaa and Orehaatra o f adjustments following casualties Mr. Van Wagner is tbe only Sun­ arch supports will do positive barm, when it is necessary to dlsttogulab W A LTE R O LIVER jor Implications of these new re- be themselves. She didn't reprimand 1:00— 2:00—On VlllaQa Qraan Coneart 0:3Om 10:3O-Paul Whitaman'a Band nal styling. periods of less activity during tbe car. The latter’s lawyers were Day, COSTOFATHLEnC tion. or fire losses. oco dealer in town—to buy Sunoco while in others they cannot hope to between those which ara perennials Registered Optometrist sponalbllltles are; (1) the curriculum Berry and Howard. In this eaze the poor little deare — they wree 1:S0- 3:a0-Sufr«la. N. V.. Ffftanta 10:00-11:00—thander and Hit Violin GIVEN PATRONS you must go to either one o f his and those which are of only oimual day. and it is then that they rest 918 Mein S t TeL 6016 Ron Ninnher of Victories 30—Historical Highlights. 2:30— 1:30—Amano Our Oeuvanira. Or. t0:0O—11:05—Reggie Childt* Orehaatra This agency will be pleased to relieva must be adapted to the needs and Sana was trying to prove negli­ only expressing themselves. 2:40— 3:40—CMaaoaana fram CMeaga 10:34^11:30—Lao Zbilo and Oreheatra This Is the Season o f staUons. Sunoco Oil—ths only If you believe that whatever your or biennial duration. However, there are rules of 48—Movie Pi'e-vlews. " discuss insurance matters with any capacities of those who attend; (2) gence on the part of the driver of one who wlshea to protect his or her mercury-made motor oil in the ailment, you should have proper, ex­ A popular fallacy about peren­ etiquette in public, and Mrs. Van EVENTS REVEALED ;00— Road to Romany. the facilities of the school, such as Up to Five. the auto. This case was not com­ Permanents property against unforseen disaster OrVAfTSSTATION world Is made by a double* boiler pert advice, by a practitioner who nials lies in tbe common statement S m ^ e knew them as well as you :80— Words and Music. buildings and supplies, must be pleted. 11:86—U. 8. Weather Bureau. 10:80— Memorial Day. which always lurks in ths offing, process using mercury, which pre­ that "they die down every year and or I. First, you must not annoy :00— Sally of the Talkies. $4.00— $10.00 is a graduate‘Of a standard college, adapted to this varied curriculum; Casa No. SOT47 was presented 11:38— Musleale. 10:35— Patterns in Harmony. and somatimas strikes at tbe most vents scorching of the oil. Don’t come up again in the spring.” MRS. ADA N. other people. Talking loudly does 80—Italian program, with Phil Motorists in need o f lubrication, and vdio is licensed by your Stats When You Build- 13) the school must coordinate its The Manchester High school ten­ next. In the same court- This was 11:45— Noon Radio Journal. 10:45— Service from First Unitarian inopportune time. Adequate insur­ make gasoline buying a game 'of No grounds can attato their maxi­ this; so why yell at the children or Bodinl. Board of Examiners, then the Cblro- work with that dona by the home, an action to recover attorney's fees. Average Expense of Foot* 12:00— Opportunity Matinee—John' Meeting House. Phone 5009 ance protection is easentlai to suc­ gasoline, oil and automobile accea- chan ce...get Blue Sonoeo Motor mum beauty without a liberal plant­ MERRIFIELD nis team has run Its record of your husband? The only way to 00— Levltow Ensemble. podtit-Podlatrist is the suthorlty on the church, and all other agencies Bernard A. Conley, administratrix, ny Johnson and hia Orchestra. 11:45— Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir cess in any venture and ahouid not soriea will find that combination at Fuel because there's only one qual­ ing of perennials.'These "old-fash­ TEACHER OF straight consecutive victortes up to avoid this is to Ignore them and let :S0— Penthouse Serenads. foot aliments. Just as the dentist, Build Right! wdilch share these responsibilities. whose lawyer was T. F. McDonough 12:30 p. m.— Radio a t y Music HsU and Organ. Hotel Sheridan Bldg. be neglected until it is too lata. Van’s Servlcs stations. ity, no third grade. ioned'* hardy garden plants ara ideal FRETTED INSTRUMENTS five, having recently defeated the them do as they please. :00—The Manhattan Guardsman. the oculist and the gastro-enterolo- Evidence that neither education against Mae M. Gaudet, whose law­ baU Is $409.55 WhOe In­ Orchestra. • 13:80— “ Did You Know That— * Last August Mr. Van Wagner put for borders and create on enduring- And Before Yen Build. nor religion baa reached its goal was Wesleyan Freshman 4-2 and West I f Junior wants to throw tbe :30—Harry Reeer’s orebastra. Automobile o'wnerz often seek in the new computing and display gist are the authorities to their Through the eourteey o f Gibson, yer waa Oroaa, Hyde and Willlama, 1:80— Sunday Forum— “ Men Who 13:45— Polish program. fields. ly beautiful show of color along Get Our Estimato. found by Or. Holmes in the fact of Hartford, S-0. The Freshman drinking cups down tbe alale, or i48— Dream Drama. high and low over a long period of meter pump at tbe Hartford Road Inc., we offer for a Umltod time, for the Hartford NaUonai Bank and Ctome Back,” Dr. Ralph W. Sock- 1:00— CHiurcb o f the Air. driveways shd walks, and in front of the last World War and the Immi­ match waa won mostly by the crawl under the seats, bury your come Totals $138.95. time before they find a service sta­ staUon. This was tbe first station Dr. Wichman, Chiropodist-Podia­ FRE E Mandolins, Banjos and Trust Company and W. M. Harney. 00—Kansaa City Philharmonic man; male ensemble, direction 1:30— ^Alfred Kettledon, tenor A l Watch This Space For Specials tion which they know they can de­ Shrubs. nence o f another and in such politi­ "lucky breaks” of the game that nose in a newspaper and pretend orchestra. in N ew England to use it. Gas deal­ trist, a native of Bayonne, N. J., la AR VID H. Guitars with costs of Ic m i m . This ease was also continued to a Charles A. Baker. White, pianist. pend on absolutely for good quality When you get ready to beautify cal corruption as that existing in went to Manchester. West Hart­ you don't see him. ;30—Tony Wons. SAND and ers from this part of New England a graduate of the Ohio College of For parflcnlsra see Mrs. Mer- later date. 2:00— Your English—dialogue on 1:45— Radio Voice o f Religion— DAVIS work and materials, speedy and your grounds. It is then you will find New York city under former Mayor ford. however, was soundly trounced The second, and last, rule is to School citizenship in connection ;00—Catholic Hour. often visited the station to see it Chiropody, located at Cleveland. rlfleld at her studio, Mondays, The next case was No. 30,289. good English. Christian Science. courteous service and fairness in tho Russell street Perennial Garden''.t SEABUR6 Walker and Tammany Hall. He for the third shutout that Manchea­ mind your own business and not with the "Button Campaign” baa ;30—Newrs baseball scores. GRAVEL prior to their own purchase of one. Seven months ago he entered upon GENERAL OONTRACTINO Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Harry G. Glpsteln whoee lawyer 2:15—Hank Keene and bis Radio 3:00— Lazy Dan tbe Mlnatrel Man. HOME BAKERY price. It is a rare combination of very helpful, tor -Jiey con supply contrasted the tendency of Ameri­ ter has given out this season. Cap­ bother other people by talking to been a topic o f discussion this week EXCAVATING Keeping abreast with pump firactiee in Manchester and is build­ 84 Walker Sl. TeL 6096 806 Main St. TeL 76U was J. M. Bailey against Simon 48— Blue Room Ekiboea—Joseph Gang. 2:30— Eddie Dunatedter prasenta merits, but one that is found at your every need. cana to value a man for material tain Urbanetti seems to be deelroua them. This is easily done by for­ by tbe Social Science classes wblcn Blume, director. .Angel Food Cake GRADING equipment, Mr. Von Wagner has ing up a following. Hie office hours Glpsteln whose lawyer was J. L. make the following report on their '2:30—Radio Theater— ''Michael and 3:46—Yankee Network News SezY- Van’s Service stations. Mr. John H. Tanner, Jr., and his success to the standard of mental of making hie laet year on the getting there is anyone else on tbe :00— Beauty That Endures. FiUed with put In tbe etreamlined computing are from 9 to 6 daily and evenings qualities and cultural attainments varsity the best, having also run up Bhulman. This was a case about the train. I f tbe bald man with tbe findings: Mary,” Elisaa Landl. Ice. LOAM FILLING Van’s Service stations have an In­ pump at his new Manchester Green by appointment. He is located at 853 business was the original settler in ;17—Evensong—Walter Dawley, creasing number of patrons because which made the early Orecian em­ a record of five straight victories. division of profits of a partnership dark glasses on the seat in front of "Since school actl'vities are not 3:30— National Vespers — ‘The 8:00—Symphonic Hour, Howard Princess Frosting BRIDGE AND ROAD Station. He intends to make this a Main street. In the Rubinow Bldg., thle section of Russell street. It organist Tom Paradlne, reader. Walter I. Van Wagner, proprietor, pire a touchstone of civilization. The most notable aspects of these but was not completed. you asks you to keep Junior from self-supporting the raising o f funds Spirit of Our Day.” Dr. WUUam Barlow, conductor. Devil’s Food Cake BUILDING real spot on the turnpUce, painting and tbe telephone number is 5230. wasn’t Russell street then, but con­ :30— Sigurd Niiesen, baas. operates undf- a code of good busi­ What a boy or girt has a right to two matches were the good sports- In the court where Hon. John tearing up hie newspaper, pretend Is necessary. The S.A.A. wae form ­ Pierson Morrill. ' 4:00— SL Louis on Parade. it up, putting in new equipment and sidered os part of Main street. His ;48— Wendell HiUs songs. 6 Varieties of Home Made ness principles, reliable aervice at expect from bis education, said Dr. mansblp and gener'stty of the two Richards Booth waa Judge, case No. you are stone deaf. This will avoid ed laat year os a means of obtaining 4:00— Pittsburgh String Symphonic 5:00— Country Church e t Holly­ The attraotive lubrication racks. Army, navy, and commarcial waa the first perennial garden in CAVEY'S GRILL :00— ^Major Bowrea' Amateur hour. Layer Cakes reasonable prices. Holmes, is not memorized facta, but defeated teams and the new aerve 80,174 was presented but not eom- any unnecessary and annoying con­ this money and repeated this year. Ensemble—(5scar Delblanco, di­ wood. Make it a habit of stopping at lones flying at alUtudsa of more Manchester. He baa worked on bis 46 East Center StrMt Students were asked to donate 31.4U ;00— Manhattan -Merry-Qo-Round. rector. Alexander Jarvis Co. An active figure in Mancheater Information as to where and how that "Oentleman" Oeorgetti haa pleted. Alexander E. Kletroan, ad- versation whatever. 6:80—JuHa Sanderson and Frank 519 Main St. Tel. 8286 418 Center Bt. TeL 4334— 6636 Van's Benrice stations on Hartford Slan three miles make dally fllgbta garden* until he has a wide repute This is Just a typical experience ot for an annual membership. This i30— Merry Madcaps— Norman 4:30— U fe o f Uncle Nad— dramat­ filling etation promotion Walter I. Road or Manchester Green. Drive in thoee facta may be found; standards added to hie weird but effective mlnlitrator whose lawyer waa A. 8. CrumlL Van Wagner recently opened his from 30 different airports through­ tlon in this section o f Connecticut. Invites YOU of truth, which will enable him to style of playing. Bonton against Waldorf System, In­ many families who go for picnics in sum was payable "weekly, or in larg­ aouUer, director with Bob EllU. ization o f Negro life in tbe South. 6:00— National Amateur Night for Van’s service! out tbe country, carrying toatru- He does work for estates in selec­ er amounts at tbe pupil's will, and :00— The Gibson Family. 4:48— Command Performance -m second station, it being located at Yon win like the atmoephere— Its Food inchid- recognize the difference tMtween Manchester Is at present leading corporated, whoee lawyers were tbe summer. The Van Smytbea with Ray Perkins. Manchester Green. Mr. Van Wag­ menta to record weather conditions tion end designing. granted admission to all the general :00—George Duffy's orchestra. string quartet. ^ tog Special Itallaa dishes Ita donee Boor, and prejudiced and unprejudiced infor­ the C. C. I. L. league and mat Bris­ Day, Berry and Howard. This was have the same adventures, problems, 6:30— Smiling Ed McConnell. ner entered tbe business In 1980 aft­ to the higher air for the U. S. Foreign license plates on cars are activities. :18— Jesse Crawford, organist 5:00— Roses and Drums — “ Party the eheoki mation; standards of value, which tol at the Spruce street oourta Fri­ the most Interesting case. Alexander troubles, and qimrrela as tbs Jonses 6:45— Clarion Robison and his ----- AT YOUR SERVICE ----- er 18 years’ service with the Under­ Weather Bureau. no novelty at the Russell street During the past year tbe S.A.A :80— News. Ashore,” dramatic sketch. WHAT A REPORTER’S will enable hlita to find pleasure In day afternoon. Although Manches­ Kleinian was trying to prove that have, or the WhlgKli. Weir's First Aid ...... 6.85 11:15— Program in Connection wltn at Havre, France, on Wednesday and eanltary^ve OIL BURNERS WORK ford Green—Roberta Hansen, Ro*. high at the Weet Side oval. Only 74 was the main feature of the Field Repairs ...... 8.00 6:00— Jewish Program— "The the International 600-Mlle Race Country Freeh i ■ ■ . Tel 8890 ahouid also ba a boon to amblUouz plant at ^SSi A PROMPT DAILY vision, Petrlccle and Suchy, and Cole members of the team that have not for its first crossing of tbe Atizntlc, Victor Hedeen cub reporters. Tbe authors know berta Gorman. Phyllis Carney. and A. Bissell are to battle it out. match. I f W eir can keep this up Tickets ...... 7.30 Philosophy on Progrsuns of of the Indianapolis Speedway. EGGS D. W . K E LS E Y 37 Hollister Street 16 Walker DELIVERY SERVICE earned points or have not competed Righteousness,” Ifcibbl Solomon 11:30— Terrace Gardens Orchestra the broadczsteri expect to be on their buslneaa—Mr. Porter is day Part II - Wetherstleid Women — Trotter. tho team will still be a hard one to Bleachers ...... 5.00 Street In Manchester 109 Center Johttson Llttlo Gather at the Webb House Bea­ In varsity races, with a few excep­ beat. Foster, though hoping to Police ...... 14.00 Foster of B'nal Josherun Congre- 12:00 mind— Hotel St. Paul Or­ hand with their short wave appara­ city editor of tbe Cleveland Plain tus. Antique and Modem D IA L 8366 Phone 601$ trice Irwin, Julia McKee. tions, will l>e allowed to compete, as break 80. got only 82. while Rear- Phone Calls ...... 3.40 gatiun, Newark, N. J. chestra. Dealer and Mr. Luxon Is aaaletant Part HI—Four Pictures from a BAKING POWDER CONTEST Coach Wigren wants to moke ths den bad an 88 and McVeigh 87. 6:30— Press-Radio News. 12:80 a. m.— Benny K yta and his The transmission schedule, aa now Furaitnro Restored professor o f Journalism at Ohio Nineteenth Century Album - mset interesting, and at ths same Totals ...... $408.88 6:38— ^Mualealc. Oreheatra. set up, provides for the flret pro- Russell St. Perennial Garden State Uhlvenlty—and they write Phone $839 Charles Donahue, Claire Stephens. time have a ehanbe to see what his 6:40— Sporting World in Review. ?:ram over W E AF-N BC at l l a. m. To Its Original Beanty clearly. Tbe book Is publtahed by Where To Buy SHELL! John B. Tanner, Jr. B ATTE R IE S Part IV—A Sewing ^ e In Trou­ HELD AT ROLUSTER ST. forthcoming prospects can do. BUTTON CAMPAIGN LEADERS Game Expenditures Income 6:48— Evening Radio Journal. or tbe sailing preliminaries. A t de­ Antique Furniture Bought Appleton-Century. In addition to the League meet, $6.00 to $9.00 Phone 79S6 bled Times—Betty Har\-ey. Jane Basketball $686.06 $624.81 7:00—World in Review—Harland parture time 11:45 both W ABC- 300 Varieties of Visitors and Sold. Murray MAPLE SUPER SHELL STA. Baotly. Coach Wigren has accepted an In­ Room 13 In tbe Franklin building, Soccer 74,00 None Manchester. ' CBS and WJZ-NBC will put their To change tbe subject rather vio­ For vitation to send a small squad to having sold 71 buttons, is leading In Annuals, Perennials Are Welcome! Part V—A Social Evening In the Mittle Chapman. '38, was declared Golf 21.00 None 7:16—O’Learv'n IrlAb Minstrels. microphones in action. A Large Stock on Display. lently . . . there le at hand a first- Gas - SHELL - Oils Shell Specialized Lubrication winner of a baking-powder biscuit Bristol June 12 to compete in a the Button Campaign being carried Nineties— Eleanor Bchleldgc. Swimming 48.00 None 7 ;30—Radio Natura vftg u s . Try These Tonight: and Rock Plants You win find many Tel. 8677 rate book tor the 'teen-age girl in Ignition Servles Italian and French contest conducted last Wednesday special Tercentenary program at on to obtain tbe neceaeary funds for "TTie Twin Ring Mystery,” M il­ Goodyear Tires and Tubes Psrt VI—The Twentieth Century Tennis 27.00 None W EAF-NBC. 6:15, Voloa Of Wla- ideas tor flower gardra Battery flervlee by the Hollister street cooking class. that city. The meet 'sdll consist continuing the arhool athletics. 7:45—A ir Adventurea o f Jimmie Bird Houses. BREAD Speeds On Its W ay—Katherine DebaUng 5.00 None Allen. constn; 6:45, Thornton Fisher; 7, dealgn and rock gar- dred A. W irt Ante Aoeessortea mostly of relays with a few special Room 18, Franklin, Is next in order, Greasing '— Washing — Simoniz Flke. Bernice Livingston, Helen East student was given a sample Baseball 138.00 $3.88 Hit Parade; 8. Radio CSty Party; 85 Russell Street lens. This is an action story to which .%nto Repairs races. Entries for that meet will having sold 68 buttons; then. Room 8:00— Phil Cook's Show Shop. ITALUN PIZZA Plelrowakl. can of baking (Kiwder with which to Track $145.43 Saturday, May 5 8:30, A i Jolson; 9:30, Let’s D uce, sports and mystery are neatly 11 Maple Street make the biscuits. A fter making be announcetl later. 18, Main building, selling 44 buttons. 8:30— Hank Keene and his Radio blended in a wholesoma and en­ Salve J. Vendrillo, Mgr. Part \TI -The Future Lies Be­ Cross Country 38.67 Gang. p. m. Finale. Prompt Delivery. fore Ue—Katherine Flke. the dough for the biscuit Miss Jen­ Room 6, Franklin haa sold 38 but­ tertaining roatmer; and It'a a Of basketball Income $65 eras 6:46—Annua] Reunion, 1:00— Connecticut Market Bulletin. WABC-CBS, 6 :80, On the VlUagel ^ P E R O P. Js Moriarty Valedictory—Margaret Atkinson. son put a number in each pan with­ Harold Cude, quarter-miler of tons; Room 34, Main, ' 34 buttons; given by Hl-Y for the use o f space 1:05— Jack Shannon, tenor. pleasure to recommeqd it. to an out the owner seeing its number. and Room 13. Main, 16 buttons. The ebueetts Camp, Sth. Divtolon, A. Green, (Concert; 7. Modem Min­ DON’T PUT IT OFF— PUT IT ON! era whan eo much o f the literature 174 West Center Street V . n J U A N O loat season's team, haa been doing for concession to sell candy. E. F., “NaUonzl Defense.” Brig. 1:15— Poetic Strings. strels; 8:30, MeloiW Masterpieces; A fter the biscuits had been b a l^ ; all right by himself a M. I. T other rooms have sold a number of INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING Or c h a r d s that falls into the hands of high TeL 8857 ATHLETIC CONFERENCE Track costa were reduced because Gen. William Mitchell, U. 8. A . 1:30—Yankee Network News Ser­ 9, Song Time in 'Tennessee; 9:80, 207 Spruce Street the class chose the winners. where he Is attending oa a freah- buttons also but on Friday morning over $50 was spent for equipment vice. PAPER HANGING SPECIALIZING IN BCboiol youngsters isn’t (to put it Mlttle's first award waa a blue the six rooms mentioned above were ret. commander of Air Forces, California Melodies; 11, Ben Bernie. mildly) quite suitable. I t ’s pub­ ICE — ICE — ICE man. In addition to receiving hon­ by Penn. Relay fund. A. E. F. 1:46—Billy Mills’ Orchestra. WJZ-NBC, 6:18, National Parks TELEPHONE FOR DAILY DEUVERY! The girls who will represent Man­ ribbon; Helen Wandyz was given ors as a marksman and being con­ in the lead. 3:00—Louis Panlco's Orchestra. lished by Cupples and Leon. chester high in the Connecticut In- 9:30— National Barn Danes. Program: 7, PhU Cook; 7:30, Dor­ WM. DICKSON Range, Furaacs and Fireplace Wood. B ^ n d . a red ribbon; and Constance sidered a "fiash" In the quarter- — M. S. GLEB eX U B OCTTINO 3:80—Buffalo Presents. Fresh Fruits teracholaauc Athletic conference to sey Bros. Orchestra; 8:30, Barn Hamlin Street TeL 6S39 CALL Wennergren third, a yellow ribbon. mile, Cude has recently been elected 10:30—National Radio Forum— 3:00— Boston Red Sox vs. Detroit be held at Colt's Park in Hartforo Danoe; 9:80, Radio Forum, Mar- and HONEST. Ud Wells Street V . FIKPO TeL dl48 This waa not only a beneficial captain of freshman track. Arthur Pratt and Winslow Me- "Banking LegIslaUon." Msrrlnar Tigers. today are: Singles, Anna Lerch period, but moat enjoyrable. EXTRA WEEK OP EXHIBIT riner s. Eeeiea; 10, RocheaWrmter- Lawn Mowers — Bill Murch. Laughlln were chosen by member* 8. Bedes, Governor, Federal Re­ 6:15— Jean Brunezeo’s Orchestra. Louis Rosol Marlon Behrend, Elizabeth Lunlen, serve Board. Htgb School Choral Group. Cailcago— Teiv-year-old Joseph Sharpened and Repaired — Helen Copeland. of the Glee Club to make plans for 5:80—The CapUvators. Vegetables 67 Pine St. Tel. 7102 and Ruth Mahonev. Alternates- Because the approximately 10,- 11:00— Time, weather, baseball Sunday Is To Bring: Piscapo walked up to Deak Sergeant Marjorie Mitchell, Felicia PIttrowl 000 pupils, townapvople and visitors the annual outing o f the organisa­ 5:46—To be announced. IN SEASON William Murphy and asked: “te this SENIORS REPtACED ON STAFF PBO-MOTF-D TO PRINCIP.XL tion.' scores. WEAF-NBC, 8, International Key and Lock Work For zW. Doublee: Marjorie Mitchell, Fe­ who have seen the Tercentenary 6:00— Frederick Wm. W ile — The SUMMER DRIVINO the police station?” A t the laat meeting of the club a 11:05—Hotel Bradford orchestra. Political Situation in Washington. Music FesUval; 4. Rhythm Sym­ licia Pletrowskl, Francesca Osw-ald Exhibit, prepared at the Trade phony: 8, Kay-Seven; 7, Major YOU CAN ELIMINATE HARO CARBON WITH Told that it was he pulled a slip Gunsmithinsr CABINET WORK Several membera of the lower- Miss Dorothy Sllcox, M. H. S.. '31, suggestion waa made that the ouUng 11:16—Rochester Inter-High Choral Tonight. POWER—ECONOMY—SAFETY . M d Helen Pletrowskl. Alternates:’ senior class and ths Junior class has been promoted to the position school by participation o f all the Group. Bowes Amateurs; 9, Gibson Family; of paper from bis pocket, handed it Auto and Home Glam ARB TOURS AT'LOW COST IN THB NBW R M a Klein and Faith Galtnat. schools in town, doea not include all should be an all-day affair and take 6;15— Ctonesrt MlnlsturM. Displayed and Sold over and said: "Taka cars of it Vacuum Cleanera Repaired. who have etgned up for Journalism of principal of the Beat Granby place at some nearby lake. 11:30— Essex House orchestra. 11, Charles Stanroas Orchestra. SInglea and doubles preliminary those who have wished to see the 6:80— Freddie Bergin'e Orcbeetra, please. I found it on the side­ SCREENS as an elective subject next year, are grammar school, in addition to the Tbe outing, said a member ot the 12:00— Sbandor, violinist 6:55— Baseball Scores. WABC-CBS. 3. Symphony Hour: A t rrtnatchea will be plaj-ed today. Ft- being given a foretaste of the sub­ exhibit. It will be maintained dur­ walk.” STANDARD CHEVROLET duties of this position, she will also club, affords an excellent opportun­ 12:08—Cocoanut Grove Hotel Am ­ 7:00—Soeonyland Sketches. 5. Ray Parkins Amateurs; 7, EthM Furniture Repairing ' nail will be held In New Britain the ject by replacing aome of the aen- ing the coming week. It wae a check tor $100, drawn on Standard SIz Coach, $$86.90 Delivered: Sedan, IddSJlO Oaltvarad. teacb grades S-8. Miss Sllcox it now ity for Mr. Pearson, director, to pre- bassador orchsztra. 7:30— To be announced. Harman; 7:30, W ill Rogera; 8, De­ A ll Kinds X/oIlowlng Saturday. lora who are having to leave the Teachers from the various 276 Oakland St. a Boston benk end Issued to G. G. LsRsBraithwaite teaching grades 1-8 In West Gran­ •ent the rashly promised ioe cream 13:30—Benjamin Franklin Hotel or­ 6:00— Modern Minstrels. troit Symphony: 9:46, Senator p a t S3 Pearl Street TeL 4300 Wood Worktog. Standard Six Coupa, $5ia4K> Delivered: Roadster, $86d4M Del.. —Alice Madden, STB. High School World staff because of schools were assigned hours on Fredericks. a t by. She graduated frou Wllliman- cones, which he said the membera chestra. * 9:00—U. 8. N avy Band. Harrison on “ Old A ge Pensions.'' aecurtng posltlona in Hartford or which to be on duty for the first Uo Normal in 1833. wrould receive if they were victori­ 1:00— Sign-off. 0:30—Melody Maatarpiecea. WJZ-NBC. 1:30, Elisaa Landl and working on tho graduation pro­ two weeks, and volunteers will give Kenneth MacKenna in “ Michaal and MSRCU '.^fOCK AND BUSKIN' 80U.\L gram. their time to act aa hostesses dur­ ous In the annual C.C.l.L. Glee Club 10:00— Song Time in Tennessee. USED CAR BARGAINS ] concert. Sunday, May 36, 1936 10:80—California Melodies. Mary” : 6, Jack Benny; 6:80, Joe ALCMNL'S VISITS TOWN ing the week of May 37 to June 1. Penner; 8:46, Sherlock Holmea Fin­ lUKun MePartland, ’85B. is In PRAISES OLBE C U B A. M. 11 Clio—Yankee Network News Ser­ MOT Greasing Done Quicker anti It’s A Real Job 19M ^evrolet Coach 1931 Chevrolet Sport Ooope f EFROPEAN HISTORY REPORTS 8:30—Morning Radio Journal. vice. ale; 9:30, Isador Philippe, pianist; Otevrolet Tqwn Sadan 1980 Ford Coach g o f an entertainment which Rev. William F. Davis, valedictor­ M to the form o f a burlesque TO HAVE PARTY 8:46— William Mooder, organist. 11:15— Archie Blsyer's Orchestra. 10:30, Indiana, Polls Spe^way Pro­ 1930 Chevrolet Conpe 1934 Ford Plelc-Up Praise to ths five members who ian of the M. H. S. class o f 1908. gram. 23c a Quart. Walker Electric Lift and Stewart-Warner Grease Guns o f boys, to be ^ v - carried ths soprano part against fieeing the history of a European 9:00— Coast to Coast on a Bus. 1:80— Oauda Hopklna’ Oreheatra. passing through town Thursday, Room I8F. now standing fifth in U O TH ER D -9 IT Y V *! Ifjlo c k and Buskin aocial the heavier voices at the C. C. I. L. of a Memtarranean country through 10:00—Southsraairea — mai* quar* EXPERT GREASING ...... - -50c and 75c SERVICfi ON visitsd aorae of biz old clztamates. the Button Campaign, is to be giv­ ‘ neiiool on Wed- Glee club concert was given at the the ruins and remains aa they are ta t Boaday. May 96 Rev. Mr. Davie is now mintzter at en a cake party if they reach as Many animaia baaldat the eamai TIRES . J l u ^ fpr dgnclng Oise club rehearsal this week by today while touring through, will 10:30— South Sea Xtlaadart — 6:46—Yankee Network News Serv- Van’s SesYiee Stations Watertown. Connecticut. He i« high aa tbe third place. Bonnie carry raaerva fata oo their backa, Hartford Road TYDOL Bbo'W will be I Director Pearson. A t present ths he the subject of the reports to be Hawaiian ensemble. ICA Manchester Green Adamy’s Service Station BATTERIES also treasurer of the Western Con­ Martin's mother will be boatew. but in a long, narrow atrip, instead TU. tS66 *Wtoilttitf of club Is practicing the numbers written by Miss McClean's history 11:06—Press-Radio Nswa. 9:00— Sunday morning at Aunt Tel. S90fl RILEY necticut conference of Metbodlct They have sold 33 buttons and IB o t a bump. A caribou may carry which will be sung at graduation. 3A classes and which are due by 11:06—Walberg Brown String Quar- Susan's. GAS—OILS 248 Spruce Street SPARK PLUGS Churches. mors sra "promissd." a band Of back-fat welghlns 60 the middle o f June. 10:00—Church o f ths Air. oounds. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, MAT 25.1988. 'i S t o t e Bank Receivership ‘LES MISERABLES’ I At Hugre Rally To Protest Relief Wagre Scale ABOUT TOWN KIWANIS QUARTCT Men were working in B. J. Mur­ phy's Depot Square drug store this Sure As 3rd Bill Is Written FAMOUS DRAMAS morning installing a new method of WILL ENTERTAIN lighting. There will be several addi­ High Edges Bristol A gain In Season^s Best Ti tional ouUeta for lights and when (Speelal to Tlir HrrmM.) rproval. The very objectionable completed the store will be one of HMtford, May 35.— B«for(> the feature providing for compensation Frederic March and Charles: tne best lighted in Manchester. That Alone Guarantees Sac* Ganeral Atoembly adjourni finally for receivers is to be eliminated, ac- High Netmen Trim Bristol It wfl] have pamed a bill, signed by , cording to reports. Laughton Featured in Vic-| Arrangements were being made YYEAVER HIGH TEAM UPSETS TRADE, 9 TO 6 MICHAEL ZWICK HURLS tba gwremor. which will require the Taxation. Ihlf morning by Horace Murphey, cess of Play at Hollister State Bank Oommlwioner to act as The sales tax bill failed to get superintendent of the park depart­ For 6th Straight Victory Moatrer of closed banks. The first Democratic support in the Senate tor Hugo Piece. ment, and Neal A. Cheney, secretary Street School Monday. Culhaae bank bill was vetoed by the because of the refusal of its propon- of the Permanent Memorial Day 4-HIT BALL AS LOCALS entu to exempt all foodstuffs from committee, (or erecting the raunlci- goviemor yesterday on the theory MECHANICS ERRORS CASTLEMAN GIVES Wielding their rsemjets with aT. It would prove too expensive for the taxation. The House battled over pe.l bandstand in Center Park next Moriarty*s Open At Home Mitchell by 6—3, 8—8. Ray Della- it Friday, succeeded in getting an I Frederic March and Charles week in preparation for the annu^ A novel "third act” depicting the speed and accuracy that would not Fera found the going a bit tough­ state to opemte and would afford ' Laughton play fugitive and pursuer be denied, Manchoster High’s n e t-: little protection to depositors: the amendment hooked on to it making Memorial Day exercises next Thurs­ Utopian club partaking of a brother­ er but downed Harrahan In three SCORE 4 TO 3 TRIUMPI ' In the most celebrated of all fictional GIANTS BIG nVE men stroked their way to a decisive ; hard sets. 8 -4. 4—6, 6—1. Ui'ba- second, passed by the Senate on it possible for retailers to pass the day Arrangements for Installing a ly banquet, h u been added to the PAVE WAY FOR 3RD Against Hartford Police tax along to the consumer, and also ; man-hunts In Darryl Zenuck'a 20th public address system in the park triumph over Bristol High at the nettt and Slnnamon then paired to Thursday afternoon, is now on the I Century production of Victor Hugo's I program of "Ladica Night," to be Nathan Hale courts yesterday aft-1 blast Johns and Mltrhell, 7-- 5 and governor's desk and will probably in downing other amendments the haw been made with Potterton and preaented by the CJommunity Play­ Democrats would have liked to hitch "L e s Mtserables", which begins a I Krah to carry the voices of the Tomorrow ifftemoon at Mt. Nsbo'*be able to give the West 8i>1e ag- emoon by a score of 4 to 0. It waa : 6— 4. The last doubles match was meet a like fate. A third bill will three day run at the State Theater er.* and the Klwanls club Bfonday LOSS IN 12 STARTS STAFF OF HURLERS Manchester’s fourth straight' not played Rhral Pitcher Yifhiffs 17 Bat B O X SC O R E be prepared over the week-end. to it. The bill will in all probability speakers from the band stand near end Tuesday nighta in the Hollister field, Moriarty Brothers will make I giegatlon plen'v of opposition get to the Senate again and will I tomorrow. the Soldiers' Monument to the far { Manager McEvltt Intends to send League victory and Its sixth : Manchester has two matches next Tht State Bank Commis.sioner March la seen as Hugo's Ill-starred street school for the benefit of the their initial bow before tha bueball straight of the current season with­ week, meeting Middletown here on Slanohester has been a vigorous opponent of the undoubtedly be the .subject of fur­ reaches of the park. Kiwanis Kiddies Camp in Hebron. ; Frank Hewitt out on the hll’-tob fo Timely Singles Prodnee 1 young hero, Jean Valjean. who public of this town when they op­ ■ do the flinging in the opening "sst- out defeat. Tuesday and Meriden here on Sat­ AB R HPO A E bills thus far presented, and he ha.-.: ther caucuses by the major political The famed Kiwanis Quartet, com­ Opalach, 2b ...... 4 0 1 0 0 parties, the one thing in which both I spends five bitter years on a French Visitors Strong Finish Snaps pose the Hertford Police teem. Tlie , to and "Gyp'' Gustafson will take Rookie Sensation Is Only 20 The Red and White standard urday, two League matches that ft' i been Joined In his opposition by , Hose Company No. 1 of the South posed of Elmer Wceden, C. Elmore Tfemey, lb ...... 4 0 2 8 0 0 ' have been at their best this session. prison ship for stealing a loaf of Manchester fire department was local squad has played two gamM I cars if Frankie's slants. The rest bearers made a clean eweep of the should practically decide the title Red and White Rons in bank representative.s, and to such j As President William Green of the American Federation of Labor pleaded for rc-electlon of President Watkins, John I, Olson and Edward -1 Elecker, cf ...... 4 0 0 2 0 ft' .'i extent that definiti charges were ‘ The Democrats arc determined irt bread and then becomes a fugitive Roosevelt in 1936 and characterizad foes of pending labor legislation a Hoover supporters, state and na­ called on a still alarm last night to on foreign soil getting a draw with i ot the lineup hs^ been published In Bat May Replace Fitzsim; three slnglea matches, Captain Le winner. Yesterday was Manches­ from Justice by violating his parole. F. Taylor, will sing during the ban­ Locals 6-Game Victory Pleasant Valley in a practice tilt r>evloua llneune and will b(*ld '.me bro Urbanettl trimming Captain | ter's second victory over Bristol ObuebowrakI, tf ...2 1 0 T 0 «'■ -.i made in the Senate that a strong . thl.c writing to vigorously oppose the tional leaders Joined In a maas meeting In Madison Square Garden, New York City, to protest against extinguish a grass fire at the comer quet scene. Other entertainment 5th and 6th; Leo Johnson’s Johnson, ss ...... 4 1 1 1 1 1 ’ t bill unless they win their point. Laughton Is Javert, the fanatical de­ of Prospect and Hackmatack and turning the Rockville Town toriciTow with the except'on of Harold Johns of Bristol In straight I this year. Last year, the locals lost and vigorou.s lobby was operating 1 the Federal work relief wages scale. On the platform are pictured, left to right, Joseph P. Ryan, Presi­ features, given for the Utopian mem­ sets, 8—2, 6—4, while Bill .filnna* j Berger, rf ...... 4 1 1 .1 0 0 ' against the measure. The -econil, Whatever happens to the sales tax tective, whose devotion to the letter dent of the Longshoremen's Union: William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor; Sid­ streets. Streak In Loosely Played champions back 2 to 1 In a closely Russ Pinney who through a mls- mons as Starting Ace lor to Bristol twice, the only defeate on of the law drives him relentlessly bers at the dinner and Indirectly for contested game. underatandlng may not be with the mon meted out a similar dose to their record. '■’lapman, 3b ___ 3 0 0 8 1 0" ''i bill finally got by in the Senate, but, other goo with that con.sidcrable element who graded galley slave on the road to­ put on the field. They havs the ma- at this time In order that the fans was being read in the Senate, iind i.f The pupils of Miss Veronica Cof-^ named are: Vice-President. Miss Roger Hart will be muter of cere­ High engineered a surprising upset tecHl and muep depends on their pitching of Mike Zwick, Man­ DobreskI, 2b ...8 1 1 0 0 0 to eliminate certain features to have rc.slstcd ewry effort to dig Into ward a better life. The group pictures of the senior will not be disappointed as Pinney By H,\RRV GRAYSON fey presented a dance recital in the Marion Butler, Wellesley College; monies during the new third act. ahowlng tomorrow os to whether was advartlsed in previous nswi Rybi'zyk, 2b ...... 1 0 0 0 U 0 which the bank comnilssicm'-r had the highway funds. Richard Boleslawskl directed "Lcs| Sykes auditorium last evening. The class of the Rockville High school AUTO OWNERS MIX Guests at the banquet will be por­ at M t Nebo yaeterday afternoon by Sportl Editor, NEA Service chester High nosed out Bristol T. Monahan, 0 0 0 0 0 Miserablcs" from a screen play by I was taken on Friday. The members secretary. Miss Elizabeth Towle, tboy get the nod from Mancheater'e dispatches. Tha game starts at 3 f ...4 objected so strenuously I.s-gisliitive Days. recital was In three parts, and In­ Smith College; Miss Della Par­ trayed by Dr. LeVeme Holmes, Dr. a score of 9 to 6 in eight Innings High before 600 fans at Mt. 8.vlvester, cf ...... 8 1 1 1 0 0 Kvery day is now a legislative W. R. Lipscomb. of the senior dramatic cast, the that gave the local Mechanics their cash customs-B or not. The Capital p. m. New York. May 25—Three years Proves A Great Success Attomey-ttenerul'n ,|oli. cluded Rhythmic Studiea and Inter­ F. Forbes Bushnell, Robert K. An­ Ferro, rf ...... 4 1 0 3 0 0 class officers and officers of the va­ tridge, Smith College, and member- City "coppera" are nobody'a meat. Probable lineups: ago Clydell Castleman was running Nebo yesterday afternoon In The third bill is to be (iicpaicd per­ day. In iin effort to clean up all Rochelle Hudson, Frances Drake pretations, Tapology, ballet in at-large, Miss Edith M. Peck, libra­ ID E N im OF CARS derson, James Nichols, Weyland third defeat in twelve starts this Ryan, 3b ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 pending matters It ha.s been decided and John Beal are featured in the rious clubs and also the faculty pic­ ■cason and brought to an end a elx- They have built a team around the Moriarty Bros. Hartford Police around the small town of Oonelson, the best game the Red and sonally by the attorney j.liu ral, it l."i white, a lyric ballet and variety rian at the Rockville Public Libra­ Straughan, Harold Burr, Thomu younger recruits of the force and Wojtuslk, p ...... 4 0 1 0 3 0 to meet on Mondays and Saturdays, supporting cast which also includes tures were taken at the same time. game victory streak. Gustafson, e Benton or Tsnn., In his bare feet. Today he is White has played all season to 0 reported and the bank commissioner which was made up of various ry. Ferguson, Elizabeth C^irlson, Sylvia those'who might picture the police Pnidholro Montella, lb ...... 4 0 0 7 0 is said to have indicated his sup)Kirt' and there is a strong po.sslblllty that such popular and distinguished kinds of character dancing. The .sec­ Miss May Brace, '35, will replace Hagedom, Gwen Prescott, Florence The game w u curtailed because a National League pitching star Huge Crowd Sees Tussle Un* OLYMPICS TO FACE remain in the running for the Stone, XX ...... 1 0 0 0 , 0 0 Memorial Day will be no exception. players as Florence Eldridge, who Is i Miss Eva Costello aa secretary to of the Bristol-Maneheater High twi­ team aa a band of big fat men with Hewitt, p ...... Gustafson wbo has made the New York Giants' 0 of it. It will eliminate the neces-, ond part was a mime-ballet "Cin­ Half Hoar Passes But Own* SpUlane, Elizabeth Crawahaw, Ethel an “enlarged front porch" are golag McCann, l b ...... Kelly Central Connecticut Interscho­ Messier, e ...... 8 0 0 18 2 Bity for appraisers, these being tak- ] As many of the legislators had other Mrs. Frederic March in private life, j derella” and the third part was a rrinclpal Philip M. Howe. Miss Keller, Mildred Mallleux and Olga light encounter elated at 4:45 Big Four a Big Five. Kwiatkawskl sa .3 0 1 0 0 0 plans for the day, particularly pa­ Jessie Ralph, Ferdinand Gottschalk Brace Is an honor atudent at the o’clock. Mancheater waa outhit by tf get the surprise of_thelr lives to Dowd, 2 b ...... Tom Hoaiy Indeed, Manager Bill Terry is der Uihts ai Reds Edge' fj£yy gRlJAlN HERE lastic League title. The final an care of in the existing statutes, | rhythm revue. The following took MEETING OF NORTH END Enrico. mrr.ow. They are fully unifonned, Sam Hewitt, Pinney, as .. O'Leary^ and will permit the present receivers i triotic celebrations, and some had and little Marllynne Knowlden, who part; Elaine Ackerman, Virginia High school. ers Fail to Spot Error in The Manchester State Trade only nine to eight but errors at cru­ toying with the idea of giving tha score was 4 to 3, Manchester 34 3 4 24 4 0 planned to be with their families on played Madge Evans as a child In The cast of the annual. Dramatic cial moments of play aided the vis­ having been in action for the past Holland, 3b ...... WebSr 20-year-old C^tleman the regular of closed banks to continue their' Bclding, Betty Bonan, Marion Brig­ school orchestra will play before tliiee years, and played such teams Outfield Phils, 2 to 1; Giants Bhnk ___ scoring twice in the fifth and Score by innings; administration until October Ifi. that day it is iioBslble the leaders "David Copperfleld." ham, Harriet Bertsche, Patricia club play "Tons of Money” went to GROUP AGAIN POSTPONED the Bhow and between acta. itors considerably in piling up their starting turn of fat Freddie Fitz­ Bristol ...... 000 003 000—3 will be importuned to give the Leg- "Les Miscrables" Is a Joseph M. Hartford last evening as the guests That Time. margin. Tony Quartus labored on as 8t, Anthony of the Hartford Mahoney ...... Gilbert simmons— pitching him In regular sixth as Bristol garnered all its They may receive funds but may Comlns, Claire Coffey, Margaret Technical preparatiou for the Twilight league, 8t. Michael’s of the Raynor ...... GUerlaro M anchester...... 000 022 OOx—4 make no expenditures without ap- i.slaliire a rest on that day. Schenck presentation, released Cedor, Rodman Chapman, Delores of the Dramatic club. Following a production have been in charge of the mound for the Traders, while rotation with the great Carl Hub- Cubs, 13*0; Newsome Meet German Club in Man* runs in the sixth. X—Ran for Pongratz in 5th. through United Artists. dinner and get-together, the mem­ The annual meeting of the Man­ Diana pitched for Weaver. The Church league. New Haven Police, Burkhardt ...... Dion bell, Hal Schumacher, and Bud In BrUUant Form Corbin, Claire Edmondo, Gloria chester Improvement Association, Walter Henry, stage manager; Her­ Pleasant Valley and several otbci Varrick ...... / Clemens XX—Batted for Montella in 9th. Griffin, Virginia Griffin, Clnlro bers attended a show. An owner of a Chevrolet car was man Heck, usistant stage manager; local speedball artist w u quite er­ Parmelee. Zwick. starting his first game and Runs batted In, Opalach 2, John­ several times postponed since May ratic at times and walked five bat­ teams of equal caliber, and should Hadden. Caetleman is one of the few bait Wins for Senators. Chester Cup Clash at Char* Gtrardini. Delores HIrth, Alberta- City Court Cases 1, with a final date set as June 5, standing guard at 10:30 this morn­ Gwen Prescott, Winston Bendall, going the distance for the first time, son 2; three hue hits. Tierney, Do­ Ix)ls Irmlscher, Joyce Kemnltzer, Kenneth Dougall of Maplewood, and WllllBm Luettgens, properties; ters to three for Diaiui, Each got players purchased by a major was In magnificent form and might breskI; hits, off Zwick 4, Wojtusik has again been called off and the ing over another C^ievrolet with the four etrlkeouts league club strictly on the strength JERSEY C in MAN VETSTOAHEND Norma Llebman, Barbara Lavitt, New Jersey, was before Judge John annual meeting will not be, held Helen Estes and Olga Enrico, make­ ter Oak Field. havs bad a shutout save for that 7: stolen bues, Obuchowski, Woj­ Vera Lee, Alice Miller, Gloria Mil­ E. Fisk in the Rockville City Court registration No. BK810, in the hope up. Manchester lalUed a run in the of what it believed be might do in By HUGH S. FULLERTON, JB. six Inning, when his mates made tuslk, Opalach, Monahan. Ryan; ROCKVILLE until next fall. The association will the future. ler, Lillian Miller, Ruth Morin, on Friday charged with violation of that the owner of the car that he A full dress rehearsal tomorrow opening inning on a walk to Savitskl Aseoelated Freas Sports Writer the only two errors charged against left on hues, Manchester 3, Bris­ have no regular meetings during was watching would return. Both and a slngla by Rolston, the first of The Giants bought Castleman a HOSPITAL INTERNE DIVINE SERVICES Jeanne Marie Morin, Beatrice the rules of the road. It was July and August and while it was night at 6:30 o'clock in the Hollis- ROSS SELECTS HIMSELF The first night baseball game In the team for the entire contest to tol 4; base on balls, off Zwick 1. Minor, Florence Pliaka, Angelina charged that he failed to slacken cars were parked in front of Met- te<' street school will culminate a three he made in four trips to the year ago on recommendation of major league htztory was written Tomorrow afternoon at Charter pave the way for Bristol's lone up' Wojtuslk 3; struck out. by Zwick 8. expected that the meeting would be ter’s Smoke Shop. One of the own­ late. Weaver had its big inning in Charley Dressen, new bois of the Phillips, Marjorie Phillips, Florence speed at Intersections by State Po­ held In May for the election of offi- month's preparation by selected doai) today os a great sucress. Oak street, the ball will swing into riling. The diminutive righthander Wojtuslk 17; time. 2 hrs. 30 min.; .Sclbck, Vivian Sloan, Veronica SItz, liceman Kass of the Stafford ers went into a store, make a pur­ members of the Players and the Kl- Sle second, scoring four runs on a Cincinnati Reds, who then was But there still remained tbe busi­ retired eight batters via the strike­ umpires, O'Leary, Russetl. TO DECORATE VETERANS cei-s and get plana underway for the chase and on coming out got into long bunt and a number of mispleye. piloting the Nashville outfit. action at 3 o’clock between the Gertrude Sansome, Bobby San- Springs barracks, wlio made the ar­ .‘all activities, the setting of June 5 wania club for the production. . TO WIN TITLE BY KAYO ness of checking up on how many of New Britain German* and the out route and issued but one free Dr. Harry Handier to Suc­ Pie-Memorial Day Program some, Bernard Satryb, Arllne rest. He wai fined S5 and costs of what ho supposed was his car and "Ladles Night" is the story of a The Traders knotted the count in Jimmy Hamilton, one of the the 20,422 cash customers wbo turn­ pasa. Tbe four hits be allowed con­ for the annual meeting of the drove away. the fourth and took a two-run lead owners of the Nashville club, sent Olympics In the Manchester Chip veteran during every moment of tba GRAVES TOMORROW Trapp, Dorothy Tuttle, Marie $11..56 which were paid. club similar to the Kiwanis club in ed out at Cincinnati last night to see stated of three singles, of which one game and his pitching feat will like­ Eighth School and Utilities district A few minutes later the owner of but Weaver came back to score the to loss, and I feel like a different a scout to Inspect CaaUeraan wrtth Referee McDonald of Hartford to Be Given at Center Theresc Pfunder, Evelyn 'Richards, In Ellington Court again made the postponement of the a small city of the United States. the $50,000 floodlighting system was of the scratch variety, and ly be the outstanding performance ceed Dr. Joseph A. Papalia Marion Young, Rita Whalen, Betty the car that was taken by mistake In honor of the forthcoming visit of tying counters In the fifth and sixth Two Previous Battles Have man. while he was pitching for the officiating. The Germans are a triple; otherwise he mowed doivn William Katkaveck, 26. of 74 meeting neces-sary. Rather than McLamin has been Idle since we Donelson town teain In 1933. turned on by Pre.*ident Roosevelt In of the seuon. He and Dick Berger Several Services to Be Held in Jane Ryan. came out and at first did not notice the national president-elect, the and put the game on ice in the Washington, great preliminary dis­ etrong, heavy, team and gave the the oppoaltlon with the regularity of Starkweather street, Manchester, wait until a later date at the present that his car was gone until he seventh and eighth. la^t met, and 1 have had three Castleman finished the' season Olympics tough Job to eliminate will undoubtedly dlvife the pitching of Union City, N. J. Church Here Sunday. Connertion With Annual CVinvrntinn (Mntlniiea time the officers of the association members plan a ladles’ night and play of fireworks, a considerable clockwork. assignment in the twin bill with was fined $25 and costs of $12.10 in opened the door and was about to Invito their wives to help make th a. The Trade nine h u two games Given Barney Definite fights. The knockdowns I scored, with the 'Volunteers. them from the State Chip contest. Wojtuslk. Bristol's ace hiiricr, al­ Sunday Memorial ProKram. The 30th annual convention of the Ellington Justice Court on Fri­ today decided to wait until the fall put some bundles into the car. He slated next week, meeting Hartford against Frankie Kllck at Miami and gathering of notables ano Inci­ Meriden here next Saturday. arrangements, dentally, a 2 to 1 victory toi »he At present th«y top the table in most stole the show from Zwick, his the Sons of Herman which opened day by Justice of the Peace Thc«»- before holding the meeting. noticed that there had been a mis­ Trade away on Wednesday and WU- Henry Woods at Seattle convince Caetleman epent the flrit halt the Manoiiester Cup and a victory By downing Middletown, 12-10. Charles W. Holman, chairman of Members of the Sons of Union “Harmony’’” h u been the motto of Line On McLamin; Tb Beds over the Phillies would pay to faat breaking curve accounting for a yesterday, West Hartford took over Rockville, .May 2.‘>. The various .yesterday morning at Maple Grove dore A. Palmer on a charge of reck­ take made. He stood on the walk the club until the wives are invited Ilmanric Trade away on Friday, both me that I am punching harder. oi the 1934 campaign with the tomorrow would put them In the total of seventeen atrikeouts. He the Board of Trustees of the Maft- Veterans. Spanish War Veterans, veterans organizations of the city continued today with business ses­ less driving. The case was the re­ with his bundles in his arms, stand­ League cluhes. I have concentrated on this Giants before being farmed to Mon­ come back some other night. 5nala with a large margin. They third place in the standing, whlcta is sions. to assist with the plans. Then one 5Iake 4 Hits Count waa reached for seven btngles and as follows: chester Memorolal hospital, an­ naughlcrs of the Aniorican Revolu­ are tojdecorale the graves in the sult of an accident on the Crystal HOSPITAL NOTES ing close to the car that had been "beautiful friendship" after another Weaver High match. I laid out a plan of battle treal, where he hurt his arm and share with the Olympics runner- U'.ree walks at timely moments, outlying cemeteries tomorrow. Sun­ Last evening an entertainment Lake road on April 28 when an au­ Clash Next Tuesday; Can* didn't do much as a result. The whole question of baseball ...... W. L. PcL nounced the appointment today ol tion. Veleiarui of ‘-’orcign Wars. left behind, hoping that the. owner goe.w up In the smoke of controversy. AB R H PO when I started training at, Oros- up pc Jtton in the Radio Chip, a po­ however, and was in trouble on sev­ day morning the members of the program was presented which In­ tomobile driven by Katkaveck col­ of the automobile that he was t,evy, b ...... 4 slnger Lake apd have j)erfectcd IL He participated In 11 games with after dark in the big leagues seems sition which is yet to be settled be­ Meriden ...... 3 1 .7.50 Dr. Harry Handler of Jersey City, American 1-eginn, the Army and cluded a drill by the Margaretha Miss Doris Bouchard of 374 Hart­ Leading parts are played by Ar­ to binge upon that matter. The at­ eral occasions besides the innings in Manchester ...... 3 2 .600 j Sons of Veterans will meet in the lided with an automobile driven by guarding would discover his mis­ thur Knofla, Joel Nichols and Har- Ware, a s ...... 5 zoneri Is Next Foe. I’ll make few mistakes this time. the sixth-place Royals, winning 4 tween them, (or the honor of pos­ which Manchester tallied. His fan­ N. J., aa Interne In the Manchn-ster I u. A. R. hall at 9:30 o'clock to go Lodge degree team of this city, .se­ Miss Eva B. Ide of Garden street, ford Road was admitted and Mrs. tendance at that "experimental” West Hartford .... 3 3 .500 Mamorlal ho.spltal. Dr. Handler' Navy club and the women’s auxil­ take and bring Lack the right car. Icwe Willis from the Klwanls club Lonsa, If I paid too much attention to de­ and losing 5. and yielding 3.84 sessing the ninner-up Arthur Cup. ning victims were: Becker, 3; Ber­ I to Tolland to decorate the graves at lections by Mac's Harmony Boys, Boston, and then bounded off strik-. Eugene Gagllardonc and infant He was on duty for a half hour but Sullivan, rf fense the first time I battled Mc- earned runs in each nine innings game appeared to Justify the cash It is obvious they have much in Middletown ...... 2 3 ,40q' wlll.aucceed Dr. Joseph A. Papalia iaries of the American Legion, Vet­ daughter of Bolton were discharged and by Anne McAdams, Beatrice ger, 3; Chapman, 3; Opalach, 2; ; the South Yard, .Skungamaiig, readings by Miss Doris Mann, toe Ing an automobile driven by Charles the error had not been corrected at Perrett, Ruth Smith, Frances Con- David, lb .. Larnin, although that Is what pitched. outlay and to put to rest any fears common and a keenly contested Bristol ...... 1 3 .250 of Union City, N. J , who wa.H ap­ erans of Foreign Wars and Spanish North Yard and Crystal Lake cem- (lancing by Mias Alice Lehmann, L. Reuker, 31, of 80 Pleasant street. yesterday. BY BARNEY BOSS Tierney, 2; and Pongratz, Obuchow- that time. row, Evelyn Jones, Alexander Dick­ Callahan, cf Former World I^htwelght and brought me the decision. 1 made Certainly, if there was anything that players might be injured be­ game is expected tomorrow with ski, Johnson and Squatrtto ones pointed interne In the hcwpital on: War veterants will attend a pre-ii otcrie.s. followed by dancing. Brookline, Several people Booma, 3b . remarkable about Castleman’s rec­ cause of the st'ange playing condi- February 7 of this year. .Memorial Day service in the Center son, Russell Potterton, Gunnar Welterweight Champion. a cagey fight. Bonny Leonard told the Olympics playing against a each. In the morning they will attend The sessions today were to con­ were Injured in the accident. Edam cheese, native of Holland, Johnson, Lillian Carney, Karl Keller. X sothu, e me that I looked like the remark­ ord when he checked in at the rions. The chilly weather which much heavier team, but neverthe­ Dr. Handler attended the Diekin- Congregational church tomorrow the church -services at the Federat- clude with the annual election of College Club Elects is very hard and Is geneially soaked Diana, p . . . New York, Mgy 25.—Pm advising Break Up Blab Duel morning. Rev. Dr. Watson Wood­ Mark Holmes and Alice Aiken. The able Freddie Welsh he met on sev­ Miami Beach training camp of the caused a day's postponement of tbe less confident of taking more than aon High school in Jersey t'Uy. and , ed church In Tolland with Rev. Val­ officers this afternoon. Miss Esther Fellows, a graduate in brandy or rum to soften it before my friends to ihaks a little bet on Giants this spring, it was due to It was an air-tight ball game HOLD AUTO RACES - Daihousle University, Halifax Nova : ruff will pleach a special Decoration VIEWS OF THE NEW DEAL play has been coached by Mary Barney R o » to regain the world eral occasions. clash undoubtedly held down last their share pf the game. entine S. Alison as the preacher. Felix Yanke is chairman of the of Mt. Holyoke College, has been eating. Ann Handley, director of the Com­ Totals ...... 35 9 8 24 18 6 AlcLarnln found it (Jlfficult to tag the almost sntire lack of one. night's attendance and no one ap­ \fOBCh Paton has been giving his through the first four innings and a Scotia, from which institution he Day sermon. In the afternoon they will attend committee which had charge of the Mancheeter Trade welterweight championship in hi.* Yet, as early as a atop at Orlando half as Zwick and Mojtusik staged a graduated in 1929 and received his Thy service will start at 10:50 a munity Players. third 15-roUnd contest with Jimmy me with his right hand. Jimmy parently suffered except the batters charges a stiff workout this week the services at the Crystal Lake arrangements a.ssistcd by the fol­ BY A LIBERTY LEAGUER AB R H PO A E tried to belt me out in the early go­ en route north, Terry announced who could collect only ten hits alt and the result should be a better brUIiant mound duel, the former ON MEMORIAL DAY degree of M. D. early this year. ni. Seats in the front of the church church with Rev. Charles S Jnhn- lowing. Bernard Satryb, Herman Saverick, 3b ..... 2 2 1 3 1 0 McLamin/at the Polo Grounds on that he had another starting right­ Dr. Handler's appointment wa.i will he reseived for the iiiemberB. May 28. ' ing and gradually faded when he told. balanced team tomorrow. All play­ keeping Bristol from sending a man -son, p.astor of the Rockville .Meth­ I,ehmanii. Arno Yanke and Paul Lubinske, C....4 0 1'4 1 3 realized that ho could not accom­ hander in Castleman. And he said ers win report to tbe School street beyond first and the latter bearing secured for the local hoapital of the organisations attending un- ’ odist ehuroh preaching. Lehmann Book by Jonett Shouse. Demo­ LITTLE LEADING M ost flghtem fee! that they arc The Red* got rnly four blows off til 10: t5 a. ni Rolston, c f ...... 4 0 3 1 0 0 plish the feat. that after the young man bad been Joe Bowman qnd Jim Bivin, wbo at 2:15 p. m. and the kick-off wilt down to stop Manchester’s scoring through Dr. George O'Hanlon, med­ At 6:30 o’clock In the evening the IhiiK'T Tonight cratic Leader. Give.s Con- Quartus, p ...... 4 0 0 1 2 0 going to win, but there are various belted to a fare-thee-well aa a re­ be at 3 o'clock. threat in the first when Tierney ical director of the Jersey City Me,;- In the afternoon rcprcscntatlvea kinds of confidence. I suppose a In our second scrap, McLamin be­ pitched the eighth Inning, but they Cherry Park Offers Progranr members of the patriotic urganiza- .servative Side of Govern­ AT THE HALFWAY Kelsh, 2 b ...... 4 0 1 6 1 0 came the boxer, and I failed to take lief worker In a game with the tripled and sending the locals down, leal Center, Jersey City. of the vetcran.H' organizations and ".i will me 't at the G A R. hall, The Italian American Friendship Today *s Patterns book could be written on that, but made them count more than Phila­ CTlub which recently had the grand ment. Cook, lb ...... 4 0 0 7 0 2 full advantage of my fencing abil­ Philadelphia Athletics, delphia's six oft Paul Derringer. Bil­ in order by fanning in tbe seciud Dr. Handier reportetl at the hos­ Ihclr auxiliaries will meet at the Memorial building, to attend the Smith, s s ...... 2 2 0 0 4 0 I’U Just call the type that I have now Terry and the Giants, particular­ pital for duty this morning. Dur- Center for the memorial services at opening of the new club house on ity. As Leonard said, I fought like ly Myers' double :md two Infield outs and fourth. Then Dick Berger of Thrilling Events Thors’ - Union Memorial service at St. Gonrinued from Page One) Savltaki, r f ...... 4 1 0 1 0 0 the positive brand, and let it go at ly the catchers, and Dressen be­ opened Manchester's half of the fifth ing his college career Dr. Hamlkr Qiiarryvllle. Bolton Center and | •lohn's Flpiscopal church at 7 Kingsbury avenue, will enjoy a min- that. a longshoreman a good deal of the iin the first inning produced a run ■strel show and dance this evening. By BR i:CE CATTON Weiss, if ...... 2 1 1 1 0 q rime. The majority did not believe fore them, plainly saw something with a single through second. was active In athletics and wn.s a Gould's Pond. o’clock. Rev. H. B Olmstead, rec- of them- stretched 330 yards. He Offhand, I would say that what in Castleman, despite the fact the and another in the fourth when Billy Local Sport day Afternoon. member of the Dalhonsic Univcrsit.' The minstrel show will be put on On- of the reassuring things makes me most certain that I can that I lost, but I took too many un­ Sullivan and Harlan Pool connected Chapman whiffed as Berger stole I by the Bolton Athletic As.soclation. about today's picture Is to see side dubbed his tee shot at the ninth to Totals ...... 80 6 7 24 9 5 necessary chances. large young man waa experiencing second, then went to third on a wild varsity basketball team. lose the hole. With the excepUwi of Score by Innlngi: beat McLamin ia the fact that, difficulty in getting the other aide for singles and the former scored This minstrel group Is under the di­ by side on the shelves of any book­ after 30 rounds wdth him, I am sure I’m going into this engagement while Bill Campbell waa being toss­ pitch. Pongratz walked, slid into rection of Row Howlett, a.1 old time store the most enthusiastic pleas the 16th, where he bunkered his ap­ Weaver High ...... 040 011 M—9 prepared for anything. McLamin out. Chatter second on a passed ball and was In­ When the starter's flag falls oa ' proach against a bank, he played his Manchester Trade .. 120 SOq^OO—6 that he cannot hurt me with his best Caetleman, the biggest man ed out. Singles by AI Todd and Honor 'Last Woman' on Platform minstrel man of Wllllmnntle: Ethel (or radicalism and such books as shot—the one be fires with his was a better fighter last September jured on the play. Harold Berger the first beat of the time trials at^ Yates is soloist and hi- end men second shots with deadly accuracy. Two-base hits, Levy, Ware, Lahsai physically on the Giant staff, with Mickey Haslln and a force-out pro­ LAURA INGALLS STARTS Jouett Shousc’s "You Arc the (gov­ vaunted right hand. than he was the previous May. duced the lore Phllly nm In the went in aa base runner. Zwick the Auto speed races at the Cherry j are Burke of Rockville, Andy ernment.’’ You needn’t agree with The 24-year-old defending chanw threc-bue hits. Ware; bitsydff Quar­ Even my heart wont out to him as the exception of Parmelee, drew his If Manchester High turned In the grounded out to Wojtusik. Opalach Park Speedway on Decoration Day,*’ at (jcttyshurg as Lincoln Spoke plon, who is striving to retain the tus 8-8, off Diana 7-8; sacrifica hits, With all due respect to McLar- opening assignment against Fidg­ fifth. brand of baseball played against Anderson and Bill Dillon of Man- either to feel glad that- you can nln, a grand wrarrlor, I have an Idea he bravely carried on with his left lifted a single between left sad cen­ May 30, at 2 p. m. under tbs aus­ ON GROSS COUNTRY HOP rhester and the two Le- brothers of still get and study both. Because title and become the first American Booma, David, LasbinSke; stolen eye completely closed throughout ety Phil Collins and the Phillies, The nearest thing to the dreaded Bristol yesterday all through the ter, scoring the Berger brothers. and the third player In the 50-year bases, Manchester Trade 5 Weaver that I'll knock him out In a late and prevailed, 4-to-3i injury came when Sammy Byrd pices of tbe Avon Auto Racing a » Bolton. Following the show there you could not In Germany, or Rus­ round. If I fall to do that there the last several rounds. You could season, the C. C. I. L, champion­ Tierney fanned to retire the lide. soclatlon followers of this thrilling Continued from Page One) will be both modern and old-fash­ sia, or Italy, or half the countries in history of the tournament to do so, High 2; double plays, Booma to have hung your hat on It. slammed into the center field wall in ship would be as good as won right Levy to David, Wa^e to Levy to Isn't the slightest question In my When Fitzsimmons pullled up taking Dolph Camilll’s drive In the Bquatrlto took Pongratz'a place sport witl be offered over 100 miles ioned dancing. the wo'Id. might easily have been five up on now. With only two exceptions, the behind the plate and DobrsekI lined of the most daring exhibition of The minstrel .show this evening Shouse, now best known as Dr. Tweddell at the halfway mark. David; left on babes, Manchester mind but that I'll win decisively. with a bad arm, Castleman was sixth but he got right back into ac­ pilot device, performing triple ser­ Before going into our previous McLamin has been a great fight boys supplied flawless fielding to the first pitch Into tbe football field speed ever offered in this section of vice aa a pilot, wcatlicr report rt- will start at 8:15 o'clock and danc­ president of the American Lib­ He missed a one-foot putt at the Trade S, Weaver/Hlgb 6; base on er. but inactivity kept him from sent against Bill Lee and the <%i- tion. complement the stellar pitching of the easL balls, off () u a r ^ S, off Diana 3; fights and dwelling a bit more on cago Cuba. Lee was a tough nut Hal Sehumaoher Wins In left for a triple. Monahan caiver and compaos, makes .Miss In-, ing will he enjoyed until 12:30 erty League, though formerly a fifth and a simple four-footer at the being a greater one. Inactivity Mike Zwick and they socked the grounded to Chapman, wbo threw Tbe feature event of tba after* o'clock. member of Congress, a Democratic bit by pitcher, /Booma by Quartus; our third edition, I want to tell you for the Giants to crack last sea­ The night-game mound perform­ galls' powerful plane one of the' sixth—both for wins. my plane for the future. can't miss handicapping him in this old pill Just when socking would do home but Squatrito dropped tbe noon with a special 25 mile that beat equipped ships in the air. Boys At Storrs party leader, and head of the Asso­ struck out, by Quartus 4, by Dians fight. son. They trimmed him only once, ances coming from teams that the moat good. It was a sure 4. time, 2 hours; umpires. Russell I vacated the lightweight chanv- and then it required Parmelee and ball as DobreskI slid Into the plate. will Include the six fastest cars oa The former Brooklyn school girl, A large group of boys, winners at ciation Against the Prohibition With three fights under my belt haven't seen any great amount of enough ball club that was out on Monahan stole second and Sylvester the track along with two 10 mile Amendment, offers his small vol­ and O’Leary. plonship solely because I figured a 12-innlng game to do it. But good hurling this season overshad­ now In her 30's, looped her way lu the Y, M. C. A. track meet In Rock­ that I could outgallop McLamin and since we last met, I know that 1 Mt. Nebo field yesterday. walked. Ferro laid down a bunt and open events and two 5 mile spedals first aerial fame in 1930 when she ville last Saturday are sen d in g ume (only 122 pages) as an anti­ COMMUNION BREAKFAST have a physical on(l mental edge on Castleman let the Bruins down owed some of tbe feats psrformed In dote ‘or the flood of New Deal and wanted this profitable osalgnment. with five scattered singles lud Zwick threw out Monahan at third. along with tbe time trials of one- sent a plane through 980 consecu­ the meet at Storrs this aftermon iq I still can do 135 pounds without McLamin. ordinary daylight. Among these The game was well underway bS- CHiapman's peg to first was late and half mile each of every driver at the tive turns and. In anoUiei exhibi­ which boys from throughout the far .more radical literature. By this time wa know pretty well won, 6-to-2. were Hal Schumacher's four hit fore we located the red-thatched track, are sure to see some of the Simply written in clear- one-syl­ SERVED HERE TOMORROW any trouble. Cutleman became something of Sylvester went to third on the play tion. did 714 "barrel rolls " county will participate. A vkssity each other’s every move, but Um shutout ot the Oibs and the Giants’ “Chuck” McCarthy of the Bristol ahead of the return peg as Ferro leading single seated dirt track International attenUon centered lable terms, ."You Are the Govern­ a celebrity the other day when he terrific clouting behinc It that pro­ Press on the visitor’s bench and It meet between Connecticut State Canzonerl Next. going to turn in a fight that will be repelled the renowned Dizzy Dean went to second. Ryan grounded to drivers of the country on the Cherry on Miss Ongalls when imc flew alone and Norwich University Is taking ment'' is easy, even if not exactly a combination of my two previous duced a 13 to 0 victory and Buck wasn't until after the game that we Park half-mile saucer. snappy, reading. It outlines In the One of the largest gatherings of Win, loee or draw against McLar- and the world champion St. Louis short, Johnson missed the ball on a 17,000-nille rounU-trip from place at 1:30 with the school meet efforts. I’m going to make an Newsom’s feat of blanking tbe got to talking with him. For a while cleanly and Sylvester and Ferro The event Is under the personal- New York to South America'. simplest terms Just what our gov- women to receive Holy Communion nln, n i box Tony Canzoneri in Au­ Cardinals, 4-1. A fielding mis- later In the afternoon. Tolland YESTERDArs BESt'LTS gust aggressive, wliming fight without league-leading White Sox with five we thought Chuck might have been scored on tbe error. Wojtuslk supervision of AI Franklin well County Y. M. C. A. secretary, Wil­ emm..i.t is, and how it operates, all In a body is expected at the 8:30 cue on bis own part prevented him lying in ambush for us but we found based around the undeniable but Canaonerl regained recognition as taking as many foolhardy chances from Bhutring out the Red Birds. blows to win bis first start for the grounded out and Montella filed out known promoter wh» liam P. Tyler, la In charge of the m us In St. James's church tomor­ Natteoal as I did the last rime. Senators 10 to 0. out that he'd been lost over in the had handled some of tha blggsst too-often-forgotteb fact that "the row morning. Miss Vera Gorman, lightweight champion by winning All Castleman lacks Is the poise to end the inning with Bristol in group which Included the following New York, 13, f^ cag o 0. as he pleased from Lou Ambers. I McLamin was fighting good boys The CJub defeat, charged against blind alley, at Mt. Nebo Place. Im­ the lead by 3 to 2. races in the mid-west and on Decor­ BOY SCOUT NEWS boys: Cadet clasa, Robert EUi- success of democracy hinges upon heading the committee for Pittsburgh 7, Boston 6. th at. comes nith experience. He's agine! the fulfillment of mutual obliga­ was glad when Conzonerl won. Had five years before I made my first fast, with a good curve, and satlS' Roy Henshaw, the first lefthander to (lohnsoq Hits Bonier ation Day hi first card to be offered wortb, Saul Seigle, Edward Robb, the the Children of Mary Brooklyn 5, SL Louis 3. start as a professional. While M o in the east Mr. Franklin has map­ TnMip Four tions by a government ar.d its In­ of St. James's C3iurch, h u been he been defeated, some might have factory control. It is only in his lose to New York this year, dropped John Tyler, R. McLaughlin, E. Kell­ Cincinnati 2, Philadelphia 1. Lamia professes to be as enthusi' them back Into third place behind CHiuck said the Bristol O ltlcs Wojtuslk fanned Becker to open ped out a program of events that Last week, -18 Scouts from Troop ner; Junior class. Cheater Sokolow- dividual citizenc." assured that after the communion hinted that I threw up the 135- handling of bunts that his green­ the last of the sixth, then walked American pound crown to avoid meeting Am­ asric as ever, I am quite positive Brooklyn which hammered Dizzy would like to meet tbe Blueflelds will assure him of offering similar 4 spent the week-end at Camp Pio­ ski, John Loalbo, John Bock, Eld- Here Is the conservative view in the church and at the close of the St. Louis 6, New York 8. ness shows itself. here later this summer when Albie Obuchowski. Johnson caught bold neer. They left Friday evening and clearly and flatly .stated, and yet bers. that training Irka him and that he The youth stands six feet tail, Dean, and defeated tbe Cardinals 5 events every other Sunday starting ward Stawartz, H. Grant, Charles mass 100 of those who attend will C3cveland 12, Philadelphia 2. would much prefer to be out of It Gurske and Andy Palau, two of the of a^fast'one and poled it over tbe with Sunday, June 10. <5na of the ' came back Sunday. Just before ar­ Mirth; prep clasa, Nick Phillips; in­ with candid admitoion that many go to Castle Farm to take part in If I happen to bow to McLamin, and weighs 190. He has an olive to 3 while Les Munns pitched three centerflelder’s head, the ball rolling riving at camp Friday, the first car of the New Deal measures were Boston 8, Detroit 4. which you now know would be a all. hit ball in seven Innings of relief Bell City’s foremost athletes now rules that will govern tbe events at termediate class, Theodore HIrth, the communion breakfut that will Washington 10, Chicago 0. complexion, and greatly resembles away at college, are available for deep for a homer to supply Man­ hit a rabbit ninnlng across the necessary in the face of the emer­ terrific disappointment to me. I'll McLamin can't be as good as he Terry. work. Pittsburgh s Pirates captured Cherry Park will be that every Gay Abraihamaon, Red Phelps, J. be served. was, and I am at the peak of my service as a battery again,*! the chester with the tying run and what driver who sits back of the steering road; the result was rabbit for Sat­ gency of continued depression. Mrs. Herbert Fisher of Hartford do 135 pounds for Canzoneri. CasUeniah’s idea of a perfect day the other National League encounter proved to be the winning counter. urday's dinner and though it didn't Oliva, Willard Kuhniy, Joe Rich, J. Shouse's warning is that the 0 ST.ANUINOS If not, Canzoneri will have to game. local champs. will be obliged to wear the famous ' O'Brien and 8. Sutyla. and Miss Alba Zizzarala. also ot National off is one spent bunting, and tak­ from Boston, 7 to 6, despite Rppert Fur the next three Innings, Zwick go very far, It sure was enjoyed by tendency to consolidate all these Hartford, will address the gather­ box me at catehweigbts, which is I have demonstrated that I am ing in a good talking picture after Thompson’s ninth Inning homer crash helmet as a protection in BaaebalJ Tomorrow W. L. PCL capable of conceding McLamin Yesterday’s game produced an­ faced only nine batters, becoming case of an accident. those tasting It. .Much time was measures indiscriminately into per­ ing at the breakfut. Both are in­ how all lightweights will have to dark. with Uie bases crowded. more effective as be went along. It spent In playing baseball and swim­ Tha Lafayettes and Clerks will manent law m ust'11 resisted. New Y o r k ...... 20 9 .690 weight. other scoring problem with a differ­ terested in work among Catholic Broklyn ...... 19 13 .594 come in against me while 1 hold the He still is half afraid in big Two Changee In Amerk was Manchester's third Leagus tri­ ming. TTiough there were three play tomorrow, Sunday afternoon Much of the book la devoted to welterweight championship. I gave up my lightweight title for cities. ence of opinion. DobreskI had at 2:30 o’clock at Henry Park. The women and Mrs. Fisher will have Chicago ...... 16 12 .671 this remunerative match and want Two changes in the American tripled into 'eft in the sixth. Mona­ umph in five starts and sent tbe lo­ other troops there over the week­ “viewing With alarm" such trends for her subject ‘'Catholic Action by McLamin Is only 27 and still a THE END League standing were recorded as end. Troop 4 was the only one to go Lafayette team will open its league as the rise in bureaucracy—"Bu- St. L o u is...... 17 14 .548 great fighter, but I do not think another title badly. han grounded to Chapman and the cals into undisputed possession of Yesterday *s Stars games on Memorial Day. Catholic Women." , Pittsburgh...... 18 11 .514 Naturally, McLamin wants to the Indians, thoroughly shaken up latter threw home. As we saw it, second place. It also marked tbe in swimming "en maaoc." Before h e girls will look adorable In these new style frocks— No. 549 reauera'iy is essentially meddle­ that I lost to him last September, by tbe release of Glen Myatt and leaving Sunday pictures were token The Pollsb-Amcrican baseball some"—the federal relief burden, CJlqcinnati...... 12 16 .429 keep his title, but there Is no ques- Squatrtto had plenty ot time to nip end of a five-game losing streak and T consists of only five pieces, the sleeves and front and back panels 18 .308 and will turn In a better fight BLUEFIELDS ALL SET the suspension of Willie Kamm, lin­ Of aom« of the highlights. We hope team ol this city of which Emil and the bandying about of billions. Phlladelpbls ...... 8 against him this rime by way. of rioD in iny mind in regard to which DobreskI at tbe plate but dropped the first time in many years that the being cut In one. Patterns are sized ( to 12 years. sUe t requiring Boston ...... 8 19 ,296 ed out 18 hits to bowl over the Red and White h u swept both By ASSOCIATED PRESS thav all come out. Gessay Is managsr, wlU play the S t 2 1-2 ytrdi of 36-inch twist, dimity, Iswn or silk. No. 403, tor To the conservative-minded, this DIDYOUKfOTTHAT- proving how really wrong the offi­ of us has the greater incentive. the boll, therefore, we gave him an Joe Vosmik, Indians—Poundsd ■ wa opened our regular Tuesday Adelberta team of ThompaonvlIIe on lIttiB book will be a welcome visi­ Aroertcon Got a little bet doa-n on me. I'll Atblctlca 12 to 2 whae tbe cellar error. (Toach Kelley was of the be­ games with Bristol, tbs first en­ little sitter, hat sleeves and yoke cut in one to simplify making. The Pet. cials were. FOR HARTFORD CLASH dwelling Browns upset the Yankees Philadelphia pitching for five hite night meeting with a smashing Sunday afternoon at the Cricket loj Peter Pan collar it a most attractive detail. Patterns are tiled 2 to tor: CO anyone, it ia an Interesting Holland h u 2,250,0(X) bicycles, W. L. again be the welterweight champion lief that It w-as a fielder's choice, counter being won by 6-5, Tbe de­ 10 .643 Out of 22 recognized newspaper 6 to 3 on H pair of late homers by in six times at bsL game of aoftball after which we ad- on West street. The game will be 4.' SUe 4 requires 1 2-3 yards of 36-iuch fabric plus 1-4 yard con­ study of American fundamentals Switzerland 1,500,000, Denmark CJhicago . . . . 18 critics at the ringside last fall, 18 along about 11 o'clock on the night claiming It was a matter of doubt feat was Bristol’s third in four smt that (overnmeni of called at 3 o'clock. Cleveland .. 16 11 .593 Ray Pepper and Jack Burns. That starts and virtually eliminated the Hal Schumacher and Ous Maa- jMimod Inside. There we had patrol trast. Use cross-barred dimity, percale or lawn. from the conservative point of 700,000, Belgium 1,500,000, Ger­ expressed the opinion that 1 was en­ of May 28. Meet St. Anthony’s On Twin whether or not Squiitrlto would euso. Giants—Schumachsr blanlMd i the people. b.» the people, for Tennis Team ,\t Hartford New York .. 17 13 .567 put tbe Indionc back into second have tagged DobreskI for the out. Monahanmen as contenders for the toactidgs in which each person was the people shall not perish To secure a PATTEItN and STEP-BY-STEP SEWING IN- view. It’s published by Little, many 11,000,000, France 6,000,000, titled to the decision tbht went the BUI at Bulkeley Stadium To­ Chibs with four hits, Ms •Ivofi o apeclal Job such as scribe, The Rockville tennis team will go HTItl’CTIONK, fill out the coupon below, being sure to MENTION Brown and Co. at $1. Boston ...... 16 18 JI52 place. title they shared l u t year with from the earth.' The only England 6,000.000 and Italy 3.000,- 16 14 .633 other way. morrow at 2. Meriden. knocked in five runs In U -0 tri>4'. Wkomaater, etc. Next on the pro- to Hartford on Monday to play the THE N.4ME OP THIS NEWSPAPER. 000. Detroit ...... I expect McLamin to be a pound GREEN BOOKS CLASH After a day in the second division, The Pollib-Amertcan BsisebaU UIMb. f. woman now Uring who claim* Colt's tennis team at Pop ■ Park at Wuhington 15 14 Jil7 the Red Sox returned to fourth CJaptain Obuchowski had a busy • to»i old-fashioned game to have sat on the tpeaker'e The SPRING PATTERN BOOK, with a complete selection of Marie Grosholz, a young Swiss Fined 200 pounds, a man in Lam­ or two heavier this rime. The Irish team opens Its home diamond at the Ciarl Reynolds, Red Seoc—Lad ate/i f o<’ "pull-ovar-the-line" which reault- 5:20 p. m. There will be four dou­ sculptress, during the French Revo­ Philadelphia 8 18 J0 8 The town champion Blueflelds ap­ place, ending Detroit’s five-game McGuire lots tomorrow afternoon day In left field, pulling down no less platform and heard Abraham Julia Boyd detignt, now it ready. It'a 16 cents when pnreliaaed beth county court, England, uked mature slowly and Jimmy is getting pear at the Bulkeley Stadium at tack on Tigers with two doubyfti more than one sore muscle or bles and two slnglea matches. separately. Or, if you want to order it with the pattern above, aend lution, bad the Job of curing death St. Louis . . . . 6 19 .240 WITH EAST WINDSOR winning streak with an 8 to 4 tri­ at 1 p. m. with a baseball game and than seven blows in bis territory, Lincoln thus complete hit Im- .Mooae To Meet to pay off the fine at four shillings big. I expect him to come in at Hartford tomorrow afternoon at 2 and single. A mriwl arm. Before going home in Just an additional 10 cents with the coupon. m uks of famous persons, u their a month. . The Judge assented, so about 16 1-2 pounds. umph behind Lefty Grove. a field day. Tbe guests ot honor are gettog two more chances than Jimmy Bucher, tea had a birthday party on Milt tnortsl Gettysburg Address It A special meeting of the mem­ TODAY’S GAMES o'clock in tbe first game of a double- to be the present members and of­ “Zteto" Tierney at first. Mri. America Viola Shoop of heads were brought in from the the fine will require nearly 117 years I'll be a pound or so lighter than Manchester Green's nine, which four of team's seven bite Srattem , with the refreshments con- bership committee of the L. O. O. guillotine. Marie Antoinette, King Natioiial bsader in which tbs Bavltt Gems ficers of tbs PoUsh-Amerlcan Oub Tbe crowd wasn't u targs as Sayre: Pa., shown a t right. At M. of this city will be held at the to pay. Boston at Pittsburgh. I was last September when I picked will meet the New England Colored wUl meet the New Britain Fofnirs Cardinals. ilfihng of cocoa, sandwiches and JULIA BOYD. lOS PARK AVENUE. NEW YORK Louis, Robespierre, and many up weight with postponements. I of Manchester and also the first of­ exjiectsd but tba fans on hand . Buek Nswsoas. Ssaatere 9 Crott Btrawbenv cake. an honol^ guest at the Gettys­ Home Club 'ila evening at 7:30 Zulu grirls arc forbidden to wear New York at Chicago. Giants at 3 o'clock this afternoon at in the nightcap. The Blueflelds will WRESTLING ficers of this organisation. The op­ vided enough bocal encouragement burg. Pa.. Memorial Day e.ver- Enclosed Is 16 cents (30 cents (or both psttemi) in coin (or others were among her models. trousers, on the ground of Immod­ expect to scale about 139 pounds, the new Y. M. C. A. diamond, fol­ trashed (Jhlcago srlth r-a hltn Wo*!* su n glad to see that Bob o’clock. Important detalla In re­ Brooklyn at SL Louis. be opposed by St. Anthony's, one of ponents will be the strong Addison to the locals to keep them playing flrat start for R^iAiBgtdii. elset at the famed Civil War gard to the coming membership Pattern No...... 8 ii« ...... esty, by the South African Nation­ Philadelphia at Cincinnati. which will leave me with Mi my lowing the Mancbester-MIddletown tbe strongest teams in Hartford, ia getung ail set for the The tulip once threatened finan­ speed. It is my speed that wil re­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS team which beat the P. A. by one heads-up baseball, a welcome change Paul Waner, F lr a te » -r I Jamboree. battlefield, she will tell of her drive will be disouased. al Party. An extremely ihort skirt American High track and field meet at 1 and a sizzling battle is in prospect. Boston-Dan O'Maboney, 319, run two weeks ago in Addison. from the loose play that liu marked experiences on that day nearly Pattern No...... S ite...... cial ruin of the Netherlands. Gam­ and a necklace are in good tute. pel McLamin. o’clock, has booked the East Wind­ hits and Ui thrae rung : ______nr Bight wo had the Itec Delegates to the State Conven­ bling in “tulip futures” reached Chicago at Washington. Indications are that a banner Ireland, defeated 'us Sonnepberg, Every player should be present this moat of tbs games thus far tbla ssa- and fidoad brlOtiRtiy. -ill M *i and Scouts JIaddas. Dams, 72 years age at the scene tion of the L. O, O. M. which Is to N 4m a...... Addraaa...... A tadpole does not grow its hind St. Louis at New York (2). sor Town Team for a game at Jar­ crowd of local rooters will accom­ 206, st~Mght falls. afternoon at 1:30 for practice. aon. sketched here from the famous such proportions and caused such legs first. The arms and leg de­ vis Grove tomorrow afternoon at 3 Ray Peppee; JOhasten, Mkod. Laking, and Ksm- be held In Waterbury in June have C ity ...... 8U te...... heavy losses, that the states of Hoi- , Detroit at Boston. pany the team, which has been prac­ Peoria, IU.~-Orvilla Brown. 221, Mastler, Bristol catcher, bad Iota with eaa eo tai painting by rieteher 0. Ran­ been announced as follows: First velop simultaneously, but the arms o'clock. It will be tbe fifth start of ticing nightly for the tussle under . ig « l7 paasad first alasa swtm- Name of tht* newspaper ...... land found it necessary to Issue a i Cleveland a t Philadslpbla Wallace, Kas., threw George Tra- Tha newly organized Spruce of trouble In "squeeziug” tbe apple la som of Chicago. delegate. Dictator Harry Pinney, gi-nw beneath (he gill chambers, and the season for the Hublardites, who Coach Jim Foley. It Is expected gos, 209. St. Louis, 36:55; Jim Mo- Street Tavern nine will play Bolton and moat of Wojtusik’s 17 strikeouts proclamation ending the wild spec cannot be seen until they burst are hopeful of sweeping both games Paul Jr.; aeeoad dalegate, fiaeratary John ulation in 1636. that Billy Neubauer, Blueflelds ace. Millen, 214. Antioch, III., defeated tomorrow afternoon. All players are required putouts at flrat. B ow om JB _ through the skin. this weekend and running their vie- will get the call (or mound duty ■ : : - - Cssey Berger, 202, Kansas City, to meet In front of the tavern at This lad SCwick is eertainly a oool ing aiz Ut» 9e torlss to nvs stralrbU with Sd Kovia,As ttia !!• m- Ha IttA A ' ■ ‘ '(ia ■ HANCHBarrBK EVEITTITO m B V E ^ G IfERAtD, MANCmCSTBR, CONN.. SATURDAY, MAY 2B, 1988,

Toonenrille Folks By Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE SENSE and NONSENSE A u n t E p p i e H o s q d o w n o n t h e R .R . t r a c k s a m i n u t e s b t o r e t r a i n t i m e Tba boy sat In tba rumblt saat, WHEN A MAN IS DOWN HIS hts baad waa a whirl; hia ayaa and ENEIUIES STOP KICKINO HIM W H A -T U e A T t h e s e mouth wfira full a t hair, his arms AND HIS FRIENDS BBOIN. irete fuU of girl. VN/HKT(B SO CiWEAT ABOUT • WHY,SYLVEBPrEW>»6SE The remarkable thing about thea* 3 E S ' L 0 0 K • R O Y A L 'B U P P M A S , EC >A *0 V A local man and his wife wera modern long novala, It that anybody driving along a lovely country road. could use so many words to say to LIKE CM\CKENS,TD NVE* O N E ■d o e s n 't e a t A B O Y A L lltUe. APARTMENTS—FLATS— through! I don't care what happens travels, to Hartford for a Leagua They bad just had a spat A mult ■^COUPfeE 1 A\N'T a n , BUT^^AA-M.^AY W ORD-ONHY» l o s t a n d f o u n d 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 APARTMENTS—FLATS— to me now— " TENEMENTS 63 tut Friday the Traders wiu be at b r a ^ . TWEY ABE VALUED TENEMENTS 63 She ground her fists Into her eyes. WilUmantlc and the high school He—One of your relatives T AUTHOKITT.WHEN -mEYBE r o U N D —S M A U . black •ad brown 1934 REO SEDAN, 1984 Chevrolet FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tene­ "She’s a singer," she went on after golfers wlU oppose Bulkeley away. She—Yes, by marriage. ON TM' KOCF-^BOT YOU ^ AW ECE 1-C.BEAT CAESATA, femal* do*.'at 120 Woodland atreet. coach, 1932 Packard sedan. 1932 FOR RE3'IT—SIX RCOM tenement a moment. “Cissy Malotte. Sure­ Saturday comes Manchester High’s Owner have same by payta* for Hudson sedan, 1932 Plymouth with garage, on Wadsworth street, ment, all modem Improvements. In­ G»VE'E/A AT^WN-BPOWNlN/ rAAN ,A BUBKA ESSrBOACHlS quire 10 Cottage atreet. J^urefiikeatii ly you’ve heard of her—’’ doublebeader with Meriden here, )uotations*‘ sedan, 1930 Hudson Phaeton, 1929 rent |28. Inquire 13 Wadsworth St. Oonvlacing A Girl In Love That STIC K A NABKIN \N tYVYCOLLAB,j O N TOAST, \WOULD COST YOU . adv. Katharine remembered now. The while the SUver City’s tennis and She Is Not Old Enough To Marry, Franklin coupe. Cole Motors. 6463. By AAabtl McElliott girl who waa supposed to have had LOST—FRO N T WHEEX. for baby RENT HUNTING T Tell us what FOR R E N T— F IV E ROOMS with all golf teams are also In action locoUy. Says ^udy. Is Like T r ^ g To Make AN'I'LL SPKAIN AWB.\ST ^ \--Ee»At>,KNOW WHKT - a gangster lover, the girl Gibbs had eaiTlafe. Finder pleaae return to 1938 CHEVROLET DELUXE sedan. you want We'll take care of It for Improvements, comer Knox and O I93S, NEA Sfitviee, Ise. -An Intoxicated Person Understand Man Is such a creature of mental i »u l h n ' nvyselt t o , THEY DO WITH THE SKELVS} 1932 Ford coupe, 1932 Ford coach, you without charge. R. T. McCann, Valley streets. Apply 24 Knox SL known last year. •S Brld*e atreet. Reward^______He Is Not Fit To Drive A Car. habit that In the m'dst of pro^ieri- Trt'TABLE—AN' U S E T H E N \ A S T I N E , 1929 Chevrolet coach, 1930 Nash 69 Center street. Dial 7700. BEGIN HERE TODAY “Yes, I remember now.” FOR R E N T—4 ROOM flat, all Im­ A scene at the Blue Sky Bath Club "W ell, I knew about her,” Zoe ty, the common thing Is to predict sedan. Brown’s Garage, 478 Center KATHARINE STRYKHUR8T, Frland—Yss, | find the same ob- continuance of prosperity, and now , b b 6 v k a n WWV\ •PORCELA\N TEACUPS', FOR R E N T- -I ROOM tenement, all provements, Including furnace, 243 would be material for the Broadway said between sobs. ”I thought It Racing Notes PERSONALS street. daughter of wealthy VICTOR Columnists who haunted such meet­ lactlona to tha new modal car that It it usual to predict coaUnuoaca of PUSHIN' Iroprovcmenta; also garage. 143 Center street. Dial 6990. was— Just one of those things. I STRYKHUR8T, la deeply attracted ing places in the summertime. Alfred G. Vanderbilt, whose DIs- I did to last yaar’A the depression. _ Pearl street. Inquire 141 Pearl or thought she was an older woman— A A Y & E L B STOMACH UIXaiR, GAS PAINS. FOR RENT—105 SPRUCE street, by MICHAEL HEATHEROE who "You take your bands off my cpvery consistently trailed Cava’>- Andy-^What Is that 7 O. Daweoi lndl*eaUon victims, why suffer? GARAGES—SERVICE- dial 6441. rune a riding achool. Katharine wicked, fading, all that. But now A W A Y f upstairs rent, 6 rooms, large en­ girl,” Gibbs said, very low. And I ’ve seen her! Why, she’s young! codo last year, plans to shoot three Friend—I can't afford to get It. For quick relief get a free sample to dlsoontenM and reatleea under STORAGE 10 closed back porch, rent $20. Inquire now Katharine was sure he had been She’s beautiful In a horrible way. barrels at Mrs. Dodge Sloan's cham­ Mr. Roofifivalt got hla popularity LAV- of Udga. a doctor's prescription at FOR R E NT— SIX ROOM tenement, her stepmother’e rule. Thrown from The old customs were better, modern Improvements. 33 Lewis 105 Spruce street. drinking. His eyes had a glazed, And did you sec the way he looked pion in the Suburban Handicap at beoausa ha mada tha nation pull in Arthur Drug Stores. FOR RENT-GARAGE. Practically a horae, she Is taken to the home Belmont Park, Decoration Day. In thinks Albert Nobody made you 2 street. unnatural look ;hls voice picked up at her? Ahhh— ” Zoe’s sob rose iU bfilt whan ha took oSloa, and re­ fireproof, reaiM;nablo to reliable of VIO LET MERSER, who once toe words and laid them down again addition to Discovery, Trainer B'id take to the ditch because he bad a TOUR CHARACTER ANALYZED party. E. T. Trotter, 392 Main waa In love witb Katharine’s father. almost to a shriek. duced the expenses of the govern­ FOR RENT—TWO. THREE and HOUSES FOR RENT 65 gingerly, with a false dignity. Gibbs "Hush, hush! You don’t want the Stotler will saddle Identify, winner heavy wagon. and vocation revealed Free—from street. Dlel 6218. Violet Is drawn to the girl and ment 35 per cant. four room apartments, furnished was drunk! ' maids to hear you,” said Katharine, of the Toboggan Handicap and the your handwriting. Send dime cover­ 11 A 'T T R A C n V E 6 ROOM home, mod­ thrv beconM friends. —'lonett Bhonse. desired. Also live room duplex. Ap­ Dr. Kaye looked around swiftly. distracted at this exhibition of un­ Granite State, and Hindu Queen, A guy who makes us see bright ing clerical coat of survey. Room em conveniences; very large gar­ DR. JOHN KAYE. Just back from red...... Is Benny. ply Manchester (Construction Co., There were only a few people in disguised suffering. which the young sportsman pur­ 308, 582 Fifth Ave., New Jork. FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 den and hennery, garage, extra Europe, visits the Stryhursts. He uses his horn Instead of hla In a closer understanding batween 4131 or 4279. sight—one or two negligent waiterd “I don’t care who hears,” Zoe chased out o f tho Schwartz dispersal l.oiid. Income $100. $25 a month. ZOE PARKER, Katharine’s with hard, dark, foxy faces, and sale a week ago. bead I f any. Britain and the United SUtCS, we FOR .SAl,K— TOMATO plnnls, cried fiercely. "It's all right for have a perfect solution for the prob­ FOR R E N T —4 ROOMS, all Im­ Right hand .state concrete roa'a closest friend. Is In love with GIBBS several parties of two who seemed transplanted and weather hardened, L A R K IN , and persists In seeing him you. You’re so calm and cool; lems of peace and war that beset provements, garage If desired. 134 from Talcottvlllc to Vernon Center. completely absorbed in each othei. you've never known what It is to Several of the outstanding Subur­ Creditor — You couldn't ride also peppers and cabbage, at Oder- In spite of her parents’ objections. this distracted world today. Maple street. Available June 1st. Also 10 room house. H. H. Wllles. The woman In black watched the feel this way—to hate anyone. ban Handicap nominees were out for around in a coitly automobile like 17 M anchester mann’s, 504 Parker street. Hathorlna oaks Dr. Kaye to help —Viscount Hsllshom, Brittsh wnr V Apply 132 Maple. little scene with an odd air of de­ You’ve never even been In love.” good workouts yesterday. Discov­ that If you paid your honest debts. FOR R E N T—6 ROOM Single house, her keep Zoe from eloping with minister. Evening Herald tachment “Ah, haven't I? ” thought Kay blt- ery stepped the Suburtan dlatauce Debtor—That’s so. I’m glad you ‘ u U e Y L O O K j FOR SA LE — FLOWERS and plants 48 Bisscll street. R crt reasonable. Oibita. They take Zoe to a night W E AIM TO PLE ASE all who rent "Don’t start anything here, Lar­ teryl. Aloud she said nothing. of one and one-quarter miles m look at It in the same light I do. for Memorial D.ay. Also thousands Mrs. Farr, 47 Cottage street. Hub which has opened nearby. Gibbs A T T E E D 1 CLASSIFIED our apartments or room.s. Sec Jen­ kin,” John Kaye said coldly. ’If Zoe flung herself about wildly. 2:0ti 2-5 handUy. James Hcaly What are Ww doing, what have we of bedding plants. Visit our green­ Is there with a beautiful woman. been doing, all through the agao, ex­ sen, Johnson Block, 709 Main you want a good dusting down, come “ I know what I ’ll do,” she shilled. sent Mrs. John Hay Whitney’s Sing­ THE MOST MONOTONOUS t h t $.u a ' ADVERTISEMENTS houses or telephone 714-2, Burke NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. street. Phone 6070 or 7635. outside.” ”I'll kill myself! That will make ing Wood a mile and a furlong In TUNE, GENERALLY COMES cept punish Tvomen for something The Florist, Rockville. LORGNETTE' Count i l l s v ,r »s » word, to • Ha*- CHAPTER XV. Gibbs lurched forward, him sorry for the way he's treated 1:54 2-5. Clyde Phillips worked FROM THE PERSON WHO IS AL­ that some man was responsible for? IsItlsU. numbtr, and abbrovintlon, FOR RENT—91 HAMLIN street, FOR SALE—TOMATO, pepper, cab­ LEADING Zoe, absorbed in the mirror of "You’ll settle with me here and me.” W. R, Coe’s Ladysman In the full WAYS BLOWTNG HIS OWN —Anna M. Kroao, New York magis­ •sob count Si s 'ord and componnd five room flat, with reception ball, HORN. trate. words aa two word,. Minimum coat I, bage and pansy planle. All trans­ her compact, an expensive and love­ now,” he cried. The diners looked (T o Be Oontinaed) distance in 2:07, breezing. second flfior, steam heat, shades ,, » ifMSYet« MSvist. ISC.. T,a eig u.a nt.oa’ nric, o( thre, iinta planted. Anderson Greenhouses, 153 ly trifle, did not catch sight of Gibbs up Interestedly, whirling their tran«l«nt and screens. A good rent. Very rea­ glasses on thin stems. The girl In Woman Clearing to drive)—But I Lin, rate, P«r day for Eldridge street. Phont 8686. Larkin for another minute. Construction of the Suffolk Downs sonable. Inquire at 03 Hamlin SL black net gave an almost unob­ don’t know 'What to do! rtMBiB* r«s iiMi IMcetiTa Marrh II, 1S3T BATTERS When she did, she took It "like a Sport Chatter race track In Boston is moving served signal to a waiter. It all Her Husband—Just imagine that Caih Chares FOR SALE — TRANSPLANTED little soldier," John Kaye said later. ahead rapidly. The grandstand is FOR RfeNT— NEW FOUR room happened so quickly that Katharine rm driving. S C o n „cu ll», Oaya 7 otaj » oU tomato plants, also cabbage and Her color came up. The ghost of a near completion while work will t Coniaoutlia Dayr Ji **■ tenement wltn kitchenette and all By ASSOCIATED PRESS could scarcely credit It when the Johnny Craven, pugilistic protege Thought St OK( HY SM ITH B um *sR ushForA Befuddled Bigr Shot pepper plants, at Krauss Green-' gasp rose to her lips and waa in­ i4 B y John C. T erry modem Improvements. Steeping start on the pretentious clubhouse house, 621 Hartford Hoad. Tel. 8962, (Iiieludlng Yeeterday's Oames) stantly suppressed. Gibbs had fol­ two girls were again on the graveled of Director Frank Busch of the When we eee all the good and are 'iX M O JUST WH£Kk '\ All ordari for Irracular ln«rtlon, porch, garden, .and heated garage. next week. The paddock and ad­ blind to the bad; will b, charged at tha on, tim , r»t,. lowed the tall, sinuous young wo­ walk outside, with the doctor hatless Recreation Centers, lost a three- There U nothing batter a maa« YOU A*H- ip VOOR ju a r reu. h m m th o u Ba d 84 Summit street, or dial NATIONAL LEAGUE ministration buildings also arc near­ When we hear all the gay and are to r kpicul rate, ter long larm avery man in black net to a table at the beside them. round decision to Gene Bonin at New ly completed and work will soon than that ba ohonld eat and drink, pau A C *0» THB ■orvs PROM THt NORTH «iOB day advartlsing g iv , upon raaucst. 5233. “ You knocked him down, John­ London the other night, Bonin piling deaf to the sad; Ada ord,rad tor tbra, or all day, MOVING—TRU CKING - Batting—Vaughan, Pirates .402; very edge o f the pool. He was, start on the stables. and that ha shoald maka hla satil RIYBI? OP£N FIRE OP TH» CANAL BUtTBP OP and atoppad bafora tha third or flttb, STORAGE 20 Martin, Cardinals, .385. plainly, absorbed In the conversation. ny!” up enough points In the first two When we smile all the while enjoy good In his labor.—>Boele- •VDUR PARTY/- NOW “I only brushed him aside,” said though fortune may frown; day will ba chargad only for tba ae- Runs— Vaughan, Pirates, 33; ’The young woman had the candidly rounds to offset the whirlwind finish Biastaa *:2L VOU CAN GRT TO WORK , tual numbar of .Iraaa tha d appaar- YOUR F U R N ITU R E le valuable. In Medwlck, Cardinals, 26. revealed figure of a show girl. Her Dr. Kaye. He slipped and f e ll. . . ” of the local fighter. Mr. Busch met When we hold out a hand to tboie ad. charglns at tha rata aarnad. but who are down. RCMOVINd THAT BARRICADE.' no allowanca or rafunda can ba mada moving we use i nly furniture pads, Runs battcti in Vaughan, Pirates, black hair, growing in a bold "H e’s not hurt?” Jack Dempsey, who refereed the Last Night *s Fights God baa to made the mind of man not quilts or blankets. For that 31; Frey, Dodgers, and Ott, Giants, “ I ’m sure he Isn’t. Let’s get We’re depositing blessings In the .GOOD FOR VOOflt , on aln tima ada atopped after tha JOHN H. widow’s peak, was drawn demurely bouts, at his hotel and chatted with that a peculiar dalloiouenaaa reatdea WAKTWNB/ fifth day. better moving Dial 6260, Austin 29. back from a white forehead. Jew­ along. I don’t want you girls mixed the former heavyweight champion of bank of God's love— No "till forbid,": dlaplay llnaa act By ASSOCIATED PRESS in the fruita of pereonal induatry.— Chambers, local and lung distance Hits— Vaugban> Pirates, 53; L. els dangled from her ears and her up in this.’’ the world, for whom Busch was once Blessings that double and triple ere WUberforee. sold. LAPPEN Ashland, Ky.—Joey Stelgal, 149, long. The Rarald will not ba raaponalbla moving and trucking. 44 CONE ST. PHONE 7021 Waner, Pirates, 62. bare arms were agleam with narrow a sparring partner. Unlontown, Pa., outpointed Tuffy (or more than ona Inoorraot Inaartlon Doubles— Martin, Cardinals, 11; bracelets. ’They were In the car; unbelieva­ Griffith, 155, Ashland (10); Bob Ed­ And replace unshed tear-drops of any “ adrartlaamant ordarad for PERRETT A GLE NN E Y INC. local Suhr, Pirates, 10. Zoe stared. Quite frankly and bly, they were whirling down the wards, 155, Hamlin, W. Va., stopped with laughter and song. nora than ona tlma. Post Road again. Zoe slumped be­ The scholastic sports slate next Tba Inadvariant omiaalon n( Incor- and long distance moving. Dmiy Automobile- Triples— P. Waner, Pirates, Cav- childishly she stared, as if in a hor­ Bobby Powell, 162, Russell, Ky., express to Hartford. Overnight aretta. Cubs, and Boyle, Dodgers, 4. tween them, limp and unprotesting. week offers a total of eleven events, ONE WOMAN WHO HAS RE­ R a p p e r F a n w S a y s .- ract pubitoatlon of advartlalns wHI ba rid fascination. Gibbs’ sleek head (4 ). eiaM.aesT.efr. raetlfia: only by eaneallatlon of tha service to and from New York. Tel. Accident-Life Home Runs— Ott, Giants, and "W e’ll drop you at home, Johnny,” with time taken out. for Memorial CENTLY TAKEN OFF SEVERAL bent toward bis companion’s; he Day on Thursday. Manchester Hollywood, CaUf.— Bep Van ebarga mada tor tha aarvlea randarad. 3063, 8860 or 8864. And All Other Kinds of Vaughan, Pirates, 8. hung, os If enraptured, on her every Katharine said. “ I ’ll stop with Zoe Klaveren, 146Vi, Holland, outpoint­ POUNDS IS TO SPEND HER VA­ All advartiaamanta muat conform High’s golf team meets Windham Stolen Bases—Myers, Reds, 6; word. at her house. Tell Bertlne she's not ed Kid Azteca, 145, Mexicc (10). CATION AT HOME THIS SUM­ In atyla, copy and typogrnpby witb High here on Monday. The track ragulatlona anforetd by tha publlab- i n s u r a n c e Bordagary, Dodgers, 6. Katharine wanted to turn her eyes feeling well.” Watsonville, Calif.—Young Tom­ MER. TRAVEL SOMEONE TOLD sra and tbay rasarva tha right to PUBLIC PASSENGER : Pitching— Castlcman, Giants, 4-0; away. 'The naked misery in Zoe’s “ I don’t need anyone,” Zoe pro­ team travels to Blast Hartford on my, 121, Manila, outpointed Joa HER. IS SO BROADENING. adit, ravlta or lajac* any copy con- Phone Today for Rates. tested. She was deadly pale. Tuesday, while the llnksmen enter­ stdarod obfaetlonabla. SERVICE 20-A Parmelcc, Giants, 5-1. face was terrible. John must have Dodge, 124, Sacramento, Calif., CLOHINO HOURS— Ctaaalflad ada to No Obllgalion. AMERICAN LEAGUE heard something . . . he must have “Don’t let Bertlne telephone her tain Rockville and the tennis team (10). Friend (to editor of rural week­ IN ADDITION TO SILVER LANE mother." Katharine went on swift­ is host to Middletown. Wednesday, ly )—Why did you stop publishing WASHINGTON TUBBS ba publlahed aama day must ba ra- Batting—Johnson, Athletics, .421; known, or at least believed, that Binghamton, N. Y.—Joe Banovic, By Crane OUT OUR W AY Bv W illlanii aalvad by It o’clock noon; Suturdaya Bus Line, De Luxe Bus' for lodge ly. “Bhe’s quite likely to unless you the Red and 'White nine faces East 175, Binghamton, outpointed Mark yoUr paper ? <------M;S4 a. m. Walker, TIgera, .385. Gibbs could be found here! How party or team trips, we also offer Runs— Bonura, White Sox. 28; extraordinary waa this quiet man stop her." Hartford there and the Trade school Hough, 169, New York (8). Editor (with a look o f sadness TELEPHONE YOUR 7 passenger ledan delivery. Phone Johnson, Athletics, and Radcllff, with the easy voice and the supple “I’ll fix It,” Dr. Kaye looked and regret)— What waa the use of WANT ADS. 3063, 8860, 8864. TOWN ADVERTISEMENT White Sox, 24. surgeon’s hands! She marveled at grim trying to publish any news when MOST Runs batted In — Greenberg, him. Ho helped them oilt at the Par­ the gossips had broadcast It all be­ A6t art accepttd over tteO telephone NOTICE OF PCBMC HEARING ker driveway. He waved his hand fore I could get It into print ? at the CHAUOIi: HATH slven above FOR A Tigers, 35; Johnson, Athletics, 30. A waiter came up and John said M a convenlen j to advertteere. but PAINTING—PAPERING 21 and left them, to walk the few hun­ CTJITIFIC.VTE OF APPROVAL Hits—Gchringer, ’rigcrs, 46; John something to him In a low voice the CASH RATES will o*. accepted aa son. Athletics, 45. and he went away. dred yards of roadway that sepa­ Who’s Been Peeping? FU LL PATMENT It paid at the buel- PAIN 'i'IN G AN D paper hanging, FOR A rated them from the Strykhursls’. There is a slip 'tw lxt cup and Up aetB office on or before the eeventh GASOLINE FILLING STATION Doubles—R. Ferrell, Red Sox, Zoe said, ‘‘I think I muat be get­ l 36)OOOf day following the drat ineertlon of rooms repapr’ od Including paper Dickey, Yankees, and Goslln, ting back." A clock In the convent tower boom­ 'Tis, said, and the girls confess 16.60. John McCann, 236 Middle IN THE ed the half hour. That’s also^all there is WASH AWP aaoh ad otherwtee the OHARUE Tigers, 9. That was all. There waa dignity MALCOCT i HAN RATE will be oollecled. No reeponeN 'rurnplkc Ea.ii. Phone 7388. TOWN OF MANCIIESTEK, CONN ” He’s Just in time for dinner. "T w lxt skin and outside dress. KA'SV FORCE P billty for errore In telephoned ade Triples- Cronin, Red Sox, 6; R. in her bearing, and pride, too. "Just as you say,” said John. ’’You Katharine said, on a note of hysteri­ r o PAV OFF w ill ba aeiumed and their accuracy Upon the application of W. W. .lohnson, Red Sox, and Rogell, see it once and you’ve seen It all.” cal laughter. She was terribly Customer— Have 1 the pleasant PEST O J cannot be guaranteed. Markham for a certificate of approv­ Tigers. 4. PROFESSIONAL Gibbs, with his back turned, was shaken. Zoe, like a doll on strings, expression you require? MOROAM al of the location of a gasoline flll- Home Runs—Johnson and Foxx, INDEX OF somehow made aware of the atten­ like an automatic flgure, allowed Phitographer— Perfectly, sir. ESTATE BEFOPE SERVICES 22 ing station to be located on the Athletics, 9. CLASSIFICATIONS tion of the little group. Perhaps herself to bo led to the house. The Customer—Then shoot quick. It of Charles and Ethel I-aznr Stolen Bases— Almada, Red Sox, THEVCAM SEU BIrtha ...... A HAVE YOU I’RIED the new budget the young woman In the extrava­ maid, Gerda, came to the door lead­ hurts my face. on ’lolland Turnpike. 10; Hale, Indians, and White. Tigers, PRICELESS Bngagamants ...... it departnicnt at The Lily Beauty 6. gantly cut black dress bad told him ing to- the terrace, which was lock- It was voted and onlcrcd: AUTOtSRAPHS. Marriages ...... Shoppe? Anj three ecrvlccs for that three people at a nearby table ed- I see that they are cutting down Daattaa ...... U That the foregoing application be Pitching—Whitehead, White Sox. $1.00. Telephone 7484. were gazing at him. “ Oh, Mias Zoe! I thought you the quality of food at banquets. Card of Thanks ...... E heard and detcrmlncil nt the Select­ 6-0; Allen, Yankees, 4-0, gWA In Mamorlam ...... - F He whirled, bis rather heavy body said you weren’t to be here for din­ Friend—Pretty soon the dinner men’s Office in the Municipal Build­ Lost and Found ...'...... 1 pivoting at the waist. His eyes met ner." will be down to the level of the afft- To score a birdie is a feather In a Announeaments - ...... s ing In said Town on the 5th day of “ She wasn't, Gerda, but I think REPAIRING 23 San Francisco—Small Montana, Zoe's. There was a sickening mo­ er-dtnner speeches. golfer’s cap. Paraonala ...... ( June at 7 o’clock p. m., E. S. T., she’s changed her plans. W ill you AatoMabllea no, Manila, outpointed Jo Tlcken, ment in which Katharine felt the WE SPECIALIZE IN lawn mower anil that notice be given to nil per­ 118, Japan. (10); Johnny Fasano, bring some tea up to her room? Autoroobllas for 6ala ...... 4 utter folly and uselessness of at­ Zoe said Automobllaa for Hlxchanga ...... 4 Hharpening. Kunaen and Edgerton, sons Interc.'itod In said application, 139, San Francisco, and ’’Baby" tempting further conversation. Zoe " I don’t want anything” of Us pendency and of the time and Auto' Acceaaorlsa—TIraa ...... S 655 North Main street. Telephone Tiger Flowers, 134, Omaha, Neb., bad risen to her feet and John with lifelessly. FKKCKLES AND HIS FKIENUS B y B l o s s e r Auto Repairing—Painting ...... 7 7385. Delivery service. place of hearing thereon, by pub­ The broad bolls were In twilight Auto Bchoolt ...... 1-A drew, (6 ); Jimmy Reed, 148, Jack­ her. In mid-flight Gibbs met her. lishing a copy of this notice at least sonville. Fla., outpointed Joe Ron- as the two girls ascended the stairs. Autoa—Ship by Truck ...... S MOWER SH ARPE N IN G , key mak- "Hello, hello, hello!” But you rI WOHOSm WHY WE Autos— For Uira ...... S three times In the Evening Herald, don, 150, Mountain View Calif., (6). could see the discomfort behind that Here and there a bar of late sun­ Oaragaa— Barvloo—Btoraga ...... 10 Ing, lock,, vacuum cleaner, clock, and by .sending a copy of this notice STDPPBD? I THOUGHT I In.snuciant pose. shine broke through the Iron grilles Motorcyolaa—Bloyclaa ...... 11 gun repairing. Bralthwaltc, 52 by registered mail to said applicant, appearing at intervals in the walls. PAID FDR A TRIP s t r a ig h t tVamad Autoa— Uotorcyclaa ... I I Pearl atreet. Zoo did not answer. She _ was, Baalnaaa and Proteaaluaal Sarrlraa all at seven days before the thought Katharine, a little like a doe Zoe’s room was shuttered and cool. TH R U , WITHOUT AMY Bualnaaa Bervlcaa Offerad ...... II date of said hearing, to appear at caught in a thicket— they had seen Silver Venetian blinds made a glim­ Uouaabold Barvicaa uttarad ...... tl-A LAW N MOWER sharpening, eaves- said time and place. If they see F O R R E N T one last fall In the mountains. Zoe’s mering dusk here. In one swift Building—Contracting ...... 14 troughs, tin roofs, chimneys re­ cause, and be heard relative thereto. glance Katharine saw the overnight Florlita—Nuraa.iat ...... 14 paired; also all kinds of sheet metal eyes had the same stricken look, Funaral OIractora ...... 14 For and by order of the Board of ‘18-32 Blreh St.— 3 rooms—$20.00 bag at the foot of the bed. Zoe work. Griffith, 140 Oak atreet. Tel. ’’Well, who would have thought c 1(11 sv MA lUVICI. INC. T. M. Dta. U. S PAT. OPT. Boating—riumblng-Rooflpg ... 17 Selectmen of the Town of Manches- with heal. Sumiiwr rates $15.00. of finding you here?” Gibbs breezed thrust It aside and flung herself Insuranca ...... 1> 5851. ctr, Connecticut. across the taffeta coverlet, sobbing. Mllllntry—Orsaimaking ...... It 4 Roams—$28.00 with heat. on. determined to brazen the thing (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) Moving—Trucking—B.oraga .... 10 S. G. BOWERS. .Summer rates $25.00. out. “I wish I were dead!” Public Paasangar Barvles ...... 10-A HELP WANTED- Secretary. “ No, you don't. What a silly The gnome who said he’d save . Wee Duncy didn’t even peep. Painting-Psparlng ...... II Mailed May 23, 1935. 5 Rooms— $32.00 with heat. thing to say!” But Katharine felt Proftstlonal Barvteaa ...... It FEMALE 35 Zoe could not find her voice, the day cried, "A ll you tots bring No wonder! He was sound asleep. G. H. W ADDELL, Summer rates $28.00. the hopelessness, the utter futility Tho others kept on getting sticks Rapniring ...... I I Katharine said, ” We were only just sticks this way. I f I'm to pry that Tailoring—Dyalng—Cleaning ... It WANTED —WOMAN for general Clerk. Board of Selectmen. of any argument. until a gnome cried, "Stop! going.” cr.iJWiLLiAMs Toilat Oooda and Barvles ...... 14 R eliable R ealty Co. ^ ” Ah, so soon?” , burbled Gibbs. Zoe sat up, rubbing her eyes with big rock loose, I'll need a lot, no "Although the prying may bo Wanted-Bualnaaa Ba.'vica...... I I housework. Apply 31V North Main 126 Temple Street Hartford ■But It’s a very Jolly place, don’t a childish gesture. “ But I do! Oh, doubt. tough, I'm sure that we now have Kdnratlaaal street. Tel. 7-5110 you think? Such amusing peo­ you don’t know— " "Some sticks will break before enough, i'll start to work and I - a LL s m a N S A M Courasa and Claaaaa...... 17 T O R E N T Don*t Say Don*t So O ften B v R t n a i l Privata Inatruetlon ...... I I Or on the Premieee. Call Mr. p le ..." It’s done. I ’m sure that I ’ll need Just hope my pain Is not a flop." Dancing ...... Il- A HAYNE S ST. — 5-room Single She burst Into loud weeping again, more than one, so pile them high, fH srf.olaiveit.’THis CRN POULTRY AND Chetelat, Apartment No. 8. "V ery!” cried Zoe. "V ery amus­ SAY, DO YATUiMK I'm Sift.' 'w e iie (5oiM' d o w n mpi&ce. STOP a t TH' PLAY6RS 1 OUUMO tOHRRe 'S PAY Mutloal—Dramatic ...... It with sleeping porch. * ing.” face downward on the coverlet, you tots, to help me work this The Tinica watched him ’ as ha KOlhTOe IN! BUT DON'TlMoRfcy;4AH4r Wanted—Instruction ...... <0 ______SUPPLIES 43 •‘I —I was going to marry him, HALCOLK CAMPBeU-? I'H HILU, eeiAcl TWERe'S TH' , «NT?iAMce, oftivetl I’H GOMMA s to p! /OOSHI THIS c a b 's IMSUR.SOI BENTON ST.— 8-room Single, 2- Dr. Kaye took her arm. It problem out.” tried to move the big rock to C A N TCMA G O MO F A S T E R ? DOIN’ MObO' • Financial car garage. she sobbed. “ He said he hadn’t seen © A L L Pa r k a T t h ' © t f r r o H l THIS CRATe HAS ' * Bond,—Stocks—Mortgages II wouldn’t do to have her break here. The Tinymites dashed all around one side. "You’re getting no­ MO BRAK6SI Bualnaaa Opportunities ...... I t BR01LER.S hYlR SALE, live W ELLING TO N ROAD—6-room her for months— ” and shortly many sticks were where fast,” said Windy. "Let me Money to Loan ...... I I dreased. 610 Center street. Single, heated garage. "That girl in Swarapscott?" found. Wee Duncy brought a tiny try a bit.” Zoo raised a streaked imd distort­ Help and jlinntinnn TROTTER ST.—6-roora In three- 1934 Ford Sedan one. which made the wrolo bunch He grabbed the biggest stick h* Halp Wanted-Faaoala ...... I I REAL ESTATE ed face. “No. no, of course not! roar. could and soon fair (iloldy shout­ Balp Wanted—Mala ...... I I family. • 1933 Ford Sedan She didn’t really matter. She was ■alaaman tVantsd ...... Il- A BUILDING MATERIALS 47 3-room In three family. One gnome exclaimed, "That’s ed, “Good! Keep on. brave Windy. BARGAINS 1931 Essex Coach just—nothing at all. But tho girl Just like you. You know that Pry that rock some more. You’re Halp Wanted—Mala or Famalo.. 17 M AIN 8T.—6-room Flat, upper, Agan.s Wanted ...... 17-A SECOND H AN D BRICK for sale, SINGLE 6-ROO.M HOUSE— Sun- we saw tonight—“ Zoe clenched stick will break in two. I f that’s moving it.” with garage. . 1930 DeSoto Sedan Bituatlona Wanted—Famala . .. I I reasonable, Gardena, porrh, strictly modem. Large lot. her hands Into fists. “ I hate her, the best that you can do, don’t ”I can’t,” said Windy. “I’m tired Bltuatlooa Wanted—Male ...... St Store and dwelling, near Cen­ Wapplng. Telephone Roscdale 63-4. Chicken coop. 2-car garage. Give­ 1930 LaSalle Coupe she grated. " I ’d like to tear her help us any more.” out.” Ano then a gnome Jumped Employment Agenolet ...... 40 ter. Uva Stock—Pale—Pentiry—Vekiclee away price, $2,500. 1930 Chevrolet 1 Vi-Ton Into bltal” ^ up to shout, ” I ’ll do the final prying. Dobs—Birds—Pata ...... 41 DURKIN ST.—5-room Flat, up­ “Do you know who she Is? "Ah, that's Just fine.” said Duncy. Then we all can walk right Uva Stock-Vlhlclas ....,...... 41 FUEL AND FEED 49-A per. S-ACRB P.AR51 — Large bam, Truck. Zoe fairly snorted In'contempt. Poultry and BuppUss ...... 41 "Gee, I ’m as sleepy as can be. Aa through.” ^ Wanted - Pete —Poultry—Block 44 W IN TE R ST.—6-room In two- garage, good hoose. Plenty ef For A Good. Used Oar OaU “ Of course I do. D’you mean to long as you don’t want my help. I ’ll He worked a little while and Fat gain—Mlacellaneonn famtly, Boston style. frail. Good section. Sacrillce, .say you don’t? What a little white sneak a little nan.” then the Tinics cheered him loud­ I (/id, FOR SALE—HAY. Telephone 6006. $^,950. Illy you are!" Altlelaa (or Sale ...... 41 DEPOT SQUARE Then Goldy shouted. "You are ly, when he cried, "The way Is Boats and Acoesaorlea ...... 44 EDW ARD J.HOLL Katharine flushed. smart. The way you dodge work open! Enter, everyone of you!" , Building Matarlala ...... — 47 “ Oh, I ’m sorry," Zoe said hurried­ Telephone 4642 W allace D. Robb GARAGE is an art. You framed the whole Dtamondi— Walob4a—Jewelry .. 41 ly. " I didn’t mean to be so nasty. Xlaetrtoal Appllaaooo—Radio — 4S HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 865 Main Street $$ Scarboroufk Road Tel, $854 Phone $151 thing, and the gnome fell right (The Ttnies malce good use of an Putl and read ...... 4I*A But, oh, if you knew what I ’ve been Into your trap." umbrella tree In tho next story). 5 Oardtn — Farm—Dairy Produota 10 FOR S A L E —N E A R L Y new Inner- Bonaahold Ooudt ...... si GAS BlK.’tHFS Machinery and Tcola ...... It spring mattress, metal bed, springs, O verdoing It Rv FrHnk Rpcic Mualeal Initrumanta ...... t i painted dresser, congoleum rugs. IW ERE GOHMA PgRRM H Office and Store Egnlpmant 14 Inquire 91 St. John street. A L L E Y O O P In the Cold, Cold Ground B y H A M L I N - I OlOfi^T MEAN TO INTBRRUPT Bpaelali nt tbs Storaa I t 1one,oorselve3~Wk l l waarlns Apparal—Furs 17 YOU, aPACB, BUT 1 WAG AFRAID Wantafi—To Boy ...... I t ,LEAYE AS SOON AS YOU MMHT PRAISE BARBARA tlo e e e —Bonag—Hetelo—Maeorto MACHINERY AND TOOLS 52 WE REMOVE a b o u t .^TOO HMIHtY ANO BlVE EARL B a i nmrnnta ,BUCH A PVlLINa OF Booma Without Board ...... M 1HM THOUSAND inferiority h e ■onrdsrs Il-A , b o n e s p r o m a JS/DUtOKrT ENJOY ‘ OoBBtry Board—Raserts 10 — H IM S E L F . , Botsis—Baaisaraats ■ 41 CERTAIN OUYIS jWaBtad—Rooms—Boatfi FDR SALE—TRACTOR In good POCKET' Baal Batata fa s Baal condition. Hartman Tobacco Com­ b o o k * aaBta, riata, ToBamaBU,a W pany, Buckland. E'^.:0BSlataf LoeatloBB for Boat . . S4 # 1 ----- for Boot ...... ss (or ItsBt II W r ' r Homsa lor Root .waw ST rketsfi to Root ...... 41 Motri Aalata Vo* Sala v'. j. j,. Af k W SBt BBlIdlaB lor aalo IS ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 I’rfBMasis Propsrty lor Bala . . . Z 1« i Paras anfi Laafi for Sala 11 for Bfila -MB • • ■ MHi — 1$ ROOMS FOR LIG H T housekeeping, (a tor Sato 71 veranda, gas and water in each V reM itr far Bala 14 room, Grube, l()t Foster street. CURIOUS TO for Bfilo ••••■• .1$ Bstato far ■*skan*e is LEACN WHY DIMMY IPMUfi—Raal B sttU ...... T1 REFUSED TO PROCEED, S j f ' fia i - g sii M ’llallasa ALLEY OCfP VWALKEO AHEAD - * ■■ a«eee