Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2016, 7, 472–482 doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12508 Crowdsourced geometric morphometrics enable rapid large-scale collection and analysis of phenotypic data

Jonathan Chang1* and Michael E. Alfaro1

1Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA


1. Advances in genomics and informatics have enabled the production of large phylogenetic trees. However, the ability to collect large phenotypic data sets has not kept pace. 2. Here, we present a method to quickly and accurately gather morphometric data using crowdsourced image- based landmarking. 3. We find that crowdsourced workers perform similarly to experienced morphologists on the same digitization tasks. We also demonstrate the speed and accuracy of our method on seven families of ray-finned fishes (). 4. Crowdsourcing will enable the collection of morphological data across vast radiations of organisms and can facilitate richer inference on the macroevolutionary processes that shape phenotypic diversity across the tree of life. Key-words: Actinopterygii, comparative methods, large-scale annotation, macroevolution, Mechanical Turk

2009), both of which also require intensive researcher effort to Introduction build and validate. Finally, methods such as high-throughput Integrating phenotypic data, such as anatomy, behaviour, infrared imaging, mass spectrometry and chromatography physiology and other traits, with phylogenies is a powerful have been successfully used in plant physiology (Furbank & strategy for investigating the patterns of biological evolution. Tester 2011) and microbiology (Skelly et al. 2013), but these Recent advances in next-generation sequencing (Meyer, Sten- methods may not be applicable for zoological researchers. zel & Hofreiter 2008; Shendure & Ji 2008) and sequence cap- These approaches all share a similar goal of collecting large ture technologies (Faircloth et al. 2012; Lemmon, Emme & comparative data sets, but also require large investments in Lemmon 2012) have made phylogenetic inference of large radi- researcher effort. This bottleneck in researcher availability has ations of organisms possible (McCormack et al. 2012, 2013; limited the scope of work in comparative biology. Faircloth et al. 2013, 2015). However, similar breakthroughs Although it is now possible to build phylogenetic trees with for generating new phenotypic data sets have been compara- thousands of tips, and phenotypic data sets have similarly been tively uncommon, likely due to the high expense and effort growing larger and larger, studies at this scale tend to be lim- required (reviewed in Burleigh et al. 2013). ited to a few broad types of traits, including geographic occur- Creating these large phenotypic data sets has generally rences (Jetz et al. 2012), one or two continuous characters required an extended dedicated effort of measuring and (Harmon et al. 2010; Rabosky et al. 2013), a single discrete describing morphological or behavioural traits that are then character (Goldberg et al. 2010; Aliscioni et al. 2012; Price coded into a comprehensive data matrix. One such example is et al. 2012), or some combination of these (Pyron & Burbrink the Phenoscaping project (; Deans 2014; Zanne et al. 2014). Most morphological evolutionary et al. 2015), and related efforts in the Vertebrate studies are constrained by a fundamental trade-off in effort. Ontogeny (Midford et al. 2013) and Hymenoptera Anatomy Although the collection of detailed phenotypic measurements Ontology (Yoder et al. 2010), which require large amounts of is often required to fully analyse complex form–function or researcher effort to collate. Other approaches include using ecology–phenotype relationships (Schluter 2000; Alfaro, Bol- machine learning (Dececchi et al. 2015), machine vision (Cor- nick & Wainwright 2004 2005; Wainwright et al. 2005; Collar ney et al. 2012a, b) or natural language processing (Cui 2012) & Wainwright 2006; Price et al. 2010; Frederich et al. 2013), to identify or infer phenotypes. These statistical techniques rich methods of data collection such as computed tomography function ideally with either a large training data set (e.g., a pre- (CT) scanning are time intensive and do not permit easy scaling defined ontogeny data base) or a complex model (Brill 2003; to hundreds or thousands of species. Analysis of more complex Halevy, Norvig & Pereira 2009; Hastie, Tibshirani & Friedman traits at this scale has the potential to greatly enrich our under- standing of macroevolutionary processes, by permitting more *Correspondence author: E-mail: [email protected] refined hypothesis testing.

© 2015 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Fast crowdsourced phenotypic data collection 473

Here, we present a method and toolkit to efficiently collect images and experimental protocol. This application mimics an official two-dimensional geometric morphometric phenotypic data at Amazon Mechanical Turk interface endpoint, to facilitate drop-in a high-throughput ‘phenomic’ scale. We developed a novel replacement for an existing MTurk workflow. External non-MTurk web browser-based image landmarking application and use workers can also participate in the same experiment, ensuring consis- Amazon Mechanical Turk ( to dis- tent comparisons across separate groups. The software is available at tribute digitization tasks to remote workers (hereafter turkers) over the Internet, who are paid for their contributions. We evaluate the accuracy and precision of turkers by assigning RELIABILITY ANALYSIS identical image sets and digitization protocols to users who are Collecting landmark-based geometric morphometric data at a broad experienced with fish morphology (hereafter experts), and scale permits detailed analysis of different sources of error, such as compare the inter- and intra-observer differences between among- and within-observer variation (Von Cramon-Taubadel et al. turkers and experts. To illustrate the efficiency of this 2007). To assess whether the quality of data gathered by workers approach, we construct a phylogenetic analysis pipeline to recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk was significantly different download photographs and phylogenies of seven actinoptery- than traditionally collected data, we asked turkers (n = 21) and experts giian families from the web, collect Mechanical Turk shape (n = 8) to landmark a set of five fish images, five times each. Turkers results, analyse the body shape evolution using BAMM were compensated $25 for the entire task. All participants used the (Rabosky 2014) and compare the time required for this work- same protocol (Appendix S2) and same software to digitize the same set of fishes (Tables S1 and S2). The landmarks were carefully selected flow to traditional approaches. Although we focus on collect- based on previously published literature concerning fish shape (Fig. S2; ing two-dimensional geometric morphometric data, we Fink & Zelditch 1995; Cavalcanti, Monteiro & Lopes 1999; Ruber€ & address the challenges that will be common to all studies that Adams 2001; Klingenberg, Barluenga & Meyer 2003; Chakrabarty crowdsource phenotypic data. We also discuss the role that 2005; Frederich et al. 2008; Claverie & Wainwright 2014; Thacker crowdsourcing is best suited in large-scale morphological anal- 2014). We also ensured that the chosen landmarks included morpho- yses, and suggest ways to integrate crowdsourced data as part logical features that were relatively straightforward to digitize (e.g. the of larger initiatives to digitize biodiversity. position of the eye) and features that were likely to be more challenging to digitize (e.g. the most anterior and most dorsal points of the preoper- cle), in order to test for turker and expert differences over a spectrum of Materials and methods difficulties. We report the interobserver reliability for turkers and experts by computing the ratio of the among-individual and the sum of AMAZON MECHANICAL TURK the among-individual and measurement error variance components in a repeated measures nested MANOVA (Palmer & Strobeck 1986; Zel- Amazon Mechanical Turk (‘MTurk’) is a web-based service where ditch, Swiderski & Sheets 2012). To test whether workers were consis- Requesters can request work, known as Human Intelligence Tasks tently measuring the same shape, we examined the per-worker (‘HITs’) to be performed by Workers. Workers submit the tasks over consistency, as estimated by the morphological disparity (Procrustes the Internet, where Requesters review the completed work, and, if they variance; Zelditch, Swiderski & Sheets 2012) of each worker’s measured are satisfied with the results, accept the work and pay the Worker (for a shapes. We then summarized the consistency within groups and com- detailed overview, see Mason & Suri 2012). We use MTurk as a plat- pared the median consistency of turkers and experts. To determine form to distribute our geometric morphometric tasks and financially whether turkers improved with experience, we excluded the first three compensate the worker accordingly. Scientific collection of data over images that turkers worked on, and calculated the distance between MTurk and similar services has generally been limited to the fields of their mean shape and the mean shape of experts. We then repeated this, psychology and computer science, and there have been few attempts to but without excluding the first three images that turkers digitized. To crowdsource biological trait data (Burleigh et al. 2013). determine whether turkers worked faster with experience, we compared the time it took turkers to complete their first image compared to their WEB-BASED GEOMETRIC MORPHOMETRICS fifth image. To assess the differences between turker and experts on a per-land- We developed an geometric morphometric digitization application that mark basis, we first compared for each landmark the median position runs completely on the user’s local web browser, using the HTML5 of all turkers to the median position of all experts. We assumed that the Canvas interface. This simplifies the infrastructure challenge of needing expert median was the true position of that landmark, and calculated to serve many crowdsourced workers simultaneously, since work- the absolute Euclidian distance in pixels. Larger distances would indi- ers will not need to download desktop software such as tpsDig cate low turker accuracy, while smaller distances would indicate high ( before generating turker accuracy. Because the specimens digitized in this study varied in data. The web application is configured with a JavaScript Object Nota- size, we also report turker accuracy as both distance in millimetres and tion (JSON) file that describes the landmarks necessary to complete an as a fraction of the specimen’s total length (TL). We then examined the image digitization task (Fig. S1). Point landmarks, semilandmark variance in turker landmarks. For each landmark, we rotated the cloud curves and linear measurements are all supported. The software is of points to maximize variance in one dimension, and calculated the available at log-ratio of median absolute deviations (MAD) between turkers and Although digitizing and landmarking a single image (microtasks experts. This rotation is a conservative approach for assessing the dif- sensu Good & Su 2013) is effective for high-throughput work on ference in variance between these two groups, because it maximizes any MTurk, it is unsuitable for conducting controlled experiments. To apparent differences in landmark position. A positive log-ratio indi- solve this issue, we also created a server-side application backend that cated that experts had lower variance than turkers, while a negative automatically distributes tasks according to a configurable set of log-ratio indicated that turkers had lower variance. For all subsequent

© 2015 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 472–482 474 J. Chang & M. E. Alfaro analysis, we excluded landmarks where turkers performed especially predicted measurement time to the total time required for turkers to poorly, where either the accuracy or precision components for a given complete all digitization tasks at 59 replication, from initial upload to landmark exceeded 1Á5 times the interquartile range of that compo- final submission. If the turkers in aggregate annotated images more nent. quickly than a single expert would have, this suggests that the paral- To determine whether turkers and experts were statistically distin- lelization afforded by crowdsourcing is effective at reducing the total guishable, we performed a nonparametric MANOVA using the random- time required for data collection. ized residual permutation procedure (RRPP) with 1000 iterations The Cartesian position of turker-collected landmarks was used in a (Collyer, Sekora & Adams 2015). The RRPP method reduces the effect generalized Procrustes analyses (Gower 1975; Rohlf & Slice 1990), of the ‘curse of dimensionality’ (P >> n, where the number of predic- which centres, scales and rotates landmark configurations to minimize tors greatly exceeds the number of observations), a common problem the least-squares distance between shapes. We then determined the in geometric morphometrics, and has been shown to have increased major components of shape variation using a Procrustes-aligned princi- statistical power compared to a method where the raw data are ran- pal components analysis (PCA) (Mardia, Kent & Bibby 1979; Book- domized instead (Anderson & Braak 2003). We test for a difference stein 1991) with the R package geomorph (Adams & Otarola-Castillo between mean turker and expert shapes against a null model of no 2013), and retain the principal component axes whose eigenvalues difference between turker and expert changes, taking into account spe- exceeded the corresponding random broken-stick component (Jackson cies-specific differences. A difference between models was considered 1993; Legendre & Legendre 1998) for all subsequent analyses. significant if the P-value was less than a = 0Á05. To illustrate the potential of how crowdsourcing could be integrated Asaseparatetest,weuselineardiscriminant analysis (LDA, Ripley into an pipeline that could allow rapid collection and analysis of pheno- 1996), a statistical classification algorithm that finds features to differ- typic data, we used Bayesian Analysis of Macroevolutionary Mixtures entiate between different classes of data, in this case turkers and experts. (BAMM; Rabosky 2014) to estimate rates of body shape evolution for We assessed the accuracy of the LDA classification using 10-fold cross all seven families. BAMM estimates the location of rate shifts in char- validation (CV), which splits our data into 10 equally sized groups, acter evolution using a transdimensional (reversible jump) Markov using nine for training and one for validation (Kohavi 1995; Hastie, Chain Monte Carlo method that samples a variety of models of trait Tibshirani & Friedman 2009). An acceptable misclassification rate var- evolution. Any missing trait data is treated as a latent variable in the ies depends on application, but here we use a 25% misprediction rate as analysis. We assessed convergence and mixing using Tracer (Rambaut a standard for sufficient accuracy. This is a highly forgiving standard, et al. 2014). We also repeated each analysis and simulated under the since a 50% misprediction rate is no better than a coin flip, and a 25% prior (without data) to exclude rate heterogeneity that occurred solely misprediction rate would still erroneously classify one in four turkers as due to stochastic processes. We use a Bayes Factor criterion of BF > 5 experts or vice versa. We also use quadratic discriminant analysis to enumerate the set of credible shifts (Shi & Rabosky 2015) and visual- (QDA), which relaxes some of the assumptions of LDA, and similarly ized them using BAMMtools (Rabosky et al. 2014). report the QDA misclassification rate. We calculated the per-individual median shape for each species used, as well as the consensus turker and morphologist shapes, and projected Results these shapes into Procrustes space, to visualize the orthogonalized dif- ferences in median shape among and between the types of digitizers. RELIABILITY ANALYSIS For nearly 90% of the points measured, turkers differed from EXAMPLE: A PHENOMIC PIPELINE FOR COMPARATIVE the expert consensus by less than 30 pixels, with half of all land- PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS marks having less than 3 pixels of difference (10 px = 0Á68– 4Á2 mm, 1Á3–1Á5% TL, Figs 1 and S3, Table S1). The most A common strategy in fish comparative studies is to examine evolution- accurate and precise points are those that are related to the ary dynamics within a single family (Ferry-Graham et al. 2001; Alfaro, position of the eye (landmarks E1 and E2). The least accurate Bolnick & Wainwright 2005; Alfaro, Santini & Brock 2007; Rocha are those in the opercular series (O1–O5), particularly the ones et al. 2008; Hernandez, Gibb & Ferry-Graham 2009; Dornburg et al. – 2011; Frederich et al. 2013; Santini, Sorenson & Alfaro 2013; Sorenson related to the preopercle (O1 O3) likely because in certain et al. 2013; Claverie & Wainwright 2014; Thacker 2014), potentially groups (e.g. Tetraodontidae) thepreopercleisdifficulttovisu- due to the extensive amount of time necessary to collect data. To alize from external morphology alone. Experts were generally demonstrate the utility of obtaining comparative data using our moreprecisethanturkers;however,thereweresomeland- method, we use previously published phylogenies for seven fish fami- marks where the turkers converged on very similar locations. lies: Acanthuridae (Sorenson et al. 2013), Balistoidae, Tetraodontidae Based on these results, we exclude in subsequent analyses the (Santini, Sorenson & Alfaro 2013), Apogonidae, Chaetodontidae, landmarks relating to the distal margins of all fins (A3, A4, P3, Labridae (Cowman & Bellwood 2011; Choat et al. 2012), and Poma- P4, D3, D4), the preopercle bones (O1–O3), the dorsal fin for centridae (Frederich et al. 2013). We match species in these phylogenies triggerfishes (D1, D2) and the opercular opening for puffer- to left-lateral images from the Encyclopedia of Life ( fishes (O4–O5), due to low turker accuracy. using their application programming interface (Table S5; Parr et al. The interobserver reliability of turkers and experts as mea- 2014). Crowdsourced workers placed landmarks describing body shape variation following a standard protocol (Appendix S2) and were com- sured by the ratio of among-individual and sum of the among- pensated $0Á15 per completed image. individual and measurement error ANOVA components was Á Á To test whether our method could be faster than a single expert digi- 96 4% and 90 9%, respectively. Although there is no current tizing a data set, we extrapolated the time it would take for a single standard for acceptable levels of measurement reliability (Von expert to measure all images at 19 replication, based on the average Cramon-Taubadel et al. 2007), these percentages are not low time an expert took to digitize a single image. We compared this enough to suggest weaknesses in the measurement protocol.

© 2015 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 472–482 Fast crowdsourced phenotypic data collection 475

Acanthuridae Apogonidae Balistidae −2 0 2 4

Chaetodontidae Gobiidae Labridae 24

Fig. 1. Per-family breakdown of accuracy vs. 0 precision for each landmark. Accuracy is rep- resented as the difference between the median turker location for that landmark and the −2 median expert location, with the expert loca- Pomacanthidae Scorpaenidae Tetraodontidae tion assumed to be the true location. Precision is represented as the log-ratio of median abso- Precision: log turker variance/expert variance lute deviations between turkers and experts. More positive numbers indicate better expert precision, whereas more negative numbers indicate better turker precision. Points high- 024 lighted in red are those determined to be out- liers (1Á5 9 IQR). A labelled version of this −2 figure is available as Fig. S3. Photo credit J.E. Randall (used with permission under a CC- 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 BY-NC 3.0 licence). Accuracy: median turker − median expert

Table 1. Misprediction rate of linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and validation (Table 1) were unable to reliably distinguish quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) with 10-fold cross validation for each fish image. The discriminant model for each family was unable between these two groups, for any given family. Although for to meet the standard of one in four misclassifications, and in some some images the classifier showed slight improvement beyond cases, the more flexible QDA method performed worse than the LDA a 50% coin flip, in all cases our model fell short based on a one model in four (25%) acceptable misclassification rate. We conclude that, for any given sample of landmarks, it is challenging to Family LDA QDA statistically distinguish between expert-provided and turker- Acanthuridae 0Á504 0Á428 provided landmark configurations. Apogonidae 0Á450 0Á472 We projected turker and expert shape configurations into Balistidae 0Á444 0Á411 morphospace (Figs 2 and S4). Although the overall space Á Á Chaetodontidae 0 400 0 422 occupied by each family’s shape configurations varies, the Gobiidae 0Á481 0Á462 Labridae 0Á389 0Á389 aggregated median turker and expert shapes are not qualita- Pomacanthidae 0Á462 0Á431 tively different. The only exception is the triggerfishes (Balisti- Scorpaenidae 0Á504 0Á472 dae), likely due to turker confusion over the exact location of Tetraodontidae 0Á455 0Á460 dorsal fin due to their reduced anterior dorsal fin.

PHENOMIC PIPELINE FOR COMPARATIVE Turkers were less consistent than the average expert PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS (Table S3); however, the overall difference in consistency between turkers and experts was generally quite small. We did We were able to match 147 of 950 species to images in EOL’s not find evidence that turkers improved over time. Excluding data base (Acanthuridae: 8/45, Apogonidae: 19/86, Balis- the first three images did not markedly change turkers’ perfor- toidae: 23/86, Chaetodontidae: 12/103, Labridae: 31/316, mance compared to experts (Table S4). Turkers took extra Pomacentridae: 30/208, Tetraodontidae: 24/106). Due to the time to complete their first task, with a median completion time low number of images matched for acanthurids, apogonids of 8Á93 min, compared to 2Á43minontheirfifthtask. and chaetodontids, we focused on the other four families with The nonparametric MANOVA with RRPP failed to detect a better taxon sampling for the comparative BAMM analysis. significant difference between turker and expert shapes At 59 replication, 19789s (c.5Á5 h) elapsed between initial (P = 0Á394, Z = 1Á0067363, F = 0Á9938314). Similarly, both upload of the task to Amazon Mechanical Turk and submis- linear and quadratic discriminant analysis with 10-fold cross sion of the last task by a turker (Fig. 3). We estimate that a

© 2015 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 472–482 476 J. Chang & M. E. Alfaro

Family Acanthuridae 0·2 Apogonidae Balistidae Chaetodontidae Gobiidae PC2 Labridae 0·0 Pomacanthidae Fig. 2. Morphospace projection for each Scorpaenidae observer’s mean shape. Blue points indicate Tetraodontidae experts, while red points indicate turkers. The mean shape for all turkers and experts for a given family is the point outlined in black for each family, and connected with a black line −0·2 to help emphasize the difference between tur- ker and expert mean shapes. The convex hull −0·25 0·00 0·25 for each family is drawn to show the amount PC1 of among-observer shape variation.

1·00 The other shift is nested within that group, in Sparisoma.One shift in the rate of shape evolution occurs in the damselfishes (Pomacentridae) in the Amphiprion.

0·75 Discussion

0·50 We have shown that crowdsourcing through Amazon Mechanical Turk is a tractable approach for generating reli- able trait data at an unprecedented scale. Using this frame- 0·25 work, it is possible to distribute thousands of images to

Fraction of image set complete Fraction workers, collect the data and send it to a comparative analysis pipeline. We have also demonstrated that it is possible to iden- 0·00 tify the set of geometric morphometric landmarks that can be

020406080reliably captured by nonspecialists. We found that for certain landmarks there was significant between- and within-group Time taken (in min) to receive data for one unique replicate disagreement. Points belonging to the opercular series and Fig. 3. Line plot showing time to receive results for any given image (x those locating the distal margin of the dorsal and anal fins were axis) and the total fraction of the data set received (y axis). Landmarks particularly challenging for turkers, compared to the experts. were first received 8 min after creation of the Amazon MTurk task, Based on these results, nonspecialist turkers are unlikely to and at least one replicate was received for every image at the 80 min replace experts for all morphometric tasks. However, by digi- mark. tizing less than 5% of our data set with experts, we were able to single expert would need 25151Á7s (c.6Á99 h) to complete all identify groups of landmarks that exhibited extremely poor images at 19 replication, extrapolated from a median expert performance and excluded these. Furthermore, we were able time per image of 171Á1s(c.2Á85 min). Our projected expert to obtain biologically significant results from a data set col- would need 125758Á5s (c.1Á46 days) if they had to work at 59 lected entirely by turkers. By combining expert knowledge replication. with the sheer scale of the Amazon Mechanical Turk work- Using the broken-stick method of determining a PCA stop- force, it is possible to collect and assess large quantities of ping point, we analysed PC 1 through PC 5. We project per- morphometric data, with an order of magnitude improvement species consensus shapes into Procrustes space (Figs 4, S5 and in throughput over traditional approaches. S6). The BAMMtools analysis uncovered heterogeneity in the rate of body shape evolution in each family (Figs 5 and S7). RELIABILITY OF CROWDSOURCED WORKERS Significant shifts in the rate of shape evolution were detected within two families: Labridae and Pomacentridae. Two signifi- One advantage of the crowdsourced method we develop here cant shifts in shape evolution rateoccurinthewrasses(Labri- is that interobserver error can be readily assessed. Traditional dae). The first rate shift occurs deep in the tree, corresponding geometric morphometric studies often rely on a single observer to the lineage containing the labrine, scarine and cheiline tribes. for practical reasons, as the pool of trained geometric morpho-

© 2015 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 472–482 Fast crowdsourced phenotypic data collection 477


0·2 Family Acanthuridae Apogonidae Balistoidae 0·1 Chaetodontidae PC2 Labridae Pomacentridae Tetraodontidae 0·0 Fig. 4. Morphospace for seven families of ray- finned fishes. Each point indicates a separate species; families are separated by colours. The convex hull for each family is drawn to show −0·1 area of morphospace occupied by each family. The other PC axes are shown in Figs S5 and −0·2 −0·1 0·0 0·1 0·2 S6. PC1

(a) Shape phylorates

(b) 1e−01



1e−04 Shape rate through time

50 40 30 20 10 0 60 40 20 0 50 30 10 0 30 20 10 0 Balistoidae Labridae Pomacentridae Tetraodontidae

Fig. 5. Rates of shape evolution for PC1 across four families of fishes. (a) Phylorate plots colour branch lengths by rates of shape evolution, where warmer colours indicate faster rates of evolution. Significant rate shift events (P > 0Á95) are indicated on the phylorate plot as a red circle on the corre- sponding branch. Black circles at the tips indicate the species that had shape data collected. (b) Median log rates of shape evolution through time, where black lines indicate the background rate and red lines indicate the rate of phenotypic evolution in a clade experiencing a significant shift in rate, corresponding to red circles in (a). The other three families are available in Fig. S7. metricians is limited, to ensure accurate comparisons of the marks can be relied on and which merit further consideration, same landmark across specimens, and to avoid individually as we have done in this analysis. The quantification of interob- driven systematic biases in data collection. Although this com- server error is a strict requirement of our workflow, as it would mon practice may reduce bias, it also precludes meaningful otherwise be impossible to arrive at a single consensus shape assessment of differences among observers. Our results show across several turkers working independently. This require- that interobserver variance can be substantial for some land- ment ensures that interobserver error is not ignored or marks even among expert digitizers. Therefore, explicitly bypassed due to the difficulty of assessing it. accounting for interobserver error is critical to determine the In our analysis, we assessed the quality of a variety of land- efficacy of each individual landmark and the replicability of marks between turkers and experts. Unsurprisingly, turkers the study as a whole. Interobserver error signals which land- performed exceptionally poorly for several landmarks requir-

© 2015 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 472–482 478 J. Chang & M. E. Alfaro ing knowledge of fish anatomy. For example, the landmarks cal. However, for such analyses where crowdsourcing is a that describe the shape of the fish’s caudal fin asked workers to viable alternative, our approach allows experts to move mark the distal tip of the first principal fin ray. Even when turk- beyond data collection and into a role of developing training ersarearmedwithadefinitionandacomparisonbetween materials for nonspecialists and validating the data collected procurrent and principal fin rays, the experts’ experience and by crowdsourced workers. training allowed them to substantially outperform turkers in Approaches involving statistical techniques like machine identifying this point. Furthermore, experts generally had vision and natural language processing have yet to make signif- lower disagreement in their landmark placement when com- icant headway in automatically collecting morphological data. pared to turkers, even for landmarks that turkers found espe- Although methods to automatically measure leaves exist (Cor- cially difficult. These differences between experts and MTurk ney et al. 2012a, b), these require 2D specimens to eliminate workers have also been observed in image categorization tasks parallax error, as well as high-contrast mounting paper back- (Deng et al. 2009; Van Horn et al. 2015). However, it is possi- grounds for effective automatic outline detection. More blethatanimprovedtrainingprotocol could result in better sophisticated methods for lower-quality images or organisms collection of these difficult landmarks. Turkers have been with more 3D structure have yet to be developed. Natural lan- found to perform well in extremely detailed video annotation guage processing of the scientific literature could potentially be tasks (Vondrick, Patterson & Ramanan 2013), provided that used for automatic extraction of morphological characters researchers conduct pretask training and post-task validation. using DeepDive (Peters et al. 2014; Shin et al. 2015), but it Implementing these pretask requirements would be a straight- may require impractically large corpus sizes (Brill 2003; forward avenue to improve accuracy for future work. Halevy, Norvig & Pereira 2009). Instead of using any one method exclusively, crowdsourcing can augment and enhance these statistical techniques. For example, the algorithm in Cor- THE ROLE OF CROWDSOURCED PHENOTYPIC DATA ney et al. (2012a) occasionally captures non-leaf objects and COLLECTIONINMODERNCOMPARATIVE STUDIES systematically underestimates leaf sizes. MTurk workers could The traditional way of collecting phenotypic data involves improve this method by confirming the presence of a leaf in the enormous researcher effort and significant morphological image segment and measure the leaf size to ground truth the expertise. For example, Brusatte et al. (2014) used a 853 char- algorithm’s results. acter discrete character matrix for 150 taxa to estimate the rate A third alternative to using expert morphologists and of morphological evolution in the transition from theropod crowdsourced workers is to collect data through citizen dinosaurs to modern birds. These data were collected over the science. Citizen scientists are enthusiasts that volunteer to col- course of 20 years as part of the Therapod Working Group lect data or contribute annotations to a scientific endeavour. (Brusatte et al. 2014). O’Leary et al. (2013) combined the work They can specialize in a particular field, such as birds, plants or of MorphoBank contributors (O’Leary & Kaufman 2011) fungi. Compared to Amazon Mechanical Turk workers, with literature review to generate 4541 characters for 86 spe- citizen scientists are typically unpaid, but can produce higher- cies. Rabosky et al. (2013) examined 7822 species of ray-finned quality work due to their expertise. For example, a study com- fish and used a single quantitative measure (body size) paring citizen scientists and MTurk workers showed that for collected from FishBase (Froese & Pauly 2014), whose data an image segmentation task, MTurk workers had higher are contributed from the scientific literature by experts. All of throughput and comparable accuracy to citizen scientists, but these studies share the same requirement for intensive MTurk workers performed poorly when asked to identify researcher effort, but the data collected are generally either birds to the species level (Van Horn et al. 2015). Volunteer citi- broad (many species) or deep (many characters). In this study, zen scientists can be inexpensive to use, but the pool of avail- we collected a phenotypically rich data set across great taxo- able MTurk workers is likely much larger. This larger nomic breadth. This approach can easily be scaled to permit participant pool means that tasks can be completed much fas- unprecedented, massive comparative analyses on new, pheno- ter due to the ability of multiple individuals to work in parallel; typically rich data sets. the financial motivation additionally ensures that higher-pay- This method does not threaten to replace experienced mor- ing tasks are completed more quickly (Ipeirotis 2010; Mason & phologists. Although certain conspicuous landmarks can be Suri 2012). Balancing the desired speed and quality of results, rapidly collected by turkers, other types of analyses will require and the cost of data collection will be an important considera- landmarks that can only be identified by experts and thus can- tion for any future study using crowdsourcing. not use the high-throughput method presented here. Although this can likely be alleviated by implementing more sophisti- SUITABILITY FOR OTHER SYSTEMS cated training regimes, the implicit anatomical knowledge that morphologists have must be made explicit in the form of a Our novel pipeline to download images, upload them to Ama- written protocol for turkers to follow. The cost of developing a zon MTurk and process them using BAMM and BAMMtools clearer and simpler protocol that still captures the essence of showcases the ability to rapidly collect phenotypic data. Most the morphological characters of interest must be weighed of the time taken to collect these data were spent on waiting for against the benefit of higher throughput from turker data col- worker results; however, a majority of the data had already lection, and for many such analyses, this trade-off is impracti- been collected at the 1-h mark. An online methodology could

© 2015 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 472–482 Fast crowdsourced phenotypic data collection 479 conceivably improve on this analysis time, by iteratively refin- History Museum’s iCollections project (http://www.nhm. ing its results as new data streamed in from Amazon’s servers. Although there are limitations in the type and accuracy of programme.html) in the U.K. Whole-drawer imaging of insect data that can be collected through MTurk crowdsourcing, collections and scanning of herbarium pressings are already well even a simplified protocol can produce meaningful biological underway, but one future direction would be to expand this to results that are concordant with previous hypotheses in these other avenues: skeletal imaging with radiographs, 3D morpho- groups. Despite our low sampling fraction, we detected a metrics using laser or CT scanning, of both fossils and extant significant shift in the rate of body shape evolution in Labri- organisms. Much work and engineering expertise will be dae, restricted to the wrasse tribes Labrini, Cheilini and required to extend our framework into the physical world to fur- Scarini. The scarines and cheilines are mostly reef associated ther streamline data collection, but these efforts will likely result (Froese & Pauly 2014), which has been proposed as an envi- in a huge increase in the quality and quantity of phenotypic ronment that drives diversification rate changes in marine data. teleosts (Alfaro, Santini & Brock 2007; Cowman & Bell- Our work fills the niche of gathering phenotypic data across wood 2011; Price et al. 2011). These results suggest that evo- large radiations, which has been a challenging open research lution of body form may also be influenced by question (Burleigh et al. 2013). Even seemingly obvious phe- environmental association (Claverie & Wainwright 2014). notypes, such as the woodiness of plant species, are incomplete Although the example we present here was necessarily lim- and sampled in a biased manner (FitzJohn et al. 2014), poten- ited, extending this technique to generate new phenotypic tially misleading inference on a global scale. This method data sets for existing large phylogenetic trees such as fishes unlocks the potential of high-throughput data collection and (Rabosky et al. 2013), birds (Jetz et al. 2012), mammals shifts the data bottleneck for morphological research onto (Bininda-Emonds et al. 2007) and angiosperms (Zanne et al. acquiring suitable images for quantification, and developing 2014) would be straightforward, especially for taxa where higher-quality worker training regimens to enable collection of image data are already aggregated in a data base such as more sophisticated data. The burden is now on experienced FishBase (Froese & Pauly 2014) or the Encyclopedia of Life taxonomists and morphologists to create protocols that are (Parr et al. 2014). simple enough to be understood by MTurk workers, but com- prehensive enough to test hypotheses of interest across the tree of life. FUTURE CHALLENGES FOR GENERATING MASSIVE Our results suggest that, where possible, crowdsourcing PHENOTYPIC DATA SETS should be an integral part of any large-scale morphological Ourapproachhitsa‘sweetspot’onthethreeaxesofexpertise, analysis. Crowdsourcing can play a key role in unlocking the effort and computational complexity. We use researcher exper- ‘dark data’ present in biodiversity collections by providing a tise to identify a comparative hypothesis, and design a data col- high-throughput way to extract the phenotypic data present in lection protocol to specifically test this hypothesis. Amazon specimens. Furthermore, coordinating efforts from digitizing Mechanical Turk supplies a large source of worker effort that museum collections, natural language processing and machine collects data according to protocol. Finally, computational vision software, citizen scientists, expert morphologists and statistical techniques validate the accuracy of our data and taxonomists, and crowdsourced Mechanical Turk workers identify outliers and other errors in data collection. Research- would result in an extremely powerful pipeline that could ers do not have to spend time digitizing collections, workers generate a ‘phenoscape’ across the tree of life. need not generate biological hypotheses, and biologists will not have to solve open questions in the fields of machine vision Acknowledgements and natural language processing in order to answer questions in comparative biology. The task of phenomic-scale data col- We thank P. Chakrabarty and G. Thomas for helpful comments on the manu- script, as well as T. Marcroft, B. Frederich, V. Liu, R. Aguilar, R. Ellingson, F. lection is split up and efficiently allocated according to the Pickens, C. LaRochelle, and the 67 Amazon Mechanical Turk workers that con- strengths of each role, without overly relying on any single role tributed their time and effort. We also thank D. Rabosky, B. Sidlauskas, M. to carry out the entire task. McGee, A. Summers and M. Burns for insightful discussions about fish morphol- ogy and digitization protocols. M. Venzon and T. Claverie provided unpublished Although we have shown that crowdsourcing can increase figures that assisted this study. K. Staab and T. Kane allowed 156 undergraduate these speed of data collection, we are still dependent on high- students to beta test the methods. This work was supported by an Encyclopedia quality image data sets, as evidenced by our low sampling frac- of Life David M. Rubenstein Fellowship (EOL-33066-13), a Stephen and Ruth Wainwright Fellowship, and a UCLA Research and Conference Award to JC. tion for three of the seven families analysed. The problem of Travel support to present this research was provided by the Society for Study of difficult-to-retrieve dark data is well known (Heidorn 2008), Evolution. but without either physical access to the collections or an image of the specimen, morphological data are impossible to acquire. Data accessibility The need to collect, identify, photograph and publish specimen images remains as another obstacle to high-throughput pheno- Data collected for this paper have been archived on Dryad http://dx. (Chang & Alfaro 2015). Source code is available on typing. Efforts are underway to digitize more biodiversity GitHub for the web interface ( resources, such as the National Science Foundation’s iDigBio mark), repeatability experiment ( initiative ( in the U.S. and the Natural turk) and this manuscript (

© 2015 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 472–482 480 J. Chang & M. E. Alfaro

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© 2015 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 472–482 482 J. Chang & M. E. Alfaro

Figure S4. Morphospace projection of PC3 and PC4 for each obser- Figure S7. Rates of shape evolution for PC1 across three families of ver’s mean shape. fishes.

Figure S5. Morphospace of PC3 and PC4 for seven families of ray- Appendix S2. Landmarking protocol. finned fishes. Appendix S3. CSV file used to generate Table S5. Figure S6. Morphospace of PC5 and PC6 for seven families of ray- finned fishes.

© 2015 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 472–482