CURRICULUM VITAE Randall E. Auxier I. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION AND CONTACT INFORMATION Department of Philosophy Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901, Mailcode 4505 (618)-565-1238 Home, (618)-453-7431 Library of Living Philosophers
[email protected] II. EDUCATION Emory University, 1988-1992; Ph.D. in Philosophy. Dissertation: “Signs and Symbols: An Analogical Theory of Metaphysical Language.” Director: Donald P. Verene. Committee: R.A. Makkreel, D.W. Livingston, J. S. Gouinlock, C. R. Page Emory University, 1988-1991; M.A. in Philosophy. University of Memphis 1986-1988; M.A. in Philosophy. University of Memphis 1979-1986; B.A. 1986 (Magna Cum Laude). Majors: Philosophy, Criminal Justice. III. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Regular Academic Positions Professor of Philosophy, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 2004- (tenured 2004) Assoc. Professor of Philosophy, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 2000-04 Assoc. Professor of Philosophy, Oklahoma City University, 1995-2000 (tenured 1997). Assistant Professor of Philosophy (and Adj. Prof. of Religion), Oklahoma City Univ., 1992-1995. Instructor, Dept. of Philosophy, Georgia State University, spring and summer, 1992 Graduate Fellow/Teaching Associate, Dept. of Philosophy, Emory University, 1988-1992. Instructor, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Memphis, summer 1988. Graduate Assistant, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Memphis, 1986-1988. Editorial and Administrative Appointments General Editor, Critical Edition of the Works of Josiah Royce, 2009-2014 Editor, Library of Living Philosophers, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 2001-13 Editor, The Pluralist, 2005-12 (University of Illinois Press; official journal of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, beginning 2010) Assoc. Editor, Library of Living Philosophers, SIU Carbondale, 2000-2001 Editor, The Personalist Forum, 1997-2005 (became The Pluralist in 2005; archival site: Director, Oklahoma City University, Master of Liberal Arts Program, 1994-1999.