Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial and Eduoational Foundation VOLUME XVIII, Number 4 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA
Copyright ~) 1974 by the W|II. Cather Pioneer Memorial and Educatlonal Foundation Winter Newsletter--1974 Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial and Eduoational Foundation VOLUME XVIII, Number 4 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA it as a necessary part of life. In each story, a young Newsletter--Literary Issue Winter 1974 woman or girl is supported either psychologically or Edited by Bernice Slote financially by a benevolent older male who is not related to her in a romantic way. In each story, death Twice a year literary issues of the Newsletter o~: the central figures for whom the stories are named will present new Willa Cather material: reprints of some of Cather’s early, hard-to-find, and still un- is inevitable, but not violent. collected journalistic writings; early reviews, inter- The dominant theme of "Neighbour Rosicky," "Old views, and notes about Cather’s work; bibliographi- Mrs. Harris," and "Two Friends" is the mystique of cal information; and--from Cather readers---original brief notes, observations, explications, or short cri- figures which are pillars of strength and succor for tical articles. (Submit manuscripts to CATHER persons in their sphere of influence. The author pro- NEWSLETTER, 201 Andrews Hall, University of vides a close study of the dependence of the weak Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508). and trusting upon the strong, and, when the strong ... In This Issue... figure is inexorably and permanently removed from ~Notes on O~ure Destinies by Claire Mattern, the scene by death, leaves the reader to speculate upon Patricia Yongue, Mona Pers, Jacquelynn S. what will become of the dependent figures as they Lewis, JoAnna Lathrop are left to rely more upon themselves or someone else, ~-From English reviews with only memories to sustain them.
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