'Victorile Reginle
T A S MA N I A. 1893. ANNO QUINQUAGESIMO-SEPTIMO 'VICTORIlE REGINlE, No. 8. RtlpcaIcd Ly •• ** •• ****~************************.****• • AN ACT to amend "The Electoral Act, A.D. 1893. 1890." [6 November, 1893.] WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to amend "The Electoral PREAMBLE. Act, 1890 :" Be it therefore enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Parliament as~embled, as follows :- 1 This Act may be cited as "The Electoral Act Amendment Act, Short title. 1893." 2 In this Act the expression "the said Act" shall mean and include Interpretation. "The Electoral Act, 1890." 54 Vict. No. 13. 3 The words, "Montagu .......... ~..... One Member," are hereby Amendment of added to the end of Schedule (2.) of the said Act as a "Southern Sched.ule (2.) of Assembly District," and the said Sc~dule (2.) shall hereafter be read the saId Act. and construed as if the said words had been originally part of the said Schedule (2.). 4 The descriptions and boundaries of the Council Electoral Districts Substitution for of Derwent, RUlfsell, and Huort, and the descriptions and boundaries portiontf 3 f of the Assembly Electoral Districts of Cumberland, Wellington, and ~~hV?:t eJ}lo3. Franklin, as set forth in the Schedule (3.) of the said Act, are hereby I.. repealed, and the descriptions and boundaries as set forth in the 374 57 0 VICTORI..-E. No 8. Electoral Amendment. A.D.1893. Schedule (1.) to this Act are hereby enacted in lieu thereof; and the Electoral Districts as specified and described in the said Schedule (1.) shall be and be deemed to be and may be cited as Electoral Districts under the said Act, and shall hereafter be read and construed as part of Schedule (3.) of the said Act.
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