03_Upfront.qxp 3/20/2014 1:01 PM Page 3


List Website Clark Benson, describes the fifth floor of a Miracle the site as a “Yelp for Mile high-rise. Hopes It Has everything else” that allows Benson, who describes Your Number users to make himself as a list lists that rank fanatic, saw a Ranker takes Yelp-like anything from void in the mar- ratings beyond just breakfast cereals ket for a site that hotels, restaurants. to TV sitcoms. It ranks things out- combines these side of food and Want to find a good sushi crowdsourced lodging. He had spot in Santa Monica? Yelp votes into sold an earlier has you covered. Looking for “Ultimate Lists” L.A. Internet the best beach resort in that could be business, eCrush, Maui? You’ll probably start used to settle bar to Hearst Corp. your search on online travel arguments or Benson in New York in portal TripAdvisor. help determine 2006, and seeded But what if you’re seek- what movie you want to his latest venture with $1 ing online ratings not related watch tonight. million of his to restaurants or hotels? The Ranker recently moved own money. folks at Ranker want their into the top 200 Internet sites Ranker launched in 2009 site to be your Internet ranked by visits, with a but grew slowly until Benson source, whether you’re try- monthly audience of more made the decision to allow ing to figure out the best than 7.5 million. The compa- casual visitors to vote on lists dressing to serve with your ny employs 24 people at its without having to register or salad or need help choosing L.A. office and Benson plans log in to the site. a new rolling suitcase for a to fill six more positions soon. “That changed every- business trip. Ranker just moved from an thing,” he said. The company’s founder, eighth-floor suite to take all of – Matt Pressberg RINGO H.W. CHIU/LABJ Booked: Owner Jeffrey Segal at his Mystic Journey Bookstore in Venice. Sound Plan on . He launched New Chapter fate of other venerable inde- “They were a more tradi- his company, Allo, this pendent bookstores in Los tional bookstore, whereas for For Biking month. He’s also getting help For Spiritual Angeles County that have us, books are only about 50 Enthusiasts from his dad – a partner at an Bookstore closed in recent years, includ- percent of sales,” he said. L.A. accelerator. ing Cliff’s Books in Pasadena, Segal, a former insurance 15-year-old peddles “I wanted to create some- Owner says niche Dutton’s Books in Brentwood defense attorney, launched mounted stereo device thing that would allow peo- focus on mysticism and Valley Village, and his bookstore in fall 2008 as that holds iPhone. ple to easily and safely use may bring second site. Williams Books in San Pedro? the financial crash hit. He all the functions of their Segal said the answer is was then 50 and had just Benji Miller found it smartphone on their handle- Jeffrey Segal has done two-fold: He’s focused on a come through a years-long tricky to use his smartphone bars,” Miller said. something few bookstore niche audience with a com- battle against testicular can- while riding his bike. The He has raised more than owners have managed to do mitted fan base, and he sells cer that had spread to his 15-year-old just wanted to $13,000 of the $24,500 he in recent years: expand. a lot more than books. lymphatic system. He decid- listen to music on his way needs to produce the Allo Segal owns the Mystic Besides spiritual texts and ed against chemotherapy and to school. bike speaker. A small Journey Bookstore in Venice. writings, Mystic Journey chose alternative therapies, The Santa Monica teen group of private investors And since he opened the store sells crystals, tarot cards, including acupuncture and noticed other cyclists strug- paid for the prototype, five years ago, he said that he’s meditation and yoga para- energy healing. After he gling to steer with one hand Miller said, but he declined grown sales each year, topping phernalia, and music. Along became cancer free, he took and hold their smartphones to state how much. Geared Up: Benji Miller the $1 million mark last year. with book signings, the store out a $100,000 home equity with the other. So he creat- The company was with Allo audio device. So, last summer, he moved features appearances by psy- loan to open the store and ed a bike mount with a founded two years ago and into a larger building just up chics and astrologers. now has a loyal following. speaker attached into that has a staff of two that the latest iPhone model, Abbot Kinney Boulevard. “We’re the one-stop shop for “Nearly every day, people can hold an iPhone. Bikers includes his father, Ron, which slides into the case And Segal is not done. those seeking spiritual informa- come up to me and tell me wouldn’t have to carry their chief executive at West L.A. from the top. It clips onto He’s now scouting out tion and products,” Segal said. how grateful they are that a phones to listen to them law firm Disability Group the handlebars and is pow- Pasadena for what would be Another metaphysical store like this exists, given while riding. Inc. and a partner at ered by two AA batteries. his second location. shop, Bodhi Tree in West what’s going on with book- That was two years ago. Westwood tech accelerator Benji Miller plans a retail So what’s his secret? How , closed in late stores today,” Segal said. Since then, he made a proto- StartEngine. price of $49.99. has he managed to avoid the 2011 and went online. – Howard Fine type and is now fundraising The Allo is made to hold – Subrina Hudson

Lawyer Takes His Case to the Whisky

Mark Sullivan is a senior ing “Mr. Brightside” by the ing the story of Baseman’s par- litigation paralegal for Century Killers. He performed with PAGE 3 ents two years ago, he decided City law firm Cox Castle & four other firm employees and to make a documentary out of Nicholson. He’s also the firm’s his 20-year-old son, CHARLES it – one that also weaves in ani- resident rocker. Alexander, on the CRUMPLEY mation and performance art. Earlier this keyboard. The two have butted heads month, Sullivan Sullivan, who on the creative direction of the led the firm’s two- gets most of his Koreatown and won second film, but Charles said they year-old band, stage time in as place for overall talent. have respect for each other’s Castle of Rock, in band leader at his Sullivan said runner-up opinion and a solid creative a battle of the Torrance church, status didn’t dampen the partnership. bands charity said he was thrilled mood – he was just excited “We are really passionate event at the Whis- to play with his co- to have played on a stage about making this film a new ky a Go Go in workers to raise frequented by many great beginning of how the Holocaust West Hollywood. Sullivan money for the musicians before him. Real Life: David Charles, left, and Gary Baseman. is told for the future generations The band, Western Center on “Playing such a historic Charles is holding Baseman’s signature art figure Toby. of the world,” he said. formed at the urging of firm Law and Poverty. venue was an absolute treat as partner Preston Brooks, was up “That night was really a lot a musician,” he said. ing as a filmmaker. tures,” is a documentary about Staff reporters Bethany against five bands from other of fun,” he said. “Everyone His latest work with con- Baseman’s journey to uncover Firnhaber and Subrina Hudson local law firms for the event, was really into it because it Out of the Past temporary L.A. artist Gary how his parents survived the contributed to this column. called Law Rocks. was for charity.” When David Charles Baseman is expected to be Holocaust in the Ukraine. Page 3 is compiled by editor Sullivan, 50, the band’s The firm and its band isn’t running ad agency released during the Sundance Charles, 33, met the artist Charles Crumpley. He can be lead singer, wore leather pants raised about $12,000 for the KesselsKramer in Film Festival next year. after working with him on reached at ccrumpley@labusi- and belted out tunes, includ- legal services non-profit in Chinatown, he is moonlight- The film, “Mythical Crea- another short film. After hear- nessjournal.com.