Subject: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 21:52:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Arulco Vacations v1.10 is ready for download at the usual place! A lot of work has gone into all aspects of the mod - 110 new items, another new M.E.R.C. character (using voice files from another SirTech game of an original JA2 voice actor), another new in-country recruitable character (Doreen Harrows), 74 map sectors tweaked, Merc starting gear tweaked, major tweaks to the combat system, Arulcan Army loadouts modified, Arulcan Army patrols and garrisons modified, new Facilities, a new female I.M.P. portrait, and a whole lot more! You can find it on the download page of the blog, along with install instructions and notes on this release.


Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by az75 on Mon, 01 Jan 2018 15:57:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Can't enjoy. The exe provided requests runtime to end in unusual way. The original 7609 exe doesn't run either, game doesn't start with either of them. Deleting install.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 01 Jan 2018 16:47:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Can't enjoy. The exe provided requests runtime to end in unusual way. The original 7609 exe doesn't run either, game doesn't start with either of them. Deleting install.

Well! That sounds like something got corrupted in the download, or, if you were using the inieditor to start the game possibly the vfs_config.JA2ArulcoVacations.ini wasn't specified (just a guess). Sorry, but that has not not happened here so I'm not sure what the problem is. Perhaps one of the coders has a better idea.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Mon, 01 Jan 2018 16:59:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message AV 1.10 works fine in 7609 mega modpack.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 01 Jan 2018 19:14:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 1 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Oops! There is a missing Profiles folder in the v1.10-Complete download. I will upload a new complete package - and also upload a Fix download so those who have already downloaded the complete package won't have to re-download the entire thing. My apologies for this. There's always something . . .

Thanks to DanielS for letting me know.

You can create a "UserProfile_ArulcoVacations" folder (without the quotation marks) in your Profiles folder to correct the error. The only missing file is the JA2_sp.ini - which only holds the beginning game options, and will be created when you select those options yourself at the start of a game.

EDIT: The Complete download is fixed and is ready to go.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by CareBear on Mon, 01 Jan 2018 21:30:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ed some of the descriptions in bobby ray overflow the textboxes, overlapping with the text of another weapon.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 01 Jan 2018 22:30:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Ed some of the descriptions in bobby ray overflow the textboxes, overlapping with the text of another weapon.

Yeah, sometimes I get carried away with the descriptions. As I find them I'll shorten them.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by az75 on Sat, 06 Jan 2018 18:41:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Great job with the new maps, the northern part of the country looks awesome with those farms and creeks. Hunting for cows now up from San Mona with my low strength IMP sniper. A reason to explore, those parts are seldom visited.

Only problem I've seen so far is the fact militia doesn't have weapons, "uses harsh language instead". I'll do a search to see some workaround.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10

Page 2 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by CareBear on Sat, 06 Jan 2018 18:48:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Maybe AV uses "Militia use sector equipment" option in .ini?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 06 Jan 2018 19:41:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Only problem I've seen so far is the fact militia doesn't have weapons, "uses harsh language instead". I'll do a search to see some workaround.

As CareBear says, it's the .ini option to use sector equipment -- meaning you have to supply the militia with equipment (which is one of the reasons "Drop All" is on so you can scrounge enemy weapons for your nilitia).

Glad you like the maps!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by SmokinGun on Wed, 10 Jan 2018 07:10:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Sun, 31 December 2017 21:52Arulco Vacations v1.10 is ready for download at the usual place! A lot of work has gone into all aspects of the mod - Enjoy!

Very Cool !

Congrats on another release and thanks for all your efforts. Will DL v1.10 and get it going. I had to step back from playing 1.09 and refired up Arulco Revisited and playing some Urban Chaos. The complexity, sophistication and intensity of your mod, Arulco Vacations, was kicking my ass in a good way. At times I definitely felt overwhelmed and realized that playing a simpler, older 1.13 mod would give me some playtime to wrap my head around gameplay nuances and learn parts of the game better before diving into your mod.

JA2, the 1.13 constant upgrades over the years (improvements), and the details of Arulco Vacations are pretty astounding. There truly is no other "game" like it... - requiring attention, logistics, strategy, skill and hopefully luck at the right shot or miss at the wrong swing!

Thanks again and kudos to the Bears Pit community at large.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10

Page 3 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 10 Jan 2018 17:05:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you. I agree that there is no other game like JA2, and no other modding platform than v1.13. The only way Arulco Vacations could come about is through v1.13 and all the work done by the modders who had that vision - and keep breaking new ground all the time. As well, without Sevenfm's Experimental 7609 Executable AV would be much less enjoyable than it is. That Executable provides so much depth to the AI that it elevates game play to higher level. And as for overwhelming - it is for me also! I find that as the campaign progresses I must use every option available -- mines, heavy weapons, hit-&-run tactics, raids not occupations, hiring only for specific missions, hiring for garrison duty, etc..

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Thu, 11 Jan 2018 14:14:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Where exactly is the MercProfiles.xml located ? Can someone please show me the path ?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Thu, 11 Jan 2018 17:25:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message MercProfiles.XML is located in the ../Data-AV/TableData folder.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Fri, 12 Jan 2018 00:31:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message My Thanks Ed !

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 28 Jan 2018 16:53:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Update 1 to Arulco Vacations v1.10 is now available. It fixes a couple typos in Items.XML, fixes (shortens) a lot of item descriptions in Bobby Ray's, adds 19 new items (and enhances a few older ones), tweaks 13 map sectors and fixes a couple missing wall sections in 2 of them, adds balloon text to 2 more civilian factions, adds more variety to the militia and enemy profiles, and includes Sevenfm's latest available executable (r657). It probably includes a few more things/fixes I've forgotten at the moment as I never have gotten into the habit of listing everything I do.

Page 4 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Oh yeah . . . it also makes headway into the transition from NAS to (N)CAF for weapon attachments.

It is a zip file. Simply unzip into your main game folder overwriting all files.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by malaghe on Sun, 28 Jan 2018 19:15:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i use from this subject. thank you

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Sun, 28 Jan 2018 20:15:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello Ed, let me 1st say Thank you!

While i adjusted some stuff to my personal preferences, i noticed the value [ap_reload_loose = 2] in \apbpConstants.ini, since it appears quite low i thought better ask here whether its a typo etc or intended. p.s. text message and voice of Jane Shepard on 1st click at AIM roster dont fit together (audio: "Do i know you?"; edt: "lets hear it. Who are you and what do you want?")

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 28 Jan 2018 20:50:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Hello Ed, let me 1st say Thank you!

You're welcome!

Quote:While i adjusted some stuff to my personal preferences, i noticed the value [ap_reload_loose = 2] in \apbpConstants.ini, since it appears quite low i thought better ask here whether its a typo etc or intended.

It is not a typo. It might indeed be low, but is in line with reload values in Weapons.XML (which, I think, supersede the apbpConstants.XML). The reload system is one I have been continually tweaking and testing, as I thought the vanilla factors too high. I am happy to take into consideration all discussion on this matter - or any other aspect of the mod, as well.

Page 5 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Parkan on Mon, 29 Jan 2018 14:41:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Any chance to upload to another source except mediafire?Medifire sucks in download speed in my country.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 29 Jan 2018 16:04:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Give me a suggestion. What's good in your country?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Parkan on Mon, 29 Jan 2018 17:24:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message dropbox work fine.mediafire is a pice of shit over a year or more.sometimes it it downloading fast sometimes very sloooww.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 29 Jan 2018 18:19:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have reasons for not using DropBox. I prefer to use a file-sharing service that is not connected to my computer (i.e. a web service).

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 11:48:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The shopping part of Franks Heukermes appears to be buggy, If i talk to him with r657 exe and hit the [Buy/Sell] button, the game freeze-locks, i.e. even ALt+X will not allow to shut it down, only the taskmanager(win xp). Doing that with stock 7609 exe results in: Assertion failure [line 990 in file shopkeeper interface.cpp].

Stack_trace.log is empty, vfs.log shows only the following errors: [1.37109]: error: could not find section [] in container [1.38736]: warning: could not ectract key value pair : :update_patrol_admins [1.39426]: warning: could not ectract key value pair : reduce_bullet_impact - true

Page 6 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit [12.3266]: error: could not find section [] in container [12.3787]: warning: could not ectract key value pair : :update_patrol_admins [12.3923]: warning: could not ectract key value pair : reduce_bullet_impact - true

Entirely cosmetic map issue: Some roof tiles dont disappear after the inside of a building is explored, iirc already noticed some in Omerta, the roof part over the entrances of Franks bar in San Mona definitely dont disappear.

Balance: Playing @normal item progress speed(instead of minimum, and of course as always no "drop all";) most mercs came with the Browning pistol and btw an excellet assortment of items, thanks;), but e.g. a Stoner lmg and a C7ct for machinegunner/marksmann apppeared quite OP to me, also the impact of low profile costs on JA2s financial aspect, add to that all the equipment for free. (e.g.: running out of money? create an imp to sell his stuff) I should mention that BR quality is at default although i always play at 1 or sometimes 2 as i thought it was intededly set to that lvl so we can see all new items in the shop, would it affect item progress to go down if i lower BR quality?

The hiring fee of some mercs appears not to line up with their expertise, e.g. compare Gasket or Juan to Static, or low fee for Henning as the iirc most outstanding example that does ot line up with others. (well, i wouldnt even hire him if he gave me money;) may also want to check my last message as the "p.s." section was added after your reply.

p.s. another thing i am not sure about whether intended or flaw: 3 new mercs met 4 bandits in a hut in B7(i guess placed there as they didnt want to change place) and Guido could not withstand in sight of the loot they carried ;) Expected that killing them would turn all members of bandit faction in Arulco hostile and checked in San Mona C6, it did not, even fired a shot which called "bandit"s to cluster around the tile where the noise originated (AI behaviour offers exploit opportunity;), with the shooter still standing there.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 16:04:58 GMT

Page 7 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: The shopping part of Franks Heukermes appears to be buggy, If i talk to him with r657 exe and hit the [Buy/Sell] button, the game freeze-locks, i.e. even ALt+X will not allow to shut it down, only the taskmanager(win xp). Doing that with stock 7609 exe results in: Assertion failure [line 990 in file shopkeeper interface.cpp].

That's not good! I'll check it out.

Quote:Entirely cosmetic map issue: Some roof tiles dont disappear after the inside of a building is explored, iirc already noticed some in Omerta, the roof part over the entrances of Franks bar in San Mona definitely dont disappear.

I fixed them in the Update to v1.10

Quote:Balance: Playing @normal item progress speed(instead of minimum, and of course as always no "drop all";) most mercs came with the Browning pistol and btw an excellet assortment of items, thanks;), but e.g. a Stoner lmg and a C7ct for machinegunner/marksmann apppeared quite OP to me, also the impact of low profile costs on JA2s financial aspect, add to that all the equipment for free. (e.g.: running out of money? create an imp to sell his stuff) I should mention that BR quality is at default although i always play at 1 or sometimes 2 as i thought it was intededly set to that lvl so we can see all new items in the shop, would it affect item progress to go down if i lower BR quality?

It's a 'vacation' - it is intended that you have plenty of money (no excuses for failure). As for Bobby Ray's, in line with the 'vacation' aspect it is intended that you have access to whatever you want - again, no excuses for failure. As you lower the Quality you will get closer to the actual in-game progress level.

Quote:The hiring fee of some mercs appears not to line up with their expertise, e.g. compare Gasket or Juan to Static, or low fee for Henning as the iirc most outstanding example that does ot line up with others. (well, i wouldnt even hire him if he gave me money;)

I used a formula for every Merc's salary (except in-country RPCs). Static and Henning have lower salaries than expected because of their age and slower evolution (it's harder for them to learn). I may have to lessen the age penalty in the salary formula.

Quote:another thing i am not sure about whether intended or flaw: 3 new mercs met 4 bandits in a hut in B7

You'll find Kingpin's men in a few other sectors also. I can't control their behaviour, but have noticed you can fight the ones outside of San Mona without getting the ones in San mona hostile.

Page 8 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Consider that they don't know you did it. However, once you get the ones in San Mona hostile then they will be hostile everywhere. Why this is different than the behaviour of Tony's gun smugglers . . . I can only guess it has something to do with the coding of the Fight Club and the Chalice quests. The same behaviour will be seen with the Hicks outside the farm -- killing those outside the farm won't turn the farm ones hostile, but killing the farm ones will turn the outside ones hostile. Again, I can only guess it has something to do with the coding of the marriage quest.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 16:16:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:p.s. text message and voice of Jane Shepard on 1st click at AIM roster dont fit together (audio: "Do i know you?"; edt: "lets hear it. Who are you and what do you want?")

All the times I have hired her I have always forgotten to change that! Fixed for the next update.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 16:29:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:The shopping part of Franks Heukermes appears to be buggy, If i talk to him with r657 exe and hit the [Buy/Sell] button, the game freeze-locks, i.e. even ALt+X will not allow to shut it down, only the taskmanager(win xp). Doing that with stock 7609 exe results in: Assertion failure [line 990 in file shopkeeper interface.cpp].

That's odd. I just tried that in my game and had no problem. Can you think of any modifications you made to JA2_Options or otherwise that might affect this situation?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 16:36:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message >Cosmetic map issues "I fixed them in the Update to v1.10"

Pretty sure i also installed the update:; 8.568.320Bytes; 2018_jan_28, most likely successfully as timestamp of \data-av\maps\K10.dat is 2018_jan_27.

Page 9 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 16:42:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:>Cosmetic map issues "I fixed them in the Update to v1.10"

Pretty sure i also installed the update:; 8.568.320Bytes; 2018_jan_28, most likely successfully as timestamp of \data-av\maps\K10.dat is 2018_jan_27.

Is A10's timestamp January 2, 2018, and C5 is January 20, 2018?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 17:28:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Wed, 31 January 2018 18:29Quote:The shopping part of Franks Heukermes appears to be buggy, If i talk to him with r657 exe and hit the [Buy/Sell] button, the game freeze-locks, i.e. even ALt+X will not allow to shut it down, only the taskmanager(win xp). Doing that with stock 7609 exe results in: Assertion failure [line 990 in file shopkeeper interface.cpp].

That's odd. I just tried that in my game and had no problem. Can you think of any modifications you made to JA2_Options or otherwise that might affect this situation?

I should mention that this first occured with enemies in sector, which were not yet alerted at that time, probably even still unaware of our presence in sector at all. Just in case there is a chance it carries over.

Cant imagine any of my changes causing it, bytewise compare shows these changes in my \data-av\ja2Options.ini: Toggle Spoiler imp_min_attribute = 32 [35] imp_max_attribute = 88 [85] merc_level_up_salary_increase_percentage = 30 [33] auto_save_every_n_hours = 0 [12] additional_delay_until_loadscreen_disposal = 0 [2] auto_collapse_inventory_at_turn_end = FALSE milita_can_place_flags_on_mines = FALSE soldier_tooltip_detail_level = 3 [2] dynamic_tooltip_rangemodifier = 100 [75] spotter_preparation_turns = 2 [3] max_cth_penalty_for_moving_target = 24 [30] camo_kit_useable_area = 25 [10] (btw the latter change will cause a remaing camo value, which is unremoveable with rags,

Page 10 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit better unequip all items with camo bonus before the change of the value in the .ini file) energy_cost_for_weapon_weight = 80 [100] energy_cost_for_weapon_recoil_kick = 80 [100] suppression_effectiveness = 80 [133] suppression_shock_intensity = 100 [133] explosive_suppression_effectivenes = 125 [144] allow_rain = FALSE allow_lightning = FALSE zombie_rise_behaviour = 1 [2] zombie_spawn_waves = TRUE zombie_rise_wave_frequency = 80 [60] zombie_damage_resistance = 50 [0] zombie_breath_ damage_resistance = 80 [0] zombie_only_headshots_work = TRUE zombie_difficulty_level = 4 [1] zombie_only_headshots_permanently_kill = TRUE game_progress_maximum_points_from_kills =30 game_progress_maximum_points_from_sector_control = 20 game_progress_maximum_points_from_explored_sectors = 25 allow_reinforcements_only_in_cities = TRUE militiy_training_caryover_process = TRUE Req_leadership_for_max_militia = 66 [86] daytime_precision = 3 [4] nighttie_precision = 2 [3] max_soldiers_left = 2 [1] enemy_roles_turns_to_uncover = 5 [6] alert_on_dead_limit = FALSE and as usual just in case, the changes in \data-AV\cthConstants.ini: Toggle Spoilerbasic_reliability_odds = 20 [200] base_target_invisible = -200.0 [-100.0]

Probably a local issue if no other player experiences the same, so dont worry too much about it unless its confirmed by others.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 17:40:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Wed, 31 January 2018 18:42Quote:>Cosmetic map issues "I fixed them in the Update to v1.10"

Pretty sure i also installed the update:; 8.568.320Bytes; 2018_jan_28, most likely successfully as timestamp of \data-av\maps\K10.dat is 2018_jan_27.

Page 11 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Is A10's timestamp January 2, 2018, and C5 is January 20, 2018? timestamp for is jan_01_2017 19:58; size=497.054; timestamp for is jan_20_2018 22:20; size=1.008.817 as far as i can see the files fom the, which i dlded on jan 28.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Thu, 01 Feb 2018 05:47:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Probably a local issue if no other player experiences the same, so dont worry too much about it unless its confirmed by others.

I'll keep my attention on it.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by wolf00 on Sat, 03 Feb 2018 04:28:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message any chance for nc-f products in future relase?[norinco company firearms] thinkg about some from chiapa

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 03 Feb 2018 05:58:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:any chance for nc-f products in future relase?[norinco company firearms] thinkg about some from chiapa

I'll put them on the list.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Sat, 03 Feb 2018 15:26:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message more feedback on stuff experienced during gameplay, unsorted:

"Runtime error [assertion failure line 5879 in file items.cpp blabla a default attachment could not be attached after merging, this should not be possible" Happens if i try to extend a retracted stock that is attached to a M25 EBR.

Page 12 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Sidenote: depending on feedback from attachment slots, the m25 ebr appears to accept more attachments(grip pod, m203pi, ism-v-ir) than the m21 ebr, although both share the m14 ebr stock. Btw Trigger Groups 2&3 can not be attached to weapons which are highlighted with cursor over trigger group. Think there is another item but cant remember which one right now, in case will report it.

The roof tiles at Franks Bar now miraculously disappeared, no changes in game files or ram etc by me, think i left the sector and returned before it occured but i not sure about that. New "not disppearing roof tiles" in D5, house with 2 fridges inside&close to mine entrance, affected tiles IDs: 17205, 17208, 17209, 17368, 17369, 17685, 17845, 17848-17852, 18008, 18009, 18011, 18012

"Gangster" faction turned hostile after some time(~1 day?)

An already running athlete needs 5 AP to cross 1 tile diaogonal, but only 2+2 if he runs "around" the tile, i.e. athlets need less AP to run in zigzag instead of a straight line, which also partially negates the limited fov caused by running.

There is no option to split the ".30-06 Box, AP match" into mags or single rounds, click on a Garand with said ammo box on cursor causes crash: "assertion failure [line 859 in file item.cpp blabla.."

Enemies with 2 mercs standing/crouching/prone on an adjecent tile become invisible when e.g. dropped by attack effect, (not sure if they can enter that state by simply going prone) and stay that way until they decide to stand up and move/attack, usually killing at least one of my team(sounds like d&d;) Other enemy in D5 stayed invisible until my spy entered an adjacent tile, the disguise dropped, spy dead :D (i noticed enemy presence from spy name turning its color) tried to spot her with 10xscope, even at 7 tiles she did not become visble(closer was too dangerous;) Perhaps caused by camo settings values? I noticed the camo folder but didnt take a peek. I know i can shoot at the tile to kill them before they recover and attack out of invisibility, but i refuse to shoot at invisible targets in general, or glue tubes to barrels ...

Guido Grimaldi (btw great adddition to the roster): The 5th skill covers and blocks access to his background on Laptop -> Personnel page. p.s. I can switch on/off an isolated Rifle Lam-Flashlight, but if it is attached to the M25 ebr(and i guess weapons in general) i get "assertion failure [line 6052 in file items.cpp blabla

Page 13 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit p.p.s. Cant load Beretta Silver Pigeon from within weapon properties window, only the default way by dropping ammo on the weapon in mercs inventory. Unload ammo works fine both ways(i.e. click on ammo counter of shift+r-click). Also the silver pigeon shows up with no base sound volume, there is not even a zero in the 1st column, only a +1 modifier. Despite that the weapon appears to have correct entry in weapons.xml.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 03 Feb 2018 18:59:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'll check the LAM-Flashlight, the house in D5, the M21/M25 EBR attachments, Retracted Stock, .30-06 Box, & Trigger Groups. Seems like the Trigger Groups will be next to move to the (N)CAF system of attachments. I've got some rl stuff to do atm so will have to check on all that a little later.

I believe the diagonal movement costs more than zig-zag is intentional in the code - there's a thread about that on the forum that I read a while ago. I think it has to do with movement based on square tiles instead of hexagonal tiles.

I reduced the cover system variable a bit for v1.10, and may have to reduce it further. The enemy being invisible in an adjacent tile . . I think started with Sevenfm's improved AI cover and prone additions, but I'm not sure. If so, it's probably because my cover variables are higher than vanilla, and I'll have to reduce them.

Glad you like Guido!

Thank you for the feedback - I'll work on all this for the next update.

The Silver Pigeon . . . displays totally incorrectly in Bobby Ray's, and I have no idea why. All stats seem to be correct, having compared them with other shotguns numerous times. I am at a loss to figure out what's happening with that weapon. I have Leech with it now in my campaign, and will keep working on it.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 03 Feb 2018 23:49:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:There is no option to split the ".30-06 Box, AP match" into mags or single rounds, click on a Garand with said ammo box on cursor causes crash: "assertion failure [line 859 in file item.cpp blabla.."

OK, fixed this one. The problem was that only the boxed ammo was AP Match type. This Magazines.XML fixes it so all the magazines are also AP Match (instead of AP Ball). Unzip and place in your ../Data-AV/TableData/Items folder.

Page 14 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 04 Feb 2018 01:24:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:"Runtime error [assertion failure line 5879 in file items.cpp blabla a default attachment could not be attached after merging, this should not be possible" Happens if i try to extend a retracted stock that is attached to a M25 EBR. Sidenote: depending on feedback from attachment slots, the m25 ebr appears to accept more attachments(grip pod, m203pi, ism-v-ir) than the m21 ebr, although both share the m14 ebr stock. Btw Trigger Groups 2&3 can not be attached to weapons which are highlighted with cursor over trigger group. Think there is another item but cant remember which one right now, in case will report it.

I will move the trigger groups to the (N)CAF system for the next update.

I sync'ed the M14/M21/M25 EBR attachments - you can download the Attachments.XML & Items.XML and install them. Unzip and place in your ../Data-AV/TableData/Items folder

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Sun, 04 Feb 2018 10:15:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 1st thank you for the updates! However i wouldnt want you to get RL backdraws because of modding, even if its a gamebreaking bug, so get that stuff done first! :D

Ok, next is only a tiny cosmetic issue of the Tripwire, its mini icon (aka the one you see e.g. in pop up window when picking up more than 1 kind of item on tactical map) needs x/y coordinates adjusted and also has transparency issue(wrong color set to appear transparent?) p.s. Negative reliability modifier of batteries has impact on Weapons reliability moddifier, while tritium night sights provides +4

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Wed, 14 Feb 2018 14:51:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message MiA1 Carbine (.30cal): the scope attachment slot lists "Scope+Reflex 4x" as one of the options, as soon as i attach a Scope+Reflex 4x, it diappears into nothingness. (checked sector and all mercs inventories in case the program had "teleported" the scope although Skitz had sufficinet inventory space) Stats of the M1A1 also dont change as to expect on transformation into a "reflex-4xScoped

Page 15 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit M1A1", or so.

Also, many weapons i find have the current condition value higher than the repair threshold value. Probably a minor issue as it does not appear to have consequences like crash when usuing such weapons, (nevertheless i either sell them to Tony or shoot some rounds intil current condition

Regarding bug "game locks if pc tries to jump over obstacle and landing tile is occupied": There are a couple of trees close to the fence in SW corner of Drassen Mine sector, my sniper noticed 2 soldiers getting stuck there (and happily used the advice from Seven to hit [esc];) Perhaps move the trees? E.g. put them on the same line as the fence.

Besides, i never got so much repeated attacks on city sectors, 2/h or 5+/day is not unusual, very nice! Sometimes there is even no enough time to compensate the weapon weardown with Static, imp mechanic and occasional helper. Plan is to get enough shells commando mortars to P3 so we can flatten the whole palace. We have 30 shells on day 12 and Biggins(!;) just managed to steal our 3rd mortar from the last attacker in D15, which he btw defends with Murray "Everybody knows who the best is now, son." McGillicutty :D

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 14 Feb 2018 17:31:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:MiA1 Carbine (.30cal): the scope attachment slot lists "Scope+Reflex 4x" as one of the options, as soon as i attach a Scope+Reflex 4x, it diappears into nothingness. (checked sector and all mercs inventories in case the program had "teleported" the scope although Skitz had sufficinet inventory space) Stats of the M1A1 also dont change as to expect on transformation into a "reflex-4xScoped M1A1", or so.

I've had continual problems with attachments - and am moving to the (N)CAF system of attachments with each update. I am hopeful that this will fix all the attachment issues.

Quote:Also, many weapons i find have the current condition value higher than the repair threshold value.

That is not a problem. I forget why it happens (there's a thread on the forum somewhere that speaks to this), but it doesn't cause problems.

Page 16 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Quote:Regarding bug "game locks if pc tries to jump over obstacle and landing tile is occupied": There are a couple of trees close to the fence in SW corner of Drassen Mine sector, my sniper noticed 2 soldiers getting stuck there (and happily used the advice from Seven to hit [esc];) Perhaps move the trees? E.g. put them on the same line as the fence.

Thank you. I'll fix that for the next update (end of the month).

Quote:Besides, i never got so much repeated attacks on city sectors, 2/h or 5+/day is not unusual, very nice! Sometimes there is even no enough time to compensate the weapon weardown with Static, imp mechanic and occasional helper. Plan is to get enough shells commando mortars to P3 so we can flatten the whole palace. We have 30 shells on day 12 and Biggins(!;) just managed to steal our 3rd mortar from the last attacker in D15, which he btw defends with Murray "Everybody knows who the best is now, son." McGillicutty

Sounds like a crazy, fun group of Mercs you have there!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Sun, 18 Feb 2018 12:08:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Foud a minor map glitch in sector D13: The public toilet(?) aka building in front of Bettys shop & Peters bar is partially blocked, i.e. no access to the southeast part.

I wonder whether it is intended that the First Aid Response Kit sold by Betty for 341$ comes with a regen booster.

Definitely a crazy team, 10 out of 23 are psychos and 11 malicious

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 18 Feb 2018 16:01:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Foud a minor map glitch in sector D13: The public toilet(?) aka building in front of Bettys shop & Peters bar is partially blocked, i.e. no access to the southeast part.

Thank you. I'll fix that.

Page 17 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit The Regen Boost in the Casualty Response Kit is the default, so yeah, it's intended - it's a vacation, enjoy!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by bigalmoho on Wed, 21 Feb 2018 05:33:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message After playing the latest versions of JA2 1.13 it seems I have forgotten how to apply clothes purchased from Bobby Ray's using 7609... (If I ever even knew...) Any help would be appreciated...

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 21 Feb 2018 05:44:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: After playing the latest versions of JA2 1.13 it seems I have forgotten how to apply clothes purchased from Bobby Ray's using 7609...

Just drop the clothes onto the character's doll in inventory - only works in tactical IIRC.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by bigalmoho on Wed, 21 Feb 2018 16:29:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message [quote title=edmortimer wrote on Wed, 21 February 2018 00:44]Quote: only works in tactical IIRC. Aha! That is what I was missing... Thank you.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Fri, 23 Feb 2018 09:10:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Probably something wrong with the default mag in the "Mauser 1934" pistol.

CTD: Assertion failure [line 859 in file item types.cpp ... Manually removing(=[Shift]+[R-click]) the default mag from said pistol transforms it into nada, ctd happens when i try to put the nada-mag into sector inventory. btw the default mag does not come out of the gun on use of the "eject ammo from all weapons" button,

Page 18 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit also loading a correct mag into Mauser 1934 and unloading it gives the correct mag back.

P.s. possible tiny map bug Sector C2; southern buildigs NE wall has a door, but tile outside building(gridno 14478) is occupied by something which blocks the way. p.p.s. and the western room of the buildig in NW corner of Sector C2 is inaccessable

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 23 Feb 2018 16:23:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you. The map glitches will be fixed for the next update . . . the default mag thing I'm still trying to figure out but should be fixed for the next update.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 23 Feb 2018 16:58:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:P.s. possible tiny map bug Sector C2; southern buildigs NE wall has a door, but tile outside building(gridno 14478) is occupied by something which blocks the way. p.p.s. and the western room of the buildig in NW corner of Sector C2 is inaccessable

I spoke too soon! C2 has ruins but no buildings, and i checked the other sectors along the C row and 2 column that had buildings (and fixed a couple map problems I found) but could not find the problems you mentioned - specifically, there's nothing blocking a building on tile 14478 anywhere i checked.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Fri, 23 Feb 2018 18:39:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Pardon me, its Sector C3, checked it another time, there is definitely something blocking the way on tile 14478, cursor transforms to red [x], pc takes long way around the building through door in SW wall, cant Alt+T(eleport) PC on tile in cheat mode. western room "inaccessable" was exaggerated, i can jump through the window;) btw i teleported to C3 to check terrain bugs 8h01min after we killed the bandits there,

Page 19 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit they had already respawned(or whatever). Not to complain, only feedback in case not intended.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 23 Feb 2018 19:09:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Pardon me, its Sector C3,

I skipped C3 by mistake - yup, found it, a bush is in front of the door. The almost-inaccessible room will also be fixed for the next update.

Regarding re-spawning of civilian factions - I can't control how long it takes. AFAIK they are re-spawned every time you re-enter the sector (they have a lot of 'friends') regardless of what I do.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Sun, 25 Feb 2018 20:42:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message More minor/tiny stuff: picture for swiss army knife in pop up selection window on tatical for picking up items appears to show a seal 2000 or similar.

Backgrounds of several items tiny pics for that pop up window have transparency issues. Sorry, didnt write them down, too immersion killing, but will collect them if appreciated.

AN/PVS-4 NV scope(or so;) appears in BR optics and grip/lam section, perhaps related to that it allows to add a reflex sight without any exploit and takes its auto fire bonus into account when looking through the scope.

"add a reflex sight without any exploit": you can attach e.g. a 4x scope + reflex on a BR/SR, then swap the 4x scope with a 10x or any other that does not go together with a reflex by default, and the reflex sight stays on the weapon. Not sure whether the latter is data or code related, but for an/pvs-4 i guess its data. besides: Day 19 21:12; 58 shells for currently 8 commando mortars & 2x off map support from mobile militia, soon the pros will join the freaks and we go all in ;) p.s. According to BR info the range of the Insas lmg is 700m, while even all full size lmgs

Page 20 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit have lower range.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 25 Feb 2018 22:38:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you. I appreciate all reports like this, and will fix these issues (if I can!).

The Swiss Army Knife glitch may be the issue I've been searching for with that! Y'see, in Map Editor it will crash the Map Editor most times (not all) when selected.

I added some more Incompatible Attachments recently - I'll check if I added that particular one.

Ouch! With that artillery you should be able to 'paint the town red with the enemy's blood' in Meduna!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Tue, 27 Feb 2018 13:03:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sig SG 540: range of 500m appears quite high for a 5.56 AR, when e.g. younger brother SG 550 and others have more conventional 380m assigned, difference has probably impact on item balance, so i guess not intended. Found more when scrolling through BR, so probably non complete list of AR with remarkably high range: AEK-973, AK 101/2/3/4/5/7/8, AN-94, SAR 21 MMS

The way to the palace, or wherever she is, will probably be harder than the actual sector itself, without their self replenishing shell supply for off map support i would not use militia at all. However the artillery will only fire if: Spy1 fais to kill the queen with neurotoxin darts AND the rc explosives she and others placed before that (and which go off in that case) do not create a line of fire on the queen for the 5 snipers, AND spy2 fails to place the TT3-kabloiiie-day-packs next to the queen & way to hideout, and is either forced to trigger his suicide vest or, in quite unlikely case no alarm was raised, has left zone of destruction, unless "someone" with trigger and knowledge of code decides to "deviate from the plan" :D

Well in a few days i will see how much of the plan(and my mercs) survive contact with the enemy.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10

Page 21 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 02 Mar 2018 06:25:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:AND spy2 fails to place the TT3-kabloiiie-day-packs next to the queen & way to hideout, and is either forced to trigger his suicide vest

Who's the lucky Merc with the suicide vest?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Sat, 03 Mar 2018 14:37:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I got a 100% repeatable (7 attempts with AI_r675, AI_r679 and stock 7609 exe): assertion failure [line 896 in function PrepareEnemyForSectorBattle in file queen command.cpp ... (ubNumelites) !=(0) but they should be equal on entering Estoni

Could resolve the issue by delaying travel for 1h so the composition of enemies in Estoni changed and since i guess its probably not related to the mods data changes (got uncountable crashes on sector entry over the years without paing much attention on error message;) i did not bother to upld a save, but will gladly do so if requested.

Regarding who will wear the vest, thats most likely Frank. (in case check sabercathost[dot]com/dxYn/SavedGames.rar, leads to freeze, use old 7609 or AI_r679 exe to prevent that)

Ulla is best option as spy1, Lore and Marie as reserve, Frank is my 1st choice for spy2, Lore, Marie, Rudi and Gerd as reserve. All are athletic&covert_ops/spy etc imps with (imagined) anarchist background, which imo gives them a higher chance(i roll a D20 to determine such stuff, rng rulez ;) to do the job as i could ever imagine for Guido, respectively the person thats behind his voiceset.

Hasta siempre!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 03 Mar 2018 17:27:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:I got a 100% repeatable (7 attempts with AI_r675, AI_r679 and stock 7609 exe):

Page 22 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit assertion failure [line 896 in function PrepareEnemyForSectorBattle in file queen command.cpp ... (ubNumelites) !=(0) but they should be equal on entering Estoni

Could resolve the issue by delaying travel for 1h so the composition of enemies in Estoni changed and since i guess its probably not related to the mods data changes

I checked what I could think of as far as mod changes - and could find nothing out of the ordinary. If any of the coders have an idea of what I could check, please let me know.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 04 Mar 2018 09:21:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There was a bug with ubNumelites in older builds which was fixed in r6475. This was about Mike and Iggy who don't get the "SOLDIER_CLASS_ELITE" flag. Do you have more named NPCs fighting for Deidranna in groups of enemy soldiers? Maybe Sevenfm can take a look at that part of the code if there are more options for this problem to occur.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 04 Mar 2018 17:36:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: There was a bug with ubNumelites in older builds which was fixed in r6475. This was about Mike and Iggy who don't get the "SOLDIER_CLASS_ELITE" flag. Do you have more named NPCs fighting for Deidranna in groups of enemy soldiers? Maybe Sevenfm can take a look at that part of the code if there are more options for this problem to occur.

Thanks for the reply. No, I don't have any more named NPCs fighting for Deidranna.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 04 Mar 2018 18:22:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Update 2 to AV v1.10 is now available. It includes Update 1 so if you missed that one, no worries. The combined Update fixes a couple typos in Items.XML, fixes a lot of item descriptions that were too long, tweaks 33 Map Sectors and fixes a few missing wall sections in 3 of them, adds balloon text to more civilian factions, adds more variety to militia and enemy profiles, makes further headway into the transition from NAS to (N)CAF for weapon attachments adds 25 new Items, tweaks some MERC gear kits, fixes all reported bugs/glitches, and includes Sevenfm's latest

Page 23 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit available executable (r679). It does includes a few more things/fixes I've forgotten at the moment

It is a zip file. Simply unzip into your main game folder overwriting all files. If you've changed JA2_Options.INI you will want to save your file elsewhere during the install, and then copy it back.

It is available at the usual place - the Download page of the blog.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Mon, 05 Mar 2018 13:33:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message A disarmed mine appears to be not completely disarmed, if i put it on the ground the program asks me whether want to disarm it again. If a merc does that with a smoke grenade, the smoke grenade will trigger smoke when unsuccessfully disarmed the 1st time as one would expect, but on the 2nd disarm when picked up from the ground and unsuccessfully disarmed, it will detonate. Checked with r679 and old 7609 exe, happens both times so i guess its not related to Sevens exe.

Not sure whether that is unintended or a countermeasure to prevent the exploit of risk free explosives trraining, in which case it makes little sense as: a) no 2nd disarm if we place the mine instantly again b) the games otherwise imo stupid function "let me put it into one of your iventory slots where you most likely dont want it, so you will never play with inventory manipulation costs" will put it into the empty slot of abundant lbe where you can keep it for the next training session. (unless there is also the need to disarm the LBE when its picked up, didnt check;)

Apparently entities in the game now care about cleve b, at least loyalty dropped when we killed him, which is kind of tradition for me, of same reason why the devs made calvin as he is. So i would like to suggest giving him his old "town does not care" status back.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 05 Mar 2018 15:38:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Apparently entities in the game now care about cleve b, at least loyalty dropped when we killed him,

Page 24 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Who, what, where is Cleve B?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Mon, 05 Mar 2018 16:07:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Calvin Barkmore represents Cleve Mark Blakemore, a [put your favourite expression here] person that worked for some time with the devs of JA2, and for some reason which may become clear when you read some of his posts on the web, someone on or the whole team decided to put him in the game as the only head miner with "town does not care" flag.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 05 Mar 2018 16:13:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message OK, I forgot that Calvin was a parody of Cleve . . . so I got confused. Yeah, I put him in the "Miners" group.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 05 Mar 2018 16:25:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:A disarmed mine appears to be not completely disarmed, if i put it on the ground the program asks me whether want to disarm it again. If a merc does that with a smoke grenade, the smoke grenade will trigger smoke when unsuccessfully disarmed the 1st time as one would expect, but on the 2nd disarm when picked up from the ground and unsuccessfully disarmed, it will detonate. Checked with r679 and old 7609 exe, happens both times so i guess its not related to Sevens exe.

I don't know what I did to change this behaviour . . . so I'll have to investigate.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Mon, 05 Mar 2018 19:27:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Update 2 may be partially incompatible to saves created with older AV 1.10+update1 install:

Page 25 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit If i click on BR -> "guns" page it either gives me black screen which then goes into windowed, or screen freezes when showing the green indicators for the loading progress of "guns" page. One freeze was so severe that it even prevetend the taskmanager to go on top (i get these quite rarely, literally only in JA2) and required to go standy with function keys, on wakeup i usually get task manager(else escalate to hibernation)

Issue does not occur if i start a new game and quickcheck(with cheat) BRs "guns" page, so my personal changes on ini and xml (0% camo for Kevlar leather jacket; TRG22 accepts silencer ...) should be excluded as reason, i.e. didnt remove them for another test yet, thought it would be better to report the issue asap in case its related to data in update2 and take the blame in case of layer 8 error.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 05 Mar 2018 19:36:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hmmm. I just went into BR>Guns (and every other BR page) without a problem (not a new game). Your changes to INI & XML shouldn't affect it - I'd guess it has something to do with the executable and your graphics card, maybe? Does it happen with Sevenfm's r675 or r666?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Mon, 05 Mar 2018 19:56:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Happens with old 7609 exe and r679, r666, didnt go back further, also dont think its gpu related, typical JA2 freeze, encountered many times, most iirc in UC 1.13 r4552/3,

Will restore a AV 1.10+upd1 install, triple confirm its free of the issue, if so install upd2 in parts with repeated checks to find the culprit, so report may take some time.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Tue, 06 Mar 2018 11:30:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I must apologize[ducks behind cover], messed up the install of update2 which was done selective to prevent overwriting all the files which i had tinkered with, i.e. most likely the graphics file respectively frame(s) in sti for one or more new guns at BR site were missing.

Page 26 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by grodrigues on Tue, 06 Mar 2018 11:54:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Have the same problem as townltu: new, clean install with a couple of overrides in the profiles (ja2_options merge file, backgrounds and skill_settings). Start a new game at novice, make 10 imps, rush to Drassen. Open the BR page, and in the rifle section at the 9th or 10th page (after the remington 700's), black screen and freeze. Every other BR page works fine, and I have experienced no other errors, so I am suspecting the problem is on your end -- or on my end, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what I did wrong in the install if anything. This did *not* happened in the previous update1 version.

I am on arch linux, running ja2 via wine, but I guess this has nothing to do with the problem (I have concurrent installs of aimnas, uc and afs all working just fine) -- although I understand if you tell me that there is nothing you can do, as you do not have a way to test linux installs or something like that.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Tue, 06 Mar 2018 13:50:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message My conclusion about .sti not overwritten as reason for freeze may have been too fast, as i also get freeze with an out of the box install of AV 1.10 + update1 and update2 (i know that update2 contains update1, but just in case wanted identical conditions for install&saves), and the freeze does not occur if i install update1 again, overwriting files of update2, which gives me the (again perhaps wrong) conclusion thats its related to data in update2.

The different point of freeze may be explained if arch linux does not pre-read data on HDD, so it occurs later when the page with missing/bad pic for gun goes on screen.

If entry in items.xml named ..... refers to \data-AV\bigitems\[name].sti, AND that file is required, the Rossi R92 .357 (uiIndex 1294) may be a culprit, as there is no 591.sti in AV 1.10 and update1&2, also if so Rossi R92 in .454 casull points to non existing 592.sti, but i am not firm enough in ja2 file structure, only a theory. Will find out soon after also getting my changes transfed into the now 3rd AV1.10 install, but again thought better get out info asap.

------p.s. copied gun963.sti as gun961.sti and gun962.sti to \data-av\bigItems folder of an AV 1.10 + update1&2 install, freeze does not occur with specific savegame on access of BRs "guns" page, also all other BR pages did not cause a freeze, so i guess those 2 missing files were the reason.

Page 27 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Perhapy not 100% proof of no more similar error(s) as some item(s) may not have been availably at BR.

Besides, Rossi r92 .357, Rossi R92 .454, Ruger 99/44 deerfield, Ruger 77/357 and Hi Point 4095 appear 1st in both generic "guns" and "rifles" lists, instead where their names would suggest in alphabetial sorted list.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Tue, 06 Mar 2018 15:50:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:If entry in items.xml named ..... refers to \data-AV\bigitems\[name].sti, AND that file is required, the Rossi R92 .357 (uiIndex 1294) may be a culprit, as there is no 591.sti in AV 1.10 and update1&2, also if so Rossi R92 in .454 casull points to non existing 592.sti,

Darn it all! My apologies for messing that up - Update 2 is indeed missing 591.sti & 592.sti, and that would indeed crash the game anytime the large picture of those two weapons are to be displayed (such as in Bobby Ray's).

Here they are for download, simply unzip and place in the ../Data-AV/BigItems folder.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Thu, 08 Mar 2018 10:35:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sector D7: roof tiles of the explored barn do not disappear, same for the building in D8.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Thu, 08 Mar 2018 16:00:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: Sector D7: roof tiles of the explored barn do not disappear, same for the building in D8.

Got it, thanks!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Sun, 11 Mar 2018 08:19:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 28 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit HK 21e has a max counterforce modifier of 95% for prone by default, think thats for built in bipod, and it accepts a grippod. Grippod itself may be ok but its counterforce modifier for prone adds up with what i think is bonus from built in bipod.

Not sure whether its intended that the SSG 2000 has an extraordinary accuracy of 97, stands out among all other 7.62x51 SRs. (Dimitri&Elroy really like the one they share;)

HK MSG90A1 performance does not match its price, 50% above PSG1 although its military variant, designed for more cost effective mass production.

Some ammo does not transform into crates, as far as i could see: .30 car ball/hp/ap, .30-06 ball/ap/ap-match/?, 38 spcl hp/?, 7.5x54 ball/ap/?, 7,62x25 ap/?, 7.62+39 all, 7,62x54r all, 7,92x57 all(not even into boxes), .32 ACP b/g/jhp/? They require more inventory space for transport, especially with vehicles, effectively hampering large scale use of related weapons with high ammo consumption like the M53 Sarac lmg.

Besides, the jeep reliably appears every time i "discover" a mine in Estoni, and always disappears on loading the save. I thought how cool it would be if the jeep was a respawning explosive with rc detonator attached, and remembered a possible link to the Wardens Jeep(glitch does not occur if Jeep is dismissed) so will place activated RC explosives inside the Jeep on next visit in Tixa and check if explosion can be triggered in Estoni when jeep has spawned :D

p.s. Every time i switch an attached underbarrel flashlight to ON, batteries spawn in player inventory/on the ground.

AN/PVS-4 nv scope has weird attachment rule exception which also allows exploit, i guess because of same reason which makes it appear in BR grip/lam section instead of only in optics?

Adding reflex sight to weapon with medium to high power scope was possible before last(?) update, now not, (although many scope pics show rail which would make reflex sight logical and keep balance if reflex sight only provides bonus when selected via [ctrl]+[.] menu)

Page 29 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit but an attached AN/PVS-4 allows to add reflex/prismatic sight, then swap the AN/PVS-4 afterwards with a scope that is now incompartible with reflex sight.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 11 Mar 2018 15:34:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you, I'll check those items.

Ammo not transforming into crates is intentional - as in, I had to make room in Magazines.XML for additional ammo types. It was either eliminate the crate size or spend a few weeks moving references in Items.XML, and then spend a few months fixing the errors that popped up from moving the references.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Tue, 20 Mar 2018 17:32:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I get "assertion failure [line 6058 in file items.cpp] ... A default attachment could not be attached after merging, this should not be possible" if i try to switch a laser sight on that is attached to a Sig P210-5 pistol.

It will not occur on all other weapons i use&checked so far(~20-30?) also it does not lead to crash if i attach the laser sight to the P210-5 after it was already switched on when still seperated. btw the Sig P210-5 has a slot for a retractable stock, perhaps related symptom or even reason for this crash?.

Checked only with ai_r685 exe, because i can only imagine it to be data related. besides i am at long process of defending constant attacks on sam sites, Estoni and B13/C13 while waiting for 2 full stacks of elite militia to complete in Estoni and central sam, (i lock them away from battles, else the losses would make it even much longer) and stocking precious equipment for them in containers of both sectors. Shell count is near 140 as i happened to "find" more mortar rounds which were dropped into a closed container to prevent access for enemies if they take the sector, but it also hides them in sector inventory.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Tue, 20 Mar 2018 18:54:37 GMT

Page 30 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:A default attachment could not be attached after merging, this should not be possible" if i try to switch a laser sight on that is attached to a Sig P210-5 pistol.

It will not occur on all other weapons i use&checked so far(~20-30?) also it does not lead to crash if i attach the laser sight to the P210-5 after it was already switched on when still seperated. btw the Sig P210-5 has a slot for a retractable stock, perhaps related symptom or even reason for this crash?.

Hmm. Neither of the default attachments should interfere with the laser sight. I noticed the erroneous retractable stock attachment after the last update - delete " 137438953472 " from Item 716 (Sig P210-5) in Items.xml and it will be gone. That also shouldn't cause a problem, but let me know if it fixes the issue.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Wed, 21 Mar 2018 08:01:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Deleting the P210-5`s attachment slot for the stock does not prevent crash when switching laser sight on.

p.s. Crash also occurs on same procedure with lam-200. p.p.s Same crash when laser is attached to M25.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Thu, 22 Mar 2018 12:18:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Encountered a strange bug unknown to me and no hits on forum search, probably not mod related but because it occured in AV 1.10 and the mod is required to load the saves, i decided to post it here:

Loaded D13 after some time, instantly got the "Static is dead" message and linked audio, Igors portrait popped up with lines from Static who simultaneausly died. Reloaded and noticed Statics portrait is greyed out, like in ~ 10 other saves, use of any will result in Static dying as soon as i zoom into D13.

Page 31 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Happens with both 7609 and ai_r685 exe(think i just heard a sigh of relief;), in case somebody wants to take a look: The archive also contains last save before Statics portrait turned darker, but i could not reproduce his sudden death. At least it proves that he didnt take any overdose which may have explained his death. pls note that this is not an emergency call for help, probably corrected it successfully without need to replay a dozen battles by pasting some bytes from save88 into the last one.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by 69 on Fri, 23 Mar 2018 14:07:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I can play aright with 7609 on win10 but after i copy paste the AV mod file into the game and start the game with the ja2-7609en_AI_r618 this graphic glitch shows up. File Attachments 1) 28947881_1367656736714280_7382211860663310456_o.jpg, downloaded 162 times

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Sun, 25 Mar 2018 16:49:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 50 round cardboard box of 7.62x54r has a weight of 1.50kg assigned (since a single round is about 22-24g, that could even be lowered by 100-200g ;) but the belt boxes for PK mg family with 200 rounds have only 1.6kg assigned, should be either 8kg for standard or 6.2kg for the leightweight box.

Dont want to annoy you but no box or crate for ammo than can be expected to be commonly used, like e.g. the 7.92x57mm mauser ammo, or at lesser degree no crate for the huge numbers of 7.62x39 (in latter case better replace box with crate since 75 rd drum also offers to transport decent numbers)

Page 32 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit puts a disadvantage on all 7.62WP weapons to use in big quantitiy for militia and M53 Sarac mg and even Zastave SR to a lesser degree for PCs. btw MG3/MG53 should imo accept sight attachments for realism and balance reasons.

Btw did i get that right that you always revamp multiple xml files when you add new ammo type/mag sizes? Perhaps create some e.g. open office calc sheets to import(<-macro) the xmls, and set references to update related entries in the other sheets, which then should be possible to be exported as xml useable txt (did that with raw hex values only, but txt shouldnt be too difficult) this will cause one big time effort, but make follow up edits in OO calc rather comfortable and quite failsafe.

In few cases, the pockets of e.g. Tims Pack appear to accept more content than bigger pockets of e.g. Tims Backpack, not valid for long rifle with suppressoor but e.g. most if not all lbe vests, tims pack itself, perhaps more.

Ran into another assertion failure: [line 194 in function NumEnemiesInAnySector in file Queen Command.cpp] ... (sSectorX) > (maximum_valid_x_coordinate) but should not be less than equal.

At that point Gaston had a weird entry in assignment column, may be connected to above crash, and his portrait was completely dark when selecting him, which also caused a crash with different error message: pls also note the green stat numbers, for several (ingame-)hours the program failed to turn increased stat numbers back to grey, but it works as intended if attributes are increased above the green number. Suspected the copy of Static(see post above) to have triggered this, but according to old saves some PCs increased stats after that without the weird effect.

Regarding campaign progress, we are at Day 30 16:45, militia equipment will be completely shipped to forward base before sundown, then brute force blitz to Meduna, eta at P3 is <6h due to hummer, rangers and last not least forced turns;)

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 25 Mar 2018 17:17:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Dont want to annoy you but no box or crate for ammo than can be expected to be

Page 33 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit commonly used, like e.g. the 7.92x57mm mauser ammo, or at lesser degree no crate for the huge numbers of 7.62x39 (in latter case better replace box with crate since 75 rd drum also offers to transport decent numbers)

I started removing crates in order to make room for different ammo types (Match, Ball, etc - type depending on caliber). I always thought crates of ammo to be a bit of overkill, so expect all crates to disapear at some point. On 7.92x57mm ammo I removed the boxes to make room for belts of ammo (that had the same number of rounds as the boxes) for the LMG I added. Since you mentioned it before I have eliminated a post-1999 ammo caliber to make room for 7.92x57mm boxes - but that has not been released yet in an update. I will keep boxes for every ammo caliber and type.

Quote:btw MG3/MG53 should imo accept sight attachments for realism and balance reasons.

Good point.

Quote:Btw did i get that right that you always revamp multiple xml files when you add new ammo type/mag sizes?

Yes, and graphic files, as well. Previous ammo changes have caused a lot of grief and wasted time - at the moment I do not want to modify too much in this area as it will take up too much of my time. There are some other things I want to get done, and have wanted to do for a long time - so those things (such as more in-country recruitables) are a higher priority right now.

Quote:In few cases, the pockets of e.g. Tims Pack appear to accept more content than bigger pockets of e.g. Tims Backpack, not valid for long rifle with suppressoor but e.g. most if not all lbe vests, tims pack itself, perhaps more.

I'll check that.

Quote:Ran into another assertion failure:

Those are weird bugs that I haven't seen before - but I will check on it as far as I am able.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 25 Mar 2018 17:30:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: I can play aright with 7609 on win10 but after i copy paste the AV mod file into the game and start the game with the ja2-7609en_AI_r618

Page 34 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit this graphic glitch shows up.

Attachment: 28947881_1367656736714280_7382211860663310456_o.jpg

Does that continue after the splash screen? Have you tried other resolutions? What resolution are you using?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Adrion on Tue, 27 Mar 2018 09:10:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello a few bugs Carlos doesn't want to join. Miguel joins but Carlos is not

The same problem with Brenda. I gave her a video tape and nothing happened. Also Hans doesn't have a dialogue with Brenda.

Sector A10: the box blocks way to the headquarters of rebels(screen 1) Manuel has the Ballester molina pistol that causes crash if you open its description

Sector G6 error (screen 2)

A scope 4x can be attached together with a reflex sight (screen 3) File Attachments 1) 1.jpg, downloaded 133 times 2) 2.png, downloaded 143 times 3) 3.png, downloaded 150 times

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Tue, 27 Mar 2018 16:35:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Something is definitely amiss in your game, and I am at a loss to explain it. Carlos has never not joined for me unless I lost control of A9 Omerta to the enemies - then none of the Rebels will join, though I suppose if you have already recruited one or some then the rest won't join but you'll keep the ones previously recruited.

Brenda & Hans dialogue sometimes does not execute, but if the Pantsuit Loretta tape is given to her she will do her bit and walk to her house (after that you can recruit her). At that point Hans does reply as normal and lets you in to see Tony. I haven't had that fail - only the interaction between Hans and Brenda has failed for me.

Page 35 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit In Sector A10 the entrance to the basement is just to the left of that crate. The only times I have seen it disappear is if I killed Dimitri, killed one of the other rebels, or the Fatima script failed.

The Ballister-Molina did have a problem in the base v1.10, but was fixed in the Update. Did you download the Update?

Sector G6 is indeed an error in MovementCosts.xml. Thank you for reporting it. Sector G6 needs the value GROUNDBARRIER for the tag, and Sector F6 needs the value GROUNDBARRIER for the tag. There is no travel between those two sectors because of the mountains.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Adrion on Tue, 27 Mar 2018 17:26:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Carlos is fine. it's my fault. A9 was captured again.

I installed the update 2. Maybe I need to start a new game. I started playing this mod with the update 1.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:59:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:I installed the update 2. Maybe I need to start a new game. I started playing this mod with the update 1.

Starting a new game is always the best way, but probably not necessary, I have a running campaign started with base v1.10 with each of the updates (and the third update not yet released) added during play without any problems (so far). I have Manuel and his Ballister-Molina, but I don't recall if I recruited him before or after the Update.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Wed, 28 Mar 2018 18:04:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Greetings fellow allies

I installed the 2 updates in my AV 1.10 game and after a lot of tweaking it plays nicely. I do have one question though concerning the Miners. There is a text file explaining things about new recruits. If i hire the miners, don't i get a 50% production penalty ? In the JA2 Options there should be a mine_no_foreman_penalty = 50 option, no ? I cannot find it. i looked in both 1.13 Data and AV Data. If such option exists, where is it located ? Or i can just hire miners without a penalty in

Page 36 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit mine production ?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 28 Mar 2018 20:41:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:I installed the 2 updates in my AV 1.10 game and after a lot of tweaking it plays nicely. I do have one question though concerning the Miners. There is a text file explaining things about new recruits. If i hire the miners, don't i get a 50% production penalty ? In the JA2 Options there should be a mine_no_foreman_penalty = 50 option, no ? I cannot find it. i looked in both 1.13 Data and AV Data. If such option exists, where is it located ? Or i can just hire miners without a penalty in mine production ?

As far as I know that option is only in Vengeance Reloaded, not 1.13, AV, or other mods. Therefore, no penalty for hiring the miners.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Thu, 29 Mar 2018 00:53:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello ED

Yes, that option does indeed exist in VR and for that very reason i was searching the AV Options. I was expecting to find it since i thought that it is part of the 1.13. It's good to know that there will be no penalty for hiring miners. Thank you very much for the quick reply, you're my hero

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Thu, 29 Mar 2018 03:34:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sup, edmortimer!

Not sure if this is the topic for suggestions, but if I could ask for something would be for more weapons and items in your mod (especially gun attachments). I used to play AIMNAS years ago and since Big Maps project still isn't finished I'm moving to your mod, but I really miss the diversity in weapons and weapons attachments from AIMNAS. I was trying to add some in by myself and even pm Smeagol asking if I could use some of his stuff in your mod (making a small submod of my own to share here), but since XML Editor is broken by now I really don't think I'm up for the task anymore.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Thu, 29 Mar 2018 23:01:47 GMT

Page 37 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I get the message "Enemy found soldier in handcuffs! Alert!" in sector O3 after entering it the 1st time and just passing my forced turn. (i.e. none of my mercs moved or has been spotted, radios are off)

Not sure if intended or perhaps related to exe, but at least the behaviour appears limited to Meduna, (we jammed signalks in N5, N4 and N3, so perhaps i just did not notice it before) as it was not reproduceable in a completely untouched Grumm.

Dont know whether it always worked that way for meduna, if introduced by your mod i say well done, the reinforcements on next turn will give a hard time for teams without radio operator;) Unfortunately it does not work in realtime.

In case it should not work that way, note that you get the message only with AI_r686 exe or later version, but its appears to work the same with AI_r685.exe, only the feedback is missing. Note also it does not occur with classic 7609 exe, which may point to AI_exe as culprit.

Besides a map flaw: Sector N4, small building in NE corner is missing a wall on tile 4572.

Also noticed(quite late) that my Bombardiers "Artillerist(a)" background provides -40% APs needed for Mortars thats 2x higher than the bonus from her Bombardier specialization. Think the background should stay well below the bonus from hvy weapons skill. (she could constanly launch 4 shells/turn, if 2 mules hand her the reloaded mortars. For 37 turns ;)

Regarding the campaign Just took N3 on day 31 at 4:45am, 7h26m/11battles/317enemies+2militia_dead after we left Estoni with plan to reach P3 befor the sun goes up, nearly failed as commanding officer once again;) realized too late that the icecream truck cant move from M6 to N6, strike team had to drop in Tixa and get the Wardens jeep to meet with truck in M6, one militia stack was left behind so we could stay in time, turned out to make no difference, as off map support from 30 elites is already op(they fire 4 shells for 3 turns :o ) and with the jeep we will have all those implements of destruction at our disposal in P3.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Thu, 29 Mar 2018 23:22:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 38 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit townltu wrote on Fri, 30 March 2018 04:01I get the message "Enemy found soldier in handcuffs! Alert!" in sector O3 after entering it the 1st time and just passing my forced turn. (i.e. none of my mercs moved or has been spotted, radios are off) Can you send me a save before entering the sector please? Enemy raises alert when he sees POW (captured soldier), the message was added in one of the recent versions to provide some information to player on what happens and what caused enemy to raise alert (found corpse, pow, active mine, sees smoke or too many friends killed).

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 30 Mar 2018 03:07:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Besides a map flaw: Sector N4, small building in NE corner is missing a wall on tile 4572.

Also noticed(quite late) that my Bombardiers "Artillerist(a)" background provides -40% APs needed for Mortars

Thsnk you, i'll fix both of those.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Fri, 30 Mar 2018 07:35:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message sevenfm wrote on Fri, 30 March 2018 02:22... Can you send me a save before entering the sector please? ... Of course, pls read the .txt file thats contained in the archive

p.s. just entered O3 in realtime to prevent alert, but message also pops up when i hit [D] and let my turn pass. (pretty sure yesterday it did not in realtime) p.p.s. no alert message in realtime mode when entering O3 for the 2nd time, in same way as above.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Fri, 30 Mar 2018 17:28:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 39 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit townltu wrote on Fri, 30 March 2018 12:35Of course, pls read the .txt file thats contained in the archive Cannot download anything from this link, it doesn't work for me. Can you upload the file to something more convenient like dropbox or simply send the file by mail?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Sat, 31 Mar 2018 04:19:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I think cammo is a little overpowered right now (not sure in AV or 1.13). Every time an enemy lies on the floor, either by going prone or falling after being shooted, he become almost invisible. It can be very annoying sometimes and feels very unrealistc. Instead of explaining everything, I took some screenshots to showcase a litte. I'm convinced that cammo may need some tweeks and maybe a nerf.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 31 Mar 2018 05:14:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes. I have been reducing cover variables in every update. They'll be lower still in the next update this weekend.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Sat, 31 Mar 2018 09:12:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Also I have two bugs. Like I said, still early in the game and just got my first Bobby Ray shipment and both bugs relate to this (or at least I think they do):

- When I opened the shipment box my merc told me some items was missing, so time for the best part of the game, right? I confronted Pablo, he said the usual stuff "wasn't me, man" etc, then I punched him in the face... and he just reply "What's wrong with you?" and him and all civilians go hostile. I tried with different mercs, same result. Wasn't him suppose to chicken out?

- Now the disturbing one. I'm not sure how because I only noticed when was to late, but all my ammo on that sector (Drassen Airport) just dissapeared! I happened after I received the shipment wich I removed from the box in tactical screen, but I not sure how or exactly when, so not sure if related. I oppened the shipment around 22 or 23:00 and by 00:00 autosave all my ammo from that sector already had vanished (and I was stockpiling there). I checked to see if somehow the militia didn't took it all, but they only have the ammo of their guns.

Page 40 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Sat, 31 Mar 2018 13:06:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message sevenfm wrote on Fri, 30 March 2018 20:28... Cannot download anything from this link, it doesn't work for me. Can you upload the file to something more convenient like dropbox or simply send the file by mail? Sorry, checked link in preview and it worked for me, also now. No dropbox, no attachments for mails from trashmail, again sorry.

In unlikely case of sabercat link not working for you if capsuled in bbcode: also try to r-click and "save link/target as ..."

(name sabercat made it appear appropriate to me to use for JA2 uploads, let me know if there is a better option for you, must be free and at least accept trashmail reg, better none at all

2 links for same file from other hoster:

Pls let me know if none of these options work for you.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Sat, 31 Mar 2018 13:15:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Victor_Tadeu wrote on Sat, 31 March 2018 12:12... Now the disturbing one. I'm not sure how because I only noticed when was to late, but all my ammo on that sector (Drassen Airport) just dissapeared! I happened after I received the shipment wich I removed from the box in tactical screen, but I not sure how or exactly when, so not sure if related. I oppened the shipment around 22 or 23:00 and by 00:00 autosave all my ammo from that sector already had vanished (and I was stockpiling there). I checked to see if somehow the militia didn't took it all, but they only have the ammo of their guns.

Dunno about Pablos&civilians behaviour, but have possible explanation for "disappearing" stuff: The game will put all just created ammo crates/boxes, etc!, on the tile where the active/selected merc is standing, AND the game will put the items into a container if the container is on the same tile as the merc, facing the container. (thats afaik only possible for the small boards usually found in bathroom/toilet) AND the items teleported that way into a closed container will disappear from sector inventory and also not be shown ingame on sector map when the cursor hovers over the board.

So check the containers!

Page 41 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Needless to say i demand 3% provision for the info if it leads to recovering the ammo! ;) pls put it into any of the (closed!) containers of the toilets in Franks bar in San Mona, so i can pick it up during my next playthrough.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Sat, 31 Mar 2018 13:28:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message townltu wrote on Sat, 31 March 2018 18:062 links for same file from other hoster: It worked, thank you!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 31 Mar 2018 14:04:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:- When I opened the shipment box my merc told me some items was missing, so time for the best part of the game, right? I confronted Pablo, he said the usual stuff "wasn't me, man" etc, then I punched him in the face... and he just reply "What's wrong with you?" and him and all civilians go hostile. I tried with different mercs, same result. Wasn't him suppose to chicken out?

He's supposed to chicken out - but only if he stole the items. This disappearing shipments bug has harassed me for quite some time - I stopped trying to get a coder to look at it a long time ago. However, since it is an intermittent bug I have been waiting to see if my workaround is effective -- check the lockers at grid numbers 13471 and 10112. I set them as the destinations for Pablo's stolen items and for lost shipments, respectively. Other than that - I am at a loss myself.

Quote:Now the disturbing one. I'm not sure how because I only noticed when was to late, but all my ammo on that sector (Drassen Airport) just disappeared! I happened after I received the shipment which I removed from the box in tactical screen, but I not sure how or exactly when, so not sure if related. I opened the shipment around 22 or 23:00 and by 00:00 autosave all my ammo from that sector already had vanished (and I was stockpiling there). I checked to see if somehow the militia didn't took it all, but they only have the ammo of their guns.

I've never had something as complete as all of a specific type of item (ammo) disappear, but the game seems to regularly lose track of inventory items - and even replace some items with other items of the same type. Again, this type of bug is intermittent, and evidently is a problem of badly written code, IIRC - though I forget exactly why it happens. Perhaps a coder will take a look as it is related to the code and not my modifications.

Page 42 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Sat, 31 Mar 2018 18:18:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Sat, 31 March 2018 11:04Quote:- When I opened the shipment box my merc told me some items was missing, so time for the best part of the game, right? I confronted Pablo, he said the usual stuff "wasn't me, man" etc, then I punched him in the face... and he just reply "What's wrong with you?" and him and all civilians go hostile. I tried with different mercs, same result. Wasn't him suppose to chicken out?

He's supposed to chicken out - but only if he stole the items. This disappearing shipments bug has harassed me for quite some time - I stopped trying to get a coder to look at it a long time ago. However, since it is an intermittent bug I have been waiting to see if my workaround is effective -- check the lockers at grid numbers 13471 and 10112. I set them as the destinations for Pablo's stolen items and for lost shipments, respectively. Other than that - I am at a loss myself.

Well, you was right, the missing items are in grid 13471. I'm not sure, but since I already had that locker open when the items moved there so they went to my sector inventory even before I opened the shipment crate can it be causing the Pablo bug of not chicken out? Anyway, no longer a big deal since I got my stuff anyway. Quicksave, kill Pablo in a some weird painful way, reload, get creative about killing him, reload, punch him to death, reload, and repeat some times. He may never realized it but he will be punished!

Now, about the ammo... townltu wrote on Sat, 31 March 2018 10:15Victor_Tadeu wrote on Sat, 31 March 2018 12:12... Now the disturbing one. I'm not sure how because I only noticed when was to late, but all my ammo on that sector (Drassen Airport) just dissapeared! I happened after I received the shipment wich I removed from the box in tactical screen, but I not sure how or exactly when, so not sure if related. I oppened the shipment around 22 or 23:00 and by 00:00 autosave all my ammo from that sector already had vanished (and I was stockpiling there). I checked to see if somehow the militia didn't took it all, but they only have the ammo of their guns.

Dunno about Pablos&civilians behaviour, but have possible explanation for "disappearing" stuff: The game will put all just created ammo crates/boxes, etc!, on the tile where the active/selected merc is standing, AND the game will put the items into a container if the container is on the same tile as the merc, facing the container. (thats afaik only possible for the small boards usually found in bathroom/toilet) AND the items teleported that way into a closed container will disappear from sector inventory and also not be shown ingame on sector map when the cursor hovers over the board.

So check the containers!

Needless to say i demand 3% provision for the info if it leads to recovering the ammo! ;) pls put it into any of the (closed!) containers of the toilets in Franks bar in San Mona, so i can pick it up during my next playthrough.

Page 43 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I think this was an insight. I did had a save from just before I opened the shipment box and the ammo already had vanished, so it had nothing to do with the shipment. It probably happened just after the combat I just had repelling some enemy forces. Fortunely I didn't moved my mercs much after the combat so I could check their positions to see if they are next to any crate where my ammo could went and... oh-oh. While I know I did used the sorting inventory after the battle, I dodn't know with wich merc selected, but I noticed something: some of my mercs was in waist high water or at least near it when combat ended. So I did a little testing using the inventory in strategic screen while a merc was in the water and, BANG, stuff disappeared. While I cannot be sure if this is what happened but it's possible since it produced pretty similar results of a LOT of things missing suddenly. But it still is strange that ALL AMMO, every single bit, disappeared. Some other less important stuff may had vanished with it and I just didn't noticed tough.

Soooo... towltu, I accept your 3% offer and double it plus a scuba mask if you can check out this stink stale water puddle botton for me!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 31 Mar 2018 18:41:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Well, you was right, the missing items are in grid 13471. I'm not sure, but since I already had that locker open when the items moved there so they went to my sector inventory even before I opened the shipment crate can it be causing the Pablo bug of not chicken out?

Good, I'm glad. That is the first confirmation that it is indeed a bug with Pablo knowing he has stolen the items. The new destination for the items should not be interfering with his script as the destination is definable in Mod_Settings.ini (unless, of course, the definable option code is bugged - but no, it happened before I defined it, nevermind).

Also, thanks to Townltu and you for confirming the disappearing inventory mechanism -- I will pay closer attention to that in my own games!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:23:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message AV v1.10 Update 3 is now available. It addresses all the issues brought up by Players (thanks to everyone who reported problems), a few more items, 46 tweaked map sectors, some tweaks to Merc Starting Gear, reduced cover and camo system variables (let me know if they need further reduction), a few speech file fixes, most of the tripwire grenades now have their own graphic to differentiate them from non-tripwire grenades, two new backgrounds (Pickpocket and Magician (the sleight of hand type)), and more tweaking of combat variables. Update 3 contains Update 1 & 2, and also contains Sevenfm's latest executable: r688. It is savegame compatible with one exception - I made it possible to take the items out of the recruited Terrorists' lockers without

Page 44 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit turning T-Rex's militia hostile, but that will only take effect in a new game, not a savegame (but otherwise won't interfere with a savegame). The Update is available on the Downloads Page of the blog.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Mon, 02 Apr 2018 10:21:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ah, speaking about update, edmortimer, I would like to thank you for your work in this mod and talk a little how I feel about it because I like to spit out stupid things to try to encourage someone to keep doing something I like.

I played JA2 for many years but stopped playing it for many years and it already was dead to me but not forgotten. I kept playing many strategic-squad-like games until this day but none ever really felt an improvement over JA2, some are nice but never like the JA2 1.13 AIMNAS I used to play and remember. So the last X-Com game got it recent update and while a good game it doesn't struck me that hard like original X-Com, so I decided to check Xenonauts 2 progress since original Xenonauts is a better original X-Com vibe, but since it's not close to release yet it made me wish to replay original Xenonauts with X-Division mod, wich led me to wish to replay X-Com Apolaypse and while browsing for older squad games I remembered Silent Storm 2 wich made me download Hammer & Sickle (Silent Storm spinoff) wich I never finished, wich led me to remember and miss JA2 wich brought me back to this forum hoping to replay old stuff. Happily but not much for my surprise 1.13 still is receiving updates (I know those guys are machines, not people), but the real surprise was your mod. I didn't expected something that big since AIMNAS Big Maps development limbo, and while I was at the verge of downloading pretty older 1.13 builds to replay AIMNAS v21 (the last one before Big Maps), the crazy amount of text you threw in your blog made me wish to try it. I mean, as you can see I'm a man who likes unnecessary overwrited texts that should remain short, and I tought that if you wasted that amount of work and time writing all that stuff in your blog about a mod for a game that almost no one in the whole world still plays, you probably wasn't less diligent working on the mod itself, so I choosed it over older AIMNAS or any other mod here. No regrets. Patch 1.13 progress since AIMNAS v21 is great and what you made of it is even greater, so I'm glad I'm playing it. But what is better is the whole nostalgia feeling of not only replaying JA2, but to replay it with a mod in active development where I can come to the forum to bother the author with suggestions, bug reports and writing useless shit garbage about how I feel for him to read just like I used to do with Smeagol back in the old forum (and he never sent me flowers since, this old bastard). So it does feels like I did choosed to come back in a prime moment and JA2 and the whole fun I have with it never felt so much alive again thanks to you and the whole 1.13 team.

So, yeah, man, congrats and thank you for the effort you put on doing something for free for other people to enjoy that I know myself isn't easy. We will propably never met but pay yourself a beer next time you hit a bar and pretend a creepy stranger from a video game forum did it in a totally not homo way because you deserve it. Deservers the beer, I mean, not creepy strangers paying you drinks. Wait... I would kinda be happy if random strangers starts to pay my beers, so, yeah, you deserve it also, why not?

Ps: DO NOT accept drinks from creepy strangers at the bar, man, not very smart. You do looks

Page 45 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit like you bumped up your Wisdom stat over 60 so do not do that. You have a mod to do so you shouldn't be wasting any time at a bar or having fun unless it is map editting San Mona.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Adrion on Mon, 02 Apr 2018 11:37:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks for the update.

Game crashes in the Bobby ray's shop in the section of used items. If you try to switch to the eighth page of the general category. However, if the categories are viewed separately(guns, armors, etc.), everything is fine. Started a new game to check. The problem is not in the conflict between versions.

Sector D2 The way to the two lockers is blocked by the clone of the control panel File Attachments 1) 1.jpg, downloaded 101 times

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 02 Apr 2018 13:10:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: Thanks for the update.

Game crashes in the Bobby ray's shop in the section of used items. If you try to switch to the eighth page of the general category. However, if the categories are viewed separately(guns, armors, etc.), everything is fine. Started a new game to check. The problem is not in the conflict between versions.

Sector D2 The way to the two lockers is blocked by the clone of the control panel

You are welcome!

Bobby Ray always seems to have a problem with his website. He needs a better webmaster. I'll look into it - it is probably a typo on one of the new items.

Sector D2 should be fixed. I just checked the D2 map that went out with the combined Update - it was in Update 2 (date of Feb 7) - and the clone of the control panel has been deleted in that map.

Page 46 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Try unzipping the Update and extracting the D2 map again.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 02 Apr 2018 13:21:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Ah, speaking about update, edmortimer, I would like to thank you for your work in this mod and talk a little how I feel about it because I like to spit out stupid things to try to encourage someone to keep doing something I like.

LOL Thanks for the beer, man!

Any and all feedback is encouraging, especially rambling adventure stories over a beer. I'm glad you like it. I had a similar experience coming back to JA2 and seeing that v1.13 was still being updated - which prompted me to do a little modding, just a little tweak here and there, which turned into a massive mod of just about every aspect of the game that v1.13 allows you to mod. I had planned on maybe modding for a month and then playing a campaign . . . now, about two and half years in there's still a long list of things I want to mod before putting it to rest and going on to another project.

Next time you are in a bar have a beer on me!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Tue, 03 Apr 2018 10:27:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message You are welcome, man! I can count on me taking that beer!!... altough I may not remember why after some beers...

Bobby Ray is also crashing to me, but is when I try to enter the gun section. I also had a crash in a fight after one of those "item not found" message. I think there is an item causing this problem, most likely a gun. Also SIG SG 510-4 shows an autofire cost in it stats, but the weapon cannot autofire when pressing B.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Tue, 03 Apr 2018 15:14:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Also SIG SG 510-4 shows an autofire cost in it stats, but the weapon cannot autofire when pressing B.

Fixed. It is supposed to be semi-auto. The autofire cost will be gone in the next update.

Page 47 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Quote:Bobby Ray is also crashing to me, but is when I try to enter the gun section. I also had a crash in a fight after one of those "item not found" message.

OK, that gives me a better clue on what it might be . . . now if only my old brain can remember what it's trying to tell me . . .

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Tue, 03 Apr 2018 16:30:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I will try to find it myself too since it's totally forbidding from buying Bobby Rays guns (all other sections works ok but Guns crashes as soon I click it), but I think it's one of the early weapons since I only took Drassen so far and I didn't set my Bobby Rays to 10, but to 2 or 3, can't remember exactly. Before the update everything was working nice or the problem still didn't had appeared.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Tue, 03 Apr 2018 18:23:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hmmm. I just went through all of Bobby Ray's stuff without incident - though I noted a number of descriptions I have to shorten. Part of the problem of finding the offending item is that Bobby Ray's has a semi-random assortment of items depending on settings so none of us have exactly the same list. I have an idea - now, I don't use BR much in my campaigns so many game days go by between my accessing the website. Perhaps an item I changed in the update that is giving BR fits because in your game it still has a listing for the older version of the item (just a wild guess here). I wonder if you let several game days go by before accessing the website again if BR will update its stock and the problem will go away?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Tue, 03 Apr 2018 19:17:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Fixed. It is supposed to be semi-auto. The autofire cost will be gone in the next update.

Strike that - it's supposed to be selective fire even though it served as a designated marksman rifle. Will fix for next update.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Tue, 03 Apr 2018 20:45:03 GMT

Page 48 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Tue, 03 April 2018 15:23Hmmm. I just went through all of Bobby Ray's stuff without incident - though I noted a number of descriptions I have to shorten. Part of the problem of finding the offending item is that Bobby Ray's has a semi-random assortment of items depending on settings so none of us have exactly the same list. I have an idea - now, I don't use BR much in my campaigns so many game days go by between my accessing the website. Perhaps an item I changed in the update that is giving BR fits because in your game it still has a listing for the older version of the item (just a wild guess here). I wonder if you let several game days go by before accessing the website again if BR will update its stock and the problem will go away?

I tried that let 4 days run straight, still crashes when trying to open the guns. Not sure when how many days BR needs to refresh tough. I also just let the time pass by, so it didn't changed the Coolness (wich could force BR to refresh I think)?

I tried to revert to back to "vanilla" 1.10 and BR works normal. Also... it was update 3 to 1.10, right? I didn't realized there was two updates before that and I was playing the default 1.10 version. There is a place where I can download update v1 and v2? Maybe v3 is alright and the crash is caused between 1.10 and one of those two early updates.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Wed, 04 Apr 2018 00:51:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm also having another bug that is minor (since autoresolve can bypass it), but since I never had one like this, I'm reporting. I basicall have an invisible enemy. My mercs can "see" them, but they do not show neither in the map or minimap, so I cannot shoot him. He does shots, but all his shots sounds like he hit something but I never actually see the shot. I think the enemy spawn inside a tree or something like that. I'm sending a save with this bug, the enemy is somewhere near Trevor. You can also check the BR crash too in this save.

EDIT: Isn't the Aimpoint Projector attachment kinda over the top? With it 40 laser range it turns a HK rifle like the G3 a doom machine by making it super accurate at high distances even withou aiming it.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 04 Apr 2018 04:43:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Update 3 to AV 1.10 has the previous 2 updates included.

I'll keep looking for that reclacitrant item - my BR must not have it in stock at the moment.

Page 49 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 04 Apr 2018 04:58:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:I basicall have an invisible enemy.

The enemy is hiding directly across the river from the dumpster, behind the rocks. With Sevenfm's executable I have found that the last enemy will sometimes hide. If there's a building in the sector the enemy will hide inside the building with line of sight to a closed door (so when you open it, ka-blooie). When there's no building the last enemy will sometimes find a good hiding place and wait for you to stumble by.

I checked BR, and no crash. That probably means one of two things - I forgot to include a file, or a file did not get overwritten when the update was installed. I just got home from work and it's midnight here, so I'll check in the morning to see if I missed a file.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Wed, 04 Apr 2018 10:32:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Wed, 04 April 2018 01:58Quote:I basicall have an invisible enemy.

The enemy is hiding directly across the river from the dumpster, behind the rocks. With Sevenfm's executable I have found that the last enemy will sometimes hide. If there's a building in the sector the enemy will hide inside the building with line of sight to a closed door (so when you open it, ka-blooie). When there's no building the last enemy will sometimes find a good hiding place and wait for you to stumble by.

I checked BR, and no crash. That probably means one of two things - I forgot to include a file, or a file did not get overwritten when the update was installed. I just got home from work and it's midnight here, so I'll check in the morning to see if I missed a file.

I tried to reinstall everything to check out. Still crashes. I even tried in another JA2 version (I'm using Wildfire JA2 dlc, tried in JA2Gold, same result). IF anyone else can download and check Bobby Rays gun section of my save would be nice, maybe is a problem on my game, not the mod itself.

About the missing enemy... I'm really confused right now. I swear to you when I made this save Trevor was saying he sees the enemy around his location and he loses sights when moving away from there, the enemy even tries to shot him for several turns but I could only hear the shot and ricochet sounds, neither seeing the enemy or the bullet. When I reloaded the save I sent to you, Trevor was no longer seeing the enemy neither he was trying to shot Trevor and I did found him in the north side of the map pretty far away from Trevor original location. I think the bug was a faulty line of sight between Trevor and the enemy that fixed itself by restarting my game and/or reloading, but I never ever had this problem before neither in vanilla or modded JA2. I'm feeling bamboozled.

Page 50 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Also, another problem I forgot to report that is happening since before the update. When I try to buy something from Devin Connell the game freezes.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 04 Apr 2018 17:13:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message OK, I found two errors. In Items.XML item 2207 (Colt King Cobra) the tag should be 2207 (which probably is causing the crash even though it points to a similar gun), and the tag should be 599 (which isn't causing the crash because it just points to the wrong graphic, but there is a graphic in that spot).

This kind of error happens when I copy a similar gun into the new slot to modify, and then get interrupted and my old brain forgets where I was.

See if changing these two tags fixes the problem. Thank you!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Wed, 04 Apr 2018 17:33:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Wed, 04 April 2018 14:13OK, I found two errors. In Items.XML item 2207 (Colt King Cobra) the tag should be 2207 (which probably is causing the crash even though it points to a similar gun), and the tag should be 599 (which isn't causing the crash because it just points to the wrong graphic, but there is a graphic in that spot).

This kind of error happens when I copy a similar gun into the new slot to modify, and then get interrupted and my old brain forgets where I was.

See if changing these two tags fixes the problem. Thank you!

No luck. Still crashes. Maybe it's a problem in my game?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 04 Apr 2018 17:35:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Also, another problem I forgot to report that is happening since before the update. When I try to buy something from Devin Connell the game freezes.

Unfortunately, Devin works for me. I notice you are using the food system, which I have never used - I wonder (wildly) if that can be causing problems with the merchants?

Page 51 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 04 Apr 2018 17:40:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Isn't the Aimpoint Projector attachment kinda over the top? With it 40 laser range it turns a HK rifle like the G3 a doom machine by making it super accurate at high distances even withou aiming it.

That is the stock v1.13 stat. I didn't change it. I remember looking it up a while ago because, like you, I thought it was a bit off, but it is correct.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Thu, 05 Apr 2018 04:06:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Wed, 04 April 2018 14:35Quote:Also, another problem I forgot to report that is happening since before the update. When I try to buy something from Devin Connell the game freezes.

Unfortunately, Devin works for me. I notice you are using the food system, which I have never used - I wonder (wildly) if that can be causing problems with the merchants?

Worth the shot. Since I don't know if there is anyway to disable food system in a savegame, I decided to try some test new games (basically I enlist a bunch of elite mercenaries for one day and run to Drassen airport).

First I tried without the food system. I set the default options, even awesome Bobby Ray (more chance of a crashing gun loading). And I think I spotted our badboy or at least one of his companions. I can enter Bobby Rays gun section now, but if I go to the Rifle section (not Assault or Sniper, just Rifle) the game crashes when I try to go from page 5 to 6. Everywhere else is normal, so I think the problematic gun is a Rifle. I also tested the Used Items subsection for guns, and at page 48 this shows up: a faulty Rossi R92 .357. See the botton weapon in the pic: Toggle Spoiler From there if I try to go to page 49 the game will crash, but if I go back a page or change the Bobby Ray section instead of trying to go to the next page, the game wont crash; but if leave page 48 without crashing and try to go to page 48 again the game will crash. It wont load the faulty Rossi rifle twice, only once. Maybe it's the same weapon causing both crashes, but it's not the same behaviour as you can see: in Rifle section everything seens fine and the game crashes without showing me any awkward asset, but in the Used Guns section it does shows me a faulty asset and don't crash immediately, but will crash if I try to go to the next page or if it have to load the faulty Rossi rifle again. Maybe the Rossi rifle is bugged AND another gun also wich crash without showing anything, and this gun is in page 6 for Rifles and page 49 for Used Guns... or let's hope it's all Rossi's fault. I think it also worth mention that this crash gives me a Windows error box ("Unhandled exception. Unable to recover.") but the ones I was having before that, the one we was talking about earlier,

Page 52 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit don't give me any error box, the screens just turn black. I tested both crashes and they consistently have this little different behaviour between them, not sure if relevant.

But it's not over yet. I decided to test again and this time I started a new game with food system on just to be sure, awesome Bobby Ray, and rushed Drassen. But this time I could not complete the battle. The game shows a message error and freezes during enemy turn. It happened before like I mentioned in another post, but this time I took the screenshot and the text error may give you some clue and maybe it's part of the same problem... maybe an enemy spawned with the faulty Rossi rifle and when he shows in my view the error happens. Error pic: Toggle Spoiler It says "Assertion Failure [Line 864 in file Item Types.cpp]. Attempting to do a debug save as SaveGame247.sav (this may fail)"

I'm also providing you the savegames. Maybe if you can load Rifles page 6 and Used Guns page 49 in SaveGame06 you can see wich weapons are there. I'm also sending SaveGame07 where the game crashes in AI turn.

Apart from that, some minor stuff I noticed after brownsing Bobby Ray: - Beretta Silver Pigeon is for sale in Heavy Weapons page, but I think it's a shotgun. It also shows 0 ammo count in the right stats menu in Bobby Ray. - Rifle Grenade Device (the stuff you attach to rifles to shot grenades) is for sale in Submachineguns page, but if it can't be on attachments pages I think it would be better in Heavy Weapons pages together with other grenade launchers.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Thu, 05 Apr 2018 04:53:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message First, thank you for all your work on testing out this bug - it is invaluable.

This is an odd bug, indeed. I did a quick check of the Rossi .357 and everything looks OK - proper stat values, proper graphics, etc.. I will have to delve deeper into this in the morning. The weapon after the Rossi .357 is the Rossi .454 . . . and that also look good. The enemy doesn't get either Rossi, so that's not the problem with the runtime error during the battle. As always, nothing is easy.

The Silver Pigeon is indeed a shotgun, and it has been displayed in the heavy weapons section of BR ever since I put it in the game. I haven't been able to figure out why. I've spent countless hours on it to no avail. I even deleted it and re-did it in another slot, and still it shows up in Hvy Wpns.

As far as I know the only control I have over BR is whether or not BR sells the item new and/or used. I don't have any control over where BR puts the item except by defining it in Items.XML. Both the Silver Pigeon and Rifle Grenade Device are defined correctly, and work correctly in-game. In fact, the only modifications to the Rifle Grenade Device that I did was to give it a better graphic, lower its Coolness, and increase the number of new ones BR will have - I did not change it otherwise.

Page 53 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I'll check your saved games in the morning. Thank you again! We will get to the bottom of this!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Thu, 05 Apr 2018 06:29:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Heh... it wouldn't be Jagged Alliance 2 if everything went has planed, both ingame and "incode", right?

I did some more quick tests before going to bed. The Bobby Ray crashes only happens in update 3. If I revert back to raw 1.10, it don't crash at all. I also noticed that in the same save in 1.10 I have 60 pages of used guns, in update 3 I have 63, so maybe the problem is in one of the weaponds the updated added or made avaiable? Again, by "raw" 1.10 I just downloaded that version from the blog and didn't downloaded no update, so maybe the items was added in a previous update and what I just said has nothing to do with it.

The crash in battle still occurs in 1.10, but I don't consider it the main problem. When I have it before I managed to go around it by restarting the battle or reloading some turns earlier or stuff like that, can't remember exactly, and it didn't happened again... maybe it only happens in Drassen Airport, dunno, it is not gamebreaking neither totally locking features away and I managed myself around it so I don't care much.

Again I did the same tests to same results both in Wildfire JA2classic DLC and in a Jagged Alliance 2 Gold. Same results. (I was insecure about using Wildfire dlc, but it doesn't seen to be a problem)

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Thu, 05 Apr 2018 16:45:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message OK, I think I found the problem - the new 8-round 'magazines' for the Rossi 92 .454. Adding magazines is a nightmare that has caused a lot of problems - half of which are my fault, as this one is because I inexplicably used the wrong reference.

Try this Items.XML.

This should fix bobby Ray's crash, but not the battle crash as that is something different.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Thu, 05 Apr 2018 19:44:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No luck. Still crashes.

Page 54 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit But at least I think we can be sure the problem is in Items.xml. I reverted back only this file to raw 1.10 instead of the one from update 3 and everything works. It makes me wonder... is it possible for you to send me a link for update 1 and update 2? Maybe the bug was introduced in one of them and update 3 just inherit it. If we can track this problem to one of the older updates or limit it to update 3, maybe we have a narrow selection of possible causes.

EDIT: found update 1 early in this topic. Update 1 works alright.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Thu, 05 Apr 2018 20:26:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ah! I have good news! I think I found the problem and "solved" it!

Long story first: downloaded update 1, everything works fine, threw Items.xml from update3 into it. Still crashes, but while Rossi R92 .357 still have the graphic bug in Bobby Ray, I can go to page 49 and there is Rossi R92 .454 also with the graphic glitch. Both guns will crash if I click on them or try to go out of this page and go back. So I tought maybe they are the problem, reinstalled update3 and removed them from the Items.xml and everything works fine (except those two guns that are no longer in game, obviously). Since know I think I know wich guns have the problem, I decided to try to check out what is wrong with them, and after looking at their XML lines doing a smart face thinking "I don't know what I'm looking at neither what I expect me to do", I decided to check at least what I know about JA2 modding: the gun graphics. So I decided to check the BigItems and... jackpot! Both weapons are missing their BigItems files, gun591 and gun592 respectively. So I decided to try a placeholder, just copied gun590 two times and renamed it gun591 and gun592. Yay, everything works now! No crashes!... didn't checked the Medium and Small item pics tough.

EDIT#1: I noticed that adding placeholder gun591 and gun592 solved the crash but neither rifles was loading in game (I could no longer find them in Bobby Ray). I suppose this is because they lack Medium and Small items so the game don't load them. So I tried something a little different, in XML files I changed their graphic to gun169 (Rossi R92 .38). Now both of them load in game and no crash.

EDIT#2: Check for Medium (Interface) and Small (tileset) 591 and 592 items. They do exist. Don't know why they wasnt loading with placeholder item 590 renamed 591 and 592, so for placeholder I used gun169 (Rossi .38) and copied and renamed it gun591 and gun592. Now it works, the guns do load using gun169 copies as it placeholder. Shame on you, placeholder gun590!

Long story short: big items pic for gun591 and gun592 (Rossi R92 .357 and Rossi R92 .454) are missing and that causes the crash at Bobby Ray screen.

What still causes me problem is Devin Connell. The game still freezes when I try click to Buy when speaking with him. I will keep playing anyway, not a big deal, and I will check if after some

Page 55 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit days he still causas problems.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Thu, 05 Apr 2018 23:43:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Apart from all that, I don't know if you accept item suggestions but since you already are adding brazilian weapons anyway could I suggest one?

It would be the new brazilian rifle Imbel IA2 that already is replacing the brazilians FAL clones MD-2 and MD-3 (both exists ingame). Many years ago I added it myself in three configurations with convertion kits between them (7.62, 5.56 and 5.56 CQC) along with a bunch of other brazilians weapons, but this work is lost and I'm not sure how to do it all over again now that the XML Editor is not recommended, but seeing even a single version of the IA2 ingame again would be nice and I think it's a good suggestion anyway. It uses standard NATO both in 5.56 and 7.62 too, wich make things easier.

Question: apart from the graphics is the Items.xml the only file I need to edit to add new weapons and items?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 04:54:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Adding weapons you also need to mod Weapons.XML

Thank you for finding the problem with the new Rossi carbines! I would have sworn I checked the BigItem graphics because that was the first thing I thought of when I saw your screenshot! I guess I need a vacation! Here are the correct BigItem graphics for those 2 carbines.

As for Devin . . . Another player had the same problem, but when he reinstalled Update 3 the problem went away. Obviously that is not working for you, which makes things difficult. I did tweak his inventory in Update 3 (he had a SMG for sale which he shouldn't have had) - here's his previous inventory from v1.10 base.

I'll go over his inventory very closely in the morning to see what happened. Seems I had a bad month last month! I need more sleep

I am keeping the items to 1999 and before, so 21st century items can only be found in Orta and are one-off. So I can include the new Brazilian one there for you.

Page 56 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 07:39:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Fri, 06 April 2018 01:54Adding weapons you also need to mod Weapons.XML

Thank you for finding the problem with the new Rossi carbines! I would have sworn I checked the BigItem graphics because that was the first thing I thought of when I saw your screenshot! I guess I need a vacation! Here are the correct BigItem graphics for those 2 carbines.

As for Devin . . . Another player had the same problem, but when he reinstalled Update 3 the problem went away. Obviously that is not working for you, which makes things difficult. I did tweak his inventory in Update 3 (he had a SMG for sale which he shouldn't have had) - here's his previous inventory from v1.10 base.

I'll go over his inventory very closely in the morning to see what happened. Seems I had a bad month last month! I need more sleep

I am keeping the items to 1999 and before, so 21st century items can only be found in Orta and are one-off. So I can include the new Brazilian one there for you.

Man, you deserves a vacation after doing such awesome mod!!... kidding, lazyboy, BACK TO CODING!!! I hear you type but I don't hear you code!!

So the problem with Devin probably is fixed, I just need him to respawn in my save that I started without the update and Devin still is where I first found him without the update. Problem is I think the respawn only happens if he moves out of Drassen to somewhere else after some days, but I don't know where he will go and I'm liberating Alma now, not other city he can move to (he says he only go to the northen ones). In the save I started with update 3 installed to test Bobby Ray he is not in Drassen and I don't want to keep playing that one just to find him. It's no big deal, I rarely if at all purchase something from him, I will just keep playing and next time I find him I will check out. I do not want to dive into this right now if it is already fixed and he just need to respawn, and if it is working for you and other player I think it does not worths your attention too.


About the Imbel IA2, no prob! Last time I actually added a bunch of brazilians weapons mainly from the 70s and 80s, but most of them are very minor ones with very short production or just prototypes, so I don't think it worths your time. But if you want to take a look at some, I think the more interesting ones are the Lapa FA 03 Bullpup rifle and the ENARM Pentagun. Just in case you are interested in exotic/obscure weapons:

- The Lapa FA 03 was one of the very earliers bullpup designs in the world and at the time it was completed only the FAMAS and Steyr Aug was in active service. It was developed by Nelmo Suzano, a prolific weapon designer, but the refused the gun because it felt more

Page 57 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit like a plastic toy than a firearms to them (it was the 70s and they was used to the FAL) to the point they even gave the FA 03 old crappy old surplus ammo during the tests. When Lapa tried to offer FA 03 in the international market it already was taken over by the Aug and there was no easy way a small company from a third world country could compete with that at this time, especially from a company that was small and obscure even at it home country, nothing like Rossi, Imbel or Taurus. Toggle Spoiler

- The other one is the ENARM Pentagun revolver shotgun. It was a 12g shotgun with a revolver-like cylinder, pretty cool to look at, loosely based on the Lapa FA 03 and also developed by Nelmo Suzano, this time in another (small) company, ENARM. It was supposed to go tests by Brazilian Army, but again, the weapon was faced with skepticism by the conservative brazilian militaries at the time so it never went the tests and felt to obscurity. Toggle Spoiler

In fact when I added this weapons it was a small tribute to Nelmo Suzano, who also developed hunting rifles, submachineguns, machinepistols and another bullpup rifle, but never was taken seriously by conservative , to the point he was more praised offshore than in his own country. He also came in a pretty bad timing, during the 80s and later in the 90s, when brazilian economy was all the way down the hole, and most of the country military industry went to sh*t with the lack of new contracts from the Armed Forces and no political interest in them... pluuus one of the main international costumer starting a small war against Kuwait in 1990 and becoming enemy of the most powerful country in the world. No good for business that is.

I also already had started to work in the Lapa FA 03 graphics before I was told the XML Editor is no longer a good option. I may try to finish it off anyway since I already made the pics and know how to add them. I will see how things are made in Item.xml and Weapons.xml, clone a similar gun and edit it to be something new. If I succed, I may do a small "Nelmo Suzano pack" for my personal use and post here to anyone else willing to use it. Maybe you can add in one weapon or two from the pack or even ask me to do something for you if my work is solid (and probably isn't). Would be a pleasure to contribute with your project and Jagged Alliance 2 community in general.

EDIT: Actually just by speaking about it I get excited to add those weapons again. Tomorrow or next week I may try to finish the Lapa FA 03, and if I succeed, I think I will start a topic here in Arulco Vacation subforum presenting my small pack project for other people see what I'm planning to do.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by wolf00 on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 09:44:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ja av update3 using ja2_7609_ai 688+ai*exe on br shop i cant go from page to page 9 in rifle section

Subject: Re: AV v1.10

Page 58 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 13:14:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message wolf00 wrote on Fri, 06 April 2018 06:44ja av update3 using ja2_7609_ai 688+ai*exe on br shop i cant go from page to page 9 in rifle section

I suppose you are using Update3, right? Go to last edmortimer post (the one before mine above yours). Click to download the "correct BigItem graphics" files. Go to the game file where you installed the mod (where the ja2 exe is in). Extract the file inside Data-AV/BigItems. See if that solves the problem like it solved for me.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by wolf00 on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 13:41:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message yes im have in use arulco vacation update 3 relase,this solved my problem,so f.a m555 revolver ammo speedloader have have weight about 85 kilograms,litle too heway ...

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 14:04:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Try this Items.XML. I fixed that weight problem as well as a few other problems with other items.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 14:13:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message NO, WAIT, LEAVE IT!!! We can use this kind of ammo to shot down Arulco navy ships!!!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 14:29:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:NO, WAIT, LEAVE IT!!! We can use this kind of ammo to shot down Arulco navy ships!!!

How did you know adding a boat was on my list?

Really, though, yes I can add those Nelmo Suzano guns you were talking about. After all, Ray in San Mona specializes in unique and collectable weapons. You also have to modify Magazines.XML if they are going to have different loadout than what is already in-game - and that can be a nightmare as you can't simply just add new items, you must keep them in sequence.

Page 59 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit That has kept me from adding several weapons I wanted to add until such time as I have the time to completely re-work Magazines.XML & AmmoStrings.XML and ALL their references to every firearm in Items.XML & Weapons.XML.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 14:39:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Fri, 06 April 2018 11:29Quote:NO, WAIT, LEAVE IT!!! We can use this kind of ammo to shot down Arulco navy ships!!!

How did you know adding a boat was on my list?

Really, though, yes I can add those Nelmo Suzano guns you were talking about. After all, Ray in San Mona specializes in unique and collectable weapons. You also have to modify Magazines.XML if they are going to have different loadout than what is already in-game - and that can be a nightmare as you can't simply just add new items, you must keep them in sequence. That has kept me from adding several weapons I wanted to add until such time as I have the time to completely re-work Magazines.XML & AmmoStrings.XML and ALL their references to every firearm in Items.XML & Weapons.XML.

That's why I started to work on the Lapa FA 03, not the Pentagun. Lapa FA 03 uses NATO ammunition and STANAG magazines that already are ingame. Pentagun would need a new and exclusive quickloader for 12g. I will try to add Lapa FA 03 right now and see how much time it takes. Balancing it out will be another story, first I want to see how much work is to add it. The bottlenecks I usually have is transparency and palette. I like to edit images in Paint (like a pro) and frequently transparency goes to sh*t, and I have no clue how to make a palette for my pic so I just uses existing palettes from another weapon.

EDIT: And thaaaaats was easy. A new Lapa FA 03 already is in game, even bought it from Bobby Ray. Stil an M16A2 stats clone and the inventory pic could be a little better, but it really was super easy to clone a existing weapon and change it.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 15:39:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:I have no clue how to make a palette for my pic so I just uses existing palettes from another weapon.

Making a BMP palette for STIs is not an easy task even for someone who is proficient in graphics work. I also use existing palettes. The transparency color is the first color in the STI palette (usually full black (0,0,0) or full blue (0,0,255). The first two colors in the STI palette usually are Black/Blue & full White (255,255,255), while the last two colors need to be full Green (0,255,0)

Page 60 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit and full Red (255,0,0). Each of those 4 colors are used for specific features of the STI and are not to be used within the graphic as part of the picture. I'm not a graphic artist, just mildly proficient enough to make my own graphics, so my explanation, while technically correct, is a bit lacking in detail.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 17:19:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I was having some problems making the interface pic looks good (the big one looks gorgeous tough), I was blaming editing the pic in Paint to later throw it in the sti-edit to use another palette. In my stupidty I forgot I actually could edit the pic in sti-edit just like Paint using colors directly from the palette.

Anyway, the gun is basically done. I tried to balance it out based on texts from the internet and comparing it ingame with Steyr Aug, Famas and the M16 but I could use someone else opinion. What is not done yet are the attachments. Even so I copied the gun directly from another working one in Items.xml and Weapons.xml and compared it to another weapons, it don't display ingame the attachments slots for scopes, sights, barrel point and triggers. I think it's because 1.13 solved the vanilla 4 attachments limit by editing something else. Any tips?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 18:19:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Attachments, oh yeah . . . that also.

There are a two ways to do it. The old way (which I am transitioning away from but is still predominantly used in AV) is to add them in Attachments.XML. Each Attachment number in Items.XML has the same number as an value in Attachments.XML. For example, a Sniper Scope 10x is 208 in Items.XML and is 208 in Attachments.XML. In Attachments.XML every weapon that can use the Sniper Scope 10x has an entry listed by that weapon's (in Items.XML) as a number in the 208 section. So it looks like this:

208 19 20 208 334 20

Page 61 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 208 335 20 208 618 20 208 620 20 208 625 20

. . . and so on . . .

You also will note there is an AP cost value that corresponds to the number of APs to attach or remove the attachment.

So basically, you add each attachment in the proper section for the gun you are making. What I do is take a similar gun's and search for all it's entries, and at each attachment entry I will place the new weapon's attachment entry in the proper place within that section. While I do this I also make unique changes that have to be made for this new weapon - such as not put an attachment on that it can't use, and also put attachments on that it can use that the similar weapon can't. I hope that is clear.

The other way to use attachments is to define an for the attachment in Items.XML and an that corresponds in the new weapon entry in Items.XML. Like this:

241 Laser Sight Laser Sight The Universal Daylight Laser projects a highly visible red spot at a rather significant range. In a stainless steel housing, it fits onto the trigger guard of most weapons. Best Laser Range = 10. Laser Sight You won't lose sight of your target when using one of these. The Universal Daylight Laser projects a highly visible red spot at a rather significant range. In a stainless steel housing, it fits onto the trigger guard of most weapons. Best Laser Range = 10.

Page 62 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 268435456 4 4 1 4 and

762 M16A1 Colt M16A1 The M16A1 is the finalized model of 1967. The M16A1 is no longer in service with the United States, but is still standard issue in many world armies. The A1 addressed issues raised during the the Vietnam War with the XM16E1. Malfunction issues declined, corrosion resistance improved, and other issues were corrected. Colt M16A1 The M16A1 is the finalized model of 1967. The M16A1 is no longer in service with the United States, but is still standard issue in many world armies. The A1 addressed issues raised during the the Vietnam War with the XM16E1. Malfunction issues declined, corrosion resistance improved, and other issues were corrected. 2 1 4 ...

While safe to use the AttachmentPoints I have already defined, it probably is not safe to use new AttachmentPoints because I am in the process of adding more AttachmentPoints and probably will not define them the same way as you do.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 18:31:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have released a patch to Update 3 for AV v1.10. It includes the two missing graphics for the new Rossi carbines, includes the two missing new Backgrounds that I had said was included in Update 3 but were not, fixes a BattleSound and a Speech file for Annie (MoM), fixes an error in the Arulcan Regular Army gun list, fixes a few errors to items in Items.XML, and (hopefully) fixes the problem with Devin's inventory that caused the game to freeze. You can download it here. It is savegame compatible.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 07 Apr 2018 14:54:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 63 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit My apologies. I seem to have had a bad month last month - I forgot to include the large graphic for Pervitin. Here is a download link - just place this graphic file in your ../Data-AV/BigItems folder

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Mon, 09 Apr 2018 20:16:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message UHEUHAUHEHAUHEUHAUHEAUHEA!!! I'm starting to love it!

"Oh, no! Game is crashing! Maybe it's a huge mess in the codes and I will have to recall the whole update and spend some days, maybe weeks, doing everything again and... DAMN YOU BIGITEEEEMS!!!"

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Tue, 10 Apr 2018 12:29:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Greetings again

I did install the latest AV 1.10 plus the 3 updates and the patch that came with the 3rd update. The game looks great as always but i have been noticing some things, one of which i have mentioned before. While checking my hired team in the laptop, whenever i click on the mug shot of any I.M.P. i get a CTD.

The other thing is that i get a CTD when i sometimes kill an enemy, this happens : Runtime Error,Couldn't load animation file ANIMS\S_MERC\S_DIEFWD.STI Any idea as to what might be causing this to happen ?

Thank you in advance !

PS : Also had me a CTD when i clicked on Pervitin but i've got the file that you have linked above. I don't really care about checking my hires in the laptop save for Personality Traits, it's just strange to me though that it crashes only on the I.M.P's and not anyone else.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Tue, 10 Apr 2018 16:08:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Those sound like missing graphic problems -- which shouldn't be the case as I haven't modified those particular graphic files in a while.

There is no ANIMS\S_MERC\S_DIEFWD.STI in v1.13 or Vanilla, so I don't know why that

Page 64 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit message is coming up. The only anims files I have changed are the Crepitus anims.

IMP portraits are in ..\IMPFaces\ and you should have graphics numbered 185 through 254 inclusive in all the folders under IMPFaces. The last new IMPFace was in the base version 1.10.

EDIT: S_DIEFWD.STI is in anims.slf -- part of the original v1.12 game. Try re-installing that file from the base JA2 v1.12 game.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Wed, 11 Apr 2018 00:35:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you for the quick reply Ed. I will check and let you know how it went.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by wolf00 on Wed, 11 Apr 2018 05:19:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message black hawk elite vest= ctd if you pickup from shipment crate,same for black hawk bacpack &smersh backpacs,edb say freedom arms m555 is pistol in .50 ae,ammo loaded from crates resulting in heway ammo boxes... maybe this mess with my instalation of ja av edit:i have aplied all patches/fixes

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 11 Apr 2018 06:24:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Well, all three Smersh LBE and the Blackhawk Commando Rig have an improper size. The size should be 23.

As far as I can tell the .50AE speedloaders for the FA M555 are referenced correctly in Items.XML & Magazines.XML - though I may have interpreted your report incorrectly.

I will release a new Patch tomorrow.

Boy, oh boy did I ever mess things up last time!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Wed, 11 Apr 2018 08:32:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 65 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Heyas

I did copy/paste the Anims.SLF and so far no problems. As for the IMPFaces, the Data AV folder has them from 185 through 254, exactly as you said. The rest of the Data folders (Vanilla,1.13.etc) contain lesser files of IMPFaces. And in every folder within the IMPFaces in AV Data, all of the numbers are present. I checked them one by one and nothing is missing. Same applies for the rest of the Data folders. For now i will avoid clicking the IMP photos in the hired mercs page. No need to cause CTD's. Since i made them myself i should know their traits, i can write down a few notes if there is no other way. Thank you for the eye openers and any further advice is always invaluable.

Update : While browsing at Bobby Ray's, under the Rifle tab, i kept on clicking the More button until i came to the 7th page with the Remington 700 rifles. The More button is still lighted, showing that that there are more pages but once i click it i get a CTD. Tried it 3 times in a row , to verify that it wasn't a random crash. Other categories such as / /Pistols, seem to work fine.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by wolf00 on Wed, 11 Apr 2018 10:54:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i have now arulco vacation fresh reinstaled[av 1.10 complete+update 3 for av 1.10+patch to update 3+addendum to patch 3,on sci 7679/2188 here is link to my uploaded savegame

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Wed, 11 Apr 2018 14:06:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hey Wolf00, thank you for the savegame. I did a fresh install in a new directory and used your save. However the CTD at BR's is still there so it must be some issue with my installation. Did you use all 3 updates and the patch that came with the 3rd ? Where did you get the big pistols before getting to Drassen and accessing BR's ? I noticed that you favor gunslingers. 2 or 3 in your starting team.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 11 Apr 2018 16:21:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Gopas - I can go to BR Rifles page 15 of 15 without problem. However, my BR may not have the item that your BR has that is causing the problem - which is why it is difficult sometimes to isolate the offending item. Can you post a pic or an upload link to a pic of the offending IMP portraits?

Page 66 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit @Wolf00 - I see what you mean - the .50AE speedloaders have the wrong graphic (crate graphic).

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by wolf00 on Wed, 11 Apr 2018 18:01:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message reusing my imp's profiles from older relase arulco vacation for my instal: i have dowloaded files from mod website four files from site & one file from there "rossi carbines" file,boby rays shop no longer crashing if you have this file copy in your instalation directory

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 11 Apr 2018 18:15:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have uploaded a Complete Arulco Vacations v1.10 Refresh. It includes all the patches, fixes, updates, missing files that all of the Players were kind enough to report. It also includes a few new items.

Thanks again to everyone who reported problems.

I have to upload the file again . . . maybe I should change the version number because this one seems to be jinxed.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 11 Apr 2018 19:41:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Complete Arulco Vacations v1.10 Refresh download link. (I'm off to work now)

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Wed, 11 Apr 2018 20:33:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you for the help and support Ed and sorry if we are causing headaches. I have a question that i feel it's important.

Page 67 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit When i uninstall because i want to start over for a clean install, where are the leftover orphan files located at ? I know it's Users>>(Name)>>....and then ....? I do not install in any Program Files so the leftovers will not be where the Program Files usually are sending them. I feel that maybe it's those leftovers that are preventing me from having a clean install and causing those CTD's. Is it possible ?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Thu, 12 Apr 2018 04:42:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Don't be sorry! Every report of a problem helps me make the mod better. The problems we've been sorting out were my fault, and I appreciate the feedback. I'm sorry that the problems interrupted your games.

All "orphan files", all files specific to the Player in the mod, are kept in ../Profiles/. None that I know of are kept anywhere else (excepting, of course, any files elsewhere that were modded by the Player). JA2 is self-contained. You can delete your install manually and be sure you have deleted every file. Because it is self-contained you can have multiple installs, and each will keep their files separate from the others. You can even install JA2 on a flash drive and take it with you wherever you go -- plug it in and play.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Thu, 12 Apr 2018 08:38:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message That's great news. I do have separate installs for AV, AR, VR and trying the latest unstable 1.13 as well. I make separate folders on the same drive for each mod because i don't think that installing all the mods within the one and same JA2 install and choosing mod and exe on the INI Editor will work flawlessly. Some mods will probably conflict and will be a mess. Either way i prefer for every mod to have it's own JA2 root, in it's own folder.

I wish i knew how to take screenshots and put them up here or how to make links in here. I went through this AV forum pages and got some small updates i had missed. Now i have access to all pages in Rifles, used the Win 8 Fix dlls and it runs as smooth as water, it was crawling before. Still it CTD's when i click the IMP photo in Hiring/Firing page and when i use cheats to scroll through items backwards (Shift+Alt+W), after the ALICE backpack it CTD's. Probably missing items such as it was with the Rossi carbines page in Rifles tab in BR's. It was the missing link to the rest of the pages. This is not your fault. probably something to do with my installation. I doubt it's the INI Editor tweaks though, those are there so we can tweak them. I also turned off the Transparent Effects on the Win 10 settings as someone suggested and deleted the Intro.SLF file. (there is one more in the UB Data, should i delete that one as well ? does it have any impact in the AV game ? ). Didn't mess with Windows Compatibility as the INI.Editor recommends to leave that alone.

I will uninstall and try a fresh install with the Refresh version and let you know how if there will be improvements or not.

Page 68 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Thu, 12 Apr 2018 14:43:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Greetings again....

Installed a fresh game using the Refresh version and everything seems to work fine, i can access the IMP hiring page, no problem, Bobby Ray's also works fine as far as i checked. Only CTD is when i use cheats o browse backwards, last item i see before the CTD is the Gas+Oil mix but i guess that there are no more items to display. I didn't try the forward browsing but there was never a problem there. All in all i would say that it's as good as it can be. If i encounter weird things down the road i'll report them.

A few questions that are bugging me....

1. On the INI Editor, i prefer to use the AV Data options but the 1.13 Data Options are different. Do i have to try and tweak both to be as similar as possible ? Which one is the dominant one ? Do i need to tweak only one or both ?

2. Some of these options can be tweaked from the xml files since they have no new value field on the INI Editor. Is that ok or it can cause problems ?

3. Within the 1.13 Data folder, there are 2 JA2 Options files, one is named JA2_Options and the other is named JA2_Options.20180412. What is that for ? If i make tweaks in the JA2_Options do i need to do the same changes in the other one too ? WHich one is the dominant file ?

4. If i tweak only the 1.13 Data Options on the INI Editor and use them, what happens to the AV Data Options, there are some new options there plus a whole lot Extended options section which cannot be tweaked save by opening the xml. I was happy to see that Slay cannot run away anymore if left alone. Will the same apply if i go with the 1.13 Data options ?

5. Tactical Gameplay Settings on INI Editor : Allow extra aim levels seems to contradict the next option below, Dynamic aim limits. Do i choose one or tweak both ? Similarly,Aim levels compatibility option seem to also affect the previous 2 options. It's confusing to me, i don't know what is the right sequence.

6. Finally, Aim levels depend on distance. No matter what i do, whether change it from the INI Editor or the xml's, it doesn't have any effect. Or it's the above options that affect aim levels too.

Why so many options regarding the aiming levels ? Too many parameters and it looks like they need to be adjusted as parts of a sequence. I am not a programmer or coder so i suspect that either there is a reason for all these similar options or we get many options to choose from ? I like using OCTH with the CTH bar above it, it works great in AR.

I may have some more questions that i cannot remember right now, i'll post a new message if i come accross any

Page 69 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Thu, 12 Apr 2018 16:06:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm glad the Refresh is working. It's odd that it CTD when going backward in the cheat browse but not forward - and also that it is at two different points in your two installs.

Anyway . . .

The answer to a few of your questions is: JA2 v1.13 uses a Virtual File System which allows multiple installs of mods within the same directory tree. The vfsconfig..ini controls where the game looks for files in any particular mod that is installed in that directory tree. So, when playing AV it will first look for a specific file in the ../Profiles/UserProfile folder (for Player-modified files) then look in the Data-AV folder, then Data-CamoInterface folder, then Data-1.13 folder, then Data folder, then root folder. When it finds the file it is looking for it stops. In this way multiple mods can co-exist and use the same base files (the ones in the root, and/or Data, and/or Data-1.13). You could even build a mod off a mod (such as UB) by including it in the search. Any Player specific files for every mod contained within the directory tree is stored in ../Profiles/UserProfile_.

Anyway, so ALL the files in the AV folders are the dominant ones when playing AV, and the ones in 1.13 and vanilla are only used if there are no AV ones. If AV has a file then modding a 1.13 file of the same name will have no effect.

AV uses Sevenfm's Experimental Executable - which has more options that the INI Editor does not know about, and those extra options you see are used by Sevenfm's Executable. I do not use any of those Editors except the Map Editor, as they may corrupt the files (the XML Editor definitely corrupts files). You do not have to coordinate AV INI files with 1.13/Vanilla/OtherMod INI files. Of course, if you don't use Sevenfm's Executable then those extra options have no effect.

The JA2_Options.20180412 is a file that I do not know why it is created. Perhaps Flugente or Silver Surfer or someone else will enlighten us.

The Aiming Levels I suspect are all NCTH, and so if you are using OCTH they will not have an effect. Perhaps a coder can confirm that for both of us. You are right that all the aim level controls are related, but they do not contradict -- one of the options just sets maximum levels, while another other sets dynamic, another sets whether to use dynamic or default (extra aim levels are the dynamic), and another sets whether to use distance as the dynamic controlling dynamic aim levels. At least - that's how I read it. I agree that sometimes the comments in the files are not very clear.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Thu, 12 Apr 2018 17:08:33 GMT

Page 70 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Gopas wrote on Thu, 12 April 2018 19:43 6. Finally, Aim levels depend on distance. No matter what i do, whether change it from the INI Editor or the xml's, it doesn't have any effect. Or it's the above options that affect aim levels too. When using Ja2+AI, aim levels are always limited depending on distance and shooter's shock level, there's no option to change that.

Quote: Why so many options regarding the aiming levels ? Too many parameters and it looks like they need to be adjusted as parts of a sequence. I am not a programmer or coder so i suspect that either there is a reason for all these similar options or we get many options to choose from ? I like using OCTH with the CTH bar above it, it works great in AR. Unfortunately, the only way to understand how all those options work is to look at the code. The descriptions may be incomplete and inaccurate. The reason is simple - there are no people willing to spend time writing descriptions for ancient options or digging in that ancient code written 10 years ago.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Thu, 12 Apr 2018 18:08:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @ EdMortimer & sevenfm

Thank you very much for the quick answers gentlemen. Now i know how to set up my game. AV Data Options and as for the aim options....oh well, even with OCTH they work pretty decent. . Everything else works great and i am looking forward now to do my adjustments and enjoy a great adventure. Yes, the Refresh does work great indeed.

Also the only editor i am using it's the INI.Editor. Sometimes i open those files with merc personalities for instance, i am using Notepad++, if i want to change their evolution for instance. Here's an example : In the AV Data Options on the editor, there is an option to sell loot with Alt+LMB, the next option is to set a price modifier. There is no field where you can set this, as is in the 1.13 Data Options. But if i open the file i can set it manually. Does this corrupt anything ? I have read a lot of messages in this forum and it seems to be a common practice so i would assume that is harmless.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Thu, 12 Apr 2018 18:33:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Editing the files manually with a text/code editor (e.g. Notepad++) is the best way, and does not corrupt anything (unless, of course, you make a typo or wrong entry).

I'd check the file after using the INI Editor to change anything to see if the INI Editor unintentionally erased/changed any options it doesn't understand

Page 71 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Notepad++ won't change anything unintentionally.

In the AV JA2_Options. ini there is:


Where the "0" "forces the system to dynamically adjust the Price Modifier based on game progress with greater progress resulting in a larger modifier."

The possible values there are listed:

PRICE_MODIFIER is a divisor, 4 = 25% of the item's value. ; Setting a value of 20 would mean 5% of the items value, and a value of 10 would mean 10%. ; Valid ranges for PRICE_MODIFIER are -1-100. ; 0 forces the system to dynamically adjust the Price Modifier based on game progress with greater progress resulting in a ; larger modifier. ; -1 works the opposite of 0. Greater game progress causes a smaller modifier resulting in greater income from selling later ; in the game.

Why it doesn't show in the INI Editor I don't know - and is one reason I don't trust it.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Fri, 13 Apr 2018 10:39:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hehe, yeah, i don't trust the INI Editor completely either. Which is why in some options i prefer to manually make changes to some xml's using Notepad++ or the config files which, thankfully can be opened by a simple double click. Thanks to you guys, i have learned some basic information so i can do some light editing myself, through our conversations and many other forum topics. A million thanks for that. Things are not so complicated anymore.

As someone we are all familiar with, says "That's measurable progress"

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Fri, 13 Apr 2018 13:57:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello again, edmortimer, again some minor bugs to report!

First of all, the whole ammunition disappearing from a sector happened again, this time there was

Page 72 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit no water involved since there was none in the sector. It caused no harm since I had a save just before it. I have no idea what causes it and I was unable to reproduce, maybe it's a JA2 bug or 1.13, don't know. Now every time I go to do some inventory stuff now I save before doing it and after I'm finished I close and open the inventory again to check if everything is alright, so it's not bothering me at all since it's very rare and I can avoid it.

Now something that does matter (a little at least): I think Browning M1919A6 is missing it magazine for .30-06 JHP. If you load it JHP ammo from another magazines it's ok, but if you try to remove ammo from the weapon it just vanishes, not generating it own mag. Also if you try to use a JHP ammo box on it (the kind you buy from BR), it don't spawn the proper magazine and the game crashes. Other .30-06 ammo types are ok.

Also a suggestion: 1.13 have this nice feature where ammo can be added to those huge boxes that holds thousands of bullets at once. It's very nice for inventory management, but some bullets types still misses it. I would like to start to make a list of every bullet type I see that miss that huge box so it could be added, but I do not know if those are bullets added by your mod or by 1.13, so depending of your awnser I will post the list here or in a proper 1.13 thread.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 13 Apr 2018 15:28:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The disappear inventory from a sector is something very strange, and I doubt anything I could mod would be causing that as I don't make code changes. We'll have to keep an eye on that.

The .30-06 belt of JHP is indeed mis-referenced. In Items.XML item 1308 (.30-06 Belt JHP) should have the 621. As well, item 1307 (.30-06 Belt AP M) should have the 620. That should fix that problem!

I have been removing crates (the big boxes of ammo) as I think they are overkill, and I needed the space in Magazines.XML in order to add more ammo types to those calibers.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Sat, 14 Apr 2018 01:06:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Fri, 13 April 2018 12:28I have been removing crates (the big boxes of ammo) as I think they are overkill, and I needed the space in Magazines.XML in order to add more ammo types to those calibers.

Just out of curiosity... the ammount of stuff you can add to Magazines.XML (or any XML for that matter) is limited? I keep wondering what is JA2 engine limits when it comes to so many stuff like that.

Page 73 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 14 Apr 2018 04:46:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Just out of curiosity... the ammount of stuff you can add to Magazines.XML (or any XML for that matter) is limited? I keep wondering what is JA2 engine limits when it comes to so many stuff like that.

There is a limit to everything, but usually the limit is quite high. In Magazines.XML it is not the item limit that is troublesome, but that all types of the same caliber have to be together and in proper sequence without any gaps. In addition, the references in Magazines.XML have to point to the correct item in Items.XML (which was the problem with the .30-06 belt of JHP & AP M), as well as point to the correct ammo type in AmmoTypes.XML. Moving a lot of references around and adding ammo types has caused me a lot of headaches in the past, so I decided to eliminate crates to make room so I could add ammo types or different magazines loads with a minimum of movement. At some time in the future I plan to entirely re-work Magazines.XML, add back in the crates, and add more ammo types to a lot of different calibers. Since that involves a lot of work I've put it off until after I add several more recruitable characters (in-country and mercs).

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Victor_Tadeu on Sat, 14 Apr 2018 16:19:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Sat, 14 April 2018 01:46Quote:Just out of curiosity... the ammount of stuff you can add to Magazines.XML (or any XML for that matter) is limited? I keep wondering what is JA2 engine limits when it comes to so many stuff like that.

There is a limit to everything, but usually the limit is quite high. In Magazines.XML it is not the item limit that is troublesome, but that all types of the same caliber have to be together and in proper sequence without any gaps. In addition, the references in Magazines.XML have to point to the correct item in Items.XML (which was the problem with the .30-06 belt of JHP & AP M), as well as point to the correct ammo type in AmmoTypes.XML. Moving a lot of references around and adding ammo types has caused me a lot of headaches in the past, so I decided to eliminate crates to make room so I could add ammo types or different magazines loads with a minimum of movement. At some time in the future I plan to entirely re-work Magazines.XML, add back in the crates, and add more ammo types to a lot of different calibers. Since that involves a lot of work I've put it off until after I add several more recruitable characters (in-country and mercs).

Oooouch... I think I got it. So to add a new ammo for, say, 9mm, in Magazines without editing a existing one you have to change the number of ALL items below that in the list and by doing so you will have to adjust according all the references in Items.XML? This just gives me chills. That's why I never even tried to create new magazines (like for Pentagun) and you said creating new magazines was indeed a tough job...

Anyway, I like those crates very much, but not more than I love new ammo types, and I played JA2 without the crates for ages so it wont kill me now. I even discovered the .30-06 JHP bug

Page 74 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit because I'm used to put all my ammo in the bigguest magazine possible for easier storage and I kinda like doing that. So, yeah, I rather have your new ammo than the crates!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 14 Apr 2018 16:37:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Oooouch... I think I got it. So to add a new ammo for, say, 9mm, in Magazines without editing a existing one you have to change the number of ALL items below that in the list and by doing so you will have to adjust according all the references in Items.XML?

Exactly. Or move all 9mm to the end of the list and have dummy entries or new entries where 9mm used to be - which can shortly make a mess of Magazines.XML if dummy entries are used.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by wolf00 on Sun, 15 Apr 2018 20:12:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message mm-and-762x39-mm-ar-sf-48 introduced on scene around 1998 product aviable some info is here this maybe can fit ...

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by wolf00 on Mon, 07 May 2018 20:32:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6b armor series fit in your mode time set ...

Page 75 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 07 May 2018 20:55:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:6b armor series fit in your mode time set ...

Thank you. I want to add more Non-Western items like armour, LBE, packs, e5tc., but it can sometimes be hard to find good descriptions of non-American stuff here in USA.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 01:28:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message So i wanted to play some AV but noticed something weird. I would get the message that enemies were in my sector but no enemies present. I needed to compress time again or go to strategic screen, click on another sector, then click back on the one under attack, still no enemies or the game would crash. By compressing time they would show up at the edge of the sector or in teams of 2's and 3's all over the map. I believe i used the 1.10 Complete from Ed's website.

There is a 1.10 Complete AV and one Refresh 1.10 AV. And some updates and patches. My question here is : which version is the most complete and stable ? And do i need to add updates and patches ? And if Yes, which ones ? I'd love to get a little enlightenment if possible because i really want to advance the game using the AV mod.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 02:07:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The refresh install is the last complete version of AV. I am close to releasing another version, but the refresh is the current one, and needs no updates except the latest executable from Sevenfm - which I wholeheartedly endorse.

You can get it here: ip

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 11:42:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you for enlightening me Ed. Concerning the exe by Sevenfm, if it is the AI one, i don't like

Page 76 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit NCTH. I posted a message asking if there was a way to use another exe instead and Sevenfm himself, suggested to select the JA2.exe, which actually is what i really like

I doubt that this is the reason for the delayed appearance of the enemy forces in the sector where my soldiers are at though. Maybe a bad installation. I'll try the Refresh version this time and report back.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 11:48:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There is a bug with the old 7609 exe that fits the description of your problem - so I don't think it's the installation. The refresh install of AV is essential, though, because it fixes several issues with Items.XML (evidently I was interrupted in the middle of working on several items, and forgot to go back and finish them before releasing the original v1.10)

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 18:11:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No one else reported any similar issue ? Oh well, maybe it's a good thing i bumped on it, since you are preparing a new full version of the mod.

Installed again from scratch and now fine-tuning the INI.Editor. Give me a couple of days to play it a little and see how it goes. I'll keep you posted.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 18:14:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Gopas you can expect all kinds of bugs when playing with original 7609 exe.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Thu, 25 Oct 2018 00:23:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sevenfm has the 7609+Fix executable also, which does not have the AI improvements.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Thu, 25 Oct 2018 20:37:05 GMT

Page 77 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Ed Ja2+fix also has some changes to NCTH system.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by ZedJA2 on Fri, 26 Oct 2018 00:49:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I don't want to disrupt the thread, which is very enjoyable and enlightening. But I can think of no better place to ask this, since Edmortimer, Sevenfm, and Gopas are active in this thread.

The question pertains to v1.13 buddies and relationships in general, and I know that Gopas was interested also in how it was done. I thought I read a lot of how to do it either on the Arulco Vacations Blog by Edmortimer, or in a related post of his on AV in the forums, perhaps via a link from comments on the AV Blog.

Anyway, I'm going to phrase this poorly. Perhaps, Gopas can phrase it better afterwards. I guess both of us were interested in how Edmortimer had found, after what seemed to be his description of some trial and error, how to change the Buddies, and how it used at least 2 of the XML files. I'm interested in an actual complete method of how to change one such Buddy successfully for both the Merc A and his previous buddy Merc B, and not breaking anything at all. Probably one called something like MercOpinions, and also MercProfiles, possible also Backgrounds.xml. I think initially, Edmortimer found this rather involved and not doing what he first thought, which suggests it isn't that straightforward.

Perhaps one of you can either refer us to a good post on the subject that might show us how to do this correctly, change buddies and relationships, or perhaps write up such a method as a post somewhere. For some reason, I recall reading EdMortimer (I believe) describing this in some detail, anecdotally. But neither Gopas nor I could find it again or maybe I just had a dream one night after reading the AV Blog (I much agree with the changes to many of the Mercs, and incorporated almost all of the changes to MercProfiles and Backgrounds, such as replacing many of the Teacher Traits). Likewise, I'm very interested in SevenFM's changes to the A.I., after having seen an old video documenting the huge menu of orders you could give to Militia in tactical (I just love watching the Militia battles, reminds me of how I loved JA1 when I found out I could have Militia).

Anyway, long post. Move the post if you must, or I can delete it afterwards. It is just that I thought I'd ask here about the Buddies, Friends, and changing those since I know much of Edmortimer's Blog goes deeply into it, and was very entertaining by the way.

Thanks for your forebearance.

Oh, and this is definitely one Mod I would like to make another directory for on my disk to play. As I like most of old 7609's balance, the new A.I. and fixes by SevenFM ought to make it very challenging, and having EdMortimer's new Maps, Gear, and Merc customizations ought to be quite a lot of fun. Not sure I know how to do that well and have it co-exist, so perhaps you can refer me to the method for that as well, if I want to be able to play regular v1.13 Latest SCI and AV

Page 78 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 1.10 at will by both being on the hard drive at same time.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 26 Oct 2018 14:22:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I will write up a how-to on changing buddies and post it here. give me a little time, I have stuff to do here.

As for having AV co-exist with other JA2 v1.13 installations - no problem! See Sevenfm's 7609 ModPack as it has a lot of 7609 mods all installed in one JA2 folder. VFS allows multiple mods to co-exist in the same game folder - and you can switch from one mod to another and it keeps all the info separate. It's simply a regular install for AV - just follow the install instructions on my blog, and you're good to go.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by ZedJA2 on Sat, 27 Oct 2018 07:02:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @ edmortimer

Thanks very much for the info on Sevenfm's ModPack, the VFS file system, etc. Also, I look forward to seeing your eventual write-up on how to change buddies and so on. I realize you are busy, so no hurry. Just glad I got to mention it to you.

Really excited about Sevenfm's Modpack also.

@ Gopas

About the enemies being in sector but not being there and having to change sector clicks, etc.

I started getting that in v1.13 once I moved into the 8500 series. I had never had it before. Townltu and some others say it also happens in 7609 v1.13. I had never had that issue in normal JA2 or JA2 v1.13 until I got into the 8500 series. So I have no idea what it is. But anyway, it is not just in 7609. It might be more likely to happen with certain settings in the INI, as I made quite a few changes to increase difficulty in the 8500 series that I never had before. For example, I put the counter-attack by the Queen as aggressive and on the front burner. I added the new Bandit and Cat ambushes and raids. I've had earlier games with Zombies that never had the issue. I added the new Mercs by Flugente, and I added the local merchants he added in. Probably some other additions. For me it gets really bad and in 8589 v1.13 it will not even allow you to move out of the sector when these false enemies are gone. So I can't set up a move and cancel it. I find I can click on the sector and it will remove the red flashing rectangle, but all the systems believe I am still having enemies. The biggest problem is it now does not allow raising militia in those sector. I can choose Militia Training and spend money on it, but I can't get them in Mid and South

Page 79 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Drassen, only in North Drassen. For me, there is no way to trigger these false clowns to appear and no way to engage them, so far, ever. At least in the last 2 campaigns I tried (I never have completed one anyway). So for me this is a terrible disaster and makes playing with M.E.R.C. lowbies as my main starting force, very problematic. Without early militia and strategic movement, I have to actually move them in tactical to move from even one part of Drassen to another, go without militia for as long as the ghosting continues.

The worst thing about this bug, is that it seems it happens if I just move mercs from one sector to another. I suspect the reinforcement code is messed up or that a change to how sector movement was done has increased the issue, so that any check of the reinforcements via the setting in Difficulties.xml for whether to follow you or not, or any possible they are on the way stuff (perhaps even with Bandit and BloodCat raids, is causing this issue. It seems enemies never release and that any possible movement into a sector or check for such, is triggering this in mine. But there is no way to know really without examining all the code for so many things. Very, very frustrating. I'll probably have to surround all the towns with a full sector of militia to avoid most of this, or maybe that won't even work.

Maybe one of SevenFMs versions won't have it, either the fixed or the fixed plus AI. That would be great if so. If either don't, that also might be a clue to what is up.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Sat, 27 Oct 2018 08:34:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Greetings friends and thank you for the valuable input

The fake enemies and all the blockage that comes with them, might be the raids (bloocats and raiders), i didn't think of that. Maybe it confuses the game. Is it possible ? Probably.I reinstalled, using the Refresh version, i need to advance some to see if the problem persists. Now that i think of it, raider and cats raids, is part of AV as well ? I thought it was only in the latest 1.13 versions.

Never had a problem of that or similar nature in my 7609 + AR 1.04 game. The game is very enjoyable indeed. Maybe some extremely minor bugs but nothing annoying or game-breaking.

I am running multiple versions of JA2 , i like to experiment and maybe finding bugs if i can , since i lack the technical know-how. But it's fun either way. Beyond the afore mentioned 7609 + AR game, i am playing AV, Stratiatella, one of the latest 1.13 versions, 8609 i think or something around those numbers and even a vanilla game just for nostalgia's sake.

Someone in some thread mentioned that maybe it would be best to stop adding features and just make a clean version, like the 2014 one, and leave it alone. I have been feeling the same way even before reading that comment. Personally, i don't use scouting or fortifications and other small features. Mainly i play the vanilla way, just with more mercs and more guns. I see the specs and ranks in the battlefield but never seen a medic trying to patch up an enemy soldier. That's fine cause i hate killing medics but i have to anyways, unless they flee the sector.

Concerning the merc relationships, it's not so bad in AV. Buns will accept to get paid, even with

Page 80 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Reaper in the team, as long as they are in different sectors or towns. Haven't tested her with Fox in the team. I hire Mouse first if i feel like using her, pay her up for a year, sent her to another sector, bring Buns over, rinse and repeat and that's it. Shadow and Spooky can be in different squads and no problem as long as they don't spend time in the same sector. So all in all, it's good By the way, how come Elroy, who is a full spy has so low Intel ? It's in the 50's. Mouse is half spy and she is much smarter, almost in the 90's. Oh well, no big deal, can edit the merc profiles and give him a higher IQ. Just curious about it. Also curious about Shadow, Reaper and Raven, all from AIM and all 3 have the exact same specialties. Stealthy, Sniper. It's ok with Shadow, since his bio says "....ex Ranger and Sniper..." but Raven used to be Marksman, Night Ops, for variety.

Not complaining. Just in other 1.13 mods, snipers come in very short supply. Reaper from AIM, Gaston from Merc and Slay from the locals.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by ZedJA2 on Sat, 27 Oct 2018 09:31:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message LOL about Elroy. Well, maybe he is just having great instincts for spying and not so much intelligence, although that is an interesting one, no doubt. Perhaps hanging around with all those M.E.R.C. guys and gals just generally makes your mind go numb, LOL. Maybe too much whiskey having to get over working with some of those "non-professionals". I guess the Snipers with Stealthy are from the AV mod when you talk about them. If so, that might be part of EdMortimer's plan for them, or an oversight. Traditionally, he probably thinks of Snipers as having true Sniper experience, perhaps in a jungle with a spotter. He probably thinks of Marksmen as being less formally trained. However, it's a good point. One can imagine a Sniper who isn't that Stealthy. But Snipers aren't traditionally in a good situation once regular soldiers spot them. Their load-out doesn't really work well when many soldiers get in close.

Now in the game, they'd know that and be long gone. But in real life, as soon as someone calls out Sniper and the relative area, a lone sniper team better get out of town fast. They might stick it out to the death if it is a unit they are defending, etc.

Of course, if this game has lots of good automatic sniper weapons, then might as well let the sniper stick it out and not mind. So then you could have a lot of Snipers without Stealthy.

I think Edmortimer revised Shadow and Raven according to his Blog notes away from what was there because he thought the traits somewhat incorrect. He thought Shadow was stealthy, but that something that just benefited his camo use was not worthwhile, in part of one blog. Raven supposedly had the wrong traits as a marksman (i think it was) for the Los Angeles Police Dept or S.W.A.T. Anyway, he can explain it better. Perhaps he did not see that seeming duplification and will be interested in your observation.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 27 Oct 2018 15:49:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 81 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit You're welcome. Enjoy!

Sevenfm and/or Flugente need a save to find and fix that bug.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 27 Oct 2018 15:59:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message AV does not have Raider ambushes, and does not have the new Bloodcat ambushes. AV does have the original Bloodcat ambushes, and the Gunrunners, once hostile, probably reminded you of the Raider ambushes.

Elroy's Wisdom . . . well, Elroy is in M.E.R.C. for a reason, and he was the one whose head rolled because of Watergate (supposedly) - he's the fall guy. If he's modelled after Frank Sturgis, as is assumed, then the Wisdom score is probably spot on. And, as the Alumni report on him says - "He's gone. We didn't ask. We don't care. Does anybody?" - Jagged Alliance 2 Alumni gallery

EDIT: Also - just about every Merc has some sort of weakness, usually associated specifically to their strength in order to lessen it.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 27 Oct 2018 16:09:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:I think Edmortimer revised Shadow and Raven according to his Blog notes away from what was there because he thought the traits somewhat incorrect. He thought Shadow was stealthy, but that something that just benefited his camo use was not worthwhile, in part of one blog. Raven supposedly had the wrong traits as a marksman (i think it was) for the Los Angeles Police Dept or S.W.A.T. Anyway, he can explain it better. Perhaps he did not see that seeming duplification and will be interested in your observation.

I'll look at that. As for Raven - I did bring her skills and weapons into line with those of a LAPD SWAT sniper. I do regard the Sniper skill as more than just marksmanship, and that Stealth is a part of being a sniper. It doesn't have anything to do with fighting multiple enemies, but to do with finding a cover spot from which to shoot from, and to move out of that cover spot into a new one after shooting.

Regarding Shadow: perhaps he deserves the Ranger skill along with the Stealthy skill. Unfortunately, 7609 still has the old Ranger skill which really suits a civilian hunter-type more than a military sniper.

All three may have the same skill set - but they have different ability scores, and different temperaments - so they are different characters, and appeal to different kinds of players.

Page 82 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Sat, 27 Oct 2018 21:05:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hey guys

Keep in mind, i am not complaining, i love snipers and marksmen, all of my mercs carry a sniper rifle and something that can fire burst or full auto, or a pistol. I like the long range engagements. Concerning Shadow, it has been a small annoyance to me that he was not a sniper in vanilla. His bio mentions " ex-ranger and sniper". He has always been a good shot though, and man, in vanilla he would get one interrupt after another. However, in vanilla back in '99, the bios weren't on the spot informative.

Elroy is stealthy and he is good with interrupts, once his marksmanship is up he's as good as any other stealther.

A thing i did forgot to mention is the M1. I love that gun, i used it in reality while in the service. The scopes are disappearing so. Don't know if it can be fixed, If not i can use some other attachment . My new favorite assault rifle is the FN-CAL. It is 5.56 caliber but it's the only assault rifle that can take a 10x scope. Don't know if it's intentional or not and you may think of me as an idiot for mentioning it but please don't change it. It's a unique weapon and it's refreshing. Also very good for my newbs with 35 or less marksmanship.Lol

As for Raven, no problem either, Night Ops sniper sounds like a screen door on a submarine. Most high tech sniper scopes can see farther during the day, right ? Of course they can always switch to another weapon and take point at night. The reason i mentioned it is that now the only sniper wih Night Ops is Gastone. Then again there are quite a few Marksmen with Night Ops, Scope, Rudolf, Lynx, maybe more, don't remember. So all in all, i'd say it's fine.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 27 Oct 2018 23:38:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: A thing i did forgot to mention is the M1. I love that gun, i used it in reality while in the service. The scopes are disappearing so.

I thought I had seen the last of that glitch. Do you happen to know which sector you picked up the offending M1?

Quote:My new favorite assault rifle is the FN-CAL. It is 5.56 caliber but it's the only assault rifle that can take a 10x scope. Don't know if it's intentional or not

Nope. Enjoy it while you can! :-) I'm sorry, but that was not intended. Of course, you can always modify Attachments.XML and add it in to any rifle.

Page 83 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 28 Oct 2018 13:26:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Changing Buddies.

In order to change any character's buddies there are some entries in the XMLs to change, and voice files to either change or remove from their folder so they are not used. Why the voice files? Because some characters have specific voice files that are used when their buddy (or hated one) dies or does something good. Sometimes all that is necessary is to edit out the buddy's name from the voice file and use it for the new buddy. Sometimes you will need to create a new voice file from editing other voice files of that character. And sometimes neither of those options will work well, so the answer is just to remove the voice file from the folder (save it for later in another folder) and use another voice file, like that character's BattlesSNDS curse file, in place of the original file. Simply removing the file will cause the game to indicate a missing voice file when that situation happens - so you have to have something there for the character to speak. Optionally, a silent voice file will work - and then when the situation arises the character's face will appear but say nothing. Not the best solution.

Voice Files are located in the ../Data-AV/Speech, Data-1.13/Speech, or Data/Speech folder, and are numbered by the Merc's MercProfile ID number and the voice file - so Meltdown, ID # 39, uses voice file 015 (see below) when friend #1 dies - and you will find it labeled 039-015 in the Speech folder. Wait - it's not there? That is because all the voice files for all the Mercs are not in the Speech folder of Data-AV, Data-1.13, or Data. Only the voice files that have changed or been added since Vanilla have been extracted to the Speech folders (in VFS it checks each version of the game noted in the VFS file, and for AV it is Data-AV, Data-1.13, & Data. Most VFS mods will have the same setup with their mod in place of AV). The un-extracted voice files will be found in Speech.slf in the ../Data folder. You will need an unpacker like "Dragon UNPACKER 5" to extract the files, and then a sound editing program like "Audacity" to edit the file.

Toggle Spoiler 015 - friend 1 dies 016 - friend 2 dies 017 - friend 3 dies

029 - complains about disliked merc 1 030 - complains about disliked merc 2 031 - complains about disliked merc 3

039 - complains about npc

045 - complains about other merc

049 - finds out is in team with disliked merc 050 - finds out is in team with disliked merc 051 - congratulates friend 1 052 - congratulates friend 2 053 - congratulates friend 3

Page 84 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 058 - appreciates an npc's personality

086 - refuses to join because of disliked merc 087 - refuses to join because of disliked merc 088 - refuses to join because of disliked merc

092 - reluctantly accepts to join because of friend 1's influence 093 - reluctantly accepts to join because of friend 2's influence 094 - reluctantly accepts to join because of friend 3's influence

103 - reluctantly accepts to join because of friend 1's influence 104 - reluctantly accepts to join because of friend 2's influence 105 - reluctantly accepts to join because of friend 3's influence

OK, that is the difficult part, and the most time consuming.

The easy part is modifying the XML files - MercProfiles.XML, MercOpinions.XML (and Backgrounds.XML just to check if the Merc to be edited has a background that indicates they do not get along with someone of another specific background (mostly it is the criminal & police types that don't like each other's profession). If they do dislike the background of their new buddy . . . well, you can change the background of the new buddy, or, delete or change the entry in Backgrounds.XML.

MercProfiles.XML: Here you will find up to 6 buddies and up to 6 enemies (hated ones). One of each is a dynamic opinion that changes over time from neutral to either like or dislike, while the others are static.

Here's an example of these settings (Meltdown in AV): Toggle Spoiler 23 17 233 237 248 166 20 40 2 255 0 255 0 255 0 255 0 44

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The 5 Buddies are straightforward - listed by their ID number in MercProfiles. The Learn to Like buddy has a LearnToLikeTime entry - and that number indicates the number of hours the two are in the same squad before the opinion changes to Like. The 5 Hated (enemies) are also straightforward, but have an added entry of HatedTime - that indicates how many hours will pass before the Merc expresses his dislike.. The Learn To Hate enemy also has a LearnToHateTime entry - works the same as the LearnToLikeTime but opposite.

Now that you've changed these buddies and enemies, and modified the voice files, it is time for:

MercOpinions.XML: Here is every character in the game and every character's opinions of every other character rated. The range of like/dislike is -25 to 25 (hate to love) - with -15 and below indicating a Hated person (should have a voice file), and 15 and above indicating a Buddy (should have a voice file). These numbers have effect on morale - so the more Mercs in a squad that a Merc likes (any positive number) the better that Merc's morale. The more Mercs in a squad that a Merc dislikes (any negative number) the worse that Merc's morale. Zero indicates neutral feelings and no effect on morale. Each character is listed here in order of their MercProfile ID number, and within the entry for each character is a tag for each character in the game including themselves (so I guess you could make a Merc hate or love themself, and thereby affect morale all the time - which can have a place in some characters who are, say, Optimistic, or happen to be Skitz). Or, you can even make them like or hate the vehicles (as vehicles are "characters"). In AV Skitz likes the El Dorado so letting him ride the El Dorado keeps him a bit happier.

So, we have this:

Toggle Spoiler 39 Meltdown 1 -6 3 -1 -4 4 6 3 -1 -1 3 6 4 2 -1 2 -1 15

Page 86 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit -6 -1 1 -1 -1 15 1 1 2 -4 2 -1 1 -8 1 -6 2 1 3 1 -1 0 -25 -1 -1 -1 -15 -1 2 -1 3 -1 -1 1 1 1 5 5 5 -6 -7 -1 -1 -1 -1 -8 1 -8

Page 87 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit -8 -1 2 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -5 13 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 8 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

Page 88 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -8 -1 -1 -1 -1

Page 89 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit -1 -1 -1 -1 15 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -3 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 -9 -15 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -15 -1 -1 -15 1 1 5 5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 10 -1 9 -1 1

Page 90 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -9 -1 -1 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 15 -1 -1 -1 15 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 -1 -1 15 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 13

That is Meltdown's MercOpinions entry for AV. As you can see, she is mildly displeased with just

Page 91 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit about everybody, likes Merc 17, 23, 166, 233, 237, 248, & 254, doesn't love anybody (but still has Buddies) absolutely hates Merc 40 (Biff), learns to Hate Merc 44 (Flo), and dislikes Merc 180, 188, & 191 a lot, and many others in varying degrees of dislike.

It's been a while since I modded opinions, so I hope I didn't leave anything out.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Sun, 28 Oct 2018 15:38:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you for all this valuable information Ed. I may try to get into it as am i looking at it, i feel a migraine coming. Old accident and partial learning disability. Anyway, moving on....

About the FN-CAL, i was pretty sure it was unintentional. The M1 had the disappearing scope in the last previous install. Haven't tested it yet with the Refresh. Will let you know.

Also forgot to mention other glitches in Complete 1.10, except the vanishing scopes on the M1. Stocks and lights are causing CTD's with the on/off, fold/unfold features, You guys are going too far on a simple game from 1999.I can understand adding folding and retractable stocks which i like even less now that they cause CTD's. But having to fold/unfold or turn off lights and LAM's on/off, that's going too far. Keep it simple. Just attach them to the weapon, like before.

Now in my new Refresh install i do not want to test them because i hate CTD's. Also the game doesn't like Alt+Tab so i have to resort to Task Manager every time i have a CTD or when the game screen freezes i must restart my pc. Which is not good for it. So, i'll test the scopes on the M1 and the other attachments but only once. Beyond that i will rely on sniper rifles and pistols, anything without attached stock.

Apologies if i sound angry, I am not and it is not my intention to offend anyone. I am speaking my thoughts out loud is all, in all honesty. No hard feelings whatsoever

Speaking of those offending attachments though, can i get rid of the stocks in the Attachments.xml ? That would be awesome !

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 28 Oct 2018 16:53:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No problem. i need critiques to make it better.

I think the CTDs are being caused by my errors in the original v1.10. The refresh should work without CTDs there, and the current pre-release v1.11 version I am working on has not had a CTD in the current playtest campaign.

Page 92 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Regarding the stocks and lasers - they come folded/retracted and on by default, just as in vanilla. So if you want them like vanilla, just don't touch them. As for the stocks, you can remove them entirely in v1.10 . . . sell'em to the locals. I am thinking of making all weapons that come with a folding/retractable stock have a permanent folding/retractable stock, and adding an "adjustable stock" that doesn't need to be adjusted manually - it just gives a slight bonus figuring that at some point you have adjusted it to where it is most comfortable. Of course, in this time frame (1999) they were usually available only on sniper rifles.

The change for stocks came because it did not make sense to have a folding stock be always folded (as in Vanilla), or as in earlier versions of AV, put on a folding stock to have it folded (adding weight), and remove the folding stock to have it unfolded (and then have to carry it). I'm thinking of making folding stocks permanent attachments that fold and unfold, and come folded by default just like Vanilla.

The Lasers and laser+flashlights being switched on and off came from the fact that the laser (and laser & flashlight) makes it easier for the enemies to spot that character, and it is always on - not the best situation if you're trying to hide.

We are taking this 1999 game as far as it will go - and for me that is part of the fun. It's like the question - why so many pistols with the same stats? Because some player out there will have more fun playing using that set of stats called "This" instead of the same set of stats called "That". It's immersion. It's role play. And if a Player would rather min-max instead of role play, well then, it doesn't matter if it's "This" or "That", as both will equally do.

Yes, you can get rid of folding/retractable stocks entirely. In AV they have been moved to the attachment point system, and so you would have to remove the 68719476736 tag from every weapon in Items.XML that has it (or only the weapons you personally will use - which is easier), and also remove the 1008 (for folding) and the 1009 (for retractables) from every weapon in Items.XML that has it.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Sun, 28 Oct 2018 19:24:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi again Ed

I did my testing, as promised. Laser sights, LAM-200's and a folding stock, all worked without CTD's, however i am sure that if i was to keep on playing with the On/Off, fold/unfold actions, i would, eventually crash. That's what happened before, didn't always CTD with the first attempt, except with AWM, twice i tried unfolding the stock, twice it CTD'd. That was in the 1.10 Complete. The scopes are disappearing from the M1 still. 6x, 7x, 8x, 2x,4x, all of them vanished into nothingness.

I think in vanilla there were only folding stocks and they were rare, never bothered with weapons that have them. I have to advance my vanilla game to see what was the deal. The weapons in

Page 93 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit vanilla used to have only 4 slots for attachments. Also, in vanilla, the laser attachment doesn't have on/off switch. It's on when you have the weapon in your hands "supposedly". Simplified. I looked for Attachments.xml but can't find it. Where is it located at ? And if i remove the numbers that you are providing, do i replace them with a 0 ? or remove the whole lines ?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by ZedJA2 on Sun, 28 Oct 2018 19:49:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @ edmortimer

Thanks for the post on how to CHANGE BUDDIES. I've copied it to a file on my hard drive and will read it and try some of it out in the next campaign, just waiting on the next Depri SCI build to post probably next weekend.

Thanks very much for this information and tutorial, it will help.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 28 Oct 2018 21:25:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:I did my testing, as promised. Laser sights, LAM-200's and a folding stock, all worked without CTD's, however i am sure that if i was to keep on playing with the On/Off, fold/unfold actions, i would, eventually crash. That's what happened before, didn't always CTD with the first attempt, except with AWM, twice i tried unfolding the stock, twice it CTD'd. That was in the 1.10 Complete. The scopes are disappearing from the M1 still. 6x, 7x, 8x, 2x,4x, all of them vanished into nothingness.

Where are you getting that M1? Is this a savegame in a fresh install? An old save from when the glitches were happening will keep on having the glitches.

Quote:I think in vanilla there were only folding stocks and they were rare, never bothered with weapons that have them. I have to advance my vanilla game to see what was the deal. The weapons in vanilla used to have only 4 slots for attachments. Also, in vanilla, the laser attachment doesn't have on/off switch. It's on when you have the weapon in your hands "supposedly". Simplified.

Vanilla had both, but used folding stocks on weapons that actually had retractable ones . . . go figure. Yes, there is no on/off switch in vanilla for lasers - but do you stow your weapon while crawling in the underbrush? Or have it ready to fire? If it's in your hands you have a penalty - and that was what I am trying to eradicate. But like I said, it's on by default just like Vanilla. Don't touch the on/off switch and it's just like Vanilla. I don't think the laser was ever "off" in Vanilla - there's no item for an off laser, and no stats for an off laser. It's always on.

Quote:I looked for Attachments.xml but can't find it. Where is it located at ? And if i remove the

Page 94 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit numbers that you are providing, do i replace them with a 0 ? or remove the whole lines ?

It is in ../Data-AV/Items You remove the whole tag. Save the file just in case of problems. I'd start a new game if you do that - or there will be glitches as weapons and stocks are already on the map.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Sun, 28 Oct 2018 23:45:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello again

I get the M1 around Omerta usually or on the way to Drassen, or maybe even Drassen Airport. Should i buy one from Bobby Ray and try the scopes on that one ? I mean, the M1's that are drops are bugged ? Or all of them ? I never use savegames. It's a fresh install, the Refresh version. It also dropped pretty early in the game in the Complete version. More or less the same general area.

Yep, the laser attachments were on in vanilla by default but i never did notice a switch. I've bought my JA2 game when i was in the USA. Different version maybe ? I don't mind the penalty when they are on, Ghillie suits for the win If my overall camouflage is around 95%, add some camo paint to the face and you're at a cool 100% while crawling in the bushes.

I'll check the directory that you specify and i'll definitely start a new game if i manage to get rid of the stocks in a couple of weapons. Thank you as always for the invaluable information !!!!

PS : Something else i forgot to mention, it was in the Complete version, haven't reached that point yet in my new Refresh version game. MERC hasn't email their "Please Pay" e-mail and it was Day 9 i believe. Don't Speck e-mails every 7 days ? Note that i haven't hired him, he is running his business as usual, from his office. I'll keep an eye out on this one on the Refresh and report back when i have results.

Damn, i just remembered, Omerta basement, the Rebel hideout and a clip with bullets inside a crate upstairs, inside the building that Dimitri is guarding. The M1 that is, there is also a Kar98 and a Mosin-Nagant. Their bullets are also upstairs in the crates.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 28 Oct 2018 23:51:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message You're welcome, and thanks for the reports!

Page 95 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Quote:PS : Something else i forgot to mention, it was in the Complete version, haven't reached that point yet in my new Refresh version game. MERC hasn't email their "Please Pay" e-mail and it was Day 9 i believe. Don't Speck e-mails every 7 days ? Note that i haven't hired him, he is running his business as usual, from his office. I'll keep an eye out on this one on the Refresh and report back when i have results.

I'll look into it - I have a couple MERC Mercs so I'll not pay them for a while and see what happens.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Mon, 29 Oct 2018 00:07:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Check my last message (the one just above your last) about the M1. If you don't pay MERC for a while, they'll up and leave all of a sudden. Normally you get the " Please Pay" within the first 7 days and 5 days later, i think it's 5, you get the "Past Due" mail. In my case i was on Day 9 and no emails from Speck at all. I did pay though since i don't want any unpleasant surprises. I use Spooky,Gaston, Stogie and Cougar and i hate loosing them.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Mon, 29 Oct 2018 15:22:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

29:45 - crazy sniper machinegun always hits (FN MAG + rifle lam with range 30). Looks like a weapon balance problem.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 29 Oct 2018 15:41:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I've been working on weapon balancing for v1.11 - I will look closely at the LMGs. Thank you.

I've been playing a campaign and I must say I do like the changes you've made to suppression and cowering. It works well.

Where did you get the Muammar portraits and voice set? I'd like to add him to AV.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Mon, 29 Oct 2018 16:00:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 96 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Muammar is from the epic Renegade Republik mod by Scorpion, I also made him as IMP. In this video, Muammar uses Russian voice from JAZZ (crazy Ja2-like game), but his original voice in RR is also good. If you want my IMP voice+portrait pack (speech in Russian, from games JAZZ, Dungeon Cleaners, Shady Job mod, Alfa-Antiterror, Man of Prey), you can get it here

As for suppression, it works very different from stock 1.13: - no AP loss from suppression, only regular AP's spent on changing stance (so you can move much more under fire) - cowering soldier loses all APs, starts new turn with very few APs (enough to crawl one tile into cover), so you can still use suppression for tactical advantage - much better balance of suppression tolerance and in general better suppression balance (no mercs cowering from one bullet while enemy seems immune to suppression) - it's easier to understand what's happening just by looking at soldier - if he reacts (crouches or goes prone), he is suppressed and so he cannot interrupt this turn, if he cowers, he lost all APs and he is not a threat this and next turn - if soldier is in the open (has no cover from attacker) and needs to react to suppression but cannot (he is prone already or he is crouched and cannot go prone), he cowers - if soldier has cover from attacker, it's not enough to deliver enough suppression to cause him to react, but he should have max shock level - that means, you need to suppress enemy for several turns usually if he is behind cover, or you need to flank him and suppress with one attack - suppression value needed to react (crouch, go prone or cower when already prone) is based on AP to change stance + various bonus, it's higher if soldier is behind cover, and has bonus depending on morale level, so it's harder to suppress merc with high morale, but if he spends several turns under fire, he will lose morale and become much more vulnerable to suppression - since cowering soldier loses all APs, he cannot move or do anything, it solves various animation related problems with cowering soldiers in stock 1.13 - at the start of each turn, mercs stop cowering automatically (if they have AP, not collapsed or dying etc) - it's good for AI - if he sees that enemy is cowering, he knows it's safe to advance and move out of cover

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 29 Oct 2018 16:18:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The system you have in place is a very good improvement on what you've already done. It works well, and as you say, it is easier to understand what's happening just by looking at the soldier.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 29 Oct 2018 18:46:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message sevenfm wrote on Mon, 29 October 2018 17:00 As for suppression, it works very different from stock 1.13:

Page 97 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit - no AP loss from suppression, only regular AP's spent on changing stance (so you can move much more under fire) - cowering soldier loses all APs, starts new turn with very few APs (enough to crawl one tile into cover), so you can still use suppression for tactical advantage - much better balance of suppression tolerance and in general better suppression balance (no mercs cowering from one bullet while enemy seems immune to suppression) - it's easier to understand what's happening just by looking at soldier - if he reacts (crouches or goes prone), he is suppressed and so he cannot interrupt this turn, if he cowers, he lost all APs and he is not a threat this and next turn - if soldier is in the open (has no cover from attacker) and needs to react to suppression but cannot (he is prone already or he is crouched and cannot go prone), he cowers - if soldier has cover from attacker, it's not enough to deliver enough suppression to cause him to react, but he should have max shock level - that means, you need to suppress enemy for several turns usually if he is behind cover, or you need to flank him and suppress with one attack - suppression value needed to react (crouch, go prone or cower when already prone) is based on AP to change stance + various bonus, it's higher if soldier is behind cover, and has bonus depending on morale level, so it's harder to suppress merc with high morale, but if he spends several turns under fire, he will lose morale and become much more vulnerable to suppression - since cowering soldier loses all APs, he cannot move or do anything, it solves various animation related problems with cowering soldiers in stock 1.13 - at the start of each turn, mercs stop cowering automatically (if they have AP, not collapsed or dying etc) - it's good for AI - if he sees that enemy is cowering, he knows it's safe to advance and move out of cover I'm still waiting for you to implement those AI changes into the main trunk, at least the most important ones.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Mon, 29 Oct 2018 18:59:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @silversurfer the problem with suppression rework is that it's rather radical change that not everyone will like. For example, I completely removed SUPPRESSION_EFFECTIVENESS_PLAYER and SUPPRESSION_EFFECTIVENESS_AI options because I find it silly to have different game rules for player and AI. If something doesn't work well or some game mechanics is unbalanced, we should fix it and improve game balance instead of just giving player another legal cheat. And making all these changes optional is impossible - we have too much options already which make code overcomplicated and impossible to test properly.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Tue, 30 Oct 2018 01:26:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message btw video, Muammar portrait set appears to have a flaw,

Page 98 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit at least when entering hostile sector like at 7m46s in same vid as above, his pic extends the UI frame. As far as i can see thats because the \65faces folder conatains a 48x43 pic instead of 31x27.

I allowed myself to revamp the set, find it here @edmortimer feel free to use any of the portraits from that thread or one of the speechsets posted in nev voicepacks

Miguels cheeks and chin are already a little too bright in the non camo portrait, but it gets rather bad with at least wood and desert camo, check 42m15s in same vid, havent seen urban yet. It may be related to the fact that the camo layer consists of stripes with transparent sections between them, i use layers filled with base camo color @ 20-25 % opacity and then add pattern of same/similar color @ higher opacity

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Someone64 on Tue, 30 Oct 2018 03:41:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @sevenfm Can't we hold making these changes permanent and non-optional to some kind of vote or poll to at least see interest in this? After all, we're a very small community anyway so the ones who care about this will probably be able to vote.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Tue, 30 Oct 2018 04:30:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you! I've downloaded them, and will check them out tomorrow. Just when i think i'm getting close to releasing a new version . . . I find much more to do! lol It's always like this, which is why i cant stop! :-)

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Tue, 30 Oct 2018 13:38:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In the Refresh game, Speck e-mailed on day 8 and the M1 is in the rebel basement in Omerta, inside a locker, along with a Mosin-Nagant and a Kar98. The clips with their bullets are in the crates upstairs, which doesn't make much sense. The rifles are in the underground sectors but their respective rounds are on surface level ????

Page 99 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Tue, 30 Oct 2018 16:14:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:In the Refresh game, Speck e-mailed on day 8 and the M1 is in the rebel basement in Omerta, inside a locker, along with a Mosin-Nagant and a Kar98. The clips with their bullets are in the crates upstairs, which doesn't make much sense. The rifles are in the underground sectors but their respective rounds are on surface level ????

Ah-ha! That M1 is a left-over from before I did a lot of work on attachments, scopes, and weapons -- and all M1s previously placed on the map had that disappearing scope glitch. I thought I had removed all the previously placed M1s and replaced them with new ones . . . but I missed that one.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Wed, 31 Oct 2018 19:41:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ed, another thing i keep on encountering : Met Devin in the central Drassen sector at the De Santos brother bar, where you also meet Father Walker and Carmen. Sector just south of the airport. I talk to Devin and when i hit the "Buy" tab, the game Crashes and shows an error message. Not exactly CTD, i have to hit the Esc button once i get the error message. It's happened on my previous game as well, which i didn't finish. I did a clean install with the Refresh and started a new game. Both the M1 problem with the scopes AND Devin crashing when i try to buy from him, have been happening with both the Complete and the Refresh versions. We did found the M1 problem, don't know how to deal with Devin's inventory. I don't care much for his stuff, Bobby Ray has them too more or less, as for Devin, i have hired him in vanilla, he's a lvl 4, not bad, he can improve and if i am not mistaken he comes with Explosives trait, which is good for undoing trapped doors or throwing a grenade decently. But i am not crazy about him either. Still, i am trying to hire as many natives as i can and when i say Recruit, he plainly refuses, till i get more towns under my belt. No crashes though when i ask to recruit him. It would appear that the only problem is with his inventory.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Thu, 01 Nov 2018 00:41:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:I talk to Devin and when i hit the "Buy" tab, the game Crashes and shows an error message.

What is the error message . . . just in case it can give me a clue. I haven't looked, but previous problems of this sort were in the merchant's inventory file -- duplicate ID #s or a gap in the ID #s or just a plain typo of an ID or item number.

Page 100 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by ZedJA2 on Thu, 01 Nov 2018 20:19:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote from SevenFM's earlier post: << As for suppression, it works very different from stock 1.13: - no AP loss from suppression, only regular AP's spent on changing stance (so you can move much more under fire) - cowering soldier loses all APs, starts new turn with very few APs (enough to crawl one tile into cover), so you can still use suppression for tactical advantage - much better balance of suppression tolerance and in general better suppression balance (no mercs cowering from one bullet while enemy seems immune to suppression) - it's easier to understand what's happening just by looking at soldier - if he reacts (crouches or goes prone), he is suppressed and so he cannot interrupt this turn, if he cowers, he lost all APs and he is not a threat this and next turn - if soldier is in the open (has no cover from attacker) and needs to react to suppression but cannot (he is prone already or he is crouched and cannot go prone), he cowers - if soldier has cover from attacker, it's not enough to deliver enough suppression to cause him to react, but he should have max shock level - that means, you need to suppress enemy for several turns usually if he is behind cover, or you need to flank him and suppress with one attack - suppression value needed to react (crouch, go prone or cower when already prone) is based on AP to change stance + various bonus, it's higher if soldier is behind cover, and has bonus depending on morale level, so it's harder to suppress merc with high morale, but if he spends several turns under fire, he will lose morale and become much more vulnerable to suppression - since cowering soldier loses all APs, he cannot move or do anything, it solves various animation related problems with cowering soldiers in stock 1.13 - at the start of each turn, mercs stop cowering automatically (if they have AP, not collapsed or dying etc) - it's good for AI - if he sees that enemy is cowering, he knows it's safe to advance and move out of cover >>

Sounds great.

I agree with EdMortimer and Someone64 that the changes by SevenFM to Suppression seem a worthy improvement. The key for me is that I believe that's how it used to work, where visible changes in stances and states gave the player the necessary feedback to feel in synch with the game. Recently, so many of the improvements to v1.13 complicate the game or make it harder to understand. These changes to Suppression improve the game's clarity to the player.

I usually am against such changes without options. But to me, what was described is to be desired, even as a non-optional replacement. I would like to see it in though, in - game. Is there a good video showcasing some of the new suppression effects perhaps with some voiceover or sub-titles explaining what just happened?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10

Page 101 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Gopas on Fri, 02 Nov 2018 13:52:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello Ed.

The other M1's (except the one found in the Omerta basement) do work fine. Obviously only that one has the problem with the vanishing scopes, I sold it.

Devin, i'll have to talk to him again and see what the error message says.

Lastly, i noticed that on/off switches and fold/unfold/extend,etc features, do behave better when i use them in the inventory but not attached to the weapon yet. I did get CTD's while trying to use them while attached to a weapon. Still. i always have to save now, prior to using them, just in case.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 02 Nov 2018 15:42:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Devin, i'll have to talk to him again and see what the error message says.

Lastly, i noticed that on/off switches and fold/unfold/extend,etc features, do behave better when i use them in the inventory but not attached to the weapon yet. I did get CTD's while trying to use them while attached to a weapon. Still. i always have to save now, prior to using them, just in case.

Thank you.

That is strange as I don't have any trouble with them, but now that you mention it I do usually fold/unfold in inventory (and leave it like that), but lasers I have off by default and only turn on if advantageous (within laser range) - which means I turn them on during combat.

Flashlights - on and off during combat without problem.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Fri, 02 Nov 2018 16:39:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Ed I think we can have a hotkey to quickly switch lasers on and off. Also, cover penalties from lasers are only applied when the weapon is raised.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 02 Nov 2018 20:48:40 GMT

Page 102 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message A hotkey would be neat!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Fri, 02 Nov 2018 20:50:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Sat, 03 November 2018 01:48A hotkey would be neat! Any suggestions what key to use? We could have both hotkeys for laser and scope quick switching.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Fri, 02 Nov 2018 23:59:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Any suggestions what key to use? We could have both hotkeys for laser and scope quick switching.

Your choice. You are doing the work.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Sat, 03 Nov 2018 17:35:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message One hotkey would be enough for lasers, another one for the stocks maybe ? Either way, it's up to you gentlemen, i didn't mean to put you do more work. Was just mentioning my observations. Personally, i can live with the game as it is. Just quicksave a lot

There could be certain factors depending on everyone's pc and/or monitor/graphics card, or whatever might be causing CTD's to some of us. I have read a lot on these forums and have noticed other people having problems that are not common to everyone, on the same version of the mod/game. So i believe that it may have something to do with the machine's components too, not just the game itself. For instance, my monitor is a big one, 24 inches i think, big by my standards but it's not a gaming monitor. It came from an office building. Could that be a reason that can affect a game's engine ?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Hawkeye on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 01:25:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The monitor wouldn't be a factor, not for CTD's anyway, more likely the PC itself. Making sure

Page 103 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit your drivers are up to date might help, though with older game platforms like this, that can sometimes add issues.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 08:34:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Mon, 29 October 2018 20:41I've been working on weapon balancing for v1.11 - I will look closely at the LMGs. There's also a problem with laser sights - since they have tag set, they work as optics, for example: AKM, iron sights, rifle lam at 300m Toggle Spoiler laser disabled laser without projection factor laser with projection factor 3.0

Also there's a problem with scope balance, these settings in CTHConstants.ini work much better for me:


Also, setting DEGREES_MAXIMUM_APERTURE = 12.0 is dangerous because it usually breaks weapon balance on small maps, making ALL shots much more accurate, especially with autofire. Default DEGREES_MAXIMUM_APERTURE = 15.0 works much better on regular maps.

Muzzle break is cheating item, should be reduced to at least -25 and 0 for all stances, or removed from the game.

For example, muzzle brake in SDO mod (which has the best NCTH balance for small maps): 5 -1 -10 100.0 -0.05 5

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Recoil can be partially fixed in item_settings.ini



RECOILY_AR_MODIFIER = 2.0 RECOILX_SHOTGUN_MODIFIER = 2.0 RECOILY_SHOTGUN_MODIFIER = 2.0 Currently it's completely unbalanced, especially for machineguns which have nearly no recoil.

Also, why reflex sights provide 20% vision bonus? They have no magnification in RL as far as I know. Currently reflex sight is much more effective in OCTH than small scope, because in OCTH vision bonus defines scope effectivenes (as visual distance is reduced by that bonus, lowering per tile sight penalty in the result).

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by townltu on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 09:09:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @ed, spotted what appears to be too high weight for a C7CT, check this yt video Sorry, no up to date AV install to check which specific part of that assembly is the culprit.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 17:40:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks, Seven. I have copied this so i can work on it.

Page 105 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Edit: I am trying for something between th traditional OCTH and traditional NCTH solely for NCTH. I do not test OCTH, nor mod for it.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 17:42:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes, the C7CT had a typo in the tag.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 17:44:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Ed please watch this battle in AV:

It shows many mentioned balance problems.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 18:47:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @ Hawkeye

It's a gaming pc about 2 years old. Not a gaming powerhouse but pretty good. Can run modern games without issues. The drivers are up to date i believe. It runs all versions of JA2 1.13 without real problems, except the switches and stocks, if i try to on/off or fold/unfold while equipped on the weapon, i may get a CTD. Much safer to do this in the inventory pockets and then attach it to a weapon. Other than that, no problems.


Speaking of typos....It says FN M16A2. I was under the impression that the was made by Colt. Correction : It was made by many manufacturing companies, Colt, Daewoo, FN Herstal and more. So it's not really a typo after all. and learn......

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 18:54:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Speaking of typos....It says FN M16A2. I was under the impression that the M16 rifle was made by Colt.

Page 106 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit It explains in the description. Colt only makes export M16A2's. The USA armed forces use FN M16A2's . . . so the question is why not the export models here? Because, if you talk to Ira she will tell you that the Queen is being supplied by the Americans . . . then there's the obvious American General in Alma . . . and other hints can be found of American involvement. I just decided to strengthen Ira's conspiracy theory with FN M16A2's in the Queen's army - as if the Americans had quietly supplied them. :-)

I guess I should have made a second entry for Colt M16A2's . . . for bobby Ray and etc . . . but that seemed like a bit of overkill.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 19:55:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SDO mod has these values for muzzle brake:

Toggle Spoiler -35 3 3 5 -1 -10 100.0 -0.05 5

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 20:03:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Ed are they different from what I posted? 5 times less recoil reduction and no counter force bonus. Can be used for guns with high recoil, but not very useful if recoil is already low, and has some drawbacks like increased handling. BurstToHitBonus and AutoFireToHitBonus make no difference here since your mod doesn't support OCTH.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 20:27:02 GMT

Page 107 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message It is just that I don't understand why some of these other values are included for a muzzle brake. I am also not sure what tags are OCTH-only and which are NCTH-only. There is no definitive explanation of all these tags that I know of. So I appreciate your offer to explain ones I ask about - but the reality is I need an explanation of all of them and how they fit into the formulas or I am still simply guessing and testing. I have in the past spent months testing only to find out that some of what i was changing were OCTH-only, and never had any influence on what I was modding -- but not knowing that had me change things still thinking the other tags were influencing the whole modification. So you can see that I went down the wrong path sometimes because i did not know what was influencing what i was changing, and what was not having any effect.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 20:33:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I don't see any problem here, these tags mean exactly what they say:

-35 - increase gun loudness by 35% (realistic) 3 - OCTH 3 - OCTH 5 - reduce AP to fire by 5% (easier to control weapon) -1 - reduce x recoil by 1 (less horizontal recoil) -10 - reduce total recoil by 10% 100.0 - default value -0.05 - slightly slower cooldown 5 - increase gun handling by 5% (harder to aim weapon) for all stances (added weight and length of weapon)

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 21:16:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Never mind. i think we are having a translation problem.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by No-Nothing on Thu, 15 Nov 2018 16:16:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 108 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Hello! townltu wrote on Thu, 08 March 2018 12:35Sector D7: roof tiles of the explored barn do not disappear, same for the building in D8. According my observations this happens when one building holds a "wrong" piece of furniture. It is a container type of props that by some unknown to me reason (have no idea about map-design in JA2) can be set as NOT-CONTAINER. So that's scenery items which must be a container but are not. Workaround for player: go into this building save and load immediately (the building interior becomes visible). As for perspective such things should be reported and fixed. I report one! Sector H1: Victor_Tadeu wrote on Wed, 04 April 2018 13:32 About the missing enemy... I'm really confused right now. I swear to you when I made this save Trevor was saying he sees the enemy around his location and he loses sights when moving away from there, the enemy even tries to shot him for several turns but I could only hear the shot and ricochet sounds, neither seeing the enemy or the bullet. When I reloaded the save I sent to you, Trevor was no longer seeing the enemy neither he was trying to shot Trevor and I did found him in the north side of the map pretty far away from Trevor original location. I think the bug was a faulty line of sight between Trevor and the enemy that fixed itself by restarting my game and/or reloading, but I never ever had this problem before neither in vanilla or modded JA2. I'm feeling bamboozled.

It's a bug to be aware of! If your merk portrait shows the icon indicating he spotted an/some enemy/ies but they are not present in the surrounding and on oversight-/mini-map... Be aware! That's it! Workaround for player: load any save made after loading the scene with that battle. Beware: enemy may tumble down onto any place (where they weren't)! I prefer to redo the battle from the very start (have a special save-slot allotted to the begin of a battle) Can only guess, it might be both a general engine coding error and a mistake by a modder during creating the map in question (something like wrong rigged spawning points). Also can provide additional info: - in AV it happened in G3! - in VR it happened in K10 (with enemy tanks involved)! NB obsolete AV 1.10 without ANY updates

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Thu, 15 Nov 2018 16:39:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:According my observations this happens when one building holds a "wrong" piece of furniture. It is a container type of props that by some unknown to me reason (have no idea about map-design in JA2) can be set as NOT-CONTAINER. So that's scenery items which must be a container but are not. Workaround for player: go into this building save and load immediately (the building interior becomes visible). As for perspective such things should be reported and fixed. I report one! Sector H1:

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That's a very interesting observation! I will have to investigate that further. A quick look did not find anything amiss in H1.

Quote: If your merk portrait shows the icon indicating he spotted an/some enemy/ies but they are not present in the surrounding and on oversight-/mini-map... Be aware! That's it! Workaround for player: load any save made after loading the scene with that battle. Beware: enemy may tumble down onto any place (where they weren't)! I prefer to redo the battle from the very start (have a special save-slot allotted to the begin of a battle) Can only guess, it might be both a general engine coding error and a mistake by a modder during creating the map in question (something like wrong rigged spawning points). Also can provide additional info: - in AV it happened in G3!

If you can re-do the battle and it doesn't happen - that means one of two things: it is not a map placement error, or it is a map placement error but the second run-through did not place that specific enemy on the map (less than 32 enemies in the battle). I checked G3 (and N7 where I have that bug in my present campaign) for map placement errors and did not find any.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Hawkeye on Thu, 15 Nov 2018 22:41:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No-Nothing wrote on Fri, 16 November 2018 03:16 Workaround for player: load any save made after loading the scene with that battle. Beware: enemy may tumble down onto any place (where they weren't)! I prefer to redo the battle from the very start (have a special save-slot allotted to the begin of a battle) Can only guess, it might be both a general engine coding error and a mistake by a modder during creating the map in question (something like wrong rigged spawning points). Also can provide additional info: - in AV it happened in G3! - in VR it happened in K10 (with enemy tanks involved)! NB obsolete AV 1.10 without ANY updates

The tank in K10 has detailed placement, so not sure why that's showing up in your game either.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by CareBear on Sun, 18 Nov 2018 12:18:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi Ed. Any plans to release AV 1.11?

Page 110 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 18 Nov 2018 12:49:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: Hi Ed. Any plans to release AV 1.11?

Yes! Hoping to get it out before Christmas.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Sun, 18 Nov 2018 15:10:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I can't recruit Slay, no matter what i try. His responces are off too.

I gave him the diskette provided by Carmen, all he said is "Appreciated" I threatened him, he gave his usual vanilla response "As you can see i have a gun, perhaps we can talk as professionals" He refuses to be recruited though. I gave him money "Don't be expecting me to do anything for it" I punched him, shot him, bandaged him, he does not fight back, after bandaging he says "Appreciated" and ends conversations saying "Good talking to you" He's acting like a pacifist. Something must be amiss from his package. Don't know if anyone else has the same issues when they try to recruit Slay. I am playing the Refresh 1.10 version, JA2 exe.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 18 Nov 2018 20:23:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: I can't recruit Slay, no matter what i try. His responces are off too.

I can't check now because I am away from home, but I will look into it later in the week when I get back. I haven't recruited him in a while, but I see from some of the youtube playthroughs of AV 1.10 that he has been hired. I left his script alone, but it could be something else maybe connected to the other terrorists.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Hawkeye on Sun, 18 Nov 2018 22:49:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I take it you are using a merc with high leadership, Gopas? Or a merc who has bonuses for recruiting approaches?

Page 111 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Mon, 19 Nov 2018 02:54:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I used Miguel, he is at lvl 7 with 98 leadership. there is no one else with these stats, not even Raider. Slay is acting in a pacifist way, which is completely unusual. All of these terrorists would attack if you hit, shoot or touch their stuff, both in vanilla and 1.13. Snipers are in short supply and although i can live without him, it would be much nicer to add him to my ranks.

In one of the latest posts in this thread, a version 1.11 is mentioned, so i figured that i'll let you guys know, in case something needs to be repaired there.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Mon, 19 Nov 2018 03:05:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: In one of the latest posts in this thread, a version 1.11 is mentioned, so i figured that i'll let you guys know, in case something needs to be repaired there.

I appreciate all reports of problems or modding mistakes (unfortunately v1.10 has it's share of problems) because I want to get this mod to be enjoyable to play. I depend on reports from those who play the mod because everyone plays differently - which is part of the beauty of this game. I play one way, my main playtester plays another, but we both settle into -playing- more than playtesting (another tribute to this game) and so can miss things that seem obvious to someone else who plays an entirely different way.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by timujin on Sat, 01 Dec 2018 09:43:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hey long time player but first posting here. First of all thanks for your work and dedication, this game is still alive and getting better because of all of you. Anyways, does this version of the mod include enemy generals and/or jeeps and fortifications present in 1.13? I checked the dates where flugente included them but i don't know for sure for some of these features.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by No-Nothing on Sat, 01 Dec 2018 12:37:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello! I got additional info about thingy discussed above! It is definitely bound to GABBI cheat! In following screens GABBI means combo {GABBI-cheat + [ALT+E]}

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Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by No-Nothing on Sat, 01 Dec 2018 13:53:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message First I must mention I use obsolete AV 1.0 without ANY updates REPORTS Toggle Spoiler1) This how militia spawns through the radio operator call in A7! You can say good bye to their equipment!! 2) These 2 caves from D4 lead to O3 2 levels (San Mona-Meduna Express!!!). I use sci-fi. That's the reason? Does AV support sci-fi? 3) Upon my attack on G1 enemy spawns at N-E corner (ALL of them!). I saw the same already in another mod or even in vanilla. Can be the same sector too! But I cannot say for sure, don't remember. Seems like instead defense spawning was triggered attacking one. But they are all in 10x10 tiles area so may be it's something else! Well, that was one strange fight! One shot from GL by militiaman and most of the enemy squad is eradicated... On the other hand it was one extremely dangerous encounter! 4) Although it happened in G2 I cannot declare it to be specific to this sector only! GABBI-cheat + [ALT+E] shows in details what is going on. Out of ~10 tries 2 times the crash was avoided by luck! Again GABBI-cheat + [ALT+E] shows what were the saving conditions. Might be the soldier was not knocked out... Might be the suppression animation... NB in my verson Merges.xml looks bad as concerns tripwire grenades. Don't know if you corrected it already. NOTES Toggle Spoiler5) It is very uncomfy when sector inventory has limitation for certain items like max only 4 per stack!

6) Coloring of ammo count digits is chosen unlucky sometimes! Ammo for shotguns and some rare perverse pistols feel very unintuitive: buckshot should use blue (like HP), flechette should use red (like AP), slug can be default. That color for U-94 from the screen were good choice for Cold Ball Ammo coz right now I cannot distinguish cold from common!

And a quick question is piercing & tumble settings for depicted magazines are wrong and should be corrected, right? QUESTIONS Toggle Spoiler7) Neurotoxin Dart has nightmarish description but the effect I saw just ~5*2hp

Page 113 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit strikes during ~10 sec. Thus it seems less dangerous than Tranquilizer Dart! 8) Rifle Sling description suggests it prevents dropping your gun when receiving a strong hit. But I spotted that this doesn't work. What is it for then? Just decorative? 9) Didjaseedat Drug gives heart attack and therefore cannot be used as any stat boost. I thought it's maybe an alternative Regeneration Booster but didn't see it recover hps. Is that a solely detrimental drug?

10) How does a grip work for one-handed handguns? It gives bonuses even by dual-wielding?

11) Is there a way to place a trap onto the tile under a merk? 12) It appears to me I used the radio set as an extended ear in VR for giving orders to militia. Here that fails! Logically it must cover the extended ear function with usury. 13) It is disappointing to see MoveItem working only for one sector. Is such downgrade caused by bugfighting? 14) Militia disobey the limits set by assigning yellow sectors on strategic map. The feature turns out obsolete, right?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Gopas on Sat, 01 Dec 2018 15:49:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Rifle sling works. When you get hit hard, whether is melee, a bullet or explosives, your 2-handed weapon gets transferred to the sling slot as long as it's empty. I know that it's a good spot to carry a second weapon in case the one in your hands gets dropped or taken by an enemy. But it's true role is to accept your main gun, should it gets knocked out of your hands.

Never use drugs except the vanilla ones. Regen and the other one that boosts energy. Not too often though cause it drains you fast and leaves you defenseless on the ground until you start recovering your action.

Yeah, i was thinking to try neurotoxin darts as the description m akes them sound like instant death. However, if the enemy's health diminishes in ticks per turn, that allows them all the time in the world to sound the alarm and stealth goes bye-bye. Better use a M-40 with cold ammo and silencer or a Vychlop. They can get the job done in one shot as long as the enemy is unaware.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 01 Dec 2018 15:53:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you for the detailed reports! Some of the questions you asked are code-related (for

Page 114 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit example, the Move Item problem), and I have not changed anything in the code.

Militia spawning in a line across the edge of the map as you show in A7 is code related -- and definitely not a good thing for maps like A7. Perhaps one of the coders can take a look at that.

Those 2 caves are definitely not supposed to lead to Meduna! :-) AV does support sci-fi, but that teleport is not right.

The unusual spawning in G2 may be related to how the map is laid out for entry and exit. I have changed that map considerably since v1.0, and have done a lot of work on it recently for v1.11. I will check it out.

Thank you for finding that tripwire problem - no, I hadn't known about it. Goes to show how much in the game goes unplayed by many, but a necessary item for others. I will fix that!

I agree that the coloring of shotgun ammo can be improved. I will put that on my to-do list. The values in the EDB (Enhanced Description Box) are sometimes incorrect - from what I understand the EDB code has not been updated for a long time and incorrect displays could be a bug in the EDB code.

I have had problems with the Neurotoxin Dart - and do not know why. It should work as in v1.13 r7609 (the drug code was changed after that).

I do not think there is a way to place a trap on the tile being occupied.

The Rifle Sling should send your rifle to the 'rifle pocket' in your inventory instead of on the ground. I have not had it fail. Using the GABBI cheat can cause strange problems.

I have also noticed that militia will sometimes disobey manually set roaming restrictions. I do not know why that is. I think it may be because the AI gets confused between the default roaming restrictions and the manually set ones - but that is just a guess.

I've been wrestling with what to do about the grips on auto-pistols . . . I think I will use item transformations so they can be used one- or two-handed.

VR has a different set of code features than r7609 or Sevenfm's r7609+AI, and so perhaps the radio set code is different in VR.

Yes, some of the drugs have mostly detrimental effects - experiments and recreational drugs made by the terrorist known as The Druggist for fun and profit.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Sat, 01 Dec 2018 15:59:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 115 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Yellow sectors don't prevent militia from entering.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 01 Dec 2018 16:02:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: Hello! I got additional info about thingy discussed above! It is definitely bound to GABBI cheat! In following screens GABBI means combo {GABBI-cheat + [ALT+E]}

I do not understand what is going on here. The items are inside normal container items, and so there should be no trouble opening them to reveal the contents.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Seven. on Sat, 01 Dec 2018 18:36:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edmortimer wrote on Sat, 01 December 2018 20:53Militia spawning in a line across the edge of the map as you show in A7 is code related -- and definitely not a good thing for maps like A7. Perhaps one of the coders can take a look at that. I don't think it's code related. Militia (just like enemy) spawns at sector entry points which you define in map editor.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 01 Dec 2018 19:36:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: Militia spawning in a line across the edge of the map as you show in A7 is code related -- and definitely not a good thing for maps like A7. Perhaps one of the coders can take a look at that.

I don't think it's code related. Militia (just like enemy) spawns at sector entry points which you define in map editor.

I took a look at the map. The sector entry points are all within the lower elevation (where the enemy is deployed). However, somehow the deployment elevation has become the upper elevation. So the map elevations are like Drassen Mine in that respect. I wonder how that happened?

EDIT: I loaded the vanilla A7 map from Maps.slf - and the elevations there are wrong also, with all

Page 116 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit enemies and sector entry points on the lower level, but the upper level is the 'playing field'.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by timujin on Sat, 01 Dec 2018 20:32:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Does this version include generals and/or enemy jeeps, or fortifications?

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 01 Dec 2018 23:38:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: Does this version include generals and/or enemy jeeps, or fortifications?

No, this mod uses r7609 (+AI by Sevenfm) so does not include any of the features that came after r7609.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by Hawkeye on Sun, 02 Dec 2018 04:02:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fortifications, or at least the older use of Sandbags should work though, Ed? If the map tileset allows for it.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Sun, 02 Dec 2018 05:36:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Fortifications, or at least the older use of Sandbags should work though, Ed? If the map tileset allows for it.

Yes, sandbags and concertina wire are available in sectors where the tile set allows. One of these days I'd like to add them to all the tile sets.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by No-Nothing on Tue, 04 Dec 2018 12:46:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you for answers to my questions! It helped to understand another pair of JA2 niceties. But

Page 117 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit the question I would like the answer for most stays unclear and I must say this makes many Tripwire Grenades with: 0 in Explosives.xml unplayable in this mod!!! I changed it to: 1 and crushes stopped. But that's not an appropriate fix, right? So have you ideas about which tile file misses, where to get him or what else could help here? And yes, as I thought, it happens in other sectors too!

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Tue, 04 Dec 2018 17:37:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Thank you for answers to my questions! It helped to understand another pair of JA2 niceties. But the question I would like the answer for most stays unclear and I must say this makes many Tripwire Grenades with: 0 in Explosives.xml unplayable in this mod!!! I changed it to: 1 and crushes stopped. But that's not an appropriate fix, right? So have you ideas about which tile file misses, where to get him or what else could help here? And yes, as I thought, it happens in other sectors too!

I am trying to determine what is causing this behavior. I am at a loss at the moment. I will have to investigate further.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by buuface on Wed, 19 Dec 2018 02:05:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Dear Ed,

Will your next version of the mod be compatible with later releases of 1.13, so as to include more of the new features? (tactical recruitment, moving vehicles etc.)

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by edmortimer on Wed, 19 Dec 2018 12:42:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Will your next version of the mod be compatible with later releases of 1.13, so as to include

Page 118 of 119 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit more of the new features? (tactical recruitment, moving vehicles etc.)

No. When I get this mod to a point where I am satisfied with it I have some plans for new mods - one of the mods I have planned is AV using the latest release of 1.13. However, I won't start chasing the changes and try to keep that mod current with the latest 1.13.

Subject: Re: AV v1.10 Posted by buuface on Fri, 28 Dec 2018 07:36:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ok thanks for the response.

Is Manuel from UB available in your mod? How many vehicles are usable by the player in AR (not including helicopters) ?

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