Rethinking the Western Non-Interpolations: a Case for Luke Re-Editing His Gospel

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Rethinking the Western Non-Interpolations: a Case for Luke Re-Editing His Gospel Rethinking the Western Non-interpolations: A Case For Luke Re-editing His Gospel by Giuseppe Capuana BA (Mus), GradDipEd, BTheol (Hons) A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy University of Divinity 2018 Abstract This thesis presents a new paradigm for understanding the Western non-interpolations. It argues that when Luke originally wrote his Gospel it did not contain 22:19b–20; 24:3b, 6a, 12, 36b, 40, 51b and 52a. However, at a later time, around the time Luke wrote Acts, he returned to his Gospel creating a second edition which contained these readings. My thesis makes the case that the paradigm of scribal interpolation is problematic. Working under this paradigm the results of external and internal evidence appear conflicting and scholars are generally forced to give greater preference to one set of evidence over the other. However, a balanced weighting of the external and internal evidence points us towards the notion that Luke was responsible for both the absence and the inclusion of 22:19b–20; 24:3b, 6a, 12, 36b, 40, 51b and 52a. Chapter one introduces the Western non-interpolations. It also makes the case that the quest for the original text of Luke’s Gospel should not be abandoned. Chapter two is on the history, theory and methodology of the Western non-interpolations. It begins with an overview of the text-critical scholarship emerging during the nineteenth century, particularly the influence of Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort. It also covers the period after Westcott and Hort to the present. Chapter three begins by describing the sources available for the study of the Western non- interpolations. Marcion’s Evangelion is an important witness for the study of the Western non-interpolations, particularly in regards to dating the short variant readings. Therefore one finds in this chapter a thorough discussion of Marcion and his Evangelion. Chapter three also includes an analysis of the external evidence for each variant reading. In a similar way, chapter four analyses the internal evidence for each of iii the Western non-interpolations. From these two chapters we learn that the evidence makes better sense if we attribute the variant readings to Luke’s editorial revision. Chapter five provides evidence for Luke writing more than one edition of his Gospel. Discussed thoroughly is Luke 1–2 as it provides evidence for Luke re-editing his Gospel. The conclusion of chapter five is that Luke first wrote an edition of the Gospel which did not have Luke 1–2; 22:19b–20; 24:3b, 6a, 12, 36b, 40, 51b and 52a and later wrote another which did. He wrote the second edition some years after the first edition, shortly after the writing of Acts. Chapter six summarises and concludes the thesis. It also briefly discusses whether other variant readings can be identified as coming from different Lukan Gospel editions. iv STATEMENT OF SOURCES This thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a thesis by which I have qualified for or been awarded another degree or diploma. No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this thesis. This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any other tertiary institution. All research procedures reported in this thesis received the approval of the relevant Ethics/Safety Committees. Signed: Dated: 12/01/2018 v Acknowledgements A number of people are to be thanked for their support which enabled me to complete this thesis. I thank first Catherine Playoust, my thesis supervisor. She challenged my thinking on numerous occasions and her experience and encouragement went a long way in helping me complete this thesis. There were a number of people who offered feedback during the University of Divinity conferences, including the joint post-graduate conferences with the Australian Catholic University. In particular, questions I received from Michael Theophilos and James McLaren of the Australian Catholic University helped sharpen my thinking. Three teachers in my undergraduate years, John Dunnill, William Loader and Nancy Ault of Murdoch University, instilled a passion in me for the study of Theology. I was fortunate enough to have these three great minds nurture my thinking. François Bovon and Claire Clivaz were prompt in responses to questions that stumped me. To them I note my appreciation. I could have never finished this thesis without access to resources essential to my topic. I thank the Dalton McCaughey Library at the Centre for Theology and Ministry and the Mannix Library at the Catholic Theological College. I would like to thank my employer Principal Brian Hanley of St Monica’s College, Epping, Victoria. His support during the last seven years and generosity in time allowance over those years meant it only took seven years to complete my thesis part- time. Numerous friends and family members have provided great support and encouragement during my years of study. Thank you to my mother. She has always has vi been supportive in my studies, even though she is not always sure why I would want to study Theology. It’s unfortunate that dad was not around to see it. Finally, this thesis would never have been completed without the support of my wife Georgia and two children Jaimee and Johnathan. Georgia has been understanding and supportive in my endeavour and this project is as much the result of her hard work as it is mine. Jaimee and Johnathan have only ever known their father working on his thesis. What will they think now? vii Table of Contents List of Tables ................................................................................................................ x 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1 2. The Western Non-interpolations: History, Theory and Methodology ....................... 15 Before Westcott and Hort................................................................................. 16 Karl Lachmann (1793-1851) .................................................................. 18 Samuel Prideaux Tregelles (1813-1875) .................................................. 21 Constantin von Tischendorf (1815-1874) ............................................... 24 Westcott and Hort’s Western Non-interpolations .............................................. 27 Excursus: Matt 27:49b ...................................................................................... 44 The Transition Period: 1881-1900 ..................................................................... 45 The Age of Acceptance: 1901-1971 ................................................................... 52 From 1971 to the Present ................................................................................. 62 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 74 3. The External Evidence ............................................................................................ 76 A Preliminary Discussion ................................................................................. 77 Collecting and Explaining the Evidence ............................................................ 96 The Variants .................................................................................................. 104 Luke 22:19b–20 ................................................................................... 105 Luke 24:3b .......................................................................................... 117 Luke 24:6a .......................................................................................... 120 Luke 24:12 .......................................................................................... 123 Luke 24:36b ........................................................................................ 126 Luke 24:40 .......................................................................................... 128 Luke 24:51b ........................................................................................ 130 Luke 24:52a ........................................................................................ 132 Conclusion: Interpreting the Evidence ............................................................ 134 4. The Internal Evidence ........................................................................................... 140 A Balancing Act: Internal Evidence versus External Evidence .......................... 144 The Variants .................................................................................................. 148 Luke 22:19b–20 ................................................................................... 148 Intrinsic Probability .................................................................. 149 Transcriptional Probability ....................................................... 170 Concluding Comment .............................................................. 177 Luke 24:3b .......................................................................................... 178 Intrinsic Probability .................................................................. 178 Transcriptional Probability ....................................................... 181 Concluding Comment .............................................................. 185 viii Luke 24:6a .........................................................................................
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