Series P-25, No. 32R March 8, 1966


Sources of Population Estimates and Projections for- Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Counties Cities BUREAU OF THE CENSUS

Ao ROSS ECKLER, Director

HOWARD Co GRIEVES, Deputy Director CONRAD T AEUBER, Assi stant Director

Population Division HOWARD G. BRUNSMAN, Chief


This report was prepared by Meyer Zitter, Chief, and Judith A. Hill, State and

Local Population Estimates and Projections Branch, Population Division. The

preparation of the report was under the general direction of Henry S. Shryock, Jr., Assistant Chief (Program Development), Population Division.


U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-25, No. 328, "Inventory of State and Local Agencies Preparing Population Estimates:

Survey of 1965," U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1966.

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, 15 cents. Annual subscription (Series P-20, P·23, P·2S, P-27, P-28 s~mmaries, P-60, and P-6S, combined), $4.00; foreign mailing, $5.25. CONTENTS

Page Work of State agencies...... 2 Work of local agencies ...... •...... •• ·...... 3 Classification of methods...... It Accuracy of methods...... •...... 5 other sources of population estimates...... • ...... • ...... 5 Population projections...... 6


Table Page A.--State agencies making population estimates for local areas: Periodic surveys, 1955 to 1965...... 2 B.--Methods used by State agencies to make population estimates for local areas: Survey of 1965...... •...... 2 C.--Summary of methods used by State agencies to make population estimates for local areas: Periodic surveys, 1955 to 1965 ...... · .•.. · ...... ·.··.··.····...... 3 D.--Local agencies preparing populatiun estimates: Survey of 1965...... •...... 3 E.--Counties for which special censuses have been taken by the Bureau of the Census between April 1, 1960, and July 1, 1965...... 6 F. --Ci ties of 100,000 or more for which special censuses hav'e been taken by the Bureau of the Census between April 1, 1960, and July 1, 1965...... 6


Table Page l.--Population estimates prepared by state agencies: Survey of 1965...... 7 2.--Population estimates prepared by local agencies in 100 largest standard metropolitan statistical areas: Survey of 1965...... 12 3.--State agencies preparing population projections •...... •...... , .... 22 It. --Local agencies preparing pcpulation proj ections...... 23


Page Copy of letter circularized to State and local agencies...... 25 INVENTORY OF STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES PREPARING POPULATION ESTIMATES: SURVEY OF 1965

(For previous surveys, see Current Population Reports, Series p-25, Nos. 244, 178, and 116)

This report presents the results of a survey had been reported in prior surveys as preparing and types of current population population In addition, a letter was from state and local (city, sent to the "key administrator" in each state, re­ and regional) agencies. The survey was questing information as to which agencies within cted by mail in April-May 1966, and the re­ the state prepared population estimates. More- reflect work on population estimates in the over, the questionnaire to each agency requested e and local agencies since data from the 1960 it to supply the name of any other agency that of Population became available. prepared population est.imates, so as to assure as of the Census now regularly pre­ complete coverage as possible. current population estimates for the United The survey also covered large metropolitan es as a whole, the States, the outlying areas areas and large cities. QuestionJ1aires were sent the United States, and the largest standard to all regional and count.y planning commissions of politan statistical areas and their constitu- the 100 largest standard metropolitan statistical counties. i areas, asking for information on availability of The Bureau is greatly interested in the avail­ est.imates of t.hese SMSA's and their component ility of population estimates for all areas in parts. Finally, each of the 61 cities with a 1960 In particular, it has been acting as population of 250,000 or more was also canvassed for the exchange of information directly. In these instances, lett.ers were sent small-area estimates. It has been pro­ to city planning commissions and city departments on methods for preparing them and of healt.h. The mayor of each of t.hese cities was participated in the development and testing of also informed of the survey and asked for the This summary report is the fourth in names of any other agencies which prepared esti­ reports designed to provide a Each of. these'cit.ies is contained within invent.ory of the availability of popula­ the 100 metropolitan areas covered in the survey. estimates from St.ates and local governmental An told, about 300 St.ate agencies and somewhat the activities in this area at. the more than 200 local agencies were covered in the survey. survey was cond.ucted at the sugges­ The survey covers only the work of ot'ficial of the Public Health Conference on Records State and local agencies; hence, estimates made by St.atistics, which, at its meeting in Washing­ private organizat.ions such as local chambers of i.n Marcll 1954, adopt,ed a mo·tion recommending commerce are not included,. 2 the Bureau of the Census publish a summary of The questionnaire asked for a report on the used by State vital statistics offices areas for which estimates areprepared (e.g., local population Because State, counties, cities, and census tracts) and Ule wi(iespread int,erest in the initial report. t.he characterist.ics for which estimates were pre­ the recommendation of the Public Health Con­ pared (e.g., age, sex, and race) as wen as a de­ and Statistics t.hat the inven­ scription of the methods used in preparing such or biennially, it was estimates. Other questions related to the fre­ to continue ,mch surveys and publish re- quency of publication of such estimates, the pub­ lication source, and whether lmpublished figures represents an expansion were available to t.he public upon request. Fi­ coverage of the earlier surveys. In 1966, nally, the respondents were· also queried on t.he were sent t.o state health depart- availability of populatibn~rojections. A copy of ts, . state employment security offices, state the quest.ionnaire that was used in the survey is development commissions, state planning boards, given in the appendix of this report. aus of business research of State universities, ~~d agricultural experiment. stations, as well as 2 A number of special cases, such as a nongovern­ to a number of miscellaneous state agencies that ment agency serving as a focaL point, in conjunction with other organizations and agencies, for the pro­ vision of population estimates, are indicated in the 1 At present, estimates are prepared for the 38 largest SMSA's. tables. 1 2

WORK OF STATE AGENCIES Table A. --STATE AGENCIES MAKING POPULATION ESTIMATES FOR LOCAL AREAS: PERIODIC SURVEYS, 1955 TO 1965 Sources of estimates.--In all but one State, North Dakota, some state agency reported making Agency 1965 1960 1957-58 1955 population estimates for counties or other local areas. In a number of instances, census counts Total ...... 66 57 62 46 rather than estimates are available. ThUS, the Department of health ...... ••.•• 27 27 30 31 state of Kansas takes a State census every year as S-tate university ...... 4.' 21 16 19 9 of March 1. Massachusett,s t,akes one in years end­ Bureau of business research ... lO lO 15 'I O·ther department ...... : ...... 11 6 4 2 ing in 5; the results of the last one, taken as of Plamling commission or economic January 1, 1965, have recently become available. development agency ....•...... 9 3 1 Employment security office ...... 4 2 4 2 The Washington State Census Board counts the popu­ Other ...... •...... • 15 'I 6

lation in selected places and supplements these 1 Includes California State Department of Finance) Kansas counts with estima-tes of the population of other Sta-te Board of Agriculture, Utah Population Committee, Washing_ ton State Censu8 Board, and the Office of the Secretary of the cities and towns. The State of Rhode Island in Commonwealth of' Massachusetts (census every 10 years). 1965 contracted with the U.S. Bureau of t,he Census to conduct 'a special census covering the whole State. (See, Current Population Reports, Spedal In 15 states, more than one agency is involved_ Censuses, Series P-28, No. 1393.) In all other in­ in population estimation work. This apparent dual stances, the data reported here represent popula­ responsibili ty may involve some duplication; at tion estimates derived by various methods. times it, represents supplemental estimates by a p~ in earlier surveys, the State departments second agency to meet its own specific needs, but of health lead other types of State-wide agencies overlapping responsibility does appear to be the in the preparatj.on of local population estimates. situation in about 10 of these Stai;es. out of a total of 66 different State agencies mak­ Methods used.--The methods used by State ing such estimates, 27 were departments of Ilealth. agencies to make population estimates for local This is approximately the same number of State de­ areas are summariz ed in table B below. Explana­ partments of health reported as preparing esti­ tions of the various methods listed are given in a mates in our earlier surveys. State universi_ties later section of this report (pages 4 and 5). are the second most important source of such esti­ mates; 21 such agencies reported making population Table B.--METHODS USED BY STATE AGENCIES TO MAKE POPULATION es~imates. Ten of these were Bureaus of Business ESTIMATES FOR LOCAL AREAS: SURVEY OF 1965 Research at State univBrsities and the remainder were represented by Departments of Sociology and Number newly established Population Study Centers. Other Method of types of agencies preparing estimates were: eco­ agencies nomic development commissions (6), employment se­ curity commissions (4), State planning commissions Agencies reporting, totaL...... 66 (3), and other agencies. These agencies include Agencies preparing estimates of t.otal population.. 160 the State Census Boards in Oregon and Washington. State census...... 2 (The Oregon State Census Board has recently been Component method...... • • . . . • . . . . . • . . . • ...... • . 34 Bureau of the Census: Method II...... 15 replaced_ by the Center for population Research and Age or grade progression...... 3 Census at Portland State College.) In the State Aver~e of- Method II and other methods. . . . . • . • • . . • . • 4 Other...... 12 of California, population estimation is the re­ sponsibility of the Population Research Unit in the Composi te met:b.od •••..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ',.. 5 Bogue-Duncan...... 3 Department of Finance. In Utah, an interagency Other vax'ia tion. . • . . . . . • ...... • ...... • . . . . . • . • . . . . • 2 committee has the responsibility for such_ estimates. Censal ratio method...... • . . • . . . . • • • • . • . . . • • . . • 10 Table A below s~~arizes the sources of popu­ Simple...... 2 lation estimates by type Of agency preparing such Complex...... 8 Vital rates...... 3 estimates. The results from the earlier surveys Ratio-correlation ••..••.•••..•••.....•.•....••.•.. are also shown for comparative purposes. In gen­ Other ...... •...•...... •••..•..•....•...... ••..•.. eral, the changes reported over time are tl'Ue Natural increase...... J representations of shifts in responsibility of Ari thmetic or geometric extrapolation...... 4 Other...... 2 preparing such estimates. It is quite possible, 1 ExclUdes three agencies involved in supplementing the esti­ however, that the increase in the total nu~ber of mates of total popUlation prepared by other agencies, and three agencies reporting work in this area since 1960 agencies the-t have not prepared estimates in this decade. reflects the more extensive coverage of the 1965 2 Includes net migration based on past trends (4); net migra­ tion base d on other symptomatic da-ta (J); Census Bureau Meth­ survey. od I (1); and other variations. 3

More than half of the agencies preparing es­ WORK OF LOCAL AGENCIES of the total population of counties use Types of agencies.--As indicated earlier, form of component method in which the primary questionnaires were sent to over 200 county and ents of population change, that is, births, city agencies, mainly regional and county planning , and net migration are Gstimated separately. commissions, city planning commissions, an.d city ed are methods in which net migration is departments of health. The majority of the juris­ on current series of symptomatic data or dictions replying reported some agency involved in lyon the extrapolation of past levels or population estimates, with planning commissions, Component Method II, or an adaptation of in general, being the type of agency most fre­ method, was the principal specific component quently reported. The agencies contacted and used, accounting for close to half of all those making such estimates were distributed as component method variants. follows: The censal ratio method was the second most uently cited method. Here, too, the sympto­ Table D. --LOCAL AGENCIES PREPARING POPULATION ESTIMATES: data series used varies from state to state, SURVEY OF 1965

vital statistics being very frequently used. Number Number Type of agency preparing agencies use estimates based solely on nat­ contacted increase without any allowance for net migra- estimates and four agencies were reported as using Total •....•...... •....•.....•... 218 118 -~ .. "'''--,-~ or geometric extrapolation. These last City planning commission ...... 66 30 are considered substantially less reliable Ci ty and oounty department of health .... . 30 12 2 the other methods shown, in that they do not Regional and oounty plarming oommission .. '122 75 Other •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 use of any current indicators which may re- ct population change due to net migration. In 1 Of these, 30 had the term "Regional'1 or I!Metropolitanl1 in their title. four instances was an average of the'results 2 Fifteen of these prepare estimates for two or more counties two or more methods used, although many of the in the area. e-techinque estimates use more than one se­ of data to estimate either net migration or distribution of total population among geo­ For the 100 SMSA's covered in the survey, es­ c areas. Recent studies conducted by the timates are available for the entire SMSA in 35 of the Census suggest that the averaging of cases. In most instances, estimates for the en­ results of two or more independent methods of tire metropolitan area are available from a single, vely the same level of accuracy tend to pro­ I local source. Typically, where a metropolitan or estimates of lower average error than esti­ regional planning commission exists and prepares produced by a single method. estimates, the estimates are prepared for the en­ The assignment of the method to a particular tire metropolitan area and its component counties, is based on a description of the Of the 270 metropolitan counties covered in the the local agencies. In this survey, estimates are available for 142 of t,hes e, there had to be a fair degree of or slightly more than half. in the assignment process. However, Of the 51 cities with a population of 250,000 broad categories, it may be possible to see or more in 1960 covered specifically in the survey, what extent techniques used by State agencies estimates were reported for 36. In 19 of these, changed in the 10 years since the first survey estimates were reported as available by census initiated in 1955. Table C below summarizes tracts. In tIle 1960 survey covering approximately resul ts of the four surveys available to date. the same cities, only 12 cities reported preparing estimates for census tracts. C. --SUMMARY OF METHODS USED BY STATE AGENCIES TO MAKE POPULATION ESTrnATES FOR LOCAL AREAS: PERIODIC SURVEYS) Methods used.--The procedures used by county 1955 TO 1965 and city agencies do not readily lend themselves to precise classification. Rarely was only one Method 1965 1960 1957-58 1955 method or one single type of symptomatic d.ata se­ ries reported. as the means of deriving population Total •...... •.....• I---''-''-+---''-'-+---''-''--l---=60 57 estimates. Even where two or more methods or se­ 2 2 2 2 ries of data were used, the manner in which the 34 2/, 2$ 17 5 6 5 methods or data were combined is not always clear. 10 14 7 3 Generally, local agencies preparing population 3 4 5 7 3 6 5 estimates make use of multiple series of data !. 4 4 8 manipulated in a variety of ways to arrive at cur­ 2 5 2 rent estimates of population. 4

In a broad sense, the most frequently used Census and births since the ·census. (In Component procedure was the "dwelling unit" method based Method I of the Bureau of the Census, the net mT:: mainly on residential building permits. However, gration rate for a given area is estimated, on the substantial variation exists in the availability basis of school enrollment or school census data, and use of such supplementary information as va­ as the difference between the percent chac'1ge iI? cancy rates, demolitions, and average size of the population of school age for ttle area and the household. The extent of complex variations in corresponding change for the United States.) the ap'plication of the method even raises ques­ In other component methods, net migra·tion is tions as to the appropriateness of a single elas­ esti.mated in various ways, such as the use sification under Uw general heading of "rlwelling of data OE school enrollment for successive school un:i.-t" method. Similar sHuations exist Jor other years by grade (the method), the methods. use of reported miGration 0:[ previous decarles, and Perhaps such flexibilHy should be expected other kinels of data, such as information on resi­ and preferred at the local level. For one thing, d.enti.a1 utility installations and dwelling units. the availability of ctata relating to population In the composite method*, estimates of vari­ change varies f'rom area to area. For another, ous age groups are derived separat,e1y and are tIlen many local estimators prefer to introduce elements summed to secure a total for all ages, One metIlod of judgment both in the kinds of data selected and is to us e age-specHic deatIls and death rates; the manner in which the data are used in arriving anotller, developed by Bogue and. IJunc;an,3 uses at tIle best population figure. Such variability in death statistics to estimateagGs 45 and over, data and flexibility in approach, llowever, create birth sta tisMcs to estimate ages 18 to 44 and problems in the classification and evaluation of under 5, and Component Method II (see above) to the methods. Expected average errors based on estimate ages 5 to 17 years. Other variations of past tests of accuracy may not be applicable be­ the composite me~hod employ other combinations of caus e of lack of comparability of bas e data and "indicators" for various age groups. These methods lack of uniformity in application. permit the choice of tIlose indicators best suited Because of these problems of classifica·tion, to a given age raD~e and provide some age detail the description of methods in table 2 emphasizes as a by-product. the kinds of data that the local agencies used in In th.e censal ratio methods, current sympto­ deriving the estimates. The overall classifica­ matic data are multiplied by the ratio of popula­ tion represents only a rough approximati.on to how tion to the same symptomatic datum at tIle last the data are used to make the estimates. For more census for the area for which the estimate is be­ information on the techniques used to develop esti­ ing made. A variation of the method allows for a mates for any specific area, it is suggested that trend in this ratio between the census and the the reader refer to the pubUcation source of the estimate date. Sometimes the initial estimates of estimates, or write directly to the originating population by the censal ratio method for the con- agency. stituent parts of an area are adjusted so as to add to an estimate for the entire area. CLASSIFICATION OF tv'IETHODS A censa1 ratio method may be simple, using one in- The questionnaire asked each respondent to dicator, or complex using two or more indicators. describe the methods used to prepare estimates, The vi tal rates method·)\- is a ratio method. in which including the kinds of symptomatic .data and the two sets 0:[ estimates, based, respectively, on particular way in Wllich they were used, It also birth and death statistics, are' averaged. The asked whether net migration was measured sepa­ ratio-correlation method* is a censa1 ratio method rately. This information was used to classify in which the estimate is obtained by use of a for­ each of the replies into the methods listed below. mula for multiple regression betw.een change in the A brief explanation of these methods is as follows: proportion of the State's population in a county Component or migration-and-nationa1-increase and the change in a number of censa1 ratios for methods are those in which the components of popu­ lation change since the last census--that is, *Detailed descriptions of methods noted by an births, deaths, and net migration--are estimated asterisk (*), as used by the Bureau of the Census, are separately. gi.ven in: U. S. Bureau of the Census, Current popula­ In Component Method 11* of the Bureau of the tion Reports, Series p-25, No. 324, January 20, 1966, and No. 298, February 12, 1965. Census, net migration is estimated on the basis of 3 See, Donald J, Bogue and Beverly Duncan, "A Com­ school enrollment or school census data from the posite Method for Estimating Postcensal Population of difference between the actual population of ele­ Small Areas by Age, Sex, and Color," National Office mentary school age and the population of school of Vital Statistics, Vital Statistics - Special R~­ age expected on the basis of the most recent ports, Vol. XLVII, No. 6 (August 24, 1959). 5

last decade. The dwelling unit method* is yet preparing estimates during the 1950 's have com­ ratio method, in which the esti­ pared their estimates for 1960 with the 1960 Cen­ of population are based on estimates of sus results, in order to obtain some feeling for units. The latter, in turn, are based on the level of accuracy of their estimates. Little on building permits issued, or on data on is known, however, about the extent to which such gas, or water meter connections. In comparisons resulted in changing th.e methodology allowance mayor may not be made for or conversely, reinforcing procedures already in of household in the area. use. (It is noteworthy that about one-third of e of the lack of the necessary data to meas­ the states answered "Yes" to the question on tests in the number of dwelling units for of accuracy, but only a few gave detailed informa­ areas, the method is generally limited to tion on the design and results of such tests.) areas. Tests conducted by the Bureau of the Census The proration method involves the distribu­ and others provide information on the accuracy of estimated total for 80me large area various methods of preparing local estimates. constituent parts, as an independently Some of the more recent studies using the 1960 state total among counties, on the basis Census as a standard are: population at the last census or on the 1. David Goldberg and T. R. Balakrishnan, of current symptomatic data, such as school A Partial Evaluation of Four Estimating Techniques or deaths. This procedure implic­ ("Michigan Population Studies No.2," Ann Arbor, assumes that the State' 8 population is cur­ Michigan: University of Michigan, 1961). Also, ently distributed in the same proportion over the David Goldberg et aI, "Tests of Accuracy of Ratio 8 as at the last census, or that the ratio Correlation Population Estimates, "Land EconomiCS, population to the symptomatic item is the same Volume 40, No. 64, February 1964, pages 100 to 102. all of the counties. (In this respect, the 2. George A. Hillery, Jr., Postcensal differs from the censal ratio Population Estimates for Small Areas: An Evalua­ In the latter, the ratio of population to tion of Selected Techniques (Lexington, Kentucky: item is derived separately for University of Kentucky, Agricultural Experiment Station, KAES RS-17, September 1962). extrapolation assumes that the 3. Meyer Zitter and Henry S. Shryock, amount of population change in an area in Jr., "Accuracy of Methods For Preparing Postcensal equals the average yearly Population Estimates for States and Local Areas," in the area in a recent past pe­ Demography, Volume 1, No.1, 1964. riod--Usually the most recent intercensal period. 4. National Vi tal Statistics DiviSion (now In geometric extrapolation, the average yearly Division of Vital statistics, National Center rate of change is assumed to remain the same as in for Health Statistics), Preliminary Report of the the past period. Study Group on Postcensal Population Estimates, The natural increase method involves merely the Public Health Conference on Records and Sta­ adding natural increase (births minus deaths) to tistics (Washington, D.C., June 11,1962). census figure. It assumes, therefore, that The aforementioned tests provide some indica­ net migration since the last census equals zero. tion of the general level of accuracy achieved in the past for selected methods for different kinds of areas. Substantial variation about the average ACCURACY OF METHODS has been found for specific areas, however. The Bureau of the Census is keenly interested in the development of new data sources and im­ OTHER SOURCES OF POPULATION ESTIMATES proved methodology for the derivation of popula­ tion estimates in local areas and has for some In addition to the population estimates pre­ time participated in the development of estimates pared and compiled by State and city agencies de­ and in testir~ methodology. In order to add to scribed above, local population figures are avail­ the available information on the relative accuracy able from several other sources. These inClude of methods of preparing population estimates, the special census counts made by the Bureau of ·the questionnaire to the agencies included the ques­ Census and estimates prepared by various private tion "Have you conducted any tests of accuracy of groupings including Chambers of Commerce, welfare your past estimates or of the methods used to pre­ agenCies, and marketing research organizations. pare current estimates?" Sufficient detail to Since 1960, the Bureau of the Census has ,this question was not received in most cases to taken over 700 speCial censuses at the request and provide a firm basis for additional evaluation of expense of local governments. The places in which the accuracy of various methods. Many agencies censuses have been taken vary in size from small 6

villages to very large cities, complete counties, Table F. --CITIES OF 100,000 OR MORE FOR WHICH SPECIAl CENSUSES BEEN TAKEN BY THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS BETWEEN APRIL 1 and, in one instance, a whole state. Up to the AND ,TULY 1, 1 ~65 ' period ending July 1, 1965, special censuses have been completed for 8 whole counties and 8 ci t~les in Date of P-28 Population excess of 100,000 inhabitants. These are listed in City special report census nu.mber Special April l, tables E and F below. 4 The Bureau issues quarter­ census 1960 ly and annual summaries on resuHs of special cen­ Cleveland, Ohio ....•.. suses in Current Population Reports, Series P-28. Ala ...... Ark ...... Table E. --COUNTIES P'OH wHICII SmCIAl. CENSUSES HAVE BEEN l'Al

===-=-~---- =""-~=--=-=-===--=--=-=== Date of P-2B I-_P_O_p_li,l_a-_ti_o_ll_ State and county special report census number POPULATION PRO,mCTIONS There has been much lnterest in the availa­ Alabama: Madiflon...... Sept. 22, 1961, 1380 bili ty oJ: proj actions of' population in future years for various geographic areas in the country. May 14, 1964 Hence, the Bureau of the Census o.ecided to include May JA., 196'. a question on the avaHall11ity of projections in May 14, 1964 the 1965 mail survey. The question asked was Ne" York: whether the specific agency or some other State or Monroe ..••.••....•.. 1964 local organization had prepared population projec­ Putnam •.•...... • Rockland ...... •. April tions within the past five years (since the 1960 westchester ••.•••••• l\pril Census) . No information was specifically solic­

1 Three cuunties--Clark and ited on the type or scope of such projections, An Kentucky--constitute the entire asterisk (*) has been added to the agency names listed i_n tables 1 and 2 to indicate the availa- bility of population projec·tions, State agencies prepariIlg population projections but not listed in 4 The censuses in two of the areas, Louisville SMSA and Cleveland city, were taken at the expense of table 1 are listed in table 3. Local agencies the Bureau of the Census as part of its planning pro­ preparing population projections but not listed in gram for the 1970 Decennial Census. table 2 are shown in table 4. 7


(Ageneies reporting that they prepare population (*). See table 3 for additional State

Name and address of agency Areas and detail State Method or types of data used Source and frequency preparing estimates available

Alabama ••••.•••..• Counties, •••.•..••••••••• Component--Method II...... ••.• Published annually in Alabama *~~::~s~ty B~;i~~:~a:search Business. P.O. Box KK University, Alabama 35486

Alaska.... .•.•...• *Research and Sect:i.0n Election districts...... Component--Method II ••.•.••.•••. Employment Department of Labor P.O. Box 2661 Juneau, Alaska 99801

Arizona .•••..•.•.• *Arizona State Employment Service Counties ...••••.•..•.•••• Component--Estimate of net mi­ Published annually in Arizona 1717 West Jefferson Street (Cities irregularly upon gration based on dwelling units Basic Economio Data. --- Phoenix,~ Arizona 85007 request) and state income tax returns.

Arkansas •••••••••• Bureau of Business and Economic Counties •.•....••••..••.. Component--modified H\3thod II: Published annually in Arkansas Research 1. Elementary and high school Business Bulletin. --- College of Business Research enrollment used University of Arkansas 2. Constant relationship as­ Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703 sumed between migration rates for school ages and total population.

California .•...••. *Popu.lation Research Unit Counties and cities, Counties: Component--Grade­ Published annually in California Department of Finance total population only, progression. Population. Sacramento, California 95814 State by age and sex Cities: Various methods, in­ cluding dwelling unit, sample surveys, and enumeration.

Oolorado. " ..•..•• 1~Colorado State Division of Counties and cities .••••• Component--modif'ied Method II. •. Published annually in The Accounts and Control Colorado Year Book. - Room 1-10 State Capitol Denver, Colorado

Connecticut •••.••• Public Health Statistics Section Counties and towns, Component-_Age_progression using Published annually as a special State Department of Health total population only. school oensus data. issue of Weekly Health Bulletin. 79 Elm Street State by age and sex Hartford, Connecticut 06115

Delaware •••••••• •• Bureau of Vi tal statistics Counties and Wilmington Arithmetic extrapolation ••.•••.• annually State Board of Health city, by color. Dover, Delaware 19901

Delaware State Planning Office Counties and Gensal ratio--based on housing Estimates now in preparation, 45 The Green municipal! ties. unit count obtained in State­ will be revised and pu.blished Dover, Delaware 19901 wide field survey. at irregular intervals and available upon request.

Diet. of Columbia. Biostatistics Section District of Columbia by Composite--Bogue-Duncan method .. Published annually in Vital Plan..'1ing, Research, and St.atistics and color. Statistics Summary. -- Division areas by age D.C, Department of. Publ:Lc Health and color 300 Indiana Avenue, N. W. Census tracts, total Washington, D.C. 20001 population only

FloI'ida •••...•..•. Bureau of Economic and Business Counties •.....•..•..•.••• Average of two methods: Research 1. Component--Method II of Business Administrat:!.on 2. Censal ratio-_based on Hall vital statistics.

Division of Public Health Counties by color...... Component--migration based Published annually in Florida Statis·tics past trends, adjusted to Vital Statistics. Florida State Board of Health totals of Gni versi ty of J aclcsonville, Florida 32201 (above) .

Georgia...... •.. *Biostatistics Service C01..U1ties and cities of Cornpc'nellt- -liuup"alOwn of Published armually as a separate Department of Public and over by 00101'. II. release. by age, sex, and 1.~7 Trinity Avenue, S.W. color Atlanta, Georgia 3033<1

*Deruographic Laborator',f Counties and cities of Component--Method. II •••....•.•.• and Social Science Research 5,000 and over by Institute color and sex. University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30601 8


(Agencies reporting that they prepare population (*). See table 3 for additional State

Name arl..d address of agency Source and frequency State preparing estimates Me

--,mg:raClC>n based on Hawaii •••.••••••••

Honolulu. Honolulu by census tract

HesidcnC population for EfJtima"\i8.s "based on above plus above areas. data obt,ained on Armed Forces.


Idaho...... Bureau of Vital Statistics Counties...... Natural increase method...... Publtshed annually in .Annual Repor~. -- Idaho Department of Health S"tate House Boise, Idaho 83701

111ino:i.s...... *Bureau of Statistics Coun-ties and cities of increase with' of ?:J.blic Health 10,000 and over. on 1950-60 HUneli s 62706

M censal Published annually 8.8 a separate Indiana...... *Public Health Statistics Counties and citie.s of State Board of 5,000 anel over. on vital release. 1330 west

Component--modified Method II... Published armua1ly in "Sta_ Iowa ••••••••••••• Division of Vital Statistics Counties and cities of State Depa::"tment of Health 10} 000 and over. tistical Supplement!! of the Des Moines, IoWa 50319 Biennial Report.

Annual enumeration by county Kansas ••••••••••• Kansas State Board of assessors.

Division of Vital Statistios State by age, sex, and Totals State of Health color. culture State Counties and selected ona cities by age a..'1d sex tion involving the use of school enrollment, age-specific death rates, and an estimate of net migration.

Kentucky •••••••••• '*v"nar, n,en, of Counties ..••••.••••..••. of ratio--based on Lexington, vital statistics 2. Component--Method II 3. Ratio correlation--based on school census, vehicle registrations, and vi tal statistics 4. Hamilton-Perry ratio projection.

Division of Plarming, Research, Counties and cities of Censal rat:Lo--based on vital Published annually in Vital and Statistics and over, by statistics. Statistics Report. -- Kentucky of Health 275 East Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

Natural increase method...... Published annually as a sta­ Louisiana .••••••• Tabulation and Section State by and color •• State Board of Parishes cities of tistical report of the Di­ New Orleans) Louisiana 70160 10,000 and over by vision of Public Health color Statistics.

Published annually in Vital Maine •••••••••••• Division of Research and Counties ••.••••.•...••. of two methods: Vi tal Records ratio-_based on Statistics Report. -- Dwpar'tm,mt of Health and Welfare vital statistics House 2. Component--natural in­ Augusta, Maine 0/+330 crease with migration l@)Hci1;LV assumed in to State

~ Maryl~'1d...... *Division of Statistical Research Counties by age and Composite--Bogue-Duncan method.. Published annually in and Records color. Vital Statistics Tables, De"artm"nt of Health Maryland. Street , Maryland 21201 9

Table l.--FOPULATION ESTIMATES PREPARED BY STATE AGENCIES: SURVEY OF 1965--Continued (*). See table 3 for additional (Agenoies reporting that they prepare population "",,",,onttnna" state

Name and address of agency Method or types of data used Source and frequency State preparing estimates available

Office of the Secretary 01' the and state census on JanuerJ 1, State census taken decennially in years ending" in 115. " Latest commonwealth sex. 1965. censuS published in The Decen­ State House nial Census, 1965. ---- Boston, Mas.sachusetts 02133 at ir- Bureau of Research and Statistics Counties and uities...... Data on migration, na"t.ural State of Commerce and new family and used. 150 Causeway Street Boston, Massachusetts 02114

Michigan.... . • •••• *population Studies Center Counties...... Ratio c01'relai;ion--,mu:lti.nle Uni verst ty of Michigan regression 527 East L1 berty Street births, Arm Arbor, Michigan 48103 sales tax, data, etc. Same as above. Health Statistics and Evaluation Cities of 2,,500 and over. Center Michigan Department of Health 3500 North Logan Lansing, Michigan 4$914

Counties,...... Composite--Bogue-Duncan method. Published annuallj as a separate Minnesota...... "*Section of Vital Statistics release. - Department of Health 350 State Office St. Paul j Minnesota

Published annua.lly Mississippi...... *Division of Sociology and Rural counties by color...... Censal ratio--based on vital statisties. bulletins of the Agl,jcultun,l Life Experiment Station, M1l1SiSS1.ppi Mississippi state State Uni versi ty • State College, Mississippi

Published annually in a special Counties and selected Component--natural increase ' Missouri ••.••••• Statistical Services issue of monthly Health. Stat·e Department of Health and cities. net migration based on 1950-60 Welfare trend. State Office Building Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 Natural increase method ••••••••• *Research Center Counties and selected School of Business and Public cities. Administration Uni versi ty of Missouri Columbia, Missouri 65202

Counties...... Component~-Method II ....•.•..... Published annually in Statis­ Montana •••.• ,', •. Division of Records and tical Supplement and a:sa:-­ s-~atistics separate release. State Board of Health Helena, Montana 59601

Ratio_correlation__ based on Published annually in Business Nebraska...... Bureau of Business Research Counties and selected 310 Social Science Building cities. school census, number of votes in Nebraska. dri vel'S licenses) vi tal University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska 68"503 Rt"tim"n" and head tax.

Censal ratio--based on school Unpublished; prepared at 1r- Nevada...... -X-Bureau of Business and Economic Counties •.•••••.••.•••• enrollment. intervals and avail- Research College of Business Administration University of Reno, Nevada

Composite--based on school New Hampshire •••• Division of Economic Security Counties, oi"ties, and Department of Resources and towns. census and State head tax Economiq "Development data. state' HOuse'" Annex' Cdncord)"'Ne-w Hampshire 03301

"*Department of Employment Security Counties...... Based on work-force statistics •• 32 South Main street Concord j New Hampshire 03301

Ratio_correlation~_based on New Jersey.. •. . .•• -*Divislon of Resource Development Count ies and all Department of Conservation and rated municipalities. vital statistics, dwelling Economic Development units, and mi­ Bureau of Commerce gration Research and Statistics Section p,O, Box 1889 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 10


(Agencies report-tnc: that they prepare population (*). See table 3 for additional State

and address of agency Areas and detail state Method or types of data Source and frequenoy preparing estiroo.tes available and cit,ies of A.rithmet:i.c extrapolati.on...... PubliBhed annually in New Jersey 50,000 and over, Uealth Stat~. ---

New Me:deo. 00unI,1e8 .•..• ,...... Censal ratio--based on school data ... vi'Lal sto:L:i'.rrtics J and uther dat.a.

New York ••• Counties and cHies of New Yor1\: City: See table:: 2. and over, and by age and sex

Age and f38X: Cohort mrrvlval.

NortiJ Carolina.... Public Health Statistics Section Counties and c:i:t.ies of Ari"Lhmc'Lic extrapolation .•...•.. State Board of Health and over by Box 2091 North Carolina 27602

of !tural Sociology counties...... Component-_I"lethod 11...... Estimates now in preparation. VH.'.,cn'cc.y of North

North Dakota •••.• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• No estimates reported.

Ohio .•...... ·x,Economic Research Division Component--natural increase Estimates for counties and State Development Department net migration based on 1950-60 cities published semiannuallYi Box 1001 trend and other factors for for villages, annually in Columbus J Ohio 43216 evaluating change in trend. Population Estimates for Ohio, Series A and B.

Oklahoma. . • . • • . • . • *Bureau of Counties and cities of ~: Component--Method 2) 500 and over. Cities: Censal ratio--based gas meter cormections.

Oregon. . . .•. .. .• .. *Center for Population Research counties and cities •.... Counties: Component--Method and Census Portland State College Censal ratio--based units and emlmera1;10nj P.O. Box 751 of some areas. Portland, 97207 (Replaced Board of Census)

Penllsylyania..... *Research Section Counties and selected Censal ratio--based on vital Unpublished; prepared annually State Planning Board cities and boroughs. statistics. and available upon request. Governor I s Office Harrisburg, Pennsylvanj.a 17120

Rhode Island~.... *Rhode Island Council Counties, 01 ties, and a nonstandardized, at irregular intervals Roger Williams towns. method. available upon request. Hayes Street Providence J Rhode Island 02908

South Carolina... Bureau of Vital Statistics State by age, sex, ahd A1:'lthrnetic extrapolation-~ Published annually in the sta­ State Board of Health color. adjusted by percent change tistical supplement of :r!l§. Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Counties and cities of in births since preceding Annual Report of the state 10,000 and over by year. Board of Health. color

Sou"th Dakota...... *Division or Public Health Counties, ....•.•...... •. Component--Method II ..••.•.....• Published annually in Special Statistics Report Series, I1South Dakota State Department of Health Population Changes by County.]\ Pierre, South Dakota 57501

1 A special census of the entire State was taken the Bureau of the Census under c.ont:r-act with the State. Results are published by the Bureau of the Census in Current Population Reports, Series No. 1393. 11


(Agencies reporting that they prepare population "projections" are noted by an asterisk (.x.). See table 3 for additional State agencies preparing pro.jections)

Name and address of agency Areas and de"tail Method or types of data used Source and frequency State preparing estimates available

Tennessee ••••••••• *Bureau of Business and Economic Counties by sex and Component--Method II ..•.••••••.• Prepared and published at ir­ Research color. regular int ervals. College of B'l.lsiness Administration University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee 37916

-Texas ••••••••••••• .J<·Population Research Center Counties and SMSA! S •••• " Basic methods: Published annually by the Bureau Department of Sociology 1. Component--variation of of Business Research, Univer­ University of Texas Method II of Texas, in Texas Aust in, Texas 78712 2. Censal ratio--based on Business~. - vital statis"tics and passenger car registration.

oX-Department of Agricultural Counties and cities...... Component--Method I...... Unpublished; prepared at ir­ Economics and Sociology regular intervals and avail­ Texas A and H Uni versity able upon request. College Station, Texas 77843

utah •••• ,...... *Utah Population Committee Counties .•••••••• ,., ••••• Component-_Grade_progression.... Published annually by the Department of Employmept Security Bureau of Business Research, 174 Social Hall Avenue University of Utah, in the Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 April issue of Utah Economic and Business Review.

vermont. • • . . • • • . • • Division of Public Health Counties, total popula­ Composite--based on vital Unpublished; prepared annually Statistics tion only. statistics, school enroll- a..l1d available upon request. Department of Health State by age ment, and 1940-60, 1950-60 115 Colchester Avenue trends. Burlington, Vermont 05401

Virginia...... *Bureau of Population and Economic Counties, cities, and Component--migration based on Published annually as a separate Research towns of 2,500 and school enrollment, State in- release. University of Virginia over. come tax retu...rns 5 and 1950-60 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 trend.

Virginia Employment Commission Standard met.ropoli tan Estimates now in preparation. P.O, Box 1358 statistical Richmond, Virginia 23211 counties, and

Washington.. .•••• *State Census Board Incorporated towns and Annual enumeration of approxi­ Published annually in Population 102 Guthrie Hall cHies. mately 100 cities and towns; Trends - Cities and T~ Uni versity of Washington remainder estim9.ted using State of Washington - 1900 to Seattle, Washington 98105 dwelling unit data, 196-.

Public Health Statistics Section Counties...... Estimates for counties based on Unpublished; prepared annually State Department of Health city trends shown by above and available upon request. Public Health Building agency. Olympia, Washington 98502

West Virginia..... Department of Sociology Counties...... Component--Age-progression...... Released annually- by the State Agripultural Experiment Station Department of Health. West Virginia University Morgantown, west Virginia 26506

Wisconsin...... Bureau of Vital Statistics Counties and selected Component--Method II...... Published annually in Public State Board of Health cities by nge and sex. Health Report. State Office Madison, Wisoonsin

Department of Rural Sociology Counties...... Various methods including Prepared at irregular inter­ University of Wisconsin arithmetic extrapolation, vals and released as special Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Hamilton-Perr;y method, and departmental publications. ratio-correlation.

Wyoming •..•.•••..• Division of Business and Economic Counties...... Censal ratiO--based on vital Prepared and published e,"t Research statistics, school enrollment irregular intervals. College of Commerce and Industry data, auto license registra_ University of Wyoming tion, and drivers license Laramie, Wyoming 82071 registration. 12


(Ac.;enGies reporting that they prepare (*). See table I" for additional

Standard m'~:~t,ronOJ,~.nan Name and addrcSB of 8eenuy Method OJ' types of' data SonrCG and frequency prepartng estimate8

Akron, Ohio •..••...• now in preparation,

Al ban;y, Schc:mc;(;tady­ • " •.••• , ••••••.•.•••••••. ,.. • ••••• No e,stirrta"Le8 reportc;d. Troy, N.Y.

Allentmm-Bcth"j ehem­ ]<;aston, Pa,-N.,J.

Anaheim-Santo. Ana.­ the US(~ of:- Garden Grov(-;)

AULHrtH) Ga, ...••. o. Atlanta SMSA by coun~y, }'Ubli.shed annualLy in Populat::i.on and and HouDing. ,mit-­ on and dcmoLi.tion data.

Bakersfield, CalH.. *Kern County Planning ~ensus Combination tnvolving the use of: and 1. unit count 2. extrapolation. Bakersfhlld!

Baltimore) t1d...... *Bureau of Biostatisti0s City total; Component--Method Baltimore City Heal tll Census tracts: Dwel1ing unit.


Baltimore County Office of Baltimore election CnE'S"peElKe Avenue census tract. 2120t;

Office of and Zoning by Anne Arundel Court House Annapolis, Marylalld 211~O!1

*Howard County Plamling Howard County...... Combination involving the use of: Commission 1. unH method 55 Cour~ Avenue 2. extrapolation. :Ellicott City) Maryland

Beaumont-Port Texas.

Binghamton) N.Y. -Fa.. -x-Broome GOU11t,y Arithmetic extrapolation •••. , ..•. Room 30'1, Court Bihgharrrj,on) New York

Dirmingham, Ala •• " •• estimate

Bureau of Vital Statistics Jefferson County by Published annually and available Jefferson County Department Sex, and race. upon request. of 1912 Avenue P.O. Box 2591 Birmingham) Alabama 35202

Boston, Mass. 1.. . . .•• *Boston Redevelopment by 17 I(el,,,,'"1"no areas. on adult


2. statistics J. School enrollment 4. Selective Service data,

1 Included tn 196::> State Census of Massachusetts. See table 1. 13


(Agencies reporting t.hat they prepare populutton (.x.). See table 4 for additional local

Name and address of agency Areas and detail Method or types of data used Source and frequency preparing estimates available

""'d,'enor" Conn .•••• No estimates reported.

N.Y •• ••••••• *Erle County Department of Erie county by Combination involving the use of: Planning municipality. 1. unit 2202 City Hall 2. method. Buffalo, New York lif202

Office of Biostatistics Buffalo city and Erie Censal ratio--based on vital Published annually. Erie Department County by color. statistics. of Buffalo, New York 14202

*Stark County Regional Component--based on vital sta_ Prepared semiannually and Planning Commission tistics and migration data published by the Ohio 624 County Office Building from various sources includ- Department of Development. Canton, Ohio 44702

*Charlotte-Mecklenburg Charlotte Prepared in cooperation Plar.n:'ng Commission Mecklenburg \o,fith the Census Tract Hall by census iiract. Committee and released by the Trade street Union County, total Chamber of Commerce. Charlotte, North Carolina population only 28202

Chattanooga-Hamilton Hamilton County by Regional Planning municipality. Room 216, City Hall Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402

Northeastern Illinois Chicago SMSA by county, Estimate for 1963 published Metropolitan Area Planning munici pali"ty, and in Planning Inforw.ation Commission township. Bulletin No.6, 400 West Madison Street Chicago, Illinois 60606

*Population Research and Chicago Sl"SA and Chicago Estimates and methodology in preparation. Training Center city, by sex, color" and Chicago Community and broad age group. Inventory (Estimates for conununit.y Uni versity of Chioago areas planned) 1413 East 60th Street Chicago, Illinois 60637

*Lake County Regional Lake County by township.. Component--Method II variation.... Prepared and published at Commission irregular intervals, Genesee Street Waukegan, Illinois 60085

*Hamil ton County Regional Hamilton County .Annual eS1jimates by Commission municipality Bureau of Re- 231 House township. search, Inc., 812 Hace Street, Cincirmati, Ohio 1+5202 Ohio 45202; and by the Planning commission.

-*8cri pps Foundation for Cincinnati SM..SA Estimates now in preparation. Research in Population Butler County, Problems by age and sex. 218 Harrison Hall OxfOrd) Opio

Cleveland, Ohio:3.... -X-Regional Planning Commission Planning Commission uS,as arin1.).a'1 <';15 'Ehe Arcade population estimates pliblished Cleveland, Ohio 4411/+ by the Real Propert,x- Inventory of Metropolitan Cleveland, 608 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio 4411/+

Cleveland Oity Planning Cleveland city by color. Prepared and published at ir­ Commission regular intervals and avail­ Room 730 - C.T.S, Building Geometric e"~,ranO.l'Bt,'i on able upon request. 1401. East Ninth Street Component Cleveland, Ohio 1+4114 It, Gensal ratio--based on vital statistics.

:2 ArulUal estimates for C1:Ucago SMSA by county and township alsO prepared by the Hospital Planning Council of Metropolitan Chicago, Inc., 79 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois. :3 A special census of Cleveland city was conducted April. 1, 1965. Results are published in U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-28, No, 1390, 14


(Agencies reporting that they prepare population (*). See table !'i- for additional local

Standard metropolitan Name and address of agency Areas and detail Method or types ot data u,sed Source and frequency avuilable ste:tisticill area preparing esti.mates---+-, Planning Commission uses esti_ Columbus, Ohio ••..... mates and published ne',BT'Lm,mi, vacancy the Hesearch De_ Columbus by Columbus ArcH oenSUf; 30 East ~3216.

Dalla13, Texas ..•••••. velJaI''Cmem of CHy Planning Dallas Gity •••••••.••• ,.. Arithmetic Gxtt'apolcrCion •...•... ,. of Dallas Texas 75201

Rock Island Regional Roc k Island County ••••••• Planning Oonnmlssj,On Iowa-Ill. Court House Rock Island J Illinois 61201

Dayt.on, Ohio •••••••••

Denver, Colo ••••••... *Inter-County Hegional Planning Commission 2!+-75 West 26th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80211

*Denver Planning Office Suite 800 810 Fourteenth Street Denver, Colorado 80202

Published annually in Population Adams County Planning Adarr.s County by census Study, Department tract and enumeration 4201 East· 72nd Avenue distriGt. Commerce City, Colorado 80022 Unpublished; prepared at ir­ *Arapahoe County Planning Arapahoe County by County: Component--Method 11. ••.• incorporated city. regular intervals and avail­ Cities: Dwelling unit--based on able upon request. building permits.

unit method; Detroit, Mich ••.•... Detroit and Mill Arbor SMSA1s (Wayne, Oakland, attuned meter Macomb, and Washtenaw counts, statistics, counties) counties school censuses, and labor and minor force data. division. Published *t1aoomb Oounty Planning Macomb by Expanded school census--9DJ1ual Commission units, enumeration of total county issue of ~:s:::~~~~~::::::, Macomb county Engineering age, and sex. population. BUilding 115 Groesbeck Highway Mount Clemens, Michigan 1+8043

.• •• • . . . .•. • •. •.•. . .•. . ••••••.•••• No estimates reported. Duluth-Superior, ...... , ...... , ...... Mirm.-Wis.

El Paso, 'rexes...... *El Paso City Department El paso city by (..'"811SUS Dwelling Un;lt-..,.based on. building of Planning tract. per.mi t9' and -de~mol"i;J;..itm {lata.. 118 South Campbell Street El Paso, Texas 79901

No estimates reported. Flint, Mich...... • ....•.•....•.••.•.•••••••.•••

Sroward county by Dwelling by Published in Fort Lauderdale­ Broward County, *Research Division municipality. field surveys other data Hollywood, F'la •..•.• Summary. Broward County Area County total by age, to estimate average size of Planning Board sex, and color household. Room 363, Broward County Court House Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Fort Worth city...... Average of three methods: Unpublished; prepared annually Fm't Worth, Texas.... Fort Worth City Planning and available upon request, Department 1. Dwelling unit City Hall 2. Censal ratio--based on Fort· Worth, Texas 76102 school census data 3. Component--Age-progression. 15


(Agencies reporting that they prepare population "pl,o,jeci,ions' (*). See table 4 for additional local

Name and address of agency Areas and detail Method or types of data used Source and frequency preparing estimates available

*F'resno County Planning Fresno County Component--Method II •.....•...... Pre~,ared and published at :l.r­ regular intervals. Latest in Canyon Road Fresno County Population - 1964 ca.LHOrJna 93702 area. (June 1964),

No estimates reported.

No estimates rep~rted.

No estimates reported.

No estimates reported,

Honolulu, Hawaii •••. Honolulu County by Dwelling un! t--based on construc­ Unpublished; prepared annually census tract. tion, conversion, relocation, and available upon request. and demolition permits.

Houston, Texas •.••..• Harris County by Combination involving the use of Accept estimates prepared by census tract. data from annual school censuses Research Department, Houston and residential electric utility Chamber of Commerce, 3rd floor, connections. Chamber of Commerce Building, Houston, Texas 77002.

Indianapolis, Ind •• The seven metropolitan Component method - - ut ility , unpublished; prepared armually County counties and employment, and dwelling unit and available upon request. Indianapolis city. data used to derive net migration.

Jacksonville, Fla •.. *Jacksonville-Duval P.rea Duval County by census Dwelling unit-_based o..\"), field Prepared and published at ir­ Planning Board county division and counts of units supplemem,ed regular intervals. 712 American Heritage Life enumeration district. by aerial photographs. Building Jacksonville, Florida 32202

J eraey City J N.J •••• No estimates reported.

Johnstown, pa •••••••. No estimates reported. i,

Kansas City, Mo.­ *Kansas City Planning Kansas City SMOlA by Dwelling unit data and ~ther in­ Unpublished; prepared annually Kans, Department county and Kansas City, formation, including vital sta­ and available upon request. Research Section Missouri. tistics, field surveys, and 15th Floor, City Hall other recognized indicators of Kansas City, Missouri 64106 popula·tion change.

Knoxville J Tenn..... *K:noxville-Knox County Knox County and based Unpublished i prepared at ir­ Planning Knoxville city by unit regular intervals and avail_ planning unit.. able upon request. P.O. Box 1646, City Hall Park survey. Knoxville, Tennessee 37901

Lancaster, Pa ..•.•••• No estimates reported.

Lansing, Mich ••••• Regional Planning 1965 estimate!:) to be obtained Published annually in Planning from utility data and commission I s Ne1"sletter. 535 North Clippert R. L. Polk & Company data. Lansing, Michigan

Los AU,;eJ .. eS·-j,ollg Los Angeles County by f)'"Jelling unit--bnsed on data on Esttmates for statistical calif . statistical area. building activity, estimates areas published quar-terly 41 c1.ties within county of' vacancy, and surveys of in population and Dvlelling by census tract. institutions. Unit Bulletin. Estimates for census tracts published semiannually in Census Tract Reports~

*L08 City Planning Los Angeles city by Combination involving the use of: Estimates for statistical areas census tract and L Dwelling unit--based on published quarterly in Research Section statistical area. building permits and Population Estimate Bulletin. Room 461, City Hall electric meter data Unpublished esti!f.ates for census L08 Angeles, California 90012 2. censal ratio __ based on tracts available upon request. school data. til 16


(Agencies reporting that, they prepare population (*). See table ~ for add:i:Lional local

stundard metropoli tUD Name and address of agenl~y statistioal area preparing estimates available --~------I------+------_

*Long Beach City Planning Long Beach c Hy by Commi8f~J.on eew:m,; tract. Conti nllcd Room Lone

Ky.-- *l,ouJ.Evi1J.e and ,)offerr;on find CombinnVion involving the use of Pl'epft t'ed and published 0. ~ i..r­ ?;onirlC data on '''"J)j.oym"m re[;uJ aT intervals. e(m,';u~; and

LoulsviLL8 amf Jcl'ferr-mn and Geomet.rie ex i"rHpoJLaLioll .. -cbl.lded PnbLi~;hed County Board of Health by nge, uEllinst 0nrol1mcrrL. Stnt tstical Scrviec j)ivifd on 2/tC) EasL MadJ.fJOn Street LouisvHlc J Kentucky /,020/

Mc:mphi,~, Tenn.-At'k •• No 8st,imatci"'; pepor-ted.

M.i.arr.i J F.Lct ••.••••.•• Dado and BrownX'd Counties.

Miami city by census tract.

Milv!flukee, Wis •.••••

and newspaper eirculution.

MilwauJcee city by age Cor,ponellt--m"thod of obtaining and color. migration not specified.

8,'.1 North Milwaukee, 532()2

'-De,pal)tment of City Milwaukee tract. 155 Kilbourn Avenue MihJau};:ee, Wisconsin 53202

Minneapolis-St. Published Paul, School census. issue of -*",2E!~~"-"~~"". 18 and over; based on building and post office vacaney data Institutional population: Annual survey.

Minneapolis city by Dwelling unit ...... " •....•.... census tract.

Mobtle, Ala ••..•..•• No estimates reported.

Nashvil18, Term ••••• Davidson by Dlde.L1ine unit field count...... Prepared and published at ir­ planning regular intervals. and Davidson County Box 39 Nashville, Tennessee 37202

N8\.,r Haven, Conn...... Neld Haven City Plan New Haven city...... Dwelling unit change ••.•.••.•••.. at ir­ Commission avail- 177 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut 06510

New Orleans) La,. ~ ..• • ••••••••• ~. •••••••••••••••••••••• No estimates reported.

, A oemms of t~he Louisville SMSA was conducted May 1/i) 196~. Hesu1ts are published in U,S. Bureau of the Census, Curt'eut Population Re- porl.s I P-28) No. 1377. 17


(Agencies reporting thaT, they prepare population "n:coiec·ticms" asterisk (*). See table 4 for additional local

Name and address of agency Areas and detail Nethoj or types of data used Sour~e and frequency preparing estimates available

New York City Department Published annually in Summary of. Health of Vital Statistics. Bureau of Records and Statistics 125 Worth Street New York, N.Y. 10013

*Rockland County Planning Rockland County Dwelling unit ...•.•••••••••••••••• Board town, village, New City, New York 10956 comnnmity.

*Nassau County Plarming Nassau County by Based in Published in Annual Population Commission school district. figures Report. Executive Building supplied Island, census

*Suffolk County Department Suffolk County by town .•. Connponer,t--na.tUJral increase with Prepared and published at ir­ of based on 1950-60 regular intervals and avail­ trend.. able upon request.

N.J. • • • • • • • • • Division of C1 ty Planning Newark city, by age •• ••.• Composite--Bogue-Duncan method .•.• Estimates now in preparation. Room 211, City Hall Newark, New Jersey 07102

Norf olk-Portsmouth, Norfolk City Planning Norf olk city by census Estimates based on dwelling Estimates now in Va. Commission tract. unit count obtained in land use will be revised 406 East Plume Street survey. be available upon Norfolk, Virginia 23510

ue'J8.rcmEm"t of City Planning Chesapeake A of methods are being Estimates now in preparation. Cedar Road (formerly natural increase~ Chesapeake, Virginia 23320 County and South dwelling counts, and school Norfolk city). enrollment figures.

Oklahoma City, Okla. No estimates reported.

Omaha, Nebr. -Iowa •. Division of Vital Statistics County and Natural increase method...... Midyear estimates by the Health o~:~:;!~;~~~as County Health city. np'CA"+~'mt. Annual Report. South 42nd Omaha, Nebraska

Orlando, Fla ••••.•.•• No estimates reported.

Pat~rson-Clifton­ ·Planning Board Passaic County by Estimates based on publ1.shed data Prepared and published at ir­ Passaic, N.J. AdmiJ'l1Btration rmmicipality. on natural increase and dwelling regular intervals. units added since 1960. 317 Pennsylvania Avenue Paterson, New Jersey 07503

Peoria, 111. •...... • Regional Planning 1'a7.ewell, and Published Counties. Room 304, Peoria County city Geometrio extrapolat~.on Courthouse Arithmetic: extrapolation. Peoria, IllinOis 61602

Philadelphia, Department of' by age, Composite--Bogue-Dunoan method.... Published in Annual Statistical Pa.-N.J. PU.blic Health Report. Division of Statistics and Research 500 South Broad street Philadelphia, Permsylvania 19146

Buoles County Planning Bucks County Unpublished; available upon Cormnission townshipj request. AiJministration Bu.ilding area. capi ta tax Broad and Court Streets Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901

Chester County Plamling County by Method varies Commission municipality. depending upon Courthouse Annex 1. Dwelling unit West Chester, Pennsylvania 2. Component--Method II 19380 3. Censal ratio--based on per capita taxpayer enumeration.

!i A special census of' Rockland County was conducted April 1, 1963. Results are published in U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current population Reports, Series P-2$, No. 133$, Special censuses were also conducted in 1964 and 196.5 covering large portions of Nassau and Suffolk Counties. SUmmary results L1 are published in Series P-28, Nos. 13$$ and 1392. -, 18


(Agencies reporting that they prepare population Hprojectionsl! are noted by an asterisk (*). See table t,. for additional local agencies preparing projections)

Standard metropolitan Name end address of agency Areas and detail Me·t;hod or t.ypes of data used statistical area preparing estimates available Source and frequene?,

Philadelphia, *Delaware County Planning Delaware County by DV!lelling 1l..'1i't--baS8d on Published bierlll.ially (even pa. -N.J .--Continued Commission municipality. permit da'ta~ years) in a special Data Sheet. Court House Media, Pennsylvania 19063

*M(lU't,r,omery County Planning Mont ~ornory County 'rioro basic methods used: township and 1. l)w(,)lling unit--based on Coart House building permits Norristown, pennb"-ylvnnia 2. Proration. 19404

Phoenix, Ariz...... *Maricopa County Office of County by Estimates prepared by dcrk Estimates collected fl;'om city Plarming and Zoning in eaoh munic ipality. clerkD and published annually. 111 South 'I'hird Avenue varies by place" Phoenix, Arizona $5004

*Phoenix City Planning Phoenix city by census Dwelling un:Lt_ .. based on building Published monthly as a separate Department tract. permit d8.'ta~ release. 801 Munic i pal Build Lng 251 West \

Pittsburgh, Pa ..• Office of Biost,atist ies Allegheny- county by Average of several methods, Unpubliohedi availflble upon Allegheny Oounty Health health district. including vi tal rates and request. Department cansal ratio based on school 620 City-County Building enrollment. Pittsburgh, pennsylvania 15219

Portland, Oreg.­ Portland City Planning Portland city 1:5y Combination invplving the use of: Unpublished; prepared annually Wash. Commission selected age 1. Component--Method II and aVailable upon, request. 414 City Hall' groups. 2. Dwelling unit--based on Portland ~ Oregon 97204 building permits J. Composite method,..-based on building permits and school enrollment.

Multnomah County Planning Unincorporated portion Dwelling unit--based on building Pu.blished annually in population Commission of' Mu1 tnomah County by permits and field sUZ'vey of and Housing. Room 403, County Courthouse census tract. apartment buildings. portland, Oregon 97204

*Clark County-vancouver Clark County by census Dwelling unit--based on building Unpublished; prepared annually Regional Planning Commission tract. permit data and periodic housing and available upon request. Clark County Court House unit COurLtS. Vancouver, Washington 89660

Providence-Pawtucket­ *Providence City Planning Providence city by census Average of several methods Unpublished; prepared at!!lually Warwick, R.I.MMass,6 oommission tract. including: and available upon request. Suite 103, City Hall 1. Vital rates Providence, Rhode Island 2. Component--Method II 02903 J. Composite-- Bogue-Duncan 4. Censal ratio--based on gas and electric utility data.

Reading J pa •••••••••• No estimates reported.

RiChmond', va ••.•••••• 1 *Richmond Regional Planning Chesterfield and Henrico Dwelling 1.lllit--based on housing Prepared and published at ir­ commission couu'bies and Richmond survey, family size checks, regular 219 Governor Street city, by.traffic zone. and 'building permit da'ba. Richmond, Virginia 23219

Rochester, NoO Y ~ ? ••••• *Monroe county Plarming Monroe County by census Dwelling unit ... -based on 'building Published .i1;1 ,Annual. Building CoUncil tract (excluding permits, field surveys, and . Permi't .and ~ P

Sacramento, Calif •••• *Sacx'amento county Planning Sacramento County ••.•••.• Censal ratio--based on dwelling Unpublished;. prepared annually Department unit data and school enrOllment. and a.vailable upon request. 827 Seventh Street Sacramento, California 95$14

6 A special census of the S·tate of Rhode Island has been conducted by the U.S: Bureau of the Census. Results are published in U.S. Bureau of the Census, Gu:rrent Population Reports, Series P-28, No. 1.393. 7 A spl'3ciaI census of Monroe County was conducted April 1, 19M" Results are published in U.S. BUt'eau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-28, No. 1376. 19


(Agencies reporting that they prepare population "p"o,iect,io:os" (*). See tuble 4 for additional local

Name and address of agency Areas and detail Method or types of data used Source and frequency preparing estimates available

St. Louis Division of Health St. Louts by age, Arithmetic extrapolation ..•••.•.•. sex, and Census tracts by colo~ Misr:;ouri 63103

St. County Planning St. Louis by Dwelling unit incorporated by geometric e)C1;rapOJ,alOLQrl. Court House wlincorporated areas. Clayton, Missouri 63105

Salt Lake County Planning Salt Lake County by Publ.ished annually in Commission census tract. Implementation Series, 333 South 200 East I!Resldentlal Construction and Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 population Growth. n

Planning Department Combination involving use of Published annually. Unpublished Floor J City Hall vi tal sta"tistics and on monthly estimates available San Antonio, Texas 78205 light meter connections. upon request,.

San Bernardino Oounty Dwelling un!t- -based on building community census permit data taking vacancy and enumeration factors into consideration. district.

Hi verside County Planning Riverside County by Published quarterly in Commission incorporated area and Cumulative Population Estimates. Court House census tract. Riverside, California 92501

Diego, Calif ••••• Estimates fOr statistical areas published quarterly and for Research Section census tracts annually in City Administration Building Population and Land Use Community Concourse Bulletin. San Diego, California 92101

County Planning Dwelling uni t--based on building Published semiannually in Dep,art,cent permit vacancies San Diego COW1ty Population county Administration estir.a.ted and Housing Bulletin. Center connections, questionnaires to 1600 Pacific Highway in.stitutions. Sun Diego, California 92101

Franc isco-Oak­ Department, of San Francisco cii',v_Cmmt'"I Estimates of characteristics de­ F\l.blished annually in the Calif • Public Health by broad groups, veloped using vital Statistical Report of the BUl~eau of Records and sex, and rate of change from San Franc isco Department of Statistics and estimates of Public Health. 101 Grove Street San Francisco, California on demolitions and new construc- 9/1"102 tions. to estimate of total :teleased by ,s"tate of Finance.

Oakland cit.y by census Dwelling unit--based on bunding tract. and demolition permits.

unit--bused on reoi­ construction permits.

S- Biennial estimates for ~he .St. by the Metropolitan Census COlTunittee of the st. LouiD Chapter of the American Statistical Associntior~, 22/" North BroadvlflY} St,_ Louis, 20


(Agencies reporting that they prepare population I1projectionsll are noted by an asterisk (*). See table 4 for additional local agencies preparing projections)

JITeas and detail Standard metropolitan Name and address of agency f-lethod or types of data used Source and frequency statistical area preparing estimates available

San .Jose, Calif...... *$anta Clara County Planning Santa Clara County by County: Gensal ratio--based on Published annually as special Department city, school district, school enrollment. issue of Info. planning area, and County Administration Oity, census tract: Dwelling census tract. building unit--based on building permit 70 West Hedding St:r.eet data adJusted to COtmty total. Srul ,Jose) California 95110

Seattle-E'verett, *Seattle City Planning Seattle city by census Dwelling unit estj.mates by census Prepared annually and available Wash. Commission tract. tract. Adjusted to city total upon request. Published at, 401 V!Ul1i(~ i pal Build ing provided by S·tate Census Board. irregular intervals. Seattle, Washington 9810l.f

Planning King County by statis­ Dwelling unit--based on building Unpublished; prepared annually Den,artnlent tical area, planning permits tabulated by census and available upon request. King County Court House area, and census tract. tract and statistical area. Seattle, Washington 9810/.

Snohomish Oounty Planning Snohomish County', Dwelling unit-- based on building Unpublished; prepared at ir~ commissi.on occasionally by census permit data for residential new regular intervals and avail_ Court House tract. construction and periodic land able upon request. Everett, Washington 98201 use surveys.

Shreveport, La ••••••• Shreveport Metropolitan Caddo Parish and Dwelling \ffiit--based on building Unpublished; prepared annually Planning Commission of Shreveport city. permit data. and available upon request. Caddo Parish City Hall, 1234 Texas Avenue Shreveport, Louisiana 71102

South Bend, Ind ••••• No estimates reported.

Spokane, Wash ••••••• Spokane City Plan Commission Spokane oi ty ••••••••••••. Combination involving the use of Anriual estimate published by Room 309, City Hall building department records and state Census Board. Spokane J Washington 99201 natural increase. (Tested by factors such as the local economy, size of the labor force, housing rrarlcet, family arrivals and departures, ac­ tive electric and water meters, and changes in group housing populations. )

*Spokane County Planning II Suburban areas ll of Dwelling unit--based on building Unpublished; prepared at lr~ Commission Spokane County by permits, field checks, and regular intervals and avail_ Spokane County Courthouse census tract. aerial photos. able upon request. Spokane, Washington 99201

Springfield-Chir.::o­ -x-Springfield City Planning Springfield city by Composite--based on annual enu­ Unpublished i prepared at ir­ pee-Holyoke J Department cenE;US tract. meration by City Board of' regular intervals and avail­ Mass._Corm. City Hall Election COID.'nissioners of all able upon request. Springfield, Massachusetts persons 21 years and over. 01101

Syracuse J N.y ••••••• *Syracuse Department of City Syracuse city by age, Methods used involve birth rates) prepared and published at Planning and color. death rates, and net migration. irregular intervals. 211 East Water Street population for Coordination of population and Syracuse J New York 13202 other towns and villages occupied dwelling units within within Onondaga County. the oity are made to determine household size and other characteristics.

Tacoma, Wash •••••••• Tacoma Oi ty Planning Tacoma city by census Dwelling unit¥-based on residen­ Published annually in Department tract. tial building activity. Population Data, Tacoma, 335 County-City Washington. ---- Tacoma, Washington

pierce County Planning Unincorporat.ed Dwelling uni t--based on count Unpublished; prepared annually Commission of pierce of new units. and available upon request. County~City Building census tract. Tar:oma, Washington 98402

Tampo.-St. peters_ Tampa city by census Dwelling unit--based on residen­ Prepared and published at burg, Fla. tract. tial bu,ilding permits and irregular intervals. Plant 01 ty, Temple demolitions. Terrace, and unincorpo~ rated area of county by census county divisi.on.

St. Petersburg City St. Petersburg city by Prepared annually and published Planning' Departlnent census tract. in a separate release. Municipal Building St. Petersburg, Florida 3370l 21


(Agencies reporting that they prepare population I!projections" are noted (><). See table 4 for additional local agencies preparing

standard metropolitan Name and address of agency Areas and detail Method or types of' data used Source and frequenoy statistical area preparing estimates available

Toledo, Ohio ••••..••• No estimates reported.

Trenton, N.J ••••••••• No estimate,s reported.

Tulsa, Okla •••••••••• Tulsa Metropolitan Area Tulsa SMSA by county and Censal ratio--based on: Planning Commission TuL'38. city. 1. unit data 600 Kennedy 2. Tulsa, Oklahoma 3. Chamber of Commerce, t.. postal 616 South Boston, 5. Tulsa, Oklahoma.

utica~Rome, N.y •.•.•• *Herkimer-Oneida CounUes Herkimer and Oneida Dwelling \illit-~baBed on actual Es"imates now: in preparation; Comprehensive Planning Counties by count of houSing units. will be prepared annually. Program municipality. Oneida Utica, New

D.C. - *National Capital Regional Estimates prepared for Diofel1ing unit .....•...... •.. Estimates provided by local Planning Council District of ColUmbia planning agerl.cies Vlithin 1701 .Pennsylvania Avenue, and Loudoun County, entire metropolitan area N.W. Virginia; other areas are published annually in Washington, D.C, 20576 in SMSA collected from Regional Planning Bulletin. local planning agene les.

*Maryland-National Capital Montgomery and Prince unit--based on annual Published annually in a special park and Planning Commission Georges Counties, tally units by type, to which i Information Bulletin. 8787 Georgia Avenue Maryland, by census are applied conversion factors. I 8il ver Spring, Maryland tract.

*Comprehensive Planning Office Fairfax County by town, Dwelling unit--based on building Prepared mont.hly and published County of Fairfax magisterial district, permit data and aerial photo­ annually in population and Fairfax, Virginia 22030 and census tract. graphs; checked by comparison Housing Analysis. 1 with school census results.

*Alexandria Department of Alexandria city by census DVlelling unit--based on data on Published semiannually in Popu­ Planning and Renewal tract. units built and demolished, and lation and Dwelling Unit -­ City Hall estimates of household Estimates. Alexandria, Virginia 22300 for each type of structure •

.Arlington County Office of Arlington COli..-'lty by unH--occupancy factors Unpublished i Planning census tract. from Census applied to nevI annually upon Court House unl ts constructed. request. Arlington, Virginia 22201

Wichita, Kans ••••••• No estimates reported •

Wilke s Barre­ ...... , No estimates reported. Hazleton, Pa.

Wilmington, Del.­ New castle New Castle County by Estimates now in orEma:ration N.J .-M:l. Planning census tr'act. will be revised annually- Box 165, rtobert Kirk-dood will be available upon request. Hi.ghway Wilmington, Delaware 19899

Worcester, Mass •••••• No estimates reported.

York, Pa •••.••••••••• No estimates reported.

Youngstown-Warren, *Y<~m"'o1',n",n City Planning youngstown city by Ohio" census tract. City Hall Youngstown, Ohio 44503 22


(In nddition to those indicated in table 1)

Sta te Name and address State Name and address

AlabaJflu...... State Planning and Industrial Development Maryland--Continued Department of' Economic Developmont Board State Office State Off:ice Annapol:Lo, Maryland

M:i.chlgan ...... •...... ' Research and Statii~ticG Dtvir3ion Arkansas...... •..•• Industrial Research and Extension Cent(:;'y,' l'Jn:P" c'yr'''''', S(~ (Juri ty Commis s ion College of Business Admin:i.stratj,on Avenue of Arkansas Detroit, Michigull ~.$20::: Arkansas 72203 Mis.soud .•.• , • . • . . • • • . . • of Rural Sociology Conneotiout •...... un:l.,er"" W of Missourl Columbia, 65202

Nebraslco. ••••••••••••••••

Delay/are ...... •... , ....• 1 DiVision of Urban Affairs NeH J crsey. • • • • • • • • • • • • • of ~m,)LO'vm"m, um'Neccn.1N of Delawl1l'c . Net-Te,rk, 19"111

Georgia. , .. , ..•..•..•..• Bureau of Business and Economic. Research Graduate School of Business and Administration New York...... • • ••••.• Office for Regional Development UnIversity of Georgia Executive Chamber Athens, Georgia 30601 Albany, New Yorl{ 12224 Department of Indust:ry and Trade Planning Division North Carolina...... Division of Community Planning 100 State Capitol North Carolina Department of Conservation Atlanta, Georgia 30303 and Development Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Idaho ...... •...... j Department of Commerce and Development State House Pennsylvania... .••.••••• Bureau of Economic and Business Research , Boise, Idaho 8.3702 t School of Business Administr'ation Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Illinois...... • Bureau of Employment Security Department of Labor I 165 North Canal Street, Room 200 South Dakota... • • . • . . .•• Business Research Bureau Chicago, Illinois 60606 University of .south Dakota Vermillion, South Dakota 57069 Board of Economic Development 400 State Office Building Springfield, Illinois 62706 Tennessee...... Department of Employment Security 519 Cordell Hull Building Indiana...... Indiana. State Employment Security Division Nashville, Tennessee 37219 10 North Senate Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Tennessee State Planning commission 02-208 Central Servioes Building Nashville) Tennessee 37.219 Iowa ....•...•. ~ ...... Department of Economics and Sociology Iowa State University Ames, Iowa. 50010 Utah ...... •• " • .•.•• Agricultural Experiment Station Utah State University Louisiana. . . •...... • •• .• Department of Public Works Logan, Utah 84321 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70801

1 Department of Rural Sociology Vermont ••...•..•.••••..• / Central Plarming Office Louisiana State University 118 State Street Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 Montpelier, Vermont 05602

Research and Planning DiviSion Maine .•..•...... •..... Virginia •....•.•.•• , ." .• Division of Industrial Development and Department of Economic Development Planning State House 1010 Stat·e Office Building Augusta, Maine 04330 Richmond, Virginia 23219

Maryland •••. , ••.•••••••• Stqte Planning Department State Office Building' . WiBconsin .•...•. '.' ...•. Department of Resource Development )01 West Preston Street State Capitol 21201 Madison, 1tFisconsjn 53702 23


(In addition to those indicated in table 2)

standard metropolitan Standard metropolitan Name and address statistical area statistical area Name and address ·/."O(p saratoga County Plarming Board Minneapolis-St. Paul, M.inn •.• Planning Board ~) P,O, Box 199 City Hall and Court House 46 West High Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 1<1l-/ Ballston Spa, New 'fork 12020 New Orleans, La...... City Planning Commission of New Orleans Joint Commission for Lehigh and City Hall, Oi vic Center Northampton Count ies New Orleans, LOuisiana 70112 p,O, Box 2087 , Pennsylvania 18000 Orlando, Fla...... East Central Florida Regional Planning Council DeKalb County Department of Plarming 2323 South Washington Avenue DeKalb Building Ti tusville, Florida 32780 Decatur, Georgia 30030

Philadelphia, Pa~N.J...... Montgomery County Planning commission Baltimore Regional Planning Council Court House 803 State Office Building Norristown, Pennsylvania 19404 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Pittsburgh, Pa...... Pittsburgh Department of City Plar1ning 100 Ross Street, Fourth Floor Boston Regional Planning Proj ect Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 11 Ashburton Place Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Beaver County Planning and Zoning Commission Court House The Regional Planning Beaver, Pennsylvania 15009 Agency 301 Professional Building Washington C01IDty Planning Commission White Plains Road 1 South College street T!'umbull, Connecticut 06611 Washington, Pennsylvania 15301

Buffalo City Division of Planning Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional 203 City Hall Planning Commission Buffalo, New York 14202 200 Ross Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 (Prepared by Pittsburgh Regional Planning Kane County Planning Department Association) Court House Geneva, Illinois 60134 POrtland, Oreg. -Wash...... Portland Metropolitan Planning Commission 424 S. W. Main Street . HnClnrn'1Ol, Ohio-Ky.-Ind..... Gincinnati Commission Portland, Oregon 97204 Room 222, Cincinnati, Reading, Pa...... Berks County Planning Commission Court House Reading, Pennsylvania 19601 J Mich...... Oakland County Planning Commission 1 Lafayette street Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Rochester, N.YG.. •••••••••••• Bureau of Planning Rochester City Planning Commission Division City Plan Commission 340 City Public Safety Building Floor, City-county Building Rochester j New Yorl( 14616 2 WoodWard Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48226 St. Louis, Mo.~Ill...... Southwestern IllinOis Metropolitan Area Planning commission 1800 St. Louis noad Duluth-Superior J t>1inn. -Wis ••• Collinsville, rllinois 62234

Lower Pioneer Valley Planning Commission 31 Elm Street Fresno, Calif...... Fresno City Department of Planning and Massachusetts 01103

City 2326 Fresno Street Syracuse, N.y •••••••••••••••• De,J8.rtmEmt of P1arming Fresno, ca.LHor:n,. 93721

Gary~Hammond-East Chicago, Plan Commission ~, MN~ Toledo, Ohio-Mich...... Toledo-Lucas Oounty Plan Commission Crown Point, Indiana 46307 4A-5 Buron Street Toledo, Ohio 43604 Gary Plan Commission Municipal Wichita, Kans...... Wichita-Sedgwick County Met.ropolitan Area Gary, Indiana Department Annex Street Grand Rapids, Mich...... Grand City Planning,gian Wichita, Kansas 67202 '.Dl CUy Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502 Wilkes-Barre-Hazleton, pa.... Luzerne county Franklin Federal JOhnstown, Fa...... Regional Plarming Commission of the 44 West Market Street Johnstown Area Wilkes-Barre, pelIDsylvania 18701 221 Central Avenue J ahnst-own, pennsylvania 15902 Worcester, t1a88 ...... 'I Memphis, Tenn. -Ark ••••••••• '" Memphis and Shelby County Planning Commission York, pa...... York County Planning Oommission 161 Adams Avenue 1320 West Market Street Memphis, Termessee 38103 Yorl~, Pennsylvania 17404 APPENDIX


The Bureau of the Census is now in the process of updating its inventory of population estimates prepared by state and local agencies. This inventory has proved to be very useful in bringing to the attention of consumers the appropriate sources of such data. The summary of the most recent· survey is given in the enclcsed Current population Reports, Serie's p-25, No. 24-4-. In order to clas­ sify and tally the varied responses, appropriately, we should appreciate as complete replies to the questions below as you can give us. (If your agency does not prepare population estimates, we should appreciate your indicating this to us and supplying us with the name of the agency that does prepare such estimates. Please feel free also to forward this letter to the appropriate agency.)

1. What is the name and address of the agency preparing population estimates? What is·"the name of the specific individual to be contacted?

2. What are the geographic areas covered, such as counties, Cities, and census tracts?

3. In what detail are the figures available--that is, total population only, or by age, sex, color, etc.?

4-. What method or methods are used? Can you provide a description of the methods, including the kinds of symptomatic data and the particular way in which they are used? Is net migra­ tion measured separately, or are the various data used to measure total population directly?

5. Have you conducted any tests of accuracy of your past estimates or of the methods you use to prepare current estimates? Are the results published or otherwise available? (If yes., may we receive a copy?)

6. How often are estimates prepared, and how frequently are they published? In what publica­ tion do they app~ar? (May we receive a copy of the latest report or the latest set of estimates?)

7. If estimates are not published regularly, are they available to the public upon request?

8. Are the estimates prepared and used for any specific legislative purpose, such as the dis­ tribution of tax money?

9. Has your agency prepared intercensal estimates for the 1950-60 period tied in with both the 1950 and 1960 Census of population? Have they been pubUshed? (If yes, may we receive a copy of the report?)

In addition to population esti~mates, there has b(0en much interest expressed in the availability of population projections for states and local areas. In our termi'nology here, population projections refer to estImates of future population for 5, 10, 15 years, etc. a.head. At this Ume, we are mainly interested in whether your agency or some other State or 10eal organization in the Sta.te has prepared population projections within the last five years (since the April 1, 1960 Decennial Census) and if so, may we receive a copy of the report? us w.ith thi.s information will be greatly appreciated. Your cooperation in 25