B.N.G. Pty Ltd ACN 081 690 691

ATP 644 Clarence Moreton Basin

Partial Relinquishment Report for the Areas Relinquished 27 September 2007

Brad Pinder Senior Geologist

BNG Pty Ltd ACN 078 521 936 Level 13, 10 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000, GPO Box 5262, Brisbane QLD 4001, Australia Telephone: 61-7-3105 3400 Facsimile: 61-7-3105 3401 Email: [email protected]

1.0 SUMMARY ...... 1 2.1 Location & infrastructure ...... 2 2.2 Tenure history ...... 2 3.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGY...... 5 3.1 Paleozoic basement...... 5 3.2 Ipswich Basin ()...... 6 3.3 Clarence-Moreton Basin () ...... 10 4.0 PERMIT GEOLOGY ...... 13 4.1 Structure...... 13 5.0 HYDROCARBON PROSPECTIVITY...... 14 5.1 Past petroleum drilling...... 14 5.2 Arrow drilling ...... 14 6.0 REFERENCES ...... 15

Figure 1: Infrastructure in and around ATP 644P ...... 3 Figure 2: Graticuar Blocks...... 4 Figure 3: Regional Geology ...... 5 Figure 4: Structural elements of the Clarence-Moreton Basin (after Pinder, 2001)...... 7 Figure 5: Ipswich Basin Stratigraphic Section (from Pinder, 2004)...... 9 Figure 6: Clarence-Moreton and Surat Basin Stratigraphic Section ...... 12


ATP 644P is bounded to the west by the Ipswich Fault, and straddles the South Moreton Anticline and Logan Syncline. The permit is entirely underlain by Ipswich Coal Measures. Within the far northern and western parts of the tenement these sediments are sufficiently close to the surface to be prospective for Coal Seam Gas (CSG).

Although high gas contents have previously been found in Arrow/BNG testing of the Ipswich Coal Measures in Swanbank-2, until recently subsequent work has concentrated on the potential of the Jurassic .

Jurassic sediments are preserved within the Logan Syncline, with a maximum depth to the base of the sequence of under 1000m. Arrow has drilled CSG wells Swanbank-1, Swanbank- 2/2R, Mt Lindesay-1, -3, -4, &-5, Mt Crumpet-1, Bush-1 and Innisplain-1 within the permit.

The relinquished blocks were considered the least prospective for CSG exploration due to depth, topography, coal quality, and proximity to urban areas. No field work has been carried out by Arrow over the relinquished ground.

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2.1 Location & infrastructure

The relinquished part of ATP 644P extends south from the suburbs of Ipswich to the town of Rathdowney. The main Roma-Brisbane gas pipeline and the Moonie oil pipeline lie close to the northern boundary of the permit. The Brisbane-Sydney rail line bisects the permit, and the sealed Mt Lindesay highway passes along the eastern boundary. A network of sealed and unsealed roads provides access to much of the permit area.

2.2 Tenure history

ATP 644P originally comprising 49 blocks was granted to BNG Pty Ltd (100%) on 1 November 1999. The permit was subsequently renewed over an area of 26 blocks, and expired on the 31st of October 2007. A renewal application has been submitted for 13 blocks. This report deals with the 6 blocks relinquished at this time.

BNG Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Arrow Energy NL, a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.

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Figure 1: Infrastructure in and around ATP 644P

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Figure 2: Graticuar Blocks

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ATP 644P overlies the Ipswich and Clarence-Moreton Basins. The permit covers the northern extent of the South Moreton Anticline and Logan Sub-Basin (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Regional Geology

3.1 Paleozoic basement

Southeast Queensland consists of several fault bounded basement blocks and exotic terranes of late Paleozoic age, intruded by Permian and Triassic granitoid plutons and covered by Triassic to Jurassic and Tertiary intra-cratonic sedimentary basins (Figure 3). These rocks form part of the New England and Yarrol Orogens.

The present day New England Orogen extends for 1500 km from Newcastle to Bowen, and is bounded to the west by the Hunter-Mooki-Goondiwindi-Burunga Fault System (known in Southeast Queensland as the Moonie Fault).

From the Cambrian Eastern Australia was an active plate margin, although the present tectonic pattern dates principally from the Devonian.

During early Devonian to Carboniferous times the region was dominated by a westward dipping subduction zone with a forearc basin (Tamworth and Yarrol Belts) bounded to the west by a volcanic arc (Connor-Auburn Arch) and to the east by an accretionary wedge (Coffs Harbour, Beenleigh and South D’Aguilar Blocks).

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These accretionary wedges are sub-parallel to the present coast line and aligned approximately north-south. The Beenleigh, D’Aguilar and Coffs harbour blocks consist of deformed and metamorphosed turbidite sequences and minor deep sea floor basalt and chert of late Paleozoic age.

Cessation of subduction at the end of the Carboniferous was followed by orogenic deformation and accretion of exotic terranes during the Permian and Triassic. From the Permian to mid Triassic, Eastern Australia was part of a convergent plate margin system related to the coalescence of the constituent parts of Gondwana. The Gympie block accreted to the Yarrol Orogen in mid Triassic times, accompanied by initiation of the Ipswich Basin. The process of orogeny and accretion was accompanied by significant strike slip displacement, possibly of the order of hundreds of kilometers in the Permian-Carboniferous, and tens of kilometers in the Triassic.

Subduction ceased in the Late Carboniferous and re-commenced in the east from the Permian to Triassic, with basin development forming in a back arc setting. Mesozoic basins are en-echelon in arrangement, and formed as depressions genetically related to the twisting of the New England Orogen into two coupled oroclines (Texas Orocline and Coffs Harbour Orocline).

To the east of the present day Moonie Fault Paleozoic basement is represented by the late Carboniferous Camboon Andesite and Kuttung Volcanics, known collectively as the Kuttung Formation. This is in turn underlain by the metamorphosed Devonian Timbury Hills Formation. To the east are found the Neranleigh-Fernvale Beds.

3.2 Ipswich Basin (Triassic)

The Ipswich Basin is poorly defined in the south and northeast due to younger cover, but probably extends from south of Yamba in (Valja, 1996), north to Cape Moreton on Moreton Island (Hill & Tweedale, 1955), east offshore of Moreton Island, and west to Ipswich where the boundary is the West Ipswich Fault (Figure 4, 1974). The basin east of Brisbane is probably a small lobe extending northeast from the main basin (Day et al., 1974). The initial area of the basin may have been larger, but as only small outcrops remain in areas other than Ipswich, the true extent is unknown.

The Ipswich Basin sequence is thought to correlate with the Red Cliff and Evans Head Coal Measures (Wells & O'Brien, 1994a). Whether or not these were deposited in one large basin or several smaller related basins has not been determined. It is possible that the Nymboida Coal Measures are correlatable with the Ipswich Coal Measures rather than the Esk Trough, but this is uncertain. The continuity of volcanic sequences between basins suggests that they were one (Smith et al., 1998), but different relationships with the Clarence-Moreton Basin units (conformable in the south, but with an angular unconformity in the north) may suggest that they are separate (Flint et al., 1976).

The Ipswich Basin is age equivalent with the Tarong Basin, Horrane Trough, and several un- named depressions beneath the Cecil Plains Sub-basin (Day et al., 1974). These smaller basins were probably not connected with the Ipswich Basin. The Ipswich Coal Measures are dated as being Late Triassic, suggesting that deposition in the Ipswich Basin commenced after deposition in the Esk Trough and Bowen Basin had ceased (Day et al., 1974; Cranfield & Schwarzbock, 1976). There may however be older units beneath the basal volcanic

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sequence that were deposited synchronously with the upper units of the Esk Trough (Korsch et al., 1989).

Figure 4: Structural elements of the Clarence-Moreton Basin (after Pinder, 2001)

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The Ipswich Basin sequence is generally divided into the lower volcanic sequence and the upper (Ipswich Coal Measures) sedimentary sequence.

The lowest units generally assigned to the Ipswich Basin are the Brisbane Tuff, Chillingham Volcanics and several other undifferentiated volcanics (Figure 5, Cranfield & Schwarzbock, 1972). The volcanic rocks vary from basaltic to rhyolitic in composition, and there is a small time break between volcanism and the deposition of the overlying Ipswich Coal Measures (Smith et al. 1998). There were probably two phases of volcanic activity, the first being mafic, and the second being felsic producing a bimodal suite (Roach, 1996).

The Late Triassic Ipswich Coal Measures are divided into two sub-groups, the Kholo and the overlying Brassall Sub-groups (Figure 5, Cranfield & Schwarzbock, 1976b). The Khohlo Sub- group contains up to 260m of conglomerate, sandstone, shale, and tuff, with minor coal, breccia, and basalt. The Brassall Sub-group comprises the Tivoli, Cooneana, and Blackstone Formations. The Tivoli Formation consists of up to 240m of coarse sandstone, shale and minor coal; and the Blackstone Formation consists of up to 24m of coal, shale, and minor sandstone.

The tectonic style of the Ipswich Basin is yet to be clearly defined with suggestions of rift and compression regimes. The rifting model is consistent with the presence of a bi-modal suite of volcanic rocks (Chillingham Volcanics) underlying the basin (Roach, 1996). However recent work has shown that the region was probably in a compressional stress regime during deposition.

The Ipswich Basin is structurally dominated by a series of north-northwest trending folds and faults (Figure 4, Day et al., 1974; Staines et al., 1995). The most prominent fault in the Ipswich Basin is the West Ipswich fault, which dips to the west and has a normal sense of displacement. However the presence of the Ipswich Basin depocentre to the east of the fault (P. Chern, Pers. Comm.) suggests at least one period of reverse movement.

There are three major folds occurring within the Ipswich Basin; the Bundamba, Spring Mountain, and South Moreton anticlines (Cranfield & Schwarzbock, 1976b). The Bundamba anticline is a southward plunging anticline that affects only the Ipswich Basin strata (Cranfield & Schwarzbock, 1976b). The Spring Mountain anticline is low amplitude and deforms both the Ipswich and lowermost Clarence-Moreton Basin sediments.

The South Moreton anticline is described as axially faulted (Cranfield & Schwarzbock, 1976b) and consists of a series of doubly-plunging anticlines along the one axis (Russell, 1985). Rocks of the Ipswich Coal Measures were eroded from the crest of the structure before deposition of the Bundamba Group, suggesting that the structure was active between the deposition of the Ipswich and Clarence-Moreton basins (Day et al., 1974).

There are three major broad synclines described for the Ipswich Basin, all of which deform the Clarence-Moreton Basin. From west to east they are: the Archerfield syncline, the Logan River syncline, and an unnamed syncline running near the coast.

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Figure 5: Ipswich Basin Stratigraphic Section (from Pinder, 2004)

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3.3 Clarence-Moreton Basin (Jurassic)

The Clarence-Moreton Basin is a Jurassic to extension of the Surat Basin covering an area of approximately 48 000 km2, containing up to 3500m thickness of terrestrial sedimentary rocks (Powell et al., 1993). The basin is bounded by the Beenleigh Block in the east; Yarraman Block, Esk Trough, and South D’Aguilar Block in the north; and Woolomin-Texas, Silverwood, Emu Creek, and Coffs Harbour Blocks in the south. The western part of the basin is separated from the Surat Basin by the Toowoomba Straight.

The basin was first named by McElroy (1962) when he combined the then separate Clarence River Basin and Moreton Basin into one continuous geological basin. Originally the Triassic coal measures (that is the Nymboida, Redcliff, Evans Head, and Ipswich Coal Measures) were included in the basin, but these were later separated as an angular unconformity and difference in style were noted (Martin & Saxby, 1982).

The Clarence-Moreton Basin is divided into two north trending sub-basins separated by basement highs and distinguished by differential subsidence (Wells & O'Brien, 1994b). In the west is the Laidley Sub-basin separated from the Logan Sub-basin by the South Moreton anticline/Richmond horst (Figure 4).

The Clarence-Moreton Basin sequence unconformably overlies sedimentary rocks of the Esk Trough; Tarong Basin; Ipswich, Redcliff, Evans Head, and Nymboida Coal Measures; and their equivalents. Where these sedimentary units are not present, the basin overlies Palaeozoic rocks related to the New England orogen (Goscombe & Coxhead, 1995).

A simplified stratigraphic section of the Clarence-Moreton Basin compared to the Surat Basin is shown in Figure 6. Basin fill started with the Aberdare and Laytons Range Conglomerates, which were overlain by the more silty Raceview Formation. A renewal of sedimentation laid down the Precipice equivalent Ripley Road Sandstone. These were overlain by the Gatton Sandstone and Koukandowie Formation (Evergreen and Hutton equivalents). Above these the Walloon Coal Measures were conformably deposited.

The Walloon Coal Measures are usually shales, siltstones, and claystones, with fine to medium calcareous sandstones and greywackes. There is also a reasonable amount of coal present (Gould, 1968). Individual lithologies usually form lenses that are only of limited lateral extent (Yago et al., 1994), although sand bodies may be quite extensive and thick (up to 30m; Fielding, 1993). Coal bodies are generally sheet-like when viewed locally, but lenticular over wider areas (Yago & Fielding, 1996).

The Coal Measures reach up to 1000m thick, but in most areas the top has been eroded (Gould, 1968). It is only in New South Wales where the Kangaroo Creek Sandstone is present that a complete section is preserved (Wells & O'Brien, 1994a).

Where unweathered, the Walloon Coal Measures are usually light grey sandstones, siltstones and mudstones. Sandstones are generally fine to medium-grained, poorly-sorted and angular to subrounded. Finer-grained layers usually have a silky to soapy texture, and are poorly laminated. The mudrock units frequently contain nodular masses of siderite (Fielding, 1993).

The Walloon Coal Measures have a more important volcanic source than lower units (Yago et al., 1994). This compositional change from quartzofeldspathic to volcanic lithic sandstone is taken as the base of the Walloon Coal Measures (Fielding, 1993). The boundary has been

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notoriously difficult to locate accurately, with Cameron (1970) suggesting the upper-most pebbly layer being the top of the Marburg Formation, however in some boreholes pebbly units extend into obviously volcanic derived sediments.

The best, although still somewhat open to interpretation, distinction was given by Fielding (1993) in saying the boundary is immediately above the stratigraphicly highest incidence of significant quartz and feldspar dominated sandstone. In places this is quite clear, but in some areas there has been reworking of the Marburg Formation into the Walloon Coal Measures (Fielding, 1993). The upper pebbly layer definition was deemed accurate enough when the Ipswich Map sheet was compiled (L. Cranfield, pers. comm., 2001).

Another major defining change between the Walloons and underlying formation is the seismic expression. The Walloons have a large number of strong reflectors related to coal seams, whereas the Koukandowie Formation is mostly isotropic (Wells & O'Brien, 1994c).

High montmorillonite contents and bentonite suggest that the area was volcanically active during deposition (Gould, 1968). This volcanism was probably located in the Gympie or Texas areas (Figure 3, Figure 4; Goscombe & Coxhead, 1995), but may have been located within the basin itself (Fielding, 1996).

In NSW the Walloon Coal Measures are overlain by the Kangaroo Creek Sandstone and Grafton Formation. The Kangaroo Creek Sandstone consists of mature, coarse to medium- grained, white, saccharoidal, quartz sandstone (Willis, 1994). Beds are generally thick, and exhibit prominent cross-stratification. The Boundary between the Walloon Coal Measures and Kangaroo Creek Sandstone is generally sharp, and though to be a unconformable (Willis, 1994). On wireline logs in the area, the lower part of the Kangaroo Creek Sandstone exhibits a characteristically high neutron response.

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Surat Basin Clarence-Moreton Basin Late

Griman Creek Formation Surat Siltstone Coreena Wallumbilla Formation Doncaster Cretaceous Early Bungil Formation

Mooga Formation Orallo Formation

Gubberamunda Sandstone


l l

Westbourne Formation i

Late r

a Grafton

b s

m Formation




B K Springbok Sandstone Kangaroo Creek Sandstone Maclean Member Birkhead Walloon Coal Measures Formation Walloon Coal Measures Eurombah Formation Koukandowie Formation

Middle Heifer Creek Member

Hutton Sandstone Jurassic

Koukandowie Formation

Ma Ma Creek Member

Early Evergreen Formation Box Vale Member Gatton Sandstone Calamia Member Precipice Sandstone Ripley Road Sandstone 58-0 Sand Raceview Formation

Aberdare/Laytons Range Conglomerate

Late Triassic

Figure 6: Clarence-Moreton and Surat Basin Stratigraphic Section

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4.1 Structure

ATP 644P is dominated by the South Moreton Anticline (SMA) which extends in a north- south direction through the western half of the permit (Figure 4). This structure consists of a broad western anticline and a smaller, sharper anticline on the eastern flank.

The SMA is bounded by the Ipswich Fault to the west and the Richmond Fault to the east, but is a thrust structure rather than a horst block. The Ipswich Fault forms the eastern edge of a large east-dipping half graben (Laidley Sub-basin) with an apparent vertical displacement of several hundred meters, although some or all of this within the Jurassic section may be attributable to folding. The Richmond Fault is thought to extend along the edge of the Logan Syncline into NSW, however there is no clear evidence of any vertical displacement in seismic sections, nor are these structures readily apparent in gravity, or magnetics. It is possible that faulting within Triassic sediments does not extend into the Jurassic, the fault trace being marked by a tight fold.

To the east of the SMA is the Logan Syncline, an unusual flat bottomed structure with steeply dipping flanks up to 80º (Pinder, 2001). This passes to the south beneath the Tertiary volcanic pile of the Mt Warning Complex into NSW.

The northern tip of the SMA at Ipswich is truncated by a northwest-trending fault which splays from the Ipswich Fault. The beds of the Bremer and Brisbane Rivers are speculated also to be controlled by a cross cutting fault, however there is no evidence of any vertical displacement.

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5.1 Past petroleum drilling

Only a single petroleum well have been drilled in the relinquished area. CAP Woogaroo-1 was drilled in 1996 to a TD of 366m. The well was drilled for CSG as a twin of stratigraphic well GSQ Ipswich-26, and was designed to retrieve a core from the Ipswich Coal Measures for desorbtion tests. Net coal thickness was 15.7m. Fair to good cleating appeared unmineralised in hand specimen but clogged in photomicrographs.

Coals were mature for gas generation but had uneconomically low total gas content up to 2.8m3/t (99 scf/t) and anomalously high nitrogen. The cores desorbed were also very high in ash, being between 26-55%.

Low gas contents are probably due to a combination of inadequate depth (245-362m), poor coal quality, and low permeability.

Good porous sands with water flow were noted in the basal Ripley Road Sandstone at about 40m depth.

5.2 Arrow drilling

Arrow has not conducted any field work over the parts of the permit that were relinquished. Work in other blocks has suggested lower prospectivity in the relinquished area.

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CAMERON, J. B., 1970. The Rosewood-Walloon Coalfield. Geological Survey of Queensland, Publication, 344.

Cranfield, L. C. and Schwarzbock, H., 1972. Nomenclature of some Mesozoic rocks in the Brisbane and Ipswich areas, Queensland. Queensland Government Mining Journal, 73: 414-416

Cranfield, L.C. and Schwarzbock, H., 1976. Ipswich Basin. In: R.B. Leslie, H.J. Evans and C.L. Knight (Eds), economic and Papua New Guinea. 3. Petroleum. Monograph Series. The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Parkville, Victoria, pp. 452-454.

Day, R. W., Cranfield, L. C. and Schwarzbock, H., 1974. Stratigraphy and structural settings of Mesozoic basins in southeastern Queensland and northeastern New South Wales. In: A. K. Denmead, G. W. Tweedale and A. F. Wilson (Eds), A Symposium. Geological society of Australia, Queensland Division, Brisbane, pp. 319-362.

DAY, R.W., WHITAKER, W.G., MURRAY, C.G., WILSON, I.H., & GRIMES, K.G., 1983. Queensland Geology. Geological Survey of Queensland Publication, 383.

FIELDING, C. R., 1993. The Middle Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures in the type area, the Rosewood-Walloon coal field, southeast Queensland. Australian Coal Geology, 9: 4- 16.

FLINT, J. C. E., LANCASTER, C. G., GOULD, R. E. and HENSEL, H. D., 1976. Some new stratigraphic data from the southern Clarence-Moreton Basin. Queensland Government Mining Journal, 77(899): 397-401.

GOSCOMBE, P. W. and COXHEAD, B. A., 1995. Clarence-Moreton, Surat, Eromanga, Nambour, and Mulgildie Basins. In: C.R. Ward, H.J. Harrington, C.W. Mallett and J.W. Beeston (Editors), Geology of Australian coal basins. Geological Society of Australia Coal Geology Group, pp. 489-511.

GOULD, R. E., 1968. The Walloon Coal Measures: a compilation. Queensland Government Mining Journal, 69: 509-515.

HILL, D. and TWEEDALE, G. W., 1955. Geological map of the Moreton district with parts of the Darling Downs, Burnett and Wide Bay districts. Department of Mines, Queensland, Brisbane.

KORSCH, G. D., O'BRIEN, P. E., SEXTON, M. J., WAKE-DYSTER, K. D. and WELLS, A. T., 1989. Development of Mesozoic transtensional basins in easternmost Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 36: 13-28.

MARTIN, A. R. and SAXBY, J. D., 1982. Geology, source rocks and hydrocarbon generation in the Clarence-Moreton Basin. In: Jamieson (Editor), Technical papers, 1982 APEA conference. The APEA Journal. Australian Petroleum Exploration Association, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia, pp. 5-16.

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MCELROY, C. T., 1962. The geology of the Clarence-Moreton basin, Memoirs of the geological survey of New South Wales, No. 9. Memoirs of the geological survey of New South Wales, 9. Geological survey of New South Wales, Sydney.

PINDER, B. J., 2001. Structure of the South Moreton Anticline, Clarence-Moreton Basin. BappSc Honours Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.

PINDER, B.J., 2004. Coal seam gas prospectivity of the Ipswich and Clarence-Moreton Basins. In: Boult, P.J., Johns, D. R., and Land, S. C. (Eds), Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium II, Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, Special Publication, pp. 339-344

POWELL, T. G., E, O. B. P. and WELLS, A. T., 1993. Petroleum prospectivity of the Clarence-Moreton Basin, eastern Australia; a geochemical perspective. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(1): 31-44.

Roach, A., 1996. Late Triassic volcanism of the Ipswich Basin, Mesozoic Geology of the Eastern Australian Plate Conference. Geological Society of Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, pp. 476-484.

Russell, T. C., 1985. A review of the geology and hydrocarbon potential of authority to prospect 266P, Moreton, Ipswich, and Esk Basins, Southeast Queensland (CR 15425 stored at DME in Brisbane), Bligh Oil and Minerals N. L., Brisbane.

Smith, J.V., Miyake, Y. and Houston, E. C., 1998. Mesozoic age for volcanic rocks at Evens Head, northeastern New South Wales. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45: 955- 961.

Staines, H. R. E., Falkner, A. J. and Thornton, M. P., 1995. Ipswich Coalfield. In: C. R. Ward, H. J. Harrington, C. W. Mallett and J. W. Beeston (Eds), Geology of Australian coal basins. Geological Society of Australia Coal Geology Group, pp. 455-464.

VALJA, A., 1996. Structural framework map of New South Wales. New South Wales Department of Mineral Resources, Hobart.

WELLS, A. T. and O'BRIEN, P. E., 1994a. Geology of the Clarence-Moreton Basin (1:500 000 scale map). Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra.

Wells, A. T. and O'Brien, P. E., 1994b. Introduction. In: A.T. Wells and P.E. O'Brien (Editors), Geology and petroleum potential of the Clarence-Moreton Basin, New South Wales and Queensland. AGSO Bulletin 241. Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra, A.C.T., Australia, pp. 1-3.

WELLS, A. T. and O'BRIEN, P. E., 1994c. Lithostratigraphic framework of the Clarence- Moreton Basin. In: A.T. Wells and P.E. O'Brien (Editors), Geology and petroleum potential of the Clarence-Moreton Basin, New South Wales and Queensland. AGSO Bulletin 241. Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra, A.C.T., Australia, pp. 4-47.

YAGO, J. V. R., FIELDING, C. R. and KASSAN, J., 1994. Depositional styles of channel & overbank deposits in the middle Jurassic Walloon Coal measures, Clarence-Moreton

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basin, NSW., Advances in the study of the Sydney Basin. Proceedings of the twenty eighth symposium. University of Newcastle, Newcastle.

YAGO, J. V. R. and FIELDING, C. R., 1996. Sedimentology of the middle Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures in the , Eastern Australia, Mesozoic geology of the Eastern Australia Plate conference. Geological Society of Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, pp. 574-575.