Directory of National and International Labor Unions in The

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Directory of National and International Labor Unions in The *» ‘S' NATIONAL AND LABOR UNIONS IN THE UNITED STATES Listing of National and International Unions State Labor Organizations Developments Since 1965 Structure and Membership Bulletin No. 1596 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Bureau of Labor Statistics Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIRECTORY OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LABOR UNIONS IN THE Listing of National and International Unions State Labor Organizations Developments Since 1965 Structure and Membership Bulletin No. 1596 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Bureau of Labor Statistics Willard Wirtz, Secretary Ben Bordetskyi Aeting commissioner For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402—Price 60 cents Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Preface Over the past 15 years, the Bureau of Labor Statistic's biennial Di­ rectory of National and International Labor Unions in the United States has expanded, both as a practical directory and as a factbook covering many aspects of trade union structure and membership. Part I lists national and international unions, as defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the names of officers, professional employees, and the number of members and locals of each union. Additional details are pre­ sented in several appendixes, along with indexes of unions and officers listed in the Directory. Part II includes (1) a brief summary of significant developments in the labor movement between 1965, the date of the previous Directory, and the end of 1967, (2) a review of the structure of the labor movement, and (3) the findings of a survey of union membership and functions con­ ducted while obtaining directory information. As was done previously, the Bureau will issue, at irregular intervals, listings of Directory changes occasioned by mergers, deaths, personnel shifts, changes in officers and addresses, etc., as this information comes to the Bureau's attention. These listings will be available on request. Listings in the Directory are not intended to, nor can they, in fact, confer status or recognition on any organization. The basic requirement for inclusion in the Directory listing of national and international unions was affiliation with the AFL-CIO or, for unaffiliated unions, the existence of collective bargaining agreements with different employers in more than one State (except for national unions of Government employees and those in the Federal service meeting the requirements for exclusive recognition under Executive Order 10988). Every effort was made to include all unions that met this standard. The information presented in this Directory was submitted voluntarily by the unions in response to a questionnaire. The Bureau is grateful for the high degree of cooperation extended by the unions, without which this Directory would not have been possible. This bulletin was prepared by Fred R. Nagy, Jr., assisted by John O. Lockwood and Homer R. Kemp, Jr. of the Bureau's Division of Industrial Relations, in the Office of Wages and Industrial Relations.Ill Ill Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Special Corrective Note While this Directory was being prepared, one union disaffiliated from the AFL-CIO, two mergers and one affiliation took place, and two inter­ national unions changed their names. On July 1, 1968, the United Automobile Workers formally separated from the AFL-CIO. Shortly thereafter the UAW and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters announced that they had formed an alliance to organize unorganized workers and to pursue social and political action projects. In April 1968, the National Association of Post Office Mail Handlers, Watchmen, Messengers, and Group Leaders (AFL-CIO) merged with the Laborers’ International Union of North America (A F L -C IO ); and the Bakery and Confectionery Workers’ International Union of America (I n d .) became an affiliate of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of America (I n d .). In July 1968, the United Packinghouse, Food, and Allied Workers (AFL-CIO) merged with the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America (AFL-CIO). The Building Service Employees’ International Union (AFL-CIO) changed its name to the Service Employees’ International Union (A FL- CIO) in May 1968, and the Commercial Telegraphers’ Union (A FL- CIO) became the United Telegraph Workers (AFL-CIO), effective August 1, 1968. IV Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Contents Page Part I. Listing of national and international labor unions _________________ 1 American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations 1 Railway Labor Executives’ Association _____________________ _________ 15 Other federations of national and international unions ___ 16 National and international unions 17 State labor organizations __ _ _ ------ __ . __ 40 Part II. Membership and structure of national and international labor unions in the United States, 1967 45 Summary ________________ . _ 45 Developments since 1965 D ir e c t o r y _ ____________ 47 Professional associations 47 UAW and the AFL-CIO 48 Other union developments 48 Structure of the labor movement _____ 50 Structure of the AFL-CIO - ___ _______ 50 Railway Labor Executives’ Association 53 Other federations _____________ _ _ __________ 53 Unaffiliated or independent unions 53 Union membership _________________ 53 Total membership ___ _ - 54 Membership in the United States _ _ 55 Membership outside the United States 55 Membership trends and changes 56 Distribution of membership 59 Size of unions __ 59 Women members __ - _______ 59 White-collar members - 60 Industrial distribution of membership __________ 61 Membership by State _____ -_________ _____ 62 Membership concepts and measurement problems ____ 65 Union functions ______ - _. _ . _ _______ _______________ 68 Number of locals ______________________________ _______ 68 Collective bargaining agreements 68 Union conventions _____ 69 Union officials and staff _ 70 Union publications 71 Union headquarters locations - 71 Appendixes: A. Changes in national and international union listings - ___ - ____ 72 B. Questionnaire to national and international unions ___ 73 C. Members and local unions outside the United States included in member­ ship reports submitted by national and international unions, 1966 - - 76 D. Approximate number of women reported by national and international unions, 1966 ________ 78 E. Approximate number of white-collar members reported by national and international unions, 1966 ___ 80 F. Estimated agreement coverage and the proportion covered by social insurance and retirement benefits as reported by national and inter­ national unions, 1966 82 G. Major unions and proportion in industry groups, 1966 _______________ 84 H. Unions affiliated with international trade secretariats _ 86 I. Finding index of unions listed in directory _______________ 88 J. Commonly used abbreviations of federations and national and inter­ national un ion s______________ 91 K. Index of n am es__________ 97 V Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Contents—Continued Page Tables: 1. Membership reported by national and international unions, by geo­ graphic area and affiliation, 1966 _______________________________ 54 2. Distribution of national and international unions, by percent change in membership reported, selected periods _____________________________ 56 3. Distribution of national and international unions, by number of members reported and affiliation, 1966 ________ ________________________ 59 4. National and international unions reporting 100,000 or more members, 1966 __________________________________________ 59 5. Estimated distribution of national and international unions, by propor­ tion of women members, 1966 _____________ ______________________ 59 6. Estimated distribution of national and international unions, by propor­ tion of white-collar members, 1966 ___ __________________________ 60 7. Distribution of national and international unions, by industry group and affiliation, 1966 ________________________________________________ 62 8. Classification of national and international unions, by percent of mem­ bership in industry groups, 1966 __________________________________ 63 9. Union membership in the United States, by State and as a proportion of total employment in nonagricultural establishments, 1964 and 1966 64 9-A. Distribution of union membership, by State and affiliation, 1966 _____ 65 10. Dues requirements for specified categories of members in national and international unions, 1964 ______ 66 11. Distribution of national and international unions, by number of locals and affiliation, 1966 ______ 68 12. Distribution of national and international unions, by number of basic collective bargaining agreements with employers, 1966 ___________ 69 13. Intervals at which national and international unions hold conventions, 1966 _________________________________________ 70 14. Number of research and education directors of national and international unions, 1966 _______________________________________ 70 15. Cities with five or more international union headquarters, 1966 __ 71 Charts: 1. Membership of national
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