Soviet Union

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Soviet Union REPORT of the CIO DELEGATION to the SOVIET UNION Submitted by JAMES B. CAREY Secretary-Treasurer, CIO Chairman of the Delegation Other Members of the Delegation: JOSEPH CURRAN REID ROBINSON rice-President, CIO Fice-P resident , CIO President, N at ional M arit ime Union President , Lnt crnational Union of .lIint', J / ill and Smelt er Il'orkers ALBERTJ . FITZGERALD r ice-Pre siden t, CIO LEE PRESSMAN President , Un ited E lect rical, R adio and General Couusrl, c/o JIacliine W orkers 0/ .Inisr ica JOHN GREEN JOHN ABT rice-President, CIO General Cou nsel, Amalgamat ed Clot hing President, Indust rial Union 0/ M an ne and W orku 5 0/ .lmeri ca Sh ipb uilding W orlecrs LEN DE CAUX ALLAN S. HAYWOOD Pu blicit y D irect or, CIO, and E dit or, Tilt' Fice -President, CIO C/O N m 's D irector 0/ Organization, CIO EMIL RIEVE VINCENT SWEENEY r ia-President, CIO Pu blicit y D irect or, United St rrlzcorlerrs President, T ext ile W orkers Union oi A merica 0/ A merica; Editor, St eel Labor Publication No. 128 Price 15c per copy; 100 for $10.00; 500 for $40.00 D epartment of International Affairs Order Literature from Publicity Department CONGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS 718 JACKSON PLACE, N. W. WASHINGTON 6, D. C. \ -- . ~ 2 rr To Promote Friendship And Understanding... " H E victo ry of the United Nations over the military power of fascism T opened up prospects of a new era of int ern ational understanding, democratic progress, world peace and prosperity. T he Cong ress of Indus­ trial Organizations, the vanguard of American labor, ra llied behind the plans of Presid ent R oosevelt and other leaders of the U nited Nations to con­ tinue th is wartime unity into the post­ war pe riod . Because we believe that unity be­ tween governments must be based on un ity among peoples, we set about forg ing .unbreakable un ity among the working people of all countries and played a leading part in the formation of the Wo rld Fede ration ·of Trade Unions. I n pursuit of th is general purpose th e CIO has also been developi ng the excha nge of frat ernal labor delega tions an d encouraging all other steps that will promote a closer understanding PHILIP MURRAY between the workers of the United Sta tes and ot he r countries. The following report of Secretary-Treasurer J ames B. Carey, who was chairman of the CIO delegation to the Soviet U nion, embodies the obser­ vations of a representative group of outs ta nding CIO leader s who visited that country as gues ts of the All-U nion Cent ral Council of T rade Unions, 3 in return for a visrt pa id to the United States by a Sov iet trade -u rnon delegation, in vited by the C IO . I consider this a docu men t of first-ra te import an ce, not on ly for American labor but for all wh o are in ter ested in knowing the truth ab out the Sov iet trade union move me nt and in p romoting fri endshi p and unde r­ standing between the peoples of our two countries. U nfortunately, the re are those who p refe r to sow seeds of distrust and suspicion, wh o ma gni fy the soc ial and cultural differen ces into un b ridgeable gulfs, and wh o seek to divide ra the r th an to unite th e world. It is my hop e that thi s rep ort will help to prevent the division of th e wo rld into hostil e blocs an d to elimina te host ility against the great people whose coopera tion wa s so essentia l to U nited );ation s victory and wh ose cont inued fri endshi p and coo peration is equally esse ntial for lastin g peace and worl d prosperity. ~/f7 P resident, CIO 4 Report of the CIO Delegation to the Soviet Union R ECOG0:IZING th e a ll-impo rta nt fun cti on of th e world labor move- ment in th e war agains t fasc ism and for eseein g th e imper at iven ess of living togethe r, wor kin g toget he r a nd meeting together socially to achieve a lasting pe ace. throu gh act ion of the commo n peo ples, t he Con­ gress of Indu st rial Organiza tion s at its 1944 Con vention in Chicago, ado pted the following resolution: " RESOL VE D : (1 ) T he CIO endo rses and ap proves Pr esident M'urra v's action in accept ing an invitation of the British T rad es Union Congress to attend both a preliminary conference in L ondon on D ecem ber 4 of representativ es of the British Trades Union Congress, the Soviet Union and of the Unite d States, and th e full conference in th e same city early in January of next ye ar. "(2) The CIO supports the project of a new sin gle powerful int ernational lab or body that shall include all th e un ions of free countries on a basis of equalit v . excluding none and relegating none to a secondary place, and be capable of defending th e interests of the com-mo n ma n." Su bseq uent developm ents resu lted in the esta blishrn ent of th e World Federation of T rade Unio ns with th e CIO playin g a principal part. I n im plementing furthe r th e work of th e \VFTU, Presid ent Philip Murra y in the summer of 1945 exte nded invitation s to th e British Trades Union Congress, th e French Confed eration of Labor and th e All-Union Central Council of Trade U nion"s of th e Union of Soviet Socialist R epublics to send delegat ions to visit th e U nited States as -guests of th e CIO. The first .to resp ond was th e Sov iet trade uni on mov em ent, wh ich Il1 ] uly 1945 sent a de1ega tion to th e Unite d States, including represen ta­ tives of its ma jo r unions a nd headed by Vas ili Kuznet sov, Chairman of the ACC CT l i. This delegation made a tour of American industrial cit ies, visited many plants in its st ud y of American labor condit ions, a nd had ma ny opport unities to meet with C IO unioni sts and to establish close r ties of fr ien dship and understanding between our tw o movements. At th e sa me time, Mr. Kuznetsov on behalf of the AUCCTU extended an inv itation to the CIO to send a return del egation to the Sovi et Union for simila r purpos es. It wa s decided by President :~d u rr a y 'and th e CIO Executive Officers that thi s de legation sh ou ld be made up of CIO repre­ sentatives attending th e convention of the World Federation of Trad e 5 Unions in Paris, and that it should proceed to the Soviet Union imme­ diately up on th e conclusion of thi s convention. It had been expected that President Murray would head the delega­ tion to both the WFTU and the Soviet Union, but the many domestic questions raised by the end of military opera tions made his continued presence in the U nited States indispensable. In M r. Murray's absen ce, Secretary-Treasurer James B. Carey headed th e de lega tion that left Paris for M oscow on October 10. Other members of the delegation were CIa Vice-Pres. Allan S. Haywood, Director of Or gani zati on; Vice-Pres. Albert Fitzgerald, President of U nited Electrical, R adi o and M achine 'Workers; Vice-Pres. J ohn Green, President of Indus­ trial Union of Marine and Shi pbuilding Worker s; Vice-Pres. Emil Rie\"e, Presid ent of Textile Workers Union ; Vice-Pres. J oseph Curran , President of N ational Maritime Union ; Vice-Pres. Reid R obinson, President of th e Internati onal U nion of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers: Lee Pressman, CIa Ge neral Counsel; J ohn Abt, General Counsel of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers; Len De Caux, CIa Publicity Director and Editor of T he CIa N ews ; and Vincent Sweeney, P ubli city Director and Editor of t he Unite d Steelworkers. Sid ney Hillman, President of th e Amalga ma ted Clothing Workers of America, and Delegate Thomas- Burns of the U nited Rubber Worker s, were unable to make t he t rip because t hey had to ret urn to the U nited States immed iately after t he WFTU mee ting. Simila rly, Di rector of Councils J ohn Broph y and D irector of Int ern ational Affairs M ichael Ross were required to remain in P aris to pa rtic ipate in Internati onal Labor Or ganization confe rences. 6 A FTER a brief stopove r in Berlin, th e CIO del egation a rrived in Mos- cow on Octob er 11 an d rem ained in the Soviet U nion un til Octob er 19, whe n it left for London en route to the United States. The sho rt dura­ tion of thi s eight-day visit was deeply regretted by th e delegati on, but it was necessitated by th e fact that the delegati on had to be ba ck in th e U nited States by November 1 for th e CIO E xecutive Board' meeting prelimina ry to Pres­ id ent T ruman's Lab or-Man- o age ment Confer ence on No ­ vembe r 5, a nd by th e difficul­ ties a nd delays incid ental to return travel a rr ange me nts un­ der exist ing cond itions .
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    November 4, 1949 Vol. II, No. 7 • FOR OUR INFORMATION F.O.I. appears bi-weekly from the Public Relations Office, Room 7, for the infor- mation of all faculty, staff and students of the New York State School orIndustrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University. A report of the Joint Legislative Committee on Industrial and Labor Conditions states, "The most satisfactory human relationships are the product, not of legal compulsion, but rather of voluntary determination among human beings to cooperate with one another." In the same spirit, F.O.I. is dedicated to our mutual understanding. EVERYONE INVITED TO ILR "OLD FASHIONED ELECTION PARTY" TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 8; PARTY WILL CEI2,BRTE SCHOOLS hTH ANNIVERSARY Members of the faculty, staff and student body of the ILR School are invited to an Old Fashioned Election Night Party on Tuesday, November 8, in the Ivy Room of Willard Straight. The party is being given by the faculty, graduate students, and staff for undergraduate students of the ILR School. Husbands and wives are invited and all are urged to come and wear clothes suitable for square dancing. The fun will begin at 8:00 P.M. Refreshments, square dancing, election returns, a floor show, and other entertainment will be provided. Chairman of the Steering Committee for the party isLeane Eckert, Research Associate. NINE ILR STUDENTS ACTIVE ON GRIDIRON ILR School can be proud of its nine representatives on the football grid- iron this fall. Three ILR students are on the varsity team, three on the junior varsity, and three in the Big Red Band.
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