Id & Ecology of OC Bats by Stephanie Remington V2

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Id & Ecology of OC Bats by Stephanie Remington V2 Bats Found in Orange County by Stephanie Remington FOOD HABITAT ROOST* MIGRATION / HIBERNATION STATUS NOTES Family Phyllostomidae nose ornamentation (leaf); migratory (do not hibernate) (Leaf-nosed bats) Mexican long-tongued near night-blooming cactae & caves, mines, bldgs fall migration to maternity roosts in has moved north to S. Cal. as habitat is lost in Mexico and as we plant more exotic batΨ Choeronycteris Nectar, pollen O agavae colonial (up to ~50) Mexico & Central America cactae & agavae; fall & winter records in S. Cal.; sensitive to disturbance mexicana Family Molossidae visible tail; migratory (usually do not hibernate); colonial; females form maternity colonies during the spring and summer months (Free-tailed bats) Mexican free-tailed bat variety of crevices; colonial (100s - migratory in parts of its range; appears one of the most common bats in OC; year-round activity, although reduced in winter; high altitudes C Tadarida brasiliensis agricultural pests 20 million) to overwinter in OC adapts well to urban environments; one pup born in Jun-July Pocketed free-tailed batΨ primarily large variable, from desert scrub to crevices of rugged cliffs; considered resident in San Diego very similar to the Mexican free-tailed bat, but slightly larger and with ears connected at Nyctinomops O moths pine-oak forest colonial County; status unknown in OC the midline; single pup, born in late Jun-Jul femorosaccus Big free-tailed batΨ almost entirely large usu crevices in cliffs; known only from a couple of records in OC; intermediate in size between pocketed free- rugged, rocky habitats seasonal migrant O Nyctinomops macrotis moths colonial tail and western mastiff bats; one pup, born late spring Western mastiff batΨ cliffs, occ. bldgs; colonial short-dist. seasonal migration; the largest bat in the US; produces an audible echolocation call that sounds ~like a Calif. primarily moths broad, open areas R Eumops perotis (30-100s) periodically active all winter Towhee, but high in the air; single pup, born mid-summer Family Vespertilionidae Extremely variable group, in both appearance & habits; mate in the fall; become pregnant in spring; females often form maternity colonies (Plain-nosed bats) Western yellow batΨ ??beetles?? No info palm oases or areas with some populations are migratory; only a few records of this bat in coastal S. Cal. north of San Diego Co.; commonly roosts foliage, palms; solitary O Lasiurus xanthinus from SW US ornamental palms probably do not hibernate in palms, but only if shag is untrimmed; 1-4 pups Western red batΨ moths, flies, wasps, edges of intact riparian migrates in groups, timing diff for males beautiful bat; red fur in male; female more frosty; white shoulder patches; only 1 known foliage, trees; solitary R Lasiurus blossevillii beetles habitat & females; hibernates instance of breeding in S. Cal.; up to 5 pups/yr, born summer Hoary batΨ moths, beetles, areas where trees are the group autumn migration; less organized Large; present primarily in the fall and winter months; dark fur, white frosted; yellow ruff foliage, trees; solitary R/D Lasiurus cinereus flies, termites… main vegetation in spring; hibernates around neck; swift, direct flier; usu. 2 pups born May-July Pallid batΨ natural & artificial not known to migrate; hibernate singly or light-colored fur; large ears; snout plain; bares teeth & opens mouth wide if cornered; large arthropods variable; esp woodland in OC R Antrozous pallidus crevices; (20-100s) in small groups often hunts on or close to the ground; twins born May-July Townsend's big-eared caves, mines; colonial ?? Local seasonal migration; possibly large ears; darker fur than pallid bat; 2 bumps on snout; known to abandon roost after batΨ Corynorhynus 90% moths riparian edges & woodlands R (10s -100s) altitudinal?? Hibernates human visitation; forms maternity colonies; single pup, born M-Jun townsendii Western pipistrelle small, swarming rocky canyons, usu. below cliffs; usu. solitary, exc. ?? Local seasonal migration; possibly light fur with dark mask; the smallest bat in the US; weighs just more than a penny; has R Pipistrellus hesperus insects 2000 m mother-pup grps altitudinal?? Hibernates been found caught in spider webs; twins born in late M-Jun Big brown bat mostly beetles, but tree canopies, meadows, natural & artifical relatively sedentary; not known to glossy fur, honey to chocolate brown; black ears; among the most common in OC, but C/D Eptesicus fuscus opportunistic waterways crevices; (10-100s) migrate long-dist; hibernates appear to be declining with urban growth; one pup, born in spring California myotis moths, flies & other riparian, chaparral, oak artificial & natural brown fur; much smaller than big brown bat; more common in remote areas of the active periodically in winter C/N Myotis californicus insects groves & open forest crevices; (1-few) county than in urban areas; one pup, born in summer Western small-footed artificial & natural very similar to the California myotis; found more at higher altitudes in the Santa Ana myotisΨ Myotis small insects above ~2000 ft elev in OC wintering habits in S. Cal. unknown R crevices; (1-few) Mountains; one pup, born in late spring-early summer ciliolabrum Long-eared myotisΨ moths, small semi-arid shrublands, artificial & natural pointed tragus, like all Myotis, but noticeably large ears; slow flier; hovering foliage presumed to hibernate R Myotis evotis beetles & others agricult. & conif forest crevices; (1-few) gleaner; one pup, born in late spring-early summer Yuma myotisΨ caddisflies, midges near permanent water natural & artificial usu inactive in winter in OC; possibly the most commonly encountered bat in OC; forages for insects over water surfaces; C Myotis yumanensis & others sources structures (1-1000s) resident adapts well to urban roosts; one pup, born in spring or summer C = Common (regularly encountered) Ψ = Classified as sensitive R = Rare (regularly, but infrequently encountered) or in need of monitoring O = Occasional (irregular occurrence) by state and/or federal agencies.
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