! !1 Humsafar: Novel, Drama, and Romance in Urdu URD 330 & URD 384 Class Time: Fall 2015, Mondays, 6.30-9.30 pm Class Location: WCH 4.118 Professor: Syed Akbar Hyder Professor’s Email:
[email protected] Professor’s Office Hours: Tuesdays, 3-5, and by appointment Office Address: WCH 4.104 E Teaching Assistant: Muhammad Raza Mahboob Teaching Assistant’s Email:
[email protected] Teaching Assistant’s Office: WCH 4.104,HUF office In the fall of 2011, the world of South Asian popular culture witnessed a phenomenal event: the broadcasting of Humsafar (companion) on Pakistan's Hum TV. The 23-episode serial (soap opera of sorts) is based on Farhat Ishtiaq's novel and inspired by a Nasir Turabi ghazal. Notwithstanding the craze it generated in Pakistan, the serial was broadcast to popular acclaim in India, the Middle East, Europe, and the United States. Humsafar's leading stars, Fawad Afzal Khan and Mahira Khan, instantly turned into mass media icons in the world beyond Pakistan. In this class we will explore how classical lyrical poetry and Urdu novel's melodrama contour the aesthetic parameters of Urdu serials in general and Humsafar in particular. We will delve into how issues of gender and sexuality in modern South Asia are tempered by women's "reformist" literature springing from the traditions of Nazir Ahmed, Ashraf Ali Thanavi, and A.R. Khatoon. We will also study theories of reception—especially the reception of Fawad Khan in India and Pakistan. In this vein, we will address the ways in which India and Pakistan share the ground of popular culture in spite of nationalist divides.