FM 11-25 Signal Corps Field Manual Aircraft Warning Service
MHI Copy 3 FM 11-25 WAR DEPARTMENT CPS F LD MANUAL AIRCRAFT WARNING SERVICE August 3, 1942 REFERENCE USE ONLY NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM LIBRARY REGRAOED UNCLASSIFIED ay AUTHo'YoF! DOD DIR. 5200. 1 R By A7 A5 on 2z. FM 11-25 C 1 SIGNAL CORPS FIELD MANUAL AIRCRAFT WARNING SERVICE CHANGES I WAR DEPARTMENT, No. 1 WASHINGTON. March 10, 1943. FM 11-25, August 3, 1942, is changed as follows: * 34: REPORTING PLATOON b. Operating detail and power-plant detail.-The reporting platoon * * * the powver-plant detail. The personnel of these two details are responsible for the actual installation and operation of the mobile radar equipment. They are also re- sponsible for accomplishing minor repairs, adjustments, and replacement; (maintenance in first echelon) and such more extensive repairs, adjustments, and replacements (mainte- nance in second echelon) as may be accomplished by use of hand tools and the mobile equipment issued to the unit. The operating detail * * * supply truck K-31. · . a . *, ·* [A. G. 062.11 (3-1-43).] (C 1, Mar. 10. 1943.) BY ORDER Of THE SECRETARY OF WAR: G. C. MARSHALL. Chief of Stafl. OFFICIAL: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutanl General. U.S. GOVERPaMEUTPRINITIN.. OFICEISO 1· FM 11-25 SIGNAL CORPS FIELD MANUAL AIRCRAFT WARNING SERVICE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1942 WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, August 3, 1942. FM 11-25, Signal Corps Field Manual, Aircraft Warning Service, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [A. G. 062.11 (6-11-42) .] BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: G.
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