Reproductive System Terminology
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Medical Anatomy and Physiology UNIT 12 - REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM TERMINOLOGY Female Reproductive partum _____________________ Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Words -pathy _____________________ a _____________________ peri _____________________ -al _____________________ perine/o _____________________ ante _____________________ -pexy _____________________ arche _____________________ -phylaxis _____________________ -ary _____________________ -plasty _____________________ -atresia _____________________ post _____________________ bi _____________________ pro _____________________ cervic/o _____________________ -rrhage _____________________ colp/o _____________________ -rrhaphy _____________________ culd/o _____________________ -rrhea _____________________ derm _____________________ salping/o _____________________ -dynia _____________________ -scope _____________________ ect/o _____________________ -stomy _____________________ -ectomy _____________________ -tomy _____________________ end/o _____________________ umbilic/o _____________________ episi/o _____________________ uter/o _____________________ fibr/o _____________________ vagin/o _____________________ -gen _____________________ vesic/o _____________________ -graphy _____________________ vulv/o _____________________ -gram _____________________ gyn/o _____________________ Medical Terms gynec/o _____________________ amenorrhea _____________________ hem/o _____________________ antepartum _____________________ hymen/o _____________________ bilateral salpingoophorectomy hyster/o _____________________ ________________________________ -ial _____________________ colporrhaphy _____________________ -itis _____________________ ectoderm _____________________ -ium _____________________ ectopic _____________________ lact/o _____________________ endoderm _____________________ later/o _____________________ endometriosis _____________________ leuk/o _____________________ episiotomy _____________________ -ology _____________________ fibroid _____________________ mamm/o _____________________ genital _____________________ mast/o _____________________ gonads _____________________ men/o _____________________ gynecologist _____________________ -meter _____________________ gynecology _____________________ metr/o _____________________ hymenotomy _____________________ -oid _____________________ hysterectomy _____________________ -ologist _____________________ hysterogram _____________________ -ology _____________________ hysteroscope _____________________ oophor/o _____________________ lactation _____________________ -osis _____________________ leukorrhea _____________________ ova _____________________ mammogram _____________________ ovari/o _____________________ mastopexy _____________________ Unit Twelve – Reproductive System Page 1 Draft Copy Medical Anatomy and Physiology menarche _____________________ menstrual _____________________ menopause _____________________ mesoderm _____________________ myometrium _____________________ oocyte _____________________ oophoritis _____________________ oophoropathy _____________________ ova _____________________ ovary _____________________ parturition _____________________ perimetrium _____________________ postpartum _____________________ prenatal _____________________ prophylaxis _____________________ pyosalpinx _____________________ umbilical _____________________ uterometer _____________________ uteropexy _____________________ uterosalpingography ________________________________ uterovesical _____________________ vaginal _____________________ vaginitis _____________________ vaginoperineoplasty ________________________________ vulvodynia _____________________ Medical Abbreviations AIDS ___________________________ DOB ___________________________ gyn ___________________________ hgb ___________________________ Hct ___________________________ HIV ___________________________ LMP ___________________________ neg ___________________________ peds ___________________________ PMS ___________________________ STD ___________________________ UTI ___________________________ Unit Twelve – Reproductive System Page 2 Draft Copy Medical Anatomy and Physiology Female Reproductive - KEY peri around Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Words perine/o perineum; pelvic floor a without pexy surgical fixation -al pertaining to -phylaxis protection or prevention ante before -plasty (surgical) repair arche/o first post after -ary pertaining to pro for or before -atresia lack of a normal opening -rrhage to burst forth bi two -rrhaphy to repair cervic/o neck -rrhea discharge colp/o vagina salping/o uterine tube culd/o cul-de-sac -scope instrument used to view derm skin (but sometimes referred -stomy to make a new opening to as layer) -tomy to cut into -dynia pain umbilic/o umbilicus ect/o on, upon, outer uter/o uterus -ectomy removal of vagin/o vagina end/o inside, within vesic/o fluid filled sac; bladder episi/o perineum; pelvic floor vulv/o vulva; female external fibr/o fiber genitalia -gen beginning -graphy process of making a picture or recording Medical Terms -gram picture or recording amenorrhea without menstrual discharge gyn/o female antepartum before birth gynec/o female bilateral salpingoophorectomy removal of hem/o blood uterine tubes and ovaries hymen/o hymen; covering the vaginal colporrhaphy repair of the vagina opening ectoderm outer layer hyster/o uterus ectopic misplaced -- -ial pertaining to usually pregnancy such as in -itis inflammation of the uterine tube -ium pertaining to endoderm inside layer lact/o milk endometriosis condition of the endometrium later/o side (out-side of the uterus) leuk/o white episiotomy incision into the perineum -ology study of fibroid resembling fibers mamm/o breast genital pertaining to the reproductive mast/o breast organs men/o menstruation gonads reproductive organs -meter measurement gynecologist specialist of female disorders metr/o uterine layer or tissue gynecology study of female disorders -oid resembling hymenotomy incision into the hymen -ologist one who studies hysterectomy removal of the uterus -ology the study of hysterogram picture (or x-ray) of the oophor/o ovary uterus -osis condition or state of hysteroscope instrument to view within the ova egg uterus ovari/o ovary lactation milk producing partum labor or birth leukorrhea white discharge -pathy pertaining to disease mammogram picture (x-ray) of the breast Unit Twelve – Reproductive System Page 3 Draft Copy Medical Anatomy and Physiology mastopexy surgical fixation of the breast Medical Abbreviations menarche beginning of menstruation AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency menstrual pertaining to the menstrual Syndrome cycle or menses DOB date of birth menopause cessation or end of the gyn female, gynecology menstrual cycle hgb hemoglobin mesoderm middle layer Hct hematocrit myometrium pertaining to the muscular HIV Human Immunodeficiency uterine tissue Virus oocyte egg cell LMP last menstrual period oophoritis inflammation of the ovary neg negative oophoropathy disease of the ovary peds pediatrics ova egg PMS premenstrual syndrome ovary pertaining to eggs STD sexually transmitted diseases parturition childbirth UTI urinary tract infection perimetrium pertaining to around the uterus postpartum after birth or delivery prenatal before birth prophylaxis for prevention pyosalpinx pus in the uterine tube umbilical pertaining to the umbilicus, navel or belly button uterometer measurement of the uterus uteropexy surgical fixation of the uterus uterosalpingography the process of making a picture or x-ray of the uterus and the uterine tubes vaginal pertaining to the vagina vaginitis inflammation of the vagina vaginoperineoplasty repair of the vagina and the perineum vulvodynia pain in the vulva Unit Twelve – Reproductive System Page 4 Draft Copy Medical Anatomy and Physiology Male Reproductive prophylaxis _____________________ prostatalgia _____________________ Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words prostatectomy _____________________ -al _____________________ prostatomegaly ____________________ -algia _____________________ prostatorrhea _____________________ andr/o _____________________ prostatovesiculitis balan/o _____________________ ________________________________ circum _____________________ spermatozoa _____________________ -cise _____________________ testicular _____________________ crypt/o _____________________ vasectomy _____________________ -ectomy _____________________ vasovesiculitis epididym/o _____________________ ________________________________ -gen _____________________ genit/o _____________________ -ic _____________________ Medical Abbreviations -ism _____________________ AIDS _____________________ -itis _____________________ HIV _____________________ -megaly _____________________ STD _____________________ -ology _____________________ UTI _____________________ orchi/o _____________________ orchid/o _____________________ -pathy _____________________ -phylaxis _____________________ -plasty _____________________ pro _____________________ prostat/o _____________________ -rrhea _____________________ sperm/o _____________________ spermat/o _____________________ testis _____________________ vas/o _____________________ vesic/o _____________________ -zoa (zoo) _____________________ Medical Terms androgens _____________________ andrology _____________________ andropathy _____________________ balanitis _____________________ balanoplasty _____________________ circumcise _____________________ cryptorchidism____________________ genital _____________________ gonads _____________________ orchidalgia