BC Hunting and Trapping Regulations
wlapwww.gov.bc.calfw Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (MWLAP) Web Page (contains access to BC Hunting andTrapping Regulations Synopsis and Limited Entry Hunt Draw Resuhs) http://wlapwww.gov.bc.ca/fir Enquiry BC il For more information on the hunting and trapping regulations, call a MWLAP Regional Ofrice, Fish and Wildlife Recreation and Allocation Branch (FWRA) HQ Victoria, or the Conservation Ofricer Service using the numbers list- ed on the regional maps of each region. Enquiry BC can provide toll free access to provincial government tele- phone numbers. Simply call Enquiry BC and requesl a transfer to the number you wish to call: finomVancouver ... ....660-2421 fromVictoria ,.,,....387-6121 elsewhere in BC . .......l-800-663-7867 il Observe, Record, Report . , .l-800-663-9453 {WILD) to report fish, wildlife and environmental offences otherthan those involving salmon. Articles Section A - Huunue Rg,euunous (Continued) A Message from the Director of Fish and Wildlife Recreation How Long Should lKeep My Licence? ........,.14 il andAllocationBranch(FWRA) .......2 Compulsory lnspedion and Reporting .... .....15 New Compulsory lnspection Procedures . ...., .,, . .. .,15 Change of Address/Name Notification (Form) ..........16 TakeCareofYourGameMeat ...,.....17 Special Notice: Black Bear or Grizzly Bear . .18 BullMooseAntlerRegulations ........19 WestNileVirus.... ..........24 Section B - Grurp,el HUMfiNG TNFnRMATTnN lmportant Notice -to all Mountain Goat Hunters . .25 National & Provincial Park Restridions ... ......20 Safety Guidelines for Hunters in BearCountry .,, . ., . .40 Municipal Bylaws. ...... .....20 il Habitat ConservationTrust Fund . .... , .4 I AccessRestrictionstoWildlife .....,...20 ThreatenedCaribouListing . ..........63 Highway No ShootingAreas . ....,.,..20 ChronicWasting Disease ......77 Possession andTransportation . ........2 I Muskwa-Kechika ManagementArea . ...85 Exportfromthe Province ......27 - c.r.TE.s. .....27 Section A Hupnue Rseuunows TaxidermyTanningand Meatcutting .....23 il Major Regulation Changes 2003-2004 .......
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