An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Company ISPS Compliant Port Facility GANGAVARAM PORT LIMITED.. _. GPLIMOEF/20 Dt.211112017 To The Director, Regional Office, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Regional Office (SEZ)" 1ST and IInd Floor, Handloom Export Promotion Council .M... Cathedral Garden Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai-34 Tel.No.044-28222325 . • Dear SirlMadam, Sub: EC Compliance and periodical Environmental Monitoring Reports-reg Ref: EC No:F.No.11-9112010-IA-III .Date.?" February, 2012. In compliance with EC at cited ref, Gangavaram Port is monitoring the Air, Noise, Ground water, Marine water and sediment quality at regular intervals and GPL is conforming with the standards and guidelines of the EC as well as consent order issued by the state pollution control board. Accordingly, we are submitting the compliance report ofEC along with six monthly reports including terrestrial and marine monitoring reports from April-2017 -Septernber -2017. A copy of CFO Compliance and Form-Vis enclosed. Yours Sincerely, For Gangavaram Port ltd, CIN : U45209TG2001PLC037861 Project Office PedagantyadaMandai, Gangavaram(Post), Visakhapatnam- 530 044. Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. Tel. : +918912701177,2277,2761377,2889999, Fax: +918912703377. Regd. Office "Hansa Plaza", Plot No. 798, Road No.36, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad- 500 033. Tel: 040 2351 9999, Fax No. : 040 2351 9990. E-mail:
[email protected], Web: r Environment and CRZ Clearance o.11-9112010-IA-III dtd.07.02.2012 for Phase-II S.No Conditions Compliance as Explained by GPL Snecific Conditions:- 1. "Consent for Establishment" shall be obtained from State Pollution Control Obtained "Consent for Establishment" from State Pollution Control Board under Air and Water Board under Air and Water Act and a Act vide order number copy shall be submitted to the Ministry APPCBNSPNSP/113/CFE/HO/20 12-3923., dt.