Portland Daily Press: August 21,1871
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PORTLAND DAILY '' " PRESS. Established June 23, 1862. Vol. 10. TTTT 1TTTI TinTTPlT rmiTmUl" MU II I "7 i J1' 1871* Terms ___— $8.00 per annum. Portland The Dally Press MEDICAL. BONDS. MISCELLANEOUS 1< published every day (Sundaysexoepted) by _ BUSINESS DIRECTORY the A Portland DAILY PRESS. Publishing Co., Advertising atlIlWHcT^^ Agency. PORTLAND. i At 109 Exchange Safe and Profitable ATWELL & CO., 174* Middle Street, Adyebtise- Street, Portland. ments Caiboile Acid inserted in papers in Maine and through- Powder is prepared by mix- Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year in advance, ut the at the Mutual Insurance country publisher’s lowes rates. ng one hundred parts peat, gypsum, earth INVESTMENT. MONDAY AUGUST 21,1871. and, sawdust, or charcoal powder, with The Comp’y, one Maine State Press (ORGANIZED IN 1842.) ■Agricultural Implements A Seeds. >art carbolic acid dissolved in water. SAWYElt Double & WOODFORD, No. 119 Exchange St. he quantity of crude acid must he taken. Is published Thursday Morning at SI Wall cotner of New York. PoiMuau* Fertilizer*. every First Bonds st., William, Carbolic Acid Wash.—Mix $2.50 a year; 'f paid in at $2.00 a Mortgage ouepartcarbol- advance, Insures Against Marine and Inland Auctioneer. A correspondent calls attention to a source i cacid with one year. Navigation Bisks bundled parts milt of lime. of ill-health that we do not remember to is well And will issue Policies Loss No. 827 Congress St. Auction Sales Chlorid of Lime.—One to one hun- To a limited amount, upon a railroad which making payable in England. «eDS®S’every have before. part Rates of Advertising.—One inch of space, Keening. Private Sales danng the day. noticed Speaking of preparing Ired of water. located for and has been already largely in of a business, animal manures he length column, constitutes square.” by sulphuric acid, says: Solution of Metalic Salts.—Better to pre- 75 cents constructed with the funds of its stockholders, can- Agencies for Common oil of $1.50 per square daily first week. for of its Sewing machines. vitrol is, as far as I know, | >are saturated solutions in and Ire- not be otherwise This is increas- Its Assets the Policies are more than water, per week three insertions, or less, $1.00; than sate. security Security $13,000,000.00 M,aai® st the substarce us jd all < after; • O'er H. H. All by but stir. -____ itoia Irwi!? Hay’s. manufacturers; luently Continuing every other day after first week, 50 ed if the Constructing*Company is composed ot men ■-achmes for sale and to let. ing, I think none but the to the Hepati chemically pure acid Luevan’s Mass is of one hundred cents. The Profits of the Company revert and are divided upon composed ot high character, ai d ot ample means tor success- ansnred, annually, should be used. The common acid otten con- iarts of or | slacked lime, fifteen coal tar, Half square, three insertions less, 75cents; the Premiums terminated during the year, certificates for which are in Bakers. parts fully carrying through any work that they undertake. issued, bearing W, O. tains a small quantity of lead and : ud fifteen one week. $1.00; 50 cents per week after. COBB, No. 12 Pearl arsenic, parts chlorid of magnesium dis- erest uiitil redeemed. Street. both of which are Special Notices, one third additional. knowu to be absorbed by s olved in water. W. H. H. 2d Vlce-Prest. when Under head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per TDK MOOBE, John D. Jones, President. plants presented to their roots. The above list of disinfectants and their J. D. Hewlett,3d Vlce-Prest. Booksellers and square per week; three insertions or less $1.50. Chableb Dennie, Vico-Pre«1dent. Stationers. Dr. Edmund Davy, professor of be J. HOYT, FOQQ & agricultural I reparation will found highly serviceable, Advertisements inserted in the Maine H.OHAPMAE, Secretary. BREED, 92 Middle in the New Mobile and Texas Street. chemistry Koyal Dublin .Society, pub- s rid should not be forgotten.—Herald u/ State Press” (which has a circulation Orleans, W. large JOHN HUNGER., Correspondent, lishedapaper iu 1859, calling attention to J leallh. in part the State) for $1.00 every q! per square Book-Binders] the danger of using manures containing ar- for first insertion, and 50 cents for Railroad Office, 166 Fore Street, Portland. WM. A. QITINCY, Room 11 To* Nice. per square Company Printei’s8 k senic; yet there has to the each subsequent insertion. March 13, 187t dlm-eodllm&wfiw No. Ill Exchange Street. Exchange, not, up present Offer tor a I been a We have all heard of the of the fool- Address a’l communications sale bond which combines these advan- SMALL & time, believe, pure article of super- story to SHACKPORD, No. 3S Plum Street. tages to an unusual The route lies between phosphate ot lime in market. 1 think • ih Midas, whose wish that he PORTLAND endorsed and degree, put everything PUBLISHING CO. prescribed bv * the use, for the t Duelled be turned into was more and ! purpose ment of acid might gold, grat- Are leading Physicians than any other Tonic ot Mobile, Alabama, Houston, Texas—passing TO LET. WANTED. Bonnet and Hat oned, arsenic or ■ ied. He soon as we of the Stimulant now in use. are New the New York of the South. Bleacliery] containing lead to be probi- repented, learn, They through Orleans, H. E. UNDERWOOD,No. 310* Congress bited ought A SURE Street. by law. 1 ital generosity of the gods when the very BUSINESS PREVENTIVE Ot the whole line ot 475 miles, about two-thirds are 8. SAWYER & CARDS. House to Rent, CO., Bleachers, 131 Middle street. 1 read and meat at his to the For Fever and Agae, Intermittent*, Biliousness and and the Stockholders have absurcl 'tem has changed lips already built, expended in Wanted' heen^‘tST,The® the ab.ove all disorders itom malarious DESIRABLE House pleasantly located ,. eng rounds” of the recious metal. That Midas’ ears arising causes They TEN Immediately. press during I finally are nearly MILLION DOLLARS in the work. the Western 01 ilie house contains 10 » and Builders. the six E. A. highly recomm nded as an Anti-Dyspeptic, part city; Carpenters past months, and it is quite time that lew into those ot an ass was a fit termina- O’BKION, and in The bonds now offered are seen red a finished will be let with or without the it was cases ol Indigestion are Invaluable. As by mortgage rooms; WHITNEY A MEANS, Pearl st, opposite the Park. stopped. This to t and most of —WITH— an ture. Also a stable on the to and 1 attempt frighTendar- ion, not the incredible part his Appetiser and Reruperant, and iu cases ol upon all that ot the line west of New tA good premises Steady employment goo meis who are part Orleans, let with to 1 General have never in a in- house it desired. Inquire ot 50 MEN enterprising enough dissolve listory. Debility they single which has cn enormous traffic assured to it from the hones and stance tailed in the most JOHH C. PROCTER House. prepare their own fertilizer* is We can us some the de- SPRUANCE, PRESTON k pmlucing happy results. A I Tl T G tor Chamber,Table and gen- Dye discover among of CO., are start, this being the oniy rail connection wlach aug!6 d3w93 St., I hurtful to the interest of They particularly by Exchange Ur l\Lt5 eral Hoosework. F. 8YMONDS, IndiaSt., l adies Cloaks cleansed or agriculture and de- cendants of Midas without even a look at the corn, cattle and other of Tex- to science. In the Commission BENEFICIAL TO FEHALE9, cotion, productions tbe EMPLOYMENT & BEAL ESTATE dyed for one dollar. rogatory ordinary sulphur- •heir ears. Their asinine are merchants, as can reach Two «ood Rents. ic of propensities Strengthening the the and New Orleans. st. lw acid which is made Irorn — body, invigorating mind, AGENCY, 351J Congress augIR commerce, Si- iuciu out, wuuuui any Ulna giving tone and to the whole The So is Two pleasant rents on Waterville six rooms IWintiatfi cilian elasticity system. important this road considered to Louisiana, Street, su'phur and condensed in platinum re- indication of their race. We for 7 Chamber of Commerce, Home Ritters are compounded with the each, for two small families. Apply to may pass by, greatest that the State has made liberal in DRS. EVANS A 8 Con. the amount of ol lead lire the care, and no tonic stimulant has ever before been very grants aid ot WM. H. Real estate STROUT, Clapp Block, torls, sulphate present present, more characteristic of their ILL. JEKRIS, Apt. W AN T E X> ! CHICAGO, offered to the public so PLEASANT TO THE the enterprise, by cirect donations, by endorsement angle dlw»Next East City Hall. JOSIAH HEALD, No. 10G Middle Street. is but a trace, seldom exceeding one-fourth of kinu, and examine some of the less marked « TASTE anti at th^ same time so one combining many ot its and to the stock of the a a as accountant or DR. W. R. JOHNSON, Free Street. per cent. The same may be said of ar- Will give especial attention to the purchase and remedial bonds, by subscriptions Lady, position book-keep- No, 13*, specimens. agents endorsed by the medical fraternity To er. For shipment ot Grain and Provisions ter East- in to over million Let, BY particulars enquire at tbe Press Of- PACKARD A Fluent Con- seme; some specimens of acid from the best It is wonderful how Flour, as the best known to the Pharmacopoeia.