з? hshed by the Ukrainian National Association inc., a fraternal non-profit associitionl Mrainian Weekly vol. ivni No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 50 cents

On the road to independence of Mykhailo Horyn arrives in U.S. Chairman of Rukh Secretariat sees Plans to meet with decision-makers, media Ukraine's vital role in world affairs by Marta Kolomayets Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian j SSR and just nine weeks before the і JERSEY C1TY, NJ. - Mykhailo second congress of Rukh, Mr. j Horyn, the chairman of the Secreta– Horyn has traveled for the first time j riat of Rukh, the Popular Move– to the West to meet with both U.S. ^ ment of Ukraine for Perebudova, and Canadian government leaders, j and a people s deputy to the Supreme political, cultural, ecological and j Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR repre– economic interest groups, as well as ! senting the city of Lviv in western the Ukrainian diaspora community, і Ukraine, has traveled many a diffi– During his five-week stay in the j cult road in life. West, Mr. Horyn hopes to outline ; Labeled an "especially dangerous Rukh s future plans and meet with і recidivist" by the Soviet authorities the Western media, in order to make j during his many years in the , them aware that Ukraine, a nation of this former political prisoner cur- 52 million people, is destined to j rent lv faces even greater challenges become a major player within the l as he stands at the forefront of European and world communities. democratic changes in Ukraine to- Below, he offers some thoughts on l day. the first session of the Supreme І A leading activist of the Ukrainian Soviet which concluded in early Au– ; Republican Party, and a newly elect– gust, as well as the forthcoming j ed vice-chairman of the democratic Rukh congress and the role of Rukh j і Roma Hadzewycz National Council, Mr. Horyn advo– support groups in the West. Mykhailo Horyn and his daughter, Oksana (left), are welcomed to the U.S. by cates full independence for Ukraine; Ukrainian National Association officers Ulana Diachuk, Walter Sochan and he was one of 10 Democratic Bloc Changes in Ukraine occur at such Alexander Blahitka (partially hidden). Standing in the rear is Robert McConnell of parliamentarians who together with a rapid pace that it is often difficult to Ukraine 2000. 10 Communist Party deputies corn- gauge the significance of these events. by Roma Hadzewycz House, the National Conference on posed the Declaration on State So– One such occasion was the passage of Soviet Jewry (a meeting that included vereignty of Ukraine, which passed, the Supreme Soviet's Declaration on NEW YORK - Mykhailo Horyn, representatives also of the Coalition for overwhelmingly, on July 16. State Sovereignty. The Democratic І chairman of the Secretariat of the Soviet Jewry, Jewish Labor Organiza– Describing himself as a hopeless Bloc, which faced many a difficult : Popular Movement of Ukraine for tion and the National Jewish Commu– optimist, Mr. Horyn sees Ukraine moment during its first days of work і Perebudova (Rukh), the leading demo– nity Relations Advisory Council), the emerging as a powerful, indepen– in May, has emerged an influential j cratic force in the republic, arrived at Wall Street Journal and the Council on dent, democratic, united state — a minority within the Parliament. How І New York's Kennedy international Foreign Relations, which publishes the vital part of the European world effective was the Democratic Bloc, ; Airport on Saturday afternoon, August journal, Foreign Affairs. A meeting community during the 1990s. which numbers approximately 140 ; 25, for a five-week visit to the United with editors of is On the eve of the fall session of the (Continued on page 3) States and Canada. among other meetings already sche– He was invited to this country by duled. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Уа.) and is touring Among the Ukrainian groups with the U.S. under the auspices of the which Mr. Horyn has met during his Ukrainian National Association, the first week in the was the largest Ukrainian fraternal organiza– Ukrainian National Credit Union Ad- tion in the world. ministration; his first public appearance While in the U.S., Mr. Horyn, who is before the Ukrainian community was also a people's deputy to the Ukrainian on Wednesday evening, August 29, at SSR Supreme Soviet and a vice-chair- New York's Ukrainian National Home. man of the popular opposition group in During their stay in the New York Parliament known as the National metropolitan area, Mr. Horyn and his Council (Narodna Rada), will meet daughter are under the medical care of with major news media and human Dr. Lubomyr Jawny. rights organizations as well as with (Continued on page 3) high-level representatives of the Bush administration, members of Congress and other leading decision-makers and 1NS1DE: foreign policy advisers. Mr. Horyn, 60, is traveling with his Ф An assessment of the Ukrai– daughter, Oksana. 26. His itinerary nian Parliament's first session — includes visits to New York, Cleveland, page 2. Detroit, , Washington and Ф A visit to Hoshiv church and Philadelphia, as well as Soyuzivka, the impressions of Zakarpattia — UNA's upstate New York resort. After centerfold. September 16 he is to travel to Canada fR^maHadzewycz at trie invitation of the Canadian Ф Arcadia Olenska-Petryshyn's Mykhailo Horyn, chairman of the Rukh Secretariat and people's deputy of Friends of Rukh. art exhibit in Lviv; Alex Holub re- the Ukrainian SSR. As of press time Mr. Horyn had turns to tour Ukraine - page 10. already had meetings at Freedom ^2. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 No. 35 І f "'"'4 AQLltfPSE OF SOviET kEAUTY SNUM slates major conference LONDON - The Association of launch an all-Ukrainian SNUM news- independent Ukrainian Youth paper which, despite objections from (SNUM), a national-democratic inde– Lviv, was voted in. The editorial board As assessment of first session pendent youth group, held a conference of this new all-Ukrainian SNUM news- of its executive on August 11 in Kiev. paper consists of: A. Karpinsky (Lviv), of the Ukrainian Parliament According to the Ukrainian Press P. Puzov (Kiev), Shytatyj (Cherkasy). Agency, representatives of local groups Andriy Cheremsky , head of the by Dr. David Marples ing regions in Kiev, Chernihiv, Zhy– were present from the following areas: nationalistic Kharkiv-based Associa– tomyr and Rivne oblasts in particular, Kiev, Poltava, volyn, Odessa, Sumy, tion of Ukrainian Youth (SUM), at– The first session of the Ukrainian have been under heavy pressure from Kamianets-Podilsky, Khmelnytsky, tended as an observer. He stated his Supreme Soviet came to a close earlier constituents to address the issue in Lviv, Zakarpattia, Cherkasy, Cher– objection to SUM joining the all- this month, having approved - accord– much more depth. nivtsi and Chernihiv. Ukrainian SNUM structure, in the not ing 1 to its chairman, Leonid M. Krav– Turning to the regional level, western it was agreed to hold a conference on too distant future Mr. Cheremskyj chuk — about 150 legal acts and impor– Ukraine has represented the most September 15 devoted to the topic of claimed that SUM would be launched tant decrees. Among the acts have been nationally conscious part of Ukraine, at Ukrainian nationalism and the youth throughout Ukraine to compete on a the Declaration of State Sovereignty, times dragging the rest of the republic movement. Members of the diaspora platform of integral nationalism with followed by the Decree on the Economic along with it on reforms such as that have been invited from Toronto, Mu– the national-democratic SNUM. At the independence of the Ukrainian SSR, a prohibiting military service for Ukrai– nich and London. Mr. Zadorozhnyi moment SUM exists only in Kharkiv major re-analysis of the effects of nians outside the republic. gave a report about the holding of the and Donetske, where it has some 70-100 Chornobyl, and others. vyacheslav Chornovil, the chairman sports^ military camp in the Carpathian members. These acts have redefined the posi– of the Lviv Oblast government, has mountains. Regional representatives SNUM, which held its inaugural tion of Ukraine within the remained an unpopular figure in the gave reports about their participation in congress in May in ivano-Frankivske, and broken new ground for the future. minds of many Ukrainian Communist the Rukh-sponsored "Days of Kozak has 3,000 members and branches in Yet when the session began in mid-May, leaders, but there is little doubt that he Glory" in August. most oblasts. there was little indication that there and like-minded deputies have been Another discussion centered upon would ever be enough unanimity in the largely responsible for the important house to provoke such a spate of new the state of the SNUM independent conception of Ukraine as a nation press, with a proposal from Odessa to Pravda correspondent laws. Bitter disputes occurred between rather than a Soviet, socialist republic. the Communist majority and the oppo– Western Ukraine is by far the most banned from Lviv sition, especially during the election of a politicized region of Ukraine; evidence chairman. Solzhenitsyn responds LONDON - The Pravda correspon– suggests also that reformers such as Mr. dent in Lviv, v. Drodz, has been warned Two questions, therefore, arise: How Chornovil are themselves only in the by the Lviv Oblast Council that he is did the situation change? How revo– middle of a wide-ranging political to Soviet invitation persona non grata and therefore has lutionary has this legislation been, i.e., spectrum here. NEW YORK - in a letter written to to move to another oblast by October has Ukraine taken a path of irreversible in any event, whether in politics, ivan Silayev, the prime minister of the 1. reform and self-development? religion or culture, it is the western Russian Republic, Alexander Solzhe– The Ukrainian Press Agency report– regions with their long traditions of a nitsyn, the Nobel-prize winning author The changing political orientation ed that the warning came in an oblast non-Russian culture that have been the of the "Gulag Archipelago" expressed council resolution passed on August 10 catalyst for changes at the Kiev-based his gratitude to the Russian leader's and signed by its chairman, vyacheslav Arguably, there have been several Parliament. invitation to visit his homeland and for Chornovil. factors that have enhanced unity of The politicization of Ukraine has his "warm and sympathetic words." Mr. Drodz's articles in Pravda on thought between the Communist ma– coincided with severe economic pro– "But it is inconceivable for me to be a jority and the opposition. August 4 and August 15-16 attacked the blems. Ukraine has declined inexorably guest or tourist in my own homeland," Lviv Oblast Council and accused it of First, although the Communisms were in terms of its industrial might over the wrote Mr. Solzhenitsyn. Mr. Silayev's being "nationalistic." The articles able to elect a large majority of the past decade, and the issue of workers' invitation was published on August 18 accused the council of attempting to deputies, their authority was being rights has surfaced time and again. in the newspaper Sovietskaya Rossiya build an independent state along "bour– constantly undermined both by events The result has been that regions that and also appeared on the next day in the geois-democratic" lines, hostility to– outside the republic (loss of the leading have not been noted for their national widely read Komsomolskaya Pravda, wards the signing of a new union treaty, role of the Communist Party of the consciousness - Donetske and Dni– which has a circulation of 22 million, in "anti-Communism," "Galician separa– Soviet Union, for example) and within. propetrovske, for example — have his invitation Prime Minister Silayev tism" and preparing for a "parliamen– inside the Parliament there has been nonetheless been marked for their mili– stated that he is inviting Mr. Solzhe– tary coup d'etat." tancy. The renewal of the coal miners' a steady stream of movement from the nitsyn and his family to visit as The Lviv Oblast Council criticized Communist side to the opposition, and strike during the parliamentary session his "personal guest, at any time desig– served notice that coal miners have been the articles which it said "disinform" the simultaneously a large number of nated by you," and added that the Soviet public about the "Soviet govern– resignations by party members. particularly dissatisfied with their lot; author "is needed by our homeland like and once again, the industry has been ment" in Lviv oblast. The resolution Moreover, the mood of the popula– the air." calls upon the city council to look into tion became noticeably grimmer during controlled directly from since 1987. "But 1 cannot come before my the premises and accreditation of the the period of the parliamentary session, books," answered Mr. Solzhenitsyn, "1 Pravda correspondent in the city by .it became manifest that the relatively The point cannot be overemphasized; must firstb e understood by my country- September 1, to look into future accre– small opposition (88 seats initially) was a region that traditionally, politically, men." He also described in detail how ditation of Soviet correspondents in the more attuned to the wishes of the might in the past have allied itself with the distribution of his books is being city and finally to demand that the electorate than the Communist leader- the party leadership or adhered to a actively impeded by Soviet authorities. procurator review the correspondent's ship. political line propagated in Moscow, Mr. Solzhenitsyn's letter appeared on articles and use them as evidence in a Matters for the latter were not aided has switched its allegiance as a result of the front page in today's Komsomol– case against Mr. Drodz for inciting by the decision of party leader volo– wretched working conditions and flaw– skaya Pravda. The author's family has "inter-ethnic site" (Article 66 of the dymyr ivashko to take up a new post as ed central policies. requested Freedom House to distribute Criminal Code) and "slander" (Article deputy to . At the A finalfacto r in assessing the reasons the letter in the United States. 127). least, this represented Mr. ivashko's for the unity of thinking within the personal belief that all-union politics Parliament may be what some Ukrai– still took precedence over those of the nian politicians like to think of as a republic. reforming element within the Commu– FOUNDED 1933 A related factor has been the more or nist Party, it is asserted frequently that less circumstantially induced indepen– the Popular Movement of Ukraine for Ukrainian Weekh dent role of the Communist Party of Perebudova (Rukh) was initiated by An English-language Ukrainian newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Ukraine, which has altered its tactics party activists, and that the differences Association inc., a non-profit association, at 30 Montgomery St., Jersey City, N.J. from a compliant devotee of the Mos– between radical Communists and the 07302. cow line to those of a party that has had majority within the Rukh were mini– to take into careful consideration mal. The assumption is that once left to Second-class postage paid at Jersey City, N.J. 07302. sensitive Ukrainian issues. their own devices, the reformers within ^^^^^^(1SSN - 0273-9348)^^^^^^ in doing so, it has, either consciously the Communist Party of Ukraine came to the fore and began to dominate Yearly subscription rate: S20; for UNA members - S10. or unconsciously, adopted the belief of Also published by the UNA: Svoboda, a Ukrainian-language daily newspaper. the opposition that Ukraine is a re- policy. source-rich "colony" of the Soviet An underlying premise therefore is The Weekly and Svoboda: UNA: center, based in Moscow. that these reformers were always pre– (201) 434-0237, -0807, -3036 (201) 451-2200 Local concern about the manifesta– sent within the party, but "lay low" tions of Chornobyl, as the debates in the during the period of "stagnation" under former party leader volodymyrShcher– Postmaster, send address session indicated, has been the biggest changes to: single motivating factor in this change bytsky (1972-1989). They include cur- Editor: Roma Hadzewycz of stance. Chornobyl represents the rent activists who have left the party, The Ukrainian Weekly Associate Editors: Marta Kolomayets biggest single example of central dupli– for example, fDmytro Pavlychko, ivan P.O. Box 346 Chrystyna Lapychak city and secrecy in the minds of many Drach, volodymyr Yavorivsky , and Jersey City, N.J. 07303 Ukrainians (and Byelorussians, it is fair some who have remained, such as The Ukrainian Weekly, September 2,1990, No. 35, vol. Lvill to add). My kola Zhulynsky, the newly ap– Copyright 1990 by The Ukrainian Weekly in addition, those deputies represent– (Continued on page 15) No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 з

Chairman of Rukh Secretariat... (Continued from page 1) two: to have armed forces and to members (the Supreme Soviet has have the right to armed forces; the 450 deputies), in realizing its propo– latter diminishes the weight of such a sals for the July 16 sovereignty document. declaration? Furthermore, the declaration's last ,Л' sentence states that the declaration is І would like to say that without the the basis for.a new constitution and Democratic Bloc, which has been laws of Ukraine.and denotes the transformed into the National Coun– positions of the republic in con- ДЕКЛАРАЦІЯ cil, it would have been impossible to eluding international agreements. accept a document such as the Decla– Another sentence was added, stating ration on the State Sovereignty of that the declaration may be, (and ^ПРО ДЕРЖАВНИЙ Ukraine. thus, not be), the basis for a new union First, representatives of the Na– agreement. This, too, is a compro– tional Council belonged to the corn- mise. Thus, the majority, that is the , СУВЕРЕНІТЕТ mission on sovereignty. Actually, the party apparatus, agreed to accept the commission on sovereignty deve– wording that states the declaration ад^КРАЇН loped a draft for the declaration that "is" the basis for a new constitution, can be viewed as the pride of any while we agreed to the wording that it nation. "may serve" as the basis for a union This declaration contained all the treaty. , attributes necessary for indepen– The third point in the declaration dence; it raised the questions of touches upon citizenship, where, citizenship, the banking system, under pressure from the majority, we currency, the diplomatic corps, had to make a compromise and armed forces, customs. Therefore, all include a provision permitting dual the principles which charge a state citizenship for Ukraine's residents, ЗйЕЗР^ with sovereignty, independence for a meaning that they have the option to nation, all of these were presented in keep their Soviet citizenship. Why the declaration. did we do this? Because, ultimately, J^^y^^ Naturally, such a text could be pre– the declaration is the foundation for ^ ^^^LZ^^–^^^ g Ї2 pared only by persons for whom the formation of an independent tJto independence is the foundation of Ukrainian state; it provides for all the и^ (ІЇфШ^Р Q, tfaJs^bb ” their world view and, and for whom attributes of statehood, and the independence is the perspective from National Council to a large degree ^pw^^sj - гщ which they judge the current situa– made this possible. tion of our people. '^-^уЬ'Ь^^Ґ^” 9з -г?02^2. Without the National Council How do you explain the fact that vv n0jl,TBHflAB УКРАЇНИ there would have been no such such a large number of deputies, among them Communist Party S^^ ^ "^^^:^^ declaration. Naturally, the declara– 0ч tygu^e– ^ tion was the subject of harsh debate members, supported the passage of in Parliament over the period of a this declaration? ^ fc.JbS^'i few days. The National Council intensified its work, consulting and Today in Ukraine not even a clairvoyant can answer this question. Cover of the historic Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine with discussing the project within the autographs of deputies.: various commissions. We were forced We can only guess and formulate to agree to a compromise which can prognoses. But prognoses are not a On the other hand,X the idea has Does this also have something to be noted in a few points in the science, prognosticating is an art, emerged that perhaps the party do with the fact that sovereignty can declaration and which, without a and therefore, 1 would not want to majority told themselves: well accept be interpreted in many ways: as part doubt, reduced the impact of the give a final answer to this. the declaration, but we'll force them of confederation, federation, etc.? document we call our declaration. What 1 can say is that it is possible to sign the union treaty. Гт referring to the article devoted that the party majority decided not to The declaration was accepted after Td like to point out that this to the armed forces. Whereas our continue the conflict with us. They days, as 1 recall four days, of difficult document does not foresee any con- draft stated that Ukraine has its own knew very well that if the declaration battle. This means it was accepted as federative ties. There is absolutely armed forces, the final version of the were not accepted, the National a result of battle, it is the result of our nothing in the document about declaration states that Ukraine has Council could walk out of the Su– principled stand and the decision of confederation. For example, the the right to its own armed forces. preme Soviet, and they wanted to the party majority not to risk the sovereignty declaration passed in There is a distinction between the avoid a crisis at the Supreme Soviet. dissolution of the Parliament. (Continued on page 14) ЩШшШШ^ШШ^т^тШШШШ^^^ШШШшШ тттттттттттжтттттжш preme President Ulana Diachuk, Su– There were representatives of other Judge Bohdan Futey and Robert Mc– Mykhailo Horyn... preme Secretary Walter Sochan and community organizations as well: Dr. Connell of Ukraine 2000 (a.Rukh (Continued from page 1) Supreme Treasurer Alexander Biahitka. George Soltys of the Ukrainian Ameri– support committee), Dr. Roman and On hand to greet Mr. Horyn at Also present were editors of the UNA's can Coordinating Council; Askold Zirka voronka of the National Fund to Kennedy Airport were officers of the newspapers, Svododa and The Ukrai– and Roksolana Lozynskyj of theUkrai– Aid Ukraine (Rukh Fund and the Ukrainian National Association: Su– nian Weekly. nian Congress Committee of America; Children of Chornobyl Relief Fund); and Ulana Mazurkevich and irene Skulsky of the Philadelphia Ukrainian Human Rights Committee. Yevhen Hanowsky represented the Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine; Maria Priatka, the Women's Association for the De– fense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine; Eugene Stakhiv, the External Repre– sentation of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council; and Dr. vasyl Kalynovych, the Shevchenko Scientific Society. A delegation of members of the Ukrainian American Youth Associa– tion (SUM-A) was present with the group's flags. After a day's relaxation, which in– cluded a private boat cruise around , Mr. Horyn visited the Ukrainian National Association's head- quarters building in Jersey City, N.J., on Monday, August 27. The day he conferred with UNA executive officers, was interviewed by editors of Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly, and dis– Delegation of Ukrainian community representatives greets Mykhailo and Oksana Horyn at Kennedy international cussed and planned his schedule of Airport in New York. meetings for his week in . 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 No. 35

Zavallia celebrates 90th anniversary of first Sich Society by Tamara Stadnychenko-Cornelison celebration - the 90th anniversary other regions of Ukraine assembled stadium, was marked by dancing, of the first Tovarystvo Sich in Haly– at the site of the local "Striletska singing, speeches from local and ZAvALLlA, Ukraine - The first chyna. Mohyla" where bishops representing guest dignitaries and the firing of can– days of August in Ukraine will The festival, organized by village the Ukrainian Catholic Church, the nons by young men garbed in tradi– probably be long remembered for the activists, was financed by donations Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and tional Kozak outfits. massive gathering of Ukrainians from village residents who had the Ukrainian Autocephalous Or– Among the hundreds of blue and from countless cities, villages and collected 4,285 karbovantsi for the thodox Church said mass. yellow flags, there was an occasional even countries in Zaporizhzhia to event. The list of donors was dis– The spiritual ecumenism was flash of crimson - the Sich banner commemorate the 500th anniversary played on a Rukh information stand followed by an exhortation from all that had been harbored and pre– of the founding of the Sich. in the village center. three bishops that those gathered for served for decades in villages across Several months before, a small The anniversary celebrations be– the festival ignore provocations from Galicia, passed in secret from father village in Galicia, nestled just on the gan with a prayer as guests from those who wished to disrupt the to son. in Zavallia it was unfurled outskirts of Bukovyna, had its own across Galicia and Bukovyna and proceedings and to avoid any inter- here for the first time in generations, in hope, with pride, and with no шштштшштт faith conflicts among themselves. ^^Ш The festival, centered in the village vestige of fear. ШШШШ

ШШШШ ННВнН шятшавж ІІІІ1Г"

iBohdan Ridush A scene from celebration of the 90th anniversary of Sich in the village of Zavallia. A contingent from the Chernivtsi branch of Rukh during commemorations. lNTERviEW: Miners chart course toward independent trade unions by Michael Klonsky He has to be more decisive in his actions are only out for themselves, he an– (Time), for the first time in history so we don't have to go on strike all the swered that if they had read the agree– carried information about the true The two-part interview below took time. ment, they would see that it covered conditions being faced by the miners, place at the office of the Miners' Strike demands for the whole population, not such as their high mortality rate. They Committee office in Donetske, Ukraine, What do you mean by decisive? just the miners, it covered pensions, were showing the demonstrations of on July 28. The spokesmen for the Decisive on what? living standards, working conditions, support from all around the country as miners are the co-chairmen of the Strike not only for miners, but for all the a result of these stories. From Byelo– Committee, Alexander Kollanetsev and Kolomyitsev: He must destroy this people in Donetske and Ukraine. russia to Ukraine, they showed these Nicolai Yalenka. included in the dis– bureaucratic system. Because other- actions of support, in Leningrad, the cussion are eight other rank-and-file wise, nobody is responsible for anything volynko: Last November when we metro stopped for several hours in a members of the committee. and nobody wants to act. At the last went on strike, it was the first time we show of solidarity by the workers. Michael Klonsky is a freelance writer party congress, Gorbachev and Ry– put forward political demands that from Chicago who recently visited zhkov gave interviews. They said that involved the entire region, it wasn't is there a centralized leadership of the Ukraine with a delegation of Athletes they were trying to find out who is until this summer that we put forward a strike movement? Are you strong for Peace, in Donetske, the group "backing the miners?" This was some program of purely political demands. enough to shut down all the mines in the participated in a 10-kilometer race and kind of intimidation. country in a united action? was hosted by intercomputer and the People from the central government You refer to yourselves as the "Se– local running club. are trying to persuade the people that cond Strike Committee." Why is that? Kolomyitsev: We are in contact with there is no alternative to Gorbachev. all the miners throughout the country, CONCLUSION This shows what a bureaucratic mess Kolomyitsev: The First Strike Com– but it all depends on the conditions and we're in. if something happens to mittee went to the U.S., invited by some the demands. There was a strike in the What are the miners' feelings about Gorbachev, they say, there is nobody to independent trade unions. Everything western part of Ukraine, for ex- Mikhail Gorbachev? fill in. We are not satisfied with this that they brought back, that was given ample, that was based strictly on local situation, if Gorbachev falls, they will to them by American supporters, such demands, in that case national support Kolomyitsev: in general they're good. find someone else to take his place. as computers, calculators, photocopy wasn't necessary and there were no But the president should be elected by machines and other equipment all strikes here? the entire people, not just some people How do you respond to the charge evaporated upon their return. They that the miners are out for their own were corrupted and the miners no We can shut down all the mines in the represented at a congress, if Gorbachev country through our network of per– wants to provide leadership to pere– self-interest and not for the good of longer trusted them. So let's put it this the whole country? way. We are the Second Strike Com– sonai contacts as opposed to official stroika, his decisions must be made channels. Without this personal con- seriously and not just be half-decisions. mittee. Kolomyitsev: Let me give you an tact, we don't know who we are dealing example. Following the strike wave last Kolomyitsev: We are inexperienced with. All our phones are "bugged." Errata summer, the agreements we reached led and have many things to learn but we in part 1 of Michael Klonsky's inter– to the government's decision, decree are not naive and don't live in a dream Have you received support from veiw with Donetske miners, due to a No. 608 which we mentioned earlier. world. United Mine Workers in the U.S.? transcription error by the author, the The contents of 608 were reported to be What about support from Solidarity in names of the two miners were incorrect– about the immediate economic de– Gorbachev called your last strike a ? ly listed. The correct names are: Alek– mands of the miners only. When the failure. He said that you failed to get sander Kolomyitsev and Nikolai Уо- people learned about the strike, they be– really broad support. (Laughter breaks Kolomyitsev: We have very weak ties lynko. Also it should have been noted lieved it was only to benefit the miners. out among the miners in the room as with these unions and have not received that representatives of the AFL-ClO, Nicolai here (pointing to Mr. volynko) they all point to the huge stack of any support. The government has tried not the AFT, were present at the first is a deputy to the Donetske Soviet. telegrams on the desk. - M.K.J to block our opportunities to make miners' congress in Donetske, and that Within the city soviet,, there are many contacts in other countries and from Ludmilla Thorne represented Freedom people who don't know the content of volynko: When the strike began, the what you know about your own press, House. 608. When he was asked why the miners evening news program called "Yremya" (Continued on jfmge 15) No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 5 іитиіііттьштіїїтлшіьшашчітмташіі Growing for Our Centennial Detroit District Committee brainstorm: by George W. Drance a picnic that's both fun and work Director of Marketing How to "do good" and "do weir When you read The Ukrainian your choice of several attractively Weekly, you recognize that no other priced life insurance programs for your publication in the English language own financial security and the security gives you so much news on Ukraine and of your loved ones. Ukrainians worldwide. What wonder– When you enhance your insurance ful news we read, week after week. investment portfolio with a UNA po– Developments are almost breathtaking, licy, you have the satisfaction of know– astonishing. ing that you are covered by a life But instead of being an observer of insurance company that rates very high the Ukrainian scene, why not be a among insurers in the ratio of assets to participant? The simplest and perhaps liabilities. most effective way for you to be a Because Ukrainians seem to have a participant in these exciting and hope– longer life expectancy than the popula– ful times is to become a member of the tion at large, our mortality experience is Ukrainian National Association. The far below the national average. This UNA is the publisher of The Ukrainian means our reserves can increase faster Weekly and its sister-publication, Svo– than the reserves of our competitors. boda, the oldest Ukrainian-language A UNA cash value policy just may be daily newspaper in the world (founded one of the best kept secrets of our time in 1893) and a monthly children's and the last "undiscovered" good deal magazine Yeselka (The Rainbow). you can own, with guarantees and The UNA is the largest and oldest safety factors you can rely on. Under Ukrainian fraternal organization in current tax laws, a UNA cash value North America. By joining the UNA policy can serve as an excellent tax Dr. Alexander Serafyn delivers his report to the district executive. you show your solidarity with and shelter for your savings. support for all the important programs Here is your chance to "do good" for by Stephen M. Wichar Sr. leadership to develop projects which (and the many fun activities) sponsored the community and "do well" for can foster continuity so that "fraternal by the UNA. yourself at the same time. For further WARREN, Mich. - During the life" can be sustained. Membership also means helping our information please fill in the coupon early part of this century, members of in the foregoing context, the Ukrainian brothers and sisters in U– below and let us know your interests so our Ukrainian fraternal association Ukrainian National Association Dis– kraine, through the UNA Fund for that we can help you achieve your were very dependent on lodge meetings trict Committee of Detroit spent an all- Rebirth of Ukraine. financial goals for yourself and your to provide recreation and good fellow- day picnic-meeting enjoying good food, As a member, you can participate in loved ones, through the UNA. ship. Today, in a modern setting, the and refreshments, and discussing UNA competition of automobiles, movies, benefits in education, publications, Yes! І would like to join the UNA so my money can "do well" for me and "do television and electronic hardward, has athletics, socials and particularly youth good" for the community. put increased demands on man's leisure involvement. The picnic was held on time. Developing adequate programs July 28, at the popular Dibrova Estate Гт especially interest in: among the fraternals for the young and in Milford, Mich. old alike has become a major problem. After picnic cocktails and dinner, Dr.

tax-deferred savings ш pension maximization However, despite this monumental Alexander Serafyn, chairman of the hurdle, most of our fraternal orders are District Committee, reviewed perti– -m--- family protection ^ mortgage protection still going strong and doing a finer job in nent statistics and how they compared .„-- education funds ^ "final expense" fund many respects than they ever did. There to other UNA districts. Although is less emphasis on purely social activi– Detroit enjoyed a comfortable third NAME: . ties,and the scope of their benevolent place record with an enlistment of 53 J ADDRESS:. and public services has broadened sigrii– new members, it earned a fpurth place ficantly. І C1TY:-- STATE. ZIP. in the amount of insurance sold. He By and large, there is no other further stated that only 46 percent of OTHER FAM1LY MEMBERS? AGES:. Ukrainian organization the world the assigned quota was fulfilled. which can match benefits and services He called on the following members Clip and send to Ukrainian National Association, inc. 30 Montgomery St., as provided by the Ukrainian National to take bows for their organizing Jersey City, N.J. 07303. Association, it becomes extremely efforts: Stella Fedyk, 11 new members; important, therefore, for all local UNA (Continued on page 12) 1 Olynec-CharchaMs 1 retain title of І doubles champs KERHONKSON, N.Y. - Eugene Olynec and Andrew Charchalis success– fully defended their title as men's doubles champs during the annual tournament sponsored by the Carpa– thian Ski Club here at the Ukrainian National Association resort, Soyu– zivka, on August 8-9. in the finals, the duo of Olynec– Charchalis defeated two tennis players from Ukraine, Yuriy Kolb and Andriy Kordiuk - the first athletes from Ukraine to compete in Soyuzivka's tennis tourneys — by a score of 6-4,4-6, 6-4. Mr. Kolb, who hails from Chernivtsi, and Mr. Kordiuk, of Lviv,havebeen in the U.S. since mid-July and were instructors at the sports camp of the The first tennis players from Ukraine to participate in a Chornomorska Sitch Sports Associa– tourney at Soyuzivka Уи”У Koib (left) and Andriy Kordiuk tion. Men's doubles champs Eugene Olynec (left) and Andrew (right) receive second-place trophies in the men's division (Continued on page 12) Charchalis (right) are congratulated by George Popel. from Roman Rakoczy. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 No. 35

A view from Ukraine Ukrainian WeeUy The fate of the Horyn's message by Yakob Litovsky At the end of the war, many migrants arrived here from all parts of the Soviet in the mid-1960s, he was an outspoken dissident, found guilty of "anti- if one can believe statistics, the Union to help restore damaged coal Soviet agitation and propaganda"; in the early 1980s he was labelled an population of Ukraine is just over 51 mines and the result was a further "especially dangerous recidivist" and was again convicted on "agit-prop" million. More than 70 percent consider dilution of the language. charges. themselves to be Ukrainians (though One finds a similar situation in major Today Mykhailo Horyn is one of many former political prisoners who are not all are genuine ethnic Ukrainians if industrial and cultural centers like Kiev, people's deputies in the Ukrainian SSR Supreme Soviet (he jokes that one looks at their parents and grand- Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrov– nowhere else in the world are "criminals" so well represented in a parliament), parents). But what is the fate of the state ske and Odessa. and is chairman of the Secretariat of the Popular Movement of Ukraine for language in its homeland, the beautiful On Ukrainian television there are Perebudova - the No. 2 man at Rukh. As well he is a vice-chairman of the language of Taras Shevchenko, ivan today three programs. Two are so- National Council (Narodna Rada), the democratic opposition group in Franko and Lesia Ukrainka? called "central programs," i.e., from Ukraine's Parliament. Although 1 am not of Ukrainian Moscow, and in Russian. The third Now the former political prisoner-turned-government leader is here in the origin, 1 was born in Kiev, and have program is produced in Kiev, but is also United States - on his first trip to the West. lived there all my life. І regard both half-Russian. The radio is also heavily Mr. Horyn has come to tell opinion-leaders and decision-makers in the Ukrainian and Russian as my native slanted toward Russian. U.S., and Canada about his beloved Ukraine, to convince them that its languages, and have a deep affection for Recently a paradoxical situation aspirations toward absolute independence deserve the West's support and both. Thus 1 believe that my opinion occurred at one of the sessions of the that this land is destined to play a major role on the European scene. He reflects reality and would like to aquaint Ukrainian Parliament when its chair- knows he must convince the West that dissolution of the Soviet Union would friends abroad who are interested in man was unable to lead the debate on not be a destabilizing factor as, he stresses, the USSR never was a source of Ukrainian culture and traditions with the state language because he did not stability. my views. know Ukrainian himself, in fact, many in his first public appearance and his first media interviews, the Rukh leader First, some statistics. According to deputies are unable to express them– has underlined that he would like to expand Ukraine's foreign contacts and the June 20 edition of vechirniy Kyiv selves in Ukrainian. This is typical in the thus end Ukraine's isolation from the world. As well, he would like to have (Evening Kiev), 99 percent of republic. Everyone understands and Rukh representatives in countries of the diaspora and, conversely, Russian inhabitants of the city consider reads Ukrainian, but comparatively few representatives of Ukrainians abroad at the Rukh headquarters in Kiev. Russian to be their native language, but people speak it. This would be one route to the consolidation of resources and efforts in only 79 percent of Ukrainians declared One wonders how Ukrainian culture Ukraine and abroad that is essential to "our mutual goal." Ukrainian to be their mother tongue. and science can develop under such The Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine, he emphasizes, is "the The dilemma of the Ukrainian lan– conditions and whether such a situation first step toward independence," it is "an independence-minded document guage is also mirrored by the fate of the would even be possible in other coun– because it ceded no powers to the center (Moscow)." What we are witnessing languages of other national minorities tries. A few years ago, only one in every today in Ukraine is "a parallel process: the destruction of the Soviet empire and the building of the Ukrainian state." He adds that there simply is no time to first destroy and then begin to build. "These processes can be speeded up if ...at one of the sessions of the Ukrainian Parliament...its we succeed in delivering a double blow, from the top (the democratic opposition in the Parliament) and from below (the people)." chairman was unable to lead the debate on the state The public of Ukraine, of late, has grown much in national awareness, and positive sentiment regarding Ukraine's secession from the USSR has language because he did not know Ukrainian himself. increased. This, Mr. Horyn points out, is due to a large degree to the Chornobyl catastrophe that has compelled the people to realize that as long as in the city. Thus only 50 percent of six Kiev schools offered instruction in the empire exists there can be more Chornobyls and this problem cannot be Armenians considered Armenian to be the Ukrainian language. After secon– resolved. "The empire is doing everything to do nothing — and the people their native tongue; 30 percent of Tatars dary school, it was much more difficult know this," he says. spoke the Tatar language; and a mere 9 for students from such schools to pass "On October 3, the battle begins," Mr. Horyn notes, it is then that the percent of Poles and 5 percent of Jews the examinations into higher institutes Ukrainian SSR Supreme Soviet resumes its work. Some 30 laws await spoke their native languages. We can to get a fuller education. immediate action, including provisions on state authority, property, see here the results of a long process of The Kiev newspaper, vechirniy Kyiv, citizenship and the banking system, in preparation for the battle, the National assimilation and Russification. is published in both Russian and Ukrai– Council is to meet beginning a month prior to the session's opening in order to Over the past 20 years, 1 have visited nian. But the number of copies cir– devise tactics and draft proposals for the emerging Ukrainian state. all areas of the republic: the large cities, culated in Russian is double that of "Autumn 1990 in Ukraine will be very hot," Mr. Horyn forecasts. As we small towns and villages. And 1 can Ukrainian.1 The largest Ukrainian film welcome this statesman in our communities, we look to that fall full of hope. assert my firm conviction that the studios produce almost all their movies And we look to Mr. Horyn to help us consolidate our forces and maximize Ukrainian language (as a means of in Russian (with Moscow actors taking our potential so that we may contribute to the state– and nation-building communication) has remained only in the starring roles). Out of 10 theaters in processes in Ukraine. western Ukraine. Kiev, only two or three give perfor– it is delightful for us Kievans to hear mances in Ukrainian. the local "twang" of the inhabitants of Admittedly, there have been some Lviv, Ternopil and ivano-Frankivske improvements over the past few years. or to listen to the soft and tender folk Organizations such as the Taras Shev– Turning the pages back... songs. Further south, however, the chenko Ukrainian Language Society language already contains many addi– and the Popular Movement of Ukraine tives from Russian, Moldavian and for Perebudova (Rukh) have done their Tatar (in Odessa, Mykolayiv, Kherson best to restore Ukrainian culture, to September 4 marks the fifth anniversary of the death of and the Crimea). revive the literature, to recall or unearth vasyl Stus, one of the greatest contemporary poets of in the central regions, one hears forgotten songs and traditions. Yet it is Ukraine and a staunch and selfless defender of human and Ukrainian only in the villages, in a long and difficult road. The popula– national rights. His tragic death from emaciation and long-term illness occurred Poltava, vinnytsia and Zhytomyr, the tion has lapsed into a deep apathy. while he was in the fifth year of a 10-year sentence in Perm Camp No. 36 and ended language is interspersed with Russian Culture takes a back seat to the desire (Continued on page 11) idioms. for bread, milk, meat and clothing. in the coal mining regions like Lu– One feels ashamed to say it, but І hanske and Donetske, the Ukrainian (Continued on page 7) language exists only in the official press. 1. On July 24 it was announced that vechirniy Kyiv will no longer be published Yakob Litovsky is a 36-year-old in the as of January 1, engineer of Jewish origin living in Kiev. 1991. UNA Fund for the Rebirth of Ukraine

The Home Office of the Ukrainian National Association reports that, as of August 30, the fraternal organization's newly established Fund for the Rebirth of Ukraine has received 3,076 checks from its members with donations totalling S76,493.44. The contributions include individual members' donations, as well as returns of members' dividend checks and

iOlha Kuzmowycz interest payment on promissory notes. Ceremony at gravesites of vasyl Stus, Oleksa Tykhy and Yuriy Lytvyn conducted during congress of the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations. No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 7 Prague journal: a look at international conference on democracy

by Patience T. Hunt work Just prior to the conference's open– participants dined together and listened which many fear will result from the ing, the Armenian and Azeri delega– to an array of after-dinner speakers, break-up of the Soviet empire. Chaos is "... ІЩ is necessary to dissolve the tions were seen in a huddle with the including Ambassador Lichenstein, often a necessary byproduct of a transi– Union of Soviet Socialist Republics organizers, after which a giant map of Messrs. Kasparov, Revel, Weyrich and tion from an evil system to something immediately and form or restore inde– the Soviet republics was removed from Bukovsky. better Mr. Revel stated. pendent democratic states." (The Pra– the stage backdrop, apparently because Some of the conference's most inte– As if to illustrate both Messrs. Kas– gue Appeal, July 4, 1990) of disagreements over the status of resting moments were obviously unanti– parov's and Revel's points, a dramatic Nagarno-Karabakh. cipated by the organizers. When given and unanticipated event occurred the To those of us who gathered in The situation was improved by confe– an opportunity to speak on his re- last evening of the conference. І had just Prague's Palace of Culture on July 4, rence's end, when the two delegations public's democracy movement, the finished my own presentation to the the third international conference of the issued a conciliatory joint communique Moldavian representative delivered an conference (on "Structuring Constitu– organization Democracy and indepen– which many believe will be an impor– angry and emotional harangue on the tions and Private Property Rights") dence was an event of historic and tant step toward resolution of tensions. subject of Ukrainian-Moldavian when 1 was told of a significant happen– personal significance. We had come Seated together, with obvious sym– border dispute. ing in Ukraine. from many nations to discuss the future bolism, were the delegations from During an audience question period, of what currently is known as the Soviet Ukraine and the Jewish movements, the a young Polish reporter, representing The news was brought from Kiev by a Union. former delegation consisting of Ana– the National Review, asked pointedly messenger, Olena Prociw. Ms. Prociw On the conference's agenda were toly Shibyko (of Rukh), Petro Ruban why the central issue of the conference, announced to the conference that, on topics such as: "is there an alternative to and igor Gerashchenko; and the latter Ukraine, was not being placed at the July 1 in Kiev, an assembly of 18 the free market?" "independent trade delegation consisting of Yakov Suslen– forefront of the discussion. The session Ukrainian organizations and two politi– unions," "What the West can do" and sky, founder of the Society for Jewish- moderator, Mr. Bukovsky, explained cal parties had called for reinstatement "The fax shall make you free." Joint Ukrainian Relations, andYosyf Zisels, that the subject had been covered the of the Ukrainian National Republic of sponsors of the conference were representing vaad, the Federation of previous day. 1918-1920 and instituted a constituent Democracy and independence (headed Jewish Organizations. At another point, during a break, a assembly to represent the Ukrainian by exiled Armenian dissident Paruyr reporter covering the conference for people. The assembly had called for a Apart from the historic nature of the separate Ukrainian army and separate Hayrikyan); the National Council to Prague Appeal, the significance of the The American Spectator thrust a micro- Support the Democracy Movements of phone in my face and asked if the currency. The first person to enroll as a July 4-6 conference seemingly lay more citizen of the reinstated republic had the USSR; and the Czech human rights in the stature of the participants than in resurgence of nationalism in the Soviet group Charter 77. Union meant a return to "primitive been the "eternal prisoner," Yuriy any specific proposals or accomplish– Shukhevych. Assembled for the conference's open– ments which resulted. Among the tribalism." My nonplussed answer will ing session, we listened as former Soviet participants, 1 recognized neo-conser– undoubtedly appear in an upcoming The impact of this announcement at dissident viadimir Bukovsky, in his vative philosopher^ idol Jean Francois issue of The American Spectator. the last-night banquet was powerful and distinctive, Russian-accented English, Revel (author of "How Democracies One evening, after Mr. Kasparov, immediate. While some were sceptical read the official manifesto of the confe– Perish"); Wall Street Journal Editor world chess champion, had finished an of the event's importance, others were rence — the Prague Appeal (apparently Robert Bartley; U.S. Ambassador to after-dinner speech, some of us from the more positive, feeling that, whatever drafted by the conference organizers in Czechoslovakia Shirley Temple Black audience went up on the stage to talk to had happened, it concerned the Soviet the days immediately preceding the (here keeping a very low profile); him. When 1 joined the group he was Union's lynchpin republic and was conference). The appeal was no less than Conservative Caucus President Ho– prognosticating about the future status therefore worth celebrating. Resistance a public affirmation that, henceforth, ward Phillips; Free Congress Founda– of the various republics after the in– international's Mr. Jolis remarked that the Soviet Union ought not to exist, that tion President Paul Weyrich; veteran evitable collapse of the Soviet empire. next year we could meet in Moscow, or it should be dissolved immediately into conservative fund-raiser Richard vi– І asked him: "What about Ukraine?" maybe even Beijing. The conference independent states, and that it should guerie; former U.N. Ambassador ended on a note of optimism. not receive assistance from any civilized He answered: "Unquestionably, U– Charles Lichenstein; Resistance inter- kraine will become independent." A by– On July 16, just 10 days later, U– nation. The document was warmly ap– national's Albert Jolis; Democracy kraine's official Parliament declared plauded. stander interjected: "Will Moscow superbooster Robert Krieble, one of the permit it?" Mr. Kasparov answered: sovereignty. Experts expressed surprise Czechoslovakia's President vaclav conference's patrons; Hoover institute's "Moscow will have no choice. When that the resolution was so strongly Havel delivered gracious welcoming Arnold Beichman; religious rights you're losing in chess, all moves are worded. Anyone present for the an– remarks, wishing each of the Soviet activist Sister Ann Gillen (here advo– bad." nouncement in Prague, however, need Union's republics that degree of self- cating the Ukrainian Catholic Church) Another after-dinner speaker, philo– not have been surprised. Two features determination to which it aspired. and many others. sopher Mr. Revel, defended the chaos (Continued on page 13) Behind President Havel as he delivered The Ukrainian American community his welcome sat two of the Soviet was well represented by Askold Lozyn– system's most potent adversaries - skyj, George Nesterczuk and Orest Messrs. Bukovsky and Hayrikyan. Baranyk. An appeal regarding the rehabilitation With them was a relative newcomer Standing out even in this sea of celebri– to the activist scene, world chess cham– ties were many former prisoners of of former Ukrainian political prisoners pion and now pro-democracy activist conscience — heroic survivors of the Millions of Ukrainians experienced mass repressions during the terror of Gary Kasparov. Lately, the world's best death camps and psychiatric hospitals the Stalin and Brezhnev periods. The political prisoners of the gulag built chess player has taken to authoring op– of the world's most efficient killer state, canals, mines, roads, dams and other projects in terrible conditions. More eds in the Wall Street Journal and in this category (in addition to confe– people died in the gulag than in battles at the front, in the last few years, many predicting the imminent demise of the rence leaders Messrs. Bukovsky, Hay– of those who survived the terror were pardoned and released. Soviet Union. He is a leader of the rikyan and Petro Ruban), 1 recognized Democratic Party of the Russian Fede– Dr. Anatoly Koryagin, now a psychia– On January 16, 1989, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree ration. trist in Zurich, Switzerland, poetess irina which stated that the law on rehabilitations does not apply to the members On either side of Messrs. Bukovsky, Ratushinskaya, Georgian activists and sympathizers of various "bands." The government of the USSR places Hayrikyan and Kasparov were seated Edward and Tengiz Gudava, vytautas the majority of Ukrainian political prisoners in this category. delegations from the democracy move– Skuodis from the Lithuanian Helsinki The rehabilitation of former political prisoners is especially important ments of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Group, Nadia Svitlychna and others. because: their human and legal rights must be returned; the acts which were Ukraine, Moldavia, Crimean Tatars, Another survivor of years of Commu– unjustly attributed to them must be forgiven; their long years of Russia, Georgia, Armenia, the Jewish nist imprisonment was Armando valla- imprisonment must be recognized as illegal; it is only just to give them the movements, Uzbekistan, Azerbaid– dares, author, former Cuban prisoner right to work, the right to receive old-age pensions, to return to them their zhan, Kazakhstan and Nagorno-Kara– of conscience and now U.N. representa– confiscated property, and to release their families from further harassment. bakh. tive on human rights. The World Council of Ukrainian Social Services of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians appeals: From the independent, pro-demo– ь a) to the Ukrainian community to write to Ukrainian deputies urging cracy press in the Soviet Union, 1 noted The fate... that the issue of former Ukrainian political prisoners be brought before the Alexander Podrabinek, editor-in-chief (Continued from page 6) Ukrainian Parliament in order to secure for them full and general of the Express Chronicle, and Dr. Yuri– rehabilitation and to rescind the decree of January 16, 1989. Address your listen to our compatriots from abroad Yarim Agaev, now of New York, whose letters to: Ukrainian SSR Council of Ministers, vul. Kirova8, Kiev, Ukraine, with far more pleasure than to my own organization, the Center for Demo– USSR. countrymen and neighbors. Ukrainians cracy, publishes the journal in in the diaspora in Canada, Australia the West. ь b) to the central national umbrella organizations, Ukrainian organiza– and Germany have retained their native tions and their affiliates to write individual letters to Ukrainian deputies, to language whicle we are losing it. The conference was divided into three governments of your countries and to parliamentarians and representatives One can appreciate that one language sections, the first devoted to the demo– asking for an immediate, full and general rehabilitation. becomes dominant in large countries, cratic movements of the Soviet re- The WCFU World Council of Ukrainian Social Services has created the but one observes by contrast the high publics; the second devoted to Western Committee for the Rehabilitation of Ukrainian Political Prisoners to effect degree of language retention among assistance and the specific steps neces– the implementation of the proposed program. Chinese, italian, Jewish and Mexican sary for the formation of free market We ask that you support the work of the committee and with your efforts communities in the United States, in the societies; and the last devoted to econo– help the thousands who have suffered in the struggle for the freedom of USSR, even non- use Russian mics. There was virtually unlimited Ukraine. as the means of communication. opportunity for audience participation. Committee for the Rehabilitation of Former Ukrainian Political Prisoners Our Ukrainian language needs assis– Following each day's session, the and executive of the World Council of Ukrainian Social Services, 2118 A tance, love and care because without Palace of Culture was transformed into Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6S 1M8. language, there can be no culture. a banquet hall, and the conference 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 No. 35 visit to church in Hoshiv underlines resurgence of religion

Exterior view of the Hoshiv church, which is now undergoing restoration. by Olena Stercho Hendler nastery served as a sanctuary for Jews. One of the monks, the Rev. Pavlo HOSHiv, Ukraine - "Seeing is vyvytsky, was in fact executed by the believing, goes the old American adage. Germans for his role in smuggling Jews So it was for me when 1 recently visited to Romania. the Hoshiv Monastery in the ivano– After World War H, the monastery Frankivske oblast in Ukraine. was seized by Soviet authorities and І was, of course, familiar with the turned into a sanitorium, although horrid history of Communist persecu– some monks remained on the site, in tion of religion in Ukraine — the forced 1950, five monks, including the prior, liquidation of the Ukrainian Catholic were arrested and sentenced to 25-year Church in 1946, its existence for de- terms of imprisonment. Their sentences cades as a "Church in the catacombs" were commuted in 1959, but they were and the destruction in the 1930s of the never permitted to return to Ukraine. 1 Photos by Maria 1. Stercho and Olena Stercho Hendler Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox The monastery in later years became interior of Hoshiv church in scaffolding. Church. a summer retreat for children of Com– altars have been built in the church, and tion of worshipers has changed from Despite of all this foreknowledge, І munist Party officials. Only last sum– in an attempt to hide the worst of the predominantly older women to a mix of was not prepared for the hard evidence mer, did the Basilian order regain scars, ersatz (printed) embroidery and various ages, including many children. of this deliberate attempt to destroy possession of the monastery. religious pictures have been hung. The During our tour, we encountered a religion, and with it, the soul of a people Father Makariy pointed out the church has no iconostas. it - along group of some 40 children of appro– — until 1 saw it carved into the walls and various levels of the church, from with an icon of the Blessed virgin Mary ximately 10 to 14 years of age, who were in the cracks of the church at Hoshiv. church floor to the top of the cupola, (which some believed is miracle-work– visiting the church and monastery as We were taken on an impromptu tour and at each location pointed out the ing) — was confiscated by the Soviets part of a summer camp program. They of the Hoshiv church and its surround– deliberate destruction which had been when the church was seized. The icono– were from Kiev, Chornobyl and further ings by Father Makariy, a brother of the wreaked, sometimes by children who stas is presently located in a church in reaches of eastern Ukraine. Many of Ukrainian Catholic Basilian order. had been told that it was all for the glory the village of Bolechiv, but the mira– them were very curious about the Father Makariy explained that the of the Soviet state. culous icon has not been found to date. church and its monks, around whom church and monastery at Hoshiv dated Huge holes, which have now been Father Makariy noted that the recon– they quickly clustered when one ap– back to the 1700s and that it had been a blocked, were cut in the cupola to allow struction of the church has been pa– proached. When questioned on the major center of the Basilian Order in water to seep in; the stone wails had ralleled by a tremendous spiritual subject of religion, several said that western Ukraine. Known as "Yasna been breached for the same purpose. awakening in the surrounding commu– there were no churches in the towns in Нога," it had also been a popular site Graffiti appeared throughout the nities. He reported that on Sundays, the which they lived; others volunteered for religious retreats and pilgrimages, church — some carved into the stone, church, which can accommodate ap– that they had never been in a church especially during the summer. some written in crayon. One particular proximately 400 persons, is literally before coming to Hoshiv. According to an article by the Rev. piece of graffiti — the word "dolia" packed to overflowing, so that most of Yaroslav Lesiv, which appeared in the ("fate") — carved into the wall in the the faithful attending must stand out- Presently, there are 30 monks, many 1988 edition of a samvydav journal choir loft struck me as being especially side and listen to liturgy over loud- of whom are young, at the monastery in known as Karby Hir, during the German ironic. speakers. He further noted with great Hoshiv. Father Makariy said that many occupation of World War 11, the mo– A makeshift main altar and two side pleasure that over time, the composi– like him, had studied secretly for years for the priesthood, in private homes and other locations which changed, of necessity, from time to time. Only in the last year had he and others surfaced to live openly as monks. The church and monastery at Hoshiv are being rebuilt and restored by the monks themselves with the assistance of many volunteer craftsmen and artisans. Their efforts involve not only cosmetic repairs, but the correction of major structural deficiencies. Father Makariy said that area resi– dents have been extremely generous in donating funds towards reconstruction of the church and monastery, although many can ill afford it. indeed, the same spirit of religious generosity and resurgence was apparent in several villages in lvano-Frankivske in which residents are building churches through own physical efforts and funds. Thus, in those towns, as well as in Hoshiv a new legacy is being carved in interior of the church in Hoshiv is defaced by graffiti, brick and mortar, if not in stone. No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 9 impressions of Zakarpattia: a view of its people and their concerns

by Olena Stercho Hendler

UZHHOROD, Ukraine - From the time 1 was a young child, 1 had wanted to visit Zakarpattia, the part of Ukraine from which my father had come. The opportunity came in July when 1 spent five days in Uzhhorod and several outlying villages. І saw a country of sunny vineyards and pretty villages. І also came to see a people, who were stirring as if awaken– ing from a long, bad dream, and slowly looking about to determine which way to venture out. Uzhhorod, the major city of Zakar– pattia,is situated in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains - it is a plea– sant green 'country town of parks and numerous medieval structures. Al– Olena Stercho Hendler Panorama of Uzhhorod. though Khust is the administrative center of the Zakarpattia (Transcar– tion used to refer to itself during the distinctions ranging from those found in fact speaking the same language and pathia) Oblast, Uzhhorod with its centuries of Hungarian and Austro– in traditions to liturgical melodies. that 1 also had roots in Zakarpattia, but 125,000 residents functions in many Hungarian rule. in general, the claims of the Rusyn regarded myself to be Ukrainian, he ways as its capital. movement are either dismissed as told me that 1 must be mistaken, 1 was Although the influences of the neigh- Rusyn movement nonsense or considered to be an invi– Rusyn, too! boring Hungarians, Czechs and Slovaks dious divisive factor in the struggle for Attempts are being made to quell the are evident in Uzhhorod, it is truly a The Rusyn movement which has Ukrainian national rebirth. Critics of potential for divisiveness presented by Ukrainian city, in marked contrast to again surfaced in Zakarpattia takes the the movement respond in part to its the Ukrainian-Rusyn issue. Thus, in a what 1 experienced at my previous stop, position that the Rusyns are a national substantive positions by pointing to the radio broadcast on July H,Mykhailo Kiev, Ukrainian or its local variant is group distinct and separate from Ukrai– common origin of all Ukrainians in Horyn, chairman of the Secretariat of spoken everywhere. A majority of the nians. indeed, some elements in the Kievan Rus' and by arguing the linguis– Rukh urged all residents of Zakarpattia public schools is Ukrainian; the blue movement advocate a free and indepen– tic and cultural variations in Zakarpat– to support the Ukrainian national pro- and yellow U krainian flag flies on top of dent Rusyn state, outside of the ambit tia are no greater than regional diffe– cess, and pointed to the common roots City Hall. Most signs are in Ukrainian of an eventual independent Ukrainian rences found throughout Ukraine. of Zakarpattia and the rest of Ukraine. or in Ukrainian and Russian. This is nation; some others favor union with Nonetheless, the Ukrainian vs. Rusyn in general, the opinion 1 heard most explained perhaps by the fact that 75 Hungary or Czechoslovakia. debate manifested itself in a number of often expressed was that despite the percent of the population is Ukrainian, in support ol the notion of separate concrete ways. For example, a man who Rusyn movement, there was virtually followed by a large Hungarian mino– identity, the movement points to a host was originally from Galicia but who has no chance that Zakarpattia would part rity. of factors: the different historical paths lived in Uzhhorod for 20 years, told me ways with the rest of Ukraine, and that Given the demographics, the ebul– sometimes taken by Zakarpattia from that he and his wife are frequently in fact, there was little real support for lient spirit of national rebirth which had the rest of Ukraine, the very persistence regarded as outsiders. such a step, indeed, as one man told me, been so evident in Lviv and ivano– of the name "Rusyn," linguistic diffe– Similarly, 1 had a spirited debate with "The only good thing the Russians ever Frankivske was curiously muted. Also rences from the classic Ukrainian a young man who insisted that he was a did for us was reunifying Zakarpattia absent was Kiev's pervasive undertone language, and various other cultural Rusyn. When 1 pointed out that we were with the rest of Ukraine." that despite Russification and other '.-:.-Л^^Е tremendous odds, the national move– Church issue ment would prevail. Rather, in Zakarpattia popular atti– As in some other parts of western tudes appeared to be more of a mixed Ukraine, the distribution of religious bag. І encountered enthusiastic sup- properties between Ukrainian Catholics porters of Rukh and of the Ukrainian and Orthodox is a burning issue. Al– Parliament's Democratic Bloc, many of though the majority of believers in whom expressed the opinion that full Zakarpattia before World War 11 consi– Ukrainian independence was only a dered themselves to be Ukrainian matter of time. On the other hand, І Catholics, Orthodoxy began develop– learned that popular support for Rukh ing strong roots in the 1920s. Then, as in Uzhhorod itself is weak, it seemed now, religious affiliation engendered that almost everyone was following pejorative political caricatures - thus, with great interest the debate on sove– Catholics were often regarded as Hun– reignty which was then taking place in garophiles while the Orthodox were the Ukrainian Parliament, in addition, regarded as Russophiles. The influence the response to the debate in many cases of those sentiments can still be felt today. reflected a cautious, wait-and-see atti– in Uzhhorod, the point of contention tude. is the church simply known as the Perhaps this mixed bag of popular Cathedral of Uzhhorod. Before 1948, sentiments can be partly explained by the church served as the local Ukrainian historical and geographic factors - Catholic cathedral; at present, it is in the both the physical separation of Zakar– possession of the Orthodox, who hold pattia from the rest of Ukraine by the services there on a daily basis. Carpathian Mountains and the political І was told that the City Council of separation resulting from centuries of Uzhhorod had decided the cathedral Hungarian and latterly, Czech domi– should be returned to the Catholics and nance. These realities have produced that this move is tentatively slated for generally conservative and practical October, in the meantime, the Catholics attitudes among the population, and of Uzhhorod have no church, instead, thus, the spirit of national rebirth has they hold open-air liturgies on Sundays not caught on as quickly as in, for the site of a former Catholic church, example, Galicia. known as "Tseholyna," which at one in addition, three other issues which time had been converted into a school are tied both directly and indirectly to by the Communists. the question of national rebirth seem to Local residents told me that the preoccupy many people - the eco– steeple of the church had been toppled, nomy, religion and one which is unique and the interior gutted and partitioned to Zakarpattia, a question of national into rooms. When the issue of religious identity. property arose late last year, it was The national identity debate centers suggested that this now-abandoned on the old question of whether the school be returned to the Catholics as majority of the population inZakarpat– their church. This suggestion was tia is Ukrainian or whether it is Rusyn. turned down. The name "Rusyn" is thought to have While in Uzhhorod, 1 attended an originated in the days of Kievan Rus'; open air Catholic Sunday liturgy at indeed, it is the name which the popula– The cathedral of Uzhhorod. (Continued on pace it) 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 No. 35

Art of Arcadia Olenska-Petryshyn Singer Alex Holub is welcomed exhibited at Lviv's National Museum in his homeland, Ukraine by Y era Wedmedvk-Kap to his mother in Ukraine, she was finally sitting in front of him with NEW YORK - After 15 years, tears of joy streaming down her Alex Holub's dream came true as he cheeks. All the relatives were crying, arrived in his beloved homeland, not only from happiness at listening Ukraine, this past spring. He was not to his magnificent and powerful returning as a tourist, but as a star tenor but from sadness, too, for he with an 11-city concert tour. would be returning to America soon. According to his agent, Mr. Holub The other highlight was Mr. Ho– is the first Ukrainian Canadian lub's visit with the late volodymyr performing artist to tour Ukraine. ivasiuk's parents in the town of For several days after his arrival, Chernivtsi, western Ukraine. They Mr. Holub recuperated in Lviv and were so delighted to meet in person a began rehearsals with musicians vocalist that they had admired for so from the Lviv Philharmonic. Also many years. They said they listen to accompanying him was his pianist, Mr. Holub's cassettes often, because Paul Baticky from New York City. he keeps the memory of their beloved Once the tour started, it was son alive. extremely trying and hectic. Often They gave the singer many Mr. Holub would finish his concert, words of encouragement to continue pack up the instruments and drive to performing Ukrainian songs. They the next city, arriving in the middle of talked of their son, a noted song- the night. But the hard work and ex– writer and composer whom Mr. haustion paid off. Holub had met while living in U– Cover of artist Arcadia Olenska-Petryshyn's brochure prepared for her Lviv Even though much advertising was kraine, and gave him many souvenirs exhibit. done only by word of mouth, the of their son to take back to America. theaters nonetheless were packed in Mr. Holub's repertoire in Ukraine NORTH BRUNSWICK, N.J.—The (mostly paintings and a few etchings), art of Arcadia Olenska-Petryshyn was and the work of other artists. But her exhibited on June 3-14 at the Museum most interesting allusion was to Japa– of Ukrainian Art (recently renamed the nese art; she saw in some of its aspects, National Museum of Lviv) in the as in Ms. Olenska-Petryshyn's, personi– Ukrainian city of Lviv. The exhibition fications of the plant world or of was televised twice. landscape. Reviews, some illustrated with color reproductions, were scheduled to ap– She drew the viewers' attention to a pear in major Ukrainian periodicals. series of paintings of cacti, suggesting in his remarks at the opening of the that individual plants in these works can exhibition, Yosyp Sadovsky, head of be perceived as beings on the verge of the Artists' Association of Lviv, ex- communicability - as conscious beings. pressed hope that exchanges of exhibi– Each of the cacti has its own unique tions between artists of Ukraine and the identity; there are feelings of sympathy "diaspora" would occur on a regular or antipathy among them, as if they basis. were struggling for space. The cacti As part of the opening ceremony, reminded the speaker of crowds which Myroslava Mayorchuk, the deputy approach the viewer and appeal for his director of the National Museum, attention, drawing him into their own presented an analysis of Ms. Olenska- world. This perception is based mostly Petryshyn's works. She began by men– on the frontality of depiction. tioning the isolation of the artists in Ms. Mayorchuk found the world of Ukraine from the processes of Western the paintings alien to the viewer's art and ideas, and proceeded to point existence. Even those humans who are out that the current exhibit presented an depicted in only one work, are subor– Alex Holub, (center) with the parents of the late Yolodymyr ivasiuk. opportunity, especially for younger dinated to the surrounding nature, artists, to familiarize themselves with indeed the viewer finds it difficult to be every city. Standing ovations and consisted of his favorite Ukrainian one of the many post-modernist direc– part of Ms. Olenska-Petryshyn's world, screams of "bravo" were heard songs — many of which are ivasiuk tions in contemporary art. to see it from the point of view of the throughout the show. Alex was songs — and also songs from his She further stated that the viewer is primordial man. presented dozens upon dozens of international repertoire. initially attracted by the beautiful, bouquets after his concerts. "Flowers Mr. Holub had the opportunity to festive and exotic appeal of Ms. The speaker found that, in spite of the are a very expensive commodity," met many popular singers and per– Olenska-Petryshyn's paintings; yet, appealing colors, brightness and cele– said Mr. Holub. "Therefore 1 was formers, including Oksana Bilozir, upon closer observation, they suggest bration of nature, there is a lack of extremely honored at this humbling vasil Zinkevych, the Kulchitsky deeper meanings of nature and the contact between the viewer and that gesture of their appreciation for my band, AntoninaMarenych and the world. The speaker pointed to the nature, and even a vague threat in the songs." vatra Ensemble. complexity of metaphors and other depicted natural objects. Asked to give his impressions of imagery in the artist's work, which, in Manifestations of patriotism Ms. Mayorchuk concluded by stating abounded at each and every concert. his 11-day concert tour, Mr. Holub her opinion, are the most characteristic said, "At every turn, roadblocks were features of her art. that, since time immemorial, nature for Small children waved yellow and Ukrainians has been an embodiment of blue flags and after the last concert set up just to cause difficulties. ... Ms. Mayorchuk said she sees some order. This led her to the opinion that on the tour, Alex was draped with the Typical of Soviet life everyone talks, affinities between the works on view such an understanding of nature, as a Ukrainian flag as people shouted, but very little gets done. basis for the ordering of our world view, "Slava Ukraini." "Freedom in Ukraine is still only a word: 1 was even assigned a KGB HURYN MEMOR1ALS may be seen as a link between the artist There were two extraordinary and her Ukrainian heritage. agent who followed me everywhere. І FOR THE F1NEST !N CUSTOM MADE highlights of this tour which Mr. am a performer, not a dissident or a MEMORIALS INSTALLED IN ALL CEME– Holub said will always remain etched political figure, but yet they had me TERIES IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA in his mind. One was his concert in of New York including Holy Spirit in a.e. smal ftco . watched," he noted. Rivne, the city where he lived and "Even under these very difficult rtemptonburgh, N.Y., St. Andrew's in South studied music. Bound Brook, Pine Bush Cemetery in Гординський, Пастушенко conditions, my concerts were a great Kerhonkson and Glen Spey Cemetery Смаль All his relatives and childhood success. І was very honored to go in Glen Spey, New York friends, occupying the first several back to my homeland, not only to see We offer personal service S, guidance in your insurance - Real Estate rows of the theater, sat in awe of their my family, which is always primary home. For a bilingual representatives call' son, cousin, nephew and boyhood in my mind, but to perform again in Residential m Commercial m industrial friend who had returned and was the theaters and concerts halls of my 1WAN HURYN investment P.O. Box 121 performing in front of them. This youth. The audiences loved my Hamptonburgh, NY. 10916 Auto ш Life m Bonds concert was probably the most diffi– concerts and 1 was humbled by their Tel.: (914) 427-2684 cult because it was so emotionally loving appreciation. І will go back 1733 Springfield Avenue BOHDAN REKSHYNSKYJ charged. again," he promised. 45 East 7th Street Maplewood, N.J. 07040 At times it was difficult for him to Tour arrangements for Mr. Holub New,York, NY. 10003 (201) 7617500 continue his singing, Mr. Holub said. were made by La Mer Records and Tel.: (212) 477-6523 FAX: (201) 7614918 And, after years of dedicating songs the Tvorchist association in Lviv. No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 11

bitter, strong optimism existed that the impressions... national rebirth would eventually result (Continued from page 9) in a better economy. By contrast, the Tseholyna. A makeshift, but beautifully attitudes of many in Zakarpattia was decorated altar was set up on the expressed by one man who told me: backdrop of the school, which sits on a "Now we have freedom. We can say slight incline. The throng of wor– what we want and all that, and that is shipers — which 1 estimated at 700 to wonderful. But what does freedom 800 composed largely of older men and mean when there's nothing to buy and women and children - spilled downhill soon, there may be nothing to eat? І from the altar to the street. doubt that all of this democratization is The service was concelebrated by two going to take us anywhere." priests, who 1 was told had each been Yet, despite the cautious and some- incarcerated for years for simply being times pessimistic outlook of Zakarpat– priests. The faith of the worshippers was tians, there is good evidence that palpable. Responses were sung with support for national rebirth is taking great fervor and went on and on as if root and growing. Support for Rukh is each moment of prayer was to be strong in Khust, Svaliava and other cherished, lest it might not be repeated smaller centers. in the future. The liturgical melodies in fact, the meeting of Rukh's were Zakarpattian in origin and varied Grand Council last spring in Khust tremendously in intonation from the and the accompanying obser– Galician-Kievan liturgy commonly vances of the 51st anniversary of the sung in the diaspora. Carpatho-Ukrainian state of 1938- During the liturgy, 1 attempted to get 1939, contributed strongly to the closer to the altar in order to better Liturgy at Tseholyna Church. awakening of national consciousness in photograph the service. As 1 moved while women's winter leotards were and wines on which Zakarpattians rely Zakarpattia, especially among the forward in the crowd, 1 was spotted by a younger generation. man who, recognizing me as a Western available, not one pair of pantyhose or - were expressed. visitor with camera in hand, insisted men's socks was in sight. Some electro– People were especially bitter about A Rukh activist from Svaliava to upon leading me directly to the altar, nic goods were in stock, but at exhor– the economic effect of the decline in whom 1 spoke was confident that "Photograph as much as you like. Let bitant prices. For example, adding wine production, which has been caused Zakarpattians would ultimately stand everyone know that our faith is alive machines sold for 130 karbovantsi, by Mikhail Gorbachev's much-bally– firmly behind and actively participate in and well." which is slightly less than the average hooed anti-alcoholism campaign. As a the process of national rebirth, indeed, Thus, while the ultimate resolution of monthly pay of a Soviet worker, in consequence of the campaign, three he lamented that if only Rukh in differences between Catholics and the general, the merchandise was of such years ago, one-third of Zakarpattia's Svaliava and other places had tools of Orthodox seems to be off in the future, shoddy quality that not even the most vineyards were destroyed, including communication other than poster on a positive note, the very existence of modest American retailer would have some which had vines hundreds of years board and colored pens, the process of these differences points to a strong carried it. old. Agricultural planners have now national awakening would be more religious resurgence. conceded that the destruction of the developed. village life vineyards was a serious mistake, and Finally, for the first time in 50 years, State of economy many are being replanted, in the mean- While city life in Zakarpattia has at time, the effects of lower wine and the history of the Carpatho-Ukrainian least a veneer of 20th century appea– cognac production are being strongly state of 1938-1939 is being widely in Zakarpattia, as in other parts of disseminated and discussed. The Me– Ukraine, the state of the economy is a rance, a visit to the village results in a felt in the Zakarpattian economy. slow appreciation of what life in the morial Society is actively advocating constant source of preoccupation and the "rehabilitation" of Carpatho-U– bitter complaint. Relatively speaking, і 9th century must have been like. The Pessimistic attitudes villages in the Zakarpattia lowlands kraine's president, the Rev. Augustin Zakarpattians are better off than other voloshyn, and of other activists of that Ukrainians. Thus, while gasoline could which 1 saw first appeared to me as a Thus, city dwellers and villagers were romantic vision of a bucolic, quite life, equally pessimistic about their econo– epoch. To Zakarpattians, the history of not be found in ivano-Frankivske the Carpatho-Ukrainian state is not during my stay there, in Uzhhorod, it villagers live in solidly built brick and mic condition and future, although per– stucco homes, each with its own grape haps for somewhat different reasons. only of great interest, but a source of was available to those willing to sit in tremendous pride. lines which stretched for miles. The arbor, orchard and garden. The furnish– This pessimism, in turn, influenced bazaar in Uzhhorod had a greater ings inside are comparable to those attitudes toward the processes of demo– Thus, it can be hoped that as the variety of produce at somewhat cheaper found in city apartments; villagers dress cratization and national rebirth in Carpatho-Ukrainian state contributed prices than the bazaars of Kiev and much like city dwellers. Zakarpattia. a priceless role in the historical drive for Drohobych. However, the 19th century aspects of While in Lviv and ivano-Frankivske Ukrainian independence, that today's As Zakarpattians increasingly visit village existence slowly became clear, in economic complaints were no less Zakarpattians will continue that legacy. the more westernized economies of two out of the three villages 1 visited, Hungary and Czechoslovakia, how– not one home had a telephone, in one ever, they naturally compare conditions such village, no one owned a car. Thus, Turning the pages back... at home to those which exist right the village nurse told me that if a (Continued from page 6) across the border. By those Western medical emergency arises at a time when the prolific poet's and determined dissident's hard life at age 47. standards, and certainly by American no visitors with cars are present, it is Mr. Stus was born January 8, 1938. He studied at the Pedagogical institute in standards, the economic situation is necessary for her to fetch the area Kiev and saw his first poetry published in 1959. (His first major work was printed in dreary at best. physician by riding her bicycle to the the Dnipro journal in 1963). Although in the few surrounding years he enjoyed Much of Uzhhorod's burgeoning next village. frequent publication of his literary reviews as well as his poetry in various population is housed in recently con– Public sewers are non-existent; periodicals, his status drastically changed when he was expelled from the Taras structed high-rises, which lie on the similarly, septic systems are unheard of. Shevchenko institute of Literature for his public protest of the 1965 arrests of outskirts of the city. The exteriors of the Although mechanized agricultural Ukrainian intellectuals. these complexes are a study in shabby, equipment exists, much of the farm Undeterred, Mr. Stus continued to champion human rights, not only signing a inferior materials and workmanship. work, whether on the kolhosp (collective collective letter protesting the secret trials of 1966 but also writing many open The hallways in the buildings are dark, farm), radhosp (state tarm) or private letters in support of vyacheslav Chornovil, ivan Dzyuba and others, and publicly unlit and filthy, and reek of neglect. By plot, is done using primitive methods - defending Alia Horska and Nina Strokata. in the wake of the arrests of January pleasant contrast, every apartment in with sickles and horse-drawn machi– 1972, Mr. Stus was arrested along with other intellectuals for "anti-Soviet these buildings in which 1 was a guest nery. propaganda." The sentence he received, which was to have included five years of was well-maintained, tasteful and filled Despite the obvious hardships of exile, proved fatal. with solid and sometimes good furni– village life, villagers have an advantage Despite Mr. Stus' untimely death, his memory continues to not only survive but ture. Of course, as is common by Soviet in times of economic distress which city to inspire. Recently, as described in Svoboda, a moving ceremony took place at the standards, the apartments rarely had dwellers lack: basic self-sufficiency. Baykiv Cemetery: participants of the Third Congress of the World Federation of more than four rooms and usually Most villagers are able to grow enough Ukrainian Medical Associations gathered at the final burial site of three dissidents housed a multi-generational family of food and raise enough livestock to eat who had died in Soviet camps, Oleksa Tykhy, Yuriy Lytvyn and vasyl Stus. Their six or seven. reasonably well. All of the village homes bodies had been brought back to their native land to rest in a Ukrainian cemetery The most common complaints of city І saw had large vegetable gardens and just a few months earlier. residents were that there was nothing to orchards; most people owned chickens, A panakhyda was said, songs were sung, reflective thoughts were expressed and buy, or if merchandise was available, pigs, goats and even cows, indeed, it flowers were laid down on the site of three simple wooden crosses — all in tribute to that it was of grossly inferior quality became apparent that these small home- three great men who were victims of the Soviet system, but whose ideas and works and too expensive. My visit to Uzhho– steads were not only feeding their live on. rod's largest department store, Ukraina, inhabitants, but were also supplement– more than bore these complaints out. ing the diets of relatives and friends in The multi-level store was thinly stocked the city. with goods, which were displayed in a Despite their apparent self-suffi– GLASNOST bewildering and jumbled fashion. ciency, villagers seemed to be as worried The more 1 looked, the less 1 saw to about economic conditions as city buy. While the store had an ample residents. Frequent complaints about Legalize Churches in Ukraine!J supply of toothpaste, there was not one the rationing of sugar - which is a For information call (203) 549-2755. bdttte ofshampoo to be had; Similarly, necessary ingredient of the" preserves 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 No. 35

some of his recent experiences in Atanas Slusarchuk, one of the UNA's Olynec-Charchalis... Detroit District... Australia, the Fiji islands and New most able organizers, who delighted the (Continued from page 5) (Continued from page 5) Zealand. audience with humorous anecdotes and in the semifinals, Olynec-Charchalis Dr. Atanas Slusarchuk, nine members; Dr. Serafyn said he was most daring jokes. had defeated Alexander Olynec and Kathy Nazark,seven members; Stephen impressed with Ukrainians in New Afterwards, the recent UNA conven– Roman Cikalo, 7-5, 6-2, while Kolb– Wichar, six members; and Olha Zealand. Most lead an agricultural life, tion, developments concerning Rukh Kordiuk won over George Sawchak Marusczak, five members. with 15 percent being Catholic and the and UNA matters were discussed. Dr. and Zenon Snylyk, 6-1,6-1. Dr. Serafyn concluded his remarks remainder of Protestant denomina– Serafyn closed the meeting with brief in the senior men's division, George by promising that "the priority goal for tions. Only 40 families make up the remarks on the goals and objectives of Hrabec and George Petrykewycz de- 1990 is to organize new members." Ukrainian Orthodox parishes, but the District Council, and appreciation throned many-time doubles champs Dr. Serafyn also indicated that an without a pastor. However, services are offered at least once per year. Dr. to all members who made the picnic- Sawchak-Snylyk by a score of 6-2,6-4. invitation had been extended to Walter meeting successful. in the semis of that division, Hrabec– Sochan, UNA supreme secretary, to Serafyn observed that the younger Petrykewycz defeated George Popel conduct an insurance seminar, tenta– people do not know or speak After all formalities ceased, Mr. and Dr. Andrew Kachala, 6-1, 6-3, tively scheduled for October 28. Ukrainian. Despite this, there are Wichar and lrene Pryjma, vice-chair- while Sawchak-Snylyk beat Bohdan The picnic-meeting was then turned choirs and dance groups in Wellington, persons, passed out song sheets and Domaratzky and Walter Dziwak, 6-3, over to Zenon Wasylkevych, who Oakland and other cities. conducted an afternoon of community 6-2. served as master of ceremonies for the Olha Maruszcak was called to the singing. One can conclude that a picnic- in mixed doubles, which featured afternoon. dais when she read a Ukrainian poem meeting with an attractive program can competition among four pairs, Mr. After several anecdotes, Mr. Wasyl– glorifying the woman's role in the indeed be listed as a viable fraternal Hrabec, and his daughter Larysa de– kevych called on Dr. Serafyn to share world. The emree introduced Dr. activity. feated the Shyprykeviches, Peter and Hona, by a score of 6-1, 6-1. Third place was taken by Mr. Popel and his wife, Уега, when they emerged victorious over Dr. and Mrs. Kachala, 6-3, 6-4. in the men's consolation round, ihor Lukiw and Stepan Fedorovsky were the winners. The tournament was conducted by a committee composed of Messrs. Saw– chuk, Popel, Snylyk and Roman Ra– koczy. Committee members presented trophies funded by Soyuzivka. -–----,–

UKRAINIAN TYPEWRITERS also other languages complete line of office machines A equipment JACOB SACHS 251 W 98th St New York. N. Y 10025 Tel (212) 222-6683 7 days a week UNA District Committee members and guests at the Detroit area UNA's "working picnic.

UCCA — Ukrainian Language School Ridna Shkola HOUSE WANTED MEDICAL INSURANCE im. Lesia Ukrainka WXland in the vicinity of Hunter, Morris County, New Jersey Lexington or Jewett, N.Y. FOR VISITORS - TOURISTS IN AMERICA Please call ANNOUNCES THE Tel.: 1800-766-7977 Marko (718) 599-0248 BEG1NN1NG of the SCHOOL YEAR FOR CH1LDREN FROM PRE-SCHOOL to 12th GRADE HUCULKA FLORIDA - LIVING - ANNUAL icon 81 Souvenir's Distribution SEPTEMBER 8, 1990 - 11:00 A.M. OR SEASONAL. 2860 Buhre Ave. Suite 2R St. Andrews Ukrainian village. North Port, - MOLEBEN at St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, Whippany, N.J. Bronx, NY 10461 - REGISTRATION Florida. FOR RENT 3rd Floor Unit - Fur– REPRESENTATivE and WHOLESALER ofEMBROlDERED BLOUSES for ADULTS and CH1LDRE14 nished - 2 Bedrooms - 2 Bathrooms. SEPTEMBER 15, 1990 - 9:00 A.M. - Noon Call 1-813-627-1082 after 6 p.m. Classes begin at Frelinghuysen Junior School, Hanover Avenue, Tel. (212) 931-1579 Morris Township, N.J. REGlSTRATlON CONT1NUES. 9:30 A.M. - Parents Meeting For the Parents Committee: Канадська Canadian Fondation Nusia Denysyk Margaret Nycz lesia Lasiy Фундація Foundation canadienne President vice-President Treasurer Українських for Ukrainian dee Etudes (201) 455-1596 (201) 492-2848 (201) 884-0097 Студій Studies ukrainiennes


RUKH has asked the Ukrainian Family Bible Association for 1 What will your dollars support? They will allow the Canadian million Ukrainian Bibles to help meet the spiritual hunger of the Foundation for Ukrainian Studies to help underwrite the Ukrainian people. Currently most of the Bibles being shipped to coordination, translation, photographs, cartography, research, Ukraine are in the Russian language sent by non-Ukrainian ministries. computer entry, manuscript editors' salaries, subject editors' Please send a generous gift to the Ukrainian Family Bible honorariums, project office, typing and many other costs related to the completion of the many, many entries for the three remaining Association for printing and delivery of the Ukrainian Bibles re- volumes of the Encyclopedia of Ukraine. Although governments quested by RUKH. Ukrainian Bibles will be distributed by RUKH have been kind in assisting with the ultimate printing costs, the free of charge. The Ukrainian Family Bible Association is a non- Canadian institute of Ukrainian Studies and the Canadian Foundation profit and non-denominational association. Please belp us in getting for Ukrainian Studies must bear the high production costs for this God's Word to Ukraine and send a generous contribution. most important project. Will YOU help?? Send your tax deductible Thank you and God bless you All. gift today to:

UKRAINIAN FAMILY BIBLE ASSOCIATION CANADIAN FOUNDATION FOR UKRAINIAN STUDIES P.O. Box 3723, Palm Desert, CA 92261-3723 500 - 433 Main Street Tel.: (619) 345-4913 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1B3 No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 13

Chicagocms form professionals' club Prague journal... (Continued from page 7) CH1CAGO - Members of The Chi– to maintain contact with Ukraine while cago Group, the Ukrainian American serving the community in Chicago, it is Business and Professional Club of also hoped that a well-organized and Chicago, announced new officers of well-promoted Ukrainian business and their organization this summer, mark– professional organization can help ing the group's official beginning. Emil educate and publicize Ukrainian con– Рук was elected president and Anna cerns to the American media and Mostovych vice-president. public, while providing support to those in Ukraine. The group is a service organization for Ukrainian Americans and their Plans for the year ahead include a friends from all sectors of the economic gala boat cruise on Lake Michigan, community who wish to promote a educational seminars, dinner meetings, mutually supportive environment for organized trips and regular networking personal and professional growth while sessions. Projects under way include an effectively contributing their business annual directory of Ukrainian busi– and professional skills to worthy causes. nesses and professionals, a job bulletin board, and regular job fairs. The chance to network and socialize For more information, interested with peers was a prime incentive for the persons may call Roman Salij, (312) group's founding. Many members want 337-1702, or Emil Рук, (708) 532-3492. Ukrainian participants of the Prague conference on "The Peaceful Road to Democracy" included (seated from left) Anatoly Shibyko, igor Gerashchenko, Ukrainian shrine site of filming Petro Ruban, (standing) George Nesterczuk, Orest Baranyk and Askold Lozynskyj. by Chris Guly covered by a local bishop, played by Canadian actor Jan Rubes. Naturally, of the strongly worded sovereignty resolution, 1 thought back to Mr. OTTAWA — Canada's national irena doesn't believe him and romance, resolution were also contained in the Kasparov's chess analogy. After 70 Ukrainian Catholic shrine was trans- passion and suspense follow, leading, as July 1 proclamations: the proposals for years of a deadly chess game, was formed into a Romanian Orthodox Ms. St. Arnaud explains, to the dramatic an independent Ukrainian army and an Ukraine finally on the brink of emerg– church for a few hours early in June. final scene involving a four-wheel drive independent currency. ing as the winner? Ukrainians, 1 thought St. John the Baptist Church was car chase around St. John the Baptist in On hearing the news of the unex– — perhaps they really are a lucky chosen as the site for the final scene in the middle of the night. pectedly strong Ukrainian sovereignty people. the film, "Descending Angel," starring She said that St. John the Baptist was George C. Scott and scheduled to be selected because it has enough room in broadcast on the Home Box Office its parking area to accommodate a high- cable ТУ channel later this fall. speed scene. Besides, she adds, it looked The Ukrainian Weekly: 57 years of service The Rev. viadimir Shewchuk, pastor "eastern European and Orthodox." of the church says that the film's production company, Angelic Produc– tions, contacted him from their offices in SKIN THE SUPREME EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Montreal early this spring. For the nominal fee of 51,000 and the promise DISEASES of the to use 25 members of the congregation SKIN CANCER UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION as extras, the film was shot in the middle of the night over a Friday to Sunday VENEREAL announces the schedule of schedule. DISEASES According to Michelle St. Arnaud, a spokesperson for Angelic Productions, HAIR LOSS Scott plays Florian Stroia, a Roma– UNA D1STR1CT SEM1NARS 1990 nian antique dealer who emigrates to COLLAGEN 1NJECT10NS the United States with his daughter, and for UNA BRANCH SECRETAR1ES - ORGAN1ZERS irena, played by Diane Lane. She meets WRINKLE TREATMENTS and all interested UNA ACTiviSTS and falls in love with Michael, played by Eric Roberts. The agenda of the seminars will deal with the forthcoming introduction of Michael soon discovers that Stroia JACOB new UNA RET1REMENT ANNU1TY POL1CY, fbview of all UNA insurance was a member of the iron Guard, the certificates and for distribution of promotional materials. Nazi bodyguard squad, and is being BARAL, M.D. American Dermatology Sunday, September 23, 12:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. UKRAINIAN SINGLES Center NEWSLETTER (212) 247-1700 Districts: NEW YORK - JERSEY C1TY - NEWARK Serving Ukrainian singles of all ages 210 Central Park South PASSA1C - PERTH AMBOY throughout the United States and Canada. New York, N.Y. Ukrainian National Association For information send a self-addressed (bet. B'way 8. 7th Ave.) stamped envelope to: Open on Saturday 30 Montgomery St., 3rd Floor, Jersey City, N.J. Medicare Accepted By Appt. Only Single Ukrainians Find us fast in the NYNEX Yellow Pages District Chairmen: P.O. Box 24733, Phila., Pa. 19111 New York - M. Spontak (212) 545-6671 Jersey City - W. Bilyk (201) 795-0628 Newark - W. Senezak (201) 325-3049 NOW 1N STOCK Passaic - J. Chomko (201) 472-0989 THE ENGLISH EDITION OF Perth Amboy - M. Zacharko (201) 725-8062 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UKRAINE Saturday, September 29, 11:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Edited by volodymyr Kubijovyc Managing editor Danylo Husar-Struk Districts: ALLENTOWN - SCRANTON - SHAMOK1N First and second of a five-volume work of Ukrainian scholarship in the diaspora W1LKES BARRE - Ununited Branches in PENNA (the last three volumes are scheduled to be released by 1992) 11, 135, 145, 258, 297, 467 Ukrainian Homestead A-F - S119.50 - 968 pp. 1230 Beaver Run Dr., Lehighton, PA. G-K - S125.00 - 737 pp. District Chairmen: includes shipping and handling Allentown - A. Haras (215) 867-4052 AlphabeticalXEncyc!opedia of Ukraine, based on 25 years of work, completely revised and Shamokin - J. Chabon (717) 874-3084 supplemented edition of Encyclopedia Ukrajinoznavstva, richly illustrated with many color Wilkes Barre - T. Butrej (717) 759-1541 plates, black-and-white photos and maps, first-class index of life and culture of Ukrainians in Scranton 8t Ununited Branches in PENNA. Ukraine and diaspora. Main UNA Office (201) 451-2200 Published by the University of Toronto Press for the Canadian institute of Ukrainian Studies. the Shevchenko Scientific Society and Canadian Foundation of Ukrainian Studies. SVOBODA BOOK STORE FULL LUNCH and COFFEE will be served to all, compliments of the UNA. 30 Montgomery Street, Jersey City, NJ. 07302 YOU MUST 1MMED1ATELY advise your District Chairman of your attendance, since a New Jersey residents please add 60o sales tax. correct count of persons is necessary for meal preparation. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 No. 35

promote inter-ethnic tolerance in Rukh if they believe in the same goals Chairman of Rukh Secretariat... Ukraine and guarantee equal rights Today the process of building a and methods to attain these goals as (Continued from page 3) for Ukrainians and national minori– does Rukh. Russia underscores the fact thatt Ukrainian state is proceeding apace ties have prevented us from repeating with the process of destroying the We currently have differences of armed forces, diplomatic relations, the mistakes of Sajudis and other opinion as to membership in Rukh. transportation, the banking system, empire. There is a third process also Baltic popular fronts, w hich we tend f at work: the national rebirth of the Until this time we had thought that all are delegated to the authority of to praise uncritically. only individuals could be members of the Soviet Union, in our declarationл Ukrainian people. Each successive move we make will We have 12 million Russians and Rukh; we were categorically against there is not one point which talkss Russian-speaking citizens. All pro– collective membership, and this we about the delegation of Ukraine'ss be yet another step closer to our goal: ponents of integral nationalism, all explained by the fact that 10 months authority to Moscow. That is whyУ the creation of an independent U– those who believe in the idea of ago the party was so strong that if it this document cannot be viewed as al krainian state. "Ukraine for Ukrainians" should had entered Rukh as a collective, it basis for federation or confederation, One must have a great feeling of remember this. could have buried us. Currently, it is a totally independence-mindedі responsibility toward one's people. This is paranoia. This is the tra– amidst the party's demise, as it is document. You must think about the fate of gedy of the Ukrainian people, and if demoralized, we no longer have to Yes, there are a few points in theг your people. one wants to deliver a fatal blow to oppose collective membership. І document tthat could be subject toз 1 feel that the period of adventu– U kraine, the way to do it would be to think that perhaps at the congress in various interpretations! but they do3 rism has passed. We find ourselves in hold on to such an idea. October, we will allow collective not make u^ duty-bound in anyУ a very dangerous situation, and the We in Ukraine are developing the membership. manner. We did not delegate any– sole variant of building a Ukrainian principle of democracy, and we are thing. We stated that everything1 state is the Czech variant, or the forming ethnic communities which We have many organizations in found on the territory of Ukraine is Polish variant, — in no way can it be represent a spectrum of independent the Ukrainian diaspora which have our property: the land is ours, the air the Romanian variant. We don't communities within an independent been formed to aid Rukh in Ukraine. is ours, the water is ours; we haveв want events to proceed in the streets. and democratic Ukraine, it is only Can you tell us what is the best way to taken away from the USSR all the2 We would like the people to under– such a Ukraine that we foresee, and help Ukraine? enterprises located on the territory off stand that we find ourselves in a only such a Ukraine that we want to Ukraine. We have ceded absolutelyі difficult situation, but that situation build. it is difficult to be an advisor. nothing to Moscow. will be even graver if we don't build Coming from Ukraine, 1 know very our own state. The Rukh founding congress was well that 1 should observe and not How do you answer critics who say^ і compare the Ukrainian nation at almost a year ago. As you prepare for give recommendations as to your it was incorrect to use the term11 this point in time to a horse being led the second congress in October, do work here. Several of my friends, "Ukrainian SSR," instead of "U– across the ice. Each step must be sure you plan any changes, any reorgani– colleagues, have come to the West kraine," in the declaration's provi–" and well thought-out. One slip may zation? What has Rukh learned and began to preach, proposing sions? be irreversible. And that is why І during this past year; what successes, various methods of work. After some strongly oppose those adventuristic what problems and shortcomings period of time, their suggestions l'd like to say that at the time we plans that do not take into account have you encountered? seemed odd. And thus, they showed were preparing the declaration's the ecological situation, the military that one cannot come to a foreign draft, our commission on sove– situation and all other aspects. Гт reaching the conclusion that country and become apostles. reignty was composed of 10 Demo– Rukh accomplished its work, in І would like to be careful in this cratic Bloc deputies and seven fromn We constantly tell the people that large part, our resolutions, which respect, not because 1 fear this, but І the party apparatus. For this reasonn only a national state will save us from truly were wise, allowed for a think that my advice from the side- we could allow ourselves - and this І ecological death; this is important certain consolidation of the various lines would sound primitive. might add gave us great pleasure - and the people have understood this. ethnic communities centered around if you ask me what we need, i'd to formulate the draft and then knowv And thus, the people have under– the national idea. answer: in my opinion, the diaspora it was going to pass. This occurredd stood the importance of a Ukrainian All of this is good, Rukh, at first, would do great work if it constantly because three of the 10 Communists state, and not only the Ukrainian set forth a very compromisorial bombarded the English-language had gone to the party congress inn people, but also the Russians who goal: to form a Ukrainian state press with news about Ukraine, Moscow. live on Ukrainian territory. They say, within a federation of the USSR. turned the media's attention to We titled the document "Declara–1- we will perish here without Ukrai– A year ago it was impossible to Ukraine; with government and busi– tion on the State Sovereignty off nian statehood, and we have lived pose the acute question of full inde– ness leaders to constantly talk about Ukraine," never using the words here for centuries. Russians say this, pendence. So many of the Rukh Ukraine and its future, to depict "Ukrainian SSR." Earlier we hadd the Jews say this, other ethnic mino– leadership had been members of the Ukraine emerging ^s a powerful state labeled it the "Declaration on the rities say this. Communist Party and to put forth that will drastically change the map independence (State Sovereignty) oiff And, means have been used to such a question would have meant to of Europe. 1 Ukraine." There is no Ukrainian counter such ideas. There have been scare off the people who did so much Secondly, we have contacts with SSR here and this is a matter oiff attempts to form an interfront in to bring Rukh into existence. the diaspora, the diaspora that has principle, it denotes the futureЇ. Ukraine: the Rus' Society, the Soyuz However, we've reached that time provided us with Chornobyl relief However, regarding the situation as Trudiashchykh, and, most recently, - in 10 months the political climate and assistance to Rukh, and 1 feel it is it exists today, we still are a colonyу the vitchyznianyi Forum. These has changed so much - that to talk important to reach a consensus called the Ukrainian SSR. That is interfront-type groups are constant– today about confederation or federa– about this aid, to improve contacts why the declaration's provisions ly formed in Ukraine, but they fail. tion is like talking about relics, fossils concerning this arid, and to form a refer to the actual state of affairs. Eleven million Russians have not of a prehistoric time. certain set of priorities which would Our critics do not take reality intoо responded to this, for they under– Everyone has come to understand come fr6m proposals we present and account, they have not looked closely stand that the fate of Ukraine and that the idea of independence is close not on the initiative of people who at today's status and have not under- their fate are closely intertwined, in to the hearts of millions of Ukraine's may not know what is of the utmost stood that there is a fundamentail this area, Rukh has played a tremen– citizens. We feel that this approach to importance to us. difference between 1917 and 1990).. dous role; their resolutions which the situation was cprrect: we wanted it this can be done, it would greatly to make the people nationally con– benefit Rukh. But 1 do feel that these scious via an evolutionary route. We matters should be discussed with us, feel that Rukh in one year completed for 1 think that perhaps, we may its assignment, the Rukh program know the situation in Ukraine better (AS. Savings Bonds worked well. But now, we in the than your representatives here in the leading positions in Rijkh feel it is diaspora. now offer time to change the program and the if you were to ask me what Rukh statute. We feel that the time has needs, 1 would answer paper and a come to change the founding goals of press, if you were to ask me what the ^^competitive rates Rukh: instead of forming a Ukrai– independent workers' unions need, І nian state within the confines of a would say paper and a press. ^^,exemption from state federation, our goal now is the Where should this aid come? As formation of an independent and the chairman of the Secretariat of В local income taxes united Ukrainian state. Rukh, 1 feel it should all come to To realize this goal, we will now Kiev, and we, through ouroffices,will ^ complete safety have as members only those people direct the aid to Rukh centers that who share this fundamental goal of need equipment, etc. І would suggest Rukh. We assume that some Rukh to centralize; however, if some centers SL^ convenient members will leave the ranks of the in the diaspora feel they could work purchase organization because this goal with particular Rukh centers in may be too bold for them. But we Ukraine, then Гт not against this. think that this group will be small. But, 1 do feel the centralized variant to find out more, 1 think that we will not exclude any is the best. call anytime representative parties from mem– І understand that here you have 1-800-US-BONDS bership in Rukh, if indeed those some problems as well, and this party members have in mind the troubles me. And perhaps all of these same goals as Rukh. matters have brought me here today, There can even be Communists in as your guest. No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 15

oceans adjacent to the republic. Strict dence for the republics to manage their An assessment... penalties are to be imposed on those Miners chart... own affairs, but within the Soviet Union. (Continued from page 2) enterprises and factories that violate (Continued from page 4) pointed Ukrainian minister of culture. ecological norms, while such enterprises you are not necessarily getting truthful Will there be independent unions in A point of contention here is the will also be charged for their use of information either. the Soviet Union? significance of Mr. ivashko's departure. Ukrainian land and pay taxation to Although many activists had welcomed local budgets. What if your actions paralyze the volynko: The present unions are his takeover from Shcherbytsky, others The decree commands the Ukrainian country to such an extent that the managed by the government. We stand perceived him - especially within the Council of Ministers to elaborate the government is forced to call out the for the formation of independent trade Parliament — as a conservative figure, program for the transition to market troops. What will happen then? unions throughout the country. The prone to authoritarianism and intole– relations within the course of a month creation of the independent union of rance of some of the more radical (by September 3) and provides a two- Kolomyitsev: Troops against the miners will take place at our second groups and associations. month period (to October 3) for the people? Last summer's strike proved congress which will be held in October. preparation of laws on such matters as that it's not just the miners on strike but We are setting an example for other The legislation property, land, taxation, banks, exter– the people. The troops would not workers. When І went to Kiev, 1 met nal economic activities and nature support the government. The army workers going to the first congress of Aside from the Declaration of State protection. consists of young boys from this area. independent agricultural workers. Sovereignty on July 16, the most impor– The stage is set, therefore, for the We don't have a professional army. tant pieces of legislation have been the transformation of Ukraine. One cannot Do you foresee a day in the future Decree Concerning the Economic inde– deny the significance of the Parlia– What if they brought in troops from when the miners will directly manage pendence of the Ukrainian SSR and ment's achievement, nor the impossibi– outside the region, something like in the mines? the parallel Law Concerning the lity of great hardships during the future China's Tienanmen Square? Economic independence of the Ukrai– process and the nebulousness of some of volynko: That's up to the people to nian SSR, both issued on August 3, the clauses. Whereas the Declaration of Kolomyitsev: Let them try. But І decide. and published in the Ukrainian press Sovereignty refrained from defining the don't think we will have the same several days later. economic relationship with the USSR, situation as they did, for example, in Has this struggle changed your atti– The law is divided into four separate the Law on Economic independence Romania. І think all the questions can tude towards socialism? What is your sections, made up of 14 articles, which has ignored the potential dilemma by be resolved in a peaceful way. view as a worker and as a trade unionist make a bold effort to act as the founda– asserting republican control over all toward the social system in your coun– tion for the transition of Ukraine from resources. Metaphorically, it is as though But what if Gorbachev's government try? its present structure to a modern, a servant evades detection when steal– falls because of your actions? democratic state, based on market ing into the kitchen (Moscow's lack of Kolomyitsev: What is socialism? relations and complete control over its reaction to the July 16 declaration), and Kolomyitsev: Then another one will (laughter from the rank-and-file). We own resources. then proceeds to devour the contents of come. don4 know what it is. it is a statement of intent, perhaps, the entire fridge; a fait accompli, in rather than one of the logistics of such a other words. What if that brings an end to the What about a market economy? major transformation, but it represents After the relative sluggishness of reform and the hardliners make a progress in Parliament and the confron– a more definite victory for the reformers comeback? Kolomyitsev: We believe that in than did the Declaration of State tations of May and June, deputies therefore threw themselves into a frenzy order to have a market economy, first Sovereignty (with the exception of the Kolomyitsev: it is possible. But we there has to be a market. What they anachronism of the name of the state: of legislative activity that became more still don't believe that there are good intrepid because of the apparent lack of have done here is to set up high prices the Ukrainian SSR). alternatives to Gorbachev. without having a market, in genera! we The law lays down the contents, aims central reaction and a growing unity of purpose among Ukrainian deputies. welcome moves to a market economy. and basic principles of the economic What about independence for U– But people must be protected against independence of Ukraine as a sovereign There has, however, been some re- kraine? is that a positive step? the drawbacks of the market economy, state, the regulation of its economy and action. There are those who feel that such as unemployment, and there's social sphere, and the organization of real state sovereignty in Ukraine can- volynko: Figures have been pub– nothing of the kind yet. the financial, budget, credit and mone– not be attained without first, the con- lished showing that Ukraine sends tary system of the state. sent of all citizens of Ukraine; and 80 percent of its production and in- FLORIDA VACATION second, a detailed analysis of the laws it emphasizes the introduction of all come to the state, leaving only 20 "SAN BAR RESORT" on beautiful forms of property: state, collective and accepted recently by the Supreme percent for Ukraine. We are for com– private Fort Myers Beach offers re– Soviet of the USSR. One such account asonably priced motel rooms and private; and the equal rights of each 1 plete political and economic indepen– form. Ukraine, according to this law, is would allow the USSR Central Bank apartments with AC and Cable TY. to develop its own financial system, considerable powers in Ukraine. LOCATlON: MAD1SON Close to many attractions: boating Bright, spacious colonial, ideal for big fishing, golfing, etc. Half hour from made up of a republican budget and And important questions remain: Ft. Myers airport. To speak in Ukrai– how will Ukraine be able to back its new family; in-law suite, 9 rooms, 4 baths, budget drawn up by local Soviets, parking for AfS cars. Priced for only nian ask for my. mother Lena. grounded on progressive taxation poli– currency without some agreed access to ^229,500. Call for more info. Soviet gold reserves? Will the new Act (813) 463-6992 cies. Schlott Realtors (201) 635-9600 Special rates from now until The National Bank of Ukraine is to of Union simply accept the extensive Chatham Office December. be the hub of financial business, the legislation of the Ukrainian Parlia– highest credit institution within the ment? state. Prices are to be set by the republic, There is no consensus on how longg a BRANCH U113, NEW YORK and a gradual change to a market move to market relations might takeke. U.N.W.LA. economy is anticipated that will at the Realistically, the key problem is th;he (With the assistance of Plast Sorority "Spartanky") same time offer protection to those takeover of the mass of industrieies invites the public to attend citizens released from their present jobs formerly administered from Moscow1W,, (through "flextime" work, tax exemp– and defining the nature of Ukraine'e's tions and the like), and offer a mini- future industrial development, initiallyiy, "AN EvENlNG 1N MONTE CARLO" mum wage for the work force. as with the union reform, there is anticipated a significant rise in the to benefit All "external" activities are to fall he Ukrainian budget deficit and mass THE UKRAINIAN MUSEUM in NEW YORK under the supervision of the Ukrainian unemployment. SSR, which will "develop economic AND THE U.N.W.LA. CH1LDREN OF CHORNOBYL REUEF FUND The current legislation and unity on cooperation" with Soviet republics and Saturday, October 20, 1990, 7:30 P.M. other states. No specific mention is the issue of reform and national soveУЄ–- made of the USSR, and in fact it is reignty has ensured that the transforor– Ramada inn, Route 10, East Hanover, NJ. (201) 386-5622 difficult to tell from the text of the mation of Ukraine will be painfulllly rapid, with no certainly of a successfuful Join us for a gala evening of dancing, casino games document whether by the "other" states and great prizes. is signified the USSR or Western outcome. But the die has been cast. Evening attire For information (212) 460-8615 capitalist countries. S1NCE 1928 What is clear is the strong assertion of Ukrainian rights over natural resources, SENKO FUNERAL HOMES whether on the land itself or in the New York's only Ukrainian family owned A BRANCH ft 113, U.N.W.LA. operated funeral homes Treat yourself to the hottest new POLKA ^ Traditional Ukrainian services personally "AN EvENlNG 1N MONTE CARLO" cassette. conducted Make check payable to: U.N.W.LA. - MuseumXRelief Benefit ^ Funerals arranged throughout Bklyn, Bronx, 'HEAVY BUTTON MUSIC New York, Queens, Long island, etc. Mail to: Christine Shoh, P.O. Box 349, Ridgefield, CT. 06877 by JOE GRKMAN ^ Holy Spirit, St. Andrews Cem. A all others international shipping featuring the exciting button accordion!!! ^ Pre-need arrangements Send check or money order for SlO.OO Senko Funeral Home Address: (post-paid, PA residents add 696 sales tax) 83-15 Parsons Blvd., Jamaica, N.Y. 11432 payable to: 718-657-1793 Tel.:( ) Senko Funeral Home Hempstead Funeral Home KEYTONE ENTERPR1SES 213 Bedford Ave. 89 Peninsula Blvd. Donation: - S50.00 (includes $25 in free chips) x No. of tickets $ Dept. D Brooklyn, N.Y. 11211 Hempstead, N.Y. 11550 Senior Citizens^Students — $25 (includes S5 in free ships) x No of tickets 3 P.O. Box 18105 1-718-3884416 1-516481-7460 Tax deductible donation total $ Pittsburgh, Pa., 15236 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 No. 35 Conference to focus on Ukraine's economy CAMBRlDGE, Mass. - The Fourth many, England and Ukraine. For the PREVIEW OF EVENTS Conference on Ukrainian Economics, first time in this series of conferences, proceeds will benefit the church budget. "The Ukrainian Economy 1970-1990- six noted Ukrainian scholars from Kiev, September 2 2000," sponsored by the Harvard U– Lviv and Donetske plan to participate CARTERET, N.J.: The board of trustees ASTOR1A, N.Y.: The Holy Cross Ukrai– krainian Research institute, the Cana– and present their papers. As in the case and church committee, and the combined nian Catholic Church will hold its annual dian institute of Ukrainian Studies and of the preceding three conferences on organizations 01 the St. Demetrius parish picnic at the Bohemian Hall and the department of economics at Temple Ukrainian economics, the conference Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral will hold Park, 29-01 24th Ave., beginning at 1 University, will take place here on papers will subsequently be published in their 54th Annual Ukrainian Day Cele– p.m. The festivities will include home- September 7-9. a separate volume. bration at the St. Demetrius Ukrainian made Ukrainian food, entertainment by the РОСА orchestra, a lottery, games it will consist of five sessions at which At present Ukraine is experiencing Community Center and grounds, 691 Roosevelt Ave., noon - 10 p.m. Featured and prizes. Admission is S6 for adults, S3 20 papers will be presented. The spea– truly revolutionary changes, in addition will be Ukrainian foods, crafts, and for students age 12-17 and free for kers will deal with the following pro– to pressures to obtain political indepen– blems: conditions in the Ukrainian games with prizes. The cultural program, children underage 12. For more informa– dence, the critical need to convert the tion call the parish, (212) 932-4060. All economy in general, including political directed by Walter Yurcheniuk, will compromised command economy to a begin at 2 p.m. and will be followed by proceeds to benefit the completion of the ramifications; the economy's perfor– socially responsible market economy is dancing to the music of Danny and the lower hall of the church. mance by important economic sectors of the highest priority for the Ukrainian Antratones Band, 5-Ю p.m. Admission is since the 1970s as well as some projec– people. The conference and planned 55 at the door. For more information call tions until the year 2000; the availabi– WOONSOCKET, R.1.: St. Michael's publication will make an important Alice Balazs, (201)636-1493. Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 74 Harris lity and quality of human and material intellectual contribution to the solution Ave., will hold its annual parish picnic on resources; the welfare of the Ukrainian of these urgent problems, according to September 6 the church grounds, beginning at 11:30 population, including such an impor– organizers. a.m. Featured will be Ukrainian foods, tant issue as environmental conditions. NEW YORK:TheShevchenko Scientific pony rides, games and music. For more The conference will conclude with a The conference is open to anyone Society invites the community to a details call the parish (401) 762-3939. plenary session for which a wide- interested. For further information, lecture presented by Gennadiy Yosy– ranging discussion is scheduled. contact Prof. 1. S. Koropeckyj, Depart– povych Udovenko, the permanent repre– STAMFORD, Conn.: The Connecticut Twenty-five scholars are scheduled to ment of Economics, Temple University, sentative of the Ukrainian SSR to the State Ukrainian Day Committee will participate in the conference; they hail Philadelphia, Pa. 19122; (215) 787- U.N., who will speak on the Declara– sponsor its annual Ukrainian Day Festi– from the United States, Canada, Ger– 8168. tion of State Sovereignty of Ukraine and val on the grounds of St. Basil's Semi- the position of the Permanent Mission of nary, Glenbrook Road. The day will the Ukrainian SSR to the U.N. regarding begin with a pontifical divine liturgy at 11 this document. The evening will begin a.m. celebrated by Bishop Basil Losten. The Ukrainian National Association at 7 p.m. at 63 Fourth Ave., between immediately following the liturgy, picnic Ninth and 10th streets. To obtain more foods and other refreshments will be has the honor of sponsoring information call (212) 254-5130. available. A program of Ukrainian songs and dances will be presented starting at 2 September 8 p.m. І ours ot the museum on the grounds the U.S. appearances of will be conducted during the day, and HARTFORD: Ukrainian School classes there will be an opportunity to browse at St. Michael's Parochial School, 125 through various outdoor arts and crafts Wethersfield Ave., will begin with a exhibits. Music for dancing will be MYKHA1LO HORYN liturgy at 9 a.m. and will be followed by provided by the orchestra CharivniOchi. lessons until 1 p.m. Parents will have a meeting at 10:30 a.m. Pre-registration for PARMA, Ohio: The Brotherhood of St. Svitlychka is required for children age 3. viadimir's Ukrainian Orthodox Cathe– Call the Rev. Chomko, (203) 525-7823, dral will sponsor its annual clam bake in Chairman, or Marta Kuzmowycz, director, (401) the parish center immediately following 647-5138, for further information. the 10 a.m. divine liturgy. Music for Secretariat of Rukh, dancing will be provided. Tickets are 514 for adults, 57 for children under age 12. the Popular Movement of BAYviLLE, N.J.: A Chinese Auction to Contact the parish rectory, (216) 886- Ukraine for Perebudova benefit the building fund of St. Stephen's 1528 or (216) 885-1509, for more infor– Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tom's mation or to purchase tickets. River will be held at the Bayville Fire House on Route 9. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and a 54 donation will include OYSTER BAY, N.Y.: A Beethoven tickets, coffee and cake. For tickets festival presented by the Friends of the or details call J. Вігі, (201) 269-2462, or Arts will be held at the Planting Fields M. Glowa, (201)341-9034. Arboretum, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Eme– vice-Chairman, rald Trio, featuring Juliana Osinchuk, NEWARK, N.J.: The Ukrainian Na– piano, Jue Yao, violin, Eugene Bondi, National Council, tional Center: History and information cello, and guest artist Rebecca Osborn, the popular opposition Network presents a public meeting with viola, will perform Beethoven's Piano Rep. James Traficant in the gymnasium Trio Op. 70 No. 1 and Piano Quartet Op. in Ukraine's Parliament of St. John the Baptist U krainian Catho– 16. Performance times are approxi– lic School, 2 p.m. Mr. Traficant will mately 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Tickets are Si5. speak on the case of John Demjanjuk, Call (516) 922-0061 for more informa– OSl's involvement and the defamation of tion. Ukrainians. Also speaking will beattor– ney Bohdan vitvitsky as well as members September 15 Public meetings have been scheduled as follows: of the Committee to Aid John Demjan– juk, who will give a briefing on the new PALAT1NE, ill.: The Ukrainian Ameri– developments and the appeal of the case. can Youth Association will hold its For any further information call annual Autumn Social beginning with a ^ CLEvELAND: Tuesday, September 4, 7:30 p.m. UNCHA1N, (201)373-9729. steak fry at 6 p.m. A vechirka (dance) will follow immediately after. Those partici– St. Josaphat's Sheptytsky Hall NEW YORK: The Ukrainian National pating in the festivities will have an 5720 State Road Center: History and information Net- opportunity to learn more about assist– Contact: Wasyl Liscynesky, (216) 888-4220 work presents a public meeting at 6 p.m. ing various organizations in Ukraine and with Rep. James Traficant at the Ukrai– goals for future aid. Admission is S15 per nian National Home, 140 Second Ave. person with proceeds going to the "U– ' DETROlT: Thursday, September 6, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Traficant will speak on the case of kraine Fund." For more information and John Demjanjuk, OSl's involvement and reservations call (708) 358-3582 during St. Mary Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Auditorium the defamation of Ukrainians. Also the evening hours. 21931 Evergreen Road speaking will be attorney Askold Lozyn– sky as well as members of the Committee MONTAGUE, N.J.: The 11th annual Contact: Zenon Wasylkewycz, (313) 883-1602 to Aid John Demjanjuk, who will give a Chornomorska Sitch Golf Tournament briefing on the new developments and the will take place at the Highpoint Country appeal of the case. For more information Club, starting at 11 a.m. Prizes and " CH1CAGO: Saturday, September 8, 6 p.m. (banquet) call UNCHA1N, (201) 373-9729. trophies have been contributed by L krai– St. volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church Auditorium nian businesses and organizations. Ad- September 9 mission to the tournament is S65 and 2245 Superior Street must be paid prior to September 10: a Contact: Dr. Bohdan Tkaczuk, (312) 486-3699 WARNERS, N.Y.: The Sisterhood of St. check may be mailed directly to Bohdan Luke's U krainian Orthodox Church, Harasym, 5 Manitou Way. Scotch Plains, 3290 Warners Road, invites thecommu– NJ. 07076. Further information may be - WASH1NGTON: Thursday, September 13, 7:30 p.m. nity to its 36th annual picnic, beginning obtained from Bohdan Harasvm, (201) Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family at noon. Featured will be raffles, crafts 889-7055, or Nestor L. Olesnycky. (201) and music, as well as a barbeque chicken 763-2001. This year there will be no late 4250 Harewood Road NE dinner. Tickets are S7 at the door. For registration at the course and only 64 Contact UNA Washington Office, (202) 347-8629 more information call (315) 468-1981. All golfers will be permitted to play.