з? hshed by the Ukrainian National Association inc., a fraternal non-profit associitionl Mrainian Weekly vol. ivni No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 50 cents On the road to independence of Ukraine Mykhailo Horyn arrives in U.S. Chairman of Rukh Secretariat sees Plans to meet with decision-makers, media Ukraine's vital role in world affairs by Marta Kolomayets Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian j SSR and just nine weeks before the і JERSEY C1TY, NJ. - Mykhailo second congress of Rukh, Mr. j Horyn, the chairman of the Secreta– Horyn has traveled for the first time j riat of Rukh, the Popular Move– to the West to meet with both U.S. ^ ment of Ukraine for Perebudova, and Canadian government leaders, j and a people s deputy to the Supreme political, cultural, ecological and j Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR repre– economic interest groups, as well as ! senting the city of Lviv in western the Ukrainian diaspora community, і Ukraine, has traveled many a diffi– During his five-week stay in the j cult road in life. West, Mr. Horyn hopes to outline ; Labeled an "especially dangerous Rukh s future plans and meet with і recidivist" by the Soviet authorities the Western media, in order to make j during his many years in the gulag, them aware that Ukraine, a nation of this former political prisoner cur- 52 million people, is destined to j rent lv faces even greater challenges become a major player within the l as he stands at the forefront of European and world communities. democratic changes in Ukraine to- Below, he offers some thoughts on l day. the first session of the Supreme І A leading activist of the Ukrainian Soviet which concluded in early Au– ; Republican Party, and a newly elect– gust, as well as the forthcoming j ed vice-chairman of the democratic Rukh congress and the role of Rukh j і Roma Hadzewycz National Council, Mr. Horyn advo– support groups in the West. Mykhailo Horyn and his daughter, Oksana (left), are welcomed to the U.S. by cates full independence for Ukraine; Ukrainian National Association officers Ulana Diachuk, Walter Sochan and he was one of 10 Democratic Bloc Changes in Ukraine occur at such Alexander Blahitka (partially hidden). Standing in the rear is Robert McConnell of parliamentarians who together with a rapid pace that it is often difficult to Ukraine 2000. 10 Communist Party deputies corn- gauge the significance of these events. by Roma Hadzewycz House, the National Conference on posed the Declaration on State So– One such occasion was the passage of Soviet Jewry (a meeting that included vereignty of Ukraine, which passed, the Supreme Soviet's Declaration on NEW YORK - Mykhailo Horyn, representatives also of the Coalition for overwhelmingly, on July 16. State Sovereignty. The Democratic І chairman of the Secretariat of the Soviet Jewry, Jewish Labor Organiza– Describing himself as a hopeless Bloc, which faced many a difficult : Popular Movement of Ukraine for tion and the National Jewish Commu– optimist, Mr. Horyn sees Ukraine moment during its first days of work і Perebudova (Rukh), the leading demo– nity Relations Advisory Council), the emerging as a powerful, indepen– in May, has emerged an influential j cratic force in the republic, arrived at Wall Street Journal and the Council on dent, democratic, united state — a minority within the Parliament. How І New York's Kennedy international Foreign Relations, which publishes the vital part of the European world effective was the Democratic Bloc, ; Airport on Saturday afternoon, August journal, Foreign Affairs. A meeting community during the 1990s. which numbers approximately 140 ; 25, for a five-week visit to the United with editors of The New York Times is On the eve of the fall session of the (Continued on page 3) States and Canada. among other meetings already sche– He was invited to this country by duled. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Уа.) and is touring Among the Ukrainian groups with the U.S. under the auspices of the which Mr. Horyn has met during his Ukrainian National Association, the first week in the United States was the largest Ukrainian fraternal organiza– Ukrainian National Credit Union Ad- tion in the world. ministration; his first public appearance While in the U.S., Mr. Horyn, who is before the Ukrainian community was also a people's deputy to the Ukrainian on Wednesday evening, August 29, at SSR Supreme Soviet and a vice-chair- New York's Ukrainian National Home. man of the popular opposition group in During their stay in the New York Parliament known as the National metropolitan area, Mr. Horyn and his Council (Narodna Rada), will meet daughter are under the medical care of with major news media and human Dr. Lubomyr Jawny. rights organizations as well as with (Continued on page 3) high-level representatives of the Bush administration, members of Congress and other leading decision-makers and 1NS1DE: foreign policy advisers. Mr. Horyn, 60, is traveling with his Ф An assessment of the Ukrai– daughter, Oksana. 26. His itinerary nian Parliament's first session — includes visits to New York, Cleveland, page 2. Detroit, Chicago, Washington and Ф A visit to Hoshiv church and Philadelphia, as well as Soyuzivka, the impressions of Zakarpattia — UNA's upstate New York resort. After centerfold. September 16 he is to travel to Canada fR^maHadzewycz at trie invitation of the Canadian Ф Arcadia Olenska-Petryshyn's Mykhailo Horyn, chairman of the Rukh Secretariat and people's deputy of Friends of Rukh. art exhibit in Lviv; Alex Holub re- the Ukrainian SSR. As of press time Mr. Horyn had turns to tour Ukraine - page 10. already had meetings at Freedom ^2. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1990 No. 35 І f "'"'4 AQLltfPSE OF SOviET kEAUTY SNUM slates major conference LONDON - The Association of launch an all-Ukrainian SNUM news- independent Ukrainian Youth paper which, despite objections from (SNUM), a national-democratic inde– Lviv, was voted in. The editorial board As assessment of first session pendent youth group, held a conference of this new all-Ukrainian SNUM news- of its executive on August 11 in Kiev. paper consists of: A. Karpinsky (Lviv), of the Ukrainian Parliament According to the Ukrainian Press P. Puzov (Kiev), Shytatyj (Cherkasy). Agency, representatives of local groups Andriy Cheremsky , head of the by Dr. David Marples ing regions in Kiev, Chernihiv, Zhy– were present from the following areas: nationalistic Kharkiv-based Associa– tomyr and Rivne oblasts in particular, Kiev, Poltava, volyn, Odessa, Sumy, tion of Ukrainian Youth (SUM), at– The first session of the Ukrainian have been under heavy pressure from Kamianets-Podilsky, Khmelnytsky, tended as an observer. He stated his Supreme Soviet came to a close earlier constituents to address the issue in Lviv, Zakarpattia, Cherkasy, Cher– objection to SUM joining the all- this month, having approved - accord– much more depth. nivtsi and Chernihiv. Ukrainian SNUM structure, in the not ing 1 to its chairman, Leonid M. Krav– Turning to the regional level, western it was agreed to hold a conference on too distant future Mr. Cheremskyj chuk — about 150 legal acts and impor– Ukraine has represented the most September 15 devoted to the topic of claimed that SUM would be launched tant decrees. Among the acts have been nationally conscious part of Ukraine, at Ukrainian nationalism and the youth throughout Ukraine to compete on a the Declaration of State Sovereignty, times dragging the rest of the republic movement. Members of the diaspora platform of integral nationalism with followed by the Decree on the Economic along with it on reforms such as that have been invited from Toronto, Mu– the national-democratic SNUM. At the independence of the Ukrainian SSR, a prohibiting military service for Ukrai– nich and London. Mr. Zadorozhnyi moment SUM exists only in Kharkiv major re-analysis of the effects of nians outside the republic. gave a report about the holding of the and Donetske, where it has some 70-100 Chornobyl, and others. vyacheslav Chornovil, the chairman sports^ military camp in the Carpathian members. These acts have redefined the posi– of the Lviv Oblast government, has mountains. Regional representatives SNUM, which held its inaugural tion of Ukraine within the Soviet Union remained an unpopular figure in the gave reports about their participation in congress in May in ivano-Frankivske, and broken new ground for the future. minds of many Ukrainian Communist the Rukh-sponsored "Days of Kozak has 3,000 members and branches in Yet when the session began in mid-May, leaders, but there is little doubt that he Glory" in August. most oblasts. there was little indication that there and like-minded deputies have been Another discussion centered upon would ever be enough unanimity in the largely responsible for the important house to provoke such a spate of new the state of the SNUM independent conception of Ukraine as a nation press, with a proposal from Odessa to Pravda correspondent laws. Bitter disputes occurred between rather than a Soviet, socialist republic. the Communist majority and the oppo– Western Ukraine is by far the most banned from Lviv sition, especially during the election of a politicized region of Ukraine; evidence chairman. Solzhenitsyn responds LONDON - The Pravda correspon– suggests also that reformers such as Mr. dent in Lviv, v. Drodz, has been warned Two questions, therefore, arise: How Chornovil are themselves only in the by the Lviv Oblast Council that he is did the situation change? How revo– middle of a wide-ranging political to Soviet invitation persona non grata and therefore has lutionary has this legislation been, i.e., spectrum here. NEW YORK - in a letter written to to move to another oblast by October has Ukraine taken a path of irreversible in any event, whether in politics, ivan Silayev, the prime minister of the 1.
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