| Figure 1: Map of showing the location of


Geography Location Western Uganda Neighbors Nwoya, Oyam, Apac, , area 3,624.1 KM2 Arable land area 1,747 KM2

Socio-Economic Characteristics Population (2014 Census) 266,197 Refugees and Asylum seekers (April 2017) 50,935 Languages English, Ganda, Swahili Main Economic Activity Agriculture Major tradeables , Sweet Potatoes, , Beans and Groundnuts

Infrastructure and strategic positioning Transport network Road network, Communication: MTN, Airtel, UTL, Internet


ÂÂKiryandongo district is located in ÂÂThe District has a land area of the mid-western part of Uganda, 3,624.1 km2 of which 1,747 km2 with its headquarters 218 Km from is arable. . It borders in the North, Oyam in the North East, Apac in the East, Masindi in the South and South West and Buliisa in the North West.

KIRYANDONGO District Investment Profile 3 DEMOGRAPHY

ÂÂThe 2014 Population and politically triggered violence in Housing Census recorded their country; Kiryandongo population at (ii) the refugees who ran from the 266,197, of which 133,701 ’s 2007-08 post-election (50.3%) are males and 132,496 violence. Other groups are: (49.7%) are females. The population density stands at 74 (iii) the internally displaced persons persons per km2. (IDP) mainly the Acholi who were victims the Kony’s LRA rebel ÂÂThe refugees in Kiryandongo activities during 1990s and belong to diverse ethnic backgrounds basically because (iv) persons displaced by the of their origin; the Acholi, Eastern region’s Bududa land the Masaaba, Kenyan Luos, slide in 2010. This is in line the Congolese and the South with Uganda’s transformational Sudanese Dinkas, Kuku, Nuer, approach to refugees that allows Kakwa, Madi, and Siluk. them freedom of movement and business. It aims at making ÂÂKiryandongo is hosting refugees refugees in Uganda self-reliant who several neighbouring and locally integrated with the countries: host communities thus alleviating (i) the South Sudanese who have fled their restriction, lack and and continue to flee from the uncertainty.

300,000 279,900 266,197 272,400 250,000




57,181 50,000 46,315 50,935 36,637 - 2014 20152 0162 017


ÂÂThe majority of the population Share of major agricultural in the district are engaged in commodities in Kiryandongo farming. Major crops grown S. Potatoes include Cassava, Sweet Potatoes, 7% Maize, Beans and Groun dnuts. Cassava 25% Others are Simsim, Rice Beans 22% and vegetables. Cash crops including Cotton, Sunflower and Tobacco are widely grown for income generation. Other major activities carried out include G. Nuts livestock rearing, fishing. 30% Maize 30% ÂÂMany people particularly women engage in activities as farming, road-side groceries, market vending, restaurants, hair care, and health care clinics. Men also engage in wholesale and retail merchandising, metal fabrication, carpentry work, motor vehicle repair workshops, taxi driving and (motorcycle and bicycle) for-hire transportation. ÂÂA large percentage of the refugees (74%) are involved in economic activities, agriculture being the main activity at 50% and others being retail business and working as casual labourers | Doreen Aweko, a tailor and beneficiary of Kiry- andongo Refugee Settlement Project to generate income. From this large number of enterprising and human capabilities exist for refugees, it may be assumed the refugees to exploit to gain that sufficient economic scope social-economic independence.


Strategic Location ÂÂThe District is generally a plateau land with an altitude of ÂÂKiryandongo is located at 1,295 meters above sea level. the intersection of Uganda’s Kiryandongo is endowed with prime productive northern and favourable climatic conditions southern regions. It is a strategic and has a bimodal rainfall transit area for bulk goods pattern; the highest rainfall is movement from the western, normally received in August southern and central districts – November and an annual toward the northern districts average rainfall of 1,200mm. and Southern Sudan and DRC. This is suitable for largescale Additionally, the government agriculture. and partner agencies are committed to supporting the ÂÂMineral resources potential economic development of the such as presence of nickel, district as demonstrated by platinum, chromium and iron their underlying infrastructure has been studied and awaiting developments. confirmation through further tests. Extensive Natural Resources Enabling Environment ÂÂKiryandongo has abundant ÂÂTransport infrastructure natural resources including Government has heavily invested fertile land, water resources, in strategic projects aiming at able to support commercial consolidating the infrastructural agricultural production. and institutional set ups Kiryandongo district has a necessary for attracting and land area of 3,624.1 km2 and retaining increased investments adequate surface and sub- at national and district levels. surface water reserves which Among these include: can be harnessed and utilized for commercial agriculture and –Masindi Road livestock. connecting Kiryandongo

6 KIRYANDONGO District Investment Profile | Hydro Power dam under construction

District from Kigumba Town in Energy Infrastructure and onwards to Kiryandongo is supplied with other districts in the west and electricity from the main southwest. The road has been of National grid. Karuma Hydro gravel surface and the works to Power Project is a government upgrade it to bitumen surface investment Project located have started. at on the The Kampala-Kafu-Karuma- Victoria in the Districts of links Kiryandongo to Kampala Kiryadongo, Oyam and Amuru. and to the Northern regions. The construction of the dam This major road is tarmac and is and power station officially regularly maintained. started in August 2013, expected The other roads are classified as to be completed in 2018. The urban, rural community access Government motivation for roads and district roads. About this massive investment is its 60% in terms of km distance, commitment to lower the unit of these roads are passable by cost of electricity so as to make motor vehicles. industries more cost competitive. When completed, it will produce up to 600 megawatts of electricity which will be added to the National grid.

KIRYANDONGO District Investment Profile 7 Karuma Hydropower Project, besides generating electricity is designed with expectation to improve the surrounding community’s services such as access to clean water supply, improved education and health facilities in nearby villages, and enhanced road infrastructure. Such amenities as schools, and health facilities (two hospitals) are to be set up. Elaboration by: Mr. Sam Kakumba, District Commercial Officer, Kiryandongo

Skilled and productive schools to enhance education in manpower Kiryandongo District: seventy- three government aided primary ÂÂKiryandongo district is endowed schools; four government aided with industrious, technically secondary schools; and two capable and affordable government tertiary institutions. manpower. Reputable technical institutions are well established and offer workplace oriented Supportive Local training in many courses. Such Government structures institutions include; Uganda ÂÂThe Local Government structures Petroleum Institute, Kigumba; integrate the political structure Bweyale Nursing School; under the district Chairman and Kigumba Cooperative College; the technical structure under Kigumba Business Vocational Chief Administrative Officer CAO) Institute; Kiryandongo Technical in order to effectively provide Institute among others. the necessary services. Investors ÂÂIn the education sector, the are assisted by the different government has invested in departments in the local

8 KIRYANDONGO District Investment Profile government depending on the issues at hand. UIA is enhancing Government Investment the existing local government The Uganda Petroleum Institute investor services by promoting Kigumba (UPIK) is a government- the one stop centre concept at owned institution engaged in the district level. In this regard, training, research and consultancy the District Commercial Officer in the field of petroleum (DCO) is the facilitator of new exploration, recovery, refinement investors, to fulfil all required and responsible utilization in steps in investment start up. Uganda. The institute is located ÂÂThe Uganda Investment Authority in Kigumba town in Kiryandongo (UIA) has further embarked on District, Western Uganda. establishing District Investment It was established in 2009 and Committees (DICs) to spearhead its first student enrolment was investment attraction, facilitation in 2010. The institute will supply and aftercare in different sectors. most needed technical expertise The DIC is a 10 member task to the Uganda oil industry. It plans force comprised of five local a total enrolment of 220 students government representatives: the by 2019, up from 54 in 2014.In the District Chairman, the CAO, the medium term the government is implementing actions to DCO, District Planner and the upgrade this institute from a Lands Officer while the other 5 vocational school to a fully-fledged members are chosen from the International University. private sector.

Attractive Incentive regime WHY INVEST IN KIRYANDONGO DISTRICT? IN KIRYANDONGO WHY INVEST ÂÂUganda’s incentive package for both domestic and foreign investors provides generous terms, particularly for medium- and long-term investors whose projects entail significant plant and machinery costs. Below is a snapshot of selected incentives. The incentive structure is currently under revision. For details, refer to

KIRYANDONGO District Investment Profile 9 Category 1- Initial Allowances: Category 3 - Other Annual Depreciation Allowances include: Initial capital expenditures which are deductible once from the »» 5% on Industrial Buildings, Company’s Income: Hotels & Hospitals; »» 75% of cost of plant and »» 20% on Farming - General machinery for an investment farm works; located outside Kampala, »» 20% on Horticultural Plant Entebbe, Jinja area; and Construction of Green- »» 100% of scientific research houses using straight line expenditure; depreciation 100% of training expenditure; »» ÂÂIn addition to the above »» 100% of mineral exploration incentives, there is a zero rate expenditure; of import duty on plant and »» 25% of start-up costs are machinery as well as a uniform deductible over four years. corporate tax rate of 30%. ÂÂThe depreciation allowances, plus the deductible initial capital Category 2- Annual Depreciation allowances are provided without Allowances: discretion to eligible investors in The following allowances, under order reduce their taxable income declining balance method, are during the crucial early years of provided for assets as specified in a project. The investor therefore 4 classes below: keeps a high proportion of its »» Class I: 45% on Computers & cash flow and income for further Data handling equipment; investment.

WHY INVEST IN KIRYANDONGO DISTRICT? IN KIRYANDONGO WHY INVEST »» Class 2: 35% on Automobiles, Construction and Earth moving equipment; »» Class 3: 30% on Buses, Goods Vehicles. Tractors, Trailers, Plant & Machinery for farming, and mining; »» Class 4: 20% on railroad cars, Locomotives, Vessels, Office furniture, fixtures etc.


Logistics Management lodges, restaurants etc) for the operators and drivers etc. ÂÂBweyale Township in Kiryandongo has organically (II) Establish a transportation developed as a transit or cooperative, for the efficient stop over area for bulk goods management of the vehicles and movement from the western, related logistics. Instead of one southern and central districts owner micromanaging one or two toward the Northern districts vehicles which therefore involves and Southern Sudan and DRC. many more owners crowding this Kiryandongo is strategically activity, in the cooperative model situated with major highway the vehicles are managed by junction areas, which are only hired competent personnel using 58km apart. These are: (i) appropriate transportation ICT Masindi – Kigumba, Kigumba applications. – , and Kampala – Gulu roads junction; (ii) Another Housing and Hospitality junction is at Karuma: Karuma – ÂÂInvestment opportunities exist Pakwach – Arua, Karuma – Gulu/ in setting up of middle and Lira, and Kampala – Gulu. These high end hotels, residential, and junctions/highway intersections office houses and warehouses. create and sustain a natural Kigumba and Bweyale experience concentration of bulk movement influx of people who come for traffic. Investment opportunities business for a short period. There arising out this are: is therefore demand for good (i) A logistics service aimed at and comfortable hotels and other organizing conducive traffic stop amenities for the higher income over facilities in the form of category of people. Investment paid for terminals. The terminals Opportunities also exists in would offer all necessary constructing a hotel in the amenities for servicing, National Park. refueling, weighing, loading and ÂÂMoreover, many technical offloading the bulk vehicles as institutions have been well as conveniences (shops,

KIRYANDONGO District Investment Profile 11 established and are enrolling ÂÂInput supply services students from many parts of There are opportunities in the country and beyond. Their supplying the services needed sustained presence in the for remunerative food production areas around the schools is an including availing arable land, opportunity to invest in the provision of inputs, provision demanded housing facilities. of farming advisory services ÂÂMore well-off refugees are and financing of agricultural moving into Kiryandongo production. Provision of special because of its cosmopolitan extension services oriented nature and opting to self-settle to availing and promotion of instead of living in the refugee irrigation services and equipment; camps. They need housing to promotion and training in new rent and acquire. methods of feeding livestock and preparation of long shelf life Commercial agriculture nutritious fodder. ÂÂThere is opportunity for large Upgrading of the fish scale production of highly processing industry demanded commodities such as, Cassava, Sweet potatoes, Establishment of fish hatchery in Beans, Maize and Ground nuts. the district to produce quality fish Sunflower, Tobacco, Cotton. fry for catfish, Tilapia and Mirror carp and this is justified by lack of quality fries for farmers produced within the region. The famers procure fish fries from down Country especially in Kampala, Wakiso and District which is not cost effective. Establishment of fish feed manufacturing factory for quality feeds with standard formulation and this would encourage fish farmers and promote fish farming in the district.


Mukwano Group is one of the leading companies in Uganda. Its agriculture operations are based in the Lango and subregions. The company has a commercial farm in Kiryandongo focusing on growing Sunflower, Maize and Soya bean which are raw materials for the group’s industries. The company also works in partnership with outgrowers. Its benefits to the community and the country include: Provision of employment to over 45,000 outgrowers, steady and reliable market, social economic infrastructure in form of feeder roads; farming knowledge to the farmers through extension services, corporate social responsibility in education and health.

KIRYANDONGO District Investment Profile 13 ÂÂMurchison Falls National Park (MFNP) Murchison Falls National Park (MFNP) is a national park in Uganda and managed by the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) an agency of the Government. It is found in north-western Uganda, spreading inland from the shores of , around the Victoria Nile, up to the Karuma Falls. Together with the adjacent Bugungu Wildlife Reserve and Karuma Wildlife Reserve, the park forms the Murchison Falls. The park connects the districts of Buliisa, Nwoya, Kiryandongo, and Masindi. A number of routes can be used to access the park and one of them is the park’s Bugungu gate in Kiryandongo. The route includes a passage through Budongo Forest and a memorable descent of the rift valley escarpment with views across Lake Albert towards the mountains of the Congo. ÂÂIn education sector, many investors have invested in private schools which are providing education service alongside the government schools. Kiryandongo district has thirty four private primary schools; twenty four private secondary schools and one private tertiary institution.

14 KIRYANDONGO District Investment Profile KEY CONTACTS

Name Position Phone Number Email Address Mr. Charles Ntairehoki District Chairman 0772524813 [email protected] Mr. Robert Mulondo Chief Administrative Officer 0772521556 [email protected] Mr. Moses Atuha Ndaaga District Planner 0792823755 [email protected] Mr. Sam Kakumba District Commercial Officer 0703545308 [email protected]

KIRYANDONGO District Investment Profile 15 Mrs. Jolly K. Kaguhangire Mme. Rosa Malango Executive Director, Uganda UN Resident Coordinator/ Investment Authority UNDP Resident Representative


Uganda Investment Authority United Nations Development The Investment Centre Plot 22B Programme (UNDP) Lumumba Avenue Plot 11 Yusuf Lule Road P.O.Box 7418, Kampala, Uganda P.O.Box 7184 Tel: +256-414301000 Kampala, Uganda Fax+256-414342903 Tel: +256-417112100 http// Fax: +256-414344801