The Desert Sun (Palm Springs : 1934)

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The Desert Sun (Palm Springs : 1934) PALM SPRINGS. CALIF 4D ■The Desert Sun Tuesday, March 25, 1947 Pioneertown, 30 RADIO LOG Miles Away, Will 1340 Revive Early Days rwwmWfWmam on Your Dial A new road to Pioneertown, the final phase of a scenic high- way which brings Bear Valley TUESDAY, Mar. 25 12:30—Music for Lunch'n 12:55—Financial Service about 55 miles from Palm Springs 12:45—D. P. news 1:00—Lions Club Lun’n is now open. Pioneertown. the 1:00—House Party 12:55—Financial Service 1:25—Desert Favorites new old west town in the San I:2s—Desert Favorites I:oo—House Party 1:30—Evelyn Winters Bernardino mountains, is only 30 1:30—Evelyn Winters I:26—Desert Favorites I:4s—Very Special miles from the Village by way 1:45—Very Special I:3o—Evelyn Winters 2:00—Amer. Air School of Indian avenue and a pano- 2:00—Amer. Air School. 1:45—Very Special 2:30—Meet the Missus ramic scenic road. 2:3o—Palm Springs H5 2:oo—Amer. Air School 3:00—E. Severeld, news 2:46—Meet the Missus 2:3o—Meet the Missus 3:15—Easy Listenin’ Pioneertown is a California 3:00—E. Severled, news 3:00—E. SevereId. news 3:30—Bed Barber, sports corporation and has a well- 3:l6—Easy Listenin’ 3:ls—Easy Listenin’ 3:45—80b Trout, news planned program which is now 3:30—Red Barber, sports 3:30—Red Barber, sports 4:00—Call of the Range under way. 3:46 —Bob Trout, news 3:46—80b Trout, news 4:15—Sunset Serenade be the 4:00—Call of the Range 4:00—Call of the Range 4:30—Mr. Keen THE OLD WEST will Features theme of the spot with its Main 4:l6—Sunset Serenade 4:ls—Melody House 5:00—Ft. Page 4:30 —Music Masterwks. 5:16—1n the Sportllte street, 1849 architectural design, 4:3o—Amer. Melody Hr 5:00—Ft. Page Peat. 5:25—Desert News and atmosphere of the old days. s:oo—Ft. Page Features 5:15—1n the Sportllte 5:30—H. W. Flannery All the natural scenery used in 5:15—1n the Sportllte 5:25—Desert News 5:45—80b Garred. news filming western stories will be 5:3O—H. W. Flannery 5:54—8i1l Henry available and motion picture s:2s—Desert News companies are already planning 5:30—H. W. Flannery 5:45—80b Garred, news 6:00—Dick Haymes 6:3o—Crime Photog’phr. to make use of its facilities. 6:45—Bob Garred, news 5:54—8i1l Henry 6:oo—Songs by Sinatra 7:oo—Radio Digest Long riding trails, a rodeo 5:54—Bill Henry ground, boating 6:00—Vox Pop 6:30—Dinah Shore 7:3o—Holly'wd. Startime a lake for and In Music a large am- 6:3o—Sheptenko Concert 7:oo—Dinner Concert 7:45—Designs fishing and natural Muslcale 7:30 —Inform’tn Please 8:00—Lowell Thomas pitheater where the Messiah will 7:oo—Comm. Smith show presented annually, are 7:3o—Open Hearing 8:00—Lowell Thomas B:ls—Jack be in 8:30—F.8.1. Peace, War 8:00Lowell Thomas B:ls—Jack Smith show prospect. B:55—C. Alcott, news 8:15—Jack Smith show 8:30—Dr. Christian THERE WILL BE a stage coach 8:30Mel Blanc show Alcott, news 9 ;00—Suspense 8:55—C. 9:3o—Bing Crosby Show rides, hitching posts before the B:55—C. Alcott, news 9:oo—Jack Carson Show 10:00—C. Huntley, news stores, board walks, the old water 9:oo—Big Town 9:3o—Ellery Queen adv replica the Old West, with its —M. Charles, organ trough in the center of the square —Not so far from Palm Springs is Pioneertown, a of 9:30—Chinch of God 10:00—C. Huntley, news 10:15 PIONEERTOWN Palm Springs. 10:30—Linda Lopez Trio and a “saloon” of the old west- Main street and 49-er architecture. The above map shows its relation to 10:00—C. Huntley, news 10:15—M. Charles, organ 10:45—Dance Orchestra ern type. 10:15—M. Charles, organ 10:30—Silver Dollar Quiz hubby is very 11:00—Music for Party An addition for homesites of FERTILIZER j Bright colors are better for in- The average 10:30—Harold Graham 11:00—Music for Party one A man of Rood will does not | USE OF wife’s 12:00—Sign off. and one-quarter acres, each COMPARED j fants’ toys than the pastel hued choosy in picking his 10:45—Dance Orchestra 12:00—Sign off. with roads, water and fire plugs come to the conference table says a depart- 11:00—Music for Party j compara- | rattles mothers and grandmothers Christmas presents, FRI., Mar. 28 every thousand feet is open now with a loaded revolver in his, Corn belt states use buyer. Maybe in the 12:00—Sign Off THURS., Mar. prefer to buy. ment store 27 7:00—Sundlalers Club as Pionecrtown’s developers say pocket and an atomic bomb be-; tively small amounts of commer- I leave her compared with Wladimir G. Eliasberg, Rut- hope that they’ll 7:00 —Sundlalers Club 7:30—8. Garred, news it is an all-year town hind his back.—C. C. Hurd. Al- | cial fertilizers —Dr. WED., Mar. 26 around States, gers university psychiatrist. speechless. 7:30—B. Garred, news 7:4s—The Pact Finder at an elevation of 4,000 feet. leghcny college dean. other regions of the United I 7:00-Sundlalers Club 7:4s—The Pact Finder B:oo—Notes for the Day j 7:30—Bob Garred, news B:oo—Notes for the Day 8:25—U. P. news 7:45—The Pact Finder B:2S—U.P. news B:3o—Grand Slam 8:00—Notes for the Day 8:30—Grand Slam 8:45—Rosemary B:2s—United Press News 8:45—Rosemary 9:00—Kate Smith B:3o—Grand Slam 9:oo—Kate Smith 9:15—Aunt Jenny 8:45—Rosemary 9:15—Aunt Jenny 9:3o—Helen Trent 9:0OKate Smith 9:30 —Helen Trent 9:4s—Our Gal Sunday 9:15—Aunt Jenny 9:4s—Our Gal Sunday 10:00Big Sister 9:30—Helen Trent 10:00Big Sister 10:15—Ma Perkins Malone 9:45Our Gal Sunday 10:15—Ma Perkins 10:30—Young Dr. | 10:00—Big Sister 10:30—Young Dr. Malone 10:45—Road of Life Burton 10:15—Ma Perkins 10:45—Road of Life 11:00—2nd Mrs. ■ Mason adv. 10:30—Young Dr. Malone 11:00—2nd Mrs. Burton 11:15—Perry THUNDERBIRD 10:45—Road of Life 11:15—Perry Mason adv. 11:30—Lone Journey 11:45—Rose of Dreams 11:00—2nd Mrs. Burton : 11:30—Lone Journey 11:15—Perry Mason adv. 11:45—Rose of Dreams 12:00—Bob and Victoria | 1 You 11:30—Lone Journey 12:00—Bob and Victoria 12:15—Bouquet for | 1 Desert Calls 11:45—Rose of Dreams I 12:15—Bouquet for You 12:30—The 12:00—Bob and Victoria 12:30—The Desert Calls 12:45—U. P. news 1 —Financial Service j 12:15—Bouquet for You 1 12:45—U.P. news 12:55 RANCH BENEVOLENCE" CHRISTIANITY To feel much for others, and Christianity is not a theory or P little for ourselves; to restrain speculation, but a life; not a our selfish, and exercise our philosophy of life, but a life and benevolent affections, constitutes a living process.—Coleridge. "Hf-0 the prefection of human nature. wr —Adam Smith. A wise man will always be a ■<§. Christian, because the perfection fe know where lies Do not wait for extraordinary of wisdom is to good actions; tranquility of mind, and how to circumstances to do Christianity try to use ordinary situations.— attain it, which teaches.—Landor. Richter. 183K --■■ fa? fl- •:;ri '■ ■ ag ATTENTION! *r« V i JK .t HOME OWNERS i! ARCHITECTS BUILDERS 2s*S guests i nunaertnrd Kanch is run as an exclusive club for members and only. Away from traffic and crowds, it is near enough to visit interesting Commercial Department Is Equipped Our shcps, theatres and clubs of the Village. Over 600 acres in size, the ranch to Handle Every Type of Architectural has plenty of room to "stretch"—with superb views in every direction. Assignment Beside the ranch are corrals, barns, rodeo arena—with a string of horses. Truly—this is Western life at its best! LOCATED JUST NINE MILES EAST OF PALM SPRINGS Have Your Deserf Home Photographed in Color or Black and V/hife By - : -v. * / * : > -> ; '9? ‘ «■ ■ - 5* MoJ^mioSc/ • i The Plaza, Palm Springs Here is the ranch pool where one can enjoy sun-lazing at its best. It is beautiful as well as practical. It's in an enclosed PHONE 7151 patio near the dining room, so guests may have meals and refreshments served there and enjoy the full day's sun. HOLLYWOOD 9055 SUNSET BLVD. Frank Bogerf iiiiiaiiiiiniiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiniiiaiiiiiiiMiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiQiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiMMiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiinaiiitiiiiifiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiuiiiiiiiaiiiiiiii CRestview 10505 iiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiic>iiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiniaiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiii>iiiiiciiiiii>iMiiic3iiiiiiiiiiiic3iiiiiiiiiniaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiQiiiiiiiiiiiic3iiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiii.
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