South Australian Government Boards and Committees Information As at 30 June 2017 Department of the Premier and Cabinet 200 Victoria Square ADELAIDE SA 5000 Contact phone number 8429 5218 Contact email
[email protected] 30 June 2017 SA Government Boards and Committees Information Introduction This is the 20th annual report to Parliament of consolidated South Australian Government board and committee information. The report sets out the membership and remuneration arrangements of 200 part-time government boards and committees as at 30 June 2017 in order of ministerial portfolio. The information has been sourced from the Boards and Committees Information System (BCIS), a database administered by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, following extensive consultation with all ministerial offices and stakeholder agencies. Definition of boards and committees in the report The boards and committees included in this report are those which are: • established by or under an Act of Parliament of South Australia (generally excluding the Local Government Act 1999) and have a majority of members appointed by either a minister or the Governor; or • established by a minister or legal instrument such as a constitution or charter, have a majority of members appointed by a minister, and have at least one member in receipt of remuneration. The report should not be considered to be a complete listing of all government boards and committees. 2 | Page 30 June 2017 SA Government Boards and Committees Information Highlights Numbers of boards and committees 200 boards and committees are identified in the 2017 report. This is a reduction of 1 when compared with the 2016 report.