PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HUMBER RIVER TECHNICAL REPORT #3 A REPORT OF THE TORONTO AREA WATERSHED MANAGEMENT STRATEGY STEERING COMMITTEE MARCH, 1984 Copyright Provisions and Restrictions on Copying: This Ontario Ministry of the Environment work is protected by Crown copyright (unless otherwise indicated), which is held by the Queen's Printer for Ontario. It may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes if credit is given and Crown copyright is acknowledged. It may not be reproduced, in all or in part, for any commercial purpose except under a licence from the Queen's Printer for Ontario. For information on reproducing Government of Ontario works, please contact ServiceOntario Publications at
[email protected] TORONTO AREA WATERSHED MANAGEMENT STRATEGY STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBER AGENCIES Ontario Ministry of the Environment Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto Borough of East York City of Etobicoke City of North York City of Scarborough City of Toronto City of York Regional Municipality of Peel Regional Municipality of York Environment Canada PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HUMBER RIVER TECHNICAL REPORT # 3 A REPORT OF THE TORONTO AREA WATERSHED MANAGEMENT STRATEGY STEERING COMMITTEE Prepared by: S.R. Klose, B.A. Sc. Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and A. Bacchus, Technologist Water Resources Branch Ontario Ministry of the Environment March, 1984 Table of Contents Abstract iii Acknowledgements iv 1. Introduction 1 2. Description of River Basin 2 3. Methods 5 4. Results 4.1 River Profile and Channel Geometry 11 4.2 Sediment Deposition Mapping 15 4.2.1 Sediment Deposition in Reach 1 15 4.2.2 Sediment Deposition in Reaches 2 and 3 18 4.3 Time of Travel 24 5.