Great Defensive
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-V'’ • \ ... '-■ ■■ *.v ' ' \ ‘ V ■ ■ ■ • ' ■ • '- • '■ ' ' ■'■'■ • ■ • ' ^ MONDAY. JANUARY 8,194» T h e Weather PoToeeat ol U. a. tteatber ■ Manchester Evening Herald Aveng# Daily Cfrealatlon Fee «M Meath M Ooeeaber, 1644 COM wave t6alglit;,lewairt teta- The Epworih Circle of the South St..Margaret's Circle, Daughters A son Waa b"ini yesterday at. the ■to her constant contact In coach gram, memban took' turna’ raadtng peratarea zero to degreee be Hartford Hospital to Mr, and Mrs. Methodist W. » C. S. will meet this of laabclla, ' will meet tomorrow Grant Group ing people in the theater, motion orally from a phonetic reader and, low; olearlag toatght aad M r Augastlns XXelmastro o f ‘7^ Fox- pictures and radio, continues her A bou t T ow•J15 n evening at d o'clock .it th’i home '’evening in tije K. 'of C. Home. after the regular wbrk in body A REMINDER! Wedaeaday: colder-Wedaeatey. of Mrs- Thelma Woodbridge, 495 Tnerc is coi’.niderabla business to croft drive. teaching at the University of Den tachnique and. voice culture, da- Menber'el the Audit be transacted end a good turnout ver and at the University of Cali voted the rest of the program to East Middle .Turnpike. Mrs: .May Has Meeting ' When Yon Need More Roreaa cif Clrcolatloav M m slni of th«' Pino Civl^ An> I Johnson will assist the hostess. of the members la hoped for. The Miss Munel Mc<?aughey and fornia in Los Angeles. "Am ong to# study of "Dramatic Value of Maneh«$M^A City of rUlage Charm ■ucUtton ond rooldenU ot Pine January eommitteai. Mra. John Mias Millie Carman„ of Manches her interesting memories la the Sounds.” There was also an in PR ICE t h r e e CENTS Acreo, uid Pine Acreo Tpnmce, are illsa SaUy Robb, younger daugh Holden, Mra. Walter Leclcrc, Mra. ter, are registered at the Barbtxon- time she visited Oxford, England, formal diacuaalon o f "The Cherry INSURANCE (TWELVE PAGES) ’ Plaza Hotel, New York City. Expression Club Re MANCHESTER,’ <^NN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 9,19^5 reminded of the monUliy neettne ter o< Mr. and Mrs. Herbert w . John Wilson and Mrs. Thomas during the Verse Speaking Con Crehard,” starring. Eva LeGal- Fire • Thgft, •' AdtoBiobll (OlaMdOed AdvertMog aa Fag* ttl; thie': evening at the iMMe of Mr*. Robb of Center street, has re^ Conran will be th charge -of re ceives Greetings from test there in 1933, when she coach-’- lienne, a performance of which the TOt. ijtlVH NO. 83 R. A Thompeon,,' TB LinnmoM sumed her^ studies at Pratt Insti freshments. Pvt. MaiY V. Kinney, who ia tak ed the .first American to win first club recently attended. ■ or Fnmitoro drive. ^ . tute, Brooklyn, after spending the ing basic-training with the Wom Members Overseas. prize and had the. ppporlunity at holidays at .ler home. Mrs. Lucy Burdick, of Blrdh en’s Army Corps at Fort Ogle discussing interpretation of poetry CALL thorpe, Ga., expects to be assign British Tankg Head for Front street, who was chairman of the Friday evenjng, the Lillian Ger 'with poets such as John Drink- FURNACE REPAIRING Former Mectman Frank V. ed to the Arm y Medical Corps as WlUluna vrho iraa confined to A daughter waa bom Friday at successful food sale, Saturday, in trude Grant Expression Club, held wa.ter, Wallace Nichols, Gordon O a BURNER SERVICE Great St. Franfcia Honpltal to Mr. and Hale’a store, wishes to thank all a medical technician upon comple its, regular monthly meeting at Bottomley and othera. In America ALEXANDER Super-Forts Memorial' Hoapital and hia home tion of her present course. She For Fall Infonnation Call for aeverlQ weeka bv lUneaa, haa Mrs. Gerard F. Gogne of Crest- who donated fqod for the aale, all the " y ," with the president, Mlsa she has read their own work to % wood drive. who aa."*istcd al the store, as well formerly a general duty nUrse Evallne Pentland, presiding. poets such’ as the Benets. Arthur VAN CAMP BROS. ar faF, Improved aa ae be abie to at Manchester Memorial hos JARVIS we(0bme hia frienda, at hla home, aV all who patronised the sale. Greeting c’irds were received D. Ficke, Leonore Speyer. Witter 18 Veers' Bxperlelicel 26 ALEXANDER STREET ; Ever Ready Circle of King’s p ita l and' enlisted in the WACa- from the clubis two. members in the Bynner, and othera.” 'Fhe club is ToUand Turppike. TEIJEPHONE 8244 Oflee 4112 ' Eeeideeee 1S18 ^ Japair, Formosa; Daughters will hold its montliiy Membera of Glbbona Assembly. after hearing that her 'brother. always delighted when communi service,' Lt. Muriel Palmer of the Frae laapertlneal Weekdeya end SeaSoye - meeting tom-irrow evening in the C.itholir Ladiea of ColUftibusV are Staff Sergt. George A. Kinney, a Arm y Nurses’ Corps- In Ireland, cations are received from Mrs. Mc ToaigM at alght o’clock there directors’ room of the Whlton Me requeated Jo g.ither at the W. P. tiiil gunner on a Flying Fortress and Pvt. Victoria Pnloaie of the Lean as they often are. ........... .. , I ■■ .1 . .Ml li'i,..* tfi^ll be a apecial meeting of the morial I-lbfary. .Mrs. George F. Funeral'Home tills evening had been shot down over Germany. ’.Vonien’a ■ Arm y Corpa in New Listed among the "distliigulsh- . Vetarana ©f Foreign Wara Cor Borat will lead the devotions at at 8:1.5. in tribute to Dr, .lohn F. She is a native of Providence,’ R. I. Afexlco. A photograph of Pvt. p(i people in the educational field poration at the home, Mancheater the opening of the meeting at 7:4}. Bart-y, whoae wife is a member, of Palosie was also sent* to the club. who have studied with Mm. Mc ASHES an<] RUBBISl Eliicabeth R./ljCfein, who is with Defensive Oimn. Thla la an important meet The preaide.nt Mrs. Thelma Segnr the Assembly. Miss Grant read in the club ex Lean" is Miss Carolyn 'Churchill, LECLERC V * the I322d S ^vice Unit, Women’s REMOVED ing and alt officers are . requested will preside and the guest speak cerpts from publicity recently re director of admiasiona, yffenttm FUNERAL HOME Armiidag La«h Simul to attend. er will be^rs. William Q. Craw A filrlijugh ticket for one trip Army Corn^ stationed at Fort leased by ,E. P. Duttop and Com College, O xfor^' Q'nio, who, during Action Seen ford of Academy street, whose from Hartford to New York has George CD.VIeade, Maryland, has pany concerning Mrs. Margaret one of her vfkts to Manchester 23 Main Street TELEPHONE 8962 taneously from Mari- I ‘Hell on Wheels’ Divi been .left at The Herald for the been promoted to the grade of Ser*. topic will be "Ireland." Prenderpaat Mcl.«an, the club’s addressed Mia.a Grant’s pupils. Phone 5269 flrs'. service man to ask for it. It geant. it haa been- announced. at honorary member who. In addition During the club workshop pro GAVELLO & E. SCHI aiias and y-China to: Aft^r Meet British Forces Reds Ponder sion Fights Violently dIAVB St. Anthony’s Mother."*' Circle expires on Jan. 22. It was forward post /headquarters.-. She is the fOUB Utn AIR FURNACE vim meet tomorrow evening at ed. touthis rtfflee by Lieut. Col. dnuifhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdi- Rip' into Industrial I For Samree; Other' ABCONDmflNBD •S:15 at the home of Mrs. William James H .‘ McVeigh. nMul Klein, of 49 Buckland street. O f Leaders Enter Thebes; Lend-Lease FOR WINTER! OAIJ Tripp, 14 Bond street. ‘ V ., - She entered service Nov. 1942 and Targets on Honshu; />Americans Within Mile was employed at tha A«tna Lift Private Josephine B. Labounty, And Island Bastion. --------^ ^ North of Laroche; Ac-a NORM AN BKNTiC Hose Company No. 1 o f the Man who is with the Women’s Army previously. ^ Credit Plan chester Fire department will meet Corps., la tal:lng basic training at Pursuing Elas The Laaal IlaaaRtb Meeting Between Nim ' tion in Drtfts Four tonight at 8 o’clock at the fire Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. She ia Sergt. Vigo L. OpizzI, of 73 Cot Washington, Jan^JD.— (A V ? tage street, i."* at the' Asheville, headquarters. Main and Hillard the daughter .if Mrs. Marie-Bonlno, Armada* of Super^Fortress- itM and MacArthur United States Offers To Five Feet High and street ^ of 33 Eldrldge street, and her hus N. C.,‘ Redistribution Center, after Forward Base of Guer band, Private Urbaln N . Ijibounty 22 months of service in the Coast es plummeted destructoin on I Sure Sign Something To Furnish Goods fur In Heavy Snowfallfi* is stationed at Camp Edwards, Artillery, awaiting reassi^menU Japan and her mighty island rilla Units Oecupieilf His wife, Olive, who resides In Big Brewing in Pacific = u 'Ubks move up to support British Infantry Iti the stuck on the German Long - Range Civilian r> ’ ■ Mass. Before enlisting in the bastion of Formosa- today, Hospitalizotipn N'wington, i.a with him tel Ashe * rium An T m e d a ^ u l t ^ong a 16-mile front in this sector ha.s cracked the 50 Prisoners anil 75 Paris, Jan. 9.-t4/P);— A biff WAC, Pvt. Labounty was employ-" lashing simultaneously from Uses Under Program. WILL B U r AN Y ed by the Kage Company here. ville. U. S. Pacific Fleet Headquarters, tank battle broke oiit today 39” Printed \ bases in the Marianas and Miliiineter Gun Seized. s Insurance . \ Pearl Harbor, Jan. 6— Of) — A down light.— (SignaL Corps radiotelephpto from NR A (elephoto).___________ ■ ______ __________________ _ in a blinding blizzard thre^ A New China.