Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System. ESTTA Tracking number: ESTTA743501 Filing date: 04/30/2016 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE BEFORE THE TRADEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD Petition for Cancellation Notice is hereby given that the following party requests to cancel indicated registration. Petitioner Information Name Organization for Transformative Works, Inc. Entity Corporation Citizenship Delaware Address 2576 Broadway #119 New York City, NY 10025 UNITED STATES Correspondence Heidi Tandy information Legal Committee Member Organization for Transformative Works, Inc. 1691 Michigan Ave Suite 360 Miami Beach, FL 33139 UNITED STATES
[email protected] Phone:3059262227 Registration Subject to Cancellation Registration No 4863676 Registration date 12/01/2015 Registrant Power I Productions LLC 163 West 18th Street #1B New York, NY 10011 UNITED STATES Goods/Services Subject to Cancellation Class 041. First Use: 2013/12/01 First Use In Commerce: 2015/08/01 All goods and services in the class are cancelled, namely: Entertainment services, namely, an ongo- ing series featuring documentary films featuring modern cultural phenomena provided through the in- ternet and movie theaters; Entertainment services, namely, displaying a series of films; Entertain- mentservices, namely, providing a web site featuring photographic and prose presentations featuring modern cultural phenomena; Entertainment services, namely, storytelling Grounds for Cancellation The mark is merely descriptive Trademark Act Sections 14(1) and 2(e)(1) The mark is or has become generic Trademark Act Section 14(3), or Section 23 if on Supplemental Register Attachments Fandom_Generic_Petition.pdf(2202166 bytes ) Fandom Appendix pt 1.pdf(4769247 bytes ) Fandom Appendix pt 2.pdf(4885778 bytes ) Fandom Appendix pt 3.pdf(3243682 bytes ) Certificate of Service The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of this paper has been served upon all parties, at their address record by First Class Mail on this date.