Visions of Paradise #156 Contents Out of the 3 Ground Zero Mosque controversy ... Best Beatles Songs The Passing 5 August 2010 Wondrous Stories 9 Ivanhoe ... Year’s Best SF 13 ... The Altar at Asconel Forbidden Planet Halcyon Days 13 John Purcell ... Brad Foster ... Lloyd Penney On the Lighter 16 _\\|//_ ( 0_0 ) ______________o00__(_)__00o____________ Robert Michael Sabella E-mail
[email protected] Artwork Alan White ... cover Available online at Trinlay Khadro … p. 8 Copyright ©August, 2010 by Gradient Press Available for the usual Out of the Depths I must warn you in advance that this entry is going to be a rant, so read on at your own risk. I am really annoyed at the public furor over a Moslem group wanting to build a multi-story community center within sight of “Ground Zero,” where the World Trade Towers collapsed. This is blatant bigotry against Moslems, which is disgraceful in a country which claims to be tolerant but whose populace often shows itself to be both selfish and narrow-minded. And what does it say when major political leaders such as Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin are in the forefront of the anti-Moslem bigotry? Both those two politicians have millions of supporters as well, which seems to me an indication of how widespread bigotry is in this country. The majority of people causing the ruckus are Christians, which is even more hypocritical since the history of Christianity is filled with more intolerance and violence than any other religion.