BH Likkutei Sichos Volume 16 | Mishpatim | Sichah 1 Beyond Comprehension Translated by Rabbi Moshe Goldman Edited by Rabbi Eliezer Robbins and Rabbi Y. Eliezer Danzinger A note on the translation: Rounded parentheses and square brackets reflect their use in the original sichah; squiggly parentheses are interpolations of the translator or editor. The footnotes in squiggly parentheses in this translation are those of the translators or editors, and do not correspond to the footnotes in the original. Great effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the translation, while at the same time striving for readability. However, the translation carries no official authority. As in all translations, the possibility of inadvertent errors exists. Your feedback is needed — please send all comments to:
[email protected] לִּקּוטֵ י שִ יחוֹת חֵלֶקטז, מִשְׁ פָּטִ ים א תַּרְׁ ּגּום חוֹפְׁשִי לִלְׁשוֹן הַּּקוֹדֶ ש* כָּל הַּזְׁכּוּיוֹתשְׁ מּורוֹת לקה"ת Volume 16 | Mishpatim | Sichah 1 - page 1 1. RATIONAL OR BEYOND RATIONALITY? 1 א. ְׁכָּבר ִנְׁתָּבֵאר ְׁ פָּעִמים ַּרבֹות, ֲאֶשר As discussed many times, the name of each ְׁשָּמּה ֶשל ָּכל ָּ פָּרָּשה – שֶ הּוא שֵ ם parshah, as designated by Torah (at the very ע"פ ָּתֹורה ַּ)על־ָּכלָּ־פִניםִ מַּצד ִ"מְׁנַּהג least, because “a Jewish custom is considered {to ִיְׁשָּרֵאל תֹוָּרה הּוא"( – ְׁמַּבֵטא אֶ ת have the authority of} Torah”) expresses the תֹוֶכן ָּ פָּרָּשה זֹו. ְׁוֵכיָּון ֶשַּהָּפָּרָּשה 2 ּכּולָּה ִנְׁקֵראתְׁ בֵשם ֶזה, ָּמּובן,ֶ שְׁבֵשם content of that parshah. As the name of the entire ֶזה ִנְׁרַּמז ַּ התֹוֶכן ַּ הְׁפִנִימי ֶשל ּכֹּל parshah, it clearly alludes to the inner meaning of ָּהִעְׁנָּיִנים ַּ הִנְׁזָּכִרים ַּ בָּפָּרָּש ה, עַּד ,all of the ideas mentioned in the parshah הַּפָּסּוק הַָּאחֲרוֹן.